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IPS - Inter Press Services
- COLOMBIA: Palm Planters and Displaced People Wait ...Twenty-three African palm plantation owners, who invested 34 million dollars in Colombia up to 2003 and have spent another 15 million dollars on a palm oil refinery, are soon to be sentenced by a court.
- CENTRAL AMERICA: Rampant Violence Means Childhood ...Very early one recent morning in the eastern Guatemalan municipality of Esquipulas, the residents slept soundly -- until heart-rending screams from the street broke the calm.
- The Return of the BicycleThe bicycle has many attractions as a form of personal transportation. It alleviates congestion, lowers air pollution, reduces obesity, increases physical fitness, does not emit climate-disrupting carbon dioxide, and is priced within the reach of the billions of people who cannot afford a ...
- KGB Back in Fashion in UkraineRegular police torture of suspects, a crackdown on press freedom and the right to assembly, and a return to KGB methods of intimidation and forced collaboration are part of "alarming" breaches of human rights in the Ukraine, international and domestic rights groups have warned.
- Swiss Knives Out for MigrantsThe disputed 'black sheep' placards may soon return to Swiss streets. The country's Federal Council and parliament have validated a right-wing initiative calling for the automatic deportation of criminal foreigners.
Scoop - NZ
- Ann Jones: COIN down for the countUnited States President Barack Obama's Afghanistan strategy isn't working. So said a parade of Afghanistan watchers during the flap over war commander General Stanley McChrystal's firing. But what does that phrase, so often in the media these days, really mean? And if the strategy really isn't worki ...
- Libraries gave us powerChildren's writer Alan Gibbons has just published his latest newsletter for the Campaign for the Book, which aims to defend public and school libraries: 'So now we know. Government departments are told to prepare plans for cuts of a4up to' 40%, while there is a nod and a wink that most should get ...
- With the US in Depression, is it 1932 again ?"The economy is still in the gravitational pull of the Great Recession," said Robert Reich, former US labour secretary. "All the booster rockets for getting us beyond it are failing." "Home sales are down. Retail sales are down. Factory orders in May suffered their biggest ...
- Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spillMore oil is spilled from the Niger delta's network of terminals, pipes, pumping stations and oil platforms every year than has been lost in the Gulf of Mexico, the site of a major ecological catastrophe caused by oil that has poured from a leak triggered by the explosion that wrecked BP's Deepwater ...
- Businesses want legislation on climate changeMore companies today support climate legislation than ever before, that's according to a new report released by Pew Centre on Global Climate Change.And thats for good sound business reasons . ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent - London
- The Dalai Lama at 75: the story so far, in picture ...Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, originally named Tenzin Gyatso, turned 75 today. To celebrate, The Independent Online has rummaged through the archives to provide you with a glimpse of the story so far of the life of the 14th Dalai Lama.
- Obama and Netanyahu to focus on peace talksPresident Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu headed into a White House meeting today with the same goal: trying to move the Israelis and Palestinians to resume face-to-face peace talks.
- Supporters cheer Dalai Lama on 75th birthdayThe Dalai Lama celebrated his 75th birthday today with hundreds of cheering followers in Dharmsala, northern India, which has been his home since he fled Tibet after a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.
- Finland takes first place at wife-carrying champio ...Finland for the second year in a row took first place at the annual Wife-Carrying World Championships held in the central Finnish town of Sonkajaervi, organisers said Saturday.
- BP oil spill hitting all gulf statesTar balls found on a Texas beach were confirmed as the first evidence that gushing crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon well had reached all the Gulf states.
Rogue Government.com
- U.S. Largely Ruling Out North Korea As Source Of ...U.S. officials have largely ruled out North Korea as the origin of a computer attack last July that took down U.S. and South Korean government websites, according to cybersecurity experts.
- Intelligent cars will report accidents to authori ...The car, which is being developed by researchers at computer chip giant Intel, will record information about the vehicle speed, steering and braking along with video footage from inside and outside the vehicle.
- Brainchips Could Help Paralyzed Patients
- Expert Says Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The ...
- Divorce Is Contagious
Innovation Canada
- Fertilizer from the seaWhen the first European settlers arrived to scratch out a living on the thin soils across Atlantic Canada, they quickly made use of the seaweed on the beaches around them as a plentiful source of crop fertilizer. This age-old European practice continues in the region to this day, and now a Nova Scot ...
- i2eye with Rick Hansen
- i2eye with Stephen Hawking and Neil TurokIt takes a special kind of communicator to make physics understandable to the average person. But more than 20 years ago, Stephen Hawking did just that with the publication of “A Brief History of Time,” a popular account of what was known about the origin and evolution of our universe. The book beca ...
- Paleo artAll that’s left of the most numerous, diverse and successful creatures that ever walked the face of the Earth are bones. Dinosaurs left behind on YouTube videos, photographs or even cave drawings. Yet we can get a glimpse into the natural existence of these “terrible lizards” through the work of Alb ...
- Pollution solutionThe Walkerton disaster of May 2000 was a cautionary tale for all Canadians concerned about the safety of their drinking water. When a deadly strain of E. coli from farm runoff contaminated the Ontario community’s water supply, seven people died and nearly half the town’s residents became ill before ...
Signs of the times
- BEST OF WEB: The BP/Government police stateLast week, I interviewed Mother Jones' Mac McClelland, who has been covering the BP oil spill in the Gulf since the first day it happened. She detailed how local police and federal officials work with BP to harass, impede, interrogate and even detain journalists who are covering the impact of the s ...
- Think You're Operating on Free Will? Think AgainStudies have found that upon entering an office, people behave more competitively when they see a sharp leather briefcase on the desk, they talk more softly when there is a picture of a library on the wall, and they keep their desk tidier when there is a vague scent of cleaning agent in the air. But ...
- The Israel boycott - now the Methodists are join ...News that the Methodist Church had passed an "anti-Israel" motion caused me a heavy, sad sigh at this latest sign of the times. Traditionally, the Methodists were the sort of Christians Jews could feel comfortable with. Like us, these non-conformists were for a long time outsiders, banished from th ...
- Does Israel Make Us Safer?Israel just announced it has loosened Gaza blockade rules to allow in consumer goods and Turkey is demanding an apology for the flotilla raid. As Obama and Netanyahu await tomorrow's meeting, historian Thaddeus Russell argues that it's time to ask if the country makes Americans safer - even if the a ...
- Antarctic sea ice peaks at third highest in the sa ...While everyone seems to be watching the Arctic extent with intense interest, it's bipolar twin continues to make enough ice to keep the global sea ice balance near normal. These images from Cryosphere today provide the details. You won't see any mention of this in the media. Google News returns no s ...
The Galloping Beaver
- So, what's your point McParland?Is this something new ? You don't like snipers on the roofs? You get squeamish at the idea of the whole of JTF2 living in a Toronto hotel? You're not a conservative anymore? What is it?! Fuck me, that column is a waste of good bandwidth. (But then, we are all guilty of that sin.) Is it because yo ...
- Send in the clownsDave guest stars with me on the Maple Syrup Revolution as we spend a full hour discussing what the heck happened in Toronto and why . Then I go and get all sentimental about my homeland. This week the Maple Syrup Revolution is having a Two-for-One sale in honor of Canada Day, so get over there an ...
- Question on academic misconduct for academic reade ...A friend of mine, a former graduate student, strongly suspects they have found versions of their submitted work on a former professor's CV under that professor's authorship. The professor is a tenured faculty member of a major Canadian university. The university website contains a great deal of pr ...
- Homeland Security damage control in the GulfJuly 2 : CNN : The US Coast Guard announced new rules keeping photographers, reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of any response vessel or booms, out on the water or on beaches. Violators could face a fine of $40,000 and class D felony charges. The coast guard tried to make the excl ...
- Catalytic overhaulIn the wake of the Somalia debacle in the 1990s, the public and government started asking very serious questions about the system that produced the perpetrators involved in that nasty bit of national disgrace. Hazing videos surfaced, testimony was heard. Eventually an entire Regiment was struck of ...
Media Matters for America
- Wash. Times op-ed advances oil spill res ...In a Washington Times op-ed, Steve Milloy advanced falsehoods regarding the Obama administration's response to the Gulf oil spill, including the claims that the Jones Act has prevented foreign help in the cleanup effort; that the EPA has not allowed Dutch skimming equipment to be used in the Gu ...
- Fox News refuses to report on Bush-era DOJ decisi ...Fox News continues to omit evidence while advancing GOP activist J. Christian Adams' accusations that the Justice Department engaged in unprecedented and racially charged corruption by not pursuing additional charges of voter intimidation against members of the New Black Panther Party. In fact, ...
- Sunday shows don't challenge senators' criticism o ...Fox's and CBS' Sunday morning talk show hosts allowed Sens. Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman to criticize President Obama's conditions-based troop drawdown date in Afghanistan without mentioning Gen. David Petraeus' endorsement of that timetable. By contrast, during his interview of Sen. John McCai ...
- Supposed "whistleblower" Adams deeply connected t ...Right-wing media are hyping the dubious allegations of former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams, a GOP activist reportedly hired to the DOJ by Bush political appointee Bradley Schlozman, who was found to have inappropriately considered political affiliation and ideology when hiring c ...
- Las Vegas Review-Journal attacks Kagan fo ...The Las Vegas Review-Journal charged Elena Kagan with taking an extreme position while defending a statute written to ban animal "crush videos." In fact, the Supreme Court stated that Kagan's brief was grounded in precedent, Justice Samuel Alito sided with the government in the case, and Kagan has ...
Global Research.ca
- Friendly "Siege Of China"? U.S. Submarines Reach ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Debt Deflation: A Long Economic Winter AheadFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- BOOK LAUNCH: The Global Economic Crisis: The Great ...Highlights of this Important Collection with Selected Excerpts
- VIDEO: Police State Canada. Police Agents Provocat ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Me, Petraeus, and The Lobby: How The General Respo ...The old adage "politics stops at the water's edge" does not apply to the Middle East. When it comes to all matters relating to Israel, foreign policy is politics. It is absolutely impossible to imagine US policy toward Israel not being entwined in politics, and political fund raising. That is ...
- Aspen Ideas Festival: Ferguson, Gergen & Zuckerma ...The opening forum at the political celebrity and policy wonk packed Aspen Ideas Festival which opened yesterday was titled "The Financial Crisis: Will It Lead to America's Decline?" and featured historian Niall Ferguson , US News & World Report owner and real estate mogul Mort Zuckerman , and presid ...
- The Tea Party and the new right-wing Christian fem ...Why have American women become so active in the right wing Tea Party movement? Could it be that they are drawn to the new conservative Christian feminism publicized by Sarah Palin? Without its grassroots female supporters, the Tea Party would have far less appeal to voters who are frightened by e ...
- Slouching Toward A Double Dip Or A Lousy Recovery ...The economy is still in the gravitational pull of the Great Recession and all the booster rockets for getting us beyond it are failing. The odds of a double dip are increasing. In June the nation added fewer jobs than necessary merely to keep up with population growth (private hiring rose by 83,0 ...
- Day of the Dead[We are pleased to come into possession of a tape of President Barack Obama's July 4th address.] "My fellow Americans, as we come together in celebration this Independence Day, I would like to reaffirm my commitment to securing jobs for all. Please do not be distracted by the sight of my hair ...
- We Energized Each Other: Finding Engaged Allies Wh ...Whatever our situation, we need allies to work successfully for change. We need people to talk with, brainstorm ideas, lift us up when we're down, and build power by acting together. Many of us involve ourselves in local and national political issues, but what about our workplaces? How do we shift t ...
- Robert Reich | Slouching Toward a Double Dip or a ...The economy is still in the gravitational pull of the Great Recession and all the booster rockets for getting us beyond it are failing. The odds of a double dip are increasing. In June the nation added fewer jobs than necessary merely to keep up with population growth (private hiring rose by 83,000 ...
- Bamboo Houses to the RescueOver time, poor countries don’t experience more natural disasters than rich countries, but poor people — even those living in rich countries — suffer more in a catastrophe. Since the dawn of civilization, infrastructure has played a crucial role in deciding who and what survives a flood, earthquake, ...
- Alleged Military Whistleblower Charged With Leakin ...A US Army intelligence analyst was charged on Monday with eight violations of federal criminal law for leaking confidential military documents and videos, including a 2007 video of US attack helicopter brutally murdering civilians and journalists in Baghdad that was leaked to controversial whistlebl ...
- The Poverty Solution: Just Give Money to the PoorWho’s responsible for the poor? read more
- Time-Lapse Video of BP Oil Spill, Courtesy of NASA ...NASA recently released a time-lapse video of the BP oil spill using excellent satellite images. View it below. Been wanting to see a time-lapse video of the burning Deepwater Horizon oil rig and the almost unimaginable oil spill that is resulting from it? Now you can. The images in the following NA ...
- Gulf Oil Spill Solutions ~ X Prize Considers a New ...This week the X Prize foundation announced their intention to come up with a contest for solutions to cleaning up the damage done by the oil leaking from the BP Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico . Roughly 35,000 solutions have been proposed to BP, our government and other organizations, ...
- Arctic May Be More Sensitive to Warming Than Expec ...A new study led by the University of Colorado at Boulder suggests that the Arctic climate system may be more sensitive to greenhouse warming than first thought. The international study suggested that the current levels of Earthâs atmospheric carbon dioxide could be high enough to cause significan ...
- Geoengineering Plus White Fluffy Clouds Equals Mor ...Geoengineering the clouds to reflect more light might not be so bad for the land underneath. Concerns have been raised in the past regarding the effects of seeding clouds to make them more reflective and thereby reduce the radiation absorbed by the Earth. Researchers have believed that by doing so ...
- US Farmers Suffer Under Public and Regulatory Pres ...Farming has always been hard, and in the last 50 years has become incrementally harder with the need to make more, pollute less, satisfy everyone while still supporting yourself. All of this has to happen with increasingly scarce natural resources and the looming crisis of climate change and the ef ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Water News Roundup – July 6, 2010I’m back from what could possibly be described as the most awesome Fourth of July EVER!
- Lloyd Stauffer continues fourth year of water moni ...GREENE — Lloyd Stauffer has a nearly proprietary interest in Lower Coldwater and Palmer Creek
- National Academies Weigh InNew Recommendations in reports of the Academies of Medicine, Science, and Engineering will help in t
- GRASSFED BEEF- WHY & WHERENutritionist Walter Willett states that there is a consensus among nutritionists that America’s obes
- Final Rule : Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas ...US EPA Final rule on reporting requirements for 4 source categories: http://tinyurl.com/3x6cyrr Prop
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Priests, nuns, atheists, anarchist and one clown a ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/priests-nuns-atheists-anarchist-and-
- I'm sick and tired of this thing called "patriotis ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/im-sick-and-tired-of-this-thing-call
- Freedom in the Grace of the World by Chris Hedgestweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/freedom-in-the-grace-of-the-world-by
- Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presenc ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/afghan-war-petraeus-expands-u-s-mili
- "We Pledge Resistance to the Empire" by Cindy Shee ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/we-pledge-resistance-to-the-empire-b
Axis of Logic
- BBC "Hard Talk" with President Hugo Chavez Frias - ...Editor's Comment: On June 15, Stephen Sackur hammered away at President Hugo Chávez Frias in a BBC interview in Caracas - or as Mark Weisbrot wrote, it was actually a debate, not an interview. It was also clearly meant to provoke Chávez who responded with emotion at times, not with...
- Cancer Cured In Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY ...Big Pharma can't allow cancer or any other disease to be cured because they will lose their business of drugs, pills and all the illness causing products they make and distribute to the dis-eased. Plus, the elite need people to be sick and die to depopulate the world. Curing cancer...
- United States: A fourth of Americans are clueless ...Editor's Note: Question - What does this say about�public education and the news and entertainment media in the U.S.?�As a contrast, people in Venezuela commonly carry a�pocket-copy of the Venezuelan constitution with them and despite�hundreds of�years of pre-Chavez illiteracy, they know their�na ...
- Venezuela hits back at Clinton's remark - World Ne ...� � � � Venezuela's foreign minister has hit back at US allegations that Caracas is violating human rights in the South American country. While in Azerbaijan earlier on Sunday, US Secreatry of State Hillary Clinton said Washington is challenging the violation of human rights in se ...
- Brighton MP declares support for acquitted Gaza ca ...Green Party's Caroline Lucas 'delighted' over activists cleared of damaging arms factory in protest against Israeli war crimes. Friday 2 July 2010 Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion. Photograph: Chris Ison/PA Britain's Green MP today declared her support for seven acquitted ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Of Israeli settlers, land grabs, evangelical end-t ...Quite a few years ago, about the time Jonathan Pollard was convicted and not executed (I could kill him myself with a spoon) I came to the conclusion that the time had come to show Israel some tough love and stop coddling them and covering for them and make them stand on their own two feet and learn ...
- If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitch ...Sharron Angle, the fringe-right Senate candidate from Nevada thinks she may have hit on a winning strategy for the fall...she has had her lawyers send her opponent a cease and desist letter for using the content of her original campaign website, the one that details her true positions and paints a d ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapPickin' gnat shit outta peppa. It's not the list of items, it's the blockade. "Israel has confirmed details of what goods it will allow to enter the Gaza Strip with the easing of its blockade. Consumer goods are being allowed but a "blacklist" of items including weapons and materials that could have ...
- Tea Party Goes Back to School to Re-learn -- or Re ...I think it's great that Tea Party Patriots are going back to school to learn more about the Constitution and America's other founding documents. With surveys showing one in three Americans do not know what country we declared independence from on July 4, 1776, a re-acquaintance with the rudiments of ...
- Steele and Palin: Where Do The Republicans Find Th ...The day after Independence Day is as good as any to breach this subject: Where the hell are the Republicans finding all these political/historical illiterates to parade before the public in high positions? Michael Steele Forget for just a moment what your personal views are regarding the Afghanistan ...
Care 2
- Prehistoric Humans Caused Climate Changes, Too?It's almost quaint to think that our ancient ancestors, living some 10,000 years ago, may have altered the planet's climate, just like us. Submitted by Katie Miller to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Obama wiggling on pledge to exit AfghanistanRaging Taliban insurgency may require more U.S. troops, not a 2011 gradual withdrawal as promised Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Travel: 100 Essential T ...Here are a few great tips and resources to help you get well on your way to embracing a healthy, yoga-filled vacation in a destination that engages your body and spirit. Submitted by Katie Miller to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- No-Kill Animal Shelters In EuropeA Detailed List Of No-Kill Animal Shelters In Europe. Area's Unlisted can be searched. Submitted by Borg Drone to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Lenovo: Apple losing out in ChinaThe chairman of PC maker Lenovo says Apple is missing a tremendous opportunity in China and places the blame squarely on Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Submitted by Suzane dsouza to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- My 100% super civil email exchange with a BP offic ...I’d love to know what kind of bet Robert Wine lost where he ended up having to explain the actions of his company to a lowly blogger. Robert’s official title is “press officer,” and from the tone of his emails, he didn’t really appreciate a no-name busybody asking questions about the actions of the ...
- Springtime for SchmucksIf I hadn't seen the word plastered on a billboard on La Brea Avenue, I would never have remotely considered using it in print myself. But there it is, in a five-foot font, just a few miles from the West Hollywood club where Lenny Bruce was arrested for saying it in 1963. Soon, no doubt, promoting ...
- SUMMER: What is Goin' On in Your Area???I’ve been thinking about Summer. Actually I’ve been thinking about the seasons, activities, the July 4th holiday, community celebrations, the Creston Boosters, bake sales, picnics, drives, and most of all --- sunshine. Summer of 2009 didn’t exist for me. I remember so many events and fun things from ...
- Hillary Clinton Blasts Steel Vise of Government Cr ...Finally, a politician has stood up and boldly denounced the creeping fascism that is gradually crushing democracy and political activism. Not mincing her words, or trying to justify the jackboot, Secretary of State and 2008 presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton roundly condemned government actions t ...
- The World's Biggest Debtor Urges More DebtBroken store windows have been repaired, burned out cars and debris removed. Security barriers that turned much of downtown Toronto into a fortress are gone, and so has a small army of police and security agents. The hooligans have decamped. To everyone's relief, the G8/G20 economic summit held in T ...
Paul Krugman
- Arguments From AuthorityThe moral I've taken from recent years isn't Be Humble -- it's Question Authority.
- Inflation DelusionsAlan Meltzer as a case study.
- Confidence Fairies Have Infiltrated The White Hous ...We'll never know what might have happened if Obama and co. had actually had the courage of their convictions.
- Memories Of Scare Tactics PastAt the heart of the inflation/deflation debate was and is a debate between two visions of the economy.
- I Weep For AmericaThe really serious deficit.
No Quarter
- NASA CrashCharles Bolden Loses Credibility. Al Jazeera lite sits down with NASA administrator Charles Bolden, who spends most of his twenty minutes speaking vaguely and politely about NASA “outreach” to Muslims and other world powers. On the face of it, Bolden is simple and condescending. Bo ...
- The Best to the Worst * Open Thread“Health Care Law â 60% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, Just 41% See Repeal as Likely,” Rasmussen Reports â Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed health care law, including 49% who Strongly Favor repeal. â A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone ...
- Land War In the GOPInexcusable. “Keep in mind again,” commented Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele to a swishy Connecticut fundraising audience last week, “This was a war of Obama’s choosing. ” Is he talking about Afghanistan? Really? Michael Steele is a political actor whose job is to rais ...
- ISS AbandonedBob Zimmerman has documented over many weeks the drama of the Obama administration’s abandonment of the manned space program at NASA. John Glenn made the sharp observation that the Obama plan to end the Space Shuttle leaves NASA with no way to connect to the ISS except with the Cosmodrome ...
- Obama, Don’t Know Much About BusinessBarack Obama was not destined to be a failure. He could have compensated for his light resume and very limited experience as an Executive if he only had the innate intelligence to recognize his limitations and to seek outside experience to compensate for his weaknesses. But alas, he’s a self-cente ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Hypnotism: The Cure for a Broken Heart"You are getting ver-r-r-y sleepy." A common phrase for a not-so-common practice. Hypnotism has made lasting strides into the medical world. It may even be the long sough read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- Vertigo Inducing 3D Street Art These guys want to fool you into thinking that flat surfaces are anything but. Awesome artwork created on streets and pavements. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Upcycled Objects: The Found Art of Lucinda Linderm ...Lucinda Linderman's artwork makes a powerful statement about environmental awareness. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Hypoallergenic Dogs: Mutts That Won't Make You Sne ...If allergies plague your home, but you still have your heart set on a cut little puppy you might want to consider one of these four hypoallergenic breeds. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Lyrebird: The Bird That Can Mimic Any Sound in the ...Australia's amazing Lyrebird is the world's greatest mimic, capable of imitating the sounds of chainsaws chopping down trees, musical instruments and even humans. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
- What Barry Should Say to BibiAfter over 60 years of friendship, Israel -- of its own volition and through its own actions -- has become an economic and security liability to the US.
- Picture Obama Authorizing a Nuclear AttackWould President Obama respond to a nuclear attack -- whether from another country or terrorists -- with one of our own?
- The Red Mosque Was Pakistan's WacoThe siege of the Red Mosque in 2007 was as much a rallying cry for disaffected Pakistanis as Waco was for the American militia movement.
- Friday Fun: Imams Gone WildThe breast-feeding fatwa has been great fun for the blogosphere, but it's emblematic of the strange workings of the minds of male theologians.
- What Effect Will Resignation of Iran Hard-Liner Ha ...Will the resignation of the head of safeguards for the International Atomic Energy Agency signal a softer or harder line toward Iran on the IAEA's part?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Netanyahu and Obama meetIsraeli PM and US president look to ease strained ties at meeting in White House.
- Israel to indict soldier over Gaza Army to press charges of manslaughter over deaths of Palestinian women during war.
- Lebanon buries leading Shia cleric Thousands of people attend funeral of Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.
- Egypt driver on shooting rampageBus driver for private construction firm kills six employees while driving them to work.
- More deaths in Kashmir protests Three dead as police fire on crowd demonstrating against deaths in police firing.
Green Inc. - NYT
- The Parking Lot as 'Solar Grove'Envision Solar designs and builds "solar groves," 1,000-square foot canopies that shade parking lots while generating clean power from an array of photovoltaic panels.
- A Blow to Home Energy RetrofitsThe federal agency that oversees two government-chartered mortgage companies imposed new restrictions Tuesday on homeowners' ability to take advantage of a program that allows them to repay the cost of installing solar panels and other energy improvements through an annual surcharge on their propert ...
- On Our Radar: A Bushmeat CrisisA voracious appetite for bushmeat in Congo's Ituri forest threatens the survival of isolated Pygmy tribes.
- For a Premier Lab, a Zero-Energy ShowcaseThe federal government has just finished construction on a zero-energy office building, the nation's largest, and is hoping that commercial developers will follow its lead.
- Preserving Its Piece of the PieWorried about its share of the natural gas supply, the Dow Chemical Company suggests ways for others to use less.
Dot Earth News
- The Passing of an Ocean ExplorerIn praise of one of the quiet heroes of earth science.
- Dutch Agency Seeks Clarity From Climate PanelA Dutch government agency presses the intergovernmental climate panel to explain its sometimes murky procedures.
- Energy Needs of China's Consumers Swamping Efficie ...China's fast-growing consumer class is swamping the government's efforts to cut energy waste.
- Independence-on-HudsonHappy Independence Day.
- Green Groups Press Obama on Energy and CO2Green groups press Obama to take charge on energy and climate.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Sunset of Chicago's Handgun Ban: Shots on Lawrence ...Back now from the US Social Forum in Detroit; stayed at friends' in Chicago and my sister's in Madison. On the way out of Detroit Saturday, I took Michigan Avenue west into Dearborn before cutting down to I-94. On the way out of Chicago Sunday, I took Lawrence Avenue out to I-90. Michigan and La ...
- Diamond Dave & Direct Democracy in Detroit: Crib n ...A decade after the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, more than ten thousand activists have arrived from around the world in Detroit for the 2010 US Social Forum , the first since 2007's Atlanta conference. Over four days USSF is hosting a huge program with more than a thousand work ...
- Assange == Auction the leaks? Lamo was a Honeypot ...Vatican Endorses "The Blues Brothers" - ABC News - nothing else matters too much. " The issue here is that Assange and Manning (the primary source of Wikileaks Iraq and Afghanistan leaks) hoped to jointly profit by selling some of the data by auction " -- Supposed "Wikileaks Insider" @ Cryptome ...
- Daily Show: Obama == "Respect My Authoritah"Great stuff from tonight's Daily Show. It contrasts with the right-baiting on MSNBC right now nicely :) Update 15 mins later: - look what the photo host service I tweeted it from did! TAKEN OVER BY HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP advertising. Dark times. here: http://tweetphoto.com/27442324
- Geological spread of Gulf Disaster, Secret Corexit ...Get Cooked: Americans get most radiation from medical scans ( cryptogon ) Followups to Gaza Flotilla video: subMedia -Foreclose this , Editorial by Iara Lee What happened to us is happening in Gaza , U.S. Filmmaker Recorded Flotilla Massacre Video - Salem-News.Com , New Footage Emerges From the Isra ...
Daily Censored
- CENSORED IN 1999: MONSANTO’S GENETICALLY MODIFIED ...CENSORED IN 1999: MONSANTO’S GENETICALLY MODIFIED SEEDS THREATEN WORLD PRODUCTION Over the 12,000 years that humans have been farming, a rich tradition of seed saving has developed. Men and women choose seeds from the plants that are best adapted to their own locale and trade them within the communi ...
- Project Censored Needs Your Support!For 34 years Project Censored has been committed to bringing the most vital stories to public awareness with the belief that genuine democracy depends on freedom of the press. The new Censored 2011 yearbook has been written and will be released from Seven Stories Press in September of this year. Pl ...
- Arne Duncan and his privatizing cohorts not invite ... No invite for Secretary of Mis-Education, Arne Duncan at The National Education Association The National Education Association Convention is still going on this week in New Orleans with resolutions remaining be turned in. What is interesting is that not one of the Obama administration’s cohorts ...
- Wisconins as public funding for schools falls stat ...From Larry Miller’s blog: July 5, 2010 Many Wisconsin School Districts Hit Hard By Economy School Finance State aid to schools expected to drop Eleven local districts will receive more than 10% less funding By Amy Hetzner of the Journal Sentinel July 1, 2010 General state aid is expected to decreas ...
- Public workers must unite, state by state to fight ...Public sector workers unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains I just received an e-mail from Michael Mulholland, Secretary-Treasurer AFSCME Local 207 in Detroit. AFSCME, or the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is an important union, for they are working in colla ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Armstrong eats dirt as rivals soar on the cobbles
- US Senators assail lawsuit against Arizona immigra ...
- Seven Cubans trying to reach US by raft sent home
- Apple bars developer from App Store
- Landis doping probe is 'significant' - WADA chief
Institute for Policy Studies
- Letters to the Editor: Kaul on Barton and GodOne column continues to either fascinate or irritate religious readers who apparently don't appreciate Don's sarcasm.
- Raking it in at WalmartThe CEO makes in an hour what his workers earn in a year.
- The Lineup: Week of July 5-12, 2010We've posted everything a few days early due to the Independence Day holiday.
- The Million-Dollar PennyThe ulta-rich are splurging again as the rest of us muddle through the Great Recession.
- DR Congo Independence 50 Years LaterIntermingled frustration, disgust, African pride, and human compassion marked the 50th anniversary of the troubled nation's independence.
Equality Trust
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Splendid: government targets second homesAs reported in today's Daily Telegraph , proposed hike in capital gains tax aims to part-fund increase in tax allowances for those on lower incomes. David Cameron describes second homes as "not .... necessarily splendid" for the economy.
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inside the Democratic Party July CallOn this call we ratified the national endorsements of Marleine Bastien (http://www.votebastien.com/) and Dr David Gill (http://www.gillforcongress.com/).
- July 2010: Are PDA’s vision, goals and strategy s ...By Bill Bianchi, PDA Chicago Chapter Leader After just six years, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has established itself as the predominant grassroots organizations affiliated with the Democratic Party. It has done this by advocating and ...
- Dennis Kucinich: “From Roxbury to Cleveland ...I am writing you today to ask you to join me at PDA’s national conference in my home town, Cleveland, from July 23rd-25th. Almost 6 years ago, at the conclusion of my 2004 primary campaign ...
- Images In The Sand Connect Our Global Communityby Linda Milazzo | PDA Blog Contributor /center> There are some things we humans have just one of. We have one heart, one liver, one tongue, one nose… Of course, there are probable anomalies ...
- More Than Two SidesBy Tina Richards | WarIsACrime.org Often I reflect back to the time I spent on Capitol Hill fighting for my son’s life. I went there as a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Yes with a big D. I had ...
Marler Blog
- The Doctor, Sanjay Gupta, tries to get the Senate ...Here is the transcript from Dr. Gupta's recent show on Health: Welcome to a place where you can learn how to live longer and stronger. I'm your doctor. I'm also your coach. �First up, an exclusive story: Imagine a woman who almost died -- why -- because she ate raw cookie dough. Foodborne illnesses ...
- Despite at least two Buffalo or Bison Meat Recalls ...The most current version of FSIS Directive 10,010.1 that I could find while sitting in Heathrow Airport states in part: Fabricated steaks and finely sliced beef (9 CFR 319.15(d)) do not meet the standard of identity for ground or chopped beef product and, therefore, would not be subject to E. coli ...
- Rocky Mountain Natural Meats Recalls Buffalo Due t ...Rocky Mountain Natural Meats, a Henderson, Colo. establishment, is recalling approximately 66,000 pounds of ground and tenderized steak bison products. FSIS became aware of the problem during the course of an on-going investigation into a cluster of E. coli O157:H7 illnesses in Colorado with illne ...
- Colorado Raw Milk E. coli O157:H7 and Campylobacte ...Even in London, I cannot seem to get away from Raw Milk. Not only was my discussion with Raw Milk Guru, David Gumpert, published at Simple, Good and Tasty today, but an intrepid reporter from Boulder called my cell phone at midnight London time to tell me that “Boulder County Public Health official ...
- Longmont Colorado Billy Goat Raw Milk Dairy Sicken ...I was about to board a plane to London for a well-deserved break, when I received a call from a Colorado reporter about yet another raw milk outbreak. This one (I think it is the 10th or 11th raw milk outbreak this year) is a Longmont, Colorado goat dairy that has been ordered to stop distributing ...
- AutoblogGreen for 07.06.10Quick Spin: Amp Equinox shakes, rattles but doesn't roll us A "Leaf beater"? We're not so sure. Elon Musk nets much needed $24M profit from Tesla's IPO He was "broke" not too long ago. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 07.02.10Nissan Leaf hits 15,000 pre-orders, Aqua Globe blue most popular And that's just in the U.S. General Motors adds New York and Austin, TX to Chevy Volt launch markets These towns are ready. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 06.30.10Nissan to offer tens of thousands of Leaf test drives starting this fall Want one? You'll probably get your chance. Tesla lets 13.3M shares fly at $17, raises $226M on IPO Not a bad day. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 06.29.10Average American auto expenses: $5,477 (that's more than food) What do you pay? Report: Honda to offer Fit Hybrid for $16,570, let the price wars begin Reuters wonders if more competition wi ...
- AutoblogGreen for 06.28.10Texas energy company to offer unlimited charging for EVs at flat rate of $60-80 per month Fill 'er up in Houston, TX. Ghosn says Nissan-Renault partnership makes EVs doable, companies couldn't go it alone ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: Space programs (podcast)Why go to space? And how? This week, two great guests talk about how our space program has changed since Apollo, whether we're going back to the moon or pressing on to Mars, and how we need to build the "Interstate for Space" to get to either of those rocks. Our first guest is space journalist Mi ...
- CNET to the Rescue: Road trip road testThis week on the show: Road tripping. We've got real-world road tests from road warriors Daniel Terdiman of CNET Road Trip 2010 and Darren Kitchen, of Hak5 and his own cross-country motorcycle trip. Also, Android and networking tips. Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe: � ...
- CNET Showcase wrapup: Readers sound off on iPad vs ...Brian Cooley wraps up the second CNET Showcase Live event with an overview of the debate and videos of the products behind it. Originally posted at CNET Showcase ...
- CNET Showcase discussion: Slates vs. NetbooksCan the iPad be stopped? Rafe talks with CNET experts Dan Ackerman and Donald Bell about the ultraportable computer market and what iPad has that Netbooks don't. Originally posted at CNET Showcase ...
- CNET Showcase Live streams tonightDon't miss the live stream of CNET's discussion on the newest in small and slim computing, featuring products from Apple, Archos, Asus, Nvidia, Panasonic, Samsung, and Toshiba. Originally posted at CNET Showcas ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Detroit Poet Jessica Care Moore at the U.S. Social ...Jessica Care Moore is an acclaimed Detroit poet. She participated in the U.S. Social Forum as well as the Allied Media Conference, both of which were held in Detroit last week. Democracy Now! producer Mike Burke caught up with Jessica outside of Cobo Hall, where the U.S. Social Forum was held.
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN's _John King, USA_Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King, USA , on Wednesday, June 30th at 7pm Eastern Time.
- We Can’t Afford War“General Petraeus is a military man constantly at war with the facts,” began the MoveOn.org attack ad against Gen. David Petraeus back in 2007, after he had delivered a report to Congress on the status of the war in Iraq. George W. Bush was president, and MoveOn was accusing Petraeus of “cooking th ...
- Coming Up: Harvard Law Prof. Charles OgletreeTune in tomorrow for our interview with Harvard Law professor Charles Ogletree about Elena Kagan, Thurgood Marshall and his new book The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Race, Class and Crime in America. Send suggested questions to stories (at) democracynow.org
- Democracy Now! in Toronto For G20 Meeting & Protes ...Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! will be broadcasting from Toronto on Friday to cover the G20 summit and the protests. Send story ideas to stories@democracynow.org.
Farming Pathogens
- Does Influenza Evolve in Multiple Tenses?The past may possess a power greater than prologue. Any one with a social networking account knows that. All of a sudden you find yourself daily interacting with people long thought boxed away. People mature, yes, but sensibilities remain largely intact and an old year, fine wine or vinegar, pours b ...
- Influenza’s Historical PresentI delivered the following speech, co-written with economic geographer Luke Bergmann, at the NIH-FAO-sponsored ‘Second International Workshop on Community-based Data Synthesis, Analysis and Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Asia’ held in Beijing earlier this month. The speech is b ...
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of Mexico as ...Yep, this sort of Conscientious behaviour is no longer allowed, if you want to see the wildlife, you had better keep your distance. If, however, you happen to accidently spot an oil covered bird, be sure to contact BP’s Wildlife Response Service, for expertise and downright honest concern for any m ...
- AMERICA: HAPPY 4th OF JULY!“There, I guess King George will be able to read that.” Â – John Hancock (h/t- Huff Post)
- Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan?Using the McChrystal Moment to Raise a Forbidden Question by Prof. David Ray Griffin Global Research, June 25, 2010 There are many questions to ask about the war in Afghanistan. One that has been widely asked is whether it will turn out to be “Obama’s Vietnam.”1 This question implies another: Is thi ...
- Unmanned Drones – Targeted Killing vs. “Collateral ...Thalif Deen, IPS, July 1, 2010 UNITED NATIONS, 29 Jun (IPS) – When a Pakistani-U.S. national pleaded guilty last week to a failed attempt to detonate explosives packed in a vehicle in the heart of New York City, he admitted that one of the reasons he targeted the busy Times Square neighbourhood was ...
- MEDIA ALERT: MCCHRYSTAL – DEATH SQUAD POSTER BOYMedia Lense, July 1, 2010 The sacking of the head of NATO’s military command in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, caused a surge in coverage of the man described by political analyst James Petras as “Cheney’s chief assassin”. In May 2009, Petras sampled from McChrystal’s CV. The general had p ...
- `Killing’ BP’s Macondo Oil WellBy Jessica Resnick-Ault and Katarzyna Klimasinska BP Plc is likely to intercept its Gulf of Mexico gusher this month, ahead of schedule, kicking off a “kill” process that may take as little as two days or drag out because of complications caused by the well’s depth. To stop the worst oil spill in U ...
- Whitney on State & Local Cutbacks; Consumer Defaul ...Continue reading Meredith Whitney: The Rebound In Consumer Spending Is Just The Result Of People Not Paying Their Mortgages
- Illinois Stops Paying Its BillsBy Michael Powell Even by the standards of this deficit-ridden state, Illinois’s comptroller, Daniel W. Hynes, faces an ugly balance sheet. Precisely how ugly becomes clear when he beckons you into his office to examine his daily briefing memo. He picks the papers off his desk and points to a figur ...
- War HorseYouTube I am flying to London this week; returning early next week. This Friday, I will join wonderful clients and friends to see Nick’s Stafford’s play, War Horse. This is something I have wanted to do for years. Once again I am reminded that some dreams do indeed come true!
- BP Financial Limbo DanceView Larger Chart Continue reading BP Financial Limbo Dance
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Feds Suing AZ Over Immigration LawJustice Dept. to argue SB1070 steps on federal law.
- Wal-Mart Is at the Center of a Major Legal Battle ...Joseph Casias was wrongfully fired by Wal-Mart for testing positive for pot. Now the ACLU has filed a landmark lawsuit against the retailer that could alter the legal landscape
- Sexual Abuse of Immigration Detainees Highlights N ...In a violation of Department Homeland Security policy, one male warden had access to female detainees without supervision. His acts are inexcusable.
- Disaster Aid or Aid Disaster? Haitians' Thoughts o ...Developed countries have donated billions in aid to Haiti. But where is all the money actually going?
- The Tea Party and Christian Right's Sneaky Anti-Ab ...The new anti-abortion movement is a continuation of the old religious war against a woman's right to choose and for sexual freedom, but with some important new twists.
Sideways News
- Being a culture vulture boosts wellbeingTaking part in artistic hobbies such as dancing, painting or playing a musical instrument can make people feel healthier and happier, according to new research.
- Autonomy encourages kids to have passionChildren are more likely to pursue pastimes such as sport and music if they are left to nurture their own passions, according to a new study.
- Opportunity of the month: tennis for childrenNow in its 20th year, Save the Children invites you to get out your racquet and make a racket for the charity. You can sign up to play in a tennis tournament near you – with the entrance fee going toward Save the Children. Or download a sponsorship form and encourage friends and family to sponsor y ...
- Gym-goers 'should change routine'Thousands of people are wasting their time and money at the gym by doing the same routine each visit, a leading trainer has claimed. Graeme Marsh, a personal training manager for Virgin Active , said hours spent on the treadmill were worthless if workouts weren't mixed up. "If your training on the t ...
- Outdoors 'great for kids'As summer draws in, it is inevitable that families will be spending more and more time enjoying the great outdoors in the sunshine. According to a US expert, this is especially great news for youngsters.
Fabius Maximus
- FM newswire for July 6, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis.  If you find this useful, please pass it to friends and colleagues. “Japan Past the Point of No Return“, Vitality Katsenelsen, undated — 15 slides, PDF “The OECDâs growth prospects and political extremism“, Markus Brückner and Hans Peter Grün ...
- Let’s play round 2 of “Name That Liber ...Summary: Americans know so little of our own history, our own politics. So it’s fun and educational to play Name That Liberal. This man was one of the 20th century’s most effective Presidents — and certainly that century’s second most liberal President in terms of his deeds (but not his word ...
- Dr. Gross asks “Can The Case Be Made For Nav ...Summary: Today we look at a powerful and provocative article challenging the very basis for America’s large and hugely expensive navy. G. I. Wilson points us to an article posing a powerful question, especially timely as the US approaches the mother of all budget crunches. It’s worth reading in ...
- Readers of the FM website asked these questions. ...We get many good questions from readers using the FM website comment form. Here are some of them, with answers. Today we have questions about peak oil, education, and health care. (1) Question asked about Could a new “Manhattan Project” produce radically new energy sources? I am fully aware of pe ...
- What we should Americans do on the 4th of July?What should Americans do to celebrate the 4th of July? Congratulate ourselves on the glory that is America? No, that’s delusional. We inherited America, and are squandering its strengths. Congratulate the founders on their accomplishments? Nice, but they would prefer that we maintain the ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Antioxidants do help arteries stay healthy: studyPhysorg – Long-term supplementation with dietary antioxidants has beneficial effects on sugar and fat metabolism, blood pressure and arterial flexibility in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism report ...
- Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorit ...Telegraph – Intelligent cars fitted with aircraft-style black boxes that can send video footage and information about driving behaviour during accidents to the police and insurance companies are being developed by computer scientists. The car, which is being developed by researchers at computer chip ...
- Tar Balls From Gulf Spill Wash Up On Texas CoastNPR- Texas is the latest state to see oil washing up onto its beaches. Officials there confirm that the tar balls that were first spotted on Galveston’s beaches over the weekend are from the blown-out Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson said crews re ...
- Military plans hummingbird-sized spiesMSNBC – Soldiers fighting future battles in crowded urban areas will be able to launch hummingbird-sized unmanned nano aerial vehicles â or NAVs â capable of carrying sophisticated sensors and flying through open windows in buildings to report back on enemy positions. A new project partly funded ...
- Weather clears for a US strike on IranAsia Times – War drums are beating in the Middle East. In a short time, the United States has increased the number of its carrier strike groups opposite Iran to three, and reports are raining down of a tightening ring of American and Israeli concentrations all around the Islamic Republic. On the dip ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Video: Lin Biao’s Long Live the Victory of P ...Lin Biao’s 1965 article Long Live the Victory of People’s War! is one of the most important works produced by the Chinese revolution. Here is MSH’s video adaptation of Lin Biao’s important work in Tagalog. HD-mp3 torrent title: Long Live the Victory of People’s War Part 1 (Tagalog) HD-mp4 torrent ti ...
- First Congress of the Leading Light Communist Orga ...Red Salute! The historic first congress of the Maoist-Third Worldist movement took place over the early summer. Many leaders convened from around the world to plan out our strategy for the coming years. Our movement is in a period of strong growth at the moment. Many within our movement decided that ...
- W sprawie cytatówW sprawie cytatów – MichaÅ Rakulski (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) WydawaÄ by siÄ rzecz oczywista mogÅo, że zagadnienie używania cytatów z osób trzecich w różnego rodzaju polemikach należy jeÅli nie do sfery omówienia czysto formalnych zagadnieÅ polemiki, to na pewno do zagadnienia czyst ...
- Obama signs “toughest sanctions ever” ...Obama signs “toughest sanctions ever” against Iran (www.monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) During a public ceremony on July 1st, 2010, US President Barack Obama signed into law the Iran Sanctions Act. The bill, passed by a nearly unanimous vote of both the House and Senate, is designed to weaken eff ...
- Comics from the past: What is a Revolution?(Source: From the Movement Toward Revolution edited by Bruce Franklin, Van Nostrand Reihhold Company, Litton Educational Publishing Inc. New York: 1971 pp. 138-139)
- Israeli Air Force landed at Saudi BaseThe Israeli Air Force recently unloaded military equipment at a Saudi Arabia base, a semi-official Iranian news agency claimed Wednesday, while a large American force has massed in Azerbaijan, which is on the northwest border of Iran.Both reports follow by less than a week the Pentagon’s confirmatio ...
- Video: ISI will bury India, US in Afghanistan: Zai ...Former Chief of IB Brig. Imtiaz (Rtd) and renowned Pakistani defence analyst Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid in a candid discussion on the recent history of Afghanistan and why it lives up to its reputation of being a graveyard of empires. Must watch analysis (English language) Read More at http://pakale ...
- Alert: Obama Warns World Leaders ‘Millions Could D ...A sobering report circulating in the Kremlin today from President Medvedev’s meeting with other World leaders at the G8 summit in Muskoka, Ontario states that President Obama has warned his counterparts that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster “will most likely kill millions, perhaps tens of millions” o ...
- Is Israel Involved In Other Nations Elections?As the Official Story of the 1980 October Surprise case crumbles with new revelations that key evidence was hidden from investigators of a congressional task force and that internal doubts were suppressed history must finally confront the troubling impression that remains: that disgruntled elements ...
- Freedom Fighters, Terrorism, World Financial Colla ...If you do not think Zionism controls the USA and its Might, Wealth, Military, Congress, President, Media, Commerce, and just about every other aspect, you are naive. Read More at http://pakalert.wordpress.com/
Empty newsfeed.
- State-Owned Banks: Putting Money Back in the Hands ...LORENZO A. CANIZARES FOR BUZZFLASH Michigan has an unemployment rate of 14 percent, and has been particularly hard hit by the economic downturn. Verg Bernero, Mayor of Lansing, the state’s capital, and a leading democratic candidate for governor, proposes to relieve the state’s economic ills by ...
- Partisan Crazy TalkBody � Fox News, right-wing talk-show hosts, Republican candidates and some members of Congress conspire to make crazy talk appear to represent mainstream American thinking. The Kagan confirmation hearings have become a vehicle for Republicans who make a grand pretense of examining no ...
- Wall Street is a Crime Scene, Not a Financial "Cyc ...DANNY SCHECHTER It's shocking that more than 20 years after the movies “Wall Street” revealed the underlying corruption of America's financial center, it is still difficult to get the corporate mainstream media to understand that the economic “collapse” of the last two years was a swindle and not a ...
- The Reliability of Human IgnoranceBody "The sheer power of herd behavior" was how Paul Krugman, appearing on "Charlie Rose" last week, explained today's utterly irrational urge to restrain government spending at precisely the wrong time. His assessment came packaged in the frustrated body language of a whimsical sigh ...
- Why I Love The GOP Minority Leader TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH When John Boehner sees a lobbyist, he’s a man With whom to be reckoned: “Let me slip into something more comfortable; Just … give me a second.”
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The crux of our endless War on TerrorAs I wrote last week , the Obama administration finally purported to defend its presidential assassination program aimed at American citizens, when Obama's Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter, offered patently misleading claims to justify it. Yesterday, Newsweek 's Mich ...
- The BP/Government police state(updated below) Last week, I�interviewed Mother Jones ' Mac McClelland , who has been covering the BP�oil spill in the Gulf since the first day it happened. �She detailed how�local police and federal officials work with BP�to harass, impede, interrogate and even detain journalists who a ...
- AP owes China an apology(updated below - Update II) From an Associated Press article today on the conviction in China of an American citizen accused of spying and collecting "state secrets": BEIJING – An American geologist held and tortured by China's state security agents was sentenced to eight years ...
- Bill Keller's self-defense on "torture"( Updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV [Sunday] ) In response to the Harvard study documenting how newspapers labeled waterboarding as "torture" for almost 100 years until the Bush administration told them not to, The New York Times issued a statement justifying this behav ...
- A cycle of stupidity(updated below - Update II) RNC�Chairman Michael Steele today lashed out at President Obama by saying :��"if he's such a student of history, has he not understood that you know that's the one thing you don't do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan? "� Of course it's absurd for Steele ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- The hidden, invisible, and private webEveryone knows that Google and the other search engines between them crawl, spider, and slurp up the whole internet, right? Wrong! The millions of websites that are obviously available on the internet are readily searchable, Google Bing, Yahoo, and their ilk have seen to that, we can usually find do ...
- DNA search, iPhone chemistry, electronic wasteLatest bookmarked science news, including my current Alchemist column on ChemWeb.com: How to build a better DNA search engine – The techniques for indexing Chinese language websites could dramatically improve the speed of bioinformatic searches, according to research by SOSO, the third largest Chine ...
- 10 Herbal remedies, cohosh or tosh?Is there any significant evidence that any of the following herbal remedies actually work in treating the conditions with which they’re associated? Aloe vera for treating minor burns, including sunburn – 2009 review concludes: “some promising results with the use of aloe vera for diverse dermatologi ...
- Watery calendar girls draw chemical structuresA few more science stories that caught my eye this week FieldView – Cresset Group – Free download release of FieldView, a new molecular viewer/editor that is designed to show molecules with their associated field patterns and physicochemical properties. Watery no-man’s land – Physical chemists know ...
- Intute hot science for flaming JuneDelicious science links, including my latest news review for Intute Hot Topics: Low-temperature fraud detection – A low-temperature plasma probe can identify art fraud without damaging the artwork, which is important should the work turn out to be genuine. Flat-packed particles – Graphene is a mater ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- New Report Links Sinar Mas Group, Major Brands to ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2010 Greenpeace A new Greenpeace report shows how global brands are fueling climate change and pushing Sumatran tigers and orangutans towards the brink of extinction by using paper made from Indonesian rainforest destruction.(1) The report, How Si ...
- Are Doctors Giving Patients the Best Vaccines or t ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2010 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asking for an antitrust investigation into drug companies that offer significant discounts ...
- New Jersey Forfeits Millions on Park Leases and Co ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2010 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Despite a declared fiscal emergency, New Jersey taxpayers are losing millions of dollars every year on lapsed leases and other concessions on state forest and recreational lands, according to a state audit ...
- Lawsuit Filed to Stop Federal, State-Sanctioned Ki ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 1, 2010 Conservation Groups Four conservation groups sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture's predator control branch, Wildlife Services, today for its role in killing wolves at the behest of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The state has issued, and now ...
- Americans Are Hanging on by Their Fingertips FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 1, 2010 Congressman Dennis Kucinich Today Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) made the following statement on the floor of the House in support of legislation to extend emergency unemployment benefits: "In Cleveland, where I come from, unemployment is devastat ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Stage-Managing the War on Terror by Stephan Salisbury Informers have by now become our first line of defense in our battles with the evildoers, the go-to guys in the never-ending domestic war on terror. read more
- What’s Up with All the Teacher Bashing?by Rethinking Schools Editors It's hard not to take it personally: A few months ago, the cover of Newsweek consisted of 11 sentences in chalk on a blackboard. They all said the same thing: "We must fire bad teachers." Big yellow text in the center called it "The Key to Saving American Education." re ...
- Human Rights are Everyone’s Lawby Laura Finley Imagine your livelihood is farming. You grow a variety of products that have sustained you and your family for generations. Then imagine that the army decides to erect a long fence that blocks you from accessing your farm. They say you will be able to get a permit to enter your own l ...
- Keep the Internet Open for Allby Joseph Torres Perhaps the greatest freedom in a democracy is freedom of speech. Throughout our nation's history, people have died fighting not only for our right to speak, but for our right to be heard. read more
- Shock And Awe: Fireworks, Smiley Faces, and The De ...by Danny Schechter Two days after a jobs report showed how many Americans are down, the nation was looking up - at fireworks signaling the anniversary of American independence (even as the BP disaster shows how dependent we've become.). On July 4th, here in New York, my block was jammed with ooing a ...
Karl Burkart
- White House honors environmental high school in L. ...Labor Secretary Hilda Solis presides over the graduation ceremony at visionary environmental high school.
- Why Google could actually kill FacebookWith rumors flying about Google's much-anticipated Facebook killer, many speculate if the company can pull it off. It can, and here's why.
- Mac and PC share a dirty secretThe ENOUGH project points out at least one commonality between Mac and PC -- they both use conflict minerals.
- 'Carbon Nation' sneak peakThe rough cut of the much-anticipated film 'Carbon Nation' dives into the opportunities presented by a carbon constrained world.
- TEDx OilSpill conference LiveStreamingThe TEDx emergency conference today in DC will present findings from a weeklong expedition to the Gulf.
Water Privatization
- International Water Companies Look to Tap Saudi Ar ...The Middle East and North Africa markets are some of the most attractive for waste water solutions.
- International Water Companies Look to Tap Saudi Ar ...Singapore , 6 July 2010: The Middle East and North Africa markets are some of the most attractive for waste water solutions.
- Mabilog gives MIWD execs chance to improve service ...Iloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog said he is giving the management and board of directors of the Metro Iloilo Water District a chance to settle their internal conflict and improve their water services.
- Delta Bridge project gets new leadership at the he ...By Jay Strasner The Press Register The Delta Bridge project may have lost a key organizer when Jack Hill left town, but a new face is already in place.
- Water firm gets 1 year reprieveILOILO City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog has given the Metro Iloilo Water District (MIWD) a year of reprieve before talks of privatization after a dialogue with its management and board of directors. read more
- British troops to withdraw from SanginExclusive: US forces to replace British in district of Helmand province where about a third of all UK casualties have occurred British forces are to be pulled out of the Sangin district of Afghanistan, the scene of heavy UK casualties since the deployment of soldiers to Helmand province in 2006. The ...
- Cameron announces torture inquiryPrime minister says the inquiry, chaired by Sir Peter Gibson, will remove the 'stain' on Britain's reputation David Cameron today announced a judicial inquiry into Britain's role in torture and rendition since the al-Qaida attacks of September 2001. In a move designed to halt the growing number of c ...
- Soldier charged over WikiLeaks video• Film shows airstrike that killed 12 and crew laughter • Analyst accused of trying to bring discredit on forces A US army intelligence analyst was today charged with leaking a highly classified video of American forces killing unarmed civilians in Baghdad and secret diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. ...
- BA demands end to union snipingBritish Airways wants Unite union to be more 'balanced and measured' in public British Airways has demanded an end to the media war with the Unite trade union as a precondition for lifting sanctions against striking cabin crew, as 11,000 flight attendants start voting tomorrow on a proposal to end a ...
- Strike threat over civil service payoffsCoalition plan to cap compensation at 12 months' salary for compulsory redundancies angers unions Civil service unions are threatening strike action after the government announced a "non-negotiable" new redundancy deal that will reduce pay-outs for compulsory redundancies from a maximum of more than ...
- Oil from spill touches beaches of all Gulf statesMore than two months after oil from BP's blown-out sea floor well first reached Louisiana, tar balls are now washing onto a Texas beach, meaning the crude has arrived in every Gulf state.
- Oil from spill touches beaches of all Gulf statesMore than two months after oil from BP's blown-out sea floor well first reached Louisiana, tar balls are now washing onto a Texas beach, meaning the crude has arrived in every Gulf state.
- Gulf Coast fortifies defenses against oil from the ...BILOXI — As oil spread toward Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana and closed more of the Gulf to fishing, defenses were fortified along the Mississippi Coast on Monday.
- Navy blimp sent to oil spill dutyA Navy blimp is en route to the Gulf Coast this morning to aid in the cleanup efforts of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, according to a press release from Deepwater Horizon Response External Affairs.
- Online medical records raise privacy concernsYou're a South Florida resident on vacation in Boise or Bogota. You suffer stomach pains and visit a local doctor. You whip out your BlackBerry, punch in your access code and show the doctor a list of your medications, allergies, past illnesses, tests, surgeries and advice from your physician back h ...
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Dutch courage for climate mainstreamIt's beginning to look like a pattern. An apparent scandal is unveiled that threatens to rock climate science to its very core, a scandal that usually ends in the suffix "-gate". Himalaya , Amazon, and Climate itself are just three of the stems that have borne the suffix in recent months. Sectio ...
- Petrolheads steer for green trackI know some regular readers have me pegged as a bleeding heart liberal who's racked with pangs of self-hatred if I should so much as cycle over a worm or eat anything more technological than home-knitted organic muesli; so it may come as a shock that I really enjoy the high-octane buzz and top-end t ...
- Whaling commission: What's missing?En route from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Agadir, Morocco: So the whales have been put to bed for another year ; and at Agadir airport, amid all the tanned Europeans making their way back from their beach holidays (well, lobster-red in the case of Brits, obviously) I'm thi ...
- Food for thought from Japan's accusedFrom the International Whaling Commission annual meeting in Agadir, Morocco: One of the people I wasn't expecting to see here was Junichi Sato, whaling campaigner for Greenpeace in Japan. He's one of the activists facing jail time for taking whalemeat from a warehouse back in 2008 - an action inte ...
- Whale deal falls: but who wins?From the International Whaling Commission's annual meeting in Agadir, Morocco: It had always seemed unlikely that a bridge could be built across this particular stretch of troubled water; and so it has transpired . In the end, after two years of formal talks and almost 30 private sessions crammed ...
The Wonk Room
- The Reality Is That Many In GOP Support Israeli Se ...In a story that’s at least ten years overdue, the New York Times reports today that “many groups in the United States [are] using tax-exempt donations to help Jews establish permanence in the Israeli-occupied territories — effectively obstructing the creation of a Palestinian state, widely seen as a ...
- After Grandstanding Against Stimulus And Race To T ...Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) has repeatedly attempted to burnish his anti-federal government credentials in the last few years, first by grandstanding against the economic recovery package (i.e. the stimulus) and then by refusing to participate in the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program — which ...
- White Castle Says Health Law Will Eat Up 55 Percen ...White Castle is complaining that a single provision in the new health care law — the $3,000-per-employee penalty on companies whose workers pay more than 9.5% of household income in premiums — will “eat up roughly 55 percent of its yearly net income after 2014“: White Castle, which currently provide ...
- The WonkLine: July 6, 2010Welcome to The WonkLine, a daily 9:30 a.m. roundup of the latest news about health care, the economy, national security, immigration and climate policy. This is what we’re reading. Tell us what you found in the comments section below. You can also follow The Wonk Room on Twitter. Climate Chang ...
- BP Used Oil Industry Tax Break To Write Off Its Re ...Transocean, the company that owns the failed Deepwater Horizon rig that caused the Gulf oil spill, used well-known tax havens in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland to lower its U.S. corporate tax rate by almost 15 points. And due to a break in the U.S. tax code, BP was also allowed to write off the ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Mass Starvation and Mass ExtinctionsThat's the forecast . stephen harper thinks it's a better idea to spend $1.1 billion on a two-day summit than to seriously address global warming.
- stephen harper is EvilExample Number 62,547: Three Canadian CITIZENS, identified as "terrorist suspects" by mouth-breathing CSIS cretins during the Liberal era, tortured by the Syrian government (whereupon the aforementioned mouth-breathing CSIS cretins passed along other questions for the Syrian torturers to ask them, ...
- A Depressingly Accurate Description of the State o ..." Living the Regressive Dream " If the product of this slow and silent coup wasn’t so bloody and so ruinous to so many lives, you’d really have to hand it to these guys for their political acumen and patience. It took a while, and it required the building of a broad and robust infrastructure, sp ...
- The Rot Starts From the TopY'know, all the needle-dicked pigs expressing their rape fantasies and living out their sadistic masturbation fantasies were only playing around with the situation their superiors gave them. And the G20 ISU took its orders from stephen harper. And stephen harper takes his orders from BP, Monsanto, ...
- Canada Day 2010It was a beautiful day. I was at the park in Hamilton with my little boy when I saw a young woman I recognized from the local activist community. She told me that she'd been arrested in Toronto at the G20 Summit. She wasn't there to protest though. She was visiting friends and they went out for some ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Jamaica encounters opposition to whistleblower bil ...The Jamaica Gleaner News is reporting that parliamentarians pushing a new whistleblower protection are facing opposition. The majority's latest draft of the proposed bill will protect whistleblowers only if they have made their disclosures through certain official channels. If any officials in any o ...
- Whistleblower Bobby Maxwell tells CNN about slipsh ...Last month, CNN's Special Investigations Unit released a story about Bobby Maxwell's experience as an inspector for the U.S. Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS). The main point of the story is how MMS was infused with a "culture of corruption," and its slipshod inspections mis ...
- Fred Whitehurst speaks on BP, the FBI and the stat ...I find it amazing when I look over these past seventeen years of having been involved with the National� Whistleblowers Center and the law firm of Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto that we have not moved so much further ahead in this nation with�protections for whistleblowers.� In 1992 when I first approache ...
- Sen. Grassley asks pharma about whistleblower poli ...Sen. Charles Grassley today released copies of his letters to 16 big pharmaceutical companies about their whistleblower policies. Bloomberg news service is also reporting on these inquiries. The letters review Sen. Grassley's efforts to strengthen the False Claims Act (FCA), and ask what the compani ...
- Washington Post reports that IRS chokes off whistl ...The Washington Post is running a story today by David Hilzenrath on page A11 called, " Change in IRS rules could block rewards for whistleblowers ." The story focuses on a manual by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) called the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM). The new IRM recognizes that if a whistleb ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Patent Lawyer Insists Open Source Stifles Innovati ...I have to admit that I'm finally beginning to believe that patent attorney Gene Quinn is really a joke made up by someone trying to embarrass patent attorneys. He's an elaborate satire of the most ridiculous possible position a patent attorney could take, to highlight via reductio ad absurdum the s ...
- Senate Candidate Angle Accuses Senator Reid Of Cop ...The internet never forgets, but apparently, someone involved in the Senate election campaign for Sharron Angle was unaware of this fact. It appears that Angle and her staff are also quite unaware of The Streisand Effect . As you may or may not know, Angle is running for US Senator in Nevada, where ...
- Woot Asks AP To Pay Up For Quoting Woot Blog Post ...There are so many reasons to love Woot, including their recent awesome letter and video about their acquisition. But, even better may be that in today's Woot offering , they mock the Associated Press for its coverage of the Woot acquisition , because the AP just happens to have also copied text fro ...
- Prince: No Music On The Internet; The Internet Is ...Remember back in the day when it seemed like Prince was the musician who really had figured out these new digital-era business models? He had done all these interesting experiments, many of which focused on selling new and unique scarcities, and not worrying so much about the infinite goods in the ...
- Hurt Locker Still Shared Widely Online; Wonder Why ...By now we all know about how the producers of the movie Hurt Locker , Voltage Pictures, are suing thousands of people for file sharing their movie. And, you're probably also aware of the claims from Nicolas Chartier, who runs Voltage, that anyone who thinks these lawsuits are a bad strategy is a mo ...
- Rodent of the Week: closing in on a universal flu ...Shari Roan LA Times 07/02/2010 Flu viruses mutate rapidly, meaning that vaccines against the flu have to be continually updated to target the latest strains. Moreover, antiviral medications to combat flu sometimes become ineffective because of viral mutations. Thus, finding a so-called universal flu ...
- Report slams vaccine firm as £1.2bn cost of swine ...Mike Swain Mirror.co.uk 07/02/2010 The swine flu scare cost £1.2billion – as a vaccine firm cashed in. The taxpayer footed the bill which included 20 million unused vaccines. GlaxoSmithKline made £883million from sales of the drug last year but insisted the Government complete the deal even if the ...
- Woman ill after sex with vaccinated manUPI.com 07/01/2010 A woman who had sex with a member of the U.S. military vaccinated against smallpox subsequently contracted a related virus, health officials say. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released Thursday said despite the patient’s exp ...
- Paul Flynn: ‘An appalling waste of cash’Scotsman 07/02/2010 THERE were four major problems at the heart of what happened with the swine flu episode. First, the world was unnecessarily frightened witless by claims made by experts that it could killed between two and 7.5 million people, 65,000 in London. This caused panic among the public f ...
- Merck is found to be paying experts to recommend G ...Norwegian experts received money from Merck and then advised their government on the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which at the time was only in it's experimental stages.
- Things You Might Have MissedThis article kinda freaked me out. I’m going to have to step up my training a la Sarah Connor. (HT @PunkJohnnyCash) Very cool video on Spontaneous Order. (HT @JamesTulsaALL) So here is a question for you. Can you have multiculturalism – respect for other cultures – without succumbing to moral ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI don’t know how I never heard about Spot.us. I love that. Also loving that India plans to seek extradition of the former chairman of Union Carbide for the Bhopal disaster. What amazing things could happen if states no longer gave protection to businesses. This article Against School that has be ...
- Growing up Jewish – Kosher EditionI’ve shared with you all the tortures of Sabbath and Passover. But I have not yet shared with you the biggest torture of all. My mother keeps kosher. Being kosher means no shellfish and no pork. Shellfish and pork are, as you may have heard, an abomination! The food that you can eat is classifie ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI don’t often get to say nice things about my home state of Florida. Usually it is only in the news when somebody is stealing an election or trying to ban transpeople from bathrooms. So I would just like to give props to my fellow Floridians who have decided to take matters into their own [...]
- Learning to ListenTo all my anarchist, libertarian, or other other friends who sincerely want to convince other people to change their way of viewing things. Sometimes, we really need to just shut up and listen. We spend way too much time making elaborate philosophical arguments, talking about theory, interpreting hu ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The LaRouche Show, July 3, 2010The Fighting Principles of the American Revolution Today
- Isotopes and Life: Considerations for Space Coloni ...By Meghan K. Rouillard Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 25, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 25
- Who Will Prevent `Apocalypse' in Bankrupt Europe?By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 25, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 25
- LaRouche to Paris Conference: A Global Glass-Steag ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 25, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 25
- To Restore Glass-Steagall: Dump Barney Frank Now!By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 25, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 25
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- The Welcome Return of the BicycleImage credit: ItzaFineDay /Flickr The bicycle has many attractions as a form of personal transportation. It alleviates congestion, lowers air pollution, reduces obesity, increases physical fitness, does not emit climate-disrupting carbon dioxide, and is priced within the reach of the billions o ...
- Today on Planet 100: Vuvuzelas Assault BP (Video)
- GM to Make 10,000 Volts in 2011 and 30,000 in 2012Photo: Flickr, CC Patience, Grasshopper According to Volt Marketing Director Tony DiSalle, General Motors will build 10,000 Volt "extended-range electric vehicles (aka series plug-in hybrids) by the end of 2011, and an additional 30,000 Volts during the 2012 calendar year. That's not a lot, a ...
- Vanity Fair's World Architecture Survey: Where's T ...28 votes: Frank Gehry, Guggenheim, Bilbao When I entered architecture school, a charming and brilliant Wayne Lawson taught a wonderful survey course on culture and communication. It was a hot couple of years at the University of Toronto (now John Daniels) school of architecture, and almost ever ...
- Renault Unveils DeZir 100% Electric Concept Superc ...Photo: Renault Zero to 60 in About 5 Seconds Concept cars can be annoying. The bad ones are a waste of time, and the good ones don't always go into production, which is frustrating. But they're still useful because they show us what engineers and designers are working on, and they give us clue ...
- Replacement Bones, Grown to Order in the LabIF a lover breaks your heart, tissue engineers can’t fix it. But if sticks and stones break your bones, scientists may be able to grow custom-size replacements. Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, a professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia University, has solved one of many problems on the way to succe ...
- Seeing a Bionic Eye on Medicine’s HorizonTelevision’s Six Million Dollar Man foresaw a future when man and machine would become one. New research at Tel Aviv University is making this futuristic “vision” of bionics a reality. Prof. Yael Hanein of Tel Aviv University’s School of Electrical Engineering has foundational research that may give ...
- Addicted to Fat: Overeating May Alter the Brain as ...Like many people, rats are happy to gorge themselves on tasty, high-fat treats. Bacon, sausage, chocolate and even cheesecake quickly became favorites of laboratory rats that recently were given access to these human indulgences—so much so that the animals came to depend on high quantities to feel g ...
- RNA-Loaded Nanoparticles Fight Cancerspecialized nanoparticle filled with an RNA-based cancer therapy can successfully target human cancer cells and silence the target gene, according to results from an early clinical trial. The research, published today in the journal Nature, is the first to demonstrate this type of tissue targeting a ...
- Gene flaw found in induced stem cellsStem-cell researchers have puzzled over why reprogrammed cells taken from adult tissues are often slower to divide and much less robust than their embryo-derived counterparts. Now, a team has discovered the key genetic difference between embryonic and adult-derived stem cells in mice. If confirmed i ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- CFACT update from the Gulf coastAs we boarded the boat, our captain told us we would be traveling 50 miles. Before we knew it, we arrived at Queen Bess Island, a habitat preserved just for pelicans and other birds.
- A few questions for President ObamaPresident Obama sounds like an anti-business Community Organizer in Chief: pointing fingers, making baseless claims about ending our “addiction to oil,â€Â and leaving no crisis unexploited. His June 15 “visionâ€Â raised more questions than it answered.
- BP and the unmitigated disasterThe Gulf of Mexico could turn into a giant dead zone if some means cannot be found to staunch the flow of oil and toxic gases emerging from beneath the Deepwater Horizon. Industry insiders are beginning to speak openly among themselves of an unmitigated disaster.
- Oil addiction liesThe biggest lie being told to Americans these days is that we are “addictedâ€Â to oil. The real “addictionâ€Â that threatens the United States is a Congress that will not stop borrowing and spending an unsustainable amount of money on programs that should have been abandoned or adjusted ye ...
- Making good science decisionsWe live in a world where the leaders of African nations prefer to let their citizens starve to death rather than import genetically-modified food grains
Ria Novosti Online News
- Medvedev calls for rapid police reformRussian President Dmitry Medvedev urged on Tuesday speeding up police reforms, the president's initiative aimed at improving the image of Russia's law enforcement agencies.
- Russia approves strategy for polar bear preservati ...Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Yury Trutnev has approved a strategy for polar bear preservation in Russia, according to a statement published on Tuesday.
- Nursultan Nazarbayev: Building on the remnants of ...Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who turns 70 on July 6, was nearly given the title Leader of the Nation as a present. The relevant bill was drafted and quickly approved by the parliament, but the president declined the honor.
- Povetkin begins practice in U.S. for bout against ...Russia's IBF heavyweight mandatory challenger Alexander Povetkin (19-0, 14 KOs) has begun training in New Jersey for a bout against IBF and WBO heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko (54-3, 28 KOs) of Ukraine, FightNews.com reported on Tuesday.
- Putin outlines new strategy for North CaucasusRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin outlined on Tuesday a new strategy for the North Caucasus intended to boost its economic development and stem the cause for rising violence in the region.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russian space freighter successfully docks with IS ...Progress M-06M cargo spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS), RIA Novosti correspondent reported from Mission Control on Sunday.
- Russian space freighter successfully docks with IS ...Progress M-06M cargo spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS), RIA Novosti correspondent reported from Mission Control on Sunday.
- Second docking attempt for space freighter slated ...The second docking attempt for the Progress M-06M cargo spacecraft, which flew past the International Space Station on Friday, is scheduled for 20:10 Moscow time (16:10 GMT) on Sunday, NASA said.
- Cargo spacecraft ISS docking rescheduled for Sunda ...The Progress M-06M cargo spacecraft, which failed to dock with the ISS on Friday due to a docking system failure, will resume docking activities on Sunday, a deputy chief of the Russian Federal Space Agency said.
- No emergency situation on board cargo spacecraft - ...Russia's Mission Control said there is no emergency situation on board the Progress cargo spacecraft that failed to dock with the International Space Station on Friday.
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Harvard released a study about the New York Times’ unwillingness to call waterboarding torture when the US began using it. What followed was one of those “bless the blogs” moments because there was a lot of great commentary. Glenn ...
- Why Looking Back MattersNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Washington has generally been an accountability-free zone, most glaringly in the case of war crimes. George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Addington, John Yoo, and all the other high level architects of our torture program have been allow ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Since I wasn’t around for the first half of the week I didn’t have the usual accumulation of links to go through. From Marcy a couple weeks ago: In other words, this was one of the few torture briefings CIAâs Office of Congressiona ...
- Still RecoveringFrom the fabulous trip to southern California.� No post this week.
- For Father's DayI crossed “surfing in the Pacific” off my dad’s bucket list. We’re having a lovely time; wish you were here!
Organic Consumers.org
- Recent Hive Thefts Show Bee Crisis Reaching Epic P ...BERLIN- Beekeepers in Germany have resorted to stealing each other's hives in response to the mounting death of bee colonies in recent years. Click here to read this article
- Is Your Animal's Diet as Healthy as Your Own?Natural and organic have become buzzwords that are as important when applied to pet food as to food for humans. People who are wary of possible toxic additives and contamination in what they eat also want their pets to have the healthiest, most wholesome diets. Click here to read this article
- Weeds That Defy Pesticide Invading FarmsSome of the weeds Tennessee Valley farmers are battling this year seem more like something found in a 1950s science fiction flick than in a cotton, corn or soybean field. Click here to read this article
- Your Guide to What Those Product Labels Really Mea ...With the Gulf of Mexico oil spill heavy on minds everywhere these days, taking care of the environment seems even more important. Click here to read this article
- Rodale Institute Takes on the Question: Organic Ag ...A recent NY Times article by James McWilliams examined the claim that organic agriculture can mitigate climate change and cited carbon sequestration research done by Rodale Institute. Click here to read this article
- Playas paradisiacas parte II (22 paraísos naturale ...http://joseluisavilaherrera.blogspot.com/2010/07/playas-paradisiacas-parte-ii-22.html Posted via email from bancodeimagenes's posterous
- Fotografías de armas parte II (20 imágenes de uso ...http://joseluisavilaherrera.blogspot.com/2010/07/fotografias-de-armas-parte-ii-20.html Posted via email from bancodeimagenes's posterous
- Los cañones más impresionantes del mundo parte IIhttp://joseluisavilaherrera.blogspot.com/2010/07/los-canones-mas-impresionantes-del.html Posted via email from bancodeimagenes's posterous
- Texturas y fondos abstractos parte II (15 elemento ...http://joseluisavilaherrera.blogspot.com/2010/07/texturas-y-fondos-abstractos-parte-ii.html Posted via email from bancodeimagenes's posterous
- Playas paradisiacas parte II (22 paraísos naturale ...Si usted aún no sale de vacaciones, déjeme darle un poco de inspiración sobre todo lo que le espera allá afuera. Lejos de la ciudad, el smog y el ruido, existe una extensa variedad de paraísos naturales con aire limpio, sol, brisa y mujeres muy lindas . ¿No me cree? No espere más y vea nuestra segun ...
Center for a Livable Future
- ‘Diet for a Hot Planet’ Explores Links between Die ...Anna Lappé’s new book Diet for a Hot Planet is critical. It is critical because it helps fill a significant gap in the literature that was previously identified by the Johns Hopkins Center for Livable Future. And thus, in an accessible and comprehensive manner, Diet for a Hot Planet is critical to ...
- Baltimore School District Food Survey Reveals Pare ...As the Baltimore City Public Schools system continues the transformation of its food service for more than 80,000 kids (see food revolution), a new survey reveals that students and parents are hungry for more. Melissa Mahoney, the district’s “top chef”, nutritionist and dietitian, sent out the surve ...
- Poultry Processing Plant Receives Maryland’s Highe ...Wow: The state of Maryland has issued its highest ever occupational safety and health fine, to a poultry plant run by Allen Family Foods: $1.03 million. I wanted to blog about it both because I think it is important that those working on food systems and public health issues keep in mind not only ...
- International aquaculture course stresses natural ...Last week I had the pleasure of attending the 12th annual International Aquaponics and Tilapia Aquaculture Course in St. Croix at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI). I was able to meet and learn from many wonderful people who traveled from about 21 U.S. states and 18 countries including Cana ...
- The Hidden Hazard of Poultry Litter PelletizationThe following letter to the editor was submitted by the Center for a Livable Future to The Baltimore Sun following an article published in Sunday’s edition on Perdue’s efforts to recycle poultry litter. The article was also discussed in a blog post on B’MoreGreen yesterday. We were disappointed to ...
- Link installationBecause you may not have been keeping up while I was away and because you really should know that even as James Wolcott is covering neo-patriotreneurism and real journalists are fighting the scourge of fact checking and actual history, Glenn Beck and a couple of his delusional fellow travelers are f ...
- A last link before I goI wasn’t planning to post this morning, then I read about Hennepin County Library’s new ebook lending policy. Starting July 19, the state’s largest library system will make 700 books available as eBooks for downloading to computers, laptops and eReaders. Patrons will be able to download as many as 1 ...
- Parasites, liars and whoresI’m not growing tired at all of reading about how Pete Peterson sucker punched himself in the balls at America Speaks. Rule #1 in politics: never ask questions to which you do not already know what the answer will be. The Nation’s Chris Hayes has a good grasp of the actual problem: The baroque Ponzi ...
- Susan Gaertner’s sick, twisted lying shit“I had a completely open mind about this case from the beginning,” County Attorney Susan Gaertner said. What a lying bitch. An open mind? An open mind that that managed to get a sober, coming-home-from-church-with-his-family Sunday driver four times the usual sentence Minnesotans get when they kill ...
- Pancakes and chimpanzeesNothing much in the news that moves me this morning. As usual my annual 4th of July posting break is well timed and I think the time off will do me some good. - News: Goldman admits to greater role in AIG fiasco Ian Welsh on the Long Depression Settling for pennies on the dollar [...]
Public News Service
- Making Green from Green While Times are LeanMaking Green from Green While Times are Lean Phoenix, AZ - Despite the economic downturn, there's some good news for Arizona companies that do good. Terry Kellogg, CEO of One Percent for the Planet, says the last two years of economic meltdown have actually been the best he's seen when it comes to c ...
- AZ Payday Loans End After TomorrowAZ Payday Loans End After Tomorrow Phoenix, AZ – The legal authority to make payday loans in Arizona ends at midnight tomorrow (Wednesday). A state senator who helped lead the fight to end the high-interest loans calls it a “victory for the people of Arizona.” Comments from Arizona state Senator Deb ...
- Survey Shows Wide Support for Paid Sick DaysSurvey Shows Wide Support for Paid Sick Days Phoenix, AZ – Going to work sick is often the only option for the 40-million in the U.S. who do not have paid sick days. A new survey sponsored by the Public Welfare Foundation shows Americans think that’s wrong, with 75% saying paid sick days are a basic ...
- Congress May Take a Bite Out of COBRA – Ariz ...Congress May Take a Bite Out of COBRA – Arizonans in Limbo Phoenix, AZ – A bill to extend fiscal relief for Arizonans relying on programs like unemployment, Medicaid and COBRA failed to pass a procedural hurdle Wednesday. The bill is being revised for another try, but it could be leaner than before, ...
- National HIV Testing Day Coming SoonNational HIV Testing Day Coming Soon Phoenix, AZ – National HIV Testing Day is June 27. State and local health departments are teaming with community-based organizations and businesses to promote early diagnosis and testing for HIV. Comments from Ann Gardner, HIV testing and referral coordinator, A ...
My Care2 Picks
- La Nina expected in Pacific this year: WMOLa Nina is likely to cool the tropical Pacific in coming months, a phenomenon which usually causes stronger monsoons across Asia and eastern Australia and also promotes the development of storms including hurricanes in the tropical Atlantic Submitted by John Farnham to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- If you go out in the streets today ...Puppetgov.ca ? Inspired by Skdadl's brilliant post at Pogge.http://www.pogge.ca/archives/002807.shtml Q Hillary has decreed that citizens everywhere need to be free to advocate and agitate! ( LA reporters 2007 LAPD brutality win in court in comments ) Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-i ...
- Illinois facing 'outright disaster' amid budget cr ...CHICAGO Even by the standards of this deficit-ridden state, Illinoiss comptroller, Daniel W. Hynes, faces an ugly balance sheet. Precisely how ugly becomes clear when he beckons you into his office to examine his daily briefing memo. Submitted by Jack B. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- ChainsAuthor exUK Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray is a constant pain to authorities over torture. He cited firedoglake's Emptywheel for a good article. I added to both threads,noted links from them and added an answer to Who in UK cares about torture ? Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note ...
- Uncle Sam Wants You to Have an Online IDRight now the federal government is proposing a new system being referred to as the Identity Ecosystemwhich was highlighted in the recently-released draft paper, National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace [NSTIC]. Submitted by Samantha B. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �A ...
Angry Indian News
- NDA brings India to a virtual haltThe Morung Express :: Nagaland News | Current News | Latest News | Breaking News - NDA brings India to a virtual haltNEW DELHI, July 5 (PTI): Normal life was disrupted in several parts of the country... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Sickening call to indoctrinate Jarawa childrenSickening call to indoctrinate Jarawa children : Intercontinental CryAn Indian Member of Parliament (MP) has called for the forced removal of all children from the Indigenous Jarawa People on Andaman... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Uncle Tom Steele Has Made His Masser's Mad...Now T ...Republicans call for party chairman to quit over Afghan remarks | World news | The GuardianThe leader of the Republican party in the US, Michael Steele, is under pressure to resign after he suggested... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- New York Times’ Larry Rohter Rounds Venezuelan Cou ...New York Times’ Larry Rohter Rounds Venezuelan Coup Deaths up to “Barely a Dozen” | venezuelanalysis.comIn his recent review for The New York Times, Larry Rohter stages a valiant attempt to discredit... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- BP Is Still Making Big Money From US Military Oil ...BP Is Still Making Big Money From US Military Oil Contracts-gawker.com/Despite tough talk from the White House, BP continues to pull in hundreds of millions of dollars from US military fuel... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Rosa Delauro cranks up her broom: The wicked witch ...Marti Oakley (c) 2010 All Rights reserved ________________________________________ DeLauro (D) CT http://delauro.house.gov From the statements by Rosa Delauro to the House committee: While the administration asked for $14.2 million for this program, we do not feel it is a good use of resources to f ...
- Water theft and the beginning of the end of indepe ...While many a cattleman (not all) in the west are cheering the unlawful herding and slaughter of wild horses and burros believing that ending the existence of these animals would somehow increase their access to below fair market value grazing permits, a wholly separate plan was being put in place by ...
- First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of MexicoVIDEO
- Drought as a Weapon?Why would "drought" and "weapons activities" even be mentioned in the same sentence of an emergency supplemental funding bill?
- George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – Full Video“It’s a club, and you ain’t in it! The table is tilted, the game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.” George Carlin
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- In the mood for romance? Try these getaways (msn.c ...Noted by Sue Frause on July 6, 2010 11:07 AM
- No time to get away? Tips to taking a daycation (m ...Noted by Sue Frause on July 6, 2010 11:07 AM
- Zimbabweans wash dirty US dollars with soap, water ...Noted by Michael Roston on July 6, 2010 10:07 AM
- Wall Street reform calls for 68 new studies (money ...Noted by Nancy Miller on July 6, 2010 10:07 AM
- In Colombia, Venezuelan 'tourists' ousted for phot ...Noted by Jeff Koyen on July 6, 2010 9:07 AM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- British soldier dies in hospital after Afghan blas ...ShareThis British soldier dies in hospital after Afghan blast 06 Jul 2010 A British soldier has died in hospital after being injured in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said. The soldier, from 1st Battalion, The Mercian Regiment, was on patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj distri ...
- Four US-led troops killed in AfghanistanShareThis Four US-led troops killed in Afghanistan 06 Jul 2010 Four more US-led soldiers have been killed in separate bomb explosions in southern and eastern Afghanistan amid a surge in violence. NATO said in a statement on Tuesday that three soldiers were killed in bomb attacks in southern Afghanis ...
- Tar balls reach Texas -- every Gulf state now touc ...ShareThis Tar balls reach Texas -- every Gulf state now touched 05 Jul 2010 More than two months after oil from BP's blown-out sea floor well first reached Louisiana, tar balls are now washing onto a Texas beach, meaning the crude has arrived in every Gulf state. Oil is still on the move, but the fl ...
- New York, Northeast Broiling Under Dangerous HeatShareThis New York, Northeast Broiling Under Dangerous Heat 06 Jul 2010 New Yorkers are being warned to stay in the shade and check on relatives and neighbors today as temperatures are forecast to break 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)for the first time in more than eight years. The highe ...
- Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Cla ...ShareThis Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Classified Information 06 Jul 2010 A U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking videos and documents to Wikileaks was charged Monday with eight violations of federal criminal law, including unauthorized computer access, and a single c ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Ray Stevens Global Warming SongThey may call him the Streak, but you can't keep Ray Stevens down evidently...witness his lastest on Global Warming
- Breaking news: Chinese security attack NZ politici ...Chinese security forces have attacked and injured a New Zealand politician in the grounds of the New Zealand parliament buildings, because the MP had the temerity to be holding a Tibetan flag at a ceremony to Welcome the Chinese Vice-Premier...
- The environmentalist who doubts global warming the ...Meet Peter Taylor, author of "Chill": The science around climate change is not as settled as it’s presented as being. I used to think it was, until about 2003 – and then, feeling that the remedies being proposed for climate...
- ETS Campaign heats up, unlike climateETS Meetings: Come to one of John Boscawen's next Public Meetings. Join the movement to defer the ETS well armed with the facts, not the mistruths National are peddling. Paihiatua - Wednesday 9 June - 10.00am, Tararua Club, 15 Tararua...
- BREAKING NEWS: Drowning islands claim debunked by ...Claims worldwide of drowning tropical islands because of rising sea levels have been dealt a death blow by new research. Geographer Associate Professor Paul Kench has measured 27 islands where local sea levels have risen 120mm -- an average of...
- Nonviolence and the struggle for Palestinian-Israe ...My post about nonviolence vs. violence and the Gaza Flotilla�unleashed a heated debate.�Max Ajl, David Bromwich, Robin Yassin-Kassab, Ken O'Keefe elsewhere, Max Ajl again, and Norman Finkelstein outside this forum�have spilled many impassioned electrons on this topic, not to mention the dozens of th ...
- Wilkerson says Feith and Wurmser were ‘worki ...The feline is out of the satchel. Amazing interview of Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, by Scott Horton of antiwar. The issue here is, Wilkerson has believed this for many years, and many of us on the realist/left have said that the neocons conflated interests of two countr ...
- ‘New Republic’s literary editor is com ...I missed this. Last month Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post assailed the New Republic for publishing John McCain, urging a violent revolution in Iran with our complicity of course-- or rather, in the new neocon trope-- by "unleash[ing] America's full moral power" to topple the Tehran regime. Zak ...
- One small reason why I support the Right of ReturnAnas lives in Amman, Jordan. He helps out at a local clothing store.� His ancestors were ethnically cleansed from Silwan.�� Missing from the Ethan Bronner articles about Silwan are faces like Anas's.� His is the face of the Palestinian refugee who is not allowed to return home.� If�you hear about a� ...
- Makdisi in Houston Chronicle: Americans must confr ...We are in the midst of an essential historical conversation. An essential discovery of U.S. policy going back to Partition and a commemoration of the Nakba. Thaddeus Russell is doing it at the Daily Beast, Glenn Loury is doing it in the New York Times (online), I am doing it here by trying to get [. ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- Polio – United Nations & The Great CullAccording to the World Health Organization vaccines aren’t to blame for the spread of Polio in Nigeria; but rather low vaccine uptake amongst the poorest communities. This despite the fact that, by their own admission, children receiving the LIVE POLIO VIRUS MIST will continue shedding the virus amo ...
- Vaccine Resistance Movement To Launch Major New Au ...Vaccine Resistance Movement is spearheading a worldwide census type study over the coming months to determine the number of unvaccinated autistic children vs those unvaccinated kids who have not become autistic. Parents in vaccine court need more leverage as the Pharmaceutical Industry & Media houn ...
- VRM: The Vanishing Sperm CountThere has been an alarming drop in the male sperm count over the past few decades; as much as a 50% reduction in most studies. As vaccine uptake continues, the systemic exposure to Bisphenal A Plastics, Sodium Fluoride, toxic chemicals & pesticides, GMO foods coupled with the widespread elimination ...
- VRM: World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufactu ...A stunning new report reveals that top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization to declare H1N1 a global pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. This report, published in the British Medical Journal, exposes the hidden ...
- VRM: Lupus Disease – Natural Cure Succeeds W ...Lupus Disease is a chronic degenerative disease caused by systemic auto-immune breakdown in the body; where-by the immune system of the body attacks its own cells and tissues. Specifically, the joints, skin, kidneys, lungs, heart, nervous system, and other organs of the body are affected. While beli ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
- Green Building and Remodeling for Dummies: Book Re ...I love the Dummies series of books.� They're quick reads packed with info that's presented in a clear and organized way. Plus I love the fact that most of them are available in Kindle versions for much less than the paper version. With the popularity of the Dummies books though, there are oft ...
- Still think Organic Lawn Care Doesn't Work?Wonder if they still think I'm nuts for planting clover, not mowing my lawn as short as possible and not using "weed and feed"? Sure mine still has some brown but it's a lot less than the other yards.� Now that we've had a couple days of rain my yard is completely green while the others are ...
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
Michael Yon
- Even as the World Watched II: Tasting the Kool-AidPublished: 05 July 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand This journalist was all over the place. She stood out from the crowd for obvious reasons. One evening, as the sun was setting, she was walking down a mostly desolate street not far from Dusit Thani hotel, and she was alone with that little camera. ...
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
- Battle for KandaharBattle for Kandahar Baghtu Valley 25 April 2010 Afghanistan The counteroffensive has begun. More accurately, it might be called a counter-counteroffensive. Close to a decade ago, we beat the Taliban and al Qaeda here. The Taliban regrew and waged an increasingly successful counteroffensive. ...
- Supportfooter{loadposition user8}
- Assumption of CommandAssumption of Command General David H. Petraeus Commander, ISAF/US Forces-Afghanistan 4 July 2010 Salaam Aleikum. Good morning to you all.� Ministers Wardak, Khan, Spanta, other Ministers, Ambassadors, General Ramms, General Karimi, and our other Afghan Partners, distinguished guests, members of t ...
The Killing Train
- The G20 DebacleWhat it might have looked like inside the fence read more
- Shlomo Sand's "The Invention of the Jewish People"I just read Shlomo Sand's "The Invention of the Jewish People". It could easily be in my top 20 books. It is really awesome - historically rich, beautifully written, clearly looks at the past, and has a beautiful vision for the future, even though the author is pessimistic (realistic) about the pros ...
- Dan Freeman-Maloy on Israel's Flotilla RaidDan discusses the international aspects of the raid. His website is notesonhypocrisy.com
- Israel's Flotilla MassacreOvernight, Israeli commandos attacked an aid flotilla in the high seas, some 65km from Israel. The commandos killed at least 10 people and injured dozens of others, mostly Turkish nonviolent activists bound for Gaza who were aiming to break Israel's siege with humanitarian supplies. Israel attacked ...
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- The Welcome Return of the BicycleImage credit: ItzaFineDay /Flickr The bicycle has many attractions as a form of personal transportation. It alleviates congestion, lowers air pollution, reduces obesity, increases physical fitness, does not emit climate-disrupting carbon dioxide, and is priced within the reach of the billions o ...
- Today on Planet 100: Vuvuzelas Assault BP (Video)
- GM to Make 10,000 Volts in 2011 and 30,000 in 2012Photo: Flickr, CC Patience, Grasshopper According to Volt Marketing Director Tony DiSalle, General Motors will build 10,000 Volt "extended-range electric vehicles (aka series plug-in hybrids) by the end of 2011, and an additional 30,000 Volts during the 2012 calendar year. That's not a lot, a ...
- Vanity Fair's World Architecture Survey: Where's T ...28 votes: Frank Gehry, Guggenheim, Bilbao When I entered architecture school, a charming and brilliant Wayne Lawson taught a wonderful survey course on culture and communication. It was a hot couple of years at the University of Toronto (now John Daniels) school of architecture, and almost ever ...
- Renault Unveils DeZir 100% Electric Concept Superc ...Photo: Renault Zero to 60 in About 5 Seconds Concept cars can be annoying. The bad ones are a waste of time, and the good ones don't always go into production, which is frustrating. But they're still useful because they show us what engineers and designers are working on, and they give us clue ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Private firms swoop on mineral sectorFlagging mining industry likely to get a boost as domestic and foreign companies move in on key source of income for the Burmese junta
- Economic growth ‘to accelerate’ in 2010-11Investments in the energy sector buoying the economy but the overall outlook remains bleak as fiscal mismanagement locks Burma in debt
- Burmese army targets ‘dispirited’ youthsSome 260 youths in Shan state, including some as young as 13, lured into military training after failing high school exams
- Credit cards land as banking goes privateBurmese required to deposit $1000 in shaky banking sector before receiving the new cards, which follow the opening of a number of private banks in the country
- Energy giants ‘fund Burma’s nuclear dr ...Rights group claims that multi-billion dollar revenue from gas projects run by Total and Chevron have helped to financed Burma's nuclear programme
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Chinese heatwave in pictures: record summer temper ...Record summer temperatures are being felt in parts of China.
- 'Curry for sheep could curb global warming'Curry spices could hold the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, scientists claimed today.
- IPCC climate change report 'played down positive i ...IPCC's climate change assessment failed to give sufficient weight to the positive impacts of global warming, according to a study.
- 'Climategate', 'Amazongate' - when will the truth ...Critical evidence from climate change sceptics continues to be ignored by the political and scientific establishments, says Christopher Booker
- Shortage in parts for solar panelsNumbers of water voles, inspiration for Ratty in Wind in the Willows, up.
National Geographic | Environment
- Gulf Spill Pictures: Toxic Oil Found Just Under Be ...NoneEven "clean" patches of beach along the Gulf of Mexico harbor unsafe oil just beneath the surface, as new pictures from Florida show. Gulf of Mexico - Florida - Beach - Oil spill - Environment
- Oil Found in Gulf Beach Sand, Even After CleanupsExperts are finding dark, solid oil from the Gulf spill hidden under beach sand. The hard-to-remove deposits could pose a long-lasting risk. Beach - Sand - Oil - Environment - Oil spill
- Hurricane Alex Spawns Tornadoes, Could've Been Str ...Alex didn't push oil inland and weakened after it hit land in Mexico Wednesday night, but the storm still proved deadly. Mexico - Tropical cyclone - Hurricane Alex - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences
- PHOTOS: Amid Drought, Pakistan Prays for RainNoneSparse rainfall, surging demand, and inefficient infrastructure have combined to create devastating drought conditions across much of Pakistan. Drought - Rain - Pakistan - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences
- Pictures: Hurricane Alex Pushes Oil on "Cleaned" B ...NoneRough seas churned up by Hurricane Alex are pushing oil onto cleaned Louisiana beaches that hadn't seen oil since mid-May. Louisiana - Hurricane Alex - Meteorology - Hurricanes - Earth Sciences
Jurist - Legal Research
- Spain court reopens probe into 2003 journalist dea ...[JURIST] The Spanish Supreme Court [official website, in Spanish] on Tuesday ordered a lower court to reopen the investigation into the death of Spanish cameraman Jose Couso [advocacy website, in Spanish] who was mortally wounded by US tank fire in Iraq in 2003. Details as to why the court decided t ...
- Sri Lanka pro-government protesters demand end to ...[JURIST] Sri Lankan pro-government protesters on Tuesday demanded the UN end plans to have an international panel [JURIST report] investigate allegations of human rights abuses during the last months of the Sri Lankan civil war [JURIST news archive]. The protesters, led by Sri Lankan cabinet member ...
- Bangladesh ex-PM's son charged with corruption[JURIST] The Bangladesh Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Tuesday charged the eldest son of former prime minister Khaleda Zia [BBC profile; JURIST news archive] with corruption for allegedly laundering three million dollars through bank accounts in Singapore. Police officials stated that the ACC f ...
- Canada court orders government to remedy Khadr rig ...[JURIST] The Federal Court of Canada [official website] on Monday ordered the Canadian government [judgment, PDF] to provide Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr [DOD Materials; JURIST news archive] with a list of remedies to ameliorate its breach of his constitutional rights. The court held that Khad ...
- Thailand government extends state of emergency[JURIST] The Thai government on Tuesday extended the state of emergency in Bangkok and 18 provinces for another three months based on claims of continuing unrest related to the country's latest round of political violence [JURIST news archive]. Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva [official website ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Question Time With Marc AmbinderLog into Disqus and ask your questions; at 11:30 am EST, I will try to answer as many of them as I can.� DISQUS - Blog - WordPress - Twitter - Facebook
- The Night Beat: Putting Lipstick on a Bad Jobs Num ...Good evening. JOBS : The White House is girding itself for the release of June employment figures, which will show a relative paucity of private sector jobs created. In a way, the impact of this number has been blunted by expectation-setting and headlines that suggest the recovery might be fizzling ...
- Why an Immigration Speech Now?President Obama's speech today on immigration has a limited shelf life. It is mainly aimed at the advocacy community and is mostly about signs, signals, and sympathy. Obama wants immigration reform activists to know that Republicans are responsible for blocking progress, not him. Republicans, he bel ...
- Four Questions for Yemen Scholar Gregory JohnsenGregory Johnsen, a highly regarded Yemen expert from Princeton University, said in an interview that he believes the English-language Al Qaeda magazine to be authentic, though he concedes that "it's difficult to tell with any degree of accuracy because I haven't seen the whole thing." First, the ho ...
- So Is it an Inspired Parody? What's to make of Al Qaeda's first foray into the English-language magazine publishing business? To a lot of folks here, including our publisher, it reads almost like an Onion parody. The article offering tips about how to make a bomb in your mom's kitchen seems to be a dead give away. But then ag ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- NY Times ‘Discovers’ $200-Million American Jewish ...It only took them three years since bloggers like Phil Weiss and I first covered this issue and wrote about it intensively, but you’ve got to give credit to the NY Times. They’ve finally discovered that the funding network among pro-settler American Jews who abuse U.S. tax law in order to funnel h ...
- Rightist Ben Gurion Professor Derails Faculty Cand ...Assaf Oron is a research statistician at the University of Washington. He is also an Israeli peace and human rights activist who blogs at Daily Kos, the Villages Group, and was a IDF sarban, refusing to serve in the Occupied Territories. Before he was named to his current academic post, he appli ...
- Luntz Calls Israel’s Gaza Hasbara LameDidi Remez translates a Channel 10 news report of a Frank Luntz survey leaked to the prime minister’s office about the Gaza flotilla attack. I reported here earlier on an e mail blast disseminated by The Israel Project’s director which warned that Luntz’s survey would be disheartening to supporter ...
- B’Tselem: One-Fifth of West Bank Settlement Buildi ...B’Tselem will be releasing a study on Tuesday (perhaps timing it to coincide with Bibi’s meeting with Obama the same day) revealing that fully one-fifth of the built landscape in the settlements sits on privately owned Palestinian land. The territory claimed by settlements occupies fully 42% of th ...
- Links for 2010-06-05 [Digg]MV Rachel Corrie Forcibly Seized by Israeli Navy, Towed to A Malaysian NGO funding Rachel Corrie trip to Gaza reports she was seized a few mintues ago by Israeli navy and is being towed to Ashdod.
Ode Magazine
- Going strong: Lava troupe celebrate 10 years in Br ...By: Laura_Silver Ten years. Twelve original shows, tens of thousands of somersaults, trapeze maneuvers and torques of the female torso. LAVA , the Brooklyn-based all-woman acrobat troupe known for its self-titled “earth-moving performance,” recently celebr ...
- Saving the chocolateBy: jhepler This year I returned from Nicaragua mid-March, just in time for a lovely springtime in the hills of Tennessee. I had quietly vowed not to return there for two years in order to show my Nicaraguan friends - and myself - that I do not need to be ...
- Forget finicky foodInstead of scanning labels, give the kids some authentic home cooking. It’s really not fair to label kids as finicky eaters if lactose makes them break out or preservatives make them itch. We should, instead, focus on finicky food. All things considered, it’s a minor mira ...
- Get HIP with your moneyHow to build a better world and make bigger profitsthrough investing. Capitalism used to be easy. Discover, acquire and defend a unique resource. Pay people the least you can get away with. Offload as many liabilities and risks to government as possible. And, of course, c ...
- How to fix immigrationItâs easier than health-care and financial reform, and would show voters that Congress can actually do something other than bicker. The U.S. is facing a stack of problems that our political leaders are not eager to solve. Among them is the immigration system. What relevance ...
OpEd News
- EPA, Coast Guard, and BP PR Tied to Airborne Corex ...However, the EPA site which provides real time data for air quality monitoring on the Gulf Coast indicated that from May 18-June 6 "two chemicals found in dispersants" were detected at numerous GPS locations on the Gulf.
- Revolution Both Sides of the BorderThere is more to the immigration paralysis than the MSM is willing to chatter about. Mexico is a failed state, but U.S. interests are that it not become a revolutionary hotbed. Much better to be a stable narcokleptocracy, donapos;t you think!
- Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presenc ...Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia
- "Inside Out" Tells It Like It Might BeBut the insights into the emotions of the characters come from the authorapos;s honest assessment of torture, murder, and what these things do to the torturers and the murderers.
- Dangerous Cost Cuts at Alyeska Pipeline: "Yet Anot ...Itapos;s no coincidence that Alyeska has been accused of taking similar risks with TAPS and lashing out at employees who speak up. BP is the largest shareholder of Alyeska and Hostler is a BP executive "on loan" to the company. BP exerts significant control and influence over the way Alyeska is oper ...
- Chair of Energy and Commerce Committee says tar sa ...Today, the powerful Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and lead architect of the House’s climate legislation, Congressman Henry Waxman, weighed in on the Keystone XL pipeline in a letter to the State Department Secretary, Hillary Clinton , declaring that building the p ...
- Northeast Senators Need to Bring Northeast Climate ...After meeting with the President last week to discuss the prospects for comprehensive climate and energy legislation, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Me) said she is willing to work on capping and reducing the pollution that drives global warming by starting with the power sector. This welco ...
- Gulf Coast Disaster: Morning News Roundup, July 6Day 78 Highlights in this issue: - ‘A Whale’ of a skimmer not ready for action in Gulf - BP’s top management may be out next month – Hayward, too - BP’s total cost for cleanup hits $3.12 billion - A new cap brings new hope - Presidential spill panel opens hearings July 12-13 - L ...
- 'Agricultural urbanism' that actually is urbanWhether it's called 'agricultural urbanism,' 'urban farming,' or by the seriously awkward word 'rurbalization,' it's all the rage. And, on his excellent blog Discovering Urbanism , Daniel Nairn proposes a model for a ‘garden city block’ that integrates agriculture into city fabric in ...
- First Do No Harm: Making Sure an Energy Bill Does ...As the President and Senators consider their options on energy and climate legislation, it’s important to be clear about what will move the country forward and what will move it backward. Will our leaders put us on the road towards the carbon pollution cuts desperately needed to take ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Milbank v. WeigelLike Matt, I think that Carr has the Post dead to rights on its double standards. A couple additional points: The analogy is pretty direct.  If I understand, the justification for firing Weigel was that you couldn’t expect Weigel to cover Matt Drudge if he wrote mean emails about him.  Mil ...
- The Future!So apparently yesterday was the day that Doc selected for his trip to the future at the end of the first Back to the Future. The series did a reasonable enough job of prediction (although these predictions are for 2015, rather than 2010), but in retrospect I think it missed out on the central [...] ...
- If Only…This seems optimistic: As you may have heard, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is in the news again, and not in a good way, with reports of a speech he made in Connecticut referring to the war in Afghanistan as “a war of Obama’s choosing,” and warning of the futility of a “land ...
- World Cup Challenge StandingsNot that anyone cares anymore… RNK ENTRY, OWNER GROUP RND16 QTR SEMI FINAL TOTAL PCT 1 johnbparker1 1, J. Parker 19 24 24 0 0 67 99.7 2 greller49 1, A. Greller 22 20 24 0 0 66 99.5 2 bobby lenarduzzi, d. loveland 22 20 24 0 0 66 99.5 2 tnpsc 1, v. las vegas 22 20 24 0 0 66 99.5 5 ...
- King’s Burial Declined…Egads. The remains of Bobby Fischer, the American chess champion, were exhumed Sunday night in the cemetery of Laugardaelir Church in Iceland, according to a report in The Reykjavik Grapevine. The exhumation was ordered by the Icelandic Supreme Court last month to determine if Fischer is the father ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Named to National CommitteeDuane Moser, Ph.D., has been elected to the Executive Committee for the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Research Association (DuRA).
- Scientists Use Tahoe Work to Protect Guatemalan La ...A team of scientists including DRI's Dr. Alan Heyvaert have been working at Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan to find solutions to algae blooms that have assailed the ecosystem and the locals' drinking water.
- Kendrick Taylor Named Chief Scientist for Antarcti ...The National Science Foundation has again selected DRI's Kendrick Taylor, Ph.D. to be chief scientist for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core Project, a crucial step in defining the influence of changes in greenhouse gases on climate.
- Jianting Zhu Named Maki Chair in Hydrologic Scienc ...Jianting “Julian” Zhu, Ph.D. was just named the Maki Chair in the Division of Hydrologic Sciences. Zhu has been with DRI since 2004 and is an accomplished researcher with numerous articles published.
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
Earth Techling
- Smart Concept iPod Packaging Doubles As Charger
- E+ Electric Bikes Customizes Top Bike Brands
- Mobile App Allows Easy Gulf Spill Reportage
- New Solar-Powered Family Pleasure-Boat Debuts
- Multifunctional Solar Gadget Plays Music, Charges ...
National Law Journal | U.S.
- WINNINGProfiles of successful litigators and their strategies.
- Lawyer suits pile up at high courtFrom client advice to attorney fees to ineffective assistance of counsel, the U.S. Supreme Court decided an unusually large number of cases last term involving how lawyers do their jobs.
- Summary rulings spike at the high courtWhy is the Court issuing so few opinions these days? The implication of the question often seems to be that the justices are not working hard, enough because they aren't producing as many decisions as their predecessors did 20-plus years ago.
- As tax breaks expire, lobbyists feel the heatSenators fail to extend corporate breaks, leaving tax lobbyists and their clients searching for a strategy.
- Civil fight looms for defendants in Wone caseAfter a five-week criminal trial that examined one of Washington's most vexing unsolved homicides, the three housemates charged with covering up the murder of Washington attorney Robert Wone walked out of court as free men. But their legal wrangling is far from over.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Clean Water Action-June 22nd!On Tuesday, June 22nd all Pennsylvania Clean Water Action offices will converge on Harrisburg to demand better regulation and oversight of natural gas drilling. We need your help and support to pressure our state legislators. Join us as we meet with elected officials to discuss HB 2213 and the Safer ...
- Basic Waterdog Training in JuneThis training is for anyone interested in knowing what to look for in the way of problems caused by the natural gas industry’s activities. Waterdog training also teaches you how to discriminate real problems from non-problems, how and where to report these, and how to do it all safely and legally. H ...
- Gasland in ElmiraThe film “Gasland” about the Marcellus Shale drilling will play one night only at the Elmira Heights Theater on Wednesday, June 9th, with a Q&A with the writer/director Josh Fox. Admission fee: $5.00.
- Increased Gas Drilling Activities Bringing New Cha ...HARRISBURG, Pa., May 24, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Counties and municipalities across Pennsylvania where natural gas drilling is taking place â particularly in the Northern Tier region â are also struggling to meet a number of additional challenges associated with the industry’s increas ...
- HB 2213 ProposalOn May 25th the Pennsylvania House environmental committee passed crucial legislation to protect our rivers and streams from dangerous gas drilling. This proposal, HB 2213, does several important things, including: • Prohibiting gas drilling near rivers, lakes and drinking water sources; • Requiri ...
News Blaze
- IRS Highlights Job Opportunities for New Grads on ...The Internal Revenue Service today announced the availability of a new job search tool on YouTube dedicated to helping job seekers learn about employment opportunities at the IRS.
- Women's Issues Inside and Outside of Our Governmen ...I also wanted to acknowledge the president's mother. I didn't meet her on the way in, but it is so good to see you, Professor.
- Miss Alameda, Jessica Robinson, Secures Grant for ...Miss Alameda, Jessica Robinson, of Alameda, announced today that she has secured a grant to support her efforts to educate Alameda restaurants about implementing food waste diversion to green collection bins.
- UN Refugee Agency is Calling for Countries to Allo ...For this year, UNHCR predicts that 747,000 people worldwide need to move to third countries, while that number surpasses 800,000 - a record high - for 2011.
- Americans Continue to Support Israel Key findings from The Israel Project's poll on U.S. involvement in the Mideast peace process and the aftermath of the Gaza-bound flotilla:
environment 360
- U.S. Introduces Nation’s Largest ‘Zero-Energy’ Bui ...The U.S. government next month will open what it calls the nation’s largest zero-energy building , a 222,000-square-foot structure on the campus of the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory that designers say will consume 50 percent less energy than typical buildings and will g ...
- Indonesia’s Sinar Mas Accused of Continuing Forest ...Sinar Mas, one of the world’s largest paper and palm oil companies, is continuing to illegally clear rainforests and peatlands in Indonesia and is planning a massive expansion of its pulp mills there , according to Greenpeace. In a report entitled “ How Sinar Mas is Pulping the Planet ,” Greenpeace ...
- High Above the Earth, Satellites Track Melting Ice ...The surest sign of a warming Earth is the steady melting of its ice zones, from disappearing sea ice in the Arctic to shrinking glaciers worldwide. Now, scientists are using increasingly sophisticated satellite technology to measure the extent, thickness, and height of ice, assembling an essential p ...
- Dispersants Used in Spill Are Less Toxic Than Fear ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says the chemical dispersants used to break up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico range from “practically non-toxic” to “slightly toxic .” Paul Anastas, the agency’s assistant administrator for research and development, told reporters that EPA laborato ...
- U.S. Small Wind Energy Projects Grew 15 Percent La ...The U.S. market for small-scale wind turbines on homes and small businesses grew 15 percent in 2009 , with 20.3 megawatts of new capacity added nationwide, according to a new report . That new capacity represents about 10,000 new units, and bumps the total capacity created by small wind projects (10 ...
Red Ice Creations
- To Di For: Occult Jam made from Princess Diana’s H ...Interestingly occult and esoteric practices have lead to some of the most significant developments in cooking techniques of the past millennia. The process of distillation used to manufacture spirits was discovered by the alchemists in their quest to turn base metal into gold. Since the dawn of time ...
- UN slams US Dollar, looks to replace it with IMF ’ ...The US Dollar - "It’s not worth the paper it’s not being printed on." ~Gerald Celente "A report by the United Nations says the American dollar should be ditched as the main global reserve currency. It said that the global financial meltdown has exposed systematic weaknesses, one of which is the reli ...
- Social Scare: Cops take kids away in ’forced adopt ...With 60,000 children in care of the UK government, taking kids from their parents is seen as a last resort. But some British families have been torn apart by social workers who remove children over minor domestic issues.
- Another All seeing Eye Crop Circle in WarwickshireIs this a depiction of the All seeing Eye? This remarkable statement has has appeared in a field in Warwickshire. Could it represent the all seeing eye? Last year in a nearby field next to the famous and mysterious 17th century Chesterton Windmill we witnessed a 3 Dimensional Pyramid. Could there be ...
- One Nation Under GuardAnother 4th of July is upon us and the commercialism and politics of the day seem to be far more important than what the day is set out to celebrate.It gets twisted to becoming a political holiday and much like Christmas it does not escape the debate over whether or not the United States is a countr ...
Russia Today
- Russian sex-bomb inspires spy filmOzzie Osbourne’s celebrity daughter Kelly seems to have recently been under the spell of the sexy “Agent 90-60-90” Anna Chapman, the alleged Russian spy arrested in America on June 27.
- Grammy-winning Russian pianist detained in Thailan ...World-renowned pianist and principal conductor of the Russian National Orchestra, Mikhail Pletnev, has been detained in the city of Pattaya, Thailand, on charges of child molestation.
- Klitschko and Povetkin to fight on September 11The IBF heavyweight championship bout between title holder Wladimir Klitschko and mandatory challenger Aleksandr Povetkin of Russia will take place on September 11 in the German city of Frankfurt am Main.
- Hosts Russia disappoint fans at Judo Grand SlamOne of the top four Judo Grand Slam Tournaments, which was held in Moscow over the weekend, boasted a record number of more than 500 athletes from all over the world, but turned out a failure for the hosts.
- World Cup diary: Netherlands enter semis as favori ...The first finalist of the 2010 World Cup will be determined later on Tuesday as the Netherlands take on Uruguay in the semis in Cape Town.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Martian Structures 2Here is part two of Martian Structures in which we ask the old question: Do intelligent beings currently occupy Mars, are they long dead, or are we just hallucinating? Answer: We love the Google-Plex! Huh? ]:/ … ]
- Martian StructuresFor years NASA (Never A Straight Answer) has denied any strange structures or any evidence for intelligent life on our Moon, or Mars. Now, with the miracle of YouTube, Google Mars and other technical wonders, ordinary folks can pick apart released photos from the aforementioned organization. Is it r ...
- First Ever Real Photo of ExoplanetWell, it had to happen eventually. We finally developed the technology to observe planets from outside the Solar System from the ground. From Space.com: A planet outside of our solar system, said to be the first ever directly photographed by telescopes on Earth, has been officially confirmed to be o ...
- More Ancient Lunar Cover-upsFor years there have been rumors of spaceships and aliens on the far side of the Moon. In fact, the rumors have recently started since the US once again canceled another return to the Moon program (although it was rife with price over-runs, time slips and political pork). Is the Moon occupied by an ...
- Inexplicata: The 1968 “Night Visitor”The United States, Canada and Mexico are not the only countries in the Western Hemisphere where UFOs, aliens, Bigfoot and other exotica happen now, or in the past. The countries in South America are overflowing with esoteric phenomenon; all of the above listed and then some. They just don’t receive ...
Tippers News
- Michael Moore on His Life, His Films and His Activ ...We spend the hour with one of the most famous independent filmmakers in the world: Michael Moore. For the past twenty years, Michael has been one of the most politically active, provocative and successful documentary filmmakers in the business. Submitted by Just Carole to US Politics & Gov't �|� �N ...
- Flood fields to save birdsUSDA program approved to encourage farmers and ranchers to flood as much as 150,000 acres in an eight-state area as habitat for birds that ordinarily fly to the coastal marshes. Submitted by Linda F. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Roseville Police ask for help locating stolen pupp ...Anyone with information call the Roseville Crime Stoppers at 916 783 STOP. male was described as a dark-complexioned male of un-dertermined race, 14-15-years-old, 5'8" with a "chunky" build, vehicle they ran away in is a silver Dodge Caravan (late ... Submitted by Information M. to Animals �|� �No ...
- Kosciusko County's animal control officer Jerry Cl ...Clase kicked at least one black puppy to death, choke a dog unconscious and that it was everyday occurrences that dogs were dragged from the truck and thrown to the ground, cats and kittens were kept in live traps in the back of his truck all day and... Submitted by Information M. to Animals �|� �N ...
- Hiker goes to extremes to rescue puppy from bottom ..."The rim of the canyon is 350 feet above us, so falling from the rim would have killed him," Zak said. "Every single time I work it through my head, I come up with the same answer: someone put him there" -- left, abandoned. "They told me flat-out, ... Submitted by Information M. to Animals �|� �Not ...
The Freeman
- Book Review: The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Po ...The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty, Not Affluence, Is the Environment’s Number One Enemy by Jack M. Hollander University of California Press ⢠2003 ⢠237 pages ⢠$27.50 Reviewed by Jane S. Shaw The extraordinary thing about this excellent book is not its content as much as its source. ...
- Book Review: Can Gun Control Work? by James B. Jac ...Can Gun Control Work? by James B. Jacobs Oxford University Press • 2002 • 304 pages • $27.50 Reviewed by Jeffrey A. Miron Can Gun Control Work? is a first-rate addition to the literature on gun control. The book is not an attempt to advocate either side of the debate. Instead, it is an analysis [... ...
- Book Review: FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and ...FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression by Jim Powell Crown Forum ⢠2003 ⢠336 pages ⢠$27.50 Reviewed by Burton Folsom, Jr. The Great Depression of the 1930s was by far the greatest economic calamity in U.S. history. In 1931, the year before Franklin Rooseve ...
- Book Review: Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Huckst ...Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media . . . by John Stossel HarperCollins • 2004 • 294 pages • $24.95 Reviewed by Richard M. Ebeling In the eighteenth century, Adam Smith explained the three forces at work against the establish ...
- Capital LettersDon’t Let the Court Off the Hook To the Editor: As a former wartime draftee â the Korean War â I’m of two minds re Aeon J. Skoble’s “Neither Slavery Nor Involuntary Servitude” piece in your September issue (“It Just Ain’t So!). No question, he did a very good job of picking apart the operational ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Online video still growing, gaining viewersJust because comedy or humorous videos are the most popular among U.S. adults ( source ) does not mean journalists should wring their hands and despair about public tastes. What’s more important, I think, is that among people who have broadband Internet access at home, 75 percent watch online video ...
- Is J-school relevant? (#wjchat)@killbutton Q1 Yes, because the foundation of journalism is SO important. Journos need a strong foundation in ethics! #wjchat @dnvolz Brian Williams never got any college degree and is considered a top journalist even in an ever-changing market #wjchat @mhinojosa Q1 Yes, I think it’s more importa ...
- Top Teaching Online Journalism posts: Past 6 month ...According to Google Analytics, this is what you’ve been reading here (Dec. 1, 2009, up to today): 21 examples of Flash journalism A few words about digital audio recorders Now printable! Reporterâs Guide to Multimedia Proficiency Recording phone calls: For reporters Why does anyone major in ...
- Tips for HTML5, part 6: A look at CSS3Although I hear there are still some journalism programs where CSS is not taught, I’m going to assume that all those Luddites are working on bringing their design and presentation curriculum into the 21st century. CSS is essential to design and presentation for the Internet. In this post I’m just g ...
- Two good books for learning JavaScript, jQuerySince about March this year, I’ve been searching for a few good, clear books to recommend to journalists and students who are interested in learning to use jQuery — with an eye toward getting ready for HTML5. You could just leap straight into jQuery, but I think it would make more sense to get a ha ...
Facing South
- Lawmakers demand answers on toxic trailers housing ...U.S. Reps. Charlie Melancon (D-La.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.) want to know why trailers found to have exposed hurricane survivors to potentially dangerous levels of toxic fumes are now being used to house workers cleaning up the BP oil spill. Originally provided to displaced Gulf Coast ...
- Obama v Bush: Who has a better record in using for ...In attacking President Obama's response to the BP oil spill, Republicans and conservatives are echoing a criticism made of President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina: That he's not making use of generous offers of aid from other nations to clean up and recover from the disaster. Is the criticis ...
- Blast at BP Texas refinery in '05 foreshadowed Gul ...By Ryan Knutson, ProPublica TEXAS CITY, TEXAS -- Ever since the Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, David Senko has been tallying the similarities between what he calls "my blast" in 2005 and this new BP disaster. "His" blast erupted on a clear March afternoon at an antiquated B ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The Senate sticks it to the joble ...The nation's unemployment rate in June, according to a government report issued today: 9.5% The unemployment rate in May: 9.7% Number of people who dropped out of the labor force in June, pushing down the unemployment rate: 652,000 The June unemployment rate according to a broader governme ...
- VOICES: Making climate protection worker-friendlyBy Joe Uehlein, Labor Notes "There are no jobs on a dead planet." That's how one union leader answered those who say that unions should be concerned only about jobs, and leave the planet to someone else to take care of. Many unions and both labor federations hailed Barack Obama's bold talk about ...
Survival International
- Spotted: the tribe that hides from manFour Ayoreo-Totobiegosode men make first contact with the outside world in 2004. © GAT / Survival A man belonging to the only uncontacted tribe in South America outside the Amazon basin has been sighted near a region targeted for deforestation by Brazilian cattle-ranchers. When spotted, th ...
- Peru expels British environmental activistPaul McAuley has spoken out against oil exploration and logging on indigenous land. © © 2005 FUNAI Peru’s government has announced plans to expel the British environmentalist Brother Paul McAuley from Peru. McAuley has spoken out in defence of the Amazon rainforest and indigenous rights in P ...
- Vedanta’s mine under investigation by Indian gover ...A Dongria Kondh man. © Jason Taylor Indiaâs Ministry of Environment and Forests is sending a new team of experts to investigate Vedanta Resourcesâ planned Niyamgiri mine , before making a decision on granting official clearance for the project. The team must report back by the 29th July â ...
- Brazilian Indians protest against damsA dam in the Amazon rainforest. © Survival Enawene Nawe Indians in Brazil are demonstrating against a series of hydroelectric dams which are killing the fish they rely on. Three hundred Indians have gathered in the town of Sapezal in the Amazon state of Mato Grosso, armed with bows and arrows ...
- Outrage at call to remove Andaman tribe’s childrenApache children before being taken from their families and sent to a white-run school. USA, 19th Century. © Agfa foto-Historama An Indian MPâs call for the children of a recently-contacted Andaman Island tribe to be removed from their parents and sent to residential schools has sparked w ...
Greg Palast
- Getting into Massa's Drawers:Truly Creepy Detailsa ...Exclusive for Buzzflash.com by Greg Palast For the two weeks before tickle-and-grope charges busted open on him, and before his resignation from Congress, our BBC Television investigations team was hunting for Representative Eric Massa. We wanted to know what he had hidden in his drawers. Not his ...
- Stop Feeding the Vulturesby Greg Palast for In These Times I get the idea that Eric Hermann doesn’t want to talk to me. When I came to his office suite, his hedge fund’s name plaque had been unbolted from the building’s wall, the suite number removed and all the employees locked in. I’m not surprised. Hermann is a vulture ...
- Vulture Financier AttacksBanned in Britainby Greg Palast April 8 - London - Update for In These Times We've stuffed the bird and nailed it to the wall: Today, the British Parliament effectively banned financial vulture funds from the British Isles. The law, merely awaits the expected touch of the Queen's scepter. "Vulture funds" are int ...
- Heart of Coalby Greg Palast from Armed Madhouse We've seen this dreadful movie before. In 2005, another coal mine in West Virginia imploded. We wrote about it then .... War is hell, especially class war. Just ask the Sago mine workers. Billionaire Wilbur Ross purchased Sago of West Virginia in November 200 ...
- Behind the Arizona Immigration Law:GOP Game to Swi ...Our investigation in Arizona discovered the real intent of the show-me-your-papers law. by Greg Palast for Truthout.org [Phoenix, AZ.] Don't be fooled. The way the media plays the story, it was a wave of racist, anti-immigrant hysteria that moved Arizona Republicans to pass a sick little law, ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- BP oil spill: attempts to control slick restart af ...An armada was heading back out into the Gulf of Mexico in a desperate new effort to contain the oil spill as one of the US Coast Guard chiefs heading the response admitted that he was "losing sleep" at the prospect of the slick spreading.
- Ignore the protests against BP at the Tate. Oil an ...Anti-BP protesters at the Tate failed to see that industrial riches have always been partner to artistic endeavour, says Stephen Bayley.
- Former BP chief Lord Browne to lead business-like ...Lord Browne of Madingley has been brought into Government as part of a major efficiency drive.
- Hurricane Alex in picturesAlex is the first hurricane set to hit the US Gulf since the oil spill.
- Alaskan recovery from Exxon Valdez disaster offers ...From the vantage point of a rickety plane over Prince William Sound in Alaska it is hard to imagine the horrors that once unfolded in the pristine blue waters below.
Ian Welsh
- Serious People Notice Banks Are Gouging Consumers ...Well, better late than never: rates on 10-year Treasury bonds are only about 3 percent, many consumers still carry tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt at 20 percent or more. This burden has been a continuing drag on spending. The federal government could reduce it by borrowing at 3 ...
- American War Economics 101I recently wrote that Obama has chosen to stay in Afghanistan because war spending is one of the only reliable forms of stimulus he has. I am baffled by many of the responses to that article. What do readers think would happen to the US economy if all that spending stopped and wasn’t replaced [...]
- America cannot be America at perpetual warOn this, the 4th of July, I, a Canadian, want to talk to Americans about their values. Perhaps that’s presumptuous. Perhaps I should just shut it and say “it’s none of my business.” I could argue that it’s my business on purely pragmatic grounds: where goes the US, Canada often follows. We are ...
- How’s that Mid Term Looking ?Some fairly depressing news for Dems (via Digby): Hart and McInturff then looked at the change among the most-interested voters from the same survey in 2008. Although 2010 is a “down-shifting” election, from a high-turnout presidential year to a lower-turnout midterm year, one group was more inte ...
- Actually Afghanistan is a war of choiceMichael Steele’s comments on Afghanistan remind me of my favorite definition of a gaffe: “saying the truth in the worst way possible.” To whit, Steele said that Afghanistan is a war of Obama’s choosing, and that everyone who’s occupied Afghanistan has come to grief over it. Now one can quibble a b ...
Age of Autism
- Now Available "Bling Me" Age of Autism T-Shirt and ...By Kim Stagliano Ah the power of Twitter! I saw an interesting Tweet this Spring, about a bedazzled line of custom T-shirts. (My God, did I really just use the word "bedazzled" in a sentence?) The nice folks at Bling...
- Transcription of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Author of C ...AofA contributor Bob Moffitt was kind enough to transcribe Dr. Wakefield's appearance on the Don Imus program earlier in June. You can purchase Dr. Wakefield's book, Callous Disregard from Skyhorse Publishing, at online book retailers or order a signed copy...
- DC Autism Examiner on Cedillo v. HHSRead the full post at the DC Autism Examiner HERE. June 13, 2010 Oral arguments were made in the autism vaccine appeal case of Michelle Cedillo vs. Health and Human Services Thursday at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the...
- Start The Revolution: Order "The Age of Autism" To ...From Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill: Our book "The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-made Epidemic" goes on sale Sept. 14, and starting today we're asking you to buy copies and urge friends and family to do the...
- This Holiday Weekend, Autism Community Says Be AWA ...Awaare.org is a collaboration of AUTISM ONE | AUTISM SPEAKS | DOUG FLUTIE JR. FOUNDATION | HOLLYROD FOUNDATION | NATIONAL AUTISM ASSOCIATION | TALK ABOUT CURING AUTISM dedicated to keeping our loved ones safe. From their site: With little public...
Global BDS Movement
- International Campaign to "Stop the JNF…Stop Green ...[ العربية - Español - Français ] read more
- Bristol Council approves Motion for Sanctions agai ...Wed 30 June 2010 - Late yesterday evening, after a long debate, a motion condemning Israeli aggression and its blockade of Gaza, was carried at the full Council Meeting in Bristol. � The motion read:- 9. MOTIONS [CPR 2.1(2)(xi)] A COUNCILLOR J KIELY TO MOVE: read more
- Swedish Civil Society Launch "IKEA, Don't buy into ...Click here to visit the Campaign page on facebook � Open Letter from Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden read more
- Swedish Dockworkers Block more than 500 Tons of go ...The Swedish Dockworkers’ Union blockade of goods to and from Israel has ended. Altogether more than 500 tons of import and export goods were blocked. � read more
- Methodists launch boycott over West BankJerome Taylor [ The Independent ] 30 June 2010 - The Methodist Church today voted to boycott all products from Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories becoming the first major Christian denomination in Britain to officially adopt such a policy. read more
Farm Wars
- Rosa Delauro cranks up her broom: The wicked witch ...Marti Oakley (c) 2010 All Rights reserved ________________________________________ DeLauro (D) CT http://delauro.house.gov From the statements by Rosa Delauro to the House committee: While the administration asked for $14.2 million for this program, we do not feel it is a good use of resources to f ...
- Water theft and the beginning of the end of indepe ...While many a cattleman (not all) in the west are cheering the unlawful herding and slaughter of wild horses and burros believing that ending the existence of these animals would somehow increase their access to below fair market value grazing permits, a wholly separate plan was being put in place by ...
- First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of MexicoVIDEO
- Drought as a Weapon?Why would "drought" and "weapons activities" even be mentioned in the same sentence of an emergency supplemental funding bill?
- George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – Full Video“It’s a club, and you ain’t in it! The table is tilted, the game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.” George Carlin
Open Your Eyes News
- Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorit ...Telegraph – Intelligent cars fitted with aircraft-style black boxes that can send video footage and information about driving behaviour during accidents to the police and insurance companies are being developed by computer scientists. The car, which is being developed by researchers at computer chip ...
- Tar Balls From Gulf Spill Wash Up On Texas CoastNPR- Texas is the latest state to see oil washing up onto its beaches. Officials there confirm that the tar balls that were first spotted on Galveston’s beaches over the weekend are from the blown-out Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson said crews re ...
- Military plans hummingbird-sized spiesMSNBC – Soldiers fighting future battles in crowded urban areas will be able to launch hummingbird-sized unmanned nano aerial vehicles â or NAVs â capable of carrying sophisticated sensors and flying through open windows in buildings to report back on enemy positions. A new project partly funded ...
- Weather clears for a US strike on IranAsia Times – War drums are beating in the Middle East. In a short time, the United States has increased the number of its carrier strike groups opposite Iran to three, and reports are raining down of a tightening ring of American and Israeli concentrations all around the Islamic Republic. On the dip ...
- Privacy fears over the device that can eavesdrop o ...Herald – Civil-liberties campaigners have demanded a controversial audio surveillance system be kept out of Scotland. Their call comes after microphones that can detect aggression by the tone of someoneâs voice were installed in Coventry, where they will cover an area blighted by drunken violence. ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Gulf oil spill: Tar balls found on Texas beaches A top Texas official said Monday that tar balls from the gulf oil spill have been found on state beaches, marking the first known evidence that gushing crude from the Deepwater Horizon well has now reached all the gulf states....
- Gulf oil spill: Initial tests of massive skimmer a ...A test of the massive super-skimming ship sent to the Gulf of Mexico to help with the oil cleanup is "inconclusive" because of choppy seas in deep waters, a spokesman for the ship's owner said Monday. The modified oil tanker...
- Gulf oil spill: $130 million paid out to businesse ...About $130 million dollars has been paid out so far to help local businesses, employees and others affected by the massive gulf oil spill, said Kenneth Feinberg, who was chosen by President Obama to independently administer financial claims. He added...
- California Assembly votes to pass bill banning BPA ...On Thursday, the California State Assembly voted to pass a bill that would ban the chemical Bisphenol-A from baby bottles and other items that come in contact with small children. The Toxics-Free Babies and Toddlers Act, or SB 797, would...
- Gulf oil spill: Break-up of Minerals Management Se ...When the Obama administration renamed the Minerals Management Service in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, who would have thought it would spawn a governmental garage sale? While the newly formed Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation...
Mark I. Moore | Deepwater Horizon
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Relief well ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Relief well status for July 5, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/24favvv
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Skimmers res ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Skimmers respond to reports of oil in Lake Pontchartrain - http://tinyurl.com/24ch94c
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Introduce yo ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Introduce yourself - http://tinyurl.com/2c3gp2w
- bpoilresponse: New information about: Situation an ...bpoilresponse: New information about: Situation and Oil Assessment maps for July 5, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/24sc4se
- bpoilresponse: New information about: An inside lo ...bpoilresponse: New information about: An inside look at the ROV controls - http://tinyurl.com/26msulf
- Stop policing our thoughts, including the hateful ...Kicking off spiked’s proposals for which laws should be thrown in the shredding machine of history: rip up the religious hatred act.
- Why it’s time for Google to open upThe head of a privacy think tank says the internet giant should be more honest about what data it’s collecting.
- A systematic intrusion into people’s livesThe director of Big Brother Watch argues that Google has failed to respond properly to privacy concerns.
- Not such a New World (Cup) OrderThe predictions of success for African teams and of triumph for Latin America’s ‘beautiful game’ were based on fantasy football politics.
- I’m sorry, but breast-feeding is a bit creep ...A former breastfeeder says of course mums should be free to nurse in public, but why do so many of them want to?
- Since 2007, at Least $3 Billion Has Left Afghanist ...Via: Der Spiegel: Billions of dollars are being secreted out of Kabul to help well-connected Afghans buy luxury villas in Dubai. Amid concerns that the money could be the result of corruption, American politicians have temporarily cut off aid to the Afghan government. Brigadier General Mohammed Asif ...
- Goldman Sachs Executive to Advise Head of Canada&# ...Mmm hmm. Via: Bloomberg: The chief executive of Goldman Sachs Canada has been named a special adviser to the head of Canada’s central bank. The Bank of Canada said Tuesday that Timothy Hodgson will advise central bank head Mark Carney, a former Goldman Sachs executive, on financial reform. Carney sa ...
- “When your teeth are broken you will leave, ...Via: New Statesman: As Washington and London struggle to prop up a puppet government over which Hamid Karzai has no control, they risk repeating the blood-soaked 19th-century history of Britainâs imperial defeat. … nearly ten years on from Nato’s invasion of Afghanistan, there are increasing signs ...
- A Market Forecast That Says ‘Take Cover̵ ...WARNING: This isn’t a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any financial instrument. I don’t see how anyone making predictions like this can, at the same time, be telling people to buy into confetti paper/promises to pay, but, for whatever it’s worth, here you go. Via: New York Times: WITH the stock ...
- Coast Guard Bans Reporters from Oil Cleanup SitesFlashback: U.S. COAST GUARD THREATENED CBS NEWS CREW WITH ARREST FOR FILMING OIL SPILL DISASTER; COAST GUARD SAID THAT THEY WERE ACTING UNDER AUTHORITY OF BRITISH PETROLEUM; “THIS IS BP RULES. IT’S NOT OURS.” Via: Raw Story: Journalists who come too close to oil spill clean-up efforts without permis ...
The Economic Collapse
- 25 Signs That Almost Everyone Is Expecting An Econ ...At times like these, it is hardly going out on a limb to say that we are headed for hard economic times. In fact, it seems like almost everyone in the financial world is either declaring that a recession is coming or is busy preparing for one. The truth is that bad economic signs ...
- No JobsEveryone knows that the United States is bleeding jobs. According to one new study, the private sector in the United States has lost 10.5 million jobs since 2007. The U.S. economy lost 125,000 more jobs during the month of June. Approximately a million frustrated American workers ...
- One Out Of Every Ten U.S. Banks Is Now On The FDIC ...Do you know if your bank will be there next month? For a growing number of Americans, that is becoming a very real question. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that 775 banks (approximately ten percent of all U.S. banks) are now on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's lis ...
- The Death Cross: Another Sign That We Are On The V ...The Standard & Poor's 500 50-day moving average stands poised to cross beneath the 200-day moving average. To those in the financial industry, this is known as a "death cross", and it is a very powerful indicator that we could be entering a bearish period. So is this yet another s ...
- 30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Sp ...It is incredibly hard to put into words the absolute horror that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now. The millions of gallons of oil that have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico and BP's efforts to fight the massive leak are turning the Gulf into a lifeless toxic stew of oil a ...
- Congratulations to Kellogg’s (NGO News Afric ...Read at : NGO News Africa Having read with great interest the contribution below at NGO NEWS AFRICA of Friday 2 July 2010, I want to congratulate Kellogg’s for this initiative, running along the same lines as my “SEEDS FOR … Continue reading →
- BETTER SEEDS AS PART OF UN EFFORT TO BOLSTER FOOD ...Read at : UNNews BURKINABÃ FARMERS RECEIVE BETTER SEEDS AS PART OF UN EFFORT TO BOLSTER FOOD SECURITY New York, Jun 25 2010 10:05AM The United Nations has begun providing quality seeds to 100,000 vulnerable farmers in Burkina Faso, one … Continue reading →
- News from ILEIARead at : ILEIA e-bulletin In this issue ⢠Out now: Farming Matters, Money for farming ⢠Debate: Payment for Environmental Services ⢠Learning AgriCultures: Cropping systems ⢠Meet our editors in … Montpellier, France ⢠We are reading … … Continue reading →
- UNCCD : Alert No. 6Alert No. 06/10/2010 14 â 25 June 2010 AWARENESS RAISING World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) Messages: The messages of Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, and Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary, UNCCD, are available online. Messages from other dignitaries can also … Continue reading →
- Share Best Practices in Sustainable Development (C ...Read at : Sustainable Development Announcement List
Share Best Practices in Sustainable Development at Online Professional Development Community CSDiâs ONLINE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY invites people active in development to share resources & collaborate online in developing susta ...
The Paper Trail
- INTERNATIONAL: Investigations Around the WorldHere is this week's round up of Investigations from Around the World by the Center's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists :
- FINANCE: Big Banks Sued Over Credit Card Protectio ...In 2008, Anna Trachtenberg, a 53-year-old unemployed Pennsylvania homemaker, enrolled in a payment protection service for her credit card from Citigroup Inc. The plan promised to make the minimum monthly payment on her credit card balance for one year if she experienced certain “life changing” event ...
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Arlington Cemetery Management Fail ...Arlington National Cemetery management “demonstrated an obvious failure” when it fired Gina Gray, the cemetery’s former spokeswoman and a whistleblower, according to a Pentagon internal watchdog’s letter obtained by the Center for Public Integrity.
- MONEY & POLITICS: U.S. Chamber Boosts Election ...Tom Donohue, the combative president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is upping the ante for the fall elections.
- NATIONAL SECURITY: Few Prosecutions for Unregister ...The major roll-up of 11 Russian spies-cum-suburbanites involves the relatively rare use of the criminal code that requires agents of foreign powers to register with the U.S. Justice Department – a provision that allows prosecution of covert foreign operatives working without diplomatic immunity.
- A post-Steve Carell “The Office”? Cue ...By Rachel Krueger Steve Carell made the more-or-less-already-official rumors official when he announced that he really will be leaving "The Office" after his contract is up in 2011, thoroughly surprising everyone who thought "That will probably be my last year" was Italian for "I’m holding out fo ...
- Emphasis on the Stripby Jodi A. Shaw When I think of burlesque, I immediately picture Liza Minnelli in Cabaret. So when I went to a burlesque show for the first time, I was expecting high heels, garter belts, and tight, sexy clothing. I saw the outfits I expected, though I didn’t expect ...
- Book Review: Daemon, by Daniel SuarezOn reading Daemon, one can't help but compare it to William Gibson's Neuromancer, perhaps because they both deal with rogue artificial intelligences (AI) and can probably be considered as science fiction. If I sound a bit tentative about that, it's because while Neuromancer neatly fits the mold ...
- How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toront ...(Editor's note: On Tuesday, June 29th, 2010, Toronto resident Tommy Taylor published, on his facebook page (log-in required), an extraordinary account of being arrested and caged at the G20 for 23 hours. At the time of his arrest, he and his girlfriend were watching a group of peaceful protestors, a ...
- Calgary Jazz Festival plays itself offBy Brian Brennan Chick Corea was supposed to play Calgary this Friday night, followed by Ben E. King on Saturday night. But that won't happen now because C-Jazz, the local organizers of the Calgary Jazz Festival, have abruptly pulled the plug on the annual event. Is it possible the shows will ...
- Jennifer Lopez asked to cancel Cyprus gig London: American singer/actress Jennifer Lopez has been asked to cancel a concert that she had agreed to stage in Cyprus. Lopez was invited to celebrate her 41st birthday at a luxury resort on the island in...
- Serious environment issues with Navi Mumbai a ...New Delhi, July 6 (IANS): There are serious environmental issues with the Navi Mumbai airport project which need to be addressed, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said here Tuesday. Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan met Ramesh Tuesday morning and sought speedy environment clearance for ...
- World Cup 2010: Arsenal Skipper Cesc Fabregas ...Fabregas has picked up an injury an could miss the match against Germany... By Zack Wilson Share Reigning European champions Spain have received some disturbing news on the injury front in the build-up toward their upcoming 2010 World Cup semi-final against three-time winners Germany on Wednesd ...
- Cesc Fabregas a doubt for Spain's semi-final ...Bench warmer: Cesc Fabregas, who has yet to start at the World Cup, could be out of contention for the semi-final Cesc Fabregas is a doubt for Spain's World Cup semi-final against Germany on Wednesday after injuring his right leg in training, a Spanish team spokeswoman said. She said in a short ...
- Adam Lambert's Glam Nation Tour brings lavish ...DC Concerts Examiner rates this: Adam LambertPhoto Credit: RCA Music Group�Related articlesInterview with Adam Lambert from American Idol Season 8 Adam Lambert's GMA performance canceled by ABC; did they receive too many complaints about the AMAs? Best Concert and Award Show Falls of 2009: Adam ...
Blacklisted News
- A stock market forecast that says ‘take cover’Originating in the writings of Ralph Nelson Elliott, an obscure accountant who found repetitive patterns, or "fractals," in the stock market of the 1930s and '40s, the theory suggests that an epic downswing is underway, Prechter said. But he argued that even skeptical investors should take his advic ...
- Worse Than Wall Street: How shaky European banks c ...Europe’s leaders have a simple explanation for the current financial crisis on their continent: greedy Wall Street hedge funds caused it. Rapacious investors made wild bets on Greek debt, the argument goes, which drove up borrowing costs and made the crisis seem even worse than it was.
- Russia mobilises 20,000 troops; showcase naval str ...Moscow: In one of the biggest show of military might since the collapse of USSR, Russia mobilised 20,000 troops and state-of-the-art weapons in a drill, with President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday asserting that his country is a "great" naval power capable of defending its interests
- Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presenc ...
- Department of Homeland Security to take control of ...The Department of Homeland Security wants a one-stop shop for information that is completely overseen by the government as it settles into the long-haul of dealing with the response to the disaster. The U.S. Coast Guard falls under Homeland Security's authority.
The Intelligence Daily
- EU states ‘use outsourced torture’Britain, France and Germany must stop using intelligence obtained through torture in third-party...
- Video: Israeli Soldiers dancing while on dutyA number of Israel Defense Forces soldiers could face disciplinary action after they uploaded to...
- Indirect Peak Oil Admission: Saudi King Seeks WISE ...Related: World Oil Production Peaked in 2008 King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, holder of the world’s...
- Democracy is coming to the USAPerformer: Leonard Cohen Democracy It’s coming through a hole in the air, from those nights...
- The cowardice of CIA and Pentagon torturersCowardice, American Style By Sherwood Ross Too little has been written about the cowardice of CIA...
My AntiWar
- “Promised Land” – New Doc Follow ...A new film premiering tonight on PBS called “Promised Land” follows two legal struggles over land in contemporary South Africa. In 1994, the African National Congress-led post-apartheid government promised to redistribute a third of the land within 10 years but the struggle for economic justice cont ...
- Plaintiff in ACLU Suit Challenging Government No-F ...The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit against top Justice Department and F.B.I. officials on behalf of 10 Americans and legal residents on the government?s no-fly list. We speak with one of the plaintiffs, 22-year old Adama Bah, who’s lived in the U.S. since she was two years old. S ...
- Puerto Rican Attorney, Historian & Analyst Jua ...The well-known Puerto Rican attorney, political analyst and historian Juan Manuel Garca-Passalacqua has died at the age of 73. After his death on Friday, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuo declared three days of mourning. Passalacqua was a regular guest on Democracy Now. We last spoke to him in 2009 ...
- Environmentalist Facing 3-Year Prison Sentence For ...Environmentalist Ted Glick will be sentenced today and faces up to three years in jail for hanging two banners inside the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill that read, “Green Jobs Now” and “Get to Work.” Glick was convicted in May of two misdemeanors—displaying a banner in a federal buildin ...
- Scientist Working With Government Says BP Restrict ...As the BP oil disaster enters its 77th Day we speak to a scientist leading a team of researchers trying to get access to the well to better study what is happening at the site. Dr. Ira Leifer, who’s on the federally appointed Flow Rate Technical Group, says BP is restricting his access to study the ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Nuclear talks can resume Sep if conditions met: Ir ...Summary: Mehmanparast TEHRAN — Iran on Tuesday set September 1 as a possible date for the resumption of nuclear talks with six world powers which have been stalled since October, but insisted conditions set by Tehran must first be met. source: AFP read more
- ‘Iran sanctions to impact India’s energy security’Summary: Iran India Hitting out at the "extra- territorial nature of certain unilateral sanctions" resulting in restrictions on investment by third countries in Iran's energy sector, India on Monday said it can have a direct and adverse impact on India's energy security. source: Zee News/PTI r ...
- US Sanctions on IranSummary: But the US-led bloc has not helped matters by failing to realise the reasons behind Iran’s hard line. The truth is that, while the western powers follow Iran’s nuclear programme with a microscope, patronising Israel, the Middle East’s only nuclear power, continues to be the basic princ ...
- BP Bans Fueling Iranian Airliners, Citing US Sanct ...Summary: British oil giant BP has reportedly ordered its operators across Europe to refuse to refuel any passenger airliners from Iran, claiming that to do so would be in violation of US sanctions passed against Iran last week. source: AntiWar.com read more
- Ahmadinejad: U.S. sanctions attempt to hinder Iran ...Summary: New U.S. sanctions on Iran show the West does not understand the Islamic republic and "are aimed at preventing Iran from becoming an industrial pole and achieving its rightful place," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech Saturday, according to Iranian media. source: ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: The Most Ancient Light in the Un ...This image taken over the course of a year by the Planck Observatory Planck observatory during a whole year shows the microwave radiation of our galaxy, the Milky Way created using data covering the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 857...
- The Daily Flash -Eco, Space, Tech (7/06)It's too late to worry that the aliens will find us Stephen Hawking is worried about aliens. The famous physicist recently suggested that we should be wary of contact with extraterrestrials, citing what happened to Native Americans when Europeans landed...
- You Create the Caption
- Are Red Dwarf Stars the Most Likely Hot Zones for ...So far, among the 500 plus exo-planets discovered none have shown themselves to be twin Earths. But, in the next two to three years NASA’s Kepler space telescope will provide the statistical bedrock for estimating the number of Earth clones...
- Are We Witnessing the Birth of a Cosmic Internet?"Over the next million years, a descendant of the Internet will maintain contact with inhabited planets throughout our galaxy and begin to spread out into the larger universe, linking up countless new or existing civilizations into the Universenet, a network...
Natural News
- Sunlight alone does not cause skin cancer: The tru ...(NaturalNews) We've all been told that sunlight causes skin cancer. This message has been drilled into our heads for so long that most people actually believe it. But what if this "truth" was actually a medical myth? What if dermatologists and health experts didn't know the whole story? What if thei ...
- Ecuador travel survival guide: What to bring on a ...(NaturalNews) Traveling in Ecuador can be very rewarding: It's one of the most beautiful destinations in all the Americas, and there are some truly fascinating things to explore there. I spent most of my time in Southern Ecuador, near Loja and Vilcabamba (the Valley of Longevity), but I also travele ...
- US scores dead last in global health survey(NaturalNews) The Commonwealth Fund recently released a report that places the U.S. last among six other developed countries in terms of quality of health care. According to the report, U.S. health care costs are roughly twice as much as they are in other countries, but the care is not as good or as ...
- Deet Finally Exposed as Neurotoxic(NaturalNews) New research shows that the insect-repelling chemical deet actually functions in the same way as deadly nerve gases and dangerous pesticides, by attacking the nervous systems of both insects and mammals. "These findings question the safety of deet, particularly in combination with oth ...
- OCA exposes phony organic products(NaturalNews) The organic products sector continues to boom, but not everything with the word "organic" on its label is truly organic. If a product does not bear the USDA organic certification seal, it is difficult to determine whether or not it is truly organic. The Organic Consumers Association (O ...
Threat Level
- Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Cla ...A U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking videos and documents to Wikileaks was charged Monday with eight violations of federal criminal law, including unauthorized computer access, and a single count of transmitting classified information to an unauthorized third party. Pfc. Bradley Ma ...
- Woman Jailed 2 Days for Filming Movie Screen Sues ...A 22-year-old woman jailed two days in November after being arrested for filming two brief snippets of a motion picture is lashing back at the theater, claiming its manager demanded her arrest despite the police department’s reluctance. In a civil suit lodged in federal court in Illinois, Samantha T ...
- With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepai ...Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for months, completely collapsed more than two weeks ago and remains offline, in a little-noted breakdown at the world’s most prominent sec ...
- Too Scary to Fly, Not Scary Enough to ArrestTen U.S citizens and residents, three of whom are veterans, are stuck abroad or cannot fly within or out of the United States because they are wrongly on a no-fly list, according to a federal lawsuit lodged Wednesday. The Oregon federal court case claims the plaintiffs, many with Middle Eastern name ...
- Group Wants FTC to Probe Data Broker SpokeoSpokeo, an online data broker, is accused of peddling inaccurate information and violating consumer protection laws in a complaint sent to the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday. The Center for Democracy and Technology, which filed the complaint, alleges Spokeo purports to provide information ab ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- An Offer Republicans Can't Refuse on Jobless Benef ...During the comparatively mild 1991 recession, President George H.W. Bush twice vetoed the extension of unemployment insurance because the $5.3 price tag would add to the deficit. After taking a pounding in the polls, he eventually made a deal with Democrats, who funded the program in part through h ...
- A Constitution Only the Tea Party Could LoveOn Friday, Gallup became just the latest pollster to confirm the obvious: "Tea Party supporters overlap the Republican base." Despite the fact that the Tea Party movement is simply a continuation of the losing 2008 GOP presidential campaign by other means, the Washington Post today examined how its ...
- Michael Steele and the GOP's Inside Poop on Medica ...Republican leaders are calling for Michael Steele's head in the wake of his remarks calling the conflict in Afghanistan "a war of Obama's choosing" which is destined to fail. But it's hardly the first time the GOP threatened Steele with the chopping block for bucking the party line. Last year, whe ...
- McCain Adviser, CBO Back Need for Jobs BillOne day before Friday's dismal jobs report confirmed the pace of the U.S. recovery has slowed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the extension of unemployment benefits to "injects demand into the economy." But while the Republicans who have blocked the $112 billion package including the jobless ...
- Thanks to GOP, Doomsday Arrives for State BudgetsFor months, governors and economists alike have been warning that unprecedented revenue shortfalls in the states would lead to draconian budget cuts and massive layoffs. Now with the July 1 start of fiscal year 2011 for many states, doomsday is here . And thanks to Republican obstructionism in Con ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Living on a dying delta by Dahr Jamailhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Dahr Jamail Dahr Jamail Dispatches June 30, 2010 Our first full day in Louisiana finds us venturing south from New Orleans to Houma, a town about an hours drive to the southwest. It is from here we are to take a flight over the marsh to inspect the damage, thu ...
- Israel's 1.5 Million Starving PrisonersIsrael's four-year blockade of Gaza continues to trample the lives of 1.5 million innocents.
- Sharron Angle: Rape, Incest Part of God's Plan -- ...The Nevada GOP nominee for Senate thinks abortion should not be allowed even in cases of rape and incest.
- Is Our Disdain for Sleep Making Us Crazy?The definition of insomnia is so broad it's hard to pin down -- almost inane. What is certain is sleep deprivation's affect on the body and psyche.
- 10 Easy Steps for Becoming a Radical HomemakerGo on and live dangerously -- hang out the wash.
Consortium News
- What Eisenhower Could Teach ObamaPresident Obama could have learned from President Dwight Eisenhower's skepticism toward the Pentagon, says Melvin A. Goodman. July 5, 2010
- America's First SpymasterIn the tense days before the American Revolution, Joseph Warren built a sophisticated intelligence network, recalls Robert Parry. July 4, 2010
- A Musical Message from '1776'An amusing -- and oddly inspiring -- way to celebrate July Fourth is watching the musical "1776," suggests Michael Winship. July 2, 2010
- Video Captures Another Border KillingThe U.S. official account of another Mexican border killing has been undermined by a cell-phone video, reports Dennis Bernstein. July 2, 2010
- Rethinking Iran-ContraThe recent collapse of the long-running October Surprise cover-up shifts the history on the Iran-Contra scandal, writes Robert Parry. July 1, 2010
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Turkey threatens diplomatic break with Israel over ...Turkey has for the first time threatened to break diplomatic ties with Israel over its raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in May. Turkey's foreign minister said a break could only be avert ...
- Peace may rest on the future of 88 houses (Mel Fr ...Frequent clashes and continuing tension in disputed East Jerusalem could portend a major outbreak of civil unrest, residents fear. Confrontations follow Israel's acceleration of plans to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes. This could leave over a thousand Palestinians homeless.
- Israel creates new Gaza 'blacklist' (Al Jazeera)Israel has eased restrictions on the import of consumer goods to the Gaza Strip, relaxing its blockade on the Palestinian territory while maintaining restrictions on the entry of construc ...
- Gazans: We were used as 'human shields' (Ynet New ...A series of testimonies in a report probing Operation Cast Lead suggest that IDF soldiers used Gazans as human shields. The report - exclusively obtained by Ynet - was compiled by the Pub ...
- Sand houses defy Gaza shortages (Al Jazeera)
Water - AlterNet
- Actor Mark Ruffalo Plays the Role of His Life: Def ...The acclaimed actor has jumped into the fight over gas drilling proposed for upstate New York and the environmental risks that come with the practice.
- 10 Easy Steps for Becoming a Radical HomemakerGo on and live dangerously -- hang out the wash.
- Charter Captain Claims Turtles Fried in Gulf Oil F ...When BP and the U.S. Coast Guard set fire to spilled oil on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico to keep it from reaching shore, are endangered sea turtles being burned alive?
- World's Water Supply: Here Are the Haves and Have ...A new report shows which countries have the most precarious and stable water supplies.
- Texas Could Face a Grave Water Crisis Because of a ...'The Rule of Capture' could make a few big landowners extremely wealthy at the expense of every body else.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Emily Cross: Global Warming and Campaign Finance I ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Emily Cross is a Political Science student at Rice University. Emily hugs trees during her free time.
- Veronica Valesquez: Solar Intern from Austin Colle ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Veronica majors in Environmental Studies and Cultural Anthropology
- Austin Environmental and Consumer Advocates say “T ...After a several hour closed-door meeting between the two remaining candidates for Austin Energy’s General Manager position and some of Austin’s best environmental, energy, and consumer advocates, all of the groups represented came to the same conclusion: neither of these candidates was a right fit f ...
- GasLand: A Must Watch DocumentaryA few days ago, Larry King interviewed T. Boone Pickens and if you were watching it, you heard him condemn the spill and the US dependence on oil then he raved about natural gas and how safe it is to drill for it. Pickens is not the first. Many have claimed that natural gas is [...]
- Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz welcome party ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz, the new Region 6 EPA Administrator welcome party in El Sol Y La Luna
Unexplained Mysteries
- Pentagon plans 'flying submarine'The Pentagon is planning to develop a flying submarine than can travel at high speed in and out of the water. ...
- Scientists peer inside body of a pythonScientists have used modern imaging techniques to peer inside a python as it digests a whole rat. ...
- First image of entire universe revealedThe first ever image of the entire universe has been put together from pictures taken by Europe's Planck telescope. ...
- Astronomers baffled by far-out worldAstronomers have spotted an unusual planet that's size and position in relation to its star is baffling. ...
- Researchers develop intelligent rubbish binThe device called DustCart is able to navigate around the streets and pick up people's rubbish on demand. ...
- Using your vote – not just your wallet – to change ...s_children_papaya.jpg In another great piece in GRIST , author Tom Philpott stresses that we can’t change the broken food system only through changing what�food we consume and how, important thought it may be. This echoes what progressive U.S. ...
- Building Solidarity through our Learning Exchange ...Subheadline:� Partner’s Report Back from the Peoples World Conference on Climate Change Outside Author Info Outside Author:� Saulo Araujo and Alisa Pimentel ...
- Honduran peasant freed after being unjustly prosec ...a_la_izquierda_Carlos_Maradiaga_de_camisa_Blanca_e_Isabel_Morales_camisa_roja.JPG What is the relationship between “green” energy and a peasant in jail? The answer lies at the heart of the struggle for resources rights, as the demand for land ...
- Grassroots International and Partners at the USSF ...USSF-logo.jpg By Alisa Pimentel Among the more than 20,000 activists gathered in Detroit for the US Social Forum this week are several Grassroots International partners. Grassroots International regularly provides funding to our partners and a ...
- You Are What You EatSubheadline:� The Food Sovereignty Struggle within the Global Justice Movement Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� John E. Peck is the executive director of Family Farm Defenders, a Grassr ...
- July 6, 2010Tar Balls From Gulf Oil Spill Turn Up in Texas (AP) A top Texas official said Monday that tar balls from the Gulf oil spill have been found on state beaches, marking the first known evidence that crude from the Deepwater Horizon well has now reached all the Gulf states. Obama Decried, T ...
- July 5, 2010Rough Weather Curtails Some Gulf Cleanup Work (AP) Cleanup crews across the Gulf of Mexico surveyed damage done by last week's hurricane while contending Sunday with choppy seas that idled many of the boats dedicated to keeping oil from hitting vulnerable beaches and marshes. BP Oil Spi ...
- July 3-4, 2010Obama Announces Close to $2B in Solar Loan Guarantees (Eath2Tech) Pres. Obama took the opportunity of his weekly video address over the July 4th weekend to announce that the DOE has awarded $1.85 billion in loan guarantees to Spanish solar firm Abengoa Solar and Colorado-based solar panel ...
- July 2, 2010Climate Scientist Cleared of Altering Data (New York Times) Michael Mann, a U.S. scientist accused of manipulating research findings on climate science, was cleared of that charge by his university on Thursday, the latest in a string of reports to find little substance in the allegations kno ...
- July 1, 2010US EPA: Tests Show Dispersants Safe for Sea Life (Reuters) The U.S. EPA said on Wednesday that initial tests show that the dispersant BP is using to break up oil in the Gulf of Mexico does not harm endocrine systems in aquatic life. NRG Says BP Spill May Slow Permitting Process for Offs ...
- Smart Meters Alone Won't Reduce Energy Use, Study ...Utilities need to go beyond the smart meter and use a range of energy-feedback tools to achieve significant reductions in customers' power consumption and their electricity bills, new research shows.
- Beyond the Smart MeterFeedback gadgets alone are unlikely to maximize energy savings, says a new report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
- Climate Corps 2010: Climbing to the Peak of Energy ...An accomplished rock climber uses muscle power and endurance training to function for extended periods of time without forgoing efficiency. That same level of endurance is needed for a successful climb to a stable, organization-wide energy efficiency program.
- IBM Racks Up Nearly $27M in Energy SavingsIBM saved $26.8 in energy expenses in 2009 as a result of companywide conservation efforts that surpassed corporate targets, the firm said in annual reports that chart progress toward corporate responsibility and environmental goals. �
- Electrolux Turns Ocean Garbage Into New VacuumsElectrolux is raising awareness of plastic waste in the oceans by putting plastic collected from waters around the world in peoples' homes.
Reuters Global
- In scramble for Afghanistan, India looks to IranIndia renews efforts to win Iranian support in Afghanistan to offset Pakistani influence. Yet its opening to Tehran coincides with U.S. moves to impose sanctions on Iran, bringing together some of the most explosive issues in global politics.
- Pakistan searches for a response to Lahore shrine ...Pakistan has yet to find a response to last week's bombing in Lahore. For all the popular outrage, the battles over Afghanistan, between Pakistan and India, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and within Islam, have gained too much momentum.
- Nervous Afghan capital awaits “King David ...As America's "warrior scholar" General David Petraeus jets into Kabul to take command of the war against the Taliban, Afghan soldiers at the city's ruined monument to past kings have little faith the growing insurgency can be turned, even in the capital.
- Sun setting on Merkel coalition?Angela Merkel's centre-right coalition appears to be in deep trouble after debacle in Reichstag
- Gunning for Godfried? Belgian abuse probe asks wha ...Are the Belgian judicial authorities gunning for Godfried?
Booman Tribune
- What is Romney Talking About? I'm not an expect on nuclear weapons or weapons delivery systems, but I am baffled by some of Mitt Romney's complaints about the START treaty. Let's start with this claim: Astonishingly, while excusing tactical nukes from the treaty, the Obama administration bows to Russia's insistence that conv ...
- Serious Question Now that Citizens United has won their case at the Supreme Court, what are they up to? They're running an updated version of this 2009 ad comparing Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain, and asking him to 'Stop Iran' from obtaining a nuclear weapon. I'm not sure what David Bossie is doing. I ...
- Froggy Bottom Cafe
- The Court is Politics By Other MeansCarl von Clausewitz, the brilliant 19th-Century Prussian military strategist, famously said, "War is not merely a political act, but also a political instrument, a continuation of political relations, a carrying out of the same by other means." In other words, politics is the true war. Actual comb ...
- Global Cooling is the HoaxYes I will get to the fraudulent claims that global denialists have been pushing that our planet has actually cooled since 1998 and will continue to cool for years to come. But first, just for fun, let's take a look at the weather outside. A heat wave hit the northeastern US and will contin ...
European Tribune
- Tuesday Open ThreadDiscuss away...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 6 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1977 Craig Handley,...
- Monday Open ThreadHere's some space...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 5 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1885 Birth of...
- Sunday Open ThreadSo how are we filling our soccer-free days?...
- Free preview of Ian McDonald’s The Dervish HouseI’ve never read an Ian McDonald novel I didn’t love*.As such, I commend unto you this Tor.com preview of a chapter from Mister Mcdonald’s newest novel, The Dervish House, courtesy of those nice people at Pyr Books. Continuing his ongoing project of setting near-future sf in developing/non-WASP natio ...
- Attention economics: sub-prime celebritiesThere’s sometimes deep truth in flippant analogies. Well, there is in my world, anyway… and here’s an example, as The Guardian‘s Aditya Chakrabortty compares celebrity to shonky mortgages: if you sell too many of the latter masquerading as the real thing, the whole system ends up collapsing in the w ...
- Doom du jour: world without oilJust in case the Monday blues weren’t quite enough for you, Wired UK‘s Andy Hamilton has provided his latest “What Would Happen If…?” column on a topical subject: what if the world’s oil workers went on strike forever? We are utterly dependant on oil. Back in 2000 [in the UK] we had petrol blockades ...
- Katie-Jane joins the Futurismic teamPlease give a warm welcome to the latest addition to the Futurismic editorial staff! On the assumption that almost all tortoiseshell cats are female (it’s a genetics thing), this here is Katie-Jane. Exactly what her duties will be within the Futurismic business empire remain to be determined; indeed ...
- Personal Information: episode 19Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episode 19 Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episo ...
Therapy News
- NY Times’ Blog Highlights The Importance of Good P ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Why does psychotherapy work? When done properly, it’s a supportive, patient-focused, and ultimately positive social experience—and humans are wired for social experiences, says psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jeff Deitz in a recent post on the New York Times’ “Well” bl ...
- Helping the Person with Dementia Grieve After the ...By Beth S. Patterson, MA, LPC, Grief & Loss Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Beth and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Caregivers and family members often ask whether they should tell a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia about a death in the family, and how they can ...
- Being Open about PolyamoryBy Jill Denton, LMFT, CSAT, CSE, CCS, Sexuality / Sex Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jill and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Most of the couples who walk into my office are monogamous, or at least aspire to have a one-on-one relationship. But some people believe that wedd ...
- Good Friends May Mean Longer Life, Study ShowsA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Studies of the social workings of baboon communities may provide helpful insight to our own social dynamics as humans. Female baboons with stronger social bonds (in the form of close, stable grooming partnerships) live longer and produce more and healthier offspring, ...
- Relationships and InterpretationBy Anne Ream, ATR-BC, LPC Click here to contact Anne and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile It is human nature to interpret. We cannot exist without interpretation. We interpret art, literature, and the behavior of animals, children and one another. We interpret anything others say to us and what th ...
Mountaintop Removal
- EPA OKs New Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine - Sustai ...EPA OKs New Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine SustainableBusiness.com The US Environmental Protection Agency gave the Army Corps of Engineers a green light for the Pine Creek mine permit, a mountaintop removal (MTR) mining ...
- For Wendell Berry, UK forgot mission with coal lod ...Lexington Herald Leader For Wendell Berry, UK forgot mission with coal lodge Lexington Herald Leader "And I'm going to continue to work against mountaintop removal ," he says. "Being here on our farm is increasingly satisfactory to me. ...
- US EPA approves mountaintop removal coal mining pe ...US EPA approves mountaintop removal coal mining permit for Arch Coal SteelGuru Environment News Service reported that the US Environmental Protection Agency has given its conditional approval to a new mountaintop removal coal mining ...
- In final days, Byrd took coal industry to task - P ...WOWK In final days, Byrd took coal industry to task Pittsburgh Post Gazette So he could take positions and think about whether mountaintop removal was a good choice or not." Mr. Byrd's positions, Dr. Hunter said, were rooted in what ... Farewell to an Unlikely Hero Huffington Post (blog) all 44 ne ...
- Meetings set on mountaintop removal mining rules - ...Meetings set on mountaintop removal mining rules Victoria Advocate CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - The federal government has scheduled a series of public meetings on preparations for writing new regulations to protect streams ... and more��
- Obama's worst foreign-policy mistake (Mitt Romney/ ...Mitt Romney / Washington Post : Obama's worst foreign-policy mistake — Given President Obama's glaring domestic policy missteps, it is understandable that the public has largely been blinded to his foreign policy failings. In fact, these may have been even more damaging to America's future.
- Biden, on President's Iraq policy: 'We told you wh ...Mike Allen / The Politico : Biden, on President's Iraq policy : ‘We told you what we were going to do, and we did it’ - VP re Dems in Nov.: ‘I do not see this grand debacle’ — Mrs. Reagan b'day — Introducing Peter Bradley — DRIVING THE DAY — AFP: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived ...
- A Little Economic Realism (David Brooks/New York T ...David Brooks / New York Times : A Little Economic Realism — Let's say you're the leader of the free world. The economy is stuck in the doldrums. Naturally, you want to do something. — Many economists say we need another stimulus bill. They debate about whether the stimulus should take the f ...
- Are Profits Hurting Capitalism? (New York Times)New York Times : Are Profits Hurting Capitalism? — A STREAM of disheartening economic news last week, including flagging consumer confidence and meager private-sector job growth, is leading experts to worry that the recession is coming back. At the same time, many policymakers, particularly in ...
- As Netanyahu visits, White House insists 'no rift' ...Sam Youngman / The Hill : As Netanyahu visits, White House insists ‘no rift’ between Israel, U.S. — Senior White House officials say there is “absolutely no rift” between the United States and Israel as President Barack Obama prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Whit ...
Energy & Environment News
- On Our Radar: A Bushmeat CrisisA voracious appetite for bushmeat in Congo's Ituri forest threatens the survival of isolated Pygmy tribes.
- For a Premier Lab, a Zero-Energy ShowcaseThe federal government has just finished construction on a zero-energy office building, the nation's largest, and is hoping that commercial developers will follow its lead.
- The Passing of an Ocean ExplorerIn praise of one of the quiet heroes of earth science.
- Special Report: Business of Green: Blazing the Tra ...Eight years after it opened, BedZED's developers are seeking to replicate its successes and avoid its failings as they break ground on new low-energy complexes
- The Oil's Reach: A Risk AssessmentThe likelihood that the oil from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico will reach shorelines along the Eastern Seaboard remains remote, according to projections issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Maule, ChileTuesday, July 6, 2010 13:54:03 UTC Tuesday, July 6, 2010 09:54:03 AM at epicenter Depth : 46.80 km (29.08 mi)
- M 6.3, VanuatuFriday, July 2, 2010 06:04:04 UTC Friday, July 2, 2010 05:04:04 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.0, TongaThursday, July 1, 2010 03:07:48 UTC Thursday, July 1, 2010 04:07:48 PM at epicenter Depth : 36.10 km (22.43 mi)
- M 5.2, southeast of TaiwanWednesday, June 30, 2010 22:34:33 UTC Thursday, July 1, 2010 06:34:33 AM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 6.3, south of the Fiji IslandsWednesday, June 30, 2010 04:30:59 UTC Wednesday, June 30, 2010 04:30:59 PM at epicenter Depth : 536.30 km (333.24 mi)
China Dialogue
- Game-changing China (2)In the second instalment of their report on disruptive innovation, David Tyfield, Jin Jun and Tyler Rooker consider seven Chinese case studies and the lessons they hold for policymakers. In the Chinese game Go , a single unexceptional move may alter the direction of play such that it turns out to s ...
- Game-changing China (1)A novel approach to innovation – where social redefinition of existing technologies is taken as seriously as new inventions – could boost our ability to fight climate change, say David Tyfield, Jin Jun and Tyler Rooker. Big hydro, big solar photovoltaic (PV) and big wind – these are the usual focu ...
- Shopaholic ChinaFrom Ecuador to Iraq, Chinese energy giants have used the financial crisis to snap up oil, gas and metals deals, shifting power over global resources east, says Michael Klare. Think of it as a tale of two countries. When it comes to procuring the resources that make industrial societies run, China i ...
- Heart of Dryness (3)Like Botswana’s Bushmen, we cannot escape the reality of water scarcity and must organise human behavior and society around that constraint, James G Workman writes in a final excerpt from his book. The Kalahari Bushmen – remnants of one of the world’s most successful civilisations – are at the epice ...
- Heart of Dryness (2)In the second excerpt from his book, James G Workman describes what Botswana learned, to its horror, when the capacity of its Gabarone Dam fell to historic lows -- and tensions rose dramatically. The Kalahari Bushmen – remnants of one of the world’s most successful civilisations – are at the epic ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Georgia’s Cash-Strapped Criminal Justice Sys ...Philosophically, I can’t muster much moral outrage over the death penalty, a position that occasionally pisses off other liberal-minded people. I think the death penalty is terrible, but that’s largely due to my view that the criminal justice system doesn’t even approach the degree of reliability ...
- The GOP Just Screwed Over Millions of Jobless Amer ...This post first appeared on Washington Monthly. I was watching a local public affairs show the other day when the host, a neutral reporter with no obvious ideological leanings, noted how upset many voters are that “Congress left town last week without extending unemployment benefits.” The other p ...
- Nebraska Anti-Choice Legislators Screw Over Women ...Written by Carol Joffe for RHRealityCheck.org – News, commentary and community for reproductive health and justice. âInformed consent is a legal and ethical obligation…Informed consent includes informing the patient about her medical condition, available treatment options, and the benefits and ris ...
- U.S. Provides Millions in Bulletproof Vests, Rifle ...Some good ol’ fashioned American hypocrisy, exposed by the NYTimes: … As the American government seeks to end the four-decade Jewish settlement enterprise and foster a Palestinian state in the West Bank, the American Treasury helps sustain the settlements through tax breaks on donations to suppor ...
- Absurd: Iran’s Culture Ministry Releases Gui ...Ah, summer in Iran — when a Culture Ministry’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of … hairdos. Iran has unveiled haircuts that according to officials are in line with Iranian and Islamic principles. The new haircut models approved by Iran’s Culture Ministry are aimed at preventing haircuts deemed “ ...
Threat Level
- Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Cla ...A U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking videos and documents to Wikileaks was charged Monday with eight violations of federal criminal law, including unauthorized computer access, and a single count of transmitting classified information to an unauthorized third party. Pfc. Bradley Ma ...
- Woman Jailed 2 Days for Filming Movie Screen Sues ...A 22-year-old woman jailed two days in November after being arrested for filming two brief snippets of a motion picture is lashing back at the theater, claiming its manager demanded her arrest despite the police department’s reluctance. In a civil suit lodged in federal court in Illinois, Samantha T ...
- With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepai ...Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for months, completely collapsed more than two weeks ago and remains offline, in a little-noted breakdown at the world’s most prominent sec ...
- Too Scary to Fly, Not Scary Enough to ArrestTen U.S citizens and residents, three of whom are veterans, are stuck abroad or cannot fly within or out of the United States because they are wrongly on a no-fly list, according to a federal lawsuit lodged Wednesday. The Oregon federal court case claims the plaintiffs, many with Middle Eastern name ...
- Group Wants FTC to Probe Data Broker SpokeoSpokeo, an online data broker, is accused of peddling inaccurate information and violating consumer protection laws in a complaint sent to the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday. The Center for Democracy and Technology, which filed the complaint, alleges Spokeo purports to provide information ab ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Viagra-popping seniors lead the pack for STDsNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Even if you're past your prime and have a hard time getting an erection, you might still need to worry about unprotected sex, according to U.S. doctors.
- Iran says planes get fuel; EU bans some for safetyTEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian planes continue to refuel at airports around the world, an official said on Tuesday, a day after an Iranian news report said aircraft had been denied fuel in Germany, Britain and a Gulf Arab state due to U.S. sanctions.
- Analysis: BP clean-up leaves U.S. vulnerable to an ...NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Obama administration may succeed in pushing through its offshore drilling ban, despite fierce resistance from the oil industry, since a piece of machinery in short supply has left oil companies and the environment glaringly vulnerable to another oil spill.
- WRAPUP 1-Iran says planes get fuel; EU bans some f ...* Iran officials give contradictory statements on jet fuel
- Wall St futures point to rebound for U.S. equities* U.S. stocks futures rose on Tuesday, pointing to a higher open for Wall Street as the market resumes trading after a holiday on Monday. By 0827 GMT, futures for the Dow Jones industrial average , S&P 500 and the Nasdaq were up 0.7 to 0.9 percent.
- News you may have missed #387Blackwater to 'abandon US government market'. Congress won't back down on CIA oversight battle. Mossad chief to step down after eight years.
- Retired US colonel charged with smuggling weapons ...A retired US Air Force colonel, who was charged with weapons smuggling during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s, has been indicted again, this time for trying to smuggle automatic weapons into Somalia.
- News you may have missed #386 (Israel edition)IDF soldier suspected of spying for Hezbollah. Top Hamas spy set for asylum in US. Israeli, Turkish ministers hold secret meeting.
- Austrian probe finds Chechen president behind Vien ...A report by Austrian government officials has found that the Moscow-appointed President of Chechnya ordered the 2009 assassination in Vienna of a Chechen dissident, who had been given political asylum by Austrian authorities.
- News you may have missed #385Indian, Pakistani spy chiefs meet in Islamabad. CIA releases documents on Korean War. Lebanon to probe top government officials in Israeli spy ring case.
After Downing Street.org
- Propaganda Show Trial or For Real, This Time?Our blanket support of the Israeli Neo-Con ideology government has and is creating long term National Security problems, as to country and citizens, and adding to the killing and maiming of our military forces still occupying Iraq and Afghanistan as well as one more major negative in implementing a ...
- Iraq War Inquiry: 'Muddled up', Iraq War PlanningIraq war planning happened too late, says ex-minister 5 July 2010 The Blair government should have "sorted out" its plans to rebuild Iraq after the war much sooner, an ex-minister has said. Ms Keeble wrote to Tony Blair shortly after leaving office Sally Keeble said the Department for International ...
- Long Wars, Violence and Change in AmericaBy John Grant It’s tough these days being a non-violent peace activist. Many see the notion of “peace is the way” as laughable, and the government equates peace with military domination. The bi-partisan War Party in America won’t budge from its imperial wars despite majority polls and protests urgin ...
- BP Oil Spill Health Emergency: Corexit Being Spray ...read more
- “I Wouldn’t Wish War On My Worst Enemy” Benefits C ...read more
Grist - News
- Tar balls hit Texas as oil spill cost soarsby Agence France-Presse. NEW ORLEANS, La. -- BP faced a broadening crisis Tuesday with tar balls from the Gulf oil spill turning up on Texas beaches, as the firm's cleanup costs soared and British officials reportedly mulled a possible BP collapse. The tar balls found in the surf in Galveston ...
- Exclusive: Obama admin unable to resolve shutdown ...by Jonathan Hiskes. Obama administration officials have failed to resolve a dispute with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that has shut down Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), according to an email obtained by Grist. The impasse will likely kill the promising clean-energy financing tool until Cong ...
- 10 fresh ideas that can help set you free (from oi ...by Randy Rieland. With the Fourth of July approaching, let us pause and consider the words of that great patriot Sarah Palin: "Americans are not addicted to oil, Americans are addicted to freedom -- the freedom to move freely and independently where and when we want." Makes you want to go out an ...
- BP sued for burning endangered sea turtles aliveby Agence France-Presse. NEW ORLEANS, La. -- Environmental and animal-welfare groups Wednesday sued BP for burning endangered sea turtles and asked a federal court to stop the oil giant's "controlled burns" on the Gulf of Mexico spill. "It is horrifying that these innocent creatures whose hab ...
- TV weathercasters and news directors are distortin ...by Randy Rieland. Just a few months ago, we learned that one out of four weathercasters surveyed [PDF] thought global warming wasn't really happening, and another 21 percent weren't sure yet. Now a new survey [PDF] reveals that 21 percent of TV news directors don't think climate change is real, ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Knicks Land Amar'e StoudemireKnicks get a big name, is another one coming soon?
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- Michael Steele Should ResignMichael Steele made a critical gaffe. Here's why he should resign.
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- Being Organized: An Investment in YourselfBeing organized is an investment in yourself that will save you time and money.
Time - Top Stories
- World Series of Poker: Attack of the Math BratsHow a generation of number-crunching online upstarts has come to dominate high-stakes professional poker
- Health Care Reform: New State-Level Attacks on Ins ...Conservatives vying for state jobs regulating insurance companies are promising to stop the new health-reform law. Can they really do that?
- Poland: Komorowski's Election Win May Help Boost E ...Bronislaw Komorowski's victory in Poland's presidential election opens the way for stronger ties with the E.U.
- Hypersonic Missiles Feasible but Does the U.S. Nee ...What good are Mach-5 missiles if the intelligence guiding them is lousy?
- Obama's World Cup: Facing Global Political Challen ...Now that the country is focused on the world -- well, world sports anyway -- here's what the President needs to do in five international brackets
Washington Independent
- Lunchtime LinksMichael Steele might be difficult to oust as RNC chairman. Joe Biden thinks reports of the Democrats’ demise are “premature.” The Justice Department may sue Arizona over its immigration law as early as today. Wall Street donations to Democratic campaigns are down 65 percent. Republican Senate lead ...
- On 78th Day of BP Disaster, Surveying the Economic ...One frightening opening sentence from The Washington Post: In the 77 days since oil from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon began to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, BP has skimmed or burned about 60 percent of the amount it promised regulators it could remove in a single day. The article also notes that B ...
- Obama Says Republicans Holding Unemployment Extens ...In his weekly radio address, given on Saturday morning, President Obama accused congressional Republicans of holding the federal extension of unemployment benefits “hostage.” On Friday, we learned that after 22 straight months of job loss, our economy has now created jobs in the private sector for 6 ...
- Brown ‘Likes What He Sees’ on FinRegSpeaking on a Massachusetts local television news broadcast, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) indicated that he’s leaning towards voting yes on financial regulatory reform. “I’m going to be making a decision soon, but I’m liking what I see,” Brown said. Brown forced a reopening of the conference committee ...
- European Rejection of Obama’s Call for Stimu ...President Obama's push for additional economic stimulus has hit a wall not only in Congress, but also at the G-20 summit among European leaders.
Digg Green
- UN Climate Report Valid Despite MistakesThe review by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency claimed that none of the errors effected the conclusion by U.N. panel of scientists: that global warming caused by humans already is happening and is threatening the lives and well-being of millions of people.
- Millions Of Migrating Birds Headed for Gulf Oil Sp ...Scientists predict that shifting weather and sea conditions will soon create a dangerous situation in which sea birds, simply following their instinctual behavior patterns, will fly right into the deadly oil spill mess.
- Study will look at oil spill's effect on whalesTags, tissue samples and sound are among methods being used on a scientific cruise to study the Gulf of Mexico oil spill's effects on whales and other endangered animals.
- EPA Claiming Coal Ash Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emiss ...Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility has called on the agency to remove such claims from its website. But, the EPA is currently weighing new regulations on coal ash and is considering whether or not to classify it as hazardous waste—even though some of the opposition is pretty transpare ...
- Global carbon emissions steady for first time sinc ...Drop in rich countries' emissions caused by recession in 2009 was nullified by steep increases from China and India.
Invisible Opportunity
- No Matter what, it’s going to HappenBy Les Visible I hear people say there is no God and no intelligent design and all the other excuses they have for making themselves into God which is a pretty dumb thing to do. Or they’re pissed off at religions, as if that had anything to do with it. It doesn’t matter to me, [...]
- Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the GulfYet, Goldman Sachs is far too gluttonous a creature to be happy with administering the profits from the physical fallout of the Gulf disaster. The kings of the carbon market — yes, that market that trades nothing but air — have not been having an easy time of it pushing man-made global warming. In t ...
- Nintendo Samsung and Digit warn you about 3DGet this: viewing 3D video is probably bad for you, at least that’s what Samsung and Nintendo are saying! So, if you felt disoriented, nauseous and tired, or experienced some eye or muscle twitching after seeing a 3D movie, you arenât alone. These symptoms are caused by your temporarily reduced bi ...
- GORDON DUFF: CIA HINTS, BIN LADEN DEAD SINCE “EARL ...This week, CIA director Leon Panetta, admitted there has been no information on Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts since “the early 2000?s.” During briefings with the directors of Paksitan’s information and intelligence agencies it was confirmed that Osama bin Laden had been killed, as stated by Prime Mi ...
- New Zealand’s Prime Minister: Climate Change bill ...by Anthony Watts Via Andrew Bolt in email, some surprising revelations about New Zealand’s Prime minister and his previous opinion of the ETS. It appears he has done a complete about face from his very strong opinions of 2005. The Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, has just introduced the worl ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Prospects for Arizona's Medical Marijuana Initiati ...Arizona activists have qualified an initiative for the ballot and look to be sitting pretty -- at least for now.
- Wal-Mart Is at the Center of a Major Legal Battle ...Joseph Casias was wrongfully fired by Wal-Mart for testing positive for pot. Now the ACLU has filed a landmark lawsuit against the retailer that could alter the legal landscape
- Treating Meth Addiction as a Health IssueCongress is finally learning what teenagers learn in high school economics: as long as there is a demand for something, there will be a supply to meet it.
- Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigge ...For more than three decades, America's marijuana policies have been based upon rhetoric. Perhaps it's time to begin listening to what the experts have to say.
- How to Get Politicians to Admit in Public That the ...We do not need yet another blue ribbon commission or academic study to tell us our current policies are not working.
Twilight Earth
- Photo Sunday – 4th of July 2010 – with Declaration ...It's the 4th of July, 2010 and we bring you not only photos this week, but the text of the Declaration of Independence. Related posts: 5 Great Articles on How to Green Your 4th of July Photo Sunday – Washington DC Fireworks Photo Sunday – Tahiti and Polynesia
- The Petrolholics 12 Step Program to Oil AddictionI ran across an excellent blog by Wallace J Nichols this morning called Petroholics Anonymous. Check out the 12 step Program to Oil Addiction. I ran across an excellent blog by Wallace J Nichols this morning called Petroholics Anonymous. Check out the 12 step Program to Oil Addiction. Relate ...
- Have Energy and Climate Change Questions? Live Cha ...Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change will host a live chat today. Related posts: White House Follow-up on Global Climate Change Impacts White House: The Primary Cause of Climate Change is Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reactions to the Clean Energy Bill ...
- Dances with the Moon: Watch out Moon, They Might b ...Water Found on Moon, Researchers Say Follow Joe on Twitter @GreenCartoons Follow the Dances with the Moon series here. Related posts:Dances with the Moon: Does Oil Clot? Dances with the Moon: Earth Has BAD Gas! Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is Coming! Related posts: Dances with the ...
- Federal Judge Overturns Obama Drilling BanU.S. District Judge Martin Feldman overturned the Obama Administrations deepwater drilling ban. Related posts: President Obama Gives Federal Agencies 90 Days to set Greenhouse Reduction Goals Dances with the Moon: Another Spill (cartoon) Judge Blocks BLM From Leasing Contested Utah Wilderne ...
- The 10th Annual Serpentine Gallery by Jean Nouvel ...Read the rest of The 10th Annual Serpentine Gallery by Jean Nouvel Opens This Weekhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: eco design, gree ...
- Pavilion Upcycled from 200 Obsolete Speedo Swimsui ...Those tight little swim shorts may actually have a use for more than just aerodynamics in the water. A group of undergraduate students from the Chelsea College of Art & Design took 200 unusable Speedo swimsuits and remade them into the s_pavilion for the London Festival of Architecture, which just e ...
- Niels Bohr Science Park Laced with Light Flooded V ...Christensen & Co + Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects recently nabbed first prize in a competition to design the new Niels Bohr Science Park for the University of Copenhagen. Their winning proposal was conceived in collaboration with Ramboll DK + UK + SE, GHB Landscape Architects and Collin Gordon Associa ...
- Department of Energy Finishes Largest Zero-Energy ...Walking the walk is key when playing the environmental game, which is why we’re thrilled to report that the United States Department of Energy has completed their new zero-energy research building in Colorado. It clocks in at 222,000 square feet and is the largest zero-energy building in the United ...
- Green Roofed Urrezkoenea House Melts Into the Span ...Nestled along the Cantabric Coast of Spain, the Urrezkoenea House, makes light of the stormy and steep landscape. Architect Peña Ganchegui’s design takes an unusual approach to maximize daylight while lowering the home’s exposure to the elements. The unique turns and green roof of the home also crea ...
Pogue's Posts
- Let's Try to Make Sense of the "Death Grip"The iPhone 4 could go down in the history book as "Weirdest Consumer Tech Bumble"
- The Swype Revolution?Motorola's Droid X is one of the first phones to have Swype built in, giving users a completely new way to enter text on their phones. But is it really better than typing?
- Counting (and Filing) the iPhone AppsIs there a 2,160-app limit to the clever feature that lets you organize app icons?
- The Mystery of the iPhone Death GripGetting to the bottom of the mystery of the iPhone Death Grip.
- iPhone Q&AA sampling of the questions readers are asking David Pogue about the new iPhone, with his replies.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- 10 Crazy-Looking New Deep-Sea Creatures<< previous image | next image >> Ten new possible species could change everything about the way we think about deep sea-life in the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the creatures are so strange, it is hard to know which direction they swim or where their mouths are. The images were capt ...
- Hubble Captures Fireworks in the Starburst ClusterThis gorgeous star cluster doesn’t need a holiday to set off fireworks. Officially called NGC 3603, the small community of young stars is located about 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina. Ultraviolet radiation and violent stellar winds from the cluster’s stars shoved away the cloud ...
- Incredible New Microwave Map of the Entire SkyThe Planck satellite released its first microwave radiation map of the entire sky. The image is made from ten months of data and will be followed by three more all-sky surveys by the end of the European Space Agency’s mission in 2012. Astronomers will use the data to study the early universe and ho ...
- Jefferson’s Hidden Change to the DeclarationSmudge analysis shows how Jefferson changed his mind. Spectral analysis of an uncharacteristic ink smudge on an early draft of the Declaration of Independence uncovered a little of the rebel spirit in Thomas Jefferson, the colonist and future president who wrote the document. About 80 years ago, so ...
- Lizard Camouflage Confuses Males About GenderPORTLAND, Oregon — The recent evolution of camouflage among lizards in the powdery dunes of New Mexico’s White Sands National Monument can lead to some misunderstandings when some males choose to make love, not war. Since the dunes developed a few thousand years ago, a light-colored form of the nor ...
The Progressive Realist
- China Struggling With Energy Efficiency Targets(my cc photo) Everyone’s understood for a while now that Chinese policymakers have no intention of cutting the country’s carbon dioxide emissions in the short-term. But they have consistently expressed a desire to reduce the carbon intensity of the Chinese economy. In other words, the country is s ...
- The Reality Is that Many in GOP Support Israeli Se ...In a story that’s at least ten years overdue, the New York Times reports today that “ many groups in the United States [are] using tax-exempt donations to help Jews establish permanence in the Israeli-occupied territories — effectively obstructing the creation of a Palestinian state, widely seen as ...
- Afghanistan: Why Do We Stay?Once upon a time, we went into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban government and eliminate a training ground for our friends from Al Qaeda. Mission accomplished. Then we decided to stay around to “fix” the Afghan regime so it would be more “democratic” and to help stimulate the economy, so that Al ...
- Our Lack of Imagination About What to Do in Afghan ...Over the weekend, I was catching up on my New Yorker reading and came across George Packer's latest piece on Afghanistan . After about a half dozen paragraphs cogently laying out all the reasons why our current strategy in Afghanistan has not been working - and likely will not work - he makes this f ...
- Iran's Nuke—Not Coming SoonJoe Cirincione explains that Iran's nuclear program isn't going to spit out nukes anytime soon , despite pessimistic statements by our political leadership. This analysis may be unsupportive of any immediate strikes by Israel or the United States on Iran's nuclear technology infrastructure, but it d ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Goddamn, You Should Read This Post.If like most Americans you're a longtime watcher of television, you've probably noticed a loosening of language standards over the last decade or so. You can now hear a number of words on TV that used to be bleeped out; we won't go over the list, but you know what they are. They're a subset of the b ...
- Slowed Food Revolution.Heather Rogers says that while President Obama is seeking to boost demand for organic food, he doesn't offer meaningful support for the people who grow it : As George W. Bush's before it, President Barack Obama's Department of Agriculture is doing little to ensure the survival of holistic local far ...
- Attention, TV News Editors.Quick, put that woman on television! (Flickr/ SashaW ) "It's hot. Back to you, Brian." That's all that's necessary. We don't need team coverage, with reporters scattered up and down the coast. We don't need endless B-roll of people mopping their brows. We don't need a demonstration of whether you ...
- Immigration Returns.Paul Waldman on how President Obama's call for reform is putting the hot topic back on the map : It's good to hear the president make a speech saying the right things about immigration. He not only discussed the legal immigration system, he spoke truthfully about our history of nativism, described ...
- Sugar Tax and Anti-Taxes.Last week, New York Gov. David Paterson �dropped his proposal to tax sugary drinks by a penny per ounce, and The New York Times has an analysis on how the money behind the soda industry and the power of anti-tax advocates did it in. Pepsi Co., which has a headquarters in Westchester County, and Coca ...
Andy Worthington
- Fighting Ghosts: An Interview with Husein Al-Samam ...Three weeks ago, as I explained in an article at the time, the BBCâs Newsnight broadcast an extraordinary insight into the bleak conditions under which Hussain Alsamamara, a Jordanian terror suspect held under a form of house arrest, is obliged to live. Like a few dozen other terror suspects — bot ...
- Dangerous Game: A Reply to Gita Sahgal and Her Sup ...Back in February, a distressing Islamophobic fuse was lit when Gita Sahgal, the head of the gender unit at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, criticized Amnesty for its association with former Guantánamo prisoner Moazzam Begg and Cageprisoners, the organization of which he is th ...
- Torture Complicity Under the Spotlight in Europe ( ...Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when the United States — the post-World War II driver of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions, prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment — went off the rails and introduced a horrendo ...
- “It was better in Guantánamo,” Complains Egyptian ...Last week, Amnesty International in Slovakia revealed that three men released from Guantánamo to Slovakia in January had embarked on a hunger strike to protest about the conditions in which they are being held. Pending relocation, the men have been held since their arrival in a detention center in M ...
- Activists’ Letter to the Justice Department on Gua ...Two weeks ago, after 24 members of the campaigning group Witness Against Torture were cleared of charges of “unlawful entry with disorderly conduct,” stemming from demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol on January 21, 2010 (the date on which President Obama had promised the closure of Guantánamo), repre ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Gulf Spill Pictures: Toxic Oil Found Just Under Be ...NoneEven "clean" patches of beach along the Gulf of Mexico harbor unsafe oil just beneath the surface, as new pictures from Florida show. Gulf of Mexico - Florida - Beach - Oil spill - Environment
- Oil Found in Gulf Beach Sand, Even After CleanupsExperts are finding dark, solid oil from the Gulf spill hidden under beach sand. The hard-to-remove deposits could pose a long-lasting risk. Beach - Sand - Oil - Environment - Oil spill
- Hurricane Alex Spawns Tornadoes, Could've Been Str ...Alex didn't push oil inland and weakened after it hit land in Mexico Wednesday night, but the storm still proved deadly. Mexico - Tropical cyclone - Hurricane Alex - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences
- PHOTOS: Amid Drought, Pakistan Prays for RainNoneSparse rainfall, surging demand, and inefficient infrastructure have combined to create devastating drought conditions across much of Pakistan. Drought - Rain - Pakistan - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences
- Pictures: Hurricane Alex Pushes Oil on "Cleaned" B ...NoneRough seas churned up by Hurricane Alex are pushing oil onto cleaned Louisiana beaches that hadn't seen oil since mid-May. Louisiana - Hurricane Alex - Meteorology - Hurricanes - Earth Sciences
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- For those who argued against Catholic Parishioners ...to the Catholic Church... Is it more than just political donations and actions that the church is trying to hide? A Roman Catholic priest in Connecticut has been arrested on charges he stole $1.3 million in church money over seven years to use for male escorts, expensive clothing, and luxury hotel ...
- Not that we should Wonder about McMahon's 5$ bount ...But it kind of has to make ya wonder what McMahons' real intentions were when she put a bounty on college students' registration : DA to team with Secretary of State on voter registration probe A Register investigation published Friday online and in Sunday’s newspaper exposed how signature gather ...
- Is Our Children Learned Yet?Clearly our town is hellbent on turning out thousands of uneducated kids in the future as New Milford has frozen the school budget for the second year straight. This is from an email that is circulating around and was forwarded to myself by more than one person: Dear Friends, Below is a letter I s ...
- Offshore Drilling? WTF OBAMA???And before any negotiations on a bill for the milk starts some dumbasses have already given away the entire cow . Good luck with that. We have already seen what your administration's extraordinary leadership skill got us in enhancement of health insurance for profit reform . A little reading l ...
- When we have a fire...The flames are going about twenty five feet in the air right now. If there is one thing every Boy Scout knows how to do? Start a really BIG FIRE.
SPL Center
- Anti-Roma Violence in Europe: A Q&A With Gwend ...On Friday, 26 June, CNN International broadcast a documentary called “Scars of Racism” (videos here , here and here ). It told the story of a young Czech Roma (commonly known in the U.S. as a “gypsy”) named Natálka Kudriková and the neo-Nazis who almost burned her to death in an arson attack committ ...
- Arizona Councilman Attacks Mural for Highlighting ...A city councilman with a history of racial insensitivity in Prescott, Ariz., has been fired from his talk radio show after his complaints about a school mural featuring children of several races helped propel the artwork into an embarrassing national news story. Last month, Steve Blair commented on ...
- White Supremacist Linked to Mail Bombing Imprisone ...A firearms and explosives expert suspected of involvement with two white supremacist brothers in the sending of a bomb to the office of a municipal diversity officer was sentenced to 6½ years in prison in Missouri on Tuesday. Robert Joos Jr., an antigovernment zealot and pastor of a church of “apoca ...
- Expanding A3P Absorbs Another Hate GroupThe American Third Position (A3P), a fledgling but important Southern California-based white supremacist political party, has expanded its base by merging with another relatively new racist and anti-Semitic organization. The latter group, the New Jersey-based League of American Patriots (LOAP), was ...
- IFI’s Laurie Higgins Goes Off the Deep End, AgainSo you thought McDonald’s was a huge fast-food restaurant chain making huge profits and reaping some criticism in the process over the healthiness of its food? Well, think again. The company whose 31,000 outlets serve nearly 47 million people a day actually is a full-fledged font of evil. It is “hel ...
change: org.
- Rimbaud on War, and the Mad Blinding LightHave you ever felt that your life is ecstatic and horrific at the same time? Fantastic treats of summer games, pals, and love, balanced by bankruptcy, and pain? Those who experience war endure this to extremes. War, according to many opinions, is not only suffering. There are also many moments of jo ...
- Turns Out Money Can Buy HappinessIt has long been said that money can't buy happiness — but simultaneously acknowledged that the lack of money sure can bring unhappiness. New research shows that cold hard cash might just bring a smile to your face after all. Happiness researchers (I wonder if they enjoy their jobs ... ) from Gallup ...
- The Today Show Has a Problem With Gay WeddingsNBC's Today Show is throwing a "Modern Day Wedding" contest , where two lucky viewers will be given the ultimate wedding experience from one of the leading television morning shows. As The Today Show puts it, "whether your love blossomed over the Internet or you met the old-fashioned way," you can b ...
- Legal Sharks Swarm Vietnamese-American Gulf Fisher ...On Change.org's Race in America page, I recently wrote about how the BP oil spill has been especially hard on the Gulf's Vietnamese-American, who comprise about a third to one-half of all Gulf fishermen . This community is now in deep trouble: If they are not make a living directly braving the water ...
- Would You Pay $1.99 to Know the Most Important Thi ...Man, I love the internet. I've just started a new business overnight that I actually think has promise. Would you pay $1.99 a month to keep track of fields that you care about, but just don't have the time to be heavily involved in? The last year has seen a resurgence in the email newsletter as a so ...
Common Dreams -News
- UK PM Announces Torture InquiryDavid Cameron has said a "judge-led" inquiry will look at claims that UK security services were complicit in the torture of terror suspects. The prime minister promised compensation for victims if it was found foreign agents had committed abuses with UK counterparts colluding. Mr ...
- Dead Zone in Gulf Linked to Ethanol Productionby Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau Washington - While the BP oil spill has been labeled the worst environmental catastrophe in recent U.S. history, a biofuel is contributing to a Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" the size of New Jersey that scientists say could be every bit as harmful to t ...
- McChrystal Probe of SOF Killings Excluded Key Eyew ...by Gareth Porter and Ahmad Walid Fazly WASHINGTON - The follow-up investigation of a botched Special Operations Forces (SOF) raid in Gardez Feb. 12 that killed two government officials and three women, ordered by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal Apr. 5, was ostensibly aimed at reconciling divergent A ...
- Israel to Indict Soldier Over Gaza An Israeli soldier who fought in the country's war on Gaza last year is to be prosecuted for the manslaughter of two Palestinian women, the military has said. The move, which is the first prosecution of an Israeli soldier over the deaths of civilians during the 22-day war, was one of several dis ...
- Despite Pledge to Curtail Corporate Earmarks, Poli ...by David Heath, Huffington Post Investigative Fund This March, House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey pledged to stop colleagues from steering millions of dollars in no-bid contracts to businesses, a controversial practice used by politicians to please constituents and boost pet projects ...
- Increase the Frequency Gmail Checks Your Other Ema ...Gmail's Mail Fetcher tool checks POP email more frequently when your email account regularly receives email. Reader maltesh writes in with a clever strategy for keeping Gmail's POP-checking frequency high using only Google tools. Here's how: ...
- Gadget and Gear Deals of the Day [Dealhacker]Discounted computers, great hard drive deals, and a pile of free loot await you in today's Dealhacker roundup. Come for the HDTV deals, stay for the free flame-grilled chicken legs. More�� Home - Electronics - Dealhacke ...
- The Worst Email Habits and Annoyances You Should A ...Email signatures might be more annoying than you think , but we all experience plenty more gaffes, annoyances, and misfires in our inbox. We asked our savvy readers to share their biggest email annoyances, and here's what they said. More�� ...
- PlanCake is an Open-Source and GTD-Friendly Task M ...If you're looking for a task management system and data portability is important to you, open-source PlanCake not only allows you to export all your data but you can even download the entire PlanCake system and run it on your own server. Mo ...
- Label Frozen Foods with Discard Date for Optimum F ...If your current freezer "labeling" system is guestimating the age of things based on the level of freezer burn this simple labeling method will ensure your food is used while it still tastes delicious. More�� Frozen foo ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Actually, Afghanistan Was A War Of ChoiceBy Ian Welsh Michael Steele's comments on Afghanistan remind me of my favorite definition of a gaffe: "saying the truth in the worst way possible." To wit, Steele said that Afghanistan is a war of Obama's choosing, and that everyone who's occupied Afghanistan has come to grief over it. Now one can q ...
- The Dogma Of COIN-ColonialismBy Steve Hynd An important piece by Col. Gian Gentile in the new National Defense University's Joint Force Quarterly looks at the dogmatic defense of counter-insurgency theory by its advocates and how that defense hampers foreign policy thinking. A snippet: FM 3–24 is not perfect, and it is not the ...
- NPR Reads the Declaration of IndependenceBy John Ballard Here is the link to this year's reading of the Declaration of Independence by NPR journalists. I look forward to this feature every Independence Day, a tradition that goes back many years. It takes less than ten minutes. I miss the voices of the late Red Barber, Baxter Black and Bob ...
- Obama's WarBy Dave Anderson: Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee made an interesting statement on Afghanistan that sounds like it is coming from the mouth of a 'Hogger than a Republican (h/t TPM) "Keep in mind again, federal candidates, this was a war of Obama's choosing. This is not ...
- IG Report: US Over-Estimating Ability Of Afghan Fo ...By Steve Hynd Here we go again with the PR spin for domestic consumption that has no relation to reality on the ground: The United States has often overestimated the ability of Afghan military and police units to fight on their own, jeopardizing the strategy to win the war and bring troops home, acc ...
Water Wars
- EcoModo - The Best of Treehugger [Roundups]# roundups This week on TreeHugger, Water Wars meets 3D gaming, square LED light bulbs, blue jeans bring us to better solar cells, and Google partners up with small book stores for e-books. More��
- Ladera Ranch celebrates FourthLADERA RANCH Ladera Ranch Community Services hosted its annual Old-Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration in Founder's Park on Sunday. The day started with a parade around Founder's Park followed by a presentation of colors. Entertainment...
- New Video and Pictures: 2010 Erath 4th of July Wat ...Click the link at right to see photos.
- Soaking up the 4thERATH Eager Fourth of July holiday festival-goers in bare feet and swimsuits lined South Broadway Street here Sunday for the annual Water Wars between area fire departments hoping for a soaking to beat the heat.
- Soaking up the 4thERATH Eager Fourth of July holiday festival-goers in bare feet and swimsuits lined South Broadway Street here Sunday for the annual Water Wars between area fire departments hoping for a soaking to beat the heat.
WordPress | Economics
- Why is our trade balance so important?In order for people to prosper, they have to be able to earn money. Whether they work to provide a g
- Contract From America--First Draft--VideosIntroducing the Contract FROM America Join with Americans. Sign on Now. http://www.thecontract.org/
- Market Recap: Week of 06/28/10 - 07/02/10Gold and other precious metals rallied earlier this week as expectations of the release of disappoin
- More Education Means Harder Job Search?I hate to quibble with the esteemed Calculated Risk but this just doesn’t sit well with me. His read
- Another LSD event: economist says things are dandy ...http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/article/516249/Forget-Your-Fears%2C-Stocks-Are-Headed-to-New-Hi
Electronic Intifada
- IKEA furnishing the occupationSwedish Radio reported on 23 June that home furnishings retail giant IKEA in Israel discriminately ships to Israel's illegal settlements but not Palestinian cities in the occupied ...
- The Last Queen of the NightThe Last Queen of the Night is not the name of a mythical character, or even an ancient Oriental queen or goddess. It is not the name of a Parisian perfume or chocolate like "After ...
- From Israel to Arizona, boycott racism!The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) endorses and supports the call for Boycott of Arizona on account of its manifestly racist laws, HB1 ...
- Home demolitions, arrest raids as Israel implement ...Israeli police detained residents of Silwan as bulldozers demolished a horse stable in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood on 29 June, while other construction vehicles razed ...
- Queers Against Israeli Apartheid refuse to be sile ...On the morning of 25 May, the Board of Pride Toronto held a press conference on the lawn outside its offices to announce that the phrase "Israeli Apartheid" would be censor ...
Afghanistan Sun
- NATO soldier, six workers killed in AfghanistanA NATO soldier was killed in a roadside bombing in eastern Afghanistan Tuesday, while suspected Taliban militants killed six construction workers after kidnapping them in southeastern region, officials said.
- British soldier, 3 Afghan police killed by blastsKABUL, Afghanistan Three Afghan policemen and a British soldier were killed by roadside bomb attacks in Afghanistan's volatile south and east, officials said Tuesday. Insurgent attacks ha...
- Afghan indie band rocks Kabul in post-Taliban eraIn this photo taken June 18, 2010, singer and guitarist Suleman Qardash, foreground, of Kabul Dreams performs during a rock party in Kabul, Afghanistan. The band is paving the way for a very modest bu...
- Elite cadre of Afghan police set up in KandaharAfghan police inspect a car at a checkpoint in Kandahar city, south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, July 2, 2010. New police checkpoints ringing Kandahar are the first visible signs of an operation und...
- Taliban-type decree by KhapGreater Noida In yet another outrageous diktat by a Khap panchayat, a self-styled community council here has ruled that a boy who had eloped with a girl, hailing from another village, will have to han...
- Free preview of Ian McDonald’s The Dervish HouseI’ve never read an Ian McDonald novel I didn’t love*.As such, I commend unto you this Tor.com preview of a chapter from Mister Mcdonald’s newest novel, The Dervish House, courtesy of those nice people at Pyr Books. Continuing his ongoing project of setting near-future sf in developing/non-WASP natio ...
- Attention economics: sub-prime celebritiesThere’s sometimes deep truth in flippant analogies. Well, there is in my world, anyway… and here’s an example, as The Guardian‘s Aditya Chakrabortty compares celebrity to shonky mortgages: if you sell too many of the latter masquerading as the real thing, the whole system ends up collapsing in the w ...
- Doom du jour: world without oilJust in case the Monday blues weren’t quite enough for you, Wired UK‘s Andy Hamilton has provided his latest “What Would Happen If…?” column on a topical subject: what if the world’s oil workers went on strike forever? We are utterly dependant on oil. Back in 2000 [in the UK] we had petrol blockades ...
- Katie-Jane joins the Futurismic teamPlease give a warm welcome to the latest addition to the Futurismic editorial staff! On the assumption that almost all tortoiseshell cats are female (it’s a genetics thing), this here is Katie-Jane. Exactly what her duties will be within the Futurismic business empire remain to be determined; indeed ...
- Personal Information: episode 19Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episode 19 Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Personal Information: episo ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Morning Smoke: Pentagon Continues to Do Business w ...BP has steady sales at Defense Department despite U.S. scrutiny by R. Jeffrey Smith [The Washington Post] A Fault in Reg Reform: Deciding Who's Accountable When Things Go Wrong by Heather Landy [American Banker] Companies Find Ways to Bypass Ban...
- Morning Smoke: Major Cost Growth and Unexpected De ...Report finds DHS contracts over budget, behind schedule by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] SEC may use Goldman Sachs to improve its image by David Lieberman [USA Today] Former regulators find steady work with hedge funds by Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Emily...
- C-17: Unwanted Cargo to BudgetAs Congress begins consideration of the FY 2011 Defense Appropriations bill, we hope that they will support the Pentagon and President by passing such waste-reduction initiatives as an amendment to strip funding for unneeded C-17 cargo planes. The Pentagon has...
- Citizen KBR? POGO Examines Another Corporate Ethic ...Corporate Responsibility (CR) Magazine has released a ranking of the “ Best Corporate Citizens in Government Contracting .” The ranking was designed to measure the transparency and accountability of the top publicly traded companies that provide goods and services to the federal governmen ...
- Morning Smoke: House Approves Wall Street Reform B ...Bank bill clears House by Chris Frates and Meredith Shiner [Politico] Treasury's 'Point Man' on AIG Bailout That Benefited Goldman, Owned Goldman Stock by Karen Weise [ProPublica] AIG's Former Derivatives Chief Claims He Could Have Gotten Better Deal For Taxpayers...
Digital Journal
- First annual Canadian Cougar Convention in Toronto ...This week, the first-ever Canadian Cougar Convention will be held in downtown Toronto at the Sixty-9 Bathurst Nightclub, which features older women and younger men, or as they describe it: cougars and cubs.
- Leafs' fans should oppose a second NHL franchise i ...Winnipeg, Quebec City, Hamilton, or Toronto? With growing speculation over a seventh NHL team in Canada, Leafs' fans should beware.
- Police looking for three men after Ontario home in ...Three black men are being sought by Durham Regional Police after a home invasion in Whitby Monday morning on Dundas Street East.
- Teen killed at Mississauga community centreA young man asked three trouble-makers to leave a community centre where violence is not tolerated this weekend. Those thugs came back armed and with a mission, to kill a good kid in front of his community.
- Deer attacks dog in Graphic scene caught on videoAs man continues to encroach on the forest that has been both home and refuge to countless numbers of wildlife vicious attacks are becoming commonplace. In this extremely graphic video a female deer pummels a dog while defending her fawn on a city street.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Can New Hampshire End Veteran Homelessness in Just ...Ambitious timelines for ending homelessness are in, apparently. Nationally the timeline for eliminating veteran homelessness is five years, but New Hampshire recently released a state plan to end homelessness among veterans by 2014 . It extends to veterans' families as well. New Hampshire also has i ...
- Expenses Up + Wages Down = HomelessnessNew Yorkers are increasingly in danger of becoming homeless. According to new research released by the Women's Center for Education and Career Advancement , living expenses have increased at a faster rate in recent days than wages for families living in New York City. Not a surprise, perhaps, but a ...
- Felonies Make Finding a Job Nearly ImpossibleI met Angel in Shawnee, Oklahoma. With no place to stay all winter, he called an abandoned house home during the cold months. He had to sneak in late at night and leave early in the morning, often going days without food. He's suffered from drug and alcohol abuse, but he has been drug-free for two y ...
- Why Housing Is Not the Answer to HomelessnessWe write a lot about housing on this blog, as well we should. Securing housing for those who are unhoused is, logically, a part of the answer to ending homelessness. However, it is not the definitive answer. Homelessness is a complex issue. I would venture to say it is a more complex issue than most ...
- How I Became a Homeless Advocate — and How You Can ...You may have seen our blogger Eric Sheptock, who calls himself a homeless advocate for the homeless, on CNN today. His previous appearance can be found here . Welcome to the conversation. Lately, many homeless people have asked me about what they would have to do in order to become a homeless advoc ...
- Obama ditches U.S. commander in Afghanistan, repla ...On Wednesday, June 23rd, President Obama announced the dismissal of General Stanley McChrystal, the U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan. McChrystal was terminated due to comments reported in an article in Rolling Stone magazine, in which he and his staff insulted Obama’s National Security Advisor ...
- Canada sells out on nuclear trade with India“If civilian nuclear cooperation is to be a primary fixture and symbol of the cordialization of Indo-Canadian relations,” writes CIGI Fellow Ernie Regehr, “it should be built on the most robust of nonproliferation conditions.” (Ernie Regehr, “The Canada-India civilian nuclear cooperation deal,” Dis ...
- 77% say “peace and nuclear disarmament” very impor ...Protests this weekend will reflect a mix of concern over the G8/G20 summits’ agendas, and objections to the very legitimacy of the meetings themselves, suggests an online survey of “engaged Canadians” by the Rideau Institute. “There is a discussion going on among people participating in the protest ...
- Stay in Afghanistan: Senate committeeThe Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence has recommended that Canada remain in Afghanistan following the scheduled end of the mission in Kandahar (”Senate committee endorses continued military training mission in Afghanistan,” Canadian Press, 22 June 2010). The committee, chai ...
- Children continue to suffer as the war in Afghanis ...“Aerial attacks, land mines and forced suicide bombings are only a few of the devastating consequences of the war in Afghanistan increasingly affecting the country’s children,” says a new report conducted by Watchlist, a non-governmental organization that examines the status of children in war-torn ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Animals That People Consume Eat ArsenicJuly 6, 2010 Natural News By: Kim Evans There are many reasons not to eat meat, but it’s likely that most people don’t consider avoiding the consumption of arsenic as one of them. But as it turns out, arsenic is regularly feed to chickens and sometimes also to turkeys and pigs. The poultry indust ...
- Barack Obama: The Great Jobs KillerJuly 6, 2010 Las Vegas Review Journal By: Wayne Allyn Root As former President Ronald Reagan might have said, “Obama, there you go again.” The current occupant of the White House claims to know how to create jobs. He claims jobs have been created. But so far the score is Great Obama Depression 2 ...
- Obama and Supreme Court May Be On Collision CourseJuly 6, 2010 Los Angeles Times By: David G. Savage The Supreme Court wrapped up its term last week after landmark decisions protecting the right to have a gun and the right of corporations to spend freely on elections. But the year’s most important moment may have come on the January evening when ...
- Dow Repeats Great Depression PatternJuly 6, 2010 CNBC By: CNBC.com The Dow Jones Industrial Average is repeating a pattern that appeared just before markets fell during the Great Depression, Daryl Guppy, CEO at Guppytraders.com, told CNBC Monday. “Those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it…there was a head and should ...
- Stricter Rules On Military Media RegulationsJuly 6, 2010 Yahoo News By: Anne Gearan Military officials will need Pentagon clearance for interviews and other dealings with reporters, according to an order from Defense Secretary Robert Gates not long after the top general in Afghanistan was fired for his comments in a magazine article. The ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of true an ...
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
- Global: Conference will establish African Socialis ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
- Global: Guadeloupe paralyzed by widespread strikesRiot police from mainland France have arrived on the French Caribbean islands as protests threaten to paralyse tourism and spread further afield. Strikes on Guadeloupe and Martinique have closed shops and schools and the reinforcements will help loca...
War in Context
- The war Israel can’t winAt The Daily Beast, historian Thaddeus Russell writes: When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the White House Tuesday, President Obama will have the chance to be the first American president since the founding of Israel to ask The Question. The Question is never addressed by Israel’ ...
- Israel bans parachutes from GazaIf Hamas had plans to form a paratroopers brigade, these will now need to be put on hold. Israel’s long-awaited release of its blacklist of items banned from importation into the strip include parachutes. How exactly parachutes might be used in Gaza, if the ban gets lifted, is hard to envisage. Wha ...
- Petraeus: mission will be accomplishedPredicting what will happen in Afghanistan is about as wise as declaring “mission accomplished.” As he arrived to take over command of US forces in what has become America’s longest war, Gen David Petraeus might not have actually predicted the outcome of the war but he certainly narrowed what can be ...
- A free republic and its limitsDavid Bromwich writes: “Things are in the saddle,/ And ride mankind.” The words were written by Emerson in a poem about the Mexican war–the first crisis that took America out of itself. The second such crisis was the Spanish-American war, and we are now in the middle of the third. The extent of our ...
- ‘The world has divided into rich and poor as at no ...Speaking ahead of the G20 summit held in Toronto last week, Maude Barlow, head of the Council of Canadian — Canadaâs largest public advocacy organization — said: On the eve of this G-20 gathering, letâs look at a few facts. Fact, the world has divided into rich and poor as at no time in our [. ...
Watts Up With That?
- McIntyre presser in LondonClimategate after the Russell Review Discussing the ‘Climategate’ Affair and the CRU Inquiries Speakers * Stephen McIntyre (Canada) * David Holland (UK) Tuesday, 13 July 2010, 19:00 – 21:00 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London … Continue reading →
- CO2 field experiment likely to cause “do-ove ...I have two press releases here, one via EurekAlert, and one from Max Planck. Plus at the end a summary of points via WUWT regular Pierre Gosselin. First, a key point. You can see the CO2 respiration of the biosphere … Continue reading →
- Dilbert on the Utility of ForecastingScott Adams evidently understands AGW adherents completely.
- Sustainability Teaching: “lack of ethical di ...Ethical issues ignored in sustainability education, research EAST LANSING, Mich. – Just about everyone agrees that sustainability â cutting energy use, reducing carbon emissions and, in general, keeping the Earth green â is a good thing. But why do we think … Continue reading →
- CryoSat-2 exceeding expectationsFrom the European Space Agency 070110 Participants at the Living Planet Symposium have been hearing about ESA’s most recently launched mission, CryoSat-2. In orbit for almost three months, the satellite is in excellent health with scientists very encouraged by the … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Crises of Capitalismhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ theRSAorg | June 28, 2010 In this RSA Animate, radical sociologist David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane? This is based o ...
- Freedom in the Grace of the World by Chris Hedgeshttp://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1110015 by Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig July 5, 2010 Earl Shaffer, adrift after serving in the South Pacific in World War II and struggling with the loss of his childhood friend Walter Winemiller during the assault on Iwo Jima, made his ...
- Michael Moore on His Life, His Films and His Activ ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ This is so funny. Please enjoy. ~ DS Democracy Now! July 5, 2010 Michael Moore on His Life, His Films and His Activism In a Democracy Now! special broadcast, we spend the hour with one of the most famous independent filmmakers in the world: Michael Moore. For t ...
- Anderson Cooper: New Access Rules for the Media in ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ MOXNEWSd0tCOM | July 02, 2010 http://MOXNews.com/ July 01, 2010 CNN “We are not the enemy here.” I AM NOT THE ENEMY! Anderson Cooper Seems A Little Stressed see Day 76: SOLIDARITY in the spirit of â76 by Roxanne Amico Fending For Themselves by Dahr Jamail BP ...
- Do you feel independent on Independence Day? By Je ...By Jerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.jerrymazza.com July 2, 2010 Before âOld Gloryâ gets raised, the burgers and dogs go on the grill; before the potato salad and coleslaw and other goodies get heaped on your plate, let me lay this pickle next to them… . First, do you feel independ ...
Your New Reality
- No titleDeaths Of 'Conspiracy' Blogger & Artist Boyfriend To Be Subject Of New Film By Bret Easton Ellis & Gus Van Sant By Darryl Mason It's just a short snippet in a longer story from the LA Times about author/screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis' new novel, Imperial Bedrooms , a sequel o his 25 year old deb ...
- No titleMurdoch Newspaper Proudly Endorses Australian Coup Like no other media outlet in his worldwide empire, Rupert Murdoch's The Australian national broadsheet newspaper is the voice of Rupert Murdoch. He's lost tens of millions on The Australian over the years, but Murdoch keeps the newspaper going bec ...
- No titleRenovator's Dream Things are financially tougher for the US government than anyone could have possibly imagined. (click to enlarge) It's going for $10 million, which is a hell of a bargain for such a prime Washington DC address. The ad doesn't make clear if the air defence system on the roof is ...
- No titleCriticize Israel And You're A Terrorist...Even If You're An Israeli Incredible. This is the heart of Middle East democracy? Question the actions of the State, as an elected representative, and be called a 'Terrorist!" and a "murderer", again and again, and then be threatened with physical violence. ...
- No titleWhoops.
Wired - Science
- 10 Crazy-Looking New Deep-Sea Creatures<< previous image | next image >> Ten new possible species could change everything about the way we think about deep sea-life in the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the creatures are so strange, it is hard to know which direction they swim or where their mouths are. The images were capt ...
- Hubble Captures Fireworks in the Starburst ClusterThis gorgeous star cluster doesn’t need a holiday to set off fireworks. Officially called NGC 3603, the small community of young stars is located about 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina. Ultraviolet radiation and violent stellar winds from the cluster’s stars shoved away the cloud ...
- Incredible New Microwave Map of the Entire SkyThe Planck satellite released its first microwave radiation map of the entire sky. The image is made from ten months of data and will be followed by three more all-sky surveys by the end of the European Space Agency’s mission in 2012. Astronomers will use the data to study the early universe and ho ...
- Jefferson’s Hidden Change to the DeclarationSmudge analysis shows how Jefferson changed his mind. Spectral analysis of an uncharacteristic ink smudge on an early draft of the Declaration of Independence uncovered a little of the rebel spirit in Thomas Jefferson, the colonist and future president who wrote the document. About 80 years ago, so ...
- Lizard Camouflage Confuses Males About GenderPORTLAND, Oregon — The recent evolution of camouflage among lizards in the powdery dunes of New Mexico’s White Sands National Monument can lead to some misunderstandings when some males choose to make love, not war. Since the dunes developed a few thousand years ago, a light-colored form of the nor ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- B’Tselem: ‘Settlements control 42% of West Bank’Unhappy settlers: “The fact that B’Tselem decided to publish it on the day of Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama to try to make it go badly reveals the organization’s face as a systemic harmer of Israeli... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Israel worried coastal gas facilities may make tem ...The defense establishment is demanding that the state delay approval for the construction of gas reception terminals on a strip of Israel's coastline. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website fo ...
- IDF soldiers face penalty after uploading Hebron d ...Video of IDF soldiers, armed and wearing bulletproof vests, patrolling as a Muslim call to prayer is heard. Then the music changes and they break into a Macarena-like dance. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. G ...
- Gideon Levy: And if thousands of prisoners go free ...As opposed to the conventional thinking, the tens of thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons are human beings; as opposed to the conventional thinking, they also have families whose worlds have... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Leading Israeli figures accuse police of targeting ...A number of prominent Israeli jurists, intellectuals, writers and leftist public figures co-sign letter that charges Jerusalem police with 'illegal and inequitable' conduct towards Sheikh Jarrah... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Moscow says European missile defense unjustified Russia is convinced that there are no threats for Europe that would justify the deployment of a missile defense system near Russian borders, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.
- Russia not seeking to limit U.S. air defense - dep ...Russia did not seek to limit the development of U.S. air defenses while drawing up a strategic arms cuts treaty, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday.
- Russia, U.S. to prepare arms cuts treaty for ratif ...The Russian and U.S. parliaments are planning to prepare a new strategic arms cuts treaty for ratification by late July, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Tuesday.
- Russian naval drills draw attention of U.S. intell ...The naval phase of Russia's Vostok-2010 military exercises have drawn increased attention from the intelligence services of the United States and Asia-Pacific countries, a senior source in the Russian Navy said on Tuesday.
- Russian combat aircraft makers fear competition wi ...Russian aircraft makers MiG and Sukhoi have spoken against the sale of RD-93 jet engines to China citing the threat of strong competition from cheaper Chinese models of fighter aircraft.
- Extended Anti-Clotting Drug Use May Help More Pati ...A treatment plan used to prevent potentially dangerous blood clots in recovering surgical patients can also benefit some patients immobilized by acute medical illness, doctors have found in a multi-institutional study.
- Past Trauma is Closely Linked To Support For Polit ...A new study by an international team of researchers led by neuropsychiatrist Jeff Victoroff, an expert on human aggression at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC), suggests that support for religo-political aggression (RPA) in the Autonomous Palestinian Territor ...
- Romantic Rejection Stimulates Areas of Brain Invol ...The pain and anguish of rejection by a romantic partner may be the result of activity in parts of the brain associated with motivation, reward and addiction cravings, according to a study published in the Journal of Neurophysiology.
- Researchers Using Robot to Determine How Human Str ...Northeastern, MIT and Cornell using robot to determine how human strangers develop trust.
- Drafting a Road Map to Fuel-Efficient Trucks, CarsFor the first time, the government is developing fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles like buses and big rigs. Over the long haul, truckers should benefit from new technologies, says engine expert John Johnson. But it's a different story for automobile drivers.
Natural Health News
- Does Gardasil Actually Increase Your Risk of Cervi ...According to information the manufacturer of Gardasil, a vaccine against human papillomavirus, presented to the FDA prior to approval, if a person has already been exposed to HPV 16 or 18 prior to injection, then Gardasil increases the risk of precancerous lesions, or worse, by 44.6 percent. This i ...
- Stem Cell Scientists Warn Against Fraudulent Treat ...Leading scientists are warning people to beware of costly, unproven stem cell therapies. Many with devastating illnesses are borrowing huge sums of money for treatments, which are often performed outside the United States to avoid its safety regulations. Scientists hope that stem cells can one day ...
- Longevity Genes Cannot Explain Why Centenarians Li ...A study of more than 1000 centenarians has identified 150 gene variants that are associated with a lifespan of over 100 years. However, this genetic model cannot predict whether or not someone in the general population would live over 100 years. In fact, whether these gene variants play any major r ...
- Fertility Treatment Tied to Cerebral PalsyA new study shows that children conceived through infertility treatment may have a higher risk of cerebral palsy.� This can be explained largely by their higher rates of multiple births and preterm delivery. The study of nearly 590,000 children found that those conceived through assisted reproducti ...
- How to Avoid Becoming a Bug Buffet this Summerby Dr. Mercola You may be one of those people for whom summer is far too brief! But like it or not, most of you have only a few short months to enjoy the great outdoors in most of the continental U.S. Why waste it battling those pesky summertime insects? If you’ve spent six or more months stu ...
- U.S. Doctors Approved Torture & Refused Medical C ...American doctors in the Middle East routinely approved the torture of captured suspects and denied them critical medications such as insulin, sometimes with lethal consequences, according to a documented report published in the “Utne Reader.” In Dec., 2002, Defense Secy. Donald Rumsfeld issued a dir ...
- What Is The Purpose Of Government? When one is looking at any system, whether it is a business process or something even more complex it always helps to know what the end state is or what the purpose is. This holds true when we are talking about our government as well. What is the purpose of government? If we do not know what that is ...
- Iraq War Ended But Nobody Told YouAccording to a New York Times Special Edition almost two full f'ing years ago, and while you weren't looking because you were distracted by the dazzling light of the 2008 Presidential election campaign, both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had been finally brought to an end shortly after the November ...
- The Third Depression & G20, The Shape Of Things To ...Paul Krugman outlines a serious warning in his NYT Op-Ed Sunday : Neither the Long Depression of the 19th century nor the Great Depression of the 20th was an era of nonstop decline — on the contrary, both included periods when the economy grew. But these episodes of improvement were never enough to ...
- The Peace Movement's ProgressThe peace movement has made significant progress in the United States since its low point of late 2008, and just about everything anyone in it has done has been a contribution. If everyone keeps doing what they're doing, and more of it, we might just end some wars, eventually. But I think some techn ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- The Worst Flight Ever?by Duncan Hollis by Duncan Hollis Surely one of the great things about a career in international law is the travel. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found a profession that afforded me opportunities to visit (or even live in) a diverse set of destinations, whether it was Nairobi or ...
- The Nazis Didn’t Invade Austria and Czechoslovakia ...by Kevin Jon Heller Not according to Yaacov Lozowick , an Israeli historian: Here's my input, on a point no-one else seems to be noticing: There was no Nazi invasion of the Sudetenland, no invasion of Slovakia, hardly one of Austria and even less of Bohemia. Nazi Germany brutally invaded man ...
- A Final Thought on Mark Janis’ ‘America and the La ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Having now finished America and the Law of Nations, let me add one more thought. I had originally been interested in this book principally for the period between the world wars; my work on the UN has given me a long interest in the collective action failur ...
- Morrison and the Effects Testby William S. Dodge by William S. Dodge [William S. Dodge is a Professor of Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. One of his articles on extraterritoriality was cited in Justice Stevens’s concurring opinion.] There is no doubt that Morrison v. National Australia Bank ...
- ECtHR Finds No Right to Same Sex Marriage: Will U. ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Marko Milanovic over at EJIL Talk! has a nice discussion of a recent European Court of Human Rights Chamber decision (Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, no. 30141/04)Â finding that denying same-sex couples the right to marry does not violate a member state’s obligation under th ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Ray Stevens Global Warming SongThey may call him the Streak, but you can't keep Ray Stevens down evidently...witness his lastest on Global Warming
- Breaking news: Chinese security attack NZ politici ...Chinese security forces have attacked and injured a New Zealand politician in the grounds of the New Zealand parliament buildings, because the MP had the temerity to be holding a Tibetan flag at a ceremony to Welcome the Chinese Vice-Premier...
- The environmentalist who doubts global warming the ...Meet Peter Taylor, author of "Chill": The science around climate change is not as settled as it’s presented as being. I used to think it was, until about 2003 – and then, feeling that the remedies being proposed for climate...
- ETS Campaign heats up, unlike climateETS Meetings: Come to one of John Boscawen's next Public Meetings. Join the movement to defer the ETS well armed with the facts, not the mistruths National are peddling. Paihiatua - Wednesday 9 June - 10.00am, Tararua Club, 15 Tararua...
- BREAKING NEWS: Drowning islands claim debunked by ...Claims worldwide of drowning tropical islands because of rising sea levels have been dealt a death blow by new research. Geographer Associate Professor Paul Kench has measured 27 islands where local sea levels have risen 120mm -- an average of...
The World We Live In
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation âRah-e-Rastâ. Before the operation âRah-e-Rastâ, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
Center for Food Safety
- Lawsuit Filed to Halt Release of Genetically Engin ...An alliance of conservation organizations today sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture over its approval of open-air field tests of a genetically engineered (GE) hybrid of eucalyptus tree across the southern United States. The permit, issued to a company called ArborGen, which is a joint initiative ...
- A Pressing Issue: David and Goliath Battle on GM A ...by Lisa J. Bunin, Ph.D. The media got it wrong and let the public down when it erroneously reported Monsantoâs wholesale victory in its Supreme Court appeal of the GM alfalfa case — the first-ever Supreme Court case on GMOs (Monsanto Co. v Geertson Seed Farms). Despite claims and headlines to th ...
- 56 Members of House and Senate Ask USDA to Keep Ba ...Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), joined by 49 other representatives and five other senators, sent a letter today to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asking USDA to retain the regulated status of genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa. Their letter comes in r ...
- Update on Supreme Court DecisionMany of you may have read press today reporting that the 7-1 decision announced by the Supreme Court this morning went entirely in Monsanto’s favor, and have asked us to clarify this decision. Not to our surprise, Monsantoâs PR machine is working hard to overpower the truth in today’s decision in ...
- Supreme Court Ruling in Monsanto Case is Victory f ...High Court Delivers Ruling that Leaves Ban on Planting of Roundup Ready Alfalfa in Place in First-Ever Case on a Genetically-Engineered Crop The Center for Food Safety today celebrated the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Monsanto v. Geerston Farms, the first genetically modified crop case ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- 3 Weeks After Arrest, Still No Charges in Wikileak ...3 Weeks After Arrest, Still No Charges in Wikileaks Probe :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de] An Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking classified information to Wikileaks has still not been charged with any crime, three weeks aft ...
- WHO’S KNOCKING ON EASTERN DOOR?MNN. Nov. 7, 2009. Are we Mohawks unwitting pawns in a power struggle between colonial thugs? We are the Keepers of the Eastern Door of Great Turtle Island. Agents are hanging around us all the time trying to gather information. Why? How to disrupt a Mohawk community. Kanehsatake was declared as hav ...
- Radio Utopie Interview mit Uri Avnery vom 01. Juni ...Radio Utopie Interview mit Uri Avnery vom 01. Juni 2010 | Radio Utopie Transkript von Mahaf. RU: Schönen guten Tag, hier ist Radio Utopie. Wir haben heute einen sehr bekannten israelischen Friedensaktivisten und Dissidenten zu Gast, ich würde mal sagen, vielleicht sogar den bekanntesten – den alter ...
- EXCLUSIVE: New Video Smuggled Out from Mavi Marmar ...EXCLUSIVE: New Video Smuggled Out from Mavi Marmara of Israel's Deadly Assault on Gaza Aid Flotilla-Democracy Now! : "In a Democracy Now! exclusive, we bring you a sneak preview of previously unseen raw footage from the Mavi Marmara that will be formally released at a press conference at the United ...
- Layla Anwar: The Final Solution - ExterminationThe Final Solution - Extermination :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] July 4, 2010 My last post on Falluja left me not depressed...depressed is the wrong word...it left me...not sad either...it left me...words left me... Yes words left m ...
- Hurricane Alex Aftermath(I wrote the following entry on Friday, July 2, but have been unable to post it until today. As of now, there is no water in my house.) I just arrived home after exploring the are around my home after Hurricane Alex tore through Monterrey. The hurricane made landfall Wednesday night as a category tw ...
- Agatha’s Aftermath in TegucigalpaOver the weekend, tropical storm Agatha, the first of 2010, deluged Central America. Rain had already been falling for weeks in some localities, which brought a level of devastation unheard of since Hurricane Mitch 12 years ago. Over a hundred people lost their lives, 17 or 18 of them in Honduras. H ...
- Lobo Will Go But Not Attend EU SummitThe BBC has clarified my confusion around Honduran President Porfirio Lobo’s presence in the EU Summit. He will attend a parallel event, but not the summit itself. This is to appease the Chavez block who seemingly will never forgive Honduras for removing their ally Manuel Zelaya from office. His coa ...
- False Report, Lobo Attending EU SummitTo my relief, the report in the Proceso Digital newspaper that I blogged about earlier was false. Mr. Lobo has confirmed that he will attend the summit, criticizing those who oppose his presence as “arrogant” and “pretentious”. It is unclear to me whether Lobo changed his mind, or that the Proceso ...
- Lobo Defers To Chavez BullyingPorfirio Lobo Sosa has reportedly eliminated much of the advantage he once had over Hugo Chavez after declining an invitation to an EU Summit. A blustering Hugo Chávez had threatened a 10-nation-strong boycott of the event should Lobo attend. I hope this news item proves to be false! Mr. Lobo has sp ...
Green Times
- Movie Review: ColonyDramatically declining bee colonies and dark implications for the future in a beautifully photographed movie: read our review
- Environmental News -11/06/10Environmental News World at risk of "red card" over climate: de Boer Climate negotiators gave a standing ovation to the outgoing head of the U.N. climate change secretariat Wednesday even after he told them they would be at risk of a red card in a soccer match for wasting time. Dutchman ...
- Environmental Sculpture on ShowReflecting on one of the most pressing global issues of this century – it will be a showcase of art with a message: artsCape 2010
- 10 Ways to Celebrate World Environment DayCelebrate World Environment Day on 5 June 2010 - Many Species. One Planet. One Future… Join in and make a difference!
- Environmental News -04/06/10Environmental News ‘Citizen scientists’ can aid biodiversity research Getting a true picture of biodiversity changes in the future may depend on scientists gaining access to the records of ‘citizen scientists’ around the world, according to a paper in the scientific journal PLoS Biology ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- British soldier dies in hospital after Afghan blas ...ShareThis British soldier dies in hospital after Afghan blast 06 Jul 2010 A British soldier has died in hospital after being injured in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said. The soldier, from 1st Battalion, The Mercian Regiment, was on patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj distri ...
- Four US-led troops killed in AfghanistanShareThis Four US-led troops killed in Afghanistan 06 Jul 2010 Four more US-led soldiers have been killed in separate bomb explosions in southern and eastern Afghanistan amid a surge in violence. NATO said in a statement on Tuesday that three soldiers were killed in bomb attacks in southern Afghanis ...
- Tar balls reach Texas -- every Gulf state now touc ...ShareThis Tar balls reach Texas -- every Gulf state now touched 05 Jul 2010 More than two months after oil from BP's blown-out sea floor well first reached Louisiana, tar balls are now washing onto a Texas beach, meaning the crude has arrived in every Gulf state. Oil is still on the move, but the fl ...
- New York, Northeast Broiling Under Dangerous HeatShareThis New York, Northeast Broiling Under Dangerous Heat 06 Jul 2010 New Yorkers are being warned to stay in the shade and check on relatives and neighbors today as temperatures are forecast to break 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)for the first time in more than eight years. The highe ...
- Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Cla ...ShareThis Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Classified Information 06 Jul 2010 A U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking videos and documents to Wikileaks was charged Monday with eight violations of federal criminal law, including unauthorized computer access, and a single c ...
Daily Loaf
- New music releases out this Tuesday, July 6: Big B ...New releases for Tuesday, July 6.
- Brian Blair’s son arrested on drug charges in Tamp ...The son of former Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair, 18-year-old Brett Leslie Blair, was arrested this morning on drug charges. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department lists Brett Blair as being busted on charges of possession of Oxycodone and marijuana, as well as drug paraphernal ...
- Should health insurers be required to cover birth ...It’s no secret that prescription birth control is expensive, at least for the women who continually shell out $20-$80 for it. This monthly cost, which is often too high for many women to pay, contributes to the three million unplanned pregnancies a year—pregnancies that are exponentially more exp ...
- Plant this box: How the Life Box gives back to the ...The Life Box™ contains spores and seeds inside of packaging materials made of recycled paper fiber that can then be planted directly into the ground.
- Concert Review: Thrice at St. Petersburg’s State T ...The ever-evolving post-hardcore band showed off their songwriting and performance skills Saturday night, July 3.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Happy 4th of July Weekend from the Only Democracy?By Jesse Bacon As a rural-raised revolutionary, I love the 4th of July. It is a great time for community gathering, it celebrates a successful uprising against the largest empire in the world, and it involves staring up into the sky with wonder. Though I used to need hearing protectors as a fraidy-c ...
- Nocturnal Terror in SilwanEd’s note: Here is a story that ran earleir this week in Just Jerusalem. We are reposting it here in advance of an interview with the author, Daniel Dukarevich with additional actions expected this weekend. Another night sets in on Silwan. Just two days ago, hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian de ...
- “Play the game, change reality.”By Jesse Bacon Anyone who is grew up shooting virtual Nazis as I did knows that video games can be addictive. They can also be a nice respite from a fairly dull existence. They can even be achingly, vacantly beautiful. But when I became an activist, I wondered where were the games that would teach ...
- Susiya’s Second Summer Camp – A Call for Aid(crossposted on the Villages Group Blog) Dear Friends and Supporters, I’m writing to you in the name of Fatima Nawajeh, the initiator and organizer of Susiya’s summer camp. Susiya is a Palestinian village in Southern West Bank, an area known as Massafar Yatta or South Hebron Hills. For many years th ...
- Mud and Hope in South HebronJune 26, 2010Â Â Bi’r el-’Id There’s a strange beauty in the viscous black mud that comes up from the depths of the earth, from the bottom, or somewhere near the bottom, of the well we are cleaning in Bi’r al-’Id. Bucket after bucket of it, lifted by pulley from down below, straggles to the surface ...
Politics in the Zeros
- California budget impasse continuesCalifornia started a new fiscal year last week with no budget, something which happens with alarming regularity. Sacramento legislators faced with a choice between staying there and collecting a per diem with nothing to vote on or hightailing it home for July, opted for the extended vacation. While ...
- Confidence fairies have infiltrated The White Hous ...Krugman on the White House timidly following a hard right business line that business won’t invest until the government stopped doing so. Itâs garbage, of course: businesses are refusing to invest because they donât see enough demand for their products. Weâll never know what might have happene ...
- Jackrabbit Cheese now onlineDJ’s Jackrabbit Cheese is now online, selling artisan goat milk and cow milk cheeses. And they are delicious, trust me! From his blog Our new online cheese store is now up and running! You can order cheese for pickup, local delivery, or UPS delivery. Please note that ship by UPS to anywhere they gua ...
- Wind power lowers energy costsEcogeek quotes a European study “As a general rule, additional wind replaces coal during hours of low power demand and gas during hours of high demand, but ‘the overall amount the price goes down depends on the power mix in the country, and how much more expensive the fuels are that wind is replacin ...
- Unemployment rate dips as more workers leave labor ...The headline is patently absurd yet gets taken as reality. Ah no, discouraged jobs seekers do not magically leave the job force. They remain unemployed.
- [video] Birthright group visits (Jewish Settlement ...The “Hebron” account at WeJew.com (a kind of Jewish YouTube wannabe) has just (July 5 2010) uploaded a video purportedly documenting a visit of this month of an Australian Birthright group to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. This site is the stated raison d’être of the extremist Jewish Settle ...
- Hasbarapocalypse — Leaked Frank Luntz memo: ...The Israel Project (TIP), an American Hasbara outfit, commissioned Republican political consultant Frank Luntz to examine the effectiveness of Israel’s public diplomacy in the US on the Flotilla debacle. TIP gave the memo to the Prime Minister’s Office, where someone promptly leaked it to Chico Mena ...
- Israeli Ministry of Justice endorses extremist int ...On Friday, July 9, the Ministry of Justice and the Jewish Legal Heritage Society will present a two-day seminar on Jewish laws concerning the Land of Israel. [An invitation in Hebrew can be seen here and a translation is appended at the bottom of this post. H/T Dena Shunra.] While I am not an exper ...
- Yediot: Hebron Brigade commander cancels UK study ...The Brigade commander won’t go Yossi Yehoshua, Yediot, July 2 2010 [Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] The IDF was forced to cancel the departure of the outgoing Hebron Brigade commander, Col. Udi Ben-Moha, to study in the UK. Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that the army feared that Ben Moha ...
- Maariv: Ahead of summit, Netanyahu to meet with Ob ...Netanyahu to meet with Obama’s rivals in Israel Eli Bardenstein, Maariv July 4 2010 [page 6; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] […] Netanyahu is scheduled to leave for Washington tomorrow, for a meeting with President Obama. Israeli sources in Washington assess that he does not intend to e ...
Deadline Live
- Iran-Contra Figure, Israeli Defense Contractor Ind ...The M.O. was to smuggle AK-47 assault rifles from the U.S. using AN-26 or AN-12 aircraft, obtaining bogus shipping permits from U.S. Customs. The weapons would leave the U.S. to Panama, then to Chad, and finally to Somalia (to avoid direct flights to Somalia as it’s under international sanctions). T ...
- Rick Mercer rants about the QueenRick Mercer on This Hour Has 22 Minutes rants about Canada’s absentee head of state. Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | BlinkList
- Canada’s “Queen” Reminds Them Wh ...Broadcast Date July.05, 2010 Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | BlinkList
- B.P. Oil Spill Day 77 Tar Balls Wash Up On Texas B ...July 05, 2010 ABC News Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | BlinkList
- This Day In History – July 61189 – Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) is crowned King of England. 1535 – Sir Thomas More is executed for treason against King Henry VIII. 1785 – The dollar is unanimously chosen as the monetary unit for the United States. 1885 – Louis Pasteur successfully tests his vaccine against rabies. The pat ...
The Air Vent
- Hockey Stick ExplanationThere is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of hockey stick temperature constructions. Currently, many non-paleo climate scientists seem to want to avoid the discussion altogether. However, these studies are still freely passed through review, which seems to me a very biased point of view. ...
- Steppin in itThere is a post at CA which deserves a bit more attention than it has been getting. It has come to light that Phil (climategate) Jones made a statement during the Oxburgh ‘investigation’ to the effect of: It is probably impossible to do the 1000-year temperature reconstructions with any accuracy W ...
- Extreme Climate –Andrew or TTCA, wrote a post which linked to some commentary by Dr. Steig at Real Climate. The comment was a bit stunning in my opinion. 91 Barry Woods says: 25 June 2010 at 10:46 AM If realclimate coudld link to luke wamer blogs, it might reduce the criticism of advocatcy.. ‘climate Sicence for cl ...
- Dr. Christy Interview by Tom FullerTom did an excellent interview with Dr. Christy today.  I’ve always enjoyed my email conversations with John Christy, he did’t let me down this time either. Examiner: Human emissions of CO2 declined 2.6% in 2009, although concentrations didn’t change. How hopeful are you that our actions can red ...
- Free the ScientistsThere is too much pressure on climate scientists. The way Mann attacked everyone in the climategate emails for not presenting the consensus view was disgusting. Typically, in my experience, scientists enjoy the imagining of something different to the status quo, even more than publishing the stand ...
Focal Point
- Preventing Lesbianism and "Uppity Women" in the Wo ...� Alice Dreger, Ellen K. Feder, and Anne Tamar-Mattis made headlines this week with a post on Bioethics Forum entitled "Preventing Homosexuality (and Uppity Women) in the Womb?" The headline made it sound as if someone wanted to treat lesbianism in general. Predictably, the post touched off an on ...
- Docs Testing Drugs to "Prevent Lesbianism"?Raw Story breathlessly reports that a researcher is experimenting with dangerous drugs to stop girls from growing up to be lesbians : "Afraid your daughter may be queer, or not be interested in becoming a mom? Medical researchers think they have a cure for her -- a dangerous steroid you take while ...
- Familiarity Breeds Contempt: WaPo's Dave Weigel Re ...My friend and former colleague Dave Weigel resigned from the Washington Post after someone leaked emails he sent to a private listserv. Until today, Weigel wrote a popular and well-respected blog about conservative movement. It all came crashing down because some hater leaked a few curmudgeonly rema ...
- Boat Captain: BP Burning Sea Turtles AliveCaptain Mike Ellis of Venice, Louisana describes how BP is incinerating endangered sea turtles in its attempt to burn off spilled oil floating in the Gulf of Mexico near the wreck of the Deepwater Horizon. The turtles are getting trapped by boats towing huge flame-resistant booms. Ellis says that B ...
- Sharron Angle's Fringe Party Accused "Sodomites" o ...Sharron Angle is running for U.S. Senate in Nevada on the GOP ticket, but the Tea Party darling wasn't always a Republican. Angle's political career began in the far-right fringe American Independent Party. Talking Points Memo Muckraker obtained a virulently anti-gay flier that the AIP paid to inse ...
Inside Facebook
- Gaga Gets 10M Fans, the World Cup and Music on Thi ...Our list of Top 20 Facebook Pages, complied by our PageData tool counting the number of fans added to a Page daily, was a mixed bag this week. Lady Gaga was the first person on Facebook to get 10 million fans, beating out President Barack Obama — and Vin Diesel. The World Cup was also [...]
- Work For Us App Brings Job Hunting to FacebookFacebook can now be a job board with a new application, Work For Us, which allows Page administrators to install a tab on their Page to collect potential hires’ information. The app’s basic version is free for 30 days and allows brands to post jobs on their Pages and automatically create Facebook ad ...
- Kraft Foods Focuses Messaging on FacebookGlobal food giant Kraft Foods has set its eyes on Facebook, pumping up at least three campaigns for Wheat Thins (crackers), Oreo (cookies) and Crystal Light (flavored beverage) in recent weeks. The Facebook and Twitter campaigns are paired with television and music venue sponsorship. Specifically, K ...
- Yet More Quiz Creators Appear on This Week’s List ...Since Facebook made a mid-June change that suddenly started counting traffic to user-generated quizzes towards the total of the apps that spawned them, we’ve seen a steady stream of huge quiz creator apps suddenly popping up. One leads today’s list of fastest-growing Facebook apps by monthly active ...
- This Week’s Headlines on Inside Social GamesCheck out the top headlines and insights this week from Inside Social Games â tracking all the latest developments at the intersection of games and social platforms. Monday, June 28th, 2010 Sims, Strategy and Sports All Appear on This Week’s List of Fastest-Growing Facebook Games by MAU Plimus Ent ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: E.J. Dionne Jr. | Judicial Change to Bel ...truthout: E.J. Dionne Jr. | Judicial Change to Believe In: Washington - Here's when you know something momentou... http://bit.ly/9w9YJh #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Judges Rule Obama Can't Close Yucca Moun ...truthout: Judges Rule Obama Can't Close Yucca Mountain Nuclear Dump: Washington - Democratic Rep. John Spratt a... http://bit.ly/baf2XY #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Fending For Themselves: We drive south ...truthout: Fending For Themselves: We drive south on Louisiana Highway 55 towards Pointe-au-Chien. The two-lan... http://bit.ly/dqbick #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Locked Out: The 12 million People Withou ...truthout: Locked Out: The 12 million People Without a Country, and Their Need to Become a Citizen: Santo Doming... http://bit.ly/ae2jYU #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Twenty-Four Hours in a Haitian Camp: It ...truthout: Twenty-Four Hours in a Haitian Camp: It is 2:00 PM in what used to be the neighborhood of Croix des P... http://bit.ly/cT2N4t #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Britain more interested in saving Israelis from ga ...Stuart Littlewood explains why the hope that UK Liberal Democratic Party leader Nick Clegg’s presence in the governing coalition would have a moderating effect on the rabid Conservative Zionists is misplaced. Following a recent exchange with Clegg, he concludes that the junior coalition partner has ...
- If Palestinians are granted the right to work, Leb ...Franklin Lamb calls on Lebanon’s parliament and political elites to grant the Palestinian refugees living in the country the right to work, arguing that this is not only part of Lebanon’s obligation under international law, but also would benefit the Lebanese economy.
- US Senator Lieberman wants to kill the internet – ...Maidhc Ó Cathail views US Senator Joseph Lieberman’s efforts to undermine American civil liberties, in particular his current attempt to destroy the internet, perhaps in order “to protect his treasonous cronies from the American people”. “If the United States looks increasingly like a police state ...
- Can Russia offer freedom and security to Europe?Christopher King argues that Russia under the leadership of President Dmitriy Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has enormous potential for setting a course toward a positive future with Europe.
- Jerusalem politicians face expulsion by Israeli oc ...Jonathan Cook considers the significance of Israel’s decision to expel four Palestinian politicians from their home city of East Jerusalem, in violation of international law, for belonging to a “foreign parliament”, i.e. the Palestinian parliament, in effect demanding loyalty from the the people it ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- The Sanitized Gulen Coverage Continues……and the Real Dots Remain Unconnected In my last update I covered the recent multi-agenda driven, censored and sanitized media coverage of the Gulen movement. He seems to be back in the news (mainly Turkish media) again with the Flotilla Incident, and again, with unconnected dots, and unmentioned po ...
- Afghanistan, the Saudi Arabia of lithium?Transforming Afghanistan into a Central Asian Saudi Arabia It seems that Afghanistan is a never ending font of surprises. For decades U.S. officials took the position that Afghanistan held nothing of value for the United States, especially in the form of vital strategic resources. That assumption ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Jamiol PresentsHere is a great toon from Paul Jamiol, originally posted here: http://jamiolsworld.com/ ; I recommend bookmarking his website, and of course check it out daily!
- Podcast Show #29The Boiling Frogs Presents Peter Phillips Peter Phillips describes Project Censored, its mission, operational style and funding, then talks about what he has coined as ‘Truth Emergency,’ and provides examples such as the intentional misreporting of the number of civilian deaths in the Iraq war, ...
Afro Spear
- There is a lion in the waythe cemetery is the richest place on earth because billions of brilliant unfulfilled dreams are buried there. If you’re anything like me or the billions buried, the problem is not having a dream. The problem is being strong enough to fulfill them.
- Frederick Douglass: “The Meaning of July Fou ...Fellow Citizens, I am not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were brave men. They were great men, too Ñ great enough to give frame to a great age. It does not often happen to a nation to raise, at one time, such a number [...]
- “Did Nyamwasa fall on his own sword?” ...Recent attempt on the life of diplomat-turned former Rwandan Chief of Staff, Lt-Gen. Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, in Johannesburg, dented Rwandan reputation a great deal more. When did it all began? Fall-out and now attempt on lives of compatriots! When cronyism and nepotism ceased to pay back. The ro ...
- Fela Kuti The Relentless Revolutionary Is On Broad ...There’s a New Show on Broadway, the likes of which has never been seen on the stage before! Fela! by Bill T. Jones, famous director and choreographer, along with others have brought to the story of outspoken Nigerian Afrobeat musician and revolutionary social activist Fela Anikulapo Kuti to the Amer ...
- “Baby Got Back!” aka Racism in the Fas ...I found this documentary, The Colour of Beauty over at MsAfropolitan. This National Film Board of Canada produced short film (it’s about 17mins) by Elizabeth St. Philip is very revealing in regards to the marketing of beauty.
Expose the BNP
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- A Hot Air BalloonThe man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
- Republican Worldview: It’s All Good"I wasn't talking about the financial crisis," he said, but rather about "fixing the problems on Wall Street." But that's a distinction without a difference, since it was the problems on Wall Street that caused the financial crisis, reckoned by most economists to be the worst since the Great Depress ...
- Tree of LibertyThe elitists must be put in their place, along with the people who have become their pawns, don't listen to the scare tactics they have used in the past, don't give them another chance to complete the takeover, END the Corporate takeover of America
- The 4th, and the Battle Continues:The Fourth is upon us and let us celebrate what America was, and not what it has become, when you wrap yourself up in the Flag, remember it is the fabric that makes this Flag great and that is, the people. Never let demigods, or fear, allow you to sacrifice the Freedoms that our Forefathers [...]
- A letter from the RichLet’s be honest: you’ll never win the lottery. On the other hand, the chances are pretty good that you’ll slave away at some miserable job the rest of your life. That’s because you were in all likelihood born into the wrong social class. Let’s face it â you’re a member of the working caste. Sorry! ...
Unsuitable Blog
- Boycotting BP Is Like Choosing Your Least Favourit ...Which is your least favourite genocide? I don’t know about you, but if I lived in Rwanda then the genocide of 1994 that took the lives of a million people in some of the most brutal ways imaginable would certainly be at the top (or is that bottom) of my list. Then again, anyone who follows [...]
- Hands Across The Sand: A New Low In Symbolic Prote ...“I dreamed early on in the BP crime-event that The Gulf Gusher could NOT be stopped. I woke up shaking, sweating, my heart pounding. I knew this was information more than merely a dream…I think we have a hole in our heads when we talk about effective action, and we’ve got to think more seriously [. ...
- Just Some Handy Walmart SubvertisingSomeone sent me an email containing an article which, on first glance, appeared to be neatly undermining Walmart’s corporate line that the world’s biggest retailer is becoming “green”. It turns out that I read too much into the article, and they were actually praising Walmart and suggesting they wer ...
- Lockheed Martin’s Violent Definition of R ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOCKHEED MARTIN ANNOUNCES NEW GREEN INITIATIVES FOR 140,000 EMPLOYEES, THEIR FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES BETHESDA, Md. – Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) today announced new green initiatives to reach its 140,000 employees, their families and communities. The orchestrated effort is ...
- Monthly Undermining Task, June 2010: It’s Th ...“The only ‘honest’ living available to the homeless in general is scavenging – and in general they’re quite content to make that living. It’s work they can do without having an address, submitting to supervision, punching a clock, or maintaining a wardrobe of socially approved clothing – and it’s fl ...
Subalternate Reality
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
- Exploring The Idea Of The “Intolerant Muslim”In his column today, the New York Times Ross Douthat takes Comedy Central and others to task for censoring depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. Douthat sees a double standard afoot, pointing out that while our sensibilities are routinely satirized, “Islam is just about the only place where we draw a ...
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Four More "Programmer-Journalists" Reach Halfway P ...Ever since the first Knight "programmer-journalist" scholars enrolled in the journalism master's program at the Medill School , I have checked in with them around the midway point -- and taken the opportunity to introduce them to the Idealab audience. As we mark the end of Medill's spring quarter, ...
- Fifth "Programmer-Journalist" Helps Develop Visual ...There is probably no government data used more by journalists -- and non-journalists -- than the trove of population and demographic information collected by the U.S. Census Bureau. But while the bureau has kept improving its tools for online data access, it's still a challenge for someone not wel ...
- Teaching Ushahidi 101 in KenyaThis post is written by Melissa Tully and Rebecca Wanjiku. Melissa Tully is a PhD student at UW-Madison who is researching the use of social/new media in social justice work in Kenya. She has been volunteering with Ushahidi for the past two-and-a-half years. Rebecca Wanjiku is a project assistant ...
- Social Media and Corporates -- the #Promise Confer ...A few days ago Vince Stehle from the Knight Foundation invited me to the Think Social's The #Promise conference in New York, and so I organized babysitting for my new son and came for the day. The conference was about how companies are using social media to advance their goals, and many people ( ...
- The Civic Media World Turns its Eyes This Week to ...This week, all past and present Knight News Challenge winners descend here upon the MIT campus as Knight Foundation and the MIT Center for Future Civic Media co-host the 2010 Future of News and Civic Media conference . There has been an interesting evolution in the conference's -- and the News Ch ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Political Edge - In Politics, Some Too Old to ...In our great system of American government, we have come to believe that age is a good thing. The older our elected officials—the theory goes—the better equipped and more seasoned they are to handle the challenges of running a government across our continental country. After all, experience is what ...
- Edge on Sports - The Gods Must Be Crazy as Africa' ...With the defeat of Ghana, by penalties to Uruguay, and Brazil not making it to the World Cup semi-finals, the mood in Africa is somber. Few expected Africa to win the Cup, but the hopes of many were that one African team might beat the jinx and get through to the semi-finals; especially since the to ...
- After the Holocaust - The Rights of Survivors of N ...For decades, Holocaust survivors and the families of Holocaust victims seeking transparent and accountable restitution of looted assets, such as insurance policies, have struggled against overwhelming odds. In June, it was reported that Generali, Allianz, AXA and Munich Re are among the top 10 insur ...
- Edge of Wind - A New Wind Blows Between Israelis a ...Despite the latest tensions, two companies - one Palestinian and one Israeli - are integrating wind turbines together in the West Bank and beyond. A path toward peace may be blowing in the wind, if a new wind energy project between a Palestinian and an Israeli company succeeds. The two companies, Is ...
- Coverage of Indigenious Peoples of Latin AmericaA recent edition of the The Cutting Edge News offered three separate articles about Latin America's indigenous people: first about indigenous peoples and their complete uninvolvement in Argentina's Bicentennial , the second about Bolivia installing its first indigenous president , and third covering ...
High Country News
- Oil in the swimming poolThe BP oil spill exemplifies the worst kind of corporate arrogance.
- Shadowing fishermen's nets with a robot subNew research sheds light on life at 90 fathoms.
- We need a solution to too many wild horsesWild horses are beautiful and romantic, but there isn't room for them on the West's overgrazed public lands.
- Shades of hope for uranium's forgotten victimsA proposed bill expands compensation for sick workers.
- We're still throwing horses overboardAmerica’s wild horses deserve our protection, and our respect.
- Kashmir In Turmoil:The Boys vs The StateBy Inshah Malik The year 2010 has been marked as the year of teenage killing in Kashmir for the reasons that are obvious to people. Since January 2010, 16 children have been killed by the Indian troopers so far
- Military Governance In Indian-Administered KashmirBy IPTK Between January-June 2010, reportedly 40 civilians have been killed (25 of whom were killed by security forces), 107 persons identified as militants have been killed, and 57 soldiers have been killed (of the 57, 28 soldiers were killed by militants, 14 committed suicide, 2 died in fratrici ...
- Living On A Dying DeltaBy Dahr Jamail Dahr Jamil journeys through the BP ravaged Louisiana coast
- Responding To Avigdor LiebermanBy Don Emmerich So this Palestinian state youre proposing isnt actually a state at all. In other words, youre proposing that things remain essentially as the are, the main difference being that Palestinians are to start referring to the occupation as statehood. Okay, thanks for clarifying that
- Grabbing Hindutva By Its HornsBy Rakesh Kumar Meet the man, a temple priest no less, who takes on the Hindutva brigade at its very epicentre
Contagious Love Experiment
- Day 8: A Good Day to be an Older Brother Half a year ago, my younger brother loaded up his compact car and drove from our parent’s house in Maryland to Little Rock, AR. Zack has always been a sharp thinker and dedicated worker, but had been struggling to find somewhere and something to really put his energy behind. Drifting from culinar ...
- Day 7: How to DealDay 7: Josh, OKC Our visit to Oklahoma City seems like a good time to gush about my girlfriend Margo. After a long, sweltering ride through New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma without air conditioning, having Margo waiting at the church where we spoke was a refreshing sight. Her and some friends made th ...
- Day 6: A Story of ConnectionsDay 6, Josh, in Albuquerque, NM New and Old Friends in New Mexico  The People’s Journey is a story of connections. A simple email from Hakim and the young people in Afghanistan (of www.ourjourneytosmile.com) came to me, as I was walking across the country, sparked people all over the world to le ...
- Day 5: Dividing Walls and Welcoming CouchesDay 4: Conor is working on Day 5: Tempe, AZ by Josh A didgeridoo blew; drums clunked and thudded; guitars and mandolins strummed; in between, an assortment of other obscure instruments and their various noises vibrated around the crowded room. About ten people had gathered in a living room on a war ...
- Day 3: San Diego: Limitations, Celebrations, and F ...Day 2: in the works Day 3: San Diego, by Josh… Though only ten or twenty miles from the glamor and commotion of LA, the mountainside bungalow that we awoke in seemed a remote corner of civilization. The sunlight illuminating through it’s wide windows showed the surrounding beauty that the darkness h ...
Yid With Lid
- Obama's Pro-Union Construction Rules are Extending ...Traditionally it is housing starts and residential construction employment that lead the economy out of a recession. To date, the best you can say about those indicators in this recession is that they have leveled out near their low points. While the insecurity surrounding future tax rates and th ...
- Rasmussen Reports It Is A Long Shot But Senate IS ...Rasmussen has just released its first report projecting the balance of power in the Senate after the the mid-term elections. Using their Senate race polls for a base, Rasmussen shows the Democrats with a 49-41 seat lead with ten seats up for grabs and the real campaign season won't begin for another ...
- Containing Iran Requires Getting Smart, Tough, and ...Barry Rubin It should be too obvious to have to say so but unfortunately some people don't get it: dealing with a nuclear-armed Iran is an extraordinarily important task in which the lives of millions of people will be at risk. Such a policy cannot be based on wishful thinking, on faith in the ...
- WSJ Report Says Obama Could Have Prevented Gulf Sp ...The Obama administration blames former president George W. Bush for everything from dandruff and "ring around the collar" to General McChrystal's insubordination and the Gulf Oil Spill. When it come to the Gulf Oil Spill disaster, the usual Obama charge does not stick. Much of the criticism dir ...
- Anti-Israel NGO B'tselem Publishing B'ullcrap Repo ...B'tselem is an Israeli "Human Rights" Organization whose full name is The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. Just by it use of the phrase Occupied Territories you can tell its politics (even most liberal Israelis I have spoken to call them the Disputed Territ ...
The Real Agenda
- Spy tech ‘monitors conversations’ launched in Euro ...The surveillance system, dubbed Sigard, has been installed in Dutch city centers, government offices and prisons, and a recent test-run of the technology in Coventry, England, has British civil rights experts worried that the right to privacy will disappear in efforts to fight street crime.
- HSBC, Wachovia, Bank of America Launder Mexican Dr ...The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years.
- Alimentos y despoblación: Las Naciones Unidas P ...La mayoría de la gente piensa que las Naciones Unidas es una noble empresa y no entienden la historia y el carácter maligno de la ONU.
- Portland Police Reopen Al Gore Sex Abuse CaseABC Portland, Oregon , police have decided to reopen the investigation into a 54-year-old masseuse’s allegations that former VicePresident Al Gore sexually assaulted her in his hotel room in 2006. “The Portland Police Bureau has made the decision to re-open the case regarding the allegations broug ...
- US lawmakers call for end to Afghan warPressTV The Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called on President Barack Obama to provide Congress with a clear plan to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan. The lawmakers from both sides of the political spectrum called Thursday for an end to the Afghan war. A group of US lawmakers said the w ...
Wind Watch
- Turbine plan would affect sleep: expertCampaigners fighting proposals for wind turbines in Dorset have welcomed expert advice saying they shouldn’t be built within a mile of homes. An expert on sleeping disorders says the turbines should not be built closer than that to avoid major noise nuisance. Dr Chris Hanning also says noise levels ...
- Sound, shadow standards scare wind developersEnvironmental consultants can count the minutes a home is affected by the strobelike flickers of a wind turbine’s shadow. They can measure the decibels of the rhythmic thrum of turbine blades cutting through the air. They can use those flicker and sound measurements to determine the best placement f ...
- Radar Ridge hearingsIs it OK to allow some murrelets to be killed by project? Two key public meetings next week could help determine the fate of the Radar Ridge wind energy farm now that the Grays Harbor Public Utility District has decided to end its share of funding for the project by Aug. 1. The meetings scheduled by ...
- Greenhouse gas threat from wind farms on peatland ...Damaging wind farms that unleash carbon dioxide from the soil are being permitted in Scotland because no government body is equipped to advise on the impact of building on peatland, The Scotsman has learned. Peat bog has been described as “Scotland’s rainforest” because it stores huge quantities of ...
- Wind farm case will be headed to trialGENEVA – A Kane County judge on Thursday gave residents living among the wind farm operated by NextEra Energy Resources the OK to take a lawsuit seeking the turbines’ removal to trial. Judge Michael Colwell rejected NextEra’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by about 40 landowners around the Shab ...
Not My Tribe
- The Guffey Flying ChickensGuffey, by the way, is a really small town west of here. Those of you who have ever done Flight Simulator games might remember this one ranch that’s technically in the “city” limits and has an airstrip. But, the Flying chickens is an annual event that benefits the Volunteer Fire Department. What the ...
- McCain says Khandahar key to victory in Afghanista ...He fails to note that the U.S. isn’t going to share in whatever victory happens. Might be on the RECEIVING end of that “victory”. I’d take him a tad bit more seriously as a War Pundit if he were to relinquish both his interest in controlling the war AND his investments which will only pay [...]
- GI quadruple amputee’s hobby: guns. Army nee ...Wounded Army Specialist Brendan Marrocco was this weekend’s NYT front page testimonial to the resilience of US soldiers. The VA is finally acknowledging amputee-counts apparently, so we now learn that 988 veterans have lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Specialist Marrocco lost all four, but is lea ...
- US to send 46 Navy ships to Costa RicaThat’s right, it was not Puerto Rico, but Costa Rica, whose congress approved the mobilization of 46 US Navy vessels in its harbors, including the billeting of 7,000 uniformed US Marines to conduct humanitarian and drug-war operations. Did permission come with conditions? It did, but ours, not their ...
- Marx professor David Harvey offers take on Crises ...CUNY Distinguished Professor David Harvey offers a 13-part online reading of Das Capital, Volume 1. But catch this mesmerizing dry- erase presentation of Harvey’s talk THE CRISES OF CAPITALISM.
Debunking the Debunkers
- When False Flags Don't FlyFrom corbettreport
- An Irresponsible ResponseFor the last few days I was out of town enjoying an early 4th of July weekend with my family and didn't have any internet during that time. So imagine my surprise when I got back home today to find that I was sent a message from infamous debunker RKOwens4. Here is what he wrote to me. "Hey buddy. J ...
- Reply: Thermite Rain - 9/11 Truth Movement found t ...YouTube user " KimmoKuopio " recently offered this piece of "debunking": Commenter " RedBloodReign " states: "You might find this surprising but thermite wasn't found in the debris of the twin towers by looking at footage of the burning towers and saying "Wow, that looks really hot, must've been th ...
- Another Sick Joke: Tony Blair Recieves Prestigious ...Tony Blair, "Middle East Peace Envoy" (which is a joke in itself), was yesterday announced as the winner of a prestigious liberty medal and a $100,000 prize by the National Constitution Centre in the US. This is the man who turned Britain into an Orwellian surveillance state and illegally and dece ...
- Debunker Response FailRelated Info: Debunkers = Fish in a Barrel
- FOODFIGHT: Is a McDonald’s Big Mac Healthier Than ...This is a guest blog post by Mariana Cotlear. Is a McDonald’s Big Mac better for you than a Chipotle Burrito? So claims James McWilliams in a recent article in The Atlantic. His straight nutritional comparison of the above mentioned menu items leads him to this conclusion: Despite Chipotle’s s ...
- Clif Bar Q&AIn our recent comparison between Larabar and Clif bars, Lara won the upper hand. In response, the Clif team sent us some information and clarifications: Clif Bar & Company doesn’t source genetically-modified ingredients for any of its foods. The natural flavors found in CLIF BARs are sourced from ...
- The 80/20 Rule. Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty at t ...Happy Independence Day! Some of our regular readers may be expecting a post on best practices for 4th of July dining. Perhaps a suggestion or two regarding the meat cuts to choose. Or better yet, vegetable alternatives. A listing of sides that are calorie bombs and salads that are full of fats. Not ...
- Dr. Pepper Celebrates 125 years by Misleading Cons ...Here’s one of the six retro cans of Dr. Pepper, introduced in celebration of 125 years of making money off of selling a curiously flavored drink. We’ve highlighted one of the most annoying marketing habits of the past few years, which the Dr has picked up as well – adding an innocent looking cla ...
- “I love being a nutrition cheerleader”This is an interview with Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD. She’s the owner of Go Wellness, a nutrition and wellness-focused private practice in Orange County, CA and has been an instructor for 4 years at California State University, Long Beach. Michelle earned her Master of Public Health and Master of ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
- 5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Med ...I've been talking to some new bloggers recently and I've been asked questions about how they should work on growing their blog, increasing subscribers, and getting more visitors. Most bloggers know about the potential impact of social media and some even spend considerable amounts of time on sites l ...
- Blog Design ShowcaseThe typical post topics covered here involve topics related to social media marketing or blogging . One way to increase traffic to your site is to use an attractive design that will draw a lot of attention. Web design galleries and showcase blog posts like this one send considerable amounts of visit ...
- Is there such a thing as soul?Much talked about, much used, the concept of soul has nowadays turned into a chewing gum, especially when put in the context of reincarnation. The truth is that the concept of soul has been tackled by both philosophy and religion since antiquity; this should account for the dozens of definitions the ...
- On koansThe purpose of a koan is for the person who engages in it to realize the difference between the mind (which manifests itself as a flow of thoughts) and consciousness (which is the space that contains the flow of thoughts). Always the issue is to understand that it is identification with our thoughts ...
- A koanA koan: “There is no time. What is memory?” If I knock the table with my hand twice, I have to accept that it’s time that separates the two knocks from each other. Therefore, time exists. But it only exists because I have memory of the first knock. Everything I build within me, I build using memor ...
- Love (second part)b. Lowering one’s defenses. This has been discussed over and over in this blog and it is essentially a rephrasing of “allowing one’s heart to break”. In connection to romantic love, we may see it is the more beneficial the more it relates to oneself, meaning that the benefits are ripped at the level ...
- LoveThe discussion on communication gave me the impulse to reflect a little on the concept of romantic love between two people. What is this love? Let’s explore. When we tell someone “I love you”, we are in fact stating that we feel the chemistry between us, which is mutually based on acceptance and ad ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Unsustainability in Today's Sustainable Developmen ...For development to be integrated into a community, governments and NGOs need to find a way to educate and involve local people for the long term.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
- World Cup Crime in South AfricaWhile South Africa boasts understandable pride and excitement to be hosting the World Cup, its citizens are fearful. An already disordered country will see crime escalate substantially when the crowds arrive.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyZimbabwean diamonds mined with complete disregard for basic human rights are currently being sold in jewelry stores with
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Trudeau, Pierre ElliottPierre Elliott Trudeau, politician, writer, constitutional lawyer, prime minister of Canada 1968-79 and 1980-84 (b at Montr�al 18 Oct 1919; d at Montr�al 28 Sept 2000). Trudeau was born into a wealthy family, the
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
How Can I Recycle This ?
- What can I reuse or recycle to make a trug?I’ve been getting more and more interested in wild food lately – we’ve been trying different things while walking the dog in the woods behind our house and on Sunday, we went on a wonderful Wild Food Foray organised by Slow Food West Yorkshire. Led by medical herbalist Jesper Launder, we spent just ...
- How can I reuse or recycle over 1000 mugs?We’ve had an email from Andy: I work for an Events company based in Newmarket, Suffolk, and I have got over 1000 mugs, which as come back from an event and we need to recycle. Do you know where I can do this? We’ve got plenty of home & garden reuses for old/broken crockery but I suspect most [...]
- How can I build a barbecue reusing or recycling st ...In a bit of an impromptu barbecue-themed week, I thought I’d ask about building the key part of the experience: the barbecue itself. This is partly because I’m interested in hearing bbq ideas and partly because I’m thinking of building myself a little smokehouse for my birthday and I suspect there ...
- How can I reuse or recycle meat that’s gone ...We’ve had an email from Amy: Hi. Is there ANYTHING I can do with expired meat? I’ve read you can’t compost it but it’s such a waste to throw it away? Yes, it is a waste! As I’m sure you know, it takes a whole lot of energy to produce a kilogram of meat, to ship it [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle plastic deli counter wr ...We’ve had an email from Iona: The deli counter at Sainsburys insists on wrapping every item in its own yards of plastic wrap including multiple plastic sheets and then the plastic bag. Can they be recycled with carrier bags? Plastic bags are usually made from polyethylene – which can be high-density ...
- Nonviolence and the struggle for Palestinian-Israe ...My post about nonviolence vs. violence and the Gaza Flotilla�unleashed a heated debate.�Max Ajl, David Bromwich, Robin Yassin-Kassab, Ken O'Keefe elsewhere, Max Ajl again, and Norman Finkelstein outside this forum�have spilled many impassioned electrons on this topic, not to mention the dozens of th ...
- Wilkerson says Feith and Wurmser were ‘worki ...The feline is out of the satchel. Amazing interview of Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, by Scott Horton of antiwar. The issue here is, Wilkerson has believed this for many years, and many of us on the realist/left have said that the neocons conflated interests of two countr ...
- ‘New Republic’s literary editor is com ...I missed this. Last month Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post assailed the New Republic for publishing John McCain, urging a violent revolution in Iran with our complicity of course-- or rather, in the new neocon trope-- by "unleash[ing] America's full moral power" to topple the Tehran regime. Zak ...
- One small reason why I support the Right of ReturnAnas lives in Amman, Jordan. He helps out at a local clothing store.� His ancestors were ethnically cleansed from Silwan.�� Missing from the Ethan Bronner articles about Silwan are faces like Anas's.� His is the face of the Palestinian refugee who is not allowed to return home.� If�you hear about a� ...
- Makdisi in Houston Chronicle: Americans must confr ...We are in the midst of an essential historical conversation. An essential discovery of U.S. policy going back to Partition and a commemoration of the Nakba. Thaddeus Russell is doing it at the Daily Beast, Glenn Loury is doing it in the New York Times (online), I am doing it here by trying to get [. ...
Media Consortium
- Touting Redesign, MSNBC Declares Pageviews ‘Dead’ ...The big idea behind just about every website redesign these days generally revolves around “less is more” minimalism. But it looks like MSNBC.com’s redo actually means it: the new site, which just went fully live, promises to do an end with clicking on stories and on ads. By introducing a single-pag ...
- 'Craigslist Effect' Spreads to Content - Advertisi ...He is one of more than 3,600 Bleacher authors who willingly write without remuneration, and their gratis efforts suggest there's a major adjustment going on in the economics of content. Despite the attention around search specialists such as Demand Media, Associated Content and Examiner, a growing g ...
- Traditional Media Is Having A Field Day On TumblrWhile I think utilzing the more personal & casual platform of tumblr is a great strategy, I wonder how the biz side is going to feel about community not coming to the main web site. Or is the proportion of audience members on tumblr small enough that it doesn't matter? Or is the idea that new commu ...
- Economist reports success of mobile phone mag sale ...The Economist has claimed success with a new mobile-phone-based magazine sales ploy this week, as it reported its overall operating profit had climbed three per cent to £57.5m for the 12 months to April. In the annual report of parent company Economist Group, its UK managing director Nigel Ludlow o ...
- Hacks/Hackers, Mozilla team up for Peer-to-Peer co ...This is the group that I'm looking for TMC members to work with on a hack-a-thon. I'm SO EXCITED.
Reality Asserts Itself
- WHO COMMANDED THE G20 COMMANDER? It's time for the ...A room filled with police officers stare at pulsing screens; feeds from 85 cameras cover most of Toronto's downtown core.� This was the command centre for the G20 Integrated Security Unit (there was another ISU command centre in Barrie). In charge was the RCMP Chief Supt. Alphonse MacNeil. It may ...
- YOUR RIGHTS CAN DISAPPEAR IN A SNAP - The Ontario ...Everybody in Ontario should understand the Public Works Protection Act. It sounds like some obscure piece of legislation that couldn't matter very much to most people. But look again. With a snap of the Ontario Cabinet's fingers, they can essentially eliminate your right to assemble and eliminate pr ...
- G20 THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME - Are extraordinar ...The G-20 wrapped up its work in Toronto on Sunday, and sent a message. Part of that message was in a document, 27 pages of a little bit of something for everybody. They also sent a message through the Canadian police about how the countries of the G-20 might deal with opposition to their plans. ...
- IS OBAMA WEDDED TO A DOOMED STRATEGY - and why are ...The firing of General Stanley McChrystal by President Obama should give Americans, Canadians and the people of other NATO countries fighting in Afghanistan a moment to reflect on why their daughters and sons are dying and killing there. Not because of McChrystal's departure, but for President Obam ...
- DID DICK CHENEY HELP CAUSE THE BP DISASTER?A few weeks ago, I interviewed Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.� It was a rare insight into the Bush White House, and more so, the mind of Dick Cheney as seen through the eyes of someone who worked ne ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- US geologist jailed in ChinaAn American geologist has been charged with stealing Chinese state secretes and sentenced to eight years in jail in China. ( BBC News , the Telegraph ) Xue Feng was born in China but trained at the University of Chicago according to media reports. He was detained in 2007 after he arranged the sal ...
- The Bering Sea Project: Phytoplankton, micropoop, ...Posted on behalf of Wendee Holtcamp, blogging for Nature aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson After leaving the Pribilofs, we cruised west and sampled near the largest submarine canyon in the world, Zhemchug Canyon; it’s 20% wider and deeper than Arizona’s Grand Canyon, dropping vertical ...
- DNA patent ruling balks MonsantoThe agricultural biotech giant Monsanto was today told by Europe's top court that it can’t stop soybean meal being sold in Europe that contains a Monsanto-patented DNA sequence. The ruling by the Court of Justice is a strong affirmation of the 1998 EU Biotechnology Directive , which distinguishes ...
- Condor poisoning linked to lead bulletsPosted on behalf of Brendan Borrell In the latest chapter of a long-running debate over lead bullets, researchers presented the strongest evidence to date that hunting ammo is poisoning endangered California Condors. Myra Finkelstein, an environmental toxicologist at the University of Californ ...
- Hayabusa has dustPosted on behalf of David Cyranoski Eureka! Well, not quite yet. Today scientists at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced that they had found some dust in the recovery capsule from the Hayabusa asteroid mission. It would be the first time that planetary scientists and astrobiol ...
new geography
- The Myth of the Back-to-the-City MigrationPundits, planners and urban visionaries—citing everything from changing demographics, soaring energy prices, the rise of the so-called "creative class," and the need to battle global warming—have been predicting for years that America's love affair with the suburbs will soon be over. Their voices ha ...
- "Little Monsters"?: Children and the EnvironmentThe idea has bubbled around the edges of the environmental pond for a while: choosing to be childfree expressly for the purpose of reducing one's carbon footprint. An environmental correspondent at Mother Jones , for example, has pointed out that "…Nothing else you can do — driving a more fuel ef ...
- The Economic Significance of Village MarketsFlea markets and garage sales have been around for years. But for most New Zealanders, produce markets have been associated with old European villages, or the ethnic markets of Hong Kong and other exotic locations. Village markets focus on locally made crafts, while Flea Markets are essentially cent ...
- Sponge Cities on the Great Plains“Sponge cities” is an apt metaphor to describe urban communities in rural states like North Dakota which grow soaking up the residents of surrounding small towns, farms and ranches. North Dakota’s four largest cities, Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks and Minot, are growing in large part due to the young ...
- Why the Great Plains are Great Once AgainOn a drizzly, warm June night, the bars, galleries, and restaurants along Broadway are packed with young revelers. Traffic moves slowly, as drivers look for parking. The bar at the Donaldson, a boutique hotel, is so packed with stylish patrons that I can’t get a drink. My friend, a local, and I head ...
GM Watch
- "Tasty" GM lobbying event in Brussels
- UK votes for all 6 GM applications in Europe
- Where to buy GM-free meat in the UK
- GM is an anti-choice technology
- Monsanto's odd royalty calculus
- WaterCredit helps people help themselves (GCS)The New Door to Wealth in the Microfinance Community (Green Chip Stocks) – Water.org recently created a subsidiary, WaterCredit, that uses microfinance loans to support water and sanitation (watsan) projects. Although watsan organizations are not new, the use of micro-credit loans for watsan project ...
- Rainwater harvesting a success in Philippines (Mal ...Water is Life! (Business Insight Malaya) Philippines -Â Water harvesting and conservation are already a practical and beneficial technology in a few rural areas in the Philippines. One of them, the “Water Partners” program in the Baranggay Villahermosa near Cebu, on Camotes Island, started in 2003. ...
- Matt Damon is making the planet better for us (GTV ...Matt Damon Is Making The Planet Better For Us (Global TV) Since the making of All The Pretty Horses, you’ve become one of the Sexiest Men Alive, one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors and a household name across the globe. Your celebrity status has afforded you the ability to focus attention on envi ...
- Pipe dreams come true (Hindu Bus. Line)Pipe dreams come true (The Hindu Business Line) – Trekking long distances for water forms part of the daily grind for women at the bottom of the pyramid â be it in the slums of Tiruchi or the shantytowns of Nairobi. And there is no guarantee for the quality of the water or the safety [...]
- Ante Up For Africa gives $50,000 to Water.org (ET)Ante Up For Africa Announces $100,000 in Grants to the Eastern Congo Initiative and Water.org (Earth Times) LOS ANGELES, CA – Ante Up For Africa today announced two grants of $50,000 each to support the Eastern Congo Initiative and Water.org, organizations focused on supporting local, community-base ...
Before It's News
- Ape_Antichrist_Obama_Blast_With_All_4_Engines_At_T ...
- What_s_Next_For_Gold
- Lady_Gagas_Dangerous_Trend:Star_Wears_Illegal_Cont ...
- A_Conservative_Writes_Congress
- Good_Samaritan_Overdose_Laws:_Humane,_Life-Saving, ...
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Lift the Blockade of Gaza Now! Take ActionAmnesty International is deeply concerned that it appears that Israeli armed forces may have used excessive force the morning of May 31, 2010 when entering boats protesting the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip. Submitted by Daf Yanez to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Strenger Than Fiction / Israel must admit to its m ..."That his life is being dissipated, squandered in a pointless struggle, and that his identity and self-respect and the one life he has to live are being endlessly expropriated from him in a conflict that could have been resolved long ago. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- Leading Israeli figures accuse police of targeting ...A number of prominent jurists, intellectuals, writers and leftist public figures have co-signed a letter that accuses the Jerusalem District police of "illegal and inequitable" conduct toward protesters in the predominantly Arab neighborhood .. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Constitution Preamble - Schoolhouse RockRemember Schoolhouse Rock? This one on the constitution was my absolute favourite. Happy Birthday US! Submitted by Margaret Mayer to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Shot Heard Around The WorldIn honour of July 4th, here is Schoolhouse Rock's "The Shot Heard Around the World. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- EBOOM CAPITAL: Hoku Attracts Investors with Big Pl ...large This is Day 2 of Winner’s Week in which we highlight five clean energy/tech companies whose share price performances significantly outperformed the overall markets and ...
- Solar Power Eliminates Utility Bill at Citrus Frui ...large The power of the sun is�creating a powerful "punch"�for a California citrus fruit packing and storage company. Visalia-based Venida Packing has completely eliminated i ...
- US President Obama announces $2 billion for Solar ...During his weekly address to the nation, US President Obama announced $2 billion to be invested in solar companies Abengoa Solar Inc . and Abound Solar Manufacturing .
- Vermont’s Solar Project and Renewable Energy Educa ...large State, city and Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) ( NYSE:CV ) officials recently officially unveiled the Solar Project and Renewable Energy Education Center in Rutland, Vermon ...
- Japan Launches a Solar Sail in Outer Spacelarge For over a hundred years, scientists and science fiction writers have suggested using sunlight to power a spaceship.
News Blaze
- IRS Highlights Job Opportunities for New Grads on ...The Internal Revenue Service today announced the availability of a new job search tool on YouTube dedicated to helping job seekers learn about employment opportunities at the IRS.
- Women's Issues Inside and Outside of Our Governmen ...I also wanted to acknowledge the president's mother. I didn't meet her on the way in, but it is so good to see you, Professor.
- Miss Alameda, Jessica Robinson, Secures Grant for ...Miss Alameda, Jessica Robinson, of Alameda, announced today that she has secured a grant to support her efforts to educate Alameda restaurants about implementing food waste diversion to green collection bins.
- UN Refugee Agency is Calling for Countries to Allo ...For this year, UNHCR predicts that 747,000 people worldwide need to move to third countries, while that number surpasses 800,000 - a record high - for 2011.
- Americans Continue to Support Israel Key findings from The Israel Project's poll on U.S. involvement in the Mideast peace process and the aftermath of the Gaza-bound flotilla:
- Sleepless nights for bosses in the Bangladeshi gar ...Ashulia RMG demo 2.jpg A survey of recent unrest in the garment industry, as agitation for a greatly increased minimum wage - as part of an improved wage structure - continues. In ...
- British web Nazis jailedwhite_heaton.jpg The massed ranks of the Aryan Strike Force (ASF) and the British Freedom Force (BFF) have suffered a body blow as ‘Wigan’ Mike Heaton and Trevor ‘Fist’ Hannington have been sent down for ...
- Five years after hurricane Katrina, community stil ...ht_glover_081218.jpg Last friday, three officers were finally indicted by a federal grand jury for the post-katrina murder of Henry Glover, and the ensuing five year cover up. The ...
- Fiat Tychy Tries to Impose Worse ConditionsThe management of FIAT in Tychy are trying to get the unions to agree to even worse working conditions. The company is trying to make use of the "Anti-Crisis Act" to change, among other things, work schedules.
- New General Strike in GreeceA new general strike called by GSEE and ADEDY will be taking place on Tuesday 29 June in Greece, with Communist workers once again already blocking Peiraeus harbour. In what looks like a final union move of pressure towards the Greek gov ...
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