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Learn morePedaling at 10 miles per hour for 20 minutes provides an hour of talk time.
The search is on for Youtube impressario and PMO Director of Disinformation Dimitri Soudas. . A House of Commons bailiff seeking to serve Soudas and another staffer with a summons to appear before the Et...
Another breakthrough in brain-computer interface technology allows a person's brain to directly control the actions of a robot.
Associated Press *Furkan Dogan, 19-year-old student born in Troy, N.Y.. was shot in the forehead by Israeli soldiers on the Freedom Flotilla bound with aid to Palestine.* Dogan's father told Turkey's state...
A new computer simulation shows that currents could whip oil out of the Gulf of Mexico and up the east coast of the US within weeks.
This idea is so simple and seemingly workable that surely anyone at BP who knows about it must be having a "DUH" moment.
Great Ape Trust is celebrating the rare birth of a baby bonobo.
On the hypothesis that we might have been visited long ago, could there be alien artifacts left behind, perhaps abandoned in solar orbit?
Six volunteers will embark on an unprecedented simulation intended to mimic the timescale of a Mars mission.
If you were to eat only foods advertised on TV, you would get more than 20 times the recommended fat and sugar.
Since the cut was irregular, fitting the cap snugly over the leak could prove all the more challenging.
CANADA/TECHNOLOGY - The last time Canadian copyright laws were updated cassette tapes were still popular. Its been a long time coming. VCRs, VHS tapes, audio tapes... they're all pretty much obsolete now. ...
Robots, probes and technology prototypes could help astronauts explore destinations beyond our moon.
CARS - Honda's operations in China are going back to work today after 3 weeks of striking workers demanding a "living wage". They eventually got a 24% wage increase, but its a sign of growing unrest in Chi...
It maneuvers like a hummingbird in a blur of rapid, controlled precision.
CANADA - A parliamentary committee looking into the Rahim Jaffer affair had to eject Transport Minister John Baird when he and two other Conservative cabinet ministers showed up uninvited and began disrupt...
POLITICS - Yesterday a 52-year-old taxi driver Derrick Bird went on a shooting rampage and killing 12 people and injuring 25 more in the quiet region of Cumbria west of Newcastle. He began by shooting peop...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 11 hours ago
*What seems like science-fiction might hold true*! Ever compared the surfaces of the Earth, Venus and Mars? Not seen something remarkable? What about the Siberian Traps? What about similar surface anomalie...
Researchers scouring a remote South Pacific island describe clues that Amelia Earhart may have struggled to survive there after an emergency landing.
What happens to technology after it’s had its 15-minutes of fame?
A modified salad spinner works as a battery-free centrifuge that can process blood samples to test for anemia in impoverished countries.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy BP is busted. Penalties already assessed BP exceed 60 $billion. The cost of the cleanup will run about $760m but that figure was 'operative' before the last failed a...
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
*US citizen, 19, murdered by Israeli soldiers on aid ship, victims executed at close range* Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com *New York Times:* http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/04/world/middle...
In a major embarrassment for the Army, a Lieutenant General has been forced to resign following allegations of sexual misconduct against him by the wife of an officer during a visit abroad last month. Army...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Indian counterpart S.M. Krishna will meet in Washington this week (June 2 and 3) to lay the groundwork for a visit to India that President Obama plans to mak...
Liberal Chair Yasmin Ratansi struggled to maintain order at the Government Operations Committee yesterday after Transport Minister John Baird, flanked by the Ministers of Asbestos and Creationism, showed...
The color and glue trade could have been a blossoming industry some 58,000 years ago.
Part One. Part Two is up at The Real News Network, with Part Three to come. Canadian journalist and film maker Paul Jay was the creator and producer of Counterspin with host Avi Lewis, the gutsiest CBC n...
Russia will supply Su-30 Flanker fighters and Yak-130 Mitten trainer/light attack jets to Algeria in 2011, the deputy head of the Russian Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation, Vyacheslav Dzir...
Taiwan hopes to maintain air operations in the event of a military conflict with China by using vertical and short take-off and landing aircraft.VSTOL fighters would allow Taiwan to maintain fighter operat...
After racing ahead of India in ballistic and cruise missiles, with covert help from China and North Korea, Pakistan seems to be surging ahead on the nuclear front too. A series of recent estimates by inter...
The dream of having a supersonic fighter jet of indigenous built came one step closer to realisation today when the Limited Series Production Tejas aircraft (LSP-4) took off from the Hindustan Aeronautics ...
A Naval pilot was killed and three others injured today when the helicopter in which they were travelling hit a high-tension electric wire and crashed into a rivulet near Visakhapatnam, the headquarters of...
Calling the hole in the capital city a "sinkhole" is a misunderstanding that masks a much more dangerous reality for over a million people who live in the area.
CANADA - The 2010 IABC World Conference is happening in Toronto on June 6th to 9th. The IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) is for PR agencies, advertisers, graphic designers, market...
WiFi-sniffing technology turns your cell phone or laptop into a virtual GPS, which Google can use to locate you right down to your exact latitude and longitude.
Man has created a dangerous world for poor, unsuspecting fish. Now, man has also created a robot to guide the creatures away from peril.
African albinos are being murdered and dismembered because of belief in magic and witchcraft.
These seemingly inebriated birds are presenting a mystery for veterinarians struggling to explain their behavior.
Tsunami modeling technology has made huge strides in recent years, and scientists are learning a lot from the Chilean tsunami that rippled through the Pacific Ocean in February.
Peter Kinloch's team was forced to make a tragic decision: leave him behind or die themselves.
CANADA - Workers in Mississauga's transportation and works department were routinely (2 to 4 times per week) tied up with duct tape, spanked, tortured and humiliated at the command of their supervisor. Od...
This story was written by Estella Claymore and is copyright Native Sun News. Photo by Estella Claymore/ Native Sun News. RAPID CITY—“No Justice, No Peace”. “Unity and Justice go hand in hand”. These phr...
Seafood lovers can take comfort in the fact that oil has yet to have a major impact on catches in the Gulf -- at least for now.
BP has tried and failed repeatedly to halt the flow of the oil, and the latest attempt like others has never been tried before a mile beneath the ocean.
Measuring vodka's microstructure could serve as an all-purpose quality control measure.
By embedding a nano-sized transistor inside a cell-like membrane, scientists link humans and machines more intimately than ever.
A pair of digitally enhanced gloves were built to play the piano on any hard surface.
Indigenous Peoples, including Tohono O'odham and O'otham from Gila River and Salt River, were among those protesting Arizona's racist legislation on Saturday. Photo copyright Holly Metz. Censored news rep...
*Border Patrol HQ Occupiers Call for Direct Action Support* Press statement Scuckson (Occupied Territories of Tucson, AZ) -- On June 1, 2010 at 8:30AM (MST) the 6 peaceful resisters who locked down and occ...
Electric vehicles are turning a corner, and they're doing it at a high rate of speed!
Squirrels aren't so anti-social, after all. Researchers find that they'll adopt orphaned pups.
This is the NIMR II with the MBDA-Rheinmetall automated turret Ali al Dhaheri could not have known he was trailblazing an indigenous defence industry for the UAE when he set up Adcom Systems in the late 19...
Bulent Arinc, Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister have said that Ankara was withdrawing its ambassador to Israel and announced Turkey has cancelled three joint military exercises scheduled to be held with Isra...
Turkey’s Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul said on Tuesday a diplomatic crisis with Israel after the Jewish state stormed a Turkish-backed aid convoy will not affect the planned delivery of Israel-made Heron dr...
Russia will transfer its Nerpa nuclear-powered attack submarine for a 10 year-lease to India in the autumn, the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation has said. "The trainin...
The Army’s image is set to take a further beating with an ongoing tussle between two senior lieutenant generals of the Indian Army over appointment to the top post of the tri-services Director General of A...
The government has ruled out any women officers post for the select paramilitary forces even as a significant number of women were recently recruited in lower ranks of some of the border guarding forces. T...
A single gecko has just multiplied by four, since scientists have determined "it" actually represents four different species.
Posted by Brenda Norrell - June 2, 2010 at 7:18 am By Brenda Norrell/Narcosphere http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/brenda-norrell/2010/06/obama-fails-humanity-response-israels-attack-aid-ships *UPDA...
Bradley Burston is a senior editor at Haaretz; his blog is A Special Place in Hell The Second Gaza War : Israel lost at sea We are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege, which is its...
Last week the New York Academy of Sciences hosted a packed house in its auditorium overlooking Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, to celebrate the release of Voyage to the Heart of the Matter, a pop-up book b...
Some folks are falling for the claim that Israel's attack was in "self-defense". And even many of those who are not buying the Israeli propaganda are distracted by some details about the proportionality of...
POLITICS - *"In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."* - Peter's Principle. In the case of British Petroleum, the level of incompetence is so ingrained the only competent...
CANADA - Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney may have to pay back $2 million CDN he was awarded in a 1997 libel settlement now that its been revealed he withheld information and lied while under oath when...
Lou Reed and his composer wife, Laurie Anderson, are planning a high-frequency concert for dogs.
CANADA - The Bank of Canada has raised its influential overnight interest rate to 0.5%, up from 0.25%, despite reports that Canada's household debt is skyrocketing. The Canadian economy is expected to gro...
*Copper Union student loses eye in West Bank Protest *http://gothamist.com/2010/06/01/cooper_union_student_loses_eye_in_w.php A 21-year old American student at Cooper Union lost an eye after getting hit in ...
AP video Published on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 by The Guardian/UK *Israelis Opened Fire Before Boarding Gaza Flotilla, say Released Activists* First eyewitness accounts of raid contradict version put out by I...
*Pro-Palestinian activists to make second attempt to break Gaza blockade **Pro-Palestinian activists said they would make a second attempt to break the blockade on Gaza despite the loss of life on Monday. ...
Six new animals found in Antarctica look more flora than fauna.
Israeli farmers are redefining our perception of food with mini watermelons and worm-shaped berries.
M/S MAVI MARMARA is the ship where the latest Israeli massacre took place. I think the most important fact related to the Israeli attack is the location of the ship. The ship was in international waters, n...
A new pterosaur, named after the mythological Phoenix, has been unearthed in the Sahara desert.
An unusually long-lasting drought plagued early colonists of the first permanent British settlement in North America.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcBrfe1a8QY *I am still alive*, yet my computer gave up under this sudden heatwave (37C/98F). Currently I am installing Mint-9, so expect me back tomorrow June 2....
The induction ceremony of two modified P3C Orion aircraft acquired from the United States was held at the Pakistan Navy Base Mehran here on Tuesday.Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Noman Bashir, was the c...
*** IN COLD BLOOD: US Demands Coverup of Israeli Murder of Humanitarians on Aid Ships * UK GUARDIAN: US says Israel should lead investigation into attack on Gaza flotilla *Turkey's demands for internationa...
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico pales in comparison to epic scale of pollution in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, one of the richest oil and gas-producing regions in the world.
FASHION - Is sexy still profitable... or is there such a thing as being too sexy? American Apparel, in the business of selling everything from sexy socks to sexy shirts for 21 years, is going kaput. With ...
A new digital library brings some of the world's most incredible tales of adventure and survival at sea available with the click of your mouse.
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag... we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here o...
One reason why "The Exorcist" and "The Shining" scared audiences so much is that both had a lot of animal screaming in the soundtracks.
ENVIRONMENT - BP's out-of-control Gulf of Mexico oil spill is costing America billions of dollars per day in clean up costs and lost revenue... and due to the failure of the recent "Top Kill" method of try...
*World must take a stand against Israel * Bassam Dally/The Australian ISRAEL'S murder of the human rights activists on the MV Samoud on Monday brings into focus its policy of disregard for human lives and d...
Forty-two days into the worst oil spill in U.S. history, somewhere between 500,000 and 780,000 barrels of oil, possibly more, have contaminated the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.The biggest one happened in ...
Dear all, I used windows movie maker to make this video (using Eagle Rock photos) with Drew Nelson's song and added section to promote rally at Michigan Capitol this Thursday. Once my high definition vi...
As Florida's limestone dissolves away to make a Swiss cheese-like ground, the state is buoying higher on Earth's mantle.
*** Intercontinental Cry: **Underreported Struggles * In this month's Underreported Struggles: Eagle Rock Defenders camp 'crushed' by Police; Indigenous People call on FARC, army to leave their territory; ...
The Alaotra Grebe, once found on the island of Madagascar, has been declared extinct because of a carnivorous, invasive fish.
After closely examining the ongoing refit work on Admiral Gorshkov in Russia, the Navy is now confident the aircraft carrier will be ready for harbour trials by early-2011 to ensure it can be handed over t...
As part of its plan to arm paramilitary troops, including those operating in Naxal-hit areas, with high-tech weapons, government has sanctioned procurements of armoured and bullet proof vehicles besides ar...
India and the United States begin their first strategic dialogue on Wednesday with both sides keen to move beyond symbolism to concretise cooperation in areas ranging from energy, agriculture, science and ...
About 35 years after five soldiers were sacked and jailed in the Samba Spy Case, the Armed Forces Tribunal today asked the Army to produce their court martial documents, raising their hopes of clearing the...
Greece on Monday called off a joint air force exercise with Israel after Israeli commandos stormed a flotilla bound to the Gaza Strip, leaving at least nine dead and several injured in an operation condemn...
Russia may export 232 new multi-role fighters worth over $10 billion in 2010-2013, a Russian think tank reported on Monday."A total of 821 fighter jets worth $53.3 billion will be sold on world markets in ...
Astronomers have discovered the origin of mysterious hydrogen clouds that lie outside the Milky Way's disk.
Leon Foucault's original 1851 pendulum has been irreparably damaged after the heavy brass bob's cable snapped, sending a piece of physics history crashing through the Musee des Arts et Metiers floor.
*Israel attacks humanitarian relief, Gaza Freedom Flotilla* The Hindu newspaper reports 20 humanitarians killed by Israeli soldiers http://www.thehindu.com/2010/06/01/stories/2010060156320100.htm *The Free ...
20 YEARS AFTER MOHAWK OKA CRISIS Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews.com/ MNN. Sep. 15, 2009. July 11, 2010, will be twenty years since the Canadian military attacked the Mohawk Nation at Kane...
"Sack tapping" is the latest supposed threat that parents should be worried about. But is the danger real or hyped?
Proteins in coffee beans could make an excellent insecticide.
120th locally manufactured K-8E Karakorum training aircraft was handed over to the Egyptian Air Force (EAF) in a ceremony under the Sino-Egyptian co-production program for the K-8E. Chinese Aviation Techno...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy 'Aid' to Israel --better described as a 'rogue' or 'terrorist' nation than a 'state' --must end! Most recent among a series of 'false flag' attacks or so-called "inc...
Hours after Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was presented with this Toronto Maple Leafs jersey in Toronto, Israeli commandos dropped from helicopters onto the lead vessel of a six ship international aid...
When they get acupuncture, mice release a natural pain-relieving molecule that scientists have never linked with the treatment before.
Did you miss the big news from Fermilab last week? It seems that a bunch of proton-anti-proton collisions exhibit a slight asymmetry in the number of muons produced compared to anti-muons.
Pictures are courtesy of xinhui @CDF
Major changes in CRPF’s operational strategies are underway following the recent setback against Naxals, especially in Dantewada where it lost over 75 personnel. The post of CRPF Inspector General of Polic...
About five years after a Major General was convicted by a general court martial (GCM) for his alleged involvement in the Tehelka scandal, the Armed Forces Tribunal has dismissed his petition challenging hi...
The Indian Air Force (IAF) seems set for trials of new combat and heavy lift helicopters this summer, possibly from June or July, as Boeing gets ready to field its latest versions of AH 64D Apache and Chin...
Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline.The submarines of Flotilla 7 — Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan — have vis...
In an entertaining effort to communicate why Saturn's outermost ring can only be seen in the infrared, NASA's Spitzer team have released a video of battling robots trying to gain the secrets of this "cloak...