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Politics n PoetryEcological Racism
Our Anti-Canadian Government
With Vic Toews at the front.
They've been secretly crafting a North American security agreement. Why is it done in secret? Why, because Canadians are too stupid, naive and anti-American for this sort of agreement to take place in the light of day.
[a leaked document] provides a rare insight into how the government regards Canadians: as a nation ignorant of the true scale of the security threat it faces and more concerned with privacy rights.Don't you realize that in order for shipping containers to be properly inspected at Canadian ports, the American government needs to have your biometric data, medical history and a bunch of other things they'll use against you. I mean, seriously, people: the guys who are going to interrogate you in Syria need that information to torture you effectively!
“The Canadian public may underestimate the security threat to Canada,” the communication plan says.
No, we don't underestimate it. The problem is that the government overestimates that threat. Here, you do the arithmetic if you want. It looks to me like about 350,000 people have died in traffic accidents since 9-11. That's a hundred times the number who have died from terrorism.
First in Tunisia, then Egypt and now Libya, youth are risking their lives to topple oil-rich authoritarian leaders, many who obtained their military might with western backing. Meanwhile, as we sit at our TVs watching with some astonishment as these protests become popular revolutions, our own country is steadily moving towards more authoritarian rule.
Has the quality of our democracy been slipping away as Canada itself becomes an “energy superpower”? Is there anything about Canada that makes us immune to this happening? When you look at what has occurred in five short years of Harper’s rule, it seems time to blow the warning whistle.
The growing list of how Harper’s tightly-controlled rule is moving us away from democracy is discussed in “The New Solitudes” by Erna Paris in the March 2011 The Walrus. I suggest you read it carefully if you care about the future of our country. Paris lists many concrete examples of how our democracy is being whittled away, and you begin to see a pattern to Harper’s ongoing assaults on Canadian society. Here are just a few examples.
In 2008 Canada Elections sent the RCMP into Conservative Party headquarters and now four senior Conservatives, including Senator Doug Finley, who was Harper’s campaign manager in 2006 and 2008, have been charged with making “false and misleading statements”. According to the Feb. 26th Globe and Mail the allegation is that the Harper Conservatives breached spending limits by shifting excess advertising expenses on to candidates in 67 ridings. Finley is considered Harper’s “pit-bull” and believes politics to be “an adversarial business”; he was responsible for the expensive, aggressive attack ads on Liberal leaders, including ones now being aired about Ignatieff previously living in the U.S.
- The nuclear industry is going around the north promoting a nuclear dump as if this was the way to bring development to an impoverished region. $1,000,000 has already been provided by the NWMO to the FSIN, supposedly to help First Nations develop capacity for informed consent about a nuclear dump. But why isn’t a million dollars available to look at sustainable economic options, like more renewable energy in the north? The dice always seemed to be loaded and it is beginning to look like those driving the resource extraction agenda need the north to be impoverished, so that there is less opposition when environmentally-dangerous mega-projects like a nuclear dump get proposed.
Neo-colonial development follows a similar pattern everywhere. Impoverished regions provide a cheap labour pool for lucrative resource extraction. Corporations offer “benefits” to local people that end up benefitting the corporations. Colonial mentality comes, hand-in-hand, with this. Countries even break up over the deep contradictions; we just witnessed the resource rich but impoverished south Sudan vote overwhelmingly for independence, after a vicious civil war with the more politically and economically powerful north.
The Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan
From CBC's "As It Happens" on March 3, 2011, this interview reminds us of the nuclear messes waiting to be cleaned up. Long gone from the headlines, the Ukrainian agency responsible for sealing off Chernobyl's increasingly ineffective radiation shield isSaskatoon Environmental Film Festival: April 1 - 3, 2011Location: The Roxy Theatre, 320 20th Street West; Opening Night Gala at Paved Arts, 424 20th St. West
Featuring Into Eternity (75 minutes. 2010) Finland is in the midst of a century long project to create a "permanent" storage facility for its nuclear waste. What does permanent mean in the context of a something that remains so powerful for 100,000 years? Mind bending cinematography and interviews with high ranking officials put this honourable/ludicrous/disingenuous effort in stunning chronological and geographical perspective.
See the full list of films being presented at the festival.
Green Energy Project-Saskatchewan's (GEPS) goal is to create a comprehensive, technically sound plan to transform Saskatchewan's electricity grid to run on renewable energy sources in a way that will also be economically & socially beneficial for rural, urban & First Nations communities.
GEPS have issued a series of three reports called Transforming Saskatchewan's Electrical Future:
(Part 1) Sustainability is Achievable, But How Do We Get There? by Mark Bigland-Pritchard and Peter Prebble
(Part 2) Using Electricity More Efficiently by Mark Bigland-Pritchard
(Part 3) The Potential for Wind and Solar Power by Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Creighton, a town of 1500 near the Manitoba border, is the latest community to express interest in becoming a nuclear waste dump. Read more in the Star Phoenix & from the CBC. The NWMO held meetings by invitation-only last fall, releasing its report "What We Heard: Collaborative Development of the Siting Process (2009)" Coalition members took to the street with street theatre & distributed our statement on nuclear waste. The NMWO is looking for public input on its plan by taking part in a survey. We say NO to nuclear waste dump in our province, and we call for a STOP to the production of nuclear waste. Learn more about nuclear waste including: - Manitoba legislation banning a nuclear waste dump there.
- Why deep geological storage won't solve the problem (Power Point 1.2 MB)
- Why Did Manitoba Ban Nuclear Wastes…Over Two Decades Ago? by Jim Harding
Jim Harding has written several articles recently exploring various aspects of Saskatchewan hosting a nuclear waste dump. These may be reprinted with credit given to R-Town News.
The Keepers of the Water Gathering IV took place at Wollaston Lake this summer. Read the resolutions passed at the gathering. Jim Harding was one of many in attendance, here are two of his latest articles:
What’s the Alternative to Nuclear Colonialism in the North? A Background paper for Keepers of the Water IV, Wollaston Lake, August 2010.Uranium Industry Self-Promotes: North Remains "Among Poorest" August 2010
Check out more of Jim's columns, including PDF versions.In 1983, an article entitled "THE URANIUM INDUSTRY PLANS TO CO-OPT THEIR OPPOSITION - YOU COULD BE ON THEIR LIST" appeared in Briarpatch Magazine, and it seems the nuclear industry's strategy described in the piece has worked like a charm.
Nuclear Power is still on the table for Saskatchewan and the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is doing his part to promote the idea.
According to the CNSC web site, Michael Binder's March 25/10 lecture "aims to promote informed discussion about Saskatchewan's energy future, including the proposal
by a consortium, that includes the University of Saskatchewan, to build a research reactor."
Click here to view or download his presentation.
100's of people from across the province rallied in Saskatoon in 2009 to show their support for a Nuclear Free & Green Energy future for Saskatchewan...Sasky The Living Skies Guy says Hope is Alive & Well!
Listen to the sounds of Hope on
''Making The Links'' Radio
Check out news coverage & photos!
Don't Nuke the Climate - International 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit - Join over 45,000 people from 107 countries in sending a strong message to world leaders that nuclear power is not a solution to the Climate Change Crisis. Sign The Petition Here.
Saskatoon Environmental Film Festival: April 1 - 3, 2011
Location: The Roxy Theatre, 320 20th Street West; Opening Night Gala at Paved Arts, 424 20th St. West
Featuring Into Eternity (75 minutes. 2010) Finland is in the midst of a century long project to create a "permanent" storage facility for its nuclear waste. What does permanent mean in the context of a something that remains so powerful for 100,000 years? Mind bending cinematography and interviews with high ranking officials put this honourable/ludicrous/disingenuous effort in stunning chronological and geographical perspective.
See the full list of films being presented at the festival.
Creighton, a town of 1500 near the Manitoba border, is the latest community to express interest in becoming a nuclear waste dump. Read more in the Star Phoenix & from the CBC.
The NWMO held meetings by invitation-only last fall, releasing its report "What We Heard: Collaborative Development of the Siting Process (2009)" Coalition members took to the street with street theatre & distributed our statement on nuclear waste. The NMWO is looking for public input on its plan by taking part in a survey.
We say NO to nuclear waste dump in our province, and we call for a STOP to the production of nuclear waste. Learn more about nuclear waste including:
- Manitoba legislation banning a nuclear waste dump there.
- Why deep geological storage won't solve the problem (Power Point 1.2 MB)
- Why Did Manitoba Ban Nuclear Wastes…Over Two Decades Ago? by Jim Harding
Jim Harding has written several articles recently exploring various aspects of Saskatchewan hosting a nuclear waste dump. These may be reprinted with credit given to R-Town News.
What’s the Alternative to Nuclear Colonialism in the North? A Background paper for Keepers of the Water IV, Wollaston Lake, August 2010.Uranium Industry Self-Promotes: North Remains "Among Poorest" August 2010
Check out more of Jim's columns, including PDF versions.
In 1983, an article entitled "THE URANIUM INDUSTRY PLANS TO CO-OPT THEIR OPPOSITION - YOU COULD BE ON THEIR LIST" appeared in Briarpatch Magazine, and it seems the nuclear industry's strategy described in the piece has worked like a charm.
Nuclear Power is still on the table for Saskatchewan and the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is doing his part to promote the idea.
According to the CNSC web site, Michael Binder's March 25/10 lecture
"aims to promote informed discussion about Saskatchewan's energy future, including the proposal
by a consortium, that includes the University of Saskatchewan, to build a research reactor."
Click here to view or download his presentation.
100's of people from across the province rallied in Saskatoon in 2009 to show their support for a Nuclear Free & Green Energy future for Saskatchewan...
Sasky The Living Skies Guy says Hope is Alive & Well!
Listen to the sounds of Hope on
''Making The Links'' Radio
Check out news coverage & photos!
Listen to the sounds of Hope on
''Making The Links'' Radio
Check out news coverage & photos!
Don't Nuke the Climate - International 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit - Join over 45,000 people from 107 countries in sending a strong message to world leaders that nuclear power is not a solution to the Climate Change Crisis. Sign The Petition Here.
Green energy upgrade protects Ontarians from rising nuclear costs. A new report says scaling up green power is more affordable than replacing nuclear reactors at Pickering. Read more about Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan. Click here for a copy of the plan.
In April, Nova Scotia released its Renewable Electricity Plan detailing how the province will move away from carbon based electricity towards greener, more local sources.
Medical Isotopes
Premier wants isotope reactor in Prairies.
Get the CCGS Medical Isotope Fact Sheet here.
- Read the Saskatchewan government's Medical Isotope Reactor proposal (5.8 MB)
- Read the proposals from Manitoba andthe BC both much cheaper and faster to build than Saskatchewan's and neither involve using a nuclear reactor.
- Is nuclear expertise in Canada on the decline? Can isotope production really save the Canadian industry? Check out the Globe & Mail, August 10, 2009.
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has participated in a dialogue with First Nations across Canada on the issue of nuclear fuel waste management. This dialogue has been supported with financial assistance from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
"Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Competitiveness"
"A Declaration by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of Canada."
John Manley, former Liberal deputy prime minister and now president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, yesterday in his inside voice :
John Manley back in 2005 when he was Canada Chair of the deep integration project, The Independent Task Force on the Future of North America , in his outside voice :"The real question will be what do we get at the border in exchange for greater co-ordination on security."
"The Task Force's central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter."Ok, so it's a wee bit behind schedule due to our foolish sentimental notions of Canadian sovereignty and privacy.
The question is : Are we going to let them get away with it this time?
Stop Fortress North America: Don’t Let the Harper Government Make a Secret Deal with Washington
For over a decade, Fortress North America has been a favourite goal of the political right and continental business. The deal poses a major threat to Canadian sovereignty. Whatever proponents of the deal say, its implementation will force Canada to harmonize its immigration and refugee policies with those of the United States. And it will require Canadian government agencies to share much more private information about Canadian citizens and residents with American agencies than they already do. The deal will invite the FBI and the CIA right into our lives.
For those who think that this won’t matter much, it is vital to remember that what happened to Maher Arar nearly a decade ago was precipitated by the Canadian government’s sharing of information with the U.S. He was the canary in the mine shift----the warning that many more of us could be next.
Canada has already moved a long way down the road to defence arrangements with the U.S. that could conceivably allow the U.S. to effectively seize control of Canada during a global geo-political crisis.
Beyond the Bubble YouTube Lecture Series
Ottawa crafts plan to ward off criticism over U.S. border deal
The Harper government is bracing for a backlash over a border security agreement it is negotiating with the United States, anticipating it will spark worries about eroding sovereignty and privacy rights, a document obtained by The Globe and Mail shows.
The Department of Public Safety communications strategy for the “perimeter security” deal amounts to a blueprint for selling the agreement to Canadians.
It also provides a rare insight into how the government regards Canadians: as a nation ignorant of the true scale of the security threat it faces and more concerned with privacy rights.
The communications strategy for the perimeter security declaration – which the document says will be unveiled in January, 2011 – predicts one of the biggest potential critics will be the federal privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart. That’s because the deal is expected to increase the amount of data exchanged between law enforcement and other government authorities in both countries.
“Greater information sharing is part of the initiative. The safeguarding of privacy and sovereignty will be of concern for Canadians,” the document says.
The strategy predicts that Canadians may fail to see the need for a perimeter security deal to help safeguard cross-border trade through efforts such as a joint cargo screening initiative.
“The Canadian public may underestimate the security threat to Canada,” the communication plan says.
Former CSIS director Jim Judd made similar comments to a U.S. State Department official in 2008, according to diplomatic cables disclosed last week by WikiLeaks. The ex-spy chief complained about public naiveté about the extent of the terrorism threat this country faces.
( ROFLMAO That's a fine example of the art of British understatement ! We know - regardless of 911 Truth - that out greatest strategic danger lies immediately to the South of us. )
Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects
Wall Street
New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.
The move is one of the Obama administration's most significant revisions to rules governing the investigation of terror suspects in the U.S. And it potentially opens a new political tussle over national security policy, as the administration marks another step back from pre-election criticism of unorthodox counterterror TM methods.
Welcome To Your Authoritarian Corporatocratic Security Surveillance State Of North America
those of us that do give a fuck about stopping the ever increasing erosions of our rights as constitutionally defined are nothing but a bunch of stupid, insouciant, utopian, fringe agitators.
(Crimedicking, anyone?)
Hence, that is why they lie and use fear politics to scare the majority of us into not only accepting these increasing erosions of our civil rights, this time even accepting the "new reality" that our privacy has to be surrendered to another country (who could've predicted that?), but furthermore to submit without question to their "wise" measures meant to "keep us safe".
"Keep us safe" - from terrorists and criminals or actually to keep them safe from us?
In short: no one is safe, because everyone is potentially guilty. And no, you may never know whether you are being put under surveillance. And no, the public does not have a right to know even when such indiscriminate gathering of data on someone is court-approved after the fact or not - if ever. Ergo: You are guilty until proven guilty.Indeed, for see what is also at work in the authoritation mind-set: "we must identify in advance whom might most criticize us" ... in order for what?
It's easy what the "what" would be, for we've seen it time and again whenever someone spoke out publicly against authoritarian measures and/or outright lies by authoritarian-bent governments: deride, slime, cast doubt on motives, or even trump up false/overblown accusations - and if these do not work, then find ways to retaliate directly at them or their family.
Or their livelyhood.
.....It is a given fact that governmental security agencies are not seekers of truth, but seekers of guilt. Whenever they are given any powers to spy on their own citizens, they will do so - for reasons frivolous, paranoid or (apparently very rarely as demonstrated so far) actually justified.
Remember this instance, whereby anti-war, environmental, gay rights and animal rights advocacy groups were put on a terrorist watch list by the Alabama Department of Homeland Security, because these were automatically assumed suspect to include terrorists?
Or the numerous instances of American peaceful, grass roots anti-war advocacy groups being infiltrated by agents of law enforcement (local sheriff departments, local city police, Military Intelligence, or FBI) to spy/report on them (if not actually trying to goad them into performing "direct action" protests)?
Such things are now par for the course in the US, these days.
It is no small wonder, then, that the U.S. no-fly list is an ever growing, bloating database containing more than 900000 names (!).
Just think for a moment about that number and the absurdity of it.
Canadian Action Party Demands 9/11 Truth
Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth
So. What's it all about ? Time was online society knew the answer to that question - though you will never ever see it in corporate media.
The men who built the bomb immediately realized that conventional war was suddenly a dangerous trigger which, at any time, might detonate an earth destroying retaliation with nuclear weapons. The realities of nuclear war made civilian populations the target of war, and thus changed the nature of even limited, conventional war. Gun powder now became the tool of non-nuclear nations and revolutionaries who would fight long protracted conflicts, tempting the nuclear powers that be. Just as nuclear war changed the nature of conventional war, it made Invisible War (IW) a necessity.
The only safe way to wage war, the warriors realized, was to wage it silently. Toward the end of World War Two various forms of IW research began, and eventually modern warriors came up with a number of insidious ways to subdue enemy populations without their ever knowing that a war had even begun. Today secret "invisible weapons" pose a more ominous threat to life than even thermonuclear holocaust. These weapons have not only been developed without the knowledge of their intended victims, they cannot even be detected at the very monent they are murdering or robotizing civilian populations.
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