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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, December 7, 2009

7 Dec - Climategate Update

Description of relations between Axial tilt (o...Image via Wikipedia
TOYAKO, JAPAN - JULY 07:  'Tangible Earth' are...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Thanks to exMI for pointing out I hadn't noted the source of the following thread. It's a repost noting further comments as they came in...and there are more yet as I post this on the 19th

Prof. Ian Plimer - The Missing Science... a final word on the nonsense about climate change

Biswajit1pro  5. December 2009, 12:48
Wow,thanks for the blog as well as the comment.It was a eye opener.Here in india,u cann't say whether it is warmer or colder than previous.It feels the same.But who can think of such a big conspiracy?If true,then really shame on the scientists who gave rise to so called global warming.

nepmak2000  5. December 2009, 15:04
Yes, Biswajit, the effect of global warming/cooling isn't so clear at the 'tropical' zone, about +30 to -30 lat. around the equator. Furthermore due to the tilt and wobble of the Earth (earth-axis) the Northern Hemisphere is more hit by climatic effects, than the Southern. Yet, the December 26, 2004 Mag=9.1 Sumatra Quake (Tsunami) hadgravitational effects. Whatever the size (microscopic), the orbit of Earth was disturbedby it. When we now apply the Chaos theory on it, we haven't certainty that certain 'special effects' on the environment (weather f.ex.) could briefly (?) have been influenced. Minuscule start-conditions can spill over into large(r) scale effects. We don't know yet.
The Climate discussion/debate/dogma/hoax isn't so much a conspiracy as well an exposure of the weakness of some scientists (their personal prides and zeal aside from applying scientific research, the volatility of knowledge (sciences progress, do change over time), the over-estimation of mathematical 'models' and simulations, the confusion of these 'modelling games' with real observable facts, and the involvement of obscure politics with its intrinsic goals 'to rule the world', money and multi-millions of desinformed, ill-informed or not informed people around the globe about the subject. The enormities I daily hear about Climate Change on German TV are an example of this. The stupidities one hears from goodwilling, but ignorant people are outrageous. However, nobody reacts. The nonsense is swallowed 'as is', like the dogma of a religion... That's why I introduced Prof. Plimer.
That uncritical 'believing' and its exploitation worries me most of all...

oldephartte  5. December 2009, 22:06
Um.You aren't alone there.http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/07/perception-alteration.html

nepmak2000  6. December 2009, 13:28
What about this nice piece:

Albeit, just for my own archiving here...

oldephartte  7. December 2009, 00:20
Straight goods.
oldephartte  7. December 2009, 00:28
Here's another mindbender.
CRUtape™ Letters and “Post-Normal Science”

nepmak2000  7. December 2009, 09:13
Very good link indeed. Yes, 'environmental' sciences exposed themselves as a sect... The clergy is gathering 2 weeks in Copenhagen 'to share the loot - a 'bishops conference' of sorts! Follow their behavior rather than the 'news' and you will see this is a (dangerous?) sect trying to lure all of us in their trap. Compare to church conventions and you'll see the same dogmatic and self-convinced behavior. That must be an alarm-signal! There is no sense of reason and rationality that I can see. It's fraud at its very best... Everybody believes the thieves, it seems, until one finds out about their 'truth' in the family wallet.
I have dealt a part of my life investigating claims of the paranormal (about which I wrote several books in Dutch). The 'escalation of hypotheses' that we've seen since 2000 regarding 'global warming' equals the irrationality some supposed 'paranormal' mediums express with such a conviction and self belief that others (their 'victims', sometimes even 'clients') accept their claims at face value. They believe the belief - the more irrational the more fierce their resistance to acknowledge they were cheated! See the climate discussions... Although it has been proven beyond any doubt that policymakers fell in a trap, that 'scientists' (?) involved were conspiring(hence: criminals) to gain personal and institutional advantages (money), that no 'global warming' as such exists (!!! like 'heaven' or 'hell' in religions, concepts that are fully imaginary), I was this afternoon perplexed by a BBC interview with the IPCCpresident Pajendra Pachauri, as you can read a railroad man (!!) and industrial engineer from India, not a scientist and not involved in atmospheric sciences, who self-convinced remarked, that the 'theft of emails' about the forgery was just 'insignificant' because everybody already believed in the myth.... My mouth fell open...!!!
oldephartte  7. December 2009, 09:51
UEA Climate Scientist: “possible that…I.P.C.C. has run its course”
 Quote | Edit | Delete

oldephartte  7. December 2009, 10:06
Come to think of it, John, there are absolutely hair-raising stories in my Perception Alteration files about the power of Mind Control.
I can recall things about cults from when I was a boy which claimed 'rescuers' were themselves in danger of programming when infiltrating communes to 'deprogram' victims : despite knowing the lies beforehand! The Latter Day Saints are known to target Christians for recruitment : they have huge media investments. Washington Times ( ? I messed up on which Washington rag before ) was owned by the late Rev. Sun Moon, he of the many-named Unification Church. And of course, there were the 'Hare Krishna' people in saffron robes chanting and selling flowers in the streets.
That doesn't begin to note that Satanic murder cultism seems close to Mafia traditions.
http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2009/12/information-control-ufos-and-climate.html actually includes some really 'alternative media' information : which I usually ignore more for the 'credibility factor' than anything else.

Watts Up With That?

Satellite image of w:ship tracks, clouds creat...Image via Wikipedia

The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation.

A Third Theory: CRU Climate Zip File Found Not Stolen

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 1 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 2 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 3 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 4 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 5 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 6 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 7 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Part 8 of 9)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Credits (Part 9 of 9)

Hat Tip  Climate Audit

C02 and why Carbon Trading won’t work

With fallout from the recent climategate scandal still being felt across the global landscape it’s worth looking at one of the main ideas that those proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming have put forward as a reason for the warming which is an increase in C02 levels. The level of C02 is measured in parts per million and the CO2 levels in pre-industrial times were around 278 ppm. The levels we currently have are 385 ppm an increase of roughly 40%.
Now this may seem like a large increase but we are talking about parts per million here which means when we talk about a level of 278 ppm that meant99.9722% of all gasses in the atmosphere were NOT C02 and we have moved down to 99.9615% of total gasses which is total increase in overall gas levels of 0.0107%.
Now I am not a scientist but I can do basic maths and apply logic to a given situation and I cannot see how this minuscule rise in C02 levels is the single factor that underpins the whole climate change crisis. Looking back over historical levels of CO2 we can see that in fact we are living in a period of historically low CO2 levels and that we have successfully survived levels of up to 6000 ppm going back a few million years.

Milankovich Cycles

  Milutin Milankovitch was a Serbian engineer and meteorologist - born in 1879 he attended the Vienna institute of  technology graduating in 1904 with a doctorate in technical sciences. He then went on to work in the University of Belgrade where he spent time working on a mathematical theory of climate based on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the Earth.
        Milankovitch proposed that the changes in the intensity of solar radiation received from the Earth were effected by three fundamental factors.  The first is called eccentricity, a period of about 100,000 years in which the nearly circular orbit of the Earth changes into a more elliptical orbit. The next factor is called obliquity, a period of about 41,000 years where the Earth's axis tilt varies between 21.5 and 24.5 degrees.  The final factor is called precession, a period of approximately 23,000 years where the Earth's axis wobbles like a spinning top.

In 1975 US government pushed 'the coming ice age'

Were Russian security services behind the leak of 'Climategate' emails?

Donald Kennedy and the Corruption of Science Magazine

Science magazine has been stewing so long in the global warming bouillabaisse that its very brains are beginning to smoke. That may be because its august editor-in-chief Donald Kennedy (until last year) was a dedicated warm-monger. Science is the flagship journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the political lobby for Big Science in Washington, D.C. The editor-in-chief of Science is like the Queen of England: It's the closest thing to God in the church hierarchy. Everybody kisses your butt, and all you have to do is wave your hand to the cheering peasantry from your golden coach.

Try a Google search for "Donald Kennedy AND global warming" and you get almost six million hits. Search for "global warming" in Science magazine itself, and you get 2,792 citations -- almost as many as you get for "increased science funding."

Here are some Science magazine headlines in the last several years, a period when we know that atmospheric temperatures were flat or declining. As MIT Professor of Meteorology Richard S. Lindzen just wrote in the Wall Street Journal: "Claims that climate change is accelerating are bizarre." The unfortunate tendency of the atmosphere to stop warming is, of course, why Phil Jones and the CRUdocrats were trying to "fix" the data in their infamous e-mail exchanges.

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