Julien Philippe, M.A International Relations & International Business Law, Development & Trade InternationalLaw (2011)
The United States of America are a country with more than 300 millions inhabitant, the first economy economy of the world (for a while, before China catches up), and by very far the most powerful military of the planet.
They benefit from a giant territory (2th to 4th of the planet if we take in consideration their protectorates around the planet (North-Afghanistan, a wide part of Irak, Kosovo)), and from an insular position, bordered only by way weaker Powers (Canada and Mexico) that wouldn’t think about waging war to the U.S.
During the Cold War, they were “the Leaders of the Free World”, an extended Occicdent of capitalist obedience, against the Communist block(s) led by the U.S.S.R and China :
They are the leading nation of the Occidental block (North America, Australia + N.Z, Western and central Europe) and also are the protectors of Japan and South Korea for historical reasons. They are also the leading nation in matters of finance, economy, and culture in the West, and exert a great influence on almost the whole planet (less on Russia, China, and to some extend the Arabic world and South-America, but still).
And here comes the problem : since the end of WW2, they did not only insure their “reduced block” security, but also supported Coups and waged wars in many countries, sometimes versus the communist threat(attempted Coup in Cuba, Coup in Chile, Coups in the whole of Latin America in fact, agression war in Vietnam (An U.S defeat, but with more than 2 millions deads Vietnamese, way more than half being civilians !!!), sometimes for their own interests (multiple Coups in Latin America again, in Iran and Indonesia also, war in Irak (the Kurds still don’t have a country), support for Izetbegovic power-greed in Bosnia (after sabotaging the Carrington-Cutileiro peace plan in march 1992, here already), war against the federal Republic of Yugoslavia (after sabotaging again the peace-talks in Rambouillet in march 1999), Irak II, etc). Some of their wars were assimilable as “cleaning their previous mess” (Afghanistan, Syria) while some others were to break ruthless States (Lybia, under French frontend “leadership”).
U.S foreign policy scoreboard in South America :
Another detailled infography about U.S interventionnism in Latin America :
In most of these Coups or Wars, thousands to hundred of thousands civilians died, and the results (fall to militarism, extremism, nationalism, or chaos) were even worst as the situation that was initially described “to be fought and solved”.
If Japan and South-Korea went globally well out of this (and on these cases, the war led by the U.S against the Japanese Empire was totally justified, even if Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be discussed), that cannot be said for all the other countries the U.S.A intervened in or against. The only overall result on the other conflicts… has been benefitical for the U.S is an eternally renewed opportunity to station troops in the attacked countries when they won, and dismantle their national economy to discount it to Occidental bidders(Chile, former Yugoslavia, Irak).
In Europe, NATO which was supposed to be a defensive organization versus the U.S.S.R suddenly went after its fall to engulf a new “ennemy”, the too resistant Serbia by waging war against said-country in 1999 to break it and fully open the area to U.S / NATO interests, after a campaign of terrorism sponsoring between 1996 and 1999 in Kosovo to destabilize it and create a proper context to trigger a so called “humanitarian-war” :
Democratization of Beograd (Serbia, 1999) by NATO Airstrike campaign :
And then fully absorbing the region by the integration into NATO of almost the whole of the eastern-Europe. Here’s NATO expansion timeline :
This preceding (or happening the same year than) the growth of the European Union (a good thing for peace through business, what else to do now anyway… But at a dear cost for the new members : the sacrifice of their economical independence and state belonging / social policies). Here’s the E.U expansion timeline :
In Iran, we got out of the U.S/U.K sponsored Coup in the 1950s a secular and paranoid dictature, and then another dictature, Islamic this time, as well as in Afghanistan with the Notorious Talibans who rose from the ruins left of the Russian/American proxy war that happened there in the 1980s. Ex-Yugoslavia sees a massive emigration since its West-sponsored implosion (simply put, the resulting states are slowly diying). In Irak, we got ISIS and it took Syria to be destroyed by everyone included the Syrian State itself (which was always a bloody dictature anyway) to get rid of them.. in the Area. Lybia is now a permanent warzone (some would say the succeding state of ISIS, and whatever ugly stuff Khadafi ever did in its dictature, France, the U.K and U.S provoked worst through the NATO bombing campaign of 2011), as well as the borderzone of this “former” country.
And yet, the Islamic Republic of Iran, a fruit of the Western destabilization of the region… And despite the ugliness of its Islamist regime (I hope the Iranian People will someday be able to take it out… by themselves), pales to compare to the United States of America in matter of being a global threat :
The everlasting pretext and one of the recurrent strategy used by the U.S to wage war abroad, in one infography (always the same with unbowing States) :
The result in Lybia (general Panorama) before and after NATO campaign in 2011 :
Misrata (Lybia), clear comparaison before and after NATO campaign of 2011 :
Peace through war, protecting civilians through carpet bombing and letting them face terrorism, militias, and guerillas without a policing state anymore afterwards ? Let’s look how it’s going on in matters of civilians death toll (Remember, close to 1,000 Albanian civilians dead in a decade (along a few hundred of Serbs out of UCK hands), mostly in the end of the 90s when the West-Sponsored Albanian UCK was waging a guerilla versus the Serbian governement, then hiding into villages to provoke their own ethnic civilian death in the bloody retaliations of the Serbs, were enough for the U.S NATO to step in and bombard the whole of Serbia not even one week after the already mentionned sabotage of the Rambouillet peace talks in march 1999):
In Irak :
Wow, so that’s how U.S made peace and stability feels like ? Awesome ! Let’s look at Afghanistan since 2009 now :
Wooop ! Once for the peace, two for the Stability, three for the democracy ! America’s great about it, no doubt. And then, an interresting case. Between 2007 and 2014 in… Mexico :
And what ??? The U.S are not intervening there, with all those people diying out of criminal hands ? No Pax Americana, no stability, no democracy there ? But why ??? Come on, answer’s not that hard. It’s a neighbouring country of the U.S.A. So the U.S have already… All the military bases and economical influence they need in the region ! No need to build more in Mexico...
And then, the cherry on the cake. What about the peace, security, and stability IN THE United States of America proper ?
What the fuck ? 10,000 to 13,000 deaths by homicide (just the gunshot kind of) a year in the U.S ??? All those civilians diying and the U.S are doing nothing about it ? Quick, Fast, a NATO bombing campaign over the U.S.A to save all these poor people diying from the governement dirty and bloody passive hands !
Ah, I get a imaginary call from Donald T., U.S Citizen : “Hey fucking islmist Frog, I invoke the second amendment of the U.S constitution : Weapons Free For All !!! It’s U.S cultural exception, the far-west, the cow-boys, Yihaaaaa ! And anoher Donald (Rumsfeld) already told ya bitch : “Nobody is gonna tell us where and when we can bomb or not ! Nobody !” ; or like the old saying says “If the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem is gonna to be a nail !””. Let’s see a nice interview of the good U.S General Wesley Clark mentionning all that word for word (and don’t let yourself be tricked by him pretending to be “upset about that”, he was a major executive of these very same policies in former Yugoslavia back in the 1990s under Bill Clinton’s Administration) :
So… Let me sum up then. When people die in the U.S, it’s ok, it’s the way things go anyway, and the NRA members are also voters, lobbyist, and fund-providers for the Political campains in the U.S. When people die in Mexico, it’s ok, Mexico is a sovereign state anyway, and it’s… OUR NEIGHBOUR, no need military bases there !
But in the rest of the world, the U.S are police officers, judges, juries, and executioneer of everything. Then rewrite Laws, decide what they own there or not, etc… And if a country of interest (not strong enough to deter an intervention) is not happy with that and not handing out chuncks of its territory and / or public assets and ressources peacefully to the benevolent Americans… Then the Benevolent America has an answer of its own : Economical sanctions, Air dominance, carpet bombing over everything including civilian infrastructure, buildings… State destruction, public assets theft afterwards, pillage of ressources, U.S military bases building, and the civilians… Bah, they can die, as Madeleine Allbright says : “It’s worth it.” FOR WHOM ?
“Allbright ? It’s all right !” I can imagine such a spot on T.V back in the good ol’days before 9/11.
So it’s sometimes hard to believe that the USA is not trying to dictate things but, rather fighting for world peace, freedom, security and stability. Because if the second is questionnable, the first is quite obvious, without regard for the cost in human lives or People’s way of life or future. The U.S.A are “bossily” dictating a lot of things, and yet it more often lead the countries messed up with in a bad direction (bloodshed, state destruction, economical pillage) than in a good one. The so called pax-Americana is quite a (lucrative) mess.
As a testimony of that, let’s have a look at “U.S friendly” dictators rule in the second part of the XXth century and their contribution to the world-debt system that benefit so much to the U.S (and that’s only a partial list / timespan of the U.S sponsored regime obeying to the same debt-creating dynamic), allowing them and the other Occidental countries to pillage these dictatures State-Assets and companies :
And let’s think that, meanwhile, far far away, another country is making much less noise, but is currently removing the rug under American feets. Influence through business and non bellicist interference in State affairs. It’s not a model for the Human Rights at home, true, but abroad… They mind their own business about that, provoke much less bloodshed, but generate more cash and some developpement for their partners : The “communist”… China and its 1,3 billions of hard-working Chinese.
Here’s an interresting map of the current trend of trade-power on Earth (2016) :
And another, about one aspect of the current trend of financial power this time :
The U.S.A must address that fast, in the name of world peace, freedom, security and stability ! Can’t bomb the country this time like they did the remains of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, China is too big & strong (as Russia is, no one in the U.S or NATO bothered to care to intervene about Chechnya, Georgia, or Ukraine aside some economical sanctions that will be lifted one day or another).
A fun map about the Russian global menace toward peace :
Another similar one about China :
Mmmmh ? Who’s the threat for who, really ? :D
So to stop the power hemoragy by excess of use, regain some legitimacy, and achieve something really useful for the Global Peace, security and stability (no real freedom without these 3 being present first), make America great again, the U.S maybe should start by stopping to want to police the world in a supremacist way, stop destroying countries, their infrastructures, butchering and/or letting people being butchered in the name of Freedom and Democracy, and scamming them into eternal debt and economical pillage out of it… but work with the countries instead to develop fairly the U.S trade with them, and then said-countries themselves. Like China does, for its best interests. For all his flaws, Barack tried to show the way² ! :D
And be all about peace, freedom, security, and stability in the world. Intervene only in an absolute emergency, with an U.N mandate, and start to care about the Human rights in America and also Mexico before ever thinking about agressively messing with the planet again like they did since the end of WW2.
Ressources :
A long document in 13 chapters about the U.S monetary system and what is done with it :
The eight part is interresting relatively to my vantage point : World Bank and IMF support to dictatorships
² - Obama “apologies to the world” (No, this is not shameful, it’s more likely a step toward decency) : Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
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