FM newswire for June 29, interesting articles about geopolitics
- Statfor discusses “The 30-Year War in Afghanistan”
- Today’s news about the Ak-Pak War, about al Qaeda’s strength
- COIN as future generations will see it (and as we should see it today)
- FM newswire for June 30, interesting articles about geopolitics
- A look at the history of victories over insurgents. How often do foreign armies win?
- FM newswire for June 29, interesting articles about geopolitics
- Could a new “Manhattan Project” produce radically new energy sources?
- FM newswire for June 28, interesting articles about geopolitics
- A discovery that could change the course of US geopolitical strategy, if we would only see it
- “Climate Change: what do we know about the IPCC?”
- Why have mainstream economists lost the argument about the need for more economic stimulus?
- FM newswire for June 26, interesting articles about geopolitics
- All-time best FM posts from the DNI archives (2003-2007)
- Balancing ends and means in American security, a prerequisite for survival (let alone success)
- FM newswire for June 25, interesting articles about geopolitics
Common DreamsOut of Afghanistan Caucus Calls for NO VOTE on War Funding
The Caucus, chaired by Congressman John Conyers, is an informal group of 21 members dedicated to reorienting US policy towards diplomacy and the swift redeployment of the US military.The congresspeople addressed the hypocrisy of the fiscal conservatives in Congress who are concerned about the out-of-control deficit but support the war supplemental.Congresswoman Chu said that Congress was first told by Secretary Gates that we needed 2,500 more soldiers in Afghanistan, then Admiral Mullen called for 20,000 more, then McChrystal said 30,000 more. “What is the correct number of troops we need in Afghanistan?”, she asked. “Zero. More troops just means more trouble.”
Congressman Nadler said we had every right to target bases where people were plotting against to attack us, but not to make war against those countries. “We have no business intervening in an Afghan civil war,” he said. “It’s a fool’s errand. If the Afghan soldiers don’t have the will and motivation to fight the Taliban, we can’t instill that in them. And without the will and motivation, there’s no winning.”