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Learn moreThis creature's inky concoction leaves potential predators in a daze.
Another study highlights the heart-healthy benefits of chocolate-- but there are important caveats.
The Mars Tumbleweed Rover could be a paradigm shift in planetary exploration thinking, but is it realistic? A group of university scientists think so, and they have developed a computer simulation to help ...
Less diversity could add greater urgency to the extinction crisis facing 100 species per million.
ENVIRONMENT/POLITICS - Trust the Americans to try and find the easy way out of a problem instead of actually trying to fix it. In 2009 John Holdren, President Obama’s science advisor, offered the opinion ...
A rare mummified dinosaur is emerging from a "stone tomb," revealing preserved skin, ligaments, tendons, and possibly internal organs.
Naturalist Mark Fraser takes us on a virtual kayak trip to explore riverside habitats.
Archaeologists believe they have found the world's best-preserved gladiator cemetery in York. All of the skeletons appear to have suffered from violent deaths.
Why should we care if a green energy spells doom for certain insects? It matters since the bugs are a key part of an important food chain, say scientists.
http://kahnawakenews.com/clients/kahnawakenews/canada-prevents-mohawks-from-returning-home-on-haudenosaunee-passports-p798.htm?twindow=Default&smenu=1&mad=No The Mohawk Delegation in Bolivia. Photo Court...
Democracy Now! Alaska Natives speak out on Louisiana oil spill BP Oil Spill Threatens Future of Indigenous Communities in Louisiana During our recent trip to southern Louisiana, we visited Grand Bayou, a ...
*'You will have no protection'* -- Medgar Evers to Civil Rights Activists in Mississippi, shortly before he was assassinated, 12 June, 1963 *By Alice Walker* My heart is breaking; but I do not mind. ...
The leak will not be completely stopped until BP completes the drilling of two relief wells, sometime in August.
New ash detectors for airplanes could prevent the next volcanic eruption from causing a continent-wide air traffic shutdown.
We may never be able to teleport ourselves "Star Trek"-style, but scientists managed to transmit information a record distance using entangled photons.
Titan could turn out to be our first and perhaps only example where life -- as we do not know it -- exists.
The top U.S. commander in Iraq said he expected the United States to meet a long-standing Iraqi request for new Lockheed Martin Corp F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft, although not as soon as Baghdad had so...
Indonesian Air Force chief of staff Marshal Imam Sufa'at said the Indonesian Military planned to buy four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for border surveillance."The four UAVs, among others, will be statio...
All eyes on visit n PM last visited state in October 2009 to inaugurate last section of Qazigund-Baramulla rail link n Likely to renew offer to separatists for talks What Hurriyat wants n Comprehensive pol...
The three-day strategic dialogue between India and the US that concluded in Washington DC last week drew attention to the key areas in which the two must cooperate in their own interest as well as that of ...
A new study calms fears about Pacific Islands shrinking due to the swelling global sea level.
After the exciting events of Thursday night's Jupiter fireball sighting, amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley has created a stunning color photograph of the moment of impact.
*Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?* http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19573 *The Broader Military Agenda* *by Miche...
*US State Department plans consultation over Indigenous rights* *US and Canada only countries in world denying Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples* http://www.indianz.com/ *Photo copyright Ben...
*CIA World Factbook 2010 - Gaza* Population - 1½ million Median age : 17.5 years. Half the population is under 17½, putting it slightly ahead of Chad, Niger, and Uganda. 44% of the population is under 14 ye...
Turkish newspaper Zaman says prosecution has begun compiling evidence against Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Ashkenazi following deadly raid on Gaza-bound flotilla....
“As part of the open conflict between Turkey and Israel following the massacre against the ‘freedom sail’ to Gaza and the protest sparked in the world, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is consid...
As two approaching dots rapidly enlarged into the menacing delta-wing shapes of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft, an animated murmur arose. Test pilot, Wing Commander Suneet Krishna was bringing in a brand...
Astronomers from NASA and MIT think they have found a way to explain the vast zoo of jets blasting from black holes in some active galaxies.
*We Will Be Back * *Written by Free Gaza Team* 05 June 2010 (Photo LA Times) (Cyprus, June 5, 2010) Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the peaceful outcome to the operation when the...
*News media statement * *KIOWA TRIBE RECALLS CHAIRMAN * June 3, 2010—Don Tofpi was recalled and removed from office as Chairman of the Kiowa Business Committee by ballot vote of the Kiowa Indian Tribe. Th...
*By David Sugar* *Official statement of the ambassador of the provisional government of the Republic of Lakotah on the Gaza flotilla* *Photo Massacre at Wounded Knee* Mitakuye Oyasin (to all my relations)...
Pakistan has increase its defence spending by 17 per cent to $5.18 billion (442.2 billion rupees) for the 2010/11 fiscal year (July-June). Pakistani government has projected to increase its total tax reven...
For those pushing for gender parity in the forces, there is a mixed bag of news. Women Indian Air Force (IAF) officers can now serve their full term, made possible by a Delhi High Court order in March that...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*When you pay with barrels of oil* instead of printed proxy money on worthless paper, it is easy to buy yourself to your heart's desire. And why not? Let me try to explain... That is what we see (and envy...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOzR3UAyXao *With the infamous Bilderberg Group* having their annual cabal in a red hot Sitges, Spain, I have nothing to add to this humor... Make yourself a cozy,...
. Gerald Caplan, G&M: *The Harper government, women’s rights and the cost of speaking out* The Tories are playing punishment politics with Canada’s progressive NGOs – and eroding civil society in the proc...
*Gaza activists executed by Israelis* http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6536MF20100604 (Reuters) - Nine Turkish activists killed in an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship were shot a total of 30 time...
*Israeli soldiers shot US teen with video camera in the face four times and once in the chest on flotilla * ** *Turkey Buries Flotilla's U.S. Teen * http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704080104...
Turkish Aerospace Industries has selected Microtecnica to provide the environmental control system for its new Hurkus primary and basic trainer.Ankara contracted TAI in March 2006 to develop the tandem-sea...
China's J-15 carrier-based fighter will not be able to compete with Russia's Su-33 fighter on global markets because it is inferior to the Russian aircraft, a Russian military analyst said on Friday. China...
Sikorsky Aerospace Services today announced that the U.S. State Department has accepted the first two modernized S-61TM aircraft that will support missions for the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan. Sikorsky Aer...
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Thursday he believed the Chinese military was thwarting efforts to improve military-to-military relations in an apparent split with the country's political leadership...
The UAE is approaching a milestone in its plans to purchase the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile system for an estimated US$7 billion (Dh25.71bn) from the US, according to officials from...
Taiwan is to test a missile for the first time that could hit Beijing, a report said Wednesday.The island's defence ministry immediately denied the report on the medium-range surface-to-surface missile, bu...
*Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea by Stephen Lendman *June 2, 2010 *Read full article: * http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2010/05/brave-israeli-commandos-slaughter-aid.html *Excerpts:* On Ma...
I wrote this for Mondoweiss: Two questions must be answered regarding the Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara. The first is whether the Israeli use of force was "lawful", and the other is whether the use of...
Computer experts are using mobile technology and a predictive software program to maximize travel time and fuel.
SpaceX, the darling of commercial space advocates and whipping boy of its foes, defied the odds Friday and sent a new rocket into orbit, a stunning achievement considering the company had to quickly recove...
A new way to grow copper nanowires in water could revolutionize the nanotech industry.
*SACRED PLACES CONVENTION FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES *Saturday, June 12—Sunday, June 13, 2010 Puvungna, California State University Long Beach RESERVE YOUR SPOT AT THE CONVENTION TODAY! Registration Deadline is...
Above, you'll see some of the top images of the week. Click on each one to explore the story behind it. If you didn't get a chance to catch all the latest Discovery News content this week, then be sure ...
A new study identified a molecule that makes hibernating marmots hungry. Scientists wonder if this same molecule be manipulated to change hunger patterns in humans too.
TECHNOLOGY - I am sorry, but I just can't hop up and down over the new Apple iPad. If we want to get technical Hewlett-Packard came out with roughly the same product 3 years ago but discontinued it due to ...
It's either time to take a shower or replace your safety helmet.
A company already has a couple inflatable habitats in orbit. And soon a space taxi service could help you get there.
Consumer Reports found worrisome levels of three heavy metals in mass marketed protein drinks.
Astronomers at the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg and the University of Cologne waited ten years to catch stars in the Milky Way's densest cluster moving enough to measure.
Remote-controlled submarines installed the cap in BP's most recent attempt to contain the oil leak.
In the new movie "Splice," a human-animal hybrid terrorizes people. In real life, scientists argue mixing human and animal cells could save lives.
*Today: Webstreaming of license withdrawal hearing at Yucca Mountain From: Ian Zabarte *The NRC ASLBP Construction Authorization Board will be holding Oral Arguments at the Las Vegas Hearing Facility on th...
China has ruled out a stopover by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who had hoped to make improved military ties with Beijing the centerpiece of his trip to Asia this week.Gates leaves Wednesday for an ...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The word 'manipulate' was used by Edward Bernays to describe how big corporations, like BP and Exxon, should harness the 'organized habits and opinions of the masses...
By Paul J. Weber The 1,000th American service member killed in Afghanistan was born on the Fourth of July. He died several days before Americans honor fallen troops on Memorial Day.Marine Cpl. Jacob C. Lei...
A Royal Marine has been killed in a blast in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has said.The incident took place on Wednesday and the soldier's next of kin have been informed.He was killed in an explosio...
Hailed as "the Pompeii of the Etruscans," the discovery gives an unprecedented look at the daily lives of this ancient people.
Afghan commandos, backed by Coalition advisers and air support, have retaken a district in eastern Afghanistan that had been captured by the Taliban last weekend. More than 200 Afghan commandos “assisted b...
Last year's contract on the delivery of six Kilo class diesel submarines to Vietnam, worth a total of $3.2 billion, is the largest deal in the history of Russian exports of naval equipment, a Russian magaz...
Air Marshal (Retd) Bhushan Nilkanth Gokhale, a fighter pilot and a former vice-chief of IAF, will head the Court of Inquiry (CoI) into the Mangalore air crash set up by the government on Thursday. Making t...
With Army chief General V K Singh meeting home minister P Chidambaram after the latest incident involving Maoists on Friday, the armed forces are finalizing action plans to meet any contingency if their ro...
India is set to finalise a missile co-development project with France to manufacture a new range of Short Range Surface to Air Missiles (SRSAM) for the armed forces. The joint project, which will involve t...
Steven Spielberg's team is looking for actors and extras for a new dinosaur-themed series. Find out how to submit your photo and resume.
New video footage shows a brown pelican 'choking to death on oil' near the site of the Gulf spill.
*Ann Wright Released from Israeli Prison *http://www.starbulletin.com/news/breaking/95555439.html *The search for Ann Wright* By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Every hour, ...
Ecuador's Tungurahua has been the scene of one heck of a volcanic show.
On the day Hubble releases further analysis of the impact that scarred Jupiter in 2009, the same discoverer, Anthony Wesley, witnesses a second impact fireball in the Jovian atmosphere.