What happens to child soldiers when the army they are fighting for loses the war? In Sri Lanka, some teenagers who fought for the Tamil Tigers have gone back to school, to be rehabilitated by an officer from the victorious government forces.
Poul Thorsen's Mutating Resume: Autism Vaccinegate
In bits and pieces, in Danish and English, from three universities in two hemispheres and the CDC in Atlanta, a picture has begun forming in the past few days that is already startling in its outline: Paul Thorsen, one of the key scientists involved in CDC-backed studies exonerating vaccines as a cause of autism, is under investigation for collecting millions of dollars in bogus “grant” money, misrepresenting himself to his employers and the world and possibly forging the documents that enabled the scam.
Even more astonishing, it appears the CDC and several other major autism research centers have known about this for months and stayed publicly silent, even as the debate over autism and vaccines has reached several decisive moments -- and a new decision is expected any day from U.S. vaccine court. The CDC in particular would have a hard time claiming ignorance about the suspected crime -- at least three of the forged documents were in the agency’s name, and it helped uncover the fraud last year.
In addition, several current CDC employees including Drs. Diana Schendel, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp and Catherine Rice were affiliated with Thorsen’s now-defunct research group. Age of Autism has obtained Internet-archived pages from the Web site of the North Atlantic Neuro-Epidemiology Alliances (NANEA) that list the members of the “Atlanta autism team” including Schendel, Yeargin-Allsopp and Rice, all of whom have been in leadership positions in the CDC’s autism epidemiology projects. Schendel is described as NANEA’s “coordinator at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA.”
Nigeria - lead poisoning kills 100 children in northhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/africa/10241647.stm
Dr Henry Akpan, the health ministry's chief epidemiologist, said: "[The victims] were digging for gold, but the areas also have large concentrations of lead."
Health authorities have set up two camps in the area to treat people who are suffering symptoms of lead poisoning.
Burma 'trying to build nuclear weapon'
( Pitiable headline hype )
Oren: Turkey has embraced the leaders of Iran and Hamas
Erdogan on Friday declared at a rally that Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but a resistance movement, according to the Istanbul-based daily Hürriyet.
Erdogan said that Hamas, the legitimate winner of the Palestinian elections, was fighting for its land.
“You are always talking about democracy. You’ll never let Hamas rule. What kind of democracy is this?” he said, apparently addressing the Israeli leadership.
“I do not think that Hamas is a terrorist organization,” Erdogan was quoted as saying. “They are Palestinians in resistance, fighting for their own land.”
The Boreal Forest: part of a global warming fraud of gigantic proportions?
In autumn 2007, the Canadian government withdrew 200 million hectares of managed forests from accounting under the Kyoto protocol for the 2008-2012 commitment period with no publicity in a move that strongly suggests the notion that a fraud of gigantic global proportions is being perpetrated by certain governments with the help of the UN.
policy drive knowledge.
The „elite“ use institutions, academic bodies and govenrment bodies to generate the „knowledge“ that they wish to disseminate through their controlled media and which allows them to shape public opinion in such a way that it favours their political and financial benefit.
In this way, the „elite“ persuade us we are facing problems that do not exist and that we must accept their policy frameworks.
The key political and economics issues that we are confronted are fictional. There is no man made global warming, no danger of a pandemic, no terrorist attack on 9/11, no oil shortage and no financial crisis.
The „elites“ maintain that global warming is a clear and present danger and the world must accept a mechanism for enforcing carbon emissions reductions administed by the UN.
But there is no need for such counting let alone enforcing a reduction in carbon emissions when it comes to Canada’s forests and the oil and tar sands, of course!