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English: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Third Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:28pm MDSTTop Scientist Confirms Aluminium Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real
A renowned nuclear scientist has published a paper confirming that humans are being poisoned by traces of aluminium via chemtrails. Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD says that there is evidence of a secret government geoengineering program, injecting stratospheric particles/aerosoles into the atmosphere – endangering human health. Wakingscience.com reports: Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a ground... more »
Turkey Expands Definition Of ‘Terrorist’ To Include Alternative Media
Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan has tightened his grip on Turkish media outlets by changing the definition of “terrorist” to include journalists who go rogue. Erdogan has said that journalists who report independently of the state, including those working within alternative or independent media, will now be classed as terrorist sympathizers. Other professions who come under the new ‘terrorist’ definition includes MPs, civil activists, and academics. Independent.co.uk reports: It comes after three academics were arrested on charges of terrorist propaganda after publicly reading ou... more »
Preparing For World War 3: US Army Stockpiles Weapons Near China
The U.S. military will place large stockpiles of weapons in various countries bordering China, in a bid to prepare for a potential World War 3 scenario in the near future. The Army will place munitions in Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, and other “undisclosed locations” – as tensions between China and the West increase. Sputniknews.com reports: US officials state that the munitions caches, placed within areas China considers to be within its “sphere of influence,” are necessary to respond to regional “threats” by Russia and North Korea, and allow for more rapid deployment. Army... more »
Anti Trump Groups Threaten U.S. Civil War
Anti-Trump groups are plotting mass civil disobedience in the next few weeks amid Donald Trump’s increasing popularity within the Conservative population and inevitability of becoming the Republican nominee. Various groups have promised “drama in Washington” and the “largest civil disobedience action of the century”, in what some are saying amounts to a likely all-out civil war in America. Breitbart.com reports: The operation, calling itself Democracy Spring, is threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century.” The radicals believe this ... more »
Turmoil In Brazil: Millions Protest As Head Of Central Bank Quits
The Head of the Central Bank in Brazil, Alexandre Tombini, has said that he may resign just days after millions of protestors took to the streets of Sao Paulo demanding that President Dilma Rousseff resigns. Rousseff faced an impeachment bid following allegations that she defrauded the fiscal books in 2014, but rather than step down she promoted former disgraced President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to a ministry position – angering millions of Brazilian citizens. Zerohedge.com reports: In his new position, he plans to revive the flagging economy with what the market assumes will be... more »
U.S. General Says World War Against China, Russia Looms
The U.S. army’s top General has said that America faces a very high risk of getting into a world war with Russia or China, and has warned that the military would be unable to cope in such a large-scale conflict. Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley testified on Capitol Hill on Wednesday saying that years of military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan combined with budget cuts have left the U.S. military out of shape. Ap.org reports: Testifying Wednesday on Capitol Hill, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley says years of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, constrained budgets and tro... more »
This article was called to my attention by a Paul Craig Roberts' post, wherein he provided the following prolog to this article: "TPP Is Not A Trade Agreement. The sole purpose of TTP is to give global corporations immunity to the laws of the countries in which they do business. Indeed, TPP allows a private corporation to repeal soverign laws of sovereign countries, which no longer would be sovereign. All a corporation has to do is to sue the country for 'restraint of trade' if the corporations’ profits are harmed by the country’s laws. For example, Monsanto could sue France and force the French government to repeal its laws against GMOs. As Mike Masnick writes, we were promised a debate about TPP, but did not get one. The corporations have greased all the palms with big bucks. Every government that signs on to TPP flushes its sovereignty down the toilet. Corporations are transformed into Global Emperors against whom mere citizens have no recourse."
PCR's prolog here: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/03/15/tpp-is-not-a-trade-agreement/ ------------------------------ Find original tech dirt article here. Countries Sign The TPP... Whatever Happened To The 'Debate' We Were Promised Before Signing? from the *now-the-ratification-fight* dept About an hour ago, representatives from 12 different nations officially signed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) agreement in Auckland, New Zealand. The date, February 4th (New Zealand time) is noteworthy, because it's 90 days after the official text was released. There was a 90 day clock... more »
A Brave Editorial in The Mainichi
Japan Political Pulse: What will become of the nuclear burden? The Mainichi, March 14, 2016, http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160314/p2a/00m/0na/023000c .... [closing paragraph] Even if Japan sets out now on a path away from nuclear energy, it will have to move forward while shouldering the burden of a massive amount of nuclear waste. We have a moral responsibility to not create any more nuclear pollution than we have already, and to not place additional burdens on our future generations. (By Takao Yamada, Special Senior Writer)
St. Patrick as our Model in a New Missionary Age
[image: St. Patrick Statue Colorized Green shamrock - 900] Dr. Ben Carson given us a great analogy for our life as Christians in the United States. He said that we live in "Roman Coliseum time." That's the time when "Rome was being destroyed and the people were just interested... more »
A Congenital Liar For President? Would You Flee?
I suppose the campaign could be he and Hillary whining that the other is the bigger liar. Or, maybe Paul Ryan's carefully laid plans to have himself declared the compromise salvation candidate-- salvation for the GOP, inasmuch as he saves the party from Trump, salvation for the country, inasmuch as he saves the country from Trump *and* Hillary-- is creeping towards fruition. This is what he told NBC's John Harwood: "You know, I haven't given any thought to this stuff. "People say, 'What about the contested convention?' I say, well, there are a lot of people running for president.... more »
Update on Debris Fire Hypothesis
Well I don't think it was a debris fire but I'm not sure what is making the bright red light at night. Here are some screenshots from today 3/16/2015 23:33 Approximately 12 hours later, March 17 12:3: I'm bewildered, but I imagine that a crane is being illuminated orange-red. Emissions continued to be high last night despite lack of precipitation (dry streets at the Futaba intersection). I'm having trouble posting screenshots today so here is a link to pdf of images uploaded to Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlh4096t0hts323/March%2016%20and%2017%202016%20.pdf?dl=0
Has Science Finally Solved The Bermuda Triangle Mystery?
For decades, scientists, explorers, and regular people have tried to figure out the mystery of ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ to no avail – but now, scientists believe they may have found the answer to why so many planes and ships have disappeared in the dreaded area: massive methane bubble explosions. According to groundbreaking reports, the mystery may have been solved by an anomaly on the sea floor thousands of miles from the infamous Bermuda Triangle site – off of the coast of Norway, where giant craters emitting methane may have the answers to the long debated phenomenon of the Bermuda ...more »
Clinton Audio Leaked When She Thought Mic Was Turned Off
What does Hillary Clinton have to say about Donald Trump, Chris Christie and the general state of the election when she is not being recorded? Luckily for some, a recording has been leaked from her recent appearance on “Hardball” with Chris Matthews. Clinton Off The Record In the audio recording, the presumed Democratic candidate asks why Christie has decided to back Donald Trump, asking “did he have a debt?” The audio of Clinton ‘off the record’ has recently been released via USAToday.com, with writer Sam Lisker reporting: The Washington Post posted audio from a commercial break at...more »
AmCham Three Parter on the Defense Industry
[image: AlishanByScooter_130] *Tea farms on Alishan.* AmCham's Taiwan Business Topics has published a series of articles on Taiwan's defense industry by Tim Ferry, who is competent and knowledgeable (and a great person to have a chat with). Giving them some good blog love today... go thou and read. The Future of Taiwan’s Defense Industry Part 1: Politics, Aircraft, and Missiles The Future of Taiwan’s Defense Industry Part 2: Submarines and Drones The Future of Taiwan’s Defense Industry Part 3: Cyber Warfare & Security _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below!... more »
U.S. Continues To Not Label Islamic State Violence As 'Genocide'
*The Hill*: *Kerry will miss deadline to label ISIS violence 'genocide'* The State Department won’t meet a legal deadline to decide whether or not the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) violence against minority groups amounts to genocide. Congress had given Secretary of State John Kerry until Thursday to decide whether to apply the label to the group’s killing of Christians, Yazidis and other minorities. “Given the scope and the breadth of the analysis he’s contemplating, he will not have a final decision completed by the congressionally mandate deadline tomorrow,” State D... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Awakening (Cosmic Sea)”
Liquid Mind, “Awakening (Cosmic Sea)” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCa4dpKyzwo
Facing Corruption Charges Brazil Ex-President Silva Joins Cabinet As Chief Of Staff
*Reuters*: *Brazil's Lula takes Cabinet post in bid to save Rousseff* Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will take over as chief of staff for his successor Dilma Rousseff in a bid to save her from impeachment, raising the prospect of a shift away from austerity to revive a moribund economy. The move, announced after a Wednesday meeting of Rousseff's closest advisors, offers Lula protection from prosecutors who charged him with money laundering. The government hopes that the instincts of Brazil's most influential politician may help Rousseff navigate a political c... more »
The Rag Blog : METRO EVENT | ‘War is Trauma’
By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | March 16, 2016 Event: War is Trauma Exhibition Dates: Saturday, March 19, 2016, 1-4 p.m. Where: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin Address: 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Admission: Free AUSTIN … finish reading The Rag Blog : *METRO EVENT* | ‘War is Trauma’
Economic News , Data & Views ( March 16 , 2016 ) Overview ( 1. Yen, Real, Ruble, and Euro All Higher vs. The US Dollar Thus Far In 2016. 2.Fed Holds rates , RBS Changes Fed Call From 3 Hikes In 2016 To 2 ( Jun+Dec .) 3. NIRP-Land - A Look At 5 Year Yields. 4. US Data For Today - Industrial Production Misses Expectations , Cap Utilization Off as well . 5. Oil In focus - News For Today . ) Europe In Focus ( 1. Latest On EU- Turkey Talks Set For March 17-18th , Developments Of The day. 2. Greece Items Of The day - Economic Developments , Political Intrigue. 3. Spain Political Updates. )
Overview...... *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 10m 10 minutes ago Yen, Real, Ruble, and Euro all higher vs. the US Dollar thus far in 2016... *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLun 12m 12 minutes ago Oooh. Post-Fed dollar dump, PBOC strengthens yuan fix by 0.32% to 6.4961. CNH extending losses. #roundandroundwego *zerohedge* @zerohedge 5h 5 hours ago "Data Dependent" Fed Chickens Out Again - Blames Global Uncertainty For US Rate Hold http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-03-1 6/data-dependent-fed-chickens-out-again-blames-global-uncertainty-us-rate-hold … ... more »
Pesticides: The Unknown Dangers
Industrialized Agriculture has a love affair the use of pesticides. The affair with pesticides began in the 1940s and was marketed to the American people, along with great post WWII miracle inventions such as nylon and the ball point pen. But are pesticides the root cause of modern day mental illness and other health concerns? Between 1947 and 1949, pesticide companies invested nearly $4 billion into expanding their production facilities, and made huge profits. By 1952-53, there were some 10,000 separate new pesticide products registered with the USDA, in what was labeled by journal... more »
Kerry Chooses to Miss Congressional Deadline on ISIS Genocide Question
[image: John Kerry] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Secretary of State John Kerry will miss this week’s congressional deadline for deciding whether atrocities by the Islamic State against Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria should be designated genocide. State Department spokesman Mark Toner... more »
New blog by an old troll
You already know and love this entity (and you may even feel that you know it only too well!). Yet I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that the unacknowledged genius that is my troll calling itself *socialist hashasin* needs a much wider audience if it is going to achieve the fame and fortune its rich learning and thoughtful and *abundant* commentary thoroughly deserves. To date you have only seen a very small sample of this entity’s great wit and wisdom, its tart insights, its artful use of capitalisation, its creative sense of spelling and grammar. I have come to realise ... more »
The Islamic State Expands Its Ranks Of Child Soldiers
*Maajid Nawaz, Daily Beast:* *The ISIS Army That’s Still Unborn* *In ISIS-land, mothers are given books telling them how to raise their offspring for ‘jihad.’ This includes telling bedtime stories about ‘martyrdom.’* LONDON — There are roughly five million children living under the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. As such, it was only a matter of time before the worst terror group of our lifetime set its sights on them. And now it has. Working with Child Soldiers Initiative, and endorsed by UNICEF, my counter-extremism organization Quilliam has released a seminal repor... more »
Is Bernie's Secret Weapon Asian Americans?
A couple years ago, when Blue America endorsed Ted Lieu for Congress, it wasn't because he was Asian-American any more than it was because he was a male or because he was in the Air Force Reserve. It was because he was the most progressive candidate in the race and because he had an eye-popping record of accomplishment in the state legislature as the most creative, effective and member dedicated to working families. This cycle Blue America didn't endorse Bao Nguyen because is Asian-American, nor did we endorse Pramila Jayapal because she is Asian-American. We endorsed the Bao, who ... more »
Hillary Clinton 2016: War Criminal For President
Hardly discussed in the Hillary Clinton 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries race is Hillary’s actions in the illegal 2009 Honduras coup, a major human rights crisis, which lead to the recent murder of an esteemed human rights activist. There is a noteworthy difference between Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton on their positions on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, namely Honduras, two years ago should be deported or allowed to remain in the United States. Sen. Sanders said that without a doubt he would allow them to stay in... more »
Commander Of U.S. Air Force Space Command: 'Russia, China Planning Space Attacks On U.S. Satellites'
*Photo:* General John Hyten, head of Air Force Space Command who said hina and Russia are planning to shoot down American military satellites with missilies, spacecraft and even lasers *Washington Free Beacon:* *China, Russia Planning Space Attacks on U.S. Satellites* *Critical space infrastructure faces crippling missile strikes, small satellites, lasers.* China and Russia are preparing to attack and disrupt critical U.S. military and intelligence satellites in a future conflict with crippling space missile, maneuvering satellite, and laser attacks, senior Pentagon and intellige... more »
Noncompliance With a Broken System, Why I’m Not Voting
*Stephen Parato* - What would happen if the majority of the population refused to vote? The post Noncompliance With a Broken System, Why I’m Not Voting appeared first on Waking Times.
As We Shift - Shit Gets Real
In 2012 we chose to do this ourselves; not surprising really. After countless generations of manipulation and control, we’ll handle our own world, thank you. What is becoming very clear now is that those who left (think, Poser) as a result of that choice; offered some cushion. They were protecting their assets. There was a gap between us and everything that wanted to capitalize on our energy. That cushion is now gone. Yet the “*everything that wanted to capitalize on our energy*” – is not. There is currently a barrier preventing everyone else from getting in or out of here. ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“All of the other aurora watchers had gone home. By 3:30 am in Iceland, on a quiet night last September, much of that night's auroras had died down. Suddenly though, a new burst of particles streamed down from space, lighting up the Earth's atmosphere once again. This time, unexpectedly, pareidoliacally, they created an amazing shape reminiscent of a giant phoenix. With camera equipment at the ready, two quick sky images were taken, followed immediately by a third of the land. The mountain in the background is Helgafell, while the small foreground river is called Kaldá, both located... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Thing With Feathers”
*“The Thing With Feathers”* by Chet Raymo “Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" triptych has been the subject of musings here before, particularly between January 7 and 12, 2008 (see archive). The panels are so rich in imaginative detail that everyone can find some image that resonates with their personal life. The painting plumbs the human psyche, rummages among primeval archetypes, stirs up the murky depths of desolation and consolation. One could spend a lifetime grazing its lurid landscape. *Click image for larger size.* And here, tucked into a corner of the orgiasti... more »
"Nothing But..."
"What is your life about, anyway? Nothing but a struggle to be someone. Nothing but a running from your own silence." ~ Rumi
The Daily "Near You?"
Warrington, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Robinson Jeffers, “The Answer”
*“The Answer”* “Then what is the answer? Not to be deluded by dreams. To know the great civilizations have broken down into violence, and their tyrants come, many times before. When open violence appears, to avoid it with honor or choose the least ugly faction; these evils are essential. To keep one’s own integrity, be merciful and uncorrupted and not wish for evil; and not be duped By dreams of universal justice or happiness. These dreams will not be fulfilled. To know this, and know that however ugly the parts appear the whole remains beautiful. A severed hand Is an ugly thing... more »
How The Shitheads of Saudi Arabia Wrecked Lebanon
*An excerpt from, "Towards a new war in Lebanon" By Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, March 15, 2016: * *The second crisis began with the cancellation of the 3 billion dollar gift from Saudi Arabia to the Lebanese Army. *In reality, this «gift» was the payment to the Lebanese Army for having destroyed the testimony of Majed el-Majed upon his arrest during his ambulance transfer on the 26th December 2013. The famous terrorist was Prince Bandar Ben Sultan’s representative for the Levant. He was suspected of knowing personally all of the politicians who secretly supported the jihadi... more »
History of U.S.- Iran Relations Since 1950: A Tragedy
The audio is not perfect, but it is listenable. *Title: History of U.S.- Iran Relations Since 1950: A Tragedy (Part 1). Source: readchesterton1. Date Published: March 7, 2012. Description: * This is an informative speech I gave on U. S. - Iran relations in downtown Lynchburg, Virginia. Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5:
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 16, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad enter a hall during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, October 20, 2015. (REUTERS/Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti/Kremlin) *Maria Snegovaya, Washington Post:* *Putin can’t last forever. Will a post-Putin Russia look like Syria today?* Russian politicians often suggest that a post-Putin future would look like Syria’s: a bloody civil war. During his address to the United Nations in 2015, for example, Putin suggested that the export of so-called democratic revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa le... more »
Obama Sanctions North Korea for Nuclear, Missile Tests
[image: A TV screen shows a file footage of the missile launch conducted by North Korea, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, March 10, 2016. North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Thursday, South Korea's military said.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama levied sanctions against North Korea on Wednesday in response to the reclusive country’s recent “illicit” nuclear and ballistic missile tests. The sanctions blocks certain transactions on property belonging to the North Korean government and... more »
Emails: EPA Chief Warned Flint Crisis Could Get ‘Very Big’
[image: Chaffetz2 - 900] As university researchers and local doctors went public with concerns of drinking water lead contamination in Flint, Michigan, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy ordered some top staff members to focus on the matter and said it could “get... more »
The Psychic Roots of Tyranny
*Alex Vandenberg* - A psychic split has emerged within the collective consciousness of humanity. The post The Psychic Roots of Tyranny appeared first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- March 16, 2016 (Evening Edition)
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva gives a statement to the media after being detained for questioning in a federal investigation of a bribery and money laundering scheme in Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 4, 2016. REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker *AFP*: *Facing graft charges, Brazil's Lula joins government in crisis* Brasília (AFP) - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff named her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva her chief of staff Wednesday, sparing him possible arrest for corruption as she seeks to fend off the crisis rocking Latin America's biggest country. The two leftists... more »
Quote of the Day: Destroying jobs with protectionism
*“Trump says he wants to save American jobs with protectionist policies such as tariffs. Some people object and say that yes, but foreign retaliation will destroy jobs. “This isn't good enough, and it isn't accurate. “It is not a matter of jobs saved due to American protectionism VERSUS jobs lost due to foreign retaliation. It is jobs destroyed by American protectionism AND jobs destroyed by foreign retaliation.”* ~ Keith Weiner Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
March 16: Not a good day for the Irving press.
There is no news in Section A. The editorial is about the old Moncton High which was too expensive to repair--- so we built a new one--- but now we've discovered the old one can be repaired--- so we can put the library in it--- but the library doesn't want to go there----- so we can sell it as an office/warehouse in a residential district--- or maybe we can make it something else that's been suggested---- but we don't know what it is. Ever get the feeling that there's something fishy about this? Of course, I can't imagine the original closing of the school and building of a new on... more »
George Osborne and Political Risk
And so the Tories' self-described political genius got up to deliver his budget speech this afternoon, he probably knew his announcement about added tax on sugary drinks would attract disproportionate coverage. It's more likely to be an audience question on tomorrow's *Question Time* than the hammering disabled people have taken, which of course was not part of Osborne's calculations at all. Apart from that it was an *interesting* budget. It was one part decadent, just like last summer's statement, because it still does not address Britain's underlying economic weakness, and one pa... more »
*Title: THE REAL TRUTH OF ISLAM: William Federer. Source: Fellowship Church. Date Published: October 13, 2014. Description: * Noted Author and Historian William Federer is the host of "American Minute," heard on radio stations nationwide. He is also host of television's "Faith In History!" In this video message, Mr. Federer gives us a very brief look at the history and founding of the Islamic religion, and reveals many of the incredible 'Islamic' events that shaped the history of Christianity, Western Civilization, and the United States of America itself! From the 'Dark Ages, Sl... more »
A small but interesting ATLAS gluino/stop excess
The LHC is continuing its powering tests and the schedule says that on Tuesday, March 29th, after the Easter, the beam should be resuscitated just like Jesus Christ and it should return to the ring. Meanwhile, ATLAS and CMS are releasing additional papers. Most of them show good agreement with the Standard Model or less than 2-sigma excesses. But... But the ATLAS paper Search for top squarks in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in \(\sqrt{s} = 13\TeV\) \(pp\) collisions of ATLAS data released a few hours ago is interesting although the ... more »
Alert to the possibility that he may not gain sufficient delegates from the primaries to avoid a ‘contested convention’ – which may not give him the nomination, Trump warns of “riots” if he is not made the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. He’s not at all unaware of what he’s saying here. Not exactly a *direct* threat. But as Robert Tracinski sagely observes, we all know what he means: *Nice country you got there, be a shame if something were to happen to it.* *.* Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug... more »
Black Women Feel Jilted by Obama With Supreme Court Pick
[image: Merrick Garland1 - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Black women’s groups said Wednesday they feel President Barack Obama jilted them by choosing someone other than a black woman as his newest nominee for the Supreme Court. Obama chose federal appeals court Chief Judge Merrick Garland,... more »
Court: Inmate Who Survived ’09 Execution Can Be Put to Death
[image: This undated Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction photo shows death row inmate Romell Broom, whose 2009 botched execution was called off after two hours. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled 4-3 on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, that the state can try to put Broom to death again, rejecting arguments that giving the state prisons agency a second chance would amount to cruel and unusual punishment and double jeopardy.] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The state can try again to put to death a condemned killer whose 2009 botched execution was called off after two hours, the Ohio Supreme C... more »
Attorneys seek clemency for Leonard Peltier
. 15 March 2016 Contact: Peter Clark, International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, 202 Harvard SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106, (505) 217-3612; contact@whoisleonardpeltier.info Attorneys seek clemency for Leonard Peltier On February 17, 2016, attorneys for Leonard Peltier submitted a formal application for executive clemency to the Office of the Pardon Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice.
Mayoral candidate says housing should grow ‘out’
Great to see an Auckland mayoral candidate recognising that if house-price inflation be tackled, then the city has to be ready to grow out. Au *ckland mayoral candidate John Palino is calling for the removal of the urban-rural boundary to improve housing affordability. The boundary, known as the metropolitan urban limit, was restricting land supply in Auckland and driving up house prices for ideological reasons, Mr Palino said today.* And he’s right, you know, it does, and is: - Land just inside this “urban fence” costs around ten times land just outside. For virtuall... more »
Known Nazi Collaborator Hates Trump
*War criminal George Soros is doing the work of ISIS in Syria and of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.* *Title: Known Nazi Collaborator Hates Trump. Source: The Alex Jones Channel. Date Published: March 16, 2016. Description: * Known Nazi collaborator George Soros hates Donald Trump and is afraid of a Donald Trump presidency.
President Obama's Greatest Foreign Policy Achievement: No More Netanyahu Visits
*Killed Bin Laden: Who cares. Ended the Iraq war: Who cares. Made peace with Iran: Who cares. Stop Netanyahu from visiting and lecturing America: Finally, President Obama has lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize.* *An excerpt from, "AIPAC Is Coming to Town" By Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review, March 15, 2016: * Nothing illustrates the unbridgeable abyss between the media/talking head vision of Israel promoted by the Israel Lobby and folks like Hillary and the real thing more than the recent embarrassments and indignities being delivered by the Netanyahu government, which AIPAC really re... more »
Who is Defending the Rights of Women - Sanders vs Clinton
*Title: Who is Defending the Rights of Women - Sanders vs Clinton. Source: TheRealNews. Date Published: March 16, 2016. Description: * Susanna Walters says Clinton has a record of defending women and is the better candidate; Jan Rodolfo says Sanders Medicare for All and other policies that promote economic equality is what women really need.
Self-Sufficiency, Not Government Spending, Should Be the Measure of Antipoverty Progress
[image: wiping windows - 900] This week President Barack Obama's Department of Health and Human Services reached the startling conclusion that if massive welfare programs such as food stamps and the refundable earned income credit are counted as income, poverty is reduced. This should be... more »
Syrian Kurds Are Planning To Announce A Federal Region In Northern Syria
*New York Times*: *Syrian Kurds Hope to Establish a Federal Region in Country’s North* BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syrian Kurdish parties are working on a plan to declare a federal region across much of northern Syria, several of their representatives said on Wednesday. They said their aim was to formalize the semiautonomous zone they have established during five years of war and to create a model for decentralized government throughout the country. If they move ahead with the plan, they will be dipping a toe into the roiling waters of debate over two proposals to redraw the Middle East map... more »
As Predicted, Here Come the Gay Bullies
[image: bully - 900] For more than a decade, I've been warning that those who came out of the closet -- meaning, gay activists -- want to put conservative Christians in the closet. I've been saying that, in the LGBT activist lexicon, "tolerance" means the intolerance... more »
Don't conflate PKK terrorism with the Kurdish people- A "Kurdish Spring"
International media outlets keep wrongly portraying Turkey's war with PKK militants as a battle against the Kurdish community of the country International media conducts itself in a dishonest manner, always.* Assad was attacking "his own people" according to the media*. *That was not the case*. *Ghadafi was attacking Libyans who wanted freedom **. LIE. **According to the lying NATO media, msm and alt, Turkey is waging a war against the Kurd. **Just another media lie. * *FACT:The PKK is waging a war against Turkey, and it's people, including resident Kurds. The PKK waged a war again... more »
Video: ADHD -The Drugging Of Our Children
A recent study published in the Journal of Paediatrics suggested that many children are being needlessly prescribed drugs to combat ADHD, when in fact they are just immature. Dangerous psychotropic drugs like Ritalin are widely used to treat children that are frequently misdiagnosed, yet it has been revealed that these drugs are not only ineffective but they also cause the child to suffer even further health problems. There are so many other problems that can look like ADHD, but far too often there is a rush to get a diagnose which prevents the exclusion of other possible causes. Tr... more »
That Merrick Garland Nomination-- Yuck!
Despite fulsome praise from the carefully orchestrated Democratic lapdog organizations, progressives are anything but impressed with Merrick Garland... although many progressives *are* impressed with President Obama's revitalization of his multi-dimensional chess game against the Senate Republicans. The video from Fox News above is important to watch if you want to follow and comprehend this kabuki theater as it unfolds over the next few months. As Fox's "senior judicial analyst," Judge Andrew Napolitano, explained above, "Garland is the consummate Washington, DC insider [and] th... more »
Police negligence disentitled Crown to adjournment
1. R v Josephee 2016 NUCJ 8: [12] In our free and democratic society, police and prosecutors are entrusted with tremendous legal power and discretion. On a day-to- day basis, both institutions operate as independent agencies of the state. Their employees are sworn to uphold the law, and to protect the public. In recognition of the difficult roles they play, each agency is afforded special protections to secure their independence from outside interference. The delegation of this power and discretion, though, also comes with a corresponding res... more »
Obama Audaciously Nominates Far Left Judge to Replace Conservative Icon Scalia
[image: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Chief Judge Merrick B. Garland is introduced by U.S. President Barack Obama as the nominee for the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden at the White House March 16, 2016 in Washington, DC. Merrick currently serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and if confirmed by the US Senate, would replace Antonin Scalia who died suddenly last month.] President Obama has nominated a very far left-wing judge to replace the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. Me... more »
Executives Received Massive Salaries From Failed Obamacare Co-Ops
[image: Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare, Health Insurance, Healthcare] Thirty-four top executives at 10 failed Obamacare co-ops were paid a whopping combined $8,211,384 in 2014, according to 990 tax forms obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. New York had the highest total, having paid four of its employees an... more »
“Hottest seasonally adjusted month EVER!”
[image: featured-image] The guitarist in *Spinal Tap* gets his amp to go louder by turning it up to ‘11.’ See. NASA achieve a “record highest temperature” by relying on a weather pattern: an El Nino, and then blaming it all on us. That’s like turning it up to 20. They did it back in 1998 when an unexpectedy powerful EL Nino drove temperattures to what they called then “record highs.” (They weren’t, they were still below temperatures from the 1940s.) They’re doing it again this year. From Radio New Zealand, who reported the news gleefully: *Last year's global average te... more »
Campaign watch: Two ways of describing Trump voters!
*WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016Puzzled again by the Times:* Once again, we ask a basic question: What are Trump supporters like? Why do millions of our fellow citizens plan to vote for Candidate Trump? Yesterday morning, the Washington Post's Stephanie McCrummen took a humane approach to this important question. On the front page of the Post, she penned a 2200-word profile of Ralph Case, a 38-year-old Trump supporter from North Canton, Ohio. There are problems with this kind of reporting, of course. Ralph Case is just one person. Even if McCrummen is able to learn what makes him tick,... more »
Theresa May’s Cleavage Sparks Debate On Budget Day
The dress worn by Home Secretary Theresa May during the 2016 budget in Parliament on Wednesday has caused a debate. Observers of George Osborne’s 2016 budget were distracted by the appearance of the Home Secretary sitting next to the Chancellor in a cleavage-boosting red outfit. The Mirror reports: As George Osborne ploughed through the budget, delivering a string of figures about the economy’s growth, it is hardly suprising some minds started to wander. And when Mrs May was wearing a striking red dress right next to him it was hardly surprising she caught the eye. People following ...more »
Disability Benefits Slashed To Fund Tax Cut For The Rich
British chancellor George Osborne is going to raise almost £4.4 billion from his cuts to disabled peoples benefit to fund a tax cut for the rich. The cruel blow to around 640,000 people who receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP) will be even worse than charities and the Labour party had predicted. Jeremy Corbyn criticised this years Budget saying it showed the Chancellor had failed to balance the books of Britain’s finances. The Mirror reports: When the move was announced last week, Iain Duncan Smith claimed it was a minor tweak worth £1.2billion to how benefits are calculated... more »
Top U.S. Army General: 'Military Will Face A High Level Of Risk In A War Against China, Russia, Iran, Or North Korea'
Gen. Mark Milley *WNU Editor*: AP is carrying the story .... *General says Army at high risk in war against China, Russia* (AP).
Mitch McConnell Won’t Consider Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee
[image: Merrick Garland - 900] Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he won't consider President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, much to the dismay of Democrats. The commander in chief announced his pick to replace conservative Justice Antonin Scalia -- who died in February at... more »
3.6 Million People Take To The Streets, Demand Revolution In Brazil
*Title: 3.6 Million People Take To The Streets, Demand Revolution In Brazil. Source: WeAreChange. Date Published: March 16, 2016. Description:* In this video Luke Rudkowski reports on the revolution taking place in Brazil right now as 3.6 million people took to the streets this week. People demand the resignation of the current president, end of the political system, end of police corruption and to stop putting the upcoming Olympics ahead of its people.
Major Websites Infected By Malicious Adverts
Ransomware has been found in malicious adverts displayed by major news and high-traffic websites. Visitors who used the sites over the weekend could have infected their computers with malware and ransomware. PC Mag reports: As first reported by Trustwave, and confirmed by several other security firms, these and other sites—including AOL, MSN, Answers.com, ZeroHedge.com, and Infolinks.com—were hit by malicious ads served up by once-legitimate networks that were taken over by scammers. “It seems that an experienced actor has acquired an expired domain of a small but probably legitimat... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* A pair of mathematicians have discovered a prime number conspiracy JOHN McAFEE: Hacker group Anonymous just declared war on Trump — here's why he'll soon have a different view of cybersecurity Why Do Americans Consume 80 Percent Of All Prescription Painkillers? Head Of Brazilian Central Bank Ready To Quit Amid Political Insanity UNICEF Donates Water Every Time You Don't Use Your Phone Largest U.S. Coal Producer Skips Interest Payment, Warns Of Bankruptcy; Stock Crashes Deutsche Bank Tumbles After CEO Says Bank Won't Be Profitable This Year US Industrial Producti... more »
Britain has a new tax.
Governments tax tobacco to discourage people smoking. They have “carbon taxes” to discourage emissions of carbon dioxide. And the British Government has announced overnight it will now be taxing soft drinks, to discourage Britons drinking so much sugar. Taxes like these are levied to discourage a particular activity the government would like to discourage. And they do. So my question is: *What on earth do they think taxes on business do?* And does the implication of that bother them in any way at all? . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission...more »
‘Ariadne,’ by John William Waterhouse
[image: john_william_waterhouse_gallery_26_large_27a] Ariadne was King Minos’s daughter, who in legend helped Theseus slay the Minotaur and save the would-be sacrificial victims. (Among other assistance, it was her who suggested Theseus unspool a roll of thread to help him find his way back through the labyrinth.) Waterhouse captures the moment, after a whirlwind romance and elopment, Theseus abandons her on Naxos – to be later rediscovered by Dionysus, the god of wine whose symbol was a leopard. You can see him already prowling at the end of her bed. But what about that *othe... more »
Casey Camp joins Amazonian Women for Defense of Earth
by WECAN International Dear Friends and Allies, Last week, a Women's Earth and Climate Action Network delegation joined Indigenous women of the Ecuadorian Amazon for a historic International Women's Day mobilization in the jungle town of Puyo and the country's capital, Quito. Women leaders
Turkey Has Gone To Hell Under Muslim Tyrant Erdogan
A virtually *nationwide* ban in #Turkey on celebrations of the Kurdish New Year (March 20). https://t.co/ikDAPdsrw0 — IrmakYenisehirlioglu (@Irmak_Ye) March 16, 2016 Turkey has gone to hell, just like Iran did in 1979. It's very sad. Another Middle East country bites the Islamic dust. Turkey and Iran went from secular tyrants Ataturk and the Shah to religious tyrants the Caliph Erdogan and the Shia Imam. Syria and Libya will suffer the same fate. The Saudi/Turkish/NATO-led ISIS terrorist groups have teared both countries apart, and nothing in Geneva will stop that process because... more »
Argentina Sinks Chinese Fishing Boat After It Attempted To Ram A Coast Guard Ship
*CNN:* *Argentina sinks Chinese vessel, cites illegal fishing* Buenos Aires (CNN)Argentina's coast guard says it sank a Chinese fishing vessel that was fishing in a restricted area off the South American country's coast. The Argentine Naval Prefecture chased and eventually sank the Lu Yan Yuan Yu 010 vessel after detecting it illegally fishing within the country's exclusive economic zone, officials said Tuesday. First, according to a statement from the Argentine coast guard, warning shots were fired. The Chinese vessel, Argentine authorities said, responded by turning off its lig... more »
Syrian Rebel Spy Chief: Claims CIA Ignored Intelligence On The Rise Of The Islamic State
*Daily Mail:* *CIA has ignored intelligence on ISIS since 2013 and could have halted its rise when it only had a handful of recruits, Syrian rebel spy chief claims* * Syrian rebel spy chief says the CIA has ignored his operatives' intelligence * He claimed he has provided GPS coordinates, photos and phone numbers * But when he asked the CIA if they were used, he received 'zero response' * The spy chief claimed his network received $10,000 a month from the U.S. The CIA has ignored crucial intelligence since 2013 from within ISIS ranks that could have helped prevent its rise, a Syrian ... more »
These Are The Most Wanted Members Of The Islamic State
MOST WANTED: Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and five top commanders. Daily Star *Tara John, Time*: *These Are the Most Wanted Members of ISIS* And why picking off top leaders won't be enough U.S. forces killed another to ISIS leader this week, but experts say removing top officials won’t be enough to take the terror organization down. The U.S.-led coalition against ISIS confirmed the death on Tuesday of one of the group’s biggest operatives, Omar al-Shishani. The Georgian national, who is also known as Omar the Chechen, is believed to have died from injuries sustained in a U.S. ... more »
Building social science knowledge on public attitudes and autonomous weapons
This is a guest post from Michael C. Horowitz (@mchorowitz), Associate Professor of Political Science and Associate Director of Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania Last week, Charli Carpenter published an important piece advancing the conversation about public attitudes, public conscience, and autonomous weapons. Her post critiqued my recent article in Research & Politics on public […]
Iran’s Executions and Human Rights Abuses Reach Record Levels After Nuclear Deal
[image: Protesters hold a weekly vigil against Iran's human rights violations and political executions on March 6, 2010 at Trafalgar Square in Westminster, London.] Iran showed few signs of moderating its human rights policies after inking a nuclear agreement with the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany last July. The Islamic Republic engaged in several human rights abuses and executed nearly... more »
General Says Army at High Risk in War Against China, Russia
[image: A U.S. Army Soldier, assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade, returns fire with an M240L machine gun during Exercise Sky Soldier 16, at Chinchilla Training Area, Spain, Feb. 29, 2016.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Army’s top general says military forces on the ground face a high level of risk if the United States gets into a large-scale conflict against a power such as Russia or China. Testifying Wednesday on Capitol... more »
Egyptian Christian Teens Sentenced to Prison for Mocking ISIS
[image: Three male family members who are also Coptic Christians put their arms together and display their Coptic cross tattoos. Most of Egypt's several million Christians have these wrist tattoos.] A top human rights group is fighting to save Egyptian Christian teenagers sentenced to prison for making a video mocking ISIS. Human Rights Watch called on Egypt to release four teenagers Monday convicted of “blasphemy” for making a video mocking ISIS, the Associated Press reports. The video... more »
Oxford Professor Wins £500,000 For Proving Old Math Equation
University of Oxford professor Sir Andrew Wiles has solved an old mathematical problem and been awarded the Abel Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in the field. Sir Andrew Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem also earned him the prize of £500,000 for proving a theory that has bewildered mathematicians since it was proposed by its creator nearly 400 years ago, and who ran out of jotting paper before finishing the proof of his own theory. Tech Times reports: Sir Andrew Wiles, a 62-year-old number theorist, was awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters with the ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'NYS Troopers 2006 Report'
Paul Ryan Won't Shut The Door On Contested GOP Convention
*An excerpt from, "We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official" by Matthew J. Belvedere, CNBC, March 16, 2016:* Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories. "The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held. Title: ... more »
Argentinian Navy Sinks Chinese Boat For Fishing Illegally
Argentina has announced that one of its warships sank a Chinese-flagged boat that was fishing illegally in Argentinian national waters. They said that four people on the boat were rescued and arrested as sailors shot holes into the boat’s hull, causing it to sink. China has meanwhile expressed its serious concern to Argentina and the government has called for an investigation. Al Jazeera reports: The navy statement said on Tuesday that the boat was intercepted a day earlier off the coast of Puerto Madryn, about 1,460km south of Buenos Aires. The statement said the boat did not heed ... more »
"U.S. Becomes Laughingstock of World for Something Other Than Gun Laws"
*"U.S. Becomes Laughingstock of World for Something Other Than Gun Laws"* by Andy Borowitz MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)— "In an indication of shifting global attitudes toward the United States, the nation has become the laughingstock of the world for something other than its gun laws, a new survey of foreigners indicates. According to the survey, which was conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, America’s gun laws, which used to inspire the most derision toward the country from people around the world, now place a distant second. In another startl...more »
Marco Rubio Suspends Campaign; Says ‘It’s Not God’s Plan’
[image: U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida speaking at the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on March 5, 2016 in National Harbor, Maryland.] Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio suspended his campaign Tuesday night following his defeat in Florida’s primary, a winner-take-all caucus that awarded all delegates to Donald Trump. In his concession speech from Miami, Rubio thanked supporters for fighting a good fight. He...more »
Did Racism Cost Trump Delegates in Illinois?
[image: Donald Trump in Iowa] Donald Trump appears to have lost out a few delegates he probably should have won in Illinois, all because GOP voters were apparently wary of voting for people with unusual names like Nabi Fakroddin. In Illinois, only a handful of delegates were... more »
“Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked:” A confession from John Ioannidis
John Ioannidis is perhaps best known for a 2005 paper “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.” One of the most highly cited researchers in the world, Ioannidis, a professor at Stanford, has built a career in the field of meta-research. Earlier this month, he published a heartfelt and provocative essay in the the Journal […] The post “Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked:” A confession from John Ioannidis appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Economy: “Bigger Than a Bear Market”
*“Bigger Than a Bear Market”* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "Again, not much movement in the U.S. stock market. All eyes were on U.S. politics. The Ides of March came… and yea, went… with poor Marco Rubio out of the race. Yes, it was “Goodbye, Rubio Tuesday”… leaving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton way ahead of the pack in the race to win their parties’ nominations. Meanwhile, a dear reader wrote in to complain that the Dow was up some 1,500 points since he acted on our gloomy view… and sold out of the market. But we hold to our opinion: This ship is sinking. As an investor, you face... more »
In Memorandum: Rachel Corrie - MURDERED By Criminal Israeli IDF Forces On This Day, March 16th, 2003
Today is a solemn day in history... On this day, March 16th, 2003, an innocent American working for the Palestinian Solidarity Movement in the Israeli occupied Gaza Strip, Rachel Corrie, was murdered by the criminal and psychotic Israeli Defense Forces... Rachel was crushed by an American built and paid for "armored" Bulldozer while trying to prevent the wrongful demolition of a Palestinian doctor's home in the Gazan city of Rafah... It was a travesty and an outright act of cold blooded murder.... To honor Rachel once again, I want to present the fabulously done video "Rachel Corrie... more »
Karuk Tribe, Allies add Forest Service to Lawsuit Protecting Salmon
Karuk Tribe, Allies Add Forest Service to Lawsuit Protecting Salmon by Dan Bacher Censored News The Karuk Tribe and four environmental groups today expanded their complaint challenging the Westside Post Fire logging plan to include the United States Forest Service and Klamath National Forest over allegations that they violated federal law protecting imperiled salmon and their
Obama Nominates Merrick Garland To U.S. Supreme Court
President Barack Obama has announced federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland as his nomination for the vacancy at the U.S. Supreme Court left by the passing away of Justice Antonin Scalia. Mass Live reports: The president, who appeared with Garland for the morning Rose Garden announcement, praised the 63-year-old Washington lawyer and jurist’s history of public service as a federal prosecutor, his work for the Department of Justice and as the chief judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Stressing that he took the nomination process seriously, O... more »
Budget 2016: Britain Introduces Sugar Tax On Soft Drinks
Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer unveiled a new tax on sugary drinks as part of the 2016 budget. George Osborne said drinks with more than five grams of sugar per 100 milliliters will be taxed saying that sugary drinks serve as “one of the biggest contributors to childhood obesity” Drinks will fall into two bands, one for total sugar content above 5g per 100ml, and a second, higher band for the most sugary drinks with more than 8g per 100ml. The tax which is to be imposed on the makers of sugary soft drinks, will come into force in 2018. “I can announce that we will introduce a ... more »
Preparing for War with Russia Over Arctic
US and Norwegian pilots boast about their helicopters during NATO war exercise Cold Response 2016 held in Norway near the Russian border. The US-NATO military operation is preparing for war with Russia over control of the Arctic Ocean as climate change allows for oil corporation drilling due to melting ice. The US-NATO are routinely leaving many weapons systems in Norway after the war games thus building up stockpiles for later use.
Oregon to Ban Coal Completely for Energy Generation
*Dirty coal is going down in Oregon (source)* *by Gaius Publius* Short and very sweet. There are two states that don't use coal at all to generate energy, Vermont and Hawaii. All of the rest burn some coal, and no state has banned coal completely; until now; until Oregon. My emphasis below: *Coal phased out* *Oregon governor signs landmark bill* PORTLAND, Ore. – With the stroke of Gov. Kate Brown’s signature Friday, *Oregon became the first state to eradicate coal from its power supply through legislation* and now boasts some of the most stringent demands for renewable energy amo... more »
EU GHG Emissions Stats
By Paul Homewood Under the Paris Climate Treaty, the EU has committed to reduce emissions of GHG by 40% from 1990 levels by 2030. Let’s tale a look at progress so far. The latest available numbers from Eurostat are for 2012: Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU- 28 (including international aviation but […]
These 4 Nations Prove Decriminalization Works Better than Prohibition
* Kristen Gwynne* - These countries are leading the way out of the drug war. The post These 4 Nations Prove Decriminalization Works Better than Prohibition appeared first on Waking Times.
Israeli PM Netanyahu Will See Putin But Not Obama
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu And Russian President Putin *Times Of Israel*: *Netanyahu to visit Kremlin to talk security, Putin tells Rivlin* President Reuven Rivlin and Vladimir Putin hold a short press conference before they meet in the Kremlin, with Putin saying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will also visit Moscow soon to discuss defense issues. “The ties between our countries are based on friendship and mutual understanding,” Putin says, according to Haaretz. “Israel has 1.5 million Russian citizens who speak Russian and have Russian culture. The number of Russian tou... more »
After Super Tuesday 2 — Can We Unite Even When Disagreeing? What Does that Feel Like?
[image: Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) gets a hug from his family following a primary night rally on March 15, 2016 in Miami, Florida. Rubio announced he was suspending his campaign after losing his home state of Florida to Republican rival Donald Trump. In an impassioned speech, Rubio called for unity among conservatives.] Everyone interested in the Republican presidential primary hopes that at some point we can pull together. But at this point, it's getting harder and harder to see how that will happen. The challenge to resolve deep differences te... more »
NATO (via member Turkey) destroying Peace Agreement
*Syrian Balkanization* You can't have it both ways, folks. Well...maybe in the two dimensional world of the Western Presstitute media you can. But only there. In the real three dimensional world...you're either supportive of something--or you are not. The US agreed to the Syrian Peace Treaty which was initiated by Russia. Living in the three dimensional world as it does, Russia announced a few days ago it was withdrawing it's military, with the exception of personnel manning two bases, one of which it has held for decades. IMO, the sole reason for this move was to shore up the P... more »
Argentina: A Community of Earthbound "Pleiadans"?
*Source: El Popular.pe (Perú)Date: November 16, 2015* *Argentina: A Community of Earthbound "Pleiadans"?* Less than 70 miles from the provincial seat of Salta, between the communities of Cachi and La Poma, along Route 40, can be found a "Pleiadan base" whose occupants claim to be the embodiment of extraterrestrial beings from some distant corner of the universe. Amid messages and entreaties to return to primitive simplicity, the residents claim having reached this northern Argentinean province to herald "the end of an evolutionary cycle". Reaching this location is not easy, as t... more »
Iain Duncan Smith Is ‘Proud’ Of Tories Record On Disability Benefits
Iain Duncan Smith says he is proud of his governments record on disability benefits,. Yes, he had the gall to say that despite his government making cuts to two key support streams that were meant for disabled people. The Independent reports: The Government last week voted to take £30 a week from disabled people claiming Employment Support Allowance in the so-called “work-related activity group”. It is now proceeding with cuts to the Personal Independence Payment which will see payments reduced for people who need adapted equipment to live independent lives. But Mr Duncan Smith defe... more »
Campaign Latest: Nikki Haley Says Her Prayer Is With Cruz Campaign
[image: Nikki Haley discussing the FY 2017 Executive Budget on January 15, 2016.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The latest on the race for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations a day after critical primaries in five states (all times local): 5:00 p.m. Exit polls from Tuesday’s primaries are suggesting that Democratic voters aren’t willing... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZDC1QvMhNs
"Prescription Painkiller Crisis: Why Do Americans Consume 80 Percent Of All Prescription Painkillers?"
*"Prescription Painkiller Crisis: * *Why Do Americans Consume 80 Percent Of All Prescription Painkillers?"* By Michael Snyder "If Americans are so happy, then why do we consume 80 percent of the entire global supply of prescription painkillers? Less than 5 percent of the world’s population lives in this country, and yet we buy four-fifths of these highly addictive drugs. In the United States today, approximately 4.7 million Americans are addicted to prescription pain relievers, and that represents about a 300 percent increase since 1999. If you personally know someone that is suffer... more »
When Did Russia Make The Decision To Withdraw Its Forces From Syria?
A Russian military jet takes off from the country's air base in Hmeymin, Syria to head back to Russia, part of a partial withdrawal ordered by President Vladimir Putin, in this still image taken from video March 15, 2016. REUTERS/Russian Ministry of Defence via REUTERS TV *Defense News*:* Jordan Says It Knew of Russian Drawdown Plan in Syria* DUBAI — Despite Gulf Cooperation Council states remaining silent about Russia's unexpected drawdown from Syria, their staunch ally Jordan has stated that their government has known about President Putin's plans. A Jordanian official said that ... more »
Russia Has Already Flown Out Half Of Its Syrian Strike Force
Participants attend a ceremony to welcome Russian military jets and pilots upon their arrival from Syria at an airbase in Buturlinovka in Voronezh region, Russia, in this still image taken from video March 15, 2016. REUTERS/Russian Ministry of Defence *Reuters*: *Russia flies out almost half Syria strike force: Reuters analysis* Just under half of Russia's fixed-wing strike force based in Syria has flown out of the country in the past two days, according to a Reuters calculation which suggests the Kremlin is accelerating its partial withdrawal. President Vladimir Putin on Monday... more »
World News Briefs -- March 16, 2016
*IBTimes:* *John Kerry To Visit Moscow To Discuss Syria Conflict After Russia’s Pullout* U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is set to visit Russia next week to hold discussions on the Syrian crisis following Russia’s move to withdraw most of its forces from the conflict-torn country, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported. Meanwhile, a member from the European parliament told Russia’s Sputnik news that Moscow will continue to play a key role in the ongoing reconciliation process in Syria after it withdrew its Aerospace Forces from Syria. *Read more* .... *MIDDLE EAST* U.S., allies... more »
"Have An Itch?"
"Have an itch? Simple- rub poison ivy over the rest of your body, so that all the skin contributes its fair share to a unified, and more hopeful, future. That's top-level political thinking right there." - Jarod Kintz
Authorship, funding misstatements force retraction of satellite study
Remote Sensing Letters has retracted a 2015 paper by a pair of researchers in China because the duo was in fact a solo, and the manuscript lied about its funding source. The article, “A novel method of feature extraction and fusion and its application in satellite images classification,” purportedly was written by Da Lin and Xin […] The post Authorship, funding misstatements force retraction of satellite study appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Rifle Found at El Chapo Hideout Tied to Fast and Furious
[image: Obama El Chapo - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of the guns that Mexican officials say was found at the hideout of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera has been found to be associated with Fast and Furious, a failed “gun-walking” operation, according to... more »
EINSTEIN MAKES EINSTEIN EASY: Ways to sell a difficult book!
*WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016Part 2—A certain claim quickly emerged:* Albert Einstein never quite said that he could make Einstein easy. It's true that, in 1916, he wrote a short book about relativity, a slender volume which was aimed at the non-scientific reader. Even there, as noted yesterday, Einstein stated in his preface that constructive use of his text would require "a fair amount of patience and force of will on the part of the reader." We'd call that a bit of a warning. At the end of his preface, Einstein once again seemed to reject the idea that he could make Einstein easy.... more »
Government/The Economy: “H.L. Mencken Was Right”
*“H.L. Mencken Was Right”* by George Washington “I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.” – H.L. Mencken "H.L. Mencken was a renowned newspaper columnist for the Baltimore Sun from 1906 until 1948. His biting sarcasm seems to fit perfectly in today’s world. His acerbic satirical writings on government, democracy, politicians and the ignorant masses are as true today as they were then. I believe the reason his words hit home is because he was writing during... more »
The Snoopers’ Charter Has Cleared Its First Hurdle In Parliament
Amid fierce criticism, the Investigatory Powers Bill, best known as the Snoopers’ Charter, passed its second reading in the UK’s lower house of Parliament on Tuesday. The House of Commons gave its blessing 281-15 to with all the main opposition parties deciding to abstain from voting rather than opposing the bill. They say that the legislation needs extensive amendments before being signed into law. During the public review session a number of prominent politicians voiced strong opposition to the bill, claiming that it was likely illegal and did not include sufficient safeguards. In... more »
President Obama Nominates Federal Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
[image: Federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland, right, stands with President Barack Obama as he is introduced as Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court during an announcement in the Rose Garden of the White House, in Washington, Wednesday, March 16, 2016. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama said Wednesday he would nominate appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, urging Republicans to approve a long-time jurist and former prosecutor known as “one of America’s sharpest legal minds.” Garland, 63,... more »
Do you know that Janet Yellen has been guiding the Fed based on these faked data? It's like the enginer of a train being told the track ahead is clear when actually another train coming the other way. Moreover, many people who make their money on the stock market believe that the latest drops in the major markets are just minor glichs, whereas in truth the market is doomed to crash for the reasons Paul Craig Roberts explains below. So if you have positions in the stock markets, you should take your money out now and/or buy into quality gold and silver shares.
------------------------------ *Another Phony Jobs Report * ------------------------------ March 6, 2016 | Original Here | Use original if you wish to receive his newsletter via email Another Phony Jobs Report *And if true it is damning* The monthly payroll jobs reports have become a bad joke. No growth in real retail sales, but 55,000 retail trade new jobs in February. No growth in real consumer income, but 40,000 more waitresses and bartenders. 86,000 new jobs in Education, health services, and social assistance. February is a strange month to be hiring new teachers. If February b... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 16, 2016
*Voice of America*:* Pentagon: Tight Budgets Harming US Military Readiness* CAPITOL HILL — Top officials from four branches of the U.S. military said Tuesday that tight defense budgets have strained their ability to replenish capacity from two wars, meet current demands and assure readiness for future conflicts. “We are consuming readiness as fast as we are building it,” General Daniel Allyn, the Army's vice chief of staff, said in testimony before a Senate Armed Services subcommittee. “Twenty-five years of continuous combat, coupled with budget instability and lower-than-planned ... more »
Iraq Brings In The Draft To Wage War Against The Islamic State
Mohammed Ameen / Reuters *NBC:* *Iraq Military Seeks Draft for First Time Since Fall of Saddam Hussein* Iraq's embattled military chiefs announced they will try to impose conscription for the first time since the fall of Saddam Hussein. The draft law would be sent to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the country's parliament for approval. The country's forces have struggled to defeat ISIS extremists who have taken over swathes of the county. ISIS' advances have been a huge embarrassment for the Iraqi military as soldiers retreated en masse from some of the front lines and extrem... more »
Syria: US Should Tell Turkey & Saudi Arabia To Stop Funding Terrorists
The political and media adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said it is now time for the US to put pressure on Turkey and Saudi Arabia to stop supporting the terrorists that are wreaking havoc in Syria. According to Press TV, Bouthaina Shaaban made the remarks during an interview with the Lebanon-based al-Mayadeen television channel on Tuesday, a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that “the main part” of the Russian forces would start to withdraw from Syria. “The ball is now in the United States’ court and the next step will be American pressure on Turk...more »
More On The Islamic State’s Participation In Iraq’s Dollar Exchanges
It’s been reported several times that the Islamic State is taking part in Iraq’s dollar exchanges to earn hard currency. At the end of 2014 the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department warnedthe Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) that IS was buying up dollars at its auctions. The U.S. even stopped delivering dollars to Iraq in the summer of 2015 to push the Bank towards reform. In response the CBI issuednew rules, fined banks, and banned 142 money exchanges from the auctions. Iraq has weak enforcement however, so the Bank’s actions have not stopped IS from being able to buy dollars. ... more »
Abhorrent views
My nose measurements are: 4.5 centimetres from root to tip, or if you like, 6 cm from bridge -navigating the nasal tip - to the point where nose joins upper lip. It’s difficult to measure something like a nose, with no hard edges and no precise beginning or end. Anyway, I thought you might be interested, because I’m going to talk about antisemitism again. It’s exasperating that while even the BBC has started noticing the antisemitism in the Labour party, most people are still tiptoeing round the topic. Still afraid to say out loud what needs to be said. It’s only when matters come ... more »
Leadership Releases New Budget as Conservatives Gear Up Opposition to Spending Levels
[image: House Speaker Paul Ryan meets with faith leaders who advocate on behalf of poverty focused development assistance accounts (PFDA) in the federal budget on March 2, 2016 in Washington D.C.] Conservatives in the House of Representatives remain unsatisfied with the budget blueprint produced by Republican leadership. Now their vocal dissatisfaction places both the future of that document and the entire budget process in question for 2016. Monday night, the House... more »
Interview: Ben Carson Explains Decision to Support Trump
[image: James Robison Ben Carson - 900] James Robison: Dr. Carson, we've been friends since we met shortly after you spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast, and you've been on LIFE Today more than once, and spoke at our conference. Do you see your role as an...more »
Shigeaki Kato up to 38 retractions
Our retraction notice count for Shigeaki Kato, number seven on our leaderboard, has grown to 38. The former University of Tokyo endocrinologist recently earned another retraction, for a paper in Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics that contained image manipulation. As we’ve noted before, Kato resigned from the university in 2012 as it investigated his work for misconduct; in 2013 a Japanese newspaper reported that the investigation […] The post Shigeaki Kato up to 38 retractions appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Fort Calgary
After finishing up my bird-watching stroll I mentioned in my previous post I found myself down at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers and Fort Calgary. I had initially planned to check out Fort Calgary during a later trip but since I found myself here.... The original rail line ran along this berm past the fort and paralleled 9th Avenue before reaching the train station. The Elbow River. The Elbow feeds in to the Bow just to the east of the old fort. It's hard to believe that the sunny peaceful view was such a scene of chaos during the 2013 floods. The Fort's barracks ... more »
Texas Insists Its Arsenic Tainted Water Is Safe
For more than a decade, drinking water systems in 34 Texas communities have tested positive for excessive levels of the carcinogen arsenic. Yet, despite this and according to a new report by the Environmental Integrity Project, the state continues to claim there is no emergency nor need for an alternative water supply. In the report, the EIP recommends that Texas stop implying that arsenic in excess of federal standards is safe to drink and that the EPA revise standards to require states not to advise people to continue drinking or cooking with water that consistently falls short of ... more »
*Federal aid for flood victims available ~WWL* *Can 'Slow Fish' Help Save America's Small-Scale Fishermen? ~Eve Troeh, WWNO*
Lacrimosa, USA
I know it's not over till it's over, but what a bummer the latest primary results have turned out to be, huh? So please excuse me if I wallow in a little self-indulgent Mourning the Bern until I can force another chunk of clarified anger out of my brain. Then, after the wallow, it's either keep feeling a possibly Bernieless Bern, or curling up into the fetal position for the next several months as we witness a presidential election between a fascist and a neocon. And I do mean neocon. Here are two prime examples of the bellicose breed c andidly schmoozing last week at Nancy Reagan's ... more »
Contrasting U.S. And Russian Policies In Syria
President Obama, on Tuesday in the Oval Office, had long argued that Russia’s military invention in Syria would backfire. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times *Mark Landler, New York Times*: *What Quagmire? Even in Withdrawal, Russia Stays a Step Ahead* WASHINGTON — For five years, President Obama has steadfastly rejected the argument that the United States could intervene in Syria, alter the equation on the battlefield and avoid being sucked into a quagmire. Now, it appears that President Vladimir V. Putin has done exactly that. The Russian leader’s announcement on Monday that he... more »
Keep The Elephant Out Of The Room
https://en.wikipedia.org/ For ten years, Stephen Harper drew his inspiration from the Republican Party. He is now in hiding. Whoever replaces him, Lawrence Martin writes, would be wise not to drink from the same well that Harper did: While there probably isn’t much cross-border spillover from the Grand Old Party’s madness, it hardly helps the conservative brand. For Canadian Tories, it would be best if the Republican Party just went away. It’s especially the case now, but it has been this way for a long time. Going all the way back to...more »
The Candidates And Technology
With a nearly impenetrable wall of opposition from a socially irresponsible corporate media, obsessed with the ratings numbers the Trump Freak Show brings in, and with the inclination to rally around the establishment-- from MSNBC's Chris Matthews' non-stop promotion of Hillary over Bernie to the *NY Times* obvious willingness to bed-down with their pals at the Clinton campaign-- yesterday wasn't a great day for Bernie's campaign. No one expected wins in Florida or North Carolina, but Ohio's steep loss (56.5- 42.8%) wasn't encouraging. Almost have the delegates have been allocate... more »
South Korea Moving Towards A Cashless Society
The Bank of Korea is aiming for a “cashless society” by 2020. The bank’s officials plan to provide South Koreans with cards instead of coins, since consumers are increasingly becoming comfortable with cashless payments due to the prevalence of mobile wallets, smartphones and mobile banking. Koreans now carry less cash as it gives way to credit cards and fintech payments. Now if a consumer were to purchase a 9,500 won item and pays cash using a 10,000 won banknote, the shopper would be credited 500 won to his or her prepaid card instead of getting a 500 won coin in change. The Kore... more »
An Unholy War: Answering Jihad
[image: Shell Casings Middle East - 900] Let me tell you a story that, tragically, has no happy ending. Vincent Minj, who is almost 80, was the oldest of six children growing up in rural India, and he remembers the day decades ago when his sister, Cecilia,... more »
Immigration Printed, Mailed Hundreds of Inaccurate Green Cards
[image: immigration green card] Immigration officials sent hundreds of green cards to incorrect addresses, fueling national security concerns they "may have fallen into the wrong hands," a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General report finds. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services... more »
*Activist Tantrums — The New Campus Speech* America is at a crossroads in choosing who rules: radicals or the rational. Institutions are standing at the same fork in the road, including colleges and universities that are finding the wrong choice is not just painful, it’s existentially devastating. A letter was issued to “the university community” last week above the signature of the University of Missouri’s interim chancellor, Hank Foley, announcing a loss of almost 25% in Mizzou enrollment — a projected 1,500-person drop in the student body from last year. This hemorrhage of stu... more »
Syria Kurds (Not!) Say They'll Declare A Federal Region in Syria
The region would border the Kurdish autonomous area in Iraq and Kurdish areas in Turkey The Kurds pushing this are not Syrian Kurds- Many of them are Turkey's or Iraq's Kurds. Heck even Iran's Kurds- *We even have Kurds based in Germany making the call!* Doesn't sound like a Syrian Kurd initiative at all! BEIRUT — *A powerful Syrian Kurdish political party *is planning to declare a federal region in northern Syria, a model it hopes can be applied to the entire country, a spokesman for the faction said Wednesday. Nawaf Khalil of the Democratic Union Party told The Associated Press ... more »
Damascus Steel
A lost art found. More evidence of ancient civilizations lost.
*A libertarian Warmist?* *Isn't he pretty?* It seems that Jerry Taylor is one. He must be the only libertarian advocating a new tax. He advocates a carbon tax in exchange for wiping all other State and Federal Warmist regulations. And he states clearly that he believes in urgent action to limit CO2. He is a Warmist. When he was at Cato he was a climate skeptic. He once compared Warmists to Maoists. Now he calls skeptics "denialists". So how come the big change? He set up his own thinktank in 2014 called the Niskanen center. It's stated objectives give the game away. An ... more »
Bunny Hand Print Art
I may be a little obsessed with hand print art. There is just something about seeing my sweet little ones's hand prints hanging on my wall that make me smile. I did a whole series of hand print art for Christmas that I proudly display across my piano and I was so sad when I had to finally put it away. I wanted something to hang for Easter and came up with these darling little bunnies. They were really easy to make, well as easy as painting a toddler's hand ever is, and they turned out so cute! You will need: - a colored canvas or a white canvas and paint - white paint ... more »
Obama: ‘I’ve Made My Decision’ on Supreme Court Nominee
[image: FILE - In this March 14, 2016, file photo, President Barack Obama speaks at the Chief of Missions Conference at the State Department in Washington. Obama said Wednesday, March 16, he will reveal his Supreme Court nominee to fill the vacancy of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama has made his decision on a Supreme Court nominee and planned to introduce his pick at a Rose Garden ceremony Wednesday, setting up a showdown with Senate Republicans who have told the White House... more »
North Korea Sentences American College Student to 15 years in Prison
[image: American student Otto Warmbier, center, is escorted at the Supreme Court in Pyongyang, North Korea, Wednesday, March 16, 2016.] PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- North Korea’s highest court sentenced an American tourist to 15 years in prison with hard labor for subversion on Wednesday, weeks after authorities presented him to media and he tearfully confessed that he had tried... more »
Trump Not Solely to Blame for Violence at His Rallies
[image: Demonstrators disrupt an election rally by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Kansas City, Mo., Saturday, March 12, 2016.] For the last few days the burning question among pundits has been: “How much blame does Donald Trump deserve for the violence at his rallies?” It’s a fair question, and the obvious answer is: a lot. On Sunday, the demagogue... more »
Ireland To Prosecute Former Anglo Irish Bank CEO
The CEO of the bank that almost bankrupted Ireland has been granted bail under strict conditions including the surrender of his passport and having to report to police twice a day. David Drumm, former chief executive of the Irish Anglo Bank was extradited from the U.S. and brought before Dublin District Court to face charges stemming from the bank’s role in the 2008 financial crisis. Activist Post reports: Drumm faces 33 charges in Ireland, which echoes Iceland’s unprecedented move to hold its bankers criminally accountable for their role in that country’s economic meltdown. Though ... more »
Will Hyperloop merge Slovak and Austrian capitals by 2020?
*Cosmology:* BICEP3 began to collect data yesterday. Papers may be out at the end of 2016. BICEP3 has 5 times as many sensors and pixels as BICEP2, resolution 0.5° instead of 0.35° of BICEP2, and frequency 95 Hz instead of 150 Hz of BICEP2. They should be able to see weaker tensor perturbations. In recent days, most of the important Slovak, Czech, and English newspapers – e.g. the Daily Mail – have informed us about Slovakia's becoming the most enthusiastic pioneer of certain technologies, namely Hyperloop. *Bratislava is a fun city, somewhat similar to Pilsen.* Hyperloop is an ... more »
Viewer Guide: How Do Republicans Sort This All Out Now?
[image: 2016 Election] WASHINGTON (AP) -- For anti-Trump Republicans, and there are plenty of them, the pressing question a day after the latest round of primaries is: What do we do now? A guide to what to watch for on Wednesday, after contests... more »
Clinton Defeats Sanders in Florida, Ohio and 2 Other States
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visits talks with a group of little kids as she visits a polling place a Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, March 15, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)] WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Hillary Clinton rolled up primary victories in four states -- Florida, Ohio, Illinois and North Carolina -- and dealt a severe blow Tuesday to Bernie Sanders’ hopes of denying her the Democratic presidential nomination.... more »
Trump Tops Rubio in Florida, Falls to Kasich in Ohio
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at his primary election night event at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday, March 15, 2016. at right is his son Eric Trump. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump won a decisive victory in Florida’s primary Tuesday night, forcing home-state Sen. Marco Rubio to abandon the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The brash billionaire also picked up North Carolina and Illinois, but faltered... more »
This Is China's New Spy Plane
CSA-003 Scout CETCS builds the mission avionics for a family of light surveillance planes using the Diamond DA42, the CSA-003 Scout is the ELINT variant. It has electronic signal gathering pods, processing systems, satellite uplinks and options for a nose-mounted infrared/EO camera turret. *Popular Science*: *Meet China's New Spy Plane (With An Austrian Body)* It's outfitted for electronic warfare The CSA-003 is China's newest Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) aircraft. Built by the China Electronic Technology Corporation's Avionics division, the CSA-003 is a family of special missi... more »
A Look At The U.S. Navy's New Class Of Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics*:* Meet the Navy's New Doomsday Submarine* *The next generation in nuclear missile submarines, explained.* The Congressional Research Service has a report on the new class of nuclear ballistic missile submarines, telling us a little more about these Navy vessels currently under development, which will carry the nuclear weapons of tomorrow. Nuclear missile submarines, which spend months at a time submerged in classified patrol areas, are considered the most "survivable" of the so-called nuclear triad (land-, sea-, and... more »
EPA Memo: Officials Didn’t ‘Want to Go Out on a Limb’ for Flint
[image: Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), speaks during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, about the Flint, Michigan water crisis, on Capitol Hill March 15, 2016 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony regarding the Federal Administration of the Safe Drinking Water Act in Flint, Michigan. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)] Environmental Protection Agency officials apparently weren't willing to "go out on a limb" for Flint, Mich., as it became apparent the city's water supply had been contaminated with high levels of lead, according to an internal agen... more »
Loving Our Enemies: What It Means to Each of Us
[image: Love Cross Heart Chain - 900] Jesus said, "Love your enemies." He never said, "Get in bed with them." I understand that's a provocative statement, but it's the truth. It is not only possible, but very important that we come to accept, understand and properly apply... more »
These Attack Planes Could Place The A-10
*Martin Matishak, Fiscal Times*: *5 Attack Planes That Could Replace the A-10 Warthog* The U.S. Air Force seems to have woken up to the fact that it can’t simply retire the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jet. The Air Force has waged a years-long campaign to scrap its A-10 fleet in a bid to save roughly $4 billion in operating costs. Service leaders have argued that the plane’s close air support mission can be performed by existing platforms, including the B-1 bomber and the highly-anticipated F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Those arguments have met stiff resistance on Capitol Hill. Last w... more »
Animation Map Shows Allied Raids On Occupied Europe From 1940 To 1945
*Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: Amazing animation shows how the Allies bombed Hitler and Nazis into submission* * The animation was created by the Imperial War Museum to mark the re-opening of the American Air Museum * It shows the progress of the Allied strategic bombing campaign against the Germans from 1939 to 1945 * The map is designed to highlight way the Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces worked together * Bombing was essential to win the war for the Allies but has been criticised for killing thousands of civilians The progress of the Allied bombing campaign wh... more »
Maria Wheatley - homo capensis - Elongated skull Neolithic Queen at Stonehenge
when one hears "elongated skulls," one might think of the elongated (and much larger capacity) 300 Paracas skulls of Peru or the elongated skulls of Akhenaten and Nefertiti in Ancient Egypt. One doesn't tend to think of Stonehenge in Britain; or it is very rare to hear of *Elongated Skulls at Stonehenge*. Last year, there was a report from writer/researcher Maria Wheatley of an elongated-skull Neolithic Queen found alone in her own large barrow alongside another barrow where hundreds of elongated-skull people were killed. The discovery of elongated-skull'd people in Britain sheds... more »
A Look At The History Of Snipers And The Role They Play Now (Podcast)
U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., right, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observes members of the Iraqi special operation forces during sniper rifle training at Area VI training site in Baghdad, Jan. 7, 2016. The Iraqi special forces primarily conduct anti-guerrilla operations and are part of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Bureau. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique A. Pineiro *Jason Fields, Reuters:* *The sniper’s evolution from villain to hero* Snipers play a key role in the world’s armies. They target commanders on the opposing side and other targ... more »
Will Hillary Clinton Face The Same Fate As David Petraeus?
*Tara McKelvey, BBC*: *Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?* Could Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information while secretary of state sink her presidential hopes? It's a question that has dogged her campaign for over a year - but opinions are divided over whether the allegations made against her constitute a crime or are just the latest partisan sideshow. Perhaps the best way to look at the implications of her case is by considering the context of another high-profile legal drama involving classified documents that was recently resolved - that of... more »
And Hilarity Ensues: some personal remarks about yesterday
[image: NorthCrossJune012__64] *Joy is when a much loved friend contacts you on Facebook and says "I am coming home."* So, about yesterday. I've calmed down a bit, especially after some words of wisdom flowed from friends -- thanks, Michael and Martin. The Taipei Times interview, many people reminded me, did say some nice things, and for that I am grateful. My friend Jon Sullivan described it best: passive-aggressive. Full of praise, but also with some dick moves that were really nasty, and the writer's disclaimer at the end that he sent me the quotes is a signal that he knew he wha... more »
Military Photo of the Day: March 16, 2016
[image: Parachutes-900] Two C-130 Hercules aircraft complete pallet drops at the base of Mt. Fuji, Japan, on Feb. 2, 2016. Thanks to Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Baker for taking this photograph!
U.S. Politics: Trump Wins Florida, Kasich Takes Ohio As Rubio Quits. Hillary Clinton Holds Commanding Lead In Her Race
*Reuters*: *Trump knocks out Rubio in Florida, Republicans in turmoil* U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump swept three states and drove rival Marco Rubio out of the White House race, but the New York billionaire's loss in the crucial state of Ohio wrought more chaos for a party deeply fractured by his candidacy. While the Republican race remained in turmoil on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton's victories in Florida, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina cast doubt on U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders's ability to overtake her for the Democratic Party's nomination. Trump's victories in Florid... more »
Crackling like electricity prices and other meandering discussions
[image: IMG_1208] *The strange, bullet shaped monument to the 1935 earthquake at Tai-an station.* *FocusTaiwan reports* that electricity rates are going to receive the largest cut ever: 9.5%. *It was decided at the meeting that electricity rates will be cut by 9.56 percent, the biggest cut in the country's history, *with every kilowatt hour cut to NT$2.5488 from NT$2.8181 on average. Shen noted that the rate reduction mainly reflects a marked drop in international fuel prices. Electricity rates after the cut will be even lower than the NT$2.6001 per kWh in 2011, one year before do... more »
Tweet For Today
Angelina Jolie visits Syria refugees in Lebanon on war's 5th anniversary https://t.co/eCNgQycdUu pic.twitter.com/4PVivahfSC — AFP news agency (@AFP) March 15, 2016
The U.S. Is Using Math To Target Islamic State Followers
*Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast*: *Anti-ISIS-Propaganda Czar’s Ninja War Plan: We Were Never Here.* *Forget Twitter wars with hard-core extremists—the U.S. is going after jihadis the same way Amazon targets your shopping habits.* The Obama administration is launching a stealth anti-Islamic State messaging campaign, delivered by proxies and targeted to individual would-be extremists, the same way Amazon or Google sends you shopping suggestions based on your online browsing history. At least that’s the plan, revealed Monday, of new anti-ISIS message czar Michael Lumpkin, now that the... more »
Trump: The first ‘post-knowledge’ candidate
As Donald Trump gains more delegates in today’s vote, several friends have been posting Steve Riker’s comment on The Donald, which perfectly complements what I posted this morning: *Donald Trump has positioned himself as the post-knowledge candidate. Virtually every stance he takes is the polar opposite of what he claimed last year, last week, or even ten minutes ago. * *Many electrons have been killed, trying to point this out to Trump fans. Literally thousands of articles have been written, pointing out that Trump is not what he claims to be, that he's not a conservative, ... more »
Picture Of The Day
A Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft hovers over the desert before departing from Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., Feb. 15, 2016, for an Integrated Training Exercise 2-16 training mission. The Osprey crew is assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 363. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez
Is Donald J. Trump The J. Parnell Thomas Of Today?
My old pal Steven Baker was putting together the soundtrack for the film *Trumbo* a year or so ago and he was all excited about the story and told me about it and I did a brief post about, in effect, a film-in-the-making, Embracing the Darkness of our own History: Trumbo. The movie *Trumbo* is out now and has nominations in several categories for an Academy Award, a Critics' Choice Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and, among others, a Writers Guild of America Award. The cast includes Bryan Cranston as Dalton Trumbo, Louis C.K., John Goodman and James DuMont... more »
All Of Syria's UNESCO Heritage Sites Have Been Damaged Or Destroyed
*RT:* *6 out of 6: ALL of Syria's UNESCO Heritage Sites damaged or destroyed during civil war* The destruction of the ancient city of Palmyra has made a real impact, but in fact each and every ancient site in Syria inscribed on the World Heritage List has suffered during the five years of conflict. RT looks back at unique landmarks shattered by military action. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: A thousand years from now people will look back at this time and call this destruction of history in the Middle East as the "dark ages".
Saudi Arabia's Oil Weapon Is Back-Firing
*Andrew Scott Cooper, New York Times*: *How Saudi Arabia Turned Its Greatest Weapon on Itself* FOR the past half-century, the world economy has been held hostage by just one country: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Vast petroleum reserves and untapped production allowed the kingdom to play an outsize role as swing producer, filling or draining the global system at will. The 1973-74 oil embargo was the first demonstration that the House of Saud was willing to weaponize the oil markets. In October 1973, a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia abruptly halted oil shipments in re... more »
Obama’s Misuse of Special Operations Forces Has Led to Larger ISIS Threat
[image: A Soldier of the Rhode Island Army National Guard's Company A 2nd Battalion 19th Special Forces Group exits a CH-47F Chinook helicopter flown by the New York Army National Guard's Company B 3rd Battalion 126th Aviation during flight operations in Kingston, R. I. on May 3, 2015.] President Barack Obama is misusing our most elite forces. Since the onset of the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS), The Heritage Foundation has called for a greater use of American Special Operations Forces (SOF). This includes the Navy SEALs,...more »
9/11: Larry Silverstein Designed New WTC-7 One Year Before Attacks
Larry Silverstein has been caught admitting on camera that he planned to build an entirely new World Trade Center 7 (WTC-7) building one year before the 9/11 attacks had occurred. Back in April 2000, one year and five months before the attacks, “Lucky Larry” held a meeting to discuss plans to replace building 7 in 2002. Veteranstoday.com reports: Latest example: In the above below, Silverstein says of the new WTC-7, which replaced the one he famously confessed to demolishing on 9/11/01: “We got the designs. And the first design meeting was in April of 2000. And construction began ... more »
Women with Zika in Tahiti Had 1 Percent Risk of Birth Defects, Lower than Expected
[image: FILE - In this Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016 file photo, Gleyse Kelly da Silva, 27, holds her daughter Maria Giovanna, who was born with microcephaly, outside their house in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil. Women who got pregnant during a Zika outbreak in Tahiti two years ago had about a 1 percent chance of having a baby with an abnormally small head, according to a new study published Tuesday, March 15. It’s a surprisingly low risk that experts say might not match the threat of the epidemic now spreading explosively in the Americas. The World Health Organization declared Zika t... more »
Police Kill 1 Man in Belgian Raid Linked to Paris Attacks
[image: Special operations police take positions during a raid in Brussels on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Belgian police launched an anti-terror raid linked to last year's Paris attacks in a Brussels neighborhood on Tuesday. A police official, who requested anonymity because the operation was still ongoing, said the exact circumstances of the incident were still unclear, and that several police officers were injured.] BRUSSELS (AP) -- Belgian and French police investigating a suspected link with the November attacks in Paris stormed a Brussels house Tuesday after being fired upon, and k... more »
Why I Voted for Donald Trump (and F*ck Off If You Don't Like It)
*All Hail Donald Trump!* *Title: Why I Voted for Donald Trump (and F*ck Off If You Don't Like It). Source: Red Pill Philosophy. Date Published: March 15, 2016.*
Insider Reveals The Shocking Person Who Is Trump’s VP Choice
One of the biggest things on people’s minds who are following the current 2016 US Presidential Election is “who will Donald Trump choose to be his running mate for Vice President?” Well now, YourNewsWire.com has exclusively learned from sources connected to the Trump campaign that Trump and his advisors allegedly have been having meetings as early as October, 2015 with one of his opponents – a person that Donald Trump feels will be the best bet for a running mate in what is sure to be a tight election. The Trump Card? “Trump and [John] Kasich had a meeting in October [2015] where th... more »
U.S. Making Cyborg Robots Reality With New Human-Brain Implants
The United States government has been spending literally millions of dollars on something that has many scratching their heads: a human-robot cyborg program. The details of the cyborg program aren’t entirely known, except for the fact that the military is developing a chip for the human brain that communicates and controls a robot. CNN has reported on the future of this next-level cyborg warfare by explaining: If it succeeds, cyborgs will be a reality. The Pentagon’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes the implant will allow humans to directly ... more »
Fukushima: Disaster Zone Cleanup Aided By Complex Robots
A 61 year-old retired engineer from Tokyo, Hiroshi Endo, was no stranger to creating robots for use in projects such as the International Space Station, but his biggest achievement came out of one of the worst disasters in human history. A Los Angeles Times article details how Endo created a robot to aid in the decommissioning of the Fukushima nuclear disaster site: In space, “you’ve got the sun, the moon, the Earth, temperatures. These are very definite, very specific — they’re not going to change,” Endo said. “But nuclear [reactors] are man-made. What’s going on inside the reactor ... more »
Quote of the Day: On geniuses of every race
Turns out this probably can’t be said too often … [image: 10334354_10153890530547534_7969534302970330956_n] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Ukraine Is Selling Its State Assets At A Huge Discount
An exchange office worker changes numbers indicating the conversion rates outside a currency exchange office in central Kyiv. Photo: Reuters *RT:** Ukraine fire sale: 60% discount for state assets* Kiev has announced a massive discount on the sale of state assets which have failed to find foreign buyers. Ukraine’s State Property Fund says all of the assets have been put up for sale more than 10 times and have found no takers. As a result, 22 of 34 state assets are now being put up for sale at a 60 percent discount, nine with a discount of 50 percent, and three are up for auction a... more »
Is The National Security Council Too Big And Too Activist On Military Operations?
President Barack Obama, center, Vice President Joe Biden, left, and Defense Secretary Ash Carter sit together at the Pentagon, Dec. 14, 2015, as they meet with the National Security Council about the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. DoD photo by Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz *Colin Clark, Defense One:* *NSC Staff Too Big, Too Activist: Top Former Generals, Officials* WASHINGTON: The Senate and House Armed Services committees’ push to review the foundational law underpinning today’s US military, known as Goldwater-Nichols, was given a boo... more »
BOMBSHELL! Larry Silverstein designed NEW WTC-7 in April of 2000
Larry had the new WTC-7 designed and ready-to-go 17 months before he “pulled” the old one He may just be a Silver-stein. But “Lucky Larry” sets the gold standard for chutzpah. Latest example: In the above video, Silverstein says of the new WTC-7, which replaced the one he famously confessed to demolishing on 9/11/01: We got the designs. And the first design meeting was in April of 2000. And construction began shortly thereafter, in 2002. One slight problem: If he hadn’t been planning the illegal, un-permitted, homicidal demolitions of WTC-7 and the entire World Trade Center compl... more »
Google Reveals 77 Percent of Its Online Traffic Is Encrypted
[image: In this March 23, 2010, file photo, the Google logo is seen at the Google headquarters in Brussels. Google is disclosing how much of the traffic to its search engine and other services is being protected from hackers as part of its push to encrypt all online activity. Encryption shields 77 percent of the requests sent from around the world to Google’s data centers, up from 52 percent at the end of 2013, according to company statistics released Tuesday, March 15, 2016.] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Google is disclosing how much of the traffic to its search engine and other services i... more »
VIDEO: 2,500 Pound Great White Shark Caught Off S. Carolina Coast
A man who was vacationing in South Carolina had the surprise of a lifetime when fishing. A man named Troy Bowman, a professor of mathematics at Walters State Community College encountered the real life ‘Jaws’ shark while on a fishing expedition. It took two men – Bowman and the captain of the expedition – to reel the beast up to the boat. Shark Was Like Submarine With Tail Alabama’s AL.com reported on the scary shark encounter by Bowman – a Tennessee native – with great detail: The pair fought the shark for four hours before they could bring it near the boat. “It’s like being at the... more »
Kasparov: Putin & Trump share an authoritarian spirit
“Hey, Bernie, Don’t Lecture Me About Socialism,” said chess wizard Garray Kasparov last week. “I lived through it. But just in case you thought he is only concerned about Sanders and socialism in the 2016 election, let him correct you: *My thoughts on Trump and his breed of authoritarianism are that is best represented today in the world by Vladimir Putin. If you think liberals like big government, just wait until you see an authoritarian (but it's better if you don't)!* Putin isn’t Hitler, he says, and Trump isn’t Putin (Putin is probably both cleverer and slipperier), but bo... more »
Marco Rubio Drops Out of US Presidential Race
After losing his home state of Florida, senator and former Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has dropped out of the race. Rubio announced he will be ‘suspending’ his campaign indefinitely. According to New York Times writer Jeremy W. Peters who is familiar with Marco Rubio’s exit from the race: Mr. Rubio made the announcement during a speech at his campaign headquarters in Miami after losing his home state by a large margin to Donald J. Trump. Mr. Rubio hushed the boos from the audience when he congratulated Mr. Trump. “No, no, no,” he said, interrupting the jeers. “Guys, we live in a... more »
VA Fires 3 More Phoenix Executives in Wait-Time Scandal
[image: PHOENIX, AZ - MAY 08: Exterior view of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center on May 8, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona. The Department of Veteran Affairs has come under fire after reports of the deaths of 40 patients forced to wait for medical care at the Phoenix VA hospital.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three more executives were fired Tuesday from the troubled Phoenix veterans hospital where a national scandal erupted two years ago over secret waiting lists and unnecessary deaths, the Department of Veterans Affairs said. Dr. Darren Deering, the... more »
The Latest on the Primaries: Cruz Says ‘America Now Has a Clear Choice’
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, appears and speaks at a rally at Abbington Banquets, Monday, March 14, 2016, in Glen Ellyn, Ill. (Bob Chwedyk/Daily Herald via AP)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the 2016 presidential campaign, with primaries in five states Tuesday and Republican front-runner Donald Trump trying to move closer to nailing down his party’s nomination (all times Eastern Standard Time): 11:00 p.m. Ted Cruz... more »
Clinton Wins Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, a Blow to Sanders’ Hopes for a Big Night
[image: Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a campaign rally at The Family Arena Monday, March 14, 2016, in St. Charles, Mo. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)] WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Hillary Clinton rolled up primary victories in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina on Tuesday, dealing a severe blow to Bernie Sanders’ bid to slow her march toward the Democratic presidential nomination. “We are moving... more »
Wall Street Journal Shows With Graphics What Can Happen if Trump Wins or Loses
[image: WSJ Super Tuesday - 900] With a changing graphic that plots the likely delegate counts from today through the end of the primaries, the Wall Street Journal has shown both how Donald Trump could barely get enough delegates to win the nomination (he has to...more »
Putin Pushes Peace In Syria, While The US Calls On The Coalition To Bring In Troops - Episode 919b
*Title: Putin Pushes Peace In Syria, While The US Calls On The Coalition To Bring In Troops - Episode 919b. Source: X22Report. Date Published: March 15, 2016. Description: * The FBI wants Apple's source code. The FBI is turning into the Gestapo. Obama urges the South Eastern of Ukraine to adhere to the Minsk II agreement, Putin then says the same thing to Kiev. Turkey blames bombing on the Kurds and pushes for war. Russia pulls part of the military out of Syria. Russia will continue to bomb the IS. The coalition forces are bringing in more military assets and troops into the area to... more »
Hillary Clinton Is Out of Her Mind
*This is what the laugh of a crazy monster looks like.* CIA personnel and mercenaries are not considered "persons" by the nutty Hillary Clinton or the insane U.S. State Department. If they are martyred in the field they are discarded like trash for political purposes by cowardly politicians and high-level officials. *Title: Hillary: US “Didn’t Lose a Single Person” in Libya. Source: The Alex Jones Channel. Date Published: March 15, 2016. Description:* During a town hall meeting in Illinois on Monday Democrat Hillary Clinton said the United States “didn’t lose a single person.” The... more »
Wasserman Schultz Works To Sabotage Tim Canova's Campaign, The Same Way She Worked To Sabotage Bernie
Yesterday Ally Boguhn penned a post for *RH Reality Check* about the efficacy of primaries, focusing in on one of the most important challenges to an incumbent in the nation-- Tim Canova's battle to rid South Florida of the corrupt affront to democracy and the Democratic Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Boguhn has chosen, among the vast array of Wasserman Schultz sins, to focus on the corrupt congresswoman's relationship with the predatory payday-lending industry, a relationship currently on the minds of many astonished Democrats in Florida. She's cosponsoring standard Republican ... more »
Books of Their Own
New books at the Food Shelf * by Susan Ohanian* The library in our country village sits on the town's one main street, a street that is one block long. Kids who come to the library come by car, and the kids with the greatest need just don't have that transportation available. In short, the children whose parents seek help at the Food Shelf are not the kids who frequent the library. And so, my new mission is to make sure every child whose parent visits the Food Shelf gets needed books along... more »
Trump Wins Florida, Rubio Drops Out
[image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a campaign rally at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla., Monday, March 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump won a decisive victory in Florida’s primary Tuesday night, forcing home-state Sen. Marco Rubio to abandon the race for the Republican presidential nomination and narrowing the once-crowded GOP field to three candidates. “Do not give... more »
Here’s What A Donald Trump Presidency Would Be Like
Donald Trump is on the lips of people around the globe. This is, arguably, one of the most discussed United States presidential contests in modern history. No matter where you are from or who you are, chances are you have heard that reality TV star Donald Trump is running for President of The United States of America. Whether he wins or not, what would a Trump presidency look like? The Era of Donald Trump While not everyone loves Trump, Quartz writer Gwynn Guilford believes that a Trump presidency would be “chaos”, pure and simple. Guilford backs up her opinion by writing a long ans...more »
Bernie Sanders Best For Privacy & Freedom, Trump Worst
According to an analysis of the Democratic and Republican U.S. presidential candidates’ campaign platforms by tech policy activists at the Free Press Action Fund Vt. Senator Bernie Sanders is the best bet for internet freedom and technological advancement while Donald Trump is the worst. “We’ve been scouring the transcripts of the debates produced by the networks that host them,” said Tim Karr, senior director of strategy for Free Press Action Fund. “We’ve gone through the candidates’ websites to see if there’s anything that relates to the issues in their campaign platforms, and we’v... more »
Russian Planes In Syria Defend Against Anti-Aircraft Missiles
A Syrian Air Force MiG-21US was downed by armed militants near a military airfield in western Hama province, leading to military analysts questioning whether Russian planes are safe from surface-to-air missiles. Do the terrorists now possess anti-aircraft missiles? There are conflicting reports over the cause of the crash on Saturday. Sputnik reports: That same day, a military source told Sputnik that a Syrian Air Force MiG-21US was downed by armed militants near a military airfield in western Hama province (220 km from Damascus), with one pilot able to eject and a second killed whi... more »
Musical Interlude: Logos, “Fraternite Angelique”
Logos, “Fraternite Angelique” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgTMyHXRHFM
"A Look to the Heavens"
As dawn broke the center of the Milky Way Galaxy stood almost directly above the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory. In the dry, clear sky of Chile's Atacama desert, our galaxy's dusty central bulge is flanked by Paranal's four 8 meter Very Large Telescope units in this astronomical fisheye view. *Click image for larger size.* Along the top, Venus is close to the eastern horizon. The brilliant morning star shines very near a waning crescent Moon just at the edge of one of the telescope structures. Despite the bright pairing in the east, the Milky Way dominates the sc... more »
"Sons Of The Cosmos..."
“We are sons of the cosmos, but our conscience, our soul, make us strangers in that same cosmos, from which we were produced, and which still remains secretly intimate to us. Earth life is unique, or at least particularly rare in the cosmos, and our conscience is perhaps solitary in the living world. Man is a marginal creation in the animal world, the development of which has increased his marginality. We are alone on the Earth, among the known living beings. Our thought, our conscience, gives us knowledge of the physical world, but simultaneously drives it away from us.” - E. Morin... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Few Words Inspired By The Tomato Plant”
*“A Few Words Inspired By The Tomato Plant”* by Chet Raymo "Mostly we think of life in terms of individuals - this person, this tomato plant, this frog, this oak tree, this gnat. And we talk about birth and death as the beginning and ending of life. But there is another sense in which life is just one thing, whose beginning is lost in the depths of time and whose end is not in sight. Life in this sense embodies itself in matter, temporarily, as a tomato or a frog, puts on matter and puts off matter as we might don or doff clothes. By this account, I am an ephemeral conglomeration o... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Spirit Likes To Dress Up”
*“The Spirit Likes To Dress Up”* by Mary Oliver "The spirit likes to dress up like this: ten fingers, ten toes, shoulders, and all the rest, at night in the black branches, in the morning in the blue branches of the world. ․ It could float, of course, but would rather plumb rough matter. Airy and shapeless thing, it needs the metaphor of the body, lime and appetite, the oceanic fluids; it needs the body's world, instinct and imagination, and the dark hug of time, sweetness and tangibility, to be understood, to be more than pure light that burns where no ... more »
"It Is Easy..."
"It is easy to overlook this thought that life just *is*. As humans we are inclined to feel that life must have a point. We have plans and aspirations and desires. We want to take constant advantage of the intoxicating existence we've been endowed with. But what's life to a lichen? Yet its impulse to exist, to be , is every bit as strong as ours-arguably even stronger. If I were told that I had to spend decades being a furry growth on a rock in the woods, I believe I would lose the will to go on. Lichens don't. Like virtually all living things, they will suffer any hardship, endure... more »
Former Top U.S. General In Afghanistan Wants To Resume Air Strikes Against The Taliban
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaks with U.S. Army Gen. John F. Campbell on Forward Operating Base Fenty in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Dec. 18, 2015. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Tony Coronado *Washington Post*: *Senior U.S. general wants to start striking the Taliban again* A senior American general has proposed resuming offensive strikes against the Taliban, exposing a rift between the military and senior administration officials over the U.S. role in the war in Afghanistan, according to military officials. Senior Pentagon officials complained that Gen. John F. Campbell,... more »
Congresswoman Warns that ISIS Genocide Resolution Includes War Trigger with Syria
[image: Assad] For far too long, the Obama administration has resisted recognizing the persecution of Christians in the Middle East as what it really is: a genocide. Given that violence is being used against a whole group of people, with the aim... more »
Meet Euphonia, The Victorian Text-To-Speech Robot From 1846
If you thought text to speech was a relatively new phenomenon – think again. In the summer of 1846 in London’s Egyptian Hall, something truly bizarre was on display for people willing to pay one shilling a person: Joseph Faber’s invention – a robotic head named Euphonia. She was the first known robot that could mimic and replicate human speech. Text-To-Speech and Euphonia Upon paying to see her, you would be led into a dim light back-room to witness an incredible, albeit slightly horrifying site, according to multiple reports about Euphonia: “In the middle of the disheveled chamber ... more »
Video of Massachusetts UFO Has Nation Mystified
A video of a UFO that is mysteriously shaped like the letter “T” and appears to be able shape shift and become invisible at will has many people across the world confused. The video, shot in Medford, Massachusetts, has caused an international sensation due to its bizarre subject – the UFO is very different than one usually sees in UFO sighting videos. A New Kind of UFO? Siobhan Mcfadden reports of the mysterious UFO sighting in Massachusetts: After shooting the footage close to the Mystic River the unnamed man immediately sent his film to Secure Team who have analysed every aspect o... more »
Kalamazoo Shooter: Mind Control Victim? ‘Uber App Controlled Me’
Were the horrific shootings by an Uber driver in Kalamazoo, Michigan this year the result of mind control via the popular Uber ride-sharing app? Those are the claims of Uber driver James Dalton, the suspected shooter who went on a rampage in February killing six and injuring many more. New reports released by the Kalamazoo Sheriff’s department read like something out of a science-fiction novel. Mind Control? Dalton, whose shooting spree lasted over seven hours, claimed to police at the time that the Uber app he used on his iPhone was “like artificial intelligence” and the text on the... more »
Trump Wins Florida, Devastating Blow to Rubio; Clinton Wins Florida, Bad Hit for Sanders
[image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a campaign rally at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla., Monday, March 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)] CLEVELAND (AP) -- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton triumphed Tuesday in Florida’s presidential primaries, capturing the biggest prize on a crucial day of voting and showcasing the strength of the two front-runners. Trump’s victory was a devastating blow to Marco... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( March 15 , 2016 ) Overview ( 1. Foreign Gov's Sell Treasuries At Record Pace in January 2016 .2. Ukraine Financial Distress - 60 % Discount For State Assets , Can't Find Bidders. 3. Brazil Political Turmoil Weighs On Real & Stocks . 4. Soldiers Favor Trump In 2016 , Tired Of Endless War Policies , Additional US Political Nuggets . 5. Putin Shows Exquisite Timing With Announcement Of Partial Russian Military Withdrawal From Syria. 6. BOJ Theorizes Interest Rates Could Fall To Minus 0.5 % ) Europe In Focus ( 1. Greece Items Of Note - Domestic & International Politics , Bailout Talks , Economic Items. 2.Refugee/ Migration Situation . EU-Turkey Key Talks On 3/17-3/18 . )
Superior Tuesday - US Primary Results...... Kasich, Clinton Take Ohio; Trump, Hillary Win Big In Florida, Rubio Drops Out - Live FeedSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 03/15/2016 - 10:17 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-03-1 5/here-come-results-first-polls-closing-super-tuesday-3-live-feed … *ABC News* @ABC 2m 2 minutes ago JUST IN: @ABC News projects Donald Trump will win Illinois Republican primary. http://abcn.ws/1U5NGfJ *Decision Desk HQ* @DecisionDeskHQ 1m1 minute ago Trump way up due to Cook County in IL *Decision Desk HQ* @DecisionDeskHQ 5m 5 minut... more »
The Campaign Latest: Most GOP Voters Support Muslim Ban, Most Dem Voters Happy with Either Candidate
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks during a campaign stop on Monday, March 14, 2016, at Westerville Central High School in Westerville, Ohio. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the 2016 presidential campaign, with primaries in five states Tuesday and Republican front-runner Donald Trump trying to move closer to nailing down his party’s nomination: 5:15 p.m. About two-thirds of Republican primary voters in... more »
Syria: John Kerry’s Secret War Plot
President Barack Obama rejected U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s urges to launch secret missile attacks inside Syria without the United States admitting responsibility. In recent months and without success, Kerry has sought to get Obama’s approval for cruise missile strikes against the Syrian government. Kerry’s strategy in promoting the Syrian peace negotiations in recent months was based on much heavier pressure on the Assad regime to agree that President Bashar al-Assad must step down than was apparent. Kerry, in fact, has been the primary advocate in the Obama administration...more »
Western Governments ‘Stunned’ After Putin Wins Syria War
The U.S. government have been left “in a state of shock” following Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing an end to all military operations in Syria yesterday – declaring that Russia had completed its objectives in the region and effectively won the war. The Ministry of Defense have reported that the Obama administration were ‘stunned’ after Russian Aerospace Forces ceased combat operations following the successful negotiation of a peace agreement with anti-government forces. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: According to this report, President Putin, on 30 September 2015, and for th... more »
Edward Snowden Reveals CIA ‘Invented’ Global Warming Scam
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed that he possesses classified information that proves the CIA is behind the “Global Warming scam”. Snowden told the Moscow Tribune that the CIA deliberately orchestrated the myth of Global Warming in the 1950’s in order to distract the scientific community away from the dangers of the weapons race at the time and to solidify its control over research institutions. “I have documents showing that the CIA invented the whole thing,” Snowden claims. “Global Warming was invented to both scare people, and divert their attention from other human-... more »
FBI Warn They Can Force Apple To Disclose iPhone Source Code
The FBI have threatened Apple with obtaining its source code to iPhone devices, if Apple to do not comply with their request to unlock the phone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The Department of Justice filed its defense to the ongoing San Bernardino case last week, increasing its pressure on Apple by saying the government will obtain the source code for the iOS, potentially allowing them to gain more access on proprietary apple software than originally planned. Extremetech.com reports: The Department of Justice’s latest filing is best classified as vitriolic. It does not hi... more »
Electroshock Therapy To Be Reintroduced On Millions Of American Teenagers
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) haver announced plans to reintroduce electroshock therapy as a viable psychiatric treatment, making it easier for doctors to prescribe its use on patients suffering from conditions such as depression and anxiety. The FDA downgraded Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) devices from Class III to Class II – meaning their use are now much less regulated. This follows the passing of the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) which “relaxes scientific standards, virtually guaranteeing insufficiently tested drugs will hit the market only to be recalled after the... more »
Syrian Women Risk Certain Death to Film Life Inside ISIS Capital
[image: Raqqa Video - 900] Two women risked their lives to show life inside ISIS's stronghold in Syria in a new video published Monday. Swedish daily newspaper Expressen put hidden cameras on two Syrian women to illustrate life in ISIS-occupied Raqqa over the course of a... more »
Creek Defenders of Burial Grounds Removed from National Indian Gaming Conference
. Breaking news! By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photos copyright Wayland Gray PHOENIX -- Wayland Gray said defenders of the burial grounds in Hickory Ground, Alabama, were removed from the National Indian Gaming Conference in Phoenix today at the Phoenix Convention Center. Bunky Echo-Hawk was painting a live painting in defense of the Muscogee Creek ancestors who were unearthed and
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 15, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, March 14, 2016. REUTERS/Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/Kremlin *Michael Birnbaum, and Hugh Naylor, Washington Post:* *Russia surprise withdrawal resonates from battlefield to peace talks* MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s snap decision to pull warplanes from Syria on Tuesday rearranged the lines of the grinding conflict — and solidified Moscow’s influence not only on the battlefield but also at the negotiating table. Russian aviators lifted off from air bases in Syria and ... more »
World News Briefs -- March 15, 2016 (Evening Edition)
*CNN*: *Raid of Belgian building tied to Paris terror attacks ends with 1 dead* (CNN)A raid of a building in the Belgian capital tied to last year's deadly terrorist attacks in Paris ended Tuesday evening with one suspect dead and four police officers wounded. A search is underway for others who got away. Police went to search a presumably empty apartment Tuesday afternoon in southern Brussels, only to have people inside begin shooting at them, according to one senior Belgian counterterrorism official. A man in Forest, the southern Brussels district where the raid occurred, heard... more »
Obamacare Repeal Tops Budget Committee’s 2017 Blueprint
[image: Committee chair Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) speaks during a U.S. House Budget Committee markup on the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2016 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Top military officials testified on March 17th, warning the committee that the budget cutting measure called 'sequestration' will continue to adversely affect military readiness and put American lives at risk at home and abroad.] House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price introduced Republican's Fiscal Year 2017 budget proposal Tuesday, sticking with the numbers agreed upon in the Bipartisan Budget A... more »
CDC Guidelines Aim to Curb Painkiller Prescribing
[image: CDC guidelines - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Prescription painkillers should not be a first choice for treating common ailments like back pain and arthritis, according to new federal guidelines designed to reshape how doctors prescribe drugs like OxyContin and Vicodin. Amid an epidemic of... more »
Climate Change Hoax Exposed, Scientists Admit No Warming For 58 Years
According to recent data by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CO2 is having very little impact on climate change – according to their own data the earth hasn’t had an increase in warmth for the last 58 years. Realclimatescience.com reports: In their “hottest year ever” press briefing, NOAA included this graph, which stated that they have a 58 year long radiosonde temperature record. But they only showed the last 37 years in the graph. Here is why they are hiding the rest of the data. The earlier data showed as much pre-1979 cooling as the post-1979 warming. ... more »
China Secretly Purchases Hollywood
Media industry analysts have warned that Hollywood has become so awash with Chinese funding that China now essentially owns and controls most of the Hollywood entertainment industry. A Beijing-based purchase of US film studio Legendary Pictures by Dalian Wanda Group represents the largest-ever film industry takeover by a Chinese company, with $3.5 billion spent on allowing China to become the second biggest box officer player in Hollywood. Yahoo News reports: Legendary, the maker of “Jurassic World,” “Godzilla” and the latest Batman trilogy, has grossed more than $11 billion worldw... more »
New Zealand Follow In Canada’s Footsteps And Introduce Free Money For All
New Zealand looks set to follow in Canada’s footsteps in providing unconditional money to all of its citizens. The country have announced plans to scrap benefits and to introduce basic citizens’ income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). Leader of the opposition Labour party, Andrew Little, said his party were considering proposals to provide a basic, unconditional, fixed payment made to every single person in the country in order to combat the “possibility of higher structural unemployment”. Independent.co.uk reports: Mr Little confirmed his party would debate the idea at... more »
Saudi-led Airstrikes On Market In Yemen Kills Dozens
Saudi-led coalition warplanes bombed a restaurant and a crowded market place in rebel held Hajja province in northern Yemen shortly before noon on Tuesday, killing at least 41 civilians and wounding 35 others. The BBC reports: Witnesses said at least two missiles hit a busy market in the Mustaba district of Hajja province at midday. Video footage purportedly of the aftermath showed what appeared to be the bodies of several children. Hajja is controlled by Houthi rebels, who the coalition is battling on behalf of Yemen’s government. More than 6,200 people, half of them civilians, hav... more »
Experts Warn Artificial Intelligence Is Overpowering Humans
Experts have warned that the technical capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rising at an alarming rate, and that humans need to keep robots under control before its too late. Following Google’s AlphaGo 3-0 victory against grandmaster Lee Sedol recently, experts have said the unexpected win highlights AI’s capabilities at outsmarting humans. Yahoo News reports: AlphaGo’s triumph “shows that the methods we do have are even more powerful than we first thought,” said AI expert Stuart Russell of the University of California’s Berkeley Electrical Engineering & Computer Scienc... more »
Obama Accuses Trump Of Scaring Children & Tarnishing America’s Brand
US President Barack Obama has attacked Donald Trump accusing the Republican presidential nominee of “tarnishing America’s brand” and scaring the country’s children. The Telegraph reports: Mr Obama said he was “dismayed by the vicious atmosphere in our politics” and the use of “vulgar and divisive rhetoric aimed at women, minorities and Americans who don’t look like us”. He said: “This is about the American brand. Why would we want to tarnish that? Who are we? How are we perceived around the world? The world pays attention to what we say and what we do. “This is not an accurate refle... more »
March 15: The things we cannot have.
The good thing about growing up poor (the only good thing) is that you get accustomed very, very young to the idea there are things you cannot have. As I thought of this topic, it occured to me that I didn't have a pair of winter boots until I was thirteen. What I had, from age five, was somebody's old pair of rubber boots. They were too big for me, of course, but over the years, I filled them, then overfilled them. By age ten or so, they had become annoying, then painful. Then, lucky for me, the war ended, and within a couple of years, the stores were filling up with cheap, war sur... more »
"Behind Every Great Fortune There Is A Crime"
*An excerpt from, "BOMBSHELL! Larry Silverstein designed NEW WTC-7 in April of 2000" By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today, March 15, 2016: * With the supreme chutzpah that has become his trademark, Silverstein breezes over the demolitions of 9/11/2001 as if they were not even worth remarking on, instead going straight from his new-WTC-7 design meeting in April 2000 to the beginning of construction in 2002. *Memo to Donald Trump: If you’re looking for people who were wildly celebrating the murder of 3,000 people on September 11th, 2001, that would include not only the famous dancing Is... more »
The Big Bad Wolf Huffed, Puffed, And. . .Walked Away
*An excerpt from, "Putin: Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria Starting March 15" by b, Moon of Alabama, March 14, 2016: * Or is this, as announced, an "incentive" to put some urgency on progress in the Geneva negotiations? (An "incentive" that can be taken back should it not have the intended results.) One can also think of this as a message to the U.S. to get serious: "Don't take our help in fighting ISIS for granted. We can simply secure Assad and leave. Then you alone will have to clean up the Jihadi mess you created." *Title: The Real Reason For Russia's Withdrawal From Sy... more »
Trump’s Tough Talk on Trade Spooks Japan
[image: PM Japan - 900] Japanese leaders announced their concern of a potential Donald Trump presidency, fearing the business mogul's tough trade beliefs could negatively impact the Asian country. Japan is a frequent target of Trump's rhetoric, who referred to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other... more »
KKK Leader Says He Backs Hillary Clinton For President
A senior member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) white supremacist group has said that he endorses Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Will Quigg the “grand dragon” of the KKK’s California chapter told the Telegraph that he was switching his support from Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump to Mrs Clinton because of her “hidden agenda” Press TV reports: Quigg bases his support on his belief that Clinton is making false promises in her presidential campaign. Once she gets elected, he says, her agenda will completely shift. “We want Hillary Clinton to win,” he sai... more »
The Ukraine Conflict’s Nazi Heritage
Few Westerners, particularly Americans, understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today’s U.S.-backed Ukrainian regime. Western propaganda has made these right-wing extremists the “good guys” versus the Russian “bad guys” in the Ukraine Conflict, as Jonathan Marshall explains. Lviv, a city in Western Ukraine, has for nearly a century been a breeding ground of extreme Ukrainian nationalism, spawning terrorist movements, rabid anti-Semitism, and outright pro-Nazi political organizations that continue to pollute the country’s... more »
Costing the Earth: The Environment after Exit
This week's *Costing the Earth *on Radio 4 was called The Environment after Exit. It looked in turn at four key EU policies: the Habitats Directive, the Common Fisheries Policy, the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Renewables Directive. Was it biased? And if so in which direction? Let's take it section by section. 1. *Habitats* This section (which took up the first eight and a half minutes of the programme) looked at the EU's Habitats Directive. Presenter Tom Heap talked to three people: Andrew Blenkiron, estate director of the Euston Estate; former EU Commission of... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Catskill, New York, USA. Thanks for stopping by!