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Sir Hamilton Harty's own 1933 recording of the suite -- played, as we see, from original 78s (unfortunately with some outer-groove damage) -- he arranged from Handel's Water Mus...
Why not just bury them? The idea of smothering and sealing the overheated nuclear reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 facility in sand or concrete to stop the crisis is appealing. But experts say it is too ea...
Hours after French, British and American military forces unleashed cruise missiles and fighter jets, a defiant Moammar Gadhafi said Libya will fight back against undeserved "naked aggression." A coalitio...
The owner of a kitten that died after being transported in the cargo hold on a Delta plane says the airline is only offering to refund her airfare plus $50. The hairless kitten, named Snickers, froze aft...
*The energy chickens come home to roost:* *If there were a life form less suitable than Michigan Rep. Fred Upton to chair the House Energy Committee . . . well, you can be sure the Republicans would have f...
Explosions and anti-aircraft fire thundered in the skies above Tripoli early Sunday, but it was not clear whether they resulted from another round of
cruise missile attacks by allies determined to stop M...
The biggest error that people commit is taking sides in global conflicts, seeing one side as purely good and the other side as purely evil. This error could be forgiven a hundred years ago after World War ...
Colonel Gaddafi has threatened to attack military and civilian targets in the Meditarranean in a phone call to Libyan state radio. The Libyan leader called the radio station to threaten retaliation for W...
Britain is deeply concerned about the Bahraini monarch unleashing his along with Saudi and Emirates forces against civilian protesters. Britain is profoundly saddened that these forces have gunned down una...
Syrian security forces have fired tear gas to disperse crowds at the funeral of two people killed in anti-government protests on Friday, witnesses say. Thousands had gathered for the funeral in the southe...
The *1755 Lisbon earthquake*, also known as the *Great Lisbon Earthquake*, was a megathrust earthquake that took place on Saturday 1 November 1755, at around 9:40 in the morning.[1] The earthquake was foll...
As the world anxiously watches Japan's nuclear crisis, the death toll from earthquake and tsunami that ravaged the country one week ago is still rising, and many hundreds of thousands remain homeless. Jap...
Secretary of State *Hillary Clinton's* meetings in Paris with the G8 foreign ministers on Monday left her European interlocutors with more questions than answers about the Obama administration's stance on ...
As the sun set over quake-stricken Japan on Thursday 17 March 2011, we learned that four of six Fukushima nuclear reactor sites are irradiating the earth, that the *fire is burning out of control** at Reac...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 7 hours ago
Compare this report from Fox News: U.S. Launches Cruise Missiles Against Qaddafi's Air Defenses The U.S. Navy fires the first U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles against Libyan leader's Muammar al-Qaddafi's air...
I admire the Tunisians, Egyptians, Bahrainis, Wisconsinites, Libyans, Yemenis... They're putting aside their differences and going up against the overwhelming odds and might of the entrenched Establishmen...
A US warship fired Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya today, targeting Muammar Gaddafi's air defence sites, a senior US military official said. The action in Libya, launched by France earlier this afterno...
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Satu...
British forces are in action over Libya, Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed. Allied forces began military action against the country after leader Muammar Gaddafi apparently defied the UN's demand...
The U.S. Navy fires the first U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles against Libyan leader's Muammar al-Qaddafi's air defenses Saturday, Fox News has learned. The U.S. military strikes clear the way for European a...
British forces are in action over Libya, Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed. Allied forces began military action against the country after leader Muammar Gaddafi apparently defied the UN's demand...
The myth of the panicking disaster victim By Johann Hari The Independent Published: March 18, 2011 Before the Second World War, the Ministry of War confidently predicted what would happen when London was...
[image: Bumper cars in Pripyat, 2011. In 2011, 25 years after the town of Pripyat was abandoned, the area surrounding Chernobyl still looks like a ghost town. Fan of TotallyCoolPix David Schindler went t...
A sample of tap water from the Japanese capital shows a tiny level of radioactive iodine after an earthquake and tsunami damaged a nuclear power plant 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, the government said...
The boss of the company behind the devastated Japanese nuclear reactor today broke down in tears - as his country finally acknowledged the radiation spewing from the over-heating reactors and fuel rods was...
The unfolding disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant follows decades of falsified safety reports, fatal accidents and underestimated earthquake risk in Japan’s atomic power industry. The destruction cau...
Spinach and milk from two regions near Japan's stricken nuclear plant are showing radiation levels above the legal safety limit, a Japanese official said Saturday. But Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secr...
Concerns that global manufacturing could be halted by damage to suppliers in Japan has spread to European car plants and the new iPad after a string of companies announced precautionary measures. General...
View the entire gallery of ships here
Russia has legalised the hunting of polar bears for the first time in more than half a century, a move that critics say will put further pressure on the endangered mammal. Roman Kopin, the governor of ...
They are an anonymous band of lower and mid-level managers who are risking their lives at the very heart of Japan’s nuclear crisis. But as the stricken reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant appears to ...
French forces have launched their first air strikes into Libya to enforce the UN-mandated "no fly zone". Absurdly, the first targets chosen where battle tanks, supposedly two to four of them according to C...
The Obama Administration Adapts Its Israel Talking Points For Bahrain And Saudi Arabia By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett The Race For Iran Published: March 16, 2011 Today, the White House confi...
At least 15 people were killed and 30 others injured when a fierce thunderstorm hit the city of Sialkot in east Pakistan Saturday afternoon, according to a website report of a local Urdu TV channel ARY. ...
This is the 175,000-tonne ship that was lifted up by Friday's tsunami and dumped on top of a pier in Japan. The cargo ship lies on the dock promenade Kamaishi, more than a week after the huge surge of wa...
Japan today banned the sale of food grown in the area around the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant after milk and spinach was found to be contaminated with radiation. As engineers worked to rewire a power ...
Knut, the world-famous polar bear, collapsed and died in front of 600 visitors at Berlin Zoo this afternoon. The bear rose to stardom when he was hand-raised by zoo keepers after being rejected by his mot...
The latest statement from the Libyan regime - addressed to the French, British, the United States and the UN - signals another small shift. Just 24 hours ago, in the very same room where we heard today's s...
-by Johnny Angel Wendell *Baby Talk* Last week, Rand Paul (R-KY, man, there's a double entendre just waiting to happen), went shithouse ballistic (pun intended) over what he sees as one of the most pres...
*David Cameron.* *Website for this image** * On 19 March 2011, we learn that, in Libya, the rebels have broken the ceasefire. *Libyan rebels have acknowledged that the warplane which crashed in flames in ...
Leaders of nations supporting the UN-backed no-fly zone over Libya have warned Colonel Gaddafi that "the time for action" has come over because of ceasefire breaches.British Prime Minister David Cameron sa...
Jakarta: At least 600 people have been evacuated to temporary shelters a day after Indonesian authorities issued a red alert for the Mount Karangetang volcano, a volcanologist said Saturday. The volcan...
French military jets have flown reconnaissance missions over "all Libyan territory" on Saturday, French military sources say. Western and Arab leaders have been meeting in Paris to agree a course of acti...
The Mail Online reports that Tokyo Electric Power Company Managing Director Akio Komiri broke down as he left a news conference after Japan officials raised the level of the nuclear crisis to acknowledge t...
. . Home > Publications > Blogs > Beat the Press > NPR Joins Drive to Cut Social Security NPR Joins Drive to Cut Social Security Tuesday, 15 March 2011 19:48 NPR ran a piece that largely accepted u...
Arlington homeowner argues for scent in natural gas | | Dallas - Fort Worth Politics, Politics News*This huge pipeline is right behind Jeana Cole's home. I don't see any reason, other than cost to t...
Referring to gay party members the county chairman said "They all have these weird ideas about how our society can function better... they have infiltrated the Bexar County party, much like termites infil...
The above comes from the always classy CPC war room, in response to this online video: In a dispute of this sorts, perhaps we can see what the "Harper government" has to say about whether George was a...
On Friday, NASA released a fascinating video from one of the lesser-known components of the soon-to-retire shuttle program.
Security forces struck against unarmed demonstrators urging their leaders' ouster. CAIRO - Violence shook the Middle East after security forces attacked protesters Friday in Yemen and Syria, leaving at le...
Turkey has intercepted an Iranian cargo plane flying to Syria, ordering it to land southeastern Turkey on suspicions the aircraft might have been carrying military supplies. Turkish chemical, biological,...
Taking the War Out of Air War: What US Air Power Actually Does, from agent Orange to Shock and awe...and from Drones to the X37B.... Wednesday 16 March 2011 by: Tom Engelhardt | *TomDispatch | Op-Ed* ...
Abnormal levels of radiation have been detected in milk and spinach near a nuclear power plant damaged after the northeast of the country was battered by a tsunami. The discovery came as engineers tried to...
Muammar Gaddafi: tyrant, pawn, or madman? Whatever one's take on the besieged Libyan leader, his reign has suddenly taken on the dark, foreboding tone of another Arab dictator who just a few short year...
BBC News has video of what appears to be a jet fighter shot down and falling in flames over Benghanzi. Stills from the video suggest it is indeed one of Gaddafi's dozen or so remaining Mirage F1s.
*Website for this image* "An ex-CIA agent and counter-intelligence expert has revealed in a special report that Barack Obama has quietly appointed individuals who are friendly to radical Islam to key po...
*Benghazi:* Libyan rebels shot down a warplane that was bombing their eastern stronghold Saturday as the opposition accused Muammar Gaddafi's government of defying calls for an immediate cease-fire. An ...
In a world that increasingly appears to be spinning out of control, you may find yourself reaching out for something to clutch. When you hit 60 that may become a lot easier to understand. I got The Beas...
Muammar Gaddafi seems intent on sealing his own fate. Numerous accounts claim that, despite calling an immediate ceasefire in response to a threatening UN Security Council resolution, Libyan military for...
A mysterious resurgence of phosphorus in the Great Lakes is endangering the aquatic food chain and human health, says a binational agency that advises Canada and the U.S. Fifteen years after the last pro...
Southern California researchers have found evidence of widespread ingestion of plastic among small fish in the northern Pacific Ocean in a study they say shows the widespread impact of floating litter on t...
One of the largest challenges in climate science is determining how the great ice sheets over Greenland and Antarctica will respond to the increase in temperatures expected from rising concentrations of he...
According to an old saying on the stock exchange, “if the USA sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold”. But in the meantime it would seem as if this had become true for China. We remain critical vis-...
Elmira, N.Y. --- Hundreds of dead fish have floated to the surface in one Elmira pond. The dead fish on Millers pond were first spotted yesterday. Officials say the cause of death is winterkill. The DEC ...
Palestinian youths have clashed with security forces in East Jerusalem as tensions rise over Israeli plans to build hundreds of new homes for Jewish settlers. Angry demonstrators hurled petrol bombs at Is...
19th Mar 2011 - As Japan's radiation disaster appals the world, this disturbing dispatch from the Lake District investigates a lethal legacy closer to home... Down a long country lane at Newbiggin, past t...
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Engineers missed a deadline to restore power to the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi atomic plant, prolonging efforts to prevent more radiation leaks as Japan’s nuclear agency advised pe...
Libya's Colonel Gaddafi was given an ultimatum to surrender power last night as British jets readied for military action against his murderous regime. In a clear hardening of tone just hours after the Unit...
Almost 2,000 years ago, 19 Roman soldiers rushed into a cramped underground tunnel, prepared to defend the Roman-held Syrian city of Dura-Europos from an army of Persians digging to undermine the city's mu...
*Premature Bottlenose Dolphin Deaths along the Gulf Coast may be directly related oil toxicity. How can science field trips raise environmental awareness and possibly prevent future environmental tragedies...
A man was found alive early today (Sat) in the wreckage of his house - eight days after the tsunami smashed into the building, making escape impossible. All hope had been given up of finding any more survi...
*Update on 5 March:* *Lead researcher Jack Lissauer says: "Further study of the light curve of this target produced an alternative interpretation wherein one of the co-orbital candidates (KOI 730.03) has a...
March 18, 2011 *"Underestimating the Seriousness of the Problem": Experts Urge Japan to Raise Nuclear Alert Level and Evacuate Wider Area* The Japanese nuclear crisis worsens as Japanese authori...
*The intense heat wave that centered on western Russia last summer was truly a record breaker. It surpassed even 2003's scorcher in western and central Europe — which has been blamed for 70,000 deaths. And...
Libya's deputy foreign minister has insisted it is sticking to a ceasefire as Prime Minister David Cameron prepares to discuss military action with the US and other allies. Khaled Kaim spoke after US pre...
*Who was Eugene Debs and what brought him into conflict with the government? * Debs was the great voice of socialism in the United States for the first two decades of the 20th century, a five-time preside...
The owner of the stricken nuclear power complex in northeastern Japan said Saturday that it will hike the radiation exposure limit for its workers at the plant from 100 millisieverts per shift to 150 mil...
The U.S. military-industrial complex has consistently used Islamic fundamentalists for their own nefarious ends in the global geopolitical game, who have proved their usefulness whether as a militant relig...
The head of the UN’s nuclear safety body said Japan was still “racing against the clock” to prevent a meltdown at the Fukushima power plant after he arrived in the country for a first-hand briefing on the ...
The 'maximal perigee' tonight has only a minimal effect on seismic activity and cannot be linked with last week's earthquakes in Japan.
*"Rejoicing":* *Sir Andrew Davis conducts this "Prom at the Palace" (Buckingham, that is), for the Queen's Jubilee, 2002.* *by Ken* Once upon a time Handel was known primarily as the composer of the orat...
Col Muammar Gaddafi was on Friday night warned that he must surrender large swathes of Libya or face military action from Britain, France and other Western countries this weekend. British warplanes wer...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
Visit this site if you want to help fund the documentary.
Internal documents show two of the oldest Muni tunnels are riven with cracks, leaks and corrosion, but a spokesman said the transit agency has never seismically inspected them — even following the 1989 Lom...
INEFFECTUAL, invisible, unable to honour pledges and now blamed for letting Gaddafi off the hook. Why Obama’s gone from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Er, maybe we shouldn’t’... Let us cast our minds back to those rem...
The New York Federal Reserve Bank confirmed that it intervened in currency markets on Friday for the first time in more than a decade. The disclosure came a day after the Group of Seven major industrializ...
Even amid the carnage and despair of Japan's tsunami victims, the plight of the 30 children at Kama Elementary School is heartbreaking. They sit quietly in the corner of a third-floor classroom where they ...
Fallout from the current meltdown occurring at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which was hit by the 9.0+ mega earthquake and tsunami last Friday, could contaminate the world's food supply with tox...
UK mortgage lending remained at low levels in February as the housing market remained "stuck in a rut", lenders have said. Gross mortgage lending during the month was £9.5bn, almost identical to January'...
A Vancouver city councillor says it's time to find out specifically which buildings in the city would survive an earthquake, following a decades-old report that suggests thousands of buildings wouldn't. ...
At least 33 anti-government protesters have been shot dead by Yemeni forces in Sanaa, doctors have told the BBC. They said 145 were wounded when government forces opened fire on a group of protesters gat...
Millions of Japanese people are bracing themselves for massive blackouts as the country’s power system struggles to cope amid the nuclear crisis. Banri Kaieda, Japan’s trade minister issued a plea to fact...
*Yes, I know we just looked at this wonderful Lee Camp clip on Wednesday. Well, here it is again.* *"O’Keefe did not merely leave a false impression; he manufactured an elaborate, alluring lie. . . . The...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
Glenn Greenwald, including links and emphasis: The forced nudity imposed on Bradley Manning followed by the forced resignation of P.J. Crowley has clearly created a media tipping point in this story. In ...
Felicity Arbuthnot March 18, 2011 *"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." *- George Orwell. The bombing of Libya will begin on or nearly to the day...
This isn't the one with the MOX fuel - that is Fukushima #3. My understanding is the other reactors use uranium. Pictures: *(the storage pool in normal working order)* more
This is how it's done. They schedule the public hearing for Tuesday and don't notify us until the last minute on Friday. That way working people can't get off and get to Austin to protest.Who wants to go to...
Compare these reports. The BBC website is upbeat about the Palestinians’ latest measures to heal the feud between Hamas and Fatah. Mahmoud Abbas is ready to go to Gaza, and Hamas has welcomed the move. Hoo...
Several administration officials held a classified briefing for all senators on Thursday afternoon in the bowels of the Capitol building, leaving lawmakers convinced President *Barack Obama* is ready to at...
Thousands of Iranians marched on Friday in Tehran in support of the revolts rocking Bahrain, Libya and Yemen, state television reported. Chants backing the protests of majority Shiites in Bahrain, who are...
General Motors Co. says it suspended production at its Shreveport, La., plant for the week of March 21 because of a parts shortage stemming from last week’s earthquake in Japan. Damage to parts suppliers a...
As the uncertainty about Japan's nuclear power plant continues, the largest flight attendants union says some of their members' families are pressuring them to avoid flying to Japan. United Airlines has...
The situation in Japan is getting worse, not better. There are shortages in food, fuel and warm dry shelter. To make matters exponentially worse, nuclear power plants there continue to burn out of control ...
Financial chiefs from the Group of Seven advanced economies said Friday they agreed to conduct a concerted currency intervention to curb the recent sharp rise of the yen against the U.S. dollar. Authorit...
The US military awarded a contract for software to create 500 fake personas on social networks in order to secretly influence online debate in its favour, it has been reported. The $2.76m contract was won...
Bank customers could face $5 ATM fees. In Illinois, JPMorgan Chase is testing $5 fees for non-customers, in Texas, it's $4. If the trial runs make enough money, the fees could be rolled out nationwide, the...
Severe earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and now Japan have experts around the world asking whether the world's tectonic plates are becoming more active — and what could be causing it. Some scientists theorize ...
I haven't provided a poll soup update since 2010, but with a campaign around the corner, it's worth checking in. Before we get to that, I must meet Blogging Council standards and issue the following discla...
[image: Photobucket] You know I love Friday Confessional, so I just can't help but participate. I confess yesterday when I sat down in the waiting room at the surgery center to wait for my husband, I ...
Science doesn't agree with anybody. It is what it is. On the other hand you can accept science, you can dispute science, you can even deny science but, beyond that, your choices are limited. How many ti...
It is beginning to dawn on me why the main stream media got rid of Kieth Olbermann, noting that Morgans softball questions are lobbed right over the base. Netanyahoo doesn't even get to first base. ZZZZZ...
Did you think Boehner's crooked buddy Tom Ganley-- remember him?-- landed on the garbage heap of history after being thrashed by Betty Sutton 56-44% last November? The multimillionaire sex predator is the...
[image: Satellite View of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Site, 18 March 2011. The most significant difference in the new image is the lack of any visible steam above the damaged reactor building for unit 3. S...
[image: Campo de flores hermosas - Beautiful flowers field]*Haz click aquí*o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para compart...
[image: Árbol junto al río - Tree next to the river (1920x1200)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para ...
[image: Tomates rojos - Red tomatoes (wallpapers de 1920x1080)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para c...
[image: Limones amarillos - Yellow lemons and limes (1920x1080)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para ...
[image: DESCRIPCION]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para compartir nuestras imágenes][image: Síguenos...
No disrespect to the President intended, but I couldn't resist using this clip, which of course has nothing to do with the "No Fly Zone". That was enacted last night while we were snoozing. This aircraft...
BRITS desperate to escape Japan were last night told: “Pay £600 if you want out.” The UK Government is sending planes to Japan to rescue holidaymakers and expats. About 17,000 are trapped as radiation po...
*E-mail from Bryan Chen* Dear Lubos, It's been a few years since I wrote you. I thought you might be interested that the LaTeXing of Coleman's notes has had quite a bit of recent progress. Indeed, the...
Like cars lined up at a car wash, sharks and rays gather to rid themselves of dead skin and parasites.
The system will eventually produce a thermal map of the entire city of Boston.
Here at Discovery News, we understand the crisis in Japan is confusing. There was an earthquake, a tsunami and now a nuclear disaster. Our experts are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
The fastest man-made object ever built crosses the orbit of Uranus today on its nearly decade-long odyssey to the dwarf planet Pluto.
In the center of galaxy NGC 4151, a black hole lurks.
Given what's going on in Japan, it's probably a good idea to learn about how the government (yes I know, this is the late stage Soviet govt, but what is so different?) lies lies lies during these type of "...
Nissan has started scanning vehicles made in Japan for traces of radioactive material, a company official said Friday. "Looking ahead, we will continue to implement all appropriate measures to reassure t...
** *Photos by Longest Walk northern route. Thank you!* Carl Bad Bear, Western Shoshone, on LW 3 northern route, Thurs. night: "A nice day, Yellowstone National Park, Montana." After walking into Gardiner,...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Friday Canada is deploying the military to enforce the United Nations no-fly zone over Libya. Harper's announcement comes aftter the UN Security Council authorized ...
Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi bombarded the rebel-held city of Misrata on Friday with tanks and heavy artillery, killing at least 25 people, residents said. "Gaddafi's forces are bombing the city with...
The owner of a military supply company in Maine says he’s been inundated with orders from people in California buying gas masks and chemical suits. Maine Military Supply owner Frank Spizuoco says hundreds...
Japan documented more deaths Friday as Prime Minister Naoto Kan sought to reassure a nation reeling from disaster, saying that he is committed to taking firm control of a "grave" situation. Japanese pa...
Japan is in imminent danger of a credit-crunch with global implications unless the authorities stabilise Tokyo's stockmarket and take overwhelming action to stop the yen exploding to record levels. Akito...
The $2.7 million (£1.7 million) programme developed by San Diego firm Ntrepid allows one military user to create multiple personas on the internet and engage in extended online conversations and communic...
Congress has finally acted on global warming—by denying it exists. It’s in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature’s 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi. The Republican-led Hou...
A gang of feral cats "the size of dogs" has been terrorizing a neighborhood in the Australian city of Brisbane for more than a year, the City South News reported Thursday. Residents in the suburb of Moor...
Donald Trump aligned himself with "birther" conspiracy theorists during an interview with ABC "Good Morning America" host Ashleigh Banfield, saying he has "a little doubt" about President Obama's birthplac...
North Korea on Thursday proposed holding talks with South Korea on possible volcanic activities at its landmark mountain, Seoul's Unification Ministry said, amid reports of a looming eruption there that co...
Writing casually on this blog, I've said more than once that the United States is broke. As with all other issues, the question of whether we are broke has now become *political*. Upon opening the opinion ...
Military action to protect civilians from Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's forces will come within "hours" and France will participate in the strikes, government spokesman Francois Baroin said Friday. The s...
Drilling industry continues attackson Texans' property rightsTell the Railroad Commission: don't change Rule 37Under Rule 37, the Texas Railroad Commission allows minerals you own to be taken from you -- eve...
I have noticed this happening over the last few years, with blackbirds in particular. See, when you walk past them they used to fly away without fail. It's a natural instinct. But recently I have observed ...
MESSENGER became the first satellite to orbit the innermost planet in an unprecedented study.
A13 drew our attention to the article entitled: "*HAARP Magnetometer data shows the Japan earthquake was induced."*: The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused t...
The boss of the company behind the devastated Japanese nuclear reactor today broke down in tears - as his country finally acknowledged the radiation spewing from the over-heating reactors and fuel rods was...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 1 day ago
Hillary Clinton told CNN the other day that she won't be working for the President if there is a second term in 2012. Not just that she doesn't want to be Sec. of State again, but wants no position at all ...
*Rep. Karen Bass did the right thing yesterday* Yesterday Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) pointed out during the debate over NPR that public radio is twice as popular as the American occupation of Afghanistan. That d...
The loss of digital assets has almost as great an impact on the speed of economic and emotional recovery as the replacement of brick and mortar assets.
Confidential data held by nuclear test ban organization emerging as key to monitoring Fukushima radiation. international agency set up to detect nuclear tests, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Or...
Nuclear Crisis -- Projection: Diluted Radiation Plumes Will Reach California Friday; Tokyo Flight Sets Off Radiation Detectors in Chicago Follow the latest news from the disaster in Japan at the Fukush...
Libya today continued to blast rebel fighters with a brutal bombardment from land and sea despite the regime claiming it had called a cease fire. In a day of rapid developments after the UN agreed to launc...
Steve Harper has decided that it suits his "tough guy" self-image to order six Canadian CF-18 fighters to Europe, somewhere, to enforce the UN "no fly zone" edict over Libya. This is about as blatant a st...
Clean Technica, a green lobby's astroturf website whose traffic exceeds that of TRF by a factor of five, became the most recent champion of the idea that the earthquakes are caused by the evil American SUV...
Armed with radar and infrared sensors, the aircraft could help assess the extend of unseen damage inside the nuclear reactors.
As Japan wrestles with an escalating nuclear crisis, the humanitarian crisis is as difficult as ever.
*The Guardian's *chief environmental writer, George Monbiot, warns that the nuclear disaster we need to fear is happening in China where the Japanese fiasco has caused the Chinese government to suspend app...
The real damage from nuclear accidents is mostly psychological. It's fear and fear can have powerful manifestations. Cambridge University prof and specialist in the public understanding of risk, David ...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
Beginning May 1, Ontario will begin time-of-use pricing for energy* use. With time-of-use pricing, electricity use will be billed at three different rates: off-peak (least expensive), mid-peak and peak (mo...
What should couples do with leftover embryos? A Toronto hospital plans to offer them to other couples for "adoption."
At the 11th hour, 59th minute, the United Nations Security Council ordered a no-fly zone over Libyan airspace and authorized all necessary measures short of invasion to protect that country's citizens. Th...
Emergency workers frantic to regain control of Japan's dangerously overheated nuclear complex turned to increasingly elaborate methods Thursday to cool nuclear fuel rods at risk of spraying out more radiat...
Maverick MLA Raj Sherman has found a new home with the Alberta Liberals. Sort of. He will sit as an independent Liberal for now, and run under the party's banner in the next election. And, oh yeah, he als...
Our Time of Universal Deceit Needs An Orwell *By paul craig roberts (about the author)* *Go here for original.* If we were to be blessed with a 21st century George Orwell, he would coin a ...
[image: Beached Dolphin on Gulf Coast. A dead dolphin lies on the beach on Horn Island, Mississippi, on 11 May 2010. Photograph by Mike Stewart / AP /] By KAREN NELSON - klnelson@...
[image: Forest to pulp mill in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Eyes on the Forest presented its case for a stronger moratorium in a report sent to Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, head of Indonesia's REDD task ...
The weather service predicts threats of high water from Montana to Maine, Minnesota to Missouri and down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Pimpin'. Braap braap. Caution graphic video.
Fundamental physics has traditionally been a part of the Euro-Atlantic culture. So the Japanese physicists may be viewed as relative newbies but they have already imprinted their skills onto our collective...
Moon gazers are in for a treat this weekend when the full moon will appear 14 percent bigger.
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
As I mentioned last week, US war resister Chuck Wiley is on a speaking tour in Nova Scotia. The schedule of event is posted here; you can still catch him in Halifax today and tonight. This story ran in t...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
Ontario readers, are you participating in the Ontario Health Study? Where did you hear about it? If you decided not to participate, why was that? I saw ads for the study on the Toronto subway on my way to ...
In violation of his own 72 hour rule, Boehner forced through a vote yesterday to defund National Public Radio, using as a pretext the doctored, trumped up, and utterly irrelevent tapes manufactured by a d...
Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa tells reporters that Libya will impose an immediate ceasefire and will abide by the U.N. Security Council resolution. He says Libya is stopping all military operation...
God's wife, Asherah, was a powerful fertility goddess, according to a theologian.
This is an update to earlier blogposts by David Preiser about BBC coverage of the troubled passage of deficit reduction legislation in Wisconsin (see here, here, here). Media double-standards over Wiscons...
RAF Tornado and Typhoon fighters will today head to the Mediterranean to join international operations to protect the Libyan people from Colonel Muammer Gaddafi's forces, David Cameron said. The Prime Min...
These pictures show overheating fuel rods exposed to the elements through a huge hole in the wall of a reactor building at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant. Radiation is streaming into the atmosphere...
Muammar Gaddafi threatened to turn into "hell" the lives of anyone who attacks Libya in line with a UN Security Council resolution passed overnight. His remarks came in an interview with Portuguese state ...
Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that British Tornado and Typhoon aircraft are being deployed immediately to help enforce a United Nations no-fly zone over Libya. "At Cabinet this morning we ag...
2006 Chernobyl - They may of buried it, but did it stop the radiation leak? TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese engineers conceded on Friday that burying a crippled nuclear plant in sand and concrete may be a la...
Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro says the US has no interest in seeing peace in Libya but is solely concerned with the country's oil reserves. Mr Castro, in a column published in state media, said it was ...
TOKYO (Dow Jones)--The Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Friday it raised the accident scale level of the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power complex to 5, similar to the level of...
Libya has closed its air space to all traffic in a move seen to thwart the United Nation's imposition of a no-fly zone over the country. The closure of Libyan air space was announced by Europe's air naviga...
It is one of the great cities of the world, home to 13million and as advanced as any metropolis on the planet. Now Tokyo, usually so full of life by day and night, has the aura of death about it. Its lig...
Past events have helped researchers pinpoint when radiation exposure gets dangerous.
The weekend beckons so here is a new Open Thread to lead us into it.... Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
I chuckled at this interview on the BBC this morning. You can feel BBC outrage at the fact that more and more Brits are living longer than ever despite our obesity/unhealthy eating/incorrect drinking/you n...
The BBC's ability to wilfully miss the parts of news stories that do not fit in with "the narrative" is always amusing. A Biased BBC reader notes; "We have headline stories of government cuts damaging Br...
Now that the..ahem...* "world's highest moral authority"* the UN has finally gotten around to authorising "all necessary measures" - short of soldiers going in - the BBC has instantly responded in tried an...
So, Libya is to be bombed by the USA and NATO and probably invaded. (*US, allies set for quick military action in Libya***) * Sarkozy* Libya is to become another Iraq. *David Cameron.* Obama, Sark...
Nuclear workers accept their fate 'like a death sentence' Fears for their health as one expert says it is 'perhaps a suicide mission' Radiation levels rise in Japan as crisis continues Power will be connecte...
UN predicts nuclear plume could hit U.S. by Friday - Experts warn that particles will drift across Atlantic for Europe - Obama finally falls in line with the rest of the world and starts evacua...
The voice on the phone was calm and dignified, as befitted a proud Japanese mayor, yet this somehow made his fury more forceful. Hours after the tsunami struck, Katsunobu Sakurai told me, he had sought ...
Reporters not allowed to speak to children to guard against false hope Ishinomaki confirms the huge number of its citizens missing North Eastern port town was hit by 20ft tsunami Fears that overall death tol...
Many people are worried that the radiation in Tokyo has to be elevated. Well, here you have a most up-to-date Geiger-Müller counter (wiki) from Hino, Central Tokyo: *Click to zoom in* The y-axis show...
More than 100 senior executives at a state-owned bank pocketed over £1million each last year. The bonanza at the Royal Bank of Scotland saw a team of just five workers share an astonishing £26million. Cr...
It's not clear how far or how high it can fly – or even how big it is and what makes it take off. But an aircraft created by scientists in Iran is, they claim, the world’s first flying saucer. Called the...
The plan to evacuate Britons from Bahrain descended into farce last night. Two special flights to Dubai had been laid on by the Foreign Office following a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy campaigners and ...
The strongest activity at southern Japan’s Shinmoedake volcano in 52 years shattered windows four miles away, sending hundreds of people fleeing the area. Ash and other volcanic debris soared more than 6...
COLONEL Gaddafi last night threatened missile attacks on holiday jets and Mediterranean resorts. If Britain and the US launch military action over the Libyan crisis Colonel Gaddafi says he will strike back...
The death toll from the monster 9.0-magnitude earthquake and massive tsunami that hit Japan climbed past 6,400 Friday as search teams continued to comb through the rubble. Japan's National Police agenc...
The issue occupying diplomats at the UN yesterday was how best to respond to the Libyan crisis. But an even graver threat to our future prosperity and security is unfolding in the tiny Gulf state of Bahr...
Amidst all the anxiety about high oil prices, China's economy is looking shakier by the day. As I have emphasized in the past, China's oil demand growth is the principal driver of higher oil prices in futu...
A geological engineering professor whose specialty is rock mechanics and hydrogeology says hydraulic fracturing to free natural gas from shale rock formations will cause "irreversible harm" lasting thousan...
Potentially harmful chemicals and pharmaceuticals are widespread in Minnesota streams, state scientists found in a new study. The study by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency also shows fish have gene...
Here’s the bottom line, obvious to all but the most arithmetically challenged: when you base an entire civilization on the rapid consumption of a limited resource, you guarantee the collapse of that civili...
The world's big cities are already bursting at the seams but are set to grow even larger, with experts predicting that some 70 per cent of the world's population will be urban by 2050. This will put grea...
Steve Harper's stimulus budget, more properly called the "Pinata Budget," was a colossal waste of tax dollars. Gee, really? But wait, there's more. With the money Harper squandered he could have used i...
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS:* *RANDOM THOUGHTS ON THE ARAB REVOLUTIONS:* I write these words in the context of what may be a "low point" of the uprising of Arab people for the sort of "democracy" that most of...
*PERSONAL:* *SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CONTENT HERE:* Regular readers of this of this blog may have noticed a lack of content recently. I've explained this before as I have transfered a lot of my activity ov...
( I sent a note at Facebook - so I may use another method of keeping up to speed )
Ward County Crews Working to Cap Natural Gas BlowoutStaff ReportNewsWest 9WARD COUNTY - Crews in Ward County are still working to cap a natural gas blowout.It started Wednesday morning about 10 miles north o...
EOG wants to be sure you know that they did not make this policy change to stop digging sludge pits and burying them in Montague County simply because a bunch of Lutheran farmers and ranchers got fed up with...
*"The comic art of Calvin Coolidge was a thing so subtle that it almost defied analysis."* *-- Gibbs, in "Glorious Calvin (A Critical Appreciation)"* *by Ken* It occurs to me that the Gibbs piece we're ...
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