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IPS - Inter Press Services
- MEXICO: Women - Casualties in Army's Counternarco ...MEXICO CITY, Feb 3 (IPS) - Human rights organisations in Mexico and the United States sounded the alarm about abuses against women by the Mexican armed forces in the context of the government's all-out offensive against drug trafficking in the border state of Chihuahua.
- HAITI: Displaced Women Face Double Jeopardy UNITED NATIONS, Feb 3 (IPS) - Women's rights and development activists working in Haiti say that greater attention must be paid to the immediate needs of women and girls, as well their role in the long-term reconstruction of the devastated country.
- US-IRAN: Ahmadinejad's Offer for Prisoner Swap An ...SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 3 (IPS) - Six months after Iranian authorities arrested three U.S. citizens who mistakenly crossed the unmarked border between Iran and Iraq, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Iran could be willing to exchange them for Iranians imprisoned in the United St ...
- SUDAN: Bashir May Face Genocide ChargesJOHANNESBURG, Feb 3 (IPS) - The International Criminal Court is to review its earlier decision not to add genocide to the charges against Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir.
- CHILE: Activists Fear Setbacks Under Rightwing Go ...SANTIAGO, Feb 3 (IPS) - Trade unions and non-governmental organisations in Chile are worried that rightwing billionaire Sebastián Piñera's election as president will mean setbacks in terms of social policy and respect for labour and social rights.
Scoop - NZ
- The Next ContagionThe next contagion is beginning to spread around the globe. It is unexpected on Wall Street, misunderstood in Washington - and very dangerous. It could sabotage the plans of the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and many of their counterparts overseas. It is a4¦ The Collapse of Sovereign Gover ...
- Goff on unlimited US corporate spending on electio ...Well, we need to have the discussion. There's a lot to unpack on this grotesque Supreme Court decision; and a lot of people are going to be talking about it for quite a long while. When something is being chattered about like this is, and will be, then some of the most powerfully held and shared cul ...
- Fisk: Israel feels under siege.Anyone who is anyone in Israel will come to Herzliya this week for a conference about the state of the Jewish nation. Our correspondent joined them and found a climate of unprecedented insecurity - and paranoia. So the propaganda war is on. Forget Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and the 15,000 ...
- Indian glaciologist fires back at skepticsHasnain, who found himself at the center of the Himalayan meltdown controversy, said it is "ridiculous" to assume that the glaciers are not melting. Hasnain, a senior fellow at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), said the date cited in the New Scientist article was a "journalistic assumptio ...
- Housing Predator Stalked by Russian MinistryA pet leopard named Cleopatra has become the latest victim of a bitter housing dispute in Moscow where residents are fighting to save their riverside houses from demolition. The leopard, which lives in a cage at a housing development in northwest Moscow, faces eviction and confiscation as its owner ...
Independent ( London )
- Tougher action is needed over financial woes, EC t ...Greece has won the European Commission's backing for its plans to cut its budget deficit – but only on the condition that it goes further with curbs on public-sector pay. The country also faces legal action from the commission over the quality of its statistics.
- The Big Question: What would a genocide charge mea ...
- In Toyota City, recalls blamed on foreign partsToyota City, about 200 miles east of Tokyo, once appeared on the map – if it appeared at all – as Koromo. But in 1959 town leaders renamed it after the up-and-coming local car producer, and twinned their modest town with the then global centre of auto production, Detroit.
- Gareth Thomas: It's time to think urbanThe number of people living in towns and cities worldwide recently overtook the number of people living in rural areas.
- Bomb hits pilgrims near holy city in IraqA bomb planted on a parked motorcycle ripped through a crowd of Shia pilgrims today, killing at least 20 people and wounding more than 100 just days after authorities promised tighter security to combat a string of attacks on the huge religious procession, officials said.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran Accepts Third Party Enrichment Deal TermsSummary: Speaking today on Iranian television, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran had “no problem” with the third party enrichment deal’s terms, and that the nation was willing to send its uranium abroad for further enrichment. source: AntiWar.com read more
- Iran slams US missile deployment in GulfSummary: Ali Larijani TEHRAN — Parliament speaker Ali Larijani Tuesday slammed plans by the US to beef up defences in the Gulf against potential Iranian missile attacks, insisting the Islamic republic is no threat to its neighbours. source: AFP read more
- A misreading of Iran that risks a fatal replay of ...Summary: Sir Richard Dalton Since its misfired election last June, Iran increasingly resembles a curled-up hedgehog: preoccupied with its own difficulties, while projecting general hostility to the outside world. I only hope the impression of introversion is true, because Tehran has been the tar ...
- Iran criticises U.S. missile deployments in the Pe ...Summary: Mehmanparast TEHRAN, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Iran dismissed on Tuesday a U.S. expansion of missile defence systems in the Gulf to counter what Washington sees as the Islamic Republic's growing missile threat, saying it had good relations with neighbouring states. On Sunday, U.S. officials sa ...
- US Speeds Arms Buildup in Persian GulfSummary: Patriot missile Obama Administration rhetoric against Iran is increasing fears of war in the region, and leading US allies near Iran to purchase growing numbers of US-made missile defense systems. The sales to states in the region total several billion dollars. source: Antiwar.com rea ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Satellites Zoom In On Evidence of Vanishing Himala ...Glaciers around the world are showing dramatic signs of retreat from global warming from Glacier National Park in Montana to the jagged peaks of the Andes to the storied peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest. The intense public debate...
- You Create the Caption: Apple Headquarters 'One In ...
- Hubble Sights Strange Spaceship-Shaped Object Trav ...First discovered on ground based LINEAR images on January 6, this odd X-shaped object appeared unusual enough to investigate further and call in the big guns last week - the Hubble Space Telescope. What Hubble saw indicates that P/2010 A2...
- NASA 3-D Image of Haiti Earthquake Fault LineFalse-color composite image of the Port-au-Prince, Haiti region, taken Jan. 27, 2010 by NASA's UAVSAR airborne radar. The city is denoted by the yellow arrow; the black arrow points to the fault responsible for the Jan. 12 earthquake. Image credit:...
- Get Your Daily Dose of Awe @The Daily Galaxy Faceb ...Link & Share The Daily Galaxy Facebook Page
Natural News
- Fish oil supplements prevent mental illness; safe ...(NaturalNews) An important new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry reveals that fish oil supplements beat mental illness. The study involved 81 people deemed to be at high risk for psychosis. The randomized, placebo-controlled study provided fish oil supplements to half the study s ...
- Drugs for HIV Infection and AIDS Might Prematurely ...(NaturalNews) In a report just published online in The Journal of Infectious Diseases , scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of California at San Diego say they've found a reduction of blood flow in the brains of people who are infected with HIV, the ...
- Mainstream Drugs are Neither Safe nor Effective, P ...(NaturalNews) For generations we have been told by mainstream medicine that their drugs are safer and more effective than natural alternatives such as those man has used for healing for thousands of years. Similarly, we have been told that herbs and other natural alternatives are unproven, usually o ...
- Heal yourself in 15 days by transforming your bloo ...(NaturalNews) This article continues part four of the 15-part article series called Heal Yourself in 15 Days . In part three, we explored how you are what you absorb , not merely what you eat (http://www.naturalnews.com/028067_self_healing_digestion.html). Today, in part four, we take a closer look ...
- New study: a common flame retardant causes inferti ...(NaturalNews) So many US women have difficulty becoming pregnant that the fertility industry has become a huge business, raking in between three and five billion dollars a year. Now a new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives raises the possibility that a lot of women who ...
- PerspectivesVERYDEMOTIVATIONAL.COM is a demotivational site that has an oblique sense of humour. As far as I know, the original wry format was developed by Despair, Inc. Hours of fun and entertainment.
- The horror, the horrorTHE NY TIMES has a disturbing article by Nicholas Kristoff, titled " Orphaned, Raped and Ignored ", about the current state of things in the Congo. It's a horror-show, a 21st century Heart of Darkness, and it's ignored by just about everybody. How bad is it? A peer-reviewed study found that 5.4 mill ...
- Crazy by any other name is still crazyAmid Haiti's decent into Hell, we see our old friends Pat " Gays caused 9/11 " Robertson and Rush "Take the bone out of your nose" Limbaugh once again overflowing with the rancid milk of compassionate conservatism. From CNN: Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something t ...
- Banana Republic of the United States of AmericaRemember this ? Well the good ol' US Supreme court just formally gave corporate capital the constitutional right to bankroll whatever political party they choose . The Supreme Court today overturned a century-old restriction on corporations using their money to sway federal elections and ruled that ...
- Prorogation vs Canada's Pro-Democracy MovementFrom The Real News Network : an excellent summary of the issues behind Steve's latest prorogation of democracy and how Canadians are pushing back. Meanwhile, south of the 'longest undefended border in the world', Chris Hedges discusses 'inverted totalitarianism' in Democracy in America Is a Useful ...
Media Matters for America
- GOP communications arm: Fox News now campaigning f ...On the day after the Senate primary in Illinois, Fox News continued its pattern of engaging in political advocacy, this time in support of Mark Kirk, the Republican nominee for the 2010 election for the Illinois U.S. Senate seat. During their February 3 coverage of the primary, Fox News repeatedly ...
- Right-wing media continue barrage of religious at ...On Fox News' Hannity , host Sean Hannity again attacked President Obama over his relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and guests Richard Miniter and Noelle Nikpour attacked Obama over devotional messages he receives, while earlier this week, right-wing blogs attacked Obama over his church a ...
- Several conservative media figures support repeal ...In the wake of Obama's State of the Union pledge to end the Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy which bans gay men and lesbians from openly serving in the military, conservative media figures including syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, Weekly Standard columnist Stephen Hayes, Fox News analys ...
- Fox News revives ACORN-funding bogeyman to attack ...Fox News host Bill Hemmer raised the tired specter of ACORN receiving federal funding to attack Department of Housing and Urban Development funding included in President Obama's 2011 budget proposal. Conservatives in the media have exhaustively cited the possibility of federal money going to AC ...
- Quick Fact: Wash. Examiner omits Galen I ...A February 2 Washington Examiner op-ed by Galen Institute president Grace-Marie Turner criticized President Obama's stance on health care reform and touted a reform proposal by a Republican member of Congress. The Examiner did not disclose that Turner's group is reportedly funded in part by the ...
Global Research.ca
- Canada Supreme Court - Omar Khadr's Rights Violate ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Bomb Kills Three US Marines in Pakistan For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Pentagon Runs AmokFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- General James E. Cartwright: Missile Defense Goes ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- US to Deploy 18,000 Troops to AfghanistanFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Former Head of AJC Says Israel Is Already Administ ...It was big news yesterday when Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, said that continuing the occupation (i.e, keeping millions of Palestinians under Israeli control while denying them democratic rights) would make Israel an apartheid state. "As long as in this... Ehud Barak - Israel - Ame ...
- Presented By:
- America's Unilateral Delusions Making Comeback?There is a giddiness that has taken hold in some foreign policy circles in Washington that the Obama administration is showing more courage all of a sudden and is finally breaking away from its courtship of China and is flirting... China - United States - Foreign policy - Dalai Lama - Pres ...
- How to create millions of jobsThe White House estimates that the jobs bill could cost 100 billion dollars. Roughly that amount will create about a million jobs. That is eight million less than the goal of full employment by end of 2012. The gap is... White House - Employment - Business - Energy - United States
- The Therapeutic Theory of GovernmentIs the WP's Richard Cohen afraid somebody will lift his pontification license if he gets over (a) his simple-mindedness and (b) his willies? Here is Cohen today on why there is almost nothing the Obama administration does regarding terrorism that... Presidency of Barack Obama - Terrorism - ...
- "If You Can Think Differently, You Can Act Differe ...On Wednesday January 27, 2010, Leslie Thatcher spoke over the phone with Henry Armand Giroux about his book, "Youth in a Suspect Society." Public pedagogy and the war on democracy were also discussed. Leslie Thatcher for Truthout: First of all, Dr. Giroux, let me thank you. Your work has contextual ...
- Timothy Ashby | Next Year in Havana? Ending the US ...Next year will mark a half-century since the Bay of Pigs, the failed assault on Fidel Castro’s young regime in Cuba that helped ignite the long cold war across the Straits of Florida. Although Castro himself has largely disappeared from the public stage, replaced at the helm by his brother Raúl, mos ...
- US Black Hawk Helicopter Crashes in GermanyA U.S. military Black Hawk helicopter crashed in a forest near a motorway in south-western Germany, police in the state of Hesse said on Wednesday, and German media said two people had been killed. A spokesman for the U.S. Army Europe said there were at least three people in the Black Hawk, a transp ...
- Eat Your Spinach: Time for Peace Talks in Afghanis ...In the last week, The New York Times and Inter Press Service have reported that the Obama administration is having an internal debate on whether to supports talks with senior Afghan Taliban leaders, including Mullah Muhammad Omar, as a means of ending the war in Afghanistan. Senior officials like Vi ...
- Bill Moyers Journal | Big Money in PoliticsAirtime: Friday, February 5, 2010, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings at http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/about/airdates.html ). read more
- Is A Pill Take-Back Law in Our Future?As the product stewardship movement gains steam, attention is turning to the issue of unsafe disposal of residue or unwanted consumer pharmaceuticals. The widespread detection of pharmaceutical residues in public waters and fish has raised biologists’ concerns. In Minnesota, the popularity o ...
- Ocean Conservancy Holds US Responsible for Coastal ...This week we’re on the topic of saving endangered sea life , and now is the best time to take action with the Ocean Conservancy ! The Obama Administration has a newly formed Ocean Policy Task Force that’s accelerating a planning process for our glorious ocean and coasts. Since it’s up to us to ...
- Saving BioGems : False Killer Whales Still in Dang ...Last season NRDC announced it’s mission to save the Hawaiian island’s Whales , and now that this decision is facing the president we’re asking the Obama Administration to protect Hawaii’s false killer whales under the Endangered Species Act because the loss of even a few whales could endanger the ...
- New National Wildlife Refuge System Coloring BookEven if the U.S. government continues its pseudo protection to save the planet’s wildlife and natural resources they can be thanked indirectly as they recently created a new National Wildlife Refuge System Coloring Book. Most people might not be aware of the U.S. Refuge System , which includes ...
- It’s Time to Get AngryIt’s time to get angry. This is what John Kerry, not exactly the most extreme guy, is saying to us. Is it the best solution? This is what Kerry told advocates of climate legislation recently: “I want you to go out there and start knocking on doors and talking to people and telling people this h ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- More Cruiseship GrossnessFor each of the past six years, Congress has introduced legislation to tighten cruise ship discharge
- What I don't know about drinking water can hurt meWe lived many years in Charlotte, NC, and benefited from a well-run municipal potable water treatmen
- Guatemala: authorities to plant tulle, install bio ...Guatemala’s protected areas authority Conap will start planting tulle in Atitlán lake in Solol
- Will federal pollution rules wash out local water ...OrlandoSentinel.com By Kevin Spear, Orlando Sentinel 11:04 PM EST, January 24, 2010 The perilous roa
- New & ShinyThe old EPA was probably best described as a figurehead- they existed but didn’t really seem t
Public Citizen in Texas
- It’s Time to Weigh in on Smog LimitsCheck out the video and op-ed below by some of our Clean Air Texas coalition partners about the hearing in Houston tomorrow on the EPA’s new proposed rule to strengthen ozone standards. I’ll be at the hearing tomorrow, along with Ryan Rittenhouse, to represent Public Citizen and interview folks from ...
- Free Activist Workshop in Austin Feb. 5th, Houston ...This week we’re working with Environment Texas and several other activist groups in Austin and Houston to host free activist workshops and training days! The training is being run by The Public Interest Network and will feature sessions on: * the best techniques for organizing your neighbors to ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round UpThe Texas Progressive Alliance is ready for the Super Bowl this Sunday as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme thinks that the Houston Chronicle caught the essence of the GOP with this headline ‘Many attacks, but few suggestions‘. WhosPlayin is tired of hearin ...
- Nuclear Renaissance Dealt Blow by South Texas Proj ...A critical court ruling today rang the first chime in what could be the death knell of the so-called “nuclear renaissance,” starting with the failed expansion of the South Texas Project (STP). This afternoon’s ruling by 408th District Court Judge Larry Noll that CPS Energy can safely withdraw from ...
- Obama announces new government goal for reducing g ...Also cross-posted at our Energy Blog: President Obama announced this morning he was putting the government on a low carbon diet. Through a series of initiatives, he hopes to decrease energy consumption through efficiency and switching to alternative energy that is less carbon intensive. As the sing ...
Press TV
- Haitian prosecutors to rule over children caseThe Haitian prosecutors will decide whether to charge 10 US citizens, detained since they attempted to sneak a group of children out of the quake-hit country.
- US threatens Iran with 'severe sanctions'US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says Iran faces "severe sanctions” from the US and major world powers over its nuclear program.
- Iraq suspends election ban on 500 'ex-Baathists'An Iraqi appeal court has temporarily lift a ban on the participation in elections of a group of candidates with suspected ties to former Saddam Hussein's Baath party, allowing them to run for the country's upcoming vote.
- Attack on Iran could backfire, Petraeus saysChief of US Central Command Gen. David Petraeus says any military action against Iran could backfire by increasing “nationalist tendencies” in the country.
- Clinton urges release of Americans detained in Ira ...US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called ay on Iran to "unilaterally release" three hikers and other Americans in Iranian custody.
Axis of Logic
- US Intelligence Report Classifies Venezuela as “An ...
- Useful Lies, Useless Lives
- Tout Moun Ce Moun: The Haitian Revolution as a Pe ...
- Watt A Hero?
- "Best thing I've read so far" : Haiti 2010: An Unw ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Outsmarting OurselvesTom Tomorrow, as always explaining the unexplainable:
- Powell shifts course, supports repeal of DADTNo, it isn't the magic wand we would all like to wave to undo the damage that has been done to far too many good Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines over the seventeen years that the insane DADT policy has been the law of the land, but it's one more ally in the fight for repeal that we didn't have ...
- "A Gentleman's Agreement"?: those people from Denm ...Stupidity may be inherited, but ignorance is a personal choice. This is the forty-second post in an ongoing series as we file Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo 610) requests and investigate the non-renewal of the contract of University of Central Missouri President Aaron Podolefsky. Links to previous cove ...
- Of course Blackwater tried to bribe Iraqi official ...The horrific, bloody, murderous rampage by Blackwater guards in Nisour Square in September 2007 is going to dog the company forever and a day - and frankly, that is how it should be. Now the Justice Department is investigating the company to determine if they tried to bribe Iraqi government official ...
- Republican Double StandardsYou know it's time to run screaming for the hills when Republicans discover some new theme they think will be a sure winner at the polls. Whenever that happens it's a pretty good bet that some pillar of the Republic that's stood the test of time for more than two centuries is seriously in the cross ...
Care 2
- Pet Food Recall Products ListThis compiled list represents all pet food recalled since January 1, 2006. If and when new information is received, this list will be updated. Submitted by Ginger Geronimo to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- West Hollywood, Calif., bans pet shop sale of cats ...The West Hollywood City Council passed landmark legislation on Monday night banning the sale of cats and dogs in pet stores unless from rescues and shelters. This law will prevent the sale of cats and dogs in West Hollywood from cruel puppy and kitten Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals | Note-i ...
- Stranded dolphins rescuedTWO bottlenose dolphins which had been stranded in Cudgen Creek for more than two weeks were released into the ocean yesterday after a dramatic rescue. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Destructive Roundup of Calico Horses- 27 dead & co ...Public Denied Adequate Roundup Observation Access To Controversial Roundup of American Mustangs. Deaths of 27 horses and 20-30 aborted foals reported to date. Right: The public wishes to observe the roundups of federally protected mustangs on public Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | ...
- NYC man charged with beating girlfriend's dogOfficials say a New York City man beat his girlfriend's dog so brutally with a belt that the animal lost its left eye and suffered six broken ribs. Manhattan prosecutors and animal welfare officers said Tuesday that Joseph Graves beat and kick Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- A New Way of Thinking About Companies, Society and ...Sustainability has become the touchstone of the entire discussion about the relationship between business and the society it serves. It is a global issue, with an impact in every country, and every community.
- U.S. EPA and DOE Join Forces with States to Spur A ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy have formed an action group to help states achieve the maximum cost-effective energy efficiency improvements possible in offices, buildings, industries and homes by 2020.
- GE Launches New Ecomagination Healthcare Products, ...General Electric's healthcare arm has added five new entries to its Ecomagination line, and the company dedicated its new Renewable Energy Global Headquarters.
- Paint The Town Green: A Case for Sustainable Innov ...This report looks at how Dulux lowered the carbon, waster and waste impact of its paint thanks to a three-year research project.
- Dulux Cuts Carbon, Water Footprint of Paint in Hal ...A new line of paint from Dulux, using technology and practices developed over a three-year research period, has half the carbon and water footprint of previous paints, with 40 percent less waste and more recycled content in packaging.
Reuters Global
- Where gays do serve, openly, in the militaryIn many corners of the world, the policy on gays in the military could be labeled this way: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Care.”
- Qat joins al Qaeda as Yemen threatU.S. lawmakers, convening a meeting to discuss the threat posed by al Qaeda in Yemen, found themselves focused on another problem stalking the impoverished Arab country: the mild drug qat, which permeates Yemeni society.
- Does Greece really deserve such a market pummellin ...Greece clearly has work to do in getting its public finances in order and bringing its budget deficit back down towards the European Union's desired ceiling. But does Greece really deserve the pummelling its debt markets have received at the hands of investors in the past two months?
- China’s tougher than beforeChina’s irate reaction to the Obama administration’s approval of a $6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan comes at a delicate time amid already growing tensions between the two global heavyweights.
- Modern form of bank robbery?Germany is ready to pay an informant for stolen Swiss bank data to catch tax dodgers. But the issue is causing friction between Germany and Switzerland. Is it a modern form of bank robbery? Or do the ends justify the means?
Paul Krugman
- Chinese MercantilismA meme seems to be catching on.
- What Small Government Looks LikeTurning out the lights in Colorado.
- I, CassandraSadly, I was right.
- A Couple of Additional Budget ThoughtsThe triviality of the freeze, the coming tightening.
- WWS 543: Class Notes, 2/3/10The one-minute trade policy theorist.
No Quarter
- Coal Insiders Writing EPA Reports“For most of the past decade, it appears that every EPA publication on the subject was ghostwritten by the American Coal Ash Association,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, whose group examined thousands of coal industry and EPA communications. “In this partnership it is clear that indus ...
- sometimes you just gotta laugh(I have Pants on the Ground stuck in my head now…) Have you seen Zo’s new video, Truckin’ 2010: Has Obama Set Democrats Up For a Long, Strange Trip? Click here to view. Thoughts?
- Education Funding Needs Real AccountabilityThrowing money at problems is not necessarily a sure-fire fix. That said, without funding many initiatives never truly get off the ground. Money does make the world go round . . . but in what direction, on what axis, and at what rate? Let’s enter into one segment of the Washington dynamic that is re ...
- SEC IG Report: George Demos Pimped Peter SivereWho is George Demos? A former enforcement lawyer in the New York office of the SEC, currently running for Congress from Long Island. Who is Peter Sivere? A former compliance employee at JP Morgan. Sivere crossed paths with Demos in 2004 while providing information related to an investigation of ques ...
- What Part of This Do We Not Understand?Editor’s Note: John Huey, a security professional involved with Aviation Security issues for over 28 years, has now published several articles for NoQuarter. Learn more background details about John Huey and his constructive critiques in his first post published at NoQuarterUSA.net on January 5, 201 ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Flamingos Hiding in Mumbai’s Filth
- The World’s Rainforests in Pictures
- Evil Fairies Massacre Insects in Mid-Air
- Concrete Alchemy
- Insurgents, War and Death: Pakistan’s Cauldron of ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Obama's State of the UnionThe president devoted only 10% of his speech to foreign policy.
- The Next Great TransformationShould the United States look to China for inspiration?
- Guiding Haiti's Roadmap to Recovery with Human Rig ...Respecting human dignity is a principle no government can ignore, and one that needs to be applied when sending aid to the earthquake-ravaged nation.
- A Military Budget of Add-ons, Not Choices, Makes t ...An emphasis on non-military engagement can't hide the fact that Obama is spending more on defense than Bush.
- 60-Second Expert: Africa Policy Outlook 2010This year will be critical for U.S. policy toward Africa.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- US finds Pakistani scientist guiltyAafia Siddiqui convicted of shooting at US interrogators while in Afghan detention.
- Israel: Peace talks to resume soonPrime minister Netanyahu says negotiation with Palestinians to restart within weeks.
- Dutch hate speech trial to proceedCourt to hear case against politician accused of inciting hatred against Muslims.
- Blast hits Pakistan school opening Three US military personnel and four school girls among eight dead in roadside bombing.
- US sceptical on Iran nuclear moveWashington tells Tehran to formally notify IAEA about its readiness to ship out uranium.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Household Pesticide Is Finding Its Way Into Califo ...California Rivers contain toxins found in a commonly used home pesticide, according to study published in Environmental Science and Technology.
- California Aims to Verify Statewide Greenhouse Gas ...The state is setting up seven monitoring points using a device from Picarro, a Silicon Valley company.
- Wind Power in Europe Grows, but Credit Remains Tig ...The association reported that 39 percent of all new capacity installed last year was wind power. Runners-up were natural gas and solar photovoltaics.
- Households Enter Voluntary Carbon MarketMy Emissions Exchange offers households that reduce their carbon footprints the ability to sell their efforts as carbon credits to polluters. But is it worth it?
- Can White Roofs Battle Global Warming?Scientists created a model of the world's cities and measured the impact on global warming if every rooftop was painted white.
Dot Earth News
- Mann's Fate in ClimategateA climate scientist at the heart of the "climategate" files is cleared on three issues by his university, with a fourth still under investigation.
- Why Not Prairie Dog Day, Activists AskAnimal activists call for a "Prairie Dog Day."
- (Climate) Information Wants to Be FreeFights over revealing the back story behind climate science and policies intensify.
- Growing Pentagon Focus on Energy and ClimateThe Pentagon's latest review of priorities includes a plea for the Law of the Sea and warnings about warming as a contributor to conflict.
- On Water Vapor and WarmingLessons from a new study that blames swings in water vapor for boosting, and slowing, warming over the last two decades.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Pearl Harbor: Evidence of shady biz or just a lett ...Remember the Maine, while you're at it! :-D
- Controlling 9/11 "crippled epistemology" via fake ...".... we will suggest below that if the hard core arises for certain identifiable reasons, it can be broken up or at least muted by government action." .... " We suggest a role for government efforts, and agents, in introducing such diversity. Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat ...
- 'Civil support' apparatus appears, Oh noes: Obama ...Article I Section 10 Clause 3.... No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State , or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such immine ...
- TSA goon loses notebook tracing blogger leaks; hon ...Next time at the airport: "resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand"..... But first, Crush the Bloggers with Fake Tweets!!! "Sent Blog Message to entice M... [?] to respond" --Randomly found TSA investigator notebook re manipulating Twitt ...
- New TSA leak PDF; False Flag ops for Detroit Chris ...An interesting confluence of events as Obama suddenly grants INTERPOL diplomatic immunity of sorts, while an apparent airport false flag operation or at least 'shady biz as usual' unravels pretty quickly. Good times in the shadow state for 2010. We found some snippets on the case from two noted ...
Daily Censored
- BEWARE: MIRANDA RIGHTS RESTRICTED — Another Consti ...By guest blogger Marti Hiken The words we hear in so many movies and television shows when someone is arrested, “Read him his Miranda rights,” no longer have meaning. These rights are dead because the courts have “interpreted” them out of existence. Throughout our country, if you don’t say the righ ...
- DOJ’S COVER-UP UNDER ERIC HOLDER“Justice Official Clears Bush Lawyers in Torture Memo Probe,â€By Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman, Newsweek, January 29, 2010, at:http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/declassified/archive/2010/01/29/holder-under-fire.aspx. In reviewing the action of government attorneys, judges and the legal profess ...
- The Virtual Charter School: The new rat in townFor young Jaime, Tori and Hope Leonard, they wake up at 6:30 a.m. and by 7:30 they get dressed and they are – virtually – in school, without ever leaving home. Like all children who are home- schooled, the two sisters don’t even have to leave their house. But unlike home-schooled children, the Leo ...
- Do we really need driver’s licenses for the Intern ...Cyber attacks are on the rise and everyone who connects to the internet needs to educate themselves in possible attacks and be diligent in keeping them at bay. The International Telcommunications Union, a UN agency, believes that the only way to do this is to require a type of driver’s license for ...
- Virtual Charter Schools: The new ‘rat’ in townVirtual Charter Schools: Getting a public education without the ‘meddlesome and fickle’ public The Virtual Charter Movement: Connections Academy and the Wisconsin Virtual Academy Charter School (WIVA) Â Â Â Â For young Jaime, Tori and Hope Leonard, they wake up at 6:30 a.m. and by 7:30 they get dre ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Disproportionate ...
- U.N. Puts Bill Clinton in Charge of Haiti Aid
- U.S. Will Be Addicted to Foreign Oil for Another G ...
- White House Supports Reconciliation Fix, Aides Say
- Dems’ Bill Would Extend Federal ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Obama's State of the Union
- The Next Great Transformation
- The Kids are All Right
- Guiding Haiti's Roadmap to Recovery with Human Rig ...
- Fujimori Faces Justice
Pine River World News
- F. William Engdahl: The Fateful Geological Prize C ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti © F. William Engdahl Source: Global Research January 30, 2010 President becomes UN Special Envoy to earthquake-stricken Haiti. A born-again neo-conservative U.S. business wheel ...
- NORTH KOREA: Citizens asked to project their "ment ...© Pine River World News January 30, 2010 The use of mental powers such as 'visualization' (using one's thoughts to imagine - and achieve - a desired future or outcome) has been investigated on the periphery of science for years - including its use by the military. This stems from a belief that "th ...
- To my RSS subscribers...OK, I see that I have "71 RSS subscribers" to Pine River World News - as per Feedburner today. And, I also realize, that RSS subscribers seldom visit my blog "in person" because the updates arrive on their computers directly via the newsfeeds. This message is specifically for you. A lot of what I ...
- Saudi Arabia's Military Involvement in the Yemen C ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Saudi Arabia's Military Involvement in the Yemen Conflict © Global Research By Rannie Amiri January 29, 2010 It has been nearly three months since the Saudi military directly inserted itself in the conflict between Zaidi ...
- Existing U.S. home sales fall at record rateThe following commentary is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. Existing U.S. home sales fall at record rate © World Socialist Web Site By Andre Damon January 26, 2010 Sales of existing U.S. homes plunged in December, exposing the fragility of the housing recovery and its d ...
- Video: Doctors Flowers and Paris Arrested, Re: Oba ...On Jan. 29, 2010, Doctors Margaret Flowers and Carol Paris were arrested outside a hotel, at the Inner Harbor, in Baltimore, MD, where President Barack Obama was to give a speech. They were on a ...
- An Underdog Who Isn’t Daunted by a New Try for the ...By N. R. KLEINFIELD | Cross-posted from the NYT The long shot ate breakfast with his mother. She asked for campaign buttons for her friends. He handed her a dozen. She got worried. That many? Weren’t ...
- Connect the Dots with Lila GarrettMonday morning at 7 on CONNECT THE DOTS the one year anniversary of Obama’ election tune in or use this link http://archive.kpfk.org/parchive/index.php?shokey=ctd as we talk with: TIM CARPENTER Exec Dir. Of PDA, ...
- Yes, we still need HealthCARE reformBy Paulette Garin | PDA Blog Contributor and Cross-posted from Paula’s Blog As part of a recent medical exam, my doctor ordered blood work to evaluate my overall medical condition as well as follow up on ...
- IOT: Stop Global Warming: Jan CallOn this month’s Stop Global Warming/Environmental Issues Organizing Team call, the following topics were covered: Kathy Callan's meeting with Sen. Boxer's staff, results of the Copenhagen climate summit, updates on the Price Carbon Campaign and ...
Marler Blog
- Mincing Oversees Spice Company and Wholesome Spice ...The Rhode Island Department of Health announced this afternoon that recent test results strongly suggest black pepper is the source of the Salmonella outbreak associated with Daniele Inc. Daniele purchased black pepper from two different distributors (Mincing Oversees Spice Company and Wholesome Spi ...
- Perhaps Execution as a Food Safety Measure does no ...The China Daily reported a few days ago that the government has launched a “10 day crackdown on latest milk scare.” And, for good reason – apparently, they need “to track and destroy melamine-tainted milk products nationwide as a 2008 contamination scandal continued to haunt the country.” Accordin ...
- Consumer Reports: Bad News, Packaged Salad Can Con ...According to a press release this morning, Consumer Reports' latest tests of packaged leafy greens found bacteria that are common indicators of poor sanitation and fecal contamination, in some cases, at rather high levels. The tests, which were conducted with financial support from the Pew Health G ...
- Marler Clark Clients to Share in $12 Million Settl ...According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution and AP, over 100 victims of last year's nationwide salmonella outbreak will split $12 million as part of a bankruptcy settlement with the insurer of the company linked to the illnesses. The attorney for the bankruptcy trustee, Atlanta attorney Alan Maxw ...
- Impacts of the 2008-09 Foodborne Illness Outbreak ...Kelsey Wittenberger and Erik Dohlman of USDA's Economic Research Service just published an interesting report on the 2008-2009 Salmonella Peanut Butter Outbreak - Outlook Report No. (OCS-10a-01) 18 pp, February 2010. I was a bit surprised at their conclusion: The 2009 foodborne illness outbreak li ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.03.10Study: hydrogen proponents rely on "five distinct fantasy themes" Well, this should be interesting. Reading murky tea leaves about Tesla Motors' future and IPO Is Daimler Tesla's shining knig ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.02.10Union of Concerned Scientists criticizes hybrids for bundling too many features The strategy appears to be to hide the premium in the leather seats. Coda says plug-in vehicle tax rebate (inst ...
- How a blogger can cause Audi a headache over Green ...Filed under: Etc. , Marketing/Advertising , Audi Audi Green Police Campaign - Click above to watch the video after the break Audi is taking some heat over the unintended connection one blogger made between the company's Green Police ad that's scheduled to debut during the Super Bowl and the Ordnun ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.01.10Should we be building electric cars or streetcars? Which makes more sense, really? Honda: Insight "too small," likely to miss sales targets, Fit Hybrid a 'struggle' Ambition meets sales figur ...
- AutoblogGreen for 01.29.10IBM gets 24M hours of supercomputing time to work on lithium air batteries Yikes. DC 2010: Would a federal diesel tax rebate be in order? Diesel coalition thinks so Says it'd be a level playi ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: What the iPad means ...The iPad . Perhaps you've heard of it. Now there are hundreds, maybe thousands of posts and podcasts up about this product, and whether it's worth buying, and what's with the stupid name. But for this podcast I have two smart guests with me with whom I want to step a bit beyond these immediate co ...
- iPad will be to MacBook as Netbook is to PCThere's work ahead for the iPad engineers, but make no mistake: This product is a direct attack on the Netbook category.
- Twitter adds local trends to Web siteNew feature shows you what's hot on Twitter near you.
- Hands-on with Google Voice for the iPhoneiPhone users get somewhat better Google Voice access, still pine for a real app.
- Reporters Roundtable podcast: Charity 2.0This week: Charity in a Connected World. The January 12 earthquake and humanitarian disaster in Haiti had an important technological component: Through the text message giving program, the Red Cross raised $26 million in funds in just 9 days. That's not just a large amount of money to be raised ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Oscar Nominees Include Docs on China Earthquake, B ...Nominations have been announced for the 82nd annual Academy Awards. In the documentary category, three films featured on Democracy Now! in the past year received nods: * China’s Unnatural Disaster * The Most Dangerous Man in America * Burma VJ
- Howard Zinn: The People’s HistorianHoward Zinn, legendary historian, author and activist, died last week at the age of 87. His most famous book is “A People’s History of the United States.” Zinn told me last May, “The idea of ‘A People’s History’ is to go beyond what people have learned in school … history through the eyes of the pr ...
- Howard Zinn (1922 - 2010)Howard Zinn, one of the country’s most celebrated historians and author of the seminal work A People’s History of the United States, died of a heart attack Wednesday in Santa Monica, California. He was 87. Over the years, Zinn was a frequent guest on Democracy Now! Click for more
- Let the Haitians InJean Montrevil was shackled, imprisoned, about to be sent to Haiti. It was Jan. 6, days before the earthquake that would devastate Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Montrevil came to the U.S. with a green card in 1986 at the age of 17. Twenty years ago, still a teenager, he was c ...
- Amy Goodman on _Riz Khan_: "The Role of Media in t ...Has the mainstream media in the US replaced serious coverage with “junk news” and tabloidism? Especially in foreign affairs, are Americans less informed than ever? Who is shaping their perceptions of the rest of the world? And who is policing US foreign policy? Riz Khan speaks with Amy Goodman a ...
Farming Pathogens
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
- Pigs Do Fly! Implications for InfluenzaThe influenza genome is segmented. Eight pieces of single-stranded RNA encode for 11 proteins: PB2, PB1, PB1-F2, PA, HA, NP, NA, M1, M2, NS1, and NS2. The segmentation allows influenza of different subtypes infecting the same host to trade segments like card players on a Friday night. Most of the re ...
- Breeding Influenza: The Political Virology of Offs ...What better way to medicate against a holiday’s genocidal origins and the hunger now swelling worldwide in the wake of a related banker-brought recession than with a bellyful of turkey, stuffing, yams, and pumpkin pie? Despite its rotten ambiguities Thanksgiving remains my favorite American holiday. ...
Digg Green
- Climate change emails betwe scientists reveal flaw ...Fred Pearce: A close reading of the hacked emails exposes the real process of science, its jealousies and tribalism...
- Phenominal Pic of the day: 2 February 2010Bright northern lights over the open sea.
- The clean energy potential in our backyardDevelopment of large renewable facilities can take years to address endangered species concerns, costs of new transmission and environmental impacts on local communities and parks. Fortunately, we have more immediate ways to bring substantial renewable energy sources online.
- More than 1,200 tiny quakes hit Yellowstone ParkMore than 1,200 tiny quakes hit Yellowstone Park
- Climate researcher calls for radical strategy to b ...Blocking out some of the sun's rays is a faster and cheaper method of controlling the Earth's temperature than cutting greenhouse gas emissions, says a research paper authored by University of Calgary researcher David Keith. ScienceInsider reported that Keith and American climate change researchers ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Focus on Haiti – The politics of riceIn 2008, in the midst of the global food crisis, we travelled to Haiti to look at the politics of rice – how such a fertile country became dependent on food aid. In the wake of this current disaster, that dependence is – initially – going to deepen. But as relief efforts slowly turn to [...]
- Mass Media-How They Control You
- FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT ...
- Israeli Scientists Show DNA Evidence Can be Fabric ...By David Guiterrez Scientists from the Tel Aviv, Israel-based company Nucleix have demonstrated that it is possible to create fake DNA samples and plant them as evidence at a crime scene, in a paper published in the journal Forensic Science: International Genetics. “You can just engineer a crime sce ...
- Strange case of moving weather posts and a scienti ...By Fred Pearce It is difficult to imagine a more bizarre academic dispute. Where exactly are 42 weather monitoring stations in remote parts of rural China? But the argument over the weather stations, and how it affects an important set of data on global warming, has led to accusations of scientific ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a decision I’ve ma ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pakist ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 13- or ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Do Employers Really Need to Give Drug Tests for Po ...Many former police officers, city officials, even corrections officers now favor a new drug paradigm. Surely it is time to revisit a system that protects few and harms many.
- South Dakota Advocates Set to Push Again for Medic ...Will the second time be the charm in South Dakota? Four years ago, a medical marijuana initiative there lost by four points. Now, advocates are ready to try again
- False Claims on Rockefeller Drug Law Reform Lead t ...New report takes down the claims that disaster will result from drug law reform, and that judges are incapable of making sound decisions.
- Sewage as a Measure of Society's Drug UseTesting municipal wastewater for drugs may be the next big thing in public health research. The methodology will likely confirm the universality of drug use.
- NJ Allows Medical Marijuana for a Fraction of the ...NJ restricts doctors from prescribing marijuana for anything less than a terminal illness or debilitating condition, such as cancer, AIDS or multiple sclerosis.
Twilight Earth
- Alfalfa at the Eleventh HourThe USDA is getting closer to approving Monsanto's genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa, despite the fact that it's likely to contaminate other crops... Related posts: Monsanto News Roundup – A Frankenfood Extravaganza of GMO News Articles What is Genetic Pollution and How is it Affecting our F ...
- TwilighTV Video – Duraflame Firelog – Is it Eco?Adam Shake from Simple Earth Media tests the Duraflame Firelog for Eco friendliness. Related posts: Twilight Earth Debuts TwilighTV – Sustainable Living Video News Cop15 – On The Streets – Day One Video
- Simple Earth Media Website and Social Media Inform ...Where to find Simple Earth Media Websites and Social Media accounts on the internet. Related posts: Green Living Ideas and Twilight Earth Form New Major Environmental Network, Simple Earth Media 10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media 10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media ...
- Medical Bills Fundraiser for Derek MarkhamWritten by David Quilty: One of our green friends needs our help, and I am hopeful you guys can chip in. Adam Shake from Twilight Earth, Jerry James Stone (from every green site on the net – the guy is a content wizard!) and myself, David Quilty from The Good Human, have started a fund for [...] ...
- Photo Sunday – Poems and Prayers and PromisesPoems and Prayers and Promises. A song in photos. Related posts: Photo Sunday – Wind Photo Sunday – Once By The Ocean Photo Sunday – Golden Aspens
- GOOD Magazine Launches Design Competition to Rebui ...One of our favorite publications, GOOD magazine, has just joined forces with PRE and Studio X to launch a design competition to rebuild Haiti. The contest comes at a time when Haiti needs it the most, and offers a great opportunity for you to contribute your skills to do some good. They’re asking de ...
- Flushing Commons is a Green Megacomplex for Queens ...Ask most people about Flushing, Queens and they’re likely to either stare blankly or venture “Where the Nanny is from?!” That all might change with the development of a 1.8 million sq. foot, $850 million megacomplex for the area. Dubbed Flushing Commons, the spacious, airy design (which is quite a c ...
- Wearable Architecture: Our Clothing Becomes Our Ho ...What is a house, anyways? For the designers of the Veasyble wearable shelter, isolation and intimacy are important. They reflect on “the change in our relationship with the domestic environment, due to the effects of our increasing mobility, and how this has affected our concept of intimacy, creatin ...
- Energy Generating Soccer Ball Brings Clean Power t ...When the sun goes down many developing countries rely upon dangerous kerosene lamps, which emit hazardous fumes and generate 190 million metric tons of CO2 each year. Seeking an eco-friendly alternative to this trend, four Harvard engineering students developed the Soccket – a soccer ball that gener ...
- AIRCRUISE: A Fuel Cell Powered Zero Emissions Luxu ...In the hurried and fast paced lives we lead, travel can be just one more stressful, cramped and environmentally unfriendly activity. What if you could slow it down, take some time, and relax – all while aboard a zero emissions luxury cruise that travels not on the water but in the air?! That’s what ...
Pogue's Posts
- A New Way to Comment on Pogue's PostsPogue's Posts has a new, updated comment system that is better for everyone.
- The Apple iPad: First ImpressionsSome wild speculations of a guy who's never even tried the iPad. Believe me, I'll review it when I get one. But I like what I'm seeing.
- Google Voice Is Back on the iPhone, MostlyHave an iPhone? Tired of waiting for a Google Voice app? There's a workaround from the folks in Mountainview.
- The Apple Guessing GameWhat might Apple be announcing this week? It seems to be a tablet, but the mystery is in the details.
- Introducing Pogue (In)DirectHow to subscribe to and follow all of David Pogue's activities online.
Open Your Eyes News
- Biting recession leaves ever more Americans hungryReuters – The number of Americans receiving emergency food from the largest U.S. hunger-relief charity and its partners rose 46 percent from 2005 to 2009, according to a report released on Tuesday.”Feeding America” said 37 million people, including 14 million children, needed emergency food aid each ...
- France Refuses a Citizenship Over Full Islamic Vei ...BBC -The French government has refused to grant citizenship to a foreign national on the grounds that he forced his wife to wear the full Islamic veil. The man, whose current nationality was not given, needed citizenship to settle in the country with his French wife. But Immigration Minister Eric B ...
- Iran president Ahmadinejad accepts nuclear deal te ...BBC – Iran’s president has said it is ready to send its enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment under a deal to ease concerns about its nuclear programme. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told state TV that Iran would have “no problem” if most of its stock was held for several months before being returned ...
- UK ID minister promises virtual immortality for al ...The Register – The government has guaranteed virtual immortality for every British citizen – as long as they join the National Identity Register. In a Commons answer yesterday ID card minister Meg Hillier confirmed that once you’re on the register, nothing will remove you – not even death. Read Arti ...
- Fish Oil Can Head Off First Psychotic EpisodesThe Times – In the lives of young people at high risk for developing serious mental illness, heading off that first psychotic episode can mean a world of difference. A new study has found that for a year after it was completed,12 weeks of dietary supplementation with Omega-3 fish oil reduced progres ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Round 4 of 4: Once Again, Fist Worldist Hoxhaists ...Round 4 of 4: Once Again, Fist Worldist Hoxhaists versus Maoist-Third Worldists: On the First World “working class” and on reading Marx.. KO (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently, a debate took place between First Worldist Hoxhaists and Maoist-Third Worldists. This debate touched on many are ...
- Για το βίντεο με τίτλο: «Για τη Θεωρία των Παραγωγ ...Για το βίντεο με τίτλο: «Για τη Θεωρία των Παραγωγικών Δυνάμεων» Μέρος 1ο (shubelmorgan.wordpress.com) (English) Σημείωση: Η Μαοïστική-Τριτοκοσμιστική διαδικτυακή οργάνωση Shubel Morgan, πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησε ένα βίντεο με θέμα την ρεβιζιονιστική Θεωρία των Παραγωγικών Δυνάμεων και τον καθοριστικές ...
- Marxismo real y falso sobre el reparto socialistaMarxismo real y falso sobre el reparto socialista por la compañera «Prairie Fire» (in English) (in French) (in Greek) (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Un reparto socialista de la riqueza del mundo a escala mundial implica un reparto que se acerque al igualitarismo o cuyas únicas desigualdades b ...
- Vivre au tiers-monde coûte cherVivre au tiers-monde coûte cher par Serve the People de irtr.info (source: http://irtr.info/forums/vtopic515-0.html) (in English) (in Polish) Le texte suivant, légèrement révisé, fut publié sur irtr.info par Serve the People le 2 décembre 2005 : D’accord, regardons le coût de la vie au Ghan ...
- Round 3: First Worldist Hoxhaists versus Maoist-Th ...Round 3 of 4: First Worldist Hoxhaists versus Maoist-Third Worldists: On the First World “working class” and on reading Marx (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently, a debate took place between First Worldist Hoxhaists and Maoist-Third Worldists. This debate touched on many areas. Two of the ma ...
- Zardari’s Sprititual War: Pakistani President Slau ...Swamped by court challenges and under pressure from a hostile opponents (PML-N), Pakistan’s president, Asif Ali Zardari, has found solace in an unusual form – the ritual slaughter of goats. Zardari has a black goat killed every day at his Islamabad house to ward off “evil eyes” and protect himsel ...
- Video: How Mass Media Control You!This is how they control the masses of this world through media – Yes we all are brainwashed.. doesn’t matters if we are in USA, India, Pakistan or any other part of the world.. we are being fed on deceptions, lies and personal agendas just to rule us. The below amazing interview was don ...
- Alert: U.S. Moves Missiles And Troops To Russian B ...Nuclear and Conventional Arms Pacts Stalled by Rick Rozoff 2010 is proceeding in a manner more befitting the third month of the year, named after the Roman god of war, than the first whose name is derived from a pacific deity. On January 13 the Associated Press reported that the White House ...
- Death Of US Dollar: Secret Images of New Proposed ...The US Dollar is soon going to die and a new currency already planned by Federal Reserve. So if you are investing or saving in US dollars then you should be very concerned about what is coming next! AMERICA-CANADA-MEXICO will become NORTH AMERICAN UNION THE NEW “PROPOSED” BILL FOR NORTH AMERICAN ...
- Video: US Army Takes Haiti – US Blocks Some Aid Fl ...Haiti Earthquake Aid, or Army Occupation – Al Jazeera TV Reports Every country that richer than Haiti is trying to help, but only American government is sending armed occupation forces to build more bases, and never pull out. Karachi-based charity worker, Abdul Sattar Edhi, pledged cash as former ...
- Italy to Plug in Idling Cruise ShipsItalian port cities are planning to connect large ships like cruise liners to the grid while they're berthed to cut fuel consumption and potentially slash carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent and nitrogen oxides and particulate pollution by more than 95 percent. Venice , Paolo Costa, La Spezia a ...
- Rubber Material Harvests Energy from Small Movemen ...A new material developed by researchers at Princeton and Caltech is capable of harvesting energy from the simplest of movements like walking or breathing. This new rubber chip made of PZT (lead zirconate titanate) nanoribbons could eventually power small portable electronic devices like cell phone ...
- EcoGeek of the Week: CEO of AMP Electric VehiclesWe had the chance to meet Steve Burns when he came to the North American International Auto Show in Detroit earlier this month. Steve Burns is the CEO of AMP Electric Vehicles , a Cincinnati, OH-based company that is creating electric vehicles without building cars themselves. AMP believes in el ...
- Federal Government Will Cut Its GHG Emissions 28% ...Many of us were disappointed by the State of the Union address Wednesday night. Sure the president stressed the importance of a climate bill and clean energy development, but he also committed to pursuing more nuclear energy, new offshore oil drilling and "clean" coal. That makes today's announce ...
- Florida Getting First High-Speed Rail FundsLast year, the government promised $10.5 billion in funds for high-speed rail development and the first state to receive some of that money is Florida. Tomorrow, President Obama will be awarding $2.5 billion to the state to jump-start the first phase of their train system that will run from Orland ...
Times Online - Science
- Phil Jones, scientist in climate data row, promise ...The scientist at the centre of the climate change row over stolen e-mails has admitted that he and his colleagues need to be more open with their data.
- Sexy science: Earth at the mercy of a restless SunOn January 19 a huge blast of light and energy erupted from the surface of the Sun, the equivalent of millions of atomic bombs being detonated. This event, called an M-class solar flare, was followed quickly by four more bursts of increasing magnitude from the same source — a sunspot.
- Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site dropped despite ...One of the most extraordinary engineering feats undertaken in postwar America is to lie unused inside a mountain unless someone thinks of a new purpose for it.
- Clint Eastwood was not averse to getting his shoot ...The classic western good guy seemed to make a point of never drawing first. Only when the baddie reached for his gun did the cowboy hero show how quick his reactions were.
- How gunslingers could help us understand Parkinson ...When physicist Niels Bohr watched westerns, he noticed that the cowboy who drew his gun first and so had an advantage, was often the one shot.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Haiti Earthquake & Voodoo: Myths, Ritual, and Robe ...A voodoo scholar explains how Haiti's many believers may view the earthquake, why he thinks Pat Robertson's post-quake remarks were "cruel, ignorant, unforgivable"—and more.
- Green Energy "Oasis" to Bloom in the Desert?A research center slated to be built in 2010 as part of the Sahara Forest Project is meant to serve as a proving ground for new technologies designed to bring green living to the desert, project managers say.
- Strongest Hurricanes May Triple in Frequency, Stud ...The U.S. Southeast, Mexico, and the Caribbean will be pounded by more very intense hurricanes in the coming decades due to global warming, a new computer model suggests.
- BPA Linked to Heart Disease, Study ConfirmsBisphenol-A—used in many sunglasses, reusable bottles, food packaging, and baby bottles—is linked to heart disease, a new study confirms. In a separate development, the FDA changes course and announces concern over BPA.
- Chemical BPA Linked to Heart Disease, Study Confir ...Bisphenol-A—used in many sunglasses, reusable bottles, food packaging, and baby bottles—is linked to heart disease, a new study confirms.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- That's Alright ObamaA little northern humour on the bailouts in the key of "eh?" The banks may not all be solvent but the comment threads are. Deposit your thoughts below.
- Boughton the populist!Cough!!! Cough!!! Will we find old naked photos of him in Cosmo too? "Boughton enters GOP gubernatorial race as pickup-truck populist"
- Judge Orders Breitbart Brat Home to Mommy and Dadd ...Co-conspirators Stan Dai and James O'Keefe seen leaving the courthouse in a photo that O'Keefe did not have a chance to tamper with before I could: After getting caught messing with the phone lines in Senator Landrieu's Louisiana office , even videoing his and his co-conspirators with their pant ...
- When it comes to Joe Lieberman...If Joe Lieberman... Originally uploaded by msgeek93 Nothing to add.
- Rep. Anthony Weiner Teaches Lieberman To SpellIn his own special way : Sharp-eyed Ben was reading my story when he noticed something I had missed: Lieberman managed to misspell the name of Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who, I swear, has uttered the phrase "As long as you spell my name right" in my presence. Wrote Lieberman: "I fear the people who ...
SPL Center
- Gun Rights Advocates to March Against Phantom Thre ...Public support for gun control has been steadily declining, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a ruling that strengthens an individual’s right to own firearms and President Obama has said nothing to suggest he will take on gun-rights enthusiasts. No matter. Gun rights advocates, including some in the ...
- Columnist Describes Barrage of Threats from Nazi L ...ROANOKE, VA. — Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts told the jury this afternoon that his “blood ran cold” when he received an E-mail from white supremacist Bill White with his home address, telephone number and a reference to his wife. When he clicked a link in the E-mail and saw that Whi ...
- Federal Jury Convicts Missouri ExtremistWhoever complained that the wheels of justice move slowly would have enjoyed this week’s trial of Robert Joos Jr. A federal jury in Springfield, Mo., needed nine minutes to convict the reputed antigovernment white supremacist on charges of being a felon in possession of firearms and a felon in posse ...
- Indictments Detail Alleged Police Cover-up in Beat ...At about 11:30 on the night of July 12, 2008, six teenagers brutally assaulted a Latino man in a Shenandoah, Pa., park while yelling “Fucking spic, “Go back to Mexico” and “Tell your fucking Mexican friends to get the fuck out of Shenandoah.” As they gathered at one of their homes after the attack, ...
- Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ̵ ...The online news site European Union Times (EUT) — which recently “broke” a story about President Obama preparing for an imminent civil war — is being cited as a credible source by several libertarian bloggers who are hyping the story. It turns out the EUT was created in October and is registered t ...
change: org.
- Displaced Somalis Support American Haiti Response ...It’s a beautiful thing when the world comes together to support America’s efforts in Haiti. Just ask some war-displaced Somalis, Darfuris and Pakistanis. Earlier this week, the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) sent emails to its regional offices requesting that they cut their humani ...
- A Greener Acai Berry?Many people who eat sustainably — particularly in California — are also likely to participate in food fads such as cleanses, kombucha tea and açaí berry everything. But these so-called miracle foods' markets expand incredibly fast, and the issue of sustainability is often lost in the shuffle. Açaí ...
- Swedish Politician Provides Sleeping Bags Instead ...Oh brother. A well-meaning member of parliament in Stockholm, Sweden is donating sleeping bags for the homeless and encouraging her colleagues to do the same. The key words here are "member of parliament." If your average everyday citizens were looking for ways to help, I'd applaud them. (I'd also s ...
- A Second Chance for Clinton in HaitiAs of this afternoon, it's official: former President Bill Clinton has been appointed the UN's chief aid and reconstruction coordinator for Haiti. UN officials are crossing their fingers that Clinton can exert his legendary charisma to help attract the long-term attention Haiti needs. So far, countr ...
- This Just In: CBS Co-Wrote Focus on the Family AdSo, let's review: Five years ago, CBS rejected a Super Bowl ad bid from the United Church of Christ, hiding behind some no-advocacy group rule. Three years ago a gay employee sued after he was fired for getting involved in what he categorized "advocacy causes" that aided victims of hate crimes. (The ...
Common Dreams -News
- Consumer Groups: Breaking Up Banks is ‘Crucial’ El ...by Sahil Kapur WASHINGTON - As the Senate debates financial reform, consumer groups are urging Congress to break up the biggest banks and impose strict limits on proprietary lending, virtually guaranteeing a "repeat" of the 2008 meltdown if those actions aren't taken. read more
- Obama Eyes Biofuels, Clean Coal in New Climate Pus ...by Jeff Mason and Timothy Gardner WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama announced new measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with "clean coal" technology on Wednesday in his latest move to keep climate change at the top of the country's political agenda. The administration also outlined a str ...
- As House and Senate Fumble Health Reform, Free Cli ...by Chris Ayotte and Jeff Stoecker In New Orleans, health care providers with Communities Are Responding Everyday treated 1,000 patients. In Houston, they saw 1,700. On Wednesday, they will be caring for people in Hartford. read more
- Efforts by EPA to Regulate Carbon Could be Undermi ...by Charles Abbott WASHINGTON - With congressional action on climate legislation in doubt, two House committee chairmen have filed a bill to block the government from regulating greenhouse gases under its own power. The lawmakers say Congress, not "unelected bureaucrats," should set environment ...
- Obama's Silent War Shocks Pakistanby Delcan Walsh To many Pakistanis the most shocking aspect of the latest Taliban bombing was not the death toll, or the injuries inflicted on survivors, but the question that it raised: what was a team of American soldiers doing in a tense corner of North West Frontier province? In a way, ...
- Remains of the Day: Firefox Running on Android Edi ...Mozilla gets its first (full-size) Firefox browser running on an Android platform, Amazon inches toward a touch-controlled Kindle, HTML5 and free video get dissected, and Steve Jobs gets sharp-tongued in the grunge era. Android Progress: More Pixels Edition A Mozilla developer shows off his progre ...
- Repurpose Your Rice Cooker to Make Tasty One-Pot M ...If you've got a rice cooker stashed in a cabinet somewhere, you seriously need to haul it out and put it to work. It' can make you some amazing one-pot meal in no time flat. Photo by Corsica_JP . Despite their name, rice cookers are essentially giant steamers, so anything that benefits from moist c ...
- Skip the Raise, Ask Your Boss for These Perks Inst ...If your company is already tightening its belt, it might not do much good asking for a raise during your next performance review. Instead, consider asking for other perks that might be almost as good as cash in your pocket. Photo by TedsBlog . Workplace blog WorkAwesome has some great tips for gett ...
- CreaWriter Is a Distraction-Free Writing Space Com ...Windows: If you checked out the Mac-only Ommwriter and were disappointed that there wasn't an equivalent tool for Windows, you're in luck. CreaWriter is a distraction free writing tool that lets you customize your writing experience. Click on the image above for a closer look. CreaWriter is a free ...
- The All-Glass Opera Desktop [Featured Desktop]Reader t.click's desktop sports an amazing, totally transparent skin for the Opera browser that uses Aero Glass to render virtually the entire interface. We've already shown you how the latest snapshot version of the Opera browser gives you great Windows 7 integration, and that functionality can be ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The Military Is More Important Than YouBy Steve Hynd Kevin Drum has a chart via Spencer Ackerman. There are two interesting things about this chart. Firstly, Kevin writes: "What is that makes us think our national security needs are going to get more and more pressing but not our domestic needs?" The base Pentagon budget this year is alr ...
- Afghanistan War Shapes Engorged Defense Budget Whi ...By Derrick Crowe The Obama Administration just unveiled a huge Defense Department budget for next year shaped by the Afghanistan war. War spending is exempt from the president's proposed spending freeze, despite President Obama's statement at West Point that, "we can't simply afford to ignore the pr ...
- Karzai: Afghan Mineral And Oil Reserves Worth $Tri ...By Steve Hynd Karzai, announcing a survey of Afghan oil and mineral deposits: "I have very good news for Afghans," Karzai said. "The initial figures we have obtained show that our mineral deposits are worth a thousand billion dollars -- not a thousand million dollars but a thousand billion," he said ...
- The Next Problem With The Afghan Police - Tribal L ...By Steve Hynd It's almost an article of faith among the COIndinista set right now that the answer in Afghanistan is "tribal". Tribal militias, Tribal Jirgas, deals with smuggling tribes to fight their smuggling rivals the Taliban. Many analysts who know the country and the people have been sceptical ...
- Karzai: Afghan Mineral And Oil Reserves Worth $Tri ...By Steve Hynd Karzai, announcing a survey of Afghan oil and mineral deposits: "I have very good news for Afghans," Karzai said. "The initial figures we have obtained show that our mineral deposits are worth a thousand billion dollars -- not a thousand million dollars but a thousand billion," he said ...
Water Wars
- Ruling victory for wetlands (The Post and Courier)After two decades of losing battles against the development of freshwater wetlands along the coast, conservationists won a war this week.
- Journalist takes stock of Bay County's waterways ( ...Cynthia Barnett, senior writer at Florida Trend magazine, will be speaking at Books Alive on Saturday. Her latest book, “Mirage: Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S.,” gives an in-depth account of Florida’s water usage. From...
- Cuckoo for Coconuts (New York Post)Madonna has become so nuts for coconut water that she recently invested about $1.5 million in one of the leading makers of the drink, which has taken Hollywood and The Big Apple by storm, The Post has learned. Guy Oseary, the Material Girl's manager, told On the Money...
- Water leaders set for Colusa Farm Show (Colusa Cou ...With California's historic water wars on center state at the state Capitol, Family Water Alliance will host the second annual Water Forum during the Colusa Farm Show. The event will feature a panel of California's leading water experts and will be...
- Star Valley, Payson poised to end water wars (Pays ...Payson and Star Valley this week turned the water war into a support group, with a “monumental” agreement to give Star Valley access to a deep water well and an existing water main that could support commercial development and fire hydrants along the highway.
WordPress | Economics
- The Games People PlayDon’t get sucked in. It’s tempting to accept the knee-jerk reaction of outrage, but step back and t
- Britain declines while our leaders connive for the ...Britain in decline Military spending has emerged in the media with Gordon Brown claiming he didn
- AnnouncementAfter some soul-searching and research, I’ve decided that the time has come to take my game to
- Time to invest in Africa!Today VC4Africa is proud to welcome its 2010th member to our community platform VC4Africa.com. Needl
- TARP Alternative By Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Guest Autho ...A refreshingly unique perspective by Lt. Daniel Kaffee. Daniel Kaffee, a life-long friend, has an e
Electronic Intifada
- Nightmares continue to plague Gaza childrenOCCUPIED GAZA STRIP (IRIN) - Mona al-Samouni, 12, is depressed and has nightmares about the day -- just more than a year ago -- when she witnessed her parents and a number of relat ...
- Pro-Israel lobbies target EuropeBRUSSELS (IPS) - Defenders of Israel's aggressive stance have for many years been recognized as a powerful force shaping United States foreign policy. A less well-known fact is tha ...
- Canadian organization attacking Palestinian rights ...The Board of Directors of Rights & Democracy, a not-for-profit organization created by Canada's parliament in 1988 to encourage and support human rights around the world, r ...
- Interview: "We need a new, united strategy as one ...The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA), based in Nazareth, is one of the first human rights organizations in Israel, founded during the first Palestinian intifada by l ...
- Palestinian politicians face tide of persecution i ...Leaders of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel warned this week that they were facing an unprecedented campaign of persecution designed to stop their political activities. The ...
CS Monitor - News
- podcast091204Fewer US jobs lost in November and impact on economy.
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
The Wonk Room
- Facts Get In The Way Of Conservatives’ Abdul ...Our guest blogger is Ken Gude, Associate Director of the International Rights and Responsibility Program at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. The revelation that Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, the failed Christmas Day underwear bomber, has been cooperating with authorities and providing valu ...
- Rep. Miller: Congress’ Jobs Proposals ‘ ...The Senate is expected to finally unveil some new jobs legislation as early as tomorrow, which Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) have been working on for the last few months. It will reportedly be in the neighborhood of $80 billion, which means it will be substantially smaller than th ...
- Conservatives Use Rich Canadian Politician’s Trip ...anny Williams, the independently wealthy Premier of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador announced this morning that he is heading to the U.S. for heart surgery. The right wing, which often claims that Democrats wish to secretly transform America’s health care into a Canadian single-pa ...
- Graham: ConservaDems’ Dirty Energy Bill Is & ...A day after President Barack Obama recognized that Senate Democrats wish to abandon global warming pollution limits in an energy bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) mocked the approach as “half-assed.” Obama’s remarks yesterday that “it’s conceivable” the Senate will attempt to pass an energy-incentive ...
- Uncomfortable Parallels: Does McCain Really Want T ...Responding to charges that he flip flopped on his support for repealing DADT, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s office issued a statement arguing that Mike Mullen’s recent testimony does not reflect the view of the military as a whole. “One person, speaking individually, not on behalf of the Navy at all, is ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Inability to Connect the DotsThat appears to be what makes our media so naturally able to filter uncomfortable facts from their day-to-day reporting. Certainly there's some conscious thinking going on in the total absence of coverage on Haiti between 2004 and right before this year's earthquake tragedy. But there's also this ...
- Mandatory Minimum Sentences, War Crimes, and steph ...First of all, I've made a lot of hay about "the Rule of Law" with regards to stephen harper's war crimes in Afghanistan. I think I've also been careful to point out that I regard some crimes as worse than others, and that there's actually some leeway in law enforcement that's possible without smash ...
- David Brooks Weighs in on HaitiThe NYT's David Brooks is not one of the towering intellects of our times. If you go to that link you'll find that Glenn Greenwald has assembled a cornucopia of David Brooks' errors, including such gems as: EITHER SADDAM HUSSEIN will remain in power or he will be deposed. President Bush has suggeste ...
- Torture Apologists Show Why the Mission FailedFor all their bluster about how this is a partisan witch hunt about an issue that doesn't matter, the harpercons and their drooling nit-wit supporters are providing ample evidence for why "the mission" in Afghanistan failed . You see, if a sane, intelligent person had committed soldiers to a countr ...
- Khadr Will Get Millions!!!!We can already hear the shrieking and wailing. The same delusional morons who begrudge Maher Arar his compensation, and who have already slandered Abdullah Almalki, Muayyed Nureddin, Ahmad Abou El-Maati, and Abousfian Abdelrazik as either terrorists or fortune-hunters, are now no doubt bitching abo ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: Long Term Perspectivesby Ron Griess. "... "Regressing to the mean" is a term often cited by financial commentators. In truth, market prices spend very little time at a "mean." If our trend line is considered a "mean," the following chart shows just how little time the DJIA has spent at the "mean," especially since 1925.. ...
- How to Talk to a Nincompoopby Jeff Clark. "My Grandmother’s favorite word for politely describing the obtuse among us aptly characterizes a recent attack on gold. And that it comes from an investment magazine that commands front-of-the-rack prominence in waiting rooms across our great land is reassuring evidence we have a lon ...
- Groundhog Daze by Bob Clark. "February 2 is Groundhog Day. The question is, with this sell off in the markets will consumers see their debt shadows and go back into hibernation. As the stimulus has started to dry up, economic numbers are already starting to weaken. The question brings to mind the Bill Murray mov ...
- A Mortally Wounded Private Sector by Michael Pento. "The scope of the proposed budget for fiscal 2011 is $3.8 trillion. The difference between revenue and expenditures for this fiscal year will leave us with a deficit of $1.6 trillion and, amazingly enough, that shortfall will equal 10.6% of GDP—the highest since WWll and $200 billi ...
- Market Observation: 2010, Transitioning From Push ...by Ryan J. Puplava, CMT. "There were a slew of economic reports over the past two trading days that have meaningful data points to review; hopefully, shedding light on the direction our economy is heading. The main economic releases to review are the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) report released las ...
on Government Oversight
- Morning Smoke: Dodd Criticizes White House Timing ...Dodd Vents Over Handling of Bank Proposal by Damian Paletta [The Wall Street Journal] F-35 Nunn-McCurdy? by John Tirpak [Air Force Magazine] Pay czar says AIG bonus flap to end in March by David Morgan [Reuters] C-5M Operational Testing Concludes...
- Defense Department Comptroller Hale: The Joint Str ...Just finished a blogging round table call with Defense Comptroller Robert Hale (transcript to be posted at that link soon) to answer questions about the proposed budget for the Department of Defense (DoD). Not many huge revelations: DoD is still...
- William Lynn : Pentagon Dollars :: Fox : HenhouseAfter ex-Raytheon lobbyist and Deputy Defense Secretary nominee William Lynn received an ethics waiver exempting him from the President's Executive Order to restore integrity and ethics to government, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) reminded us that his...
- POGO is Shocked by Wasteful Spending in DOE BudgetIn the midst of initiating a federal spending freeze, it is shocking that President Obama’s FY 2011 Budget Request released this week pours billions of dollars into two unnecessary nuclear weapons construction projects. There is no demonstrated requirement for either...
- Morning Smoke: Gates Not Sure If JSF Can Avoid Bre ...Costs Haunt F-35; DOD Tossing Leadership by Graham Warwick and David A. Fulghum [Aviation Week] Dems Seek DoD Budget Cuts by Colin Clark [DoD Buzz] Banks Gear Up for a Battle by Kate Kelly [The Wall Street Journal] SEC Budget...
Science Express
- Study offers evidence that spongiform brain diseas ...Scientists have determined how a normal protein can be converted into a prion, an infectious agent that causes fatal brain diseases in humans and mammals.
- Research may hold key to maintaining embryonic ste ...In a new study that could transform embryonic stem cell (ES cell) research, scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered why mouse ES cells can be easily grown in a laboratory while other mammalian ES cells are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain.
- Physical reality of string theory demonstratedString theory has come under fire in recent years. Promises have been made that have not been lived up to. Leiden (The Netherlands) theoretical physicists have now for the first time used string theory to describe a physical phenomenon. Their discovery has been reported in Science Express.
- Bcl6 gene sculpts helper T cell to boost antibody ...Expression of a single gene programs an immune system helper T cell that fuels rapid growth and diversification of antibodies in a cellular structure implicated in autoimmune diseases and development of B cell lymphoma, scientists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported toda ...
- Scientists discover gene mutation responsible for ...University of Utah researchers and their colleagues have identified the gene that is mutated in a hereditary form of a rare neuroendocrine tumor called paraganglioma (PGL). The gene, called hSDH5, is required for activation of an enzyme complex that plays a critical role in the chemical reactions th ...
- Will The Recording Industry Pay For ISP Monitoring ...Recently, as the BPI was arguing yet again that ISPs were exaggerating how much it would cost to implement a three strikes type regime in the UK (which would be required under Peter Mandelson's Digital Economy Bill, aka DEB), we wondered if BPI would be willing to foot the bill , since it's so sure ...
- Did The Recording Industry Really Miss The Opportu ...There's been a lot of talk in the last year or so about the fact that the recording industry supposedly "missed an opportunity" to "monetize" online music a decade ago when it failed to come to an agreement on licensing with Napster. The idea was that Napster could have been iTunes, and people woul ...
- ICanHasLawsuit? Pet Holdings Sues Other Site For F ...A few weeks ago, when I attended Public Knowledge's World Fair Use Day, I had been excited to meet the guy behind ICanHasCheezburger, Ben Huh, who was supposed to be on my panel, talking about how the various sites he ran make use of fair use all the time. Unfortunately, at the last minute he had t ...
- New South Australian Law Forbids Anonymous Politic ...A bunch of folks have sent in the news of a new law in South Australia that forbids any anonymous political commentary leading up to elections. Literally, the law reads: "A person must not during an election period, publish material consisting of, or containing a commentary on, any candidate or ...
- Court Says U Of Southern California Only One Who C ...DEF points us to a recent appeals court (federal circuit) ruling that held that the University of South Carolina cannot use the letters USC on its sports uniforms because the University of Southern California already claims those letters. Seriously. It's hard to see how this makes much sense at al ...
- Cervarix HPV vaccine adverts are untrue and should .... . . Christina England vactruth.com 2/2/2010 Cervical cancer kills around 940 women in the UK every year and the majority of these women are over the age of 45 years. Although shocking, this is a comparatively low figure,compared to those dying from other cancers, the highest rate of death bei ...
- Scientific Link to Autism IdentifiedThe Center For Modeling Optimal Outcomes PRNewswire 11/18/2009 JACKSON, N.J., Nov. 18 /PRNewswire/ — During its research into the application of neuroscience in business, a New Jersey based think tank, The Center for Modeling Optimal Outcomes®, LLC (The Center) made an inadvertent and amazing disc ...
- Agony of doctor’s receptionist paralysed by ...By Sophie Borland Daily Mail 01st February 2010 A receptionist at a GP’s surgery has been left unable to walk properly after having the swine flu jab. Alison Dygnas, who as an NHS worker was advised to have the vaccination, also experienced the paralysis in her face, had slurred speech and found ea ...
- Miscarriage prompts halt to flu jabsMinistry denies link, launches an inquiry Bangkok Post 01/29/2010 H1N1 flu vaccinations among pregnant women have been suspended after a woman who received a jab lost her baby to miscarriage a day later. The Public Health Ministry yesterday denied any link between the vaccinations and the foetal de ...
- Forced Vaccinations, Government, and the Public In ...By Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. thehnf.com December 2009 Those who are observant have noticed a dangerous trend in the United States, as well as worldwide, and that is the resorting of various governments at different levels to mandating forced vaccination upon the public at large. My State of Missis ...
- Media and Anarchists Violent ReputationPicture an anarchist in your head. What do you see? For most people the image is of a black clad, pubescent boy throwing rocks through a store window or spray painting an anarchist symbol. People with a better sense of history might picture a slightly older, wild-bearded man making assassination p ...
- Irrational Fears and the Status QuoIt seems like I have spent my entire life trying to fight off the irrational fears that people have tried to instill in me. I was advised not to ride the bus in Ft. Lauderdale or I’d get robbed. I was told if I went to Liberty City, I would get beat up. Before [...]
- Howard Zinn Will Be MissedI feel very lucky that I had the opportunity to see Howard Zinn at Busboys and Poets last year. I wish I had a recording of his talk. The gist of it was that no politician is going to bring us the change we need. We have to make the change happen. Here is an [...]
- Women, Are You Up for a Gathering?You may have heard about a conference coming up in San Francisco called Libertopia. Its purpose is to create a worldwide movement of individuals who choose their own form of governance – a voluntary society based on mutual respect for each individual’s dignity and ownership of his/her own body and ...
- Are Cynic and Optimist Mutually Exclusive?People often complain that I’m cynical and pessimistic. I’m always looking for the catch, the ulterior motive, the dark side. Every new plan, from health care to tax reform, I am immediately poking holes in. Many of my friends are liberal, nonprofit types who are very attached to these plans. ...
Executive Intelligence Review
- LaRouche Meets with European LYM: What Are Your Pl ...Dialogue with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- The Case of AIG: We, The People, Demand Answers!By John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- Obama's Health-Care Plan Will Impose Genocide on Y ...By Tony Papert Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- New Kelly Revelations Can Sink Tony BlairBy Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- The East Goes Nuclear, While the West Heads for th ...By Michael Billington Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
Armies of Liberation
- US Sanctions Iran Based al Qaeda, Zawahiri Promise ...The US Treasury Department placed financial sanctions on Saad bin Laden, thought to be in Pakistan, and three alleged al Qaeda operatives in Iran including a Yemeni. The terrorist designation Friday froze their assets within US jurisdictions and prohibits Americans from financial dealings with the ...
- Arabian Peninsula al Qaeda groups mergeIn the face of Saudi Arabia’s success against the al Qaeda organization, many Saudi operatives have fled to the more hospitable climate in Yemen, joining others who recently arrived from Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan. Al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda organization to ...
- Yemen strikes multi-faceted deals with al QaedaYemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh recently struck a deal with Ayman Zawahiri, and Yemen is in the process of emptying its jails of known jihadists. The Yemeni government is recruiting these established jihadists to attack its domestic enemies as it refrains from serious counter-terror measures aga ...
- Yemen’s Multi Faceted Deals with Al Qaeda (A ...اليمن تعقد صÙقات متعددة الوجوه مع القاعدة كتبت: جين نوÙاك – Ùبراير/ 2009 عبدالله عبدالوهاب ناجي- ترجمة خاصة بالمستقلة عقد الرئيس اليمني علي عبدا لله ØµØ§Ù„Ø Ù…Ø¤Ø®Ø±Ø§ صÙقة مع ...
- Yemen’s three terror frontsBy Jane Novak March 28, 2009 3:18 PM Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit in an internet statement Friday for a pair of suicide attacks that targeted South Koreans in Yemen. A teen-aged suicide bomber killed four South Korean tourists in Shibam, Hadramout on March 15. A second terror att ...
Dark Politricks
- Twitter Updates for 2010-02-04RT @Mach3te: State of the Internet Explained In One Giant Infographic [PIC] – http://bit.ly/dutoDi (via @mashable) # #BigBrother wants more control of the #Internet. MSM push the msg that we need a license to surf the #web http://bit.ly/c0rUFi #privacy #NWO # Americans get ready 4 anoth ...
- Yet Another Obama War EscalationBy Anthony Gregory From the administration that told us the “war on drugs” was an anachronistic construct, we now see that war being escalated, with all the emphasis on enforcement we get from the law-and-order rightwing. Of course, this should be no surprise. Obama is a progressive Democrat, and ju ...
- House Voting to Raise Debt Limit TomorrowBy John Tate We are barely over a month into the New Year, and our elected officials already need an injection of more money to continue their out of control spending addiction. Contact Congress and urge your representative to vote against H.J. Res. 45, which would increase our debt limit by $1.9 tr ...
- Press Release about Indiana Universty and Tom Wood ...By Matt Holdridge This via Young Americans for Liberty To continue to help raise awareness and to bring Tom Woods to Indiana University, a press release has gone out on behalf of IU’s YAL chapter. Below is the text of the release; please share it with any bloggers or members of the media who might ...
- The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 3rd With ...Alex welcomes back to the show former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and political and legal analyst for Fox News Channel, Andrew Napolitano. Judge Napolitano is the author of Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks its Own Laws, The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal ...
food and water watch
- Farmed Blue fin tuna awash in San DiegoIronically, as blue fin tuna populations have dropped dramatically around the world, Imperial Beach in San Diego was unexpectedly awash with them last week as “disoriented” fish struggled in the surf and some were beached on the shore. Blue fin tuna are prized by sport fishermen and high-end sushi r ...
- The Real FarmvilleFarmville, the virtual farming game on Facebook.com, has recently become an online phenomenon with millions of active players. The game portrays an idyllic farming community where players can create small, personalized farms with options to harvest anything from tomatoes to Clydesdales (for horse h ...
- Turning Trash into More TrashThe bottled water industry tries very hard to convince consumers that buying their product is fine, because all those empty bottles are recyclable. What they don’t address is exactly what plastic bottle recycling often entails. Check out this video from National Geographic for a closer look at the p ...
- Jobs, Pipes, WaterLast night the House of Representatives passed the Jobs for Main Street Act by a vote of 217-212. The Act would provide $2 billion for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure. This could lead to about 50,000 people having good jobs repairing water mains, detecting leaks, and modernizing treatm ...
- Target Hits the Mark with a Phase-out on Farmed Sa ...With an overload of sketchy news stories about corporations trying to control our food and water resources, pieces of good news on food safety can seem few and far between. But today, there is great news – the ever-popular Target has eliminated farmed salmon from its more than 1,700 stores across t ...
- Spectacular Brazilian Treehouses by Casa Na Arvore ...Photo: Courtesy Casa na Arvore. If you're a regular at TreeHugger, you probably know our love for treehouses: they usually have a great use of space, connect us with nature,open up ground space, and -- let's face it -- they're a lot of fun. We've already seen crazy designs from German firm Baum ...
- Fungus is a Hot Solution to Disposing of BPA Laden ...Image credit: Daquella manera /Flickr Polycarbonate plastic is in everything from water bottles to CDs and DVDs and thousands of other consumer products. Recently, it has even worked its way into the news with reports that bisphenol A (BPA) , a component of the plastic, can cause gender mutatio ...
- Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Says his Non-Recall ...If Woz Tells You There's a Bug, You Better Listen By now probably everybody reading this has heard about the massive Toyota recalls (and the now retracted comment by Ray Lahood ). One of the models that hasn't been recalled is the 2010 Toyota Prius hybrid . This might soon change, though: Uber- ...
- NASA Satellite Data Reveals Arctic Melting Season ...This map of the Arctic shows how earlier melt onset (left), and later freeze onset (middle), have contributed to longer melt season (right), over the past 30 years. Image and credit: NASA Earth Observatory. We've all heard about the extent to which Arctic sea ice is melting every summer, and ho ...
- Meet Po the Snake: He's Addicted to CigarettesPhoto via Metro With habitat loss and climate change threatening ecosystems across the world, animals have enough to worry about, but now it seems some our picking up on our unhealthier habits as well. Sure, we've seen ... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Medpedia launches new clinical trial platformThe Medpedia Project today announced Medpedia Clinical Trials, a platform for patients and physicians to receive information about the thousands of clinical trials that are in process or about to begin. Other online sources already allow for searching clinical trials, but the Medpedia platform allow ...
- Coffee Break Boosts Memory- A coffee break after an important meeting or class may be just the thing your brain needs to digest new information and improve memory. A new study suggests that resting while awake aids in memory consolidation and improves memory recall, much like getting a good night’s sleep has been shown to ...
- Monitoring Cell Death Could Help Cancer TreatmentWhen it comes to aggressive cancers, in the brain or lung for example, oncologists know that the sooner they can determine whether a treatment is unsuccessful, the sooner they can reevaluate and, if necessary, prescribe a new course of action. But typically, it takes two months or more to do the bef ...
- The incredible beauty in the life of cells
- Brain ‘entanglement’ could explain mem ...Subatomic particles do it. Now the observation that groups of brain cells seem to have their own version of quantum entanglement, or “spooky action at a distance”, could help explain how our minds combine experiences from many different senses into one memory. Previous experiments have shown that th ...
- CFACT continues their mission in Cancún
- Greenpeace Opts for Millions of Blind KidsWe can't prevent earthquakes, but we can prevent blindness.
- Not Exactly Mother TeresaIn fact, unethical Greenpeace actions threaten the livelihoods and lives of millions
- CFACT drops the banner on Greenpeace shipsIn daring land and sea raids, activists tag Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior with “Propaganda Warriorâ€Â banner; Arctic Sunrise hit with “Ship of Liesâ€Â banner earlier in the day
- Illegal aliens: An environmental boon?
Ria Novosti Online News
- Main news of February 3A roundup of what has happened in the past 24 hours
- Polish prime minister to participate in commemorat ...Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk will participate in the events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Wednesday.
- Gold, diamonds and other treasures in the Russian ...On February 3, the Russian State Depository for Precious Metals and Gems (Gokhran) celebrated its 90th anniversary.
- Tymoshenko urges Yushchenko to veto election law a ...Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko called on President Viktor Yushchenko on Wednesday to veto amendments to the presidential election law the ex-Soviet state's parliament adopted earlier today.
- Ex-Ukraine leader slams 'orange' camp for damaging ...Ukraine's ex-president, Leonid Kuchma, blamed the country's current authorities on Wednesday for straining ties with its traditional ally, Russia.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Kazakhstan to diversify satellite suppliers in fut ...Kazakhstan will not name Russia as a privileged supplier of satellites and will announce international tenders after the launch of its KazSat-2, the head of the Kazakh space agency said on Tuesday.
- Iran to unveil five space projectsIran will unveil five space projects at ceremonies starting on Monday to celebrate the victory of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Fars news agency said.
- Soyuz spacecraft blasts off to space stationThe Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft which is to carry three astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) was launched in the early hours of Monday, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.
- Soyuz spaceship crew ready for blastoff to space s ...The crew of a Russian Soyuz spaceship is ready for early Monday's blastoff to the International Space Station (ISS), the spaceship commander said Sunday.
- Shuttle Endeavour to bring Tranquility to space st ...Space shuttle Endeavour is to deliver on February 9 a new technological module, Tranquility, to the International Space Station for its U.S. segment, a NASA expert said Friday.
Pruning Shears
- BlogRoll Amnesty DayToday is Blogroll Amnesty Day , the day where bloggers promote their lesser trafficked bretheren (and sisteren(?)). Pruning Shears isn’t exactly an A-List blog and therefore not in a position to drive a whole lot of hits to anyone, but it’s the spirit of the thing that counts. Here are some of my ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Bruce Schneier writes , “In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts.” The bargaining away of our civil liberties in the name of keeping us Safe From T ...
- Thomas Hoenig Will Save Us All!No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post NOTE: Shortly before I finished this post Ben Bernanke was confirmed by the Senate for a second term as Fed chairman. I’m posting this anyway because I think it was a terrible decision that will only look worse with time, and maybe ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post I keep waiting for some official word on Scott Horton’s blockbuster exposé on detainee deaths in Guantánamo. In the mean time here are two observations on media coverage of this bombshell story. First, Yves Smith :Anyone familiar ...
- Is a Tea Party Dynamic Growing on the Left?No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Most of the blame in Martha Coakley’s defeat Tuesday is on her. She had a series of blunders, some of which were such a ridiculous caricature of liberal elitism it makes me wonder if she was a GOP double agent. So: That point, fir ...
Natural Health News
- Drug Companies Shift Emphasis to VaccinesThe extent to which the recession has cut into high-value research and development jobs in the pharmaceutical industry will be apparent soon as job losses in the industry climb to 12,000. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the British drugs group, will announce plans on for further restructuring with the loss ...
- Want to Be Happily Married? Go to CollegeNew research has good news for college grads. Modern college-educated women are more likely than other groups of women to be married at age 40, are less likely to divorce, and are more likely to describe their marriages as "happy". The marriages of well-educated women may tend to be more stable bec ...
- Animal Based Omega-3 Fats Slash Psychotic Disorder ...Omega-3 fats may help prevent full-blown psychotic illness in at-risk adolescents and young adults, a new study hints. There's considerable evidence that abnormal fatty acid metabolism may contribute to the development of schizophrenia. To investigate whether omega-3 fats might help prevent psycho ...
- Bad Habits Can Highjack Your BrainAdvances in neuroimaging have enabled researchers to peer inside the brains of addicts and patients with addictive behaviors. They can see, in real-time, how their brains’ reward systems -- based largely on the neurotransmitter dopamine -- thirsts for more, while inhibitory control centers experienc ...
- Heart Disease Will Kill 400,000 Americans in 2010Decades of progress in the United States on cutting cholesterol, blood pressure and smoking are being stalled by rising obesity rates, and heart disease will kill around 400,000 Americans this year. A study found that around half of those deaths could be averted if people ate healthier food and qui ...
- California Senate Approves Single-Payer Health Car ...Despite a firm veto threat from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the California Senate on Thursday passed a measure along party lines to create a $200 billion state-run, single-payer health care system. The bill—SB 810—now heads to the state Assembly for consideration. The legislation calls for the creat ...
- Want to Run for Office? Get a Corporate Sponsor!The 1886 U.S. Supreme Court case of Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad Company established by head note the proposition that a corporation is a person with Fourteenth Amendment rights. The above proposition has propounded much shock and confusion for law students tackling the subject ...
- Torture Accountability Letter 4 - Chair Conyers, C ...Happy Monday and welcome to the Dog’s letter writing campaign for accountability under the law for the apparent torture program of the Bush administration. The point of this effort is to keep the issue of accountability alive. We all know there are other critical issues, and the President and many i ...
- Lancet Withdraws Study Linking Autism With MMR Vac ...A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. A little false knowledge is even worse. Which is why it is a good thing that the Lancet has finally and fully withdrawn the study which claimed a link between autism and MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella ) vaccine. In 1998 British physician Andrew Wakefield publis ...
- The Deep State, A Powerless President, The CIA, Af ...Peter Dale Scott , a former Canadian diplomat and Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His most recent books are Drugs, Oil, and War (2005), The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (2007), The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11 ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
- BREAKING! Penn State finds Michael Mann innocent o ...Penn States internal enquiry has found that Mann did not "participate in, directly or indirectly, any actions with an intent to suppress or to falsify data". Related posts: Penn State’s inquiry into Michael Mann advances to an investigation Penn State decision on Michael Mann due on this week Penn ...
- Penn State’s inquiry into Michael Mann advances to ...An internal inquiry by Penn State into the research and scholarly activities of a well-known climate scientist Michael Mann will move into the investigatory stage, which is the next step in the University's process for reviewing research conduct. Related posts: Penn State Daily Collegian keeps the ...
- Could Climategate “security concerns” hand control ...In the wake of week after week of political reversals, fears are growing among climate sceptics that the current cybersecurity bill in the U.S. moves ever closer towards becoming law. In the Fall of 2009 the Electric Frontier Foundation (EFF) raised serious concerns about the Cybersecurity Bill prop ...
- John Costella offers to run for the Australian Sen ...John Costella has offered to run as a potential candidate of The Climate Sceptics Party for the state of Victoria for the Senate of the Parliament of Australia at the next general election due on or before 16 April 2011. Related posts: Top Australian scientists on climate change: Garbage In, Garba ...
- Federal preemption law forbids Penn State from hid ...contributed by John O’Sullivan Yesterday we reported that Penn State University claimed they are exempt from the Freedom Of Information Act under Pennsylvania’s ‘Right To Know Law.’ U.S. constitutional law advisers have reliably informed climategate.com that Penn State’s latest scam to hide ...
Opinio Juris
- Medellín, the Alien Tort Statute, and the Domestic ...by David H. Moore by David H. Moore [David H. Moore is a Professor at J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University] The Supreme Court’s decision in Medellin v. Texas has understandably generated substantial debate on the status of treaties in domestic law. Medellin has significant implica ...
- Breaking: Pre-Trial Chamber Must Reconsider Genoci ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller As I predicted, the Appeals Chamber has rejected the Pre-Trial Chamber’s interpretation of the “reasonable grounds” standard: Appeals judges said the court was wrong to conclude in March that there was insufficient evidence to merit charging al-Bashir with ...
- International Environmental Law as a 30% Solutionby Dan Bodansky by Dan Bodansky Many thanks to Peter, Kal and Scott for their very thoughtful comments. As Peter notes, The Art and Craft of International Law focuses more on process and design than on doctrinal issues. Whether or not he is correct that international environmental law lacks com ...
- The Relevance of International Law to (the Substan ...by John Dehn [Major John C. Dehn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law, US Military Academy, West Point, NY. He currently teaches International Law and Constitutional and Military Law. He is writing in his personal capacity and his views do not necessarily represent the views of the D ...
- ASIL Annual Meeting Program Now Online (and Last D ...by Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen See it here. As usual, it’s full of great panels. Also, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin of the Canadian Supreme Court and U.S. Department of State Legal Adviser Harold Koh will each give a keynote address. A list of program highlights is here.  And, by the w ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Hockey-stick's Michael Mann under deeper investiga ...Just in from Penn State today: the investigation into Professor Michael Mann, whose activities were exposed in the Climategate emails, is widening. H/t ClimateDepot
- BREAKING: IPCC's 2007 report riddled with non-peer ...The credibility of the 'science' section of the IPCC report is hanging by a thread after fresh revelations that the Working Group 1 chapters relied on more 'non-peer-reviewed science' as the basis of its catastrophic global warming claims. Far from...
- BREAKING NEWS: Major error found in flagship IPCC ...The UN IPCC is facing more humiliation tonight after revelations that a "peer reviewed' study relied on in its Working Group 1 report contained "worthless" and fake data. It's the first time climate skeptics have landed a direct blow on...
- BREAKING NEWS: NIWA reveals NZ original climate da ...From the "A goat ate my homework" excuse book: More major embarrassment for New Zealand's 'leading' climate research unit NIWA tonight, with admissions that it "does not hold copies" of the original reports documenting adjustments to New Zealand's weather stations....
- Is this it for the IPCC?From the Philadelphia Metro: The credibility of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received a fresh blow yesterday when it was revealed that another of its reports warning of the effects of “man-made climate change” was based on nothing more...
Public News Service
- Teen Pregnancies Up After Decade of Decline; AZ Ra ...Teen Pregnancies Up After Decade of Decline; AZ Rate Stays High Phoenix, AZ – A new study shows teen pregnancies rising in the United States after ten years of decline. The study from the non-partisan Guttmacher (GOOT-mock-er) Institute shows Arizona with the third-highest teen pregnancy rate in the ...
- GLBT Community Responds to Obama's Pledge on "Don' ...GLBT Community Responds to Obama's Pledge on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Washington, D.C. - Some civil rights activists are applauding President Obama's State of the Union pledge to work towards repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy that prohibits gay soldiers, sailors, air-men and -women to come o ...
- Retiree Volunteers Getting Mesa United Way Through ...Retiree Volunteers Getting Mesa United Way Through Tough Times Mesa, AZ – With revenues down and needs exploding, the Mesa United Way is making creative use of older volunteers to stretch scarce resources. The volunteers are using their experience and skills to help fill the dollar gap. Comments fro ...
- Web Tool Helps Arizonans Connect with Social Servi ...Web Tool Helps Arizonans Connect with Social Services Phoenix, AZ – In these tough times, there's a new helper for getting help. A statewide website called Arizona Self Help provides free, confidential screening to determine eligibility for any kind of assistance or social benefit program. Comments ...
- AZ Payday Lenders in Last-Ditch Bid to Avoid Rate ...AZ Payday Lenders in Last-Ditch Bid to Avoid Rate Cap Phoenix, AZ – The usury law exemption for Arizona’s payday loan stores expires at the end of June, unless the industry can persuade enough state lawmakers to reauthorize higher interest rates. A leading payday loan opponent says to everyone outsi ...
My Care2 Picks
- The War Machine is the Mindset in WashingtonThe war machine that co-opted Obama into his escalation of a drug-corrupted war is not just a bureaucratic cabal inside Washington. It’s solidly grounded in and supported by a wide coalition of forces in our society. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Coal and the fossil record of climate change in th ...Paleocene-Eocene may provide clues as to how polar flora and fauna and their physical environment responded to global mean surface temperatures that were 2-4 degrees warmer than they are today, right in line with predictions for the end of this century. Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech ...
- Corporate PersonhoodCartoon Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Now We Impeach Jay BybeeJay Bybee's name is at the bottom of memos that were treated as laws which legalized aggressive war at the pleasure of a president and a variety of acts of torture. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- The Terror Card: Fear is the Key to ObedienceThis is an official congressional definition of terrorism that applies only to other nations. However, the psychological end results of terror, is always fear that eventually leads to resignation and submission. Fear and terrorism are interconnected... Submitted by Just Carole to US Politics & Gov't ...
Angry Indian News
- A Leading Online Newspaper on Palestine, Israel an ...The Palestine Chronicle: By Stephen Lendman-In July 2005, a coalition of 171 Palestinian Civil Society organizations created the global BDS movement for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- TORTURE: Sister Dianna OrtizSister Dianna Ortiz: TORTURE: Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU "U.S. personnel were present in interrogation and torture rooms, in Guatemala in 1989 when Sister Ortiz was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Los Indios: Algonquin Activism & Hip-HopLos Indios:Activism & Hip-Hop: "Samian: Algonquin alert Algonquin hip-hop artist Samian rants for reservesAlgonquin hip-hop artist Samian raps about the realities of life on First Nations reserves in... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Groundbreaking: Denmark Vesey & The Spirit of Free ...Gullah/Geechee Nation : CHARLESTON, S.C. — The official groundbreaking ceremony for The Denmark Vesey & The Spirit of Freedom Monument will take place on Monday, February 1 at 11 a.m. at the gazebo... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Psychological trauma stalks Gaza childrenMaan News Agency: Gaza – IRIN – Mona Samouni, 12, is depressed and has nightmares about the day – just over a year ago – when she witnessed her parents and several relatives being shot by Israeli... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Animals Fed GMO Are Different!In a landmark ruling, the NZ Commerce Commission has accepted evidence from Prof Jack Heinemann, from an exhaustive review of the literature and on the basis of his own extensive professional experience, that animals fed on GM components ARE different from those which are reared using non-GM feed. ...
- Monsanto Takes Center for Food Safety Legal Victor ...Monsanto intervened in a 2007 federal district court ruling that the Department of Agriculture’s approval of GE alfalfa was illegal.
- Environmental pretexts for land-grabs from private ...We are all for protecting the environment, but stealing land is not necessary or justified. Yet it is occurring every day.
- The multiple personality disorder of the USDALow milk prices, the result of market price manipulation by the USDA, is setting the stage and preparing the way for the New Zealand based Cullen-Agritech to over take the domestic and independent dairy industry in the US.
- Monsanto Golden Boy to Head the F.D.A.!It is blatantly obvious that criminals are in charge of the government. That being the case, what else can you expect? Mobsters are mobsters, and that is what they do. They pat each other on the back for a "job well done," then go on to the next appointment/assignment.
Blacklisted News
- Noah Cyrus, 10, Emily Grace Reaves, 9 launch risqu ...From the looks of the collections it's not too far of a stretch to call it kids lingerie. With french maid outfits, fish nets, animal prints, and tu-tus, The Emily Grace Collection is geared toward young girls.
- Soros urges China to mend ties with to US maintain ...Legendary financier George Soros said Wednesday that China must accept its role as a leading global power and improve its relations with the United States by being more open to external criticism.
- IRS Acquiring ShotgunsThe Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division
- Global Insolvency: How will the US Service its Deb ...How can the US conceivably extricate itself from debt? That is $1 to $2 trillion deficits annually as far as the eye can see.
- Police want backdoor to Web users’ private dataCNET has reviewed a survey scheduled to be released at a federal task force meeting on Thursday, which says that law enforcement agencies are virtually unanimous in calling for such an interface to be created.
The Intelligence Daily
- Inteldaily's RSS/Feedburner feeds
- Afghanistan and NATO: Figleaf summitBy Eric Walberg (The Intelligence Daily) — The plan voiced at the London Afghanistan... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Obama’s Base Pact With Colombia Accelerates “Dange ...By Sherwood Ross (The Intelligence Daily) — The Obama administration’s pact to use seven... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Congressional hearing reveals US intelligence agen ...By Alex Lantier (WSWS) — A January 27 hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Ten Geopolitical & Economic Predictions for 2010A great – and still growing – divergence appeared in 2009 between public statements by... For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- Democrats Vulnerable on Terrorism, Republicans Say
- 9/11 Terror-Suspect Trial: Dispute Grows on Court ...
- Scientist Convicted of Trying to Kill Americans
- Rights Group Urges Colombia to Control Militias
- Bombs in Sea Revenge for Hamas Leader’s Slay ...
Rogue Government.com
- More On Eustace Mullins Legendary author of hundreds of books and pamphlets demolishing the lies of warmaking mainstream media, historian Eustace Mullins died Tuesday, Feb. 2, at the home of his caretaker in a small town in Texas.
- Lunar eclipse: US retreat leaves China leading wa ...The Chinese space agency could land its first astronauts on the moon within a decade in a move that would mark the beginning of a new age of lunar exploration, experts said today.
- Israeli commander: 'We rewrote the rules of war f ...A high-ranking officer has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli army went beyond its previous rules of engagement on the protection of civilian lives in order to minimise military casualties during last year's Gaza war, The Independent can reveal.
- Proposed NASA budget plots entrepreneur-friendly ...Big defense firms are reeling from President Obama's call to reshape NASA and scrap plans for sending men back to the moon, an ambitious endeavor that would have meant billions of dollars in spending to develop new rockets and spacecraft.
- Solar Storms could cause blackouts at Olympics With terrorist threats, dire transport links and overspent budgets you'd be forgiven for thinking that the 2012 London Olympics had enough problems to worry about. But another nightmare scenario has just been added to the Olympic dream – a communications blackout caused by solar storms.
Innovation Canada
- Rethinking the pine beetleWhen he talks about the fight against the mountain pine beetle, Joerg Bohlmann likes to use a medical analogy. “Imagine we’re trying to combat malaria,” says the genome biologist based at the University of British Columbia, “but we don’t know the makeup of the disease-causing parasite, so we leave i ...
- A Partnership of peoples(Courtesy of Frontier magazine, University of British Columbia) Forget what you may have heard about anthropology: it is not solely a science of lost cultures, dusty relics and ancient peoples. This widely misunderstood discipline provides a critical link to contemporary history, and its contributio ...
- Decade in reviewThe first decade of the 21st century will be remembered as a decade of breakthroughs in science and technology. “It’s well known that discoveries in science are often drivers for important technological developments; for example, fuel cells,” says Thomas Ellis, director of research at the Canadian L ...
- i2eye with James HesserTwo years ago, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy (IYA). From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, people around the globe have been marking the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. Laypeople, especially children ...
- Model scientistsWhen hurricane season officially blew to a close in the Atlantic basin at the end of November, two Quebec researchers did not exhale in relief. That’s because René Laprise and Louis-philippe Caron were still looking for hurricane data from the past to help create a tool to predict future storm patte ...
Signs of the times
- New Neutron Studies Support Magnetism's Role in Su ...Neutron scattering experiments performed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory give strong evidence that, if superconductivity is related to a material's magnetic properties, the same mechanisms are behind both copper-based high-temperature superconductors and the newly discove ...
- Scientists Discover Alterations in Brain's Reward ...Until now, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was related to alterations in the brain affecting attention and cognitive processes. Researchers at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital have now discovered anomalies in the brain's reward system relate ...
- The Iraqi Oil Conundrum: Energy and Power in the M ...An Introduction by Tom Engelhardt: Americans have largely stopped thinking about Iraq, even though we still have approximately 110,000 troops there, as well as the largest "embassy" on the planet (and still growing). We've generally chalked up our war in Iraq to the failed past, and some Americans ...
- Ukraine breaks up alleged Russian spy ringA spying scandal between Ukraine and Russia threatens to heighten tensions between the countries as Ukraine's holds a presidential runoff election Sunday between a Russian-leaning candidate and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Ukraine's security service said Wednesday five Russians were detained la ...
- Ex-finance minister says Russia is 40 years behind ...The architect of Russia's 1990s privatizations have given a sobering assessment of the country's present and future in the high-tech world, warning that Russia faces an "innovate-or-degrade" choice. Anatoly Chubais, a former finance minister who now runs the state-owned corporation for the developm ...
Threat Level
- Hackers Steal Millions in Carbon CreditsCredit card numbers are so passe. Today’s hackers know the real powerhouse data to steal is emission certificates. That’s exactly what hackers went after last week when they obtained unauthorized access to online accounts where companies maintain their carbon credits, according to the German newspa ...
- Report Details Hacks Targeting Google, OthersIt’s been three weeks since Google announced that a sophisticated and coordinated hack attack dubbed Operation Aurora recently targeted it and numerous other U.S. companies. Until now we’ve only known that the attackers got in through a vulnerability in Internet Explorer and that they obtained inte ...
- Anti-RIAA Site FoldsProvocative website p2pnet.net, the online voice of one of the world’s most blistering and perpetual attacks on the Recording Industry Association of America, is shuttering amid financial doldrums. It’s been vocal for nine years. “I can’t claim p2pnet has been protecting the world, but I’ve done my ...
- Wikileaks Closes Operations Temporarily Due to Bud ...Wikileaks, the controversial whistleblower site, has temporarily shuttered its operations due to a dearth of funds to meet its operating costs. The site announced last December that it planned to temporarily cease operations, save for its anonymous submission tool, until it could raise money for it ...
- Be Careful What Your Bumper Sticker Says“No More Blood For Oil.” During the George W. Bush administration, bumper stickers with that phrase were synonymous with opposition to the Iraq war. Simply hosting that message on one’s bumper was cause enough to remove two attendees at Bush’s 2005 speech at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum in Colo ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- From Truman to Powell on Don't Ask, Don't TellOn February 2, 1948, President Harry Truman declared in a special civil rights message to Congress that he "had instructed the Secretary of Defense to take steps to have the remaining instances of discrimination in the armed services eliminated as...
- Palin Abandons Her "Screw Political Correctness" M ...Last June, soon-to-be ex-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin praised Michael Reagan, lauding his propensity to "to call it like he sees it, and to screw political correctness that some would expect him to have to adhere to." As she headed out...
- GOP's Hensarling Gives Republicans Credit for Clin ...Still smarting after his budgetary beat down at the hands of President Obama Friday, Texas Congressman Jeb Hensarling this weekend invited a second round of punishment. "I stand by what I said," Hensarling said Saturday, referring to his manifestly ridiculous...
- GOP Hypes April Fool's Budget at Obama MeetingDuring their unprecedented televised gathering Friday, 140 House Republicans were intellectually and politically outnumbered by President Obama. Perhaps on no subject was the rout more complete than on the federal budget. Led by Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, the Republicans touted...
- On Stimulus, Nothing Fails Like Success for ObamaAs President Obama prepares for his State of the Union address, two stories Monday regarding his stimulus package highlighted his political conundrum. USA Today's quarterly survey of 50 economists produced a median estimate that the $787 billion American Recovery and...
Blackspot News Feed
- The 6 Weirdest Things Women Do to Their VaginasWhat the hell is vaginal rejuvination? Who would want their vagina bleached? Here's a list of the strangest ways to make your genitals meet the demands of the beauty industry.
- Jesse Ventura Takes the Soaring Interest in Conspi ...Bringing formerly taboo issues to TV, the former Minnesota governor and professional wrestler's show has caught on. Conspiracy theorists probably aren't surprised.
- Food and Investigations: Feed Your Appetite For To ...AlterNet's hottest new sections -- Food and Investigations -- have just launched. Find out how to get the latest stories.
- Dollar Stores Reign: Appetite for Cheap Food Is St ...Dollar stores may be places to nab a bargain but for many they are the only place to buy food -- the rock-bottom of the food chain, the last stop before the food pantry.
- Justice Department Clears Torture Memo Authors Joh ...A long-awaited Department of Justice watchdog report that probed whether John Yoo and his former boss Jay Bybee violated professional standards when they provided the Bush White House with legal advice on torture has cleared both men of misconduct, according to Newsweek , citing unnamed sources who ...
Consortium News
- The Right Gets Itself 'Wired'For years, the Right's media infrastructure had only one weak spot, the Internet, but now that is changing, says Robert Parry. February 3, 2010
- Obama's Budget Ducks Pentagon CutsBy exempting the Pentagon from a "freeze," President Obama tries to shield Democrats from GOP attacks, says Ivan Eland. February 2, 2010
- Vietnam Replay on Afghan 'Defectors'A new plan for bribing Afghan Taliban fighters to defect has a dark precedent in the Vietnam War, recalls Douglas Valentine. February 1, 2010
- America's Sad History with Haiti, Part 2Over the past two decades, the U.S. Right has helped sabotage Haiti's experiment with democracy, writes Lisa Pease. February 1, 2010
- Answering Obama on Health CarePresident Obama says he is open to any health-care idea that works, except for "Medicare for All," notes Kevin Zeese. February 1, 2010
- Michael Hudson : Obama's Junk Economics
- Stan Goff : The Murderous Mystique of JSOC: How Se ...
- Patrick Cockburn : The Case Against Tony Blair
- Saul Landau : Universal Disorientation: the Modern ...
- Paul Craig Roberts : The Crisis is Not Over
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Refugee youth: living in Israel's punch line (Haj ..."We wish to study in high school, to study all over the world; we wish to be queens, to be princesses; We wish to live in a free Palestine, to dream of freedom in Palestine; and (we wish) ...
- Not valid forever (Ghassan Khatib, Bitterlemons.o ...The idea of a land swap with the objective of fixing agreed-upon borders between Israel and a Palestinian state was proposed during the 2000 Camp David negotiations. The concept was intr ...
- Psychological trauma, nightmares stalk Gaza childr ...Mona al-Samouni, 12, is depressed and has nightmares about the day one year ago when she witnessed her parents and a number of relatives being shot by Israeli soldiers in their home. Like ...
- East Jerusalem residents languish beyond the wall ...
- Israel must "roll back" and end occupation: Fayyad ...Addressing an audience alongside Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, Salam Fayyad said rolling back should start by ending army incursions in the West Bank, where the Palestinians aim to ...
Water - AlterNet
- Orland, California Group Gets Ready to Ward off Wa ...Crystal Geyser is seeking approval for a bottling plant on an industrial-zoned parcel that is bordered on three sides by bucolic agricultural-residential land.
- Coal Ash Industry Manipulated EPA Data, Ghost-Wrot ...The industry "watered down official reports, brochures and fact-sheets to remove references to potential dangers." So-called "environmental benefits" were aggrandized.
- Water Heist: Corporations Are Targeting Cash-Strap ...From wastewater to drinking water, big business is looking to cash in on public water systems and they've got a new tactic.
- Where To Find 1 Million Acre-feet of Water for Cal ...A new report by the Pacific Institute points the way to how urban and agricultural users can save water.
- Pennsylvania Gas Wells Booming, But So Are SpillsReports of toxic spills are coming on the heels of a string of other incidents that have killed fish in one of the state's most prized recreational lakes.
- American Theocracy divorces the US Constitution, p ...America wants to be ruled by TV Evangelist Bankers who are always holier than everyone else until they're caught! This is where Religion has buddied up with weapons manufacturers to promote killing in the name of Jesus.
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Jan 4, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance is still somewhat amazed to be living in the year we make contact, and we hope we’re all still going strong when Odyssey Three rolls around. Texas has most drilling, worst regulation. Texas made national news this week in the ProPublica investigative report and they us ...
- Weary Soldiers At Risk, They Know ThisA poignant editorial on Al Jazeera seems to have more in depth observations than America’s Corporate media. Mainstream media must follow the money, toe the line for sponsors and political perks that promise ’scoops’. ‘The US military is exhausted” By Sarah Lazare The call for over 30,000 more tro ...
- Darth Vader Strikes AgainThe botched terrorist attack on Christmas Day is NOT Obama's fault.
- Try To Remember AmericaWell, few public schools, and few private schools, will fill in the gaps between America the fantasy and America the reality. The name of America has been invoked with reverence when describing its history of righteous endeavors. What is seldom included in these filtered history lessons, is some o ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Ideologues on the Supreme Court Rollback Democracy ...by Sean Fenley Dandelion Salad The Anything and Everything February 3, 2010 Today in a stunning 5-4
- U.S. Extends Missile Buildup From Poland And Taiwa ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO -Opposition to global militarism
- Cutting Clare Short By William Bowles + Short: Gol ...By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 3 February 2010 Back in February 2004 I
- The Makings of a Police State-Part VI: A Nation of ...by Sibel Edmonds Featured Writer Dandelion Salad originally published by Boiling Frogs Post 2 Februa
- Peaceful Protesters Roughed Up, Arrested By Obama' ...by Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes Feb. 2, 2010 Is this how Obama than
Unexplained Mysteries
- Did life on Earth originate in outer space ?A leading British scientist has claimed that there is overwhelming evidence to support the distant origins theory. The theory suggests that the seeds ...
- Could humans one day walk on walls ?A new adhesive device invented at Cornell could one day make it possible to move up walls just like Spiderman. The palm-sized device uses water surfac...
- Smoker loses six teeth after cigarette explodesHere's another good reason not to smoke - a man in Indonesia lost six teeth this week after his cigarette exploded. The company behind the brand offer...
- Pentagon's black budget tops $56 billionThe amount of money assigned by the United States to classified "black projects" has now exceeded over $56 billion. New advances in military technolog...
- Dog shoots ownerIn a peculiar set of events a duck hunter was accidentally shot by his dog during a hunting trip in California. The man had been picking up duck decoy...
- Troubled WatersHarmony Foundation releases new educational presentation, Troubled Waters Harmony Foundation of Canada recently released a new educational presentation, entitled Troubled Waters .read more
- Howard Zinn – a remembrancezinn__1264635536_4226.jpg Historian, activist, and Grassroots International friend Howard Zinn died January 27 at the age of 87. read more
- Grassroots International Partners in Haiti receive ...haiti-fruit_nursery.JPG Since a devastating earthquake shook Haiti more than two weeks ago, Grassroots International’s partners on the ground have been working to assess the situation and respond to the needs of the community – even as they t ...
- From Honduran ally organization: "Solidarity with ...Trinidad-Central_America_site_visit_143.JPG The letter below comes from one of Grassroots International's allies in Honduras -- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)-- and expresses solidarity with their ne ...
- Palestinians in Gaza Donate to HaitiAn article I came across recently in the midst of much depressing news around Haiti, and a lot else, was: "Palestinians in Gaza donate to Haiti." It spoke of how Gazans were collecting something -- anything -- to donate to earthquake victims in Haiti. Dr. read more
- February 3, 2010Obama Retreats From Goal of Cap-Trade Bill (Wall Street Journal) Pres. Obama said for the first time Tuesday that legislation that would require industries to pay for greenhouse gas emissions may need to be separated from a more popular "green jobs" bill in the Senate, a maneuver that could kill ...
- February 2, 2010Australia: Abbott Reveals $3.2 Billion 'Climate Incentives' Plan (Sydney Morning Herald) Tony Abbott, Australia's opposition leader, has announced a climate policy that would unleash $3.2 billion in incentives over four years to big polluters to reduce their carbon emissions. Abbott Keeps Pull ...
- February 1, 2010Nations Quietly Reaffirm Copenhagen Climate Pledges (Deutsche-Welle) Countries including the U.S., China and several EU member states have reaffirmed their emissions reduction goals, quietly meeting a UN deadline for the endorsement of the Copenhagen Accord. Global Deal on Climate Change in 20 ...
- January 30-31, 2010China Leading Global Race to Make Clean Energy (New York Times) China vaulted past competitors in Denmark, Germany, Spain and the U.S. last year to become the world's largest maker of wind turbines, and is poised to expand even further in 2010. India Reaffirms Opposition to Binding Carbon Cut ...
- January 29, 2010U.S. Formally Commits to Copenhagen Accord (Washington Post) The U.S. pledged Thursday to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 17% by 2020 from 2005 levels under the Copenhagen Accord, though it made its commitment contingent on passing legislation at home. Obama Said to Seek $54 Billion in Nuc ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- How Bipartisanship Hurts the CountryWe have the worst media in the world. They almost never tell you what's really going on, especially in politics. They have been pushing this idea that bipartisanship is a great thing to be sought after. Of course, they are aided and abetted by President Obama and the Democratic Party. But it's not t ...
- The Contrarian Manifesto: Boom or Bust? We're Alwa ...My father taught me to go left. Not politically. He was a right-wing Republican. At the movies. "Most people choose the right entrance," he told me. "There are usually more seats on the left side of the theater." I've found that to be true. He dressed like a conformist. But Dad was a contrarian. "If ...
- The Right Gets Itself 'Wired'In past years when I talked to American progressives about the growing media imbalance – as the Right gained dominance in books, magazines, newspapers, talk radio and cable TV – a typical response was, “well, the Left is stronger on the Internet.” But now even that advantage is disappearing, as shou ...
- Today's "conservative journalism" - what would B ...Between the embarrassing New Orleans caper where self-described "journalist" James O'Keefe was arrested after helping infiltrate the office of Sen. Mary Landrieu, Jackass -style, to the unhinged State of the Union response from elite members of the right-wing punditocracy (i.e. Obama's an " arrogant ...
- Time to ban this health threat: Leaf blowers"Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment to cut down particulate matter," recommends the California Air Resources Board. Why? Simply put, leaf blowers kill. "Approximately 65,000 premature deaths from cardiopulmonary causes may be attributable to particulate air pollution each ye ...
Ten Percent
- Guatemala- The Best Kept Secrets Are the Military’ ...(ht2 Memory in Latin America) By Danilo Valladares (IPS) – Human rights groups are worried that the declassification of military archives dating from Guatemala’s 1960-1996 civil war, which left more than 200,000 victims, by a special commission will not go far enough in terms of clarifying the atroc ...
- Chile: Rightwing Government ComethChile: Activists Fear Setbacks Under Rightwing Government By Pamela Sepúlveda (IPS) - Trade unions and non-governmental organisations in Chile are worried that rightwing billionaire Sebastián Piñera’s election as president will mean setbacks in terms of social policy and respect for labour and s ...
- Aafia Siddiqui ConvictedTerror Fear and racism win. Read trial reports here and keep asking what happened in her missing five years that is classified and where are her missing children? This is also a sign of the continuity from Bush era to Obama era polices on human rights, torture and cherry picking the law to suit the ...
- RegeneratedBecause a hotel and shopping mall will have so much richer a cultural value…(and they say Britons don’t value the arts, some small irony that if the de-polticised strain of artists had not been so successfully neutered by the likes of Tory Saatchi this might not be happening, still you pays your mon ...
- Fuck tha PopeWhile Benny continues to attack people for…um, well having human rights and sexual abuse remains covered up from the Vatican on downwards, here is an example of the fine sort of priest Benny apparently still thinks should be in the Church- Christian von Wernich. Hell you remember him, he worked with ...
Booman Tribune
- Crazy RepublicansSteve Benen is right when he points out that the Republicans used to show some deference to military leaders. But now that the military has more progressive views on homosexuality and torture than the Republican's rabid base, it's open season. It's almost odd that individual Republican candidates a ...
- Talking PointPresident Obama spoke to the Senate Democratic Conference today and he pointed something out. Last year the Senate cast more cloture votes than were cast in the 1950's and 1960's combined. In other words, as he put it, the Republicans produced 20 years of obstruction in a single year. That's a ta ...
- Loser CentristsHere's a question. With news that former senator Dan Coats is going to challenge Evan Bayh it looks like some of our most conservative Democrats are vulnerable to defeat in November. But, aside from the overall political makeup of their particular states, what makes them so vulnerable? Why is Bla ...
- Hate Crimes Harm EveryoneI'm sorry for my absence from these pages of late. My life has been very hectic with family and friends lately, particularly one friend who was the victim of a vicious and brutal hate crime from which my friend is still recovering, both physically and psychologically. I will say no more about ...
- News from IllinoisThe Illinois primaries have a few squeakers tonight. It looks like Alexi Giannoulias will beat David Hoffman, but they haven't called it yet. That's the senate race. The governors races are tight on both sides. The incumbent Pat Quinn is leading challenger Dan Hynes by about 6,000 votes with ove ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 4 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1935 – Martti Talvela,...
- Wednesday Open ThreadWhat's inspiring?...
- Another record year for the European wind industryThe European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) just released its 2009 statistics. Despite the Great Financial...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 3 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1809 – Felix Mendelssohn,...
- Tuesday Open Thread...
- We are all sheep: Avatar, Bayonetta and the hypnos ...### I say this without having actually seen it, but James Cameron’s Avatar (2009) is an interesting film. This is because its success has had the same effect upon film critics and cultural commentators as pissing on an electric fence… people are sore, jittery and annoyed at pretty much everyone, ...
- Who’ll be next on the Moon now NASA’s doing other ...Well, the new NASA budget from Obama and chums has certainly got people talking… mostly about the fact that the dream of returning astronauts to the Moon is off the table for the foreseeable future [image by ComputerHotline]. Wired has snippets from the budget summary: “NASA’s Constellation prog ...
- Nuclear bomb blast videos redux!Tobias Buckell’s brief 2007 post of a video snippet showing a Russian weapons test described as the world’s biggest ever nuclear blast has long been the most popular post on this site for search engine traffic. And rather than kvetch about people not coming here for more high-brow entertainment (!), ...
- We have the (experimental) technology; we can rebu ...Lost an ear during the Reservoir Dogs Re-enactment Society meeting? No problems – we’ll just grow you a new one on a nanocellulose framework [via NextBigFuture]: Previously, Paul Gatenholm and his colleagues [at Chalmers University, Sweden] succeeded, in close co-operation with Sahlgrenska Universit ...
- The mould, the map and the mass transit systemThere’s still much we can learn from the natural world – and not just the simple things. Nature has a way of solving complex problems without the need for cognition and abstract thought… or even sentience, in many cases. I remember being impressed as a child by the incredible power of tropisms in pl ...
Therapy News
- Merced County in CA Struggles with Therapy Demands ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Like many communities across the nation, Merced, situated in central California, has been hit hard by the financial downturn ravaging the global markets. Yet in this particular community, home foreclosures have been particularly high, ranking sixth among counties nati ...
- Nurturing CommunicationBy Beth S. Pumerantz, MA, MS, LMFT, Communication Problems Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Beth and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Relationships are so precious to us and help us form a sense of who we are. Love and respect are the foundations for healthy relationships. Even thou ...
- Your Antidepressant may be Threatening Your Love L ...By Jill Denton, LMFT, CSAT, CSE, CCS, Sexuality / Sex Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jill and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Remember that feeling of lust, excitement and warm romantic love that comes at the beginning of a new relationship? It turns out that it’s vital fo ...
- Bully Proof Your Work Life: 10 Steps to Dealing wi ...By Mona Barbera, Ph.D., Internal Family Systems Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Mona and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Relationships with our co-workers and bosses can really affect our lives! When they go well our lives are enriched. When they are difficult, we and our ...
- Australia Calls for Follow-Up Treatment for Attemp ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Though hospitals are able to treat clients who have engaged in suicide or self-harm attempts with specific and effective treatment and care, such clients are often released from hospitals with little to no guidance on how to proceed towards a more mentally healthy road ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Bring Back Van Jones! Blindsiding Clean Energy wit ...PhysOrg.com Bring Back Van Jones! Blindsiding Clean Energy with Dirty Coal Huffington Post (blog) Thanks to mountaintop removal mining and greater mechanization, employment in these coalfield areas has dropped by nearly 50 percent in the last generation. ... There Is No "Clean Coal," But Obama Is R ...
- King Coal's Top Lobbyist to Meet Obama - It's Gett ...King Coal's Top Lobbyist to Meet Obama It's Getting Hot In Here (blog) King Coal is getting ready to throw their kitchen sink at the pesky anti- mountaintop removal movement. Geez, I wonder what sort of energy he'll be ...
- RFK Jr., Massey CEO Debate Mountaintop Mining Befo ...Chippewa Herald RFK Jr., Massey CEO Debate Mountaintop Mining Before W.Va. Audience New York Times Environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Massey Coal CEO Don Blankenship sparred here last night over mountaintop-removal mining, coal's future and the ... A Face-Off in Coal Country New York Times ...
- Book Review | 'Coal Country: Rising Up Against Mou ...Book Review | 'Coal Country: Rising Up Against Mountaintop Removal Mining' Louisville Courier-Journal As Burns, author of Bringing Down the Mountains: The Impact of Mountaintop Removal on Southern West Virginia Communities, states: “The consequences of this ... Pittsburgh activist leads mountaintop ...
- Manchin going to talk coal with Obama and Biden - ...State Journal Manchin going to talk coal with Obama and Biden Daily Mail - Charleston "I want them to know we have a land-use bill" that requires mining companies to plan how land will be used after mountaintop removal mining, he said. ... Readers' voice: Feb. 2, 2010 Charleston Gazette all 39 new ...
- Senator-elect Scott Brown seeks to be sworn in Thu ...Matt Viser / Boston Globe : Senator-elect Scott Brown seeks to be sworn in Thursday — Hoping to start work in Washington a week sooner than originally planned, US Senator-elect Scott Brown this afternoon asked Governor Deval Patrick and Secretary of State William Galvin to “certify without dela ...
- Three US soldiers among 9 killed in bombing in nor ...Bill Roggio / The Long War Journal : Three US soldiers among 9 killed in bombing in northwest Pakistan — Three US soldiers involved in the training of Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps were among nine people killed in a roadside bombing near a girls' school in Pakistan's insurgency-infested ...
- Lincoln presses Obama on party 'extremes' at Q and ...Jordan Fabian / The Hill : Lincoln presses Obama on party ‘extremes’ at Q and A — Centrist Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) on Wednesday asked arguably the most contentious question during a discussion between Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama, hitting at conservatives and liberals.
- Scott Brown to be sworn in as Massachusetts senato ...The Hill : Scott Brown to be sworn in as Massachusetts senator Thursday — Sen.-elect Scott Brown, the successor to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), will be sworn in to office Thursday afternoon, giving Republicans 41 seats in the upper chamber. — “Once we get his certificate we expect to s ...
- Muslim chaplain 'smuggled' box cutters into jail ( ...New York Post : Muslim chaplain ‘smuggled’ box cutters into jail — A Muslim chaplain for the city Department of Correction was arrested this morning for allegedly trying to smuggle in three box-cutters to a lower Manhattan jail. — The imam, Imam Zul-Qarnain Shahid, has worked as a DOC jail cha ...
Energy & Environment News
- Massachusetts Sets Ambitious Energy StandardsMassachusetts state officials on Friday announced new energy efficiency standards for utilities that aim to be the most ambitious of any in the nation.
- Europe Moves Closer to Bluefin Trade BanEuropean officials are increasing pressure for an international ban on bluefin tuna, a threatened fish whose fatty belly is prized for sushi.
- New Panel Will Study Disposal of WasteThe Energy Department plans to announce formation of a “blue ribbon” commission to study the disposal of nuclear waste, an issue that has stymied other administrations.
- National Briefing | Southwest: Texas: High Benzene ...Air testing over one of the nation’s biggest natural gas fields found two sites with extremely high levels of cancer-causing benzene.
- Radiation Levels Cloud Vermont Reactor’s Fa ...Longtime supporters and foes of the state’s only atomic power plant are questioning whether its operating license will be extended past 2012.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.9, Philippine Islands regionWednesday, January 27, 2010 18:49:33 UTC Thursday, January 28, 2010 02:49:33 AM at epicenter Depth : 24.70 km (15.35 mi)
- M 5.1, Easter Island regionWednesday, February 3, 2010 10:16:16 UTC Wednesday, February 3, 2010 03:16:16 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.8, southern Mid-Atlantic RidgeWednesday, January 27, 2010 17:42:45 UTC Wednesday, January 27, 2010 04:42:45 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.3, Kepulauan Mentawai region, IndonesiaSunday, January 31, 2010 07:02:47 UTC Sunday, January 31, 2010 02:02:47 PM at epicenter Depth : 61.70 km (38.34 mi)
- M 5.1, Tristan da Cunha regionWednesday, January 27, 2010 12:31:36 UTC Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:31:36 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
China Dialogue
- Understanding glacier changes (3)Whether expanding or retreating, changes in the planet’s glaciers pose dangers for humans. In the conclusion of a three-part article, Kenneth Hewitt explores these risks. Glaciers and their immediate environs present many dangers for humans, such as crevasses and glacier mills into which one might f ...
- Understanding glacier changes (2)How are glaciers affected by climate change? In the second segment of a three-part article, Kenneth Hewitt explains regional variance. As we saw in part one, climate change is obviously having different consequences in different mountain areas of Asia. The situation in the Karakoram must represent s ...
- Understanding glacier changes (1)Reports about the melting – and advancing – of Himalayan glaciers have sparked heated debate. In the first section of a three-part article, Kenneth Hewitt warns against oversimplification. Glaciers are quite sensitive to climate change and, recently, there have been many reports of major changes in ...
- Facing America’s demons (3)In the conclusion of a three-part article on American Indians, Judith Shapiro urges China to heed the grievous mistakes of the United States in the development of its lands. The history of the forced removal of the Lakota Sioux from their lands, while it seems to have happened long ago, is vibrantly ...
- Facing America’s demons (2)White settlers in America uprooted indigenous people from their lands, causing untold environmental and cultural destruction. In the second segment of a three-part article, Judith Shapiro tells the story of one tribe. The Lakota , a division of other Sioux nations including Dakota and Nakota, were o ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Why Small Organic Farming Is Indeed Radical (and B ...The radical idea behind by organic agriculture is a change in focus.
- What Young San Franciscans Think of Legalizing Pot ...San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi proposed a June ballot measure to make SF the first city to legalize the sale of marijuana -- a collection of reactions from young people.
- Global Warming Makes Trees Grow at Fastest Rate fo ...The trees appear to have accelerated growth rates due to longer growing seasons and higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- Orland, California Group Gets Ready to Ward off Wa ...Crystal Geyser is seeking approval for a bottling plant on an industrial-zoned parcel that is bordered on three sides by bucolic agricultural-residential land.
- Why Are Some Democrats Backing Lindsey Graham's Sc ...Senators Jim Webb and Blanche Lincoln are backing Sen. Lindsey Graham's bill to deny funding for Obama's proposed 9/11 trials. Will it lead to a Democratic revolt?
Threat Level
- Hackers Steal Millions in Carbon CreditsCredit card numbers are so passe. Today’s hackers know the real powerhouse data to steal is emission certificates. That’s exactly what hackers went after last week when they obtained unauthorized access to online accounts where companies maintain their carbon credits, according to the German newspa ...
- Report Details Hacks Targeting Google, OthersIt’s been three weeks since Google announced that a sophisticated and coordinated hack attack dubbed Operation Aurora recently targeted it and numerous other U.S. companies. Until now we’ve only known that the attackers got in through a vulnerability in Internet Explorer and that they obtained inte ...
- Anti-RIAA Site FoldsProvocative website p2pnet.net, the online voice of one of the world’s most blistering and perpetual attacks on the Recording Industry Association of America, is shuttering amid financial doldrums. It’s been vocal for nine years. “I can’t claim p2pnet has been protecting the world, but I’ve done my ...
- Wikileaks Closes Operations Temporarily Due to Bud ...Wikileaks, the controversial whistleblower site, has temporarily shuttered its operations due to a dearth of funds to meet its operating costs. The site announced last December that it planned to temporarily cease operations, save for its anonymous submission tool, until it could raise money for it ...
- Be Careful What Your Bumper Sticker Says“No More Blood For Oil.” During the George W. Bush administration, bumper stickers with that phrase were synonymous with opposition to the Iraq war. Simply hosting that message on one’s bumper was cause enough to remove two attendees at Bush’s 2005 speech at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum in Colo ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- On China, Obama says US must address currency rate ...WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday China and Asia would be a huge market for U.S. exports going forward but it would be important to address currency rates to ensure American goods were not facing a disadvantage.
- Petraeus says strike on Iran could spark nationali ...TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - A military strike on Iran could have the unintended consequence of stirring nationalist sentiment to the benefit of Tehran's hard-line government, U.S. General David Petraeus told Reuters.
- Worst movies of all time led by Clooney's "Batman"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood star George Clooney's latest movie "Up In The Air" garnered five Oscar nominations on Tuesday but there is one film about which he may not be so proud -- "Batman and Robin."
- Dutch court will hear case against far-right MPAMSTERDAM, Feb 3 (Reuters) - An Amsterdam court said on Wednesday it will hear the case against right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders on charges of inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims, rejecting his request to be judged in the Supreme Court.
- Toyota grapples with PR bungles, tarnished brandTOKYO (Reuters) - Faced with an unprecedented recall of millions of vehicles and rivals swooping in on its customers, the public relations machine at Toyota Motor Corp -- one of the most savvy brand-creators in Asia -- is floundering.
Equality Trust
- Broken Britain due to Broken Families?Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson on Comment is Free
- Comment Is Free: Inequality harms all of usLesley Riddoch writes that it's not only the poorest who suffer from inequality – in an equal society, fulfilment and health improve for everyone. Read her article on Comment is Free
- Unequal BritainRichest 10% now 100 times better off than the poorest. Read the Guardian report See the data behind the story Read other news coverage
- How economic democracy would have prevented the Ca ...A letter in today's Guardian points out that employee ownership would have prevented the Cadbury sell-off. Had the Cadbury family followed the examples of the families behind John Lewis, Ove Arup, Tullis Russell, Scott Bader, the Baxi Group and others in selling their shareholdings into employee ...
- Harriet Harman puts class at the heart of election ...Labour deputy leader to make inequality a key dividing line with Conservatives. Harriet Harman will reopen the politically explosive debate over class tomorrowby insisting that it remains the single biggest factor in determining individual achievement. In a speech designed to put the fight against ...
- Analysis: The Downward Spiral in US-Pakistan Intel ...For decades, US geopolitical interests in southern Asia have centered on controlling the Indian Ocean, with its lucrative energy transport routes to and from Japan and China. The events of 9/11, however, in association with nuclear weapons proliferation and the rise of al-Qaeda, have immensely compl ...
- News you may have missed #0278Israelis arrest two alleged Hamas informants. Descendant of Richard Sorge’s accomplice receives Soviet-era award.
- Did Blackwater bribe Iraqi officials after 2007 sh ...The US-based private security company Blackwater is under investigation by the US State Department, which suspects the corporation of having bribed Iraqi officials, in order to gain permission to continue to operate in Iraq, after the 2007 Nisour Square massacre.
- News you may have missed #0279Pakistani spy agencies drug political activists. Georgia jails alleged Russian spy.
- News you may have missed #0277Western officials say a CIA air strike has killed Hakimullah Mehsud. US citizen requests North Korea asylum.
After Downing Street.org
- Kvetcher in the RyeKvetcher in the Rye by Greg Palast | Greg Palast.com In the sixth grade, the Boys' Vice-Principal threatened to suspend me from school unless I stopped carrying around The Catcher in the Rye I think because it had the word "fuck" in it. Since the Boys' Vice-Principal hadn't read the book - and ...
- Obama's Base Pact With Columbia Accelerates "Dange ...OBAMA’S BASE PACT WITH COLOMBIA ACCELERATES “DANGEROUS TREND” By Sherwood Ross The Obama administration’s pact to use seven Colombian military bases accelerates “a dangerous trend in U.S. hemispheric policy,” an article in The Nation magazine warns . The White House claims the deal merely formalize ...
- Margolis Moves to Exonerate Yoo and Bybee, as Crim ...Margolis Moves to Exonerate Yoo and Bybee, as Criminal Investigation Opens in Spain By Scott Horton | Harper's Magazine Three developments last week show the growing gap between the Obama Administration and its NATO allies with respect to the legacy of torture from the Bush era. They also demonst ...
- The Open And Shut Case Against Tony BlairThe open and shut case against Tony Blair If Blair cannot give satisfactory answers to the questions below, there is only one conclusion: he should stand trial for war crimes. By By Philippe Sands QC, Professor of law, University College, London | Stop the War Here are the key questions to think ...
- Mainstream Media Embraces Stop The War on Bliar In ...Mainstream Media Embraces Stop The War on Bliar Inquiry Day | Stop The War Many thanks to every one who braved the appalling weather to join the "Bliar" protest last Friday, when the arch war criminal Tony Blair gave evidence to the Chilcot inquiry. We estimate -- calculating over a whole day of ...
Grist - News
- Cleantech execs learn to lobbyby Jonathan Hiskes Dirty energy lobbyists long ago mastered the art of lobbying on Capitol Hill, as evidenced by their copious government subsidies . Now clean energy companies are playing catch-up. Jim Snyder at The Hill reports on executives flying in to Washington to learn about the happy wa ...
- Climate accord gets boost, but key elements still ...by Agence France-Presse PARIS -- Fifty-five nations including the world's top carbon polluters have registered their commitments to combat global warming, the U.N. climate chief said late Monday. The pledges from both industrialized and developing countries for cutting greenhouse gases up to 20 ...
- Digging into Obama’s 2011 budget on energy a ...by David Roberts The Obama administration released its 2011 budget proposal today and the internets are choked with stories about it. The four biggest green stories are EPA funding, fossil-fuel defunding, nuke and clean energy spending, and the cap-and-trade placeholder. EPA regs are funded Th ...
- Why senators don’t see the clean energy boomby Jonathan Hiskes You might not have heard, because almost nobody reported it, but new clean-energy projects attracted more global funding in 2008 than fossil-fuel projects did. For the first time ever, investors put more money in solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower than in fuels that must ...
- Bin Laden blames industrial nations for global war ...by Agence France-Presse DUBAI -- Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden blamed industrial nations for global warming and urged a boycott of the U.S. dollar to end "slavery" in an audio tape aired by Al-Jazeera television on Friday. "All industrial nations, mainly the big ones, are responsible for the c ...
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- zomigi.com » 70+ essential resources for creating ...
- How IBM Uses Social Media to Spur Employee Innovat ...
- Selleck Waterfall Sandwich
Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Forget It Barack, It's Las VegasIt was wrong to imply that gambling away one's money in Vegas is a bad idea.
- Thoughts on a PC Purchase, Part IVOperating system overview with a focus on Mac OS X
- Enterprise Architecture is Key to Business SuccessA clear, understandable, and actionable architecture is the secret to business success the Information Age.
- Beware of the 99 Year Transfer Fee For those who have not encountered the 99 year transfer fee, here is how it works.
- AOL Finally Posts A Profit, So Why Is No One Happy ...AOL posts a fourth-quarter profit, but the big picture is not rosy.
Time - Top Stories
- Why Pepsi is Running No Ads on the Super BowlFor the first time in nearly a quarter century, the cola giant won't run a Super Bowl advertisement, choosing instead to focus on a social media campaign. Can a brand now afford to skip the big game?
- Anti-Muslim Dutch Lawmaker's Trial Tests Freedom o ...Geert Wilders, an outspoken, anti-Muslim Dutch politician, is on trial in theNetherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination -- a test of the limitsof freedom of speech and tolerance in the country
- Carly Fiorina Releases Rare Psychedelic Attack AdCalifornia Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina's awesomely bizarre new primary campaign ad includes shots of an alien robot sheep, or something
- Give My Waitress Mom the Respect She DeservesWe shouldn't be ashamed of those blue-collar workers who spend their lives making ours a little more comfortable or a little less complicated; we should be grateful.
- Germany: Bank-Data Deal Angers Swiss Over Secrecy ...The German government has agreed to buy stolen bank details of 1,500 suspected tax evaders, a move that some warn couldlead to a black market for personal electronic data
Washington Independent
- Tom Campbell: Demon SheepCarly Fiorina’s campaign for U.S. Senate has been trying to make a pretty strong factual argument against challengers Tom Campbell and Chuck DeVore — namely, that both supported a tax-hiking 2005 budget in California. But the reception of a video making the case that Campbell is a “fiscal conservati ...
- Dennis Blair vs. PoliticoThis email came to reporters’ inboxes from the office of the director of national intelligence, Dennis Blair, objecting to this Politico story about Blair’s testimony to the House intelligence committee today. From spokesman Arthur House: The article published by Politico today regarding testimony o ...
- Is the Committee for Truth in Politics Legal?I’ve put in calls to the lawyers listed in official documents for the Committee for Truth in Politics, the organization running ads that portray financial regulatory reform as “one big bailout.” One question I have: Is what they’re doing actually legal? Because by all appearances, the Committee is s ...
- The Perfect Marriage of Congress and Industry? (Up ...There’s probably a perfectly good reason why the latest job notice from the Nuclear Energy Institute, circulating on the Internet today, tells applicants to send their resumes to the communications director for Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.). But I can’t think of one at the moment. I made calls to both ...
- Al-Qaeda’s Diabolical Breast-Implant PlotThis is from a birther website, but I just can’t resist: Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaida are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery. The lethal explosives – usually PETN (pentaerythritol Tetrabitrate) – are inse ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Tax those carbon gluttonsLEMME TELL YOU about a carbon tax you’re gonna love. Two such taxes, actually. I tell you, kid, Stephane Dion had the right idea, but the wrong sales pitch. The fun starts with the government giving you maybe $2,000 as a carbon dividend. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture ...
- Why do we hate? Academics seek answer in new fieldHate is everywhere, but the fundamental question of why one person can hate another has never been adequately studied, contends Jim Mohr of Gonzaga University, who is developing a new academic field of hate studies. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comm ...
- 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Pe ...Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing dozens of people in order to sell their fat and tissue for cosmetic uses in Europe. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- 6 Ways Agriculture Impacts Global WarmingSure, agriculture provides us with the food we all eat every day. But do you know how those agricultural practices impact global warming? Turns out there's some pretty big impacts, on both the sustainable and industrial sides of the equation; employing su Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society ...
- We love ButchersFormer chef Josh Applestone and his wife, Jessica Applestone, are typical of the new butcher breed. He was a vegan, she was a one-time vegetarian when they founded Fleisher’s Grass-fed and Organic Meats in Kingston, N.Y., in 2004 Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! ...
- Jewish Anti-Occupation Activists Send Forceful Mes ...By Alex Kane, The Indypendent, Feb 1, 2010 For some Upper West Side residents, their usual stroll down Broadway this evening had a surprise: a group of 20 New York Jews denouncing Israel’s occupation of Palestine were standing with thought-provoking signs while a few passed out flyers. Challenging ...
- Clare Short: Tony Blair lied and misled parliament ...• Blair ‘lied’ over war preparations • Attorney general ‘misled’ government • Brown ‘marginalised and unhappy’ Clare Short at the Iraq war inquiry – as it happened James Sturcke, The Guardian/UK, Feb 2, 2010 Clare Short arriving to give evidence at the Iraq inquiry. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty ...
- Abdulmuttalab Has Been Providing Intel On Al QaedaThanks To Obama’s Rejection Of Torture, Abdulmuttalab Has Been Providing Intel On Al Qaeda Think Progress- By Matt Duss at 12:35 pm President Obama’s counter-terrorism approach — especially his decision to publicly reject torture — received a huge vindication yesterday with the news that the FBI h ...
- Jon Stewart Will Be On Bill O’Reilly Tomorro ...Jon Stewart Bill O’Reilly Interview: “O’Reilly Factor” Welcomes “Daily Show” Host Tomorrow Night First Posted: 02- 2-10 03:16 PMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 02- 2-10 06:46 PM Daily Show host Jon Stewart will enter the “No Spin Zone” tomorrow night when he sits down for an interview with Fox News host Bil ...
- Joe Klein: ‘Glenn Beck Is Peddling A Lot Of ...Joe Klein Tells O’Reilly: ‘Glenn Beck Is Peddling A Lot Of Hateful Crap’ Think Progress- By Ben Armbruster at 1:00 pm Last night on Fox News’ The Factor, host Bill O’Reilly asked Time Magazine’s Joe Klein to comment on a recent poll showing that Americans trust Fox News more than all other televis ...
- AIG Plans Another Round of Bonuses!By Brady Dennis American International Group plans Wednesday to pay another round of employee bonuses, worth about $100 million, said several people familiar with the matter, a year after similar payments at the bailed-out insurance giant infuriated many Americans and inflamed Washington. This week ...
- Community Call to PrayerStorm Warning By John Lund If you can’t find your strength, you’re looking in all the wrong places. ~ Lisa Bevere God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 (KJV) Everyone is welcome to join this weekly fifteen-minute Thursday gathering, live on the conference line ...
- The Last Days of Lehman (BBC)
- Soliciting Feedback Regarding The Annuitization Of ...By Tyler Durden Yes, slowly but surely it is happening. In a federal notice filed earlier, the DOL and Treasury are soliciting a response on what has been on many investors’ mind, namely the process of converting 401(k)s into annuity-like products. Continue reading The Treasury Is Soliciting Your F ...
- Comprehensive Annual Financial ReportFrom Wikipedia A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a government financial statement, which goes beyond the minimums established for public sector companies by NCGA (National Council on Governmental Accounting) statement 1. Public sector companies will not have a statistical section in ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more »
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Why Are Some Democrats Backing Lindsey Graham's Sc ...Senators Jim Webb and Blanche Lincoln are backing Sen. Lindsey Graham's bill to deny funding for Obama's proposed 9/11 trials. Will it lead to a Democratic revolt?
- Obama Religious Adviser Wants President to Speak A ...At a press conference where a gay Ugandan was too frightened to show his face to the media, a member of Obama's religion council and other clergy threw down the gauntlet.
- America’s System Failure: Only ...As welcome as it was, the removal of George W. Bush was not enough to cure what ails us. It goes to the root of our political system.
- Haitians Under U.S. Treatment Are Often Separated ...The U.S. has brought medical services to thousands of Haitians. But a bureaucratic tangle has left some struggling to find loved ones who were taken away for treatment.
- Obama's Defense Chiefs Make Public Endorsement of ...The US's two highest-ranking defense officials have thrown their weight behind President Barack Obama's call to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Sideways News
- Spangly hairdryers and anti-terrorismITV1s children’s TV presenters Anna Williamson and Jamie Rickers were recently arrested by police on London’s South Bank while filming a sketch for hit show, Toonattik. The pair, acting out a scene from skit "Dork Hunters", were dressed in fake utility belts and armed with glitter-painted hairdryers ...
- Primordial soup 'not' the origin of lifeAn 80-year-old theory which claims organic molecules are responsible for the origins of life has been disputed by new research which argues that life was actually kick-started by the Earth's chemical energy. The study, which appears in BioEssays , argues that the primordial soup theory, which was ...
- Great British Art Debate underwayThe Great British Art Debate is underway across the UK, aiming to get people thinking about the impact of art on their perception of Britishness. Taking place over the coming four years, the scheme comprises four themed exhibitions which will be rolled out across Tate Britain, Norwich Castle Museum ...
- Body rhythms 'aid stress treatments'Drugs designed to combat stress may be more effective if they work with the body's natural hormonal rhythms rather than simply saturating the body with potent chemicals, a study has found. Researchers at Bristol University said pharmaceutical companies should design drugs that work in harmony with t ...
- Tories propose Green Investment BankThe Conservatives have hired top climate change advisor Lord Stern to help channel more investment into funding eco-friendly technologies. Lord Stern - the influential author of the Stern Review - was part of a working group announced by Tory treasury chief George Osborne, who will consolidate vario ...
Fabius Maximus
- One criterion of victory in Iraq: when will the o ...As our involvement in the Iraq War winds down, Michael Schwartz writes about two of the criteria for victory by the Coalition Forces: increasing Iraq’s oil production under involvement of western companies. “The Iraqi Oil Conundrum – Energy and Power in the Middle East“ By Michael Schwartz, TomD ...
- FM newswire for 2 February, articles for your morn ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. “H1N1: now entering the recrimination phase“, Tony Delamothe, British Medical Journal, 14 January 2010 “Is Greece heading for default?“, Oxford Economics, 29 January 2010 “UN climate chan ...
- The breakdown of the American political system, po ...Introduction: This is the second in a series of dashed off speculative opinions. Normal procedure on the FM website for these topics would be 3 thousand word posts, supported by dozens of links. I dont’ have the time to finish them, and too many of these outlines have accumulated in my drafts fil ...
- PropagandaNote: first in a series of dashed off speculative opinions. Normal procedure on this website would call for these to be 3 thousand word posts, supported by dozens of links. I dont’ have the time to finish them, and to many of these outlines have accumulated in my drafts file. Perhaps thes ...
- An important step to take before we spend a trilli ...There will be many benefits of ClimateGate, the liberation of emails and documents from the UK Climate Research Unit. One of them might be the professional handling of the global temperature datasets, one of the great scandals of climate science. As described in this comment by Ross McKitrick, poste ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: “The interests of the oppresso ...sibeledmonds: “The interests of the oppressors lie in 'changing the consciousness of the oppressed,” @ Police State Part 6: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: The Makings of a Police State Part 6 ...sibeledmonds: The Makings of a Police State Part 6: The Nation of Suspects at Boiling Frogs Post: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Weekly Round Up: ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post Weekly Round Up: Updates, Fethullah Gulen does Arizona! Phil Giraldi on Israel & More http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Interview with Chris Hedges at Boil ...sibeledmonds: Interview with Chris Hedges at Boiling Frogs Post on Obama as a brand, Empire of Illusion, US Media & more http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents Chris He ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show presents Chris Hedges. Listen to the interview at Boiling Frogs Post: http://boilingfrogspost.com
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Everywhere in a Flash: The Quantum Physics of Phot ...By hitting single molecules with quadrillionth-of-a-second laser pulses, scientists have revealed the quantum physics underlying photosynthesis, the process used by plants and bacteria to convert light into energy at efficiencies unapproached by human engineers. The quantum wizardry appears to occ ...
- Telescope Finds Galaxy’s Most Massive Star YetThis glowing stellar nursery is home to the most massive star yet found in the Milky Way galaxy. Captured by the European Southern Observatory’s 27 f00t-diameter Very Large Telescope at Cerro Paranal, Chile, the image above combines data taken with violet, red, and infrared filters. The nebula, ...
- New Look at Big Bang Radiation Refines Age of Univ ...Six papers posted online present new satellite snapshots of the earliest light in the universe. By analyzing these images, cosmologists have made the most accurate determination of the age of the cosmos, have directly detected primordial helium gas for the first time and have discovered a key signa ...
- Video: Solar Eclipse Seen From SpaceA European satellite launched late last year has returned a new animation of the annular solar eclipse that occurred on Jan. 15. The images returned by the Proba 2 mission are the first of their kind and part of the first set of data released by the European Space Agency. A similar, more robust ...
- The Potential for a 40-MPH ManThe human frame is built to handle running speeds up to 40 miles per hour, scientists say. The only limiting factor is not how much brute force is required to push off the ground as previously thought, but how fast our muscle fibers can contract to ramp up that force. “If you just find a way to r ...
The Progressive Realist
- The Danger of Hiding Behind the Generals when Defe ...A key part of the conservative argument for keeping the ban on gay Americans serving in the military is that military leaders supposedly tell us that removing the ban will cause untold chaos. The problem comes when those military leaders begin to change their minds, as John McCain is finding out. H ...
- The Rule of Law: Less Tough (But More Effective) t ...Amazingly, experts in interrogation at the FBI are getting results in their interrogations of the underpants bomber. This, despite not being tortured, not being subjected to a military commission’s rules and regulations, despite his being mirandized and despite having an attorney present. None of ...
- Obsession with Nuclear Deterrent Doesn’t Add UpRetired Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral James Lyons argued in a Washington Times opinion piece on Monday that the US should “halt our participation in the START negotiations until we bring balance back into the equation.” The equation to which Lyons refers is that of nuclear deterrence: by maintai ...
- Iran - Split between American Neocons and Israelis ...When Israeli President Shimon Peres called on February 2nd at the Herzliya conference for the use of "moral pressure" against Iran (in addition to economic sanctions), he may have been signaling a new, nuanced way to deal with this politically charged issue. Little noticed but powerful in its signi ...
- Abdulmutallab Interrogation Explodes Six Central T ...Yesterday, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair told the Senate that the alleged underwear bomber, Umar Abdulmutallab was talking to intelligence and law enforcement authorities. “It is a continuum in which over a period of time, we have been successful i ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Anarchy, State, and Dystopia.Obviously, "centrist" Democratic Senators like Blanche Lincoln and Evan Bayh provided crucial filibuster-breaking votes last year on progressive legislation, but their support came at the cost of hefty compromises to appease conservative constituencies. With this in mind I'm pretty indifferent to t ...
- The Difficulties of Breaking Up the Banks By Statu ...During yesterday's testimony on the Volcker rule, we heard this exchange : Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the senior Republican on the banking committee, asked how regulators would discern “excessive growth” in a bank’s share of market liabilities. “Well, I think — the only answer I can give there ...
- Financial Reform and Fire Fighting at the Senate B ...Yesterday's hearing on the Volcker rule did not go very well. In the preceding 24 hours, there was some confusion over whether Dodd supported the rule. Eventually, his spokesperson Kirstin Brose told me he did. Then, at the hearing, the two witnesses, former Fed Chair Paul Volcker and Deputy Treasur ...
- The Danger of Hiding Behind the Generals.A key part of the conservative argument for keeping the ban on gay Americans serving in the military is that military leaders supposedly tell us that removing the ban will cause untold chaos. The problem comes when those military leaders begin to change their minds, as John McCain is finding out. Hi ...
- Pushback Continues.It's been fun to see the Democrats push back at the GOP over national security issues, even going on the offensive against Evan Bayh 's potential opponent, Dan Coats , by pointing out that he once questioned whether Bill Clinton was using Osama bin Laden to distract everyone from the Monica Lewinsky ...
Andy Worthington
- “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” – Annou ...Throughout 2010, former Guantánamo prisoner Omar Deghayes and Andy Worthington, journalist and author of The Guantánamo Files, will be touring the UK, showing the new Guantánamo documentary “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo,” and attending post-screening Q&A sessions. On some dates, Omar, wh ...
- Lawyers Appeal Guantánamo Trial ConvictionsLast Tuesday, a little known court — the Court of Military Commissions Review — convened to hear appeals in the cases of the only two men sentenced in the Military Commission trial system established by Congress in 2006, after the first version, conceived by Vice President Dick Cheney and his close ...
- The Guantánamo Files: An Archive of Articles ̵ ...Please support my work! For four years, I have been providing detailed information about the prisoners in Guantánamo, first through my book The Guantánamo Files, which tells the story of the prison and around 450 of the prisoners held, and then through 12 online chapters, which provide inform ...
- Murders at Guantánamo: Scott Horton and Andy Worth ...Just over two hours into progressive radio host Jeff Farias’ Thursday show (available here), I joined Jeff to discuss Scott Horton’s extraordinary article for Harper’s Magazine (which I discussed here), in which, through interviews with four members of the US military who were serving at Guantánamo ...
- The madness of Tony Blair, the futility of the Chi ...So will the Chilcot Inquiry into the illegal invasion of Iraq actually do anything when it finally reaches its conclusions? It seems unlikely. Over the last two months, we have had some fascinating moments: on November 26, for example, when Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s ambassador to the US, deli ...
- CNN Wins Our Media Putz Award For Consulting Bigot ...BUZZFLASH MEDIA PUTZ OF THE WEEK CNN For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America. We at BuzzFlash understand that rounding up recognized experts who can comment intelligently on a subject ...
- We're Giving Away a $50 BuzzFlash Marketplace Gift ...BuzzFlash has been working to create a truly progressive marketplace , a site you can go to and be confident that the items sold within reflect progressive principles, promote progressive causes, including economic justice goods that directly help people and items that help build a sustainable, eco ...
- Bob Kincaid: Last Man Standing in Liberal Radio Ne ...Head On Radio Network's Bob Kincaid Talks to BuzzFlash About What Air America's Failure Can Teach Us About Progressive Success. BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW by Meg White With the demise of liberal talk radio station Air America last month, liberals lost their voice in commercial radio. But is that really suc ...
- Morality and Hannity: Sean Hannity and Richard Min ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT by Jeffrey Joseph After President Obama so soundly defended his intellectual and policy credentials before the GOP , FOX had to approach denigrating President Obama from a different angle. Sean Hannity decided a great way to begin, and to further his goals with Republicans, incl ...
- Kirk Anderson: The Howard Zinn Perspective BUZZFLASH GUEST CARTOON More of Kirk Anderson's work available at KirkToons.com .read more
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Michael O'Hanlon's "testosterone-laden tough guys"(updated below) Defense Secretary Robert Gates today will unveil the administration's plan for repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, beginning with a ban on discharging gay service members who are "outed" by third parties. More than 13,500 gay service members have been discharged since the Cl ...
- What exactly did Bush and Cheney do wrong?As I noted several days ago, it is not only Republicans -- but Democratic and media establishment figures as well -- who clearly crave the preservation of the Bush/Cheney approach to Terrorism and civil liberties. When Bush's popularity collapsed to historic lows, political and media elites pret ...
- Susan Collins spreads central myth about the Const ...Over the weekend, Sen. Susan Collins released a five-minute video in which she sounded as though she were possessed by the angriest, most unhinged version of Dick Cheney. Collins recklessly accused the Obama administration of putting us all in serious danger by failing to wage War against the Ter ...
- Nostalgia for Bush/Cheney radicalismAs has been voluminously documented here, one of the most notable aspects of the first year of the Obama presidency has been how many previously controversial Bush/Cheney policies in the terrorism and civil liberties realms have been embraced. Even Obama's most loyal defenders often acknowledge t ...
- Remember the illegal destruction of Iraq?British political news has been consumed for the last several weeks by a formal inquiry into the illegality and deceit behind Tony Blair's decision to join the U.S. in invading Iraq. Today, Blair himself is publicly testifying before the investigative commission and is being grilled about numerou ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- Science based risk assessmentAsk people why the enter the lottery and they will usually tell you that “you’ve got to be in it to win it”. As far as it goes that’s true, but it still doesn’t get around the odds of you picking the right numbers being vanishingly (although not quite homeopathically) small at 14 million to [...] S ...
- Early Valentine’s AlchemistThe Alchemist this week learns of a golden opportunity to make a fundamental industrial feedstock, ethylene, from natural gas, rather than oil. In microfluidics, a droplet of acid finds its way out of a maze, while an accidental mineral could become the material of choice for magnetic tunnel juncti ...
- How to teach physics to your dogThere have been rough guides, books for dummies, even howtos for idiots, but Chad Orzel is probably the first to take explain an important corner of human endeavour solely to his dog in How to teach physics to your dog. Ironically, the subject on which he focuses, physics, is a realm usually the pr ...
- Research BloggingIf you blog about peer-reviewed research, then you’ve probably heard about ResearchBlogging.org by now. It’s an aggregator that pulls together posts from around the world that have added a snippet of code to identify themselves as blogging about peer-reviewed research. The keen-eyed regulars among ...
- Melamine’s on sale againThe Associated Press and others are reporting that milk products tainted with the toxic chemical melamine are on sale again in China. Melamine-tainted milk products have been pulled from convenience store shelves in southern China more than a year after hundreds of thousands of children were sicken ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Federal Biofuels Mandate Remains in Full Force Aft ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2010 Friends of The Earth The Environmental Protection Agency today released its final rule for implementation of the federal Renewable Fuels Standard, which mandates a massive increase in domestic biofuels consumption by 2022. A key part of the EPA's final rule ...
- International Scientists Condemn Purge of Professo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2010 PEER A prestigious international scientific body today sent a blistering letter to the University Alaska protesting the influence of the oil industry in the treatment and funding of academic researchers. Released today by Public Employees for Environmental Res ...
- Fixed Exchange Rate Has Produced World's Worst Rec ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2010 CEPR The Latvian economy has suffered the worst two-year decline in output on record and will have trouble recovering with its currency tied to the euro, according to a new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research. read more
- Switzerland to Accept Two Uighur Brothers from Gua ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2010 Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Lawyers for two Uighur brothers imprisoned by the U.S. Government at Guantánamo Bay since 2002 announced today that the men would soon be living free in the Swiss Canton (state) of Jura. Lawyer Elizabeth Gilson, who has be ...
- Macedonia: Broaden Anti-Discrimination BillFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2010 Human Rights Watch (HRW) The Macedonian government's decision to ignore sexual orientation as a protected category in its draft anti-discrimination law would leave lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) people without vital protection, Human Rights W ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Bring Back Van Jones! Blindsiding Clean Energy Wit ...by Jeff Biggers I miss Van Jones. A lot of us miss President Obama's former green jobs visionary. That includes coal miners, and residents on Coal River Mountain. If President Obama's brilliant green jobs administrator hadn't been hounded out of office in a bizarre witch hunt last fall, we would ...
- Obama's State of the Unionby Stephen Zunes For eight years, I wrote annotated critiques of the foreign policy segments of George W. Bush’s State of the Union speeches. Despite two ongoing wars, it was striking that Obama focused so little in his first State of the Union speech on the world outside our borders other than the ...
- It’s the Economists Stupidby David Kristjanson-Gural Economists like to think they are scientists but for the most part, aware of it or not, they are shilling for the powers that be. We won’t get out of this mess, until we call them on their shell game, broaden our thinking about how and for whom the economy works and ...
- Mock This Campaign If You Like, But How Else Can B ...by George Monbiot What else can you do? When the entire administration is engaged in a criminal act, when there is no clear separation of powers between the government and the judiciary, when those appointed to hold the government to account are as scary as a litter of kittens, where do you tur ...
- Obama's Nuclear Generation Gap?by Sue Sturgis During the energy portion of his first State of the Union address last week, President Obama called for "building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country." read more
Karl Burkart
- Obama says 28% and DiCaprio says 'This is our mome ...Obama announces 28% CO2 reduction and Leonardo DiCaprio and a host of celebs get behind the NRDC's Senate plea to pass clean energy legislation.
- Algae Oil: I'll drink to that!Breakthrough algae biofuel technology unveiled in Los Angeles. Sarah Backhouse was there and give you the scoop.
- Top 5! lists on Planet 100On Planet 100 we've started a new Top5 list every friday of cool eco trivia. This week is the Top 5 concert benefits.
- Obama says 28% & DiCaprio says 'this is our moment ...Obama announces 28% CO2 reduction and Leonardo DiCaprio and a host of celebs get behind the NRDC's Senate plea to pass clean energy legislation.
- What do Obama and iPad have in common?They both have had to follow the toughest act in town -- Inflated Expectations. How did they do?
Water Privatization
- Background Note: Libya (Scoop.co.nz)Geography Location: North Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria, southern border with Chad, Niger, and Sudan. Area: 1,759,540 million sq. km.
- Background Note: El Salvador (Scoop.co.nz)Geography Area: 20,742 sq. km. (8,008 sq. mi.); about the size of Massachusetts. Cities: Capital-- San Salvador (pop. 1.6 million). Other cities --Santa Ana, San Miguel, Soyapango, and Apopa.
- Nigeria : (AllAfrica.com)Is Bankole Anti South East, South-South?
- Oneida Common Council votes for police hiring, pro ...ONEIDA — The Oneida Common Council voted to overrule the mayor’s city-wide hiring freeze and voted to promote two police officers and hire a new patrol officer at its meeting Tuesday.
- Herkes focusing on rural health (West Hawaii Today ...HILO -- A mobile medical van could be serving South Kona and Ka'u residents within months, following 10 years of effort by state Rep. Bob Herkes.
- Expenses row: MPs ordered to pay back more than £1 ...House of Commons braced for 'devastating' final verdict from Sir Thomas Legg on expenses scandal The former civil servant charged with probing MPs' expenses claims will deliver his final, damning verdict on their conduct when he reveals that he has ordered 350 of them to pay back a total of more th ...
- UK forces 'must work with France'Defence secretary publishes green paper laying ground for full-scale defence review and tells MPs 'no nation can hope to protect all aspects of national security acting alone' Britain's armed forces will have to cooperate more closely in future with international allies such as France to provide a f ...
- Cool response to Iran uranium offerOfficials say Ahmadinejad's offer to export uranium in return for fuel rods was aimed at ducking threat of sanctions European officials yesterday dismissed an apparent offer by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to relaunch negotiations over Iran's uranium stockpile as a time-wasting gambit aimed at ducking the th ...
- Ofgem: UK cannot trust energy firmsRegulator says free market approach will leave UK short of energy supplies by 2015 Gas and electricity could be sold to consumers via a state-controlled body under radical reforms, proposed by the regulator Ofgem , which acknowledge that the decade-old free market approach to energy is no longer wor ...
- Bar to be demolished - but Banksy savedBeloved centre of London's alternative art scene for a decade is set for demolition, but six-metre Banksy mural to be preserved Pete Doherty used to host its poetry nights, the band Hot Chip formed there, and artists from Banksy to Gavin Turk have adorned its walls and propped up its bar. But now th ...
- Obama to Senate Democrats: Don't fret about your j ...WASHINGTON — A feisty but occasionally frustrated President Barack Obama tried Wednesday to calm nervous Senate Democrats about their political futures and prospects for passing major legislation, as he urged them to keep pushing hard for solutions to the nation's most vexing problems.
- Congress is urged to tighten foreign campaign spen ...WASHINGTON — In the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling that ended most restrictions on corporate funding in elections, a congressional panel was asked Wednesday to enact greater controls on contributions from foreign corporations as a way of limiting foreign influence in U.S. elections.
- Switzerland takes 2 Uighur brothers held at Guanta ...The Swiss government rebuffed Chinese protests Wednesday and agreed to give sanctuary to two brothers from China's Muslim Uighur minority who had been cleared for release from Guantanamo, but feared persecution if they went home.
- Taliban attack brings focus on low-key U.S. Pakist ...Three American soldiers were killed and two were wounded Wednesday in a roadside bombing in troubled northwestern Pakistan that killed 10 people, including a Pakistani soldier and three children.
- In Alaska politics, "There are now no limits on in ...A preliminary opinion from the Legislature's lawyers says all bets are now off when it comes to corporate spending in Alaska elections, with no limits or any requirement for disclosure.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Distorted view through the climate gatesMuch has been written - not least on this website - and much more surely will be written over the coming months about supposed inconsistencies, errors, misjudgements and poor practice among climate scientists. How many "scandals" do we now have with the suffix "-gate" attached to them? At least fiv ...
- Copenhagen - striking accord?Arguably, it's a deadline that isn't a deadline for an accord that isn't an accord. "It" is - or was - the 31 January target date by which governments were supposed to tell the UN climate convention (UNFCCC) secretariat what pledges they are prepared to make on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Th ...
- Crunch time for the cosy cousin?You'd think that conserving the world's biodiversity would be a pretty uncontroversial aim - wouldn't you? Who wouldn't think it a good idea that the giant panda survives for our children's children to marvel at, that the intricate dependencies of coral reef ecosystems remain un-ruptured by dynamit ...
- Reflections on a hugely changed climateIt's hard to overstate how much the events of the last two months have altered the global picture of climate politics. Picture the scene you'd have found on any day towards the end of last year: more prime ministers and presidents talking publicly about climate change than ever before; the vast maj ...
- The attack of the killer everythingAbout two decades ago, the world's frog experts realised they were characters in the opening chapter of a detective novel. It wasn't so much a whodunnit as a wotisdoinit - killing, that is, frogs and salamanders in different parts of the world at a rate that merited the description "dramatic" . Th ...
Afghanistan Sun
- 'Pakistan pussyfooting on Taliban'London, Feb 3 (IANS) Pakistan's refusal to crack down on the Afghan Taliban in a bid to achieve 'strategic depth' against India will weaken global efforts to negotiate a peace in Afghanistan, a senior British expert at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) said Wednesday.
- Afghan militants developing cheaper, deadlier ...Kabul, Feb. 3 : In a bid to cause maximum damage to international troops stationed in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda and Taliban militants are developing new, more sophisticated and more powerful roadside bombs.
- Karzai cancels meeting with OIC on Taliban talks i ...Afghan President Hamid Karzai cancelled a meeting on Wednesday with a major Muslim organization in Saudi Arabia that had been aimed at helping reconciliation efforts with the Taliban. The meeting was ...
- Risks Seen In Afghan Anti-Taliban Tribal Uprising ...Afghan and U.S. officials are encouraged by a recent deal in eastern Afghanistan under which a major tribe has agreed to keep the Taliban out of their territory in return for aid. But while the move m...
- Canada Has Lost Sight of AfghanistanDerek Burney served on the Independent Panel on Canada's Future Role in Afghanistan that produced the "Manley Report" in 2008 containing recommendations to Parliament on Canada's future course in Afgh...
- We are all sheep: Avatar, Bayonetta and the hypnos ...### I say this without having actually seen it, but James Cameron’s Avatar (2009) is an interesting film. This is because its success has had the same effect upon film critics and cultural commentators as pissing on an electric fence… people are sore, jittery and annoyed at pretty much everyone, ...
- Who’ll be next on the Moon now NASA’s doing other ...Well, the new NASA budget from Obama and chums has certainly got people talking… mostly about the fact that the dream of returning astronauts to the Moon is off the table for the foreseeable future [image by ComputerHotline]. Wired has snippets from the budget summary: “NASA’s Constellation prog ...
- Nuclear bomb blast videos redux!Tobias Buckell’s brief 2007 post of a video snippet showing a Russian weapons test described as the world’s biggest ever nuclear blast has long been the most popular post on this site for search engine traffic. And rather than kvetch about people not coming here for more high-brow entertainment (!), ...
- We have the (experimental) technology; we can rebu ...Lost an ear during the Reservoir Dogs Re-enactment Society meeting? No problems – we’ll just grow you a new one on a nanocellulose framework [via NextBigFuture]: Previously, Paul Gatenholm and his colleagues [at Chalmers University, Sweden] succeeded, in close co-operation with Sahlgrenska Universit ...
- The mould, the map and the mass transit systemThere’s still much we can learn from the natural world – and not just the simple things. Nature has a way of solving complex problems without the need for cognition and abstract thought… or even sentience, in many cases. I remember being impressed as a child by the incredible power of tropisms in pl ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Transparency International Releases Report on Prev ...Yesterday, Transparency International (TI) released a practical guide for combating corruption in relief and reconstruction efforts. “Disasters like the catastrophe in Haiti highlight the absolute necessity of ensuring that the funds and supplies allocated actually reach those in need. Corrupti ...
- While The Whistleblower Sits in Prison, More Peopl ...Yesterday, the Washington Post announced that the Swiss government has suspended the disclosure of information about tax cheats to the United States under a February 2009 “deferred prosecution” agreement and may seek to renegotiate the deal. Under the agreement the Swiss government was supposed to ...
- Camp Delta Sergeant Joe Hickman blows the whistle ...In its March issue, Harpers Magazine challenges the official and widely reported story that three prisoners being held in Guantánamo Bay committed suicide in an act of “asymmetrical warfare.” The article, written by Scott Horton, is based largely on observations of whistleblower Joe Hickman, the hi ...
- On February 10, OSHA will listenThe federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has announced that it will conduct an "OSHA listens" meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2010, at the Department of Labor headquarters auditorium in Washington, DC. To speak at the "OSHA listens" meeting, participants must register by ...
- Attorneys Issue Response to Inspector General Repo ...Key FBI Whistleblower Urges Strong Corrective Action Washington, D.C. January 20, 2010. Today at 10 a.m. the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General released a report that confirms the allegations regarding an illegal FBI domestic surveillance program, which were reported on ...
Defense and the National Interest
- On War #323: MilestoneWilliam S. Lind 23 November 2009 One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a m ...
- DNI to close — update23 November 2009 Many thanks to everyone who wrote in. Â My wife and I are deeply touched. We’ll try to find someone to at least take over the site as it is and keep the links intact. Â Several people have contacted me with ideas. Â In the meantime, I’ll leave everything up unless we start having mo ...
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the same subjec ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Political Corr ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, the ...
Digital Journal
- Unusual Heroes Save Afghan CultureIt was like a mystery from the pages of the The Da Vinci Code. A BBC report in 2003 said bank reserves of gold bullion, an ancient currency, were found in Afghanistan under the presidential palace.
- Toronto woman dead after halfway house stabbingA Toronto woman, 51, died Wednesday after being stabbed at a halfway house that caters to the mentally ill Wednesday morning.
- Trial begins for Toronto murder victim Jordan Mann ...Jordan Manners died at the bottom of a Toronto high school stairwell. The trial of two young suspects for First-Degree Murder began on Wednesday in Ontario Superior Court before Justice Ian Nordheimer.
- Emails show Ontario's top cop was out to 'get' Cal ...Emails written by the Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner, Julian Fantino, introduced to court yesterday appear to demonstrate that Fantino orchestrated a campaign to "get" activist Gary McHale.
- Toronto's Art Gallery of Ontario celebrates Family ...The Art Gallery of Toronto has some big events planned for Family Day, February 15. The Gallery will open its door for a rare Monday, giving mom and dad a fun place to take the kids.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Cheer for the Red Tent Campaign at the Vancouver O ...When you tune in to the Winter Olympics next week, be on the lookout for bright red tents dotting the snowy Vancouver scenery. The Red Tent Campaign is taking to the streets of Vancouver, distributing 500 red pop-up tents to the city's homeless to draw attention to this crucial issue and encourage C ...
- Homelessness Doesn't Have to Be a Death SentenceAs I write this post, I spot a client across the street who will likely die soon. All the signs point to this possibility: the substance abuse issues, an absent network of support, a fear of shelters and closed spaces because of trauma, being HIV positive, the cold winter -- the list goes on. All th ...
- Families Are the #1 Homelessness Prevention ToolThey're your parents. You've relied on them for your genes, holiday meals and unsolicited advice. But these days, they're serving another important role. They might just be be your last line of defense before spiraling into homelessness. (Or, sadly, you might be theirs.) As unemployment rates skyroc ...
- Visiting with the Bird ManI love interesting people. In Washington, D.C. I observed "Nature Boy" walking down the street. He was such a contrast to the neighborhood that I had to find him and talk to him. As luck would have it we later met at a park across the street from the White House. While driving along the Embarcadero ...
- The Argument for Shrinking Homeless SheltersUnfortunately, there are still homeless shelters that take in more than 10 people at a time. A shelter for 200 homeless people (or worse, 1000 ) is not any kind of accomplishment. That approach is decades out of date and is limiting homeless people, not helping them. Living with more than 10 people ...
- Loon watch: CDAI “promotes informed public debate”The mandate of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute is to “provide research support to the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) and promote informed public debate on national security and defence issues.” And as a contribution to that informed public debate, the latest edition of its ...
- U.S. moves in Eastern Europe complicate START talk ...The Obama administration is planning to station American Patriot surface-to-air missiles in Poland within 60 kilometres of the Russian border, sparking expressions of concern from Russia. The Russians perceive the plan to station the missiles and accompanying troops in Poland as part of a larger bu ...
- Mental health and the militaryWhat has killed the most U.S. military personnel during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Surprisingly, the answer is suicide. That disturbing statistic could also be true for Canadian soldiers participating in the Afghanistan war, but we just don’t know. Testifying to a forum on the problems faced by ...
- London Conference “welcomes” negotiations with Tal ...On January 28th, the London Conference convened to discuss the future of Afghanistan. The two main initiatives discussed by the more than 60 foreign ministers in attendance were a proposal for the gradual transfer of security responsibility to Afghanistan and, more controversially, an Afghan governm ...
- Support treaty banning nuclear weapons: ExpertsPrime Minister Harper should actively support new calls for a global treaty to ban all nuclear weapons, experts said today. “The Canadian government needs to step up its efforts to stop the dangerous spread of nuclear weapons” said former Senator Douglas Roche following a two-day conference in Otta ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Break Up Banks Crucial To Avoid Another MeltdownFebruary3, 2010 The Raw Story By Sahil Kapur As the Senate debates financial reform, consumer groups are urging Congress to break up the biggest banks and impose strict limits on proprietary lending, virtually guaranteeing a “repeat” of the 2008 meltdown if those actions aren’t taken. The two compon ...
- Mr. Coral Calcium – Bob BarefootClick the picture or link below to hear Kevin’s interview with Bob Barefoot and click here to purchase his controversial book, The Disease Conspiracy: The FDA Suppression of Cures. Bob Barefoot 02/03/10
- Obama Grows The Drug WarFebruary3,2010 The Raw Story By Stephen C. Webster It was not long ago when President Barack Obama’s new drug czar, former Seattle police chief Gil Kerlikowske, swept into Washington, D.C. and declared the “drug war” a public policy relic. The Obama administration, he said, would move toward handlin ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 2-3-10Today, Kevin educates you on the scary facts behind MSG’s and how many excitotoxins you are putting in your body just by eating a can of soup! The MSG Report Cocaine Found in Water Supply Rocket Fuel in Nation’s Drinking Water World Economic Forum’s Security Chief Found Dead After ‘Suicide’ ...
- The Guardian Discovers What ClimateGate Really WasFebruary3, 2010 Heraldsun By Andrew Bolt The only real things that’s changed now is the media’s willingness to see the fraud and fiddling that was always part of the great global warming scam. To finally see the fraud and fiddling that bloggers have written about for years. Example? Well, take the G ...
Pambazuka News
- US: System owes Troy Davis another day in courtIt is wrong to execute an innocent man. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will now consider whether it is constitutional. Troy Anthony Davis, convicted of murder, is asking the courts to hear evidence that key government witnesses have r...
- Caribbean: Civil society demands Haiti debt cancel ...Organizations representing Caribbean civil society organizations and social movements have written to G8 finance ministers, the World Bank, and the IMF, to demand an immediate and unconditional cancellation of Haiti's external debt....
- USA: Uhuru movement endorses McKinney/Clemente tic ...The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) has endorsed the McKinney/Clemente ticket in the U.S. presidential race. The endorsement was based on the support that Green Party V.P. candidate Rosa Clemente’s expressed for InPDUM’s “Re...
- Haiti: Women and girls require life-saving assista ...More than 800,000 people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance in Haiti in the wake of hurricanes Fay and Gustav and tropical storm Hanna. Houses, medical facilities, main roads and bridges have been destroyed, and an estimated 100,000 people h...
- Haiti: Lula visit prompts protests in Brazil, Mex ...Demonstrators in many Brazilian cities and San Francisco denounced Brazil's brutal 4-year military occupation of Haiti -- on the occasion of the May 28th visit to Haiti by Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva, marking the 4th anniversary of the arr...
War in Context
- Israeli commander: ‘We rewrote the rules of war fo ...From The Independent: A high-ranking officer has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli army went beyond its previous rules of engagement on the protection of civilian lives in order to minimise military casualties during last year’s Gaza war, The Independent can reveal. The officer, who ...
- Avi Shlaim - Blair: Gaza’s great betrayerFrom The Guardian: The savage attack Israel unleashed against Gaza on 27 December 2008 was both immoral and unjustified. Immoral in the use of force against civilians for political purposes. Unjustified because Israel had a political alternative to the use of force. The home-made Qassam rockets fi ...
- Blair lied in build-up to Iraq invasion, claims Cl ...From The Times: The former development secretary was scathing about Mr Blair’s failure to ask Washington to delay the invasion despite warnings that the military and aid officials were not ready. “I think he was so frantic to be with America that all that was thrown away. If he had done that, hi ...
- Riz Khan - Iraq: Reopening sectarian wounds?Al Jazeera English’s Riz Khan: Now, of course, in 2005 when the Sunni community generally boycotted the elections taking place then, there was violence on the street. And I wonder, because there’s, you know, if there’s a sense of being sidelined and excluded and being left out of any kind of voice ...
- The Iraqi oil conundrumAt TomDispatch, Michael Schwartz writes: How the mighty have fallen. Just a few years ago, an overconfident Bush administration expected to oust Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, pacify the country, install a compliant client government, privatize the economy, and establish Iraq as the political and m ...
Watts Up With That?
- In 1790, Philly “had a fever”, today, ...Steve Goddard reminded me that we’ve had “220 Years of Global Warming in Philadelphia” Starting in 1790, a prominent Philadelphia resident named Charles Pierce started keeping detailed records of the weather and climate, which has been archived on Google Books. His report from January, 1790 is below ...
- Penn State report on Mann: new investigation to co ...The report is out, and further investigation is forthcoming. Excerpts from the report are below, where they considered 4 allegations. They say only one had merit. That will be the subject of the upcoming investigation. Excerpts: “It is clear to those who have followed the media and blogs over the l ...
- BBC asks WUWT for helpI received this email this morning from Roger Harribin, the BBC’s environmental analyst. It’s interesting because I received an email from the Guardian yesterday asking if I’d like to write a 200 word guest piece. Unfortunately it somehow ended up in my spam filter (which I found this morning) so I ...
- NASA Still Spreading Antarctic WorriesA January 12, 2010 Earth Observatory article warns that Antarctica “has been losing more than a hundred cubic kilometers (24 cubic miles) of ice each year since 2002” and that “if all of this ice melted, it would raise global sea level by about 60 meter (197 feet).“ If sea level rose 60 meters, that ...
- Guardian: Climategate “…exposes the re ...For the Guardian, it has been a week of finally coming to terms with what we’ve known here at WUWT for months now. The issues of Climategate are finally getting full sunlight in the UK, and it’s white hot light. Even Monbiot is calling for resignations beyond that of Phil Jones. Though Monbiot needs ...
Dandelion Salad
- US Intelligence Report Classifies Venezuela as “An ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ By Eva Golinger Postcards from the Revolution February 3, 2010 As is custom at the beginning of each year, the different US agencies publish their famous annual reports on topics ranging from human rights, trafficking in persons, terrorism, threats, drug-traf ...
- President Obama at the Senate Democratic Policy Co ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ CSPAN February 03, 2010 President Obama spoke to Senate Democrats at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Following his remarks he answered questions from the Democratic legislators. The Democratic Senators were assembled for an issues conference to discuss polic ...
- 3 Arrested at Night in Bilin + Police accused of b ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ haithmkatib February 02, 2010 Bilin, Three Arrested at Night: Ibrahim Abed El Fatah Bornat, Hamde Abu Rahmah and an international journalist At 3 am 26 soldiers entered the village of Bilin on foot to arrest Ibrahim Abed El Fatah Bornat. On their way to Ibra ...
- Rethink Afghanistan War: The Eikenberry Cableshttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Take Action: Sign our act.ly petition to the House Armed Services Committee *** rethinkafghanistan February 02, 2010 Get more breaking news: http://www.rethinkafghanistan.com This year, 30,000 additional American troops will be deployed to Afghanistan despi ...
- Cutting Clare Short By William Bowles + Short: Gol ...By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 3 February 2010 Back in February 2004 I wrote a piece about the GCHQ worker Katherine Gun who really did ‘break ranks’ when she blew the lid on the UN spying operation and of Ms. Short’s role in the run-up to the invasion, bits of ...
Your New Reality
- No titleWhoops, Iraqolypse! Here's how BushCo. hoped, and prayed , the War On Iraq would unfold back in 2001 : Just a few years ago, an overconfident George W Bush administration expected to oust Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, pacify the country, install a compliant client government, privatize the economy ...
- No titlePaul Joseph Watson : Global warming is heading to the same dustbin of history as Y2K, SARS and swine flu – another manufactured scare peddled primarily to make vast profits for corrupt elitists at the expense of the general public. The entire fraud is collapsing under the weight of its own lies as n ...
- No titleA detail from Mathew McDermott's extraordinary photograph of a child set free from the rubble of the Haitian earthquake, having survived eight days with no food or water : The Full Photo Is Here
- No titleNASA : "What The Fuck Is That?!" Okay, Hubble scientists have no idea what they've caught on camera here, only guesses for now. Primarily, it''s not behaving like a comet. So it's open slather for theories. I'm sticking with a Klingon 'Bird of Prey' until I see a better explanation. You think ...
- No titleOn safari in Kenya, photographer Michel Denis-Huot snapped a series of incredible images which reveal when the pressure of hunger is sated, the hunter and the hunted can just hang out for a while. A preview : More Here
Wired - Science
- Everywhere in a Flash: The Quantum Physics of Phot ...By hitting single molecules with quadrillionth-of-a-second laser pulses, scientists have revealed the quantum physics underlying photosynthesis, the process used by plants and bacteria to convert light into energy at efficiencies unapproached by human engineers. The quantum wizardry appears to occ ...
- Telescope Finds Galaxy’s Most Massive Star YetThis glowing stellar nursery is home to the most massive star yet found in the Milky Way galaxy. Captured by the European Southern Observatory’s 27 f00t-diameter Very Large Telescope at Cerro Paranal, Chile, the image above combines data taken with violet, red, and infrared filters. The nebula, ...
- New Look at Big Bang Radiation Refines Age of Univ ...Six papers posted online present new satellite snapshots of the earliest light in the universe. By analyzing these images, cosmologists have made the most accurate determination of the age of the cosmos, have directly detected primordial helium gas for the first time and have discovered a key signa ...
- Video: Solar Eclipse Seen From SpaceA European satellite launched late last year has returned a new animation of the annular solar eclipse that occurred on Jan. 15. The images returned by the Proba 2 mission are the first of their kind and part of the first set of data released by the European Space Agency. A similar, more robust ...
- The Potential for a 40-MPH ManThe human frame is built to handle running speeds up to 40 miles per hour, scientists say. The only limiting factor is not how much brute force is required to push off the ground as previously thought, but how fast our muscle fibers can contract to ramp up that force. “If you just find a way to r ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israel warned against any conflict with SyriaSyrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem warned Israel on Wednesday about launching any war against his country, saying it would turn into a wider conflict. “Israelis, do not test the power of Syria... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Avi Shlaim: Blair – Gaza’s great betrayerThe wall of shame, as Egyptians call it, will complete the transformation of Gaza into an open-air prison. It is the cruellest example of the concerted Israeli-Egyptian-US policy to isolate and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- BADIL: Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internal ...BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is proud to announce the release of its biennial Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons 2008-2009. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
- Howard Zinn: 1922-2010 – VideoHoward Zinn: 1922-2010 Amy Goodman interviews Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Alice Walker, and Anthony Arnove. Additional Videos: "Three Holy Wars" - May 2009 The Daily Show with Jon Stuart - 6... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestin ...
- IDF legal official: Israel should probe Goldstone ...Sharvit-Baruch... was concerned by the Goldstone report's negative effect on Israel's legitimacy in the global arena, and that Israel could potentially turn into "a kind of South Africa or Serbia" or... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia to start receiving fifth-generation fighter ...The first batch of Russian fifth-generation fighters will go into service in 2013, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Friday.
- Russian 5th-generation fighter
- Iran's nuclear program
- Russian 5th-generation fighter
- Search for missing Su-27 fighter
- Expert Comments on Lancet Retracting Major Autism ...Rae Sonnenmeier of UNH's Institute on Disability can discuss the announcement by The Lancet regarding the retraction of a paper that caused a 12-year international battle over the links between childhood vaccines and autism.
- Study Supports Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for Youn ...Vaccination against seasonal influenza is safe and produces a protective immune response in infants as young as 6 to 12 weeks, concludes a study in the February issue of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.
- Earning a Little Respect for Heavy MetalAs the first student to enroll in Dalhousie University's new master's of musicology program, Eric Hardiman also aims to bring recognition to heavy metal music.
- Inflammation Marker Related to Obesity is Elevated ...The levels of an inflammatory chemokine were significantly elevated in patients with pancreatic cancer who were extremely obese, according to research conducted by scientists at the Jefferson Pancreatic, Biliary and Related Cancers Center. They presented their data at the 5th Annual Academic Surgica ...
- High School Pitchers Need to Train Properly Before ...An article on how pitchers can ruin their careers by not properly training before the season.
Intel Trends
- State of Eritrea: Press Release: IGAD: A communiqu ...[ Blogmaster note : IGAD refers to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in Eastern Africa. The organization consists of seven member states in the Horn of Africa: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.] The following statement is issued by the Eritrea Ministry ...
- IntelTrends 03-FEB-2010NIGERIA: MEND vows to attack Shell Nigeria Sun, 03 Feb The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has vowed to attack Shell oil facilities at Trans- Ramos and other areas in the Niger Delta region. Boeing and Airbus predict Asian sales surge BBC, 03 Feb Airlines in the Asia-Pa ...
- Algerian Salafis fight in YemenThe following post is from Roads to Iraq, intel blog. Algerian Salafis fight in Yemen © Roads to Iraq February 2, 2010 A very strange proposal on Fox news , the writer argues that "Kabyles" can be the best U.S. anti-Al-Qaeda allies. The mistakes made by the writer are the following: - "Kab ...
- Interpol urged to see legality of resistance: Syri ...The following article is from Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) , Tehran. Interpol urged to see legality of resistance © IRIB News Agency February 2, 2010 11:14:51 Syrian Deputy Interior Minister urged heads of Interpol to distinguish between terror acts and resistance of natio ...
- BURMA: Mongla assassination strengthening unity of ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N.), Chiang Mai, Thailand. Mongla assassination strengthening unity of Shan armed group © S.H.A.N. February 2, 2010 The unexpected killing of Mongla's # 6 leader last week has served to steel the reso ...
Organic Consumers.org
- The Big NecessityClick here to read this article
- Don't Let Toxic Sewage Sludge Contaminate Communit ...Click here to read this article
- Is There More to the Story on GMOs?In addition to the considerable questions about the safety of GMOs and their effects on mammals, what about other potential side effects to crop producers of GMO crops and their use? Click here to read this article
- U.S. Households Struggle to Afford Food"There are no hunger-free areas of America," said Jim Weill of the Food Research and Action Center. Weill said he hoped President Barack Obama would exempt public nutrition programs from a proposed three-year freeze on domestic spending. Click here to read this article
- The Creed of Objectivity Killed the NewsReporters who witness the worst of human suffering and return to newsrooms angry see their compassion washed out or severely muted by the layers of editors who stand between the reporter and the reader. The creed of objectivity and balance, formulated at the beginning of the 19th century by newspape ...
- Postales para el día 14 de febreroNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Aprovechando que seguimos muy amorosos y en espera del próximo día 14 de febrero , traemos para ustedes la segunda parte de imágenes de amor . En esta ocasión, te ofrecemos de manera gratuita, 18 postales para celebrar e ...
- 50 fotografías de animales muy divertidosNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- Fotografías coloreadas y lindas sorpresasNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- Dibujos e inventos de Leonardo da VinciNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
- Imágenes bonitas by Round HereNota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.
Executive Intelligence Review
- LaRouche Meets with European LYM: What Are Your Pl ...Dialogue with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- The Case of AIG: We, The People, Demand Answers!By John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- Obama's Health-Care Plan Will Impose Genocide on Y ...By Tony Papert Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- New Kelly Revelations Can Sink Tony BlairBy Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
- The East Goes Nuclear, While the West Heads for th ...By Michael Billington Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, January 22, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 3
Center for a Livable Future
- New analysis claims Monsanto skewed GM corn findin ...Monsanto conducted studies to evaluate the toxicity of genetically modified (GM) corn on rats as part of European regulatory registry of GM food and feed, prior to commercialization. To our knowledge, only a summary of the findings were made available to the public (for examples see European Food Sa ...
- Baltimore Food Makers potluckOn the recommendation of a friend, I had to good fortune to attended the Baltimore Food Makers monthly potluck this Saturday to share home-grown, home-preserved and home-made food with a group of ~30 “food makers.”  Before eating we all gathered around the spread of food and each maker discussed w ...
- Antibiotics in Farming: Has Tyson Foods Shot Itsel ...-From the Animal Welfare Approved web site Tyson Foods’ recent agreement to settle a lawsuit for falsely advertising its “raised without antibiotics” chicken brand has received limited media coverage – no doubt to the relief of the company’s boardroom. And with an annual turnover of nearly $27 bill ...
- Vegetarian and low-carbon diets emerging in China?Yesterday I spotted a segment on the China Central Television (CCTV) web site describing the vegetarian restaurant scene in China and the emergence of a low-carbon diet trend. Meat consumption has risen dramatically in China in the last few decades; research by Barry Popkin at the University of Nort ...
- Study Finds Menu Labels Including Daily Caloric Re ...Last week I discussed why obesity experts, such as Drs. Kelly Brownell and David Kessler, believe highly processed foods are leading to excessive overeating. Until healthier unprocessed foods are more readily available and affordable, today I want to focus on one way we can thwart the cravings belie ...
- Dark glancesWell that didn’t take long. Last night I noticed I was getting traffic from the Strib. I checked and was laughing out loud after seeing the Strib had automatically linked to my Drowning Pawlenty in a bathtub of his own overflowing post. It’s gone from the Strib’s Pawlenty hagiography page now. No cl ...
- Same as it ever wasThis is a strategy that can only work if the news media cooperates. Seeing as how this was the top story at the New York Times this morning, it appears our corporatist media is finally seeing some advantage to reporting both sides of the battle in Congress. As weary as I am of Obama’s reaching out t ...
- Let it be notedLet it be noted that I’m sitting at home right now. At the last second I decided against attending my caucus. I cannot participate in a process I do not believe in unless there is reason for me to believe I can reform it. I do not think it is within my power to dent [...]
- From the LinkspredderLarissa has a link to a breaking UK news story that there were plans drawn up to depose Saddam two years before 9/11. It’s too bad you can’t arrest a government and depose it. Or, apparently, stop it from killing all the witnesses. - Daniel Pipes is one of vilest liars active in American politics to ...
- Some Times and a PostHow many people got stopped by the cops in NYC last year? Take a guess. Bob Herbert says 450,000. If that were equally distributed with no one being stopped more than once, that would work out to 18.5% of all New Yorkers. Somehow I suspect a few hundred gangbangers had slightly more than their fair ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-01-29 [del.icio.us]Sharing Love Is Priceless New found friends: Astonishingly, these cheetahs, whose instinct is to hunt for food, decide to play with this baby impala
- Links for 2010-01-26 [del.icio.us]Does this still happen in United States? In 2010? Photo released shows her son hospitalized after being hit by plainclothes officers with stun gun because they thought a bottle of soda in his coat was a gun
- Men In Their 50s Find Sex Enjoying And SatisfyingAfter the age of 59, overall satisfaction with sex fell significantly to 2.46 for men in their sixties and 2.14 for those in their seventies. The finding was detailed in the February issue of the journal BJU International, the British journal of urology.
- Competing For A Mate Wears A Man Out Or Get Him Ki ..."Women live longer in almost every country, and the sex difference in lifespan has been recognized since at least the mid-18th century," said Daniel Kruger at the University of Michigan. "It isn't a recent trend; it originates from our deep evolutionary history."
- Myth Sex Expedites Pregnancy Labor Birth Debunks"Patients may continue to hear the 'old wives' tale' that intercourse will hasten labor, but according to this data, they should not hear it from the medical community," said obstetrician Jonathan Schaffir.
The World We Live In
- US drones killed 123 civilians, three al-Qaeda men ...Monday, February 01, 2010 By Amir Mir LAHORE: Afghanistan-based US predators carried out a record number of 12 deadly missile strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan in January 2010, of which 10 went wrong and failed to hit their targets, killing 123 innocent Pakistanis. The remaining two successfu ...
- War Begets War, Don’t Call it TerrorismSlate | By William Saletan | 11 January 2010 Traitor, Bomber, Soldier, Spy Stop crying “terrorism†every time we’re attacked. Afghan police officers inspect the site of a blast in Khost province Photo: REUTERS Two weeks ago, a Jordanian suicide bomber blew up seven CIA employees at a U.S. m ...
- Indian army doesn’t posses ability to fight in nig ...NEW DELHI: While the Indians celebrate 62nd Army Day, country’s Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, just after a couple of weeks of announcing a new war doctrine of Indian army to eliminate Pakistan and China in matter of hours even if it has to fight on simultaneous fronts, outrageously admitted I ...
- Freedom of Speech for a FictionBy CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM I often correspond with a long-time Washington DC operator named Leigh Ratiner, who spent 40 years in government, serving under Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Reagan, with cabinet-level posts in the Defense Department, under the Secretary of the Interior, in the ...
- War Begets War, Don’t Call it TerrorismSlate | By William Saletan | 11 January 2010 Traitor, Bomber, Soldier, Spy Stop crying “terrorism†every time we’re attacked. Afghan police officers inspect the site of a blast in Khost province Photo: REUTERS Two weeks ago, a Jordanian suicide bomber blew up seven CIA employees at a U.S. m ...
Center for Food Safety
- Farmers and Conservation Groups Seek to Halt Plant ...Earlier Court Decision Found Federal Approval of GE Sugar Beets to Be Unlawful Earthjustice and Center for Food Safety announced today that they filed court papers seeking a ban on genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets and sugar beet seeds. The motion was filed in Federal Court on behalf of a coal ...
- Supreme Court to Hear First Genetically Engineered ...Monsanto Takes Center for Food Safety Legal Victory to Highest Court Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear a first-time case about the risks of genetically engineered crops. Named Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms, No. 09-475, the case before the high court will be yet another step in an ongoi ...
- Tell USDA That You Care About GE Contamination of ...In 2006, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) sued the Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its illegal approval of Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa. The federal courts sided with CFS and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA fully analyzed the impacts of the plant on the environm ...
- USDA AGAIN AIMS TO ALLOW UNLIMITED PLANTING OF GEN ...Center for Food Safety to lead coalition to protect public, farmers and environment from GE crop hazards The Center for Food Safety today announced that it will lead a coalition of concerned farmers, consumers and environmentalists to hold USDA accountable in its responsibility to protect all farme ...
- Center for Food Safety and Institute for Agricultu ...Groups Urge Government Ban of Common Additives Used in Feed for Chicken, Turkeys and Hogs Today, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling for the immediate withdrawal of approvals ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- LISTEN: Big Mountain Message to CopenhagenLouise Benally on global warming and apartheid at Black Mesa By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Photos: Dan Harrison/Clan Dyken Thanksgiving Black Mesa BIG MOUNTAIN -- As snow covers the land, Louise Benally sends a message to Indigenous Peoples and world leaders gath ...
- Copenhagen Day 6 & 7 Report: A Pacific PerspectiveTalofa all, As we come to the end of the first week in Copenhagen, we look back with somewhat a degree of satisfaction as a Pacific Islander here watching the process unfold from an observer's perspective. Whilst most of the discussions this week have been held in closed doors with many of us in th ...
- VIDEO: Mohawks take out border marker with backhoeWatch Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsNap5EyQnk
- US Coyote at Work: Trust Fund Settlement ScamUS Coyote at Work: Trust Fund Settlement Scam By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Updated with responses Dec. 10, 2009 The same US government that brought us the home mortgage, seize-everything-you-have scam, and the bail-out-the-billionaires programs, now says it wil ...
- International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate ...Read by Indigenous Environmental Network representative, Six Nations Mohawk Mr. Benjamin Powless to world leaders on the last day of the Conference of the Parties 15 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark... International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Cli ...
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Water Power
American Metal Market- Feb 03, 2010- 2 hours agoBy Tatyana ShumskyPublished: Feb 3 2010 5:55PM Mueller Water Products Inc., which posted a loss in its fiscal first quarter ended Dec. ...Gainesville Times- Feb 03, 2010- 28 minutes agoBy Ashley Fielding Perdue unveiled the Georgia Water Stewardship Act of 2010, which will require water-efficient plumbing fixtures in all newly constructed ...San Jose Mercury News- Feb 03, 2010- 20 minutes agoThe cities of Santa Cruz and Scotts Valleys are welcoming the small, circular signs to water-crossings on city streets in what water officials say will be a ...Philadelphia Inquirer- Feb 03, 2010- 9 hours agoBy Andrew Maykuth Pennsylvania American Water today acquired the 1500-customer Nittany Water Co. in north-central Pennsylvania for $520000. ...