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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

31 Mach - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 3

10 pm MDT


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*The Right Way to Choose A College* What students do at college matters much more than where they go. The key to success is engagement, inside the classroom and out Does the brand name of the college you attend actually matter? The best research on the question suggests that, for most students, it doesn’t. Challenge Success, the research and advocacy group that I cofounded at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education, conducted an extensive review of the academic literature on the subject. We found that a school’s selectivity (as typically measured by students’ SAT or ACT scores, hig... more »

Saudi Rejects Trump-Netanyahu Golan Land-grab, Recognizes East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 15 hours ago
*21WIRE* | This latest move by the Kingdom will surely rattle imperialist designs in Washington and Tel Aviv.

The Great Big Autism Obfuscation

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 15 hours ago
*Jon Rappoport* - There is NO definitive evidence that autism is a specific condition with a single cause.

The XQ-58A Valkyrie Could Be the Air Force's New Stealth Wonder Weapon

David Axe at Test Feed Using Fields - 15 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, * The lowdown. *Wingman drones are coming. And they could change aerial warfare for any country that acquires them.* The U.S. Air Force in early March 2019 revealed a prototype for stealthy wingman drone that could accompany manned warplanes into combat. *(This first appeared earlier in the month.)* The XQ-58A Valkyrie demonstrator, built by California-based Kratos Unmanned Aerial Systems, flew for the first time over Yuma, Arizona on March 5, 2019, the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio *announced*. The XQ-58's fir... more »

The Real Reason Why the Top U.S. General In Afghanistan Carried An M4 Carbine

Task and Purpose at Test Feed Using Fields - 15 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, Middle East* [image: Wikimedia Commons] No big deal. During a recent visit to Ghazni, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan carried an M4 Carbine, looking like just another 11 Bravo downrange. Operation Resolute Support tweeted a picture of the general and his weapon on Nov. 22, raising questions about whether security in Afghanistan is so precarious that the top U.S. military commander there needs to have an M4 at the ready at all times. Indeed, Miller narrowly avoided getting hit in an Oct. 18 inside attack, in which a gunman killed a vitally impo... more »

No Tank Killer: The U.S. Army’s Doomed Quest for a Rocket-Propelled Bowling Ball

War Is Boring at Test Feed Using Fields - 15 hours ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, * [image: https://motherboard-images.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/28613/1449609249143819.jpeg?crop=1xw%3A0.8181818181818182xh%3Bcenter%2Ccenter&resize=2000%3A*] What was this? On April 13, 1972, a North Vietnamese armored assault — unprecedented in scale at this point in the war — smashed into South Vietnamese troops in the city of An Loc. T-54 tanks busted through into the northern part of the city … as ARVN troops scrambled to mount a defense. Luckily for the defending troops, the North Vietnamese neglected to support their tanks with infantr... more »

Bargain: The Marines Are Getting the M27 Rifle for Half Price

Task and Purpose at Test Feed Using Fields - 15 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * [image: By Lance Cpl. Aaron Patterson - https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1730405, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40012162] How? Little more than a month after lawmakers threw a temper tantrum about the cost of each M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle, the Marine Corps has announced it is buying the rifles at a much lower cost per weapon. In total, the Marine Corps plans to buy 15,000 IARs for $29.4 million from Heckler and Koch over the next five years, Marine Corps Systems Command announced on Friday. Of those weapons, the ... more »

A singular “clean energy” metric distorts sustainability assessment

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 15 hours ago
Using a singular metric like “clean” energy distorts assessment of sustainability. By focusing on a singular metric organizations (e.g. World Economic Forum) are being seriously mislead. Achieving sustainability extends way beyond using “clean” ( and unreliable) energy. Indeed, the preoccupation … Continue reading →


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
*Extreme weather news may not change climate change skeptics’ minds* *The article below treats it as a puzzle that recent weather events do not have everyone believing in global warming. It's not exactly a mystery. Even Warmist reporting often admits that we have had bad events before and that there is no way to tie weather events to global warming. The IPCC itself says that. It's just self-deluded fanatics writing below. I reproduce only the first part* The year 2018 brought particularly devastating natural disasters, including hurricanes, droughts, floods and fires – just t... more »

"In The Face of Adversity, Are You a Guernsey or a Brahman?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
*"In The Face of Adversity,* * Are You a Guernsey or a Brahman?"* by Farnam Street "If the mother of a Guernsey and a Brahma calf dies, one of the calves will survive and one will not. One thing makes the difference. And is it the very factor that keeps us from reaching what we want most. Persistence in the face of defeat often makes the difference in outcome. Ask any farmer, and they will tell you that orphaned Guernsey calves die. It’s not the fact that they die, so much as how it happens, that stays in the mind. An orphaned calf soon gets so hungry she picks a new mother from th... more »


noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
"Curious how often you Humans manage to obtain that which you do not want." - Mr. Spock

Modern Medicine

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago
https://www.cnbc.com/modern-medicine/?redirect=1?__source=Facebook Advertisements

#Mushrooms And #Brain Health: New Research Finds A Potential Link Worth Considering

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

The Periodic Table, the Crystal Ball of Chemistry.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

A Dark Sense of Humor May Mean You Have a High IQ

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

The Science Behind Why Men Fall Asleep After #Sex.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

how many people go bankrupt from #cancer.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

Genetic “kill code” may help fight cancer without chemotherapy.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

The #Matrix remembered at 20: Keanu classic or cyberpunk snooze?

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

"Here’s What Pops the 'Everything Bubble'”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
*"Here’s What Pops the 'Everything Bubble'”* By Nick Giambruno "Editor’s Note: As Bill showed you all week, the Fed’s policies haven’t done much for the real economy… it simply juiced stock and bond prices. And as Casey Research’s Nick Giambruno shows below, all of this “stimulation” has set the stage for something even worse… an “everything bubble.” And when it pops, it could send the economy into a recession. Today, Nick reveals what could topple today’s bull market, and what investors need to do right now." "As regular readers of the Diary already know, the Fed responded to the ... more »

My Earth Hour

tonyheller at The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - 15 hours ago
Save the Eagles International I devoted my Earth Hour, to protecting the planet from the useful idiots who are promoting Earth Hour. The notion that renewable energies and batteries alone will provide all needed energy is fantastical. It is also … Continue reading →

Why Progressives Need To Have Ro Khanna's Back-- RIGHT NOW

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
As you probably know, Ro Khanna (D-CA) was one of the scores of Democrats in Congress who won a seat in an incumbent-safe blue district by primarying an incumbent. More recently we saw Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) do the same thing. All three have been among the most consequential new members in Congress and each is a living testament to the importance of primaries, particularly in districts where one party vastly outnumbers the other so that primaries are the only source of accountability. The Democratic establishment reacted with another piece of th... more »

The Electoral College is Vitally Important

Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D. at An Objectivist Individualist - 16 hours ago
The Democrat Socialist Party wants to eliminate the Electoral College. Others are pushing a compact among the states to have each state ignore the votes of its own citizens and award their electoral college votes to the Presidential candidate who won the plurality of votes in the nationwide election. This interstate compact does not eliminate the Electoral College, but it does eliminate its purpose. Both of these ideas would have awful consequences. Among them are: - Already extensive voter fraud will explode. Contrary to the oft repeated claims of academics, who are in ... more »

Sunday morning music

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 16 hours ago
Let's have a change of pace. Here's Telemann's Concerto in E Minor for Recorder and Traverso, TWV 52:e1. The "traverso" is an early, transverse wooden flute. You can read more about the concerto here, if you're musically inclined. This performance uses medieval instruments, played in authentic style of the period, and is by the Bremer Baroque Orchestra. I do like Telemann's music. He was a bridge figure between late Baroque and early classical music, and had enormous influence in his time. His works are always interesting. Peter

Occam's razor and unreality of the wave function

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 16 hours ago
Right after the mid 1920s, every physicist who was up to his or her job (OK, let's not be kidding, no woman really understood QM in the 1920s yet) knew that the idea that "the wave function was a real wave, like the electromagnetic wave" was the most naive kind of misconception about the character of quantum mechanics that a layman could have about quantum mechanics. This knowledge continued for many decades. The second quantum mechanical generation – including Feynman and pals – still understood the things perfectly but they already started to express the things in ways that reduce... more »

Sunday song

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago

Confined to 9 feet

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago
Albert Woodfox is a former political prisoner who was held in solitary confinement for 43 years until he won his freedom just over three years ago. Now he is traveling the world and joins Democracy Now in studio to discuss his new memoir, “Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope.” In it, he writes about his childhood and how his mother struggled to keep the family cared for, how as a teenager and young man he was in and out of jails and prisons, and how he became radicalized when he met members of the Black Panther Party and ... more »

Yet More Stuff In Space – Venus & Mercury In Rings

E.M.Smith at Musings from the Chiefio - 16 hours ago
Seems Mercury & Venus orbit inside minor debris fields / rings. So doesn't that make them "not a planet" since they have not cleared their local area?... Continue reading →

Links 3/31/19

Lambert Strether at naked capitalism - 17 hours ago

Souths stay unbeaten with win over Titans, Dogs down Wests Tigers

Just In - 17 hours ago
The Rabbitohs take on the Titans at the Olympic stadium after Wests Tigers have their unbeaten run ended by the Bulldogs at Campbelltown. Follow all the live scores, stats and commentary.

Suns knock off Freo, while the Dogs and Lions go 2-0

Just In - 17 hours ago
The Suns and the Dockers bring round two of the AFL to an end at Carrara, after the Lions and Bulldogs get the points earlier on Sunday. Get live scores, stats and commentary in our ScoreCentre.

Undefeated: Does the F-15 Eagle Have a Perfect 'Battle' Record?

War Is Boring at Test Feed Using Fields - 17 hours ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] We explore the claim. According to official releases from Boeing and the U.S. Air Force, the F-15 Eagle has a clear-cut win-to-loss ratio of 104 to zero. But in fact, opposing air forces have claimed, in nearly a dozen cases, to have shot down the iconic, twin-engine fighter. All the claims have one thing in common. The claimants were never able to provide any evidence for their supposed victories. Iraqi sources claimed that on Jan. 4, 1991 – 13 days before the U.S.-led coalition launched Operation Desert Storm — Iraqi figh... more »

Dropping Lead: Jutland Was the Biggest Battleship Battle Ever

Warfare History Network at Test Feed Using Fields - 17 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* But did it change the course of World War I? In the spring of 1916, as the result of intense international pressure, Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer called in all his submarines after Germany announced an end to unrestricted underwater attacks on transatlantic merchant ships. With his subs idle, Scheer, the newly appointed commander of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s High Seas Fleet, had to come up with another plan for their use. He would send a portion of the fleet to attack a British port to draw out part of the Grand Fleet. Meanwhile, the submari... more »

From California to New York: Vaccines are the (Only) Answer

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
By Cathy Jameson This land is your land, this land is my land From California to the New York island From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters, This land was made for you and me… One of the... more »

“Clean” energy isn’t so clean

Ronald Stein, Mark Mathis at CFACT - 17 hours ago
What about wind and solar? We feel like they’re clean because we don’t burn them. Well… not directly. But, let’s be real. The post “Clean” energy isn’t so clean appeared first on CFACT.

Clean energy?

Mark Mathis at CFACT - 17 hours ago
"Clean" energy is not so simple. WATCH NOW. The post Clean energy? appeared first on CFACT.

Rio Nightlife Guide for Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jack Arnhold at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
We have the top three picks for this Sunday, and below there is a list of bars and lounges that are always a good option. LIVE: Samba das Laranjeiras @ Casa da Polônia (Laranjeiras) – After a brief carnival recess, Samba das Laranjeiras is back, from the producers of Samba dos Guimarães, Samba and Feijoada […] The post Rio Nightlife Guide for Sunday, March 31, 2019 appeared first on The Rio Times.

Fed Official: Climate Change is an ‘International Market Failure’

Lambert Strether at naked capitalism - 18 hours ago
A report from the U.S. central bank cautions that rising temperatures and extreme storms could eventually trigger a financial collapse.

Earth Hour In The Maldives

tonyheller at The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - 18 hours ago
After taking a long haul flight to the Maldives, tourists can switch off their lights for an hour in order to keep the Maldives from drowning last year. Live Cam Kuredu Island Resort It is too late though. Experts say … Continue reading →

What I've Been Reading Recently

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 18 hours ago
Three months have gone by since last time, so here's what I've read since the start of the year. *Obelisk* by Stephen Baxter *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* by Hunter S Thompson *Closet Queens* by Michael Black *The Thatcherite Offensive* by Alexander Gallas *Ruling the Void* by Peter Mair *The Great Terror* by Robert Conquest *After Blair* by Kieran O'Mara *Over To You* by Roald Dahl *In Defence of Politics* by Bernard Crick *The Functional Analysis of Politics* by Roy E Jones *Cat's Eye* by Margaret Atwood *The Light of Other Days* by Arthur C Clarke and Stephen Baxter *Deleuze, Marx ... more »

Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 30th March 2019

TonyfromOz at PA Pundits – International - 18 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily power consumption data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click on […]

North Korea wants mysterious raid on Madrid embassy investigated

Just In - 19 hours ago
North Korea calls for an investigation into a raid on its embassy in Spain last month, calling it a "grave terrorist attack" and an act of extortion that violates international law.

'Mind-blowing' collection of Holden memorabilia goes under the hammer

Jodie Hamilton at Just In - 19 hours ago
A surprise collection of 1,300 lots of Holden and other memorabilia, including 120 cars, secreted away by a South Australian panel beater has gone under the hammer.

F-16 'DNA': 30 Years Ago, America Started Designing Fighter Jet Upgrades for China

Sebastien Roblin at Test Feed Using Fields - 19 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Americas* Some aviation history you may not know. By 2019, increasingly open economic and security competition between the United States and China has have given plenty of fodder for international relations scholars fearing that the established and rising superpower are bound for conflict due to the so-called Thucydides Trap. However, those dreading inevitable military conflict should remember that the course of history has plenty of surprising twists and turns. Just thirty years earlier, the United States was actually developing two upgraded jet fi... more »

A Modern Lent

Fr. Stephen FREEMAN at OrientalReview.org - 19 hours ago
Few things are as difficult in the modern world as fasting. It is not simply the action of changing our eating habits that we find problematic – it’s the whole concept of fasting and what it truly entails. It comes from another world. We understand dieting – changing how we […] The post A Modern Lent appeared first on OrientalReview.org.

It's Back: The Colt King Cobra Gun Is Back

Will Ellis at Test Feed Using Fields - 20 hours ago
*Will Ellis* *Security, * [image: By Picanox - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75416776] Here's what it can do. Last year, Colt brought back the Cobra revolver in .38 Special. This year, they have brought back the King Cobra. The King Cobra is essentially a larger framed version of the Cobra, and it’s chambered for .357 Magnum. The matte stainless steel finishing and grip are virtually the same as the original Cobra. Colt was well known for making some of the finest revolvers the world has ever seen, with classic such as the Colt Python, ... more »

The Marines Want to Sink Your Navy As Soon as Possible

Task and Purpose at Test Feed Using Fields - 20 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, Asia* [image: By DoDMedia, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2356309] They want missiles, like now. *While the Navy has continually contested Chinese control of the area amid the latter's push to build artificial island chains in the region, Marine Corps officials previously told USNI News that the Pentagon needed "integrated naval operations ... to take an island somewhere – natural or manmade."* The Marine Corps is looking for a new long-range anti-ship missile "as fast as possible" amid a major transformation of the ... more »

Greg Hunter, "Failed Trump Coup is Treason"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"Failed Trump Coup is Treason"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Dr. Dave Janda of the popular radio show Operation Freedom says the end of the Mueller probe means the coup to remove Donald Trump from power is over. Why would all these high ranking players create a fake story and commit massive crime to take out Trump? Dr. Janda says, “Power, control and money. Donald Trump is not part of their particular silo in the globalist club, that being the Rothschild/Rockefeller axis. They saw Trump as an enemy of their state. The movement he helped create took on their power base and att... more »

Gregory Mannarino, "Markets: A Look Ahead 3/30/19"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, "Markets: A Look Ahead 3/30/19" - https://www.traderschoice.net/

Beware of Obama’s Outrage Trap – Susan Rice’s “By The Book” Memo…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 20 hours ago
With the Mueller probe coming to a close, there is increased focus on congress (Lindsey Graham and/or Devin Nunes), along with President Trump, beginning a process toward accountability for those who constructed the Russia collusion/conspiracy hoax. However, amid the increased … Continue reading →

Shingles on the Rise Among Younger People

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 20 hours ago
https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/shingles/news/20180904/shingles-on-the-rise-among-younger-people?ecd=soc_fb_190330_cons_news_shingles&linkId=100000005238845 Advertisements

Getting up to pee in the night is an early warning sign for heart attack and stroke, scientists discover

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 20 hours ago

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 20 hours ago
*by Noah* Sunday Thoughts: So Republican messiah Donald Trump went to Alabama to have a look at the destruction wrought by some of God's tornados a few weeks ago. This time, instead of tossing paper towels out to the victims, he signed their Bibles. I'm guessing that the Alabamans who presented their Bibles for signature were told that Trump would only sign their KKK hoods and MAGA hats behind closed doors. I'm also guessing that the new #1 hymn on the Republican Jesus charts is titled "Hey Satan, Would You Sign My Bible?" It's a wonderful world. When I think of the whole bible-...more »

"Retail Apocalypse Closing Stores Down Like Death of Dinosaurs"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
*"Retail Apocalypse Closing Stores* *Down Like Death of Dinosaurs"* by Knave Dave "For brick and mortar stores, the Retail Apocalypse is closing stores down like a slow-motion video of the asteroid event that took out dinosaurs 66 million years ago. While it may seem to drag on as we watch various species of retail collapse, I originally said this event would take, at least, three years (through the end of 2019) for the bulk of the impact to play out. It was two years ago that I started writing about the damage that was to come and all the collateral damage that would ensue. I sa... more »

Saudi Team Who Killed Khashoggi Possibly Trained By Trump Connected Company

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 21 hours ago
Some members of the team, which intentionally, or unintentionally, killed the Saudi journalist Khashoggi, were reportedly trained in the United … Continue reading →

Police seek information into 'gay bashing' murders of two men in Adelaide parklands

Just In - 21 hours ago
Two unsolved murder cases believed to have been the result of "gay bashings" remain open, with SA Police hopeful advances in DNA technology will help solve the cold cases.

Trump cuts $700m in Central American aid in retaliation for migrant surge

Just In - 21 hours ago
The United States cuts $US700 million in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras after US President Donald Trump blasts the Central American countries over migration and threatens to shut the US-Mexico border.

NT land councils breathe sigh of relief as housing squabble settled

Matt Garrick And Mitchell Abram at Just In - 21 hours ago
A bitter and prolonged remote housing spat between Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Northern Territory Government is resolved, with land councils branding the news as "a relief".

Pair of rare white lion cubs born in safari park

Just In - 21 hours ago
There are about 300 white lions in the world — many of them in captivity. A Crimean safari park has added a male and female to their number.

'An absolute dream come true': Crows win AFLW Premiership in front of record Adelaide Oval crowd

Just In - 21 hours ago
Talismanic champion Erin Phillips suffers an ACL injury in the third term, but the Adelaide Crows still dominate Carlton in front of a record crowd at Adelaide Oval.

Adrian Schrinner named Brisbane's new lord mayor

Just In - 21 hours ago
Brisbane's Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner is selected as the city's new lord mayor following Graham Quirk's surprise announcement last week that he'd be stepping down from the top job.

Live: Souths ready to bring down the Titans at the Olympic stadium

Just In - 21 hours ago
The Rabbitohs take on the Titans at the Olympic stadium after Wests Tigers have their unbeaten run ended by the Bulldogs at Campbelltown. Follow all the live scores, stats and commentary.

Letter From The Editor: Escape from the National Capital Region (NCR)

Dan Flynn at Food Safety News - 21 hours ago
Opinion Ten years ago when USDA leased nearly all of the newly completed 380,000 square foot Patriots Plaza III at 355 E. St. SW in Washington D.C., it was good for only a couple of small items in the local real estate press. USDA was just snapping up a hot address to house the Economic... Continue Reading

Pâté recall for milk and soy allergens not declared on label

News Desk at Food Safety News - 21 hours ago
Market of Choice, Inc., in Eugene, OR, Saturday recalled approximately 1,094 pounds of pork and poultry pâté products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The products contain milk and soy, known allergens, which are not declared on the product label. The pork and poultry... Continue Reading

The Fourth Sunday of Lent 2019

Menagerie at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
GospelLK 15:1-3, 11-32 Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” So to them Jesus addressed this parable: “A … Continue reading →

Those absurd rants about closing the border. Good luck with that.

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell at CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
Longhorn Grill near Arizona Border photo Brenda Norrell By Brenda Norrell Censored News I've been trying to come up with a funny cartoon about Trump's rants about closing the border. Most of the border looks like just another clump of sagebrush, creosote, rock or sand. I know because I foolishly decided to drive the 1,954 mile US Mexico border. It started out poorly, with wildfires

Railgun Derailed: The U.S. Navy's Ultimate Weapon Is in Trouble

Task and Purpose at Test Feed Using Fields - 22 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] Will it happen? Less than a year after declaring the U.S. Navy "fully invested" in the service's much-hyped electromagnetic railgun, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson is apparently experiencing some buyer's remorseover the $500 million supergun's troubled development. Appearing before an audience at the Atlantic Council on Thursday, Richardson characterized the decade-old weapons system — capable of accelerating a projectile to hypersonic speeds but stuck in research and development limbo without a ship-boar... more »

Denying American Greatness

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
Gary Bauer ~ Everything that is wrong with the political left was on full display on MSNBC earlier this week. That’s generally the case just about every night on MSNBC. But it was particularly outrageous Wednesday night when former Attorney General Eric Holder was asked about Trump’s slogan, “Make America great again.” Holder […]

Streisand’s Bizarre Michael Jackson Defense

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Brent Bozell and Tim Graham ~ The Times of London published a sugary celebrity interview on March 21 titled “Barbra Streisand at 76: dog cloning, art collecting and being a grandma.” Talk about burying the lede. Social-media accounts have been whirring in outrage since it was discovered that Streisand had demonstrated such extreme sympathy […]

Biggest Media Miss Of Trump’s Presidency

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Jarrett Stepman ~ After over two years of speculation and endless media coverage, the Mueller report arrived with a dud. This is, without a doubt, the biggest media miss of the Trump presidency. The fact is that after nonstop allegations and insinuations that Trump was a Manchurian candidate and a puppet of the Putin […]

Police visit Mike Holt over posting Christchurch video

Editor, cairnsnews at cairnsnews.org - 23 hours ago

Islam is a pagan secular government

Editor, cairnsnews at cairnsnews.org - 23 hours ago
by John Noble Like a lot of brainwashed folks many are under the illusion that Muslims who are not currently chopping off heads as representative of those whose religion has been “hijacked” by its violent members. They will not admit that Muslims have slaughtered between 300 to 400 million human beings during its march through […]

March 31st – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #801

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Sunday March 31st – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

'Huge gap' in homeless support services as Sleep Out event supports those in need

Candice Prosser at Just In - 23 hours ago
Almost 150 people brave a cold Victor Harbor night to sleep rough and raise money for the Fleurieu Peninsula region's homeless population.

Berejiklian dismisses Liberal Party 'women problem', as re-elected Premier shakes up Cabinet

Nick Sas at Just In - 23 hours ago
The Premier says her new Cabinet is a combination of "experience and new blood" from "the city and the bush" — but the women question just won't go away.

'Some of them have lost everything': Flood-hit station calls for help

Matt Garrick And Emilia Terzon at Just In - 23 hours ago
The deluge in the wake of Cyclone Trevor sees staff of an isolated Territory cattle station forced to flee at short notice "without even their toothbrushes" as floodwaters peak at the top of the homestead's door frame.

Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to control internet content

Just In - 23 hours ago
The Facebook founder says he agrees that the social media platform has "too much power over speech" as he calls on regulators and governments to play a more active role in controlling internet content.

Here's how changes to Newstart could affect you

Emma Alberici at Just In - 23 hours ago
Lifting the rate of unemployment benefits would bring down poverty levels and reduce inequality in Australia, according to new modelling. But increases in allowances would impact some people more than others.

'Bright and energetic': Japanese principal pays tribute to teens drowned in Australia

Lily Nothling at Just In - 23 hours ago
A Japanese high school pays tribute to two schoolboys who drowned in a lake on Queensland's Fraser Island during an exchange trip.

Bali bomb survivor urges other people with disabilities to take up golf

Elise Kinsella at Just In - 23 hours ago
In 2002 Ben Tullipan nearly lost his life in the Bali bombings. Now he plays golf off a handicap of 13 and helps others with disabilities take up the game.

Time to Straighten out Damage from the Big Lie of Global Warming Starting With Voltaire’s Admonition

Hifast at Climate Collections - 23 hours ago
Reblogged from Watts Up With That: Guest Blogger / March 30, 2019 “If you wish to converse with me, define your terms.” – Voltaire Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball The big lie that humans are causing climate change spreads as it is promoted by those with a political agenda and their use of a familiar […]

Endorsements-- Do They All Help?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*Is there any nice way to turn down an endorsement?* Obama's endorsement is going to be meaningful for the 2020 primary. If, as I think is likely, he decides *not* to endorse, it looks like a slap in the face to Status Quo Joe. If he endorses Biden, it will be something but... not *that* much because... didn't he have to? But if he endorses someone else-- whoa! Game-changer/ Imagine if he were to say, "It's time for some *real* change; I endorse Bernie (or Elizabeth Warren or Mayor Pete)... now that would be an endorsement that won an election. But, truthfully, if endorsements meant... more »

Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Leonard Cohen, “Anthem” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1HcpOtAYhc

Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Vangelis, “Alpha” This song always evokes an image of the "March of Mankind" through the ages. Despite our enormously bloodthirsty, savage and cruel flaws and weaknesses, by God humanity is Great... Onward! "What can we know? What are we all? Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite, with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
A broad expanse of glowing gas and dust presents a bird-like visage to astronomers from planet Earth, suggesting its popular moniker - The Seagull Nebula. This portrait of the cosmic bird covers a 1.6 degree wide swath across the plane of the Milky Way, near the direction of Sirius, alpha star of the constellation Canis Major. * Click image for larger size.* Of course, the region includes objects with other catalog designations: notably NGC 2327, a compact, dusty emission region with an embedded massive star that forms the bird's head (aka the Parrot Nebula, above center). IC 2177 f... more »

"Have You Not Your Soul?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"What matter if this base, unjust life Cast you naked and disarmed? If the ground breaks beneath your step, Have you not your soul? Your soul! You fly away, Escape to realms refined, Beyond all sadness and whimpering. Be like the bird which on frail branches balanced A moment sits and sings; He feels them tremble, but he sings unshaken, Knowing he has wings." - Victor Hugo

"The Majority Of Us..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act... more »

"Living In The Moment"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "Living In The Moment"* By Frederic Premji "I was going through the excellent book by Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now" (which is one of my all time favorite books) and I came across an interesting passage about the amount of time and energy people spend on past and future events, instead of focusing on the present moment. Everyone agrees, that the older you get, the quicker life seems to be. I remember a summer in between school years when I was 10 years old felt like forever, while now, I don’t even see the summers go by. Think back about your time between grades 2-7 for exampl... more »

The Real 'Star Wars': How the U.S. Military Is Preparing for a Space War

Kris Osborn, Warrior Maven at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Kris Osborn, Warrior Maven* *Security, * [image: (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Areca T. Bell)] It would be epic. Staying ahead of space trends – from satellite manufacture to new launch options – is daunting. Six trends – at least – are at work. To what exact end they vector is unclear, but watching is important. These trends will affect American investment in space, national security, our modern standards of living, and our wider economy. First, heavy satellites are getting heavier, as more capability is attached to each satellite. Capabilities are commercial to national... more »

Armored Battle Royal: Russia Has Lots of Tanks But Which Is the Best?

Michael Peck at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * A tank commander gives us his call. Which tank does Russia love most? Russia operates a variety of tanks, including the T-72, T-80 and T-90. In an interview with the military newspaper *Red Star* [English translation here], Major General Sergey Kisel, commander of the First Guards Tank Army, offered his assessment of the various tanks operated by his unit. Kisel should know. The First Guard Tanks Army is arguably the most famous Russian armored formation, spearheading the Red Army’s drive to Berlin in 1945. Disbanded in 1998, it was reactivated in 201... more »

America Needs to Give Europe Some Tough Love

James Jay Carafano at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*James Jay Carafano* *Security, Europe* [image: Reuters] And here's a five-point plan to get there. There is nothing wrong with the transatlantic community that a little tough love cannot solve. The biggest threat to that community’s future won’t come from the Russians, the Middle East, or even Brussels. It’s places like Berlin and Paris that are the real problem. Unless these capitals start exercising sensible leadership, they only enable Vladimir Putin’s scheme to dismantle the transatlantic community, undermining the cohesion and future prosperity of the continent. Here is a ...more »

Why Iran Is So Afraid of a Free Iraq

Michael Rubin at Test Feed Using Fields - 1 day ago
*Michael Rubin* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] The octogenarian Iraqi Grand Ayatollah remains an outsized political force that Iran must reckon with. On March 15, 2019, Hassan Rouhani became the first sitting president of the Islamic Republic of Iran to be received by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the most prominent source of emulation in the Shiite world. Iranian authorities sought to spin the meeting as “historic,” a sign of their reach, Shiite unity, and perhaps even Najaf’s endorsement for Iran’s clerical regime. *Iran*, for example, a state-owned newspaper, wrote: ... more »

"Never Be Afraid..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
''How do you know so much about everything?'' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was, ''By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of which I was ignorant.” - John Abbott

Chet Raymo, “The Spare And The True”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Spare And The True”* by Chet Raymo “Twice during the past few years, someone has alerted me to quotes from my Globe columns in the American Heritage Dictionary (4th ed.), illustrating the use of words. For spacefaring, the dictionary cites my reference to "spacefaring nations." For exotic, 2. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange, the dictionary cites my observation "If something can be explained simply, in a familiar way, then it is best to avoid more exotic explanations." Now that pleases me. I contributed Ockham's Razor to the American Heritage Dictionary!... more »

"The Recipe For Perpetual Ignorance..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge." - Elbert Hubbard

“Being A Human in This World, A Personal Credo”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Being A Human in This World, A Personal Credo” * by John Robbins “I am someone who works and prays for world peace. Perhaps you are, too. But our society is spending a billion dollars a day preparing for war. I believe that inner peace is found when you love the world as it is, rather than faulting it for not living up to your expectations. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in accepting others for who they are. But I am part of a society that is spending far more on weapons of mass destruction and producing far more toxic waste than any other in the history of the world. I b...more »

The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "A Walk"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"A Walk"* "My eyes already touch the sunny hill. going far ahead of the road I have begun. So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp; it has inner light, even from a distance- and changes us, even if we do not reach it, into something else, which, hardly sensing it, we already are; a gesture waves us on answering our own wave... but what we feel is the wind in our faces." - Rainer Maria Rilke

Ave Maria sung at Disney World, FL

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 1 day ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgNn6rfByAM .....................................................

Eleven Years And Ten Months Left

tonyheller at The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - 1 day ago
I left three inches of snow in Boulder this morning, and flew into 70 degrees and Magnolia trees in bloom in DC. While I was on the plane, I had lots of time to work on Sonoran Desert photos on … Continue reading →

"The Chief" -- What It Actually Tells Us About John Roberts's Vote in the Initial ACA Case

Mark Tushnet at Balkinization - 1 day ago
Almost everything I've read about Joan Biskupic's presentation of NFIB v. Sibelius asserts that it confirms the already established story that Chief Justice Roberts "switched" his vote in the case. Concluding her chapter, Biskupic does refer to Roberts's "change of heart." The account she actually offers, though, does not show a switch or a change of heart. (I take some satisfaction that her account mostly confirms the inferences I drew in *In the Balance* -- and that the divergences are mostly on matters that I speculated about but that she doesn't discuss.) Here's what Biskupic sa... more »

Canadian Prime Minister Under More Pressure Over Shielding SNC-Lavalin From Prosecution After Secret Tape Is Released

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Daily Mail:* *Pressure mounts on Justin Trudeau as former Justice Minister releases 40-page document alleging government pressure to shield Canadian company SNC-Lavalin from prosecution* * Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is under mounting pressure amid SNC-Lavalin saga * A former justice minister says government officials tried to persuade her to shield SNC-Lavalin from prosecution * Jody Wilson-Raybould made public documents indicating government coercion * The crisis may well threaten Trudeau's reelection chances in a vote this October Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is unde... more »

Some Common Criticisms Of My Work Addressed, By Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone at Caitlin Johnstone - 1 day ago
It’s a relatively slow news day so I thought it might be good to just tap out a few responses to common criticisms of the writing I’ve been doing since I started this gig two and a half years ago. I try to put all […]

Ukraine’s Voters Go To The Polls This Sunday To Choose The Next Leader Of The Country

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Guardian*: *Ukraine's candidates push limits of 'quiet day' before polls open* *Country bans campaigning on day before an election, but candidates find ways around rule* Presidential candidates in Ukraine are banned from campaigning the day before Sunday’s highly contested vote. But Ukraine’s “quiet day” has not been all that quiet. Turn on television channel 1+1 and you’re likely to see the poll leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy starring in his own comedy show, Kvartal 95. Later on Saturday evening, 1+1 will broadcast a biopic about Ronald Reagan, another actor-turned-politician,... more »

Live: Suns and Dockers in a tight one at Carrara

Just In - 1 day ago
The Suns and the Dockers bring round two of the AFL to an end at Carrara, after the Lions and Bulldogs get the points earlier on Sunday. Get live scores, stats and commentary in our ScoreCentre.

Tourist bashed and taunted in 'terrifying' Melbourne tram stop attack

Just In - 1 day ago
An American tourist requires emergency surgery to stop bleeding on his brain after he is bashed in an attack captured on CCTV footage near a tram stop in Melbourne's north.

As it happened: Adelaide dominates Carlton to win AFLW grand final

Simon Smale at Just In - 1 day ago
The Crows smash the Blues 10.3 (63) to 2.6 (18) to win the AFLW grand final in front of a record-breaking crowd of 53,034 at the Adelaide Oval. Relive how all the action unfolded in our live blog.

Millions of Australians to receive one-off payment to ease power bill pressure

Jane Norman at Just In - 1 day ago
A one-time handout to help pensioners, veterans, carers and single parents handle rising energy bills will be included in the federal Budget on Tuesday.

'They had to hold me down': After weeks in hospital with an eating disorder, Melissa's family took over

Niki Burnside at Just In - 1 day ago
At 16, Canberra teenager Melissa Keller-Tuberg was fighting for her life in hospital. Now, she wants to save other young people from "the nightmare" of an eating disorder.

O's whup the Yanks

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
We had some fun today. https://t.co/n5GJTZZ79D — Jim Misudek (@JMisudek) March 30, 2019 Baseball season has begun. My life-long favorite team, the Baltimore Orioles, had the worst record in baseball last year. They have all new management now and got rid of most of their older, more expensive players. They are going young with a bunch of unproven kids. Yesterday in their season opened they lost to the damn evil empire - the New York Yankees. Today they beat the Yanks 5-3 and gave their new rookie manager Brandon Hyde his first major league win. After the game was over the tea... more »