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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

24 Feb - The View From Tehran

Japan offers to enrich uranium for Iran
Iran criticizes IAEA for neglect of duties
 failing to carry out its responsibilities to transfer know-how and technology to its member states
( http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/12/20-dec-mission-in-afghanistanetc.html
In the guise of protecting the world from potential terrorism, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty prohibited developing countries from acquiring civilian nuclear technologies. )
China set to impose punitive sanctions on US companies
Iran, Qatar ink defensive agreement
Iran grounds plane with Rigi holding US-issued passport
Ahmadinejad blasts duplicity in fighting terror
The president insisted that such countries claim to fight terror while simultaneously supporting terrorists such as Abdulmalek Rigi, the ringleader of the notorious terror group of Jundallah.
"Why have you issued a passport for Rigi if you want to arrest a terrorist?" asked Ahmadinejad, referring to the forged Afghan passport issued to Rigi by US authorities. 

"The Iranian security forces captured Rigi without any bloodshed," the Iranian president went on to say. "It is better for these countries to adopt the Iranian model of campaigning against terrorism." 
Iran airports to be equipped with body scanners
Iran, the world's leading drug fighter, makes 85 percent of the world's total opium seizures.
( How weird can you get ? Iran is taking the lead in 'fighting drugs','terrorism' and 'using nuclear power responsibly'. The first is a scam to keep up the price for CIA drug smuggling ops and the last a canard for the guilty terrorist WMD hyperpower to flog the innocent. Oh...and Chertoff, formerly of Homeland Insecurity, is the beneficiary for compulsory sale of unproven overpriced tech in the U.S. The Chinese use handheld sniffers at a fraction of the cost. )
Afghan civilians flee Marjah amid US-led assault
Thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, which was launched to allegedly destroy the militancy in the country. 
CGT wins its fight with Total
 "We had to get to the point at which we were threatening France with fuel shortages before the Total group — which makes billions in profits -- finally made proposals and commitments." 
New study shows factory farms breed mutated superbugs with antibiotic feed
TO PROTECT HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT FROM SEWAGE - SLUDGE - BIOSOLIDS http://thewatchers.us/ notes disease issues. http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/08/environment-sickening-practices.html
Genocide in  Afghanistan
NATO - Mass murdering innocent people in one of the poorest countries in the world.