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War News Updates1 minute ago
Al Qaeda Praises Taliban’s ‘Historic Victory’ In Afghanistan
Current Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri accepted the Taliban's top leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, who holds the title of Amir ul-Muminun, as a supreme authority. In this 1998 picture, Zawahiri is with Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. (Mazhar Ali Khan / AP Archive) *Long War Journal:* *Al Qaeda praises Taliban’s ‘historic victory’ in Afghanistan* Al Qaeda’s senior leadership has released a two-page statement congratulating the Islamic ummah on the occasion of the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan. The brief message was distributed online by As Sahab, al Qaeda’s central media ... read more
The National Interest13 minutes ago
Why Turkey Grounded Hundreds of Fighter Pilots*Michael Peck* *Turkey, Turkey* A failed coup in 2016 resulted in Turkey dismissing more than 300 F-16 pilots. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *A nation that throws its fighter pilots in jail is not just wasting money, but also an extremely valuable resource. Yet in the name of politics, Turkey's government has purged its air force so badly that it can barely fly its F-16 fighters. Fighter pilots aren't cheap. The U.S. Air Force estimates that training a new pilot to fly a plane like the F-35 costs $11 million. And that doesn't count the priceless experience of a veteran pilo... read more
The National Interest13 minutes ago
Sitting Ducks: Are Aircraft Carriers Too Easy To Sink?*Michael Peck* *Aircraft Carriers, Americas* Russian and Chinese weapons now threaten Western reliance on a small number of sophisticated and irreplaceable platforms. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Large ships come with large problems. Inexpensive Russian and Chinese weapons, such as cyberwar and antiship missiles, threaten the West’s reliance on expensive arms such as aircraft carriers. “China and Russia appear to have focused many (but not all) their efforts on being able to put at risk the key Western assets that are large, few in number and expensive,” reads a 2017 study by... read more
The National Interest13 minutes ago
China's Special Forces are Only Getting Better*Michael Peck* *China, Asia* China has invested heavily in increasing the sophistication and global reach of its special forces. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Do improvements in China's special forces mean they will be used more often? Would America's current foreign policy even be possible without special operations units to battle insurgents or train friendly troops in the Middle East and Africa? Some special force units get all the attention. America’s Delta Force, Russia's Spetnatz and Britain's SAS have glamorous reputations. When was the last time you heard about Ch... read more
New Mandala27 minutes ago
Weaponising COVID-19The 2020 Protest posed an existential threat to the Thai state. The government of Prayuth Chan-ocha has enlisted every available weapon to fight back, including COVID-19. The post Weaponising COVID-19 appeared first on New Mandala. read more
War News Updates31 minutes ago
Russian TV Says Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada Is Likely To Become The Supreme Leader Of Afghanistan
Hibatullah Akhundzada is the Supreme Commander of the extremist group Taliban (Twitter) *TASS: *Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada likely to become supreme leader of Afghanistan — TV *According to the News-18 TV channel, the Taliban intends to base its government structure on the Iranian one, making the supreme leader to be the head of state as well as the highest political and religious authority* NEW DELHI, August 31. /TASS/. The Taliban (outlawed in Russia) is contemplating appointing Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada as the supreme leader of Afghanistan, News-18 TV reported on Tuesd... read more
The Last Refuge40 minutes ago
September 1st – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 225In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post September 1st – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 225 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge46 minutes ago
Wednesday September 1st – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Wednesday September 1st – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Taliban Says It's Moving to Ban Opium Production
AFP *PJ Media: **Taliban Says It's Moving to Ban Opium Production to Encourage International Recognition* The Taliban says it is moving to ban opium production in Afghanistan in an effort to secure international recognition for the regime. But will the world forget the previous 20 years the Taliban benefited financially from the drug trade? The Taliban standardized and grew the opium industry to facilitate the financing of their insurgency. They recruited poppy farmers and taxed their crops, undermining U.S. and Afghan government efforts to destroy the drug trade. *Read... read more
Manhattan Contrarian1 hour ago
More On European Climate Change Litigation: These People Are Crazy* It’s easy to look at “climate change” litigation in the U.S. and conclude that a good percentage of our environmental bureaucrats and judges who get involved in these things are crazy. * Thus many courts around the country (mostly state courts) have allowed lawsuits seeking damages against oil companies over greenhouse gas emissions from their products to proceed at least beyond the preliminary stages. And the EPA, early in the Obama administration (2009) issued what is called the “Endangerment Finding,” declaring CO2 and other GHGs to be a “danger to public health and welfare” — ... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
Former Fed. President Warns Of IMMINENT Financial Crisis. MORE UPDATES: Markets And More. MannarinoSocio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
FedRes Overnight Reverse Repo: $1,189.616B – Another Record!!!https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTSYD read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
WINNING: Emmanuel Macron Stuck His Neck Out And Gambled His Entire Presidency On The COVID-19 Passport Only To Win Big To Surprise Of Everyone
WINNING: Emmanuel Macron Stuck His Neck Out And Gambled His Entire Presidency On The COVID-19 Passport Only To Win Big To Surprise Of Everyone by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ Macron’s decision to bring in the vaccine passport on the eve of the summer holidays was a jaw-dropper. The COVID immunity pass — a digital or paper certificate … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Learn the Deadly Truth Behind the Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID TreatmentSocio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent’s Devastating Ingredients!Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Brazil Launches A Nationwide COVID Vaccination Passport That Takes Effect September 1st Focusing On Major Cities Rio de Janeiro And São Paulo
Brazil Launches A Nationwide COVID Vaccination Passport That Takes Effect September 1st Focusing On Major Cities Rio de Janeiro And São Paulo by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ In the city of Rio de Janeiro, decrees published last week establish mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for access to various establishments and services. As of September 1st, proof will be … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Emergency Global Broadcast: Japan Halts All Moderna Shots After Discovering Metal ‘Foreign Substances’ – FULL SHOW 8/31/21Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
WHO Releases Plan for Global Digital Vaccine Passports Funded by Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation — The Mark of The Beast System read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
In Shocking Move, The Vaccinated In Israel Will Become Unvaccinated And Lose Their Green Pass If They Refuse To Begin Receiving COVID Booster Shots
In Shocking Move, The Vaccinated In Israel Will Become Unvaccinated And Lose Their Green Pass If They Refuse To Begin Receiving COVID Booster Shots by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ The booster will become a requirement for a Green Pass when the shot is available to everyone aged 12 and older. “The Green Pass testifies that a person … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
The Media’s Addiction to Covid-19 ‘Fear Porn’ is Perpetuating an Ever-Worsening Cycle of Societal Damage Across the WorldThe Media’s Addiction to Covid-19 ‘Fear Porn’ is Perpetuating an Ever-Worsening Cycle of Societal Damage Across the World by eva bartlett, http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/ Over the past year and a half, hysterical media reporting on matters Covid-19 has reduced some people to a fearful state of unquestioning compliance – including a great number of otherwise critically-thinking journalists. … read more
The Conservative Socrates1 hour ago
Advanced Civilizations are Sitting Ducks of HistoryHow can anyone read history and still believe that advanced civilizations can win wars? If you leave aside the Age of Imperialism, when the wars were won through psychological and diplomatic strategies, then you find that the primitive civilizations, which have a high birth rate, intense cultural cohesion, and the will to fight to the end, have in most cases trounced the advanced civilizations in wars and even in cultural conflicts. History tells us that advanced civilizations always get conquered by the people that they view as barbarians. An advanced civilization is like a sitting ... read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Leaked Phone Transcript Reveals That Contrary To What He Has Been Saying Publicly, President Biden Knew The Taliban Were Winning The Afghan War In July
President Joe Biden meets with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chairman of Afghanistan's High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah at the White House in Washington, June 25, 2021. Reuters *Daily Mail: **As Biden repeats claim that ‘nobody could have known’ Afghan Army would collapse, bombshell transcript from July reveals he pressured Afghan President Ghani to create 'perception' Taliban wasn't winning ‘WHETHER IT'S TRUE OR NOT’* * Reuters on Tuesday released excerpts from last call between Biden and Ghani before the Afghan president fled * They talked for ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Lasers and Magnetic Detectors Could Help China Find Enemy Subs*Michael Peck* *China Navy, China* Chinese researchers are working on high-tech systems to detect hostile submarines. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In 2018, Chinese scientists said they were developing a laser-equipped satellite that could detect submarines. The idea is to use laser beams of various colors that can detect disturbances in the water caused by a moving submarine. China is making great efforts to detect U.S. submarines. Scientists at a Chinese research institute say they developed an airborne laser that might eventually detect hostile subs even at great depths... read more
Mohawk Nation News 'All Aboard! Last Train, Last Plane'Posted on August 31, 2021Spread the loveALL ABOARD! LAST TRAIN, LAST PLANE. AudioMohawk Nation NewsListen to audio at MNN: https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2021/08/31/all-aboard-last-train-last-plane-audio/ MNN. August 31, 2021. US, UK, Canada and their EU-NATO henchman are scrambling out of Afghanistan in haste. They had 8 days to get out. Everybody is tired of their lying, cheating and read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Cold War History: How Russia Almost Built a Supersonic Amphibious Bomber*Michael Peck* *Bombers, Eurasia* Why was this Soviet wonder weapon passed over? *Here's What You Need to Know*: The M-70 was the wave of the future—until ICBMs came along. With airline passengers crammed like sardines, it’s hard to remember there was a time when airliners were more like ocean liners. In the 1930s, seaplanes were queens of the sky. Clipper seaplanes like the Boeing 314 were the 747s of the era, carrying passengers on long flights across the Atlantic and Pacific. Today seaplanes seem an anachronism—cute flying machines that haul tourists in remote places like Al... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
The ‘Enhanced’ Unemployment Benefits Run Out in Just One Week *Stephen Silver* *economy, Americas* Those people who have collecting benefits are being advised to step up their job searches. One of the key benefits of the American Rescue Plan Act that passed in March was “enhanced” unemployment benefits, which continued a policy first put in place by the CARES Act. Those benefits, throughout the year, have helped many families, but they have also been blamed for the labor shortages that have occurred around the country. This was enough to move twenty-six states, more than half of the country, to opt-out of those benefits over the summer. ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Can America Make Its 6th Generation Stealth Fighters Unstoppable?*Michael Peck* *Stealth Fighters, Americas* It depends on more than technology. *Here's What You Need to Know*: American planes will operate from more distant bases in the future. The scenario goes like this: In 2030, Russia invades the Baltic States. As the U.S. sends forces to Europe, China seizes the opportunity to seize disputed islands in the South China Sea. American airpower flies to the rescue, only to discover that sophisticated Russian and Chinese fighters and anti-aircraft defenses have rendered the skies too deadly for older American planes to conduct missions. If t... read more
Accidental Deliberations1 hour ago
Tuesday Night Cat Blogging
Relaxed cats. read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Will The Taliban Restrict Internet Access In Afghanistan?
The World Bank estimates 13.5% of Afghans currently have access to the internet *DW: **Will the Taliban restrict internet access in Afghanistan?* The Taliban say that they want to ensure internet access in Afghanistan, but they could face substantial technical and financial challenges to keep it running. Afghans say they fear more surveillance and censorship. "The Taliban have started to turn the internet on and off in some parts of Kabul," said Habib Khan Totakhil, an Afghan journalist and founder of the Afghan Peace Initiative. After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan,... read more
balance102 hours ago
According to security contractor and intelligence analyst McMillan
8-31-21 According to security contractor and intelligence analyst George McMillan (who wrote *Assessing 17 Years in Afghanistan*, pub. July 2021) the Taliban were not allowing Americans to enter the perimeter of the Kabul Airport. Hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies were turned away or beaten by the Taliban. McMillan then told *Newsmax* that the Taliban allowed their people inside the perimeter to catch airplanes out of the country. Only 6,000 were Americans. Now we have tens of thousands of Afghans without papers, who never worked for the US in Afghanistan, coming to the... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Anti-Taliban Resistance Forces Train In The Afghan Mountains Vowing Never To Bend The Knee
PANJSHIR VALLEY: The valley lies around 100 miles north of Kabul, overlooked by the Hindu Kush mountains and with narrow approaches ideally suited for ambushes, the river valley stretches for miles, opening into broad meadows where its 170,000 people live *Daily Mail: **The Taliban's worst nightmare: Resistance forces train in the Afghan mountains as they vow never to bend the knee to the new rulers of Kabul* * Resistance forces trained in Panjshir Valley, strategic fortress sitting north of Kabul in Hindu Kush mountains * Fighters waded through water with logs of wood over t... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
‘Killing for The Sake of Killing’: Disillusioned US Drone Pilots Leak Footage of Air Strikes Against Unarmed Afghans, Media SaysNot only were Afghans targeted with lethal strikes for using or touching a radio, but DOD would kill people if a Scan Eagle pilot thought maybe he saw an antenna sticking out from under his clothes for a moment, or caught (maybe) a glimpse of a tac vest.https://t.co/5ez5wjoJ74 pic.twitter.com/cfO2ji6DuM — Jack Murphy (@JackMurphyRGR) August 24, … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
This Is What Held Gold Back And Why It’s So ‘Cheap’ Now – Tavi CostaKitco NEWS This is part 1 of 2 of the full interview. Tavi Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, discusses with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, the most important macro drivers behind gold’s underperformance, and the next catalysts for a renewed bull run. Follow David Lin on Twitter: @davidlin_TV (https://twitter.com/davidlin_TV) Follow Tavi Costa: @TaviCosta … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Coming: Mass Dumping Of Dollars For Metals | Andy SchectmanLiberty and Finance It’s coming, says Andy Schectman, Miles Franklin’s President and CEO. Recently, Miles Franklin has been processing multi-million dollar orders for gold and silver. Andy expects even bigger orders in the near future. “What happens if there’s a mass dumping of Dollars?” he asks. “There isn’t enough product out there to fascinate a … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Kim Iversen: BOMBSHELL Report Suggests Natural Immunity Triggers Better Response Against COVIDThe Hill Kim Iversen makes the case for rethinking COVID-19 immunity after a new report appears to cast doubt on the immuno-response of vaccine immunity. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
THE MELTDOWN CONTINUES: Business Activity Drops, Consumer Confidence Craters, Home Prices SURGE.Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
3.5 Million Households At Risk of Eviction! 750,000 Kicked Out By Year End?!Halifax Examiner4 hours ago
3 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Tuesday, August 31The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. Please help us continue this coverage by subscribing. Jump to sections in this article: Overview Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced three new cases of COVID-19 today, Tuesday, August 31. All three cases are in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone — […] read more
null2 hours ago
'That's My Job' - The Murder Of Ashli BabbittBy the logic used by the US Department of Justice to exonerate Capitol Hill Police officer Michael Byrd in the Jan. 6th shooting of Ashli Babbitt, hundreds of other protesters on that day - and in previous protests across the country last year - could have been shot and killed. Also today, interest in homeschooling is soaring. Is this the end of the state re-education camps for kids? Watch today's Liberty Report: read more
null2 hours ago
Transitioning from Vaccine Passports to Everything Passports[image: undefined] Israel has gone further quicker than most governments in pushing people to take experimental coronavirus vaccines and imposing vaccine passports as a requirement for people to go about their daily activities. Last week, Israel Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz announced that holders of these vaccine passports, called green passes by the government, will be required to take yet another shot of experimental coronavirus “vaccine” — termed a booster shot — and, apparently, keep taking more booster shots and being exposed to additional side-effect risks each additional f... read more
null2 hours ago
Afghanistan War (Almost) Over...Did They Die In Vain?After 20 years and countless thousands of deaths on both sides, it is time for the most difficult questions to be asked about the US war on Afghanistan. Did they all die in vain? Also today, with this war over, the Washington war machine is cranking up more enemy narratives. And...Israel mandates new shot, Denmark ends all Covid restrictions, and a new study confirms superiority of natural immunity. Watch today's Liberty Report: read more
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Say No To Vaccine Passports[image: undefined] On August 10, former White House coronavirus task force senior advisor Andy Slavitt tweeted something snarky, as is his habit: “If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a real ventilator?” One of his Twitter followers replied, “We need a way to track vaccination that isn’t on a little handwritten paper card. Something that’s very hard to falsify. You have ideas, contacts, resources I bet… Make it HAPPEN, Andy.” He responded, “Hold on for 3 ½ weeks and you will see.” That was two and a half weeks ago. Right n... read more
null2 hours ago
Twitter Permanently Bans Former NYT Journalist Alex Berenson[image: undefined] We previously discussed how Twitter’s growing censorship program has targeted former New York Times journalist and author Alex Berenson who is an outspoken critic of the government’s science and response to the pandemic. Berenson was previously suspended for merely expressing an opinion over the need for a “pause” on any federal mandates on Covid-19 as new research is studied. Twitter also suspended a journalist for posting CDC information that was deemed as critical of its own official line on vaccines. Now he is permanently suspended after his criticism the vacc... read more
null2 hours ago
Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End[image: undefined] Sunday’s news reports that the Biden Administration mistakenly killed nine members of one Afghan family, including six children, in “retaliation” for last week’s suicide attack which killed 13 US servicemembers, is a sad and sick epitaph on the 20 year Afghanistan war. Promising to “get tough” on ISIS, which suddenly re-emerged to take responsibility for the suicide attack, the most expensive military and intelligence apparatus on earth appears to have gotten it wrong. Again. Interventionists love to pretend they care about girls and women in Afghanistan, but it ... read more
null2 hours ago
The Media's Addiction to Covid-19 ‘Fear Porn’ is Perpetuating an Ever-Worsening Cycle of Societal Damage Across the World[image: undefined] Over the past year and a half, hysterical media reporting on matters Covid-19 has reduced some people to a fearful state of unquestioning compliance – including a great number of otherwise critically-thinking journalists. With screaming headlines in bold and large font such as, ”Will this nightmare ever end?” and “Mutant virus skyrockets…” and ”Fear grows across the country: VIRUS PANIC,” and ”Coronavirus horror: Social media footage shows infected Wuhan residents 'act like zombies’," it is no wonder many people are in a state of panic. In times when many are su... read more
null2 hours ago
The US Government vs. the United States[image: undefined] Advocates of empire and interventionism are saying that even given the debacle in Afghanistan, America should not “retreat” from the world. Even though our nation has lost “credibility” in the world, they say, it is imperative that the United States continue to project power and influence around the world. To do otherwise, they say, would create a “vacuum” into which would flow Russia, China, Iran, the terrorists, or some other adversary, opponent, or enemy. Some of them are even bringing up the dreaded I word — isolationism! One big problem here is that advocat... read more
null2 hours ago
Natural Immunity for the Win[image: undefined] The question I get more than any other: "I had Covid. I had an antibody test to prove it. Am I protected (and do I need to get the vaccine)?" Let me start with the usual disclaimer: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. I AM NOT A PHYSICIAN. But the answer is now increasingly clear: natural immunity from Covid following infection and recovery is HIGHLY protective against future Covid infections. Rates of reinfection are very low. Perhaps natural immunity eventually wanes, but we don’t know when. In fact, a little-noticed paper from June suggests it may actually strengthen... read more
null2 hours ago
Here Come the Terrorists. Again[image: undefined] President Joe Biden is being praised in some circles because he finally ended the war in Afghanistan that in all likelihood should never have begun. President George W. Bush initiated the conflict on a series of lies about 9/11 and the Taliban role in that attack and what followed. After bringing about regime change, he decided to remake the country into a western style democracy. President Barack Obama subsequently allowed a “surge” which actually increased the militarization of the conflict and made things worse. The joint effort produced no free elections but ... read more
null2 hours ago
'Who Watches the Watchmen?' Infowars Case Raises Difficult Question For Both The Biden Administration and The Media[image: undefined] “Who watches the watchmen”? That question from a federal judge this week came in a confrontation with the Justice Department over its targeting or charging journalists. At issue is the prosecution of a controversial host of a far-right website called Infowars. Owen Shroyer was charged with trespass and disorderly conduct during the Jan. 6th riot. However, Shroyer claims to have been present as a journalist while the Justice Department insists that he is an activist. When US Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui asked for the basis of that distinction, the Biden Administrat... read more
null2 hours ago
Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net[image: undefined] Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown champions have perennially invoked “science and data” to sanctify any mandate politicians impose. Hard facts have recently shown that neither vaccines nor face masks provide surefire protection against the virus. But no amount of evidence has yet shaken faith in the magic of absolute power. Covid policies are increasingly degenerating to the equivalent of sacrificing virgins to appease angry viral gods. New Zealand on Tuesday imposed a nationwide lockdown in response to a single Covid case in the capital city. Pr... read more
null2 hours ago
Mainstream Media Increasingly Questioning Official Covid NarrativeFor several days mainstream media outlets have been reporting stories on the Covid narrative that they would not have touched just months ago. Early treatment to avoid hospitalization? Rapidly fading efficacy of the shot? Serious doubts on the wisdom of a "booster" regime? All of this had been until very recently considered anathema to the MSM. So what's changing and why? Also today, an update and reflection on breaking news from Afghanistan. Watch today's Liberty Report: read more
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An Old Soldier’s Denial on Afghanistan[image: undefined] In a letter to the Los Angeles Times regarding the Afghanistan debacle, Stephen Sloane, a retired captain in the US Navy who served in the Vietnam War, is a perfect demonstration of how so many people, especially in the military, live lives of denial when it comes to foreign interventionism. Addressing Marines who served in Afghanistan who are now frustrated and angry over the result in Afghanistan, Sloane tells them that there is no disgrace in defeat because US soldiers “took an oath to the Constitution.” He says, “Loyalty to that oath has helped preserve the r... read more
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15 Studies That Indicate Natural Immunity From Prior Infection is More Robust Than the COVID Vaccines[image: undefined] It's the 800-pound gorilla in the pandemic. The debate over forced vaccination with an ever-waning vaccine is cresting right around the time when the debate should be moot for a lot of people. Among the most fraudulent messages of the CDC's campaign of deceit is to force the vaccine on those with prior infection, who have a greater degree of protection against all versions of the virus than those with any of the vaccines. It's time to set the record straight once and for all that natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is broader, more durable, and longer-lasting than any ... read more
null2 hours ago
'I Was Living Like Scarface': The Ludicrous Costs of the War in Afghanistan Revealed in New Documents, Testimonies[image: undefined] The conflict in Afghanistan — for the US at least — appears to be over. Essentially admitting defeat, American planes are beating a hasty and ignominious retreat from Kabul, with images of the withdrawal bearing a striking resemblance to those from the fall of Saigon 46 years previously. As the Taliban complete their takeover, many Americans are wondering what it was all about. For what, and on what, did the United States spend more than $2 trillion? A newly published study from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) — a US government... read more
null2 hours ago
CDC: Vaccine Efficacy Tanking. So Now What?Bloomberg is reporting that the CDC now says the formerly 90 percent plus efficacy of the covid shots is now down to 66 percent efficacy. What does that tanking efficacy mean as we see increasing demands for vaccine passports and other restrictions? Also...Fauci is NOW saying that early treatments, particularly monoclonal antibodies, for covid can cut hospitalizations by 85 percent. Florida Governor DeSantis was attacked for saying the same thing last week. And...Afghanistan update: who really won? Watch today's Liberty Report: read more
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Vaccine Mandates and the 'Great Reset'[image: undefined] Pressure on the unvaccinated grows. While the vaccinated in some countries are getting back some of their freedoms taken away by the covid interventions, the unvaccinated are not so well off. They are being targeted for discrimination. Access to public spaces and traveling is being made more difficult for them. In some countries there is even mandatory vaccination for some professions. But why is the vaccination campaign so important to governments that they are increasing the pressure to such an extent? And who has an interest in the global vaccination campaign?... read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani – Biden: “there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture”Team-One (State Dept, CIA, Intel Community) continue to pummel Team-Two (Biden, WH, Pentagon, NSC) with leaks to media. After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and Afghan […] The post U.S. Intel Hits Biden Again, Leak Transcript and Recording of Call With President Ghani – Biden: “there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
This tricky new email campaign cons YOU into calling scammers
Don't call that number sent to you through an email. It could be part of this sneaky vishing scam. read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 hour ago
An Overview of Canada's next federal election
People don't normally care about politics but now that we are losing our rights every day, people are a lot more concerned and a lot more angry. On that note I thought I'd give an overview of what's at stake in the next election and explain the political landscape. We all know the media is screwed. They have a biased agenda that I reject. So, let us begin. Politics is usually described in a linear depiction of left versus right. Conservatives were on the right. The NDP is on the far left and the Liberals were supposed to be in the middle. In Canada that has changed. The federal ND... read more
null2 hours ago
Fauci: 'I Respect People's Freedom But...'In the wake of yesterday's FDA approval of the Pfizer shot, Biden's Covid advisor Anthony Fauci has blasted back onto the television screens, screeching that while he likes freedom there are times we must give up freedom...and take the shot! Meanwhile Biden is demanding that the private sector turn into the shot police and install mandates on their workers and customers. As Afghanistan unravels, is this dramatic ramping up of authoritarianism at home meant to be a distraction? Watch today's Liberty Report: read more
null2 hours ago
FDA disseminates dangerous and libelous misinformation against lifesaving COVID treatment[image: undefined] Does our government believe Africans are not human beings? On Sunday, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared, "We've been seeing health misinformation as a problem for years, but the speed, scale and sophistication with which it is spreading and impacting our health is really unprecedented." Perhaps the surgeon general should look in the mirror and lecture the FDA for dissuading people from taking lifesaving ivermectin. Over the weekend, the FDA tweeted out a message warning that ivermectin is for horses and cows, not people, implying that it is dangerous to consu... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 22 hours ago
“Banks Will Seize Your Money During Crisis; Families About To Be Homeless”Jeremiah Babe, PM 8/31/21: *“Banks Will Seize Your Money During Crisis; * *Families About To Be Homeless”* read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
China Pledges To Help Rebuild Afghanistan And Insists The U.S. Help Pay For Its Reconstruction*SCMP:* *China pledges to help rebuild Afghanistan and, while blaming US for chaos, insists it pays too * China has pledged to help reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan after American troops have completely withdrawn, but demands that Washington also pay its share. In a sign that tensions between the two rivals will persist, the Chinese foreign ministry issued its criticism and demands for the United States on Tuesday, following Washington’s announcement that its mission in the Central Asian nation had ended. The development marked a new start in Afghanistan for peace and ... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
1,250 Canadians Are Still Stranded In Afghanistan*Global Times:* *U.S. helps bring refugees to Canada, but 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan* Canada is accepting 5,000 Afghan refugees evacuated by the United States, federal officials said Tuesday as they work to rescue 1,250 Canadians stuck in the Taliban-ruled country. The deal comes as part of a new agreement reached with the U.S. in order to secure safe passage for Afghans fleeing the Islamist militant group, said Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino. They will be accepted as part of the government’s expanded 20,000 Afghan refugee program. *Read more* .... *WN... read more
Turcopolier3 hours ago
The arm that has arrived at the ISSThe smart, mechanical arm is made by a Japanese robotics startup, Gitai, which specializes in space robotics. The company says that the S1 has eight degrees of freedom, which is one more than a human arm. Take that, meatbags. Gitai also lists the … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Retired U.S. Three-Star General Says America's Return To Afghanistan Is 'Inevitable' As Terrorist Groups Will Flourish Under Taliban Rule
A retired US general says America's return to Afghanistan is 'inevitable' now that terrorist groups will flourish under Taliban rule. Pictured: US troops help passengers board an evacuation flight on August 24 *Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: Retired three-star general says America's return to Afghanistan is 'inevitable' as terrorist groups flourish under Taliban rule - as he slams Biden's 'immature, unsophisticated' plan that turned the US into a 'laughing stock'* * A retired three-star US general has warned of America's 'inevitable' return to Afghanistan now that Taliban forces have... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
One Casualty Of The Military Defeat In Afghanistan Will Be NATOPresident Biden joins G7 summit leaders in a group photo in June 2021. In a G7 meeting last week, European leaders pushed the US to extend the August 31 deadline for troop departure. Photo: Reuters *Jen Kirby, VOX:* *NATO allies are preparing for a future without America’s “forever wars”* How the US’s Afghanistan withdrawal echoed overseas. Afghanistan wasn’t just America’s 20-year war. It also belonged to US allies. “This has been above all a catastrophe for the Afghan people. It’s a failure of the Western world and it’s a game changer for international relations,” the Eur... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Too Little, Too Late: Why the Nakajima Kikka Kamikaze Jet Couldn't Save Japan*Michael Peck* *World War II, Asia* No jet fighter late in the game could undo massive earlier mistakes. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Kikka would have been overwhelmed by the massive U.S. land-based and carrier-based formations that roamed over Japan in the last days of the war. It is a fallacy that Germany was the only nation to develop combat jets in World War II. In truth, while Germany had the most advanced technology, all of the major powers had jet aircraft projects during World War II, including the United States, Britain, Russia, Italy and Japan. The most well-kno... read more
Caitlin Johnstone4 hours ago
Taking A Few Days OffI hate to do this too often because I like to keep a regular output and stay in touch with what’s going on, but I need to take a few days off, maybe a week, to sort out some personal stuff. I’m feeling energetically overwhelmed […] read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Says The US Could Send Economic Aid To The Taliban*Daily Mail:* *Biden administration now considers giving Taliban AID if they 'uphold their international obligations': Marauding jihadis taunt West with mock FUNERALS for Allied troops as they flaunt billions of dollars of US hardware left behind* * National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the US could send economic aid to the Taliban * Taliban 'victory' parades took place in Afghanistan today after the last US troops left the country overnight * Coffins draped in the US, UK, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets by the Islamists * Thousa... read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
HHS Amends PREP Act Liability Waiver To Cover Only NIH Approved Treatments for COVID-19There have been some recent reports about hospitals, doctors and health officials now refusing to treat U.S. patients with vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and another effective therapeutics. A recent notation about HHS changing liability waivers under the PREP Act, might provide some insight. “Enacted in December 2005, the PREP Act authorizes the Secretary of HHS […] The post HHS Amends PREP Act Liability Waiver To Cover Only NIH Approved Treatments for COVID-19 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch6 hours ago
Picnics for the rich and curfews for the poorOriginally posted on olddogthoughts: One of the consequences of managing the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the divide between socioeconomic classes, Source: Picnics for the rich and curfews for the poor read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch6 hours ago
Woman Dies of Rare Brain Disease Within 3 Months of Second Dose of Pfizer COVID Shot, Doctor Says Vaccine Could Be Responsible • Children’s Health DefenseOriginally posted on Decoded-Information: In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Gianni Cohen said her mother, Cheryl Cohen, developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease after getting the Pfizer vaccine, and died within three months of her second dose. Source: Woman Dies of Rare Brain Disease Within 3 Months of Second Dose of Pfizer COVID Shot, Doctor Says Vaccine… read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch6 hours ago
CDC Endorses FDA Approval of Pfizer COVID Vaccine for 16 and Older, Amid Questions About Missing Data and Which Vaccine Is Actually Approved • Children’s Health DefenseOriginally posted on Decoded-Information: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday said it endorsed its advisory committee’s “recommendation for use of the Pfizer-BioNTech’s licensed vaccine for people 16 and older,” despite statements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is still authorized only for emergency use. Source: CDC Endorses… read more
Econlib6 hours ago
Two Great Passages from Free to Choose
I’m giving a talk in southern California later this month on the importance of Milton Friedman’s 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom and of Milton and Rose Friedman’s 1980 book Free to Choose. There are so many pithy passages in both books. Here are two from Free to Choose that I particularly like: The Tight Connection […] The post Two Great Passages from Free to Choose appeared first on Econlib. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch6 hours ago
Australia passes sweeping internet surveillance billOriginally posted on Think for Yourself: “No one is safe under these new laws.” From RECLAIM THE NET, August 30, 2021. By Dan Friethhttps://reclaimthenet.org/australia-passes-sweeping-mass-surveillance-bill/ The Australian Senate has passed a controversial law giving new and powerful surveillance powers to law enforcement agencies, including 60 amendments proposed by the House of Representatives. After The Surveillance Legislation Amendment… read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch6 hours ago
Natural immunity offers better COVID protection than vaccine, Israeli study finds – LifeSiteOriginally posted on Decoded-Information: Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff said the conclusion undermines the case for vaccine passports. Source: Natural immunity offers better COVID protection than vaccine, Israeli study finds – LifeSite read more
Medical Kidnap6 hours ago
People in the 21st Century Have Forgotten How to Resist Tyranny – Here’s a History Lesson from the Civil Rights Movement
As more and more people around the world finally start to wake up and understand that the "war against the virus" has been a plan from the beginning for tyrants to seize control of society and implement a medical police state that controls every aspect of our lives and enslaves us, they are beginning to venture out of their homes and take to the streets in protest. But protesting alone is not going to push back tyranny. As I watch video clips shot from people's cell phones during many of these protests, mostly outside the U.S. at this point as most Americans are still asleep, what... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 22 hours ago
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 8/31/21: "Huge Changes are Coming to the Economy in September - I’m Back!"*"Huge Changes are Coming to the Economy in September - I’m Back!"* "There are huge changes are coming to the Economy. The rent moratorium is finally over. There is no more pandemic unemployment. Inflation is that a 30 year high and there are a tremendous amount of people still in forbearance." read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Fiddling in Nairobi While Africa Goes HungryBOSTON, Aug 31 (IPS) - As the United Nations gears up for its Food Systems Summit September 23, the urgent need for structural changes in how we grow, harvest, distribute, and consume food has never been more apparent. Read the full story, “Fiddling in Nairobi While Africa Goes Hungry”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
COVID-19: Rich countries should donate at least 1 billion vaccine doses, says WHO panelRich countries must share their supplies of COVID-19 vaccines quickly, in line with recommendations made earlier this year by an independent panel appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the former co-chairs said on Tuesday. Read the full story, “COVID-19: Rich countries should donate at least 1 billion vaccine doses, says WHO panel”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
UN marks first International Day for People of African DescentThe UN on Tuesday celebrated the enormous contributions the African diaspora has made in every field of human endeavour, marking the first-ever International Day for People of African Descent. Read the full story, “UN marks first International Day for People of African Descent”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
UN commits to staying in Afghanistan, with basic services close to collapseThe flights evacuating civilians from Afghanistan may have come to an end, but a deepening humanitarian crisis remains, UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared on Tuesday, as several senior UN officials restated their commitment to stay and deliver urgently needed supplies to the millions in the country who need humanitarian aid to survive. Read the full story, “UN commits to staying in Afghanistan, with basic services close to collapse”, on globalissues.org → read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
WoofWar News Updates5 hours ago
How Can The West Stop Terror Bases In Afghanistan?
*BBC: **Afghanistan: How can the West stop terror bases?* "The UK will fight Islamic State by all means available," says Dominic Raab. The foreign secretary added that the UK would "draw on all elements of national power" to pursue the group's leaders. So what does that mean in practice? What exactly are the tools at Britain's disposal? Or is this, as some critics would maintain, just an empty boast? First off, let's review what's been lost. The Taliban takeover of nearly the whole of Afghanistan means that the West - and specifically the CIA, MI6 and other intelligence agenci... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Will the Baltics be Able to Hold Their Own if Russia Invades?*Michael Peck* *Baltic Security, Europe* The three nations only have a combined population of 6.2 million people, with about twenty-two thousand troops and 450 artillery pieces, but no tanks or jets. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Russia can muster 845,000 troops—three hundred thousand in western Russia alone—backed by 2,600 tanks, 5,500 artillery pieces and almost 1,400 warplanes. Despite popular resistance, an authoritarian nation like Russia might simply choose to absorb the costs of occupying all or parts of the Baltic states. The Baltic states have a plan to defend the... read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
"No está dentro de nuestras prioridades": Ximena Rincón descarta poner en tabla el TPP1131-Aug-2021 Tras la primera reunión protocolar con el Presidente Sebastián Piñera, Rincón reiteró además que desde la oposición seguirán trabajando para concretar una agenda legislativa que permita avanzar en ayuda social, reactivación económica, un nuevo pacto social, políticas con foco en identidad de género, pensiones y regionalización read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
Ciencia, Propiedad Intelectual y Conocimientos ancestrales en la Convención31-Aug-2021 La propuesta de Reglamento que se votará próximamente por el pleno de la Convención Constitucional incluye en su Artículo 53, la creación de una comisión temática sobre Sistemas de Conocimiento, Ciencia y Tecnología, Cultura, Arte y Patrimonio. read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Five Pieces of Future U.S. Military Technology*Michael Peck* *Technology, Americas* Five pieces of U.S. military tech that we may see in the near future *Here's What You Need to Remember: *As the nature of war changes, so will the technology the U.S. uses to fight it. The U.S. Army already fields an impressive array of weapons. But as the U.S. Army prepares itself for potential conflicts against high-tech Russian and Chinese armies, the Army is working on a slew of new systems ranging from tanks to missiles. The result will be the gradual disappearance of the familiar weapons born during the Cold War -- the Abrams tanks an... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
How the U.S. Army Is Improving its Stealth Warfighting*Michael Peck* *Stealth, Americas* With radar making it much harder for soldiers to hide on the ground, the Army is trying to improve its stealth technology for the average grunt. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Stealth materials already exist, but have been unavailable to the lowly foot soldier. That's changing. First there were stealth fighters that didn’t show up on radar. Now the U.S. Army wants uniforms that allow ground troops to escape the notice of electromagnetic eyes. Radar has become an integral part of ground warfare, which makes it that much harder for soldier... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Fallen Tech Star Elizabeth Holmes Prepares to Go on TrialOnce a jury is seated, the trial will begin in San Jose, California. read more
CCG5 hours ago
The beast is at the doorChoose your sex Family First describes our obstinate socialist Government’s ambition to reconstruct our country by allowing changes to birth … Continue Reading → read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
Big Chiefs Gather, Wantum More MoneyReading the demands to political leaders, it seems to be all about money. Although they are also demanding flags remain at half mast for up to 17 years. Also they want to grow and sell pot without any government rules. And of course the usual charge of genocide against children. A trust fund needs to… Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Black Men Executed in 1951 Rape Granted Posthumous PardonsVirginia Gov. Ralph Northam granted posthumous pardons to seven Black men who were executed in 1951 for the rape of a white woman. read more
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