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Oh, boy we even get dangerous sociopath
Bryan Fischer's point of view! And this was even *before* Romney campaign operatives leaked to the press-- doing their best to make it appear that it came from Nig...
“Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that reality is better. We convince ourselves it’s better that we never dream at all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of ...
East Coast storm is a major one-time weather event, but the winter droughts that have plagued the Mediterranean from Spain to Israel have been a trend in the climate for decades.
To all our very observant and helpful readers: While we always appreciate the write-ins, I'd like to humbly request that everyone please refrain from writing in to us regarding earthquakes that have just ...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 2 hours ago
We're here early this year, visiting friends and family now instead of over US Thanksgiving. Occupy Wall Street is definitely on the agenda. Probably not much blogging though.
Must be Halloween or something. I have no words.
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist. Magnitude*6.0* Date-Time - *Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 00:21:28
UTC* - Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 08:21:28 AM at epicenter - Time o...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 3 hours ago
The question after last night’s televised debate: does John Key lie? Answer: Yes, he does. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
posted by PC at
Not PC - 3 hours ago
What happens when more and more New Zealanders refuse to pick up the paddle and start working for themselves? Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (o...
It's changing the conversation:The wealth gap and the Occupy MovementBy Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / October 31, 2011The image above brings home a very disturbing fact about the United States -- the vast ...
Because, after all, what's scarier than Republicans on the loose? As Herman Cain looks on, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney explain to Rick Perry that challenging his fellow candidates to a duel isn't a legi...
Social Media Specialist Amy Enchelmeyer responds to your angriest, funniest, and most insightful Facebook comments.
"Shiver me timbers!!! For just a moment there I thought that time was real, that space was deep, and that manipulating circumstances and messing with the "hows" was the way to manifest life changes! Talk ...
Officers on the far right, unidentified, arrived on the police line in front of Marine Scott Olsen, moments before Olsen was struck with a projectile in Oakland. The uniformed officers are with the San Fr...
Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. Thanks for stopping by.
* "The Magicians Sheep"* by G.I. Gurdjieff "There is an Eastern tale that speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want t...
Anyone catch the BBC 10 News coverage of UNESCO's decision to recognise the imaginary state of "Palestine"? The reporter was gushing in her excitement, although warning that the US decision to reduce fundi...
*"Entire West Coast Hit Hard By Fukushima Radiation"* By Zen Gardner "SOURCE: Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, Stohl, A., Seibert, P.,...
*Just setting the stage for the results from the rigged voting machines*: "Despite fiery base, Paul’s spark yet to spread" by Brian C. Mooney Globe Staff / October 31, 2011 CONCORD, N.H. - Fund-raising h...
"Fed false logic, campus eats up a hoax and revolts" October 25, 2011|By Mary Carmichael, Globe Staff NORTHAMPTON - All last week, *students at Smith College* were *buzzing over a rumor* that the school w...
Tom Carey, (seen here signing a book at the Roswell festival in 2011) a UFO researcher living in Pennsylvania and one of the authors of *Witness to Roswell*, realized that there was a great deal of work l...
A magnitude 3.3 earthquake has struck the Katla Volcano, Iceland at a depth of 2 km ( 1.2 miles), the quake hit at 19:58:27 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 25 km ( 17.5 miles) Northwest Vík...
Reader Contribution; The Taiwan Central Weather Bureau logged this earthquake at a 6.5 Magnitude. Source
*All tricks, folks.* "Skeptic finds he now agrees global warming is real" by Seth Borenstein AP Science Writer / October 31, 2011 WASHINGTON—A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two ...
*$ome got them$elve$ a treat!* "White House orders review of energy loans; GOP threatens to subpoena documents" October 29, 2011|By Scott Wilson, Washington Post WASHINGTON - The White House has authorize...
Leave aside for a moment whether the conflicted, pusillanimous House Democrats *deserve* to be entrusted with the majority again. It would be hard impossible to argue that the Republicans deserve to keep ...
If anyone is still looking for last minute Halloween costumes, here are a few politically-themed ideas: *At the Party...* *Senate Page*: Black dress, white gloves, and long braided pony tail. Be sure to...
"Duty, Honor, Courage" by General Douglas MacArthur "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virt...
Hacker collective gives Mexican drug cartel, Zetas, until the end of the week to release a kidnapped member, or else.
The program, in one of the space shuttle's processing hangars, is a glimpse into future public-private ventures.
*"A Delusional Belief in Debt-Based Growth"* by Bill Bonner "Last week, the bull market continued. Investors were sure that the bailout of Europe’s wobbly debtors was a done deal. The details of the deal...
Nato today announced it was ending its bombing campaign which helped Libyan rebels overthrow Muammar Gaddafi's regime. Officials said all operations for the air and sea campaign will conclude at midnight ...
The Dean of St Paul's resigned today as the anti-capitalist protest outside the cathedral claimed its second victim. The Rt Rev Graeme Knowles's resignation follows that of Canon Chancellor of St Paul's G...
Shocking footage has surfaced of a Sudanese man being publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia for being a 'sorcerer'. Crouched on his knees and blindfolded, Abdul Hamid Bin Hussain Bin Moustafa al-Fakki was exe...
*"Occupy America and Friendly Fascism:* * Life in the Corporate Police State"* By John W. Whitehead "Law is no longer what it was intended to be - a set of rules equally binding everyone to ensure that ou...
Anonymous hacktivists have sent a warning to the Zetas in Veracruz to release one of Anonymous' members. MSNBC reports, "The Anonymous hacking collective has put a Mexican drug cartel squarely in its cr...
*"Occupy! Bank Transfer Day 11-5-11 (Guy Fawkes Day)"* by Alex Noble "To protest the behavior of big banks, thousands have pledged to switch to small credit unions on November 5. Bank Transfer Day is gain...
Researchers say they have found a way to produce and harvest large quantities of a blood protein from grains of rice.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou says his country will hold a referendum on the new European Union aid package reached last week. He gave no date or other details on the proposed referendum, which w...
By Duane Craig Environmental contamination in Framingham MA In perhaps what only can be called insaneirony, a chemical processing company in Framingham, Massachusetts, that is partof a family of companies...
Armed citizen militia group US Border Guard is making its presence felt at the Occupy Phoenix demonstration to protect free speech rights, arguing that the second amendment prevents the state from abusin...
*Tim Franzen*, 34 | Employed "A lot of people were very frustrated with George Bush, and we put a lot of energy into the Obama campaign. We heard a lot about hope and change, and we've barely got any chan...
Goldman's own proprietary Goldman Sachs Analyst Index does not reflect the modest cheer that people are feeling about the economy. Remember, this past week, Q3 GDP came in at 2.5%, nearly double the pace o...
A massive cyberattack that led to a vulnerability in RSA's SecurID tags earlier this year also victimized Google, Facebook, Microsoft and many other big-named companies, according to a new analysis release...
A new California state audit found that over 1,000 sex offenders are living in homes licensed to provide foster and child care services. The startling information was uncovered after the audit was requeste...
he Russian Academy of Sciences has said it is highly likely that the Bigfoot really exists. Experts came to the conclusion after carrying out a microscopic analysis of hairs believed to belong to the yeti ...
Fact 1: Turkey is earthquake prone. Sitting on the intersection of the Eurasian, African and Arabian tectonic plates, it is crisscrossed by active fault lines. Fact 2: The death toll and devastation caused...
As the global population hits 7 billion in the coming days, nations can take steps to tackle critical challenges and prepare for the arrival of billions more people this century, the United Nations said We...
Finally, Richard Dawkins has given his reasons for refusing to debate the American theologian William Lane Craig. We have waited a long time for this. The invitation to discuss the existence of God at Oxfo...
There's a good reason no one makes disaster movies about financial crises. In disaster movies, there is always a solution which a crack team of miners/scientists/politicians can get to work on, just as soo...
Women who bought small dogs as "fashion accessories" are now dumping them in record numbers. An animal rescue charity has seen the number of bichon frises, chihuahuas and shih tzus left at its centres al...
All evidence suggests that time-deprived, well-off professional parents are inventing a new kind of child poverty. In the compellingly horrible new film, We Need To Talk About Kevin, a woman schedules so...
View entire photo gallery here.
The number of people on Earth could double by the end of the century, the United Nations has warned, as the world population passes the milestone of seven billion for the first time at the end of the month...
Almost half of students are concerned that things they have posted on Facebook might affect their future career prospects. Four out of 10 students (42 per cent) are worried that personal details they hav...
Four months ago, the world's energy watchdog took historic action to reduce oil prices. Since then, the financial outlook has considerably worsened and some Libyan oil has returned to the market. But the p...
Some of the world's fastest growing population centers in Asia and Africa are at greatest risk from the impact of climate change, according to a new report. The Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI), ...
May 22 began as just another work day for Mark Lindquist. A social worker in Joplin, Missouri, Lindquist was making his rounds at client group homes, about to check up on three adult men with Down syndrome...
Finding a scandal within the ranks of the NYPD these days is like shooting fish in a barrel — or, to update the idiom, like pepper-spraying protesters in a pen. Every hour it seems a new story emerges, an...
With Ukraine’s medical infrastructure and legislation making vital transplant organs hard to come by, the illegal trade in human organs is thriving as desperate people turn to the black market. The aut...
Eighteen learners and a teacher were rushed to Andara Hospital, Kavango Region for suspected food poisoning on Thursday. It is alleged that the teacher at Shaghirungu Primary School in Mukwe constituency...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 35 km ( 21.7 miles), the quake hit at 14:09:26 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 196 km ( 121 miles) ES...
*Yugoslav kids in World War II * Empires are evil. In 1932, Churchill considered forming an alliance with Hitler.? Back in 1930, the USA considered that its main enemy was Britain. THE USA HAD A PLAN TO ...
Flushing unused antibiotics down the toilet is leading to a growing problem of drug-resistant bacteria.
Last week, Paul Ryan, Wall Street's very own Wisconsin cat's paw, sent out a fundraising letter on behalf of the RNC but instead of the usual adolescent Ayn Rand gibberish he wows his speaking audiences w...
Palestine just became a member of the UNESCO, the educational, scientific, and cultural (ESC) branch of the United Nations. The children have prepared a song for their colleagues in the organization, to ...
Knowledge is Power:The Uncensored Free Speech Forum In the battle for freedom, we must always be on the look out for new tactics. The Internet is a great place to post information, but blogs and sites su...
An illegal alien from Honduras was charged with murder for the vicious stabbing death of a shopper in the Wal-Mart parking lot Sunday night, a murder that appeared to be a random act, Orleans County Sherif...
*They'll give you a seat right in front*: "Thank you, driver, for getting them there; On these bus lines, the party starts and ends on board" October 29, 2011|By David Filipov and Matt Rocheleau, Globe St...
I love Etsy. I mean who doesn't? I have found lots of really cool shops and items but when I found Sophie's Beads the other day, it was the first time I gasped out loud at how amazing her pieces are. Soph...
THE TRICK - Being Played on the 99% The leaders and law makers in the government are psychopaths. The heads of the media, the military, and Wall Street are intraspecies predators. They are in complete cont...
[image: Measured cesium-137 concentrations in ocean sediments, 21 April - 18 October 2011, with an indication of the distance from the point of collection to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Concentr...
Fishermen caught a three-eyed fish in a reservoir that receives water from a nuclear plant in Argentina.
The Russian space program successfully launched its Progress spacecraft, which is set to dock with the International Space Station on Wednesday.
A 25-year-old chimpanzee shows that speech perception is not a uniquely human trait.
His sister's eulogy reveals the Apple co-founder's last words and a side of him few knew.
*Want to go to the haunted house?* "Zombies and witches declare war in Salem; Haunted houses feud at busiest season October 18, 2011|By Billy Baker, Globe Staff SALEM - The series of events that culminate...
I want last week's European bail-out to work. My sincere hope is that collective and decisive action by the eurozone's large member states will stabilize global markets, at least for a while, so allowing t...
The simmering tension near the Colorado Capitol escalated dramatically Saturday with more than a dozen arrests, reports of skirmishes between police and protesters and authorities firing rounds of pellets ...
An argument in the drive-through lane of a local McDonald’s resulted in a woman being rushed to the hospital early Sunday morning. According to police, the incident happened at the McDonald’s on Perry H...
The Church of England is threatening to use its financial power to stem the tide of internet pornography. It is considering withdrawing the millions it has invested in Internet Service Providers (ISPs) un...
Japan sold the yen for the second time in less than three months after it hit another record high against the dollar Monday, saying it intervened to counter excessive speculation that was hurting the world...
Last night, it was reported in Politico and elsewhere that frontrunning Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain had allegedly sexually harassed two women who'd worked under him at the National Resta...
When Melanie Phillips details a specific instance of biased BBC reporting, there’s nothing more to add than to direct B-BBC readers straight there, and to the follow-up piece. Denis MacEoin is well-known ...
t is exactly 50 years since the USSR tested the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever made. On October 30 1961, a specially modified Tu-95 strategic bomber enveloped in a protective white coating dropped a ...
The battle for pizza supremacy has taken a wrong turn in Florida. Two managers of a Domino's Pizza restaurant in Lake City, in north-central Florida, have been charged with burning down a rival Papa John's...
Reporting from south of the Korean Demilitarized— The oblong balloon rose into the ink-colored sky Saturday just south of one of the world's most fortified borders, its cargo bound for North Korea. Yet unl...
Police have arrested dozens of OWS protestors in Denver, using pepper spray and rubber bullets on the 2,000-strong crowd. But it appears that neither the tough police actions nor the encroaching winter w...
British merchant ships sailing off the coast of Somalia will soon be able to carry armed guards to ward off pirate attacks, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Sunday. Britain is one of only a few countr...
French researchers say the amount of radioactive cesium that has leaked from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean is 20 times larger than the plant operator estimated. The Fre...
Israeli and Palestinian forces have continued cross-border shooting for a second day in the worst escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza in weeks. A cease-fire brokered by Egypt earlier on Sunday...
Found on Facebook posted by Laura M.
Stopping Katrina Myths From Becoming Household Knowledge~Sandy Rosenthal ~Folks gather at the first rally in January of 2006, with founder Sandy Rosenthal wielding the bullhorn. (Some goof in a r...
[image: World population count tops 7 billion, 31 October 2011.] Estimated world population at 7:00AM Pacific Time, 31 October 2011. [image: World human population (est.) 10,000...
Austin police confront demonstrators at City Hall, Oct. 29, 2011. Photo by Ann Harkness /Flickr.All trick no treat:Austin police take downfood table in midnight raidBy Greg Moses / The Rag Blog / October 31,...
From Think Progress this morning: Facing continued consumer pressure, Bank of America is pulling back from its debit-card fee by allowing customers to avoid the monthly $5 charge “by maintaining minimum ba...
The newspapers are full of stories about the power outages following the snowstorm - power outages that are the result, mostly, of breaking branches and falling trees. We will all be told that so many fel...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
*Column of the Americas* *Arizona's Experiment in Democracy Failing ... Badly* *By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez* The experiment in Democracy seems to be failing badly in Arizona. Here, government, the sta...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 15 hours ago
*Halfway through last week, the Saskatchewan Party pulled all of their overly aggressive 'attack' ads on Dwain Lingenfelter. Clearly, their polling showed that these scathing ads were not being well rece...
Over 40? Take it easy on the black licorice -- the FDA announced consuming too much of it can lead to heart problems.
When the heart stops pushing blood throughout the body, a number of effects become evident -- and can become useful clues for detectives.
Old family photos are usually kept in dusty albums, but this app can put them in a digital one.
A 175,000-square-foot server farm is going up in Lulea, Sweden, which averages 35 degrees Fahrenheit year round.
Designer Ron Arad's bicycle has tires made of steel, and is one of six being auctioned to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
- Sunbathers could be five times more susceptible to sun damage in the afternoon Sunbathing in the afternoon raises the risk of developing skin cancer five-fold, a study shows. This is becaus...
Two five metre great white sharks have been spotted off the coast of Rottnest Island, 20 kilometres from Perth. Craig Bowley from Surf Life Saving Western Australia says the sharks were spotted 200 metre...
At least eight people have been killed and nearly three million homes left without power after a rare early season snowstorm hit the east coast of the US. Governors declared states of emergency in New Je...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Fiji Region at a depth of 601.4 km ( 373.7 miles), the quake hit at 11:41:46 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 144 km ( 89 miles) Southwest of Ndoi Is...
The Dave Lutrin post Saturday morning provoked a lot of e-mail, though much of it, suspiciously, in defense of the tangentially maligned Majority Group. I suspect the e-mails were some kind of lame coordi...
- First study to link HPV with heart disease - Women who test positive are are more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke [image: Women who carry HPV (pictured) are at gre...
Workers who commute by car, bus or train to the office are more likely to suffer from stress and exhaustion, according to a study. Scientists assessed 12,000 employees aged between 18 and 65. They found...
It is flu season and the mainstream media is out in full force promoting the big pharma vaccine agenda! Surely you have seen countless articles extolling the virtues of the jab in the arm? Despite the f...
We have a staggering 99 friends at the age of 21 - more than at any other time in our life, according to a new study. The typical 21 year old's social circle nearly hits 100, with 13 'best' friends, 17 ...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 15 hours ago
Interesting insight here by B-BBC contributor Alan; [image: Peter Salmon: The BBC's outlook for Salford is sunny] "BBC loves the idea of a borderless Europe with free movement of people all living in harm...
Shares in one of the world's biggest brokers have been suspended, casting doubt over the future of 738 jobs in London. MF Global, which is based in New York and has offices around the world, last week an...
*واضاف "شعب مصر لديها عدو جديد، عدو من أسوأ نوع. عدو لا يمكن قتل بالرصاص أو القنابل". بن يهودا* ** Dictionary هذه المجموعات ، التي تعقد الحسابات المصرية مع العملاق المصرفي العالمي، ويقول انه خلال الش...
*"The people of Egypt have a new enemy, an enemy of the worst kind. An enemy that can't be killed with bullets or bombs." Ben Judea* The groups, which hold Egyptian accounts with the global banking gi...
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 17 hours ago
Yes, it's Greg Palast: "The BBC won't let me tell you where I am. Just that we're doing another investigation following from evidence in Vultures' Picnic." Here's Palast speaking at the lefty Fighting B...
Nudging an asteroid into and Earth orbit will take time, resources and imagination. But accomplishing the task only means working within Newtonian physics -- no exotic stardrive needed!
Bangkok's northern suburb of Luangphukhao was inundated by floodwaters over the weekend but most residents have still been reluctant to leave their homes despite the risks to their safety. People wade to...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 31.9 km ( 19.8 miles), the quake hit at 09:02:30 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 165 km ( 102 miles)...
A tap turns on in a Hammonton kitchen. Water comes out, clear and tasteless. It is used to fill a water bottle, make coffee, cook pasta, and complete many other daily tasks. It also is radioactive, as is...
Authorities say 11 people were treated at hospitals and released after a carbon monoxide leak at a 16-unit apartment Sunday morning. New London Fire Chief Bart Roloff said firefighters think a broken exhau...
State scientists will head to the Florida Panhandle this week to check on East Bay oyster beds where oystermen are reporting a die-off. Oyster season opened Oct. 1. Oystermen have reported pulling up dead ...
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck the Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska at a depth of 160.4 km ( 99.7 miles), the quake hit at 07:16:21 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 40 km ( 24 mi...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Kuril Islands at a depth of 43.1 km ( 26.8 miles), the quake hit at 06:54:43 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 175 km ( 108 miles) ENE of Kuril'sk, Ku...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck offshore Guatemala at a depth of 84.9 km ( 52.8 miles), the quake hit at 06:28:31 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 65 km ( 40 miles) South of Tapachula, ...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Southern East Pacific Rise at a depth of 10 km ( 6.2 miles), the quake hit at 04:45:43 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 697 km ( 433 miles) Northwes...
*According to the TRF census, the world population reached 7 billion five minutes ago.* Well, it could also take place several months ago or it will take place in several months in the future because the ...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 19 hours ago
Guido had the goods here yesterday and now the Mail today. B-BBC contributor Alan makes some very valid points here.. "The recent 'BEST' report, not peer reviewed, on world temperature changes, was cited ...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 20 hours ago
When you look at this video and then you read this BBC story, you wonder if we are living on the same planet. BBC staff should don Keffiyehs when reading out every story on Israel as the visual cue for wha...
*Libya* The Mafia comes along and wrecks your home. And then the Mafia forces you to pay them to rebuild it, and guard it. "*Western security, construction and infrastructure companies that see profit-m...
Here it is folks. It is not all we want yet, but it iscertainly good enough for three hours of driving and that makes it good to gofor all metropolitan driving for just about every possible consumer. ...
The idea seems to be to plantsalt tolerant cedars in particular in deserts while watering them with wasteand brackish water. It will at leastprovide cover and lower the surface temperature. This may e...
With any luck we will finallydecode the body of ciphers that have been floating around for centuriessometimes and end the speculation that they naturally accrue. The amount of human effort they haveat...
This really comes under the oneroad too far. A simple test usinghardware would absorb the Earth’s GDP for decades and then be likely controversial. Much more practical is myobjective of terraforming th...
[image: Investors to move focus from Europe to US economy] Encouraging news from Europe helped catch fire on stock prices in October. This week, *investors will shift their focus to U.S. economic data*, wh...
Cultures and countries are conquered with language, stories, and significant events that imprint new myths on the collective mind. The most obvious example in modern times is the September 11 event. Suc...
Police officers who gunned down two cows that escaped on their way to the slaughterhouse have claimed that they thought the animals were 'threatening' and 'dangerous'. The animals were shot repeatedly and...
New York City and the East Coast are picking up the pieces hit by more than one inch of snowfall before Halloween for the first time ever - with experts predicting much more on the way. Three people were...
*An unusual snowstorm has hit the US East Coast, with some areas of Massachusetts seeing more than 27in (68cm) of snow.* The authorities stated that *at least nine people have died in snow-related accid...
*German built, Israeli Nuclear Missile Sub*This is a big reason why our world needs the Occupy and similar movements. A new report from BASIC, the British American Security Information Council, reveals th...
A laser powerful enough to tear apart the fabric of space could be built in Britain. The major scientific project will follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider and will answer questions about ...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck South of Java, Indonesia at a depth of 29.7 km ( 18.5 miles), the quake hit at 04:48:44 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 145 km ( 90 miles) South of Suk...
Hopes that China will ride to the rescue of the single currency were dealt a blow last night after Beijing warned that it will not be Europe’s ‘saviour’. State-run news agency Xinhua said the country canno...
Explosions have rocked an air base in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, setting two fighter jets on fire, an aviation official has said. "There were four explosions at the air force base alongside the internatio...
The arrests occurred thousands of miles apart, but the scenes were similar in Oregon and Texas early Sunday: In the dark of night, police told Occupy demonstrators to leave protest sites. Those who refused...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 23 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News TUCSON -- It was another mellow day at Occupy Tucson, with nutritious sandwiches and fresh coleslaw served at noon. A new solar panel, i...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 23 hours ago
[image: image] As many of you know already, the always combative Roger Kerr has fought his last battle. He died on Friday night after a year-long illness. Roger was on point for most of the reforms that...
Gang-raped, beaten and stabbed 25 times, she was the lesbian activist and football star whose murder blew open South Africa's hate crime epidemic. But more than two years after the death of Eudy Simelan...
A massive blast at a grain elevator in northeastern Kansas killed three people and left three others unaccounted for, authorities said Sunday. Two people were hospitalized with burn injuries, said Dennis ...
Libya's transitional government would prefer to try former leader Moammar Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam in a Libyan court despite an arrest warrant issued for him by the International Criminal Court, a spoke...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck off the Coast of Antofagasta, Chile at a depth of 41.7 km ( 25.9 miles), the quake hit at 03:40:10 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 124 km ( 77 miles) W...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Hinsu Kush Region, Afghanistan at a depth of 202.9 km ( 126.1 miles), the quake hit at 02:11:49 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 83 km ( 51 miles) S...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 65.1 km ( 40.5 miles), the quake hit at 01:31:40 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 51 km ( 31 miles) E...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Gulf of Aden at a depth of 10 km ( 6.2 miles), the quake hit at 01:22:05 UTC Monday 31st October 2011. The epicenter was 260 km ( 161 miles) SSW of Al Mukalla, Yeme...
Fed up the clocks have gone back? Cheer up - dark nights help you fight cancer AND lose weight The clocks have gone back, so get set for the winter blues, triggered by shorter hours of daylight. One in 15 ...
- United Nations recognises Danica as one of the world's symbolic 'seven billionth' babies, presenting her with a special cake - The UN say Seven Billion Day - October 31 - is the date when th...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 33.7 km ( 20.9 miles), the quake hit at 23:08:29 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 146 km ( 90 miles) ...
<p><a href="">VIDEO: Violence rages along Gaza...
A daily dose of drugs designed to lower cholesterol could also slash the risk of breast cancer recurring, say researchers. They found that women who had developed a breast tumour were nearly 30 per cent...
As we mentioned this morning, Blue America would like everyone who can to chip in-- even if it's just a small amount-- to the congressional campaign of Chris Donovan. You *should* do it because he's been ...
------------------------------ Find original on YouTube *Max Keiser: Debt slash = debt hike, collapse guaranteed!* Cherchez la Verite
“What created the Waterfall Nebula? No one knows. The structure seen in the region of NGC 1999 in the Great Orion Molecular Cloud complex is one of the more mysterious structures yet found on the sky. Desi...
“Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so g...
*“Mentally Enhanced”* by Chet Raymo "Here she is, folks, from a report in the May 14, 2009 issue of Nature, the oldest known piece of representational art, a 35,000-year-old female figurine carved from ma...
. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they ha...
I figured when Herman Cain did that interview a few weeks ago with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC and O'Donnell read the part from his autobiography where Herman talks about how his reaction to the Civil Rig...
Shalimar, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
*Englightened* Episode 1 recap *by Ken* The first episode of the new Mike White-Laura Dern HBO series *Enlightened*left me with a sort of positive feeling, but I noticed that it took me awhile to make my...
*Planned Disruption of Church Occupation Forces Postponement - Vancouver Group Names Provocateurs* *A Statement from Occupy the Vatican (Vancouver) and Indigenous members of Occupy Vancouver* *Sunday, Octo...
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
"Roasting the public mind is like roasting a pig over an open fire. The heat of propaganda must be consistently applied to the public mind over a closed fire of myths until it is completely cooked. Then i...
*Oakland Calls - We Answer All out in the Streets in Solidarity with Occupy Oakland Wednesday, November 2nd* * *Early Tuesday morning 900 police from a dozen police agenci...
*"80 Years Later - Same Culprits, Same Rage"* by James Quinn "The young man stands on the edge of his porch. The days were short and the father was gone. There was no one in the town and no one in the fiel...
*And here is why*: "Residents dig out, thousands without power after ‘unbelievable’ snow" by Christopher J. Girard, Globe Correspondent, and Martine Powers, Globe Staff Hundreds of thousands of Massachuse...
*Resistance at Big Mountain* *2011 Benefit Event in Santa Cruz* *Sunday, November 6th* *6:00pm @ Quaker Meeting House* *225 Rooney St. (at Highway 1 & Morrissey Blvd.)* SPEAKERS: Louise Benally (Diné/Navajo...
The tourism of tragedy: From dead body dots to water marks, "Katrina" still haunts in New Orleans~Olga Campos
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
[image: image]Stupid story of the day, from this morning’s Herald: a woman bought and transported a 100-year-old Epsom villa to a new site overlooking the Kaipara Harbour, a house that for all its life h...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
S. Brian Willson is a Vietnam veteran and peace activist. In September 1987, he lost both his legs when he was run over by a US government munitions train during a nonviolent blocking action. Willson r...
New Regency Pictures must be thrilled at the fortuitous timing of the launch of their new film “In Time.” The science fiction thriller revolves around a world in which time is the ultimate currency and most ...
"Did we win?" That's what my Twitter feed wanted to know in the wake of President Obama's announcement that our troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year. I couldn't be more conflicted about the news. ...
If the local Pop Warner league proves to be no field for young girls with pigskin dreams, the Lingerie Football League may be the answer. The racy gridiron league - where female footballers wear panties, b...
From Haitian legend to government protests to pub crawls, the zombie continues to represent.
[image: A view of the dry bed of the E.V. Spence Reservoir in Robert Lee, Texas, 28 October 2011. Calle Richmond / REUTERS] By Kiah Collier; Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Greg McCune 29 October 2011 ...
The video above is compelling... and scary. In short, it points to a domestic fascist movement poised to take over the United States. What it doesn't say is that the Democratic Party is too compromised a...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
Now the rugby’s over we’re straight into the far less entertaining election season in which not a hand will not be shaken nor a baby left un-kissed. Every election is the same. This time at least it’s a ...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
Direct from Libz TV: Rich Pricks in New Zealand, by Libz Wel-Cen candidate, R-Dawg Cutting, featuring The Milminator. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to repub...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 1 day ago
*I've known Robert Chisholm for many years and am very happy that he has thrown his hat into the race for leader of Canada's New Democrats. Robert took the Nova Scotia party from 2 or 3 seats in the prov...
"Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it." - Joseph Conrad
There are different ways to interpret this speech that easily rivals the worst days Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain ever had on the campaign trail: There's the hypothesis that, just for shits and giggles,...
*"Life's Extremes: Smart vs. Dumb"* by Adam Hadhazy “Legendary feats of intelligence - Ken Jennings winning 74 consecutive "Jeopardy!" games - have their match in astonishing acts of stupidity, like a wo...
* “Propaganda”* by *“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate ...
"It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do." - Moliere
Immunity and Impunity in Elite America How the Legal System Was Deep-Sixed and Occupy Wall Street Swept the Land Glenn Greenwald October 25, 2011 Tom Dispatch As intense protests spawned by Occupy Wall Str...
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake has struck Antofagasta, Chile at a depth of 31.4 km ( 19.5 miles), the quake hit at 18:53:43 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 170 km ( 106 miles) North of Copiapo, ...
*"America's Descent to Depravity"* by Prof. John Kozy "I suspect that most people would like to believe that societies, no matter how base their origins, become better over time. Unfortunately history be...
Unlike Radio 4's A Point Of View we accept contributions from non-lefties. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
Airline passengers left stranded by a freak snowstorm that pounded the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states were waiting to get to their destinations Sunday, many after spending a restless night on cots or ai...
*THE latest sighting of a UFO belongs to a well-known and very concerned celebrity. * LA Galaxy and former Manchester United and Real Madrid soccer player David Beckham's wife, former Spice Girl and now ...
*It appears to me that* *99%* *of the 99%* *are letting less than 1% * *of the 99%* *Do all the work.* *To the other 99+% of the 99% - the least you can do is show your support.* PRINT and tape the do...
A humanitarian crisis looms in Thailand after the worst floods in decades left parts of Bangkok and other areas of the country submerged, relief agencies warned Sunday. Bangkok's central business distric...
To D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at It's important -- we believe.
Marine and Iraq War vet Scott Olsen shot in the head by a police tear gas canister. Sgt. Shamar Thomas confronting NYPD. Marines and other former vets join the Occupy Wall Street movement. RT reports on ...
Much can be done to lessen the impact of the world's population growth, mainly by improving the lives of the poorest people. It was one of the more arresting headlines to accompany an article of mine. In...
A six-year veteran of the United States Marines has posted a powerful photo of himself on the Internet in which he shows his dissatisfaction with the police raid in Oakland, California that put a fellow ...
Despite China being perhaps the only country with sufficient cash reserves to help the EU out of its crisis, the head of a Hong Kong-based investment company does not believe it will get involved at this...
The occupiers have their heads in the clouds. Maybe the consciousness-altering quality of the tent-city atmosphere accounts for the inability of the inhabitants to understand that what they’re asking for, ...
The United States has slightly reduced its numbers of strategic intercontinental missiles, bombers and nuclear warheads, but it continues to maintain a major advantage over Russia, according to figures rel...
The EU summit “was a water pistol rather than a bazooka” in solving the financial troubles of the union, as banks writing off half Greece’s debt is but a very short term measure, says Johan Van Overtveld...
Talk about taxing times! Even as the presidential candidates wrangle publicly over who should pay what, a special congressional committee is wrangling in private over just the same thing. The saying is "...
More than 200 international philosophers braved strikes and protests to come to Greece this month to join a forum and debate matters of the mind. Topics on the program included "The Limits of Abstraction: ...
The #OccupyWallStreet movement continues to spread with more than 1,500 sites. More and more people are speaking up for a society that works for the 99 percent, not just the 1 percent. Here are 10 recomme...
An Air Force veteran is outraged that her daughter’s school recently announced that students will be asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each day, the Seattle Times reports. Haley Sid...
European Union chiefs are drawing up plans for a single “Treasury” to oversee tax and spending across the 17 eurozone nations. The proposal, put forward by Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council preside...
Egypt's revolution has made life tougher still for Cairo's 80,000 taxi drivers, struggling to make a living on the city's chaotic, congested and potholed streets, says the author who has written a best-sel...
Barack Obama has ordered US troops out of Iraq by the end of the year in the belief that Baghdad can take care of itself. But this decision has nothing to do with whether Bagdad can “fend for itself” Phy...
OWS protesters have said since the beginning that their movement is a leaderless one. However, a video of a disgruntled US vet sharing some words with the NYPD during last week’s Times Square stand-off h...
Bankers really do control the world! That’s according to Swiss researchers who, in an exhaustive scientific study, mapped out a blueprint showing the real architects of global economic power. From fr...
Hezbollah chief says that if another war breaks out with Israel, he'll start attack on the Center, not the north of the country. Should Israel enter into another war with Lebanon, Hezbollah will start by ...
ranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad slams foreign intervention in Libya, Syria: "Justice, freedom, respect - this is the right of all nations." "The United States has become weaker and weaker. Now they ar...
Even Kevin Maguire thinks they're overdoing it: Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
*Operation Phantom Fury*. Fallujah, November 8 - December 23, 2004. At least 2,000 Iraqis killed by the U.S. military, including hundreds of women and children; thousands injured; 300,000 displaced. *Ope...
For as long as I can remember, my mom has made chili on Halloween. Since I have never really cared for beans I always ate my dinner begrudgingly and have even made chili for Halloween dinner since I coul...
[image: Link]State wildlife officials say an apparent collision with a vehicle has claimed another Florida panther. It's the 24th panther death this year and the ninth due to a collision with a vehicle. ...
Chinese hackers are suspected of grabbing the reins of four US government satellites in 2008 potentially crashing them to Earth or stealing valuable information, more than once. NASA admits one of the two...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Solomon Islands at a depth of 10 km ( 6.2 miles), the quake hit at 15:34:05 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 144 km ( 89 miles) West of Honiara, Guad...
*New York Times* columnist Charles Blow has put a match to the powder kegthat has, for decades, propped up the American Dream Myth. "*We sold ourselves a pipe dream that everyone could get rich and no one ...
*Jazz great Mary Lou Williams (1910-1981) plays Scott Joplin's "Pine Apple Rag" as part of "An Evening with Scott Joplin at the Library and Museum of the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, New York, Oct. 2...
Instead of Radiohead, maybe we should send Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters to every occupied city in America, which is to say all of them, and maybe they can blast the riot police away like they did fou...
Here's the sort of thing that appeals to the BBC's Europe correspondentMatthew Price, he deemed it worthy of retweeting. aturally his tweets say nothing about the BBC. [image: Poster on the train home. Awe...
These shocking images of a little boy shot in the head have emerged hours after Syrian president Bashar Assad claimed his army was only targeting terrorists. The boy is from the Bayada neighbourhood of Ho...
Whitehall civil servants have started to work on plans to repatriate powers from the EU, according to new reports. The efforts come as a result of Government promises to reclaim powers from Brussels in th...
A gang of Libyan looters have raided a priceless collection of gold and silver coins that are believed to date back to the time of Alexander the Great. The thieves carried off with the pieces, known as T...
I'd like to ensure that as and from this post going up, fellow writers do their best to use that they use the "below the fold" facility to keep as many posts as possible up on the main entry page to the si...
Sheikh Ali Gomaa. Who is he? Well, he's the kind of guy the BBC likes to champion as a "moderate"- one of those voices in the Islamic world that cries out for peace love and harmony. Unless you are a Ch...
You can always rely on the BBC to paint Israel in the blackest colours. Take this headline currently running on the BBC portal "Israel strikes Gaza after "truce". You have to do some reading to understand...
*1934: The Plot Against America* ** ** *2007-07-28, Harper's magazine* In November 1934, federal investigators uncovered an amazing plot involving so...
What do we do when the POLICE are the ones breaking the law? Also notice, and I keep saying this, NO POLITICIANS FROM EITHER PARTY ARE ON TV DENOUNCING THE POLICE VIOLENCE AGAINST U.S. CITIZENS EXERCISING ...
Two British contractors were among 13 troops and civilians killed by a suicide bombing in Kabul on Saturday, the Foreign Office has confirmed. The unnamed workers died after the bomber drove a car packed ...
Under the Internal Revenue Code, *all section 501(c)(3) organizations* *are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in*, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or ...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
From the Occupied Wall Street Journal #3: Howard Zinn is here. Dominick Dunne and Tom Wolfe, too. Ernest Hemingway and Barbara Ehrenreich and Dr. Who and Beowulf: All here, and all free. Barnes & Noble ma...
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Northern California at a depth of 14 km ( 8.7 miles), the quake hit at 13:25:19 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 15 km ( 9 miles) SSE from Whitehawk, Cal...
As Congress (more on them below) remains stuck in neutral on a jobs bill to fix the one issue that is-- or at least should be-- on top of the priority list for Democrats, and anyone who cares what's happe...
- 40 per cent of women said they peak too early during sex [image: According to research a surprising percentage of women peak too early during sex] According to research a surprising percentage o...
At the grand old age of 120, Hazi Abdul Noor has married for a second time and become the world’s oldest bridegroom. Six years after his first wife died, he has tied the knot again with Samoi Bibi, 60, ...
[image: Drink easy: A diet rich in strawberries can protect the stomach from alcohol, according to scientists] Drink easy: A diet rich in strawberries can protect the stomach from alcohol, according to ...
- Thousands of children in Bihar are severely affected by malnutrition, causing many to become paralysed - Kumar's winning questions will be aired on November 2 This is the moment an impov...
The English-language news station France 24 with its youthful, well-informed presenters makes BBC News 24 seem parochial. France 24's extensive coverage of Gilad Shalit’s homecoming was, from what I’ve hea...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
I found this telling infographic in a column by Charles Blow in the *New York Times* called "America's Exploding Pipe Dream". If you can't read it here, go here and click on the pop-up box. We have not ...
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake has struck Southern Sumatra, Indonesia at a depth of 39.9 km ( 24.8 miles), the quake hit at 11:52:27 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 116 km ( 71.9 miles) WNW o...
Radioactive cesium exceeding the designated limit has been detected in shiitake mushrooms grown in greenhouses at a farm in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, the prefectural government said Saturday. The prefe...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Central Peru at a depth of 20.6 km ( 12.8 miles), the quake hit at 10:57:58 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 40 km ( 24.8 miles) ...
Crews are investigating what caused an outage that affected PG&E customers Friday and early Saturday, the utility reports. Outages were reported around 8 p.m. affecting several substations in Placer and E...
The Iraq veteran who was badly injured at an Occupy Oakland protest on Tuesday night suffered minor brain damage and is unable to speak. Scott Olsen, 24, is able to communicate with his family by writing n...
A tense standoff between Occupy Denver protesters and authorities near the Colorado Capitol erupted Saturday with a surge of demonstrators being met with police force that included pepper spray and rubber ...
*"After one of their members was kidnapped in Veracruz, Mexico by the Zetas drug cartel, Mexican Anonymous members have issued an ultimatum to the Zetas in a recently posted YouTube video. The video demand...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Southeast Indian Ridge at a depth of 10 km ( 6.2miles), the quake hit at 07:34:33 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 1988 km ( 1235 miles) East of Hea...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Japan at a depth of 10 km ( 6.2 miles), the quake hit at 06:30:04 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 239 km ( 148 miles) ESE of Mito...
Reader Contribution; Peruvian authorities said Saturday that 134 homes were destroyed and 103 people treated at hospitals for injuries during a 6.9-magnitude quake just off the central coast. Civil defe...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Guatemala at a depth of 303 km ( 188.3 miles), the quake hit at 06:28:51 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 9 km ( 5 miles) ENE of Coban, Guatemala No Repo...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Fiji Region at a depth of 550.8 km ( 342.3 miles), the quake hit at 05:48:57 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 254 km ( 157 miles) ESE of Lambasa, Van...
New York has today been hit by more than one inch of snowfall before Halloween for the first time ever - with experts predicting much more on the way. A cold weather front is chugging up the East Coast of...
A shark attacked a surfer off a California beach on Saturday, biting him in the neck and arm and sending him to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Eric Tarantino, of Monterey, was attacked aro...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 9.9 km ( 6.2 miles), the quake hit at 05:24:07 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 326 km ( 202 miles) Ea...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Mindanao, Philippines at a depth of 214.4 km ( 133.2 miles), the quake hit at 05:09:07 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 101 km ( 62 miles) SSE of Genera...
It is the government equivalent of finding a £10 note down the back of the sofa – a stroke of luck which Chancellor George Osborne would welcome. The Germans are celebrating the discovery of a £48 billion...
BBC bias flows from the top of the corporation. Lord Patten, the chairman of the trustees - that body that supposedly polices and enforces impartiality- is a foaming-at-the-mouth Europhile, as this intervi...
It was hailed as the scientific study that ended the global warming debate once and for all – the research that, in the words of its director, ‘proved you should not be a sceptic, at least not any longer’....
- At 7:30pm, Denver Riot Police begin to move in and request the remaining protesters clear Civic Center Park. The protesters remind officers that they have until 11pm to be there and hold their ground. -...
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake has struck Northeast of Taiwan at a depth of 215.7 km ( 134 miles), the quake hit at 03:23:45 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 143 km ( 88 miles) Northeast of Su'a...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Central Peru at a depth of 31.8 km ( 19.8 miles), the quake hit at 02:10:47 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 107 km ( 66 miles) ENE of Huanuco, Peru No R...
A freak fall snow storm slammed the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Saturday, leaving three people dead, more than 2 million households without power and thousands of air travelers stranded. An 84-year-o...
*The Hodgsons - Janet 11, mother Peggy, Margaret 12, Billy 7, Johnny 10. *Johnny died of cancer, aged 14. Peggy developed breast cancer, dying in 2003. Janet suffered the loss of her son when he was 18. F...
One miner is trapped and 28 others are dead following a gas explosion at a central Chinese coal mine, state-run media reported Sunday, citing rescuers. Thirty-five people were in the Xialiuchong Coal Mine...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck near the Coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 62 km ( 38.5 miles), the quake hit at 02:10:40 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 118 km ( 73...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck Northern Sumatra, Indonesia at a depth of 18.6 km ( 11.6 miles), the quake hit at 02:02:14 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 116 km ( 72 miles) WSW of Lh...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 6.6 km (4.1 miles), the quake hit at 01:55:05 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 28 km ( 17 miles) East of Van, Turkey Estima...
A suspected U.S. drone strike in Pakistan's tribal region killed four people Sunday, intelligence officials told CNN. Two Pakistani intelligence officials said the suspected drone fired two missiles on a...
A South Sudan rebel group warned the United Nations and residents to leave a remote border state within three days or risk coming under fire as it launches an attack on the local government. The South Su...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Tonga at a depth of 329.4 km ( 204.7 miles), the quake hit at 01:44:26 UTC Sunday 30th October 2011. The epicenter was 193 km ( 119 miles) WSW of Hihifo, Tonga No Tsuna...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Eastern Turkey at a depth of 10.8 km (6.7 miles), the quake hit at 22:24:24 UTC Saturday 29th October 2011. The epicenter was 33 km ( 20 miles) NNE of Van, Turkey Esti...
Militias from the Libyan city of Misrata have beaten and killed displaced residents from the nearby town of Tawergha, accusing them of siding with pro-Gadhafi forces and committing violent crimes in Misrat...
Thai officials warned residents in the capital to be vigilant and expect disruptions with electricity and tap water as the Asian nation battles its worst flooding in decades. Central Bangkok avoided majo...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 33.6 km ( 20.9 miles), the quake hit at 22:16:02 UTC Saturday 29th October 2011. The epicenter was 147 km ( 91 miles)...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Sunda Strait, Indonesia at a depth of 9.4 km ( 5.8 miles), the quake hit at 21:59:53 UTC Saturday 29th October 2011. The epicenter was 98 km ( 60 miles) Southwest ...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck the Sulawesi, Indonesia at a depth of 25.1 km ( 15.6 miles), the quake hit at 19:51:28 UTC Saturday 29th October 2011. The epicenter was 163 km ( 101 miles) SSW of Gor...
[image: Link]Syrian President Bashar al Assad has warned Western countries against intervening in his country amid ongoing civil unrest. In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he said any interference...
*Curry urges people to talk about Muller's new ClimateGate* In an interview for The Daily Mail (U.K.), Judith Curry – the chair of climatology at GeorgiaTech, a research member of the Berkeley Earth Surfac...
* Batavia* *War profiteers top 0.01% of wealthy Americans.** * *The Yinon Plan and the Arab World - **MLK's nightmare** * *Gilad Atzmon talks about his latest book 'The Wandering Who?'* http://www.voltai...
[image: Volunteers were shown this image of a man eating worms: The response, measured by changing voltage in their skin, showed off their likely political leanings] Volunteers were shown this image of ...
- Higher concentration of anti-cancer drugs delivered to diseased area via new method - Hairloss and fatigue eradicated by direct approach [image: Scientists have discovered chemotherapy ...
- Increasing numbers of doctors are taking painkiller for insurance against the disease Taking aspirin regularly can cut the long-term risk of cancer, according to the first major study of i...
- Sleeping alone makes it 'harder for mother and child to bond and damages the development of the brain' - Researchers believe this lead to bad behaviour as the child grows up Babies shoul...
Television has created a second dark age in Western civilization and undermined the freedom of thought, which is the basis for a free and open society. In this century, Western totalitarian governments do...
Television has created a second dark age in Western civilization and undermined the freedom of thought, which is the basis for a free and open society. In this century, Western totalitarian governments do...
Last week we ran John Thorpe's report on how the Republican Party stole the 2004 presidential election by hacking the Ohio vote. Lately we have been watching how profoundly anti-American fascist prototyp...
*Re-Posting this little diddy..* *And how fascinating that the IMF, owned entirely by N.M. Rothschild & Sons, plus about 40 of the world's richest people, helped establish the "Central Bank of Benghaz...
*Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan claims Indian residential schools "were not genocide" but "an education policy gone wrong" * ** An Open Letter to John "what corpses?" Duncan from Kevin Anne...
Frustrated passengers included 17 world leaders attending a Commonwealth summit in the western city of Perth. William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, was understood to be among them. The Australian prime mi...
October 31, 2011
October 28, 2011
October 27, 2011
October 26, 2011
October 25, 2011
October 24, 2011
October 21, 2011
October 20, 2011
October 19, 2011
October 18, 2011