10:15 pm MST
Random internet truth
“Saying you believe in science rather than religion is like saying you
believe in screwdrivers rather than democracy. Science is a tool and
nothing else, it's literally just recorded information. It isn't a belief
system that contradicts religions. You can be a completely rational minded
and logical person and still hold religious views. They don't conflict, in
times they can even complement each other.”
I didn’t bother to look up who or what he was responding to, but this
comment was at Agnus Dei performance on YouTube performed by the Choir of
New College of Oxford, conducted by... more »
Sunday message from the Presidential Prayer Team
One day C.H. Spurgeon was walking through the countryside with a friend. As
they strolled along, the evangelist noticed a barn with a weather vane on
its roof. At the top of the vane were the words: “God is Love.” Spurgeon
remarked to his companion that he thought this was a rather inappropriate
place for such a message. “Weather vanes are changeable,” he said, “but
God’s love is constant.”
“I don’t agree with you about those words, Charles,” replied his friend.
“You misunderstood the meaning. The sign is indicating a truth. *Regardless
of which way the wind blows, God is love.”*
... more »
The Ant and The Contact Lens
This is a repost of an old one I did. I ran across it and still like the
message. Like I said, sometimes I just need to hear things a few times to
get it. Maybe that’s true for you … Continue reading →
The Academic Revolution in Philosophy

Randall Collins, in his book *The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global
Theory of Intellectual Change*, (Chapter 12: "Intellectuals Take Control
of Their Base: The German University Revolution"), notes that one of the
themes of the Enlightenment was the death of traditional philosophy
(metaphysical speculation and anything connected with supernatural
religion) and its replacement with empirical science. Yet the
post-Enlightenment period saw one of the greatest outpourings of
philosophical thought in the history of mankind. Immanuel Kant opened the
door to this outburst of philosoph... more »
Autism on the Sidelines
By Cathy Jameson Until another person walks in our shoes, they may never
truly grasp how challenging life can be for those with autism and vaccine
injury as well as for those who care for them. That said, I think... more »
Why wasn't this headline at the time, why isn't it headline news now?
This piece from the excellent Craig
should be a must read for every politician, journalist and citizen of the
Here's the key part
'Nazir Afzal:..." back in 2008 the Home Office sent a circular to all
police forces in the country saying "as far as these young girls who are
being exploited in towns and cities, we believe that they've made an
informed choice about their sexual behaviour and, therefore, it's not for
you police officers to get involved in". That's the landscape coming from
the top down in 2008. ... more »
ICYMI: Light Up Night Hangover Edition (11/18)
Last night was my town's big Light Up Night parade, which includes a huge
parade (well, huge by our standards) fireworks, and cold children. But I
still have some reading for you. Remember-- sharing is caring.
*If People Talked To Other Professionals The Way They Talk To Teachers*
A painfully hilarious piece from McSweeney. Just in case you're one of the
three people who hasn't already seen this.
*Former Camden Superintendent on Testing, Drawbacks Thereof*
From our catalog of reform dudes discovering insights that we've been
saying for years. It's still a pretty sharp indictment of ... more »
Guadalcanal: How the Marines Crushed the Japanese Army at Hell's Point
*Warfare History Network, Al Hemingway*
*Security, Asia*
[image: By The original uploader was Felix c at English Wikipedia. -
www.cradleofaviation.org; Originally from en.wikipedia; description page
is/was here., Public Domain,
https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2892598] World War II
history lessons.
On the humid morning of August 19, 1942, infantrymen from Company A, 1st
Battalion, 1st Marines carefully eyed the landscape for any signs of
Japanese soldiers as they slowly made their way through the thick jungle on
the island of Guadalcanal, located in the Solomon Is... more »
Rio Nightlife Guide for Sunday, November 18, 2018
We have the top three picks for this Sunday, and below there is a list of
bars and lounges that are always a good option. LIVE: Dona Onete @ Praça
Mauá (Centro) – Dona Onete, Queen of Carimbó, arrives on the stage of WoW –
Women of the World Festival – to close the program […]
Moving spots
Former BBC head of television news/former* Today* editor Roger Mosey is
having his say on Twitter this morning:
Sophy Ridge has been interviewing both Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May this
Wonder if Rob Burley will bite?
Jewish Evangelism: The Religion Of Israel As Preparatory, Not Final
We must admit that the Mosaic Law was not God’s final word to Israel, but
rather but a step on the way to something truly final—a necessary step, but
a mere step nonetheless. Mosaic Judaism and its Law were never intended as
God’s final word to Israel. The Law was but a tutor to bring Israel to a
better place.
The post Jewish Evangelism: The Religion Of Israel As Preparatory, Not Final
appeared first on OrientalReview.org.
Hazing Oligarchs

Reference this article and Executive Order 13661
I'm not getting soft and weepy over Russian oligarchs, who are apparently
hated by the US Government. The articles offer an explanation of why
individuals were targeted personally and individually by our government.
Russia is a regional power with a lot of nuclear weapons, 9 time zones
long, and it freezes solid during winter months (they've been hoping for
the miracle of global warming that has yet to deliver them from
permafrost). Their gross national product is far less than that of
California - somewhere around the GNP of the Stat... more »
Beetroot Has An Unbelievable Power: It Can Treat These 12 Diseases.
How to Live to Be 100
Does Sugar Promote Heart Disease and Cancer?
Americans used to eat pigeon all the time—and it could be making a comeback.
Why evolution isn’t perfect?
A chemical found in some e-cig flavor packs linked to ‘popcorn lung’
Should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma? Depends on where you’re from.
Ikea’s Hydroponic System Allows You To Grow Vegetables All Year Round Without A Garden.
Shocking Fact: Your Energy Drinks Contain Bull Urine And Semen
How does poor air quality affect your health?
Maunder Minimum Muddles

Libby Japanese Cedar Istope Rations, Green for D/H, Blue for O2. The
Maunder Minimum event was a period of no or little sunspots, and the first
observations were made from ~ 1610 AD. Rather than use the standard
chronology, it’s … Continue reading →
Had you heard of this?
Looking through my Twitter feed this morning I saw a link from Harriet
Sergeant to an AltNewsMedia article that quoted part of an interview on
Radio 4's *PM* back on 19 October.
As Harriet says, it contains an "explosive" claim from former Chief Crown
Prosecutor in the North-West of England Nazir Afzal.
To set the quote in context I'll transcribe the whole first half of the
*Carolyn Quinn*: Nazir Afzal is former Chief Crown Prosecutor in the
North-West of England. He was the main prosecutor in the case against the
Rochdale grooming gang in 2012. And Nazir Afzal, you ... more »
Blood and Fear in the Self Confined Penitentiary of the Mind.
Fear marches boldly through both the sleeping and waking dreams of those
who can't get what they want and those who are terrified of losing what
they have
Make or break time for Trump. And America
If Trump doesn't firmly halt this invasion his support among his base will
Rainbow corner flags and armbands arrive to welcome LGBT fans
Sports are a great medium for social engineering. Soon football fans will
be targeted in a subtle indoctrination program to induce them to see
homosexuality as normal
US, Britain Push Yemen Ceasefire as Tactic to Defeat Houthis
Don’t be fooled. If Washington, London and Paris wanted to end the strife
they could simply stop backing the Saudis
The US Would Rather Burn the Middle East in a Sunni-Shia War Than See Itself Outplayed by Russia

This is really what the 'Arab NATO' idea is all about, writes Elijah Magnier
“The World is Full of Negative Energy”
Forum shows the resilience of average Americans in the face of occult
Joseph Patrick Farrell - The Polymath
First class interview with Joseph Farrell.
Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large
number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced
Do they really believe in a black model who is an achieved iOS coder?
MC Virgo has provided me with some entertainment in the morning. He has
criticized Alessandro Strumia's assertion that "girls are quite lazy...
they're not good programmers... at the end your company is going to
suffer". Did MC Virgo tell us something he considers a justification of his
You bet – and it is cool. Lyndsey Scott (born 1984, Wiki) has been a
(black) Victoria's Secret model, achieved lots in modeling, and now is a
successful developer of iPhone and iPad apps. Her reputation at the Stack
Exchange – mostly questions about coding – is almost 30,000.
And she's ... more »
Major Syrian Army Assault On Southeast Idlib As Sochi Deal Unravels

Though the Syrian war has grown cold in terms of international spotlight
and media interest since September, it is likely again going to ramp up
dramatically over the next few months.
The post Major Syrian Army Assault On Southeast Idlib As Sochi Deal Unravels
appeared first on The Duran.
"Professor Valentina Zharkova Explains and Confirms Why A “Super” Grand Solar Minimum Is Upon Us"
*"Professor Valentina Zharkova Explains and Confirms*
* Why A “Super” Grand Solar Minimum Is Upon Us"*
by Cap Allon
"Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the
Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in
October, 2018. The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up. Zharkova
was one of the few that correctly predicted solar cycle 24 would be weaker
than cycle 23 – only 2 out of 150 models predicted this. Her models have
run at a 93% accuracy and her findings suggest a SuperGrand Solar Minimum
is on the cards beginnin... more »
Trump Quietly Orders Elimination of Assange

The destruction of Assange has clearly been arranged for, at the highest
levels of the U.S. Government, just as the destruction of Jamal Khashoggi
was by Saudi Arabia’s Government.
The post Trump Quietly Orders Elimination of Assange appeared first on The
Libya’s Peace Process Dies in Palermo

The best the Palermo negotiators could come up with at the end was a bland
statement declaring their hope that sometime in the future all the Libyan
forces will meet to sort out their differences.
The post Libya’s Peace Process Dies in Palermo appeared first on The Duran.
Integrated Battle Groups Are India's Response to Pakistan
*Himanil Raina*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] The decision to form all arms integrated battle groups has
the potential to completely upset the conventional strategic balance that
has prevailed between India and Pakistan for the last four decades.
Last month, India’s biennial Army Commanders Conference convened to
deliberate upon four major in-house studies. One of these studies on the
“Re-organisation and Rightsizing of the Indian Army,” made a decision to
proceed with forming all arms integrated battle groups (IBG). This decision
has the potential to completely upset the con... more »
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

*by Noah*
Flor-i-duh! It's not like it shouldn't have been done years ago, but the
time has now definitely come to boot Florida from the United States. Cut
the Florida peninsula off of North America and float it over to Central
America; assuming they'd even want it. I mean, Central America might be
insulted just by the idea!
Does it even matter? Should we go to the effort and expense of ridding
ourselves of the idiocy of Florida? It's already disappearing under the
water anyway. It's two or three super hurricanes from the end of existence.
Nature is taking its course. There are s... more »
Florida mid-terms: Democrat Andrew Gillum concedes to Ron DeSantis per BBC News
The BBC end this report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46250683
'The recount has been controversial. Mr Trump and Republicans have claimed
voter fraud without offering any evidence.
Mr Trump had also said there was "a lot of dishonesty" over contested
votes. Again, he offered no evidence.'
Have the BBC really seen or heard of no evidence of voter fraud? Maybe take
a look...
Dan Johnson, BBC North America Correspondent
President Trump went to Paradise yesterday and saw the devastation there.
BBC One's main late evening news bulletin reported his visit, and reporter
Dan Johnson added the customary BBC digs at the U.S. leader:
The president has shown Paradise, like so many other places, that his words
can be divisive and controversial before they are unifying and supportive...
This is what the President saw. It's a scene that sticks with you, but he
seems unshaken in his scepticism about climate change.
He talked about wildfire protection, saying that... more »
U.K. Army Makes Plans To Deploy Troops To Respond To Any Unrest If The U.K. Leaves The EU With No Deal

© AFP / Daniel Leal-Olivas
*Daily Mail:* *British Armed Forces are on standby for 'every scenario' in
the event of a no-deal Brexit, defence minister reveals*
* Tobias Ellwood revealed contingency plan made in case EU negotiation
* Comments came after head of army said military 'thinking hard' about no
* They are looking at 'full spectrum of requirements' to ensure they are
The military is on standby to help in the event of a 'no-deal' Brexit, it
emerged last night.
Defence minister Tobias Ellwood revealed contingency plans are being made
in case Governmen... more »
November 18th – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #668
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are
going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use
this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration
and … Continue reading →
Sunday November 18th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY
WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue
reading →
Record snowfall in Pennsylvania
More than double the previous record in parts of central Pennsylvania,
according to the National Weather Service. Harrisburg saw 8.3 inches of
snow on Nov 15, more than double the old record of 3 inches, which was set
in 1911 and tied in 1947. Williamsport saw 6.9 inches of snow, again more
than doubling the old ... Read moreRecord snowfall in Pennsylvania
The post Record snowfall in Pennsylvania appeared first on Ice Age Now.
China Goes All-Out To Steal U.S. Technology Secrets

*L.A. Times:* *China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S.
technology secrets*
It was the great microchip heist — a stunning Chinese-backed effort that
pilfered as much as $8.75 billion in patented American technology.
U.S. officials say the theft took a year to pull off and involved
commercial spies, a Chinese-backed company, a Taiwanese chipmaker and
employees affiliated with Micron Technology, a U.S.-based microchip
Yet what Micron called “one of the boldest schemes of commercial espionage
in recent times” is most notable because it’s not unusual.
Beijing... more »
"The Political Rebellion Gathers Momentum"
*"The Political Rebellion Gathers Momentum"*
by Charles Hugh Smith
"The Ruling Class that wants us to love our servitude incites us to seek
divisions: between red and blue, left and right, progressive and
conservative, and so on. The Ruling Class in the mainstream media, in
Washington D.C. and in Silicon Valley are experts at manipulating language
and terminology to divide and conquer. But beneath the superficial red-blue
divide they are hawking, a broad-based political rebellion against the
Oligarchy and their Ruling Class nomenklatura is gathering momentum. People
left, right and... more »
Update: Tens of rebels arrested by Turkish forces in northern Aleppo
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 A.M.) – The Turkish Army and their rebel allies
launched a new security operation in the northern countryside of the Aleppo
Governorate tonight. In an effort to target looters and kidnappers, the
Turkish Army and their allies rounded up tens of rebels that have been
accused of committing these crimes inside the […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Belgium Defense Contractor Has Sold To China The Same 'War Room Software' That NATO Uses
*SCMP:* *China matches Nato in information arms race with deal for ‘Ferrari
of war room software’*
* Deal with Belgian company puts China on equal footing with US
* Technology may come with risks and lessons for government and military
China has obtained the big screen software used by Nato and the United
States for war room mapping, putting its forces on an equal organisational
footing with some of the West’s elite military operations.
Luciad, a defence contractor based in Leuven, Belgium, is selling the
Chinese government high performance software used for situational awareness
... more »
Thing Of The Past Returns

“the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving
it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it
like a rogue wave” Hal Lewis resignation letter from the American Physical
Society By the year 2001, … Continue reading →
Previous snowfall record smashed in Rhode Island – Video
A record-breaking 6″ (15 cm) of snow fell at TF Green Airport in Warwick,
Rhode Island on November 15, smashing the old record of 1.5″ of snow for
the date. An average of 6-8″ of snowfall from Providence to points north
and west, with 3-6″ south and east of Providence. Is record Nov. snow sign
... Read morePrevious snowfall record smashed in Rhode Island – Video
The post Previous snowfall record smashed in Rhode Island – Video appeared
first on Ice Age Now.
Record cold week in Twin Cities
Not just for a day, but for an entire week. “Tonight on TV. KARE channel 11
weather it was said that Nov 7th thru 13th, 2018, was the coldest 7-day
period on record for the inclusive dates for the Twin Cities
(Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN),” says reader Don Wilkening. “I could not find
any back up ... Read moreRecord cold week in Twin Cities
The post Record cold week in Twin Cities appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Norway Is Stunned By The Lost Of Its Frigate

© REUTERS / Jakob Ostheim/Norwegian Coastal Administration
*CNN:* *Norway stunned as warship sinks after collision*
A maritime blunder then a ruinous rescue attempt has left a multi-million
dollar warship under NATO command almost entirely submerged in a Norwegian
A large hole was torn into the side of KNM Helge Ingstad when it collided
with a Malta-registered oil tanker, Sola TS, in the early hours of November
The frigate, one of five in the Scandinavian country's navy, had been
moving around inner fjords in western Norway for navigation training before
it collided wit... more »
How the U.S. Navy Captured One of Hitler's Deadly U-Boats
*Warfare History Network, David Alan Johnson*
*Security, Europe*
[image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U505_bez_tekstu.jpg] The
German submarine U-505 was the first enemy warship captured on the high
seas by the U.S. Navy since the War of 1812.
“Frenchy to Blue Jay—I have a possible sound contact,” squawked from USS
Guadalcanal’s bridge intercom at 1110 hours. It meant that “Frenchy,”
codename for the Destroyer Escort USS Chatelain, had located something
during a sonar sweep.
Read full article
How the U.S. Government Might Have Survived a Nuclear War
*Steve Weintz*
*Security, *
[image: Reuters] Yes, this is the real Deep State.
With the arrival of the Bomb and its immense destructive power, the efforts
to protect elites and commoners alike from swift destruction assumed novel
and at times grotesque forms. Civil defense foundered in America upon the
sheer scale of the problem—getting tens of millions of urbanites out of
cities and into shelters before enemy nukes arrived. Ultimately the United
States quietly gave up on protecting the majority of its residents from
nuclear attack via shelter, and opted for a grand technological... more »
Why the Marines Want a Piece of the Army’s Lethal New Sniper Rifle
*Task and Purpose*
*Security, Americas*
[image: Wikimedia Commons] Here is what we know.
The Marine Corps may finally adopt a new sniper rifle through a stroke of
luck: Army officials, continuing to develop their own brand-new sniper
rifle, told Task & Purpose that both the Marines and Air Force “are
committed” to purchasing the weapon once the Army signs off on the improved
Despite the budget turmoil currently rankling lawmakers and Department of
Defense planners, the Army is moving ahead with the Compact Semi-Automatic
Sniper System (CSASS), PEO Soldier spokeswoman Deb... more »
Trump Didn't Wreck the "Liberal International Order"
*Ted Galen Carpenter*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] It never really existed to begin with.
A frequent criticism of President Donald Trump is that he has undermined
the “rules-based” liberal international order that the United States
installed after World War II and subsequent generations of American leaders
maintained. Unfortunately, there always has been far more image than
substance to that international system. In reality, the U.S.-led (indeed,
the U.S.-dominated) liberal international order has not been all that
liberal, nor has it been all that orderly.
The rules-based ... more »
Here's How Mitt Romney Could Win in 2020
*David Pring-Mill*
*Politics, Americas*
[image: Reuters] It is more likely than you think.
It has been speculated that Mitt Romney’s Utah Senate seat could serve as a
prelude to another Presidential run. In the most ambitious version of
events, he could even challenge Donald Trump in the 2020 primaries, newly
legitimized and augmented by his actions in the Capitol Building. This
would allow moderate Republicans to reclaim their party’s mantle and unroot
alt-right influences. But would Romney do it?
His willingness to unequivocally challenge Trump could be seen either as a
pro or... more »
Arctic Sea Ice Volume 16-Nov-2018
Originally posted on sunshine hours:
Arctic Sea Ice Volume is approaching the 2004-2013 average again.
Summit Builds Its Own Facilitators

Education Dive just became the latest site to ooh and ahh over Summit
Charter School's in-house facilitator factory.
The focus of the story is a molecular biologist who has decided to try his
hand in the classroom-- specifically a classroom in one of Summit Charter's
chain of charteriness. Summit, you may recall, is the chain that garnered
back from Mark Zuckerberg, that offers its program for free to any school
that wants it, and plans to spin that part of the business off into a
Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative controlled enterprise soon.
Summit is all about the mass-customized, comput... more »
US Postal Service Subsidizes Chinese Package Delivery
Edward Hudgins, Ph.D., Research Director of the Heartland Institute, has
written a very interesting article on how the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
agreement forces the US Postal Service to subsidize the delivery of small
packages sent from China to American addresses. The USPS lost about $75
million in 2014 due to it having to deliver small packages from China. It
costs less for a Chinese business to send a package thousands of miles
across the Pacific Ocean to most American addresses than it costs an
American business to send a similar package 600 miles to an American
address. ... more »
Top U.S. Military General Admits That The Taliban 'Are Not Losing' In Afghanistan

Defense Secretary James Mattis, left, and Joint Chiefs Chairman and Marine
Gen. Joseph Dunford at a press briefing on the campaign to defeat ISIS at
the Pentagon, May 19, 2017. Thomson Reuters
*CNN:* *Top US military officer says Taliban 'are not losing'*
(CNN)The top US military officer said Saturday that the Taliban "are not
losing" in Afghanistan, and much more needs to be done to bring peace to
the war-torn country.
"They are not losing right now, I think that is fair to say," Gen. Joseph
Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said of the Taliban during
a discussion a... more »
Don’t touch this during winter, data says it should be banned
Flu season is upon us again — the time of year when the steady message is
“Have you gotten your flu shot yet?” Considering the many studies showing
flu vaccines offer minimal protection against illness even when
well-matched to circulating viral strains, the fact that vaccination
continues to be touted as your first line of […]
The post Don’t touch this during winter, data says it should be banned
appeared first on Health Nut News.
Daily Mail: Schoolgirl leaves teacher bent over in pain after she kicks him in the groin for chasing her around classroom to give her flu jab
While the mainstream media might find this “cute” or “funny,” scaring and
abusing children is not funny to us. Watch below as a little girl,
distraught after being told it was her turn to have a vaccine, kicks her
teacher in the groin and runs away. “She began yelling and screaming as she
paced around the classroom while […]
The post Daily Mail: Schoolgirl leaves teacher bent over in pain after she
kicks him in the groin for chasing her around classroom to give her flu jab
appeared first on Health Nut News.
I warned against this water 8 years ago, yet its popularity is soaring
Alkaline water is experiencing a resurgence in popularity with sales
jumping from $47 million in 2014 to $427 million in 2017. Marketers claim
alkaline water can correct excess acidity in your tissues, which can then
prevent or reverse cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases.
However, there’s virtually no good evidence to support such claims, and […]
The post I warned against this water 8 years ago, yet its popularity is
soaring appeared first on Health Nut News.
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Inner Light”
2002, “Inner Light”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swkTCTmajRI
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What will become of these galaxies? Spiral galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427
are passing dangerously close to each other, but each is likely to survive
this collision. Typically when galaxies collide, a large galaxy eats a much
smaller galaxy. In this case, however, the two galaxies are quite similar,
each being a sprawling spiral with expansive arms and a compact core. As
the galaxies advance over the next tens of millions of years, their
component stars are unlikely to collide, although new stars will form in
the bunching of gas caused by gravitational tides.
*Click image for larger... more »
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