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- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 2 hours agoBy Ernest A. Canning on 2/27/2011 6:32pm *G*ov. *W*alker's *W*isconsin '*U*nion *B*usting' *E*xposes '*T*ea *P*arty' *S*cam, *D*uped *A*mericans *Time for those formerly hoaxed by duplicitious cor...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Image via Wikipedia
*"[Aristotle] taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons. . . . "Alexander seldom killed his close friends... - posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 4 hours agoA postscript to an earlier entry: in my haste to suggest that the Toronto Police were simply using the G20 as an excuse to lash out at anyone they deemed insufficiently abject, I neglected to provide any m...
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 5 hours agoWith a spring election highly possible (70% possible according to well placed and shockingly *anonymous *sources), the air war has started, with new NDP and Conservative ads released today. The NDP ads st...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 6 hours agoRead the article written by Matt Kelley on April 6, 2002 called, "No large anti-Taliban operations in Afghanistan looming, Gen. Franks says." It includes an interesting quote by retired General Richard Mye...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 6 hours agoRead the article written by Matt Kelley on April 6, 2002 called, "No large anti-Taliban operations in Afghanistan looming, Gen. Franks says." It includes an interesting quote by retired General Richard Mye...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago*With all the media studs Ms. Tina is assembling for The Daily Beast and the forthcoming revamped Newsweek, we must surely be witnessing a media juggernaut in the making, no?* *"The chance to be part of a...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours agoStar Eyewitness who named Queen of England in Abduction of Aboriginal Children Dies suddenly in Vancouver Hospital A Special Report by Kevin D. Annett March 1, 2011 William Combes, Eyewitness, 1952-2011 *...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 9 hours agoCheck out this piece of jernamalism from CTV. Not only can they not tell Queen and Spadina from King and Bay – they juxtapose the interview with Nathalie Des Rosiers with the same old same old footage of t...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 9 hours agoRadio host/documentary filmmaker/patriot Alex Jones went on ABC's The View on Monday, February 28, to discuss Charlie Sheen's interview on his show last week. But the ladies of the View didn't know what h...
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 9 hours agoCelebrities possess the money to seek proper care for health problems, but there may be more to it.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 9 hours agoIrish Election Result: "Not as Bleak as It Looks" Couple denied foster permission because they disapprove of homosexuality Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda (yeah like a certain 'meg...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago*Rule* of law is the basis of American exceptionalism-- why we developed into such a wonderful place... right? Or is it just another tool to keep wealth in the hands of the rich and powerful while oppress...
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoTen years after a 6.8 earthquake shook the Pacific Northwest, there is still a scramble over seismic hazard preparations.
- posted by Mark Thompson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoWe are constantly reminded about the asteroid threat to Earth, but what can we really do about it?
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 11 hours agoTime for those formerly hoaxed by duplicitious corporate schemes to wake-up and smell what billionaire sociopaths are shoveling... BradBlog 2/27/2011 6:32pm Guest editorial by Ernest A. Canning "This ...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoWarming temperatures make the towering lodgepole pine tree vulnerable to drought and pests.
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 13 hours agoNew Open Thread. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 13 hours agoJeffrey Epstein likes boys? "Maximilia Cordero, who stepped forward ... with a lawsuit claiming she'd engaged in 'bizarre and unnatural sex acts' with Epstein while in her teens, was born Maximillian Cor...