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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1 December - iGoogle

AllThings Considered - NPR
In Texas, Keeping Kids In School And Out Of Court
A Debate Over Who Regulates Gas 'Fracking' In Pa.

Blog of Rights - |ACLU

Beware of Data Miners Offering Protection

Holiday gifts to enlighten, engage, and inspire
Canadian fossil fuel exports threaten climate

Al Qaeda leader claims responsibility for capture of American

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has claimed responsibility for the capture last August of a 70-year-old U.S. citizen in Pakistan, according to a...


Carrier IQ: More privacy alarms, more confusion

 Carbon Farmers of Australia

Carbon Coalition Against Global Warming

Circle of Blue - WaterNews
The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development
Choke Point Broadcasts This Week: Wednesday 9 P.M., Thursday 12 A.M., Friday 11 A.M.

Common Dreams

Oops: Alabama, the Land of Unintended Consequences
DSK: There Is Nothing to Reproach Me For (Except Being Born and Abusing Every Prerogative of His Power as A Rich White Man)


NDAA, Smell of Fear
Let Paulson Go ... And Free the Alternative Media, Too!

Daily News - Egypt

Focus on religion was 'grave mistake' by political parties, expert says
Lawyer demands investigation into teargas used against protesters

Democracy Now!

Democracy Now! Correspondent Anjali Kamat on Reporting the Revolutions in Egypt and Libya
Headlines for December 1, 2011

Has Da Vinci's Lost Work Been Found at Another's Expense?

Researchers have drilled a hole into a frescoed wall which they believe hides a long lost Da Vinci masterpiece known as the "Battle of Anghiari."
Voyager Probes Give Us ET's View


Two more surrender, making 20 arrests in SAT/ACT scandal
College graduation rates: Income really matters

Food and WaterWatch

A Strange Kind of Dialogue in Medellín, Colombia
How New York State Exaggerated Potential Job Creation from Shale Gas Development


Developer of Pepper Spray: “I’m shocked, It’s being Used Inappropriately”

Thom Hartman: Money is Free Speech, how about Tents?
Guardian UK

Afghanistan faces $4bn defence funding shortfall
Exclusive: US is prepared to foot only $3bn of bill for security forces, raising fears that Kabul will struggle to fight TalibanAfghanistan's...
Muslim Brotherhood ahead in Egypt election 
Black Panthers in Louisiana?
Commission Proposes Significant Changes To Louisiana Higher Education 
Huffington Post
Inside Facebook
Facebook Marketing Showcase: Cosmetic Brands Want To Get You All Made-Up
Get the New Google Bar Now with a Cookie Tweak [Google]
Answer: Who Discovered These Antarctic Islands, and What's It Got to Do with India? [Search Research] 
Dear Ta-Nehisi - Dreher weighs in on the popular IQ and race thread: (Andrew Sullivan/The Daily Dish)
Gingrich Instructs Team Not to Attack Romney (Erin McPike/Real Clear Politics) 
NPR - News
Foster Kids Given Psychiatric Drugs At Higher Rates
A 'Comedy Of Errors': Italians Appoint Wrong Minister 
New Scientist
Global surveillance supermarket offered to dictators
Anonymous' 'Robin Hood' attacks may benefit banks 
News 24
Cele used pay-outs to get cronies jobs - union
Bheki Cele misused his authority by getting rid of police officers in positions earmarked for his friends with big pay-outs, says the SA Police Union.
Man feared execution during robbery 
Obama Conspiracy Theories
Birther Republicans are international laughing stock
New Congressional report on presidential eligibility 
Open Secrets
Gary Johnson Flirts with Libertarian Party Presidential Run
Ethics Watchdog Alleges New Jersey Democrat Used Campaign Funds for Personal Use 
Kristallnacht: Night of Broken Glass’ Strikes Jewish Stores in New Jersey
PEW Clean Energy
Pew Applauds Obama Administration for Proposed Fuel Economy Rule
Pesticide Action Network
Pesticide truth-tellers on video!
Kids' health researchers talk turkey 
Philippines News
Soda Bottle Solar Bulbs Bring Light to Thousands in the Philippines
LMP calls for full disclosure of pre-1989 state secret data | Politics.hu
M&G: Secrecy Bill shows ANC's historic mission is over | Abahlali ... 
Political MoJo| Mother Jones
Wall Street Tactics for the Pentagon?
Gitmo Law Could Someday Apply to American Citizens 
Psychology Today
Top 25 List: November
The Future's Not Ours to See 
Reef News and Issues
The Guardian: Australia announces plans for world’s largest marine park
Satellite News
NASA Ready for November Launch of Car-Size Mars Rover
NASA's most advanced mobile robotic laboratory, which will examine one of the most intriguing areas on Mars, is in final preparations for a launch...
Ambitious Hubble Survey Obtaining New Dark Matter Census 
Science Daily
When babies awaken: New study shows surprise regarding important hormone level
Scientific American
The Future of Climate Change
Fukushima Earthquake Moved Seafloor Half a Football Field 
Star Online : Nation
Najib: Be ready to leave when told
Malaysian students in Indonesia advised to carry residency documents 
Perry mocks Perry in one-night-only ad
Perry mocks Perry in one-night-only campaign ad 
TED Blog
TED Book maps a new age of creativity and invention: “Launching the Innovation Renaissance”
Building the musical muscle: Charles Limb on TED.com 
As SOPA/PIPA Still Loom, Techies Already Creating Workarounds
Yet Another Study Shows That Hollywood's Own Bad Decisions Are Increasing The Amount Of Infringement 
Ten Percent
N30- Broadcasts
Friday! Jesus Jones- Welcome Back Victoria 
This Week in Science
I Know You
Diamond Quantum Mechanics 
USA Today
Federal report: Arctic much worse since 2006
Al-Qaeda says it is holding U.S. hostage in Pakistan 
Unexplained Mysteries
Ravens use 'hand' gestures
Web MD
Diet Loaded With Veggies, Fruits, Whole Grains May Cut Stroke Risk
Eating a diet loaded with antioxidant-rich vegetables, fruits, and whole grains may help women lower their chances of having a stroke -- even if...
Snuggle Up With the Perfect Pillow 
World's first sex school gives pupils 'hands-on' lessons in seduction
Cheeky monkey blows a raspberry at his shocked mother 
White House Press Office
Statement by the Press Secretary on EU actions targeting Iran and Syria
Presidential Proclamation -- World AIDS Day, 2011 
NY Times’ Umbrella Man Exposed
Free for the 99 Percent (Even the One Percent): Music. Enjoy. 
Zoe - It's our Nature
Kitten Rescue
How to Start a Real Global Contagion
 BBC - Home
Sarkozy backs closer German ties
The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, says France and Germany must pull together to ensure stability at the heart of Europe.
Jailed Afghan rape victim freed 
BBC - Science
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