Traumatic Brain Injuries and Statistical Manipulation
By denying TBI and PTSD claims the Pentagoons can handle a lot of the symptoms of both as crimes, to be punished, rather than as symptoms of damages caused by the Pentagon Mission.
They can also punish the soldiers for “malingering” – faking illness to get out of performance of their duties… if they report the symptoms to Medical Personnel and Medical, who are under orders from their “superiors” (which would make themselves “inferiors”, something the military discourages you mentioning) and if those orders pointedly Exclude diagnosing PTSD or TBI, that means the Medical Personnel themselves would be required to report the soldier for “malingering”.
They did that crap with Agent Orange victims too, and still do. File an A.O. claim and they’ll investigate YOU as a criminal rather than Monsanto, Dow and Union Carbide…
That leads to the Other Interpretation of the statistic. If “Soldiers” is limited to the Army, possibly the Marines, that’s still the largest chunk of Military personnel and would mean possibly 37% of returning Army and Marine Corps being affected. That’s one in three instead of one in five.
Be All That You Can Be, as the lying ass recruiter slogan used to say.
The Real Agenda
example of those. Monitoring large areas with drones and blowing up innocent people is another example. But a third a most important is the U.S. president’s Gestapo armed forces. Department of Defense Directive 1404.10, dated January 23, 2009, set up a “Civilian Expeditionary Workforce” that would “be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; drug interdiction; and stability operations
The Real Agenda
Obama: Train my Gestapo in Afghanistan. U.S.Next?Much of the thuggery used in the United States today was experienced tried out outside the U.S. first. The use sound cannons is one

Of course Obama does not identify this paramilitary force as a Gestapo. He prefers to call it a civilian military force.
- Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder
- The Military Industrial Complex’s Scheme to Control the Internet
Propaganda Disguised as Journalism
As the new corporations began taking over the press, something called “professional journalism” was invented. To attract big advertisers, the new corporate press had to appear respectable, pillars of the establishment—objective, impartial, balanced. The first schools of journalism were set up, and a mythology of liberal neutrality was spun around the professional journalist. The right to freedom of expression was associated with the new media and with the great corporations, and the whole thing was, as Robert McChesney put it so well, “entirely bogus”.For what the public did not know was that in order to be professional, journalists had to ensure that news and opinion were dominated by official sources, and that has not changed. Go through the New York Times on any day, and check the sources of the main political stories—domestic and foreign—you’ll find they’re dominated by government and other established interests. That is the essence of professional journalism.
“If the United States looks increasingly like a police state Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit”
Since 9/11, the independent senator from Connecticut has introduced a raft of legislation in the name of the “global war on terror” which has steadily eroded constitutional rights. If the United States looks increasingly like a police state, Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit for it.
Since 9/11, the independent senator from Connecticut has introduced a raft of legislation in the name of the “global war on terror” which has steadily eroded constitutional rights. If the United States looks increasingly like a police state, Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit for it.
On 11 October 2001, exactly one month after 9/11, Lieberman introduced S. 1534, a bill to establish a Department of Homeland Security. Since then, he has been the main mover behind such draconian legislation as the Protect America Act of 2007, the Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, and theproposed Terrorist Expatriation Act, which would revoke the citizenship of Americans suspected of terrorism. And now the senator from Connecticut wants to kill the internet.
How much faith would American voters have in the likes of Lieberman, who claims that the Jewish state is their greatest ally, if they knew that Israeli agents planted firebombs in American installations in Egypt in 1954 in an attempt to undermine relations between President Gamal Abdel Nasser and the United States; that Israel murdered 34 American servicemen in a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967; that Israeli espionage, most notably Jonathan Pollard’s spying, has done tremendous damage to American interests; that five Mossad agents were filming and celebrating as the Twin Towers collapsed on 11 September 2001; that Tel Aviv and its accomplices in Washington were the source of the false pre-war intelligence on Iraq; and about countless other examples of treachery?
On 11 October 2001, exactly one month after 9/11, Lieberman introduced S. 1534, a bill to establish a Department of Homeland Security. Since then, he has been the main mover behind such draconian legislation as the Protect America Act of 2007, the Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, and theproposed Terrorist Expatriation Act, which would revoke the citizenship of Americans suspected of terrorism. And now the senator from Connecticut wants to kill the internet.How much faith would American voters have in the likes of Lieberman, who claims that the Jewish state is their greatest ally, if they knew that Israeli agents planted firebombs in American installations in Egypt in 1954 in an attempt to undermine relations between President Gamal Abdel Nasser and the United States; that Israel murdered 34 American servicemen in a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967; that Israeli espionage, most notably Jonathan Pollard’s spying, has done tremendous damage to American interests; that five Mossad agents were filming and celebrating as the Twin Towers collapsed on 11 September 2001; that Tel Aviv and its accomplices in Washington were the source of the false pre-war intelligence on Iraq; and about countless other examples of treachery?
Free the Scientists
There is too much pressure on climate scientists. The way Mann attacked everyone in the climategate emails for not presenting the consensus view was disgusting.Typically, in my experience, scientists enjoy the imagining of something different to the status quo, even more than publishing the standard. It’s in the nature of these people that something new and different is exciting. It’s no fun repeating the same stuff over and over, and nothing is gained. My guess is that climate scientists often find the global warming politics tedious but what choice do they have.
Becoming a Successful Scientist