Wired - Science
- Dying Moon May Have Spawned Saturn’s RingsSaturn’s majestic rings are the remnants of a long-vanished moon that was stripped of its icy outer layer before its rocky heart plunged into the planet, a new theory proposes. The icy fragments would have encircled the solar system’s second largest planet as rings and eventually spalled off sm ...
- Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks MondayIf it’s clear where you are on Monday night, bundle up, head outside and look up. One of the best meteor showers of the year will peak on Dec. 13. The Geminid meteor shower, which returns every December as the Earth passes through a debris trail from asteroid 3200 Phaethon, is usually one of the ye ...
- Fake Watchful Eyes Discourage Naughty BehaviorBy Mark Brown, Wired UK Being watched by a photograph of staring eyes can be enough encouragement to behave, follow orders or do the right thing, a study has found. Psychology researchers at Newcastle University hung two different posters at a restaurant, to see how customers would react. They bot ...
- Then and Now: Repeat Photography Captures Changing ...For 50 years, the U.S. Geological Survey has been building an archive of old photos of desert landscapes and revisiting the sites to take new photos. The result is the largest collection of repeat photography in the world.
- Reproduction Hack Makes Mice From Two DadsIn a weird feat of biotechnological virtuosity, scientists have engineered mice with genes from two dads, and none from a mom. This was done by engineering females with eggs containing only chromosomes from a father. Mating added genes from a second father. “These findings have novel implications f ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Sayed Kashua: Have you got a light?Let’s not be naive: We all know that Arabs are the ones who burned down the Carmel forests. Not one Arab, not two, not a thousand. The Arabs burned the Carmel... The Arabs burned down the Carmel... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israel turns blind eye to racist st ...Jews must not rent homes to “gentiles”. That was the religious decree issued this week by at least 50 of Israel’s leading rabbis, many of them employed by the state as municipal religious leaders.... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Randa Farah: Uneasy but necessary – the UNRWA-Pale ...The absence of an effective Palestinian political body that could mobilize and represent refugees as a collective national group, combined with repressive state policies, catapulted UNRWA to center... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- IOA FUNDRAISER: New WebsiteDear IOA readers -- We're approaching the final development phase of an improved IOA website that will enable us to present content more effectively and far more reliably. However, that would only... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Former European leaders: Sanction Israel over sett ...26 former top EU officials, including ex EU chief Solana and former German President Richard von Weizsacker, urge world powers to confront Jerusalem over its refusal to obey international law. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- NATO official confirms defense plans for Russia's ...NATO has defense plans in regard to Russia for all neighboring NATO member countries including Poland and the Baltic republics, Director of the NATO Information Center in Moscow Robert Pszczel said on Monday.
- Japan plans more Patriot systems to shoot down N. ...Japan will deploy a larger network of land-based U.S. Patriot PAC-3 systems to ensure effective defenses against North Korean ballistic missiles.
- Russian warships visit Sri Lanka, head to Gulf of ...A Pacific Fleet's task force led by the Admiral Vinogradov destroyer will complete on Saturday a three-day visit to Sri Lanka and head to the Gulf of Aden to fight sea piracy in the region.
- Russian parliament approves French, Spanish milita ...The lower house of Russia's parliament, the State Duma, on Friday ratified intergovernmental agreements with France and Spain on military transits to Afghanistan.
- Russia defense minister denies plans to build airc ...Russia is not planning to build any new aircraft carriers in the foreseeable future, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Friday.
- NIST Partners with ONC and AHRQ to Deliver Guidanc ...Two new publications from NIST can help developers of software and computer systems for doctors' offices, clinics, and hospitals improve the ease of use of electronic health records (EHRs). Efforts to improve the usability of EHRs are widely recognized as key to achieving widespread adoption and mea ...
- NIST's New Scanning Probe Microscope is Supercool ...Pushing the regime of the very cold into the realm of the very small, NIST researchers and their collaborators have designed and built the most advanced ultra-low temperature scanning probe microscope in the world, opening a new portal for discovery at the nanoscale.
- Terrorism Undergoes Scholarly Analysis in New BookIn the new book Coping with Terrorism: Origins, Escalation, Counterstrategies, and Responses, political scientists analyze various facets of terrorism from theoretical and empirical perspectives in a series of scholarly essays.
- National Training Center Opens for Advanced Treatm ...The Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center recently opened a national training center for surgical and interventional treatments for cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of Americans.
- Iapetus, Saturn's Strange Walnut MoonA team of planetary scientists think the peculiar walnut-shaped mountain range circling most of the equator of Saturn's moon Iapetus was formed from fragments of a companion mini-moon that broke up and rained debris under the larger moon's gravitational force. The scientists, led by UIC earth and en ...
Natural Health News
- Zoo Animals in the SnowSome of the animals may find it strange, but for the penguins, it’s time for a swim!
- Sugarbush Dog GroomersHere’s how your dogs can get clean the really, really natural way.
- Conventional Medicine's Answer for Child Insomnia: ...An astonishing one in four children who have problems sleeping are being given medications.� The drugs range from antihistamines to sedatives to ADHD drugs to antidepressants. Typical practice in conventional medicine appears to be treating insomnia in children with over-the-counter and prescriptio ...
- Are Depressed People Too Clean?Researchers have been taking a close look at the immune system of people living in today's cleaner modern society.� On effect they have found is that rates of depression in younger people have steadily grown to outnumber rates of depression in the older populations; this may be because of a loss of ...
- Lyme Disease: A Dubious Diagnosis?Lyme disease is certainly a real illness. It is a bacterial infection chiefly transmitted by deer ticks.� It can cause rashes, swollen joints and inflamed nerves. However, doctors around the U.S. are currently diagnosing ailments such as back pain, poor concentration and fatigue as a chronic form o ...
- Secrecy And Democracy, The Hard Balancing ActThe Wikileaks story is going to be the big news for a while, but I thought I’d talk about the need for balance in terms of secrecy. The release of the hundreds of thousands of diplomatic communications is going to be more than a little embarrassing. How could it not be? These are internal communicat ...
- The New American Oligarchy: Creating a Country of ...Originally published at TomDispatch.com We already know that it�s�party time�for the financial elite who gave real meaning to the phrase �economic meltdown� in 2008, that bonuses�are soaring, that�corporate profits�for the third quarter of 2010 are beyond the stratosphere, and that the corporate chi ...
- WikiRebels: Swedish Docufilm on WikiLeaks Chronicl ...view larger from Rady Ananda, Global Research (view source) �What we have here is a new breed of rebels, IT guerrillas without a national base.� Finally, in response to globalized eco-destruction, globalized wars, and globalized banking that robs national and personal wealth, we now have globali ...
- Demonstrations Worldwide To Demand WikiLeaks' Foun ...Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports today that online supporters of Julian Assange working through the Spanish-language website Free WikiLeaks called for worldwide demonstrations Saturday to press for the release of the founder of WikiLeaks from a London jail where he awaits possible extradition to S ...
- WaPo's Gerson Hacks Up Another Fur Ball Into Natio ...Michael Gearson of the Washington Post Editorial page really phones one in today. I know it is the day after Thanksgiving and there is a tendency to just rehash old arguments in an effort to get a column or blog post out, but really this is beautiful example of false equivalency and intellectual laz ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Cancun Can!by Dan Bodansky by Dan Bodansky Oh, how much difference a year — and lower expectations — make! The BBC report on the Cancun meeting declared that “if Copenhagen was the Great Dane that whimpered, Cancun has been the Chihuahua that roared.” Never mind that the Great Dane’s whimper was ab ...
- How Big Should an International Law Faculty Be?by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson I don’t quite mean that, of course. Â The total number of “international” law faculty depends on so many different things at any given law school. Â What I do mean is to follow on Kevin’s post and ask, supposing you are trying to rationally plan out an inte ...
- The Political Economy of the Euro-Zone Crisisby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson In this week’s Weekly Standard, Christopher Caldwell of the WS and FT has an essay specifically on the political economy of the euro-zone crisis, Euro Trashed: Europe’s Rendezvous with Monetary Destiny. He notes that the European Union is built on a theory ...
- How Big Is Your International Law Faculty?by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Bridget Crawford has an interesting post at The Faculty Lounge today comparing the size of the U.S News ten best environmental-law faculties. The post got me thinking about the size of the ten best international-law faculties — and how those faculties com ...
- Goldsmith on WikiLeaksby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Jack Goldsmith and I don’t agree with each other very often, so it’s worth noting that we have essentially the same reaction to WikiLeaks. From Lawfare today: I find myself agreeing with those who think Assange is being unduly vilified. I certainly do ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Britain buried under coldest dump of "global warmi ...From Benny Peiser's clmate newsletter, some highlights: The Met Office, using data generated by a £33million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past...
- CFL light bulbs dangerous to health - fail German ...Classic: The energy saving bulbs show mercury levels 20 times higher than regulations allow in the air surrounding them for up to five hours after they are broken, according to tests released Thursday by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA Remember,...
- TGIF Edition latest issueTry these links...the second one may work better to open the page first, then click on the TGIF link in the middle of that page to bring up the PDF: http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/tgif3dec10.pdf http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment ...
- Breaking: Air Con premise endorsed by Journal of C ...In the 2009 release of Air Con (and again in the latest 2010 Climategate edition about to go on sale in bookshops across NZ), one of the points I argued is that Antarctica is not warming uncontrollably or significantly. Earnest...
- RIP, menOur sympathies and prayers are with those left behind in the mine, and their families. Could NZ have done it better? Only an inquiry will tell us now. One thing I want to make clear, however. Much as I might...
My Care2 Picks
- The Ripple Effect ~ The Heartbeat to Eternity *Why am I Here? What Purpose do I Have? What Can I Do? Submitted by Amour ar to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Wikileaks Cables Fallout: There is No Internationa ...Diplomatic cables from China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia contradict the mainstream media's narrative that there is a broad consensus in the international community on how to deal with Iran as a regional power in the Middle East.Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- FEMA: Presidential Executive Control Orders For A ...Some people call it the 'secret government' of a non- elected body and operates within a complex network of Black Operation budgets. FEMA has been gaining power as a 'front operation' in order to seize total authority for the "Continuity of Government".Submitted by Third Eye Open to US Politics & Go ...
- The moral standards of WikiLeaks criticsIf a single foreign national is rounded up and put in jail because of a leaked cable, this entire, anarchic exercise in "freedom" stands as a human disaster. Assange is a criminal. That's quite a rigorous moral standard. So let's apply it elsewhere:Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't ...
- Court Orders Destruction of Monsanto's Dangerous, ...A federal judge has ruled that genetically-modified sugar beets created by notorious Frankenfood-producer Monsanto were planted illegally, without proper environmental review. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White said the plantings must now be destroyed, in Submitted by Norm C. to Business �|� �Note-i ...
Angry Indian News
- NYT's Iran Missiles WalkbackNYT's Iran Missiles Walkback: [fair.org] "The first article (11/29/10), headlined 'Iran Fortifies Its Missilies With the Aid of North Korea,' presented the case in definitive terms: Iran now... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- 'A Large Proportion of Catholic Clerics and Traine ...Interview With Gay Theologian David Berger: 'A Large Proportion of Catholic Clerics and Trainee Priests Are Homosexual' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - InternationalDavid Berger, a gay theologian who has... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- 'Coded Language' and Yes Men: Cables of Confusion ...'Coded Language' and Yes Men: Cables of Confusion from the Heart of the Vatican - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "US diplomats seem bemused with the hierarchical structures and the lack of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Gillard may get me killed: AssangeGillard may get me killed: Assange | National News | Breaking National News in Australia | The Sunshine Coast Daily: "WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange says Prime Minister Julia Gillard has put his... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Wikileaks mum in UK mercy dashWikileaks mum in UK mercy dash | Sunshine Coast News | Local News in Sunshine Coast | The Sunshine Coast Daily: "THE mother of captive WikiLeaks mastermind Julian Assange has arrived in London to... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Truth Squad Radio with Brent Johnson, Author of Th ...This Sunday's special guest is Brent Johnson of Global Freedom Report radio and author of The American Sovereign.
- GMO oranges, China, and the loss of another piece ...The genetic modification of corn and soy has succeeded in infiltrating nearly every processed food in America, with wheat and alfalfa soon to be next. Now it's oranges. But why?
- S.510 is alive and funded by the House!S.510 is alive and on its way to a farm near you!
- Chop and Shop Organ Harvesting In the Crosshairs!Chop and Shop organ harvesting machines will roam the streets of Manhattan from 4:00pm to midnight searching for prey starting Wednesday.
- 80-square mile kill zone Gulf of Mexico – “It look ...VIDEO
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- 'Are you a terrorist?' The simple question being a ...ShareThis'Are you a terrorist?' The simple question being asked at an airport which could rumble a suicide bomber 12 Dec 2010 The security checks at Ben Gurion, Israel's main international airport near Tel Aviv, are intense. But they are surprisingly discreet. There are no groups of armed police pat ...
- The CLG: History and DedicationShareThisThe CLG: History and Dedication (on the tenth anniversary of its founding) By Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. 13 Dec 2010 Join us in celebrating ten years of service to the interests of democracy.
- Defense employee warned about attacks hours before ...ShareThisDefense employee warned about attacks hours before the bombing 12 Dec 2010 On Saturday, Sweden was exposed to what appears to be its first ever attack by a suicide bomber. On Sunday evening the Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (TT) reported that they had received information th ...
- Senate nears key vote on Obama tax packageShareThisSenate nears key vote on Obama tax package 13 Dec 2010 The Democratic-led Congress moved on Monday toward grudging approval of President Barack Obama's [insane] deal with Republicans to extend expiring tax cuts, even for the wealthiest Americans. Backers were expected to muster on Monday th ...
- Stockholm blasts: Police search Bedfordshire prope ...ShareThisStockholm blasts: Police search Bedfordshire property 13 Dec 2010 A property in the UK is being searched as part of the investigation into the weekend's bombing in Sweden, in which one man died, police have said. A search warrant was executed at a property in Bedfordshire, under the Terrori ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Britain buried under coldest dump of "global warmi ...From Benny Peiser's clmate newsletter, some highlights: The Met Office, using data generated by a £33million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past...
- CFL light bulbs dangerous to health - fail German ...Classic: The energy saving bulbs show mercury levels 20 times higher than regulations allow in the air surrounding them for up to five hours after they are broken, according to tests released Thursday by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA Remember,...
- TGIF Edition latest issueTry these links...the second one may work better to open the page first, then click on the TGIF link in the middle of that page to bring up the PDF: http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/tgif3dec10.pdf http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment ...
- Breaking: Air Con premise endorsed by Journal of C ...In the 2009 release of Air Con (and again in the latest 2010 Climategate edition about to go on sale in bookshops across NZ), one of the points I argued is that Antarctica overall is not warming uncontrollably or significantly....
- RIP, menOur sympathies and prayers are with those left behind in the mine, and their families. Could NZ have done it better? Only an inquiry will tell us now. One thing I want to make clear, however. Much as I might...
- Adeeb Abu Rahma, a leader of nonviolent protest, i ...What a beautiful smile! A Gandhi of nonviolent protest, Adeeb Abu Rahma, has been released by the Israelis after two years in detention. You can see Joseph Dana's picture of Abu Rahma holding his daughter as he leaves prison here. And Hamdi Abu Rahma, who took the picture at left, reports:Bil'in - R ...
- ‘Washington Post’’s new blogger ...The Washington Post has replaced the American Enterprise Institute as the primary hub of neoconservative arguments for U.S. aggression in the Middle East. AEI operated during a Republican administration, the Post operates in a Democratic one. Old wine in a new bottle. Jennifer Rubin, the latest hire ...
- Friedman seeks to blame Palestinians for breakdown ...When Camp David went down in 2000, Arafat was blamed, famously. Well the failure of the Obama peace talks are clearly in Israel's lap this time. Tom Friedman is trying to change the optics by blaming both sides, over and over, in a form of rhetorical bludgeoning:It demonstrates just how disconnected ...
- Israel: PA must change school curriculumPalestinian kids shouldn't be learning that the occupation is bad while they are being occupied. So says Minister Uzi Landau:Israel declared Sunday that it does not expect a final settlement with the Palestinian Authority (PA) until the Ramallah-based administration completely changes the Palestinia ...
- Israel has lately shot 20 Palestinans working in G ...and other news from Today in Palestine:Land, property, resource theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / SettlersDemolition on the Road 90 - No. 2 8 Dec - (Photo) Wednesday Israeli bulldozers didn't only destroyed a vegetable shop on the Road 90, they also cut six trees few kilometers away. Those tr ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Dark Side of The Vitamin K ShotApart from the trauma inflicted on a newborn of getting the shot, the amount of Vitamin K injected into newborns is 20,000 times the needed dose. The injection also contains a preservative, Benzyl alcohol, that can be especially toxic for your babyâs delicate, young immune system. A parent has to k ...
- VRM: UK Institutes Brand of Medical Martial Law Wi ...As of January 1st, 2011, all children in the UK, upon reaching the age of 1, will be subject to a one stop, 6 vaccine assault. In what is being labeled ‘Super-vaccination’ day, babies will now get a series of 3 injections in one visit, a combination of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella [...]
- VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The ...PRIMARY FACTORS WHICH DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF VACCINE RELATED NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE: 1. POINT OF ENTRY Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, a route which literally bypasses one’s natural defences altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses, heavy metals, antibiotics, deterge ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Syne ...Toxicity is defined in the Medical lexicon as “a condition that results from exposure to a toxin or to toxic amounts of a substance that does not cause adverse effects in smaller amounts.” Vaccine-induced toxicity, while similar in some respects to this model, requires a deeper understanding in term ...
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner for ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- American Arrogance13 December 2010 There have been many comments about American arrogance.� During my travels to 48 United States and over 50 countries -- most of those states and countries multiple times -- some themes have emerged.There is a pervasive sense in the United States that we are THE best.� I've seen this ...
- Inside the Inferno: Please call this number to order my new book, "Inside the Inferno," today:Delivery is scheduled for January 2011.� All copies ordered now will be autographed. Merry Christmas! Michael
- Geotags and Social NetworkingPlease click here to view the entire document. {loadposition user8}
- INSIDE THE INFERNO: Book Delivery UpdateMy friends,� Quick update on INFERNO, our latest and biggest book project: it�s nearing completion. I�m reviewing final pages with photographs this week. But, I'm sorry to say, we won�t quite have it ready for Christmas. �A project like this takes a small army to see through. It has been a huge un ...
- For Thai Readers03 December 2010 Merry Christmas Thailand!� I see Christmas decorations in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.� (Though it might be strange for Buddhists.)� I've also seen many Christmas decorations in places like Hanoi, Singapore, and even Jakarta. Two articles featuring my work are in the October and Decemb ...
The Killing Train
- Spinning the leaksMy daily routine these days includes going to the Wikileaks twitter feed (twitter.com/wikileaks), which took me to this story in the UK Guardian about how Saudi Arabia proposed an Arab force to invade Lebanon. The Guardian is definitely the best site on the Wikileaks, and for data in general - they ...
- Wikileaks CablegateThe US Embassy cables put out by Wikileaks are not the truth. Even though I knew it, a part of me was disappointed at how ideological some of the cables were. Take #09TELAVIV1060, "Rep. Wexler discusses Iran with IDF Intelligence". The entire discussion is about the threat posed by Iran to Israel. E ...
- Would anyone be unhappy if Tom Flanagan disappeare ...I know I wouldn't... and no, I don't think it's manly. I think it's disgusting.
- Wikileaks Cablegate! Panamanians hope for a succes ...I was just peeking around Wikileaks's Cablegate (cablegate.wikileaks.org). This looks like the real thing folks! Take a look at this 1989 cable on Panama for example: http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/1989/12/89PANAMA8545.html SUBJECT: PANAMANIANS HOPE FOR A SUCCESSFUL COUP More analysis to foll ...
- Political theory interludeManuel suggested I read Norberto Bobbio, an Italian socialist writer on democracy. So I picked up his "Which Socialism?" In it, Bobbio argues that there's no necessary connection between democracy and socialism. Contrary to what socialists would like to believe, democracy doesn't automatically happe ...
- "Plus-Energy House with Electromobility" Dream Hom ...Images credit ILEK You can't always get what you want, but but dream homes always show a lot more than you need. From the beloved Monsanto House of the Future to Michelle Kaufmann's Smart Home in Chicago, they always have more gizmos, more space and even more parking than most people can ever d ...
- Switching to LED Christmas Lights Could Save One F ...Photo via antijoe The Faucher family in Deleware has an affinity for holiday lighting, or rather, an obsession. The family decorates their house with a whopping one million lights. If your jaw dropped open, we're right there with you. The total cost of their energy bill at the end of the month ...
- 11 Best Holiday Movies and Their Subtle Green Mess ...Screenshot: YouTube You might not realize it when you watch them again and again year after year, but some classic holiday films are sending messages above and beyond 'don't be a Scrooge.' If you look a little closer at these 11 great films -- from "Gremlins" to "A Christmas Carol" -- you' ...
- Which Came First, The Bike Or The Bike Lane? (Vide ...Image credit ::Modern Mechanix When Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious asked "What came first, the bikes, or the bike lanes? Do bike facilities encourage people to bike? Or are they a response to increased demand after there are more bikes on the road?" I sent him a link to a post we did showing ...
- Weekday Vegetarian: Caramelized Butternut Squash w ...Photo: Kelly Rossiter Here is a great recipe to add to your repertoire. I made this for a dinner party, and in the last minute rush forgot to mix the squash with the pesto. Honestly, the caramelized squash itself was so delicious, nobody noticed the missing ingredient. The pesto on it's own wa ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Thai PM denies Burma nuke rumoursAbhisit stands by Burma's recent pledge that it wants to see a nuclear-free Southeast Asia as leaked cables suggest otherwise
- Farmers lose out in Karen conflictClashes force farmers to abandon crops and instead rely on loans from local businessmen as reports of government extortion circulate
- $2m bounty for Wa druglordImages of Wei Hsueh-kang printed on beer mats and bottle labels in Bangkok nightspots as the DEA joins Thailand in tracking druglord
- Burma army retreats from Karen flashpointFighting eases around Hpalu and Burmese troops withdraw after Karen forces received added support from a reinvigorated student army
- Top US official rued ‘ineffective’ sanctionsFormer head of US embassy in Rangoon said in a 2008 cable that sanctions were not comprehensive, and suggested lifting visa ban on generals
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Cancun climate change summit: David Cameron 'satis ...David Cameron has expressed his satisfaction at a climate change package that will see the rich world committed to forking out billions of pounds every year to stop global warming, but delay plans to cut carbon emissions.
- Cancun climate agreement: Analysis of the textThe Cancun agreement commits the world to a series of decisions under the United Nations. But what has the world agreed to?
- Cancun climate change summit: Bolivians dance to a ...As the Cancun climate change talks close, Louise Gray reports on the battle between the Bolivians and the bureaucrats.
- Households face higher bills for using home applia ...Households will pay more to use their washing machine or cooker in the late afternoon after government green advisers said prices should vary by time of day.
- Cancun Climate Change Conference agrees plan to cu ...193 countries agreed to carbon emissions cuts in 'historic deal'.
National Geographic | Environment
- New Chemistry, Less Energy Could Yield Greener Cem ...Making cement is one of the world’s most carbon-intensive endeavors, but German researchers think they’ve mixed a better building solution.
- Mystery of Slow Earthquakes Solved?Unfolding over days or even months, the little-understood quakes may help prevent the big ones.
- Ten Weirdest New Animals of 2010: Editors' PicksNoneA fish with "hands," a T. Rex leech, and a self-cloning lizard are among National Geographic News's picks for the weirdest new species in 2010.
- Ten NatGeo News Stories You Might Have Missed in 2 ...NoneSee our editors' picks of the best stories of 2010 that flew under the radar, including space-time "wrinkles" and squid plastic surgery.
- PHOTOS: "Alarming" Amazon Drought—River Hits New L ...NoneA megadrought has gripped the Amazon, drying up rivers and cutting off thousands of forest communities dependent on boat traffic for survival.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Ninth Circuit reinstates suit by Armenian genocide ...[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [official website] on Friday reversed [opinion, PDF] its prior decision and allowed a suit by the heirs of victims of the Armenian genocide [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive] to proceed. The court decided 2-1 to withdraw its August ruling [ ...
- Sudan civil society group challenges southern refe ...[JURIST] A Sudanese civil society group filed a lawsuit Sunday challenging the actions of the commission handling the January 9 self-determination referendum in southern Sudan. The challenge, filed with the Sudanese Constitutional Court, alleges that the commission violated the procedures [Reuters r ...
- Serbia court acquits 10 accused of aiding war crim ...[JURIST] The First Municipal Court in Belgrade [official website, in Serbian] on Friday acquitted 10 men suspected of helping former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic [case materials; JURIST news archive] evade arrest. Mladic is one of two high-level targets still at large under the jurisdic ...
- Top Croatia official arrested for war crimes[JURIST] Croatian police on Friday arrested a former senior member of the nation's ruling party for alleged war crimes he committed against Serbian civilians in 1991 during the Serbo-Croatian war [GlobalSecurity backgrounder]. The arrest of former interior ministry official Tomislav Mercep comes jus ...
- Germany court rejects El-Masri CIA rendition suit[JURIST] A German administrative court dismissed [press release, in German] a lawsuit filed by Khaled El-Masri [JURIST news archive] seeking the arrest and extradition of 13 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [official website] agents whom El-Masri claims kidnapped and illegally detained him in 2003 ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- A Primary Challenge to Obama?The apoplexy of loud liberals probably won't be enough to spur a credible primary challenge to President Obama. That's because Obama enjoys extremely high approval ratings among African Americans, who are not likely to desert him for anyone else, because the White House and the Democratic National C ...
- WikiLeaks: One Analyst, So Many DocumentsTo date, Bradley Manning stands accused only of providing a classified video of U.S. operations in Iraq to WikiLeaks. But U.S. government officials say they consider Manning the prime suspect behind the flood of documents that have wound up being promulgated by the group determined to bust U.S. secr ...
- After North Korean Attack, Obama Waits for BeijingIn the wake of North Korea's artillery fusillade, President Obama's foreign-policy team is looking to see whether China, which has the most leverage with the isolated regime, responds in a way that the administration considers productive. MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL: Ostrich Oversight? ...
- I Am a Blogger No LongerThis is my final blog post for The Atlantic. Five years ago, as a way to boost the competitive metabolism of The Hotline, Chuck Todd hired me away from ABC News to create "Hotline On Call." I was to be the first political reporter working for a mainstream news organization whose output would be exc ...
- Billy Joel Explains the ElectionWhat explains the partial collapse of the Democratic Party in the industrial Midwest? Billy Joel, in Allentown, caught the moment decades before it happened...the last time the economy in Pennsylvania transitioned away from coal and steel. Educated, hard-working people. The generational tension. Th ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Canada at War in Iraq! New 54-page COAT re ...
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Video: GOD-TV’s Nakba Against Bedouin Negev Villag ...Max Blumenthal and I have joined to produce this video which tells the tale of the Nakba committed against the Bedouin village of Al Araqib by the Israeli State land thieves. We’ve included “precious” (an in-joke–you’ll have to watch the video) footage of GOD-TV’s Rory Alec extolling the beauty of t ...
- Israeli Photographer’s Stunning Photo of the YearI just read about the Local Testimony photo awards given to the best work by Israel’s professional photographers. Â Daniel Bar On–whose shocking image from an Israeli nationalist rally outside the Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv, which supported the IDF attack on the Mavi Marmara–won the award for best ...
- Links for 2010-03-21 [Digg]Happy Passover: Settlers, Immigrants, and Jewish Values "You shall not oppress the stranger because you know the soul of the stranger for you yourselves were immigrants in the land of Egypt (Exodus 23:9)"
- Kissinger: ‘Gas Chambers Not American Concern’Henry Kissinger is a foul human being, plain and simple. Â Let’s concede that he was a Jew seeking to ingratiate himself with the Republican powers that be beginning with Nelson Rockefeller, who was his mentor, and then with Richard Nixon. Â So in a sense he had to pretend to ignore any element of a ...
- Israeli Chief Rabbi Orders Shop Owners Who Employ ...I couldn’t have made this up myself if I’d tried: the rabbis of the largely Yemenite city of Rosh Ha-Ayin (English), including the chief rabbi, declared a ban on hiring Arabs at stores which employ Jewish girls. Â I swear to you, it’s true. Â If you’d told me this story came out of Pakistan or Kanda ...
Ode Magazine
- The oneness of humanityBy: Anne Thomas The other night I had the privilege of attending a party of Middle Easterners. It was a farewell get-together for an Iranian friend. He and his wife were heading to the U.S. to work at a university. Of course, everyone was happy for them, so the mer ...
- Lessons in Chan livingBy: donaldhwong Do majority of us know what needs to be done to better ourselves, the ones we love and the world? Of course. We all have some idea of what is right and necessary. The difficulty really is in the execution. We are either too busy or too easily s ...
- True peace in the smallest placeBy: PeaceCorso The Science of Mind has been a relative mainstay in my spiritual practice for many years. Its founder, Ernest Holmes, was a great mind. His goal was to integrate science and the depths of humankind. That’s why I like this quote: "When we c ...
- Time to call our bluffBy: Peter Merry bluff, to deceive or seek to deceive by concealment of weakness or show of self-confidence or threats (orig. in poker to conceal poor cards). - call someone’s bluff to expose or challenge someone’s bluff (Chambers Concise Dictionary) “Words oug ...
- Keeping it local to rebuild shattered livesBy: Amanda_TWW A British expatriate, Figen Cakir has lived in Turkey for nearly two decades. She experienced first hand the devastation the Golcuk earthquake had on her community in 1999. More than a decade after, the local people are still rebuilding their lives, ...
OpEd News
- THE WARNING HAS BEEN GIVENKeep an eye on Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank (Skull & Bones member at Yale) if you want to know where the power strucutre is heading...read my analysis on his latest piece called "Obama finally stands his ground"....against the left
- Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics"and Baby Selling?Profit motives in a the mega-billion dollar child adoption industry and misguided do-gooders promote the redistribution of children over any efforts to ameliorate the tragedies that cause family separation and loss that leads to adoption. Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet is an extremist who believes baby ...
- New Tea Party Rep Backs Earmark-Crazed Colleague f ...After running for Congress on an anti-earmarks campaign, Representative-elect Nan Hayworth (NY-19) was quick to change her tune. She's backing the "Prince of Pork," for Appropriations Chair.
- Towards a North American Security PerimeterThere are numerous reports circulating that Canada and the U.S. are secretly negotiating a security and trade deal which could be signed as early as January 2011. The proposed agreement would establish a security perimeter as a means to better secure North America and stimulate trade. Various bilate ...
- Labor's Last Stand in 2011?The stage is set, and the main actors in Congress and in the corporate establishment are ready to perform, having rehearsed behind closed doors for the coming assault on organized labor's most powerful sector, public workers.
- Smart growth principles for the 21st centuryLast week, I posited that it was time to update "smart growth" - the shared vision that knits together most advocacy undertaken under the banner. New concerns have emerged since, for example, the well-known “ten principles” of smart growth were formulated and adopted by the Smart ...
- Senate Tax Bill a Major Step Backwards for the Env ...The tax bill agreed to last Thursday by Senators Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell contains an energy package that would cause substantial environmental harm. The offending provisions are the tax credits for corn ethanol and liquid coal. While the bill contains several critically needed ...
- NY Becomes First State to Impose a Moratorium on H ...Today, New York became the first state to stand up to big oil and gas by imposing a formal moratorium on any new drilling using the controversial technology of high volume hydraulic fracturing - or "fracking" - prohibiting it from proceeding in the state unless demonstrated to be safe. ...
- Cancun Agreements: A Foundation from which to buil ...Early this morning, Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa gaveled home an agreement by over 190 countries which came together and demonstrated a renewed commitment to the fight against global warming. The Cancun Agreements* are a detailed set of visionary, yet pragmatic principles ...
- Final Results at the Cancun Climate Talks: Clear P ...The climate agreement struck in Cancun at 3:30 in the morning today was a significant step forward to reduce global warming emissions and prepare countries to lessen the impacts of climate change. As the Mexican President of COP 16 Patricia Espinosa reiterated throughout the negotiat ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- What Should Wikileakers Leak Next?Nick Kapur’s halfway satirical list includes “the disappearance of Crystal Pepsi” and the “the embarrassing lack of college football playoffs.” But with a new banking-related leak promised next, plus a proliferation of Wiki-Clones, it’s fair to ask: what sort of information would we most like to hav ...
- “Wholly Without Merit”: The 10th Anniv ...Today is the 10th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s disgraceful Bush v. Gore decision.  Where exactly the decision ranks among the worst decisions in Supreme Court history depends on what metric you’re using.  Certainly, the Supreme Court has issued many, many more immoral rulings throughou ...
- LGM Bowl Mania!I have created an LGM Bowl Mania league. Â Let’s remember; the default point arrangement has the BYU-UTEP game as the most important (35 point) game, and the UO-Auburn game as the least important (1 point). Â This is to say that higher numbers indicate more confidence. Â You’d think that the fine r ...
- Who Would Win in a Fight?Yes yes yes with the Right’s vaguely homoerotic fetish with authoritarian strongmen. Â That said, the question the question that’s obsessed me since last week runs as follows: Who would win in a fight? Vladimir Putin vs. the Most Interesting Man in the World? Related posts:Vlad and Ben Sarkozy Br ...
- You Know You’ve Made Itwhen LibDemVoice somehow picks up a conference paper of yours (this one presented at EPOP in Essex mid September of this year). Long story short: the electoral consequences of raising taxes impacts different parties differently. Caveat: the version cited would seem to be an earlier draft, as my co ...
Desert Research Institute
- Top Cited Article in the Journal of Human Evolutio ...Dr. Glenn Berger is lead author in top-cited article in Journal of Human Evolution. The article "Luminescence chronology of cave sediments at the Atapuerca paleoanthropological site, Spain" was the top-cited article published in the Journal of Human Evolution for the period of 2008 to 2010.
- DRI Researcher Published in Nature GeoscienceThe atmosphere over the Dead Sea, researchers have found, is laden with oxidized mercury. Some of the highest levels of oxidized mercury ever observed outside the polar regions exist there.
- Taking Your Home’s Energy TemperatureAn article authored by DRI Associate Research Professor Emeritus Charles “Fred “Rogers, Ph.D., outlines the best practices for homeowners who are looking to save money on their home heating and cooling bills.
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering CompanyDRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
Earth Techling
- Home Energy Monitor Concept Handles Temp
- UNEP Study Details Worldwide CFL Savings
- Iowa State Research Improves Solar Cells
- Your Guide to Energy Efficient Lighting
- 2011 Looks Good For Cleantech Investment
National Law Journal | U.S.
- An appellate challenge to law barring federal empl ...The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit heard arguments on Dec. 8 about the constitutionality of a federal law barring men who failed to register for the draft by age 26 from federal employment.
- Court appears sympathetic to Arizona in immigratio ...Arizona's crackdown on employers who hire unauthorized aliens won sympathy and support from a number of justices during Supreme Court arguments Wednesday in a challenge to the Granite state's immigration law.
- Barnes & Thornburg attorney disciplined for hiring ...The Indiana Supreme Court has publicly reprimanded a Barnes & Thornburg attorney, Hiroaki Nishikawara, for patronizing a prostitute in February.
- 2010 Law Firm Billing SurveyThe National Law Journal's annual survey of billing rates found that 2010 was the second straight year of growth rates less than 3 percent, a fraction of the rates of the mid-2000s.
- Legal Times 150Washington firms have shed lawyers at a nearly unprecedented clip. Our annual ranking of the largest law offices in the nation's capital reports a 4.5% reduction in headcount — the biggest drop in 25 years.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Pittsburgh Sets Model to Reject Corporate-Imposed ...November 30, 2010 By S.B. Thompson Chambersburg, PA – Edited for length * The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) is actively involved in many issues to help prevent corporations from raping America’s land and resources, including speaking out against uranium mining and mountaintop re ...
- Investigating the US Gas BoomI know many of you are becoming very aware of the natural gas boom happening in the Mid Atlantic area. This video covers some old ground but it also discusses some very current issues and is a great intro for anyone who is trying to learn about the problems with the fracking process. http://www.thee ...
- Under the Influence of Fracking?In addition to the environmental and health threats posed by gas drilling, driving on PA roadways is also becoming more dangerous. The Pennsylvania State Police and the Department of Environmental Protection announced that during an October three-day joint safety enforcement operation, three out of ...
- Speaking Out on Water IssuesTiadaghton Audubon Society is pleased and privileged to have Sean Saville, National Field Director of the National Audubon Society speak on the Gulf Oil Spill at our annual meeting on Wednesday November 17 at 7:30PM in Mansfield Pa at the Holy Child Church, 242 South Main St. He has extensive and in ...
- DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More TransparentCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Dept. of Environmental Protection Commonwealth News Bureau Room 308, Main Capitol Building Harrisburg PA., 17120 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11/1/2010 CONTACT: Jamie Legenos, Department of Environmental Protection DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More Transpare ...
News Blaze
- Religions of The World Teach Unity and Enlightenme ...Diversity is a typical characteristic of humanity. It is a common attribute. The development of several different traditions, practices, beliefs and methods of worship originated within the various cultures in different parts of the globe from time-
- Five Civilians Injured and Houses Burned in Darfur ...The ground attack occurred this morning in Khor Abeche, a village located 80 kilometres north-east of the South Darfur capital of Nyala, the joint UN-AU mission in Darfur (UNAMID) said in a news release.
- Facebook Co-Founder Zuckerberg Donates Majority ...Zuckerberg has estimated $7 billion worth of assets. He is one of the 57th and the youngest billionaire to sign up for 'The Giving Pledge.' It is an effort to invite the wealthiest individuals and families in America to commit to giving
- Christian Evangelist Father Johnson Reveals That ...Interview of a Christian Evangelist in India: a revealing one If you have not already read this, it is quite revealing in the way such evangelists think in how they will acquire India as a new Christian country, and how they expect to do it.
- Norwegian Churches Strongly Support The Rights of ...Multicultural Church Network wants to challenge the churches, politicians and society in Norway to accept their part of the responsibility for creating a just and inclusive society.
environment 360
- Modest Cancun Agreements Revive Faltering Climate ...International negotiations to slow global warming, which were dealt a serious blow after last year's chaotic meeting in Copenhagen, appeared to get back on track in Cancun, Mexico with a series of agreements on limited steps to curb emissions and adapt to rising temperatures. Negotiators from roughl ...
- ‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to Chi ...To offset their own carbon emissions, European companies have been wildly overpaying China to incinerate a powerful greenhouse gas known as hfc 23. And in a bizarre twist, those payments have spurred the manufacture of a harmful refrigerant that is being smuggled into the U.S. and used illegally. ...
- Mountain Gorilla Population in Central Africa Grow ...The population of endangered mountain gorillas in a critical region of Central Africa has increased more than 25 percent since 2003, a new report says. According to a recent census, wildlife officials counted 480 gorillas in a 180-square-mile area that straddles three national parks in the Democrati ...
- Increased Plant Growth Caused by Rising C02 Could ...Increases in plant growth expected as a result of a projected doubling of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere could create a cooling effect that would help reduce future global warming, according to new NASA computer models. Specifically, researchers say that increased leaf growth that occurs wh ...
- Growth of Cloud Computing Will Yield Large Reducti ...The rapid growth of cloud computing could reduce energy usage in the global information technology industry by 38 percent by 2020, according to a new report. Cloud computing refers to Internet-based computing in which data and applications are shared between computers on demand, rather than hosted o ...
Red Ice Creations
- Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath the Per ...Veiled beneath the Persian Gulf, a once-fertile landmass may have supported some of the earliest humans outside Africa some 75,000 to 100,000 years ago, a new review of research suggests. At its peak, the floodplain now below the Gulf would have been about the size of Great Britain, and then shrank ...
- Assange's Rape Accuser Anna Ardin a CIA Agent?"Assange Rape Accuser Flees to West Bank, Claims to be a CIA Agent" you might have seen the headline floating around today. Huffington Post among many others have picked up the story. Well, a few things needs to be cleared up about this. First off all, Anna Ardin's Twitter feed has obviously been hi ...
- Sex of The Fourth Kind: Alien-Human Sex StudiesPart of the understanding of the interaction between alien and humans on Earth is not just in understanding alien tactics and underlying alien motives. It is of a sexual nature. The astounding answer in part begins with the realization that we are, by nature, beyond our awareness and general underst ...
- WikiLeaks 'struck a deal with Israel' over diploma ...We should obviously all support WikiLeaks and its founder and spokesperson, Julian Assange, who has just been arrested in Britain, in this dirty war by states around the globe against transparency and openness. But in the world of politics, sadly, things are never as innocent as they appear. Accordi ...
- Iceland Under Attack? HAARP Activity Corresponds t ...Who’d benefit, and why Iceland? 1. Iceland didn’t take the bail out and hasn’t wanted to knuckle under to the EU. They still have a strong free market economy and are poised for recovery. That’s not falling in line with the program. 2. In addition, Iceland recently established themselves as a "free ...
Russia Today
- Russian and South Korean foreign ministers hold ta ...Pyongyang's nuclear program and a return to the negotiating table are on the agenda, as Russia's foreign minister meets his South Korean counterpart.
- Those behind violence in Moscow will be dealt with ...President Dmitry Medvedev has posted a strong warning in his Twitter blog, vowing to deal with all those behind the riots that rocked the center of Moscow on Saturday, prompted by the killing of a football fan earlier...
- Aiming for the starsThe next international crew is preparing to blast off to the International Space Station, with the Russian Soyuz rocket raised into place on the launch pad.
- Fertility tourists eye RussiaA 64-year-old Swiss woman has become the oldest mother in her home country, after she gave birth to her first child through IVF in a Russian clinic.
- EU membership costs British taxpayers $76 million ...Jon Gaunt, head of the EU Referendum Campaign, believes that British people are being denied their democratic right to vote on costly EU membership.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Paracast: The Kivas of HeavenI was in an “Ancient Aliens” mood yesterday and caught up on some of the more recent Season 2 episodes on YouTube (and drove my wife nuts LOL). Some of them referenced the American desert Amerinds’ (Hopi, Apache, Ute, Navajo) legends of sky people and how they helped The People as they came out of ...
- Falcon and Dragon SoarAfter much gnashing and gritting of teeth, SpaceX’s second Falcon 9 and first Dragon launched at 10:43 a.m. EST to what become an event for the history books: SpaceX launched the Dragon spacecraft from Florida on a two-orbit test flight Wednesday, and the company brought the automated capsule back t ...
- SpaceX to attempt Dragon launchFrom Spaceflightnow: SpaceX plans to launch a robotic space capsule, fly it around the world two times, then order the craft back home Wednesday in a whirlwind test flight to demonstrate the ship’s readiness to NASA. The Falcon 9 rocket fired its nine Merlin first stage engines Saturday during a pre ...
- The Church of the Proper AltarFrom Wired: A NASA spokesperson has dismissed a major critique of the Science arsenic bug paper based not on the criticism’s merits, but on its venue — it appeared in a blog rather than a peer-reviewed journal. Apparently ideas are valid (or not) based not on their content, or even the reputation of ...
- NASA Mono Lake Discussion about “alien” ...On December 2nd, 2010, NASA scientists released a press conference about discovering “alien” life in Mono Lake, California. This life-form, instead of incorporating phosphorus into its DNA structure incorporated arsenic instead, which is a deadly poison to most life-forms on Earth, (including us!). ...
Tippers News
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against human ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The real terrorist was me - US Soldier -The Truth from a American Soldier who fought in an Unjust WAR in Iraq; thankfully his conscience willed him to admit that it was just a war for the rich elite few to get richer and had nothing to do with Patriosm or Security of Americans.He is a True HeroSubmitted by Mary P. to US Politics & Gov't ...
- BRUTAL TRUTH Of IRAQ WAR'War' on any country is a 'Terrorist Act.' How can it be anything else?? People sit in their cosy homes; happy and Falsely believing that the soldiers are in a Patriotic War; Well see for yourself and ask Whats Patriotic about Suffering of Human Beings?Submitted by Mary P. to US Politics & Gov't � ...
The Freeman
- Trade Deficit Prompts Anti-Chinese Notions“Long-simmering trade tensions between the United States and China have broken out into open verbal warfare, with some highly respected and influential voices on trade now advocating an all-out economic war with the Asian giant.” (Washington Times) Trade war = economic suicide. FEE Timely Classic “T ...
- Deficit Will Grow with Obama-GOP Bill“Republicans wanted more tax cuts. Democrats wanted more spending. They got both in the tax-cut deal President Obama struck with the GOP, and it’s the federal budget that will take the hit. Just 10 days after Mr. Obama’s deficit commission sounded an alarm over the long-term health of the government ...
- Social Security Champions Upset with Payroll Tax C ...“President Obama’s plan to cut payroll taxes for a year would provide big savings for many workers, but makes Social Security advocates nervous that it could jeopardize the retirement program’s finances.” (USA Today) At the core of Social Security lies intergenerational conflict. FEE Timely Classic ...
- Controversial Tax Bill Is Loaded with Goodies“The Senate released its bill Thursday to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for two years, but also renews a host of more minor tax provisions aimed at winning over recalcitrant Democrats in the House and Senate. The bill, which faces its first key test vote Monday in the Senate, mirrors the deal that Pr ...
- Obama May Try to Revamp Income Tax“President Obama is considering whether to push early next year for an overhaul of the income tax code to lower rates and raise revenues in what would be his first major effort to begin addressing the long-term growth of the national debtâ¦. The objective is to rid the code of its complex buildup of ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Skills for journalists: Again, the questionWhat skills does today’s journalist need to have? I do not think this question has only one answer. In a comment on a blog post by Robert Hernandez, Michael Grimaldi wrote: The highest skill of journalism is knowing the number of questions to ask, how many people of whom to ask them, and then rep ...
- Data journalism and programmer journalistsSome good stuff on this topic: Debate over journalism’s required skills gets heated, by Robert Hernandez: I do not believe you need to master programming to succeed in journalism. I do believe you need to respect and understand the power of each and every craft, not just programming, but photog ...
- Nitpicking some myths about digital journalismAndy Boyle wrote a response to Mark S. Luckie’s blog post 5 myths about digital journalism, and because I left a comment on Mark’s post, Andy called me out on Twitter. Now, I know Mark a little and Andy not at all (except via his tweets), but I think they are both bright and sincere young journalist ...
- Online video, audiences, sharing: Putting it all t ...I thought about titling this post “Another stupid way news sites waste time and effort by failing to understand the Web and how people use it,” but I thought maybe that was far too broad, since it covers so many things. This post is really about how journalism organizations could use video intellig ...
- Online video, links, and people: Putting it all to ...I spend a lot of time speaking (and thinking) about online video — both journalism video and the broader YouTube varieties. When we think about how people use online video — and by “people” I mean mostly North Americans in the college and university student age group — we have to consider sharing. ...
Facing South
- Got the holiday spirit?I'll admit it, I've got the holiday spirit. Not the fruitcake-eating, gizmo-buying kind. I'm talking about the spirit of friendship, giving thanks and excitement about the promise of a New Year. I'm thankful for yo ...
- VOICES: Today's $7 billion new nuke attackBy Harvey Wasserman, NukeFree.org The White House and nuclear power industry are on the brink of grabbing $7 billion in new taxpayer-funded loan guarantees for new reactors. But they can be stopped.� Taxpayer and environmental groups are asking citizens to call their Senators urging deletion of t ...
- Jury convicts three, acquits two in post-Katrina p ...By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica A federal jury last night convicted three current or former New Orleans police officers in connection with the death of Henry Glover, a 31-year old man who was shot by a police officer and died in custody shortly after Hurricane Katrina tore through Louisiana in 2005 ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The war on WikiLeaksYear that President Woodrow Wilson called for "open diplomacy" that "shall proceed always frankly and in the public view": 1918 Number of secret U.S. diplomatic cables the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks released beginning in November: more than 251,000 Number of classified U.S. war files from Iraq t ...
- VOICES: Kentucky's investigation into coal company ...By Matt Wasson, Appalachian Voices Last Friday the State of Kentucky announced that they had negotiated a $660,000 settlement with three coal companies over 2,765 water quality related violations at 103 coal mining operations in Kentucky. Based on a recent analysis by Appalachian Water Watch te ...
Worldpress - Africa
- U.S. Dual-Track Policy in SomaliaIn a country with layers of complexity, clan warfare and a broken state, the Obama administration is taking an appropriately complex approach to stabilizing Somalia, one that may or may not bear fruit.
- Preventing Maternal Deaths in West AfricaDr. Fredanna M'Cormack and her Bele Uman Project are working in Sierra Leone to save the lives of pregnant mothers and their babies.
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Zimbabweans Still SufferingOn a daily basis, the people of Zimbabwe face starvation, poverty, corruption and oppression, and their government is highly unlikely to bail them out anytime soon.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Vimy RidgeVimy Ridge, battle fought 9-14 April 1917 during WORLD WAR I . The long, low ridge formed a key position linking the Germans' new HINDENBURG LINE to their main trench lines leading north from HILL 70 near Arras, France.
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle “disposable” ...We’ve had an email from Philip, asking about disposable hair nets: I work in food production (ready meal factory) and have to wear a hair net whenever I’m on the floor. Some staff have proper hats but the rest of us have to have single use hair nets. Management say it’s cheaper but I think [...]
- Perk up your garden with ash from Bonfire Night fi ...Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night in the UK – also known as Bonfire Night. Up and down the country, people will be setting fire to stacks of wood and sending millions of £££s up in smoke in firework form, just getting a short “ooh” and “aah” (and occasionally “arrgh!!”) in return. It’s not all waste-wa ...
- What can I reuse or recycle to make a draft exclud ...Ok, put your hand up if you’re cold. I’m guessing everyone in the northern hemisphere is waving at their computers right now. It’s pretty brr. On my frugal/cooking/growing blog The Really Good Life, I’ve written about the five frugal ways I’ll be keeping warm this winter – but one thing I missed off ...
- How can I reuse or recycle curtain swatches?We’ve had an email from Stephannie: Just having our lounge curtains replaced and got a lot of fabric swatches to check out colours etc before hand. Not sure what to do with them now. They’re mostly about A4 size with fractions of big patterns on. Thought about little coin purses or pin cushions but ...
- How can I reuse or recycle old net curtains?We’ve had an email from Shannon: We’ve got loads of net curtains from the days before we all realised they were naff! They’re chintzy and are nylon or polyester or something. Do you have any recycling ideas? If they’re still in good condition, you could try passing them on – ask on Freecycle/Freegle ...
- Adeeb Abu Rahma, a leader of nonviolent protest, i ...What a beautiful smile! A Gandhi of nonviolent protest, Adeeb Abu Rahma, has been released by the Israelis after two years in detention. You can see Joseph Dana's picture of Abu Rahma holding his daughter as he leaves prison here. And Hamdi Abu Rahma, who took the picture at left, reports:Bil'in - R ...
- ‘Washington Post’’s new blogger ...The Washington Post has replaced the American Enterprise Institute as the primary hub of neoconservative arguments for U.S. aggression in the Middle East. AEI operated during a Republican administration, the Post operates in a Democratic one. Old wine in a new bottle. Jennifer Rubin, the latest hire ...
- Friedman seeks to blame Palestinians for breakdown ...When Camp David went down in 2000, Arafat was blamed, famously. Well the failure of the Obama peace talks are clearly in Israel's lap this time. Tom Friedman is trying to change the optics by blaming both sides, over and over, in a form of rhetorical bludgeoning:It demonstrates just how disconnected ...
- Israel: PA must change school curriculumPalestinian kids shouldn't be learning that the occupation is bad while they are being occupied. So says Minister Uzi Landau:Israel declared Sunday that it does not expect a final settlement with the Palestinian Authority (PA) until the Ramallah-based administration completely changes the Palestinia ...
- Israel has lately shot 20 Palestinans working in G ...and other news from Today in Palestine:Land, property, resource theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / SettlersDemolition on the Road 90 - No. 2 8 Dec - (Photo) Wednesday Israeli bulldozers didn't only destroyed a vegetable shop on the Road 90, they also cut six trees few kilometers away. Those tr ...
Media Consortium
- The New York Times Introduces The Evolution of the ...As reported by the Atlantic, The New York Times has snuck in an update to its hyperlink feature. The new feature allows users to link to and highlight individual sentences and paragraphs in its web stories. While it could be a tad complicated for an average reader, it’s a great tool for writers and ...
- Fundly + Facebook = Millions in Micro-Donations fo ...One startup that's trying to capture the heat of micro-donations and make them more social is Fundly, which started life as BlueSwarm in 2009 before moving to Palo Alto, Calif., from Boston. The donation platform lets candidates begin taking micro-donations online quickly, and even embed those effor ...
- ProPublica Takes Press+ Out For A Spin | paidConte ...ProPublica is going public today as the latest customer of Press+, the payment platform from Journalism Online.The investigative nonprofit is the most high-profile addition so far from a recent grant by The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation designed to encourage its grantees to try new methods ...
- Jim VandeHei Talks Politico Pro : CJRAn interview w/Jim VandenHei about Politico Pro, which will provide 'high-impact, high-velocity reporting on the politics of energy, technology and health care reform' for political and policy professionals. At what price? $2,495 for the first subscriber to a single vertical such as energy; and afte ...
- Discounted memberships: A short term gain with lon ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Proteomics pioneer John Fenn is dead at 93John Fenn, who shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, died on 10 December in Richmond, Virginia, aged 93. In the late 1980s, he developed a way to gently separate clumped proteins into individual, aerosolized molecules, called electrospray ionisation. This method, when combined with mass s ...
- Reversing aging in miceA drug compound appears to make muscle stem cells in aged mice act like their former selves. Amy Wagers of the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Mass, has for some time been able to show that parabiosis, in which the circulatory systems of young mice are spliced with those of older mice, gives ...
- Climate negotiators reach "balanced" agreement in ...Official word came early this morning that an agreement had been reached in Cancun (New York Times). The modest deal staved off the very real threat of outright collapse in the talks, which would have provoked a truly existential crisis for the process. It also accomplished pretty much exactly what ...
- Cancun goes down to the wireThe climate talks are in their final stage in Cancun, and judging by reports nobody really has any idea how things will turn out. Here's a random sample of headlines: Cancun: Can We Avert Climate Chaos? Climate talks move toward limp end Kyoto Protocol Splits Nations at Tense Cancun Climat ...
- NIH panel approves more stem cell linesA key advisory panel to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) director has recommended that four additional human embryonic stem cell lines be added to those eligible for US funding. If agency director Francis Collins concurs in coming days with the advice offered on 9 December by his advisory ...
new geography
- If California Is Doing So Great, Why Are So Many L ...Superficially at least, California’s problems are well known. Are they well understood? Apparently not. About a year ago Time ran an article, "Why California is Still America's future," touting California's future, a future that includes gold-rush-like prosperity in an environmentally pure little ...
- Are Developers Greedy, Or Just Misunderstood?Construction starts in Australia, like much of the English-speaking world, are falling across a spectrum from commercial to retail, industrial and housing. Construction industry jobs - one of the few sources for well compensated blue collar employment - are going with them. Yet developers, the very ...
- Building the Train to NowhereThe California High Speed Rail Authority has approved building its first 54 miles in the San Joaquin Valley. A somewhat longer route, 65 miles, has been indicated in a number of press reports, but Authority documents indicate that only 54 miles of high speed rail track will be built. The route would ...
- Cities That Prosper, Cool or NotOver the past few years, the raging debate in economic development has been over whether cities should be cool or uncool. Should cities pursue “the creative economy” by going after arts, culture, creative research & development, and innovation? Or should they focus on the bread-and-butter economy: ...
- Education Wars: The New Battle For BrainsThe end of stimulus � as well as the power shift�in Congress � will have a profound effect on which regions and states can position themselves for the longer-term recovery. Nowhere will this be more critical than in the battle for brains. In the past, and the present, places have competed for smart ...
GM Watch
- Jeffrey Smith, Michael Hansen vs Pam Ronald on Dr. ...
- Worms eat into GM crop myth - Insects expected to ...
- No-till: A big white lie?
- Carbon credits for no-till with GM crops and glyph ...
- Comments by Dr Doug Gurian-Sherman on article, "Ar ...
- Jonathan Franzen: the Great American MalthusianFranzen’s deep misanthropy prevents Freedom from being a good novel: his characters’ lack of nobility means they just aren’t interesting.
- Catch 2022 for QatarThe prospect of Qatar hosting a World Cup has prompted a whole lot of prejudice-venting against the Middle East.
- Australia: are you England in disguise?No killer instinct, riddled with self-doubt and with the media on their backs, the Aussies are acting like Poms.
- Don’t just mention the warFrom Bratwurst to Brecht, the BBC’s German season was a welcome change from British TV’s obsession with Nazis.
- Climate change is a practical problem, not a moral ...Has ‘skeptical environmentalist’ and scourge of Greenpeace Bjorn Lomborg really had a change of heart and turned green? Er, no, he tells spiked.
- Investigators Suspect Vatican Bank Used Clergy to ...Via: Independent: The Vatican Bank is under new scrutiny in a case involving money-laundering allegations that led police to seize â¬23m (£19.25m) in September. The Vatican calls the seizure of assets a “misunderstanding” and expresses optimism it will be quickly cleared up. But fresh court documen ...
- Swedish Armed Forces Employee Gave a Warning to Ac ...The original source of this is TT in Sweden. Via: The Local: A Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) employee warned an acquaintance to stay clear of an area in central Stockholm on Saturday where, several hours later, two explosions went off in what is being called a terrorist attack. “If you can, ...
- U.S. Navy: Record Breaking Rail Gun ShotWhen I was at Brooks Institute in the 1990s, I used to be fascinated by the work done by the people who specialized in high speed photography (although, the food photography freaks were the weirdest kids on campus). I learned a bit about how speed stuff works, but that was a long time ago. Speeds [. ...
- American Intelligence Officials Created a ‘S ...Via: New York Times: After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to t ...
- A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivat ...Via: New York Times: On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan. The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable — and controversial — fields in ...
The Economic Collapse
- Happy Holidays? 28 Hard Questions It Would Be Grea ...Over the coming weeks, Americans will be wishing each other "happy holidays" millions upon millions of times. But are these really happy times? Record numbers of Americans are going to be going hungry and cold this winter. Millions upon millions of our fellow citizens would gladl ...
- Derivatives: The Quadrillion Dollar Financial Casi ...If you took an opinion poll and asked Americans what they considered the biggest threat to the world economy to be, how many of them do you think would give "derivatives" as an answer? But the truth is that derivatives were at the heart of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, and ...
- Start A Business? In The United States? Are You Ki ...Many of you have decided that you are going to attempt to start a business in the United States today. Many of you are still convinced that this is "the land of opportunity" and that starting a business is fairly easy. Are you sure about that? Are you certain that you have consid ...
- Currency Crisis! So What Happens If The Dollar And ...Some analysts are warning that the U.S. dollar is in danger of collapse because of the exploding U.S. government debt, the horrific U.S. trade deficit and the new round of quantitative easing recently announced by the Federal Reserve. Other analysts are warning the the euro is in d ...
- Happy Thanksgiving! Are You Better Off Today Than ...As you gather around the table with your family this Thanksgiving, ask yourself this question: are you better off today than you were four years ago? Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Both political parties have controlled the White House during the last four years - Barack O ...
- Malawi : to diversify maize with cassava and sweet ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://www.thestandard.co.zw/sports/27627-climate-change-dictates-diversification.html Climate change dictates diversification As a farmer, Chibonga does not see himself dropping maize even in light of climate change. âMaize is still a staple for this generation but ...
- Primary methods to prevent desertification: planti ...Read at : http://www.xomba.com/how_protect_your_land_becoming_desert How to Protect Your Land from Becoming a Desert Desertification is the process in which good, fertile land erodes, is warn away, by climate or destructive use into a desert. Once desertification has started there are … Continue rea ...
- (Re)-Greening the Desert by building up the underg ...Read at : http://www.nagafoundation.org/eng.cfm?greening-desert Greening the Desert Since as far back as the 1970s, the international community has recognised that desertification results in significant economic, social and environmental problems in regions throughout the world. Because of this, the ...
- Implementation of UNCCD in Pakistan (Google / Paki ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://pakistannewsblog.com/2010/12/118979/un-workshop-desertification-programmes-discussed/ UN Workshop: Desertification programmes discussed KHAIRPUR: A one-day consultative workshop on âImplementation of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ...
- Dominican Republic : stop deforestation and develo ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://episcopalclimatejustice.wordpress.com/2010/12/13/deforestation-intensive-storms-and-floods-show-effects-of-climate-change-in-dominican-republic/ Deforestation, intensive storms and floods show effects of climate change in Dominican Republic Reposted f ...
The Paper Trail
- Reform Reading: Fed’s First Webcast To Focus ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Reform Reading: SEC Tackles Energy Payments, ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- GOP Conference Chooses House ChairmenThe House Republican Conference met today to select committee chairmen for the 112th Congress, which begins in January. A month ago, the Center for Public Integrity examined the men most likely to take over these key panels in the new GOP-led U.S. House of Representatives.
- Reform Reading: Debit Card Use Up 15 Percent ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Reform Reading: Senator Asks Fed for Details of Lo ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- The security perimeter: It’s Aliiiiiive!By Alison@Creekside Well, it's back. The "one security perimeter" deep integration SPP/FTAA zombie, now with new and improved emphasis on security. You're shocked, I'm sure. Like it ever really died. The re-animators just learned not to dig it up and parade it around in parliament too often ...
- The polygamists down the streetBy Jodi A. Shaw Last week, Angela Campbell, a professor of law at McGill University, testified at a constitutional reference case examining Canada’s current polygamy law that the practice ought to be decriminalized. I wasn’t sure if I should gasp or applaud. Campbell visited Bountiful, B.C. in ...
- A little 4Chan justice for MastercardBy Frank Moher So 4Chan has finally found something useful to do with all its suppressed testerone and brought down the Mastercard site, in retaliation for the credit card company's decision to stop processing donations to WikiLeaks. They've also apparently done some serious damage to PayPal (for ...
- The Revolution Has Been Postponedby Eric Pettifor Last year I predicted that a small revolution in web apps would occur thanks to the introduction of Google Chrome OS, and may have implied that this would have a negative effect on the iPhone. I also expressed the opinion that if all went well with the ...
- Afghanistan worsens for womenPhoto: Afghan women students at Kabul University, 1995 By Alison@Creekside Speaking to his fellow members of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights last week at a meeting which heard that the situation for Afghan women has considerably worsened over the last two years, Lib MP Mario Sil ...
- Children who don't like fruit and vegetables ...--> Primary school children who don't like eating fruit and vegetables are 13 times more likely to develop functional constipation than children who do, according to a study in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing. Drinking less than 400ml of fluid a day also significantly incr ...
- When It Comes To Marketing, Twitter Destroys ...Eunju Lie | Dec. 13, 2010, 10:29 AM | 660 | 4 A A A � x Email Article From To Message Email Sent!...
- Monday Reading: The Outlook for Gas Prices ...A variety of consumer-focused articles appears daily in The New York Times and online in our blogs. Each weekday morning, we gather them together here so you can quickly scan the news that could hit your wallet. The outlook for gas prices. (Green) Amazon extended its free shipping deadline. (Bi ...
- Gomes believes Spurs are in title raceHeurelho Gomes insists Tottenham are still in the Barclays Premier League title hunt after their 1-1 draw with champions Chelsea. But the Spurs goalkeeper admitted they must start keeping clean sheets if they are to maintain their challenge at the top of the table. For once, it was Gomes' fault ...
- Facebook crimes have soared 7,400 per cent in ...Facebook crimes have soared by a staggering 7,400 per cent in the past three years, a police force revealed today. Cambridgeshire Police said 1,640 crimes this year have involved the social networking site - compared with only 22 in the whole of 2007. The figure rose to 155 incidents in 2008 an ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- It's not too late for Boomers to get in shapeNancy Garvey, 63, says she won't stoop to old age or inflexibility.
- HIV/AIDS at WikiLeaks: 4 cables have news (so far)As of today WikiLeaks has released only about 0.5% (1344 cables out of 251,287 total) of the State Department cables it has, creating headlines around the world. Only 4 of the 1344 cables released include the word HIV (a good search term for finding AIDS-related information). Here are the four cable ...
- Weight Watchers' PointsPlus scores points with som ...While some members are upset about the change, others are finding the new PointsPlus system is giving their weight-loss efforts a kick-start ...
- Scan detects womb cancer even before symptoms appe ...Researchers say the test could soon be used for routine screening of women who are most at risk of developing the illness.
- SULFACETAMIDE SODIUMsolution [Rebel Distributors C ...Updated Date: Dec 10, 2010 EST
Common Dreams
- Net Neutrality Lobbying to Peak this Weekby Cecilia KangExpect lobbying around net neutrality to reach fever pitch through Tuesday. After that, the Federal Communications Commission will go into its bunker to deliberate a draft of rules that will be voted on Dec. 21.read more
- Assange Attorney: Secret Grand Jury Meeting in Vir ...London -- A secret grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, is meeting to consider criminal charges in the WikiLeaks case, an attorney for the site's founder, Julian Assange, told the Al-Jazeera network in an interview.read more
- Will Republican Revolt on High-Speed Rail Projects ...by Huma Khan Many Americans soon could see European-style high-speed trains in their backyards, but a wave of Republican gubernatorial victories means the project -- once touted by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood as a "game changer" -- faces many obstacles ahead.Last week, the Department of Tran ...
- Inmates in Georgia Prisons Use Contraband Phones t ...by Sarah WheatonThe prison protest has entered the wireless age.Inmates in at least seven Georgia prisons have used contraband cellphones to coordinate a nonviolent strike this weekend, saying they want better living conditions and to be paid for work they do in the prisons.Inmates said they would n ...
- Analysis: Outlook Grim as US Touts Progress in Afg ...by Missy Ryan and Sayed SalahuddinWASHINGTON/KABUL - A long-awaited review of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan due on Thursday will report some progress despite the bloodiest year in nine years of war and signal no major change in President Barack Obama's plans.The review of the revised strategy for Afg ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Fargo and Cass County Cops for Ki ...ExamineReligion: Fargo and Cass County Cops for Kids: Christmas spirit for all involved http://exm.nr/dFe5ug
- ExamineReligion: Vayechi - Yaakov's blessing http: ...ExamineReligion: Vayechi - Yaakov's blessing http://exm.nr/eZeSkI
- ExamineReligion: Merry Christmas to all!`“Wh ...ExamineReligion: Merry Christmas to all!`“What's wrong with the public promotion of Christmas?” http://exm.nr/etsLDm
- ExamineReligion: Keep Short Accounts http://exm.nr ...ExamineReligion: Keep Short Accounts http://exm.nr/fSi7KD
- ExamineReligion: Jesse Tree - for the glory of God ...ExamineReligion: Jesse Tree - for the glory of God http://exm.nr/fD0hDB
Energy Collective
- Laboratories for Energy and the Environment�It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.� ��If Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis were alive today, he might add ...
- Texas wind transmission route to avoid crossing sc ...Last week the Texas PUC approved routes for the northwesternmost link in the CREZ transmission expansion, choosing one of the longest of several possible transmission routes in order to avoid crossing parts of Palo Duro canyon. �The canyon is the nation�s second longest and includes a state park. �N ...
- Media Reactions to Low-Carbon Technology Energy Pa ...In a previous post (part 1), I described some media reactions to my recent Energy paper (on how carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload
- Howard Shaffer: Vermont’s nuclear debate, continue ...With Vermont’s governor-elect, Peter Shumlin (D.)—the self-described number one opponent of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant—picking his cabinet and maintaining a high profile, the struggle continues unabated by the plant’s proponents who want to keep it from being shut down.
- Natalie Antonowicz: Towards Consensus: Integrating ...
Green House - USA Today
- Efficient lighting could save U.S. $9 billion annu ...Replacing incandescent lighting with energy-efficient alternatives could save the United States $9 billion a year and avoid the carbon dioxide emissions of 11 million mid-size cars, says a United Nations report.
- Study: Don't blame the pill for estrogen in drinki ...Contrary to popular belief, birth control pills are not to blame for estrogens found in U.S. drinking water supplies, new research concludes.
- Study: Walkable neighborhoods have happier peoplePeople who live in walkable communities are more socially engaged and trusting than those who live in less walkable areas, says a new study from the University of New Hampshire.
- Have a green Christmas: rent a treeJennifer Pitman? is watching her toddler Beckett? grow up along with their family Christmas tree.
- U.N. chief urges climate deal, warning nature 'wil ...Saying the planet's future is at risk, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon tried to revive stalled climate talks by urging world leaders to agree to steps -- however imperfect -- to fight climate change.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- Will California execute an innocent man?Mary Shaw Kevin Cooper sits on California's death row at San Quentin. He was convicted of a quadruple murder back in 1983. Cooper has always denied any involvement with the murders. But a lot of prisoners claim they are innocent, whether or not they really are. So let's take a look at some facts of ...
- On the Chopping Block: Social Security, Medicare a ...by Stephen Lendman Planned is death by a thousand cuts - aka "creeping normalcy," defined as a way to make major changes seem normal if happen slowly, incrementally like boiling a frog unaware it's dinner until cooked. Social Security and Medicare are dinner. Yet both are insurance, not welf ...
- Billionaire Bloomberg to America - "Suck it up!"By Numerian posted by Michael Collins What is it with these billionaires, lecturing us to “suck it up” if we don’t like the bailouts? A few months ago it was Charlie Munger, co-founder of Berkshire Hathaway and sidekick to the better-known Warren Buffett, who said “we shouldn’t be bitching ab ...
- Why the West is Terrorizing Muslims?Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. When the European forces invaded and colonized the vast Islamic world, there were no television and sounds and voices of reason to call them as “terrorists.” The colonization scheme of things was not outcome of the Western democratic values but ferocity of violence and kil ...
- The Vatican must not give legitimacy to Jewish Naz ...by Khalid Amayreh I understand that the term "Jewish Nazism" is harsh, shocking and might well be provocative and offensive to many, especially those adhering to the Jewish faith. I have nothing against the Jewish faith per se, but I do detest the absurd but widespread use of Judaism to justify dec ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Economists unite. You have nothing to lose but dat ...CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan writes in today's Globe and Mail about how "economists on both sides of the political spectrum point to an unsettling truth" about the federal government's decision to scrap the mandatory long form census. She writes: "What’s at stake is the integrity of Statis ...
- National Post editor concludes income inequality i ...Jonathan Kay, managing editor of the National Post's Comment section, read Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks' book The Trouble With Billionaires and came away convinced that income inequality is a "real problem" worthy of public debate in Canada. The book argues extreme income inequality can destabilize ...
- Unease grows over inequalityToronto Star columnist Carol Goar weighs in on worsening income inequality in Canada, pointing to CCPA research, saying there is "dawning recognition" that it's a problem. She writes: "The stirrings of a national debate are there, if there’s a leader who can speak for the slipping majority." Read he ...
- Deep cuts to BC's Forest Service put our publicly- ...Our province's Forest Service has been seriously damaged by reckless cuts and changes. In a study released today, resource analyst Ben Parfitt analyses government data to determine the extent of the damage, and concludes that it's high time for a public inquiry into the state of our Forest Service. ...
- We're in it for the long haul!On Friday December 10th the CCPA-Manitoba will release its 6th annual State of the Inner-City report.� This year it is subtitled:� We're in it for the long haul.� CCPA-Manitoba produces its annual State of the Inner City Report by combining the learned experiences of our community partners with dat ...
World Wide Hippies
- New Jersey’s Jock Cops Lose Their Pusher ManN.J. doctor supplied steroids to hundreds of law enforcement officers, firefighters | NJ.com A seven-month Star-Ledger investigation drawing on prescription records, court documents and detailed interviews with the physician’s employees shows Colao ran a thriving illegal drug enterprise that supplie ...
- Um, change you passwords… All of themGawker Data Breach Could Lead to Attacks on Government Agencies | PBS Gawker Media, one of the web’s largest publishers, has been hacked. The insides of the multiple websites within their portfolio, their 1.3 million user names, e-mail addresses and passwords, are now splayed all across the Internet ...
- Mom who faked son’s cancer abused him to bil ...BY MEGHA SATYANARAYANA FFREE PRESS Even now, Lorraine Kelsch looks back in disbelief at how she was deceived. How could her niece have done that? How could she fool everyone into believing her son had leukemia? Yet it seemed so real. The 12-year-old’s mother, Carol Schnuphase, spoke at length about ...
- One year after electing tea Party candidate, one o ...Despite Wealth, Nassau County Is in Fiscal Crisis | The New York Times Facing a huge budget deficit when he took office in January, Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano did not impose a hiring freeze. He did not stop borrowing to subsidize some of the richest school districts in the country. He ...
- Dennis Kucinich: “WikiLeaks Gave Us 92,000 R ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Daniel Ellsberg on Wikileaks and Julian Assange on ...
- Bernie Sanders' "Berniebuster" Filibuster Against ...
- The Decline and Fall of the American EmpireA soft landing for America 40 years from now?� Don�t bet on it.� The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines.� If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realistic assessment of domestic and g ...
- The New American OligarchyThere is a war underway. I'm not talking about Washington�s bloody misadventures in Afghanistan and Iraq, but a war within our own borders. It�s a war fought on the airwaves, on television and radio and over the Internet, a war of words and images, of half-truth, innuendo, and raging lies. I'm talki ...
- The Health Insurance Industry’s Vendetta Against M ...Michael Moore, the Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker, makes great movies but they are not generally considered “cliff-hangers.” All that might change since a whistle-blower on the “Democracy Now!” news hour revealed that health insurance executives thought they may have to implement a plan “to pus ...
- Nir Rosen on the "Aftermath" of America's wars(updated below w/transcript)
- Dems believe GOP-Obama plan will passThe White House expressed confidence Sunday that President Barack Obama's deal with Republicans will pass by year's end, averting a Jan. 1 increase in income taxes for nearly all Americans, even the highest earners. In a sign of fading resistance, a Democratic leader said the lame-duck House will tr ...
- Tax cut threatens Social Security?President Barack Obama's plan to cut payroll taxes for a year would provide big savings for many workers, but makes Social Security advocates nervous that it could jeopardize the retirement program's finances.
- Get ready for the most conservative Congress ever"I am hoping this won't be the last time we can do something for the country on a bipartisan basis." -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, this past week
- We settle the "Is Obama a sellout?" debateAs a candidate for president in 2008 (and on many occasions since), Barack Obama assured Americans that he was committed to letting George W. Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire as scheduled at the end of 2010. And yet, there he was this past Tuesday announcing that he'd cut a dea ...
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits cam ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metre (9 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Ford’s biggest hurdleLabour confrontations could erupt next year if Mayor Rob Ford is serious about his budget cuts.
- What worked, and what didn’tFederal-provincial infrastructure was flawed, but other parts of the stimulus package were effective.
- Julian Assange: A hero or a villain?The cyber wars that are raging over WikiLeaks and a wide-open Internet are bigger than the website’s founder.
- Digging out from CancunGridlock in Washington and deadlock in Cancun need not spell a perpetual stalemate.
- Is Obama's tax deal a bargain with hostage takers?The president at least salvaged something for ordinary Americans.
Energy Collective
- Laboratories for Energy and the Environment�It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.� ��If Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis were alive today, he might add ...
- Texas wind transmission route to avoid crossing sc ...Last week the Texas PUC approved routes for the northwesternmost link in the CREZ transmission expansion, choosing one of the longest of several possible transmission routes in order to avoid crossing parts of Palo Duro canyon. �The canyon is the nation�s second longest and includes a state park. �N ...
- Media Reactions to Low-Carbon Technology Energy Pa ...In a previous post (part 1), I described some media reactions to my recent Energy paper (on how carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload
- Howard Shaffer: Vermont’s nuclear debate, continue ...With Vermont’s governor-elect, Peter Shumlin (D.)—the self-described number one opponent of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant—picking his cabinet and maintaining a high profile, the struggle continues unabated by the plant’s proponents who want to keep it from being shut down.
- Natalie Antonowicz: Towards Consensus: Integrating ...
EU Times
- Putin slams West for arresting WikiLeaks founderThe arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for sexual misconduct illustrates the hypocrisy of the West about democracy, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says. In the strongest comments to come out of Russia in the latest WikiLeaks saga, Putin also took aim at the U.S. for the cables, some o ...
- Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage ...Last year I wrote an article about how Swedish society is disintegrating and is in danger of collapsing, at least in certain areas and regions. The country that gave us Bergman, ABBA and Volvo could become known as the Bosnia of northern Europe. The “Swedish model” would no longer refer to a stable ...
- Children scavenge bins for food as low-income fami ...POOR children in a prosperous city are forced to scavenge for food in bins, a leading charity claimed last night. St Vincent de Paul (SVP) said two five-year-olds were spotted rooting through a bin on Kilkenny’s High Street by a local social worker in recent days. Liam Heffernan, president of Kilken ...
- Football fans protest death of Spartak Moscow supp ...28 years old Spartak Moscow fan Egor Sviridov has been killed on 6th of December in Moscow. He has been shot in a fight with 8 members of ethnic gang of Muslims from Caucasus (Dagestanis and Chechens). He and other 4 lads stood in Kronshtadsky parkway waiting for taxi. A group of Caucasian youth pas ...
- Ten dead as swine flu returns to BritainThe H1N1 swine flu virus which swept the globe last year has returned to Britain with 10 people dying in the last six weeks. Britain’s Health Protection Agency said the 10 deaths had occurred in adults all under the age of 65, most of whom had underlying health issues. “Over the last few weeks, we [ ...
Stonecipher News
- Don't Quit Your Day JobThis is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine. With approximately 4,000,000 students today, more than 20 percent of all students enrolled in higher education are taking at least one course online. Self paced online courses all ...
- Breast Cancer Gene May Raise Men’s Risk, TooSource: HealthDay News: "A faulty gene that greatly increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer also boosts a man’s risk for the disease, a new study finds. While most people think of breast cancer as a woman’s illness, in rare cases men can develop breast tumors as well. The new study found that me ...
- Diabetics Urged to Confer With Their Doctor About ...According to Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter, "THURSDAY, July 15 (HealthDay News) -- One day after a U.S. advisory panel recommended that the controversial diabetes drug Avandia stay on the market -- albeit with added restrictions -- several medical organizations are urging patients not to change ...
- Top Five Cleaning MistakesThis is a short video about the common mistakes when cleaning. You may still be sleeping with bugs after cleaning.
- Repression and the Ruling ClassFrom my Triond collection: I recently read Louis Althusser’s article on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. He discusses the production for conditions of reproduction by breaking down the Marxist theory into several fundamental aspects. Althusser discussed the differences between the proleta ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Where is the Metrodome busting storm headed next?Arctic air, that’s the huge weather story. This cold air mass rocketed through the MW over the weekend, stirring up snow and wind along with it. I couldn’t watch my Giants play Sunday b/c the Viking’s roof caved in under 17” of snow. Truth be told, I thought it was Favre with a pen knife cutting a ...
- As Eric Pickles prepares to allocate budgets to co ...Gavin Barwell is MP for Croydon Central. He blogs here . In his Emergency Budget in June, the Chancellor set out his plan to accelerate the pace of deficit reduction through a mixture of spending reductions and tax increases (about £4 of the former for every £1 of the latter, in line with the inter ...
- During visit, Palin advocated for more aid and job ...Sarah Palin’s trip to Haiti looks to be an eventful one and a success. No one can deride the impact of this trip, not even the MSM. While the media is concentrating on Palin’s designer sunglasses or her “hairdresser” Bristol, Sarah used her celebrity to get people to pay attention to what is going ...
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-05 http://goo.gl/fb/V3H8D # The impact of recession on startups – not as much as you might think http://goo.gl/fb/NYylj # Gmail: Priority Inbox Users Spending 15 Percent Less Time Reading Email http://pulsene.ws/sKka – more email productivity tools please! # ESPN ...
- Axelrod Sees No Major Primary Challenge for ObamaDavid Axelrod said he doesnt expect President Barack Obama to have a major Democratic challenger in the presidential race, but acknowledged that until the unemployment picture improves, there will be “static” about whether Mr. Obama can win in 2012. In an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” Su ...
- Microsoft, Attachmate and Novell's Linuxy Ménage à ...Blogger Robert Pogson was skeptical. "Whether Novell is owned by M$ or just its patents, Novell is largely controlled by M$ now and patents on technology in GNU/Linux are in their hands," Pogson opined. "M$ will use the software-patent sword to punish the GNU/Linux and FLOSS communities, charging t ...
- When Free Software Isn't BetterOf course, every piece of free software must start somewhere. A brand-new piece of software, for example, is unlikely to be more featureful than an established proprietary tool. Projects begin with many bugs and improve over time. While open source advocates might argue that a project will grow into ...
- Under the U.S. Supreme Court: WikiLeaks and the Es ...Meanwhile, legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate proposes a new law targeting Assange for allegedly endangering the lives of confidential sources providing information to U.S. intelligence. How a court would react to a law that punishes behavior occurring before it was enacted is anybody's gues ...
- Why we use and contribute to open source softwareThis is Kevin McEntee, VP of Systems & ECommerce Engineering here at Netflix. Netflix is a technology company. We develop and apply great software technology to deliver a great streaming video experience.... We do utilize some commercial software but there is often the alternative choice of utilizin ...
- Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Plays Not My JobLong ago, two teenagers named Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met in California, and to make a long story short ... now we can't put down our iPhones. We've invited "The Woz" to play a game called "This apple don't need no Genius Bar." Three questions about actual apples. - Wait, Wait...Don't tell me, ...
- China: Guess What? Banks Should Have ReservesChina makes move to reduce fractional reserve banking, and UK MP trying to follow suit.
- Euro-American Establishment To Share Passenger Dat ...Plans to share personal data of all air passengers in the US and EU for counter-terrorism, despite most airplane terrorism being dubious at best.
- Sneak Peak At 9/11 Explosive Evidence Film – ...An expert in high rise steel frame buildings talks 9/11 Truth for the new 9/11: Explosive Evidence documnetary film.
- Terrorists To Attack Coronation Street: Psyop 101Betty and her hot-pot to be scanned and frisked, as establishment pull massive psyop for Coronation Street's 50th year.
- Prosecute Climate Deniers For EcocideWhile UN heads pray to the Mayan goddess of the moon, a UK lawyer and Bolivia want to charge Climate Deniers with Ecocide under the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- New Study: Clean Beaches Worth $32.8 billion annua ...New Study: Clean Beaches Worth $32.8 billion annually in Eastern Gulf
- Boat safety, protecting harbor a priority in Norwa ...Boat safety, protecting harbor a priority in Norwalk
- Another legal challenge to proposed power plantAnother legal challenge to proposed power plant
- Ag groups eye water coalitionAg groups eye water coalition
- VOICES: Kentucky's investigation into coal company ...VOICES: Kentucky's investigation into coal company water violations should dig deeper
Politics in the Zeros
- Wikileaks and information warfareThe political establishment in the United States was quick to frame the Wikileaks Cablegate release as an act of war. In response, many advocates of transparency in government and internet freedom have begun to argue that employing even the metaphorical language of war and warfare to describe the o ...
- The Belmonts – Rock and Roll Lullaby“She was just 16 and all alone when I came to be So we grew up together My mama child and me Times were bad and she was scared But whenever I would cry She’d calm my fears and dry my tears with a rock and roll lullaby” Amazing acappella (no instruments, just voice) from [...]
- Wikileaks Conspiracy Quote of the Day“This is starting to remind me a little bit of Robert Anton Wilson. Even the squirrels in the trees are in on the conspiracy. What conspiracy? You know, the conspiracy” (from the comments at Chicagoboyz) Wikileaks as US or Israeli psyops. Glenn Beck implicates Sarah Palin in his WikiLeaks conspiracy ...
- Wanking bankersAn expat Irishman unloads on the thuggish, greedhead banksters and corruption that cratered his country’s economy. Definitely NSFW!
- Nanny government says hybrids and EVs needs to mak ...Clearly the populace is too dumb to make allowances when their EV (or hybrid running on the electric motor) is silent and thus pedestrians might not hear you coming, so in the future such vehicles will now have noise-adding “features” thanks to our over-protective nannies in Congress. Ptui. I’ve dri ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Gisborne man 'seriously ill' following assaultA 41-year-old Gisborne man remains in a critical condition in Waikato Hospital after he was assaulted in a Gisborne park at the weekend
- Police eye longer range 'less-lethal' stun-gunPolice are set to trial a non-lethal long-distance Taser weapon as well as rolling out more firearms and better training for police
- Five dead, 17 missing after ship sinks in Antarcti ...The search for suvivors after a ship sank in Antarctic waters has been scaled down.
- Pike River Coal asks to be put in receivershipPike River Coal has been placed into receivership following the mining disaster.
- Driver denied bail over fatal Whanganui river plun ...Bail has been denied for the 38-year-old man who crashed his car into the Whanganui River, killing his sister and nephew.
Just World News
- Standoff-ending precedents: The 'USSR' and IranI was just reading the generally sensible 'Talk of the Town' piece on Iran and WikiLeaks that Rick Hertzberg had in the Dec. 13 issue of the New Yorker, that landed on our stoop this afternoon. (Sorry, can't easily find a link for it.) The piece is interesting because-- though Hertzberg seems to ta ...
- Visser's book on Iraq now available for sale!Reidar Visser's magisterial 300-page book A Responsible End? The United States and Iraq, 2005-2010 is now available for sale from Amazon. Actually, it's already selling really well there! Long-time JWN readers will be quite familiar with the work of this smart and dedicated European researcher, who ...
- U.S. diplomacy in tatters-- and not from WikileaksOur country's ability to influence events around the world is in tatters-- and this was already the case before the latest round of Wikileaks started to dribble out to the public. Yesterday there were "elections" in Egypt and Haiti, two countries deep within the U.S. sphere of influence. Both electi ...
- Robinson and Brahimi: Wrong on Hamas and womenMary Robinson and Lakhdar Brahimi have a piece in HuffPo today in which they argue, probably correctly, that it is Gaza's women and children who are paying the highest price for Israel's now years-long siege of Gaza. They write: Women in this conservative society find their domestic responsibiliti ...
- Celebrate Laila's book launch today!Today's the day! Laila El-Haddad will be launching her first book, Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between at 6:30 pm EST in Washington DC's Palestine Center. The event will be livestreamed. So come in person if you can-- but if you can't, make sure to watch the livestrea ...
First Truths
- Cartelization Harries the UK StudentBritain's education oligopoly bleeds its students dry while the ruling class invokes "austerity." My analysis here.
- The Ivory Coast and "Power-Sharing"The election controversy in Ivory Coast has raised the idea of "power-sharing" within the country, an idea that arguably, when carried to its ultimate end, leads to anarchy. Read my comment here.
- Liberty or Authority: The Social(ism) QuestionAlthough the vicissitudes of the political season belie the fact, when November draws to a close the state will persist. And with it will remain its ring of members, superficial substitutions notwithstanding, all ready to deal in douceurs with wealth created by the productive among us. Convinced a ...
- The State's Corporate WastelandCorporations, while they are celebrated as paragons of innovation and efficiency, suffer from the same slow reaction time, waste, and lack of creativity that defines government agencies. Taking into account the fact that the state and the corporation are pieces of the same coercive puzzle, a system ...
- Mortgage Liens On Our LivesThe state, though it assures us of the goodwill behind its housing policies, has succeeded in a master stroke of subterfuge that further condenses wealth in the troves of the elite. The mortgage fiasco once again demonstrates that the state will mobilize when the interests of its club members are im ...
Media Co-Op
- Frontline Communities and Climate Justice Organize ..."Seriously? Again?â thought by activists around the globe Pick a town – The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ended yesterday with the announcement of a new text, to be known as the Cancun Accord, Mexico Roadmap, ...
- Jury Convicts John Graham: Land Defender Faces Lif ...Friday afternoon, a South Dakota jury found John Graham guilty of murder in the second degree. John Graham has been found guilty of felony murder in the kidnapping of Anna Mae Aquash, his friend and comrade in the American Indian Movement (AIM). Anna Mae Aquash was murdered in the 1970's, in an exe ...
- CYD Podcast #10Contrasting Kyoto and Copenhagen in Cancún The issues regarding the form of a future international climate change agreement� that have received so much focus here in Cancun, were beautifully contrasted today by Canadians at the conference. We ...
- CYD Podcast #9Minister Baird Bonanza In today’s podcast, you’ll be hearing about a meeting we had with Canadian Minister of the Environment John Baird, as well as some reflections on the importance of people’s assemblies and community responses to climate ...
- Nothing Less Than A Home Will Do.The temperature is steadily sinking. There’s a hint of snow in the air. A skating oval is being built on the Commons. All signs are pointing to that great Canadian inevitability; Winter. Things are about to get a whole lot colder, and no matt ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Tea Time 2010: Hope trashed, audacity smashed and ..."2008 answered the question,' Is America ready for a black president?' In 2010 we'll answer 'Are we ready for an orange speaker?'" � Paul Begala (hat Doonesbury)David Seaton's News LinksIt seems that much of the fate of the Republic is presently in the hands of a tearful man, dyed orange, whose surn ...
- James Moody (1925 – 2010) Homage to a Jazz MasterThe Durgafilms Dance Company interprets King Pleasure's canonical version of "James Moody's Mood for Love". (Image editing by David Seaton) David Seaton's News LinksThe Great Jazz saxophonist, James Moody just died three days ago. He is best known for his 1949 solo improvisation of "I'm in the Mood ...
- Tea Party, the "dream vacuum" and the souring of A ...Real disaster: the Potato Famine Memorial in Dublin, Ireland Disaster as masochistic fantasy: my favorite doomster, Dimitri OrlovFrom 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. - Wikipedia When I got to America on a college scholarship, I realized that the real American ...
- Wikileaks: has anybody given a thought about Iraq ...David Seaton's News LinksIn all the comments on Wikileak's Iraq revelations I've read, I haven't seen much of anything about their effect on Iraq and the Iraqis.� This seems strange to me, because from beginning to end the real victims of everything we've done are the Iraqis themselves and it isn't ...
- Julian Assange and Wikileaks, a warning: How to hi ...The reports make it clear that the lethal contest between Iranian-backed militias and American forces continued after President Obama sought to open a diplomatic dialogue with Iran�s leaders� New York Times It seems to me that the most significant revelations from the massive WikiLeaks document du ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Farm Pollution Knocks Chesapeake Bay Out of Balanc ...Contact: Contact EWG Public AffairsWASHINGTON – For more than thirty years, contamination from high-intensity farming has been adding to the pollution that fouls Chesapeake Bay, one of America’s most storied waterways. A new... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- Congress Passes Child Nutrition BillContact: Congratulations! When you said you wanted better nutrition in schools, Congress listened. Both houses of Congress have now passed legislation to give more poor children free meals at school, mandate healthier school cafeteria... [[ This is a content summary onl ...
- Important Child Nutrition Legislation Sent to Pres ...Contact: Contact EWG Public Affairs:. alex@ewg.org or leeann@ewg.org Washington, D.C. – A major public health victory on behalf of the neediest school children is about to be realized when President Obama signs into law... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- Holidays Come Early for California Chemical Makers ...Contact: Renee Sharp,x302 or renee@ewg.org Oakland, Calif. -- In September 2008, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrated the signing of two bills that, he said, would propel “California to the forefront of the nation and... [[ This is a content summary onl ...
- Food Safety Bill will Save the Lives of ThousandsContact: EWG Public Affairs,Washington, D.C. – At least 5,000 Americans – most of them young children, the elderly and the sick – die every year from eating contaminated food, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Four Tablespoons of This "Brain Food" May Prevent ...Watch these videos featuring Dr. Mary Newport to learn about an amazing discovery which could potentially be a “cure” for Alzheimer’s and memory loss.
- How Would You Like to Live in this City?The future probably won’t look quite like this -- but what if it did?
- Extra Body Weight Actually Decreases BonesIn the past, doctors had theorized that excess body fat might have one benefit -- it could protect against the bone disease osteoporosis. But a new study finds that deep belly fat may in fact contribute to osteoporosis. The reason is that certain types of fat cells very likely produce substances th ...
- Why the New Vitamin D Recommendations Spell Disast ...On November 30, 2010, the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) released their updated recommendations for vitamin D (and calcium), which has sent shockwaves of disappointment through natural health community. According to the FNB, the new recommended daily allowance (RDA) for pre ...
- More Drugs Do Not Mean Better CareA new study now proves that spending more on drugs does not always translate into healthier patients. And in a second study, it was shown that when government insurers crack down on payments for certain drugs, doctors are less likely to prescribe them unnecessarily. There are enormous variations ac ...
- JAMA's Online Evolution [Editorial]
- This Week in JAMA [This Week in JAMA]
- Therapies for Refractory Hypoxemia in Acute Respir ...Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common and severe form of acute lung injury, resulting from both direct (eg, pneumonia) and indirect (eg, sepsis) pulmonary insults. It is a common cause of admission to the intensive care unit due to hypoxemic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ...
- A Physician = Emotion + Passion + Science [Comment ...
- Violence in the Health Care Setting [Commentary]
Survival - tribal peoples
- Botswana president in racist outburst against Kala ...President Khama accused the Bushmen of living a ‘life of backwardness’ © Survival In an astonishing outburst, Botswana’s president has described the Kalahari Bushmen as ‘primeval’, ‘primitive’ and ‘backward’. Speaking at the country’s largest diamond mine, President Khama accused the Bushmen ...
- Brazilian expert sounds warning for uncontacted In ...Uncontacted Indians in Brazil seen from the air during a Brazilian government expedition, May 2008. © Gleison Miranda//FUNAI One of Brazil’s leading experts on isolated Indians has warned that loggers could trigger violent conflict amongst uncontacted tribes on the Peru-Brazil border. José Car ...
- New films on Guarani plight mark UN Human Rights D ...Survival has released two films highlighting the plight of the Guarani Indians © Fiona Watson/ Survival Survival has today released two short films highlighting the plight of the Guarani Indians in Brazil, to mark UN Human Rights Day (December 10th). The film âOne must have courageâ reveals t ...
- Double ‘green energy’ threat to Borneo tribes’ rai ...Construction is already under way at the Murum dam site. © Survival International As environment ministers from around the world meet in Mexico for the UN climate change conference, tribes in the rainforests of Borneo are facing a double âgreen energyâ threat as hydroelectric dams destroy thei ...
- Dozens wounded following police raids on Easter Is ...Rapa Nui woman wounded by a rubber bullet © DC RapaNui At least 25 people have reportedly been injured after police evicted indigenous inhabitants from buildings on Rapa Nui, widely known as Easter Island. Since August this year, Rapa Nui people have occupied a number of buildings on land the ...
Montreal Gazette
- Editorial: Canadians have reason to fear U.S. para ...Canadians have already spent billions of dollars harmonizing their policies on domestic security, travel and immigration and refugee regulations with U.S. policies. The cost of lost trade is mounting into the stratosphere. Post 9/11 Canada's exports, excluding forestry and energy, are more t ...
- Editorial: Couldn't we just let them slither away?Just days after the city announced it will increase property taxes by 4.2 per cent for Montrealers and by seven per cent for residents on the rest of the island, and just four weeks before Quebec increases our sales tax by one percentage point, it was revealed the governments will shell out ...
- Editorial: Human-rights ruling sends a strong mess ...The Quebec Human Rights Tribunal's ruling in the case of a Pakistan-born Canadian pilot who was denied flight training by Bombardier Inc. because U.S. authorities had branded him a security risk should resonate, and not only because the $319,000 penalty imposed is the highest in the tribunal ...
- WikiLeaks too late to boost CBC ratingsWikiLeaks has done Canadians a huge favour. For years, we've been struggling to figure out how to get the United States to pay attention to us. But now we know: Bad drama! Featuring Evil Americans! Killing our prime minister! In a canoe! Maybe!
- Open up, city hall, and talk to taxpayersThe frustrating odyssey of a local homeowner through the murky swamp of our municipal bureaucracy in quest of some fairly simple information is perhaps just one instance of things done badly, but it undoubtedly has a familiar ring to many Montrealers who have had dealings with city hall.
Food World Order
- 12/9 binge & purge: nano-foods & merck muppetsdems try to pass 'food safety' by hiding it in hr3082* even forbes agrees: more fda authority won't improve food safety* leaked cables reveal gmo, agrofuel agendas* food stamp rolls continue to rise* artificial 'nano-food' could soon show up at a store near you* rat in curry prompts c ...
- eu food safety chief forced to quit gm lobby rolefrom the ecologist: A key figure in charge of food safety within the EU has been forced to quit her director role at a pro-GM group. European Green MEPs had called for EFSA chair Diana Banati's resignation after she had failed to disclose her seat on the board of directors of the International Life ...
- 'botox apples' genetically modified to keep from b ...from delish: The expression "one bad apple spoils the bunch" may soon have to be retired. Okanagan Specialty Fruits, a Canadian biotechnology company, has petitioned the USDA for approval of its genetically modified "non-browning apple." The company is marketing the fruit as the "Arctic" while criti ...
- white house to serve 2,000 lbs of gulf seafood ove ...from food safety news: The White House announced Wednesday it has shipped about 2,000 pounds of shrimp and crabs from the Gulf to serve at this year's holiday parties, a big gesture aimed at boosting consumer confidence in regional seafood in the wake of the devastating BP Deepwater Horizon oil sp ...
- cdc admits dc water may still be contaminatedhead of dc water says cdc report 'not new news' from washington post: The water in almost 15,000 DC homes that were repaired during a massive effort to remove lead pipes may still be contaminated by dangerous levels of the metal, according to a report released [Dec1] by the CDC. If those residenc ...
- Sex, lies and money in the churchsource: Indian Express, October 24, 2010 Shevlin Sebastian It was midnight. Fr Jose George could not sleep because there was no fan in his room. Jose knocked on Anna Jacobs door. When she opened it, he told her he could not sleep. She invited him inside, because there was a fan. ...
- Denigration of Buddhism & conversion of the vu ...source: Vijayvaani.com, Oct 25, 2010 Christianisation was the third force of colonialism as best expressed by Jomo Kenyatta, the late Kenyan leader, who said: When the white man came he had the bible we had the land. Then he said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ris ...
- What science say about religious conversionsource: Helium.com, October 20, 2010 For many, religious experiences lead to religious conversion. While conversion need not stem from such an experience, per se, many convertees have cited religious awakenings as leading to a new spiritual perspective. But while science accepts a religious ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- .Lies, Damned Lies and Scottish JusticeRobert Green, the man who was brave enough to speak out about the horrific paedophile rapes of Hollie Greig, the most probable murder of her uncle Robert Greig to “shut him up”, and the sickening wall of silence by the Scottish establishment, has been arrested. We believe the charge is Breach of th ...
- Child Rapists Protected By The StateIn the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planni ...
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is s ...
- Robert Green Speaking at Truthjuice Llangollen, Ma ...Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 7pm Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down’s Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland. Robert ...
- Mary Rodwell The New Human Vers. 02
The Economic Collapse
- Happy Holidays? 28 Hard Questions It Would Be Grea ...Over the coming weeks, Americans will be wishing each other "happy holidays" millions upon millions of times. But are these really happy times? Record numbers of Americans are going to be going hungry and cold this winter. Millions upon millions of our fellow citizens would gladl ...
- Derivatives: The Quadrillion Dollar Financial Casi ...If you took an opinion poll and asked Americans what they considered the biggest threat to the world economy to be, how many of them do you think would give "derivatives" as an answer? But the truth is that derivatives were at the heart of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, and ...
- Start A Business? In The United States? Are You Ki ...Many of you have decided that you are going to attempt to start a business in the United States today. Many of you are still convinced that this is "the land of opportunity" and that starting a business is fairly easy. Are you sure about that? Are you certain that you have consid ...
- Currency Crisis! So What Happens If The Dollar And ...Some analysts are warning that the U.S. dollar is in danger of collapse because of the exploding U.S. government debt, the horrific U.S. trade deficit and the new round of quantitative easing recently announced by the Federal Reserve. Other analysts are warning the the euro is in d ...
- Happy Thanksgiving! Are You Better Off Today Than ...As you gather around the table with your family this Thanksgiving, ask yourself this question: are you better off today than you were four years ago? Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Both political parties have controlled the White House during the last four years - Barack O ...
- Ecosystem Services: Pricing to PeddleMarkets are good for several things, but allocating ecosystem services is not one of them.
- Real Economies and the Illusions of AbstractionHazel Henderson, a true champion of the steady state economy, digs deep into the deficiencies of our economic and financial systems.
- A Shift in the Burden of ProofThe World Bank and other proponents of growth need to prove that growth is actually "economic" instead of "uneconomic."
- From Black Friday to a Better WayRethinking consumption and consumer spending may be the key to enjoying the holidays.
- In Search of Answers about Economic GrowthIt's time to rethink the dilemma of economic growth and find some much-needed answers for the economy.
The Talking Clock
- Quote of the Day: 13th December 2010"I think we deserve an apology. By “we” I mean all the Euro-sceptics, Euro-pragmatists, Euro-realists and Euro-hysterics who were alarmed by some of the optimism that surrounded the birth of the single currency. Do you remember the disdain with which we were treated? We were told that we were boss-e ...
- Bet the rampaging 'students' would like to get the ...Days after Marxist Youth thugs masquerading as students smashed up Central London over University tuition fees... ...comes news that the European Empire is handing £1.1billion of OUR British taxpayers money to help "countries such as Turkey and Albania join the European Union". The Daily Expre ...
- How YOU are forced to pay TWICE for environmentali ...From the often marvellous Taxpayers Alliance:
- Liars, Cheats and Thieves: On Labour's day of sham ...A few months ago, when we were living under the worst of Labour's civil liberty hell, we might have cheered today's shaming of the party in the law courts... for partisan reasons. Today, with their tyranny gone (but not forgotten), we are still cheering Labour's day of shame... ...but it's a d ...
- Economist Jim Rogers tells RT: 'Britain is bankrup ...Now can we leave the European Empire (billions and huge trade deficit); now can we stop giving all of our money to the banks; now can we stop funding the global climate scam; now can we stop giving benefits to people who have never paid into the pot... because - according to respected economist Jim ...
Facing South
- Got the holiday spirit?I'll admit it, I've got the holiday spirit. Not the fruitcake-eating, gizmo-buying kind. I'm talking about the spirit of friendship, giving thanks and excitement about the promise of a New Year. I'm thankful for yo ...
- VOICES: Today's $7 billion new nuke attackBy Harvey Wasserman, NukeFree.org The White House and nuclear power industry are on the brink of grabbing $7 billion in new taxpayer-funded loan guarantees for new reactors. But they can be stopped.� Taxpayer and environmental groups are asking citizens to call their Senators urging deletion of t ...
- Jury convicts three, acquits two in post-Katrina p ...By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica A federal jury last night convicted three current or former New Orleans police officers in connection with the death of Henry Glover, a 31-year old man who was shot by a police officer and died in custody shortly after Hurricane Katrina tore through Louisiana in 2005 ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The war on WikiLeaksYear that President Woodrow Wilson called for "open diplomacy" that "shall proceed always frankly and in the public view": 1918 Number of secret U.S. diplomatic cables the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks released beginning in November: more than 251,000 Number of classified U.S. war files from Iraq t ...
- VOICES: Kentucky's investigation into coal company ...By Matt Wasson, Appalachian Voices Last Friday the State of Kentucky announced that they had negotiated a $660,000 settlement with three coal companies over 2,765 water quality related violations at 103 coal mining operations in Kentucky. Based on a recent analysis by Appalachian Water Watch te ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsBombings in Stockholm Wound Two, Kill Suspected Bomber Two car bombings in central Stockholm Saturday wounded two people and killed the suspected bomber in an attack that the Swedish foreign minister called a terror attack, according to reports. The suspect … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsHolder Criticizes Guantanamo Transfer Ban Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday strongly denounced the Houseâs passage this week of a ban on transfers of Guantanamo detainees. The measure, which prohibits the administration from spending any money on transferring Guantanamo detainees … Continue r ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsBaltimore Man Accused of Car Bomb Plot in FBI Sting A Baltimore man was arrested Wednesday in an FBI sting and accused of plotting to attack a military recruiting station in Maryland with a car bomb, according to multiple reports. … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsU.S. Judge Dismisses Al-Awlaki Suit A U.S. federal judge dismissed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to prevent the U.S. government from targeting and killing U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is suspected of being a key member of al Qaeda in the … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsWikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested in UK WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange turned himself into British police Tuesday morning in connection with a Swedish arrest warrant for him on rape and sexual molestation accusations. According to a statement by the Metropolitan … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Today on New Scientist: 8 December 2010All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: weaponised eggs, a heatwave from oblivion and the terrible hairy fly
- Medical isotopes made without weapons-grade uraniu ...South Africa has made medical isotopes without using highly enriched uranium for the first time, but will Iran embrace the new technology?
- Private space capsule returns to EarthSpaceX's Dragon capsule successfully splashed into the Pacific Ocean several hours after launching, becoming the first private craft to be recovered from orbit
- What do you call a fly that can't fly? A walk?It looks terrible. It's hairy. And it can't fly - this is the terrible hairy fly, or to give it its scientific name, Mormotomyia hirsuta
- Smart wallet tells you when you overspendInteractive wallets bulge, vibrate or become more difficult to open in response to your spending habits – and how much money you have available
Tech Drive In
- YafaRay [Blender 3D's Open Source Raytracing Engin ...YafaRay is a free and open source raytracing engine. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene. I have no idea what a raytracing engine means or how critical a client it is to Blender. But this video showcasing different capab ...
- Stellarium, Celestia 3D - Two Incredible Applicati ...Stellarium and Celestia 3D are two incredibly good applications for aspiring star gazers. Stellarium renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real-time while Celestia 3D is an awesome 3D astronomy program that allows users to display objects ranging in scale from artificial satellites to entire galaxies ...
- 3 Awesome Ubuntu/Linux Multi Touch Demo VideosHere are a bunch of interesting video demos showcasing native multitouch support in Linux. I especially liked the one which demoed a good looking Dell touch pad running Ubuntu Unity. [image via ubuntu wallpapers] Ubuntu Multitouch Demo on Dell Tablet Out of the Box Multitouch in Li ...
- Fotoxx - Simple, Lightweight Photo Editor for Linu ...Fotoxx is a simple, open source photo editing application for Linux. Fotoxx image editor is incredibly lightweight and packed with all the basic features you could expect in an image editor application. If you haven't tried Fotoxx yet, it is definitely worth your attention. Key Features of Foto ...
- Orta GTK Theme + Faenza Icon Theme = Even Better!Faenza icon theme has already won plenty of accolades from the vast Ubuntu user community and we did�feature Faenza in our�top 10 icon themes for Ubuntu post. Equinox theme ruled for long as *the* best GTK theme to be used with Faenza, but now we have an incredible alternative in the form of Orta GT ...
Case About Bird Flu
- Prince Charles defiant: Water canon could soon be ...Prince Charles and his wife Camilla have declared that they will not be cowed by the attack by rioters, and plan to continue with “business as usual”. They will carry on with “ visible” public engagements, according to The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/theroyalfamily/8196721 ...
- Time to tear up George Orwell’s “1984″ ...Pictures of a stunned Prince Charles and his wife Camilla dangerously vulnerable in their evening dress, sitting in the back seat of a luxurious Rolls Royce with a royal coat of arms on the roof, trapped in Regent’s Street, surrounded by a mob of furious students have sent shockwaves through the UK ...
- NEMESIS: Show-down over euro’s fate approaches fas ...It is 8 am on April 30th, 1944. Adolf Hitler is inside his bunker in the centre of Berlin, dictating his final order to his secretary Fräulein Krüger: the battle group Mohnke is to break out of the government quarters, encircled by Soviet troops, and make their way, in small groups, through the ene ...
- Sinn Fein leader calls on Irish Parliament to reje ...Adams calls on Dáil to vote against IMF deal [As the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has postponed a decision to ratify the bailout for Ireland because of the decision to hold a Dáil vote on the issue next Wednedsay, Sinn Fein appeals for a vote against the debt slavery plan because fiscal austeri ...
- Ireland’s own central bank is keeping its ba ...Shocking statistics reveal Ireland’s primary lender Irish Home By Donal O’Donovan Saturday December 11 2010 The latest shockingly high figure for lending from the Frankfurt and Dublin central banks to banks in Ireland tells a number of stories. From the timing of the EU bailout, to the increasing sh ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Of Bleached Anal Rings and the Displaced Heads of ...By Les Visible The degree of indulgence and absurdity, engaged in by the self-adulating fops of the day, during their brief respite here, enjoying what they earned at some other time and traded off for something far less than what they could have gotten, is a wonder to behold. One of the key pleasur ...
- How To Revive the Flu ScareBy Zen Gardner I can’t read anything about these sudden flu outbreaks without thinking they’re staged. Good thing is I’m not alone. Last year’s hoax was fully exposed, including documented links to big Pharma collusion, and overall flu levels were reportedly even lower than normal. Nice try. The WHO ...
- Myths and Facts: Study Verifies That There Is No V ...Editorial at preventdisease.com A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Libary found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate. The authors stated that the only ones showing benefit were industry-funded. They also pointed o ...
- SILVER as Currency in Michigan – Alternate C ...
- “A person in my family was involved in 9/11& ...By Kevin Barrett Why can’t Wikileaks, with all its amazing resources, break any 9/11 stories? It’s not like it’s all that hard. This Saturday, 12/11/10, I’ll be breaking two! Rushing in where Assange fears to tread, I will be interviewing two people who have had to live with the emotionally devastat ...
Veterans Today
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News1.     Shinseki’s “Good News” Hailed On Reduction In Homeless Veterans. The Huntington (WV) Herald-Dispatch (12/11) editorializes that homelessness “is a timeless issue, but most Americans became more conscious of the problem in the 1970s, as homeless populations became more visible in urban ...
- JB Campbell: Anti-AmericanThe leakers are being called “anti-American.” What decent person, anywhere in the world today, is not anti-American? Is there anyone more dangerous than our typical ignorant, arrogant American “citizen,” who very likely couldn’t find America on a marked map of the world? Well, yes: the American mili ...
- TONY LAWSON: SEX, LIES, IRAN, ISRAEL AND WIKILEAK ...“DEVASTATING, ANOTHER POWERFUL LAWSON VIDEO…Veterans Today Editors Tony Lawson’s newest video is another powerful indictment of, not just the media circus and Wikileaks but the hypocrisy many still cling to under the guise of righteousness and moral certainty. [There is a video that cannot be displa ...
- JB Campbell: Force and Fraud(Flashback – Prelude to today) The Bush dictatorship just got its green light for army law. The Military Commissions Act sets up military tribunals to kill the enemies of Zion. We wonât have roadblocks right away but theyâre coming. Have you flown lately? Militarized police will be setting up checkp ...
- Lila Rajiva: The Case Against Wikileaks – IIS WIKILEAKS “SUBLMINAL PREPPING” BY AN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY? By Lila Rajiva STAFF WRITER Let me first say that harassing Julian Assange for having published leaked government documents is completely wrong. There’s no evidence so far that anyone has been injured directly because of the leaks. Nationa ...
electric politics
- PrioritiesTo be honest, the shrimp fishermen don't matter. The Gulf coast tourist traps don't matter. The economic effects of the spill. Don't matter. It's not about the money. What matters is that we're destroying the environment, killing countless innocent creatures. I keep hoping things may not be quite a ...
- Regime Change PoliticsWe tell ourselves that humans are sentient animals. Yet here in the U.S. our politics seem rather more directed by delusion, or denial, than reason. Collectively, we not only do not know that our political system does not produce democratic results, we pretend the results are democratic no matter h ...
- The Death and Life of Intelligence AnalysisMagical thinking drives the Neocons' perpetual efforts to start a war with Iran. Politicians, by and large, fail to apprehend the danger. If it weren't for analysts like Dr. Thomas Fingar — and many others — who have held the line on explaining the real costs of war, we would by now be well and tru ...
- (Unlawful) Targeted KillingThe U.S. government should not murder people abroad. A simple enough rule, yet in a bizarre, barbaric, and cold-blooded fashion Washington now not only claims the right to murder anyone it wants, anywhere it wants, abroad, including American citizens, but actively carries out such intent with drone ...
- The Power of ImaginationHarkening back to an earlier age, the prolific and brilliant author and anthologist Michael Sims helps us to understand science, natural history, literature, and all manner of other things. A Renaissance man. In Dracula's Guest he explores through Victorian eyes the universal human fear of the dark ...
PR News
- Max Borges wins two six-figure tech accountsFlorida-based technology and social media specialist agency Max Borges has won two new six-figure accounts - Archos and AOC.
- Q&A: Brad Shaw, VP, corporate communications, Home ...Brad Shaw, VP of corporate communications and external affairs at The Home Depot, talks to Alexandra Bruell about the role of research in its communications strategy, brand partnerships, and the future of marketing integration.
- Nevada firm adds four healthcare clientsLAS VEGAS: MassMedia Corporate Communications added four new healthcare clients, starting December 1.
- Lippe Taylor hires new director of HRNEW YORK: Lippe Taylor Brand Communications hired Emilie Schaum as director of human resources.
- Private equity group hires SpainWASHINGTON: The Private Equity Growth Capital Council tapped Ken Spain as VP of public affairs and communications.
The Story Behind the Story
- UTAH SOUND MONEY ACT (Brilliant!!!)Today I was introduced to Mr. Larry Hilton, JD, MBA – the author of a brilliant piece of much needed legislation that hopefully will pass the Utah legislature, and then each and every other state in this union. Here is his introduction to me for the “Utah Sound Money Act” —- Click here:Â Sound Mone ...
- Long Live King and Queen Obama!!!!Barack Obama enjoys living like a king, so why shouldn’t Michelle Obama live like a queen? The First Lady was photographed last night in Hawaii wearing $635 per pair designer shoes by Maison Martin Margiela. A woman lucky enough to have a job in this economy and working for the federal minimum wage ...
- Remember November 22, 1963 – The Assassinati ...To honor the memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I think it important to post the following correspondence with independent researcher and film-maker John Hankey. This written dialog was first posted on Rense.com by Mr. Hankey back in 2007. A. True Ott, PhD The Reason JFK Jr Was Murdered From John Ha ...
- COLD FUSION IS HERE!!!Understanding Lightning âNeltronsâ is Key to Cold Fusion One manâs study of lightning and itâs effects led to his discovery of the Neltron – tiny negative particles of matter smaller than electrons. The Van Allen Magnetic belts discharges tiny negative particles into the part of the air where helium ...
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
k2p blog
- Capitation fees: The stench of corruption in the I ...All degrees and especially post graduate degrees in medicine, engineering and IT related subjects from private colleges in India are granted solely for the payment of a capitation fee.
- Bring back my incandescent light bulb!Consumer protection organisations have demanded a suspension of the EU ban on incandescent light bulbs, citing official tests that showed the new compact fluorescent lamps to be dangerous if broken.
- Sarkozy pushes nuclear, arms deals on India visitThe French President is on a 4 day visit to India close on the heels of the visits by President Obama aand the Russian Prime Minister. The Chinese Premier is due next.
- Cancun won’t because it can’tWith Japan's forthright statement on Monday and reluctance on the part of the other countries such as Russia, Canada and Australia to commit to a second phase, the entire negotiation at Cancun is fraught with uncertainty.
- Proof positive of FIFA bribery & corruption: Qatar ...Can there be any other reason than B & C for Qatar to get the World Cup??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/9250612.stm
Left Foot Forward
- Is Simon Hughes Britain’s most confused poli ...Following Evan Harris's bizarre claim last week that the only way to get rid of fees was to "vote more Liberal Democrats into power", Simon Hughes yesterday said he "would have liked to have voted against" fees - but didn't, just as he threatened to vote against the VAT rise in the Budget but failed ...
- Time to muzzle the legal loan sharksLisa Nandy MP talks about the problems caused by the extortionate rate of legal loan sharks and discusses the End Legal Loan Sharks campaign.
- PI No. 8: Self-improvement for people who read new ...In the latest Political Innovation essay, Miljenko Williams of the blog 21st Century Fix looks at what politics can learn from the likes of Last.fm
- Who’d have thought it – ‘real’ welfare is wo ...Is Britain really broken? New findings suggest that the growth of so called 'welfare dependency' may be massively overstated, reports Daisy Blacklock.
- Look Left – Fees trebled as Clegg, Cable and co. b ...The week: The Lib Dems' final betrayal over tuition fees, led into the abyss by Nick Clegg and Vince Cable, the prison reform plans, the Cancun summit and more.
- Walmart.com Tries To Make My Wife Smell Like A Dud ...If Stephen wanted Burberry London for Men, he would have ordered some for himself. But he was after a gift for his wife, and thus ordered Burberry London for Women at what seemed to be an excellent price. He says Walmart.com didn't care and sent him the cheaper men's variety anyway, then wouldn't r ...
- McDonald's E-Mail List HackedIn a story not unlike last week's hacking of the Walgreens promotional e-mail list, readers have been writing in to tell us about a notice they've received from the folks at McDonald's. Reads the e-mail: Our records indicate you previously elected to submit information to McDonald's in connection ...
- Morning DealsClothingShoeMall: [Shoes] [Save 20% Plus Get Free Shipping]Eddie Bauer: [Apparel] [Save up to 50% off with Holiday Sale]New Balance: [Athletic Shoes] [Save Up to 40% off Select Shoes plus Free Shipping]Old Navy: [Apparel] 20% Off Entire Purchase w/ Coupon ONHOLIDAYPayless Shoes: [Shoes] 20% Off Ent ...
- Snow Lays Waste To Metrodome, Sends Football Game ...A colossal snowstorm in Minnesota did to the Metrodome what other teams have been doing to the Vikings most of the season, making it collapse under intense pressure. Snow punctured the puffy, Teflon roof of the 28-year-old structure, forcing tonight's Vikings-Giants game to be played in Detroit. Th ...
- Bank of America Thaws Foreclosure FreezeIf you're an under-the-gun homeowner with a Bank of America mortgage and you've been keeping your fingers crossed that the bank's temporary suspension of foreclosures would continue indefinitely, you can uncross them. The bank announced today that it would resume foreclosures this month. CNN repo ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Senate Passes Crucial Federal Employee Whistleblow ...Washington Post: Senate Passes Whistleblower Protection Bill Summary: The Senate has passed the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA), much-needed legislation that strengthens the rights of federal employees to safely expose fraud, wrongdoing an ...
- Senate Passes Whistleblower Protection Enhancement ...Last night, the Senate unanimously approved comprehensive bipartisan whistleblower protection legislation for federal employees. This action is the result of a decade-long effort to protect the federal employees who risk their careers to protect the rest of us. The Make It Safe Coalition (MISC) urge ...
- Jesselyn Radack Discusses Tom Drake; Rolls Royce P ...Radack Pacifica Radio’s “The Monitor”: Interview with Jesselyn Radack GAP Homeland Security & Human Rights Director Jesselyn Radack discusses WikiLeaks and overclassification, as well as the cases of whistleblowers Thomas Drake and Valerie Plame. Associated Press: Whistleblower Suit Ci ...
- Lugar Urges Development Banks to Report Corruption ...Senator Richard Lugar released a statement on Tuesday in which he urged all multinational development banks to refer companies and consultants suspected of fraudulent or corrupt practices to relevant national authorities. The development banks -- including the World Bank, African Development Bank, A ...
- Justice Department Examines Laws with Potential Us ...Courtesy of Espen Moe The New York Times: Justice Department Studies WikiLeaks Prosecution According to those familiar with the Justice Department’s investigation into WikiLeaks, government officials are examining an array of statutes that could potentially be used to charge WikiLeaks fo ...
UK Progressive
- The Why-Should-I-Get-Out-Of-My-Chair Gap in 2012by Robert Reich In the 2010 midterm elections Democrats suffered from a so-called “enthusiasm gap.” If Dems agree to the tax plan just negotiated by the White House with Republican leaders, they’ll face a “why-should-I-get-up-out-of-my-chair” gap that will make 2010’s Dem enthusiasm seem like a pep ...
- The Monday Line: LibDems’ Bed with Tories So Stran ...by Denis G. Campbell Nick Clegg and many of the Liberal Democrats failed to support their party’s signature issue, holding the line on low tuition fees. In an Ipsos/MORI poll released yesterday it cost them more than half of the voter support of their party. 50% of LibDems told pollsters they will a ...
- Former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman on ...Christine is first sane, moderate sounding Republican to come along in two years. Coincidence she is both a woman and not currently holding any office?
- From WikiChinaby THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN While secrets from WikiLeaks were splashed all over the American newspapers, I couldn’t help but wonder: What if China had a WikiLeaker and we could see what its embassy in Washington was reporting about America? I suspect the cable would read like this: Things are going well h ...
- An Irishman Abroad Tells it Like it is! (Strong la ...You want to know how to fix the world or how we got ourselves into any mess? Stand, sit, raise a pint (optional) and talk with an Irishman. You will get the straight unfiltered, unvarnished skinny on any topic, especially if theft from the workers and mass government stupidity were involved. Take 2 ...
- Federal Judge to Rule on Health Law's Constitution ...The Wall Street Journal reports:A Virginia federal judge is expected to rule Monday on whether the Obama administration's health law violates the Constitution, opening a new stage in the administration's defense of its biggest legislative achievement. The ruling by District Judge Henry E. Hudson is ...
- GOP Weekly Address: Tax CutsYou Tube has the weekly GOP address. Is the messenger more popular than the message? No word yet on this one from R.S. McCain on this one.
- Ron Paul, G.O.P. Loner, Comes In From ColdThe New York Times looks at Ron Paul and the movement he started. Here's a quote:The walls of Mr. Paul’s Congressional office are devoid of the usual pictures with presidents and other dignitaries. Instead, there are portraits of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, titans of the Austrian school. F ...
- Nobel Prize Economist Gary Becker Talks About the ...Big Government
- California's Parent TriggerThe L.A. Weekly reports:On a recent afternoon in Compton, Mary Najera of Boyle Heights is making a sale in the peach-colored dining room of a tidy home. But she isn't selling cosmetics or Tupperware. She's pitching to a young mother a radical new tool of school reform in California — the Parent Trig ...
- Cancun in a nutshell: nothing achieved but it’s a ...After the awful post-Climategate-and-Copenhagen year, more than anything else, the Big Scare Campaign needed a PR win. And in that sense Cancun was a major victory. Nothing legally binding has came out of it, but the headlines would warm the hearts of all on Team-Scare-Us. The most important thing f ...
- Waiting for news of Cancun… $100 billion at stake ...What happened through the last long night of the Cancun talks? The most recent news I can find suggests the Greens are partly happy, which means more money must be going to flow from the people to the bureaucratic machinery. Though nothing appears to be confirmed. Ponder the power of 100 billion dol ...
- BREAKING NEWS! The abdication of the West — the st ...It did seem too quiet at Cancun. The power hungry tyrants learnt from Copenhagen. They realized that they have a far better chance of success by underselling the expectations and sliding in long impenetrable documents in front of underling bureaucrats. Due to the importance of this I have reproduced ...
- Where is the evidence for the dangerous positive f ...It appears the warming of the 20th Century has been done before. It’s just business as usual for the planet. Frank Lansner has been hard at work again, and we’ve been discussing the Vostok ice cores. This time Lansner was looking to see if the current warming trend was unusual, and if there was ev ...
- Solar Panel subsidies: A billion dollars to provid ...There is no sunnier first world country than Australia. If solar was going to be a raging success anywhere, surely it would be in the land of the Sunburnt Country. Instead the Australian government has poured in more than a billion dollars to install solar panels on the roof tops of private homes. ...
ReNew America
- Dick Morris: Obama surrenders in tax cut deal(NewsMax) - President Barack Obama's deal with Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts and continue unemployment benefits was a surrender akin to that of Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox, political analyst Dick Morris tells Newsmax.TV. The pact, which was dealt a setback Thursday when the House Demo ...
- Ruling elites wage war on morality(Washington Times) - As the nation lurches back toward well-founded suspicion of big government, the ruling elites are putting the pedal to the metal against the moral foundations. In a matter of months, three liberal federal judges struck down California's constitutional marriage amendment, the Def ...
- Exposed: TSA's X-rated scanner fraud(Washington Times) - Physicists who led the development of today's most sophisticated medical imaging technology believe the federal government's X-rated airport x-ray scanners are useless...
- Gen. McInerny: GOP-controlled House will review La ...(WorldNetDaily) - Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney predicts the incoming Republican-controlled House of Representatives will launch an investigation if Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is convicted in next week's court martial...
- House Democrats reject tax plan unless changed(NewsMax) - In a stunning rebuke to President Barack Obama, House Democrats revolted Thursday morning by voting to block the extension of the Bush tax cuts in the lame-duck session of Congress. Democrats took the nonbinding voice vote behind closed doors, agreeing not to approve the compromise that ...
Truth Offering
- Politicians and the Voting Public: A Toxic Relatio ...At TruthOffering.com, we've written much about what's known as the Liberty to Tyranny cycle. The reason we've focused so much attention on this cycle is that we believe in it completely. That is to say, since every civilization has followed this cycle's projection, it's reasonable to suspect the Uni ...
- Education v. Conditioning: Wundt, Rockefeller and ...John D. Rockefeller, Sr. / Wilhelm WundtSince reading "the deliberate dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Iserbyt, I've been trying to find other people out there who have also noticed the ruining of education in the United States. To be honest, it's hard to find information on this subject out th ...
- Education v. Conditioning: Wundt, Rockefeller and ...John D. Rockefeller, Sr. / Wilhelm WundtSince reading "the deliberate dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Iserbyt, I've been trying to find other people out there who have also noticed the ruining of education in the United States. To be honest, it's hard to find information on this subject out th ...
- Our Latest Poll - Week Ending 11/15/10Our latest poll asked you if, "In the wake of the recent cargo plane bomb plot, do you think air travelers will be forced into cooperating with even more ridiculous safety measures?" Since posing this question, the mainstream media's been talking a lot about the TSA's tyrannical rules and regulation ...
- Don't Let the Oil Spoil!The headlines are all the same these past few weeks: oil spill continues...oil spill worst in history...oil spill won't be contained until August, etc. Today's AP article's opening paragraph reads as follows: "As the crude crept closer to Florida, the risky effort to contain the nation's worst oil s ...