US orders nearly all personnel out of Ivory Coast
Kroger announces select pet food recall
Ireland the Model - NYTimes.com
Five years after hurricane, West Palm Beach grant snafu stalls home repairs for low-income residents
'Double-dipping' probe targets Air National Guard pilots
20 Incredibly Educational Alternative Medicine Blogs
Blogs dedicated to all-things alternative medicine, holistic health and even acupuncture.
Pharmaceutical Drug Companies Top Military Industry in Defrauding U.S. Gov’t
Public Citizen found that the drug industry paid out nearly $20 billion in penalties over the past two decades for violations of the False Claim Act. More than half of the industry’s fines were paid by just four companies: GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly and Schering-Plough... three-quarters of it has just been in the last five years.

America Held Hostage: 9/11 first responders bill can pass, but only if corps can offshore jobs
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce have ordered their lackeys in the U.S. Senate to effectively kill first responders who were sickened rescuing people from the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, unless Democrats withdraw their proposal to fund these heroes’ healthcare by closing a jobs offshoring loophole. Seriously.
Treating our military like so many toy soldiers
Traumatic Brain Injury. G.I.'s afflicted by TBI are not likely to get better, and in fact will almost certainly get worse, especially if the remediation strategies are ignored, glossed over, or even denied.
From the battlefield to the homefront, the military's doctors and screening systems routinely miss brain trauma in soldiers. One of the military tests fails to catch as many as 40 percent of concussions, a recent unpublished study concluded. A second exam, on which the Pentagon has spent millions, yields results that top medical officials call about as reliable as a coin flip.
The Army is so intent on covering their ass here that General Eric Schoomaker, the Army's top doc, initially fired off an email ordering medical commanders not to talk to NPR or ProPublica when he found out they were asking questions about TBI and brain injuries. "We have some obvious vulnerabilities here as we have worked to better understand the nature of our soldiers' injuries and to manage them in a standardized fashion," he wrote. "I do not want any more interviews at a local level."
Tricare, an insurance-style program covering nearly 4 million active-duty military and retirees, says the scientific evidence does not justify providing comprehensive cognitive rehabilitation.
reviewers called the Tricare study "deeply flawed," "unacceptable" and "dismaying." One top scientist called the assessment a "misuse" of science designed to deny treatment for service members.

Tricare's stance is also at odds with some medical groups, years of research and even other branches of the Pentagon. Last year, a panel of 50 civilian and military brain specialists convened by the Pentagon unanimously concluded that cognitive therapy was an effective treatment that would help many brain-damaged troops. More than a decade ago, a similar panel convened by the National Institutes of Health reached a similar consensus. Several peer-reviewed studies in the past few years have also endorsed cognitive therapy as a treatment for brain injury.
Life and Death Decisions Weigh on Junior Officers
U.S. Military Seeks to Expand Raids in Pakistan
Senior American military commanders in Afghanistan are pushing for an expanded campaign of Special Operations ground raids across the border into Pakistan’s tribal areas, a risky strategy reflecting the growing frustration with Pakistan’s efforts to root out militants there.
America’s clandestine war in Pakistan has for the most part been carried out by armed drones operated by the C.I.A.
Additionally, in recent years, Afghan militias backed by the C.I.A. have carried out a number of secret missions into Pakistan’s tribal areas. These operations in Pakistan by Afghan operatives, known as Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams, have been previously reported as solely intelligence-gathering operations. But interviews in recent weeks revealed that on at least one occasion, the Afghans went on the offensive and destroyed a militant weapons cache.
The decision to expand American military activity in Pakistan, which would almost certainly have to be approved by President Obama himself, would amount to the opening of a new front in the nine-year-old war, which has grown increasingly unpopular among Americans. It would run the risk of angering a Pakistani government that has been an uneasy ally in the war in Afghanistan, particularly if it leads to civilian casualties or highly public confrontations.
( Under cover of seeking to destroy the mythical al Qaeda of video follies and nonsense fame )
Children of Vietnam
Truth hurts, Lies kill. Real truth behind the phony wars by Dr.Dahlia wasfi.
Why Julian Assange is a journalist
And why WikiLeaks is entitled to the same First Amendment protections as the New York Times The lines distinguishing professional journalists from other people who disseminate information, ideas and opinions to a wide audience have largely disappeared with the advent of the Web and inexpensive and powerful personal computers and software. WikiLeaks is just the beginning, and the government’s decision about how to proceed will have important implications for press freedom for years to come.
Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed
Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
Flock is based on Google Chrome now instead of Firefox
LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr all together in your Sidebar
CRTC hits Bell Canada with $1.3M penalty for violating Do Not Call rules
The regulator also found that Bell broke Do Not Call rules by using automated calling devices to contact prepaid mobile customers. ( Huh. That's a good way to lose clients. )
Senate Passes Bill That Destroys Existing Whistleblower Rights
US... and Justice For Few
Unsettled Christianity
Tea Party Nation calls for the end of the United Methodist Church