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Tucker Carlson Outlines Big Tech’s Moves To Control Political Speech…
This is a discussion point CTH has outlined for quite a while; the new aspect is the scale and scope of Big Tech’s latest effort to silence voices they define as against their interests. President Trump has taken notice of … Continue reading →
Pelosi the Appeaser
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells the *New York Times *that the way to beat Trump is not through impeachment or championing progressive causes. To win, Democrats have to be more friendly to "centrists" - which is neoliberal-speak for the donor and corporate class which owns her organization. If you cower, they (the mythical center of the electorate) will come. Remember how well that smarmy strategy worked out when Neville Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler by granting him permission to invade neighboring countries in the belief the rest of Europe (and capitalist interests) would be... more »
Rutgers—New Brunswick Names New Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
This August, Dr. Enobong “Anna” Branch will become the vice chancellor for diversity, inclusion and community engagement at Rutgers University—New Brunswick. Branch comes to Rutgers—New Brunswick from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she serves as associate chancellor for equity and inclusion, chief diversity officer and associate professor of sociology. At Rutgers, she will also […]
Pine Manor College Recognized for Commitment to First-Gen Student Success
Pine Manor College was recently selected as a “First Forward” institution by NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education’s Center for First-generation Student Success and The Suder Foundation. The college’s “First Forward” designation recognizes its commitment to improving the experiences and outcomes of first-generation students. As part of the inaugural cohort of First Forward […]
Christopher Walken to star in upcoming movie on farmer who battled Monsanto all the way to the Supreme Court
The Monsanto Company technically no longer exists now that it’s been purchased by the German agrochemical and GMO giant Bayer, which has taken over its St. Louis area headquarters and begun investing billions into its new GMO crop division. But the specter of the oft-voted former “Most Evil Company in the World” remains, as does its legacy of legal intimidation among farmers. One of the most famous of all Monsanto lawsuits involved Percy Schmeiser, a small-town farmer who was sued by Monsanto for planting its patented Roundup Ready GMO crops in 1998. What followed for Schmeiser ... more »
The coming rise of lagoons in America?
Anyone want to sell their doomed beachfront property on the cheap? The post The coming rise of lagoons in America? appeared first on CFACT.
#AI Is Continuing Its Assault on #Radiologists.
https://www.technologyreview.com/f/610017/ai-is-continuing-its-assault-on-radiologists/ Advertisements
Frost to destroy large crops over Central Europe
“Historic Arctic front moving across Europe this weekend.” “Winter is coming back in May!” exclaims reader. “It’s almost summer, but vast areas of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy are going to experience real winter conditions for the next few days (May 4th – 7th).” “Frost is going to destroy large crops over Central Europe ... Read moreFrost to destroy large crops over Central Europe The post Frost to destroy large crops over Central Europe appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Warmer times are times of success and prosperity for man-kind
“Our current, warm, congenial Holocene interglacial has been the enabler of mankind’s civilisation for the last 10,000 years.” – Ed Hoskins ___________________ Warmer times are times of success and prosperity for man-kind Ed Hoskins According to ice core records, the last millennium 1000AD – 2000AD has been the coldest millennium of our current Holocene interglacial. ... Read moreWarmer times are times of success and prosperity for man-kind The post Warmer times are times of success and prosperity for man-kind appeared first on Ice Age Now.
"The Age of Apathy"
*"The Age of Apathy"* by Umair Haque "Am I the only that’s noticed how incapable we seem of grappling with - or even being much interested in - our great and grave problems: climate change, stagnation, inequality, social degeneration? Let me ask that question another way. Has it struck you recently that a world beset by epic problems feels strikingly apathetic about them? As if it’s, well, a little depressed? Not just as in morose, despondent, and dispirited, although that’s a beginning - but also, more subtly, easily enraged, badly riven and conflicted, consistently self-sabotagin... more »
Should America Go to War in Venezuela? Let's Study that Time America Invaded Cuba
*Daniel L. Davis* *Security, Americas* The Bay of Pigs fiasco should teach us some important lessons. As events continue unfolding in chaotic Venezuela, the big question on everyone’s mind is whether the United States will use its military to force Maduro out. As Trump continues to grapple with the decision, it might be instructive to consider the last time an American president faced such a decision. John F. Kennedy’s failure at the Bay of Pigs forever tarnished his presidency—and the negative consequences still plague our country. Sixty years ago, Fidel Castro led a revolution ... more »
"Fukushima Update 5/4/19: 19,233.9 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow
*"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”* - Shiva ◆ *Updated May 4, 2019: Fukushima Equals 19,233.9 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow; There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad: *The 3 melted-through cores of the destroyed reactors, now melted together into a single "corium" totaling over *600 tons*, at Fukushima *daily* release the radioactive equivalent of 6.45 Hiroshima bombs directly into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. As of May 4, 2019 - 2,982 days since the disaster began - this equals the detonation of *19,233.9*Hiroshima atomic bombs and it is still go... more »
Christian Aid’s Blatant Climate Propaganda For Schools
By Paul Homewood Someone sent me this teachers study aid being circulated around schools by Christian Aid. Far from being an educational aid, it is little more than insidious propaganda aimed at young kids. It is so full of inaccuracies, exaggerations and significant omissions that it is hard to know where to start! But … … Continue reading →
Pushing Down Interest Rates in a Boom
Standard Keynesian theory claims that the government should stimulate the economy during a slump and cool it during a boom. Many objections exist to this interventionism, but there is apparently a new kind of interventionism concocted in the White House: stimulate the economy during a boom. Would this imply slowing it down during a recession? […] The post Pushing Down Interest Rates in a Boom appeared first on Econlib.
Thatcherism at 40
On May 4th 1979, Margaret Thatcher took office as the prime minister of the United Kingdom. When I was younger and more libertarian than I am now, I used to think that Thatcher would be remembered one day as a moderate statist, because soon enough we would see far more sweeping reforms than hers, wider […] The post Thatcherism at 40 appeared first on Econlib.
Should government intervene in "social" media?...
*I'm not in favor. * Do I think Facecrap, Instagram, or any of the other time wasting unsocial sites sway elections? No. Listen - if you're a conservative, in particular a conservative Christian, you don't have a gaggle of commie Facecrap friends. In fact,you probably don't have any. Now reverse that. Do the commies have a basket full of deplorable friends? Nope. The uneducated willfully blind commies in this country do not give a fig what a conservative has to say. And other than to mock them, we don't pay any attention to the commies. I *do* have a problem when they start... more »
LEADERSHIP DOWN: The mainstream press corps [HEART] those "gaffes!"
*SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2019One aspect of Leadership Down:* Almost anywhere a person might look, he or she is likely to see some aspect of Leadership Down. This morning, we looked at New York magazine's Daily Intelligencer site. When we did, we found a three-person discussion of mainstream press gaffe culture. When did mainstream gaffe culture start? Did it start with Candidate Muskie's alleged or actual crying-based gaffe way back in 1972, when the world was still young? This ginormously-ballyhooed "gaffe" played a key role in bringing this Democratic front-runner down. We may revis... more »
Tyson chicken strip recall for metal pieces expanded to nearly 6000 tons
Arkansas’s Tyson Foods, Inc. has recalled approximately 11,829,517 million pounds of frozen, ready-to-eat chicken strip products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically pieces of metal, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). This recall is an expansion of the March 21, 2019 recall, which consisted of 69,093... Continue Reading
Another 'Jolly Little War'?
[image: undefined] Sure. Let’s invade Venezuela. Another jolly little war. It’s full of commies and has a sea of oil. The only thing those Cuban-loving Venezuelans lack are weapons of mass destruction. This week, leading US neocons openly threatened that if the CIA’s latest attempts to stage a coup to overthrow Venezuela’s Maduro government failed, Washington might send in the Marines. Well, the coup was a big fiasco and the Venezuelan army didn’t overthrow President Maduro. The CIA also failed to overthrow governments in Moscow, Tehran and Damascus. Its only "success" to date has ... more »
Democrats Don’t Get It on the Drug War
[image: undefined] After decades of working with Republicans to destroy people with their much-vaunted war on drugs, some Democrats are now coming out in favor of legalizing marijuana. Their change of position is a testament to the power of the shifting winds of public opinion. When the winds shift, so do the positions of many political types. Unfortunately, however, such Democrats continue to support the drug war with respect to other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, meth, and opioids. When it comes to freedom, Democrats, like Republicans, just don’t get it. In a genuinely free soc... more »
In *The New York Times,* Shane Goldmacher writes about Joe Biden's belief that Donald Trump is an aberration in our recent political history. The story is fine up to a point -- but it suggests that even the alternative view to Biden's puts most of the blame on Trump: “Limit it to four years,” Mr. Biden pleaded with a ballroom crowd of 600 in the eastern Iowa city of Dubuque. “History will treat this administration’s time as an aberration.” ... Mr. Biden’s singular focus on the president as the source of the nation’s ills, while extending an olive branch to Republicans, has exposed ... more »
Fact: AOC's Plan For Climate Change Costs Much, Much Less Than The Republican Party Plan
As we mentioned Friday, when Pelosi appendage Ben Ray Luján noticed this his Senate primary opponent, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, is already campaigning on the Green New Deal, AND that his state party had unanimously endorsed the Green New Deal, he crapped his pants and then scurried over to AOC's office to ask to be a co-sponsor of her Green New Deal legislation. On May Day, Luján became the 94th co-sponsor of what is arguably the most important resolution introduced in Congress for over a decade. The pushback from the establishment special interests and their corr... more »
Otto Warmbier’s mom says Korean cops “absolute evil”
Re: Otto Warmbier … My condolences, but what about John Christopher Walter who was murdered by the AMERICAN cops in Fremont County Colorado, in custody, 5 years ago, tortured to death and denied medical treatment, over 18 days, without a single hearing. He was 54 years old, weighed 110 pounds when arrested and weighed 90... more »
This Day In Iraqi History - May 4
1941 British bombed Iraqi air bases in Baghdad and Baquba Destroyed or damaged 29 planes in Baghdad 14 in Baquba 1941 British bombers arrived at Habaniya airbase in Anbar from Egypt while Iraqis continued to shell base 150 UK troops also flown into base 1941 British troops in Habaniya base in Anbar attacked and failed to take Sin al-Dhibban used to cross Euphrates and supply Iraqi troops outside base 1941 British dropped leaflets on Baghdad saying war was with Gaylani govt not Iraqi people 1941 Regent broadcast radio message asking people not to follow Gaylani govt Baghdad radio... more »
Weekend reads: The Trump administration gets something right about science; a journal refuses a metaphor; should journals use Nazi science?
The week at Retraction Watch featured an expression of concern following a journalist's questions; a kind of plagiarism that software will miss; and researchers who blamed a ghostwriter for plagiarism. Here's what was happening elsewhere.
Chapter 25 Dunblane Massacre: Scottish Children’s Sacrificial Slaughter for Gun Control and 100-Year Masonic VIP Pedophilia Cover-up Part Two
A huge rabbit hole never probed at all in the Hamilton murder mystery-Dunblane Massacre story is Thomas Hamilton’s connection to another Dunblane school – Queen Victoria School, a full scholarship education for sons of career enlisted soldiers since 1908.[i] As birds of a feather working the same henhouse together, Hamilton was very close friends with Queen Victoria School’s senior housemaster and fellow Freemason Ben Philip. [ii]Similar to how Jimmy Savile was granted free access to vulnerable children, the former whistleblowing QVS housemaster Glenn Harrison went public claiming t... more »
Chapter 25 Dunblane Massacre: Scottish Children’s Sacrificial Slaughter for Gun Control and 100-Year Masonic VIP Pedophilia Cover-up Part One
The Dunblane Massacre of 16 schoolchildren and their teacher on March 13, 1996 offered the international crime cabal not only the excuse to justify its agenda to eliminate law abiding citizens’ right to bear arms to protect their families from those bent on taking their rights away, but it also afforded the opportunity to close ranks to conceal from public exposure its vast pedophilia network stretching throughout a long embedded home of Freemasonry - Scotland. By eliminating a “suicided” Thomas Hamilton as a gun toting, lone nut monster, minimizing his history as a boy procurer an... more »
The F-22 Is One Tough Stealth Fighter (But It Has Just 1 Problem)
*War Is Boring* *Technology, Americas* [image: (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman John Linzmeier)] Can it be fixed? *But in January 1989, the U.S. Air Force put a cap on the cost of the F-22’s avionics at $9 million per aircraft in production. At that time, Lockheed’s paper design had over $16 million of avionics in each aircraft.* America’s F-22 Raptor is one of the world’s most advanced warplanes. But it has several weaknesses. For one, it’s blind in the infrared though several of its potential rivals have infrared-search-and-track sensors, effectively allowing th... more »
What If D-Day Failed?
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* [image: By Operations Greenwood and Pomegranate Normandy July 1944 EN.svg: Philg88Derivative work: Hogweard - Operations Greenwood and Pomegranate Normandy July 1944 EN.svg, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69750501] History reimagined. The Normandy Invasion (code-named Operation Neptune) was the largest amphibious invasion in the history of armed conflict. It combined efforts from nearly 290 escort vessels, 5,000 landing and assault craft, and 160,000 troops. Casualties in the first 24 hours of the invasion ... more »
Shootout: Sig Sauer's P320 vs. Glock's 19 (Which Is Better?)
*Gun News Daily* *Security, * [image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/3in2out/8534662317] Maybe a tie? One of the most common questions we get asked here at GND is whether you should buy a Glock 19 or a Sig P320. Both are great guns, of course, as proven by their loyal followings, but there seems to be no real consensus on which is the best. In some ways, the story of the Sig P320 is a strange one. When it was released, nobody really paid it any attention. It was just another 9mm handgun, much like the dozens of similar pistols that are released each year. However, then the US Ar... more »
MAY Bank Holiday Open Thread
MADAY ... --- ... Don't be distressed new Open Thread
From Australia: The Great Electricity Ripoff (Another Tale of “Climate Change” Screwing Up Markets)
This video is from a fine Australian political / science blog names The Saltbush Club (link at end of post). Here the blogger interviews Ian Plimer. Ian Rutherford Plimer (born 12 February 1946) is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, previously a professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies (bio from Wikipedia). Plimer’s inside-the-utility-business perspective is revealing, as it shows what happens when corporations following the profit motive... more »
Saturday’s History Lesson, from Mercedes-Benz
We need the occasional break from the endless narrative of Mueller – Nadler – Rooshia – Omar. So here’s one of the finest adverts I’ve seen for any product, let alone an automobile. Click on fullscreen, and enjoy! What is “ligroin”? Per Wikipedia: Ligroin is the petroleum fraction consisting mostly of C7 and C8 hydrocarbons and boiling in the range 90‒140 ℃ (194–284 °F); commonly used as a laboratory solvent.[1] The name ligroin (or ligroine or ligroïne) appeared as early as 1866.[note 1] — SafeSpace —
Legislators do your job – I have a dream
I have a dream of legislators working together. I have a dream that leaders like McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy and Pence will sit down with a to-do list and find common ground to pass needed legislation to help people. Stabilizing … Continue reading →
Venezuela: Establishment Talking Points Translation Key
Things keep heating up in Venezuela, with possible “military options” now being seriously discussed at the Pentagon. And of course you know what that means! That’s right, it means we can expect to see even more lies and manipulations from the political/media class as the […]
May God Forgive Them
May God Forgive Them and Other Gaffes. Those who self-identify as fundamentally ‘good’ and ‘right-thinking’ (as opposed to wrong-thinking) invariably support the Palestinians. It’s a core position of Corbyn’s Labour Party. One of the first ‘actions’ a Corbyn gov’mnt has pledged to take is to formally recognise a Palestinian State. A noble gesture, if useless, futile and stupid. As it’s so topical, here are some observations about antisemitism. I’m afraid it will be a long read. Too many words, my dear Mozart. Far too long for a blog post. TL;DR, I think is the expression. I don’t... more »
Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…
Did you hear about the conviction of John Kapoor, the former chairman of the drug-maker, Insys Therapeutics? Is this what Trump has in mind for ALL of Big Pharma? Let’s hope so… Here’s the link from Yahoo News if you want to read the full article. I’ll hit the high and low points. By Kent … Continue reading Big Pharma Gives Doctors a Lap Dance, but “WE” All Get Screwed…
Sen. Blackburn Continues to Lie to and Deceive TN Voters
The paragraph below is from the most recent weekly propaganda sheet, the *Blackburn Report*. Below that is my response. Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. The Attorney General told me he believed the Special Counsel’s investigation was exhaustive. We now know the President did not collude with the Russians, and the Attorney General did not recommend any obstruction charges. Yet I remain concerned about the politicized culture among a select group of FBI and Justice Department empl... more »
Toto’s Latest Research
Toto wishes everyone would take global warming as seriously as he does.
Infuriating Facebook Post Shows TSA Destroy Ashes of Man’s Dead Mom—to Keep You Safe
[image: tsa]A man travelling to Aspen to carry out his mother's dying wishes of having her ashes spread there was detained by TSA who destroyed his mother's cremains.
WATCH: Cop Loses It, Kicks & Stomps Incapacitated Man in Medical Area for Knocking on the Door
[image: medical]A man being held in a medical pod over a misdemeanor charge was savagely attacked by a crazed cop who appeared to be practicing for the UFC.
Another ‘Jolly Little War’?
Sure. Let’s invade Venezuela. Another jolly little war. It’s full of commies and has a sea of oil. The only thing those Cuban-loving Venezuelans lack are weapons of mass destruction. This week, leading US neocons openly threatened that if the CIA’s latest attempts to stage a coup to overthrow Venezuela’s […]
Eagles subdue stubborn Suns, Bulldogs beat Tigers in AFL upset
Just In - 13 hours ago
The Eagles hold off a spirited Suns outfit and the Bulldogs upset the Tigers, while the Giants, Lions and Demons enjoy their respective AFL victories.
Should I Stop Taking Lipitor?
That is the question I get asked very often. Whether in person, by email, or on social media, people want to know. The answer is…Yes. But let’s discuss the issue a little more. Disclaimer…Speak with your doctor before stopping any drug. Why are you on the statin? Many MD’s think statins should be in the […] The post Should I Stop Taking Lipitor? appeared first on The Drs. Wolfson.
9 Warning Signs that You May Need a Vitamin D Supplement
Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays many imperative roles in the body. It is so important to the body’s functioning that when the sun hits the cholesterol in your skin your body will manufacture vitamin D. Recent research has revealed that vitamin D has many significant […] The post 9 Warning Signs that You May Need a Vitamin D Supplement appeared first on The Drs. Wolfson.
West Africa's Fine Line Between Cultural Norms and Child Trafficking
Global Issues News Headlines - 14 hours ago
COTONOU, Benin, May 03 (IPS) - This is part of a series of features from across the globe on human trafficking. IPS coverage is supported by the Riana Group. On a bus in Cotonou, Benin's commercial capital, four Nigerian girls aged between 15 and 16 sit closely together as they are about to embark on the last part of their journey to Mali, where they are told that their new husbands, whom they never have met, await them. Read the full story, “West Africa's Fine Line Between Cultural Norms and Child Trafficking”, on globalissues.org →
Want Social Change? Give Communities More Agency
Global Issues News Headlines - 14 hours ago
DEWAS, India, May 03 (IPS) - No external force can bring about real change in society. Only the community itself can. Read the full story, “Want Social Change? Give Communities More Agency”, on globalissues.org →
Like A Hole In The Head
Jason Kenny is quite a piece of work. Two weeks after being elected premier of Alberta, he was in Ontario, speaking to Ontarians. After all, Kenny was born in Oakville. But he's been around the block. Martin Regg Cohn writes: He has seen politics from different perspectives and provinces; he was born in Ontario, raised in Manitoba, settled in Saskatchewan, moved to Alberta, all the while shifting from the Liberal Party to Reform, the Canadian Alliance, the federal Conservatives, and now Alberta’s United Conservative Party. He's a political opportunist, who's willing to push the c... more »
LaRouche’s Unfinished War for a New World Economic Order — Class #2
World Land-Bridge New International Economic Order Class #2: LaRouche’s Unfinished War for a New World Economic Order Video of Class #2: LaRouche’s Unfinished War for a New World Economic Order *Join us Saturday LIVE at 1:30pm eastern.* Featured speaker: Dennis Small, Ibero-America editor, EIR. The story of the fight for a just New World Economic Order (NWEO) based on North-South cooperation and development, is a perfect case study of how ideas, and in fact only ideas, create history. The ideas around which the initial battles of the war for a NWEO were fought, especially in the per... more »
UK Defence Secretary who pushed Skripal hoax fired by Theresa May (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 158. The post UK Defence Secretary who pushed Skripal hoax fired by Theresa May (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
The U.S. Military Combat Trainer That Began As a Crazy Good PC Game
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * [image: https://www.dvidshub.net/image/5228337/tank-live-fire-under-storm] One very interesting story. (ON PIC: Center on the tank firing.) In 1993, Bruce Sterling traveled to the Army’s National Training Center in the Mojave Desert to write the cover article for the first-ever issue of Wired Magazine. The subject was the military’s use of new virtual reality technology to train US soldiers — and their commanders, all the way up the chain — to fight entire, integrated conventional wars without firing actual bullets. “Seamless simulation,” as the mi... more »
D-Day: 5 People Who Were There Tell Us What They Saw (And Made History)
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* [image: By US Army Signal Corps - here; archived here, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1250742] 5 first-hand accounts you need to know about. The invasion of Normandy was one of the most audacious military campaigns in history. Nearly three million Allied personnel would participate in or support the Normandy operations. Operation Overlord landed 132,715 soldiers on the beaches and dropped approximately 20,000 paratroopers behind enemy lines. But what was it really like to live through Operation Overlord?... more »
Maroon 5 Comes to VillaMix Festival in São Paulo
By Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Maroon 5 has announced that it already has a commitment to Brazil in July. The band will perform at VillaMix in São Paulo, the largest music festival in the country! The last time they were in the country was in 2017, at Rock In Rio. The band will […] The post Maroon 5 Comes to VillaMix Festival in São Paulo appeared first on The Rio Times.
Russia and China Would Try and Blind the U.S. Military In a War
*Stratfor Worldview* *Technology, Asia* [image: (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Javier Alvarez)] The idea is simple: kill the satellites. Would it work? Another country, another test, yet more debris floating through the crowded realm of near-orbit space. On March 27, India became the latest country to carry out an anti-satellite (ASAT) test resulting in debris. India sought to frame the test as a sign of its prowess in space, but on a global level, the event serves as an important wake-up call about the risks of ASAT-related technology. More and more countries are develo... more »
China's Military Can't Conquer Taiwan Just Yet: Pentagon Report
*David Axe* *Security, * Beijing does, however, have options for attacking Taiwan that do not involve a full-scale blockade or invasion. “The PLA is capable of accomplishing various amphibious operations short of a full-scale invasion of Taiwan,” the American report explains. The Chinese military still lacks the ability decisively to conquer Taiwan by way of a full-scale amphibious invasion, according to the 2019 edition of the U.S. Defense Department’s *annual report on Chinese military developments*. “An attempt to invade Taiwan would likely strain China’s armed forces and in... more »
Skunk Works: They Helped Create the F-22, F-35, U-2 Spyplane and F-117 Stealth Fighter
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, United States* The U.S. military owes this group a big debt of gratitude. In June 1943, aeronautical engineer Clarence “Kelly” Johnson received a momentous request. The Nazis were only a year away from deploying the first operational jet fighter into service in World War II, which would have a tremendous speed advantage over Allied piston-engine fighters. The Pentagon wanted Johnson to develop an operational jet fighter, using then-new turbojet engines as quickly as possible—and it didn’t want Johnson to wait for the fine print to be signed in the co... more »
Russia's Navy: No More Aircraft Carrier or Big Battlecruisers?
*David Axe* *Security, * What the Kremlin once achieved with huge, oceangoing battlecruisers, it now aims to achieve with lightweight corvettes armed with sophisticated, long-range missiles. The Russian navy’s transformation is accelerating. More large ships are decommissioning and smaller vessels are taking their place, reshaping what was once a major global force into a new kind of regional fleet. But that doesn’t mean the Russian navy won’t still be a threat to Western interests. What the Kremlin once achieved with huge, oceangoing battlecruisers, it now aims to achieve with... more »
Behold: These are the 5 Best Military Sniper Rifles Around
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * They will kill you. Period. The modern sniper rifle rose to prominence in the 1980s as a critical tool for counterterrorist teams and continued to prove itself on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Advancements in optics, bullet, and manufacturing technology have allowed sniper rifles to reach out to further than ever before, so fielding a modern sniper rifle is important for many militaries. Here are some that could be considered the best. *1. L115A4* Accuracy International (AI) is considered to have pioneered the modern sniper rifle with thei... more »
Meet the 'Flash': This Rocket Launcher Was the U.S. Army’s Last Flamethrower
*War Is Boring* *Technology, * [image: https://wearethemighty-img.rbl.ms/simage/https%3A%2F%2Fassets.rbl.ms%2F18696802%2F1200x600.jpg/2000%2C2000/6Wsm%2Bq6I2b%2BLvSNK/img.jpg] It was better than carrying a fuel tank on your back. To be on the receiving end of a flamethrower is surely terrifying, but man-portable versions have their limitations. The big one is that they essentially turn their users into vulnerable, lumbering gas tanks. Besides, the fire-spitting weapons have very short ranges, forcing soldiers to move dangerously close to their targets. After World War II, the U.... more »
*Harvard condoned sexual harassment of students for many years* *Morality conspicuously lacking, in keeping with its amoral Leftist ethos. It's only publicity that they fear* For decades, Harvard government students warned each other to wear heavy clothing and avoid late-afternoon appointments with the university’s renowned Cuba expert and one-time vice provost Jorge Dominguez to fend off his inappropriate behavior. But little was done, in what an internal report now calls a “deplorable situation” and a “prolonged institutional failure.” Dominguez’s behavior was a “open secret” un... more »
Trivia : May 4th
These things happened on this date…. Iraq War May 4, 2003 Secretary of State Colin Powell on WMDs: “I’m absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming. We’re just getting it just now.”Previously in 2001 he had stated, “He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction.” Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 National Guardsmen kill four unarmed students of Kent State University (Ohio) during a Vietnam War protest. Two of the students killed were bystanders. Mob beats Freedom Riders in Birmingha... more »
*Maine becomes 1st state to ban single-use foam containers* Maine has banned single-use food and drink containers made from polystyrene foam, commonly known as Styrofoam, becoming the first state to do so. Democratic Gov. Janet Mills signed the bill, which takes effect in 2021, into law Tuesday. Environmental groups have sought such bans amid rising public awareness of throwaway plastic that accumulates in the oceans, but the Natural Resources Council of Maine said that Maine is the first state to enact a ban. Similar legislation passed Maryland’s Legislature in April, but it’s u... more »
Allan Bloom on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Plato's Allegory of the Cave by Jan Saenredam (1604)In his interpretive essay on Plato’s the *Republic*, Allan Bloom offers an interesting interpretation of the Platonic Allegory of the Cave. Here’s an excerpt: “After initiating Glaucon into the mysteries of this divine beauty, Socrates turns to an elaboration of the relationship of the philosophic soul to the city. The divided line described the soul's progress from its lowest level of cognition, imagination, to trust, thought, and finally intellection, its highest level. But now Socrates makes clear that this is not a simple move...more »
UK Health Secretary ‘Won’t Rule Out’ Compulsory Vaccinations
Matt Hancock the UK's Health Secretary has stated that anti-vaxxers have 'Blood on their hands' and hasn't ruled out bringing in compulsory vaccinations to increase vaccination rates. The post UK Health Secretary ‘Won’t Rule Out’ Compulsory Vaccinations appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
Shorten one sandwich short of a Birdsville picnic
Racing to the Power Point in Birdsville When 2,000 electric cars towing caravans descend on the Birdsville races, where do they charge their batteries overnight? Take a ticket and join the queue? Viv Forbes Advertisements
Israel Launches Massive Airstrikes On Gaza Killing and Injuring Palestinians
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2:30 P.M)- Israel has struck dozens of sites throughout the Gaza Strip, killing another man and critically injuring others. Following Israel’s murder of 4 Palestinians yesterday, the armed wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza both committed to delivering a response to the Israeli aggression. During this Friday’s ‘Great Return March’ protests, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
North Korea defies Trump with new missile launches in Sea of Japan
North Korea on Saturday fired a barrage of short-range missiles in the direction of the Sea of Japan, the Yonhap news agency reported citing South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). Pyongyang “fired multiple rounds of unidentified missiles from its east coast town of Wonsan in the northeastern direction between 9:06 a.m. and 9:27 a.m. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
If We Don't Deal With Biden's Career Of Corruption Now, During The Primaries, Trump Will Be Happy To In The General
The same establishment hacks-- think Neera Tanden of the grotesquely corrupted Center for American Progress, for example-- who foisted Hillary Clinton on the Democratic Party (bringing us Trump) now want us to get behind another Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden-- and for many of the same shiny reasons. Hillary represented the status quo establishment then; Biden does now. She was the most experienced candidate ever then; he is now. She did have one thing about her that everyone was genuinely excited about: she would have been the first woman president. He has nothing at all. His entire... more »
From Jenna Orkin FBI Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet Trump Aide in 2016 These tree-planting drones are firing seed missiles to restore the world’s forestsNPR: Dangers of Dengue Vaccine Yellow Vests mutilated by 'sublethal' police weapons form their own anti-brutality association - RTScientists made a huge leap towards eliminating HIV after an 8-year drug study found 'effectively zero' risk of transmitting the virus A California bill aims to keep Trump off the 2020 primary ballot unless he releases at least 5 years of his tax returns US Military Reports Massive Spike... more »
No More Measles, Lots More Autism: Dan Olmsted on Vaccine Mandates
Note: Dan wrote this post in 2016. It holds truer than ever today, when vaccine mandates and pushes to eliminate exemptions are raging from coast to coast. I miss Dan so much. Our anchor. Our beacon. The General of the... more »
New Book Called Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness
Mental illness, Rx drug treatment and abuse, side effects, black boxes... what is the state of mental health in 2019? Our Anne Dachel's site lossofbraintrust.com has been cataloging the demise of education around the world as children as young as... more »
Ebola: the numbers tell their own story
The grim statistics of the current Ebola outbreak in north-western Congo are, frankly, horrifying to those who know the disease, and know the area. The Telegraph reports: According to the DRC Ministry of Health, 1,008 people have died from the deadly virus, including 942 confirmed deaths and 66 probable. There have been 1,529 cases since the outbreak began last August - less than a third of those infected have survived. * . . .* On Tuesday, the DRC's Ministry of Health confirmed that 26 people had died from the virus – the highest death toll on a single day. And with 126 new inf... more »