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Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
People deficient in Vitamin D are 14 times more likely to get severe Covid
*[image: serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels before hospitalization, Vitamin D3, Covid, Graph.]* This is obviously not a small variation. But we already know this. We have known this for over a century. Get out in the Sun more. In the meantime this has not been promoted this time at all. We are to use vaccines instead, a clear product now of bizarro scince. I personally take 2000 mgs a day of vitimin D 4000 mgs of vitimin C and so on to stop any corona virus in its tracks. The so called vaccines are turning oiut to be dangerous and real killers. yet ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
And So It Begins – 1000s Of Cattle Are Literally Dropping Dead From Starvation In Northern Mexico
What makes this difficult is that the border is presently tight. surplus cheap feed is harder to ship. So cattle have to be shipped and when it is a drought, you do not hesitate. To some degree this is a made up story. no rancher stands still when his cattle are dying. he ships them to just get them off his land. The land is presently supporting half what it did until recently. So you ship. When the rains return it is easy enough to surge hte stocking rates. Now you preserve the best. *And So It Begins – 1000s Of Cattle Are Literally Dropping Dead From Starvation In Nor... read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Reuters: Half of Paris Cafes and Bars Refuse to Require Vaccine PassportsPeople who enter a bar or restaurant without a Covid pass face 6 months in jail. Businesses that refuse to enforce the government's orders face a seven-day closure. Two further offenses could lead to a year’s jail time and a €45,000 fine. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
CDC Recommends Pregnant Women get COVID Shots, but Data is MurkyCDC Press Release: CDC has released new data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people and is recommending all people 12 years of age and older get vaccinated against COVID-19. “CDC encourages read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
New cold front approaching Brazil should lower temperatures this weekRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A new cold front began its path toward Brazil yesterday, August 11, and will lower temperatures in the Southern and Southeastern states. Temperatures are expected to drop between 2ºC and 3ºC, mainly in the next two days, lowering both maximum and minimum temperatures. However, the cold will be much milder […] The post New cold front approaching Brazil should lower temperatures this week appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
FULL SHOW: War Between China And Taiwan Imminent?RT America China has drawn a red line when it comes to Taiwan and experts say China could have a full scale invasion of Taiwan in six year. So today we are asking is war in Taiwan imminent? And should the US interfere if China invades Taiwan? Former UK MP George Galloway and former naval … read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
The Secret Ingredient Is Crime: How China’s Industrial Espionage Modernized Its Military*Robert Farley* *China, East Asia* Beijing is spying its way to the top. *Here's What You Need to Know:* The PRC has a well-established habit of pilfering weapons technology from Russia and the United States. As the years have gone by, Beijing’s spies have become ever more skillful and flexible in their approach. As the People’s Republic of China (PRC) emerged from war and revolution in 1949, it became apparent that the Chinese economy lacked the capacity to compete with the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. in the production of advanced military technology. Transfers from the Soviet Union h... read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
First Person: From a life of violence to a culture of peaceA young peace campaigner from Cameroon who turned his back on the violence prevalent in his hometown and became a youth civil society activist, has been telling the United Nations about how he is helping other young people to reject conflict, and take a greater role in building peace in the country. Read the full story, “First Person: From a life of violence to a culture of peace”, on globalissues.org → read more
Stranger in a Strange Land20 hours ago
Fed To The Lions - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*Fed to the lions* *We are not afraid of you* *We are the lions* *© **2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: I wrote this poem a few days ago thinking about how easy it was to lure the world population into giving up their sovereignty and whatever few rights they had remaining. It is all a big psych op luring people. The day many of us realize this, the curtains will fall down that distracts us from the reality of a few little weak, pyschotic men and women who are playing the devil's advocates and luring us into submission to these evil plans. I have published it in the haiku style o... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Open Secret: Israeli Nuclear Submarines are a Weapon of Last Resort*Sebastien Roblin* *Israel, Middle East* Israel has never officially admitted to possessing nuclear weapons. *Here's What You Need To Know: *Farley is probably correct in arguing that Israel’s nuclear-tipped SLCMs are less practical than Tel Aviv’s other nuclear-delivery platforms. For that matter, Israel doesn’t currently face any adversaries with nuclear capabilities to deter against. However, like the idea of second-strike capability in general, the threat of sea-launched nukes may be more intended political weapon than one strictly intended for its military effectiveness. Is... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Times of Plague: These 5 Diseases Determined World History*Robert Farley* *World History, Global* As the coronavirus has shown, a single disease can change everything about how the world works seemingly overnight. *Here's What You Need to Know:* Modern medicine, combined with the lethality of modern weaponry, has shifted the ancient balance between disease and combat. Disease and war have long worked hand in hand. Concentrations of soldiers operating in unfamiliar circumstances allow the transfer and spread of pathogens across wide populations, including both civilians and opposing armies. For most of human history, disease has inflict... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
The Big Six: How the Army Is Gearing Up to Fight Russia and China*Sebastien Roblin* *Russia, China, * The U.S. Army is at a crossroads as the Pentagon is reorienting itself to fight a capable great power opponent after nearly two decades focused on counter-insurgency conflicts. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *To avoid the earlier dramatic failure of “super programs” like the Future Combat System, the Army plans to adopt off-the-shelf solution where possible, and operationally test numerous projects before deciding which merit the funding to ramp up to full-scale development and production. The U.S. Army is at a crossroads as the Pentagon ... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Don’t Doubt It: North Korean Naval Mines Could Wreck the U.S. Navy*Sebastien Roblin* *Korean War, Asia* At noon sharp on October 12, 1950, the minesweeper USS Pirate had just completed a busy but productive morning off the North Korean port of Wonsan when everything went wrong at once. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The amphibious landing at Wonsan never took place as it would be overrun by U.N. troops advancing on land. But just a few weeks later Wonsan fell to a massive Chinese-North Korean counterattack. Beginning in February 1951, the port was subject to a U.N. naval blockade that would become the longest in modern history. During the 86... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Wish List: What New Weapons Made It Into Biden’s Defense Budget?*Sebastien Roblin* *Defense Spending, * Though the budget will certainly be revised, it nonetheless serves as a guide to the Biden-era Department of Defense’s priorities, with a record $112 billion devoted to research and development of future technologies at the expense of reducing forces in the near term. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* However, the Army has protected funding for thirty-five modernization programs including new artillery, missiles, and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as $24 billion for thirty “key enabler” technologies. In R&D the service is nursing alo... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
It’s Not Just America: Europe Is Stepping Up Investments in Missile Defense*Sebastien Roblin* *Missiles, Europe* The ability to intercept ballistic missiles is also growing in importance. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Eurosam is working on an Aster Block 2 missile designed to fly nearly four times as high at over 230,000 feet. This new hit-to-kill exo-atmospheric interceptor would be capable of smacking down hypersonic missiles and ballistic missiles traveling at seven times the speed of sound. Ballistic missiles are making a comeback in the twenty-first century because they give countries like China, Iran, North Korea and Russia the ability to stri... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Fauci a Pathological liar - Peer ReviewThe good news is that the science is coming out and catching up to all the propaganda and misinformation out there It may not be soon enough to save 2,000,000,000 over the next five years as the toxins and side effects work through the Global population. World wide we will discover that no health officer ever did his job and just took someone.s word that it was all a good idea. The slightest research into the cotroversies around the Vaccine MEME will send you running back to real science to ensure that your actions might be safe. We were told that the graphene oxide adjuvants wo... read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s coffee harvest reaches 89% helped by drier weather – Safras & MercadoRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The pace of harvest is slightly behind the same period last year, when it reached 90% of the 5-year historical average for this time, Safras added. Considering the consultancy's projection for the country's 2021/22 coffee crop, of 56.5 million 60-kg bags, the harvest would have now reached 50.45 million bags. […] The post Brazil’s coffee harvest reaches 89% helped by drier weather – Safras & Mercado appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Polar bear attack in Greenland gratuitously blamed on recent ‘heat wave’Originally posted on polarbearscience: A polar bear bit the hand of a member of a film crew near the Danish military base of Daneborg in East Greenland on Monday (2 August) and predictably, this has been blamed on recent warm temperatures in the region. There is no specific evidence of cause and effect, of course.… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Met Office UK Temperature Series Running Hot
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/maps-and-data/uk-temperature-rainfall-and-sunshine-time-series I noted the other day that, according to CET, last month was only the 21st hottest July since 1878. This was based on daily max temperatures; using daily mean temperatures, it was the 32nd warmest since the start of records… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Strong Increase In Thermal Power, As Wind & Solar Run Out Of Steam In ChinaOriginally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood The knife through the heart of COP26: ? ? ? https://chinaenergyportal.org/en/2021-q2-electricity-other-energy-statistics/ Any prospect that China would play ball at COP26 have surely now vanished with their latest power generation numbers. Compared to 2019, as last year’s figures were affected by COVID, the… read more
null1 day ago
Beyond Hope and Change: Former Obama Organizer Reveals a Closely Guarded SecretI have a confession to make, I have been withholding a big part of my story ever since I decided to pursue journalism while I The post Beyond Hope and Change: Former Obama Organizer Reveals a Closely Guarded Secret appeared first on . read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
The Conservative Woman’s New Weekly Climate Round UpOriginally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? I have agreed to write a weekly round up of climate stories for The Conservative Woman website. It is designed for those readers who don’t routinely follow the climate scene, and may be swayed by the perpetual propaganda emitted by the… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Death For Millions In 1921’s Record Heat WaveOriginally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? ? ? I have mentioned the unusually hot and dry weather in Britain in July 1921. The heatwave was actually much more extensive and prolonged, as the New York Herald reported in early September. The heatwave and drought led to… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Understanding The Sea Level Rise ScareOriginally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? According to the IPCC, sea level rise is accelerating: ? https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/#FullReport In reality, the fastest rate of rise was between 1920 and 1950. Sea level rise slowed down in the 1960s and 70s as the world cooled down, before picking… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Climate Audit of the IPCC AR6 Hockey StickOriginally posted on Science Matters: Stephen McIntrye has an interesting post today at his blog Climate Audit The IPCC AR6 Hockeystick Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Although climate scientists keep telling us that defects in their “hockey stick” proxy reconstructions don’t matter – that it doesn’t matter whether they use data upside down, that… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Foxe Basin polar bear attack leaves three people seriously mauled, airlifted to hospitalOriginally posted on polarbearscience: The attack happened yesterday afternoon (10 August) about 2:30 PM local time near the community of Sanirajak (listed as Hall Beach on ice charts), which is in Foxe Basin, Nunavut (population about 800). There are few details yet on the human victims of the mauling other than that they were two… read more
New Mandala21 hours ago
Cambodian workers need employment security and freedom from fear...garment employers regularly used COVID-19 as a pretext to target union members. The pandemic has been weaponised to get rid of trade unions. The post Cambodian workers need employment security and freedom from fear appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Bolivia reports 27 deaths from Covid and investigates fake vaccination certificatesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new figures released by the Ministry of Health total 18,109 deaths and 480,229 infections since March 2020, when the first cases of the disease were detected in Bolivian territory. The regions with the highest number of new infections were Santa Cruz, with 239, La Paz, with 147, and Cochabamba, […] The post Bolivia reports 27 deaths from Covid and investigates fake vaccination certificates appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio Book Biennial 2022 will require proof of vaccinationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Rio Book Biennial of 2022 will be held between December 3 and 12, according to an announcement by the event's organizers yesterday. It will have a hybrid format: part of activities will take place at Riocentro, in Barra da Tijuca, while the other part will be online and streamed […] The post Brazil’s Rio Book Biennial 2022 will require proof of vaccination appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s agribusiness exports total US$11.3 billion in July with commodity appreciationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the Ministry, the price index of agricultural and livestock products exported by the country jumped 28.5% in the comparison between July 2020 and July this year, offsetting a 9.9% drop in the quantum index of exports. "Despite the drop in exported volume, the sharp increase in international prices […] The post Brazil’s agribusiness exports total US$11.3 billion in July with commodity appreciation appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Targeting The Medical Evidence: The US Challenge On Assange’s HealthThe desperate attempt by the US imperium to nab Julian Assange was elevated to another level on August 11 in a preliminary hearing before the UK High Court. The central component to this gruesome affair was the continuing libel of the expert witness upon which District Justice Vanessa Baraitser placed […] read more
UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Rare footage shows elusive 'yellow whales' in stunning detailUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Virus that has caused mass fatalities in dolphins worldwide is found in dolphin that died in HawaiiUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Tourists are driving Iceland's whale meat trade; 'Brits are a big part of our clientele'UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Video: Unremarkable footage shows seabird who tries to eat a whaleUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Jaws the revenge: Man catches great white shark at beach after it tries to eat fish off his lineUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Florida red tide by the numbers: 3.65 million pounds of dead fish, $2.1 million in expenditures so farUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
The news is always going to be bad: Warmer seas turn fish poop into a problem for coral reefsUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
COVID-19 threatened Alaska's fishermen. Here's how they persevered.UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
The horror: Almost 100,000 fish killed after chlorine leaks at seafood facility in NorwayUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Brit couple's joy as diver finds wedding ring at bottom of lake a week after it was lostUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Anglers reel in 13-foot, 900-pound pregnant tiger shark less than 30 miles off Sarasota coastUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
VIDEO: Rescue efforts underway to free whale off the Gold CoastUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World22 hours ago
Live to tell: Postman comes face-to-face with giant blue shark while snorkelling, takes mesmerizing photosClimateRealism22 hours ago
IPCC AR6 Sea Level Claims are Misleading, Ignoring Chemistry, Physics, and History
The Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) and the Technical Summary (TS) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 6th Assessment Report (AR6), released August 9, makes myriad alarming claims. Its claims about sea level rise are particularly misleading. In the rush to assert human greenhouse gas emissions are causing a dangerous rise in sea levels, the […] The post IPCC AR6 Sea Level Claims are Misleading, Ignoring Chemistry, Physics, and History appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Aug 12, 2021: Reader TipsThe Gunfighter, a short film. (language advisory). Tips thread is open. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Russia’s 2S4 Tyulpan Artillery Can Destroy Fortified Targets with Ease*Sebastien Roblin* *Russia, * Why employ such a large mortar with such a relatively short range? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The 2S4 has no equivalent in Western militaries. This is because its main task—destroying immobile, fortified strongpoints with its powerful shells—is typically performed by airstrikes using precision-guided munitions such as JDAMs. Of course, the advantages of a ground-based system are those of sustained fire over time and ability to operate when air power is unavailable. Self-propelled heavy mortar carriers are ubiquitous in modern mechanized arm... read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Chadian President Offers Ceasefire, Negotiations to Rebels*Trevor Filseth* *Chad, Africa* Chad’s military junta has previously expressed reluctance to negotiate with the country’s rebels but Mahamat Idriss Deby has urged them to reconsider, citing a “patriotic obligation” to build national unity. Mahamat Idriss Deby, Chad’s president, extended an olive branch to the country’s northern rebels on Monday by inviting them to a “national dialogue” to determine the country’s political future. Deby’s new position contradicts a prior statement, which indicated that Chad’s government would not negotiate with rebel forces. Deby, the thirty-se... read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
August 12th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 205In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post August 12th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 205 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Thursday August 12th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday August 12th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Hunter Biden Is Seen In Unearthed Footage Telling A Prostitute That Russian Drug Dealers Stole Another Of His Laptops For Blackmail*Daily Mail: **EXCLUSIVE: 'The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!' Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage telling a prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Vegas hotel room* * WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT * Hunter Biden claims Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was drugged out in a Vegas hotel room in 2018 * Video obtained by DailyMail.com shows Hunter with a naked hooker in 2019 after filming a sex tape and explaining how he believed his l... read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 11 August 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Hoodwink: AP Hypes Biden Sounding ‘Alarm’ On Rising Energy Prices, Ignores Anti-Oil PoliciesBy Joseph Vazquez ~ The Associated Press (AP) found a way to make President Joe Biden look like an American prophet warning about rising energy prices, without mentioning how his anti-oil agenda is contributing to the growing crisis. AP ran a puff story headlined, “Biden administration sounds alarm on rising energy prices.” The lede paragraph […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Bloated $1.1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Neither Reasonable Nor CentristBy Kay C. James (President of The Heritage Foundation) ~ The bipartisan group of senators that just passed a $1.1 trillion federal infrastructure bill is attempting to sell it as a reasonable, centrist compromise. Yet it is neither reasonable nor centrist. If approved by the House of Representatives, the bill would immensely expand the size […] read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Covid vax now killed more than Hiroshima atomic bombLetter to the Editor We will no longer tolerate being treated as fools; we have enough older Australians sharing our thoughts and emails — to change governments. NOTE: Covid vaccines have now killed MORE innocent people than the ATOMIC BOMB dropped on Hiroshima, which was a weapon of war. The words of David Koch (Sunrise morning show) to the […] read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Cairns Mayor under sustained attack from political overlordsLOCAL NEWS Letter to the Editor An elite group of political overlords continues their unsubstantiated attack on the Cairns mayor. In a desperate and sustained attempt to discredit the mayor a vile, festering gang has scored a brilliant goal exposing the hypocrisy within. Davies just happens to be the right hand man in the office […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Oregon Governor Signs Bill Removing Reading, Writing, & Math Requirements for High School Kids, to Help ‘Students of Color’Oregon Governor Signs Bill Removing Reading, Writing, & Math Requirements for High School Kids, to Help ‘Students of Color’ by https://www.rt.com/ Oregon Governor Kate Brown quietly signed a bill last month that removed the requirement for graduating high school children in the state to be proficient in reading, writing, and math, in an effort to … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Virginians Furious After Large Health System Mandates Coronavirus Vaccine for Employees read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
GREAT RESET: Get Your Money OUT Of The Bank! – MASSIVE Economic Reset Coming Soon!Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
ALERT! MARKETS: Get Yourself On The Right Side Of This NOW! Stocks, Gold, Silver, Crypto. MannarinoSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
It’s Hidden In Plain Sight – Prepare Yourself For What’s Coming!Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Day Of Reckoning For Gold/Silver | Craig HemkeLiberty and Finance There will be a day of reckoning when the public realizes inflation will not be “transitory” as officials claim. At that time, precious metals will take off, says Craig Hemke of http://TFMetalsReport.com. – 0:00 Intro 1:28 Metals pullback 4:56 July CPI 5.4% 8:55 High inflation 11:04 Day of reckoning 13:33 Platinum 15:00 … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Dr. Kaufman Issues Warning: The Delta Fraud, Collectivism and the Road to FreedomSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
See the Censored Rand Paul Video on the Fraud of Masks as Biden Pushes Federal Mask MandateSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Video: Rand Paul Calls For Resistance To COVID TyrannyWe are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom. pic.twitter.com/XrI2tjdAHW — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) August 8, 2021 Video: … read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Eighth Circuit breaths life back into Iowa’s ‘ag-gag’ lawFor the conservative Eighth Circuit, lying to gain access to the property on the premise that animal abuse might be occurring does not cut it as First Amendment-protected speech. A three-member panel on Aug. 10 overturned a district court ruling that found an Iowa “ag-gag” law violated the First Amendment. Judge Steven Colloton wrote the majority... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
EU report shows progress on fruit and vegetable checksAn overview report on official controls for fruit and vegetables in Europe covering a number of years has shown improvement, but areas of concern still remain. European Union laws aim to ensure the microbiological safety of fruits and vegetables. To check these rules are followed by food businesses in primary production and processors, the authorities... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
New Cyclospora outbreak announcement has few details; patient count up in anotherA new Cyclospora outbreak is under investigation and there are updated patient numbers for another among the details this week in the FDA’s outbreak update. The new outbreak, posted Aug. 11, has 29 patients. The number of states involved is not included, nor is the hospitalization status of any of the patients. The Food and... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Undercooked burgers suspected for E. coli cases in FinlandFinnish authorities have issued a warning after a number of E. coli infections were linked to hamburger patties. The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto) were made aware of several E. coli infections earlier this year after people ate burgers. Municipal inspectors investigated cases locally and took food samples.... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Cubano sandwiches with Clostridium perfringens found in Alaska investigationThe Anchorage Daily News reports that Alaska health officials have traced the source of a foodborne illness outbreak that sickened dozens of hospital workers in Homer to a single item The Department of Health and Social Services said in a release Monday that it was Cubano sandwiches. Experts who investigated the incident think. In fact, it was probably the... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Seattle area restaurant found spreading NorovirusKing County’s Public Health is investigating an outbreak of norovirus-like illnesses with vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, and chills at a Seattle area restaurant. Public Health has not yet identified how norovirus was spread within the restaurant. This is not uncommon for norovirus outbreaks, because the virus can spread through multiple contaminated food items, environmental surfaces,... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Outbreaks ongoing; onsite inspections initiated for two
The table below shows outbreak investigations being managed by FDA’s CORE Response Teams. The investigations are in a variety of stages. Some outbreaks have limited information with active investigations ongoing, others may be near completion or concluded. Onsite inspections have begun for outbreaks associated with E. coli in cake mixes and an as yet unknown... Continue Reading read more
War News Updates1 day ago
President Biden Asks Saudi Arabia And OPEC To Produce More Oil As inflation Sends Gas Prices Soaring*Daily Mail: **Biden asks Saudi Arabia and OPEC to produce MORE oil as inflation sends gas prices soaring - after HE shut down America's Keystone pipeline* * Prices at the pump are about $1 higher, 42%, than they were one year ago * OPEC+ cut production by 10 million barrels per day at the height of the pandemic, and has only slowly started to increase production again * 'This is simply not enough,' National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said * Republicans have blamed Biden’s shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone pipeline permit and pausing new fede... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Colombian Vice President to meet with peers in Brazil on reactivation of the economyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Colombian vice-president and foreign minister, Marta Lucía Ramírez, will meet this Thursday in Brazil with vice-president Hamilton Martins Mourão, and with the foreign minister Carlos França, to address issues such as the migratory wave in the region, trade, investment, and bilateral tourism. Ramírez will travel to Brasilia, and the […] The post Colombian Vice President to meet with peers in Brazil on reactivation of the economy appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Environmental commission again approves controversial mining project in ChileRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Environmental Evaluation Commission of Coquimbo, in northern Chile, approved this Wednesday the controversial Dominga mining and port project, close to a national reserve containing 80% of the Humboldt penguin species, amid protests from environmentalists. Rejected in 2017 under the government of socialist Michelle Bachelet, considering that its installation did […] The post Environmental commission again approves controversial mining project in Chile appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Musings from the Chiefio1 day ago
Nice Summary Of Pro-Health Prevention StepsA long but easy to follow summary video of all the non-medical things you can do to improve your health, prevent illness, and fight it off better if you do get sick. Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Chilean Congress evaluates projects for a fourth pandemic aid withdrawal of pension fundsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Chilean Congress began on Wednesday to study three bills to authorize a fourth early withdrawal of private pension funds in the South American country. The bills began their processing in the Constitution Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, and a long debate is expected until their possible approval. Read […] The post Chilean Congress evaluates projects for a fourth pandemic aid withdrawal of pension funds appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Peru’s Prime Minister and founder of government party investigated for terrorismRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Peru's Prime Minister, Guido Bellido, and the founder of the ultra-left Peru Libre party, Vladimir Cerron, among others, will be investigated for the alleged crime of terrorism, informed the Public Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday. The investigation will be in charge of the Supraprovincial Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Terrorism and Crimes […] The post Peru’s Prime Minister and founder of government party investigated for terrorism appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
The Fed and Fiat Currency Have Put America on the Road to Ruinmaneco64 #dollar #federalreserve #infrastructurebill #deficits #debt #EndTheFed #fiatcurrency #inflation #hyperinflation #gold #silver – Today we will look at how the creation of the Federal Reserve and the move towards fiat currency that started in 1933 and culminated in 1971 have firmly put America and the world on the road to ruin. Runaway government spending, central … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
CDC Publishes Plans for Quarantine Internment Camps — US Govt ICD “Medical” Codes for Beheading (by Guillotine)
Legal execution: Beheading by Guillotine (ICD-9-CM E978) NIH – Legal execution (Code E978) All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority as, beheading, decapitation All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority whether permanent or temporary, as beheading, decapitation All executions performed at the behest of … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Situation Update, August 11th, 2021: CDC Announces Covid Internment Camps for Every US City; Will Meet MINIMUM “Humanitarian” Standards — US Govt ICD “Medical” Codes for Beheading (by Guillotine)
Health Ranger Report Last Friday, the Governor of Tennessee signed an executive order authorizing the National Guard to medically kidnap unvaccinated people at gunpoint and forcibly take them to covid “involuntary internment” camps across the state. Now, new details have emerged about a similar plan initially launched by the CDC in 2020, which calls … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Macron Says Showing Police Your Papers to Visit a Cafe is About “Freedom”
Macron Says Showing Police Your Papers to Visit a Cafe is About “Freedom” by Paul Joseph Watson, https://www.infowars.com/ * Orwell rolls in his grave. After video emerged of Parisians having to show their vaccine passport papers to police in order to sit outside a cafe, President Macron asserted that the system protected people’s “freedom.” – … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU WarnsSheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall. More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ As shares … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Gold, Jewelry & SDR Basket …Q&A with Lynette Zang & Eric GriffinITM TRADING, INC. To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video: https://www.itmtrading.com/blog/gold-… Question 1: 0:48 What will cause the controlled Comex price of gold and silver to finally fail? Do you think it will ever happen? Question 2: 4:50 How does the IMF weigh the different currencies in their SDR “basket”? Surely … read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Climate Audit of the IPCC AR6 Hockey StickStephen McIntyre has an interesting post today at his blog Climate Audit The IPCC AR6 Hockeystick Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Although climate scientists keep telling us that defects in their “hockey stick” proxy reconstructions don’t matter – that it doesn’t matter whether they use data upside down, that it doesn’t matter if they […] read more
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