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US government to go ahead with fatal experiments on dogs to treat wounded soldiers
The US government has decided to press ahead with controversial experiments on dogs, despite critics in congress and elsewhere attacking them as cruel and unnecessary. The department for veterans affairs (VA) has approved the continuation of the testing, which it says will help doctors find new ways to treat wounded soldiers, according to USA Today. Researchers running the experiments will remove sections of the dogs’ brains that control breathing, sever spinal cords to test cough reflexes and implant pacemakers before triggering abnormal heart rhythms. All the dogs involved will ... more »
The president wants the vote counting in Florida to be stopped: The president tweeted [this morning] that the results from Election Night should be accepted and both Republican candidates, Gov. Rick Scott, who's running for U.S. Senate against Sen. Bill Nelson, and former Rep. Ron DeSantis, who's running for governor against Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, should be declared the winners of their respective races. The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing o... more »
Democrats See Another Obama in O'Rourke
[image: democrats-see-another-obama-in-o-rourke] The next president of the United States could be Beto O’Rourke, if you believe the chatter after the Democrat’s loss to incumbent Senator Ted Cruz last week.
Supreme Court to Hear Case Over Embattled WWI Cross Memorial
[image: supreme-court-to-hear-case-over-embattled-wwi-cross-memorial] The High Court has agreed to hear the case of a cross-shaped memorial erected nearly a century ago to honor soldiers killed in WWI.
Professor Suing University Over “Transgender” Tyranny
[image: professor-suing-university-over-transgender-tyranny] They tried to wash his mouth out with political correctness. He resisted. Then university officials made threats to force the professor into “pronoun compliance.” Now he’s taking legal action, with attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) having filed a federal lawsuit against the school last Monday on his behalf.
High Percentage of U.S. Christians Embrace New Age Beliefs
[image: high-percentage-of-u-s-christians-embrace-new-age-beliefs] A new Pew religion study finds that an large number of U.S. Christians also embrace New Age tenets.
OPEC: Do “Whatever it Takes” to Balance Oil Market
[image: opec-do-whatever-it-takes-to-balance-oil-market] OPEC members said they would do whatever it takes to balance the oil market in the face of increasing U.S. production.
Are Americans Running Down the Roman Road to Ruin?
[image: are-americans-running-down-the-roman-road-to-ruin] British historian Tom Holland explores the similarities between the decline and fall of ancient Rome and the current state of American political affairs.
Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 315 – 2018
Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North
Nuevas y viejas amenazas de los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLCs) para Centroamérica - 9 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 El balance general después de más de tres décadas sostenidas de estar firmando TLCs, es que la región centroamericana se ha reprimarizado en su economía, convirtiéndola únicamente en una exportadora neta de materias primas
El libre comercio de todos los días: una introducción - 9 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 Los aspectos más cotidianos de la vida se encuentran cada vez más relacionados con el comercio global de bienes y servicios, y ese comercio internacional se encuentra regulado por tratados y organismos internacionales: son los tratados de libre comercio (TLC) y la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC).
Empresario peruano Dick Abanto a arbitraje con Venezuela ante Ciadi - 9 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 El empresario peruano Dick Abanto ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje contra Venezuela ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (Ciadi) por intervenir su empresa de telecomunicaciones en 2014, aduciendo su pertenencia a un venezolano acusado de fraude y estafa, que Abanto niega.
Navy F-18 Warplane Down In 2nd Crash From U.S. Aircraft Carrier Ronald Reagan Within A Month
U.S. Navy Aircraft Crashes in Philippine Sea A F/A-18 from Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 experienced a mechanical issue resulting in the crew ejecting. The crew was immediately and safely recovered by USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). For full story click here: — 7th Fleet (@US7thFleet) November 12, 2018 *FOX News: **USS Ronald Reagan fighter jet crashes in carrier’s second aviation incident in less than a month* A U.S. fighter pilot and weapons system officer were rescued Monday after their F/A 18 fighter jet crashed in the Philippine Se... more »
Did an Undelivered Speech from JFK State That ‘Our Duty as a Party is Not to Our Party Alone’ But to ‘All of Mankind?’
The words of President John F. Kennedy that the world never got to hear.
Scientists: Wind, Drought Worsen Fires, Not Bad Management
Nature provides the dangerous winds that have whipped the fires, and human-caused climate change over the long haul is killing and drying the shrubs and trees that provide the fuel, experts say.
Is Mexico Providing Charter Buses to Transport Caravan Migrants to the Border?
Sketchy reports claimed the thousands-strong migrant caravan was being chartered to the U.S. border by tour bus.
Did an FBI Report Conclude That None of the Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Was True?
A viral Facebook post significantly misrepresented what the FBI said about sexual assault and misconduct allegations against the Supreme Court justice.
So Now Butt Hurt Is Grounds For Litigation??
Another Night of Pillow Biting at Acosta's Crib*According to some news reports*, CNN, on behalf of their highest profile self-important, grandstanding asshole jerk Jim Acosta, may be preparing to sue the Trump administration for suspending Acosta's press credentials. The action was taken after Acosta's *latest juvenile tantrum* at the last WH Presser. I'm not clear on why CNN thinks they can sue and for what, seeing the White House is the sole arbiter of who holds WH Press credentials. Former ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson, himself a confrontational thorn in the side of Ronald... more »
IIT researchers develop carbon nanomaterials to detect and destroy cancer cells Advertisements
Who Is Going To Make Money with Artificial Intelligence?
Two Huge Studies Have Just Revealed The Actual Benefits of Fish Oil And Vitamin D
Migraine Prevention: Is There a Link to Vitamin Deficiency?
Agent Orange’s Long Legacy: Its Now Affecting Vets’ Grandchildren
Illegal Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Nearly One Hundred Shampoo Brands
After death, you’re aware that you’ve died, say scientists
VITAL: No CVD or Cancer Benefit From Vitamin D, Omega-3
The Indian Physicist who Bent Light.—-:rrssopenmind:::::20181101::sitlnk::
UK firms ready to microchip thousands of employees.
Another NeoNazi Caught; This Time a Black Male
If America was a deplorable as Progressives attempt to paint her, they wouldn’t need to stage False-Flag events. If the press would ever look at the FBI Statistics the real story that is to be told is how unbelievably tolerant, safe and welcoming America truly is. If Progressive rely on manufacturing division to maintain power … Continue reading "Another NeoNazi Caught; This Time a Black Male"
DHS-wide Biometrics Programs, Issues, Detailed in Data Mining Report to Congress
By Anthony Kimery The comprehensive, legally mandated new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Privacy Office’s Data Mining Report to Congress provides detailed updates on modifications,... more »
Recent interview on Wider View
My recent interview with Charles Dunaway for his show Wider View.
Canada hears "murder tape" while Turkey Hints that evidence in Khashoggi murder clears Mohammed bin Salman...but implicates others at "highest levels"
*Professionally crafted, mass-produced signs * *Who paid for their production?* *Evidence "Hiding in Plain Sight"* Along with all the False Flags, False Flag Hoaxes and False Flag distractions, I've been trying to keep up with the *Khashoggi False Flag.* You remember, folks, this was the false flag that happened a couple of weeks ago now, and so now is "old newz". It has been superceded in the Main$tream Rolling Pageant of Bullsh!t that clogs the Talmudvisions of the world by such events as the geoengineered weather events called the California forest fires and the Paris "Peace Fo... more »
Droughts, Famines and Floods In The 1870s
By Paul Homewood I am always puzzled by those who decry the world’s slightly warmer climate since pre-industrial times. They seem to think the climate was perfect then. Perhaps they should study a bit of history, such as this snippet from HH Lamb’s Climate, History and the Modern World: And it was […]
France's Finance Minister Wants An EU Empire
Bruno Le Maire quitte l'Elysée à l'issue du conseil des ministres le 28 juin 2017.(AFP/Patrick KOVARIK) *The SUN:* *Europe should become EMPIRE to compete with China and US, says French minister after Trump rubbishes calls for EU army* Bruno Le Maire’s controversial comments come after his President said Europe must be strong enough to defend itself in the future FRANCE'S finance minister has called for the EU to become a powerful new “empire” to rival the US and China in an interview which will infuriate Donald Trump. Bruno Le Maire’s comments come after the French President said... more »
How Senator Pan won the election
Perhaps this explains how on EARTH Richard Pan won the Senate race…check out the video below: RELATED STORY: Questioning vaccines ought to be a ‘crime,’ according to a new bill by California Senator Richard Pan RELATED STORY: VIDEO: Watch Senator “Pandering” Pan Run Like A Baby When Asked Questions from the Citizens! “The surest route […] The post How Senator Pan won the election appeared first on Health Nut News.
Community uproar after doctor dyes woman’s private area purple
(Dr. Barry King, left, walking out of the courtroom with attorney Kelly Page, right, at the Mesa County Justice Center, back in October. Photo Credit: Chancey Bush) At the end of October, we told you that last year, 58-year-old gynecologist Barry King thought it might be “funny” to dye a patient’s vagina purple. And because he pled guilty to […] The post Community uproar after doctor dyes woman’s private area purple appeared first on Health Nut News.
Patient who died during robot surgery had 99% chance of living if human operated
An inquest in Newcastle has found that father-of-three, 69-year-old Stephen Pettitt only had a 1-2% chance of dying had he had conventional, open heart surgery to repair or replace his leaking valve. Instead, Pettitt died following a “catalog of errors” at the hands of lead surgeon Sukumaran Nair who was not trained well enough to […] The post Patient who died during robot surgery had 99% chance of living if human operated appeared first on Health Nut News.
HPV vaccines: My daughter’s lost years
by Fiona Mackenzie, Cromdale, Grantown on Spey, Highlands of Scotland, The Happy-go-Lucky Girl I had Pre-HPV Vaccine is Gone Forever… Chelsea had 2 injections of Cervarix in the fall of 2012 before we went to Australia. A few months after we returned, we took her in for the third jab. The GP practice stated that […] The post HPV vaccines: My daughter’s lost years appeared first on Health Nut News.
CNN: For 10 years, a chemical not EPA approved was in their drinking water
Since 2008, the state of South Carolina has been adding a substance called HaloSan to one of four drinking wells in the city of Denmark in an effort to regulate “naturally occurring iron bacteria that can leave red stains or rust-like deposits in the water.” 1 But, here’s the rub: the chemical has never been approved […] The post CNN: For 10 years, a chemical not EPA approved was in their drinking water appeared first on Health Nut News.
Too Many Cuddly Global Warming Mascots Threatening Indigenous Peoples
*I've covered this topic previously.* *Polar Bears are and have been thriving in the Arctic.* *They have no predator other then an armed man/woman to fend off an attack or reign in out of control populations- One wonders if the seals can survive an over abundant polar bear population?* *An unarmed human stands little to no chance of fighting off a polar bear attack* *Just the facts. If you want spin, go elsewhere. * *World's Largest Land Predator * *Polar bears are the world's largest land predators. They top the food chain in the Arctic.* *they spend most of their time on the pack ice... more »
Activist attended Labour conference while under investigation over hate post per The Jewish Chronicle
Another day, another Labour anti-Semitism story. 'A Labour activist who was being investigated by the party for alleged antisemitism was allowed to attend their conference in September. Kayla Bibby, 33, who represented the Liverpool Riverside constituency at the event, posted an image on Facebook in March showing the Statue of Liberty being smothered by an alien with the Star of David on its back. She wrote below the image: "The most accurate photo I've seen all year!" The image had been taken from a far-right website, Incogman, where it had been used to illustrate an article that... more »
"16 Things Everybody Should Stop Doing In Order To Be Successful"
*"16 Things Everybody Should Stop* * Doing In Order To Be Successful"* by Parker Nash "Often in life, to be successful it doesn’t require doing more. It requires you to stop. To eliminate the waste in your life. In a culture hardwired to “do it all”, it can be counterintuitive to do less. It goes against everything we’ve been told to do. Try harder, do more. One man that lived nearly 2,000 years ago learned to implement the subtle art of elimination. By ceasing to do many “normal” habits and behaviors, he was able to overcome enormous challenges. Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome fr... more »
Illegal migrants apparently given prepaid Mastercard debit cards by Soros, EU, U.N.
An hour ago, I was stunned by articles in the Czech media that were sent to me. What is this Mastercard? Note that it is decorated by symbols of Mastercard, the European Union, and a branch of the United Nations. It's a prepaid debit card that was apparently found in the pockets of illegal migrants that are flowing to the territory of the European Union through the Balkan route that someone is apparently trying to revive. According to Sputnik (original from The Hungary Journal) and other sources, the ruling parties in Hungary – Fidesz and the Christian Democratic People's Party –... more »
Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign…
By Kent Heckenlively JD Let’s cut to the chase. We’ve spent far too much time being nice. The other side isn’t listening. Are we going to go away? No. We’re just going to get louder. They will not silence our truth. PEDIATRICIANS ARE BABY-KILLERS… VACCINES ARE THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE AND THE RESULT IS SIDS … Continue reading Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign… The post Pediatricians are Baby-Killers – The Nick Catone Campaign… appeared first on BolenReport.
Siberian temps plunge to -40°C (-40°F)
This is considered very cold for this time of year, deviating from the norm by 13–16 degrees. At the end of last week in southern Siberia, daytime temperature dropped from 0 to −20°C. An interesting phenomenon was observed – the reverse daily temperature variation, when it is warmer at night than during the day. During the ... Read moreSiberian temps plunge to -40°C (-40°F) The post Siberian temps plunge to -40°C (-40°F) appeared first on Ice Age Now.
World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes
The unilateral, lawless imperialism that engendered World War I and 20 years later World War II is still alive and dangerously vigorous. The post World War I Homage – A Triumph of Lies and Platitudes appeared first on The Duran.
E.U. Countries Have Approved $86.7bn In Arms Sales To The UAE And Saudi Arabia Since 2015
*Middle East Eye:* *EU countries approve arms sales to Saudi, UAE worth 55 times aid to Yemen* Europe's arms sector is unaccountable and highly influential in the corridors of power, with $86.7bn in approved sales to the Gulf since 2015 European governments and the European Union publicly wring their hands about the "human tragedy" and need for "life-saving assistance" in war-torn Yemen. Yet while the Saudi-led coalition has bombed the region’s poorest country over the past three years, the EU and European countries approved the sale of more than $86.7bn in arms to Saudi Arabia a... more »
Berkeley Student Senator Under Fire for Abstaining From Pro-Transgender Vote
[image: berkeley-student-senator-under-fire-for-abstaining-from-pro-transgender-vote] A student senator at the University of California, Berkeley, is under attack for abstaining from a vote on a pro-transgender resolution because of her Christian beliefs.
UN Demands Ban on Trump-style “Nationalist Populism”
[image: un-demands-ban-on-trump-style-nationalist-populism] The United Nations is seriously stepping up its campaign to undermine free speech, online freedom, and a surge in opposition to globalism worldwide.
This Not-So-Scary Picture Should Terrify the U.S. Military
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* Just how many Y-20s the PLAAF has ordered remains a mystery—at least eight are known to have entered service by 2018. The Y-20’s cost also remains obscure, with numbers ranging from $160 to $250 million floated. *In some ways, the Y-20 and its possible successors may prove more important to projecting China’s military and political might than attention-grabbing new stealth fighters and aircraft carriers. The latter systems only perform at full potential when combatting hi-tech enemies in a high-intensity conflict—or deterring one.* As China ri... more »
Marine Corps Plans to Retire Its Oldest F/A-18 Hornets
*Task and Purpose, Jeff Schogol* *Security, * The Marine Corps plans to retire its oldest and most used F/A-18 Hornets and use their parts to repair newer jet fighters. *As of December 2016, only a quarter of the Marine Corps’ Hornets could fly on any given day (Mattis banned the military services from talking to media about readiness issues shortly afterward).* The Marine Corps plans to retire its oldest and most used F/A-18 Hornets and use their parts to repair newer jet fighters, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller said on Wednesday. *(This first appeared last month.)... more »
Air Force Plans to Arm Stealth F-35s, F-15s and F-16s with the Ultimate Weapon
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * A game-changer? *Advances in computer power, processing speed and AI are rapidly changing the scope of what platforms are able to perform without needing human intervention.* The Air Force and DARPA are now testing new hardware and software configured to enable 4th-Generation aircraft to command drones from the cockpit in the air, bringing new levels of autonomy, more attack options and a host of new reconnaissance advantages to air warfare. *(This first appeared last month.)* Working with BAE Systems at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Air Force test... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Sea of Dreams”
2002, “Sea of Dreams” -
The Daily "Near You?"
Maisuru, Karnataka, India. Thanks for stopping by!
An op-ed from the BBC's Dave Lee
Here's a video report from the BBC's US-based technology correspondent Dave Lee to mark the launch of the BBC's *Beyond Fake News *season: Special thanks to @cward1e and @Sulliview for speaking to us for this piece. That said, the real hero is Joni at BBC Washington for sifting through Trump clips for the most soundbitey declarations of “fake news”. Phew. — Dave Lee (@DaveLeeBBC) 12 November 2018 You'll note that the expert 'talking heads' in the piece are Margaret Sullivan of *The Washington Post *and Claire Wardle of First Draft*. *(Have a guess who part-... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "What I Have Learned So Far"
*"What I Have Learned So Far"* "Meditation is old and honorable, so why should I not sit, every morning of my life, on the hillside, looking into the shining world? Because, properly attended to, delight, as well as havoc, is suggestion. Can one be passionate about the just, the ideal, the sublime, and the holy, and yet commit to no labor in its cause? I don't think so. All summations have a beginning, all effect has a story, all kindness begins with the sown seed. Thought buds toward radiance. The gospel of light is the crossroads of- indolence, or action. Be ignited, or be gone." ...more »
"Time Passes..."; "The Paradox Of Time"
"Time passes in moments. Moments which, rushing past, define the path of a life, just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen? To consider whether the path we take in life is our own making, or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed? But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?" - Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully, "The X-Files" ○... more »
What would Benedict Anderson say about Trump?
I’ve been watching the current debate over nationalism with some interest. Donald Trump identified himself as a nationalist in the run-up to the mid-term elections. He contrasted this with his foes, for whom he used the problematic term “globalist.” Many saw this as a concerning move, especially paired with Trump’s alarmist rhetoric over a caravan […]
Israel’s Attack on Gaza: MSM Blackout and Lies Exposed
*Robert Inlakesh* | The international community must to take notice of the deteriorating situation in Gaza - before it's too late.
Israel Launch Airstrikes Against Palestinians in Gaza in Attempt to Cover-up Botched IDF Raid
*21WIRE* | Israeli military sent fighter jets to strike what they claim are "terror targets" throughout Gaza.
My summer of 1958, part 1
[image: 1958 ponytail] If you had said to me, “Remember the time you lived at the farm and the well was dry?” I would have responded, “I remember the farm, but don’t recall a problem with the water.” That’s why it’s nice to have a diary, that retro pen and paper version of a blog, which stands for [world wide] web log. While searching for another notebook, I unpacked a box and found my diary from 1958, a stenographer’s notebook with green tint pages and perfect handwriting in real ink, telling about my days with my grandparents on their farm between Franklin Grove and Ashton, Ill... more »
What's a Morally Appropriate Response to Climate Deniers?
*A small part of a much larger infographic showing our bright bright technical future. None of this will happen.* *by Gaius Publius* What's a morally appropriate response to climate deniers? What's a morally appropriate response to those who enable mass murder? This short piece is the start of a much longer consideration of the state of the U.S. at this crossroads moment. It's an odd state. I remember the Y2K explosion of fear and concern, that there may be a global collapse due to computers not having been told that the year portion of a date contains four digits, not just two. M... more »
Fall in Maine
- Since coming home from my trip to Russia I've been editing our next Global Network newsletter Space Alert! It is being designed by Nancy Randolph who does a great job. When MB and I moved to Maine in 2003 Nancy called me soon after we arrived and said, "You are probably going to need new business cards and stationary." Right I said and we've hired her ever since to do our newsletter and our annual Keep Space for Peace Week posters. She's always a pleasure to work with and is very talented. - Yesterday it was quite cold with the ground partially froz... more »
Will the Courts Shut Off Energy Supplies?
Numerous posts here have reported on efforts by climate lawyers to stop use of fossil fuels (FF) to prevent imaginary global warming. The failure of rising CO2 to cause warming in the atmosphere is confirmed yet again by a detailed study of the last 40 years of satellite measurements. My synopsis with links is Atmospheric […]
"For This Is What We do..."
“For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our eyes to the snarl and smile of the world once more. Think. Act. Feel. Add our little consequence to the tides of good and evil that flood and drain the world. Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another night. Push our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. With love: the passionate search for truth other than our own. With longing: the pure, ineffable yearning to be saved. For so long as fate keeps waiting, we live on. God help us. God forgive us. We live on.” - Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
Greg Hunter, "Declassify FISA & Indictments Follow"
*"Declassify FISA & Indictments Follow"* By Greg Hunter’s "Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was removed because he did not release declassified FISA documents before the midterm elections that were used to spy on Donald J. Trump. It was a treasonous failed coup attempt to remove a duly elected President, and now justice is about to be served. Dr. Janda explains, “I think the first thing you have to start with is declassifying documents, and I believe he is going to do that. I also believe there is a very short time window here. The time ... more »
Protests Return To Iraq’s Basra After Having Failed To Achieve Goals During Summer
Sit in tent outside West Qurna 2 oil field (Al Mirbad) During the summer Iraq’s annual protests over services and better government turned into riots in Basra. Prime Minister Haidar Abadi responded by sending the security forces and Counter-Terrorism Unit, making promises of future jobs and water, while attempting to discredit the activists. Things eventually calmed down, and the focus returned to Baghdad where new Premier Abdul Mahdi is struggling to put together his new government. Not having achieve anything substantive the protests have quietly restarted in the province. At th... more »
Eight dead in undercover Israeli operation in Gaza
Hamas commander slain and a high-ranking Israeli officer killed and another wounded during a botched Israeli operation
This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 12
1914 British forces in Fao launched reconnaissance in force near Salhan, Basra 1927 Kurdish MP Rowanduzi said Shiites and Kurds both opposed govt conscription for army 1963 Baath founder Aflaq went to Iraq to solve internal Baath dispute 1968 68 coup member Nasir al-Hani special adv to Pres Bakr assassinated 1991 Govt and Kurds agreed to ceasefire Iraq would end blockade of Kurdistan and Peshmerga would withdraw to Irbil 1997 Iraq expelled 6 US weapons inspectors claiming they were spies Almost entire inspection staff withdrawn as a result 1997 UN Resolution 1137 demanded Iraq al... more »
JPMorgan Chase Trader Pleads Guilty to Gold Manipulation, Turns State’s Evidence
By Clint Siegner Gold and silver investors got a rare bit of good news on the enforcement front last week. A trader from JPMorgan Chase... more »
Heavy Fighting Reported On The Streets Of The Yemeni City Of Hodeidah
*Reuters:* *Street battles rage in Yemen's Hodeidah, civilians caught in crossfire* ADEN (Reuters) - Street battles raged on Sunday in residential areas of Yemen’s main port city of Hodeidah, forcing medical staff to flee the largest hospital, as Houthi insurgents tried to repel forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition. Residents said they saw bodies of seven civilians killed in clashes in southern suburbs, with both sides using mortar shells, anti-aircraft guns and assault rifles in the fight for the Houthi-held city, a lifeline for millions of Yemenis. The coalition has renewed... more »
As the US Spent $1.5 Million a Day to “Fight” Afghan Heroin Production, Heroin Output Quadrupled
[image: afghan] For 16 years, the US has dumped $1.5 million a day into Afghanistan to fight heroin production and in that time, heroin production has more than quadrupled. The post As the US Spent $1.5 Million a Day to “Fight” Afghan Heroin Production, Heroin Output Quadrupled appeared first on The Free Thought Project.
Gov’t Denies Homeless People Food by Raiding Charity, Pouring Bleach on Food to Destroy It
[image: homeless] Authorities raided a picnic for the homeless, and poured bleach on all the food to destroy it because the group hosting the picnic didn't have a permit. The post Gov’t Denies Homeless People Food by Raiding Charity, Pouring Bleach on Food to Destroy It appeared first on The Free Thought Project.
How Much Did the Partisan Fake News & Tech Giants Aid Democrats in the Midterm Elections?
[image: how-much-did-the-partisan-fake-news-tech-giants-aid-democrats-in-the-midterm-elections] Big Media, Big Tech and Big Money failed in their huge effort to create a Blue Wave, but they did help the Democrat-Left retake the House of Representatives.
"Understanding The Global Recession Of 2019”
*"Understanding The Global Recession Of 2019”* by Charles Hugh Smith "2019 is shaping up to be the year in which all the policies that worked in the past will no longer work. As we all know, the Global Financial Meltdown / recession of 2008-09 was halted by the coordinated policies of the major central banks, which lowered interest rates to near-zero, bought trillions of dollars of bonds and iffy assets such as mortgage-backed securities, and issued unlimited lines of credit to insolvent banks, i.e. unlimited liquidity. Central governments which could do so went on a borrowing/spen... more »
Some Southern California Fire Evacuations Lifted
Relief and heartache awaited those starting to return home.
Mississippi Senator’s ‘Public Hanging’ Remark Draws Rebuke
Mississippi has a bitter history of racially motivated lynchings of black people.
Bar Gunman Was ‘Out of Control’ in High School, Coach Says
Authorities have not determined a motive.
Michelle Obama Memoir is Next Pick for Winfrey Book Club
In "Becoming," Obama shares such deeply personal revelations as suffering a miscarriage and sharply criticizes President Donald Trump for promoting the false "birther" rumor that Barack Obama was not a U.S. citizen.
Grim Search for More Fire Victims, 31 Dead Across California
Others continued the desperate search for friends or relatives, calling evacuation centers, hospitals, police and the coroner's office.
Trump Largely Alone as World Leaders Take Aim at Nationalism
For President Donald Trump in Paris, America First meant largely America alone.
Covert Israel Raid Into Gaza Results In One IDF Soldier And Seven Palesntians Killed
*BBC*:* Eight killed in covert Israeli action in Gaza* Seven Palestinians, including a local militant commander, have been killed during a covert Israeli operation in Gaza, Palestinian officials say. An Israeli soldier was also killed and another wounded, the Israeli military said, after a firefight erupted. Palestinians said an Israeli unit travelling in a civilian vehicle had killed the Hamas commander. Sirens later sounded in communities across southern Israel and rockets were fired from Gaza, without causing harm. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: Fighting is escalating .... ...more »
Western Media “Discovers” Saudi Atrocities in Wake of Khashoggi Fallout
By Tony Cartalucci Nothing illustrates the cynical and deceitful nature of Western “journalism” better than the recent, apparent US-Saudi fallout in the wake of the... more »
The party of the rich is . . . ?
I note that the recent mid-term elections have produced one interesting result that hasn't received much comment. California, New Jersey, New York and Virginia dominated the top 10 wealthiest congressional districts. Out of the wealthiest 50 districts, 13 are located in California; eight are in New York; five in New Jersey; and four in Virginia. Massachusetts, which didn’t make the top 10, still sports four of the nation’s richest congressional districts. Here are the 10 richest congressional districts in the U.S. by median household income: - Congressional District 10, Virgini... more »
Syrian President amends controversial property law
BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:30 P.M.) – Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has issued a decree amending a law that allowed authorities to seize property left behind by civilians who fled the civil war, AP reports. Residents now have a full year instead of one month to prove they own property in redevelopment zones in order to receive […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Israeli fighter jets unleash massive attack on Gaza
BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:15 P.M.) – The Israeli Air Force has unleashed a massive assault on the Gaza Strip this afternoon, local Palestinian activists reported. According to the reports, the IAF struck a number of Gaza border towns in retaliation for the rockets that struck the Israeli settlements earlier this afternoon. The Spokesperson for the Israeli […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
VIDEO: Inter-rebel clashes erupt in Syria’s Idlib amid rising tensions
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5:20 P.M.) – Heavy firefight broke out between two jihadi groups in the southern countryside of Idlib as the Syrian forces prepare for a major military operation against rebel factions. According to local sources, the clashes erupted between Ahrar al-Sham and Failaq al-Sham near Maarrat al-Numan of southern Idlib. The sources added that […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Breaking: Israeli bus hit by rocket fired from Gaza – IDF
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:45 P.M.) – A wave of rockets fired the Gaza Strip struck several Israeli settlements this afternoon, as hostilities flare between all parties in the region. An Israeli bus has been hit by “terrorist fire” from Gaza, the spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has tweeted. A red siren alert has been […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
First footage of Yemeni gov’t troops overlooking Hodeidah Port
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:40 P.M.) – The Gulf-backed troops are now overlooking the strategic Hodeidah Port after a fierce battle with the Houthi forces in the provincial capital. Led by the Yemeni Republican Guard and Southern Resistance Army, the Gulf-backed troops managed to capture several points inside Hodeidah city, today, paving the way for them to […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Thousands attend funerals of Palestinians killed in Israeli raid (video)
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:20 P.M.) – Thousands flooded the streets of the town of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip on Monday, for the funerals of seven Palestinians killed in an shootout during an Israeli raid in the town the day before. A deputy commander of Hamas’ military wing Nur Barakeh, along with Muhammad al-Qara, were […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Israel allegedly trains to destroy Syria’s new air defense systems (photos)
Osa and Kvadrat surface-to-air missile systems were supplied to Syria by the Soviet Union, and are known by the NATO codenames SA-8 and SA-6, respectively. Photos, believed to be taken in the Negev desert and unearthed on Twitter, show inflatable dummies of Soviet-designed Osa and Kub/Kvadrat surface-to-air missile systems, which the Israeli Air Force is […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US Coalition arrests 3 high ranking Daesh commanders in new airborne mission
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The U.S. Coalition conducted a new airborne operation in northeastern Syria this week that targeted an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) hideout near the Iraqi border. According to Kurdish activists in northeast Syria, the U.S. Coalition soldiers landed near a Daesh hideout in the town of Al-Suwaydiyah in rural Al-Hasakah. Upon entering […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Up close: Battle for Hodeidah rages around university quarter (video)
Saudi-backed coalition forces and Houthi armed groups have been engaged in fierce fighting close to Hodeidah University on Sunday. Footage shows Saudi-led coalition troops firing weapons and mortars allegedly targeted at Houthis forces in densely-populated areas. According to the UN, thousands of people have been trapped in the city by the fighting and some 445,000 […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Palestinian forces hunt Daesh terrorists in Syrian desert (video)
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:45 P.M.) – The pro-government Jerusalem Brigade (Liwaa Al-Quds) is currently conducting a large-scale operation against the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) in the vast desert region in eastern Syria. Backed by the Russian military, the Jerusalem Brigade has been conducting several search and destroy missions to eliminate Daesh’s last remnants in the western […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Over 1,000 schools rebuilt in Syria by school year: Russian MoD
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:40 P.M.) – Over 1,000 schools are scheduled to be rebuilt by the start of the school year in 2019, the Russian Reconciliation Center reported on Monday. According to the Russian Reconciliation Center, the schools are being rebuilt inside several areas that were previously war zones, including the East Ghouta, southern Damascus, and […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
European Parliament ‘shocked’ at amount of EU-made weapons in hands of terrorists
A draft report on arms exports, which will be tabled at the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg later this week, suggests launching an investigation into how EU-made weapons end up in the possession of terrorists in the Middle East. One provision of the document, presented by German MEP Sabine Lösing, says that the European […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Dirty Little Secret: ‘Think Tanks’ are Among Top Culprits in Media Disinformation Crisis
[image: undefined] Most consumers are unaware off the mainstream media’s dirty little secret. Think tanks are increasingly taking advantage of tight news budgets to influence the press agenda in favor of their sponsors. Decades ago, these outfits generally operated as policy advisories. Although, some were comfortably enumerated ‘retirement homes’ for distinguished public servants or intellectuals. However, in modern times, they have become indistinguishable from lobbying firms. With the budgets to match. On the Russia (and broader Eastern European) beat, think tank influence is b... more »
World News Briefs -- November 12, 2018
*Reuters:** Gaza militants fire dozens of rockets, hitting bus, after botched Israeli raid* Palestinians in Gaza fired dozens of rockets at southern Israel on Monday, critically wounding one person in a strike on a bus, medical officials said, a day after an Israeli incursion prompted deadly fighting in the enclave. Smoke billowed from the bus and Israeli interceptor missiles streaked through the sky as sirens sounded in Israeli communities near the Gaza border. Israel’s military said more than 80 rockets were launched from Gaza and it was conducting retaliatory air strikes for ...more »
Cell Phone Radiation Linked to Rat Cancer - Herbicide Linked to Damaging Crop - Nuclear Energy Linked to Catastrophe: But Let's Keep Using Them!
Catastrophic risks: Discerned but ignored: Krouse, Sarah (2018, Nov 1). Scientists Find ‘Clear Evidence’ Cellphone Radiation Can Cause Cancer in Rats. Wall Street Journal, Researchers cite growing confidence in links between radiation exposure and some tumors in rats. U.S. researchers found “clear evidence” that cellphone radiation exposure can cause cancerous heart tumors in male rats. It is still unclear what the final conclusions of their two-decades-long study of the ... more »
THE DANIEL DALE EXPERIENCE: Blow fails to reach a useful end!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2018After that, onward toward Daniel Dale's alleged "lie:"* In this, the first thing we read this morning, Zak Cheney-Rice lets us modern liberals enjoy a few of our favorite things. We get to enjoy the claim that others are lying—though, in this case, it's Bernie Sanders who seems to perhaps be dispensing the lies. Beyond that, we get to enjoy the claim that The Others are racists. In this case, we aren't even asked to wonder if * half* The Others may be something else: CHENEY-RICE (11/12/18): Unwillingness to alienate racist voters inevitably leads to codd... more »
The WWI Conspiracy
By James Corbett What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those... more »
Clinton’s Real Legacy: Glass-Steagall & The Banking Collapse
*21WIRE* | Whistleblowers knew that the repeal the Glass-Steagall Act would eventually lead to financial catastrophe - but Bill Clinton had already made his mind up.
This is what our improved Chrome extension can do now
You might have noticed this already: we’re always improving our service. Today this also includes our popular Chrome extension. We’ve reached version 2.2.8 now, as you can see in the Chrome web store. We haven’t lost any of the functionality that made this extension powerful and famous, but we’ve added some new features, including the… Read More Read More
Are Deep State Denizens Brennan & Clapper In Deep Doo-Doo?
Op-Ed by Catherine J. Frompovich Over several years there has been “off again—on again” talk about the “Deep State” and “Shadow Government.” Very few Americans... more »
The president versus the press. Or should that be the president thanks the press?
I’ve never been a fan of press-conference journalism. It may be a marginal improvement on canned-quotes press-release journalism when it comes to public accountability, but most press conferences I’ve attended are little more than carefully staged theatre pieces designed to control and direct the flow of information and emotion in ways favourable to the presenter. […]
Creepy Porn Lawyers’ disgusting assault on Tucker Carlson and his 19 year old daughter (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 14. The post Creepy Porn Lawyers’ disgusting assault on Tucker Carlson and his 19 year old daughter (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Repository for Climate Forecasts
From Fabius Maximus: (Hifast note: follow the link; other forecasts will be added in the comments there.) Climate forecasts: collect them all! Larry Kummer, Editor Science & Nature 12 November 2018 Summary: Climate science is done by experts, often using equipment of the high kind of tech. But we can crowd-source valuable information for the […]
What next for U.S. climate and energy policies?
“The obsession over global warming, “green” energy and the Paris climate treaty has hit the rocky shoals of reality.” – Paul Driessen __________________ “A number of 2018 elections are still in doubt,” writes Paul Driessen.” However, decisions on an number of statewide climate and environmental initiatives – and what’s happening in the international climate arena ... Read moreWhat next for U.S. climate and energy policies? The post What next for U.S. climate and energy policies? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Senate Decision Unites Political Enemies in Brazil
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Less than fifteen days after one of the fiercest presidential campaigns in Brazilian history, president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro and members of opposing political parties are currently on the same side as they criticize a bill approved by the Senate to grant Supreme Court Judges a […]
MGMT to play Rio’s Circo Voador in Lapa on Wednesday
By Jack Arnhold, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – This Wednesday, November 14th, American psychedelic indie rockers MGMT will be gracing the stage of Rio’s famous Circo Voador in Lapa for the first time in their career, as they tour Brazil in support of their latest album, ‘Little Dark Age.’ Formed in 2002 by […]
From Jenna Orkin Scientists Develop Liquid Fuel to Store Sun's Energy Up to 18 Years Former JP Morgan trader pleads guilty to manipulating US metals markets for years Underperforming Chinese workers made to drink urine, eat bugs Machine Glitches Delay Start of Ballot Recount in Broward County Former Florida Congressman: My Vote Was Rejected Over Signature Mismatch 43-Year Old Running for President in 2020 Wants to Give Everyone Free Cash ($1000) Per Month Why didn't anyone think of that before? Authorities Seize Ryanair Plane On Runway Over Unpaid Bills, 147 Passengers Kicked OffFlor... more »
I Watched Joe Biden Give An Award To George W Bush So You Don’t Have To
Let no one say I don’t earn my Patreon money. For today’s article I’m sitting down to watch a one hour, 23-minute video on Facebook, the only currently available footage of the complete Veterans Day event in which George W Bush and his wife Laura […]
No Bipartisan 'Bridge' on Infrastructure Bill — Unless We Know How to Build New Bridges!
[image: President Donald J. Trump at the American Commemoration Ceremony at Suresnes American Cemetery Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)] *EIR* magazine editorializes this week, "The American People Want an Economy": "A first look at the election results shows that what was most important was not the shift in control of the House, which had been prediscounted, but that Americans demand a full-fledged economic recovery and growth policy.... This also indicates that voters insist that Democratic legislators stick to their duty of governing the cou... more »
Alpiq débouté dans une procédure arbitrale avec l'Etat roumain - 14 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 Alpiq a été débouté dans une procédure arbitrale avec l'Etat roumain dans le litige qui l'opposait à la société énergétique publique roumaine Hidroelectrica.
CETA : pourquoi l'accord de libre-échange entre l'Europe et le Canada menace l'environnement - 14 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 Si rien n'encadre les flux commerciaux, ce traité augmentera le réchauffement climatique.
Sh426 billion cases filed against Tanzania in global courts - 14 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 Tanzania is currently facing 13 cases on investment disputes in various international courts with $185.58 million (about Sh426 billion) demanded.
China, Singapore explore more potentials for BRI cooperation - 14 hours ago
12-Nov-2018 China and Singapore are jointly exploring potentials for further cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with recent conclusion of negotiations on the upgraded China-Singapore free trade agreement
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 12, 2018
Saudi F-15 jets land in Saudi Arabia after conducting operations in Yemen (AFP) *Middle East Eye:* *US stops refuelling Saudi-led coalition warplanes in Yemen conflict* Riyadh pulls plug on arrangement days before US politicians are to debate taking action against Washington's involvement in war The United States has ended its controversial refuelling support for Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, putting an end to one of its most significant involvements in a conflict that has pushed millions of Yemenis to the brink of famine. *Read more* .... *Military And Intelligence New... more »
Trumpian Contempt
The President of the United States likes to trumpet his support for the military. But this past weekend, Max Boot writes, Trump showed his contempt for the military: On Saturday afternoon, the president was scheduled to attend a ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, where 2,289 U.S. soldiers are buried — a small part of the 116,000 Americans who gave the last full measure of devotion during World War I. It was the sort of solemn occasion that U.S. presidents have considered an integral part of their duty at least since the Gettysburg Address. But Trump couldn’t be bother... more »
How Democrats Honor Veterans Today
Democrats consider distinguished war veteran Martha McSally to be a “right wing kook”, and are happy about Jeff Flake helping Taliban sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema steal the election. Robert Illes on Twitter: “No the voters of Arizona did the right thing, … Continue reading →
Left Me Speechless; The Barbarism of the Left
If Progressives have the power to convince their followers that that Baby isn’t a life, they certainly have the power to convince them that Man is responsible for Global Warming. Progressives will commit murder following their belief and value system. Please Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment
Time to Pay Attention: Facebook is Aiding the Police State By Purging Police Accountability Pages
Facebook is actively engaging in the removal of pages who dare to hold police accountable for their actions, a damning precedent, indeed. The post Time to Pay Attention: Facebook is Aiding the Police State By Purging Police Accountability Pages appeared first on The Free Thought Project.
Are Turkey & Syria Coordinating Operations In North Eastern Syria?
*I have to ask this question because.......* *From the previous post*: *Raqqa Assassination of Influentail Sheik May End Dream of Independent Syrian Kurdistan* *"All this while there is a greater advancement of the Syrian regular army from the south and the Turkish army from the west."* *Advancing Syrian regular army from the south and Turkish army (regular army) advancing from the west.* *Could there be coordination? * *That was the question posed Friday. It's Monday and the question is still the same.* *Two fronts to keep the Usreal backed Kurds busy?* *One from the north west? O... more »
20 vegetables and herbs you can grow indoors from scraps
Sure, you’ve heard that buying organic food over the genetically modified or pesticide-exposed versions is ideal for your health, but it can get costly. Due to the limited supply of organic foods as well as the additional labor and maintenance required to produce them, you may be paying 20-100% more for an organic banana! Fortunately, […] The post 20 vegetables and herbs you can grow indoors from scraps appeared first on Health Nut News.
Corrupts your DNA, never ever cook with this
I’ve previously interviewed James DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D., about his book, “The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong and How Eating More Might Save Your Life,” where he exposes why we got it wrong about salt and promotes eating healthy real salt. “The Salt Fix” is a fascinating book and I encourage you to […] The post Corrupts your DNA, never ever cook with this appeared first on Health Nut News.
This is What 2 Cups of Coffee Per Day Can Do to Your Liver. Advertisements
How To Tell If You Are Possessed by a Demon, Reveals Exorcist
Shock findings: What happens 90 minutes after consuming an energy drink.
Harvard research challenges conventional thinking on cell membranes.
Lavender Lemonade Is The Best And Most Natural Way To Get Rid Of Headaches & Anxiety
Science explains why highly intelligent people prefer to be alone.
Scientists Discover Soy Actually Accelerates Breast Cancer- Rather Than Preventing It
Asparagus Is A Highly Alkaline Food For Scrubbing Out The Kidneys, Bladder And Protecting Liver Health.
Black Hole Pretenders Could Really Be Bizarre Quantum Stars.
Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD
Monday Morning Links
Miscellaneous material to start your week. - Wayne Swan writes that it won't be possible to take necessary steps to combat climate breakdown without ensuring that corporations pay their fair share. And the Guardian argues that exorbitant executive pay needs to be restrained. - Sam Pizzigati discusses how the uber-wealthy can disproportionately influence the U.S.' public discourse under the cover of dark money. And Mariya Hake and Christian Belabed examine the relationship between income inequality and distrust in public institutions. - Crawford Kilian offers a reminder of the devas... more »
By John Helmer, Moscow The Australian head of state, a retired army general, has told an Australian reporter that when he was placed next to President Vladimir Putin (lead image, centre) during the centenary World War I armistice ceremonies in Paris on Sunday, he was sorry protocol disallowed his striking the Russian president . “It […]
S.L. Sorgner Juries Austrian Patent Award 2018
Ethical Technology - 15 hours ago
Last weekend, IEET Fellow and John Cabot University philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was invited to presenting the laudation for the winner of the lifetime achievement award of the Austrian Patent agency 2018. He represented a distinguished jury which consists of leading experts in the field of emergent technologies such as CEO of KTM Stefan Pierer, general director of IBM Austria Patricia Neumann, the rector of the Technical University Vienna Sabine Seidler, Senior Vice President Innovation & Technology of Borealis Maurits van Tol, and Business Angel Michael Altrichter.... more »
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi believes she's being misunderstood: A newly published video shows a white Republican U.S. senator in Mississippi praising someone by saying: "If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be on the front row." ... The video ... shows a small group of white people clapping politely for Hyde-Smith after a cattle rancher introduced her. "I referred to accepting an invitation to a speaking engagement," said Hyde-Smith ... in a statement Sunday. "In referencing the one who invited me, I used an exaggerated expression of regard, and any attempt to turn ... more »
President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’?
[image: undefined] It’s not often that US Government officials are honest when they talk about our foreign policy. The unprovoked 2003 attack on Iraq was called a “liberation.” The 2011 US-led destruction of Libya was a “humanitarian intervention.” And so on. So, in a way, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was refreshingly honest last week when, speaking about newly-imposed US sanctions, he told the BBC that the Iranian leadership “has to make a decision that they want their people to eat." It was an honest admission that new US sanctions are designed to starve Iranians unless the Ira... more »
U.S. Army Approves New Dress Uniforms On Veterans Day
Soldier models pose in the final prototypes of the proposed "pinks and greens" dress uniforms. A skirt and pumps would be optional for women. (Army) *Army Times:* *It’s official: Army approves ‘pinks and greens’ uniform on Veterans Day* The Army was able to straighten out its congressionally mandated notification requirements in time to announce on Sunday, Veterans Day, that the much anticipated “Army Greens” will indeed be your next service uniform. Formerly known as the “pinks and greens,” the World War II-era officers uniform could go Army-wide as soon as 2020, according to a r... more »
Can A U.S. Army Brigade Be Able To Fight A Major War For An Entire Week Without Resupply?
*Warzone/The Drive:* *The Army Wants Its Brigades To Be Able To Fight For An Entire Week Without Resupply* The service is worried that units have grown dangerously reliant on logistics chains that might not exist during a major conflict. Concerns are growing throughout the U.S. military about the potential difficulties in rapidly deploying large amounts of personnel and equipment into a theater of operations under fire during a major conflict and whether there will be any bases of operation to support them once they get there. Now, the U.S. Army says it is looking for ways to ensu... more »
Sanctions on Iran's Oil - The Unintended Consequences
With the United States putting sanctions on Iran's oil production, a move that has driven a wedge between Washington and its European allies, National Security Advisor John Bolton has weighed in yet again on Iran as shown here: Here's a quote: "*I think the sanctions in the aggregate are already having an enormous effect on Iran. You know, when the president announced we were withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal in May of this year, big businesses that had prospects or even some trade and investment with Iran weren’t going to wait for the sanctions actually to take effect. They’... more »
We Are Heading For Another Tragedy Like World War I
Amid all the usual patriotic cant from politicians, imperialists and churchmen about the glories of this slaughter, remember that World War I was a contrived conflict that was totally avoidable. Contrary to the war propaganda that still clouds and corrupts our historical view, World War I was not started by Imperial Germany. The post We Are Heading For Another Tragedy Like World War I appeared first on
"Seizing property before it can escape"
Back in May, we looked at a proposal to use property taxes to pay off Illinois' and Chicago's pension deficit. In particular, its advocates noted : The tax would be capitalized into real estate values which would prevent people leaving the state to avoid paying for the liability. It looks like Chicago and its satellite communities may be about to implement that progressive wet-dream tax. They figured out a way to tax wealthy folks trying to flee Illinois: A progressive real estate transfer tax, and the idea seems to be getting popular. * . . .* Chicago today has a real estate t... more »
Former Hillary Clinton Advisor: She’s Running Again in 2020
Clinton admitted that while she doesn’t want to run again — she would “like to be president.” The post Former Hillary Clinton Advisor: She’s Running Again in 2020 appeared first on The Duran.
Khashoggi’s Last Words Revealed As Turkish Media Plans To Publish Audio Death Tape
"I can confirm they sat next to one another and they discussed the ongoing tragic situation with Khashoggi," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. The post Khashoggi’s Last Words Revealed As Turkish Media Plans To Publish Audio Death Tape appeared first on The Duran.
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