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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 Dec - Oil and Environment

A picture of a mountaintop removal siteWork co...Image via Wikipedia

Leveling Appalachia: The Legacy
of Mountaintop Removal Mining

During the last two decades, mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia has destroyed or severely damaged more than a million acres of forest and buried nearly 2,000 miles of streams. Leveling Appalachia: The Legacy of Mountaintop Removal Mining, a video report produced by Yale Environment 360 in collaboration with MediaStorm, focuses on the environmental and social impacts of this practice and examines the long-term effects on the region’s forests and waterways. At a time when the Obama administration is reviewing mining permit applications throughout West Virginia and three other states, this video offers a first-hand look at what is at stake for Appalachia’s environment and its people.

Pervasive Plastics: Why the U.S.
Needs New and Tighter Controls

by john wargo
Long a ubiquitous part of modern life, plastics are now in everything from diapers to water bottles to cell phones. But given the proven health threats of some plastics — as well as the enormous environmental costs — the time has come for the U.S. to pass a comprehensive plastics control law.

In Search of New Waters,
Fish Farming Moves Offshore

by john mcquaid
As wild fish stocks continue to dwindle, aquaculture is becoming an increasingly important source of protein worldwide. Now, a growing number of entrepreneurs are raising fish in large pens in the open ocean, hoping to avoid the many environmental problems of coastal fish farms.

 Stewart Brand’s Strange Trip:
Whole Earth to Nuclear Power
When the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog embraces nuclear power, genetically engineered crops, and geoengineering schemes to cool the planet, you know things have changed in the environmental movement. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Stewart Brand explains how the passage of four decades — and the advent of global warming — have shifted his thinking about what it means to be green.

Raw Milk E. coli and Campylobacter Illnesses - A Big Cold Glass of Reality

Consumer Groups Push For Ban on Chicken Feces in Cattle Feed
( That sounds like a plan, don't you think - regardless of other representations ? )

Video – NASA manipulating data to support global warming?

Although all scientists interpret data in different ways, Chris Horner says that NASA scientists working on climate change have been particularly active in advocating for global warming. What is the motivation for this? And what could be the consequences?


Small Towns in Kentucky Latest Victims of AIG
bailed-out insurance villain AIG took over their water utility and instantly raised rates to squeeze an extra $1 mllion in profits out of its new customers, forcing some to consider choosing between running water and food."

Medicine Wheel Helps Natives Cope with Diabetes
the culturally based nutrition intervention promoted small, but beneficial, changes in weight

Crow Creek gains support of Calif. tribe

Washington Mayor Fenty signs same-sex marriage bill

London Will Become
Europe’s Electric Car Capital, Mayor Vows

Lack of ‘Personal Space’
Causes Hatchery Salmon to Falter in Wild

John Prescott defends China's role at Copenhagen climate summit
Former deputy PM attacks US envoy's stance at talks
• Negotiator at Kyoto rejects Obama's view of 1997 deal

Grow-your-own to replace false teeth
Doctors take stem cells from the patient. These are unique in their ability to form any of the tissues that make up the body. By carefully nurturing the stem cells in a laboratory, scientists can nudge the cells down a path that will make them grow into a tooth. After a couple of weeks, the ball of cells, known as a bud, is ready to be implanted. Tests reveal what type of tooth - for example, a molar or an incisor - the bud will form.

Using a local anaesthetic, the tooth bud is inserted through a small incision into the gum. Within months, the cells will have matured into a fully-formed tooth, fused to the jawbone. As the tooth grows, it releases chemicals that encourage nerves and blood vessels to link up with it.

Tests have shown the technique to work in mice, where new teeth took weeks to grow.

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Oil Price.com

Iraq to Challenge Saudi Arabia for the Position of World's Largest Oil Producer, if...
Baghdad is coming of age in its own backyard with the awarding of contracts for developing its oil reserves while taking care of its assets as evident   Read More »

Forget Solar & Wind Power High Lipid Algae and Nuclear Fission Show Greater Promise
Both solar and wind power are creative ideas that may one day prove to be of value, but sadly, after 40 years of concerted efforts, they’ve thus   Read More »

India Facing Fierce Competition in its Search for Oil and Natural Gas Resources
While energy-strapped India is scouring the globe for oil and gas - a bid that recently took it to Sudan and Russia where India signed two memoranda of   Read More »

Unstimulating America - How do you Undo a Trillion Dollars?
That question has been on the minds of leaders and financial thinkers worldwide, since the financial crisis broke last fall. In response to   Read More »

Arab Leaders Finally Awake to Growing Iranian Threat
In order to survive revolutions must continue to propagate themselves or else they die; that was true of revolutions on the left that saw their golden   Read More »

The Two Kinds of Junior Natural Resource Companies
There are two kinds of junior natural resource companies. When you analyze, it's critical to realize which one you're dealing with. The   Read More »

Nigerian Leadership Crisis Impacting Global Energy Markets
The illness of Nigerian Pres. Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has now reached the point where it can no longer be hidden from the Nigerian electorate, and the   Read More »

Growing Power of Iraqi Kurdistan Could Backfire on Tehran
Iran's strategy to break Iraq into three component territories, and to dominate those territories in order to reduce regional opposition and to gain   Read More »

Climate Change: Clean Coal, Nuclear Energy or Simply Energy Savings?
On November 6, 2009 The World Coal Institute released its new report "Securing the Future - Financing CCS in a Post-2012 World." One   Read More »

The Natural Gas Sector, Shale Gas & Exxon's $31 Billion Takeover of XTO Energy
Yesterday's big news in the commodities world was Exxon's $31 billion takeover of XTO Energy. The acquisition is a big endorsement by   Read More »

Is Turkey Shifting Alliances?
For the last several decades it was generally assumed that Israel was the United States’ staunchest ally in the Greater Middle East. But when former   Read More »

The Great Oil Grab! How the Major Powers are Dividing the World's Resources
China and Russia will stay on tenterhooks for decades to come, on the question of sufficiency of energy supplies, notwithstanding the oil grab they   Read More »

The Great Competition Over Energy Shoves and Shapes the Emergence of the "New Caucasus"
The South Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia - is at an historic "T" junction in the road. The next turn could result in a regional   Read More »

Natural Gas Advances Save The World From Energy Crisis
News spreads quickly throughout the energy industry, especially when that news is good! The “Energy Crisis” may very well be over,   Read More »

How to Guarantee Success - Why Mexico Hedged it’s 2010 Oil Production at $57 per barrel
A lot has been made this week of news that Mexico hedged the bulk of its 2010 oil production at $57 per barrel. Several analysts chalked this up   Read More »

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Seeing without Looking

Like a spotlight that illuminates an otherwise dark scene, attention brings to mind specific details of our environment while shutting others out. A new study by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies shows that the superior colliculus, a brain structure that primarily had been known for its role in the control of eye and head movements, is crucial for moving the mind’s spotlight.


The Nation: Immigration Agents Holding US Residents in Unlisted, Unmarked Facilities

Iceraids3 The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is holding an untold number of people in secretively maintained detention facilities all over the United States. That’s according to an explosive report that’s the cover story of the latest issue of The Nation magazine. They also report that ICE agents regularly impersonate civilians and rely on other illegal tricks to arrest longtime US residents who have no criminal history

'Cadillac' tax isn't a tax -- it's a plan to finance real health reform 

As we prepare for the final round of debate over health reform, perhaps the most contentious issue will be financing. Both the Senate and House agree that most of the financing for reform should come from scaling back overpayments to Medicare insurers and providers, as well as excise taxes on some of the sectors that will most benefit from 30 million newly insured consumers. But the two houses remain apart on where to find the remaining dollars. In the Senate, the gap is closed by relying on the "Cadillac tax," a 40 percent assessment on insurance plans with premiums of more than $8,500 for singles and $23,000 for families. In the House, the gap is closed with a surtax on those earning more than $500,000. 

Valley fill - Mountaintop removal coal mining ...Image via Wikipedia
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