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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, June 11, 2010

11 June - Reading the RSS SnapShot!

Victoria and Emma on poles in Spice Girls conc...Image via Wikipedia

Stupid Obama
( Tiring of the drivel repeated about people capable of clawing their way to the top of the dunghill ...I quietly call bullshit..in comments )

How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack
It was clear from the moment news of the flotilla attack emerged that Israel was taking extreme steps to suppress all evidence about what happened other than its own official version.  They detained the flotilla passengers and barred the media from speaking with them, thus, as The NYT put it, "refusing to permit journalists access to witnesses who might contradict Israel's version of events."  They detained the journalists who were on the ship for days and seized their film, video and cameras.  And worst of all, the IDF -- while still refusing to disclose the full, unedited, raw footage of the incident -- quickly released an extremely edited video of their commandos landing on the ship, which failed even to address, let alone refute, the claim of the passengers:  that the Israelis were shooting at the ship before the commandos were on board.
This campaign of suppression and propaganda worked to shape American media coverage (as state propaganda campaigns virtually always work on the gullible, authority-revering American media).  The edited IDF video was shown over and over on American television without question or challenge.  Israeli officials and Israel-devoted commentators appeared all over television -- almost always unaccompanied by any Turkish, Palestinian or Muslim critics of the raid -- to spout the Israeli version without opposition.  Israel-centric pundits in America claimed, based on the edited IDF video, that anyone was lying who even reported on the statements of the passengers that Israeli fired first.  In sum, that the Israelis used force only after the passengers attacked the commandos became Unquestioned Truth in American discourse.
( Rule One in Propaganda : Lie First!

The Images Israel Didn’t Want Seen: Video and Photographs from the Gaza-Bound Aid Flotilla

CAMERA : Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Media Outlets

Israel's Ambassador: After Flotilla, It's No More Mister Nice Guy And Israel Switches on Armenian Genocide

Gazans hit hard by blockade
Legitimate businesses have been replaced by a Hamas-controlled black market economy.

War on the World: Obama's Surge in State Terror
Most sentient beings have long recognized that murdering civilians in foreign countries -- especially through the cowardly methods of "secret war" -- is entirely counterproductive ... if your actual aim is to enhance America's national security by reducing violent extremism and hatred for the United States, that is. However, if your aim is to perpetuate and expand a militarist empire and the bloated, brutal, corrupt, war-profiteering system that supports it, why then, secret war and civilian slaughter are perfectly logical and remarkably effective methods.

A Hard Sell

This is why 'catastrophic clusterfuck' simply won't do for describing Afghanistan anymore "The United States Defense Department has dismissed Wednesday's militant attack on a US convoy in Pakistan that destroyed about 60 trucks as "not going to have an effect" on overall operations in Afghanistan. ... However, with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops poised for a major offensive in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, the fiery and unprecedented developments on Wednesday morning on the outskirts of the capital Islamabad ought to be ringing alarm bells that NATO's main supply line is once again under threat after nearly a year of stability. ... More than 60% of non-fuel supplies and up to half of the fuel used by Western forces in Afghanistan passes through Pakistan."
Alert: Russia Orders Troops To Prepare For War With US
Reports circulating in the Kremlin today state that Prime Minister Putin [photo top left] has ordered Russian military forces to prepare to confront American military forces in Afghanistan over what Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov warns is the greatest threat to International peace and security, Afghanistan’s thriving drug trade supported by the US and NATO. 

Kosovo: drugs for Europe
Two years ago a joke was being circulated on the Runet that a heroin producer has recognized its distributor’s independence. It was about Afghanistan, which was to the first to recognize the independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo which had illegally separated from Yugoslavia.

Kosovo has since become a transit point for drugs, channelled from Asia to Europe. According to the Canadian detective Stewart Kellock, the Albanian drug mafia operates with the connivance of the United States. Mr. Kellock said in an interview that US diplomats prevent the detention in Kosovo of notorious drug traffickers. 

The Canadian detective also confirmed that Kosovo’s current Prime Minister Hashim Thaci leads the biggest Albanian mafia clan. 

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag
On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil
well control company.
The company deals with fires and blowouts on oil rigs and oil wells. It was responsible for putting out roughly one third of the more than 700 oil well fires set in Kuwait by retreating Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf War.
The deal itself is still under scrutiny with Boots and Coots facing an ongoing investigation into “possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of state law”
Where this information gets really interesting is with the fact that Halliburton is named in the majority of some two dozen lawsuits filed since the explosion by Gulf Coast people and businesses who claim that the company is to blame for the disaster.
Halliburton was forced to admit in testimony at a congressional hearing last month that it carried out a cementing operation 20 hours before the Gulf of Mexico rig went up in flames. The lawsuits claim that four Halliburton workers stationed on the rig improperly capped the well.
As the New York Times noted on May 26th, “BP officials chose, partly for financial reasons, to use a type of casing for the well that the company knew was the riskier of two options.”

Three decades of major oil spills

. An infographic from the oil spill timeline page of Iglu Cruises provides a visual comparison using data apparently sourced from the BBC.

Bhopal disaster verdicts spark outrage in India
Anger focused on the 25-year delay in the convictions, the perceived leniency of the sentences and the feeling that the “big fish” — the chief executive of the US parent group Union Carbide — had got away.

 Warning Signs Of Full Spectrum Collapse Are Everywhere
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Warning Signs Of Full Spectrum Collapse Are Everywhere
June 11, 2010
tags: China, economic decline, Zionist, USA, America, WARNING, United States, financial crisis, global economy, financial meltdown, Barack Obama, global recession, IMF, economic crisis, economic recession, Greece, economic meltdown, World Bank, US Dollar, globalists, economic collapse, Project 2012, Euro, Survivalism, Giordano Bruno, Warning Signs, international banks
by pakalert
3 Votes


By Giordano Bruno

The sovereign debt crisis in Greece and many other European nations has, at least for the moment, opened a gap in the wash of financial disinformation that has prevailed in the mainstream media for the past year. The average American is now more aware of the terrible costs of living in an artificially driven and widely manipulated “global economy”, and has also been exposed (at least for the moment) to the very real frailties in our own markets, which have been hidden or downplayed by the government as well as disingenuous establishment economists. Events in the EU, however, are only a glimpse of the greater and more imminent threats we face in the near future. In this article we will look at some of the latest and most disturbing moves by governments and financial institutions, as well as tell-tale signs in our own local cities, which signal that a full-spectrum collapse of world markets and possibly our own currency is not only in progress, but nearing completion.

Why Economic Advisors Are Paid To Be Economic Advisors
http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/06/09/why_economic_advisors_are_paid_to_be_ec onmic advisers

 They Gave Us a Republic
Molly Ivins wrote it decades ago: "Bankers as a group are stupid." Alleged Societe Generale "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel took "stratospheric" risks that almost brought down the bank, an ex-colleague told a court. Mr Kerviel, 33, is blamed for losses of 4.9bn euros (then worth £4.3bn). He has been under investigation since SocGen unveiled the losses in 2008, which it said were caused by unauthorised deals carried out by him. On trial in Paris, he denies accusations of forgery, breach of trust and unauthorised computer use."
Stop!  Don't piss the vicious fuckers off! One flick of a trade-balance finger and we're dead. "US politicians have repeated threats to impose trade sanctions on China if it continues to refuse to revalue its currency, the yuan. Both Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee warned US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that their patience was wearing thin. Mr Geithner said China's stance was impeding global economic reforms. The US has long complained that Beijing keeps the yuan undervalued against the US dollar to gain a trade advantage. Some analysts argue the yuan is undervalued by as much as 40%. Senator Charles Schumer, a leading Democrat, said he was confident a bill imposing sanctions on China would be passed successfully if needed."
Major cool science geek moment of the week With the help of high speed video, scientists have discovered that there is far more to bursting bubbles than meets the eye. Under the right conditions, a bursting bubble on a liquid surface does not simply vanish, but creates a perfect ring of tiny "daughter bubbles". This occurs as the ruptured bubble retracts into the liquid, forming a doughnut shape of trapped air. The scientists reported their discovery in the journal Nature. In the paper, the team described a "bubble-bursting cascade". "When one of these daughter bubbles ruptures, a ring of even smaller bubbles forms," the researchers wrote. Eventually, the daughter bubbles are sufficiently tiny that they rupture to form sharp "jets" that propel small aerosol droplets into the atmosphere. James Bird from Harvard University, who led the research, explained that his main interest was in the fundamental physics of how bubbles behave. But his discovery could eventually help to fine-tune many manufacturing processes. "Where small bubbles are detrimental, such as in glass manufacturing, our results provide insight into how the parameters might be tuned to reduce the daughter bubbles," Dr Bird explained."

HT  Galloping Beaver for the following
The Future Of America's Working Class
In Britain today white, working-class children now seem to do worse in school than immigrants. A 2003 Home Office study found white men more likely to admit breaking the law than racial minorities; they are also more likely to take dangerous drugs.

 Fred Reid,again
Mexico, if left alone, would be a reasonably successful and stable country of the upper Third World. It isn’t Haiti, isn’t Bangla Desh, isn’t a dying patient with multiple tubes in every orifice. If not strong-armed into chaos, it would be all right.

But the United States won’t leave it alone. 
( Must-see photo )

Short Bursts on a Long Road to Nowhere
Empire Burlesque
A Worker Writes
Roy Mayall spotlights the ever-growing inequalities in our best of all possible worlds -- disparities that will only grow vastly greater as the world's elites stoke bogus deficit panics to "justify" their shredding of the last remaining tiny mitigations against their brute power. From the London Review of Books:

Adam Crozier, the retiring chief executive [of Royal Mail], received more than £2.4m in the year 2009-10. With bonuses and pensions that figure rises to £3.5 million. ... I earn £8.98 an hour. I work a 20-hour week. I’d like to work more but there are no full-time jobs available. My basic pay is £177.28 a week, before deductions. That’s about £9200 a year. That means that I would have to work for nearly 380 years to earn as much as Adam Crozier earned last year.
Not that anyone cares, but more evidence has been found to refute the Obama Administration's farcical claim that it was uninvolved in a cruise missile attack that killed 52 people in Yemen last year, more than half of them women and children. The Independent reports:

Arthur Silber has one of the most cogent observations on the "Helen Thomas affair." excerpt 
For me, one of the more gut-wrenching aspects of today's monstrous culture, a culture that kills each and every manifestation of empathy, understanding and compassion with relentlessly systematic determination, is the combination of unending destruction, cruelty, violence and murder with the most abysmally wretched depths of stupidity.  

Echoes of Mengele: Medical Experiments, Torture and Continuity in the American Gulag
This is the language of power – unfiltered, unadorned, dispassionate, professional – discussing how best to inflict tortures on helpless captives without causing "long-term" damage that might be visible later:

The infamous Military Commissions Act was one of the more heinous legislative actions in last 25 years or more. When it passed, with the help of a dozen Democrats, one senator rose to make an impassioned protest against the measure. He railed against the draconian nature of the bill, which he said eliminated the ancient right of habeas corpus. He denounced the bill for "allowing this President - or any President - to decide what does and does not constitute torture." He lamented "the innocent people we may have accidentally rounded up and mistaken for terrorists - people who may stay in prison for the rest of their lives." He pointed to "a report authored by sixteen of our own government's intelligence agencies, a previous draft of which described, and I quote, "...actions by the United States government that were determined to have stoked the jihad movement, like the indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay..."  He summed up with a damning appraisal: "This is NOT how a serious Administration would approach the problem of terrorism."

Yes, as you've already guessed, that passionate dissenter was Senator Barack Obama. Yet you will notice that the Military Commissions Act is still in force; it received a few cosmetic changes in 2009, but it remains essentially intact, including the authoritarian powers of the president decried by the senator. Multitudes of captives remain locked up in the ever-swelling American gulag, which, although it has shifted its focus to Afghanistan, continues to include the still-unclosed, jihadi-stoking prison at Guantanamo Bay. The indefinite detention of prisoners has been eagerly championed by the senator turned president, who is seeking to entrench the practice deeply into American law. And once the young denouncer of the Bush approach to terrorism took power for himself, he quickly embraced that same approach almost in its entirety, defending its most egregious depredations – indefinite detention, illegal wiretapping, etc. – against all legal challenges, and even making personal assurances that no one from the previous administration would ever be prosecuted for instituting a vast apparatus of torture.

  Iran will revise UN nuclear watchdog ties
( After years of sanctions, Iran appears to have realized - like North Korea - that the NPT is more trouble than it's worth, thanks to the West using it as a scourge for those that try to comply with international nuclear 'arms' control. It has always been a ploy to sucker those who don't know the difference between fission and fusion technology. Even those who understand the extremely limited interface don't seem to publicly twig to Operation Bullshit. )

FM newswire for June 11, interesting articles about geopolitics
 Everyone but us smells the stench of hypocrisy in US foreign policy:  “U.S. demands civilian trials — except in the U.S.“, Glenn Greenwald, Salon
Beyond Iran Sanctions, Plans B, C, D and …“, David E. Sanger, New York Times, 10 June 2010

The President’s big stick (domestic): his National Emergency Powers

Why Police Don't Want to Enforce Immigration Law

Police who are required to look for illegal immigrants are going to find fewer drug dealers, murderers and rapists. You do the math.


Pollution solution

On the 10th anniversary of the Walkerton tragedy, an Acadia chemist has created an innovative system that could help prevent similar drinking-water contamination



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