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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

10 June - Blogs I'm Following of 2


Does Trump Have Any Credibility Left? How About Paul Ryan?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago
Someone needs to explain to Señor Trumpanzee what "exonerated" and " vindicated" mean. No matter where you woke up Friday-- red state, blue state, purple state, there were no newspaper headlines talking about vindication. They were all talking about how we're saddled with a compulsive, manipulative liar in the White House. Even Karl Rove, in an OpEd for the *Wall Street Journal* took the opportunity to slam Trump this week-- as did widely-followed right-wing activist Erick Erickson. Trump, wrote Rove, "may have mastered the modes of communication, but not the substance, thereby sab... more »

The west practices political sectarianism while preaching the opposite

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 13 hours ago
The west practices sectarianism as a basis for determining international relations. It is an outdated, backward and bigoted way of conducting international affairs. The post The west practices political sectarianism while preaching the opposite appeared first on The Duran.

Walmart Jelly Sandals Contain Lead?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
Rumors holding that Jelly Sandals vended by Walmart contain unsafe levels of lead are based on unofficial Facebook posts.

Did Queen Elizabeth Refuse to Retract an Invitation to President Donald Trump?

Dan MacGuill at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
A misleading article twists standard practice for the Queen into an attack on Sadiq Khan and gets important details wrong.

Adam West, Who Played 1960s-Era Batman, Dies at 88

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
The star of the smash hit 1960s television series has succumbed to leukemia.

The DUP should join a formal coalition with May

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 13 hours ago
Corbyn's Labour Party has increased its power over the Parliament while the Conservatives have lost their majority in the U.K. elections. Some "overly enthusiastic" members of the Czech social democratic party have claimed that the Labour Party has basically won the elections. Well, not so fast. The resulting government may very well be more conservative than the "not so conservative" government of the Conservative Party's Theresa May has been so far. Why? Because the Democratic Unionist Party (the DUP) seems to be the only plausible ally that could allow May to form either a minor... more »

ISIS pulls back to downtown Raqqa as Kurdish forces liberate second neighborhood

Chris Tomson at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (7:20 P.M.) – On Friday evening, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) imposed full control over the Sabahiya district in west Raqqa after storming it hours earlier. In addition, Kurdish units captured the adjacent village of Al Jazrah and its water treatment station, located on the northern bank of the Euphrates River. Effectively, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

ÖSO’nun üst düzey toplantısı vuruldu: En az 4 komutan öldü

Eren Dalkesen at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
Suriye ordusu ve müttefik kuvvetlerinin, Dera kentini tamamen kontrol altına alma kararının ardından nihai kara taarruzu öncesi bombardıman devam ediyor. Bugün sabah saatlerinde cihatçı grupların bir karargahını tespit eden topçu ve füze birlikleri, gerçekleştirilen bombardıman sonucu binayı tamamen imha etti. Bölgedeki ÖSO kaynakları, toplantı sırasında karargahın vurulduğunu ve üst düzey 3 komutanlarının öldüğünü duyursa da […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

VIDEO: Syrian Army’s rocket attack kills three rebel commanders in Daraa

Zen Adra at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5: 10 P.M.) – Clashes continue to erupt in the southern province of Daraa as the Syrian Army began a full-scale offensive to recapture the insurgent-controlled parts of the provincial capital. Led by the elite 4th Armored Division, the government forces carry on a non-stop rocket shelling and aerial bombardment on jihadi rebel […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

SDF: Wir sind bereit für eine Kooperation mit Saudi Arabien

Ali Tok at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
İlham Ahmed, Sprecherin der SDF, gab der saudischen Zeitung Al-Riyadh ein Interview in dem sie Saudi Arabiens mögliche Rolle für ein Syrien frei von Konfessionskämpfen und ethnischen Spannungen betonte. Eine Kooperation sei seitens der SDF möglich. Sie beschuldigte Katar extremistische Oppositionsgruppen untersützt zu haben und ging dabei nicht auf die anfängliche Unterstützung der Saudis für […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Hundreds pour into east Hama fronts ahead of massive offensive

Izat Charkatli at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
A large convoy of reinforcements began heading towards the troubled front of Hama’s eastern countryside. The reinforcements are mainly from the experienced Military Shield Forces which participated in many battles including the liberation of Palmyra and the bulk of the battles in northern Latakia. The convoy which is estimated to number in the hundreds is […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Presidente Assad y su familia se reúnen con la familia de los mártires de Damasco

Alvaro A. at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
El Presidente de la República Árabe Siria Bashar al-Assad con su mujer y primera dama Asma al-Assad y sus hijos participaron ayer en una cena con los hijos de los mártires en uno de los restaurantes de Damasco. A continuación las fotografías del evento: Este encuentro tiene lugar días después de que el Presidente sirio […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

صحف أوروبية تنتقدد المنتخب السعودي وتعتبره داعما للإرهاب

Shady Azar at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
تعرض المنتخب السعودي لكرة القدم إلى انتقادات واسعة ل على خلفية رفض لاعبيه الوقوف دقيقة صمت على ضحايا احداث لندن الإرهابية وذلك في مباراة أمام المنتخب الاسترالي. وتعرض المنتخب السعودي لكرة القدم لهجوم كبير على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بعد تجاهل لاعبيه الاصطفاف والوقوف دقيقة حداد على ضحايا الهجوم الإرهابي في لندن. و نشرت صحيفة “ديلي […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

الدفاع الروسية  تنشر خريطة تظهر وصول الجيش السوري إلى الحدود العراقية

Shady Azar at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
نشرت وزارة الدفاع الروسية خريطة تظهر وصول الجيش السوري وحلفائه للحدود العراقية إلى الشمال الشرقي لمعبر التنف. وكانت وحدات من الجيش السوري تمكنت من الوصول إلى الحدود السورية العراقية شمال شرق التنف في عمق البادية السورية بعد القضاء على تجمعات “داعش” في المنطقة. by Shady Azar Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Çöl taarruzu: Suriye ordusu, +20.000 kilometrekare alanı kontrol altına aldı

Eren Dalkesen at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 13 hours ago
Suriye Arap Ordusu Genel Komutanlığı tarafından bugün öğle saatlerinde yapılan açıklamaya göre, yaklaşık 3 haftadır devam eden çöl taarruzunun ilk aşaması başarıyla tamamlandı. Genel Komutanlık, ilk aşamanın hedefinin Irak sınırına ulaşmak olduğunu ve bunun önceki gün gerçekleştiğini belirterek; 3 haftalık periyotta 20.000 kilometrekareden daha büyük bir alanın kontrol altına alındığını duyurdu. Bu devasa kazanımla birlikte; […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

New York Times reports "cable news" ratings!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 2017A bit strangely, one might suggest:* We interrupt our career as a critic of standard group novels to bring you this business report: The report appeared in the Business section of Tuesday's New York Times. Beneath a four-column-wide photo of an unnamed cable news host, the headline said this: "MSNBC Surges to an Unfamiliar Spot: No. 1" Say what? MSNBC has surged to the top of the cable news game? Michael Grynbaum's news report started off like this: GRYNBAUM (6/10/17): *The last time that MSNBC was No. 1 in prime-time cable news, Bill Clinton was presiden... more »

Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, June 10, 2017"

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
*"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”* - Shiva *Updated June 10, 2017: Fukushima Equals 14,647.95 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow; There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad: *The 3 melted-through cores of the destroyed reactors, totaling over *600 tons*, at Fukushima *daily* release the radioactive equivalent of 6.45 Hiroshima bombs directly into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. As of June 10, 2017 - 2,271 days since the disaster began - this equals the detonation of 14,647.95 Hiroshima atomic bombs and it is still going strong, with no end in sight, consi... more »

The Company Behind The Russian Dossier On Trump Does Not Want To Cooperate With Congress

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*CIRCA:* *A battle is brewing between the firm behind the salacious Trump dossier and Sen. Grassley* The firm behind the salacious and unsubstantiated Trump dossier is refusing to to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee's request to provide documentation or respond to questions sent from the committee in March about the clients who paid for the dossier that launched the investigation into the administration and its alleged Russian connections. The Republican Chairman of the committee, Senator Charles Grassley, warned Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled the dossier, in Marc... more »

Mosul Campaign Day 236 Jun 9 2017

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
Destruction wrought by fighting in Zinjali, West Mosul (AFP) The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) freed the second neighborhood in their final push on Mosul. The Federal Police announcedthat Zinjali was finally liberated. The ISF were also moving on Shifawhere there has been no real progress so far. With this victory, there is just Shifa and the large Old Mosul district left under Islamic State control. At the start of the new offensive the ISF made a push into the Shifa medical district, but got ambushed by IS and were forced out. The Old City has held up the police for four months nw... more »

Cops Set Up Elaborate Scheme to Charge Good Samaritan for Returning Lost Cellphone

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: cellphone]Hero cops 'protected' society from a Kansas man who was charged with theft after he returned a lost cell phone to its rightful owner.

Woman Gets $6.7mn After Being Raped by Police in Jail & Shackled as She Gave Birth

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: jail]After the cop who raped her got off with a slap on the wrist, a jury awarded a mother $6.7 million for enduring horrid torture in Sheriff David Clarke's jail.

NC Cops Ignore Thousands of Rapes, Choose to Arrest Man for ‘Fruity Pebbles Pot Bar’ Instead

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: plant]While the law enforcement in the state of North Carolina refuses to investigate thousands of rapes, weed arrests continue to be celebrated by local police.

Disturbing New Law Allows Gov’t to Steal Kids from Parents Who Oppose ‘Gender Identity’

Rachel Blevins at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: gender]A startling precedent has just been set that could lead to the government seizing children from parents who oppose the “Gender Identity” agenda.

The Surveillance State and Big Brother Trump

Kurt Nimmo at 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] Despite his opposition to surveillance during the campaign, Trump has flip-flopped once again and now supports the surveillance state. His Homeland Security advisor, Tom Bossert, who worked with the Bush administration, penned an editorial for The New York Times this week calling for a reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Section 702 allows for vacuuming up emails, instant messages, Facebook messages, web browsing history, and more in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment. “Cabinet officials and security professionals fr... more »

USA NOAA May 2017 Tmax versus May of 1934

Hifast at Climate Collections - 14 hours ago
Originally posted on sunshine hours: Comparing May 1934 to May 2017 by Division and Rank where 123 it hottest and 1 is coldest. Every dark brown are with 123 in it was a record high in 1934 2017 ? 1934

California – June Snow & Rain

Hifast at Climate Collections - 14 hours ago
Source: California – June Snow & Rain

I think Donald Trump broke another White House spokesperson. Update!

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 14 hours ago
⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🏰🗺🗺🏰🏰🏰🚦 :/9//&🗿🛩⛩🏚 #🚦lolaklkk🚥🚦⛲️🚝🚦🚞🚢🚂 — Sarah H. Sanders (@SHSanders45) June 10, 2017 Okay maybe I am just not up on all of the hip jargon, but this appears to be gibberish. Or...perhaps it is how folks from the White House secretly communicate with their Russian overlords. I imagine it will be deleted soon so here is a screen shot courtesy of the folks over at Politicususa. Update: Sanders has an excuse. This is what happens when your 3 year old steals your phone. Thanks Huck! #neverleaveyourphoneunlocked https://t.co/qF... more »

June 8th 2017: the aftermath

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 14 hours ago
I won’t bother using the excuse of BBC bias and I won’t try to shoe-horn my opinion into a BBC-related op ed., but I will explore a fraction of the issues that have arisen from both parties’ dire election campaigns and the immediate aftermath, and the boundless ramifications therein. We knew Labour’s perceived ‘win’ would allow people like Owen Jones to be even more insufferable than usual. In fact he was being insufferable in the snippet of Dateline I caught this morning; so there you are, an unforced U-turn by me just seconds into the game. I have resorted to the BBC after all, bu... more »

How Much Leverage Does China Have Over North Korea?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Gordon G. Chang, Cipher Brief:* *China Can Disarm North Korea in the Blink of an Eye* Ambassador Fu Ying, Beijing’s veteran diplomat, said last month that her country had “no leverage” over North Korea unless China addressed Pyongyang’s security concerns. Whether China addresses those concerns or not, its leverage over Pyongyang is, in a word, overwhelming. The trend of thinking these days, both inside and outside China, is that Chinese influence over the Kim regime is limited. A White House official reported that Chinese ruler Xi Jinping told his Mar-a-Lago host, President Tru... more »

Will The U.S. Increase Its Commitment To Target Terror Money Networks?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Picture from Global Center on Cooperative Security *Washington Free Beacon:* *Experts: Trump needs to rebuild U.S. ability to target terrorist’s money networks* *Government suffered brain drain after Obama 'systematically' dismantled investigations.* The Trump administration needs to significantly rebuild and expand law enforcement agencies' ability to target and take down terrorist financing networks after President Obama systematically disbanded the work in an attempt to ease relations with Iran for the nuclear deal, according to former senior U.S. officials with decades of expe... more »

"We have a balanced audience here"

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 14 hours ago
*Question Time *is drawing flak again for its audience selection following last night's edition of the programme. When David Dimbleby announced Labour's victory in Kensington the audience burst out in loud cheers and applause, provoking complaints of bias. WATCH | #bbcqt audience when it hears Labour has gained Kensington. The balanced BBC in all its glory! pic.twitter.com/isSeFsbsrV — LEAVE.EU 🇬🇧 (@LeaveEUOfficial) June 9, 2017 There are two counter-points that can be made to this though - and *I'll* get them in before the BBC does! Firstly, when you watch the video closely an... more »

Weekend reads: A demand for a CRISPR paper retraction; a weak data-sharing policy; can we trust journals?

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
The week at Retraction Watch featured a study suggesting that 2% of studies in eight medical journals contained suspect data, and the announcement of a retraction on a professor’s blog. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Two companies whose stocks plummeted after a Nature Methods study claimed CRISPR introduced unexpected mutations want the study retracted because of alleged […] The post Weekend reads: A demand for a CRISPR paper retraction; a weak data-sharing policy; can we trust journals? appeared first on Retraction Watch.


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 14 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Pressured by Trump, missile tests, China finally cuts off all North Korean coal imports Thousands of millennials straight out of high school work for the NSA with top secret information Theresa May announces she will form a new minority government with the DUP CITI: We expect May to resign Predict Cancer Years Before Symptoms How Insurance Companies Can Use Fitness Monitors to Raise Rates video. Comey Testifies AG Lynch 'Pressured' Him On Clinton Probe: "It Gave Me A Queasy Feeling" Number Of Potential Migrants Worldwide Tops 700 Million NSA Leaker Reality Win... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Pressured by Trump, missile tests, China finally cuts off all North Korean coal imports Thousands of millennials straight out of high school work for the NSA with top secret information Theresa May announces she will form a new minority government with the DUP CITI: We expect May to resign Predict Cancer Years Before Symptoms How Insurance Companies Can Use Fitness Monitors to Raise Rates video. Comey Testifies AG Lynch 'Pressured' Him On Clinton Probe: "It Gave Me A Queasy Feeling" Number Of Potential Migrants Worldwide Tops 700 Million NSA Leaker Reality Win... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
Will this really happen? A defiant President Donald Trump said Friday he was willing to testify under oath about his conversations with James Comey.... "One hundred percent," Trump said when asked about his willingness to deliver sworn testimony. Now, it's easy to imagine Trump dropping this subject and never returning to it. But it's also easy to imagine him enjoying the reaction to the bravado and deciding to stick with it for a while. Maybe he really will give testimony under oath in some venue. If he does, and if anyone working for him has a sense of history, he could demand ... more »

Here’s how The Duran got the British election right, and the MSM got it wrong

Alexander Mercouris at The Duran - 15 hours ago
Duran writers correctly assessed the strengths and weaknesses of Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn long before any one else, and correctly assessed the possibility of Jeremy Corbyn achieving a shock result The post Here’s how The Duran got the British election right, and the MSM got it wrong appeared first on The Duran.

CONFIRMED: US enters fight against ISIS in Philippines

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 15 hours ago
Can American 'assistance' ever be fully trusted? The post CONFIRMED: US enters fight against ISIS in Philippines appeared first on The Duran.

Japan Built ‘Underwater’ Aircraft Carriers to Launch a Second Pearl Harbor

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Asia* Lieutenant Commander Stephen L. Johnson had a problem on his hands; a very large problem. His Balao-class submarine, the Segundo, had just picked up a large radar contact on the surface about 100 miles off Honshu, one of Japan’s home islands, heading south toward Tokyo. World War II in the Pacific had just ended, and the ensuing cease fire was in its 14th day. The official peace documents would not be signed for several more days, on September 2, 1945, aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. As Johnson closed on the other vesse... more »

China Might Have a New Way to Sink U.S. Aircraft Carriers

Zachary Keck at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Zachary Keck* *Security, Asia* The Pentagon just released its annual report on China’s military power, which once again highlighted Beijing’s efforts to put American aircraft carriers at risk. Right on cue, China announced a major milestone for a system that might be a key component of its antiaccess/area-denial (A2/AD) strategy. This week, Chinese state media reported that the Caihong-T 4 (CH-T4), China’s massive, solar-powered drone, for the first time flew at an altitude of twenty thousand meters. This is important because there are no clouds above twenty thousand meters, wh... more »

The Iowa Class: The U.S. Battleships That Were So Powerful They Were Unretired 3 Times

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * The Second World War marked the end of the Age of Battleships. Aircraft carriers, with their flexible, long range striking power made battlewagons obsolete in a matter of months. American battleships, once expected to fight a decisive battle in the Pacific that would halt the Japanese Empire, were instead relegated to providing artillery support for island-hopping campaigns. Yet after the war America’s battleships would return, again and again, to do the one thing only battleships could do: bring the biggest guns around to bear on the enemy. The U.S.... more »

The Bat: The Father of America's Ship-Killer Missiles

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * In April 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy became the first victim of what would soon become a terrifying new ship-killing weapon. Off the coast of Borneo, Japanese ships were attacked by U.S. Navy PB4Y Privateers (the naval version of the B-24 Liberator heavy bomber). But instead of regular bombs, the Privateers carried under each wing bulbous-nosed bombs with wings, as well as a double tail that gave it the look of a miniature B-24. Japanese sailors could only watch as these bombs—named the Bat—homed in on their ships. By 1945, antiship smart bombs w... more »

The Settled Science of Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming Violates the Laws of Physics

Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D. at An Objectivist Individualist - 15 hours ago
President Trump has just recently announced that the U.S. will not participate in the Paris Climate Agreement. He implied that he regarded it as a bad deal for the U.S. economy, while not necessarily disputing its premise that man’s use of fossil fuels was going to cause a disastrous deterioration of the Earth’s climate. Only a minority of Americans seriously claim that the science behind the catastrophic man-made global warming hypothesis is wrong. Most of mankind has been seriously misinformed on this critically important topic. Almost all of the debate about the science is abo... more »

People's Summit

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
The Real News Network is broadcasting a livestream of this weekend's People's Summit. You can watch it here. Bernie Sanders was scheduled to be the keynote speaker tonight. Jeremy Corbyn's unexpected, de facto victory in the U.K.'s snap election has given added impetus and new optimism to stateside lefties, to say the least. *T**he Guardian* reports, *Bernie Sanders was among those to praise Labour’s result, saying it showed “people are rising up against austerity and massive levels of income and wealth inequality,” while left-leaning members of Congress said the victory would have... more »

Lidice massacre 75 years ago: Hitler wanted to murder top 10,000 Czechs instead

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 16 hours ago
Today, on June 10th, it's been exactly 75 years since the Lidice massacre. The Nazis fully eradicated a village West from Prague as a revenge for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the acting protector of Bohemia and Moravia and a co-father of the Holocaust. (Previously, Heydrich was also the director of Gestapo and Reich Main Security Office, and the president of the IPCC – before Pachauri.) *The sculpture of 82 Lidice (=Peopleville) kids murdered in 1942 by Ms Marie Uchytilová, also the author of the classic one-crown coin. For the sake of confidentiality, faces aren't prec... more »

Ocean Warming Dominates The Increase In Energy Stored In the Climate System

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 16 hours ago
By Paul Homewood https://co2islife.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/ocean-warming-dominates-the-increase-in-energy-stored-in-the-climate-system/ It is often claimed that the seas are warming up because of GHGs. This analysis by CO2 is Life shows this to be unscientific nonsense: Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report Summary for Policymakers Ocean warming dominates the increase in energy stored in the climate system, accounting for […]

He No Longer Knows When He's Lying

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
In a bizarre twist at the end of a very bizarre week, the Liar-in-Chief accused James Comey of lying. And he offered to testify under oath -- as if raising his hand would make a difference. Ezra Klein's conclusion is inescapable: The United States government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it. That is the simple, chilling takeaway of James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is separate from the legal question of whether Trump obstructed justice, or the political question of whether congressional Republicans care even if he did. The pi... more »

The S.M.A.R.T Psy-op Consumers Don’t Recognize

Activist Post at Activist Post - 16 hours ago
By Catherine J. Frompovich and Contributing researcher Kerri Ellen Wilder “Smart” is really S.M.A.R.T., an engineering acronym for Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Relevant... more »

5 Stories You Missed While The Media Obsessed Over The Comey Hearing

Activist Post at Activist Post - 16 hours ago
By Carey Wedler Like clockwork, the mainstream media is fervently focusing on a story filled with scandal and intrigue: James Comey’s testimony. Whether it’s a... more »

How Britain Helped Create ISIS

Activist Post at Activist Post - 16 hours ago
By Steven MacMillan Britain is gripped by fear, panic and anger, after being struck by three terror attacks in the space of three months. Innocent... more »

James Comey Stars In Another Bad Movie

Activist Post at Activist Post - 16 hours ago
By Jon Rappoport Where was the devastating revelation about Trump’s crimes during James Comey’s Congressional testimony yesterday? “Who produced this stinker? Find out and fire... more »

Just a reminder that the big scandal facing President Obama eight years ago at this time was that he used the wrong mustard on his hamburger.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 16 hours ago
At this point in the Obama presidency, a big scandal for Fox News was when he ordered the wrong mustard. pic.twitter.com/fB0PTmM8L8 — Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) June 8, 2017 Courtesy of Raw Story: *In news from eight years ago that appears to be from some alternate reality, Obama left the White House and went out for a local bite to eat with vice president and BFF Joe Biden in May. The two politicians ordered hamburgers, MSNBC journalist Andrea Mitchell reported at the time, with the sitting president requesting mustard on his red meat.* *The story was featured on Sean Hannit... more »

The U.S. Congress Wants To Know When Cyber Weapons Are Used

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
Cyberwar games at the United States Military Academy. (Photo: Michael Falco for The New York Times) *Defense One:* *Lawmakers to Pentagon: Tell Us When You Use Cyber Weapons* *A proposed law would require congressional notification when DOD conducts external cyber operations — offensive or defensive.* Defense Department officials would be required to notify congressional overseers within 48 hours of launching any sensitive cyber operation under legislation introduced Thursday by top lawmakers on the House Armed Services Committee. The law would apply to both offensive and defensive... more »

This Is The U.S. Navy's Plan To Crush Russia's And China's Air Defenses

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Dave Majumdar, National Interest:* *U.S. Navy Green-Lights New And Improved Super Hornet* The next increments of the U.S. Navy’s Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) will have little in common with the Raytheon-built AN/ALQ-249 Increment 1 pod that is currently under development for the Boeing EA-18G Growler. The frequency bands those follow-on pods will have to operate in necessitates an almost completely new design for those jammers. “We don’t anticipate any significant amount of common hardware due to the significantly different frequencies we’re dealing with and the location of the ... more »

The U.S. Navy Wants A New And Improved Super Hornet

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
US Navy *Popular Mechanics*: *U.S. Navy Approves Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet Upgrades* The Navy's flagship carrier-based fighter is getting a major tune-up. The U.S. Navy has decided to fund Boeing's fighter division to upgrade the service's F/A-18E and F/A-18F Super Hornets to the "Block III" configuration. The most recent budget request from the U.S. Navy allocates $264.9 million over the next five years to upgrade the Super Hornet fleet with more advanced avionics and sensor capabilities, according to Aviation Week. The first Block III Super Hornets are slated to enter service... more »

U.S. Special Forces Assisting Philippine Troops In Military Operations Against Islamic Militants In Marawi,

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*New York Times*: *13 Philippine Marines Killed in Battle Against Islamist Militants* MANILA — Thirteen Philippine marines were killed and at least 40 others were wounded in a 14-hour clash with militants linked to the Islamic State in the city of Marawi, the military said on Saturday. It was believed to be the deadliest single-day toll for military forces battling Islamist militants from the Abu Sayyaf and Maute groups that seized part of the city in May, beginning a wave of violence across Marawi and displacing tens of thousands of Filipinos. The battle erupted at dawn on Frida... more »

GA-06 Homestretch... Ossoff Takes The Lead As Trump And Ryan Pour In More Dark Money

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 17 hours ago
Thursday one of the Trumpist dark money front groups, America First Policies, dumped another $1,339,990 into GA-06 to smear Ossoff and bolster the failing Republican candidate, Karen Handel, after her stunningly bad debate performance. Republican dark and dirty money groups, like Paul Ryan's shady SuperPAC and America First Policies, have rushed something like $30,000,000 to GA-06 so far-- they will spend much more by Tuesday-- and they have no choice. Democrat Jonathan Ossoff has raised a shocking $23,600,861.14 while the generally disliked Handel has only come up with $519,726.4... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 17 hours ago
*DeVos on Obama’s ‘Race to the Top’ Program: ‘We’ve Seen That Movie; We’re Not Going to Do That Again’* Testifying in front of Congress on President Donald Trump’s new budget for education, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said Tuesday that she will not follow the footsteps of Obama’s “Race to the Top” grant program. James Lankford (R-Ok) asked Devos whether the $1 billion increase in Title I funds she proposed, dedicated to “furthering options for children to unlock success,” will be different from Race to the Top, a grant announced in 2009 by Former President Barack Obama and ... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 17 hours ago
*What's Wrong With the Claim That '97% of Climate Scientists Agree' About Global Warming?* *The 97% claim is the major underpinning of the global warming racket. Much of the literature on global warming uses scientific explanations that go over the head of the average Joe so Joe simply decides that if the scientists say something, it must be right. He feels unqualified to disagreeSo it is welcome that the paper below covers comprehensively the whole 97% fraud. But, again, that too might be be hard going for some readers. I prefer a simpler approach. I don't criticize the Coo... more »

Unique Native American comic book store opens in Albuquerque

White Wolf at White Wolf - 17 hours ago
A new, one-of-a-kind book store in Albuquerque is attracting curious customers. The books that line the shelves aren’t ones readers can find just anywhere. “I wanted to come down and check it out and see how different it is,” said Roberta Begay. “The store now can provide an outlet for people to come together, and it can only grow from here,” said Mark Agostini. Red Planet Books & Comics opened last weekend in downtown Albuquerque near Park Avenue SW and 10th Street SW. Owner Lee Francis said it is the first indigenous comic book store in North America. “I did a little bit of ... more »

U.S. Allies In The Middle East Welcome President Trump's 'Scolding' Of Qatar

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
*Reuters: **Saudi and Bahrain welcome Trump's scolding of Qatar* Saudi Arabia and Bahrain welcomed on Saturday U.S. President Donald Trump's demand for Qatar to stop supporting terrorism, but did not respond to a U.S. Department of State call for them to ease pressure on the Gulf state. After severing ties with Qatar on Monday, Saudi Arabia said it was committed to "decisive and swift action to cut off all funding sources for terrorism" in a statement carried by state news agency SPA, attributed to "an official source". And in a separate statement issued on Friday, the United Arab... more »

"An Eternal Life..."

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
“Why do so many people yearn for an eternal life when they don't even know what to do with themselves in this brief one?” - Sydney J. Harris

"Discovering Your Self-Worth"

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"Discovering Your Self-Worth"* by Dan Millman "The first step is to realize that you are not alone. We have all made mistakes as part of our life and growth. We have all said, thought, felt, and done things we regret. Our worth is not dependent upon being perfect. Many of us have fallen into self-defeating cycles-behaving badly, leading to a lowered sense of self-worth, leading to more negative behaviors. If we can stop judging our mistakes so harshly, we can also stop ourselves from reactively engaging in the negative behaviors. The second realization is that no matter what your ... more »

The Poet: Maya Angelou, “Alone”

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*“Alone”* “Lying, thinking Last night, How to find my soul a home Where water is not thirsty And bread loaf is not stone. I came up with one thing, And I don't believe I'm wrong, That nobody, But nobody, Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone, Nobody, but nobody, Can make it out here alone. There are some millionaires With money they can't use, Their wives run round like banshees, Their children sing the blues. They've got expensive doctors To cure their hearts of stone, But nobody, No, nobody, Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone, Nobody, but nobody... more »

Russiagate: US House Intel Committee Requests Trump Tapes-Comey Notes

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
“Congress must subpoena Trump tapes– and make them public– not simply request them. Only way to make sure all are … Continue reading →

Tehran Was Always America's and Thus the Islamic State's Final Destination

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 18 hours ago
*June 10, 2017* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Several were left dead and many more injured after coordinated terror attacks on Iran's capital of Tehran. Shootings and bombings targeted Iran's parliament and the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini. According to Reuters, the so-called "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the attack, which unfolded just days after another terror attack unfolded in London. The Islamic State also reportedly took responsibility for the violence in London, despite evidence emerging that the three suspects involved were long-known to British security and intellig... more »

The Labour Party manifesto was 'a huge brib' - No Shit Sherlock

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
https://youtu.be/wgVAsDJGsag The Labour Party manifesto was 'a huge brib' - No Shit Sherlock - and it almost worked

SAA odbila nekoliko napada ISIL’a u Deir Ezoru i povratila izgubljene položaje

Stefan Agatonović at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
BEJRUT, LIBAN – U Petak je tzv Islamska Država (ISIS, ISIL), lansirala nekoliko napada u zapadnom delu Deir Ezzor’a napadajući položaje SAA kod strateški bitnog kružnog toka. Malo nakon ponoći, ISIL je pokrenuo nekoliko napada na SAA a same borbe trajale su satima kasnije. Kako su borbe trajale od noći do jutra, SAA je odbila više […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Suriye Demokratik Konseyi: Suudi Arabistan ile işbirliğine hazırız (Röportaj)

Eren Dalkesen at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
Suriye Demokratik Konseyi Eş Başkanı İlham Ahmed; Suudi Arabistan merkezli Al-Riyadh’a verdiği demeçte, Suriye’de barış ve istikrarın sağlanması konusunda Suudileri destekleyici rolüne dikkat çekti ve ”Milliyetçilikten ve mezhepçilik uzak bir demokratik Suriye inşa etme konusunda Suudilerle işbirliğine hazırız” dedi. Katar’ın Suriye’de krizi çözmek için oynadığı rolü sorulması üzerine Ahmed, ”birçok bölgesel devletin krizi çözmek için […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Italians Say "Basta!" To Mandatory Vaccination

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 18 hours ago
Thank you to Health Impact New for this post. Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news...

Autism Speaks to Fund Study on Regression Post Vaccination

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 18 hours ago
Autism Sp eaks is funding an autism regression study. Thoughts? A major challenge to studying autism with a suspected vaccine-related regression is children with acute regressive-type symptoms following MMR vaccination; there are no specific codes, tests, or procedures that identify...

"BBC Censors "Allah" From Interview About Muslim Attack"

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
https://youtu.be/3FoOH-Qk740 Can the BBC stoop any lower in their efforts to protect followes of Islam from criticism? Of course they can and indeed will.

Russia and US in suspected deal in southern Syria

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 19 hours ago
America has stopped attacking Syrian forces near the Jordanian border and has held back its jihadists. Many are suspecting that a deal has been reached with Russia. The post Russia and US in suspected deal in southern Syria appeared first on The Duran.

America and Turkey are grandstanding over Qatar

Adam Garrie at The Duran - 19 hours ago
Erdogan has pledged to stand-by Turkey's Qatari "brothers" while Donald Trump offers Qatar a stern warning with few teeth to back it up. The post America and Turkey are grandstanding over Qatar appeared first on The Duran.

Kansas Republicans abandon Brownback; raise taxes over his veto

Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 19 hours ago
Remember Kansas's great tax-cutting experiment under Governor Sam Brownback? (Me, sarcastic?) As always in Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore La-La Land, cutting taxes leads to economic nirvana. Except when it doesn't, and it didn't in Kansas. I recently wrote about the idiocy of *Investor Business Daily*'s criticisms of California, and Paul Krugman carried the ball further, citing me and bringing in a comparison with Kansas (Brownback and Jerry Brown both took office in 2011). As Kansas cut taxes and California raised them, Kansas managed to raise employment by 5% from 2011 to 2017, w... more »

Now who's the anchor baby?

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 19 hours ago
You know all partisanship aside the Republicans are really going to have to decide, and decide soon, to cut Donald Trump loose for the sake of the party. There is literally NO indication that Trump is going to stay off Twitter and quit shooting himself in the foot. The guy is on a suicide mission and he has every intention of taking everybody down with him. However speaking as a partisan, "Don't you Righties let some latte sipping, granola munching, left wing tree hugger tell you to stop supporting YOUR president. You hang in there until the bitter end. Because if you don't we wi... more »

God I hope this guy is not a local.

Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - 19 hours ago
A duct-taped boat? Alaska Coast Guard pulls man and his dog from an inflatable boat that took on water. https://t.co/0zjt3k90o5 #odd — AP Oddities (@AP_Oddities) June 9, 2017 Courtesy of KTOO: *A man trying to cross Gastineau Channel on a homemade watercraft found himself in a spot of bother Wednesday. * *A Coast Guard Station Juneau crew picked the 32-year-old up. According to a news release, he was trying to reach Point Bishop in an inflatable, duct-taped craft when it began taking on water. He was not wearing a life jacket, the release said. * *A 25-foot Coast Guard small boa... more »

The U.S. Navy Has Big Plans to Replace the Tomahawk Cruise Missile

Dave Majumdar at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * The United States Navy will keep the Tomahawk cruise missile in its inventory through 2040, but the service will start to develop a next-generation replacement weapon that will be able to strike targets both at sea and on land. In the meantime, the venerable cruise missile will receive an anti-ship capability—an ability that was lost when a ship-killing version of the Tomahawk was retired in the 1990s. “The first tenet of our plan is to sustain the Tomahawk cruise missile inventory through its anticipated service-life via a mid-life recertification p... more »

May The Dark Force Be With You

OYE NEWS at OYE Alternative News - 20 hours ago
Treason May Click for full sized image – Please share… The post May The Dark Force Be With You appeared first on OYE Alternative News.

The Mountain Video

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago
*Uploaded on April 15, 2011* "The Mountain" - amazing and relaxing video of nature including trees, mountains, stars and our beautiful Earth. Destinations of a Lifetime: 225 of the World's Most Amazing Places: http://amzn.to/1Puez91 Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TSOPhotography Follow Twitter: http://twitter.com/TSOPhotography Follow Google+: https://plus.google.com/1075434606581... You are allowed to use this video in your own YouTube videos (not for commercial use) however your video may have ads on it placed by us and you must give credit and link back to this video. ... more »

Election results 2017: Who are the Democratic Unionist Party? Per BBC News

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 21 hours ago
I didn't think that the BBC would miss the opportunity to cast aspersions on the DUP and I wasn't disappointed. This BBC report http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2017-40217141 accuses them of being anti homosexuals, anti abortion and of having links to paramilitary groups. Oddly the BBC are not at all interested in reporting the links past and present between senior Labour Party figures and terrorists of both the IRA and the Islamist persuasion. Likewise being not 100% in favour of homosexuals puts the DUP beyond the pale but Islamists wanting to throw homosexuals off of buildings... more »


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 21 hours ago
To the accompaniment of Johnny Cash's *Hurt*, last night's *Newsnight *began with an election montage: This clip by @BBCNewsnight is an absolutely brutal look back at how the election worked out. pic.twitter.com/O73YcVzT4g — Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) June 9, 2017 I may be misreading the intent of his tweet, but I'm not entirely sure that *Marr Show* editor Rob Burley was quite as impressed by it as others: My hunch is that he doesn't feel it reflects well on the concept BBC impartiality. (Not that such things bother *Newsnight*'s Ian Katz, as we know from Evan Davis).

Top Gun: Maverick

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
*Task & Purpose*: *Tom Cruise Is Very Pleased With The New ‘Top Gun’ Sequel’s Name* On May 23, Tom Cruise revealed during an interview that the 1986 cult classic “Top Gun” would finally getting a sequel more three decades later. When he was asked about the title over this past weekend, however, Cruise responded, “It’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” Just kidding. On June 2, Cruise told Access Hollywood the sequel is currently entitled “Top Gun: Maverick.” *Read more* .... *WNU Editor:* I only got around to seeing Top Gun years after it was released... more »

A 1000-Year-Old Nordic Spearhead Raises the Question - Were The Vikings in New York?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
The provenance of this lonely viking spearhead is golden. It certainly supports the Kensington artifact as well. From this it becomes clear that viking traders penetrated the Great lakes region by way of the Hudson and surely the St Lawrence. There is zero indication of permanent settlement but that seems unlikely anyway when they had the entire Atlantic Coast to work with along with the Arctic and even the Pacific Northwest. What everyone fails to recall is that a viking long boat could be readily manhandled overland if it became useful. Hard work of course, but scouting a... more »

The Best Exercise for Aging Muscles

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I think that the take home is that short intense exercise is most helpful. However that flaw with all this is that we have a lot of muscles that rarely get driven.. What a complete answer looks like i am unsure. all good though. *The Best Exercise for Aging Muscles* *By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS * *MARCH 23, 2017 * *Credit Illustration by Renaud Vigourt * * https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1752027331714385066#allposts* *The toll that aging takes on a body extends all the way down to the cellular level. But the damage accrued by cells in older muscles is ... more »

Google’s AlphaGo Continues Dominance With Second Win in China

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Back in the day i utterly crushed a fellow math student who had spend weeks practicing daily with a friend to build up his skill level. I now suspect that he was gearing up to play me and i was oblivious as usual. It is a great game and for good reason it was expected to resist computer intelligence. I have actually only played a handful of games against living competitors. But i did study the game carefully and against myself i was able to become quite subtle. It is almost impossible to pursue it as a hobby in the west, although it should be taught in high-schools. Anyway... more »

Kolbrin - Book of Scrolls - Chpt 12 - Sacred Registers Pt 7 Uplifter

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
We are now introduced to another concept. we have angels and a wide range of spirit entities all of human origin or at least earth origin. This appears separate yet as a guide of some sort. Modern involvement with spiritual matters is at best tentative and here we are dealing with what must be long tradition most of which shows serious internal logic. So we have this... . *CHAPTER TWELVE * *THE SACRED REGISTERS - PART 12 * *Know me and understand my ways. I am one who sees the past and the future, I look into hidden places, I am one who wanders freely. I am one who can be... more »

More from Martin...

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
There's a video of Martin's 'rant' here:

Who are the DUP? Who are the BBC?

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
The home page of the BBC News website features a 'primer' on the Democratic Unionist Party for those outside Northern Ireland who don't know much about it. It's all very informative but it isn't very impartial. You can tell that, for starters, because of the choice of social media reactions the piece chooses to spotlight - just two: Jon Snow and a *Guardian *writer, both slagging off the DUP as an extreme party. Now, it's fine (of course) for a *Guardian *writer to tweet insults like "climate deniers" but for the BBC reporter responsible for writing this article to use the same... more »


Anon at Aangirfan - 22 hours ago
*Lem Billings (left) with John F Kennedy (right)* President John F. Kennedy's main gay lover was Kirk LeMoyne 'Lem' Billings. dailymail *JFK at Choate.* Kennedy first met Billings when they were teenagers at a school called Choate. Sexual Abuse at Choate Went On for Decades. *Lem Billings (left) with John F Kennedy (right)* Kennedy and Billings had a sexual relationship including 'oral sex, with Jack always on the receiving end.' Kennedys in Hollywood by Lawrence J. Quirk / The Dark Side Of The Dream *Lem Billings (centre)* Billings spent nights in the White House where he h... more »

James Comey Set To Sign $10 Million Book Deal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: Lordy! James Comey set for $10 million payday as publishers scramble to sign book deal with fired FBI chief for inside story on Hillary, Trump - and his own brush with death by a serial rapist* * Comey's going to have the biggest Washington golden parachute ever, says one literary agent who already has the green light on a $10 million advance * 'Jim Comey's explosive story makes 'West Wing' and 'House of Cards' on a par with Mister Rogers,' an acquisition editor for a major New York publishing house tells DailyMail.com * While he can't reveal classified inf... more »

Turok's bogus criticism of Hartle-Hawking, Vilenkin calculable big bangs

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 23 hours ago
In his blog post You can't smooth the big bang, Tetragraviton mentions a string group meeting at the Perimeter Institute where an anti-string pundit – who also happens to be the current director of the Perimeter Institute – led the debate about "why the Hartle-Hawking and Vilenkin pictures of the big bang are equivalent and wrong". The discussion was revolving around their 5-weeks-old preprint No smooth beginning for spacetime. When Feldbrugge, Lehners, and Turok released that paper, I saw the title and it looked fine and unsurprising (some quantities grow big near the Big Bang and... more »

Jim Rogers Expects the Worst Crash in Our Lifetime is Coming

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 Henry Blodget examines market valuations and the dismal expected returns that go along with them. Jim Rogers says the market will crash in the next few years and calls the Fed clueless. – Henry Blodget dives deep into two charts from John Hussman. Based on many different market valuation measures, […]

James Comey Details How He Leaked To The NY Times

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 During his testimony James Comey detailed how hew leaked his Trump conversation memos to the NY Times. end

Comey Admits He Leaked Info to Media About Trump

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 James Comey admits under oath that he leaked privileged information to the media through a friend of his in hopes of getting our President indicted. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. end

Obstruction Of Justice Case Against Trump Dismantled By Senator Risch

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Obstruction Of Justice Case Against Trump Dismantled By Senator Risch by Tyler Durden, http://www.zerohedge.com While this is not a highlight you’ll ever see replayed on any MSM outlet throughout the day, Senator Jim Risch just completely dismantled any ‘hopes’ of an obstruction of justice case against President Trump with the following exchange: – Risch: “Boy […]

Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe by CHUCK ROSS, http://dailycaller.com/ The directors of the Office of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency testified on Wednesday that they have not been pressured by President Trump on the ongoing Russia investigation, undercutting recent reports that they were. – Dan Coats, the […]

Jim Willie: Gold Demand Suppression (Part 2)

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 “There is a direct assault against the demand for gold and silver.” Jim Willie says there’s tremendous demand for precious metals because of suppressed prices. But some are experiencing restrictions to buying physical gold and silver, he says. end

A Holocene Temperature Reconstruction Part 4: The global reconstruction

Hifast at Climate Collections - 23 hours ago
Originally posted on Watts Up With That?: By Andy May In previous posts (here, here and here), we have shown reconstructions for the Antarctic, Southern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, the tropics, the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, and the Arctic. Here we combine them into a simple global temperature reconstruction. The five regional reconstructions are shown in figure 1.…

Oxygen Deprivation Problems Result In The Grounding Of F-35s At Luke Air Force Base

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Air Force Times*: *F-35s at Luke Air Force Base grounded after pilots suffered oxygen deprivation* The 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, cancelled local flying operations on Friday for its F-35A Lightning II fighters after five incidents in which pilots experienced symptoms similar to hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation. In a release Friday, the Air Force said that the five pilots reported those incidents over the last month, since May 2. The backup oxygen systems in the F-35As kicked in during each event, and the pilots followed the procedures necessary to safely l... more »

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
A picture I took of a Russian "flanker" fighter on the tail of a @usairforce B-52 bomber over the Baltic Sea today—I was onboard a KC-135 pic.twitter.com/pGbawrCM30 — Nolan Peterson (@nolanwpeterson) June 9, 2017 *WNU Editor:* More details on this intercept here ....* Russian plane intercepts U.S. refueling aircraft *(CBS/AP).

The U.S. - Iran Drone War Is Intensifying Over The Skies Of Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Rodi Said/Reuters *Adam Rawnsley, Daily Beast:* *Drone War Heats Up in the Skies Over Syria* *The U.S.-led coalition’s downing of Iran’s Predator-sized Shahed-129 steps up a drone war that is only likely to intensify as ISIS crumbles in Syria.* The U.S.-led coalition in Syria has shot down the pride of Iran’s drone fleet, heating up the little-noticed drone war Iran has been waging on behalf of the Assad regime over the past five years. In a statement released on Thursday, the coalition said it shot down a pro-Assad regime drone “similar in size to a U.S. MQ-1 Predator” after the ... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Syrian Democratic Forces female fighters gather at the eastern outskirts of Raqqa city. REUTERS/Rodi Said *WNU Editor:* The above picture if from this photo gallery .... *The road to Raqqa* (Reuters).

United Nations: Heavy Weapons Are Causing Massive Civilian Casualties In Mosul

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Iraq/US-Led Coalition: Weapons Choice Endangers Mosul Civilians https://t.co/cSYg55Hebo — Human Rights Watch (@hrw) June 8, 2017 *The Independent*: *Up to 80 civilians 'killed in US air strike' in Mosul, UN confirms* Human rights groups warn indiscriminate bombing of densely populated areas and use of heavy ordinance could amount to war crimes The UN’s human rights office has said that an initial investigation has confirmed that between 50 - 80 Iraqi civilians were killed in a recent US-led coalition bombing of Mosul, while hundreds more died at the hands of Isis militants. ... more »

Tulsi Gabbard vs The Progressive Caucus

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
For more than a quarter-century, the Congressional Progressive Caucus has been doggedly working to advance liberal policy and opinion in Washington, with success even in times of conservative leadership. The largest House Democratic caucus, the Progressive Caucus has repeatedly been able to block right-leaning legislation, while working to improve Democrats’ bills and positively influence public discourse. The 1991 founding of the Congressional Progressive Caucus was a partnership of Bernie Sanders (I-VT), then his first term in the House; Patsy Mink (D-HI), the first woman of col... more »

Ready-To-Go Missile Containers: The Slick Idea That Could Give the U.S. Navy More Firepower

Robert Beckhusen at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, * The U.S. Navy is unmatched, but not invulnerable. The fleet has been shrinking, stressing the force as sparkling new Chinese warships sail from the shipyards at a brisk pace. A more worrying problem is that American warships are outranged—often by large margins—by anti-ship missiles, such as those also in service with the Chinese navy. Growing the fleet is not so easy, either. A naval expansion takes years of planning, construction, trials and a great deal of resources. Though the Navy is now getting a boost in numbers, it’s a modest increase compa... more »

Iran Is Building Its Own Submarines (With Torpedoes the U.S. Navy Can't Match)

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Middle East* The Iranian military has long planned for a defensive naval war in the Persian Gulf, in which it would leverage its large fleet of fast attack boats toting antiship missiles to launch swarming hit-and-run attacks on adversaries in along Persian Gulf, with the ultimate goal of shutting down passage through the Straits of Hormuz. Supporting this naval guerilla-warfare strategy are twenty-one indigenously produced Ghadir-class mini submarines, derived from the North Korean Yono class. The 120-ton vessels can poke around at eleven knots (thi... more »

America's T-28 Was America's Biggest (and Ugliest) Super Tank

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * When it comes to tanks, America can only hope that size isn’t everything. During World War II, Germany had its armored giants, such as the seventy-ton King Tiger, the 188-ton Maus or the never-built P.1000, a thousand-ton behemoth that waddled across the line between ambition and insanity. For their part, the Soviets fielded regiments of fifty-six-ton JS-2 heavy tanks. Against those, the America’s thirty-ton M-4 Sherman seemed downright puny. For various reasons, such as ease of production and transportation overseas, the United States chose not to bu... more »

The M41A Pulse Rifle From ‘Aliens’ Is Real Thanks To These Firearms Manufacturers

James Clark from Task and Purpose at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*James Clark from Task and Purpose* *Security, * An iconic science-fiction firearm, the M41A pulse rifle is the standard-issue weapon of the Colonial Marines, the ill-fated, but unquestionably scary protagonists in James Cameron’s 1986 blockbuster: “Aliens.” Because of its huge popularity — I mean come on, that thing is way more bada** than a blaster from “Star Wars” — a number gun aficionados and sci-fi fans have made their own versions of the combo-pulse rifle and grenade launcher over the years, and the videos are again making the rounds. On June 2, BLK RFL DIV, dug up this v... more »

The Phony War Against Donald Trump

Daniel McCarthy at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Daniel McCarthy* *Politics, * James Comey’s public testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee revealed both more and less than expected. It revealed less than expected by President Trump’s critics: Comey related no other incidents as eyebrow-raising as his account of when Trump asked him, in discussing the investigation of Mike Flynn, to “let this go.” Comey wrote memoranda to document each of his direct discussions with the president, but based on his testimony to Congress, none of those other memos contains anything comparable to the exchange about Flynn. In his prepared ... more »

Fischer-Tropsch, the Real Alternative Energy Solution for America

co2islife at CO2 is Life - 1 day ago
Wind and solar will never power much of the world’s economy. The energy density, variability, and unreliability of these sources simply aren’t practical. The real solution to America’s energy problem is to produce fuel using our abundant renewable biomass, natural gas, and coal resources. Believe it or not, that ability already exists in a commercially viable and proven … Continue reading "Fischer-Tropsch, the Real Alternative Energy Solution for America"

The Refutation of the Climate Greenhouse Theory

co2islife at CO2 is Life - 1 day ago
This linked article make many of the arguments that have been promoted on this blog. “[T]he absorption of incident solar-light by the atmosphere as well as its absorption capability of thermal radiation, cannot be influenced by human acts.” – Allmendinger, 2017 “[G]lobal warming can be explained without recourse to the greenhouse theory. The varying solar … Continue reading "The Refutation of the Climate Greenhouse Theory"

Environomental Groups Should Be Charged by FTC for Deceptive Advertising

co2islife at CO2 is Life - 1 day ago
Filed under “The Law Applies to Everyone, including Sanctimonious Social Justice Warriors,” the National Wildlife Federation is using false statements to generate concern about global warming and the Great Lakes. In their marketing they claim: Already, Lake Superior has increased water temperatures and an earlier onset of summer stratification by about two weeks in just the past … Continue reading "Environomental Groups Should Be Charged by FTC for Deceptive Advertising"

Pentagon: The Qatar Crisis Is Affecting Military Operations

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
This April 9, 2016, photo shows a U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bomber arriving at Al-Udeid Air Base, Qatar, which holds the forward headquarters of Central Command and hosts some 10,000 American troops. REUTERS *Reuters:* *Blockade against Qatar 'hindering' planning for long-term operation: Pentagon* A blockade against Qatar by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states was not affecting current operations against Islamic State, but was "hindering" the ability to plan for long-term operations, the Pentagon said on Friday. "While current operations from Al Udeid Air Base have not been... more »

President Trump: Tells Qatar To Stop Funding Terrorism

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*NBC*: *Trump Calls on Qatar to Cease Funding Terror* WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday accused Qatar of being a "funder of terrorism at a very high level," issuing a warning that the country must "do more" to combat terror. Just an hour earlier, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other Gulf nations to ease the blockade on Qatar, though Tillerson also pressed Qatar to "do more" to fight terrorism. "The emir of Qatar has made progress in halting financial support and expelling terrorist elements from his country," Tillerson said. "But he... more »

Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”

noreply@blogger.com (Coyote Prime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1-4u9W-bns

USA-Austrian and Swiss Nanocars finish first in first Nanocar race

Jim Lewis at the Foresight Institute - 1 day ago
Six single-molecule cars competed in the world's first nanocar race. The Swiss Nano Dragster finished first on the 100-nm gold track; the US-Austrian Dipolar Racer was even faster, racing on a longer, silver track because the gold track was too fast.

Trump’s Infrastructure Scam

Robert Reich - 1 day ago
At a roundtable discussion with state transportation officials last Friday, Donald Trump said... more »

Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Isaac Davis* - Journalist and former special forces operative offers the politically incorrect truth about U.S. involvement in Syria. The post Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria appeared first on Waking Times.

China Makes Move To End The Dollar! Petro-Dollar Collapse 2017?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Jun 5, 2017 China Now Pressuring Saudi oil exports be sold in Yuan. The Dollar Collapse is becoming a very real danger as a concerted effort to dethrone King Dollar as the world reserve currency The Petro Dollar stautus now looks more fragile than ever. China takes aim directly at the central point […]

Is the CIA using ISIS in Marawi to topple Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Is the CIA using ISIS in Marawi to topple Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte? by http://themillenniumreport.com/ “The Deep State is attacking the Philippines and they are using ISIS to do the deed. The goal is destabilize the Duterte’s rule in the Philippines. Why? Because after meeting with President Trump, Duterte promptly returned home, prosecuted 3,000 online child […]

The Entire Globalist System is Falling Apart — Harley Schlanger

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 It has never been more evident that the entire globalist system is falling apart. While James Comey hung himself in the public square on Thursday, it was again revealed that the “official” mainstream media narrative about the Russians hacking the US election is filled with more holes than Swiss cheese, […]

James Comey Admits New York Times is Fake News!

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Jun 8, 2017 At the Comey Hearing, former FBI director admitted that a New York Times story based on an anonymous source was fake news when asked. He was under oath, and if he didn’t answer honestly, he would have risked being charged with perjury. end

Rob Kirby: The Opening Of A Second Front Against the Gold Cartel

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Rob Kirby: The Opening Of A Second Front Against the Gold Cartel by http://thedailycoin.org/ Expert Analyst Rob Kirby Joins Us For A MUST LISTEN Show: The Cartel Had to Get Their Gold Butt Kicking in Early! $4 Billion Shellacking An Attempt to SMASH Sentiment! Why is Silver Open Interest At Historic Highs At LOW Prices? Kirby […]

U.S. Justice Department Statement Contradicts Comey Testimony About Sessions’ Recusal

Bethania Palma at Snopes.com - 1 day ago
The DOJ is refuting some of the former FBI director's testimony, which he gave under oath; some believe there's more to the story.

What Is ‘ACT for America’, Organizers of the ‘March Against Sharia’?

Dan MacGuill at Snopes.com - 1 day ago
The organization insists it is not anti-Muslim, but has been labelled an "extremist group."

Saudi-backed Sudanese mercenaries ambushed by Houthi forces in northern Yemen: video

Leith Fadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:15 A.M.) – The Houthi forces ambushed a large number of Sudanese mercenaries fighting in Yemen on behalf of the Saudi Coalition, Friday, killing and wounding scores of these fighters in the Midi Desert. Video footage released by Hezbollah’s official media wing , Friday, shows the aftermath of the ambush: With Qatar no […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Jemen: Okrug Sane razoren u bombardovanju od strane Saudijaca i koalicije

Stefan Agatonović at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
BEJRUT, LIBAN – Stambena površina glavnog grada Jemena – Sane, pretvorena je u ruševine nakon vazdušnih napada u Petak, predvodjenim od strane Saudijske Arabije i koalicije, u napadima je poginulo najmanje četiri osoba, od kojih dvoje dece. Postoji i slika napada na kojoj se jasno vidi potpuno razorena zgrada čiji su delovi razbacani na sve […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

ISIL terrorists litter battlefield in Deir Ezzor as Syrian Army troops hold strong

Leith Fadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:40 A.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIL) launched another powerful assault in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor, Friday, striking the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions near the strategic Panorama Roundabout. Beginning shortly after midnight on Friday, ISIL terrorists the Syrian Arab Army’s trenches near the Panorama Roundabout; this resulted in a series […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Komandant Ruskih jedinica u Siriji optužio Ameriku za saradnju sa ISIS’om

Stefan Agatonović at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
DAMASK, SIRIJA – Koalicija predvodjena Amerikom i SDF saradjuju sa komandirima tzv Islamske Države (ISIS), Ruski list ‘RIA NOVOSTI’ prenola je ovu vest u Petak citirajući Generala Sergei’a Surovikin’a, komandanta Ruskih Oružanih Jedinica u Siriji. ‘Umesto da eliminišu teroriste koji su krivi za smrt na stotine i hiljade Sirijskih civila, koalicija okupljena oko Amerike i […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Sirijski avioni ne staju sa zračnim napadima na Daru dok se vojska sprema za ofanzivu (VIDEO)

Stefan Agatonović at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
BEJRUT, LIBAN – Sirijske vazdušne jedinice izvele su više napada na položaje Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’a u Al-Manishiyah i Al-Balad oblasti. Avioni koji uzleću sa Shay’rat avionske baze u istočnom Homsu izvele su nekoliko napada nad gradom Dara, nanoseći veliku štetu odrani Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’u. Napadi su izvedeni u Petak a delove napada možete videti na priloženom snimku. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

Yemen: Sanaa district devastated in Saudi-led coalition airstrike

Leith Fadel at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 1 day ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:40 A.M.) – A residential area in the Yemeni capital Sanaa was reduced to ruins, Friday, following an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition, which left at least four children, including two children dead. Footage from the airstrike site captured the aftermath of the bombing, which left the buildings collapsed and roads covered in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز

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