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bilaterals.org16 hours ago
L'Inde prévoit des accords de libre-échange avec plusieurs pays (ministre)20-Aug-2021 L'Inde espère contracter des accords de libre-échange avec le Royaume-Uni, l'Union européenne, l'Australie, le Canada, les Emirats arabes unis, Israël et les pays du Conseil de coopération du Golfe. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
GM workers in Mexico defeat union in first test of US trade deal20-Aug-2021 Workers at a General Motors plant in central Mexico have voted to scrap their collective contract, opening the door for them to oust one of Mexico's largest labor organizations as their union under a new trade deal. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Death by a thousand treaties20-Aug-2021 Governments must urgently terminate all international investment treaties in force, in particular the Energy Charter Treaty, and stop negotiating new ones. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Vers une nouvelle justice d'exception pour les entreprises européennes ?20-Aug-2021 Les lobbies s'activent pour réinstaurer des mécanismes de justice privée leur permettant d'attaquer les Etats membres en cas de décision nuisant à leurs intérêts. read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Biden Called Out By Fact Checkers Over Afghan Military Strength*Peter Suciu* *Afghanistan, * Fact-checkers have pounced on the president, who along with administration officials, had repeatedly claimed that the Afghan Army was up to the fight. Among the points being put under the microscope by the fact-checkers was the seemingly dubious claim of the size of the fighting force. Since cutting short and returning from his summer vacation at Camp David, President Joe Biden has found himself on the defensive as he faces mounting criticism over his handling of the withdrawal of the U.S. military and civilians in Afghanistan. This week the presiden... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles16 hours ago
Severe flash floods hit Addis Ababa, EthiopiaHeavy rainfall affecting the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on August 17, 2021, caused severe flash floods that resulted in heavy damage and fatalities. Homes and cars in several neighborhoods of the capital were submerged, leading to at least 7 fatalities and dozens...... Read more » read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
In 1956 the World Almost Ended. The Culprit was The Suez Crisis*Michael Peck* *History, Middle East* The Soviet Union was inches from firing nuclear-armed ballistic missiles over the Suez Crisis. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Leaders such as Saddam Hussein and Muammar el-Qaddafi have left a bad taste in the mouth when it comes to Arab strongmen. And yet, in this case, it’s hard not to sympathize a little with Nasser. Ultimately, the Suez Canal is Egyptian territory. For old-fashioned nineteenth-century imperialism, Suez was the last gasp. The war began with an imperialist invasion to seize the Suez Canal. It ended with the Soviet Uni... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
More Vaccines Offered by COVAX to North Korea *Stephen Silver* *North Korea, * It remains to be seen whether Pyongyang will accept them. North Korea, since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, has claimed repeatedly to have zero coronavirus cases. But at the same time, reports of late have stated that North Korea seems to have no coronavirus vaccine strategy at all. Voice of America (VOA) reported last week that UN-affiliated organization COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) had been scheduled to deliver 1.7 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to North Korea in March, but that talks “stalled” with the Kim regime... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Enter the Fray: The M2 Bradley Was Prepared to Fight a Nuclear War*Kyle Mizokami* *NATO, Europe* In the wake of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, armies on both sides of the Iron Curtain came to believe that nukes had become the dominant weapon in warfare. *Here's What You Need to Know*: This was one of the first dilemmas behind the IFV. Infantry fighting vehicles had to be large to accommodate a full infantry squad, and they should be heavily armored—after all, up to twelve people would ride inside, three times as many as inside a tank. But the larger and better protected they got, the slower and less agile they became. In the 1960s, th... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Going, Going, Almost Gone: UK Government Speeds Up Privatisation of National Health SystemOperating on the maxim of "never let a good crisis go to waste", the government is exploiting the pandemic to embed even more private interests across the system. read more
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog17 hours ago
UntitledFrom Jenna Orkin IMF blocks Afghanistan's access to SDR reserves over lack of clarity on government How Russia-China Are Stage-Managing the Taliban How do vaccinated people spread Delta? What the science says Follow Your Nose to Herd ImmunityThe biology behind ‘breakthrough’ cases and the confusing CDC mask guidance. China, US, Russia share consensus in Afghanistan, but Washington ‘should correct its mistake to exchange cooperation’ Huawei Reportedly Tried To Install A Data Backdoor In Pakistan Project UK academic sues university after losing role in critical race theory row Austria p... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 8/20/2021Stranger in a Strange Land17 hours ago
Η κυριαρχία φτάνει - Ένα ποίημα του M.N. Hopkins
Βρείτε ξανά την ψυχή σας Θα θεραπεύσεις το έθνος σου Η κυριαρχία φτάνει *©* *2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Σημείωση:* Ξεκίνησα αυτό το ποίημα χθες και το αναθεώρησα σήμερα για να ταιριάζει καλύτερα στο μήνυμα που ήθελα να μεταφέρω. Αυτό το ποίημα έχει να κάνει με το άτομο που συνδέεται ξανά με το Θείο και φέρνει μια νέα θέληση και ενέργεια στην κοινότητά του και τελικά στο έθνος του. Αυτό θα ανάψει μια φωτιά ελευθερίας και ελευθερίας που θα αντιμετωπίσει τη Μεγάλη Απάτη και την υποδούλωση που προσφέρεται τώρα. Η αυτοκυριαρχία θα οδηγήσει τελικά στην εθνική κυριαρχία. Δεν μπορείτε να έ... read more
Stranger in a Strange Land17 hours ago
La sovranità arriva - Una poesia di M.N. Hopkins
*Ritrova la tua anima * *Guarirai la tua nazione* *Arriva la sovranità* *© 2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Nota: Ho iniziato questa poesia ieri e l'ho rivista oggi per adattarla meglio al messaggio che volevo trasmettere. Questa poesia ha a che fare con l'individuo che si connette nuovamente al Divino e porta una nuova volontà ed energia alla sua comunità ed eventualmente alla sua nazione. Questo accenderà un fuoco di libertà e libertà che contrasterà il Grande Inganno e la schiavitù che ora viene offerta. L'auto sovranità porterà alla fine alla sovranità nazionale. Non si può avere l'una... read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
Exclusive deal: Kim’s secret to having energy and stamina all day long
You can drink water, get a good night's sleep, and get in your steps — but there are other tricks to having energy all day long. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Biden climate change policy a ‘house of cards’President Biden’s war on American-produced energy is galling and destructive. The post Biden climate change policy a ‘house of cards’ appeared first on CFACT. read more
Healing Oracle19 hours ago
THE EXTRAORDINARILY DELICIOUS VEGAN DATE MUFFINS RECIPEThe baked divine goodness of muffins is loved by all. However, most delicious muffins don’t really have a vegan substitute. On that front, we have news for our vegan audience. We bring to you the... The post THE EXTRAORDINARILY DELICIOUS VEGAN DATE MUFFINS RECIPE appeared first on Healing Oracle. read more
Healing Oracle19 hours ago
SUPER HEALTHY VEGAN RISOTTO WITH PEAS, ASPARAGUS & MINT RECIPEHere it is! A healthy vegan risotto with high protein peas, asparagus, and mint. So perfect! And so good! Served as an entrée or as a side dish, paired with some mixed greens salad, or... The post SUPER HEALTHY VEGAN RISOTTO WITH PEAS, ASPARAGUS & MINT RECIPE appeared first on Healing Oracle. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles17 hours ago
Significant loss of livestock in North KoreaContinued heatwaves and minimal rainfall have led to significant loss of livestock in North Korea this summer. The worst affected are South and North Hamgyong provinces and North and South Hwanghae. As of late July, more than 100 000 heads of livestock have died in...... Read more » read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Schumer’s marijuana reform bill would create industry winners and losers, experts saySince Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled a draft of his federal marijuana legalization bill in July, questions have begun percolating about what cannabis businesses stand to win or lose should the groundbreaking legislation become law. Longtime industry experts agreed that big, well-capitalized companies stand to reap the most gains in a post-federal legalization world, […] Schumer’s marijuana reform bill would create industry winners and losers, experts say is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Has the Child Tax Credit Put Major Dent in Child Hunger?*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Child Tax Credit, * Joe Biden predicted it would. Now with two rounds of Child Tax Credit payments already in the books, it appears that the president’s predictions have already come true. Even before the rollout of the initial batch of Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments last month, President Joe Biden was indeed confident that the direct cash would have a major impact on the lives of millions of American children. “This tax cut will give our nation’s hardworking families with children a little more breathing room when it comes to putting food on the table, pay... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
America Should Beware: Iran Is the Middle East’s Missile Terror*Kyle Mizokami* *Missiles, Middle East* The wartime need for ballistic missiles, as well as Iran’s historical enmity with Israel, led Iran to develop its own missile industry. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Iran’s ballistic-missile program began from a wartime requirement for a strategic terror weapon, and progressed to the development of nuclear delivery vehicle. Iran, like North Korea, is proof of the dangers of ballistic-missile proliferation, and how trade in even short-range missiles like the Scud can lead to the development of far more dangerous weapons down the road. Lik... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Chinese Missiles Could Spell Trouble for U.S. Military Bases on Guam*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* The "Guam Killer" a harassment weapon or a reliable military threat? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Constraints on accuracy and intel likely limit the “Guam Killer” in its present form to being more of a harassment weapon than a reliable military threat—unless armed with nuclear warheads. On April 2018, the PLA Army finally publicly unveiled twenty-two of its new DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBMs) at a military parade. The fourteen-meter long rockets were first spotted in a parade three years earlier. As all Chinese ball... read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Shakespeare Goes “Woke”!The famous Globe Theatre is posting trigger warnings to protect snowflakes. Perhaps Romeo and Juliet can be rewritten to include George Floyd. I’m sure this will be popular with North American tourists. read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!17 hours ago
Where Do We Go Now?
I read the words below on on a local Facebook group. The group is very much Hate Has No Home Here - and yet? I showcase this loveliness and respectful engagement with the community because I am disheartened and dismayed... Related Stories - It's not About "Freedom" - Dr. Joseph Mercola Asks: Will Vaccination Become the Price of Admission to Society? - The Morass of Employment and Care Policy read more
Stranger in a Strange Land17 hours ago
La souveraineté arrive - Un poème de M.N. Hopkins
*Retrouvez votre âme * *Vous allez guérir votre nation* *La souveraineté arrive* *© **2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: J'ai commencé ce poème hier et l'ai révisé aujourd'hui pour mieux l'adapter au message que je souhaitais transmettre. Ce poème concerne l'individu qui se connecte à nouveau au Divin et apporte une nouvelle volonté et une nouvelle énergie à sa communauté et finalement à sa nation. Cela allumera un feu de liberté qui contrera le Grand Decept et l'asservissement qui sont maintenant offerts. La souveraineté personnelle mènera finalement à la souveraineté nationale. Vous ... read more
Stranger in a Strange Land18 hours ago
Soevereiniteit arriveert - Een Gedicht van M.N. Hopkins
*Vind uw ziel terug. * *U zult uw natie genezen* *Soevereiniteit arriveert* *© 2021 M.N. Hopkins* *N.B.: Ik ben dit gedicht gisteren begonnen en heb het vandaag herzien om beter aan te sluiten bij de boodschap die ik wilde overbrengen. Dit gedicht heeft te maken met het individu dat zich opnieuw verbindt met het Goddelijke en een nieuwe wil en energie brengt in zijn of haar gemeenschap en uiteindelijk in hun natie. Dit zal een vuur van vrijheid en vrijheid doen ontbranden dat het Grote Bedrog en de slavernij die nu worden aangeboden zal tegengaan. Zelf soevereiniteit zal uitei... read more
Stranger in a Strange Land18 hours ago
Souveränität kommt an - Ein Gedicht von M.N. Hopkins
*Finde deine Seele wieder * *Du wirst deine Nation heilen* *Souveränität kommt an* *©** 2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Anmerkung: Ich habe dieses Gedicht gestern begonnen und es heute überarbeitet, um es besser an die Botschaft anzupassen, die ich vermitteln wollte. Dieses Gedicht hat mit dem Individuum zu tun, das sich wieder mit dem Göttlichen verbindet und einen neuen Willen und eine neue Energie in seine oder ihre Gemeinschaft und schließlich in ihre Nation bringt. Dies wird ein Feuer der Freiheit entfachen, das dem großen Betrug und der Versklavung, die jetzt angeboten werden, entgeg... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
New property sales boost Brazil’s São Paulo real estate sectorRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - You,Inc projects 35.3% growth in the general sales value, an index that calculates the revenue potential generated by the sale of units in a development. By the end of the year, the estimated overall sales value stands at R$1.2 billion (US$222 million) - with the launch of 9 projects. In […] The post New property sales boost Brazil’s São Paulo real estate sector appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Covid-19: Cases and deaths decline in Brazil; Rio de Janeiro state is exceptionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Over the past few weeks, the occupancy rates of Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds for adults in the Unified Health System (SUS) have dropped, a rate that has been improving in Brazil. The exception is the state of Rio, which is showing a rise in the indicator for the […] The post Covid-19: Cases and deaths decline in Brazil; Rio de Janeiro state is exception appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s Ambipar announced new IPORIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The announcement came yesterday, when Ambipar detailed that this will be a primary offering. There was some expectation in the market of a similar move, considering that Environmental was the most active division in acquisitions in the second quarter and gained prominence in management's talks with investors. Ambipar's CEO Cristina […] The post Brazil’s Ambipar announced new IPO appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
Afghanistan news Links 19-20 August 202120 August 2021 • 10:00 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back Leaked State Department Cable Proves Biden Was Warned Of Afghanistan Collapse – Report https://southfront.org/leaked-state-department-cable-proves-biden-was-warned-of-afghanistan-collapse-report/ US fears possible terrorist attack by ‘Taliban’s sworn enemy ISIS-K’ amid Afghanistan … Continue reading Afghanistan news Links 19-20 August 2021 read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Afghanistan 20/20: The 20-Year War in 20 DocumentsWashington, D.C., August 19, 2021 – The U.S. government under four presidents misled the American people for nearly two decades about progress in Afghanistan, while hiding the inconvenient facts about ongoing failures inside confidential channels, according to declassified documents published today by the National Security Archive. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
Restaurants, Gyms Sue New York City Mayor for Vaccine MandateThe Independent Restaurant Association along with several restaurants and gyms are suing New York City and Mayor Bill de Blasio for the executive order mandating vaccines for indoor activities that requirer a city-wide vaccine passport. read more
Need To Know21 hours ago
2021 Wave of Afghan Refugees Expected to be Much Greater than 2015Humanitarian workers are warning of up to 3 million Afghan refugees could try to find their way to Europe following the Taliban’s takeover of the country. Most of the refugees are actually economic migrants. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Australian Govt. Builds Quarantine Facilities – Officials Say Jab is Golden Ticket to FreedomPolice officers accompanied by the military have already been coming to people’s homes and taking people away as they conduct random “welfare checks” and follow-up tips about rule-breakers who have been ratted out by their fellow citizens. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
US: Study Shows Decline in White Population, Democrats CheerDemocrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country to expand the number of brand-new voters. Democrats are openly celebrating it while demonizing anybody else who questions or criticizes it as racist or a conspiracy theorist. read more
Need To Know23 hours ago
Vaxxed Australian Official Develops Bell’s Palsy During Covid Press ConferenceNew South Wales' Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, facial paralysis that is usually temporary, after he gave press conference on Covid-19 on live on TV and exhibited symptoms that included a 'droopey eye'. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles18 hours ago
Severe floods hit Gävle after two months' worth of rain overnight, SwedenRecord-breaking rain hit the Swedish city of Gävle in Gästrikland Region on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17 and 18, 2021, leaving hundreds of homes and vehicles flooded and prompting authorities to close schools and issue stay-at-home warnings. According...... Read more » read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
The Cover-Up Of Problems In The IPCC Report (by Prof. Antero Ollila) + The IPCC’s Methodology Is Fundamentally Flawed (by Ross McKitrick)There is a now a substantial number experts casting serious shade over the "flawed methodology" used by the IPCC in their latest analysis of the climate. Here is a 'one-two punch' to the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The post The Cover-Up Of Problems In The IPCC Report (by Prof. Antero Ollila) + The IPCC’s Methodology Is Fundamentally Flawed (by Ross McKitrick) appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Road TripDay up, day back, 3 on the trails. This past week I seized a window of opportunity and traveled to Lake City, Hinsdale County, Colorado for a visit. My road trips aren’t nearly as exciting as Hunter Biden’s, but then again, I’m not the smartest guy that Slow Joe ever met — and […] The post Road Trip appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Would Japan Quickly Build Nuclear Weapons in a Crisis?*Kyle Mizokami* *Nuclear Weapons, Asia* It is perhaps China’s greatest nightmare: a nuclear-armed Japan. *Here's What You Need to Know*: In a sea-basing scheme Japan could emulate China, France or the United Kingdom, maintaining a force of five ballistic missile submarines, each equipped with sixteen nuclear-tipped missiles. Each missile would be equipped with four 100 kiloton warheads. The one submarine on patrol at all times would be equipped with sixty-four warheads. It is perhaps China’s greatest nightmare: a nuclear-armed Japan. Permanently anchored off the Asian mainland, b... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
About Taiwan's microchip production...Yesterday I mentioned that, in the light of Chinese belligerence towards Taiwan: If I were a US manufacturer reliant on computer chips from Taiwan, which makes about half the world's supply, I'd be begging, borrowing and stealing any and all supplies I could get out of there before the invasion. Reader Andrew D. sent me the following comment via e-mail. He's allowed me to share it with you. I thought you might be interested in an assessment of the likely future acquisition of Taiwan by China from a different perspective. I am an electrical engineer, and work in the particul... read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
“Are vaccines becoming less effective at preventing Covid infection?”As more data about the Covid vaccines comes out, it is becoming acceptable to step away from cheerleading and make factual judgments. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles19 hours ago
Rising trend of SO2 emission at Taal volcano, PhilippinesThe first measurement of volcanic sulfur dioxide or SO2 flux from the Taal Main Crater on August 19, 2021, totaled 15 347 tonnes/day. This marks a rising trend in volcanic SO2 degassing since August 13, with the short-term average from then until present measured at...... Read more » read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Colombia’s tourism reactivation outperforms international figuresRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Data from ANATO, the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies, confirm that the passenger flow on international flights worldwide last June 2021 reached a reactivation of 19%, while it reached 55% in Colombia. According to ANATO's executive president Paula Cortés Calle, 'Colombia has benefited from the flexibility in the […] The post Colombia’s tourism reactivation outperforms international figures appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Pro trick to keep what you look at on social media private
How to keep restrict people and keep your Instagram activity private. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Confidence crisis is driving investors away from BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In the past few days, the financial market has shown poor numbers in Brazil, with companies' shares losing value on the Stock Exchange and the Brazilian Real depreciating. If it is true that investors place money on what they believe in, and on the market screen a confidence crisis is […] The post Confidence crisis is driving investors away from Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Use Facebook Messenger to chat or call? Check if you have access to massive new privacy change
Make sure to take advantage of this huge Facebook Messenger privacy change. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 220 hours ago
"Thucydides in the Underworld""Master, what gnaws at them so hideously their lamentation stuns the very air?" "They have no hope of death," he answered me..." - "The Inferno," Dante Alighieri *"Thucydides in the Underworld"* by JR Nyquist "The shade of Thucydides, formerly an Athenian general and historian, languished in Hades for 24 centuries; and having intercourse with other spirits, was perturbed by an influx into the underworld of self-described historians professing to admire his History of the Peloponnesian War. They burdened him with their writings, priding themselves on the imitation of his method, t... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil to send humanitarian mission to Haiti after “tragic” earthquakeRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian delegation is scheduled to leave for Port-au-Prince next weekend, "with the purpose of taking personnel and support material," in reaction to the "tragedy" caused by the earthquake, the Executive said in a note. Rescue teams specialized in urban landslides will be part of the mission, which will also […] The post Brazil to send humanitarian mission to Haiti after “tragic” earthquake appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
At Last! Government Documents Locked Up for 30 Years Proving This Vaccine Unsafe Finally Revealed
Recall that we are expecting to have blanket declasification underway soon. It has way too easy to lose inconvenient research results. And now we have an engaged population quite happy to call things out. . What we are discovering here is what we knew but could never outright prove We have a clear pattern of egregious conduct benefiting only the vaccine industry, There were dangerous side efects but these were ignored, renamed or simply suppressed. Not Good. The big question is just what are vaccines really good for. It demans a forensic accounting going back a century.. ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
There is a fungus among us![image: Two women in a field collecting a soil sample] This item gives an excellent explanation of soil fungal synbiosis. All this was not well understood in the ecent past, which means that most soil managent programs outright wrong. Just what were we thinking when we used the plow? We do not want to collapse this biome at all. We want to plant into it. You know that general planting can be completely rethought. Imagine using a giant roll of newsprint which has been manufactured with preset seeds We could even add in a thin layer of plastic to seal the surface as well. ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Stunning Collapse of COV 19 in India. India can mobilize 100,000,000This immediately informs us that India will now retain its population as the Vaccine push will lose steam. They were on the way to losing at least 300,000,000 to the Jab depopulation schema. for that reason they will retain a full military recruitment potential of well over 100,000,000 while China's potential will drop rather quickly to half that. Geo strategically, it would be useful for India to create a training Garrison on the Isalnd of Taiwan and also concentrate all their naval landing capabilities there as well. This could be done by establishing a million man army corp... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
7 Ft Tall 'Yellow-Eyed Winged Being' Observed at Wisconsin State Fair, West AllisWe continue to have reports conforming to the mothman aand also the gargoyle. This may have been a gargoyle. They do appear to be this large. The fear response is particularly noted with the sasquatch who can also emit a foul odor. Here we have it with a likely gargoyle. It is inconclusive but conforms to other likely gargoyle reports. *7 Ft Tall 'Yellow-Eyed Winged Being' Observed at Wisconsin State Fair, West Allis* *Monday, August 09, 2021* *https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2021/08/7-ft-tall-yellow-eyed-winged-being.html?* *A college student, working clean-up at the Wi... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog21 hours ago
Israel Allegedly Bombs Iran’ Post in Syria; Turkey Welcomes Taliban Statements TV7 Israel News 18.08TV7 Israel News Today’s top stories 18.08.21; 1) Damascus accuses Israel of striking two Syrian military posts overnight – one of which was said to house Iranian forces. 2) The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani welcomed the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan – further claiming that the fate that befell … read more
Small Dead Animals22 hours ago
Oddments For The WeekendIncluding a suboptimal situation; the laughing death epidemic of Papua New Guinea; some accidentally gigantic spiders; a guide to the biggest black holes; and the biodegradable shoes you’ve always wanted. All this and more. read more
Small Dead Animals22 hours ago
Why COVID-19 Is Here to Stay… and Why You Shouldn’t Worry About It. Grab a coffee, I’m not going to excerpt this one, just read it. read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
China's Newest Destroyer is Capable of Launching Land-Attack Cruise Missiles*Michael Peck* *Chinese Navy, Asia* China has now joined Russia and the U.S. in an elite club of nations. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *That China has the capability and experience to develop a land-attack cruise missile is undoubted. The Chinese military already fields ICBMs, a variety of ballistic missiles, and is developing hypersonic weapons. The more significant question is whether the capability for Chinese warships to launch cruise missiles at targets a thousand miles away will tempt Beijing to use them. The U.S. has probably fired thousands of Tomahawks since the 1... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
In 2010, a Sudden Crisis Could Have Destroyed the Korean Peninsula*Kyle Mizokami* *North Korea, Asia* In 2010, North Korea sank a South Korean warship, killing more than forty sailors. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The relatively long period indicates Pyongyang is not particularly interested in stirring the pot and instigating a military crisis while it continues to improve its nuclear weapons and missile programs. While we may not see further attacks in the immediate future, it may only be because the North is hard at work at other, far more lethal military options. In 2010, North Korea sank a South Korean warship, killing more than forty ... read more
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