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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

25 December - News Picks

Logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Pr...Image via Wikipedia

Teen Birth Rate at All-Time Low

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics found that the birth rate for U.S. teenagers (ages 15 to 19) fell 6 percent in 2009, the lowest level ever recorded in nearly seven decades of tracking teenage childbearing.
The report, “Births: Preliminary Data for 2009,” written by Brady E. Hamilton, Joyce A. Martin, and Stephanie J. Ventura, offers a breakdown and closer analysis of the findings:
Why the drop? The CDC study did not explore why the teen birth rate is at an all-time low

Atlantic disaster - Ice Age ahead?

Since June 2010 Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, an Italian theoretical physicist from Frascati National Laboratories, Fermi, is knocking at our doors with his warning about the Atlantic gulf-stream that for thousands of years conveyed warm tropical water from the Mexican Gulf along Florida towards the ocean in the direction of Northern Europe. Since the aftermath of the BP oil spill (2009) this pattern has changed and the ocean seems to be rapidly cooling. What might seem the next 'conspiracy theory' appears to be a reality now. Alarming signs can be seen in satellite imagery. The warm Gulf-stream appears broken up. Extreme cold already entered Scotland, the UK, Germany and western parts of Scandinavia. More is predicted for next week.

The Gulf Stream is orange and yellow in this r...Image via Wikipedia

  Solar cycle 24 ought to be near its peak by now and was predicted to be stronger than the previous cycle, causing more warmth. Graphics from solar cycle 24 reveal that this was utterly false at all. Its peak is estimated to occur in 2014, but what if we do see the real peak about now? Global cooling and a new Ice Age could be in the making from that alone. However, now we also have the abnormal behaviour of ocean currents, potentially making the latter scenario worse. Maybe we face a sudden collapse of climates as we knew them. The coming Winter will tell.


DALLAS, July 5, 2002 – (Aspartame Consumer Safety Network) – In response to FDA and Monsanto’s announcement today that approval has been granted for use of the new sweetener, Neotame as a food additive in baked goods, aqueous solution and as a table top sweetener, Aspartame Consumer Safety Network, issues the following statement:

Eighty percent of all FDA complaints pertain to aspartame adverse reactions. ACSN has thousands of serious reactions in their files. These reports include: grand mal seizures, brain tumors, blindness and other health-related problems, including deaths.

Monsanto’s Nick Rosa stated in 1998, that Neotame is “based on the aspartame formula.” Since we believe this to be true, Dallas-based Aspartame Consumer Safety Network vigorously opposes today’s approval and urges consumers to avoid the new fake sugar if they want to remain healthy.

Neotame is aspartame plus 3-di-methylbutyl, which can be found on the EPA’s list of most hazardous chemicals. The aspartame formula is comprised of Phenylalanine [50%], which caused seizures in lab animals and Aspartic Acid [40%], which caused “holes in the brains” of lab animals – bonded by Methyl Alcohol, or Methanol [10%] which is capable of causing blindness, liver damage and death.


The following articles are from magazines, newspapers, and trade publications. They are reprinted here with permission.

Monsanto’s Neotame molecule allowed in USDA certified organic foods 

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the list of ingredients, for:
USDA Certified Organic food items.
Certified Kosher products with the official letter k inside the circle on labels.

Author and Activist Derrick Jensen: "The Dominant Culture is Killing the Planet...It’s Very Important for Us to Start to Build a Culture of Resistance"

Microsoft Lets Users Know Their Data Was Leaked From the Cloud 

The move casts questions on Microsoft's push to move its Office suite "to the cloud" (as its ad actors are fond of saying). It also offers some vindication for GNU project president and founder Richard Stallman who has vocally criticized cloud computing and recently blasted Google's upcoming cloud-based Chrome OS.

The Microsoft data loss was similar to recent scraping efforts, which included a collection of 100 million Facebook users profile information and the release of 114,000+ iPad owners email addresses and device IDs.

The common thread in all these incidents has been poor handling of access/permissions in cloud data storage schemes. Information from these kinds of scraping campaigns tends not to be particularly dangerous, but it likely will offer hackers or less scrupulous business people a key source of information in the future. And it will be hard to prosecute those involved, because they did not "hack" into any systems.


 Massive China Dig Reveals How Evolution Conquered Mass Extinction 

A vast body of paleontological evidence points to the Permian-Triassic period transition, which occurred approximately 250 million years ago, was the largest extinction event in history, surpassing even the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. The extinction event is the only known extinction event to feature a mass extinction of typically hard insects. And the extinction in total encompassed 96% of all marine species, 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species, 57% of all families, and 83% of all genera.

Mike Benton, professor of vertebrate palaeontology in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, and a team of researchers at the Chengdu Geological Center in China have published a study from the middle Triassic (235 mya) that reveals how evolution allowed for a surprisingly quick biotic recovery and yielded new kinds of species (like the dinosaurs and early mammals).


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