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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Global Research.ca

Law Suit against 4 US Presidents & 4 UK Prime Ministers for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide in Iraq
Statement on Closure of Legal Case for Iraq in Spain

Global Research

US NATO War Agenda
Bases, Missiles, Wars: U.S. Consolidates Global Military Network
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-27
US to expand a string of new military bases and missile shield facilities throughout Eurasia and the Middle East.
Hackable Drones, Crumbling Empire
- by Tom Burghardt - 2010-01-01
America's decline as a global capitalist power
2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-12-31
2010 will usher in ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East.
The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-12-05
Fifty or more countries in a single war theater

        Feature Articles               

Iraq: St. Valentine's Day Massacres: Still Ongoing
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2010-02-14
Will Obama's Record War Budget Lead to a US Victory in Afghanistan? Don't Bet On it?
- by Jack A. Smith - 2010-02-14
NATO Expansion, Missile Deployments And Russia’s New Military Doctrine
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-13
Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"
Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy Nuclear Powers?
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-02-12
Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos
Interview of Mohamed Hassan
- by Grégoire Lalieu, Michel Colon - 2010-02-11
NATO’s Role In The Military Encirclement Of Iran
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-11
U.S.: Court-Martial for Soldier Who Wrote Angry Song about Stop-Loss
- by Dahr Jamail - 2010-02-11
The 700 Military Bases of Afghanistan
Black Sites in the Empire of Bases
- by Nick Turse - 2010-02-10
U.S. may be Interested in “Blitzkrieg” in Nagorno-Karabakh
interview with Azerbaijani political expert Rasim Agayev
- by Z. Ahmadov - 2010-02-09
Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World
- by Finian Cunningham - 2010-02-09
Will the US Meet Its Waterloo in Afghanistan and Iraq?
- by Dr. Jan Myrdal - 2010-02-09
Wars Sending U.S. Into Ruin
- by Eric Margolis - 2010-02-09
Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own
- by Murray Polner - 2010-02-08
US to Launch Fallujah-style Attack in Afghanistan
- by Bill Van Auken - 2010-02-08
Why We Seek War: Cowardly Congress Plays it Safe
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-08
Iran - Has Time Run Out? The Lead-up to War?
- by Tanya Cariina Hsu - 2010-02-07
Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways
Securing US Control over Socotra Island and the Gulf of Aden
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-02-07
Dangerous Crossroads in US Military Strategy: From Deterrence" to "Nuclear Compelence"
New Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty to enhance Effectiveness of US-NATO Global "Anti-missile Shield"
- by Alex Chisak - 2010-02-06
Why We Seek War?
Not Holding Leaders Responsable for Crimes Only Breeds More War
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-06
The Sword and the Shield: Surround Russia and China with Mobile "Missile Defense" Systems
- by Bruce Gagnon - 2010-02-05
The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors
Brussels, London, Istanbul: A Week Of Western War Councils
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-05
When Israel joins NATO
- by Galal Nassar - 2010-02-05
Fake "War on Terrorism": In Yemen the US is Fighting against Democracy, not against Al Qaeda
- by Gregoire Lalieu, Michel Collon - 2010-02-04
New Balkans Wars Loom on the Horizon
- by Dr Pyotr Iskenderov - 2010-02-04
Why We Seek War: Why is America in so Many Wars?
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-04
US Intelligence Report Classifies Venezuela as “Anti-US Leader”
- by Eva Golinger - 2010-02-03
The Pentagon Runs Amok
- by Dan Simpson - 2010-02-03
Afghanistan and NATO: Figleaf Summit
- by Eric Walberg - 2010-02-03
US Sponsored Regime Change in Iran
Mossadegh and Ahmadinejad: Iran Faces Almost the Same Dilemma as in 1953
- by Ardeshir Ommani - 2010-02-03
Obama's Base Pact With Colombia Accelerates "Dangerous Trend"
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-02
Washington's Arms Deal With Taiwan Threatens US-China Relations
- by Nick Amies - 2010-02-02
Another U.S. War? Obama Threatens China and Iran
- by Shamus Cooke - 2010-02-01
U.S. Raises Stakes on Iran, Deploys Ships and Missiles
Pentagon Says Patriot Shield Will Deter Strike on American Allies in the Gulf
- by Chris McGreal - 2010-02-01
Make The World A NATO Protectorate
Hillary Clinton's Prescription
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-01
Saudi Arabia's Military Involvement in the Yemen Conflict
- by Rannie Amiri - 2010-01-29
Pentagon Confronts Russia In The Baltic Sea
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-29
Soldiers Are Being Forced to Choose Between Their Children And the Military, And They’re Paying the Price In Jailtime
- by Dahr Jamail - 2010-01-26
Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Moves Missiles And Troops To Russian Border
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-23
Peacekeeping or War-making?
- by Murray Dobbin - 2010-01-22
A Haiti Disaster Relief Scenario Was Envisaged by the US Military One Day Before the Earthquake
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-21
U.S.-China Military Tensions Grow
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-20
Disillusion among Liberal Supporters: Obama's Foreign / Military Policy
- by Jack A. Smith - 2010-01-19
What Bush did to Haiti
The February 29, 2004 Coup D'Etat instigated by the Bush Administration
- by David Swanson - 2010-01-18
Obama: A hawk?
- by Steve Chapman - 2010-01-18
Yemen: Toward Another US Quagmire
- by Peter Symonds - 2010-01-17
Israel: Global NATO’s 29th Member
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-17
Obama Spreads War Flames to Engulf Middle East
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-01-16
The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-15
Bilderbergs of the World Unite!
- by William Bowles - 2010-01-15
US Threatens Venezuela. Netherlands has Granted US Military Use of its Islands in the Caribbean
- by Vonk Netherlands, Hands off Venezuela - 2010-01-14
Afghanistan: NATO Intensifies Its First Asian War
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-01-13
Blunder and Plunder: The History of War
- by Prof. John Kozy - 2010-01-13
Iranian Scientist Assassinated as US Steps Up War Threats
- by Bill Van Auken - 2010-01-13
VIDEO: Afghanistan and Global Dominance
- by F. William Engdahl - 2010-01-12
Mr. Obama: No War is Just
- by Prof. David Lorge Parnas - 2010-01-12
A Sign of Empire Pathology
More US military personnel have taken their OWN lives than have died in action
- by Finian Cunningham - 2010-01-12
"Why They Want to Harm Us"
Answering Helen Thomas
- by Ray McGovern - 2010-01-11
"All War is Stupid"
- by Raymond A. Schroth - 2010-01-11
Military Base in Curaçao: The Third Frontier of the United States
US combat plane stationed at military base in Curaçao violated Venezuelan airspace
- by Eva Golinger - 2010-01-10
A Decade of Wars, Crises and Rises
- by Stanly Johny - 2010-01-10