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10 pm MDT
10 pm MDT
What an Embarrassment and Mockery of Journalism They Have All Become......
*THE STUPIDEST WORDS EVER SPOKEN* On Sunday’s CNN's super-ironically-named Reliable Sources, in light of what the left-wing media has been screaming for nearly 800 days having been shown to be wrong and utterly bankrupt, the irrelevant Watergate dinosaur Carl Bernstein, reveling again in the bright lights of the media attention, took time out from repeating the exact same thing he's been saying night after night for over two years to celebrated just how stellar a job the media has done: “Look — let’s look at where the disinformation and mistakes and lying have come from. It hasn’... more »
Mueller Report Decimates 'Russiagate' Hoax - What's Next?
The two-plus year great hoax has come to an end. Trump is not Putin's puppet, as the vast majority of the mainstream media and Democrats have claimed. There was no "collusion" with Russia. So after so much wasted time and money, where do US/Russia relations stand and where should they be heading? What does it mean for the Venezuela regime change operation? Tune in to today's Liberty Report:
Now We Will Find Out If Trump Is Really The President Or Merely A Figurehead
[image: undefined] What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”? We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations. We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party. W... more »
Have we liberals been propagandized?
*MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2019The pain of the Mueller report:* At this point, what should we think of William Barr's account of the Mueller report? We largely agree with Kevin Drum. People should think Barr's account is *extremely* sketchy. Click here, but also click this. A great deal remains unexplained about the Mueller report. That includes the question of why Robert Mueller didn't state an opinion as to whether Donald J. Trump committed obstruction of justice. (Full disclosure: as a political matter, we regard that as an arcane, essentially insignificant point.) Why didn't Mueller ...more »
Rudy Giuliani Discusses Mueller Report Findings…
Speaking with “Fox & Friends” after the Mueller report found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, issued a cryptic warning Monday that whoever convinced the FBI to pursue the Russia collusion investigation into the Trump … Continue reading →
Chairman Lindsey Graham Holds a Press Conference on Mueller Report…
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham holds a press conference after receiving the Principal Conclusion notification from AG William Barr. Within this presser Lindsey Graham starts the process toward public discussion of investigations against the FBI and DOJ around the … Continue reading →
Newberry College Announces New Tuition Promise Program For Incoming Freshmen, Transfer Students
Newberry College has announced the launch of a new program called Tuition Promise, which would freeze tuition for incoming freshmen and transfer students for the next four years while they attend the school. The program does not apply to room and board costs. “Our goal is to ensure that families have a financial aid plan […]
USF Names Dr. Steve Currall Next President
Dr. Steve Currall, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Southern Methodist University, has been named the next president of the University of South Florida (USF). He will succeed Dr. Judy Genshaft, who recently announced plans to step down as president after 19 years at the university. “I am thrilled to be selected to […]
State Restrictions Impede Developmental Education While Minority-Serving Institutions Find Success
A staggering amount of first year college students enter into institutions of higher education underprepared - research suggests 40 percent annually, and this figure is disproportionately comprised of racial minorities and low-income students. To prepare students for the academic demands of college, institutions endeavor to bridge the “knowledge” gap with developmental or remedial coursework. Recent decades have brought increased restrictions on remediation at public institutions.
St. Catherine University Explores Octavia Butler’s ‘Parable of the Sower’
Reading African-American science fiction writer Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower instilled in Ashley Chavez an understanding that “anyone and everyone” can make a change. As a St. Catherine University student leader participating in the university’s year-long integrated learning experience centered around Butler’s work, Chavez is among a host of students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members engaging in conversations related to the book’s themes of hope and change, transformative leadership, immigration, religion and more.
March Madness? It’s Not Just Basketball
March Madness — higher ed’s Springtime PR-fest known as the NCAA men’s basketball tournament — usually refers to when the spotlight catches underdogs like the University of California Irvine (UCI) Anteaters.
GHCN v4 1000 M Station Changes
Change in high altitude stations over time in GHCN v4 in graphs. Continue reading →
Trump Derangement Worsens, Despite Mueller Report, Dems Still Think He Committed a Crime
[image: trump-derangement-worsens-despite-mueller-report-dems-still-think-he-committed-a-crime] The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not, as some hoped, end the speculation that President Trump conspired with Russia to win the election and then obstructed justice to keep law-enforcement authorities from prosecuting him.
2:00PM Water Cooler Special: Mueller Time
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51 “They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune 2020 Readers, here is a standalone Water Cooler on the Mueller report. Needless to say, I haven’t been […]
New Jersey lawmakers cancel vote on adult-use cannabis bill
New Jersey lawmakers called off their scheduled vote Monday on a bill to legalize adult-use marijuana after Gov. Phil Murphy failed to persuade enough lawmakers to support the legislation. In the short term, New Jersey misses an opportunity to legalize an industry that was projected by Marijuana Business Daily to generate $1.2 billion-$1.5 billion in annual […] New Jersey lawmakers cancel vote on adult-use cannabis bill is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Today I watched CNN
Today I actually watched CNN. It was an interview with Sarah Sanders and she demolished the interviewer. When his last whine was "what about obstruction of justice?" She just said, "You can't obstruct a crime that never happened." It lasted over 5 minutes (seemed like 10) but this clip I found it the CNN website has been edited down to about 2.5 minutes, with the interviewer doing most of the talking and regurgitation the usual media lies. I can see why people who watch CNN are so confused and unpatriotic. more »
Dating violence in middle school?
My jaw dropped when I saw this study. Reducing dating violence/partner abuse among middle school boys. What?! And then it got even more strange--to participate they had to "identify as male" i.e. it's possible some of these were girls, and the parents had to speak English, which means in those schools, immigrants were probably not included. Also interesting, but not surprising was 91% of the parents who participated in the focus groups with their sons were mothers. William Farrell in "The Boy Crisis" notes that boys without father involvement are more likely to be violent and in ... more »
Israel Military Has Begun Carrying Out Strikes On Hamas Targets In Gaza
*Reuters:* *Israeli military says has begun striking Hamas in Gaza* JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Monday it had begun carrying out strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, hours after a Palestinian rocket hit a house near Tel Aviv. Reuters witnesses heard explosions in Gaza. The military said in a statement that it had “begun striking Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip.” One position hit was a Hamas naval position west of Gaza City, and a another was a large Hamas training camp in northern Gaza, Palestinian security officials and Hamas media o... more »
2:00PM Water Cooler 3/25/2019
Today's Water Cooler: National activity, manufacturing, 737 softwar fix, the Fed and inflation, recession signals, carbon markets, Missouri flooding, grazing lands and carbon capture, cliimate and disease, Mount Everest, kale, the Sacklers, Amazon strike, Uber/Lyft strike, Internet of Sh*t
If Truth Be Told About Cowpox & Smallpox Diseases Scientific Differences That Caused A Pharmaceutical Fairytale
By Catherine J. Frompovich “I hope that someday the practice of producing cowpox in human beings will spread over the world – when that day... more »
Watch out for terror attacks this Easter season
I note that ISIS/ISIL, though territorially defunct in the Middle East, is preaching retaliation for the Christchurch mosque shootings. The spokesman of the Islamic State emerged from nearly six months of silence on Monday to mock America’s assertion of having defeated the group and to call for retaliation over last week’s mosque attacks in New Zealand. “The scenes of the massacres in the two mosques should wake up those who were fooled, and should incite the supporters of the caliphate to avenge their religion,” the spokesman, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, said in a 44-minute audio recor... more »
Can gravitinos form some Cooper pairs?
The cosmological constant problem is hard. Many people have said it was the deepest problem in physics, especially around 2000 when this proposition was fashionable. But there's no guarantee that its resolution would transform all of physics. The right solution could very well be an idea that is isolated from the rest of fundamental physics. Why is the cosmological constant positive yet so small? Like \(10^{-122}\)? The most boring solution is the multiverse solution in which our Universe is chosen from a large number, of more than \(10^{122}\), potential Universes. Life can't form ...more »
“Torture, Plain and Simple”: Manning’s Supporters Demand Her Release From Solitary Confinement
By Julia Conley Supporters of U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning are demanding she be released from solitary confinement, in which she has been held for... more »
Chile - Razones para rechazar el TPP-11: Derechos y leyes laborales - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Estas razones hacen innegable la necesidad de rechazar el CPTPP y hacen extremadamente peligroso que el gobierno de Chile busque hoy aprobar un tratado de tan nefastas consecuencias mediante la vía rápida y sin permitir una discusión seria y responsable.
Chile: Bancada transversal #NoAlTPP en gestación - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 La semana que se inicia el lunes 25 podría ser decisiva para consolidar un voto transversal contra el TPP, construido a pulso social.
African free trade agreement one country closer to reality - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is nearing reality as only one country is left to ratify the Agreement for the deal to reach the 22 countries required for the Agreement to effectively come into force.
Le rapport final du dialogue tripartite sur l'ALECA devrait être publié en mai 2019 - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Les recommandations dudit rapport sont entre autres l'accélération de la création de l'Instance du développement durable et des droits des générations futures.
Why NZ must get rid of ISDS now - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Australia's costs for tobacco case it won show why NZ must get rid of ISDS now.
UK will be forced to accept US food standards in a Brexit trade deal with Trump, warns former trade chief - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 The UK will be forced to accept US demands for the UK to change its food safety standards if it enters into a post-Brexit trade deal with the Trump administration
Piñera, Bolsonaro set roadmap to boost relationship between Chile and Brazil - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 The presidents of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, and of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, set a road map to give new impetus to the bilateral relationship, especially in the commercial sphere with the negotiation of a free trade agreement.
Libre échange : l'accord UE-Australie achoppe sur les AOP - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Le troisième tour de négociations commence le 25 mars et la question la plus délicate est celle des appellations d'origine protégée, dont l'Union européenne exige le respect aux autorités australiennes.
L'Italie rejoint les « nouvelles routes de la soie » de la Chine - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 L'Italie devient ainsi le premier pays membre du G7 à intégrer ce projet pharaonique d'infrastructures maritimes et terrestres lancé en 2013.
End of Tanzania, Netherlands pact nears - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 The preferential protection of bilateral investments between Tanzania and the Netherlands is likely to cease next month but the protection for investments made before the date of termination continues to apply for a period of 15 years (until 1 April 2034).
How palm oil sparked a diplomatic row between Europe and southeast Asia - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 From threats to cancel UK defence deals to pledges to stop imports of Norwegian salmon, European moves to restrict palm oil have enraged Malaysia and Indonesia.
France conditions support for opening US trade talks - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 France wants to secure guarantees on environmental protection and access to public procurement markets before moving forward into new trade talks with the US.
Macron fixe ses conditions sur un accord commercial entre l'UE et les États-Unis - 10 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Parmi les conditions se trouvent l'exclusion de l'agriculture, la présence de garanties environnementales, l'ouverture des marchés publics ou l'abandon définitif du TTIP.
LGBT Muslims in Brunei face whipping, being stoned to death under new laws
Just In - 10 hours ago
Brunei is moving to increase punishment of LGBT people with brutal measures postponed in 2014 following a global outcry, becoming the first Asian country to introduce the death penalty for homosexuality.
The "Shrinking Middle Class" In One Chart
It's shrinking, but only because folks are getting wealthier. via the always terrific Mark Perry
UK COLUMN: Mueller’s Failure Explained, Brexit’s Constitutional Crisis
*UK Column* | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen break down the top early week news stories.
Support System: Why the Taiwan Relations Act Matters
*Kent Wang* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] This is what Washington should do to help its ally Taipei. This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), one of the most important components of U.S. policy toward Taiwan. In addition to President Ronald Reagan’s 1982 Six Assurances, the TRA forms the cornerstone of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, providing unequivocal guidance for relations between both allies. Moreover, Taiwan is a U.S. ally whose progress has been an inspiration to all those still suffering under repressive governments. Taiwan’s vibrant ... more »
From Russia, with Bullets: Here's Moscow Newest Tanks, Guns and "Cannons"
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * Can they compete with America? *When it comes to establishing a foothold in the highly competitive, politically fraught Gulf market, Rosoboronexport has their work cut out for them. Nonetheless, Russia’s ambitious lineup of air defense systems and modernized heavy weapons speaks to a rising confidence in their ability to carve out a greater slice of the high-end arms market over the coming decade.* Since 2010, Rosoboronexport-- Russia’s state defense export agency-- has *made great strides *in breaking into the Southeast Asian arms market. However,... more »
End the Afghan War—Don’t Prolong It
*Daniel L. Davis* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Donald Trump should follow his instincts and bring the troops home. Senators Rand Paul and Tom Udall have recently introduced legislation that would effectively end the war in Afghanistan within twelve months. Whether this effort gets any traction remains to be seen, but the substance and intent of the bill is sound: For the security and benefit of the country, it is time to end the war and redeploy American troops back to their home bases. Movement from Congress on this issue could be especially important given the sti... more »
An Insider's Guide to Russia's Political Interference Preferences
*Nikolas K. Gvosdev* *Security, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] Russia may have less propensity to duplicate the tactics utilized during the U.S., French and German elections in other parts of the world. Over the past several years, it has been asserted that a key parameter of Russian global strategy is to undermine democracies. This narrative helps to define the strategic partnership between Russia and China as an “axis of autocracies.” Yet the question needs to be probed more deeply. Does the Kremlin seek to undermine democracies because of an ideological dislike of that form of gov... more »
F-35 Rules: Why the Air Force Needs to Move on from the F-15 Fantasy
*William R. Looney* *Security, * " "From a unit cost perspective, there is no debate – the F-35 is by far the more affordable option, by nearly $20 million." *Rather than clinging to Cold War era platforms that are quickly being outpaced by the enemy, the USAF must stay the course to prioritize the acquisition and modernization of the 5th generation F-35 fleet, focus on operational readiness and invest in next-generation air dominance technology— we must not deviate from investing in 5th generation fighters. Our future, our country’s future, and our warfighter’s success and survi... more »
America's Nuclear Export Controls are Fundamentally Flawed
*Victor Gilinsky, Henry Sokolski* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] Washington must identify countries or regions that ought to not receive significant nuclear goods or technology, starting with the Middle East. Congressional battles over U.S. nuclear exports revolve around terms in civil cooperation agreements intended to protect against their diversion to military uses. The latest example is the whether the proposed agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should include a bar to uranium enrichment. It definitely should, but is this enough to keep the kingdom from making... more »
Afghanistan May Not Survive a U.S. Withdrawal
*Ahmed Charai* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] A careless U.S. departure will cause more problems than it solves. Before President Donald Trump recalls U.S. forces from Afghanistan, he should remember why they were sent there, eighteen years and two presidents ago. The September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, which killed nearly three thousand, were planned in a mud-brick house near Kandahar, when mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed first sat on the dirt floor across from Osama bin Laden in 1998. The murderous plot grew in meetings in safe houses and training cam... more »
Not an F-22 or F-35, But Still Deadly: Iran's Jet Fighters Can Kill
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * "This isn’t to say we will see a actual Iranian stealth fighter anytime soon, but if Iran can make their own engines, their own fuselages, and their own computer systems, it’s only a matter of time until they field something that we will have to be worried about." *The F-5 itself may be an aging design, but for the purposes of regional air defense and training (or in Syria offense) it may be good enough. If Iran has managed to integrate newer avionics and radar systems, the F-5 knock-off could be a threat to be wary of. And Iran begins to produce ... more »
What Does the Barr Letter Actually Say About Collusion?
Bill Barr speaks at his confirmation hearing to serve as attorney general on Jan. 15. (Credit: C-SPAN) The prevailing take on Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress on the Mueller report is summed up in the New York Times: “The investigation . . . found no evidence that President Trump or any of his aides coordinated with the Russian government’s 2016 election interference.” But a careful reading of Barr’s letter suggests that that may be wrong. In fact, Barr’s letter quotes Special Counsel Robert Mueller as stating that the investigation “did not establish that member... more »
the very stones [those who have not been moved by organized religion]
*Therefore *the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy: “If these [referring to those who count themselves among the religious] will hold their peace, then the very stones [those who have not been moved by organized religion] will cry out.” It is Our studied opinion that those whose minds are not clogged by an accumulation of mingled error and truth are often able to make greater progress in developing an awareness of God and serving with the ascended hosts than those who are in continual religious conflict within their own minds and with one another…. If the world were truly fr... more »
This was Nothing Short of a Failed COUP
The Tools of Tyranny: Biased Media Corrupt Progressive Politicians Socialists Corrupt Deep State and Law Enforcement Corrupt Investigators and Judges Biased Academia Hollywood Social Media Censorship Progressive NGOs True Collusion with Foreign Enemies Regulations that cripple our Essential Industries (Energy) The Preamble to the US Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order … Continue reading "This was Nothing Short of a Failed COUP"
14 Reasons New Yorkers Are Fleeing to Florida
By Mark J. Perry “Why New Yorkers Flee for Florida” is the title of Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal, here’s... more »
The Endocannabinoid System and the important role it plays in human health
Hemp has been outlawed in the U.S. since 1938. Thankfully, the latest Farm Bill signed into law at the end of 2018 makes it legal. In this interview, board-certified clinical nutritionist and expert on phytocannabinoids, Carl Germano, discusses the exciting implications of this change. >>>>Guys, I have my own line of CBD oil products, which […] The post The Endocannabinoid System and the important role it plays in human health appeared first on Health Nut News.
U.S. Government: DNA collected from newborn dried blood spots no longer protected from being used in human research
Baby DNA Will No Longer be Protected by Previously Enacted Consent Requirements By: Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom ST. PAUL, Minn.—The Office for Human Research Protections at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services used a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to issue a notice on federally funded research using newborn dried blood spots taken […] The post U.S. Government: DNA collected from newborn dried blood spots no longer protected from being used in human research appeared first on Health Nut News.
700 women in Colombia vaccinated with Gardasil sue Merck for $160 million: Researcher advises girls in Armenia to understand the risks
(Note from Erin: Although this article from Hetq is from 2017, the information is still true and important for us today.) Hetq explores the efficacy of the Gardasil vaccine imported to Armenia. The vaccine is supposed to prevent HPV (Human Papillomavirus – the most common sexually transmitted infection). Hetq contacted Mario Lamo-Jiménez, a journalist and […] The post 700 women in Colombia vaccinated with Gardasil sue Merck for $160 million: Researcher advises girls in Armenia to understand the risks appeared first on Health Nut News.
5G and Health — It’s Time to Get Some Skin in the Game
By Patricia Burke A cheerful recent pro-industry 5-minute video about 5G (fifth generation) telecommunication invites viewers to look forward to the faster download speeds. The... more »
What Do Airline Crashes and the Precious Metals Markets Have in Common?
By Clint Siegner Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration worked closely together to hustle a new passenger jet through the safety certification process. The combined... more »
Reviewing Paranoia
We often hear about “movies that are better than the book,” but rarely of “book reviews that are better than the book.” Cato’s Alex Nowrasteh has just published one such book review. Here’s Nowrasteh on Reihan Salam’s Melting Pot or Civil War? A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders: The gap in quality […] The post Reviewing Paranoia appeared first on Econlib.
What future for French “capitalism?”
One thing that always amazes me is how a free market economy is regularly the scapegoat of choice, even in societies that fall short of any sensible definition of “economic freedom”. Consider this Bloomberg piece, which advances the argument that “France’s Message for Capitalism Is Quite Simple: Adapt or Die”. The piece interprets the revolt […] The post What future for French “capitalism?” appeared first on Econlib.
Parkland Community Worried After 2 Survivors’ Suicides
"There are lots of resources out there, but everyone is in a different place with different levels of trauma and grief."
Internet Lashes Out at Cops After they Arrest ‘Hero’ for Stopping the Rape of a 5yo Boy
[image: arrested]A good Samaritan caught a 17-year-old male raping a 5-year-old boy so he stepped in to stop it. After the heroic act, however, he was arrested for assault.
U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo: US Will Not 'Stand Idly' As Russia Escalates Venezuela Tensions
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stands next to his airplane before boarding it to Beirut at Ben Gurion airport near Lod, Israel March 22, 2019. REUTERS/Jim Young/Pool *VOA: **Pompeo: US Will Not 'Stand Idly' as Russia Escalates Venezuela Tensions * U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned his Russian counterpart Monday that the United States will not "stand idly" as Russia escalates political tensions in Venezuela. "The continued insertion of Russian military personnel to support the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela risks prolonging the suffering of the Ve... more »
Massive Avocado Recall Announced Over Listeria Concerns (Including Organic Varieties), Six States Affected
Avocados from a major California producer, including organic ones, have been recalled over concerns that the fruits may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, a report from USA Today said. The recall was issued on Saturday by the Henry Avocado company after an inspection at its California packing facility led to “environmental samples” of its products testing positive, the company said in a statement, adding that there were no reported illnesses associated with the recall. Listeria monocytogenes is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young c... more »
The Daily Brief 2019-03-21
This is a summary of 12 AMN articles on the following subjects: Homs, Syria, Russia, US, Golan, Israel, Hama, Idlib, Iraq, ISIS, Iran, Netanyahu. We have changed our format from posting full articles to our steem readership to a summarized daily brief, as the article by article format is considered to be incompatible with steem […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Greenhouse Effect Refresher
Originally posted on Sierra Foothill Commentary: Atmospheric Gases: When discussing atmospheric gases, it is useful to refresh one’s memory of the relative concentrations of various gases. To be more useful these will be put in the same units, that is ppmv: parts per million by volume. In the idealized dry atmosphere: Nitrogen is about 78%…
World’s Best Teacher Prize and One Million Dollars Awarded to Kenyan Teacher from Impoverished Community
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
DUBAI, Mar 25 (IPS) - A maths and physical science teacher from an impoverished school in Kenya's Rift Valley, Peter Tabichi, has won the one million dollar Global Teacher Prize, becoming the first teacher from Africa to clinch the prize established to honour the profession. Read the full story, “World’s Best Teacher Prize and One Million Dollars Awarded to Kenyan Teacher from Impoverished Community”, on →
What They Need: Money, Resources, & a Seat at the Table
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
NEW YORK, Mar 25 (IPS) - Marcy Hersh is the Senior Manager for Humanitarian Advocacy at Women Deliver, whose Humanitarian Advocates Program elevates the voices of women, and the organizations they lead, to help ensure they have a seat at the decision-making table.As a long-time advocate, I've been invited to speak at dozens of global conferences about the needs of girls and women in humanitarian emergencies. Read the full story, “What They Need: Money, Resources, & a Seat at the Table”, on →
Q&A: "The Knowledge of Local Challenges Can Only Come from Working with People"
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
Mar 25 (IPS) - The remarkable story of an Adivasi lawyer and social activist who has led peoples' movements against state development policies, and sought redress for human rights violations of his people in conflict-ridden regions of Maharashtra. Read the full story, “Q&A: "The Knowledge of Local Challenges Can Only Come from Working with People"”, on →
Q&A: Why Treating Leprosy as a Special Disease Violates the Rights of the Person Affected by It
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
MAJURO, Mar 25 (IPS) - IPS Correspondent Stella Paul interviews DR ARTURO CUNANAN, one of the world's leading experts on leprosy and Medical Centre Chief of Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital in the Philippines.His multiple awards and degrees aside, Dr. Arturo Cunanan is known as a people's doctor; one who has profound belief in the human rights of every person affected by Hansen's disease, commonly known as leprosy. Read the full story, “Q&A: Why Treating Leprosy as a Special Disease Violates the Rights of the Person Affected by It”, on →
Words Matter: Trump and the Massacres in Christchurch
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
STOCKHOLM / ROME, Mar 25 (IPS) - I am the god of Hell Fire and I bring you fire. I'll take you to burn! Fire, I'll take you to learn. I'll see you burn! Jacob Louis PlantThese lyrics are from *Fire*, the only hit by *The Crazy World of Arthur Brown*, which in 1968 sold over one million singles. Brenton Tarrant played it in his car while he triumphantly left the *Al Noor Mosque* in Christchurch, New Zealand. He had just gunned down around 100 unarmed worshippers and was on his way to another mosque to continue the slaughter before Friday prayers ended on 15 March. H... more »
South-South Cooperation: a Path to Implementing UN’s 2030 Agenda
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
BUENOS AIRES, Mar 25 (IPS) - I see five issues that will be central to implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. South-South Cooperation can offer solutions to all of them. First, rising inequality both between and within countries is eroding trust and deepening a sense of injustice. Globalization has enabled many people to escape poverty – but its benefits are not shared equitably and its costs fall disproportionately on the poor and vulnerable. Read the full story, “South-South Cooperation: a Path to Implementin... more »
US House Judiciary, Intel & Oversight Statement On Trump AG Barr’s Interpretation Of The Mueller Report
“not withstanding the very public evidence of Trump campaign contact with and willingness to receive support from Russian agents – … Continue reading →
Duke settles case alleging data doctoring for $112.5 million
Retraction Watch readers may recall the name Erin Potts-Kant. We’ve been reporting on retractions by Potts-Kant, a former lab tech at Duke, since 2013. (The count is now 17.) Along the way, we learned that she had been convicted of embezzlement, but that there was a bigger story: There was a False Claims Act case … Continue reading Duke settles case alleging data doctoring for $112.5 million
Venezuela: Luminous, Elongated UFO over La Puerta
*Source: (Héctor Escalante)Date: 03.25.2019* *Venezuela: Luminous, Elongated UFO over La Puerta* CARACAS - March 22, 2019. An unidentified flying object of considerable dimensions, elongated and luminous, was photographed by a young man from Zulia at the La Puerta sector, Municipality of Valera, State of Trujillo, after 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, February 16. According to the story told by Friman Rodriguez, the event occurred as he and his cousin drove in a vehicle along the Pan American Highway, also known as Troncal 1, which links...more »
North Dakota Senate moves bill forward that might ease access to medical marijuana
North Dakota’s state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill aimed at increasing the number of residents who could gain certification to use medical cannabis. Medical marijuana firms took note of the move since it could boost the MMJ market in the conservative state. State Senators voted 43-0 in favor of removing a requirement in state law […] North Dakota Senate moves bill forward that might ease access to medical marijuana is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Heavy Rains Flood Syria/Iraq Border Crossing - Vital to Kurds (ISIS too)
*For years PFYT's has explained, clearly and concisely, how it was that ISIS & PKK/YPG came into Syria through Iraq- Discussing various routes etc., While claims to the otherwise were made the facts always spoke for themselves* *Here's yet another passage in use since 2013:* *A border crossing linking Syria's Kurdish-administered areas to Iraq's northern Kurdish region has been flooded due to heavy rains.* *The Semelka crossing was shut Monday as flooding rendered two pontoon bridges across the Tigris out of order.* *The crossing had been key for international journalists enter... more »
Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Creator Made An Animal’ By Snotty Nose Rez Kids (Featuring Boslen)
The following was originally published at Ongoing History Of Protest Songs. Snotty Nose Rez Kids are a Canadian indigenous hip-hop duo made up of Darren “Young D” Metz and Quinton “Yung Trybez” Nyce, both Haisla Nation. They previously released two albums of politically charged music that included several songs that The post Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Creator Made An Animal’ By Snotty Nose Rez Kids (Featuring Boslen) appeared first on Shadowproof.
Unvaccinated Student Sues Local Health Department Over New Policy
[image: unvaccinated-student-sues-local-health-department-over-new-policy] An unvaccinated Kentucky teen is suing his local health department because he has been barred from basketball practice at his Catholic high school for refusing to get the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine under a new health department policy. This unfolding story has been picked up by a number of major news outlets and could mark a significant moment in the fight for medical freedom.
SPLC Meltdown Continues as President and Key Staffer Step Down
[image: splc-meltdown-continues-as-president-and-key-staffer-step-down] Less than 10 days after co-founder Morris Dees was fired, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) President Richard Cohen and another key staffer have resigned amid lawsuits and credibility issues at the left-wing organization.
BWorld 306, MORE stock market development
* This is my article in BusinessWorld yesterday, March 25, 2019. Continuing the Market-Oriented Reforms for Efficiency (MORE) series in this column, we look at one of the important indicators of an economy’s attractiveness to private business, entrepreneurship and job creation, the stock market. Unlike foreign direct investments (FDI) which are long-term and, hence, require lots of basic soft and hard infrastructure, portfolio and stocks investments are often short-term, with investors buying today and selling after a month, or a week, or within hours. Thus, the stock market refle... more »
U.S. blocks treaty to ban space weapons
Another excellent video by Global Network board member Will Griffin. This one outlines the US efforts to block a United Nations treaty to ban all weapons in space.
Unplanned - the movie...w/Update...
*is opening on March 29th.* *Tonight we'll be attending a pre-release screening organized by patriots and pro-life peeps in our town.* *Synopsis (from Wiki):* Abby Johnson is one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the United States. She has worked at a clinic in Texas for eight years, and has become a community outreach director and media spokeswoman for the organization, even winning the Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year Award. One day she is asked to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion at thirteen weeks gestation. It is then that she witnesses a baby... more »
Red-Tailed Hawk Couple
Male? Female?
An Attempt To Overthrow Our Republic
The same people pushing the big climate lie were behind the attempt to overturn the 2016 election. Americans need to get serious about rooting out this evil and corruption. What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987? What … Continue reading →
Apollo 11
I went to see “Apollo 11” last night. It was an incredible film, consisting almost entirely of original film clips from the beginning to the end of the Apollo 11 moon mission – which occurred fifty years ago. One of … Continue reading →
Inside The Last Scrap Of The ISIS 'Caliphate'
© Screenshot / Ruptly *Daily Mail:* *Inside the last scrap of the ISIS 'caliphate': Corpses and booby traps litter the ground in battle-scarred terrain that has finally been reclaimed by US-backed forces* * Corpses, booby traps and explosives belts were strewn across Baghouz, eastern Syria, after the brutal siege * IS desperately sent their wives and daughters to fight as air strikes rained down on the remote village * Haunting images show the rubble of their last citadel where they had been forced to live underground * US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces declared victory on Satur... more »
Musings On Iraq Hits The Road To Vienna, Austria
In 2016 I had the great honor to travel to Tokyo, Japan to give four presentations to think tanks and a university about Iraq. Today I’m departing on another overseas adventure. This time Vienna, Austria thanks to the ACCORD group which is a department of the Austrian Cross. Again I’ll be giving a presentation with questions and answers on the situation in Iraq. Wish me luck because from today to tomorrow I’ll be in an airport or plane for around 15 hours. Also as a result I will not be publishing as many articles this week.
We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001
By Stephanie Savell This March marked the 16th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. In 2003, President George W. Bush and his advisers based... more »
This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 25
1917 British forces defeated by Ottomans at Battle of Mount Hamrin, Diyala 1982 Iranian Op Fath broke through Iraqi lines in push towards Maysan Iraqi counterattack failed 1982 Iraq asked US to stop Israel from sending weapons to Iran US Said it had no say in matter 1982 Reagan admin officials warned that if Iran beat Iraq in Iran-Iraq War would endanger western interests 1985 US intel reports Iraq used chemical weapons in fighting in southern Iraq (Musings On Iraq article on the origins of Iraq’s WMD programs) (Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq... more »
I Will Not Like The Democratic Nominee
And you probably won't, either. The Trump Presidency is going to be the gift that keeps on giving, and we'd all better start adjusting now. 2016 was a disorienting mess, a confluence of so many surreal elements that we could all be a little fuzzy-headed. But 2020 will be time for cold, hard reality, and Democrats and public education voters had better start adjusting now so we don't get sidetracked by any Jill Stein-like nonsense. Those were the days.The field is filling up, and shockingly, not a single candidate is perfect. We've got corporate Democrats and we've got huge ego Demo...more »
On the Trump-Russia hoax, the scammers are silent
Hoaxhers -- like NYT, CNN, Wapo, Dems, etc. -- of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but gullible and emotional followers :-) Sound of silence from people who for nearly 3 years were posting regularly of "Trump as Putin puppet". Spreading lies is wrong if it affects them but is correct and fine if it fits their personal biases and dogma. Some reports here. The illustrations I got from the web. *Trump did not collude with Russia, says Mueller, and is cleared of obstruction by the attorney general* PUBLISHED SUN, MAR 24 2019 • 3:10 PM EDT | Jacob Pramuk Spencer Kimball https:/... more »
In Congress Beto O'Rourke Took Money from a Hedge Fund King Who's Sucking the Life from Puerto Rico. Will Beto Take His Money Again?
*by Thomas Neuburger* Short and dirty. Via David Dayen, writing at the *American Prospect* (emphasis added): What passes for much “campaign-finance” reporting in America typically follows the flow of cash from big bundlers to particular candidates, treating the whole thing like a competition over who “got” what rich person to invest in them. Rarely is the central question asked of how that rich person earned their money, and what effect that will have on the candidate’s outlook. In other words, it’s not just the power of Big Money, but what specific kind of Big Money, that often ... more »
Military-Backed Party Are Claiming To Have Won The Thailand Election. Opposition Parties Cry Foul
*The Guardian:* *Two parties claim right to lead after 'inconsistent' Thai elections* *Worries over polling data as election commission refuses to declare official results* Thai politics has descended into chaos after its first election since a 2014 coup, as two parties claimed the right to govern, the electoral commission refused to announce the official result and concerns were raised over irregular polling data. Unofficial results from Sunday’s election indicated that the pro-military Phalang Pracharat party outperformed low expectations to win the most votes, while the pro...more »
Moves to punish execs who allow terrorists to 'weaponise' social media
New laws making it illegal for social media companies to leave videos filmed by terrorists on their sites are being drafted by the Federal Government, prompted by the Christchurch shootings.
Schaeuble, Greece and the lessons learned from a failed GREXIT (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 117. The post Schaeuble, Greece and the lessons learned from a failed GREXIT (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Russian Federation Sitrep March 2019
The post Russian Federation Sitrep March 2019 appeared first on The Duran.
Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel?
The post Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel? appeared first on The Duran.
Venezuela Military Deploys S-300 Missiles Following Russian Troop Arrival
The post Venezuela Military Deploys S-300 Missiles Following Russian Troop Arrival appeared first on The Duran.
Major Israeli Assault On Gaza Imminent As Netanyahu Cuts Short US Trip
The post Major Israeli Assault On Gaza Imminent As Netanyahu Cuts Short US Trip appeared first on The Duran.
8 Historic Cases That Show the FBI and CIA Were Out of Control Long Before Russiagate
By Jon Miltimore and Carey Wedler Conservatives tend to have two bad habits. First, they’re prone to viewing the past through a nostalgic lens. Second,... more »
New Study Claims Conspiracy Theorists More Likely to Become Criminals!
By Truthstream Media Melissa and Aaron Dykes cover the latest ridiculousness from the propaganda matrix. A new “study” claims to have found a correlation between... more »
Scott Walker of the Walker Brothers Dies at Age 76
Marc Almond of Soft Cell called Walker an "absolute musical genius, existential and intellectual and a star right from the days of the Walker Brothers."
Does This Map Show Why We Need the Electoral College?
A map demonstrates the population disparity between densely populated Los Angeles County and much of the U.S.
Medicare for All Legislation Has Thorny Issues
President Donald Trump has denounced Medicare for All as "socialism," and immigration and abortion are issues that energize Trump's political base .
US Experts Revisit Breast Implant Safety After New Concerns
The FDA is grappling with a recently confirmed link between the implants and a rare form of cancer.
Mueller Finds No Trump Collusion, Leaves Obstruction Open
President Trump cheered the outcome but also laid bare his resentment after two years of investigations that have shadowed his administration.
‘It Will Get Worse’: Perilous Times for Kids Hit By Cyclone
Families were separated in the chaos. Many children lost a mother or father, or both.
The Stages of #Russiagate Grief
I wish I could say that the long-awaited Meh Report, in which Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy and no coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, spells the beginning of the end of the corporate Neocon wing of the Democratic Party and all its associates in the zombie establishment media. But I'd be fooling myself. Elite failures rarely go away. They simply fail upward. At the very worst, they temporarily disappear or go into propaganda rehab until such time that the public has moved on to the next new narrative or scandal. The more blatant cases will simpl... more »
City in Minas Gerais Given Holiday to Train For Evacuation
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Residents of Barão do Cocais, in the state of Minas Gerais were given a local holiday on Monday (March 25th) by city officials. The city, located below the Gongo Soco mine, operated by mining giant Vale, is expected to hold emergency drills for the […] The post City in Minas Gerais Given Holiday to Train For Evacuation appeared first on The Rio Times.
Flat Earthers Planning Trip to ‘Edge of Earth’ in New Reality TV Show
[image: earth]The flat earth community has garnered enough support to launch their expedition to the "edge of the earth" and will answer their questions once and for all as the world watches.
As Amazon Bans Vaccine Documentary, Child Sex Dolls Openly Sold on Their Website
[image: amazon]As Amazon purges documentaries and books that question vaccinations, they openly allow child sex dolls to be sold on their platform.
Latest case study shows CBD shrinks tumor
Cannabis has a long history of traditional use as a botanical medicine. The term medical marijuana refers to the use of whole, unprocessed plant and pure extract to treat disease or improve a symptom. To qualify, the product must be sourced from a medicinal grade cannabis plant meticulously grown without the use of toxic pesticides […] The post Latest case study shows CBD shrinks tumor appeared first on Health Nut News.
NBC: California grower recalls avocados over possible Listeria
Southern California’s Henry Avocado, a grower and distributor based near San Diego, are voluntarily recalling whole avocados over possible listeria contamination. There have been no reports of any illnesses associated with the avocados. The recall covers conventional and organic avocados grown and packed in California and sold in bulk across California, Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and New […] The post NBC: California grower recalls avocados over possible Listeria appeared first on Health Nut News.
USDA releases new “bioengineered” sunny labels for GMO food, sans the word GMO
At the end of December 2018, the USDA announced their long-awaited rule on the labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients. Have you seen the new labels? “Under the new ‘National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard,’ such items will feature the term ‘bioengineered’ or BE foods.”1 RELATED STORY: Bill Gates donates $15 million to campaign pushing GMOs […] The post USDA releases new “bioengineered” sunny labels for GMO food, sans the word GMO appeared first on Health Nut News.
Raptor With No Claws: Why the Stealth F-22 Isn't 'Ready' For Combat
*Michael Peck* *Security, * F-22 availability, already diminished by maintenance problems endemic to the complex and finicky stealth fighter, has been further reduced by the small size of F-22 squadrons and the practice of deploying small detachments from individual squadrons overseas. The combined effect has been to reduce F-22 availability to the point where there are neither enough planes to meet mission requirements nor to provide pilots with sufficient training for air-to-air combat, which is the Raptor's primary role. *To some extent, this fits the Air Force's shift toward...more »
Movie Alert: The U.S. Marine Corps Doesn't Want You to Watch This Film
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * The film jumps around, seemingly without structure. At times Marines are patrolling, other times they are sitting against walls, smoking, waiting. There are brief moments of combat, and then down moments of boredom. *You can imagine the theoretical chewing to come later: In combat, gentlemen, you will be fully dressed before returning fire to the enemy.* The film jumps around, seemingly without structure. At times Marines are patrolling, other times they are sitting against walls, smoking, waiting. There are brief moments of combat, and then down m... more »
Stealth Sadness: Why Russia's New Su-57 Might Be Doomed to Fail
*WarIsBoring* *Security, * Many reasons. *No matter how large or populated, a country with GDP comparable to that of Australia cannot afford to play at being a superpower, fight a protracted war in Syria and develop its own stealth fighter.* Westerns analysts have concluded that Russia’s fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter is unlikely to enter operational service before 2027. Postponements, cost-overruns and research and development-related problems mar the project. *(This first appeared several years ago.)* This should come as no surprise. The Su-57 program was neve... more »
U.S. Navy And Coast Guard Ships Pass Through The Taiwan Strait For The Third time This Year
The 110-mile-wide strait separates China and Taiwan. It is seen as a potential geopolitical flashpoint should Beijing seek to take Taiwan by force, but it is international waters *Daily Mail/Reuters:* *US Navy and Coast Guard ships pass through the strategic 110-mile-wide Taiwan Strait despite opposition from China ahead of trade talks in Beijing* * The United States sailed two ships through the Taiwan Strait, Sunday * Operation comes as top officials from the Trump administration prepare to travel to Beijing for high-level trade talks * The Trump administration has sought to make ... more »
Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Sunday 24th March 2019 – Plus Weekly And Rolling Totals
TonyfromOz at Energy And Environmental Newsletter – March 25th 2019 – PA Pundits – International - 12 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily power consumption data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click on […]
Mike Pompeo, Israel, God and Why Donald Trump is President
While Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in the Middle East in March 2019, he was interviewed at the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem by Chris Mitchell and David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network (or CBN). In the past, Mr. Pompeo has made every attempt to ensure that the world knows his religious beliefs and how they shape his view of the world. This interview was held after he spent time at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem as shown in this video: Accompanied by a platoon of security personnel, Mr. Pompeo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also t... more »
The Conservative Party Is Incubating The Racism Behind New Zealand Terror
The massacre of 49 people including children at a mosque in New Zealand has not come out of the blue — it follows the mainstreaming of the same ideology that inspired the first major far-right terrorist attack of this decade: the 2011 massacre in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik. Brenton Tarrant, who […] The post The Conservative Party Is Incubating The Racism Behind New Zealand Terror appeared first on
We are eagerly awaiting the ridiculous architectural renderings that are certain to accompany the stadium sales pitch
1. Leading With Transit “Listen, I wouldn’t blame you if you were done with discussing the future of transit in Halifax,” writes Examiner transportation columnist Erica Butler: We had the Moving Forward Together (MFT) plan, for which thousands of folks chimed in with their hopes and dreams for buses in the region. Then we had […]
Clean Water: UNICEF Shows More Children Die from Diarrhea than Direct Violence in Conflict Zones
Unicef reports diarrhea causes more childhood deaths in conflict zones than outright violence. Bangladesh’s recent history shows even the poorest countries can reduce fatalities from diarrheal disease.
The Green Bad Deal
[image: undefined] The recently-proposed Green New Deal is proof that climate change is for progressive Democrats what terrorism is for neoconservative Republicans: a ready-made excuse to expand government and curtail liberty. This radical plan would authorize the US government to seize control of major sectors of the US economy, phase out gasoline-fueled cars, make buildings “energy efficient,” and even replace air travel with rail travel. Supporters of the Green New Deal claim that the science regarding the risk of climate change is “settled.” However, the science is far from sett... more »
Our Take On What's in the Mueller Report, Hint: The Russians Didn't Do it, the Brits Did
Since it is clear that both the number of people indicted and the number of charges filed by Mueller is the primary line of defense for Mueller’s actions, let us begin our own Spring Offensive for Justice by briefly detailing the monstrous fraud involved in those numbers. Full release of the Mueller report, after all, which the crazy Democrats are now screaming about, will be, for the most part, simply a replay of these indictments, and the “evidence” supporting them. The discussion of an obstruction charge appears to consist of the President’s statements about the evil Russiagate ...more »
Mueller Releases Report: Now, Drive A Stake Through the Heart of the British Empire
Robert Mueller delivered his long awaited report to Attorney General William Barr on Friday, March 22nd. On Sunday evening, March 24th, Attorney General Barr sent a letter to the leaders of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, outlining Mueller’s principal conclusions. Mueller, despite a wide-ranging and completely politically motivated investigation, found that there was no conspiracy or collusion between any individual associated with the Trump Campaign and alleged Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election. That conclusion, despite its fabricated and d... more »
South American Countries Create New Regional Bloc
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The leaders of Latin American countries met in Santiago, Chile last week are discussing the creation of Prosur, a new regional bloc to replace the Union of South American Nations (Unasur). “Unasur is practically extinct today. We cannot admit that countries’ policies remain driven […] The post South American Countries Create New Regional Bloc appeared first on The Rio Times.
Queen Tribute Concert Comes to Rio’s UERJ this Tuesday
By Jack Arnhold, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – This Tuesday, March 26th, the ‘Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro’ (Rio de Janeiro State University) together with the ‘Orquestra de Solistas do Rio de Janeiro’ (Rio de Janeiro Soloists’ Orchestra) will put on a special orchestral tribute to one of giants of British […] The post Queen Tribute Concert Comes to Rio’s UERJ this Tuesday appeared first on The Rio Times.
Rio Nightlife Guide for Monday, March 25, 2019
We have the top three picks for this Monday, and below there is a list of bars and lounges that are always a good option. PARTY: The Glow Party! @ New Mariuzinn (Copacabana) – This is the Monday night party in Rio’s famous Copacabana neighborhood, with free caipirinhas until midnight, random tequila shots, and special […] The post Rio Nightlife Guide for Monday, March 25, 2019 appeared first on The Rio Times.
Public University Suspends Professor for Advising Foreign Student to Learn English
Professor Gary Minden told a foreign student who was using an online translation system on a cell phone that the student should “learn English." Students in the class were offended by the suggestion and Minden has been suspended. Political correctness has run amok.
UK: Catholic Journalist Criminally Investigated for Using the Wrong Pronoun in a Tweet
Caroline Farrow, a British Catholic journalist, is being investigated by the police for “misgendering” someone in a tweet. She was contacted by authorities after making an appearance on “Good Morning Britain,” in which she engaged in a debate with a transgender activist last September.
The SPLC Hate Group Unravels as President and Legal Director Resign Amid Sexual Misconduct Scandal
Writer, Bob Moser, who was employed by the SPLC, published an article in the New Yorker exposing the SPLC as a fundraising scam. Moser says the SPLC's business model centers around keeping its donors in constant fear using gimmicks such as "hate maps" and "hate lists."
Trump To Declare US Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty over the Golan Heights
Israel's foreign minister says that President Trump is expected to sign an Executive Order to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is a strategic military area and also provides one-third of Israel's fresh water. It also is rich in oil.
Two of Mueller’s Prosecutors Who Left His Team Had Contact with Top DOJ Official Connected to Fusion GPS
US Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) said the dismissal of two key investigators, Andrew Weissmann and Zainab Ahmad, at the start of March may be due to bias as they knew Christopher Steele, the author of the discredited dossier, was "desperate to stop Trump."
New Sheriff Still in Town
Sheriff Trump has survived and prevailed in this gunfight. After 3 years, two of them under the relentless Mueller, and after spending more than 30 million dollars investigating, the accusation of treason falls for lack of evidence. (H/T Tony Heller for video) But of course, the reporters and newscasters who foisted the fictional rumor upon […]
Are environmental concerns making the Nebraska floods worse?
I'm no hydrologist, but this article's claims about the current Nebraska floods sound plausible. The Master Water Control Manual is the bible of the Missouri River basin dam system. It defines the duties and protocols to be followed in order to best meet the various needs represented in the list of priorities. From the completion of the dam construction (in 1967) until 2004, the Master Water Control Manual listed the priority functions in order of importance, with flood control being number one. 1) flood control 2) irrigation and upstream beneficial uses 3) downstre... more »
"The Chief Obstacle..."
"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race." - Don Marquis "I love humanity, but I hate people." - Edna St. Vincent Millay
"Buyer’s Remorse"
*"Buyer’s Remorse"* by James Howard Kunstler "The Narrative is dead! Long live The Narrative! That’s what played on CNN, NBC, and The New York Times yesterday as they struggled to digest the parting meal Robert Mueller served to the RussiaGate lynch mob: a nothingburger with a side of crow-flavored fries. Mr. Mueller was careful, though, to leave a nice red poison cherry on top with his statement that “…while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Mr. Mueller, who ought to know better, could not be more in error on that ... more »
On The Ending of David Copperfield
Charles DickensIn the last lines of *David Copperfield*, Charles Dickens offers an emotional resolution in his protagonist’s personal life: And now, as I close my task, subduing my desire to linger yet, these faces fade away. But one face, shining on me like a Heavenly light by which I see all other objects, is above them and beyond them all. And that remains. I turn my head, and see it, in its beautiful serenity, beside me. My lamp burns low, and I have written far into the night; but the dear presence, without which I were nothing, bears me company. O Agnes, O my soul, so may ... more »
Italy joins China's Belt and Road Initiative - 14 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Italy is the first G7 country to sign up to the scheme, in a move that has caused upset in Washington and Brussels.
UK secures post-Brexit trade deal with group of Caribbean countries - 14 hours ago
25-Mar-2019 Push to tie up rollover deals now covers about one third of UK's £117bn annual trade.
World News Briefs -- March 25, 2019
*ABC News Online:* *Thailand election results delayed as allegations of cheating grow* Thailand's highly anticipated election results have been delayed as competing parties claim victory and concerns of irregularities and allegations of cheating grow. The unofficial results from this national election — the first democratic exercise since the 2014 military coup — were originally expected last night, hours after polls closed. While the Election Commission said some results would be ready in the coming hours, exact tallies were not due to be finalised until Friday. Even then, the... more »
Saudi women are going to college, running for office and changing the conservative country
Alainna Liloia, Graduate Associate, Ph.D. Student, University of Arizona at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 14 hours ago
Despite a repressive legal system that puts men in charge of female relatives, women in Saudi Arabia also attend school, become lawyers, see friends and fight for their rights.
Why Trump's recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory matters
Dina Badie, Associate Professor of Politics and International Studies, Centre College at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 14 hours ago
Political leverage aside, it's a major source of water in a parched corner of the world that harbors significant oil deposits.
Germans Take to Streets to Protest EU Copyright Reform
The planned changes would require, in part, that tech giants such as Facebook and YouTube take responsibility for copyright materials users upload to their platforms. The post Germans Take to Streets to Protest EU Copyright Reform appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
Potential Kingmaker in Israel’s Election Offers a Package of Thatcherism Plus Third Temple
Potential Kingmaker in Israel’s Election Offers a Package of Thatcherism Plus Third Temple by Hagai Amit, Zehut leader Moshe Feiglin and his candidate for finance minister discuss their eclectic platform with TheMarker. – Just as the interview with Moshe Feiglin, leader of the dark-horse Zehut (Hebrew for “identity”) Party, was winding up at a […]
Life on Mars? Growing ‘FUNGI’ spotted in Mars Curiosity Rover photos – SHOCK CLAIM
Life on Mars? Growing ‘FUNGI’ spotted in Mars Curiosity Rover photos – SHOCK CLAIM by TOM FISH, ALIEN life-hunters have received a boost after huge fungi-like objects were spotted on Mars, the Journal of Astrobiology and Space Science has announced. – People have been preoccupied with finding life on Mars for hundreds of years, […]
Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax
Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax by KRISTINA WONG, Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his final report to Attorney General William Barr, marking the official end of the investigation — and with no further indictments on the way. – Although it is not yet known what is in the report, and it […]
An Iran-Syria ‘Belt & Road’: A Far-Reaching Geopolitical Strategy Unfolds
The post An Iran-Syria ‘Belt & Road’: A Far-Reaching Geopolitical Strategy Unfolds appeared first on The Duran.
The conclusion of Russiagate, Part I – cold, hard reality
The full text of Attorney General William P Barr's summary is here offered, with emphases on points for further analysis. The post The conclusion of Russiagate, Part I – cold, hard reality appeared first on The Duran.
Trump’s ‘Drang nach Suden’: Is The Trump Administration Reviving Henry Kissinger’s Old Plan For A South Atlantic NATO?
The post Trump’s ‘Drang nach Suden’: Is The Trump Administration Reviving Henry Kissinger’s Old Plan For A South Atlantic NATO? appeared first on The Duran.
Now for Confrontation in Space
The post Now for Confrontation in Space appeared first on The Duran.
Sherine-gate : The problem is not in her big mouth dear Egypt
Once again, popular Egyptian singer Sherine Abdel Wahab aka Sherine is in hot water because of what she says on stage and once again lawyer Samir Sabry decides that she must go to jail and the Musicians syndicate believes she must be punished !! [image: Sherine in Lebabon] Shereen in some concert in Lebanon wearing a cheerful Dolce and Gabbana dress Notorious Samir Sabry filed a legal complaint against her accusing her of “insulting Egypt” last week because she said in a concert in Bahrain that “*Here I can say whatever I want as in Egypt I can get imprisoned”* according to her. In ... more »
*MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2019Starting tomorrow, black kids (don't actually) matter:* As of today, we'd be inclined to say that Donald J. Trump is likely to win re-election. It may not turn out that way, of course. But we'd be inclined to favor Trump's prospects with journalists like Blow going wild. This morning, Charles Blow has opened a previously unexplored "new frontier" in the liberal world's bungling attempt to deal with Trump and Trumpism. It comes near the start of his latest unhelpful rant in the New York Times: BLOW (3/25/19): The best case against Donald Trump and the age of... more »
Like Gotti
Donald Trump is crowing and taking a victory lap this morning. And we'll hear a lot more crowing in the days to come. While it's true that Robert Mueller found no evidence of a conspiracy with Russia, it's not true that Mueller cleared Trump of obstruction of justice charges. Trump claims that's what Mueller did. But, as usual, Trump is lying. What Mueller did was leave the decision to prosecute Trump for obstruction in Barr's hands. Given Barr's previous statements about the Mueller enquiry and his view of the president's expansive powers, there is the distinct possibility that T... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 25, 2019
A Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft is seen at the ILA Air Show in Berlin, Germany, April 25, 2018. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt -/File Photo *Marcus Weisgerber, Defense One*: *America’s Fighter Jet Makers Are Thriving, Thanks to Trump and Putin* *Orders of older warplanes surge as U.S. military spending rises and Russia rattles its sabers.* American-made fighter jets, once facing extinction, have seen a resurgence in sales, thanks largely to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Add to that Middle Eastern nations arming for potential war with Iran and there may be more than $80 billion in new or ...more »
Newly Disclosed NSA Documents Shed Further Light on Five Eyes Alliance
Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland (Source: Wikimedia/NSA) In July 2017, Privacy International and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom & Information Access Clinic (MFIA) filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. The Five Eyes alliance emerged from spying arrangements forged during World War II and facilitates the sharing of signals... more »
Monday Morning Links
Miscellaneous material to start your week. - Yanis Varoufakis writes that the tendency of capitalism toward stagnation signals the need for greater public input into economic decisions. And Branko Milanovic discusses how the attitude that politics should be governed by greed has undermined the trust between citizens and governments necessary for either to thrive. - Meanwhile, Ed Broadbent writes about the need to take back the concept of populism from the right-wing bigots who seek to use at a means of exclusion rather than a basis for public empowerment: (I)t is important to reme... more »
The clock continues to tick toward midnight on Earth
Dane Wigington, The clock continues to tick toward midnight on Earth, but the great awakening may finally be picking up momentum. Can our collective efforts to wake populations tilt the scale in time to salvage what is yet left of the natural world? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The paradigm […] The post The clock continues to tick toward midnight on Earth appeared first on Health Nut News.
NBC: LA county halts use of popular weed killer on county property
This week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors directed all departments to stop using Roundup until, and I quote, “more is known about its potential health and environmental effects.”1 (Where have they been the last couple of years? We know that the main ingredient, glyphosate, is a dangerous, cancer-causing chemical.) The moratorium on glyphosate was suggested […] The post NBC: LA county halts use of popular weed killer on county property appeared first on Health Nut News.
This Submarine Is "Invincible": Check Out the Super Quiet Sub Headed Near China
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * On February 18, 2018, officials gathered to celebrate the launch of a new state-of-the-art submarine at a shipyard in Kiel, Germany. But unlike similar Type 212 submarines previously built there, the seventy-meter long diesel-submarine isn’t destined to shadow Russian submarines in the cold waters of the Baltic Sea. *The Invincible’s improved ocean-going capabilities **means** it could also contribute to longer range patrols of sea lines of communication in the Indian Ocean, or to Taiwan, with which it has a defense partnership.* On February 18, 2... more »
The U.S. Marine Corps Is Getting New Armored Vehicles That Can "Swim"
*David Axe* *Security, * The U.S. Marine Corps finally is getting new, swimming armored vehicles. Also in the works -- a new strategy for deploying them. The U.S. Marine Corps finally is getting new, swimming armored vehicles. Also in the works -- a new strategy for deploying them. The Marines since 1972 have been using the same amphibious tractor, or amtrac. The 29-ton AAV7 can carry up to 24 crew members and infantry from an amphibious assault ship to an enemy beach over a distance of up to 20 miles. But the AAV7 is lightly-armored and vulnerable to enemy attack. Fourteen Mar... more »
The U.S. Navy's Future: Mothership "Submarines" Controlling Drones To Attack
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * The Navy has taken several new steps in its development of several large underwater drones designed to conduct undersea reconnaissance, share combat essential data with submarine “motherships,” search for and destroy mines and - in some cases - launch attacks on enemy surface and undersea vessels. The Navy has taken several new steps in its development of several large underwater drones designed to conduct undersea reconnaissance, share combat essential data with submarine “motherships,” search for and destroy mines and - in some cases - launch attacks ... more »
OK: Bogus School Efficiency Report
EPIC charter schools are boasting about the results of a new efficiency study of Oklahoma schools, and there are so many layers of deep-fried baloney here it takes a minute or two to dig through them. But when charter boosters start talking about "accountability" and "transparency," this is the kind of bullshit that makes their claims less than believable. The very top layer is the least important, but it's worth noting because this is exactly the kind of foolishness that gives journalism a bad name. The Oklahoman is a legitimate news organization out of Oklahoma City; they run a we... more »
Mr. Trump’s aides warned him not to react to the findings with a sense of triumphalism, people close to him said. -- Mark Landler and Maggie Haberman in *The New York Times* The outcome is a huge political victory, and Trump will use it to bludgeon the media and Democrats for the next 18 months. --Mike Allen at Axios Allen goes on to write, "Much of the country will probably agree with him." Is that true? I think the part of the country that already agrees with him on everything will agree with him. I think people in the middle will agree that he's been exonerated, because Repub... more »
*A different kind of March madness* *Brits have it easier. Going to one of the Russell group universities is advantageous but the main advantage comes from where you got your High School education. As long as you went to a good private school, you are one of the chosen* Please, let’s stop pretending that the college cheating scandal is just an indictment of overindulgent, wealthy helicopter parents. The Justice Department has accused dozens of super-rich parents of making $25 million in illegal payments — and, in some cases, taking a tax break to boot — to get their children... more »
Israeli FM Says Trump Will Sign Executive Order To Recognize Golan
*Today. Monday March 25/19. We shall see.* *DW:* *Israel's acting foreign minister says US President Donald Trump will sign an executive order recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Syrian border territory on Monday. * Israel Katz *"Tomorrow, President Trump, in the presence of PM Netanyahu, will sign a decree recognizing Israel's sovereignty on the Golan. Israel-US ties are closer than ever," *Katz said. *The signing of the decree will be witnessed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during talks with Trump at the White House*, Israel's acting foreign minister, Isra... more »
*Climate change: Water shortages in England 'within 25 years'* *Dropping a retired diplomat into the job of heading an environment agency was bound to have amusing results. And so it has. Sir James knows not even the basics of science. The idea of England running out of water, for a start, could pass as a joke. Visitors to England get the impression that it never stops raining there.Greenies have however been doing their usual tricks in obstructing water infrastructure improvements such as dam building. So reticulating the water to Britain's immigrant-swollen population ... more »
US Reportedly Give Israel Green-light For Full-Scale War On Gaza
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2:25 P.M)- According to News reports, the US have given Israel a green-light to launch a full scale military operation against Gaza. Approximately 7 hours ago, a rocket was reportedly fired from the Gaza Strip, hitting a home in the North of Tel Aviv and injuring 7. Israel blamed Hamas for the rocket […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Daily Brief 2019-03-20
This is a summary of 13 AMN articles on the following subjects: Canada, Iraq, ISIS, Syria, India, Pakistan, Israel, Trump, Palestine, Ramallah, HTS, Idlib, Hama, Russia, Afrin, Aleppo, Dagestani, Gaza Drone Strikes, Israeli, Palestinians Killed, West Bank, Putin. We have changed our format from posting full articles to our steem readership to a summarized daily […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Breaking: Israel deploys two brigades to Gaza border
Israel has deployed its two infantry brigades and armoured units to Gaza border, the country’s media outlets reported on Monday. The reported deployment comes after the Israeli military accused Hamas of carrying out a rocket strike from the Gaza Strip earlier this day. In a separate development on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would cut his visit to the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Daily Brief 2019-03-19
This is a summary of 15 AMN articles on the following subjects: ISIS, Assad, Putin, Shoigu, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Baghouz, Daesh, Hama, Idlib, Turkey, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Brazil, NATO, Trump, Aleppo, Jarabulus, PKK, Kazakhstan, US, Russia, Daraa, Israel, Euphrates. We have changed our format from posting full articles to our steem readership to a summarized daily […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Lebanese President defends Hezbollah during Pompeo meeting
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – Lebanese President General Michel Aoun told U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday that Hezbollah is a Lebanese party represented in parliament and government. General Aoun told the visiting U.S. diplomat that Hezbollah’s presence in Lebanon stems from a popular base that denotes one of the main sects in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
"Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent"
*"Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song * *Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent"* By Melanie Curtin "Everyone knows they need to manage their stress. When things get difficult at work, school, or in your personal life, you can use as many tips, tricks, and techniques as you can get to calm your nerves. So here's a science-backed one: make a playlist of the 10 songs found to be the most relaxing on earth. Sound therapies have long been popular as a way of relaxing and restoring one's health. For centuries, indigenous cultures have used music to enhance well-being and improve health... more »
"Isochronic Tones: Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking"
*"Isochronic Tones: * *Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking"* by Jason Lewis “HEADPHONES REQUIRED - Note: As this session stimulates each ear with different frequencies, you will need to use headphones to experience the full effect. Alternative background sounds available on Mp3 here: Orchestral, Hybrid, World Music, Rain, Brown Noise. *What does this track do? *This session stimulates Beta, SMR and Alpha, alternating in 2 minute increments to help keep the user relaxed and engaged. Note: SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) relates to the frequency range between 12 - 15Hz. It'... more »
"We Hardly Need To Be Reminded..."
“We hardly need to be reminded that we are living in an age of confusion - a lot of us have traded in our beliefs for bitterness and cynicism or for a heavy package of despair, or even a quivering portion of hysteria. Opinions can be picked up cheap in the market place while such commodities as courage and fortitude and faith are in alarmingly short supply.” - Edward R. Murrow, 1951
Conspiracy Theories Belong to MSM: Degenerate Gamblers Tripling Down on Russiagate Lunacy
After news broke that Robert Mueller had turned in his final report without recommending any further indictments, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow began frantically retweeting blue-checkmarked Twitter pundits who claimed that since nobody knows the contents of the report yet, the news that the number of Americans indicted for conspiring with the Russian government is set at zero doesn’t matter. Well guess what, Rachel? We know what the report contains now. US Attorney General William Barr has sent a letter to… The post Conspiracy Theories Belong to MSM: Degenerate Gamblers Tripling Down on R... more »
Power to the people - give peace a chance
listen to the whole thing, this is unironically incredible honestly better than life of pablo — Mike Gravel (@MikeGravel) March 22, 2019 Former US Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) from 1969-1981. As a Senator, Gravel became nationally known for his forceful but unsuccessful attempts to end the draft during the War in Vietnam and for putting the *Pentagon Papers* into the public record in 1971 at some risk to himself.
It was all a distraction
Iran-Contra hearings, Watergate, and now Russiagate were all distractions.....nothing much came from any of them. Jimmy Dore interviews Aaron Maté, one of the few journalists who has been saying for a long time that the entire Russiagate investigation is a hoax. Bottom line remains - the Democrats lost an embarrassing election to Trump and didn't want to take responsibility for their own failures. So they blamed it all on Russia. It didn't stick. Gee, I wonder why? What will the Dems do next?
Special Counsel Robert Mueller Delivers Final Report, Yet Investigation Fails to Charge Any American Citizen with Collusion with Russia
This is not the end of Trump's problems as federal and state prosecutors are pursuing other investigations that grew out of Mueller's probe. The new investigations focus on Trump, his family business, his advisors and associates, and will not be limited to "Russian collusion".
Montenegro just made plagiarism illegal. What does it hope to achieve?
The parliament of Montenegro, a small country in the southeast of Europe, approved a law on academic integrity earlier this month that effectively criminalizes plagiarism, self-plagiarism and donation of authorship. We spoke to Mubera Kurpejović, director of higher education at the country’s Ministry of Education, explains why the law was needed and what they hope it … Continue reading Montenegro just made plagiarism illegal. What does it hope to achieve?
Marijuana Business This Week: A look at upcoming stories and events in the cannabis industry
Here are some of the notable stories and events in the cannabis industry to watch for in the coming days. Marijuana Business This Week: A look at upcoming stories and events in the cannabis industry is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
"The Peculiar Impression..."
"Why do human beings have the peculiar impression that belief is the same as truth?" "Because sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes we need to believe in a better truth." "What better truth can there be than truth?" - Gene Brewer
"The Hobbesian Net"
*"The Hobbesian Net"* by The Zman "I clicked on a link from Drudge and I was taken to a website called CBS Money Watch, which is obviously a CBS property. The first thing I see is a video trying to load. I see the pause button and stop it before it starts. It then starts itself in a few seconds and I stop it again. I hate baked-in video. If I want to watch videos, I’ll go to a video site or turn on the television. The trend of jamming video into sites borders on the sadistic. No one likes this. No one can possible think it is a good idea. Yet, they keep doing it. Like everyone, I ... more »
Is Status Quo Joe The Most Electable Against Trump? There's No Reason To Think So
Most Americans dislike-- or detest-- Donald Trump (57-39%) so it's not unreasonable to believe he will fail to be reelected next year, even though most sitting presidents are reelected. (In most of our lifetimes, only Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush were denied reelection.) Last year, nearly ten million more voters went for a Democrat in the House elections than for a Republican-- the biggest margin in U.S. history. There were 60,727,598 votes for Democrats (53.4%) and 50,983,895 votes for Republicans (44.8%). The Democratic Party establisment and a lazy media call that a blue w... more »
Brazil President Praises Visa Waiver for U.S., Canada, Japan, and Australia
By Nelson Belen, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Over the weekend, Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro took to social media to proclaim that the just-announced visa waiver for citizens of the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Australia has already produced measurable results in Brazil’s tourism sector. The waiver is scheduled to take effect starting June […] The post Brazil President Praises Visa Waiver for U.S., Canada, Japan, and Australia appeared first on The Rio Times.
'We will fight back': Thailand election results delayed as both parties claim victory
Just In - 16 hours ago
Concerns of electoral irregularities and allegations of cheating grow as a petition to impeach Thailand's Election Commission gains more than half a million signatures.
'Egg Boy' says he understands 'why some people reacted the way they did' after attack on Anning
Just In - 16 hours ago
The teenager known as Egg Boy says his infamous attack on Senator Fraser Anning united the community in the wake of the Christchurch shootings, but concedes it wasn't the right thing to do.
Inmate boasted of turning cellmate's forehead into 'Islamic State sketch pad', court hears
A man who carved the letters "e4e" — an Islamic State-inspired message — on his cellmate's forehead, also planned to shoot officers on the steps of a Sydney police station and was inspired by the murder of police accountant Curtis Cheng, a court hears.
Connor was playing around the roots of a massive fallen tree. Then it sprang back upright
Twelve-year-old Connor Creagh was standing by the roots of a tree after it was knocked down in a severe storm in the South Burnett last year, when all of a sudden it sprang back upright and crushed him, leaving him with life-threatening injuries including a squashed heart.
Ice explosions reveal glacier's secrets, along with rethink on potential sea level rise
Scientists using seismic testing at a glacier in Antarctica find massive subglacial lakes beneath its surface — which they say radically alters estimates on predicted sea level rise.
Moscow Wants Its Military To Be Prepared For A Major Military Confrontation
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu provided details of Russia's latest snap exercise at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow on 16 March Source: Russian MoD *Pavel Felgenhauer, RCD:* *Moscow Increasingly Ready for Major Military Confrontation* In the last several years, the Russian military has drastically increased its battle readiness in apparent preparation for a possible major conflict with an opposing massive ground force (see EDM, September 29, 2016; December 6, 2017; January 15, 2019). The massive buildup was first publicly reported in September 2016 by first ... more »
Remembering the Bombing of Yugoslavia, Twenty Years On
The post Remembering the Bombing of Yugoslavia, Twenty Years On appeared first on The Duran.
If Trump wants to disarm Russia, he should un-recognize Kosovo
The post If Trump wants to disarm Russia, he should un-recognize Kosovo appeared first on The Duran.
US-Germany Rift Set To Blow
The post US-Germany Rift Set To Blow appeared first on The Duran.
Trump vs. McCain: an American Horror Story
The post Trump vs. McCain: an American Horror Story appeared first on The Duran.
The consolidation of power of the global military industrial complex
Do Europeans support the notion that the countries of the EU be the nuclear war playground of the United States? The post The consolidation of power of the global military industrial complex appeared first on The Duran.
The Shooting Gallery In Which We Live
We live in a shooting gallery of kt explosive impacts. Map, link to a site, and video. Continue reading →
Monday Madness
*On a Personal Note* The week began this weekend with a baseball tournament in the Phoenix Valley that my grandson (from CA) participated in. So I have a bit of a sunburn, all in a good cause. Then that family came up to the White Wolf Mine (their first visit) and they will be here with me for a few days. We're going to Montezuma's castle at Camp Verde, Grand Canyon, Tonto Natural Bridge State Park and will also be hanging locally. It's still winter in the high country, no leaves on the deciduous trees yet. When they leave, another daughter with boys will arrive (with the '48 Willys... more »
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