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PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Saturday 14 August 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
The Rise And Fall Of Andrew CuomoBy Burt Prelutsky ~ The man was responsible for the deaths of elderly New Yorkers, but if he hadn’t groped those women, people would still be pushing him as a presidential candidate. There is no getting around the fact that Gov. Cuomo is a sleazebag, but the fact that he has met his Waterloo because […] read more
balance1021 hours ago
Without justice freedom cannot prosper.
1) Information which I released to the Goddess of Liberty’s Freedom Class in Washington through the beloved God Meru alerted many of the students to the existence of this plight, but I wish to repeat my admonishment here for all in the field in order to add the momentum of their loving attention to the needs of the hour. I prefer not to elaborate on this matter except to inform the students that a *monstrous plot *has already been hatched in Peking which is, of all dangers that have ever threatened mankind, the most insidious. Remember that world science has made possible the e... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
Defense Department Pursues New ‘Joint Warfighting’ Plan*Kris Osborn* *Joint Warfighting, * This joint warfighting concept will focus on one of the biggest threats on the horizon: China. The Defense Department has embarked upon a new strategic directive to better prepare and deliver weapons systems specifically tailored to prevail in massive major warfare against a major rival. The directive, which was issued to the military services on July 1, calls upon weapons developers to not only pursue “speed.” Instead, they should focus on incorporating four key principles of joint warfare to enable each service to engineer technologies with ... read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
This Is Problem with Turkey’s Fourth-Generation Tank, the Altay*Mark Episkopos* *Turkey, Middle East* Despite being conceived and branded as such, the Altay is hardly a fully indigenous product. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Not only is the Altay tank deeply reliant on foreign components, but that reliance has proven to be a major procurement liability for Turkey. Given its ongoing challenges in sourcing key components, it is difficult to see how the Altay can make it into service by Ankara’s optimistic projection of this year. Turkey is forging ahead with ambitious plans to field a fourth-generation main battle tank (MBT). Ankara... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Is Slated To Appear On Multiple Sunday Morning Talk Shows To Discus Afghanistan
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Reuters *The Hill:** Blinken heads to Sunday shows as Afghan situation deteriorates* Secretary of State Antony Blinken is slated to appear on multiple Sunday morning talk shows this weekend as the situation in Afghanistan rapidly deteriorates. Blinken is scheduled to appear on CNN’s “State of the Union,” NBC’s “Meet the Press” and ABC’s “This Week” as the Taliban approach the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan's capital and largest city. The Taliban, which have made astonishing gains since U.S. troops started withdrawing from Afghanistan a... read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
August 15th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 208In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post August 15th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 208 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Sunday August 15th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Sunday August 15th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Cholera outbreak kills 800 in NigeriaMore than 30,000 cases of cholera and 800 deaths have been reported so far this year, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). NCDC said the outbreak has been exacerbated by poor access to clean water, open defecation, poor sanitation, and hygiene issues. Between January and the start of August, 31,425 suspected cases... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
NY Times Denies Biology, Math In Crazy Covid Reporting: ‘Pregnant People’By Clay Waters ~ The New York Times released two Covid-related reports that, taken together, denied both math and science (specifically, basic biology). After over a year of smug insistence about “following the science” on Covid, The Times used the anti-biological, transgender-approved term “pregnant people,” as if considering as a possibility the biological impossibility of […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
August 15, 2021: Reader TipsNearly 100 years ago, a film called The Man in the Iron Mask was released. We present it to you tonight. Your slightly more recent tips would be appreciated! read more
War News Updates1 day ago
President Biden Restates Commitment To Afghan Drawdown Amid Taliban Offensive. Blames Former President Trump For The Disaster Unfolding In Afghanistan*Daily Mail:* *McCarthy says Afghan withdrawal is an 'embarrassment' but Biden blames Trump's deal with the Taliban and says he 'can't make Kabul fight': INCREASES troop deployment for evacuation to 5,000* * President Biden has defended the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, and insisted: 'One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference' * The withdrawal was blasted by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy as an 'embarrassment to our nation' * Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell called for airstrikes against the Taliban on Fri... read more
Event Horizon Chronicle1 day ago
Quick Note On The Taliban Defeat of the PentagonThe crushing defeat that the Taliban are putting on the Pentagon forces in Afghanistan right now cannot have gone unnoticed by Russia, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and China, and surely not by countries that are military allies of the USSA, like the Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea and more. The whole world is watching this. Biden is sending in 5,000 Marines and Army Airborne troops right now. What happens when/if the Taliban seize control of the Kabul airport, and the Amerikanskis run out of ammo and C-rations? Will the Taliban have any reason at all to show mercy after having been po... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Taiwan Is Rapidly Preparing for War with China. Will It Be Enough?*Mark Episkopos* *Taiwan Military, Asia* Taiwanese officials announced earlier this month that the Army’s command structure is being overhauled to facilitate joint operations between its services. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *“Taiwan ‘independence’ means war.” In early April, Chinese officials boasted that Taiwan’s military “won’t stand a chance” if China chose to invade. Beijing’s recent military bluster is not entirely unfounded: according to a series of wargames held in prior years, current U.S. military assets in the Pacific region likely cannot prevent the “fait acco... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
This Is Why the U.S. Air Force Won’t Give Up on the A-10 Warthog (Despite Being over 4 Decades Old)*Mark Episkopos* *U.S. Military, United States* On the heels of continued resistance by Congress, the Air Force has opted to give the Warthog a further lease on life while seeking budget cuts elsewhere. *Here's What You Need To Know:* Far from retirement, the Air Force is planning a wide range of datalink, radar, sensor, and armament upgrades to sustain the Warthog into the coming decades. The A-10 Thunderbolt II is a unique, and remarkably long-lived, war machine that continues to offer impressive combat performance despite its years. In the decades following the end of World ... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Last Days Of The US Embassy In Kabul
The US Embassy in Kabul has been ordered to destroy sensitive materials and evacuate in 72 hours *Daily Mail: **Last days of the US Embassy in Kabul: Nerve center of the war on terror is being gutted of all sensitive material as staff and CIA assets prepare to lower the flag and flee amid Taliban takeover* * The US Embassy in Kabul has been the intelligence hub for the US's war on terror for the last 20 years but the Taliban is forcing an evacuation in 72 hours * Some staffers have already reached the Kabul international airport * Taliban has seized territories surrounding A... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
President Biden Authorizes 1,000 More U.S. Troops To Kabul*VOA*: *Biden Sends 1,000 More US Troops to Aid Evacuation as Taliban Advance* KABUL/ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON - U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday authorized another 1,000 troops -- in addition to the 3,000 ordered earlier this week -- to go to Afghanistan to assist in the evacuation of U.S. personnel and other allies from Kabul as Taliban insurgents drew closer to the Afghan capital. Biden's announcement comes as the Taliban have swept through most of the country, taking 24 out of 34 Afghan provincial capitals over the past week. The stunning insurgent offensive captured seve... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
The jihadis vs the post-Westphalia world system
The Muslims, in particular the Jihadi Sunni, do NOT accept the organization of the world into nation states as was envisioned by Europe in the Treaty of Westphalia in the settlement of the 30 Years War. That war had been … Continue reading → read more
Modern Tokyo Times1 day ago
Torrential rain in Japan causing deaths from Nagasaki to NaganoTorrential rain in Japan causing deaths from Nagasaki to Nagano Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The prefectures of Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Saga have especially been hit by long-lasting torrential rain. However, unlike yesterday, these four prefectures are now under an emergency “warning” rather than the “heavy rain emergency warning” that […] The post Torrential rain in Japan causing deaths from Nagasaki to Nagano first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
About That WSJ Report of the Durham Probe Investigating FBI TipstersPeople keep sending me emails about a Wall St Journal article [SEE HERE] highlighting John Durham and a grand jury receiving evidence. According to the article: “Special Counsel John Durham, appointed during the Trump administration to examine the origins of the FBI’s 2016 Russia probe, is presenting evidence to a grand jury and preparing a […] The post About That WSJ Report of the Durham Probe Investigating FBI Tipsters appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Sketchy sellers are bribing and hassling Amazon customers via email
Don't give in to sketchy Amazon sellers. Your honest reviews are important. read more
Israel Palestine News1 day ago
‘They Choose One Person to Kill, and Then the Protest Is Over’Imad Duikat was the sixth Palestinian to be shot dead by Israeli troops during recent protests against the settler outpost of Evyatar, and the 40th to be killed in the West Bank since May. read more
The Decarie Report1 hour ago
Bye , bye Miss American pie...Time to say goodbye to America. And, despite the repeated moans from American TV news - and the lies - it truly is goodbye. The U.S. decided to enter World War Two in late December and, no, it was not because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. The American wealthy wanted a war before that - and the Japanese knew they did. In fact, that's why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. In 1941, U.S. capitalists saw British overwhelmed by the Germans. U.S. capitalists saw their golden chance. The British Empire in the far east was wide open. For American capitalists, t... read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies23 hours ago
BREAKING NEWS: Doctor (Mengele) Bonnie Henry Is Going On Trial
*Doctor (Mengele) Bonnie Henry Is* * Going On Trial* *H/T Simon Hicks* Dr. Bonnie Henry ordered to stand trial https://www.eastonspectator.com/2021/08/11/dr-bonnie-henry-ordered-to-stand-trial https://canadianmale.wordpress.com/2021/08/12/dr-bonnie-henry-ordered-to-stand-trial/ Regular Truth Warrior contributor *Simon Hicks *has submitted this *BREAKING NEWS *story. British Columbia's most notorious and infamous so-called "doctor" has been ordered to stand trial: You can view the actual court document here: https://www.pugetsoundradio.com/2021/08/11/class-action-lawsuit-against-b... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Watch a B-2 Bomber Drop a Warhead and Decimate All Below*Mark Episkopos* *B-2, * "Bunker buster." *Here's What You Need to Remember*: The GBU-57 is arguably the most destructive weapon of its kind, hailing from a long line of smaller cousins and air blast variants. The B-2 Spirit is the most advanced strategic bomber in the US Air Force (USAF) roster, occupying a vital role in the American nuclear triad for its blend of deep penetration and heavy ordnance delivery capabilities. There has been no shortage of B-2 *footage *over the past several decades, extensively capturing its takeoff and maintenance routines as well as a wide range... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Defense Department Pursues New ‘Joint Warfighting’ Plan*Kris Osborn* *military, Americas* This joint warfighting concept will focus on one of the biggest threats on the horizon: China. The Defense Department has embarked upon a new strategic directive to better prepare and deliver weapons systems specifically tailored to prevail in massive major warfare against a major rival. The directive, which was issued to the military services on July 1, calls upon weapons developers to not only pursue “speed.” Instead, they should focus on incorporating four key principles of joint warfare to enable each service to engineer technologies with a... read more
The Conservative Socrates1 day ago
Intellectuals Versus Politicians in the Roman RepublicWhen Cicero accused Mark Antony and Octavian Caesar of destroying Roman freedoms, Octavian was outraged. In 43 BC, Octavian had Cicero executed. To remind the Romans of the exact nature of the crime that Cicero had committed, he had Cicero’s hands chopped off and nailed to the Senate door, so that the senators and the masses could see the fate of the hands that had dared to pen a diatribe against Antony. Octavian was trying to portray himself as a defender of Antony—that is why he claimed that he had Cicero executed for the crime of tarnishing Antony’s reputation and not his own. Th... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
The Taliban Now Have An Air Force*Daily Mail: **Taliban Air: Fighters seize $6million US Blackhawk helicopters alongside tons of American equipment - while taking to the skies in captured Russian choppers as advance approaches outskirts of Kabul* * Videos on social media show insurgents flying the Russian-made aircraft around the Afghan city of Kandahar * More clips also show how the Taliban have additionally seized American-made Black Hawk helicopters * Fighters are unlikely to possess the knowledge or the expertise to fly or maintain the state-of-the-art aircraft * But it will cause embarrassment after... read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
“Possibly the highest ever”The New York Times says 124 degrees in Sicily is “possibly the highest ever recorded in Europe.” 1:10 PM · Aug 13, 2021 In 1935 they reported 127F in Spain. 127-Degree Heat in Zaragoza. – The New York Times In … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates1 day ago
In a Pre-Recorded Message Afghan President Ghani Addresses The Nation As The Taliban Approach Kabul*France 24:* *Afghan president addresses nation as Taliban close in on Kabul* Afghan President Ashraf Ghani delivered a televised address on Saturday in a bid to rally troops defending Kabul as the Taliban tightened their territorial stranglehold around the capital and US Marines returned to oversee emergency evacuations. Ghani said he was ordering the Afghan military to remobilise as they seek to defend the capital from the Taliban after the insurgents’ astonishing blitz through Afghanistan over the past week. “In the current situation, the remobilisation of our security a... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Afghanistan War News Updates -- August 14, 2021*BBC:* *Afghan conflict: Taliban take Mazar-i-Sharif, government's last northern stronghold* Taliban fighters have captured Mazar-i-Sharif, the last major city in northern Afghanistan which was still under government control. The fall of the traditional anti-Taliban bastion marked a major gain for the militants, who have been advancing at speed as US-led forces withdraw. President Ashraf Ghani travelled to the city just days ago to rally troops. The Taliban are now in control of much of the country and are edging closer to the capital Kabul. More than a quarter of a milli... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Five projects vie to become Brazil’s first national vaccine against Covid-19RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Butanvac, which is being developed at the Butantan Institute and is already being tested in humans, is ahead in the race among some of Brazil's largest research institutions to find a national immunizing agent against Covid-19. More than ten projects are underway across the country, five of which are more […] The post Five projects vie to become Brazil’s first national vaccine against Covid-19 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil registers 31,142 new cases and 926 Covid deaths (August 14)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil registered Saturday 926 new deaths due to the coronavirus, reaching a total of 568,788 deaths since the epidemic's beginning, according to data from the Ministry of Health. The figures show that the total of confirmed cases of infections by the new coronavirus in the country reached 20,350,142, counting 31,142 […] The post Brazil registers 31,142 new cases and 926 Covid deaths (August 14) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
Stop Believing US Military Invasions Have Noble Intentions: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixListen to a reading of this article: ❖ I love how everyone’s just pretending the Afghanistan Papers never happened and the Taliban takeover is some kind of shocking tragedy instead of the thing everyone knew would happen because they’ve been knowingly lying about working to […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times1 day ago
A devastating 7-2 magnitude earthquake hits HaitiA devastating 7-2 magnitude earthquake hits Haiti Kanako Mita and Chika Mori Modern Tokyo Times A devastating 7-2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti yesterday. Reports claim that at least 300 people have been killed while search and rescue missions are ongoing. Also, approximately 2,000 people are injured. However, the fear is that this number will climb […] The post A devastating 7-2 magnitude earthquake hits Haiti first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Air Force Looks to Retire F-15C as Supplement to F-22 Raptor Force*Mark Episkopos* *F-15 Fighter, Americas* Almost fifty years since its introduction, the F-15 platform has set yet another record. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The USAF is aware that the aging F-15 Eagle platform is getting increasingly more cost-ineffective to maintain and operate. The pace of upgrades has slowed significantly in recent years, with the service ordering a 47 percent cut to the number of F-15C fighter aircraft eligible for modernization. Almost fifty years since its introduction, the F-15 platform has set yet another record. An F-15C Eagle executed the lo... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Army Revs Up Missiles and Laser Weapons for Stryker*Kris Osborn* *Army, Lasers, * It would be unsurprising if other armored vehicles were similarly armed with a SHORAD capability. The Army Stryker is firing Hellfire missiles, fifty-kilowatt lasers, and Stinger missiles to ensure maneuvering infantry in fast-advancing armored units are sufficiently protected from lethal enemy threats such as drones, helicopters, and even some fixed-wing aircraft. It is all part of the Army’s ambitious and fast-moving Maneuver Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) program intended to bring crucially needed air-defense technology to forces on the move... read more
UK: Poorer pupils are more likely than ever to miss out on top university coursesPoorer pupils are more likely than ever to miss out on top university courses, experts have warned, as this year’s A-level results widen the gap between private and state schools. The proportion of A-level students given top grades has reached a record high, with nearly half achieving an A or above, after cancelled exams meant marks were determined by teachers. But data from regulator Ofqual showed the increase in A grades was 50 per cent higher in independent schools than in secondary comprehensives – prompting fears this would combine with the record number of university appli... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Let Them Eat TaserObama’s Martha’s Vineyard Birthday Bash a Super Spreader Event read more
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