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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10 Feb - Op-Eds

Injured armed forces personnel to receive more money 


Lib Dem MP, Bob Russell, said an off-duty soldier who was assaulted in the UK and 
suffered serious head injuries would still be eligible for more money under the 
criminal injuries compensation scheme than a soldier shot on active service in
 Afghanistan, who had the same injuries but was compensated under the
 armed forces scheme.

Why The Oscars Are A Con
This year’s Oscar nominations are a parade of propaganda, stereo-
types and downright dishonesty. The dominant theme is as old as 
Hollywood: America’s divine right to invade other societies, steal their
 history and occupy our memory. When will directors and writers 
behave like artists and not pimps for a world view devoted to control
 and destruction?

Report: Mideast, North African countries censor, control media

Keith Olbermann Names Senate Committee of Indian

 Affairs to His WORST List

Non-response to the disasters in South Dakota

Health inequalities cost billions in lost productivity

The report estimates up to 202,000 early deaths could be avoided, if everyone in the
 population enjoyed the same health as university graduates.
Doing nothing to tackle these inequalities would cost the economy more, according 
to the review, which says inequality in illness accounts for £33bn of lost productivity 
 ( Funding of Afghanistan's resistance to the Soviet Union )

Douglas shows value of evidence-based change

Douglas's views as a young man reflected those of his environment. Given changes to
scientific findings, social conditions and from his own experiences, he was required to revisit
 his ideology. His willingness to change his opinions in the face of new information would result
 in the formation of some of our most important social policies. As such, he is correctly
remembered as the greatest Canadian who has ever lived.
At age 54, Douglas wrote that he became more of a radical as he grew older because
previously he "thought things could be done, and today I know they can be done."

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Douglas+shows+value+evidence+based+

As the looming shutdown of a European reactor threatens 
to create shortages of the material used to diagnose
 life-threatening illnesses, the Opposition is pushing Ottawa 
to develop plans to ensure the continued supply of medical 
Liberal MPs sent a letter yesterday to Natural Resources
 Minister Christian Paradis and Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq,
 expressing "growing concern" that there is no contingency plan
 to deal with the shutdown of the Petten reactor in the Nether-
lands, which will occur while the NRU reactor at Chalk River,
 Ont., remains out of service.

A Primer on Iran’s Medical Reactor Plans

From engagement to confrontation with Iran

"What we are going to be working on over the next several weeks is
 developing a significant regime of sanctions that will indicate to them 
how isolated they are from the international community as a whole," 
President Barack Obama told journalists earlier this week.
The president sounded not unlike his predecessor George W Bush, who 
worked for years to contain Iran, a sign that Mr Obama's policy to 
engage with the Islamic Republic has failed.
The question now is whether a new round of sanctions would be any 
more successful than those imposed under Mr Bush's watch.
( What policy to engage with Iran would that be?  I missed it inCarbon caps - who gets the cash?. the 
continuation of  now standard  warlike acts of economic sabotage that 
have been inflicted on Iran for decades.
 It must be the Cuban model, celebrated by unanimous 
world condemnation for 50 years of bipartisan ! villainy by blockade
 - in October)

American coup d'etat: Military thinkers discuss the unthinkable

Smarts in the great white north

A convoy of seven tiny cars takes on Canada's toughest roads