11:50pm MDST
25 Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil
Israel Has Tunnel Vision, Condemns Gaza To Death
* The tunnels in Gaza are a sign of life, not terror.*
You can't cage people in and expect them to die. Life has a way of
springing up against impossible obstacles if the will is there to live. The
tunnels in Gaza are a manifestation of this basic principle.
Israel closed down Gaza's border route in partnership with Egypt and
prohibited it from trading with the world. So out of economic necessity,
and also for military reasons, they painstakingly constructed these tunnels
that we're now seeing on television. They need these tunnels to breathe.
That they serve a dual-purpose is bes... more »
Michael James : Heartland takes root with new workers & friends, arson on my birthday, and a rising, 1976-’79
My partners and I began to learn the ins and outs and challenges of running
our business as we pioneered our community-oriented, left-leaning business
model. By Michael James | The Rag Blog | July 30, 2014 [In this series,
Michael … finish reading Michael James :
Heartland takes root with new workers & friends, arson on my birthday, and
a rising, 1976-’79
When Will Rick Weiland Start Covering Some Stone Temple Pilots Songs? They Were Huge In South Dakota
There is exactly zero chance the Democrats will take back the House in
November. And there is not a single serious, non-senile person who will
tell you that there is a chance. A few days ago we looked at some of the
underlying reasons here, in an open letter to Nancy Pelosi: extraordinarily
bad leadership. The situation in the Senate is not as hopeless, although
the leadership at the DSCC this year is not what it was when Patty Murray
ran the show in 2012 and swept the field. This cycle an abysmally weak and
clueless chairman, Michael Bennet, is beyond worthless and takes orders
... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Reusable Batteries

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
- Blaise Pascal
Chet Raymo, "Soul"
by Chet Raymo
"There is a moment early in Stefan Zweig's The Post Office Girl when the
eponymous heroine has a moment of illumination: "In this instant, shaken to
her very depths, this ecstatic human being has a first inkling that the
soul is made of stuff so mysteriously elastic that a single event can make
it big enough to contain the infinite."
Two interesting thoughts here.
First, that the soul is elastic. This is a rather different notion of the
human soul than the one I was raised with. We were taught that the soul -
the essential self - is created fully formed at the ... more »
This man is a racist [update 2]
[image: image]
ACT leader Jamie Whyte
is calling for a taskforce to identify and repeal laws which he says give
special treatment to Maori, saying that "the principle that the law should
be impartial has never been fully embraced in New Zealand.”
That’s enough for Maori Party leader Te Ururoa Flavell to play the racism
card :
Dr Whyte is vying for the "redneck sector of the voting community,” [says
Flavell] and there is "no doubt that there is an element of racism in those
This from the leader of a race-based party, sitting in a race-based seat,
elected to parliame... more »
Paulo Coelho, "The Dangers Of Words"
"Malba Tahan illustrates the dangers of words: A woman said so often that
her neighbor was a thief that the young man was finally arrested. Some days
later, they discovered that he was innocent and set him free. Then he sued
the woman.
“Comments are not so serious,” she said to the judge. “Granted,” answered
the magistrate. “When you get back home today, write down everything bad
you said about the young man, then tear up the paper and throw the bits
away as you walk along. Come back tomorrow to hear the sentence.”
The woman obeyed and returned the following day. “You are pardoned ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Elizabethton, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: James Kavanaugh, "Searchers"
"Some people do not have to search -
they find their niche early in life and rest there,
seemingly contented and resigned.
They do not seem to ask much of life,
sometimes they do not seem to take it seriously.
At times I envy them,
but usually I do not understand them -
seldom do they understand me.
I am one of the searchers.
There are, I believe, millions of us.
We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content.
We continue to explore life,
hoping to uncover its ultimate secret.
We continue to explore ourselves,
hoping to understand.
We like to walk alon... more »
"We Must Marvel..."
"In our society, confidence leads to knowledge - which leads to power -
which leads to pride - which leads to a fear of seeming ignorant - which
constricts learning like an iron vise. We must understand that confidence
is a blessing, for it is the embodiment of self-love, and through it we
find the fuel for innovation and progress. We must realize that ignorance
is merely the opportunity to learn more. And lastly, we must marvel rather
than groan at the fact that there will always be more to learn... Only then
will we be free of the intellectual prisons we have so readily caged
ours... more »
FBI terrorists among us: 1993 WTC Bombing
*The mind-boggling role of the Bureau*
Jon Rappoport
There seems to be a rule: if a terror attack takes place and the FBI
investigates it, things are never what they seem.
Federal attorney Andrew C McCarthy prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center
Bombing case. A review of his book, *Willful Blindness*, states:
“For the first time, McCarthy intimately reveals the real story behind the
FBI’s inability to stop the first World Trade Center bombing even though
the bureau had an undercover informant in the operation — the jihadists’
supposed bombmaker.
“In the first sentence of his ha... more »
More Evidence for the Chilling Effects of NSA Surveillance

Cindy Cohn
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
Human Rights Watch and the ACLU today published a terrific report
documenting the chilling effect on journalists and lawyers from the NSA's
surveillance programs entitled: "With Liberty to Monitor All: How
Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism, Law and American
Democracy." The report, which is chock full of evidence about the very real
harms caused by the NSA's surveillance programs, is the result of
interviews of 92 lawyers and journalists, plus several senior government
This report adds to the growing body of ev... more »
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: The Epitome of the Financial Collapse
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
Here’s the note about tomorrow night’s session hosted by our friends at the
Auckland Uni Economics Group:
The most spectacular collapse of the 2008 financial crisis was Iceland’s
financial system. It was wiped out, and it nearly wiped out the country.
How could such a developed and sophisticated economy collapse so
spectacularly? And what has happened since?
Turns out this is one of the most important questions that can be asked
about the ongoing world economic malaise, because the Icelandic experience
mirrors the experience of man... more »
Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?

Michael Snyder
Never before have we seen so much death along the west coast of North
America. Massive numbers of sea stars, bluefin tuna, sardines, anchovies,
herring, oysters, salmon, marine mammals and marine birds are dying, and
experts are puzzled. We are being told that we could even see “local
extinctions” of some of these sea creatures. So are all of these deaths
related? If so, what in the world could be causing this to happen? What
has changed so dramatically that it would cause massive numbers of sea
creatures to die along the west coast?
The following are 15 examp... more »
Could you pass this new, harder high school equivalency test?

*by Ken*
Here in New York State there has been a rolling uproar since January, when
the NYS Education Department began replacing the age-old General
Educational Development (GED) test with what DNAinfo New York's Amy Zimmer
describes as "a more rigorous test that's pegged to the new federal Common
Core standards."
The 7.5-hour Test Assessing Secondary Completion, known as the TASC, covers
far more challenging topics than the GED, requiring students to know
everything from Newton's second law of motion to the reasons particular
amendments were added to the Constitution.
On the wr... more »
Scahill: Leaked Terror Watchlist Rules Reveal "Global Stop and Frisk Program"

*Democracy Now*
The Obama administration has expanded the national terrorist watch list
system by approving broad guidelines over who can be targeted. A leaked
copy of the secret government guidebook reveals that to be a deemed a
"terrorist" target, "irrefutable evidence or concrete facts are not
necessary." Both "known" and "suspected" suspects are tracked, and
terrorism is so broadly defined that it includes people accused of damaging
property belonging to the government or financial institutions. Jeremy
Scahill calls it a global stop and frisk program.
Visit DemocracyNow.org
... more »
Newfoundland Man Wants Prime Minister Charged For Advocating Genocide Against Palestinians! Makes One Proud To Be A Canadian!

Yes, the cruel and inhuman attacks by the psychotic Israelis continues
against the innocent people of Gaza. As of this point, the reported number
of innocent people that have been murdered by these monsters now exceeds
the number that were killed in Operation Cast Lead some 4 years ago. Now
with the psychotic and insane Israeli leadership saying they will
"escalate" the brutal assault on Gaza, the number of dead will increase
significantly.... We are indeed watching the possible extermination of some
1.8 million people in what is properly called the largest open air
concentration ... more »
This man is a racist [update]
[image: image]
ACT leader Jamie Whyte
is calling for a taskforce to identify and repeal laws which he says give
special treatment to Maori, saying that "the principle that the law should
be impartial has never been fully embraced in New Zealand.”
That’s enough for Maori Party leader Te Ururoa Flavell to play the racism
card :
Dr Whyte is vying for the "redneck sector of the voting community,” [says
Flavell] and there is "no doubt that there is an element of racism in those
This from the leader of a race-based party, sitting in a race-based seat,
elected to parliame... more »
A Happy Moment: “Three German Students Surprise A Homeless Guy"
*“Three German Students Surprise A Homeless Guy"*
by be japy e.V.
“The video below is of a German student who took note of a homeless man
attempting to get money from those passing by. He noticed that the man’s
techniques were not very successful so he asks the homeless man to borrow
his bucket. I usually don’t share stories like this one, but this time I
just couldn’t help myself! This story not only brought me to tears but
encouraged me to take note of others around me.”
- http://beforeitsnews.com/
“Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter”
*A Comment:* Oh, I'm so sorry, does this image offend your delicate
feelings? Don't you *dare* look away, Good American Taxpayer Citizen,
because you and all of us paid for every single bomb and bullet, every
fighter-bomber warplane and tank, every artillery piece and combat
helicopter. We paid for this horror, and own it, and the blood's as much on
our hands as it is the monsters actually doing the killing... And AIPAC and
the rest who don't like it, I don't give a *damn* what you don't like... -
*“Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter”*
by Gary Engler
“Grandpa, why are they ki... more »
I'm Afraid to Return to the Land of the Free

Anthony Freda Art Talon Windwalker
There was a time when America truly was synonymous with the tagline Land of
the Free. However, that statement is becoming less and less truthful.
Snowden revealed the lengths our country is going to monitor all our
communications, and our government insists on continuing this Orwellian
type of surveillance. Despite committee findings showing that not one
single act of terrorism has been thwarted by these unconstitutional
Over the last several years we’ve also witnessed our police force becoming
militarized to the point where they are u... more »
Washington Under Siege Over D.C. Handgun Ruling

*Thomas Massie*
*Be the Change! Donate Today!*
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The Columbine Cause: An Examination of the April 20, 1999 Attack on Columbine High School
The Columbine Cause: An Examination of the April 20, 1999 Attack on
Columbine High School from Evan Long on Vimeo.
Columbine: Unraveling the Sheriff's Official Line from Evan Long on Vimeo.
Unraveling the Sheriff's Official Line
13 December 2009
Columbine Researcher Rolf Zaeschmar
on School Shootings and More
This program consists primarily of audio content and is 31 minutes in
"Rolf Zaeschmar is a longtime Columbine shooting researcher who's been on
the case for over ten years. His many writings on the in... more »
A Question of Guilt: The Massacre at Port Arthur
A Question of Guilt: The Massacre at Port Arthur from Evan Long on Vimeo.
A video questioning the Australian government's official conclusions with
regard to Martin Bryant's involvement in the shooting massacre at the Port
Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania on 26 April 1996 and related events. The
video was produced "in the public interest by survivors of the Port Arthur
massacre and sympathetic investigators".
A Guest Post on Prof. Grant Schofield's Blog

This is just a short post to direct readers to my guest post here:
Which contains all my thoughts about dietary fat recommendations and the
lipid hypothesis, without too many distracting details.
I also want to supply a link to a most enjoyable book, Bertha M. Wood's
"Foods of the Foreign-born in Relation to Health" from 1922.
I think this is the first record of "dietary transitions", adverse changes
to the traditional diets of migrants in a new land. It was written a... more »
Holy Moses Batman! Arne Met with the Badass Teachers!

The BATS Swoop Down on Department of Education
From With a Brooklyn Accent
The party's over but looks like the Badass Teachers, a group of people who
have devoted their lives to educating children, had a meeting with Arne
Duncan. The party at the DoE was a lot of fun and nice to see new faces.
The music was particularly good and the speakers, weather and entertainment
was just what teachers needed this summer.
Ok, waiting for a response.
2 sides of Charlie Christian [updated]
Today is, or would have been, Charlie Christian's birthday.
Guitarist Charlie Christian was one of the pioneers of electric guitar and
jazz guitar. In the early days, he had to make his own amps and pickups,
the volume of the guitar and the skill and inventiveness of his
horn-inspired picking style making it a lead instrument in big bands and
small groups.
Here are two contrasting performances: from 1939, one of his first
recordings with Benny Goodman’s Sextet, soloing on Rose Room (the perfect
accompaniment to a dry martini) …
… and a rare recording of Charlie Christian “after ... more »

Israel’s Iron Dome: a misplaced debate
By Subrata Ghoshroy
Back in 2012, Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system was hailed as a
real, working battlefield weapon that could shoot down unguided rockets
before they struck Israel. Iron Dome was lauded as a game changer in the
Israel-Palestine conflict; at the time, Israel claimed that it shot down
441 Hamas rockets in flight, before they could do serious damage.
Admittedly, normal life in Israel was disrupted, as its citizens had to
scamper to bomb shelters when the siren sounded, but that was held to be
acceptable. Israeli casualti... more »
Costing Climate: It is all Relative
The White House released a report today on "The Costs of Delaying Action to
Stem Climate Change" (here in PDF). The report concludes (based on a
summary by William Nordhaus in his book, The Climate Casino):
Based on a leading aggregate damage estimate in the climate economics
literature, a delay that results in warming of 3° Celsius above
preindustrial levels, instead of 2°, could increase economic damages by
approximately 0.9 percent of global output.
The report seeks to place 0.9% of output into context by presenting it in
terms of the US economy in 2014:
To put this percentage ... more »
Repeal Prohibition, Again!
[image: image]This is big.
The *New York Times* is not the paper it was, but it still regularly sets
the news and political agenda. And the *New York Times* has now come out
four-square for marijuana legalisation, saying the US Government should Repeal
Prohibition, Again.
It took 13 years for the United States to come to its senses and end
Prohibition, 13 years in which people kept drinking, otherwise law-abiding
citizens became criminals and crime syndicates arose and flourished. It has
been more than 40 years since Congress passed the current ban on marijuana,
inflicting great... more »
Hot, Hot, Hot
Now, if it was a dance club I was referring to in my post title or perhaps
even some night-time er, "extra-curriculars" it wouldn't be such a bad
thing. Unfortunately, in this case, the title is in reference to the
weather here. Yes, I know it's summer and I realize the mercury can climb
but it still messes with my head that it can be just as warm here
(sometimes even warmer) than down in Edmonton or Calgary. Having spent
quite a few years in northern Canada, its taken me a bit of time to
readjust to hotter summers. It wasn't until last summer that I began to
feel comfortable ... more »
Was The Malaysian Plane In Ukraine The Same One as In March - Joaquin
Was The Malaysian Plane In Ukraine The Same One as In March - Joaquin.
Source: 108morris108. Date Published: July 29, 2014.
US To Israel: You Want To Perform Child Sacrifice In Gaza? Yeah, Sure, Go Ahead. But Criticize Sec. John Kerry? How Dare You!
*Israhell is waging war on an entire people.*
An excerpt from, *"U.S. to Israel on Kerry criticism: 'Not the way allies
treat each other'"* by Barak Ravid, Haaretz, July 29, 2014:
The U.S. administration on Monday continued its counterattack against the
recent criticism in Israel of Secretary of State John Kerry's attempts to
forge a cease-fire in the fighting with Hamas.
At the daily news briefing for foreign correspondents, State Department
spokeswoman Jen Psaki blasted the criticism of Kerry voiced by senior
Israeli officials.
"This is not the way partners and allies treat ea... more »
"A Delicate Balance..."
“Capitalism tries for a delicate balance:
It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff
to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff."
- George Carlin
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer interviews Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ
& Threadgill’s fame.
Moral equivalence in Gaza
Why is there a prevalent view that Israel and Hamas are, at best, morally
equivalent – and, at worst, that Israel is morally inferior? Take John
Minto and his friends, for example, who want everyone to shun Israel, but
make no mention of shunning the people who take millions in international
aid and turn it into networks full of tunnels, thousands of rockets, and
suicide bombs and bombers.
It’s like judging a rapist and a rape victim the same, and suggesting all
that’s needed is mediation. Or, worse, that all that’s needed is the rape
victim to lie down.
There’s a simple way to s... more »
Journey of the CNN Tunnel Wolf

The nadir for the American state-corporate media have finally been hit with
the now six months running vomit of lies about the nature of exactly what
type of neo-Nazis that the US establishment and the Obama regime are
backing in Ukraine, the 24/7 "two minutes hate" directed at the now
thoroughly demonized Vladimir Putin and most recently the disgusting orgy
of apologies for the criminal murder of women and children in Gaza by the
insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. The latest example
of just how rotten that the star-spangled, Kardashian drenched,
exceptionali... more »
US-Supported "Good Guys" Firing Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine?
*U.S. official indicates Pentagon likely to hold back evidence of use of
powerful weapons because they come from the side cast as the "good guys" in
the ongoing conflict in Ukraine*
Lauren McCauley
Common Dreams
A residential home that was destroyed Tuesday by Ukrainian military
shelling. (Photo: Christopher Allen) One day after the U.S. government
accused Russia of betraying a signature treaty by test-firing a
medium-range ballistic missile, questions are mounting on Tuesday over
whether the Ukrainian Army has actually fired short-range ballistic
missiles at rebel-held area... more »
“Why the Government Views You As Collateral Damage”
*“Why the Government Views You As Collateral Damage”*
by Bill Bonner
“The illusions, mistakes and misconceptions of central planners take their
toll in a great variety of ways — mostly as costly nuisances. Occasionally,
when they are particularly ambitious, they make the history books.
Napoleon’s march on Moscow. Mao’s great famine. The Soviet Union’s 70-year
economic experiment. These fiascos are caused by well-meaning, smart public
officials. They are the Hell to which the road paved with good intentions
The pretension of the central planner is that he knows a better futur... more »
PISSSED OFF..Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Is the BBC's Gaza reporting biased and naive?

That said - and before I shut up for a while about the subject (and return
to things like pygmy boa constrictors), I would like to recommend a piece
by Jonathan Foreman from Breitbart London, THE BBC'S GAZA REPORTING IS
BIASED AND NAIVE. (No question mark in that title!)
Jonathan's first paragraph reads:
Over the last week BBC news bulletins have, inevitably, led with the Gaza
war. This might seem like an obvious, rational choice, although of course
it was also the worst week of the last three years in the Syrian war, with
at least 1,700 deaths. Still it is fair enough for the BB... more »
Not Cool
Can any Arab or Muslim leader make a speech about resisting the crimes of
Israel that does not include horrific words such as "extermination"? Jesus,
There is nothing attractive about the leaders of Israel and Hamas. They're
not rational. They take warfare to inhuman limits. One side is cheering the
deaths of children, and using propaganda talking points like "they're human
shields" to cover up their naked barbarity, and then the other side comes
out the next day and tops them in stupidity and irrationality.
Corporate Dems Like Schumer Aren't Done Wrecking The Democratic Party

I've never missed an election in my life-- even while living in difficult
to vote places like the mountains of Afghanistan-- and I've never voted for
a Republican, although before I was old enough to vote, I was a volunteer
for John Lindsay, a liberal Republican-- they had them back then-- running
against the conservative machine hack Abe Beame. Lindsay responded to the
GOP's inexorable drift rightward by switching to the Democratic Party while
he was mayor. That said, it has gotten harder and harder for me to vote for
Democrats in recent years. The further Democratic candidates dr... more »
Thorne Dreyer : METRO PODCAST | Austin legend Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ & Threadgill’s fame
Concert promoter and restaurateur Wilson talks Austin cultural history in a
colorful and informative interview on Rag Radio. Interview by Thorne Dreyer
| The Rag Blog | July 29, 2014 Legendary Austin concert promoter and
restaurateur Eddie Wilson was our … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*METRO PODCAST* | Austin legend Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ &
Threadgill’s fame
It's been described as the space based version of neighborhood watch. The
US has sent two military satellites into orbit to get a greater insight
into other countries activities in orbit.

The US is itching
for a fight
a war
money is to be made
lands conquered
resources taken
Mr. Big
wants it all
The American people
follow the flag
have regrets
but largely
do what they are told
The 'experts'
make all the *$$$*
claim we protect
you can see
this brand
in action
in Gaza
and China
next on the list
to be taken down
they want
multi-polar world
Mr. Big is offended
and will get
Empire is crumbling
Mr. Big is nervous
and dangerous
as he flails about
at once
July 29: It's noon - and my morning paper is still not here...
......so let me start with a sermonette on two stories that go back several
days, and were quite uncritically reported on.I'm starting it in a
religious context; but don't be alarmed. That's only because religion is
really quite secular.
Christians are told "to love thy neighbour". Good idea. But it gets screwed
up by being tied to the concept that if you don't "love they neighbour",
then you'll be tortured in horrible pain and go down to the burning flames
of hell for ETERNITY, while those who have been saved (which only counts if
it's salvation by believing in Jesus) and have lo... more »
Evan Bayh Loves Christel DeHaan and Hedge Funders: CORPORATE SCHOOL ALERT
*by Doug Martin *
With so many people saying Evan Bayh must come back to Indiana to "save"
public education as governor, it is time to set the record straight and let
Hoosiers know about the real Evan Bayh.
Here is just a glimpse (after only a few hours of research) into Indiana’s
hero, Fox News' on-air contributor*,* and former governor of and senator
for Indiana, and it is not pretty.
Anyone who thinks Evan Bayh is good for public education is either lying or
has not been informed. Let’s inform the unformed now and expose the liars.
Jack A. Smith : Obama is wrong about natural gas
A new scientific study argues that both shale gas and conventional natural
gas have larger greenhouse gas footprints than do coal or oil. By Jack A.
Smith | The Rag Blog | July 29, 2014 Natural gas is falsely promoted …
finish reading Jack A. Smith :
Obama is wrong about natural gas
Medicare report shows Obamacare is bending the cost curve
The 2014 Medicare Trustees Report has just been released, and it shows that
the program is on noticeably sounder financial footing than it was just a
year ago. One of the biggest signs of this is that the projected depletion
date of the Hospital Insurance (Part A) Trust Fund has been pushed back by four
years just since last year's report.
Indeed, Sarah Kliff points out that Part A actually spent $600 million less
in 2013 than in 2012, even though it insured 1.6 million more people. As
she emphasizes, the big news in this is that per capita Medicare Part A
spending has been falling.... more »
The Palestinian death toll in Gaza has surpassed 1,000 and many thousands more are injured, while hospitals and schools are being shelled. In the meanwhile, the Israeli govenment tells its citizens that the war is against Hamas, whereas in reality 80% of the killed and wounded have been civilians ...and President Obama has told Israel to keep on killing. I think this is genocide. What do you think?

Original Here
*Despite Growing International Condemnation, No End to Gaza Violence in
Sight As the death toll in Gaza passes 1,000*
Lia Tarachansky and Phyllis Bennis respond to a poll which found 86% of
Israelis reject a ceasefire, while a growing number of Americans want the
Israeli offensive to stop - * July 28, 2014*
More at The Real News
*Bio *
*Lia Tarachansky*... more »
The Realist Report - Friedrich Paul Berg

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by noted revisionist *Friedrich
Paul Berg*. Friedrich and I will be discussing the fake Jewish "Holocaust"
during WWII and the role this false narrative of history plays in our
everyday lives. You can download the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *NaziGassings.com*
- *Holocaust Hoax Museum*
- *Treblinka by David Cole*
- *Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka by Eric Hunt*
Preface to a study

One of the frustrating things about answering the question 'Is the BBC
biased?' is that, however long you may blog about it, providing anecdotal
evidence by the bucketful over many years and finding that people who agree
with you agree with you, is that huge numbers of people don't agree with
you - or don't even care about the issue.
That's why I always hoped (with hope in my heart) that statistical evidence
(like counting interruptions) would help win over some of the unconverted - the
guiding principle behind my 2009-10 blog. (I think I succeeded there, but
the BBC didn't agree.... more »
"Hail Caesar" Syrian "Defector" appears in Washington
*I cannot believe they are still 'wagging the dog' with this psyop?*
*Seriously. I covered this so long ago. It's baloney. Plain and Simple. And
yet, here it is July 29/14 and Caesar is still making the rounds*
So "hail Caesar" as your lying reigns supreme in Washington DC. With your
'friends' from the Holocaust ™
Memorial Museum.
A Syrian defector *(not)* who smuggled out thousands of photos of mutilated
corpses, showed some of those images in Washington on Monday and said they
depicted prisoners who were tortured and killed by the security services of
Syrian President Bashar al-Ass... more »
Thank you, the journey was never my own
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Today, between a hospital stay and fight for my life in May, and a
journey to the Zapatista Stronghold in Chiapas in August, I'm especially
thankful for this road I've been on, which was never really my own.
I've never spoken in public about journalism over the past 32 years,
because, for me, it was a matter of following my inner voice, and what
some call the
Democracy in Colonial America, 1984, and 2014
It’s nice to be home.
For the last 10 days I traveled to Boston, MA and Portland Maine with my
In Boston we took our teenage boys down “Freedom Trail.” We walked among
places frequented by those who first institutionalized the grand
Enlightenment experiment of modern democracy at the close of the eighteenth
It is true that only a tiny minority of Americans were counted as citizens
and afforded the rights institutionalized in the US Constitution at the
time of its signing. Habeas corpus, free speech, and privacy were granted
only to a small minority of white m... more »
Supplemental: Millionaire’s Christmas in July!
*TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014*
*Watching the liberal mind crumble:* We humans love to be programmed.
We love to be told that our tribe is the best. We then go rampaging through
the streets in support of this insight.
For an example of what we mean, read the New York Times news report which
bears this remarkable hard-copy headline:
“3 Killed in Facebook Blasphemy Rampage.”
The New York Times did a news report on a “Facebook blasphemy rampage?”
Good lord, what a phrase!
In fairness, this horrible news report comes from Pakistan. To our ear,
that phrase sounds like a description of the w... more »
Man Who Shot at Police When They Were Breaking Into His House Found Innocent

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Worldwide Water Shortage by 2040?

*New study concludes that water shortages may be a bigger problem than we
Kevin Samson
Fresh water supplies are under assault on multiple fronts. We are seeing
the continuing fallout from the droughts in the Western U.S. and Brazil -
both are incredibly important areas to the global food supply.
At the same time, corporate hoarding of fresh water is on the rise.
Nestle's former CEO clearly stated that water supplies should be privatized
and that the right to fresh, clean water is not an essential human right.
Knowing that both the climate and corporate influence are con... more »
The Fisk jumps another shark

Do you know the original of the phrase 'jumping the shark' (when something
reaches such a low point that it becomes utterly absurd and
passed-its-sell-by-date)? It came from an episode of 'Whacky Days' when The
Fisk got off his motorbike, donned jet skies, raised his thumbs, said
'Heyyy!' and, yes, jumped a shark:
The Fisk (real name Robert Fiskerelli) has been jumping sharks every since
and, as CiF Watch points out, jumped a particularly huge great white over
at *The Independent *yesterday in an article called:
It's not just radicalised Islamists – what about foreign fighters who... more »
Jon Donnison and the 'PFLP charity worker'

As you may have noticed today has been 'Jon Donnison Day' across the
BBC-monitoring pro-Israeli blogosphere.
Alan at *Biased BBC* spotlighted a report from Jon Donnison which he (Alan)
says is "a subtle pro-Hamas piece", and that very same report is also the
basis of Hadar's latest post at *BBC Watch*.
Now, we can argue till we're blue in the face about whether that article is
pro-Hamas or not, but one thing does seem certain (if 'seeming certain'
isn't a contradiction in terms): Jon Donnison's piece contains a passage
that appears *at best* naive - and possibly much worse.
This ... more »
Does Paul Ryan Really Want To Help Working Families And The Unemployed?

Paul Ryan's voting record in Congress-- going back to 1999 when he was a
20-something with the consciousness, though not the wisdom, of an angry 80
year old-- shows pretty conclusively he has never cared a whit about
working class families. He has consistently voted against unemployment
insurance for the men and women tossed out of work when conservative
economic agendas have passed and wrecked the economy. So has he changed his
mind? I wouldn't bet on it. Last week most Republicans and a gaggle of
slimy New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic
Party voted... more »

*A GOP Ultimatum to Vlad*
By Patrick J. Buchanan
July 28, 2014 "ICH" - With the party united, the odds are now at least
even that the GOP will not only hold the House but also capture the Senate
in November.
But before traditional conservatives cheer that prospect, they might take a
closer look at the foreign policy that a Republican Senate would seek to
impose upon the nation.
Specifically, they should spend time reading S. 2277, the “Russian
Aggression Prevention Act of 2014,” introduced by Sen. Bob Corker on May 1,
and endorsed by half of the Senate’s GOP caucus.
As ranking... more »
Newspaper Comment Sections Become Cordoned-Off Hate Crime Scenes
This is a lengthy article I wrote recently for Truthout's Public
Intellectual Page regarding the hate that emanates from media. This article
analyzes the hate, primarily from the comments sections of the Arizona
Republic and the Arizona Daily Star during the height of the SB 1070
(racial profiling) and HB 2281 (anti-ethnic studies) issues..
Please post, share, etc.
Is Ron Paul the New JFK?
*"I want to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the
*Is Ron Paul the new JFK?*
[image: Ron Paul] Former congressman Ron Paul (Reuters/Robert Galbraith) Former
congressman Ron Paul advocates for abolishing the United States Central
Intelligence Agency in a new op-ed where he condemns the CIA and its
controversial enhanced interrogation practices.
On Sunday, the retired Texas lawmaker wrote on the website for the Ron
Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity that *“CIA covert actions across
the globe have led to destruction of countries and societies ... more »
Coming Soon: "Digitial Resurrection" of Presidents and Campaign Holograms for 2016

image source Kevin Samson
Also known as "telepresence," the use of holograms is on the rise. Instead
of Princess Leia, the last 5 years have ushered in real-world holograms
that have been used to resurrect dead musicians, to create new musical stars in
Japan, and and to transport political analysts into the studio of their
Yet there are many other uses for holograms that could have a far greater
impact on our everyday world, as the following video chronology suggests.
In 2010, The Guardian announced that holographic communication had
flickered into life in Arizona:
I... more »
Israel's attempted genocide must fail -- Lessons from Canada's genocide
Denis G. Rancourt
The Zionist Project is to eradicate all Palestinians who make claim to a
home in Palestine. The Zionist Project is exactly what Israel has been
doing since its artificial creation.
The Zionist Project is planned incremental dispossession and an on-going
attempted genocide, and this has been repeatedly and explicitly
expressed by its architects and executioners. The
Zionism's Prior Condition: Propaganda
and and discarded belongings are left behind at a U.N. school in Beit
Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 24, 2014. Israeli
tank shells hit the compound, killing more than a dozen people and
wounding dozens more who were seeking shelter.
(AP Photo/Adel Hana)
"Propaganda by its very nature is an enterprise for perverting the
significance of events and of insinuating
Why Europe depends on America: WW1 and a single pivot point
I find this Chicago Tribune piece- Odd? Disconcerting? Considering we are
in the 100 year anniversary of WW1 and knowing how history repeats, because
we aren't told any real factual history this editorial reads like a real
call to war! A reason the US simply must act.
"The Great War" and "The war to end all war" proved to be neither. The
conflict that would bleed to death some of Earth's proudest empires - while
killing 16.5 million soldiers and civilians - later would be christened
World War I to distinguish it from the next, even deadlier slaughter. WWI
also created a precedent ... more »
Iraq’s Southern Oil Industry Untouched By Insurgency But Technical Problems Continue
While several small oil fields have fallen under the control of the Islamic
State in northern Iraq the vast majority of the country’s reserves reside
in the south and have been unaffected. In fact, new infrastructure recently
opened that expanded the capacity for southern exports. That doesn’t mean
output can’t continue to fluctuate like it always has. In June 2014 exports
were down from May due to technical issues and an accident.
Problems with docking tankers were the main reason why June exports
decreased. Last month Iraq exported 2.423 million barrels a day compared to
2.582... more »
UHC 25: Some Physician Stories in Hospital ERs, Wards

Below are notes by a physician friend, Doc Erwin Abueva, in his facebook
wall, February-March this year. Real stories from physicians in emergency
room (ER), wards, operating rooms. Some stories are funny, some are sad.
Somehow they provide additional dimensions in the continuing discussions
about universal health care (UHC). Thanks a lot for sharing these stories
Doc. Non-physicians like me find them informative.
11 stories, 2,000+ words, more than 4 pages long. Enjoy. Meanwhile the
photos, I got from the web and just added them here.
*(1) February 6*
2PM, HEMODIALYS... more »
Jon Donnison v Lt Col Peter Lerner
Jon Donnison is really going for Israeli spokesmen at the moment. (Just
listen to the 'Sound Cloud' in one of the tweets below.)
His tweet-sent *editorial judgement* on this is:
There is a clear policy by both Hamas and IDF of disputing events before
facts are known. It muddies water and makes truth harder to stick.
IDF @LTCPeterLerner just told me doesn't believe Israeli fire killed 13
people at UN school in Gaza. Says only 1 mortar hit school. 1/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Idf @LTCPeterLerner says he believes UNWRA boss bob turner was lied to by
his staff re... more »
MH17 / MH370 - One of Our Airplanes is... No Longer Missing...
MH17 / MH370 - One of Our Airplanes is... No Longer Missing... from Spike EP
on Vimeo.
His Name is BOB - The Murder of Peaches H. Geldof
His Name is BOB - The Murder of Peaches H. Geldof from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Peaches was born, looking perfect and gorgeous, like a little peach.
Peaches was the best baby ever - since Fifi. She was talking at eight
months and loved Vivaldi, although now she likes opera as well and has a
funky streak." - Paula Yates, The Autobiography, 1995
*How Paula was killed:*
The television presenter Paula Yates died of a heroin overdose in a
"foolish and incautious" binge after having apparently overcome her drug
problem, an inquest found yesterday.
The coroner, *Paul Knapman*, said *the a... more »
Is the Catholic Church in bed with the Obama administration?...
*of course they are.*
No, not every priest or bishop, but the ones who cause the most trouble
most certainly are.
This started happening when I was but a wee little one. To be fair, it
really started happening when Eve coerced Adam into eating the forbidden
fruit, but I missed that event.
Any Catholic who doesn't believe this is happening is not paying attention.
I leave you with some wise words from Ann Barnhardt and a link to Judi
McLeod's article in today's Canada Free Press.
*From Ann Barnhardt:*
*As an opening to this repo... more »
Free Planet - Man supports his family - Bringing home the bacon
one of the great lies of State or Private Education, or 'access to the
corporate mind-control system that leads innocent human beings into the
criminal World of Corporate War for Profit' i.e. work, is *Man Supports His
Family* aka 'bringing home the bacon'.
In this invented world of work, man (and woman) spends the majority of
their time working in jobs that may be above/below them in terms of
physical/emotional capability.
Many people hate these jobs they find themselves in. Many people crack
under the pressure, pressures of the job or pressure from colleagues
battling among themse... more »
Ultimate Reason? Why, The influx of young Illegal immigrants arranged by White House - 'Dream Act': "Military Purposes"
I have been researching how all the thousands and thousands of illegal
immigrant children are going to get enrolled in public schools. I have
found many law sites (here is one for New York) saying illegals are allowed
in schools with proof of residency and age. The vaccination proof can be
skipped by saying "Religious objection". How are they going to get into
public schools with no proof
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Halperin’s theory in full!
*TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014*
*Part 2—Gregory starts to explain:* If Hillary Clinton runs for president,
is she “destined to get horrible coverage?”
We can’t answer that question, although events of the past few months make
it a plausible theory. So do events of the past several decades, as David
Gregory, and other insiders, mumblingly noted last week.
Let’s start at the beginning! Last Tuesday, Mika Brzezinski introduced a
segment on Morning Joe about Clinton’s White House prospects. Needless to
say, she also discussed Clinton’s troubling wealth, then asked a stupid
BRZEZINS... more »

*93L in Eastern Atlantic Growing More Organized ~Dr. Jeff Masters,
*Figure 1.* Analysis of the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) made at 8 am EDT Monday
July 28, 2014 using data from the Meteosat-9 satellite. Dry, dusty air was
present from the coast of Africa westwards across the tropical Atlantic,
but was located well to the north of tropical disturbance 93L. Image
credit: University of Wisconsin CIMSS/NOAA Hurricane Research Division.*~Editilla
Rotellas~ We're gonna keep an Eye on this one, since Dr. Masters has an
uncanny ability for picking winners during Hurricane Season.*
... more »
Everywhere Is War: Gaza Edition
Let's just say that both George Orwell and Hannah Arendt would be having a
field day with the way the Western media are covering both the Forever Wars
and the Forever Propaganda Wars. Luckily for us, the major actors are dumb
enough and clumsy enough to be caught in the act of gross dishonesty on a
regular basis. Every day comes news of some major new atrocity and every
day come revelations of the atrocious ways the media are trying to hide the
truth and twist the facts.
If there's one thing we've learned since the latest assault on Gaza began,
it's that the American government, t... more »
Are There Any Terrorist Groups Who AREN’T Paid Foot Soldiers for the U.S. Military-Intelligence Agenda?

Melissa Melton
*In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.* — President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Let me see if I have this right, because it’s getting really hard to keep
things straight these days.
So it is on record that the U.S. government/military-industrial complex has
financially backed the ISIS rebels in Syria to the tune of *tens of
millions of dollars, *and key members were traine... more »
That was from five years ago - even the number of casualties is close to
the same as now.
*This was also from five years ago * - we've gotten acclimatized to the
language spin now but it was greeted with incredulity at the time.
Plus ça change ...
Shit Bitcoin Fanatics Say

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Is There Any Way To Measure If Cuomo Is More Corrupt Than Christie Or Christie Is More Corrupt Than Cuomo?

*Andrew Cuomo and real estate donors (clockwise from left) Joseph Moinian,
Jerry Speyer, Daniel Tishman, Andrew Farkas*
You shouldn't have been surprised by Bill Rashbaum's stunning revelations
about Andrew Cuomo's ethics problems. Ken and I have been warning readers
for years that Cuomo is nothing like his father, Mario Cuomo, a pawn of the
powerful and wealthy and an avatar of the Republican wing of the Democratic
Party. And his corruption is nothing new to anyone who's been paying
Catherine Austin Fitts is a Wall Street bankster type. She was managing
director of Dill... more »
Russian Aggression Prevention Act Seems Designed to Provoke Russian Aggression

image source Brandon Turbeville
Although there has yet to be any proof of “Russian Aggression” surrounding
the Ukrainian situation in general and the Malaysian flight shoot down more
specifically, the general public of the Western world (at least those that
actually watch TV news) is consumed with paranoia over a new Russian threat
to world democracy. In their minds, that threat is marching westward in the
Stalinesque or Hitlerian model (depending on the mode of propaganda being
pushed that day) with the ultimate goal of world domination.
Of course, this paranoia has been develo... more »
I will be in-studio for an interview on @EmpowerDC radio show today
Here’s the show’s synopsis for my visit: Topic: Malcolm X elementary was
slated to close at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, however, it was
removed as DCPS chancellor Kaya Henderson had other plans for it. These
plans included co-locating Achievement Prep charter school in the same
school building and eventually blending the two […]
*The King of Bryan College*
Mike Adams
In my columns, I often write about the swift moral decline within our
nation's secular universities. That usually involves writing about corrupt
university administrators. But I would be a hypocrite were I to ignore
corruption by administrators at Christian colleges and universities. Right
now, there is a controversy brewing at Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee
with moral ramifications that are simply too important to ignore.
At the center of the controversy is Bryan's president Dr. Stephen Livesay.
His conduct as Bryan's president has been ... more »
Book Review: The Burning

A serial killer is on the lose. He has already beaten four women beyond
recognition before lighting the bodies on fire, earning him the nickname,
The Burning Man. Detective Maeve Kerrigan is on the task force that is
working to bring him to justice, when a fifth body, Rebecca Haworth, is
discovered. As Kerrigan digs deeper into the fifth victim's life she starts
to realize that The Burning Man might not be responsible after all and a
second killer is on the loose.
I wasn't sure what I was expecting in this detective but I ended up liking
Maeve Kerrigan a lot more than I thought I... more »
Ukraine Crisis: Death and Destruction Continues in Eastern Ukraine
*"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not
a crime."--Ernest Hemingway*
Extensive war crimes in Donbass from July 2 to July 24, 2014. Kiev's
warmongers continue genocide of civilian population and deliberate
destruction of Eastern Ukraine's infrastructure - schools, hospitals,
kindergartens, power plants, train stations, etc. The majority of the
footage and interviews you will see in this documentary film have never
been shown on TV.
Warning - *Ukraine Crisis: Death and destruction continues in Eastern
Ukraine / Хунта убивает людей. [ENG SUB] ... more »
Obama And Netanyahu Are Authors of "Blood, Destruction, Pain, Grief And Sadness”
*Source of photo.*
*It's all smiles amongst the baby killers. *
An excerpt from, *"Netanyahu Presses for Disarming of Gaza, Says War Could
Drag On"* by Saud Abu Ramadan, Jonathan Ferziger and Calev Ben-David,
Bloomberg, July 29, 2014:
Yesterday, streets were almost empty in Gaza City, the territory’s biggest
urban area, as people visited fresh graves, bouquets of flowers in hand,
paid hospital calls on family and friends wounded in the fighting, and
surveyed the damage done by the Israeli strikes. The Eid is usually the
best season for business in Gaza, yet this year, many shops ... more »

*Saints Nick Toon works on receiving skills to score roster spot ~Ramon
Antonio Vargas*
*Shamarr Allen says state police pulled him from vehicle, threatened him
~WWL *
*Sober in New Orleans: Jules Bentley on what it’s like living the dry life
in Alcohol City ~Gambit*
*Report alleges oil and gas industry an important part of St. Tammany
economy~Faimon A. Roberts*
*Word Pumps September ~WorldPumps.com *
[image: http://www.weftec.org/]~*WEFTEC®, the Water Environment
Federation’s,** 87th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference*, September
27 - October 1, 2014, New Orleans Morial ... more »
Democrats Continue to Milk Obama "Impeachment" for Donations

Just to get things out of the way right off the bat so there is no doubt
where I stand President Barack Obama should be impeached and removed from
office - but it isn't going to happen. Obama should be ousted from power
primarily due to his manifest and ongoing unfitness for the gig in the
first place. He has always been an amateur, an incompetent and a man who
immediately surrounded himself with cronies, crooks and political foes -
that slick media hyped team of rivals thing - and has not only carried on
with the job that George W. Bush started in destroying the country but has
t... more »
The s-word

I've rather given up on *Newsnight*, but it's a definite sign of where they
are at that they held a discussion on the use of the word 'slut' (after *Telegraph
*columnist Bryony Gordon told the world that Tory minister Michael Fallon
had used it about her) and chose to invite Godfrey Bloom to take part,
along with the *Telegraph*'s Rowan Pelling.
Though Mr Bloom has had the UKIP whip withdrawn, it's not hard to imagine
that Ian Katz & Co. thought it would be a great wheeze to get him to make
some more outrageous statements and embarrass the party once again (if only
now by associat... more »
Brazil orders Airbus C295 search and rescue aircraft

[image: C295 Persuader MPA]Brazil has signed a contract with Airbus Defence
and Space for the acquisition of three Airbus C295 search and rescue (SAR)
The three aircraft will progressively be delivered to the Brazilian Air
Force (FAB) from the end of this year under the terms of an agreement which
also includes a five-year Full In Service Support (FISS) contract.
In Brazilian service the SAR aircraft will join 12 transport-configured
C295 aircraft, taking the total FAB C295 fleet to 15.
Read more
Interview with Larry Summers
In *The New Republic*.
Imagine it was your city being bombed by Hamas rockets - "Flashmob Jewish Youth Vienna for Israel 24.07.2014"
Vendors who care about the earth

*This post will introduce you to the companies listed on our Special Offers
Page. I am receiving no compensation for this post ... I simply want to
introduce you to companies doing their best to operate in an earth-friendly
Every few months, I like to take the opportunity to feature vendors who are
making a difference in our world. They embrace environmental sustainability
and make protecting the earth the main focus of their business model.
Let's meet them:
[image: The Ultimate DIY Ebike Guide (an ebook) by Micah Toll]
Micah Toll takes green transportation seriously. He ... more »
Jon Donnison v CiF Watch

Talking of Jon Donnison, he saw fit to re-tweet this attack on a favourite
blogs of ours a couple of days ago from one Bekah Wolf:
@HughNaylor @CiFWatch is not a real organization, just a crappy smear
campaign run by a couple of dunderheads
— Bekah Wolf (@BekahWolf) July 27, 2014
And who exactly is this Bekah Wolf who doesn't reckon much to CiF Watch?
Bekah Wolf@BekahWolfFounded @PalestinePSP with my husband Mousa Abu Maria.
I live in the U.S. and in Beit Ommar, #Palestine. Have worked in Palestine
since 2003
Or, to put it another way, a pro-Palestinian activist who sometimes wr... more »
The Truth About Dishonesty - Dan Ariely

*Published on August 15, 2012*
Dan Ariely, bestselling author and professor of psychology and behavioural
economics at Duke University visits the RSA to examine the mechanisms at
work behind dishonest behaviour, and the implications this has for all
aspects of our social and political lives.
Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A:
*Youtube link: **http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGGxguJsirI*
*I wrote this about the need for honesty in Community several years ago.*
*Honest Living:*
Light and Light alone... more »
Tuesday Lazy Links

*A wasp drags a paralyzed spider back to her lair to lay her eggs in its
Lovely day. Feeling lazy....
- *SPECIAL*: Taipei Times report on the ripped page featuring the CCK
Foundation in the EACS conference in Portugal. As Ben Goren shows, this
report is wrong. Ben clarifies. Expect more clarifications from the
- Taitung's balloon festival
- Travel in Taiwan magazine, the tourism bureau's magazine.
- New York politician Vic Gentile in Taiwan on gov't junket.
- Time India Stopped Looking at Taiwan through a China Prism
- Scott Simon: Indige... more »
Jon Donnison v Micky Rosenfeld

Good grief, it didn't take long, did it? Jon Donnison is back in Israel and
has already become the story.
Via BBC Watch, comes this from *The Daily Beast*'s Eli Lake:
*Israel Still Swears Hamas Kidnapped Those Teens*
*After a weekend blowup on Twitter, it’s a case of 'he said, he said'
between an Israeli spokesman and a BBC reporter*.
Over the weekend it appeared that an Israeli official conceded something
very valuable to Hamas. A BBC reporter in Israel tweeted out comments from
the spokesman for Israel’s national police who allegedly said Hamas was not
behind the kidnapping and m... more »
Lockheed Martin Completes Successful Operational Flight Tests of GMLRS Alternative Warhead

[image: High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launcher]Lockheed
Martin successfully completed all Developmental Test/Operational Test
(DT/OT) flight tests for the new Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System
(GMLRS) Alternative Warhead at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
The DT/OT tests included rockets fired at both mid and long range. All
rockets were fired from a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
The DT/OT tests were the first tactically representative flight tests
against simulated targets, and were also the first tests conducted with
soldiers ... more »
U.S. Says Russia Tested Cruise Missile, Violating Treaty

[image: R-500 / Iskander-K GLCM]The United States has concluded that Russia
violated a landmark arms control treaty by testing a prohibited
ground-launched cruise missile, according to senior American officials, a
finding that was conveyed by President Obama to President Vladimir V. Putin
of Russia in a letter on Monday.
It is the most serious allegation of an arms control treaty violation that
the Obama administration has leveled against Russia and adds another
dispute to a relationship already burdened by tensions over the Kremlin’s
support for separatists in Ukraine and its decis... more »
Tunisia to buy UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters

[image: UH-60M Black Hawk]The US State Department has approved the sale of
12 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters to Tunisia, worth $700 million
including equipment, parts, training and logistical support.
The Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the
planned sale on July 23.
The UH-60M Black Hawk is the most advanced model of the UH-60/S-70 series,
and features the ability to be armed with rockets and missiles. In fact,
Tunisia has requested Battlehawk kits that effectively turn the aircraft
into an attack helicopter.
Read more
Alex Johnson’s corporate SuperPAC run by Eli Broad’s Dan “students must pledge to capitalism” Chang
“Financed by conservative billionaire philanthropists like Bill Gates and
Eli Broad, charters willingly carry out the indoctrination their
benefactors seek.” — Professor Ralph E. Shaffer Corporate candidate Alex
Johnson and his backer Mark Ridley-Thomas have already raised incredible
amounts of money in their attempt to seize a seat on the Los Angeles
Unified School (LAUSD) […]
Another milestone for F/A-50 program reached

[image: F/A-50 Golden Eagle]Another milestone has been reached in the
Philippine government efforts to acquire the South Korean made F/A-50
“Fighting Eagle” jet aircraft.
This was after Department of National Defense (DND) Undersecretary for
Finance, Modernization, Installation and Munitions Fernando Manalo
disclosed on Monday that the Letter of Credit (LOC) for the aircraft has
been finally opened by the supplier.
“The LOC has been finally opened. We have also given the 15 percent payment
requested by the contractor,” he said in Filipino.
Read more
*Climate change and air pollution will lead to famine by 2050, study claims*
*Garbage predictions like this are common, even though they run against all
plant science. To put it in simple language, plants LIKE warmth and they
REALLY like CO2. If there ever is global warming, plantlife, including
crops, will boom! I grew up in the tropics, which are really warm, and I
know how plantlife flourishes there. Creepers almost reach out and grab
you, for instance. And glasshouse farmers deliberately pump up the CO2
content in their glasshouses to more than double the general atmo... more »
F-15s needed in Europe to respond to Russia, Lakenheath commander says

[image: F-15C Eagle]This is not the time to talk about reducing the number
of F-15 fighter jets in Europe, given the situation in Ukraine, according
to the new commander of the 48th Fighter Wing, which flies the only F15s in
“What an exciting time to be in Europe and an exciting time to be at NATO,
what an exciting time to be around this wing,” said Col. Robert Novotny, an
F-15 pilot, who has been on the job for less than a week. “You know we have
a lot of challenges, we really do.”
U.S. fiscal austerity is squeezing military budgets, and Department of
Defense officials are... more »
Army Test Flies Unmanned Airborne EW Attack System; Clay Ogden Comments

[image: MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS]The U.S. Army has completed a series of flight
tests onan unmanned airborne electronic attack platform in order to assess
its technical capability to deploy jammer to another aerial system.
The Army conducted the testing for the Gray Eagle unmanned system-fixed
Networked Electronic Warfare Remotely Operated from June 2 to June 19
within The Great Salt Lake Desert at Dugway Proving Ground Utah, the Army
said July 10.
“This demonstrated the viability of a Gray Eagle based high-powered jamming
capability to support the Army’s EW (electronic warfare)
counte... more »
Final modernised P-3 Orion delivered to Brazil

[image: P-3 Orion]Airbus Defence & Space has delivered the last of nine
Lockheed P-3 Orion anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft it has upgraded
for the Brazilian air force.
The final enhanced example has been ferried from Airbus Defence & Space’s
facility in Seville, Spain to the service's base in Salvador de Bahía,
Acquired from the US Navy in 2006, the nine aircraft have been equipped
with a suite of mission sensors, communications systems and cockpit
avionics, alongside the Airbus Defence & Space Fully Integrated Tactical
Read more
Northrop Drone’s Development Cost to U.S. Navy Rises 25%

[image: MQ-4 Triton]The cost to develop Northrop Grumman Corp’s
reconnaissance drone for the U.S. Navy has increased by at least 25
percent, or $720 million, according to Navy estimates and congressional
As development costs have risen to at least $3.9 billion, the scheduled
dates to begin production and then deployment of the Triton drone have each
slipped by more than two years, according to a Senate committee.
The Senate Appropriations Committee said in its report on funding defense
programs in fiscal 2015 that it “is concerned with the cost and schedule
breaches ... more »
Elbit pushes maritime patrol Hermes 900

[image: Hermes 900 UAS]Elbit Systems is offering its Hermes 900 unmanned
air system (UAS) in a maritime patrol configuration.
The Israeli company says the variant has been designed to answer the "full
spectrum" of operational needs for a maritime patrol UAS.
The type's payload comes in at 350kg (770lb) and includes a maritime radar,
electro-optical sensors and electronic surveillance systems.
Read more
HMS Prince of Wales Delivery Begins

[image: Hull section of HMS Prince of Wales]A huge section of hull for HMS
Prince of Wales, the second aircraft carrier being delivered to the Royal
Navy, has today departed BAE Systems in Glasgow on a 600-mile journey to
Rosyth where final assembly of the ship will take place.
The 8,000-metric-ton section, known as Lower Block 03, weighs more than an
entire Type 45 destroyer and forms the mid-section of the aircraft
carrier’s hull from the keel to the hangar deck.
The block, transported by seagoing barge, is scheduled to arrive in Rosyth
on Saturday, August 2 where work is current... more »
Mabus: Stealth Destroyers, LCS Headed to Pacific

[image: Zumwalt (DDG-1000) class DDG]The Navy will send new stealth
destroyers, littoral combat ships and an amphibious ready group to the
Pacific, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said Monday, reiterating the U.S.
commitment to its military "pivot" to the region.
"The rebalance to the Pacific is real," Mabus told sailors gathered at
Yokosuka's Fleet Theater for an all-hands call.
President Barack Obama announced plans for the Pacific pivot as the
interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan were winding down. But conflicts in
Syria, Ukraine and Gaza have since heated up, raising questions about t... more »
Iran to Unveil New Missile, Radar Systems in September

[image: Ghadir radar]Iran plans to unveil several new missile and radar
systems late in September, Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base
Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli announced on Monday.
"On September 22 (parades), a number of missile and radar systems will be
unveiled in Iran and we have spread these systems and radars in different
parts of the country," Esmayeeli told FNA.
The annual September 22 parades mark the start of the Week of Sacred
Defense, commemorating Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi
imposed war on Iran in 1980s.
Read more
GMOs Have The Protential To Destroy Our Planet - Professor Nassim Taleb

[image: Foto: Distinguished NYU Professor of Risk Engineering, NASSIM
TALEB, recently raised eyebrows when he said genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) have the potential to cause “an irreversible termination of life at
some scale, which could be the planet.” The Precautionary Principle - which
is what Taleb calls his warning - is all about managing risk, not about
waiting for it to surface. The fact that GMOs are a systemic entity is
undeniable. We don’t, as Taleb says, argue that a game of Russian roulette
is safer with each empty barrel we find. It is, in fact, more dangerous.
R... more »
Moeen Ali supported over pro Gaza wristbands according to BBC Sport
The institutionally anti Israel BBC of course support England cricketer
Moeen Ali. As do the English cricket board. However according to Rule 19F
of the ICC Clothing and Equipment Rules and Regulations, players should not
convey messages with their clothing unless approved in advance by the
player's official board, but approval would not be granted for political
Simple question:
Did Moeen Ali get advance approval from the England and Wales cricket
board? If he didn't then he's in breach of the Rule. This is regardless of
whether the message is considered political.
Th... more »
N. Korea has world’s largest submarine fleet: U.S. media

[image: Sang-O-class SSC]North Korea possesses the world’s largest number
of submarines, followed by the U.S., according to a U.S. online media
Business Insider said that the North has a total of 78 regular and midget
submarines, while the U.S. has 72 submarines. Its analysis is based on data
from the Global Firepower, a military power evaluation organization.
China ranked third with 69 submarines, followed by Russia with 63
submarines and Iran with 31 submarines. South Korea has only 14 submarines
while Japan has 16 submarines, according to the BI analysis.
Read more
Nuclear submarine "Vladimir Monomakh" completes Phase 1 state trials

[image: RFS Yuri Dolgorukiy]New generation Borei class ballistic missiles
nuclear-powered submarine "Vladimir Monomakh" has completed the first phase
of the state tests, Severodvinsk based shipbuilder Sevmash said.
The sea trials included the vessel's systems tests and conformance to her
technical specifications.
"Ship's trials passed normally. Despite the large number of automation
implemented on board the submarine all system have worked in strict
accordance with a predetermined program. The crew and commissioning team
have successfully completed the first phase of state trials an... more »
New Pool Chairs

We decided when moving here to simply buy things slowly, as we found
exactly what we wanted. We are in no rush to fill the house with "things",
and we have no need for having everything done immediately. I have been
watching Craiglist and Jaco boards on Facebook to see if things come up to
buy that speak to me....
I previously went to a wedding in Florida for my friend, Katie. At that
wedding, outside, there were there amazing chairs that I loved. I told
Kurt I wanted one, but in Michigan, you cannot really have outside
furniture for most of the year, so it was pointless to get... more »
Kate Braun : Rejoice in Mother Earth’s bounty during Lammas
Give thanks for the harvest, symbolized by the bread you serve your guests.
By Kate Braun | The Rag Blog | July 28, 2014 “’Harvest moon’ / a change in
the weather / I love this time of year” Thursday, … finish reading Kate
Braun :
Rejoice in Mother Earth’s bounty during Lammas
Colleen Hanabusa's Crazy War Against The Environment

New Dem Colleen Hanabusa has built a political career not based on values
or principles but on mutual backscratching and ugly corruption. She
desperately, even shrilly, wants everyone to ignore the fact that when the
Sierra Club, Climate Hawks Vote, Ocean Champions and the League of
Conservation Voters endorsed Brian Schatz for senator, they compared both
their environmental records and found his ideal and hers… far from ideal.
She would also like voters in the August 9th Hawaii primary to ignore that
MoveOn, the PCCC, DFA and Blue America all sited Schatz's work on
environmental ... more »
Special Report: The Militarization of Local Police

LITTLE ROCK, AR - There's a trend that is sweeping the nation, including
Arkansas. More and more police departments are aquiring military grade
weapons and equipment.
According to a report by the Center for Investigative Reporting, in the
years following the 9/11 attacks more than 34 billion dollars in grants
were awarded to various law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism. But
the recipients of those military type assets weren't just cities like New
York or Washington D.C. They also included small towns, like Oxford,
Mississippi and Pine Bluff, Arkansas which aren't exa... more »
Musical Interlude: David Schombert, "A Space Journey"
David Schombert, "A Space Journey"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un5SEJ8MyPc&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices
galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are
captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice is common in the
universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from
the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus (The River).
* Click image for larger size.*
Located over 50 million light years away, the large, distorted spiral NGC
1532 is seen locked in a gravitational struggle with dwarf galaxy NGC 1531,
a struggle the smaller galaxy will eventually lo... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Great Silence"
*"The Great Silence"*
by Chet Raymo
"If there is one word that should not be uttered, it is the name of - no, I
will not say it. Any name diminishes. In the face of whatever it is that is
most mysterious, most holy, we are properly silent. It is appropriate, I
think, to praise the creation, to make a joyful noise of thanksgiving for
the sensate world. But praising the Creator is another thing altogether.
When we make a big racket on His behalf we are more than likely addressing
an idol in our own image. What was it that Pico Iyer said? "Silence is the
tribute that we pay to holines... more »
"The Only Question..."
“Life is an end in itself, and the only question as to whether
it is worth living is whether you have had enough of it.”
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Libya, Israel, Iraq What You Need To Know
*Airport in Tripoli, Libya. Photo Source.*
Libya, Israel, Iraq What You Need To Know. Source: WeAreChange. Date
Published: July 28, 2014. Description:
In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews legendary Mi5 whistle blower Annie
Machon about her analysis of the situation in the middle east and the under
reported situation in Libya.
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “Why I Wake Early”
*"Song of the Builders"*
"On a summer morning
I sat down
on a hillside
to think about God -
a worthy pastime.
Near me, I saw
a single cricket;
it was moving the grains of the hillside
this way and that way.
How great was its energy,
how humble its effort.
Let us hope
it will always be like this,
each of us going on
in our inexplicable ways
building the universe.”
~ Mary Oliver, “Why I Wake Early”
"Lifting Pain's Veil: Bitterness"
*"Lifting Pain's Veil: Bitterness"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Bitter feelings allow us to become perfect victims in that we no longer
feel obliged to work toward healing. It is natural to feel resentment or
anger when life does not unfold as expected. We consciously or
unconsciously anticipated one experience, and we grieve for the loss of it
when the universe puts something else in our path. Most of the time, we
work through these feelings and they pass. Occasionally, our anger and
resentment do not fade and are instead transformed into bitterness. Bitter
feelings allow us t... more »
The Universe
“Each blossom still blooms in its field; each child still clutches your
hand; each friend still lingers in your heart. And that is where time goes.
Wish your keys were as easy to find, huh?”
“Forever young,”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
- www.tut.com
Trial Scheduled Over Missing Surveillance Tapes of Oklahoma City Bombing

*Fox 13*
"Jesse Trentadue is suing the CIA and FBI, demanding the agencies release
surveillance video of the bombing that killed 168. But the federal
government claims the tapes don’t exist anymore." ...
"The trial begins Monday and is expected to wrap up Wednesday. It is
anticipated that the federal judge handling the case will issue a ruling in
writing at a later date."
*Full lawsuit can be read here:*
http://fox13now.com/2014/07/23/oklahoma-city-bombing-video-trial-to-begin-next-week-in-utah/... more »
South Sudan: On the brink of famine
South Sudan: On the brink of famine. Source: UNICEF. Date Published: July
28, 2014. Description:
Famine looms in South Sudan, where resurgent conflict has raised
pre-existent emergency levels of undernutrition among children to grave
heights. Nearly one million children under age 5 in South Sudan will
require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2014, and without immediate
intervention, it is estimated that 50,000 children could die from
malnutrition by the end of the year. Further, one in every three people in
the country faces dangerous levels of food insecurity, with many not
kno... more »
Two Things You Need to Know About War in Ukraine

*Charlie Mcgrath*
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The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: I Was Wondering When These Psycotic Criminals Would Play Their Holocaust Card, And Here We Go!
The slaughter of the innocent people of Gaza continues... Right now, the
criminally psychotic state of Israel has turned their armies towards the
center of Gaza and especially Gaza City itself. Over the next few days I
can guarantee that the death toll from these mass murdering thugs as they
continue to shoot and maim Palestinians without any just cause will
escalate. What we are indeed witnessing it the criminal Israeli "final
solution" to the Palestinian "problem" which will result in the
extermination of every single one of these innocent people. It is cold
blooded murder and ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
What? You say Comic-Connies aren't big spenders? Suddenly my regard for them has jumped

*NYT caption: "Comic-Con attendees lunching near the convention center.
Spending by visitors to the five-day convention, San Diego’s largest by
far, is about $603, a fraction of that of much smaller events."*
*by Ken*
Hey, almost everything I know about Comic-Con comes from watching *The Big
Bang Theory* -- and that hasn't made it seem any more like a gathering
where I would want to, you know, gather. But now comes word that the
Comic-Connies stand accused of one of the vilest crimes in Consumerist
America: being cheapskates.
I'm not exactly free and easy when it comes to parcelin... more »
Seizing Control of Our Destinies

Julian Rose
In 1381, at a time of great repression for the British agricultural work
force, an extraordinary people's revolutionary named Wat Tyler sprang to
his feet and announced “England should be a nation of self governing
communities” to which he added “ No lord shall exercise lordship over the
people, and, as we are oppressed by so vast a horde of bishops and clerks,
the property of the holy church should be taken and divided.”
His colleague, the priest John Ball, spoke out with equal fervour “The
lords' claims to be more lords than we are rests solely on their power to
fo... more »
Mariann G. Wizard : BOOKS | Trudy Stern’s lovely poetry reveals a finely-honed precision of expression
Trudy, who helped us start ‘The Rag’ in ’60s Austin, was a warm and
generous friend. Somewhere along the way, she became a wonderful poet. By
Mariann G. Wizard | The Rag Blog |July 28, 2014 [Taurus in Lake Erie …
finish reading Mariann G. Wizard :
*BOOKS* | Trudy Stern’s lovely poetry reveals a finely-honed precision of
Gaza: “The Pattern (Musically Annotated)”
*“The Pattern (Musically Annotated)”*
by David Rovics
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”
Philip K. Dick, “Valis”
“I’m getting older, and the pattern is now a familiar one. Israel starts
committing war crimes on a daily basis in Gaza (or the West Bank, or
Lebanon). “In response” to Hamas missiles. (Or Hezbollah provocations,
depending. But always in response.)
The war of words heats up. Israeli and US leaders are all over the
airwaves, saying Israel has a right to defend itself and that Hamas is
responsible for all deaths on both sides. The news orga... more »
The Real News: Despite Growing International Condemnation, No End to Gaza Violence in Sight
Despite Growing International Condemnation, No End to Gaza Violence in
Sight. Source: The Real News. Date Published: July 28, 2014. Description:
As the death toll in Gaza passes 1,000 Lia Tarachansky and Phyllis Bennis
respond to a poll which found 86% of Israelis reject a ceasefire, while a
growing number of Americans want the Israeli offensive to stop
Boring is a strategy too [updated]
Is there anyone truly excited about this election? Commentators are bored
by it. Bloggers are bored by it. The half-a-million (and growing)
non-registered to vote are clearly bored by it. Even politicians making
deal-or-no-deal seem bored by it.
There is one fat German who’s not bored by it, but he’s produced far less
of real interest than those bored by it all might have hoped.
There is an election campaign currently underway, not that you’d know it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the big issues this week appear to be which
deals are being made where, or not; what a minister sa... more »
Senate Bill 2277 Isn’t Just about ‘Russian Aggression’ — It’s Also about Oil, Gas and Propaganda

Melissa Melton
The full name of Senate Bill 2277, introduced on May 1st, 2014, is “To
prevent further Russian aggression toward Ukraine and other sovereign
states in Europe and Eurasia, and for other purposes.” It starts out
claiming to be about the Department of Defense creating “a strategic
framework for U.S. security assistance and cooperation in Europe and
Currently, the bill is listed on Congress.gov as having been read twice and
referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. The bill’s full text can be
found here.
As Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out, “Washing... more »
"All Mad..."
“When we remember that we are all mad,
the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.”
- Mark Twain, “Mark Twain's Notebook”
“How Changing Your Diet Can Alleviate Bipolar Disorder”
*“How Changing Your Diet Can Alleviate Bipolar Disorder”*
By Pamela Peeke
“If you're one of the estimated 5.7 million U.S. adults dealing with
bipolar disorder, you know the potent control it can have on your moods,
energy and emotions. What you may not know is how much power you have to
control it. Thanks to an emerging science called epigenetics, researchers
have learned that DNA is no longer destiny and that each of us has the
ability to influence how our genes express themselves to the rest of the
body. With healthy lifestyle choices and environmental changes, we can
actually a... more »
Report: Obama's NSA Stasi Destroying Free Press in USA

President Barack Obama's Nixonian war on journalism received an ironic seal
of approval today in a joint report issued by watchdog groups Human Rights
Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union that points out the obvious in
that the very basis of the First Amendment, a free press is well on the way
to extinction in *The Homeland*. The Founding Fathers understood that it
was imperative to establish that most important check on the government to
restrain the corruption of entrenched power and the ability of journalists
to be able to inform the populace of what elected officials we... more »
Pork Barrel 12: Why DAP is Wrong

These are my notes about the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) last
week, posted in my fb wall.
DAP is wrong. Not for constitutional issues (I leave that to my lawyer
friends) but for fiscal and economic issues. Those "idle" funds were not
there in the first place; they were borrowed money. If DAP is P100 B and
government borrows P300 B a year, then if DBM/Malacanang left those "idle"
funds unused and unspent, then govt borrowing should be only P200 B or less.
DBM Sec. Abad said at the Senate hearing last week that "DAP is made on
the principle, 'use it or lose it.... more »
Harvesting Human resources Humanly

A lump of coal is just stored energy and maybe it should stay that way.
That is unless humanity can use this concentration of energy in a planet
saving way. You all watching reality TV better go undercover because human
endorsed climate change is going to rip out your big screen in a way that
will make sure your remote never recovers.
Work the problem people. That the first thing a black leader of any team
seen on national TV or most movies says. Like its something intelligent.
We got problems now a TV mind cant fix. Drought, crop failure, Ebola,
species loss, warming oceans and... more »
Economic Collapse of US, Not Shitty Hamas Rockets, Will Finally Knock Some Sense Into Israel
Israel backed Hamas in the 80's at the same time that the US backed Osama
bin Laden. But that was not the end of their terror-inducing ways. In this
century they've armed, financed, and trained terrorists to fight in Syria,
Iraq, Libya, and God knows where else.
If these insane and dishonest regimes want to defeat terrorism, how about
stop nurturing it in the first place? Oh, that's right, these criminals
have never been interested in defeating terrorism. There is too much at
stake to actually win this fraudulent war. Fighting the war is winning for
Al-Qaeda was replaced by... more »
Superpower for Hire: Rise of the Private Military

Vice takes an unprecedented look into the shadowy industry of Private
Military Companies.
For the past two decades these private companies, likeBlackwater, Aegis and
G4S have silently consumed military operations around the world, doing
everything from back-end logistics, protection of government VIP’s and
diplomats to actual combat duties.
In this documentary Vice explores the origins of this industry, their rise
in the war on terror and their future operations around the world.
*Hat tip: Old-Thinker News*
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“An Easy Way to Avoid Pig-Headed Mistakes”
*“An Easy Way to Avoid Pig-Headed Mistakes”*
by Bill Bonner
“Large groups of people do extraordinarily pig-headed things from time to
time. Republicans can drive a car more or less as well as Democrats or
Communists. Of the millions of autos on the road, driven by Rosicrucians,
Rotarians, River Keepers, and all manner of people with all manner of
ideas, there are relatively few accidents.
People don’t like Fate. Fate is the bad stuff that happens when no one is
in charge, when chaos reigns. Making their own decisions about their own
lives, people of all sorts get along passably wel... more »
Revisiting the Common Core Math Content and Practice Standards (sort of)
I think there is a great deal of monocular vision when it comes to issues
surrounding the Common Core Standards themselves (as opposed to the overall
CCSS-Initiative, which I find execrable and irredeemable), and this narrow
viewing through emotionally-charged lenses causes a lot of confusion while
leading to little insight. I started out 95% opposed […]
Palestinians and Intersectionality
Shamelessly ripped from here. Raises some interesting questions for
carriers of "Israelis stop killing Palestinians, Palestinians stop killing
queers" placards.
*Eight questions Palestinian queers are tired of hearing*
July 25, 2014
You might think that the main goal of a group of queer activists in
Palestine like us in Al-Qaws should be the seemingly endless task of
dismantling sexual and gender hierarchy in one’s own society.
It is. But you might think otherwise, judging from the repetitive questions
we get during our lectures and events, or from inquiries we r... more »
Are Governors Too Big To Jail? Christie, Cuomo, Walker And Deal Must Be Hoping McDonnell Gets Off

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, as we've explained before, is probably the
most overtly extremist governor anywhere. Polls show that Kansas voters are
determined to remove him from office and that he's likely to be beaten by a
moderate Democrat Paul Davis. Brownback is losing because of his political
agenda and because his vision of governance has failed dramatically and,
for many in Kansas, catastrophically. But at least no one wants to throw
him in prison for corruption-related charges.
At least 4 other governor-- 3 Republicans and a Democrat-- are facing the
prospect of leavin... more »
Dear Nancy Pelosi-- You're Letting Steve Israel Throw Away A Winnable Seat In Michigan

If there's one district that demonstrates the venality of Steve Israel and
his utter unfitness to head the DCCC, it is the race in southwest Michigan
between the hereditary multimillionaire chairman of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee, Fred Upton, and Paul Clements, a professor at Western
Michigan University, an advocate for middle class families and for
environmental sanity. MI-06 has a PVI of R+1, one of only a dozen districts
in the country with that rank. Five of those seats are held by Democrats
and 7 are held by Republicans. For Democrats to ever think about taking
b... more »
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Hamas threatening journalists in Gaza who expose abuse of civilians not that you'd know if you rely upon the BBC or Channel 4 for your news
'(Hamas) has emphatically limited reporters' access to aspects of Hamas
operations that would reflect to its detriment. One example of this relates
to Gaza's Shifa hospital, the official added. "We know that downstairs
there is a Hamas command and control center and that Hamas leaders are
hiding there. No reporter is allowed to go anywhere downstairs. They're
only allowed to work upstairs to take pictures of casualties, the pictures
that Hamas wants them to take."
Shifa has indeed "become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can
be seen in the hallways and offices," the ... more »
To my nations

*Guest blog by Franz Joseph I, July 28th '14*
*Original, JPG*
His I&R [imperial and royal; "c. und k." in Czech, "k. und k." in German]
Apostolic Majesty descended in order to most graciously publish this
Highest blog post and a manifesto written by His own hand:
Dear count Stürgkh
It has been seen to Me to command the minister of My house and the foreign
affairs to inform the royal government of Serbia that in between the
Monarchy and Serbia the state of war has been initiated.
On this fateful moment I feel the need to turn to my beloved nations. I
therefore order you to publicly... more »
U.S. Government Invests in Robot Personal Trainers for Children

Nicholas West
The evolution of humanoid robots continues to quicken with greater strides
being made toward applying artificial intelligence to create emotional
The commitment to reverse engineer the human brain coupled with the
exponential increase in computing power is now forcing the discussion
toward the *social *impact robotics is beginning to have as humans and
robots begin interacting with greater frequency.
Consequently, newer robots are being produced with the intention of
manipulating emotional triggers that guide human-to-human interaction. It's
all part of ... more »
All this week: The culture of “horrible coverage!”
*MONDAY, JULY 28, 2014*
*Also, the culture of silence:* If Hillary Clinton runs for president, she
may well get her party’s nomination.
If she does, is she “destined to get horrible coverage” from the mainstream
press corps?
Last Friday, Mark Halperin made that prediction on Morning Joe—and he
stressed the word “horrible.” Three days earlier, he had made a similar
statement on the same program.
For fuller background, see this morning’s post.
We’ll look at last Tuesday’s Morning Joe in tomorrow’s principal post. For
now, here are some excerpts from Halperin’s statements that day:
... more »
*Lessons from Teach For America*
There is widespread agreement among education reformers that public school
teachers should be hired based on their subject matter competence rather
than their formal credentials; that the best teachers should be assigned to
the lowest performing schools; and that teachers should be paid based on
performance rather than tenure.
Exactly the opposite takes place in most school districts. However, there
is a program that does recruit, select, train, pay and evaluate teachers in
a manner that most reformers would support. This privately funded program ... more »
Mass Incarceration: 21 Amazing Facts About America’s Obsession With Prison

Michael Snyder
Nobody in the world loves locking people behind bars as much as Americans
do. We have more people in prison than any other nation on the planet. We
also have a higher percentage of our population locked up than anyone else
does by a very large margin.
But has all of this imprisonment actually made us safer? Well, the last
time I checked, crime was still wildly out of control in America and for
the most recent year that we have numbers for violent crime was up 15
percent. The number of people that we have locked up has *quadrupled *since
1980, but this is not solvin... more »
“Zen” and U.S. Foreign Policy in A Time of Disquiet
What with Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, and other events, this has been an awful
few weeks/months for international news and is a profound challenge to the
world community, such as it is, and, if you are care about this sort of
thing, U.S. foreign policy. While similar screeds from John McCain and Dick
Cheney are likely
Continue reading
It’s Not Just Big Data: Data Granularity and Aid Targeting
Earlier this spring, I had a chance to talk to Mark Dybul, the head of the
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria and former administrator of
PEPFAR, the U.S. bilateral AIDS program. At the time, he expressed optimism
about using geo-referenced data on HIV/AIDS prevalence to better to target
AIDS foreign assistance. In
Continue reading
Foolish Obama About to Start World War III

The 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I is this week and at
the rate that the dangerous and incompetent narcissist in chief is going we
may just celebrate with a grand fireworks show that will usher in World War
III. Let's face it, the United States has become addicted to war, outside
of the financial fraud industry that was abetted by Obama with the huge
Wall Street bailout and subsequent failure to prosecute any of those
banksters responsible for wrecking the economy war is always the answer and
in an election year with feckless Democrats terrified of being called
... more »
The Consistency of Official Iranian Commentary, Part III:On Khamenei's Referendum Rhetoric, Reuters is Wrong
week, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei addressed a meeting of
Iranian university students and, in his first public comments on the
ongoing assault on Gaza, spoke of his belief in the necessity of
continued Palestinian resistance to Israel aggression, oppression, and
"Don't the Palestinians have the right to defend their lives and
security?" he asked rhetorically, and
Asymmetric Warfare: MH17 False-Flag Terror and the 'War' on Gaza
Niall Bradley
Signs Of The Times
When MH370 vanished into thin air on March 8th this year, an international
search-and-rescue party scanned two of the world's oceans, pored over
satellite images and radar readings, and consulted automated communication
relays between parts of the plane and their manufacturers that monitor
aircraft system performance in real-time. Despite these multiple layers of
hi-tech monitoring systems, there is still no trace of the missing Boeing
777-200ER. Or so we've been told. All 239 passengers and crew are
officially reported as missing, presumed dead. P... more »
My latest show talking with Jon Olsen from Jefferson, Maine about Hawaiian
sovereignty. John has lived in Maine for 36 years and Hawaii for 36 years
and remarkably connects Maine to the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in
the late 1800's. Jon has just written a book called "Liberate Hawaii".

*Ground-based mid-course 'missile defense' systems are now deployed in
Alaska and California. Congress has called for studies to determine where
an east coast deployment site could be located*
There are various kinds of 'missile defense' (MD) systems now being
tested. The one with the very worst testing record is the Ground-based
Mid-course program. It is very likely the most expensive of the MD
programs because of the sheer difficulty of trying to have a
bullet-hit-a-bullet in deep space at more than 15,000 mph. In the end the
program is incredibly destabilizing as the enti... more »
The BBC just really hate Sarah Palin, it's almost unbelievable how much they hate her.
A couple of minutes near the end of tonight's 6pm BBC Radio 4 news were
devoted to making fun of Sarah Palin's America radio station. A couple of
mispronunciations were played so everyone knows how stupid she is. And
there was a dig at her earnings from being a Vice Presidential candidate.
Oddly the BBC have never had a similar piece on the many verbal mistakes
made by Vice President Joe Biden. Nor have the BBC examined the massive
amounts of money earned by Bill Clinton since he left office or by failed
Presidential candidate Al Gore.
The BBC's hatred of Sarah Palin is almost u... more »
To the Students for Justice in Palestine from an angry black woman
'If you seek to promulgate the legacy of early Islamic colonialists who
raped and pillaged the Middle East, subjugated the indigenous peoples
living in the region, and foisted upon them a life of persecution and
degradation—you do not get to claim the title of "Freedom Fighter."
• If you support a racist doctrine of Arab supremacism and wish (as a
corollary of that doctrine) to destroy the Jewish state, you do not get to
claim that the prejudices you peddle are forms of "legitimate resistance"
More great sense here
http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/180382/students-j... more »