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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 Dec - News, Canadian Content +

Black Hawk Helicopters from the 2nd Brigade, 1...Image via Wikipedia

Quote of the Day

the nation’s newspapers, having already lost their editorial dominance to cable news and the Web, their sports coverage to fan sites, their classifieds to Craigslist, and their editorial pages to the blogosphere, are now under heavy assault on their last profitable redoubt: the obituary page.


Lilith News
American, Canadian & International News:
Spreading Freedom in the Face of Tyranny

Frank Hrabanek lost his four fingers on his left hand in an industrial accident in 2007, but thanks to modern technology he now has a set of bionic fingers.

Dec 9 Suicide bombers kill 127+ in Iraq

Baghdad Red Zone
Targets in the attack included:

   1. A Labor Ministry building
   2. A court complex near the Iraqi-protected Green Zone
   3. The new site of the Finance Ministry (its old building was blown up in August).
   4. A police station in southern Baghdad.
   5. Near the Technology University in eastern Baghdad.
( Note in each case the nature of the target : the infrastructure of a developed country. Now consider the present condition of Somalia and the failure of Iraqi 'reconstruction'. There is a clear pattern of repeated destruction : something forecast by Dick Cheney as the reason for not invading Iraq during the Gulf War. )

Mysterious UFO light over Northern-Norway... Spectacular lightshow seen by thousands of people!

The Existentialist Cowboy

Friday, December 11, 2009

Official Lies about 911 Exposed

Guest Columnist, Dr. David Ray Griffin
Although John Farmer's "The Ground Truth" has attracted a lot of favorable attention, it is a deeply flawed book, containing misleading claims and providing an extremely one-sided account of 9/11.

Much of the attention received by the book has been prompted by misleading claims made by Farmer and his publisher. The book's dust-jacket calls it the "definitive account" of 9/11, but it actually deals almost entirely with only one question about that day: why the airliners were not intercepted.
Even more serious than the book's misleading rhetoric is its one-sidedness. Rather than containing an impartial examination of various types of relevant evidence, this book by Farmer - a former prosecuting attorney - reads like a lawyer's brief: Besides citing a large number of facts that appear to support the Bush-Cheney conspiracy theory and trying to undermine some of the contrary evidence (which supports the alternative theory, according to which 9/11 was an inside job), it seeks to suppress, by simply ignoring, the enormous bulk of this contrary evidence.

This one-sided approach is acceptable within an adversarial law court, given the presence of an opposing lawyer, but it does not result in a book that is acceptable by scholarly standards.
Logo of the National Commission on Terrorist A...

Also see:

CIA Efforts to Control World Distribution of 'Illicit' Drugs

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

DEA agents were photographed among first responders on 911. That's curious. What interest have drug enforcement agents in this alleged act of 'terrorism'?

Connect some dots: upon the 911 pretext, the US invaded Afghanistan whose 'cash crop' of 'poppies' was under threat. Without poppies, US drug dealers may be hard pressed to stay in business. That applies, as well, to the CIA which most certainly financed Iran-Contra almost entirely 'off the books'.

If the US/CIA hoped to control this lucrative trade, the Taliban had to go. I wonder how many CIA 'black ops' have been financed 'off the books' (as was Iran/Contra) with the proceeds of its various drug sales?

U.S. govt 'Dirty Tricks' are bankrolled 'off the books', primarily drug sales. It should be clear by now --drug revenues are the source of US/CIA interest in Afghanistan and its antipathy to the Taliban which had insisted upon upon control of its own cash crop --poppies. 

Caption: Pope Benedict XVI, joined on stage by...Image via Wikipedia

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gates touts his support for torture school

Gates touts support for WHINSEC in Halifax

Every November, thousands gather at Fort Benning, Georgia, to demand closure of the School of the Americas, renamed "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" in 2001, for the disappearances, torture and the murder of hundreds of thousands of peasants, community and union organizers, clerics, missionaries, educators, and health workers in Latin America. This year's vigil marked the 20th anniversary of the 1989 SOA graduate-led Jesuit massacre in San Salvador and focuses on the current SOA graduate-led coup in Honduras.
The protestors are hopeful. During his election campaign, Obama made sympathetic noises about closing down the school and last year Congress came within 6 votes of cutting off its Dept. of Defense funding.

So I was somewhat surprised to read that on the same weekend as the SOA/WHINSEC vigil, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was up in Canada touting his support for WHINSEC. Prior to giving the keynote address to the Halifax International Security Forum - a closed shop affair for top brass from NATO countries to speak freely on matters of mutual concern - Gates gave one public presser with Defensive Minister Peter MacKay that I only just now got around to reading, courtesy of the US Defense Dept.

Gates, Deputy Director of the CIA to Ronald Reagan during Iran-Contra, Director of the CIA to GHW Bush, and Secretary of Defense to both George Bush and currently Barack Obama :
"The United States has made it a point to integrate human rights instruction into our joint training and education in programs such as the Western Hemispheric (sic) Institute for Security Cooperation."
Really? After all the coups, the disappearances, the brutal dictators, the now recalled torture manuals, isn't that rather like teaching a pig to sing?
Irony note : Much of the groundwork for tracking SOA/WHINSEC over three decades has been done by Father Roy Bourgeois, a Viet Nam vet with a Purple Heart who founded SOA Watch after experiencing atrocities in Latin America. Since then, he has spent over four years in US federal prisons for nonviolent protests against the training of Latin American soldiers at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

This year he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Hansard Quotes of the Day
Among the many fakeries and falsehoods foisted on the House yesterday by the Cons in their bid to maintain the most secretive and unaccountable government evah, usual frontrunners Laurie Goldie Hawn and Cheryl Gallant got beat out by Gary Goodyear, Minister of Creationism, Science, and Technology.
Here he is explaining why the motion to release documents the government had already supplied to Christie Blatchford and friendly Afghan committee witnesses but not to the Afghan committee members or Richard Colvin, who wrote some of them, would be a very. very. bad. thing.

    "Madam Speaker, perhaps I will just make a comment. The fact is that we are debating a motion here that is asking the government to release information that could in fact entail something as simple as a soldier's name, middle name, address and perhaps phone number. It is information that the Taliban are hoping they can get their hands on, not just to attack that soldier but also potentially to put the family of the soldier at risk."

And that, boys and girls, is why the dates and the word torture must be blacked out on Richard Colvin's three year old reports.

Second prize goes to Goldie, who characterized a Canadian soldier's reports of extrajudicial killings and torture as :

    "one Taliban got hit with a shoe"

Honourable mention - Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Abandoning Canadians Overseas, for : "We are at war."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who here believes in parliamentary democracy?

Come on - hands up.
Yes, quite a few of us actually.
Yet judging from the vote in the House today on a motion demanding the release of uncensored government documents to the Special Committee on Afghanistan charged with oversight of the 'mission', almost half of our elected MPs do not. The motion passed by a mere 2 votes - 145 to 143. I find that quite astonishing.

A Simple Question for Canada's Media
Why was the Canadian media so willing to promulgate Harper's lies about tax leakage?

This is a question I would like to have answered by the Publishers and Editors of Canada’s largest media chains. People like Phillip Crawley of the Globe and Mail and Doug Kelly of the National Post, Bob Hepburn of the Toronto Star.

Why were you, as the heads of Canadian media, so willing to promulgate Harper's lies about tax leakage and for those in your employ to do likewise?

Do you think it is fair that Canadians lose essential choices based on lies? So why did you participate so actively and so knowingly in Harper and Flaherty’s lie about tax leakage? Are you paid to be dumb, or are you paid to report the truth? Are you shills or honest people? Do you think it is fair that Canadians lost $35 billion of their life time savings and in some cases their homes, because of the government’s lies about tax leakage?

I have nothing but disdain and total disrespect for you and the members of your profession, such as it is, to have so blatantly lied and misreported the real truth about tax leakage.

It is either the act of incompetence in the extreme or willful dishonesty.

Forgive me if I make the assumption that no one could actually be that dumb, but many people are capable of being that dishonest, and that your conduct can only be explained by willful dishonesty.

You have disgraced your once proud profession.

Why are you not able to understand this issue of the need for truth in the way that is expressed by MICHAEL DEN TANDT of the Ottawa Sun below? Why are some lies unacceptable and others acceptable?

“The truth should come out. Whether or not we feel any sympathy for Afghan insurgents isn't the point. It's about whether cabinet ministers lied to the people, their employers about what they knew. We mustn't accept that they will habitually lie to us. Once we start doing that, we're doomed.”

UK's Vista telescope takes stunning images of space

Aid agencies 'must use new tools'

The "crowd-sourced" data that comes from victims of natural disasters and conflicts is now a crucial part in disaster management

Meant to Be Together: A True Love Story - Part 1
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