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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, December 13, 2010

13 December - Op Ed News

Op Ed News

Quotation by Noam Chomsky:

...one of the major reasons for government secrecy is to protect the government from its own population.

Olbermann's tirade on how Obama has betrayed both his base and his country

The economy is surprisingly simple.   If business and the rich won't spend, and the middle class can't spend, the only factor left, to keep pushing money into the insatiable maw of capitalism, is the government.   So, for the sake of the US economy, should the government give the money to the rich who either sit on it (or invest it in another part of the world, like China), or give the money to the not rich, who spend it?   Apparently this President does not know the answer to that simple question, even though he has his own Council of Economic Advisers.

What's Behind the War on WikiLeaks

How far down the U.S. has slid can be seen, ironically enough, in a recent commentary in Pravda (that's right, Russia's Pravda):
"What WikiLeaks has done is make people understand why so many Americans are politically apathetic. After all, the evils committed by those in power can be suffocating, and the sense of powerlessness that erupts can be paralyzing, especially when government evildoers almost always get away with their crimes."

"So shame on Barack Obama, Eric Holder and all those who spew platitudes about integrity, justice and accountability while allowing war criminals and torturers to walk freely upon the earth. The American people should be outraged that [their] government has transformed a nation with a reputation for freedom, justice, tolerance and respect for human rights into a backwater that revels in its criminality, cover-ups, injustices and hypocrisies."

Odd, isn't it, that it takes a Pravda commentator to drive home the point that the Obama administration is on the wrong side of history.

Towards a North American Security Perimeter

The Council of Canadians who were instrumental in exposing the SPP, have criticized the notion of a continental security perimeter as being unnecessary and invasive. A Press Release acknowledged that, "Since 2001, U.S. security demands of its two neighbours persistently intruded on the privacy and real security needs of the public." It went on to say, "harmonization efforts have violated civil liberties while not improving trade flows between Canada and the United States in the slightest." 

The US Government and Nuclear Disinformation

The United States government, between 1945 and the present, has poisoned American citizens with nuclear bomb fallout, Plutonium dispersion tests, intentional venting of radioactive gases from underground mishaps, etc.

The nuclear industry has been trying to repaint its image as suppliers of safe, clean, quiet nuclear power. Many political activists and environmentalists believe electrical generation is merely a from an industry that earns billions of dollars selling weapons grade plutonium and selling "clean, safe" energy to third world nations (moving the pollution to poor countries). The 27,000 acres of the Native American Navajo Nation is about to have the last of its clean drinking water permanently polluted with Uranium leaching from Uranium mining. The teenagers of the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah and New Mexico suffer 17 times the national average in cancers and tumors. They suffer the groundwater pollution of Uranium mining and are in close proximity to the open air and underground bomb test sites. The US EPA says their water is "safe", even if it is 25 times higher in Uranium than "Federal Standards". Many atomic scientists believe there is no level of "safe" exposure, no amount of "safe" rads, Pico curies, etc., except zero.

 Miracle in the Gulf of Mexico

John Hutchison is world-famous for his alternative energy, anti-gravity, and frequencies research and other out-of-the-physics-box experiments and discoveries. Nancy Lazaryan is an intuitive from Minnesota. She works with the beneficial power of harmonics.
Cara Fay, a friend of both John and Nancy, brought samples of Gulf water to John's lab in Vancouver, BC, in July. Together, John and Nancy worked to identify certain ancient harmonics used in healing over the course of millennia. The frequencies were then applied to the polluted water samples with both audio and radio waves, which succeeded in reducing the toxic ppm (parts per million) to zero.
The sample success proved sufficient for them to pack up 6,000 pounds of lab equipment on a borrowed trailer and haul it with a farm truck from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, where they began their experimental work on Perdido Bay. According to Cara Fay, "The chemical analysis from the first "open air frequencies' experiment in Perdido Bay has shown the Gulf water can be restored to health -- restored without the use of dispersants, chemicals or burning -- restored by use of solfeggio tones, also known as Gregorian chants, and a harmonic stream of sound."

The Ripple Effect: The Heartbeat to Eternity 

Angels of Mercy in the Oil Damaged Gulf

 Making Something From Nothing: Researchers Find That Matter Can Be Conjured from a Vacuum 

 Cement From Thin Air  

Calera engineers  spray mineral-rich seawater or brine water through flue gas captured from the plant’s smokestacks. The calcium in the water bonds with carbon in the would-be pollution to form cement. Constantz says the demonstration plant is capable of producing up to 1,100 tons of cement a day and, in doing so, sequestering 550 tons of carbon dioxide. Within three years, he says, Calera will be operating plants in Australia and Wyoming. 

( Note Laur Enra 7's comment

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