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The National Interest16 hours ago
Not Even Russia Thought Nukes on Tanks Were a Good Idea*Charlie Gao* *History, Europe* The Taran was meant to carry around 10-12 ATGMs in addition to nuclear projectiles. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *But by the 1970s, Soviet interest in the Taran faded. The “nuclear battlefield” was on the way out, with fears that the use of tactical nukes could lead to further escalation. The accuracy of the Taran’s main gun was also considered insufficient with the small yield of its warheads. The Taran would only be effective on large concentrations of enemy forces with its small warhead. In the 1950s and 1960s when tactical nuclear weapon... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Consumer Confidence in Brazil falls in August for first time in 5 months – FGVRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Consumer confidence in Brazil shrank in August for the first time since March this year, as unemployment, inflation, and fears about the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus raised doubts among various income groups, data from the Getulio Vargas Foundation showed Wednesday. The FGV's Consumer Confidence Index (ICC) […] The post Consumer Confidence in Brazil falls in August for first time in 5 months – FGV appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Diogenes' Middle Finger17 hours ago
DOD Desperate Attempt at Good PR 🤪
It's become obvious the last few days anyone in the Biden Administration involved in talking to the chaos in Afghanistan is trying to cover Biden's ass and make thing look as if they're running much better than they are, and score some good PR for themselves. But in the case of the inept Defense Department run by Biden's affirmative action Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, just took some buckshot to the face over tweet patting themselves on the back during the evacuations at Kabul airport. The *DOD tweeted* complete with pictures of an Air Force plane: "Afghan civilians board @usair... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 8/25/2021Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Councillors approve Gottingen development with four affordable units, Quinpool development on McDonald’s siteHalifax councillors have approved two developments following public hearings — one on Gottingen Street with four affordable units promised and the other replacing the McDonald’s on Quinpool Road. The Halifax and West Community Council met virtually Tuesday night with the two public hearings on the agenda, starting with 2438 Gottingen St. That site is already […] read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
6 common marijuana cultivation techniques that are more myth than factMJBizDaily spoke with a few cannabis cultivation experts about common myths they believe could use another look in the modern industry. Here are their answers in their own words: 6 common marijuana cultivation techniques that are more myth than fact is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Untitled* 2 Employees Sue Missouri School District Over ‘Equity’ Training* Public school employees Brooke Henderson and Jennifer Lumley have had it with the racially discriminatory training sessions taking place in their school district in Springfield, Missouri. The women filed suit Wednesday in federal court, arguing that Springfield Public Schools violated their right to free speech under the First Amendment by forcing them to affirm beliefs with which they disagree during mandatory race-based trainings as a condition of continued employment. Southeastern Legal Foundation, which brought ... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man17 hours ago
Revealed for who and what they areA personal friend wrote on social media recently: The covid bull**** did us all a favor. I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out for a minute. All the people demanding more lockdowns, that the unvaccinated be punished, that vaccine passports be required, that mask mandates remain in place forever, and all that **** are all speaking loudly and openly about it. Those are the people who are a threat to anyone who wants to remain free. They are the people who will report your activities to the government. They are the secret police. They're the people who will expose the Jews hi... read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Journal retracts more articles for being “unethical, scientifically flawed, and based on racist ideas and agenda”Eight months after a psychology journal retracted a pair of articles that were “unethical, scientifically flawed, and based on racist ideas and agenda,” the publication has pulled three more papers — all at least a quarter century old — for the same reason. All five papers were written by J. Philippe Rushton, formerly of the … Continue reading Journal retracts more articles for being “unethical, scientifically flawed, and based on racist ideas and agenda” read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Post Malone, Alok and Jason Derulo confirmed for Brazil’s Rock in Rio 2022RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The second day of Rock in Rio 2022 will feature Post Malone, Alok, Jason Derulo and Marshmello. Brazilian DJ Alok had already been confirmed by the event in 2019 and remains on the list. He will open the day on Palco Mundo, followed by international musicians Jason Derulo and Marshmello. […] The post Post Malone, Alok and Jason Derulo confirmed for Brazil’s Rock in Rio 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
Antarctic Sea Ice ‘Rebound’ Surprises Scientists — MSM SilentIt is the doomsday scenario that has disappeared, not the ice... The post Antarctic Sea Ice ‘Rebound’ Surprises Scientists — MSM Silent appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s e-commerce loses momentum in July after physical retail sales returnRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - E-commerce sales in Brazil lost steam in July, in the opposite direction of overall retail growth in the wake of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, a survey showed Tuesday. According to a Mastercard survey, which measures sales in physical and online stores, retail sales in Brazil last month grew 23.1% over […] The post Brazil’s e-commerce loses momentum in July after physical retail sales return appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Analysis: Demand for IPOs exposes need for “access market” in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This year 30 IPOs (initial public offerings) have already taken place, more than the 25 held in 2020, according to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). This positive scenario could be improved if Brazil were to have an "access market". An access market is an environment for listing and […] The post Analysis: Demand for IPOs exposes need for “access market” in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Court rules against Idaho landowners in WOTUS water caseHanding a victory to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the court determined that the couple’s land does contain wetlands and thus can be regulated by the agency under the CWA.Handing a victory to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the court determined that the couple’s land does contain wetlands and thus can be regulated by the agency under the CWA. The post Court rules against Idaho landowners in WOTUS water case appeared first on CFACT. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
‘Ada Twist, Scientist’: A great new show your kids and grandkids will love
Want to watch a fun, family-friendly show? Check out the upcoming series from Netflix called "Ada Twist, Scientist." read more
Electroverse19 hours ago
Open Letter to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, by Peter J. Morgan: “It is no longer possible for any credible argument to be made that ‘the science is settled'”A host of experts are now notifying the IPCC, in accordance with the panel's own Error Reporting Protocol, that its models have "very serious fundamental errors" -- the IPCC now has nowhere to hide... The post Open Letter to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, by Peter J. Morgan: “It is no longer possible for any credible argument to be made that ‘the science is settled'” appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Just plugging in this mouse can give a stranger complete access to your PC
How a Razer mouse could get your computer infected with malware. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Wednesday, August 25, 2021LIVE EVENT - SÃO PAULO: Douglas Sampa (Mooca) – This Wednesday, Bar Templo will present the samba musician Douglas Sampa. The house will be open from 6 PM to 9 PM. Bar Templo – Rua Guaimbé, 322, Mooca, São Paulo. Check the event for further details. To have an event included . . . To […] The post The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Wednesday, August 25, 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
"FDA Lied - Vax Not Approved, Still Experimental"
*"FDA Lied - Vax Not Approved, Still Experimental"* By Greg Hunter "The big news the FDA had given “full approval” to the Pfizer CV19 vaccine is a HUGE lie. The FDA has granted approval to some future vaccine called “Comirnaty.” (FDA approved the biologics license application (BLA) submitted by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA). (Here’s the letter from the FDA to Pfizer) You cannot get Comirnaty now because it does not exist. Who knows when, in the future, they will manufacture it so you can get this vax. What you can get is the same old experimenta... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
A Russian "Whiskey" Almost Sent Sweden into a Frenzy*Sebastien Roblin* *S-363, Europe* The "Whiskey" in question was an S-363, Soviet Whiskey-class coastal patrol submarine, which gave the incident its moniker "the Whiskey on the Rocks." *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The submarine hunt aroused domestic controversy. Swedish right-wingers saw the U-137 incident as evidence of the Soviet Union’s ill-intentions and the need to build up military deterrence. Some left-wing Swedes implied the Swedish Navy was jumping at shadows and suggested the submarine sightings were actually NATO submarines provoking the Swedes against the Sovi... read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Le président équatorien effectue une visite au Mexique en quête d'un accord de libre-échange25-Aug-2021 Le président de l'Équateur a entamé une visite au Mexique au cours de laquelle il cherchera à faire avancer la négociation d'un accord de libre-échange avec ce pays d'Amérique du nord. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Uruguay to open an embassy in Turkey, hopes to sign trade agreement25-Aug-2021 Uruguay hopes to sign a free trade agreement with Turkey, would be joined by the other Mercosur partners, said Foreign Minister, Francisco Bustillo. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Ukrainian PM, EU rep discuss introduction of ACAA25-Aug-2021 The first round of talks on further abolition of customs tariffs in bilateral trade in accordance with the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement will take place in September. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Saudi Arabia plans FTA with Pakistan, 10 other countries25-Aug-2021 Saudi Arabia is looking for more trading partners under free trade agreement as the country aims at increasing non-oil exports share in its gross domestic product. read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Russia’s Own A-10 Warthog Still Flies: Is the Su-25 the Air Support King?*Charlie Gao* *Su-25, Eurasia* The development of the Su-25 roughly mirrors that of the A-10. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* each plane diverge when looking into which subsystems are more developed. The A-10, which focuses on the gun and delivery of electro-optical PGMs, versus the Su-25, which focuses on accuracy of “dumb” bombs and rockets from the wings and laser-guided weaponry. The Su-25 is one of the most visible signs of the Russian Air Force’s might. Since its debut during the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s, the Su-25 has seen service in every conflict involving Sov... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro initiates Operation Summer after weekend beachfront chaosRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Reinforced surveillance on the city's beaches and surrounding areas usually occurs during the high season, starting in November. But as of next weekend, at least 150 security agents will be patrolling the beaches constantly, with the support of the Municipal Guard canine patrol. In 2020, because of the pandemic and […] The post Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro initiates Operation Summer after weekend beachfront chaos appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Loki’s FireLoki’s Fire This teaser consists of the first few pages of the sequel to Red Mist, the second in the trilogy. It’s copyrighted Larry B. Lambert and Jules Smith, 2021, all rights reserved. In Chapter One, you meet Miguel Vega, who changes careers from a United States Marine Corps Captain to an arms dealer […] The post Loki’s Fire appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Afraid of China’s Missiles Forces? Thank Ukraine*Charlie Gao* *China Missile, Eurasia* This wouldn’t be the first time Ukraine’s ICBM know-how was possibly exported. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Given all the different vectors through which rocket and missile technology are flowing from Ukraine to China, it’s reasonable to say that Ukraine has provided considerable aid to the Chinese ballistic missile program. While Ukraine renounced its own possession of nuclear weapons in 1994, many scientists and design bureaus in the country still have the know-how required to manufacture important components of strategic weapons. ... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Uruguay has immunized 70% of its population with two vaccine doses (August 24)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to data released by the Ministry of Health, 70% of Uruguay's population has been administered the two doses of CoronaVac, Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as shown on Tuesday in the monitor developed by Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health. A total of 168,414 people have also […] The post Uruguay has immunized 70% of its population with two vaccine doses (August 24) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Bank of America Says Toddlers can be Racist and is Using Customer Data to ‘Combat Extremism’BofA says that "toddlers develop racial biases by age 3 to 5 and should be actively taught to recognize and reject the smog of white privilege." People are afraid to stand up against the racism of large institutions because they fear for their jobs, reputations and families. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Biden Wants all Employees of Nursing Homes to be Vaxed but Exempts HospitalsSome nursing home administrators are worried the decision will cause workers to head for the exits at facilities already struggling to keep employees. Others have applauded Biden's decision, calling it a way to help protect elderly nursing home residents, who have fragile health. read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Facts show NSW Premier hysteria engineeredLETTER TO THE EDITOR The chances of dying with Covid or from Covid in NSW over the last 20 months are 128 in 8,200,000 or 1 in 64,062. That’s a lot lower than the annual flu or road death risk. It should be easy enough to conclude that the govt is deliberately locking up millions […] read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education20 hours ago
College Transition Program Study Stresses Importance of ValidationUSC researchers examined a comprehensive college transition program to find out what worked and what didn't... read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
Wokeness And Woo, Together AgainNote the implication that “whiteness,” being white, equals racism and is therefore by default a thing to be discussed in terms of pathology, a thing to be cured. “Colour-blindness” – i.e., not being weirdly fixated by race – is, it turns out, deeply problematic, and must give way to deconstructing “the whiteness=greatness fallacy in white psyches.” Which is… Continue reading → read more
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