The U.S. has a long history of blaming others for domestic unrest : a convenient pretext. McCarthyism seems inbelievable to foreigners.
Pearl Harbor: A True Day of Infamy
Consider this tidbit from decryptions of the "Venona" documents (intercepted messages sent by Soviet intelliegence agencies): In October 1941, Richard Sorge, the prize Soviet agent in Japan, advised Moscow, "Japan will attack the United States and England. The danger to the Soviet Union is over." The Soviet government never sent this message to Washington. Instead, while American, British, Australian, and Chinese forces fought and bled to stop Japan, the Soviets stayed out of the war with Japan until the final days of the conflict — invading Manchuria after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
The American left: Fifth column in the war on Islamist terrorism
A "Fifth Column" is a group of supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage from within defense lines, in this case, from inside the borders of the United States.
It originated during the Spanish Civil War, when a general claimed that he had a fifth column waiting inside Madrid to help his other four columns that were attacking from the outside. There is little distinction between the fascist movements of the twenties, thirties and forties, and the Communist movements of the same period. In fact, I have concluded that it is probably more accurate to refer to the Marxist Communist movement as “International Fascism”, and the movements dominated by Hitler, Mussolini and the rest of their ilk as “National Fascism”.
( When following the media, one must pay attention to the new 'narrative' as it arrives. For instance, a year ago the right wing were supposedly fomenting revolution due to their alarm over militarism { aka corporatism, communism,monopolism, socialism, New World Order, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, the Banksters, the Fed, the Council for Foreign elations, AIPAC, and more. }. For decades, union workers were portrayed as subversives and communists. Now, the 'Left'...which is thin on the ground indeed, I portrayed as aiding religiously motivated terrorism against the almighty U.S.A.
That's o.k. The idea of 'the Left' is sufficient for lynching ; regardless of the absence of effective jihad in the U.S....except for that desperately 'ginned up' as verification. )
Atlanticists Eyeing The Blogosphere
NATO hosts first ever briefing for bloggers organised by the Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom which is NATO’s PR arm-
The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom is an independent non-governmental organisation based in London. Its mission is to explain and promote the benefits the UK enjoys from its membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the constructive role the nation can play in ensuring global peace and security.
Secret reports, Secret budgets, Secret operations, Secret courts … A Secret Government! by Sibel Edmonds
For several decades post 1945, under the guise of the Cold War, with the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency and an aggressive foreign policy based on overt and covert intervention abroad, the seeds of excessive secrecy were planted, aggressively nurtured, and taken to heights not imaginable in our founding fathers’ vision of transparent and accountable government. Although the Watergate Scandal brought a short-lived wave of awakening, and to a certain degree defiance, by getting Americans to question the extent of and the real need for governmental secrecy, the subsequent political movements were eventually halted with no real action ever taken, thanks to a Congress unwilling to truly exercise its oversight authority over the intelligence community.
With the September 11 Terrorist Attacks the establishment had all it needed to take government secrecy to new heights where neither the Constitution nor the separation of powers would matter or be applicable. These new heights could never be reached in a functioning and live democracy, nor could they be sustained and flourish without a home marked by all the characteristics of a police state. Those new heights were indeed reached, and they surely have been not only sustained, but actually increased; notch by notch. Waving the national security flag nonstop, reminding us on a daily basis of some vague boogiemen terrorists who may be hiding under our beds, drilling the words terror-terrorists-terrorism every hour, did the magic; thanks to the US Media.
Obama Declares War On Pakistan
Obama's West Point speech of December 1 represents far more than the obvious brutal escalation in Afghanistan -- it is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war by the United States against Pakistan . This is a brand-new war, a much wider war now targeting Pakistan , a country of 160 million people armed with nuclear weapons. In the process, Afghanistan is scheduled to be broken up. This is no longer the Bush Cheney Afghan war we have known in the past. This is something immensely bigger: the attempt to destroy the Pakistani central government in Islamabad and to sink that country into a chaos of civil war, Balkanization, subdivision and general mayhem. The chosen strategy is to massively export the Afghan civil war into Pakistan and beyond, fracturing Pakistan along ethnic lines. It is an oblique war using fourth-generation or guerrilla warfare techniques to assail a country which the United States and its associates in aggression are far too weak to attack directly. In this war, the Taliban are employed as US proxies. This aggression against Pakistan is Obama's attempt to wage the Great Game against the hub of Central Asia and Eurasia or more generally.
US to expand drone attacks into Pakistani cities
Source: Press TV Tehran
Scientists find way to block fearful memories
U.S. researchers have found a drug-free way to block fearful memories, opening up the possibility of new treatment approaches for problems such as post traumatic stress disorder, they reported on Wednesday.
The findings in people build on studies in rats that showed that reactivating a memory -- by showing people objects that stimulate the fearful memory -- opens up a specific time window in which the memory can be edited before it is stored again.
"Before memories are stored, there is a period where they are susceptible to being disrupted," said Elizabeth Phelps of New York University, whose study appears in the journal Nature.
Earlier studies have shown that drugs can be used to block fearful memories, but the results were not long lasting.
Phelps and colleagues based their studies on findings in rats that showed that old memories can be changed or reconsolidated, but only during a specific window time after the rat is reminded of the fearful memory.
That window of susceptibility is typically between 10 minutes after re-exposure to the object to 6 hours later, when the memory stored once again in the brain.
Nanotech Breakthrough: Self-Cleaning Solar Panels
Monday, December 14, 2009
14 Dec - Peering Through a Glass Darkly
exterior enemy,
religious hysteria
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