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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, February 12, 2010

12 Feb - News Picks

Feedly: a prettier way to read Google Reader

Fixing the Filibuster

 special interests using the filibuster to stop legislation that would benefit the little guy

Immadashell : All the complaining by the average Americans citizens don't mean anything because our government is run by a bunch of rich old white guys most of who has never worked a day in their lives believe they own the country and have the right to do anything in the name of the American people.
Oh! when you hear politicians say we need to do something our children, grand children and the future of the country, they are not talking about your children, they are talking about their children and their future.
MSM, how many reporters, T.V commentators and radio jocks own their stations? none; they report what they are told to report. The simple truth of the matter are the American people need to be more critical of individuals claiming to be their leaders.
Is the Filibuster in the constitution ? if not, you would think as smart as the founding fathers were they would have thought of it, wouldn't they?

MI5 chief denies cover-up claims over detainees
The director general, Jonathan Evans, said claims by the Master of the Rolls, Lord Neuberger, that there was a "culture of suppression" within the service were "the precise opposite of the truth".

 Evans writes that MI5 was trying to protect the country from "enemies" who would use "all the tools at their disposal" – including propaganda – to attack.
"We will do all that we can to keep the country safe from terrorist attack. We will use all the powers available to us under the law,"
His defence came as US officials* last night played down claims that the appeal court's disclosure of CIA information passed to MI5 would damage intelligence-sharing with Britain, as fresh doubts emerged about the accuracy of information given to MPs.
* anonymous source...with the credibility of same
 A seven-paragraph summary released by the appeal court shows that the CIA told MI5 Mohamed had been subjected to "continuous sleep deprivation ... threats and inducements".

Why We Conform

Interest in the evolution of cooperation and altruism and the proposition that individuals do care about the well-being of others are testimony to the major paradigm shift in the current conception of the evolution of social behavior. At the height of radical Neo-Darwinism, individuals were seen as manipulators who benefited from modifying the behaviors of others. Suspicion would be a particularly useful attitude in an environment full of bluffing, cheating, and free-riding. Over the years, it has become clear that this view did not cover many of the complexities of human or other animal social life. Recently, however, we have seen a resurgence of the concept of “group selection,” this time not in the simplistic version that animals or humans act for the good of the group, but that they do so because it is in their own interest. If you live in a successful group, this will increase your own chances of survival. 

Now median home prices have fallen from $500,000 to $150,000 — among the most precipitous drops in the nation — and still the houses sit empty.
How can a community possibly be healthy when one in eight houses are in some stage of foreclosure? How can a town attract new people when the crime rate has spiked well above the national average? How can a family dream, or even save, when unemployment hovers around 16 percent?

Pro oil-sands ad on Quebec gov't website contradicts greener-than-thou stance

Afghan Offensive Is New War Model

 in Marja, the largest Taliban stronghold, American and Afghan time commanders say they will do something they have never done before: bring in an Afghan government and police force behind them. American and British troops will stay on to support them. “We’ve got a government in a box, ready to roll in,” said Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top American commander here.
Indeed, Marja is intended to serve as a prototype for a new type of military operation, based on the counterinsurgency thinking propounded by General McChrystal in the prelude to President Obama’s decision in December to increase the number of American troops here to nearly 100,000.
More than at any time since 2001, American and NATO soldiers will focus less on killing Taliban insurgents than on sparing Afghan civilians and building an Afghan state.
“The population is not the enemy,” Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, the commander of the Marines in southern Afghanistan, told a group of troops this week. “The population is the prize — they are why we are going in.”

(  Occupation Lipstick for Afghan Target Practice : keeping strike forces tied up on sentry duty )

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