Massive earthquake strikes Chile
8.3 magnitude in central Chile
Feed Pete Peterson to the Whales
Bunning (R-KY): Blocks Unemployment Benefits Extension And Tells Dems ‘Tough Shit’
Kentucky Creationists

Serendipitously, MORE INTELLIGENT LIFE, which is a fine site that is part of the Economist web enterprise, also has an article by Natasha Lennard about the institution, "Of Myths and Museums"
Lets examine Greenwash Gord the saviour of the environment, so we can understand why we should all be so grateful to him for saving the planet.
Let's see, the only thing I can think of, and the one that somehow even fooled enviro-bimbo Tzeporah, Nature of Things guru David Suzuki and others, was his imposition of a carbon tax on everyday British Columbians. Of course the biggest polluters get exemptions or rebates while even carbon tax supporter Marc Jaccard stated that the tax would have to be 25 times higher to serve its intended purpose of changing people's behaviour. And since the imposition of the tax, more cars are driving more miles on BC roads than before the tax was imposed. Of course due to other factors the price of gas at the pump is about half what it was when the tax was first announced.
Let's see, the only thing I can think of, and the one that somehow even fooled enviro-bimbo Tzeporah, Nature of Things guru David Suzuki and others, was his imposition of a carbon tax on everyday British Columbians. Of course the biggest polluters get exemptions or rebates while even carbon tax supporter Marc Jaccard stated that the tax would have to be 25 times higher to serve its intended purpose of changing people's behaviour. And since the imposition of the tax, more cars are driving more miles on BC roads than before the tax was imposed. Of course due to other factors the price of gas at the pump is about half what it was when the tax was first announced.
So as far as I can see, the Carbon Tax is just another tax grab from the middle and lower-classes, disguised as some sort of progressive environmental policy - Tzeporah, Suzuki and the others should be embarrassed for falling for Capo Gordo's flim flam routine!
Then there was light!
NRI readies power plant in a box
WASHINGTON: The world of energy and entrepreneurship is crackling with electric anticipation this week after an India-born scientist-CEO provided a sneak peek over the weekend at a clean and efficient model of power generation-in-a-box that could eliminate the traditional grid and challenge monopolies.
Bloom Box: What 60 Minutes left out
The American/Canadian Dream
The Suicide Note from the man who flew a plane into the IRS Building(for real)
Gordon Campbell, the man who eradicated wild Salmon
sea lice infestation has become drug restistant
First Nations people on the coast are staging a 29 hour hunger strike against Norwegian Fish farms,
Alberta to let prisoners vote
'No extradition' for Taliban chiefs held in Pakistan
( Talibs - Afghans - are commonly imprisoned and tortured courtesy NATO forces...especially Canada's. Yet we have legislation disallowing extradition where people are to be sent where cruel and unusual punishment are employed...like Afghanistan under NATO. So...would Canada extradite Afghans to Afghanistan if torture was waiting in the wings ? Yes ? More the shame on us! )
Another nuclear scientist missing
Sri Lanka's dissenting voices 'silenced'
The recent arrest of defeated presidential candidate, Gen Sarath Fonseka, is seen by some as the latest example of intimidation of Mr Rajapaksa's opponents.
Analysts say the general has joined a growing list of people and organisations that have been targeted.
During the presidential campaign they noticed a dramatic increase in threats to journalists and activists - especially those deemed to have supported Gen Fonseka.
Provincial Liberals across Canada are destroying lives
Canadians across Canada better wake up fast,provincial Liberal governments are stealing assets from the public and selling them, not just in BC,not only in Ontario,add New Brunswick to the mix.