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Learn moreGPS technology can now be used to keep track of where visitors are going in a location like an amusement park.
Not all lasers produce light. This new technology is actually designed to reduce it.
"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? ...
The government may have decided not to draft it for the anti-naxal offensive, but the Indian Army has started preparing for the possibility of being called upon to tackle what Prime Minister Manmohan Singh...
If seeing is believing, this picture comes as sweet relief to a satellite operations team in Japan that has been overseeing the flight of an experimental solar sailing spacecraft.
India and South Korea will discuss the contours of a bilateral civilian nuclear deal and map out steps to achieve a $30 billion trade when the foreign ministers of the two countries hold talks in Seoul on ...
Crater formation is a a mysterious science, and one we won't get a good handle on until man returns to the pripristine craters of thelunar landscape.
Defense Minister Kim Tae-young said Tuesday that South Korea and the United States have postponed joint naval exercises again as the two allies are stepping up diplomatic efforts to censure North Korea for...
By Jung Sung-ki Cutting its teeth on component manufacturing and licensed production of U.S. weapons over the past decades, South Korea has emerged as a global arms developer, the head of the nation’s weap...
A squadron of F-4D Phantom fighter jets conducted its last flight Wednesday, ending its 41 years of service with the ROK Air Force. A ceremony for the decommissioning of the aircraft was held at the 11th F...
Russia is ready to participate in a tender to offer Turkey S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, the state-controlled arms exporter said on Wednesday.The advanced version of the S-300 missile sys...
Fresh off the successful debut flight of the Falcon 9 rocket, Space Exploration Technologies nailed a contract worth nearly $500 million to launch a network of communication satellites for Iridium.
When it comes to green funerals, cremation actually has some serious environmental downsides. Now funerary experts are developing new techniques to bring humans closer to the Earth once we've left it. A wa...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 15 hours ago
*Soccer World Championship in South-Africa*. I am no soccer fan, sorry folks. I am more fascinated by Nature, as you might know. The left picture I made when I was in SA a few years ago. I possibly couldn'...
It’s rare to catch a dog fighter in the middle of an actual fight, so when investigators are trying to convict suspected dog fighters, they need all the evidence they can get. That’s where DNA and -- even ...
Everyone knows air pollution is bad for us. But we might be losing sleep over it, literally, and suffering serious health problems as a result.
Scientists determined that the "Green Revolution" was greener than previously thought, preventing hundreds of billions of tons of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere.
Scientists experiment with using airport body scanners for a less controversial purpose: screening ancient mummies.
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CENSORED NEWS - 19 hours ago
Click on image to enlarge. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
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CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News *Photo 1: Schools for Chiapas, where Mayans oppose using genetically modified seeds which damage heritage crops* *Photo 2: Navajo Farming, ...
TECHNOLOGY - Imagine if by 2050 we could cut pollution levels in half? Or have extra housing and food for 3 billion inhabitants? Now I am not saying it will happen any time soon, but the colonization of M...
In case you need one more reason to hit the gym today, here it is.
...zzzZZZ* ...Woke up early this morning, to find that I left my radio on. Seems like the most interesting news is usually in the wee hours, as I listen to Bill Press on Air America KPOJ AM. Bill is inte...
Adding a small amount of fertilizer to weeds can make them tastier to hungry animals.
In the animal kingdom, a male's vocalizations are sometimes are tied to physical strength. Human men turn out to fit that phenomenon perfectly.
TECHNOLOGY - Research In Motion (the makers of the BlackBerry) is coming out with a tablet device to serve as a larger-screen companion to its BlackBerry phone, as well as a smartphone with a slide-out key...
*MNN: MANIFEST DESTINY TO MANIFEST INSANITY * ** *Mohawk Nation News* MNN. June 14, 2010. Arizona’s image is taking a well-deserved beating over its racial profiling and...
*Aboriginal people protest at Canadian government's first "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" forum in Winnipeg, demand real inquiry into Indian residential schools* Winnipeg: June 16, 2010 By Hidden f...
As NASA scientists issue fresh warnings about the hazard of a massive solar storm neutralizing our power grids, how can we mitigate the effects of a solar onslaught?
A new kind of fossilized dinosaur skin may help sort out real dino hide fossils from skin-like features in rocks.
About 25 percent of people experience flavors more vibrantly than everyone else.
Pakistan is seeking advanced U.S. attack helicopters and other weapons as part of a comprehensive arms package to bolster preparations for what its military is calling a "silent surge" of more than 100,000...
Technical talks on the sale of Rafale fighters to the United Arab Emirates are wrapping up, Defence Minister Herve Morin said Tuesday, adding that France was likely to pick up part of modernisation costs.M...
Turkey will launch urgent talks to buy nine A129 Mangusta attack helicopters from the Italian-British manufacturer AgustaWestland to fight separatist Kurds operating in an area near the country's borders ...
Israeli defense industries have recalled employees from Turkey amid growing concerns that they could be targeted in retaliation for the botched naval raid on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla two weeks ago.Accor...
G&M : Harper wants NDP to fire deputy Libby Davies for criticism of Israel CBC : Calls for NDP MP to resign after Israel comments Star : Libby Davies in hot water for anti-Israel comments What a complet...
This, like, sorry excuse for a human being has an ego bigger than the national deficit. His plans for a teabagger happening by the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC , IMO, should be dealt with in the sam...
The country has been called "the Saudi Arabia of lithium," but the label is just plain wrong, for a number of reasons.
As excitement builds for an upcoming announcement about the discovery of hundreds more exoplanet candidates, why is the Kepler team holding back some data from other scientists?
Using the Keck Observatory, astronomers have spotted the material falling onto a star a few hundred light years away.
Whale waste is rich in iron so it stimulates the growth of phytoplankton, which then serve as carbon traps.
Russia and India might establish a joint venture to produce navigation equipment for GPS and its Russian equivalent Glonass, the head of the Russian federal satellite navigation operator said on Tuesday.Gl...
Russia is facing a very challenging task to modernize its naval forces. To achieve this, the country’s experts are working on a program for military and civil ship building. To launch a series of Severodvi...
Indian Army is refusing to play ball with human rights activists amidst rising clamour to dilute or altogether scarp the contentious Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), a senior General, in-charge of ...
Russia on Tuesday launches a new nuclear-powered multipurpose attack submarine after a short delay caused by technical reasons, the Sevmash shipyard said.The construction of the Severodvinsk, the first Pro...
South Korea aims to have two new, advanced signals-intelligence aircraft flying near North Korea by 2014, procurement and industry sources say.Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea's only aircraft maker...
A MiG-21 fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force on Tuesday crashed near Halwara air base in Punjab, but the pilot bailed out safely.The crash took place at around 11.15 hours just outside the Sidwan Khas...
If you've seen one minute of the World Cup matches, you know what a vuvuzela is. If you're watching without sound, the video below is a primer on what they are and why they'll eventually annoy you: Since v...
If Dutch speakers and francophones can't get along, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Large-scale batteries could help even out the electrical highs and lows in a future power grid that depends on intermittent wind and solar energy.
Those annoying 3D glasses will soon be obsolete, as you can watch 3D movies in your own living room without the glasses.
Some studies suggest that creatures at the base of the food chain in the Gulf could be devastated by the oil-dispersing chemicals.
A more than 30-year-long case of mistaken identity has just been resolved.
How guanine, one of the four building blocks of RNA, came to exist has long been a mystery. The answer may be ultraviolet light.
*CARIBBEAN “JUMP OUT” SQUADS * *Mohawk Nation News* ** ** MNN. Jan. 19, 2010. In a revealing exchange with Grok, we agreed the US economy may soon be going over the edge. ...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Watering down what you intend to write* is that the way modern journalism works? Isn't investigative journalism a part of the media-landscape that holds up the true spirit of the profession: *to educate, ...
Scientists believe that 3.5 billion years ago Mars hosted an ocean that covered one third of the planet's surface.
Researchers say they've proved that superstition improves performance.
Splitting the Sky comments on his trial verdict from ICTV Victoria on Vimeo. *Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark supports Mohawk Splitting the Sky in attempted citizen's arrest of war criminal George...
Anti-tank missile Nag on Sunday was successfully test-fired from the Army's Field Firing Range at Shamirpet, near here. This time it hit a moving object. Last Sunday (June 6), it destroyed a stationary tar...
Dzirkaln has confirmed that Russia will finish delivering Pantsir-S1 short-range air defense systems to the United Arab Emirates by late 2010."This year the delivery will be completed. Two more shipments o...
The Indo-French Air Exercise began today at Istres Air Base in Southern France. The fourth round of Air Exercise ‘GARUDA’ which began today would conclude on 25 of Jun 2010. During the Ex Garuda, the India...
India's nuclear deterrence lacks capability and the country needs to build up its stockpile of fissile material to correct this, a leading defence analyst said. "We need to build up our fissile material st...
Russia will carry out its next test launch of the troubled Bulava ballistic missile in the third quarter of the year, a deputy defense minister said on Monday."In the third quarter launches will resume. Th...
The Obama administration may have yet to bridge a trust deficit with the Indian government but cooperation is galloping in the military sphere. In a first of its kind, three crewmembers from India's indige...
The Navy today deployed four of its Dornier patrol-cum-transport aircraft in Singapore for a four-day coordinated surveillance in the waters where Indian warships are currently operating."Four Dornier have...
More than 2,000 pages of documents detail the threats that plagued Kennedy throughout his 47-year Senate career.
Briefs that have carbon-based electrodes screenprinted onto the fabric act as biosensors to measure blood pressure, heart rate and other vital signs.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Ominous signals come from Iceland again!* We have experience now with direful signals from its volcanoes. When the Eyjafjallajokull volcano started its eruption on March 20, 2010, nobody had thought about...
The Canada-Colombia-how-much-for-the-little-girl?-Free Trade Investment Agreement, or Bill C2, will pass third reading later today just as Martha Hall Findlay begins to get the feeling back in her lower ja...
An investigation has found that Japan not only pays countries to vote in favor of whaling, but offers other "encouragements," including prostitutes for delegates to the International Whaling Commission.
As part of the White House's Open Government Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy has opened an online portal for the public to learn all the heart-wrenching details available about the oil spill in t...
Planes flying through certain clouds can seed them, causing snow, rain, and spectacular "hole-punch" cloud formations.
The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is healing wounded sea turtles with a sweet treatment: honey.
Afghanistan appears to have hit the geological jackpot.
A Queensland, Australia teenager recently unearthed a Dinosaur Era marine reptile in his school's vegetable garden.
A region of unusually warm water in the eastern Atlantic Ocean is one reason we might be in for a big hurricane season.
The rate of birth defects among children conceived with the help of assisted reproduction was twice as high as for those conceived without.
During the Dinosaur Era, fearsome predatory reptiles reigned over the oceans. Now new research shows they were warm blooded, so they were even more formidable than previously thought.
CANADA - Ontarians are currently paying 13% HST (Harmonized Sales Tax), which contains within it 5% GST (Goods & Services Tax) and 8% PST (Provincial Sales Tax). However the governing Liberal party in Onta...
Liberal MP Martha Hall Findlay stood three separate times in the House on Friday to beg the Cons for recognition of the "important work" the Liberal Party had done to ensure the expected passage of the Can...
Tracking the 20,000 or so probes, rocket bodies and other objects whizzing around the planet is no easy task.
The growing influence of China in Sri Lanka, which may upset New Delhi’s geo-political interests in South Asia, appears to have compelled the South Block weigh the pros and cons of removing restrictions on...
ELTA Systems Ltd., a group and subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI/ELTA) has been awarded a $57 million (USD) contract from a foreign customer to supply its Long Range Air Defense Radar EL/...
By Ora Coren The brakes have been put on talks between Israel Aerospace Industries and Russia over sales and the joint production of unmanned aerial vehicles, according to Israeli defense sources who wish ...
*Zapatista Corn at the World Beat Center in San Diego is Attacked! / ¡Arrancaron el maíz zapatista* *Zapatista Corn at the World Beat Center in San Diego is Attacked! Replanting Celebration Planned for Ju...
A stunning video of Hayabusa's atmospheric re-entry has been released. The footage was taken by an airborne laboratory inside a converted DC-8 jetliner, showing the speeding capsule and spacecraft break-up.
Security compound near Deerhurst Resort for the two day G8 bunfest. Portable trailers and a 'lake'! Those tiny dots at the lower left are cars. Wouldn't it be cheaper to hold these things at the UN? .
A Swiss researcher developed low-cost solar cells that can be placed in windows, for which he received the Millennium Technology Prize.
To provide more teeth to its coastal security and surveillance capabilities, the Navy will induct two more water jet propelled Fast Attack Craft (FACs) in Visakhapatnam by this month-end.The two FACs, buil...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 4 days ago
*Linux Mint 9 (Isadora)* is like any similar earlier Mint version based on Ubuntu groundwork. It says to improve upon that. It took me a while to compare both Ubuntu 10.04 and Mint 9 in my new office produ...
Russian aircraft holding Sukhoi has no plans to sign additional agreements creating a joint venture with its Indian partners in the production of a fifth-generation fighter, the general director said on Fr...
TWO planes fly parallel to each other, their wing tips just 300m apart.Each then crosses the other's flight path, and starts climbing swiftly.This thrilling move, called the shackle manoeuvre, will be perf...
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmoleste...
BY MATTHEW FISHER The Canadian air force is planning to withdraw all of its helicopters from Afghanistan within a few weeks of the end of Canada's combat mission next July, the air force general responsibl...
On Sunday, JAXA's Hayabusa mission will return to Earth after a dramatic seven years in space. But will it contain those precious asteroid particles?
CANADA - And definitely not for people who are uninformed. The Canadian housing market is red hot right now. Interest rates are still at record lows, the economy is booming and if you wanted to buy a house...
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
June 16, 2010
June 15, 2010
June 14, 2010