Boycott,Divestment and Sanctions for Palestine
( The day similar treatment can be accorded the weapons trade and 'miltary aid' - I will think we're seeing daylight )
Obama's new vision of Jewish state guarantees rights of Israeli Arabs
U.S. President Barack Obama has updated America's official vision of Israel's future to stress that the Jewish state must ensure equal rights for Israeli Arabs.
( But nothing is ever mentioned about lucrative 'defense contracts' supplying global destabilization and 'intervention' )
How to cure a leper state
What hasn't worked with force in Gaza over the past decades is not going to work by more force during the next 50 years. The siege of Gaza, he says, was born in sin - the sin of assuming it is possible to eliminate Hamas.
"Hamas is a natural growth that has been developing in recent years in all of the Arab world," he says, "and we should realize that it is impossible to eliminate natural growths. This is the only answer they have to autocratic secular regimes. There is no liberal-secular option there. Look at the end result of free elections in Algeria. It's necessary to understand that the battleground in the region has changed. There are no more short, swift and elegant victories, as [former chief of staff] Haim Bar-Lev once said. Look at how the Americans are embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Our mistake was rejecting the Mecca agreement [the reconciliation agreement mediated by Saudi Arabia between Fatah and Hamas in February of 2007 for a unity government]. Instead of bringing Hamas in with the help of the important Arab peace initiative, we imposed an unproductive siege on Gaza. It is not bringing about the collapse of the Hamas regime or the release of Gilad Shalit. In this way we are both [not helping ourselves] and becoming a leper state in the eyes of the international community."
Israel asked U.S. to increase weapons supply
The priority list reflects the security threats the defense establishment believes Israel will face in the next few years, i.e. the eventuality of a prolonged war, which would necessitate using the IAF widely to attack many targets, along with ensuring enough spare parts and supplies.
Israeli MP who joined flotilla faces witchhunt :: Officials try to strip Haneen Zoubi of citizenship ::
"In addition to the removal of Ms Zoubi’s privileges, she is also facing the revocation of her citizenship. The measure has been used only twice before in Israel’s history -- both times against Palestinian citizens accused of terrorism....Orna Kohn, a lawyer with Adalah, a legal centre for the country’s Palestinian minority, said Mr Yishai’s move was “uncharted legal territory” that could leave Ms Zoubi stateless, in violation of international law. “There is simply no precedent for revoking the citizenship of an MP.”
Soldier Busted for Leaking to WikiLeaks
IN DEFENSE OF HELEN THOMAS - On apologizing to apologists
Hat Tip - "In Defense of Helen Thomas"
Helen Thomas was the dean of the White House Press corp. She has a fifty-year history of tough-minded journalism and is one of the very, very few journalists in the mainstream press who has had the guts to question US policy towards Israel. On Monday she was pressured into resigning, "effective immediately".
On Friday she was asked by a guy who stuck a video camera in her face, for any comments on Israel and she said, "Tell them to get the get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people [the Palestinians] are occupied and it's their land. It's not Germany, it's not Poland." She was asked where they should go and she answered, "They should go home, to Poland, Germany and America". The video has been making its way around the Internet.
This was said days after the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla that killed at least nine activists as their boat sailed in international waters.
She later apologized in a short statement on her website ""I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."
It's likely that most of the Jewish refugees that came to Palestine from Europe just after the War, did so not because they "belong to the land of Israel", but due to fact that the American, Canadian and British governments wouldn't drop their anti-Jewish quotas even after the horrors of the genocide were fully exposed (let's talk about some real anti-Semites).
I don't know of any opinion polls taken at the time, but if those refugees had a real choice to go to some impoverished potentially war-filled land in the Middle East or join the Jewish community in New York, I know what I would have chosen.
The Sword's Edge: Obama And Big Oil
Antonia talked with Sharmini Peries of the The Real News about whether or not Barack Obama is likely to buck, or back, the most powerful corporations in the world, and whether he'll continue the same foreign policies that have over the past 60 odd years of "pragmatic" conservative US imperialism nearly brought the empire to it's knees, drastically lowering the amount of expenditures on liberal social policies.
Cheney's push of deregulators led to BP disaster