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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, December 25, 2009

25 Dec - BlogViews

~ reflections ~Image by Yves. via Flickr
Percentage of advancing glaciers in the Alps i...Image via Wikipedia
  Alex Constantine's Anti-Fascist Research Bin

Profile of Financial "Guru" John Mauldin: The GOP's "Sage of Dallas" is a Knight of Malta
*For background on some of the parapolitical connections of the Texas Republican Party, see: FBI-Stung Terrorist Targeted Dallas Office Tower where CIA Agent/County Republican Party Chairman Works, CIA Co...

Lou Dobbs' Fascist Fantasia
*Also see: Lou Dobbs' Spokesman, Knight of Malta Robert Dilenschneider* *Is CNBC prepared to Invest in Dobbs and His Record of Conspiracy Theories and Inflammatory Rhetoric?* Media Matters | December 01, 2...

NixonTapes.Org: Who Was Fritz Kraemer? And Why We Should Care 
 *Ideology of Fritz Kraemer at the Heart of Wartime Policy from Vietnam to the Present* *Who was Fritz Kraemer?* http://www.nixontapes.org/kraemer.htm

"Life in the Resistance" (AC Song)

GOP Auschwitz Heir/Horse Breeder Will Farish Supported Ky. Democrat in Special Election who Backed Racetrack Slot Machines
*See: The Farish Family's Auschwitz Profits and Connections * *Republican money is going to Ky. Democrat* Excerpt *by Janet Patton* Lexington Herald-Leader | Dec. 02, 2009 Major Republican donors with ties...

NBC Continues to Highlight DynCorp's Gen. Barry McCaffrey
AllGov.com | December 14, 2009 WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 14: *General Barry McCaffrey (R), U.S. Army, speaks during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol November 14, 2007 in Washington, DC. The panel discuss... 

"Nazi Homeland Blues"
By the time I got to Woodstock, The bottom-feeders had us in a hammerlock, Camelot was trashed, They shot it in the head. ...

"Splutter" (Streaming Mp3 Musik)

Op-Ed Letter (Plain Dealer): The Radical Right is Hijacking the GOP and the Media
I really had to write in reference to Kevin O'Brien's ironic column of Nov. 26, in which he commented on the importance of truth in journalism, and the few letters to the editor of Nov. ...

USAID Officer Arrested with Terrorists in Islamabad

The name of the arrested USAID officer is Abid Mehmood (see second story below). - AC *Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism, and "Islamabad: Americans Dressed as Afghans Caught With Illegal ...

UK: MPs Sue CIA to Shatter Secrecy on Britain's Role in Rendition

*Camp Delta at the US naval station in Guantánamo, Cuba. A joint US/UK military force is reputed to have detained hundreds of Iraqi and Afghan prisoners at the detention centre.* Photograph: Chip Somodevil...

"Neil (Young)" (AC Instrumental)

"Alienation" (AC Instrumental)

"CAROLINE, WAGE SLAVE" (Depressing Post-Industrial, -'60s, -Bubble-Gum Demo by AC)

Inside the Military Media Industrial Complex: Impacts on Movements for Peace and Social Justice

*by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff* Dissident Voice | December 22, 2009 Among the most important corporate media censored news stories of the past decade, one must be that over one million people have died...


The 12 Gays of Christmas Remix

KAIROS - Jason Kenney digs himself a deeper hole

The Existentialist Cowboy

U.S. Patriot Act: 'Tea Baggers' are Domestic Terrorists !
Tea Baggers and on-air personalities who have threatened President Barack Obama with death are 'Domestic Terrorists' as defined by the U.S. Patriot Act. Threats agai...

 Dr. John's Hiding Place

*Blogging is delayed* for some days to come due to violent storms over our region: Andalucia. Heavy winds and rains, even thunderstorms have crashed utilities and communication systems. With great difficul...
Storms over Andalucia

 Dad2059's Webzine
Plot showing variations in solar activity, inc...Image via Wikipedia

Climate Chaos

When people talk about ‘climate change’ now-a-days, they usually mean ‘anthropocentric’ climate change, which means climate change influenced by human activity.
I used to be in the above crowd.
What has changed my mind?
Let me first say this disclaimer; I am not an atmospheric scientist, just a half-assed informed layman.
In that capacity, after 2 1/2 years of research I have IMHO discovered that there is a global elite who stand to gain significantly (economically) from centralized global control of ‘climate change’ policy.
Now do I think that we, as a global society, should get away from using fossil fuels to power our economies and societies?
Sure. But there are too many reasons to list here.
And the poor nations of the Earth, who get short shrift from the First World Nations anyway, know that their economies still need fossil fuel technology, just to break even and make their loan payments to the IMF.
But the recent climate conferences in the Netherlands in the EU (CO15) were not derailed by poor nations (they did walk out at one point anyway), but was jinked by the US and China (is China Third World or First World now?):

Burnt Skepticism

December 21, 2009
Oh, it must be Christmas. As I mentioned in Wednesday’s news briefs, James Randi has come under fire from all quarters this week, after posting his thoughts about global warming to his blog:
An unfortunate fact is that scientists are just as human as the rest of us, in that they are strongly influenced by the need to be accepted, to kowtow to peer opinion, and to “belong” in the scientific community. Why do I find this “unfortunate”? Because the media and the hoi polloi increasingly depend upon and accept ideas or principles that are proclaimed loudly enough by academics who are often more driven by “politically correct” survival principles than by those given them by Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and Bohr. (Granted, it’s reassuring that they’re listening to academics at all — but how to tell the competent from the incompetent?) Religious and other emotional convictions drive scientists, despite what they may think their motivations are.
…It’s easy enough to believe that drought, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes are signs of a coming catastrophe from global warming, but these are normal variations of any climate that we — and other forms of life — have survived. Earth has undergone many serious changes in climate, from the Ice Ages to periods of heavily increased plant growth from their high levels of CO2, yet the biosphere has survived. We’re adaptable, stubborn, and persistent — and we have what other life forms don’t have: we can manipulate our environment. Show me an Inuit who can survive in his habitat without warm clothing… Humans will continue to infest Earth because we’re smart.
In my amateur opinion, more attention to disease control, better hygienic conditions for food production and clean water supplies, as well as controlling the filth that we breathe from fossil fuel use, are problems that should distract us from fretting about baking in Global Warming.


From the Thunderbolts Blog: Comet Crystals

Studying Fortean subjects sometimes mean taking on the status quo.
I have been interested in all things outer space for over forty years and one of the most controversial subjects I have studied is the Electric Universe Theory.
Comets are said to be composed of “dusty ices.” Why have crystalline structures that require high temperatures been found in them?

 Tinfoil Tuesday: Nibiru Nadda

I’ll offer up this post from The Interstellar Housewife, who also is a little disappointed with Nibiru:

Back in 2001-2003 when everyone was screaming about Nibiru, I was caught up in the new Mars photos of the Cydonea region, waiting to see if that damn mound was a friggin’ face or not. It wasn’t, in the end (though Hoagland certainly stood his ground for a bit).
Outwardly, these seemed like two fairly separate camps — Camp A. being those people in to new martian photos and hopeful of data showing traces of microbial life, if not photos of some extinct civilization and Camp B
Oh, it wasn’t a natural connection, to be sure. It required a bit of — um, leniency. And manipulation. Personally, I never bought into half of the stuff flying around at the time. I did entertain the Nibiru idea, briefly, because some of it seemed plausible enough – but only up until the part were it was a hollow planet that played home-world to a race of beings called the Annunaki, who just could not get enough gold!

The other part I didn’t buy was the prophesied impact date of 2003 — for one, because IT WASN’T IN THE MOTHERLUVIN’ SKY. And I’m pretty sure something that big would have been very visible in the years just prior to ‘03.


The Land of Woo and Biocentrism

December 16, 2009 I am not a scientist of any kind, in any sense of the definition.
Theories in science, especially nowadays, have taken on an aura that feels like stepping onto a speeding subway train without it stopping to let you on.
Now, I know that I have posted about various theories of quantum physics and its relationship to the mainstream world in the past and have been roundly flamed for it, especially since I really don’t know what I’m talking about.
But how does one learn, if one doesn’t take the occasional plunge into the deep end of the pool?
This next supremely interesting theory is named biocentrism and it’s proponent is Dr. Robert Lanza, a medical doctor.
Biocentrism, in a word, is all about what our brain perceives in the outside world, how it interprets it and a possible relationship with quantum physics:
Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we have been told we will die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.
One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. One mainstream explanation, the “many-worlds” interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the ‘multiverse’). A new scientific theory – called biocentrism – refines these ideas. There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios. All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them. Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the alive feeling – the ‘Who am I?’- is just a 20-watt fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn’t go away at death. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed. But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?
Consider an experiment that was recently published in the journal Science showing that scientists could retroactively change something that had happened in the past. Particles had to decide how to behave when they hit a beam splitter. Later on, the experimenter could turn a second switch on or off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle did in the past. Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it is you who will experience the outcomes that will result. The linkages between these various histories and universes transcend our ordinary classical ideas of space and time.


A Little Tuesday ‘Tin-foil’

December 15, 2009 David Naveed of Naveed’s Realm is a little “de-focused” these days:
[...]Last year I’m blogging about UFOs and other bizarre subjects on here and now I seem to slowly be going towards a more philosophical/theological subjects. Don’t get me wrong I’ve still been blogging about UFOs and what not and probably still will. Actually looking back over the last year and a half or so I think the UFO thing is what got me heading where I’m going with my posts. I blame that Zecharia Sitchin guy and his blasted writings. Opening my mind up to how interconnected religions and myths from the mid east seem to be.
Adding to the madness my beliefs on the UFO/alien subject has gone towards a more ultra-dimensional angle as many events seem to fit better within that frame of reference. That of course got me pondering more heavily on how many beings from myths and religion are perhaps ultra-dimensional beings (divine or not) trying to influence our world for good or bad.
Of course now that I’ve added to the whole mess with pondering all the multidimensional stuff and the religions and what not, I find myself wondering about the true nature of reality. Then one thing leads to another and I’m reading religious texts (primarily the Bible, but recently the Tao Teh Ching as well, and I’m also looking to snag a copy of the Quran) and anything I can find on the web or books pertaining to interdimensional and quantum physical stuff (especially if it involves UFOs or the paranormal) .
Sadly I really have no clue where I’m going with this post or any of my potentially religious beliefs either. I’ve come to the conclusion however that somehow UFOs, multidimensionality, religion, the myths of old, and God are all somehow interconnected. I’ve also concluded that I exist in my own little world, but that is up for argument…unless of course you believe that reality is just a reflection of consciousness…in which case whose consciousness? Oh and if it turns out to be somehow a mass conscious reflection then most of you out there are sick, sick individuals and Cthulhu needs to eat your souls…however if it’s just my consciousness…well the same thing goes…

HAARP and Climate Change

December 13, 2009 With all the hub-bub about the Copenhagen Climate Conference going on, one thing has become crystal clear.
How come nobody has mentioned the military use of the climate as a weapon?
Hogwash you say?
Check this out:
The term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977)


Wallpapers de Navidad 2

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