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CENSORED NEWS - 56 minutes ago
*Censored in 2010: Defense of Mother Earth, the racist right, US torture and collapse of the media* By Brenda Norrell/Censored News/ *(Photo: Dine Water Rights/march 2010)...
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 1 hour ago
When we state our wishes and dreams - out loud, in public - we open ourselves to ridicule and snark. So many people claim to know the future with great certainty - which is, of course, impossible. Wishes...
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 2 hours ago
For anyone interested, the wmtc redesign is complete. All the tabs (static pages) along the top are now written. Tonight at midnight, "L-girl" will be retired and "laura k" will take her place. I've use...
Some infants have weight problems starting as young as nine months.
Mount Merapi, Eyjafjallajökul, Tungurahu and others shook the world in 2010.
Yes, it's cold. Yes, the planet is warming anyway. Yes, humans are responsible.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 9 hours ago
I was very pleased when Richard Sambrook contacted B-BBC, ostensibly to put the record straight about why he had spoken to the Common Purpose group. My recollection of him - mainly from when he was head o...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 10 hours ago
More countdown widgets at *Zeitgeist 2011* - predicting the future? Url movie: If you haven't got time to see this 2 hour movie then read this, or go t...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 11 hours ago
*Rumours whisper the secretive existence* of a brand-new A-Pad/E-Pad running a special version of Ubuntu Netbook. Since *TenQ Electronics*, leading Chinese manufacturer and wholesaler of hand-helds, is me...
Anecdote From The Recent War by Heinrich von Kleist "The most horrendous pun ever to pass human lips, perhaps since the world began, was made in the course of the recent war by a drummer; the drummer, I b...
PRESSTV Thursday Dec 30, 2010 Zahid Hussain, Press TV, Peshawar In Pakistan, hardly a day passes without the killing of innocent civilians in US drone attacks in northwest tribal belt. In at least 170 ...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
December 30: Issaquah, Washington Analysis and Commentary by Two Eagles (Perry Chesnut) Secretary of State, Modoc Nation *State Department White Paper Contradicts Obama’s Statements at Tribal Nations Confe...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
BREAKING NEWS - PRESS RELEASE FROM RAPA NUI December 29, 2010 Today, December 29th just before 7 PM, an contingency of 200 armed police began violently dislodging the Rapanui Parliament from their headquart...
The video above of Alex Jones's speech at Cocoanut Grove in Santa Cruz, California on Sunday October 24, 2010 was posted on YouTube on December 18, 2010 by TheInfoWarrior. It is the highest quality and f...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 18 hours ago
OK, we are almost at the end of 2010 and the BBC has clocked up another year of seething bias, or, as they prefer to call it, professional impartiality so profound it is in their DNA. So, let me ask you wh...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 19 hours ago
Sorry about frequency of my posting here - but I live in *a drought in the wettest part of the United Kingdom*. BBC doing everything possible to avoid holding the Minister directly responsible (IRA terrori...
Metal artifact found in Cordillera de Colan. Photo courtesy: ANDINA / Alberto Pintado. Rangers at the Cordillera de Colan Reserved Zone in Amazonas, northern Peru, have found what is believed to be an I...
Out of a year of chaotic weather extremes, climate scientists are beginning to see a pattern.
The beverage that is most often consumed by people the world over is water. The second most commonly sipped liquid is tea. In many countries, wedding rings are exchanged between a bride and groom as a s...
Magical: Mistletoe's healing properties are being harnessed at a cancer unit in England. Photo courtesy: dailymail According to folklore, mistletoe 'magic' may seal romance, bestow fertility and bring pea...
All photos courtesy: Salem-News Depiction of Paiute braves fighting with the "red-headed giants". There have been many stories about giants - Jack and the Beanstalk; Gulliver's Travel; the nephilim of b...
Watching 3D images for a long time could adversely affect the eyes of children ages 6 and younger.
FASHION/HEALTH - Isabelle Caro, a French model whose anorexic body appeared in an Italian shock ad campaign, has died at the age of 28. She had been suffering from anorexia since the age of 13. Caro is mo...
POLITICS/RELIGION - Almost a hundred years ago, on December 24th 1914, troops on both sides of enemy lines committed treason by having an unofficial truce. In modern society religion, ideology and nationa...
Photo courtesy: Scott Bauer, ARS.USDA Sometimes being Canadian doesn't feel so good. Canada has made a controversial move; and, I fear it is another giant step forward in the race to a world-wide diet m...
Writer Alyssa Danigelis lifts the curtain on blogging for Discovery News. Get the popcorn ready.
Guido today leads with the news that Britons are "saddened, ashamed and disgusted" by the demonstration that took place on December 12th. In a series of questions, polling firm Angus Reid asked the 2,000 ...
Has Obama’s high-tech vision completely transcended from his campaign to the presidency?
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 1 day ago
In which we betray our gender, by gabby of Gabby's Playhouse. Let me state unequivocally that I am proud to know many feminist (i.e. non-sexist) men. Indeed, any male I call my friend qualifies, by defini...
The special effects in Toy Story, Harry Potter and other blockbusters would not be possible without the complex field of fluid dynamics.
Twenty years ago, Voyager 1 snapped a photograph that yielded an iconic image of Earth.
After the countdown ends, the confetti falls and the champagne bottles are empty, all that's left is a hangover.
I wrote the following article last week, but events prevented me from finishing it. Now I see that E.O.Z. has written on a similar theme, and has come to similar conclusions. So here’s mine. I’ve touched ...
Out with the old, in with the new Open Thread. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
Here is a summary of the top 10 biggest shipping companies of 2010 in United States. They not only just national winners but continue to be the universal leaders as well. 1. United Parcel Service of Ameri...
Often you have to make allowances for things you see or hear, especially when the topic is you-know-what. For example, when you suspect that English isn’t someone’s first language, or in certain cases, tha...
Flying autonomous wind turbines leave ground-based turbines behind.
A new online music-making platform aims to bring out everyone's inner musician.
New rules in the House of Representatives will allow congresspersons to use electronic devices on the House floor.
Mark Stepnoski: "Stepnoski's professional career in the NFL was spent with the Dallas Cowboys (1989–1994, 1999–2000), and the Houston Oilers (1995–1998). Stepnoski won two Super Bowls while with the Cowb...
Modifying yeast eating habits could lead to improved ethanol production.
[image: Mensajes para el Año Nuevo 2011 (3 versiones de lujo)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ver todas las imágenes.* *Haz click sobre las imágenes para AMPLIAR el tamaño* [image: Haz cl...
Britons forced to work two extra days to pay next year's tax bill British workers will have to toil until the end of May before their earnings are truly their own. For the first 149 days of 2011, every pen...
This year the sun pulls out of a trough of low activity and heads into a long-awaited and possibly destructive period of turbulence.
Tinkering the genome for cacao trees won't change the flavor of chocolate, molecular biologists promise.
Citizen Journalism and the Lamo-Manning Chat Logs By Jane Hamsher Firedoglake December 29, 2010 Late last night Wired editor Evan Hansen responded to Glenn Greenwald’s request for Wired to release the fu...
Wondered if you came across this televisual delight from the State Broadcaster? It's the "Intelligence Squared Debate" and as balanced as you would expect... "An Elected House of Lords Will Be Bad For Bri...
" 'As the world's attention focuses on WikiLeaks and the debate it has spawned about the extent of press freedom in the information age, one European country has taken a decisive step away from that freedo...
Genetically modified plants could sequester more carbon and make better biofuels. So what's standing in their way?
The extensive catalog was created to help conservationists, drug designers and others avoid confusion over plant names.
The Council of Europe's Committee of Social Rights has published an assessment on its 47 member states' progress on the European Social Charter, which was initially signed by ten founding members in 1961....
In the post-Christmas haze, do you find yourself feeling buried? Perhaps by all of the surplus STUFF you have now that the holiday spoils are no longer hidden away but instead are unwrapped and underfoot? ...
*Guest post from Sister C* I didn’t vote in the Labour Party leadership election. I didn’t for a number of reasons but if I had voted I would have done for Ed Miliband. His campaign impressed me as a mov...
A prototype solar reactor turns sunlight into storage-ready methane or hydrogen.
[image:] An aging Russian armed cargo plane not working south of Moscow, killing all 12 people aboard, officials said Wednesday. The federal analytical group said the An...
[image:][image: Justify Full] Afghanistan – An alliance patrol fought off an rebellious attack in hilly eastern Afghanistan Tuesday, on a day when two servicemen were kil...
[image:] Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev has ablaze two space officials in excess of a failed rocket start on that resulted in the hammering of three satellites. The...
The Galaxy 15 satellite that had its "brains fried" by a solar flare nine months ago is communicating with Earth again. Has this reanimated satellite corpse been resurrected?
"To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as i...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 2 days ago
Further digging into Common Purpose to follow up yesterday's post. I accept fully Lloyd's observation (in the comments) that £150,000 spent by the BBC on Common Purpose over seven years is small beer, when...
We're led to believe that the United States government is a positive force in the world but this is not true. I'm not saying it couldn't be in the future, in fact, once there is a regime change in Washingt...
We're led to believe that the United States government is a positive force in the world but this is not true. I'm not saying it couldn't be in the future, in fact, once there is a regime change in Washingt...
theAtlantic Washington Ideas Forum, September 29 - October 1, 2010 In 2009, The Atlantic, in partnership with the Aspen Institute and the Newseum, introduced the inaugural Washington Ideas Forum. Duri...
Here is my list (swallowed for too many links, and of course it's only a partial list that I threw together) posted to a Climate Progress story about trees dying from bark beetles: Pecan trees in Texas are...
*Mohawks and Wikileaks capture most readers at Censored News* By Brenda Norrell Censored News *Photo by Ben Powless, Mohawk, published with permission. * This week's most p...
Blue Sky Black Death - Die Hard (feat. Ill Bill & Crooked I)
Before humans wiped them out, these fighting birds would clobber each other over territory.
Mr. Kissinger, Have You No Shame? Ignore the recent excuses. Henry Kissinger's entire career was a series of massacres and outrages. By Christopher Hitchens Slate Magazine Published: December 27, 2010 Un...
In Honor of 9/11 Survivor Janette MacKinlay By Mike Cook AE911Truth Published: December 21, 2010 *A Review of Her Artistic Book Fortunate* *After a battle with brain cancer, likely induced by the toxic du...
Inebriation is rampant in the animal kingdom.
Cheetah births in captivity are rare, so the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute today proudly announced the birth of two cubs born to two separate females.
Something about writing about a bunch of talmudic footy hooligans that really gets me down. So here is some more wholesome content: h/t T&F
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye - Strong Heart Warrior SocietyFree & Independent Lakota Nation Box 512, Hill City, South Dakota 57745 605-454-0449 or 605-517-1547 December 27, 2010 PRES...
English Defence League claim 78 got whiplash in crash... but only 25 were on coach Almost 80 far-Right extremists are trying to claim for whiplash injuries after a coach crash – when there were only 25 pe...
A vaccine against HPV is now approved for use against anal cancer, yet few people are using it.
Twenty-nine remotely controlled robots speak to students, read them books and dance to music.
If you thought the blizzards on the east coast of the US were bad, take a look at the weather on Saturn!
Discovered in Israel, the finding challenges conventional wisdom that Homo sapiens originated in Africa.
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 2 days ago
Disunion is a blog about the US civil war, the bloodiest, deadliest (to Americans) war in US history. The *New York Times* began running Disunion, as far as I can tell, on October 31, 2010, with this pream...
There has been much hope expressed that Obama's EPA will perform as the last resort to rein in catastrophic levels of greenhouse emissions, since legislation and international treaties have been the most aby...
*RAF Mourner Beaten Up For Having A Poppy* A SERVICE veteran has spoken of the moment two drunken thugs attacked him for wearing a poppy, screaming: “Death to all soldiers.” Grandfather Anthony O’Brien, 6...
Fans of Apple's iPhone can now eat one for US $33.
These ancient Egyptian holy men served at the temple of the crocodile god Soknopaios.
Active black holes were at least 100 times more common 10 billion years ago. So what happened to these once ravenous monsters?
This is the best guacamole. I have always thought that guacamole was a little bland, until we started making it like this. This guacamole has a kick to it, not so much that your mouth is on fire after you...
Four years ago today, I made the best decision of my life. We have had some crazy adventures together in these years. We went to school together, we stayed up late helping each other write papers. We wo...
Over the last couple of weeks I've been on a short adventure in city regeneration policy. A fortnight ago I was down at Portcullis House in the Big Smoke for a morning discussion on 'Rebuilding Britain's ...
The propaganda is always there, as brought to my attention by an eagle-eyed B-BBC reader; 'Missile attacks by US drones in Pakistan's tribal areas have more than trebled under the Obama administration, r...
Tough one for the BBC. On the upside, those Mumbai folks have introduced a*Sharia linked Index * in their primary financial institution! But - gasp - they insist on calling it the BOMBAY Stock Exchange. May...
[image:] For the third as the crow flies year, President Barack Obama ranks as the man most well-liked by people livelihood in the U.S., according to a yearly USA Today-...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 3 days ago
I have begun to dig into BBC connections with a shadowy organisation called Common Purpose. This, according to some, is a sinister conspiratorial group - run by a scary woman called Julia Middleton - that ...
" Last week, responding to a deluge of news reports tying Israel to Wikileaks, Julian Assange announced he finally planned to release 3700 cables from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, documents previously withh...
[image:] As a minimum 80 people were killed in Christmas Eve bombings and fights between Muslim and Christian youths in central Nigeria, official say. The police said on...
[image:] The U.S. delegation in London was a aim of a group of men under arrest last week in Britain and charged with scheme to reason detonations and preparing acts of ...
[image:] Iran on Tuesday suspended an Iranian criminal of spying for the Islamic Republic's arch foe Israel; the official IRNA news agency extracted a report from the ju...
[image:] The presidents of three West African states owed in Ivory Coast on Tuesday to tell globally cut off in office leader Laurent Gbagbo to step down or face taking ...
Dad's diet impacts genetic expression of future generations.
Blue Sky Black Death - Days Are Years
Monetary Revolution Begins With Competing Currencies Eric Blair *Activist Post* December 27, 2010 In recent interviews, Congressman Ron Paul has been promoting the idea of legalizing competing currencies...
How ridiculous can 2012 doomsday theories get? Although we might be scraping the bottom of the barrel, exposing these theories of doom as utter nonsense is still worth while. The Family Cult's Secrets Exposed " Julian Assange's Ties to Nazi Cult Julian Assange was born in 1971. His birth parents ran a touring theatre c...
Click here to watch the JibJab Christmas card from "a former Republican", to Palingates...and thanks to crystalwolfakacaligrl for sending me this wonderful comic relief! it to the story of George ...
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 3 days ago
Our last list - alternate realities - didn't get a huge response. Perhaps the topic didn't resonate with many readers, or maybe the timing was off. Or it could have been a fluke, who knows. That thread is ...
Sorry about the exports 'we' send you, America. 'Enjoy'.
An electric charging station now in test trial generates electricity for electric vehicles from solar power.
The rampant and ubiquitous destruction of global habitat by *Homo sapiens*upon which human survival depends cannot be described as anything other than insanity. While many species may from time to time act ...
It may seem hard to believe, but a few decades ago we didn’t have clue as to what the far side of the moon even looked like.
Food found stuck between their teeth reveals that Neanderthals enjoyed cereals and other carbs.
Agriculture will need to adapt to new conditions brought by climate change, but it's no worse than what farmers faced in the past.
[image: 37 Wallpapers para el año nuevo 2011 (recopilación)] Anticipando para ustedes mis mejores deseos en este próximo año que inicia, les tengo como regalo especial *37 wallpapers para el año nuevo 2011*... Some people wonder why we put ourselves on boats and sail across the Mediterranean to Gaza. We face one of the most vicious armies in the world, armed with only...
Recycling doesn’t come free. It costs millions of dollars to pickup, sort and process all those plastic bottles, aluminum cans and cardboard pizza boxes.
All you need is an electron beam, a vacuum, magnets, and a mirror (UV Goggles recommended).
A new line of clothes come with its own solar panels to charge small electronics in your pocket.
A thriving realm of subterranean, submarine microbes could play an important role in the global carbon budget.
Kiss plastic trash goodbye. British engineers have new tech to recycle it all.
Find below 2010's list of the top 100 UK-based tweeting political bloggers. Follower numbers were those yesterday evening. 1) (1) Alastair Campbell (52,095 followers) 2) Jon Snow (36,962 followers) 3) Joha...
Happened to catch the seasonal "Woman's Hour" programme this morning! (I'm in touch with my feminine side!) Was intrigued to hear lavish praise being bestowed on China's euphemistic "One Child" policy to t...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
On the BBC website, there's still not a shred of attempted analysis of why this winter has so far been so cold not just here but now in the US - and why their beloved Met Office has got it so wrong. Odd, p...
[image:] Nine men under arrest in police raids a week ago have been emotional with scheme to cause explosions in Britain and with plotting terrorism offences, police sai...
[image:] A Russian judge distinct Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his business partner Platon Lebedev guilty of misappropriation on Monday at the end of the jailed previous oil...
[image:] Twin suicide bombings rocked an administration multifaceted in Iraq's western city Ramadi on Monday; with a police base saying more than 17 people had been kill...
[image:] Pakistan – Supposed U.S. armaments struck a vehicle in a confrontational stranglehold on Pakistan's side of the boundary with Afghanistan on Monday, killing six...
I Love HBO. Love History. Love David McCullough. Love YouTube. Love The Internet. HBO - David McCullough: Painting With Words Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 "To me history ought to be a source of ple...
The drums of war are heard again in Israel By Ilan Pappé Mondoweiss December 26, 2010 The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel's invincibility in is questi...
Christmas Day One Year Later - The Underwear Bomber-Case Closed By Kurt Haskell Saturday December 25, 2010 I've been attempting to write this article for the last 36 hours but the internet has been out at...
Here's the final proof for the Climate Hawk Pin, the idea being that us folks who are aggressive about clean energy can recognize each other - and, wearing it will initiate conversations that might otherwise...
Wikipedia: Blue Sky Black Death (abbreviated BSBD) is a production duo based in San Francisco, California and Seattle, Washington.The duo consists of Kingston (real name Kingston Maguire) and Young God (...
Al Jazeera: Empire - Hollywood and the war machine
Christmas is over so it's time to catch up with the onslaught of studies and reports about our failing life support systems. I was so happy to have my three girls all in one place together, which doesn't ha...
"(NaturalNews) A new Consumer Reports survey has found that the vast majority of patients on prescription drug medications believe that drug companies have too much influence over their doctors. Roughly ha...
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 4 days ago
Further to my open letter to the CBC News of yesterday, it only gets worse. The *Ottawa Citzen* reports that it was a laff riot in Kandahar on Christmas, as Don Cherry and Minister of Defence Peter MacKay ...
*The Commies like to tell us that gender is a social construct. This is of course very convenient for them, as it means that we have all been brainwashed into our gender roles by the big corporations and b...
I love this. But watch your back, Judge.
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
Mark Mardell is basking in The President's glory in his latest blog post, and getting things completely wrong, as usual. Although Mardell is aware that He isn't really as magical and all-powerful as He onc...
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo: Peoples March Cancun Climate Summit by Brenda Norrell The Wikileaks cables released about Indigenous Peoples so far have focused o...
It's as Christmas as Noddy Holder and selection boxes. It may have only been going since 2005 but the Doctor Who seasonal special has become a firm festive favourite. According to overnight figures, it ma...
A massive blizzard brought chaos to air, road and train transit.
posted by laura k (aka L-girl) at
wmtc - 5 days ago
Students at the University College London are - right now - engaged in a sit-in to protest the massive tuition increases announced by the UK government. Tuition will double and, in some cases, triple, as p...
I just wanted to take a moment and say, Merry Christmas from our family to yours. I hope you had a wonderful and Happy Christmas.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 5 days ago
*When Linux can run Windows* in Oracle's "VirtualBox" the interesting question rises: can Mac OS-X (say: o-s-ten) also run on Linux? The answer is 'yes, it works'. This afternoon I downloaded a copy of ver...
December 29, 2010
December 28, 2010
December 27, 2010
December 24, 2010
December 23, 2010
Image via WikipediaDecember 22, 2010
December 21, 2010
December 20, 2010
December 17, 2010
December 16, 2010