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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, July 31, 2015

31 July - Blogs I'm Following

Write Our Fighting Slogan For this War - NARA ...Write Our Fighting Slogan For this War - NARA - 534219 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Looking south from the Maccabees Building with...Looking south from the Maccabees Building with the Detroit skyline in the distance, Detroit, Mich. Photo shows Woodward Ave. extending south from Warren. 1 transparency : color. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

30 July My Feedly!

10:31pm MDST

Black Money Matters!

Harry Jackson at The Stream - 28 minutes ago
No one living has missed the slogan “Black Lives Matter”! Even presidential contenders have been scolded because of their opinions about this slogan. But what about the economics of the black and brown communities? As the United States continues to... The post Black Money Matters! appeared first on The Stream.

Detroit Public School Teachers Go Unpaid

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 28 minutes ago
While some teachers might complain about the size of their paycheck, Detroit Public School teachers are hardly surprised when they don’t get a check at all. “We need something that will effectively, regularly pay the teachers what they’re owed. They... The post Detroit Public School Teachers Go Unpaid appeared first on The Stream.

Army Faces Recruit Deficit in 2015

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 28 minutes ago
The Army is nearly 14% short of the recruits it will need to fill its ranks, marking the first time in six years — and only the third in the last 20 — that it may fall short of its... The post Army Faces Recruit Deficit in 2015 appeared first on The Stream.

Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqex_8q0AlM

I Am Back.... Time To Get Down To Business

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 2 hours ago
Yes, I am back... The vacation was indeed much needed, and I spent my time basically having some fun and relaxing and absolutely not worrying about what the hell the so called Jewish "elite" are doing to the planet.... But all good things must eventually come to an end, and it is indeed time that I get back to the business of exposing some truths in our sick world.... I figure that to start off, I would do a mini "rant" here to do some catching up on some important news that I have missed over the last few weeks..... I will of course cover a lot more in my weekly rant this Sunday, ... more »

Federal Judge Blocks Release of Sting Videos Targeting the National Abortion Federation

Jonathan Witt at The Stream - 2 hours ago
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge on Friday blocked the release of any recordings made at meetings of an abortion providers’ association by an anti-abortion group that previously revealed secretly recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood leader. Judge William... The post Federal Judge Blocks Release of Sting Videos Targeting the National Abortion Federation appeared first on The Stream.

Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murder Was Previously Detained

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 2 hours ago
An illegal immigrant accused of attempted rape and murder during a violent crime spree Monday was released by Ohio sheriff’s deputies three weeks ago after U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents told the officers not to detain him. Juan Emmanuel... The post Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murder Was Previously Detained appeared first on The Stream.

Everything Is Problematic, University Guide Explains

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 2 hours ago
The University of New Hampshire has a “Bias-Free Language Guide.” As the document assures its readers, it “is not meant to represent absolute requirements of language use.” (Universities have tried imposing absolute requirements of language use, only to be struck... The post Everything Is Problematic, University Guide Explains appeared first on The Stream.

MSNBC Axes Left-Leaning Shows Due to Poor Ratings

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 2 hours ago
Due to extremely poor ratings, MSNBC formally announced Thursday it will bring down the ax on Ed Schultz and Alex Wagner. It turns out hate-mongering against conservative Republicans and sucking up to far-left Democrats is not a great way to... The post MSNBC Axes Left-Leaning Shows Due to Poor Ratings appeared first on The Stream.

All Lives Matter

Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Stream - 2 hours ago
“A deer gets trapped on a hillside and every effort is brought to bear to rescue him from his predicament. The newspapers carry daily features.” The late Dorothy Day was writing about the contrast between how we sometimes treat animal... The post All Lives Matter appeared first on The Stream.

Greek Debt Crisis Adds to a Spike in Crime

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 2 hours ago
One evening three weeks ago in Kifissia, an affluent garden suburb of Athens, a retired financial adviser and his wife decided to take in one of the delights of summer here, an outdoor movie. They pulled tight the shutters, set... The post Greek Debt Crisis Adds to a Spike in Crime appeared first on The Stream.

Public Relations Firm SKDKnickerbocker Scrubs Website Of Tie To Planned Parenthood

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 2 hours ago
Politico reported that high-powered firm SKDKnickerbocker is helping Planned Parenthood manage its public relations crisis over the release of footage showing its medical officials engaged in the trafficking of organs harvested from recently aborted children. SKDKnickerbocker sent out a memo... The post Public Relations Firm SKDKnickerbocker Scrubs Website Of Tie To Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.

Why Is The Pentagon's War Budget Increasing While U.S. Troops Deployed In War-zones Is Decreasing

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
Wikipedia *Reuters:* *How Pentagon war fund became a budget buster Washington can't resist* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of U.S. troops deployed in battle zones is at its lowest level since before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Still, Congress has authorized a 38 percent increase in the war budget over last year. The contradiction is the legacy of an emergency war fund, started in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, that has become a favorite Washington way to sidestep the impact of fiscal constraints on military spending. The Overseas Contingency Operations account, o... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
“Almost every object in the below photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster of Galaxies pictured above is one of the densest clusters known - it contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes hundreds of millions of years to reach us. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just to go from one side to the other! Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters are ell... more »

The Poet: Rachel Sherwood, “The World in the Evening”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*“The World in the Evening”* by Rachel Sherwood "As this suburban summer wanders toward dark cats watch from their driveways — they are bored and await miracles. The houses show, through windows flashes of knife and fork, the blue light of televisions, inconsequential fights between wife and husband in the guest bathroom voices sound like echoes in these streets the chattering of awful boys as they plot behind the juniper and ivy, miniature guerillas that mimic the ancient news of the world and shout threats, piped high across mock fences to girls riding by in the last pieces of light t... more »

Chet Raymo, "Sic Et Non"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
*"Sic Et Non"* by Chet Raymo "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." - Aristotle "Richard Capobianco's explanation of what philosophers do- or should do- strikes me as on the mark. So, to put it simply, good philosophy keeps our unknowing in view, and therefore keeps us thinking, keeps us questioning, keeps us wondering. Good philosophy keeps us unsettled in our knowing. Yes, it would be good to have a department in every college and university whose function is to remind us of the limitations of our knowing. There is enough dogmatism to ... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
Arvada, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

"It Is Our Fate..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
"Well, it is our fate to live in a time of crisis. To live in a time when all forms and values are being challenged. In other and more easy times, it was not, perhaps, necessary for the individual to confront himself with a clear question: What is it that you really believe? What is it that you really cherish? What is it for which you might, actually, in a showdown, be willing to die?...I say, with all the reticence which such large, pathetic words evoke, that one cannot exist today as a person – one cannot exist in full consciousness – without having to have a showdown with one’s s... more »

"Helpless People..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"Almost all Americans have had an intense school experience which occupied their entire youth, an experience during which they were drilled thoroughly in the culture and economy of the well-schooled greater society, in which individuals have been rendered helpless to do much of anything except watch television or punch buttons on a keypad. Before you begin to blame the childish for being that way and join the chorus of those defending the general imprisonment of adults and the schooling by force of children because there isn’t any other way to handle the mob, you want to at least c... more »

"5 Emotional Vampires and How to Combat Them"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"5 Emotional Vampires and How to Combat Them" by Therese J. Borchard "I thought you'd all appreciate some vampire talk. In her book, "Emotional Freedom," UCLA psychiatrist Judith Orloff identifies five kinds of vampires that are lurking around and can zap our energy if we're not careful. Here is an excerpt adapted from her book: 'Emotional vampires are lurking everywhere and wear many different disguises - from needy relatives to workplace bullies. Whether they do so intentionally or not, these people can make us feel overwhelmed, depressed, defensive, angry, and wiped out. Without...more »

Drone Warfare Is Big Business

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
An X-47B drone combat aircraft. Final targeting decisions are made by military personnel but mistakes by contractors could lead to the wrong people being killed. Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters *The Guardian:* *Revealed: Private firms at heart of US drone warfare* Corporate staff are reviewing top-secret data and helping uniformed colleagues decide whether people under surveillance are enemies or civilians. The overstretched US military has hired hundreds of private-sector contractors to the heart of its drone operations to analyse top-secret video feeds and help track suspected te... more »

Big Brother Is Watching You

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 3 hours ago
Why Are You Telling Me?

Athene’s Theory of Everything

Waking Times at Waking Times - 4 hours ago
*Film - *This film presents developments in neuroscience and a solution to the many current unsolved problems in physics. The post Athene’s Theory of Everything appeared first on Waking Times.

Tonight's Movie Is The 1964 World War II Classic 'The Train'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
From *Wikipedia*: The Train is a 1964 war film directed by John Frankenheimer from a story and screenplay by Franklin Coen and Frank Davis, based on the non-fiction book Le front de l'art by Rose Valland, who documented the works of art placed in storage that had been looted by the Germans from museums and private art collections. It stars Burt Lancaster, Paul Scofield, and Jeanne Moreau. Set in August 1944, the film, shot in black-and-white, sets French Resistance-member Paul Labiche (Lancaster) against German Colonel Franz von Waldheim (Scofield), who is attempting to move stole... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 31, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Bill Roggio and Thomas Joscelyn, Long War Journal:* *The Taliban’s new leadership is allied with al Qaeda * The Taliban has announced that a new emir and two deputy emirs have been chosen to lead the organization following the confirmation of Mullah Omar’s death. The Taliban’s new emir is Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, a longtime deputy to Omar. Mansour previously served as the minister of civil aviation and transportation during the Taliban’s rule from 1996 to 2001 and as the group’s shadow governor for the Kandahar province. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 31,... more »

Supporting the Ukawa Villagers

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 5 hours ago
We had a 12-hour day yesterday as we made the long drive to northern Kyoto prefecture along the beautiful sea coast to Ukawa village where the US has deployed a 'missile defense' (MD) radar aimed at China. Our group of 50 activists from a dozen countries arrived in time for lunch at a local community center. We were joined by about 20 members of the village committee who are actively resisting the radar deployment. After some short speeches of welcome and introduction the village leaders shared their outrage over the base which took land from 50 families in the community. ... more »


Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 5 hours ago

Hack the Planet !

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 5 hours ago

The Nuns Diaries and the Anatomy of an Investigation

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 5 hours ago
As I was looking for something else, I stumbled across a diary page that had been given to me some twenty years ago. It was one of the very few documents that suggested that what fell outside of Roswell was something alien or that was what I had been told it meant. The two entries that were relevant said, “7-4-47 Object down – 2317 – Radar Target Gone,” and “7-5-47 Found Wreckage 0200…” Diary page suggesting the UFO crash. I also interviewed a former member of the 1395th MP Company who had been stationed in Roswell in July 1947. Leo Spear told me on June 3, 1994, that he was a PVT E... more »

DCCC Still Sneaking More Republicans Into Congress Disguised As Democrats

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago
The DCCC has long looked the Republicans for congressional recruits. Rahm Emanuel, Chris Van Hollen and Steve Israel are all guilty of recruiting conservative Republicans to run as Democrats-- almost all of whom joined the Blue Dogs or New Dems and subsequently lost their seats. They lost their seats when Democratic voters realized they'd be sold a bill of goods by the DCCC and then refused to go out too the polls and vote fourths phonies. That they lost their seats-- and drove the Democratic Party into the minority in the House, a minority that could last decades, hasn't slowed t... more »

Runaway Rail Car Kicked Loose by Teen Hits New York Station

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 5 hours ago
UTICA, N.Y. (AP) — Video surveillance footage released Friday shows a rail car that was accidentally set in motion by a 13-year-old boy ramming an antique locomotive into a train station, sending passengers waiting for a train scrambling for safety.... The post Runaway Rail Car Kicked Loose by Teen Hits New York Station appeared first on The Stream.

DC Schools Introduce ‘Flexible Credits’ To Boost Horrible Graduation Rates

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 5 hours ago
In an effort to boost the city’s failing school system, District of Columbia officials are seeking flexible credits for high school students. Students will now be able to earn high school credit for passing a state-approved test completing a “course... The post DC Schools Introduce ‘Flexible Credits’ To Boost Horrible Graduation Rates appeared first on The Stream.

Bizarre Scene in Court as Defendant Says He’s Proud to be a Cop Killer

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 5 hours ago
An attempt by defense attorneys to put Bryant Brewer’s mental illness on display before a packed courtroom Thursday appeared to backfire when he angrily told a prosecutor he was proud of killing Chicago police Officer Thor Soderberg. Judge Timothy Joyce,... The post Bizarre Scene in Court as Defendant Says He’s Proud to be a Cop Killer appeared first on The Stream.

Local Council By-Elections July 2015

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 6 hours ago
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- June Average/ contest +/- June +/- Seats Conservative 28 12,137 26.1% -6.0% 433 -199 0 Labour 26 15,371 33.1% +7.1% 591 +2 -1 LibDem 20 6,896 14.6% +1.0% 344 -229 +3 UKIP 22 3,163 6.8% 3.9% 144 -66 -1 Green 17 1,642 3.5% -1.2% 97 -59 0 SNP* 3 5,184 11.2% +11.2% 1,728 +1,728 0 PC** 3 928 2.0% +2.0% 309 +309 0 TUSC 1 85 0.2% +0.2% 85 85 0 Ind*** 9 787 1.7% -4.5% 87 -370 -1 Other****... more »

World News Briefs -- July 31, 2015 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*New York Times:* *ISIS Rivals Attack U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group* BAGHDAD — A Syrian insurgent group at the heart of the Pentagon’s effort to marshal local foot soldiers against Islamic State militants came under intense attack on Friday from a different hard-line Islamist faction, the Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. The Nusra Front said in a statement that its aim was to eliminate the American-aligned unit, known as Division 30, before it could gain a deeper foothold in Syria. The Nusra Front did much the same last year when it smashed the main groups that had been trained and equi... more »

Kentucky man shoots down drone hovering over his backyard "If you cross that sidewalk onto my property, there’s going to be another shooting."

Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago
William H. MeridethKentucky man shoots down drone hovering over his backyard *"If you cross that sidewalk onto my property, there’s going to be another shooting."* http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/07/kentucky-man-shoots-down-drone-hovering-over-his-backyard/ *by Cyrus Farivar - Jul 29, 2015 7:49pm CEST* MAN SHOOTS DOWN NEIGHBOR’S HEXACOPTER IN RURAL DRONE SHOTGUN BATTLE "I also ask you the courtesy of not shooting live ammunition in our direction." The way William Merideth sees it, it’s pretty clear-cut: a drone flying over his backyard was a well-defined invasion of privac...more »

Congressman: EPA Sexual Predator ‘Fed A Steady Diet Of Interns’

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz had some harsh words for EPA Chief Administrator Gina McCarthy during a hearing Wednesday regarding the agency’s handling of an employee who repeatedly sexually harassed interns. For the past couple of years, Republican lawmakers... The post Congressman: EPA Sexual Predator ‘Fed A Steady Diet Of Interns’ appeared first on The Stream.

Anti-Choice Robots

noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 7 hours ago
If you haven't seen this, take 2 1/2 minutes and watch. Press Progress put together 13 Conservative MPs all delivering identical speeches. It's hilarious. As a reproductive rights blogger, of course I immediately recognized several of them as fetus freaks: Woodworth, Warawa, Anderson, Lizon. Then I looked further and found that 11 of the 13 are rabid zygote zealots. The only exceptions being Robert Sopuck and John Carmichael both of whom voted against Woodworth's Wank which earned them the ire of Campaign Lie. OK, there are a lot of anti-choice CON MPs, but 11 of 13 of the robots... more »

RU486: Game. Set. Match.

noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 7 hours ago
Further to the long overdue approval by Health Canada of RU486 or mifepristone, the 'gold standard' of medical abortion: an explanation and a clarification. (And some gloating.) Medical -- non-surgical -- abortion is not new to Canada. But the protocol doctors have been forced to follow up to now is outmoded, unreliable, and subject to screw-ups. Here, an expert explains: "We're absolutely thrilled," Jill Arkles, from the Sexual Health Centre in Saskatoon, told CBC News Thursday. According to Arkles, some doctors in the province were already providing an alternative to surgical a... more »

Quiqui Lee Photos: Halting Shell's Arctic Ship at Portland Bridge

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
. Thank you to Quiqui Lee, Opata Apache photographer, for sharing these incredible photos  with Censored News. To publish these photos, contact her at Quiquilee@hotmail.com At St. Johns Bridge in Portland, Oregon, activists spent 40 hours suspended blocking the icebreaking ship hired by Shell to begin its Arctic drilling. Police and Coast Guard moved in to remove

A Sand County Almanac

What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 7 hours ago
Aldo Leopold’s book, *A Sand County Almanac*, is near the top of many lists of environmental classics. It was published in 1949, and has sold over two million copies. He was born in Iowa in 1887, when Earth was inhabited by just 1.4 billion humans. It was an era before radio, television, automobiles, airplanes, computers, DDT, nuclear fission, and antibiotics. Most roads were dirt. Vast ancient forests still thrived. On the first page, Leopold informs us that this is a book for people who cannot live without wild things. Part one is a series of twelve sketches, one for each m... more »

Sunrise over Fukushima

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 7 hours ago
The sun rises to the viewer's left. This pink aura is not always present. It varies depending upon atmospheric and Fukushima plant conditions: Yesterday in Japan there was a boat in the Daiichi harbor. I have documented in my blog that this boat usually coincides with "events" witnessed by Webcam Watchers, such as the strange fogs and orange-to-red night-time "fire-like" phenomena. No idea what is going on but recent efforts by TEPCO to remove the debris in unit 3 must be driven by desperation. Emissions from unit 3 never cease and are visible on the cams during the night and... more »

U.S. Air Force Secretary Acknowledges Wide Range Of Problems With The F-35 Program

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
The F 35 (back) flies alongside the F 16 (front). US Air Force *Business Insider/Military*:* Air Force secretary: The F-35 has a wide range of problems* Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has admitted to a wide range of past and present problems with the F-35 while maintaining that the fifth-general will eventually guarantee the US continued air supremacy over rivals. "The biggest lesson I have learned from the F-35 is never again should we be flying an aircraft while we're building it," James said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado last week. In development stages, "Peopl... more »

Ant Man, Southpaw and the Inimitable Father-Daughter Bond

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 7 hours ago
It is easy to grow (and remain) cynical in your attitude toward Hollywood. For those of us who do not share George Clooney’s progressive politics, all of the highly-publicized $25,000-per-plate fundraisers for the DNC can become thoroughly wearisome. For those... The post *Ant Man*, *Southpaw* and the Inimitable Father-Daughter Bond appeared first on The Stream.

Superman Fights the Police in New Comic Paralleling Ferguson Riots

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
The latest issue of Action Comics finds Superman battling a foe on the streets of Metropolis, but this time he isn’t taking on his rival Lex Luther. Instead, he’s battling the police, which has some people outraged. “There’s some fans... The post Superman Fights the Police in New Comic Paralleling Ferguson Riots appeared first on The Stream.

The Hypocrisy of the State and Non Aggression

Waking Times at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Video -* A philosophical case against the State by applying to it the same principle of non aggression that most of us hold each other to every day. The post The Hypocrisy of the State and Non Aggression appeared first on Waking Times.

July 31: The good part is....

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 8 hours ago
...it doesn't take long read a newspaper of the Irving press. The headline this time is, though, a real one. "Moncton ExxonMobil jobs at risk" And they are. ExxonMobil is moving some, perhaps most, maybe all of the jobs at its world call centre to India. Gee! But haven't we been told that unregulated capitalism creates wealth for all of us? It doesn't, of course. It never has. And it never will. ExxonMobil is moving because having a call centre in India is cheaper. Result? More profit for ExxonMobil. Fewer jobs for us. That sums up the meaning of the British Empire, the Spanish Em... more »

Greek philosopher Plato's view of God

LeDaro at LeDaro - 8 hours ago
*"When speaking of divine perfection, we signify that God is just and true and loving, the author of order, not disorder, of good, not evil. We signify that he is justice, that he is truth, that he is love, that he is order, that he is the very progress of.." *Plato *“In order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity. Not separately, one for the soul and the other for the body, but for the two together. With these means, man can attain perfection.” Plato* Interesting! He lived in 5th century B.C.

Abortion Providers File Suit to Block Release of Damaging Videos

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 8 hours ago
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An association of abortion providers is asking a court to block the release of recordings they say were made by an anti-abortion group that has previously revealed several surreptitiously recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood leader... The post Abortion Providers File Suit to Block Release of Damaging Videos appeared first on The Stream.

Democracy Now: Police Remove Greenpeace Activists from Portland Bridge After They Forced Shell Ship Back to Port

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
Police Remove Greenpeace Activists from Portland Bridge After They Forced Shell Ship Back to Port Police Remove Greenpeace Activists from Portland Bridge After They Forced Shell Ship Back to Port Police Remove Greenpeace Activists from Portland Bridge ... In Portland, Oregon, law enforcement officers have removed Greenpeace activists who spent 40 hours

Price-tag ping-pong

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
Gosh. It almost looks as if the BBC impartiality monitors desperately needed something to redress the balance after promoting the ‘rise in antisemitic attacks’ yesterday Of course I don’t really mean that. Or do I? One could try batting some pros and cons back and forth. Ping-pong in search of an answer. Are there grounds for cynicism? This is about the arson attack, a horrible act of violence that caused the death of 18 month old Palestinian Ali Saad Dawabsha. It looks as though it’s another so-called ‘price-tag‘ incident carried out by teenage, Jewish, extremist, illegal set... more »

U.S. Marines: F-35B Fighter Is Now Ready For Combat.

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
Lockheed Martin *Bloomberg*: *U.S. Marines Declare F-35B Ready for Limited Combat Duty* The Marine Corps has declared its version of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 fighter ready for limited combat operations, a milestone for the Pentagon’s costliest weapons program, according to three people familiar with the decision. General Joseph Dunford, the Marine Corps commandant, made the decision, according to the people, who asked not to be identified in advance of an announcement expected on Friday afternoon. Members of Congress were being notified of the decision. The declaration of “in... more »

‘Blue Moon’ on Friday: Where Does the Phrase Come From?

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 9 hours ago
On Friday morning at 6:43 am EDT, astronomy enthusiasts can witness a lunar event that takes place only once in a blue moon: a blue moon. By its modern definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar... The post ‘Blue Moon’ on Friday: Where Does the Phrase Come From? appeared first on The Stream.

Al Qaeda Linked Al Nusra Front Has Launched A Full Scale Attack On U.S. Trained Syrian Rebels

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*New York Times*:* Nusra Front Attacks U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group* BAGHDAD — A Syrian insurgent group at the heart of the Pentagon’s effort to marshal local foot soldiers against the Islamic State came under intense attack on Friday, not from Islamic State militants but from a different hard-line Islamist faction, the Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. Witnesses described the fighting as an all-out assault with medium and heavy weapons against a base west of the border town of Azaz in Aleppo province. It came a day after two leaders and at least six fighters of the American-aligned ... more »

U.S. Marines Detained In Vienna For Flying With 'Unlicensed Arms'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*Stars and Stripes*: *Marines held up in Vienna en route to Ukraine* Nine U.S. Marines en route to Ukraine for a training exercise were held up in Vienna for questioning last week because their weapons had not been properly declared, an Austrian newspaper reported. U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. David Westover, a EUCOM spokesperson, said the Marines were traveling by commercial air from Alaska to Ukraine to participate in the Saber Guardian exercise. “They were stopped while traveling on NATO travel orders through Vienna,” Westover said in a statement. The Austrian newspaper Kurier repor...more »

"How It Really Should Be"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

The Economy: “China Losing Control As Stocks Crash Despite Emergency Measures”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“China Losing Control As Stocks Crash Despite Emergency Measures”* By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard "Chinese equities have suffered the sharpest one-day crash in eight years, sending powerful tremors through global commodity markets and smashing currencies across East Asia, Latin America and Africa. The Shanghai Composite index fell 8.5pc despite emergency measures to shore up the market, with a roster of the biggest blue-chip companies down by the maximum daily limit of 10pc. The mood was further soured by news that corporated profits in China are now contracting in absolute terms, fall... more »

Russia And France Agree On Compensation Terms For Failed Mistral Ship Deal

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
Two Mistral-class helicopter carriers Sevastopol (L) and Vladivostok are seen at the STX Les Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard site in Saint-Nazaire, western France, May 21, 2015. REUTERS/STEPHANE MAHE *Defense News/AFP:* *Russia Says Mistral Compensation Deal Reached* MOSCOW — Russia has reached a compensation deal with France for the non-delivery of two Mistral warships, a Kremlin aide has said, but Paris on Friday refused to confirm a final agreement. The fate of the two Mistral helicopter carriers has plagued France-Russia ties for more than a year, following Paris' decision i... more »

Friday Beaver - Trading beaver edition

Demeur at Demeur - 10 hours ago
Beaver hoping the traditional beaver skin top hats don't come back in fashion. Oops! Too late for this beaver. TPP NAFTA CAFTA and other stupid ideas There was a time when TV sets were made in the U.S. Then NAFTA was signed. Slowly that business went first to Canada then to Mexico and finally to China seeking its' lowest labor costs. To date 62,000 manufacturers have left the country. Nothing was spared and nothing is safe. About the only thing left is airplanes and autos and we know autos took a hit with imports. Yes the auto industry came back but new workers now make about 1/2... more »

“The Windows 10 Disinformation”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“The Windows 10 Disinformation”* by Karl Denninger “I really dislike lazy journalists- like this one. "By default, when signing into Windows with a Microsoft account, Windows syncs some of your settings and data with Microsoft servers, for example “web browser history, favorites, and websites you have open” as well as “saved app, website, mobile hotspot, and Wi-Fi network names and passwords”. Users can however deactivate this transfer to the Microsoft servers by changing their settings." More problematic from a data protection perspective is however the fact that Windows genera... more »

THREE DAYS IN THE LIFE: With sympathy for The Maddow 15!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015Part 5—Like Jesus, the analysts wept:* The long, insulting, brain-dead jihad received its formal launch on Tuesday evening, May 5. The eventual shape of this ludicrous jihad wasn’t yet clear at that point. On that evening, Rachel Maddow discussed an actual, though fairly minor, problem: The Republican Party was going to have a very large number of White House candidates, Maddow correctly said. With the help of some unlikely names, she set the possible number at 22. This creates a management problem, Maddow correctly said. How can a party run its debates wit... more »

Wheaton College Drops Student Health Insurance Due to Obamacare

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
Due to an objection with an Affordable Care Act mandate that requires health insurance plans to offer base birth control as part of its student health plans, the Wheaton College has announced that it will no longer offer health insurance... The post Wheaton College Drops Student Health Insurance Due to Obamacare appeared first on The Stream.

NATO Agrees on Support Package for Iraq

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 10 hours ago
BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO allies agreed Friday on a package of measures to help strengthen Iraqi security and defense forces, including in the fields of military training, demining and countering improvised explosive devices. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aid... The post NATO Agrees on Support Package for Iraq appeared first on The Stream.

Another Long Shot, Virginia’s Jim Gilmore, Enters Bloated GOP Presidential Race

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 10 hours ago
Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore announced on Thursday that he was joining the extremely crowded GOP presidential field, becoming the 17th candidate. His announcement speech focused heavily on national security and foreign policy, reflecting his background in the military and... The post Another Long Shot, Virginia’s Jim Gilmore, Enters Bloated GOP Presidential Race appeared first on The Stream.

Germans Appear Split On Keeping German Patriot Missiles In Turkey

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Sputnik:* *NATO Split: Germany Wants to Withdraw Patriot Missiles From Turkey* Military expert of the German CSU party Florian Hahn called for the withdrawal of German Patriot missiles from Turkey due to attacks carried out by the government forces against the Kurds, DWN reported. The expert believes that Germany and Turkey have less and less in common due to attacks of the Turkish forces against the Kurds in northern Iraq. This signifies the first split inside NATO, which earlier decided to lend military support for its member, Turkey, the German newspaper wrote. *WNU Editor*: ... more »

Israel Prepares Its Defenses On The Lebanese Border As Hezbollah Anticipates Arms From Iran

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Iron Dome missile defense batteries are being redeployed to the north in Israel, according to Col. Yoni Saada Marom, commander of Israel’s Active Defense Air Wing. (FoxNews.com) *FOX News*: *Israel readies Iron Dome on Lebanon border as Hezbollah anticipates arms from Iran* HAIFA, Israel – One year after Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome defense system helped protect citizens from a rocket barrage launched from Gaza, the Jewish State has deployed the shield to the north, likely amid fears Lebanon-based Hezbollah could get an infusion of cash and weapons from Iran. In an exclusive intervi... more »

New Jersey Extremist Scott Garrett Finds His Base Turning On Him

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago
NJ-05 sits on the entire northern border of New Jersey with New York, from the Hudson River in the east to just outside of Port Jervis in the west, and the entire northwestern border with Pennsylvania from Milford through the Delaware Waiter Gap and beyond my old home in Stroudsburg. It's an affluent R+4 district in blue New Jersey. Over 70% of the population is in northern Bergen County's suburbs and towns like Paramus, Hackensack, Teaneck, Mahwah and Lodi. *The Sopranos* was set there and Lodi was the location of the Bada Bing strip club. Politically, this is Chris Christie coun... more »

Another Top Afghan Militant Leader Being Reported Dead One Year After His Death

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Pakistani militant Jalaluddin Haqqani (file photo) *BBC*: *Afghan militant leader Jalaluddin Haqqani 'has died'* Jalaluddin Haqqani, the Afghan founder of the militant Haqqani network, died at least a year ago, sources close to the group have told the BBC. Haqqani died after a long illness and was buried in Afghanistan, the sources added. Rumours about Haqqani's death have circulated for some years and can still not be independently confirmed. The latest report comes a day after the Taliban acknowledged that its leader, Mullah Omar, was dead. Reports of Haqqani's death, quoting T... more »

Key Strategies in Overcoming Depression Naturally

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 10 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - Depression can cause brain damage, and this is how to reverse it. The post Key Strategies in Overcoming Depression Naturally appeared first on Waking Times.

Abortion Opponents Plan Nationwide Planned Parenthood Protest

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
Anti-abortion groups are planning a coordinated, nationwide protest in front of Planned Parenthood clinics later in August, in an effort to ramp up pressure on the group for its involvement in obtaining aborted fetal tissue. Around 40 groups have agreed... The post Abortion Opponents Plan Nationwide Planned Parenthood Protest appeared first on The Stream.

Conservatives Win Big Fight Over ‘Radically Revisionist’ High School American History Curriculum

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
After persistent pushback from conservatives, the framework for high school Advanced Placement U.S. history has been revised to give more weight to the country’s positive past — and even includes a new section on “American exceptionalism,” Newsweek reported. The previous... The post Conservatives Win Big Fight Over ‘Radically Revisionist’ High School American History Curriculum appeared first on The Stream.

Take Back Your Mind – A Wake Up Call From Terence McKenna

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 11 hours ago
*Video* - The legendary Terence McKenna on what it means to take back your mind. The post Take Back Your Mind – A Wake Up Call From Terence McKenna appeared first on Waking Times.

World News Briefs -- July 31, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*VOA*: *Monitor: US-trained Rebel Group in Syria Attacked by Nusra Front* The al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front attacked the headquarters of a new U.S.-formed rebel group in northern Syria early Friday, rebel groups and an organization monitoring the war said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based pro-opposition group that relies on sources inside Syria, said the clashes left at least 13 people on both sides dead. The Observatory also said Friday that warplanes believed to belong to the U.S.-led coalition had bombed Nusra Front positions near Azaz, about 50 kilometer... more »

Jeb Bush Warned to Avoid Donald Trump in Debate

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 11 hours ago
When Jeb Bush and Donald Trump share a debate stage next week, Bush needs to ignore the real estate mogul at all costs —and if that fails, laugh him off. That’s the advice given by more than half of the... The post Jeb Bush Warned to Avoid Donald Trump in Debate appeared first on The Stream.

Huckabee Compared Obama to Chamberlain, not Hitler

Jonah Goldberg at The Stream - 11 hours ago
It’s been a hard time for politicians not named “Trump” to get any attention, but Mike Huckabee managed it. He did it by comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. At least that’s what I gathered from headlines like this one... The post Huckabee Compared Obama to Chamberlain, not Hitler appeared first on The Stream.

BOMBSHELL: Investigator Says StemExpress Bought Intact Dead Babies from Planned Parenthood

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 11 hours ago
Undercover investigator David Dresden tells CNN the reason StemExpress is trying to suppress the video he took of its CEO on May 22 is because the company doesn’t want anyone to know it bought whole intact dead babies from Planned... The post BOMBSHELL: Investigator Says StemExpress Bought Intact Dead Babies from Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 31, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*David Axe, War Is Boring:* *A Series of Mistakes Led to NATO’s Bloody Air Crash* A stray checklist and sloppy procedures might have caused a Greek F-16 to crash into a crowded tarmac The twin-seat F-16D was airborne for just 7.8 seconds. Barely enough time for the two Greek air force pilots to register what was happening — and not enough time to safely eject before the single-engine jet fighter plunged to Earth, plowing into the crowded tarmac at Los Llanos air base in southern Spain during the middle of a NATO Tactical Leadership Program war game. Ten people — eight of them Fre...more »

Who’s In Your Head?

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 12 hours ago
*Michael Tominac* - Whose voice is in your head that makes you choose certain directions in life? The post Who’s In Your Head? appeared first on Waking Times.

Obama Admin. Condemns ‘Vicious Terrorist’ Act in West Bank

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 12 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is condemning an arson attack by suspected Jewish extremists in the West Bank that killed a Palestinian toddler, branding it a “vicious terrorist” act that must be punished. In a Friday statement, the State... The post Obama Admin. Condemns ‘Vicious Terrorist’ Act in West Bank appeared first on The Stream.

Plague or anthrax on the subway? Think again, says now-corrected study

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
Authors of a widely covered study that documented traces of plague and anthrax on surfaces across New York City have revised the paper after public health officials challenged their interpretations of the data. It’s hard to overestimate the attention these findings received when first published. “Bubonic plague found in NYC subway,” wrote The Daily Beast. “Your […] The post Plague or anthrax on the subway? Think again, says now-corrected study appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Dan Bacher: Protesters sing, wave signs and blast Delta tunnels at "open house'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
Photo Dan Bacher: Chief Caleen Sisk at the protest against the Delta Tunnels in front of the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento on July 28. More photos at:  http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2015/07/30/18775549.php Protesters sing, wave signs and blast  Delta tunnels at "open house'  by Dan Bacher  Censored News As consultants and state and federal officials promoting the Delta

Mark Levin’s Plunder and Deceit

David Limbaugh at The Stream - 13 hours ago
Can we simultaneously love our children and betray their generation and generations unborn? Do I have your attention? I hope so, but I can’t take credit for that lead. I stole it from Page 1 of Mark Levin’s new book,... The post Mark Levin’s *Plunder and Deceit* appeared first on The Stream.

Secret NSA Map Shows China Cyber Attacks on U.S. Targets

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 13 hours ago
A secret NSA map obtained exclusively by NBC News shows the Chinese government‘s massive cyber assault on all sectors of the U.S economy, including major firms like Google and Lockheed Martin, as well as the U.S. government and military. The... The post Secret NSA Map Shows China Cyber Attacks on U.S. Targets appeared first on The Stream.

PETA’s Shock Tactics: Irresponsible Advocacy or Strategy and Positioning?

Maryam Z. Deloffre at Duck of Minerva - 13 hours ago
[As two fellow NGO researchers, Wendy and Maryam are going to collaborate on some posts to provide contrasting views on hot-button issues related to NGOs. Think of us as the Siskel and Ebert of NGOs – we definitely agree on certain things, but clearly not on others (and don’t ask who’s who). Our points of […]

PETA’s Shock Tactics: Irresponsible Advocacy or Strategy and Positioning?

Wendy Wong at Duck of Minerva - 13 hours ago
[As two fellow NGO researchers, Wendy and Maryam are going to collaborate on some posts to provide contrasting views on hot-button issues related to NGOs. Think of us as the Siskel and Ebert of NGOs – we definitely agree on certain things, but clearly not on others (and don’t ask who’s who). Our points of […]

Pakistan 'Protected' The Afghan Taliban Leader From U.S. Authorities

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*FOX News:* *US long suspected Pakistan of sheltering late Taliban leader Mullah Omar, report says* U.S. intelligence officials suspected Pakistan of sheltering Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, one of the world's most wanted men, for years before his death, according to a published report. On Wednesday, Afghan officials announced that they believed Omar had died in a Pakistan hospital sometime in 2013. On Thursday, the Taliban issued a statement confirming the death of the man known as "The Commander of the Faithful", but did not specify when or how he had died. The Taliban st... more »

Jeb Bush Sat on Board of Charity That Gave Millions to Planned Parenthood

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 13 hours ago
Until the eve of his presidential campaign, Jeb Bush was director of a philanthropy that gave tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood and financed its advocacy of “unrestricted access to abortion” around the world. The charity also approved money to global abortion... The post Jeb Bush Sat on Board of Charity That Gave Millions to Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.

ANALYSIS: A Pro-Life Opportunity

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 13 hours ago
In the wake of the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the trafficking of aborted baby tissue and body parts, the U.S. Senate has scheduled a vote to defund Planned Parenthood. It’s a fine first step by Congress in... The post ANALYSIS: A Pro-Life Opportunity appeared first on The Stream.

Americans’ Paychecks Growing at Smallest Rate Since 1982

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 13 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. wages and benefits grew in the spring at the slowest pace in 33 years, stark evidence that stronger hiring isn’t lifting paychecks much for most Americans. The slowdown also likely reflects a sharp drop-off in bonus... The post Americans’ Paychecks Growing at Smallest Rate Since 1982 appeared first on The Stream.

Taliban Fighters 'Worried And Confused' After Death Of Leader

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*The Independent*: *Mohammad Akhtar Mansoor: Taliban fighters 'worried and confused' after death of leader* The Afghan Taliban has sought to quell divisions within the group following confirmation of the death of its former leader. A statement released by the group on Friday described Akhtar Mohammad Mansour as one of the most “trusted” associates of the late leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. According to the group, Mansoor had been an “active director” of jihad for at least three years and had been serving as Omar’s deputy before he died. *WNU Editor:* The war will go on .... the Tal... more »

With The Death Of Mullah Omar Will The Taliban Now Split Apart?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
The Tolonews website runs a story on its front page reporting about news of the death of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar in Kabul May 23, 2011. REUTERS/AHMAD MASOOD/FILES *Reuters:* *Exclusive: Walkout at Taliban leadership meeting raises specter of split* At the Taliban meeting this week where Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour was named as the Islamist militant group's new head, several senior figures in the movement, including the son and brother of late leader Mullah Omar, walked out in protest. The display of dissent within the group's secretive core is the clearest sign yet... more »

Who Is Mullah Akhtar Mansoor The New Leader Of The Taliban

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, the newly named chief of the Taliban *Sami Yousafzai, Daily Beast:* *Up Close With the Taliban’s Next King* Over the last 21 years I’ve had many encounters with the man who will now head the Afghan Taliban fighting the U.S.-backed government in Kabul. What lies behind his dark glasses? The first time I met Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor, the new leader of the Afghan Taliban, was in 1994, as the movement was just taking shape and before he’d decided to join. He came to my father’s Islamic bookshop in the Jalozai refugee camp for Afghans near Peshawar, Pakistan... more »

Nutrition researcher Chandra loses libel case against CBC

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
The self-proclaimed “father of nutritional immunology,” Ranjit Kumar Chandra, has lost a libel lawsuit against the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). The suit was in response to a 2006 three-part documentary from the CBC, which examined allegations of fraud against the former Memorial University researcher. After the 58-day trial, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice “ruled […] The post Nutrition researcher Chandra loses libel case against CBC appeared first on Retraction Watch.

American Lion Killer’s Extradition Sought

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 14 hours ago
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe intends to seek the extradition of an American dentist who killed a lion that was lured out of a national park and shot with a bow and a gun, and the process has already begun,... The post American Lion Killer’s Extradition Sought appeared first on The Stream.

A ‘Game-Changer’? Experimental Ebola Vaccine Could Stop Virus in West Africa

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 14 hours ago
LONDON (AP) — An experimental Ebola vaccine tested on thousands of people in Guinea seems to work and might help shut down the waning epidemic in West Africa, according to interim results from a study published Friday. There is currently... The post A ‘Game-Changer’? Experimental Ebola Vaccine Could Stop Virus in West Africa appeared first on The Stream.

An 'Insiders' Account On The Death Of Afghan Taliban Leader Mullah Omar

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
A reward poster from a Pakistani newspaper shows Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. FAISAL MAHMOOD/REUTERS *Newsweek*: *Exclusive: Inside the Mysterious ‘Death’ of Taliban Leader Mullah Omar* Just before the end of Ramadan this year, I received an unexpected call from one of Mullah Mohammed Omar’s longtime family friends. He had just learned a secret held by only a tiny circle of Omar’s most trusted associates: The supreme leader of the Afghan Taliban was dead. Rumors of Omar’s death have been circulating since he vanished in late 2001. The last verifiable sighting placed him on the... more »

Why Would Anyone Think Career-Long Corporate Shill Joe Biden Would Be Any Better Than Hillary?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago
Corporate goofball almost makes Hillary look good Inevitably, there's been some speculation that, with Hillary stumbling a bit, Biden might be more electable. Few people remember what a corporate shill Biden was for his entire, *long* senatorial career. He may be a lovably goofy vice president but he's not even remotely part of the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party. He's always been a DLC hack and an outrageous corporate shill and, first and foremost, a Beltway careerist. Josh Kraushaar posits that Hillary's strength was her inevitability and electability. First woman pr... more »

It’s Back: FEC Says Regulating Internet, Google, Facebook under Its ‘Purview’

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 14 hours ago
After backing down amid concerns she wanted to regulate political speech, and even new sites like the Drudge Report, the chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission has renewed talk about targeting campaign and political activities on the internet. Ann M.... The post It’s Back: FEC Says Regulating Internet, Google, Facebook under Its ‘Purview’ appeared first on The Stream.

More News On The The Death Of Taliban Leader Mullah Omar (Updated)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Taliban appoint new leader as family of former commander Mullah Omar say he died from an 'unspecified illness'* * Akhtar Mohammed Mansour thought to have been named Supreme Leader * Known as a moderate who is keen on a peace deal with Pakistani officials * Appointment has thought to have caused a rift with more militant leaders * Comes as letter thought to be from family of Omar says he died of illness The Taliban have appointed a successor to leader Mullah Omar just a day after the Afghan government revealed he has been dead for the last two years. Mullah Akhtar Moha... more »

Is The U.S. Navy Facing A 'Carrier Gap'?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
The USS Carl Vinson leads the USS Bunker Hill and the USS Halsey during a passing exercise with Indian navy ships during Exercise Malabar 2012 in the Indian Ocean, April 16, 2012. The Vinson, Bunker Hill and Halsey comprise Carrier Strike Group 1 and are participating in the annual bilateral naval field training exercise with the Indian navy to advance multinational maritime relationships and mutual security issues. U.S. Navy photo by Seaman George M. Bell *Stars and Stripes:* *Admiral: Carrier gap in Persian Gulf hinders war effort* WASHINGTON — A rare gap in the presence of a U... more »

Why Is The White House Treating Unclassified Documents On The Iran Nuclear Deal 'Secret'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Kevin Lamarque/Reuters *Tim Mak, Daily Beast*: *The Iran Nuke Documents Obama Doesn’t Want You to See* Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info. Why is the Obama administration trying to bury this material? Scattered around the U.S. Capitol complex are a series of Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities, or SCIFs, which are typically used to hold Top Secret information. But today in these deeply secure settings are a series of unclassified documents—items dealing with the Iran nuclear deal tha... more »

Obama to Restore College Grants for Some Prison Inmates

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 14 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Some federal and state prisoners could begin receiving federal student aid to take college courses — while still behind bars — as early as the 2016-2017 school year. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Loretta Lynch... The post Obama to Restore College Grants for Some Prison Inmates appeared first on The Stream.

Rare Blue Moon Tonight - 31 July 2015

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 14 hours ago

Something To Think About

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
For the next seventy-seven days, we're going to hear the message that Stephen Harper is the best person to guide the Canadian economy. Jim Stanford has been crunching the numbers; and it turns out that -- like so much of what Mr. Harper says -- there is a cavernous gap between his rhetoric and reality. Stanford writes: However, this gap between triumphalist rhetoric and grim reality did not suddenly appear. In fact, the evidence has been piling up for years -- long before the current slowdown -- that Canada's economic performance under the Harper Conservatives has been uniquely p... more »

Inquiry into duplications reveals “multiple” image problems in tumor study

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
A paper on how abnormal stem cells can cause benign bone tumors has been retracted by Cell Stem Cell after an inquiry into image duplications also uncovered “multiple instances of inappropriate western blot image adjustment.” The first two authors “declined” to sign the retraction, according to the notice. Besides confirming initial suspicions that images had been […] The post Inquiry into duplications reveals “multiple” image problems in tumor study appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Morrissey claims sex assault by security at US airport per BBC News

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago
'British singer Morrissey has claimed he was sexually assaulted by a security officer at San Francisco International Airport, who he says "groped" him.' Heaven knows he's miserable now... More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33731489

ANALYSIS: A California Judge Needs a Lesson in the First Amendment

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
Late Wednesday, the Los Angeles Superior Court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) banning the Center for Medical Progress from releasing video of a meeting with three StemExpress employees at a restaurant last May, potentially violating fundamental First Amendment precedents... The post ANALYSIS: A California Judge Needs a Lesson in the First Amendment appeared first on The Stream.

Hung Campaign Blues + Links

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago
[image: DSC07332] *A roadside shrine.* The campaign of Hung Hsiu-chu found a campaign manager this week (KMT news organ): KMT Presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱)’s campaign headquarters have begun to gear up. According to informed sources, *Yiin Chii-ming, a former Economics Minister and president of National Policy Foundation, the KMT think tank, would be Hung’s campaign manager.* Hung’s campaign office has also announced new spokespersons this morning. Yesterday, Yu Tzu-hsiang (游梓翔), Hung's campaign office spokesperson, said that Yiin had participated in discussions of Hu... more »

The Juggernaut

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 16 hours ago
Lots of progressives tell me about all of the victories they win. "We got them to stop this or that." "We got 10,000 people in the streets against this bill." "We defended these rights." But in my mind, what I see is the inexorable juggernaut of self-destructive hegemony rumbling on its way, pretty much indifferent to all the battles being carried out by the tiny figures on its surface. It's a long time ago (maybe more than a year ago) but remember what economic historian Thomaas Piketty said: What created a genuine degree of social equality and economic stability and decent livin... more »

Beijing Selected to Host 2022 Winter Olympics Despite Its Heavy Reliance on Man-Made Snow

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Beijing was selected Friday to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, becoming the first city awarded both the winter and summer games. Beijing narrowly defeated Almaty, Kazakhstan, in a vote of the International Olympic Committee. The... The post Beijing Selected to Host 2022 Winter Olympics Despite Its Heavy Reliance on Man-Made Snow appeared first on The Stream.

Israel Strikes Syria, Lebanon and sights set on the Sinai

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
*Israel's busy, busy, busy-* *A round up of the latest happenings * *Israel strikes Syrian village killing pro-Assad forces * By Nancy Fleming *An airstrike by Israel yesterday on a government held village in the Syrian Golan Heights has reportedly killed fighters loyal to President Bashar-Al-Assad alongside two Hezbollah militants, raising fears that the Syrian civil war could be further spilling over into the wider region.* *Israel strikes targets in Syria, Lebanon in two separate attacks* In Lebanon, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said Israeli warplanes struck... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 16 hours ago
*Drew Brees will carry the 2015 Saints & Here’s Why ~Jason Calbos, NolaNationRising* *Saints player interviews from Thursday*

The World Nuclear Threat Is Worse Than Ever

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
www.icanw.org *Nathalie Guibert, World Crunch:* *Iran Deal Or Not, World Nuclear Threat Is Worse Than Ever* The treaty signed with Iran won't eliminate the risk of global proliferation. Russia, China and North Korea in particular are building arsenals and see destabilization as strategy. PARIS — Despite the historic agreement reached with Iran July 14, the idea of a world with no atomic weapon remains a dream, even 25 years after the end of the Cold War. There are 4,100 nuclear warheads on the planet, and 1,800 of them are American or Russian ones in a state of alert, according t... more »

The U.S. Navy SEALs Want A Mini-Sub

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Foxtrot Alpha*: *Is This Semi-Autonomous Mini Submarine The SEALs' Next Super Weapon?* U.S. Navy SEALs have to infiltrate and exfiltrate from some of the most hostile areas on earth, and often times they travel underwater to do so. The Mark 8 SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) has been used in various configurations for decades for this mission, and after previous tries to replace it, a group with an incredible maritime tech pedigree thinks they have the solution. Meet Proteus, the brainchild of Huntington Ingalls Underwater Solutions Group, Bluefin Robotics and Battelle. This streamli... more »

Scotland Yard Accuses Russia of Using “Nuclear Weapon” in London

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
The British government traced radioactive poison used to kill an ex-KGB spy from a hotel tea kettle all the way back to Moscow. LONDON­ — Scotland Yard has formally accused Russia of carrying out a nuclear attack on the streets... The post Scotland Yard Accuses Russia of Using “Nuclear Weapon” in London appeared first on The Stream.

Despite Bombing, Islamic State is No Weaker Than a Year Ago; Analysts say Could Take Decade to Drive Out Extremists

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — After billions of dollars spent and more than 10,000 extremist fighters killed, the Islamic State group is fundamentally no weaker than it was when the U.S.-led bombing campaign began a year ago, American intelligence agencies have concluded.... The post Despite Bombing, Islamic State is No Weaker Than a Year Ago; Analysts say Could Take Decade to Drive Out Extremists appeared first on The Stream.

Greek Bailout Talks Shift into Higher Gear

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece’s talks with its international creditors on a third bailout worth 85 billion euros ($93 billion) shifted into a higher gear on Friday, with lead negotiators from the European Union and International Monetary Fund meeting key... The post Greek Bailout Talks Shift into Higher Gear appeared first on The Stream.

Killing Cecil

Rich Lowry at The Stream - 16 hours ago
“Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” — African proverb On the ledger of global outrages, the killing of Cecil the lion outside of a Zimbabwe national park should... The post Killing Cecil appeared first on The Stream.

Meet the Filmmaker Exposing Planned Parenthood:

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
For years, a group of pro-life activists and politicians have waged a fierce political and brand war with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a billion-dollar nonprofit that has positioned itself as a champion for women’s health. Pro-life groups and... The post Meet the Filmmaker Exposing Planned Parenthood: appeared first on The Stream.

God’s Crime Scene

Frank Turek at The Stream - 16 hours ago
It’s about 2 a.m. on an August morning in 1979. A beautiful young nurse by the name of Lynne Knight is living in a bungalow behind a larger house in Torrance, California. As two police officers approach her door, they... The post God’s Crime Scene appeared first on The Stream.

Cecil the Lion’s Wikipedia Page Not Created Until After His Death

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
The Internet has been set ablaze by news that a U.S. dentist on safari shot and killed Zimbabwe’s Cecil the lion, apparently a beloved figure in that African country. Already more than 800,000 people have signed an online petition demanding “justice” for Cecil, but how well-known was Cecil... The post Cecil the Lion’s Wikipedia Page Not Created Until After His Death appeared first on The Stream.

Searchers Scour Beaches in Hopes of Unlocking Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
SAINT-ANDRE, Reunion (AP) — After 16 agonizing months without answers, loved ones of those on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will likely have to wait at least another day for confirmation that it crashed into the sea, as investigators work... The post Searchers Scour Beaches in Hopes of Unlocking Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery appeared first on The Stream.

Not Guilty Plea Entered for Suspect in Charleston Church Shooting

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — The white man accused of gunning down nine parishioners at a black church in Charleston wants to plead guilty to 33 federal charges, but his lawyer said in court Friday that he wouldn’t do so until... The post Not Guilty Plea Entered for Suspect in Charleston Church Shooting appeared first on The Stream.

Hegemonic Warfare Watch: Fun Fun Fun over the Senkakus

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 16 hours ago
*A lonely road somewhere in Chiayi.* A piece in The Diplomat observes that China's bogus ADIZ over the East China Sea was used to turn back a Lao Airlines flight... A little-noticed report published earlier this week in Air Transport World showcases one such case. Although considerably ambiguity continues to surround this incident, according to that report, a Lao Airlines flight flying from South Korea’s Gimehae International Airport to Laos was asked to turn back by Chinese air traffic controllers and complied. The report notes that the Chinese air traffic controllers told the air... more »

‘What Lion?’ Zimbabweans Ask, Amid Global Cecil Circus

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 17 hours ago
HARARE (Reuters) – As social media exploded with outrage this week at the killing of Cecil the lion, the untimely passing of the celebrated predator at the hands of an American dentist went largely unnoticed in the animal’s native Zimbabwe.... The post ‘What Lion?’ Zimbabweans Ask, Amid Global Cecil Circus appeared first on The Stream.

Economic News , Data And Views ( July 31 , 2015 ) Broader Europe in Focus ( EZ Unemployment Data , EZ Inflation Data , Ruble Falling Along With Oil Troubles , SNB Troubles - Big 1H Loss posted , IMF In Focus ) ..... Greece Updates ( Creditor Talks Items , Greece Political Items and Economic Data , Tsipras In Parliament This Morning - Defends Both Plan B and Former Fin Min Varoufakis ! ) China Stock Market Items ( Shaghhai Market Index lost 14.3 % for July , More Investigations Underway , IPO Market Hit By Suspension Of New IPOs )

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Evening Wrap... *World Travel* ‏@travel Athens, *Greece* [image: Embedded image permalink] *fred walton* ‏@fredwalton216 8m 8 minutes ago Mish's Global Econ Trend Analysis: Greek Stock Market Reopens (sort of); Math Perspective on the "Bailout" http://po.st/GSXeRG via @*po_st* *fred walton* ‏@fredwalton216 5m 5 minutes agoPhiladelphia, PA @*Po_st* @*albertjohn* @*alexdelprete* @*KellerZoe* Takeaway -At 0 % int , w/ 3% annual primary surplus, assume all surplus goes to repay 1 *fred walton* ‏@fredwalton216 3m 3 minutes agoPhiladelphia, PA @*Po_s... more »

The Universe

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
"Don't be afraid. You needn't slay the beast or scale the entire mountain. That's not how it's done. You only need to move through today. Think of the distance you've already covered. Focus on your strengths. Let each new step remind you of your freedom. Let your every breath remind you of your power. Seek out friends and guides; they're anxious to help. You're not alone. You're understood. This road has been walked before. Dance life's dance, just a few steps at a time, and in the wink of an eye you will wonder to yourself, "What beast, what mountain? Was I having a dream?" "Lov... more »

India Withdraws Request for 126 Rafale Fighters From France

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Dassault Rafale]Parrikar said in late May that New Delhi required only 36 Rafale fighter aircraft instead of the previously planned 126. A month earlier, the French and Indian leaders announced a scaling down of the 2012 contract on the supply of 126 jets. "The Request For Proposal (RFP) issued earlier for procurement of 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) has been withdrawn," Parrikar said in a written reply to the Indian upper house of parliament. He added that the Indian government intends to acquire 36 jets "in fly-away condition as quickly as possible." Read ... more »

Airbus seeks to rebuild trust as A400M systems fall short

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: A400M Atlas]Airbus Group has told buyer nations of the A400M transporter aircraft that it cannot deliver all of its high-tech defenses according to plan, casting a shadow over some of its military uses as Europe battles growing instability on its borders. The troop and cargo lifter was developed at a cost of 20 billion euros ($22 billion) for seven European NATO nations and is already in service with French forces in Mali. Other core buyers include Belgium, Britain, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain and Turkey. Malaysia is so far the only export customer. Some of the state-of-the-a... more »

Second Artillery Corps can be used against enemy aircraft carrier: Yin Zhuo

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: DF-21 and DF-25]Admiral Yin Zhuo of the People's Liberation Army Navy said that the exercise launched in the disputed South China Sea on July 28 was to test the capability of the Second Artillery Corps, China's strategic missile force, to sink enemy warships, according to the state-run People's Daily. During the exercise, the abilities of China's Type 052C, Type 052D guided-missile destroyers and Type 054A guided missile frigates to defeat enemy aircraft, missile and electronic reconnaissance were tested under the coordination of the navy's air force and the Second Artillery... more »

Russia to re-start launches of ‘Satan’ ICBM

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: R-36M (SS-18) Satan]Russia plans to re-start trial launches of the RS-20 Voyevoda Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, after converting the Dnepr missile, also known by NATO as “Satan.” Russia now possesses 60 such missiles which, over the next five years, will be withdrawn from service. The plan is to use the Voyevoda missiles for civilian purposes, for commercial launches, to avoid having to destroy the expensive missiles. Read more

Malaysia signed deal for UK made SAMs

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Starstreak]Malaysia has signed the deal for the procurement of the Thales Starstreak V-Shorads, ahead of the official visit of the UK Prime Minister on Thursday. Industry sources told Malaysian Defence that the deal involved Global Komited Sdn Bhd which will supply the GM-K1 vehicles and Thales UK, the producer of the Starstreak V-Shorads. The deal will also include light weight multiple launchers, radars and command and control system. Read more

Indigenous surface-to-air guided missiles to be deployed this year

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
Korea will deploy indigenous surface-to-air guided missiles by the end of this year as testing has been successfully completed, according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), Thursday. "The Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (DTaQ) successfully conducted the quality certification firing of the Cheongung in late July," said the DAPA in a press release. "Mass production will begin in earnest this year following the completion of the quality-certification process." A DAPA official noted that the product receives a pass mark if it hits its target twice out o... more »

NATO Split: Germany Wants to Withdraw Patriot Missiles From Turkey

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Patriot system]Military expert of the German CSU party Florian Hahn called for the withdrawal of German Patriot missiles from Turkey due to attacks carried out by the government forces against the Kurds, DWN reported. The expert believes that Germany and Turkey have less and less in common due to attacks of the Turkish forces against the Kurds in northern Iraq. This signifies the first split inside NATO, which earlier decided to lend military support for its member, Turkey, the German newspaper wrote. Read more

The Roundtable Discussion Archive video: July 27th, 2015

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 20 hours ago
Good morning everyone! Here is the One People's Roundtable Discussion Archive Video from Monday's show, July 27th, 2015 Lisa and I discussed quite a few subjects on Monday, including the Video that was released on American Kabuki with a recorded call between Heather Tucci Jarraf and Bill. We were joined halfway through the show by Lily Earth who gave a run down of her analysis of the recording and the contents. There were several very interesting pieces of information and insights that came up during the show. love d

Harris Corporation Awarded $29 Million Avionics Production Contract

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: F/A-18 Super Hornet]The U.S. Navy has awarded Harris Corporation a two-year, $29 million full-rate production contract to provide key avionics components that will enhance flight crews' targeting capabilities on the U.S. Navy's and Australia's F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet fighter aircraft and EA-18G Growler electronic attack platform. The avionics are a critical part of the Distributed Targeting System which will significantly improve the aircraft's networking capabilities, enhance targeting precision and shorten the time from target sensing to shooting. "The F/A-18 brings critic... more »

Thou Shall Not Murder by Aussie Dave aka Israellycool

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 20 hours ago
Two vile attacks by Jews in or around Israel have left me disgusted. Israellycool puts it brilliantly here http://www.israellycool.com/2015/07/31/thou-shall-not-murder/ read it all. But here's an extract: 'Less than 24 hours. 2 shocking acts of murder and attempted murder. Seemingly perpetrated by fellow Jews. The first: Stabbing of participants at yesterday's Jerusalem gay pride parade, by a so-called "Orthodox" Jew. The second: The murder of a toddler in an arson attack perpetrated against a palestinian family, in an apparent "price tag attack." I cannot not address these acts... more »

Taitung: Miramar Expanding Ring of Destruction Halted

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 20 hours ago
*Location of the Miramar (lower left) and new development (center to right)(from Taitung Protest)* The Miramar hotel development (background) has come to symbolize everything that is wrong with development on the east coast, which is rapidly being wrecked by developers. Today Taitung Protest posted on Facebook: You’ve heard about Mei Li Wan, now they are trying to build Mei Li Two (then 3, 4, and so on, ‘until there’s no more room up there’) in the foothills of Dulan Mountain, just 100 metres north of Miramar. A delegation of local environmental activists, led by leaders of the ab... more »

Serbia to Buy Military Helicopters From Russia, Germany

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Mi-17 Hip]Serbia will buy four military helicopters from Russia and Germany in the near future, the country’s Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic said Thursday. "We are approaching the final stage of the purchase of two Russian and two German military helicopters. The first delivery [of the helicopters] is expected soon," Gasic said in an interview with Tanjug news agency. According to the minister, the helicopters that are due to be delivered have excellent performance capabilities and are perfectly equipped for carrying out search and rescue operations, even at night. Read more

Egypt to receive F-16 jet fighters: US Embassy

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: F-16 Fighting Falcon]Egypt will receive eight F-16 fighter jets by Friday as part of a $1.3bn US annual military aid package. This comes in light of support for Egypt’s intense efforts to confront terrorism, a press release by the US Embassy in Cairo said Thursday. “Extremists threaten regional security and these weapons systems provide a new tool to help Egypt fight terrorism,” commented US Embassy Senior Defense Official in Cairo, Major General Charles Hooper The F-16 Block 52 aircraft is an advanced fighter jet built in the US state of Texas, and joins the Egyptian milita... more »

Brazil's Embraer delays cargo jet, loses revenue on defense cuts

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Embraer KC-390]Brazilian planemaker Embraer SA said on Thursday it will delay development of a military cargo jet and forgo $300 million of revenue this year due to Brazil's weaker currency and defense spending cuts, triggering the biggest drop in its shares in nearly four years. Embraer now plans to deliver its first KC-390 cargo aircraft to the Brazilian Air Force in the first half of 2018 rather than the end of 2016, the company said in its quarterly earnings report. The plane is the biggest Embraer has made. Second-quarter profit fell 10 percent from a year earlier due i... more »

A Choice To Be Made - Happy or Sad?

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/31/2015"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/31/2015"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "The deeper Congress digs into the deal to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the worse the deal seems. When Secretary of State John Kerry, the key negotiator for the US in this deal, was asked about the secret side deals in Congress this week, he said he “did not have access to them.” What? You do not have access to details of a deal you negotiated? Kerry also says this deal must be passed by Congress, otherwise, he says, “our friends in this effort will desert us.” Now, details come out from a top French diplomat, who... more »

LCS Anti-Sub Warfare Package Too Heavy; 3 Contracts Issued For Weight Reduction Study

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: USS Independence (LCS 2) and USS Coronado (LCS 4)]The Littoral Combat Ship’s anti-submarine warfare mission package needs to shed some weight before it can deploy on a ship, and the Navy awarded three contracts to help find weight-reduction ideas. The mission package includes two mature and fielded sonar systems, plus the hardware needed to integrate the systems with the ship. LCS Mission Module Program Manager Capt. Casey Moton said Thursday at a Mine Warfare Association lunch that each of his three mission modules is given 105 metric tons of weight on the LCS, but the ASW... more »

Report: US strategic bomber spending totals $58B through 2024

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: B-52 Stratofortress]The US government expects to spend $33.1B building its next-generation strategic bomber over the coming decade and a further $24.4B upgrading the Northrop Grumman B-2 and Boeing B-52, according to a 30 July Government Accountability Office report. The figures come as the US Air Force prepares to award a development contract for the Long-Range Strike Bomber to either Northrop Grumman or a Boeing-Lockheed Martin team. An announcement is expected in late August or early September and could be worth upwards of $80B to the winner for 80 to 100 new bombers. Th... more »

L-3 Receives Award for U.S. Navy Universal Modular Mast Program

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Universal Modular Mast]L-3 KEO announced in a July 30 release that it has been awarded a multimillion dollar contract from Naval Sea Systems Command to supply Universal Modular Masts (UMMs) for use on Virginia-class submarines. Under the terms of the contract, L-3 KEO will supply two shipsets of UMM systems comprising eight individual UMMs, with options to produce up to 10 additional shipsets (80 UMMs) over a subsequent four-year period, as well as engineering services and spares. L-3 KEO’s UMM serves as the lifting mechanism for five different sensors, including the Photon... more »

Military Photo of the Day: July 31, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 21 hours ago
A U.S. service member watches an MV-22 Osprey land during a training exercise at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia on July 28, 2015. Thank you to Sgt. Michael Needham for taking this photograph! The post Military Photo of the Day: July 31, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.

Meet the Man Trying to Use Ayahuasca to Treat PTSD

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
I said as much in a post two years ago and now we have started piecing the science together and are conducting clinical tests to see what truly happens. None of us know how successful this will turn out and the small sample size is baby steps. Yet from there we gain confidence to run a couple of thousand through a protocol. Again it is promising and it certainly demands this type of work. What is used is simply wrong from the start. *Meet the Man Trying to Use Ayahuasca to Treat PTSD * *Like ATTN: on facebook for more content like this.* * http://www.attn.com/stories... more »

Why Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Neocons Hate the Iran Deal

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This is a different perspective that is also closer to conventional calculations. Yes Israel sees a real threat, not least because Iranian leadership mouths of with those threats regularly. Yet the Threat to Sunni hegemony is far greater as well. They are already at war and an unrestrained Iran may not work out at all for them. It is a huge change and it comes about without an effective counter policy in place. I also think we could have had this deal a long time ago. Now we will see if it can be ratified. Yet it does buy ten years and the world will be much different with ... more »

Grexit or Jubilee? With Ellen Brown

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This provides a clear picture of the available options to Greece, but they are unlikely to ever be given those options. Through simple ignorance, central bankers continue to bluff their view of the world onto the heads of government long after their solutions have all failed or worse, crested the problem in the first place. We forget that in the USA all sub prime borrowers by and large walked away sooner than later. Amazngly they decided that they could not pay their bills and left the asset to the banks. Much of those assets became unsalable forcing the banks to absorb t... more »

Dead Baby Parts 'Harvested'

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
It has come to this. I also think that there will be hell to pay for this one because all the grey area around when a fetus is a person has largely evaporated. As i have posted, at the 49th day, the spirit enters the fetus and asserts ownership. Before then the fetus is operated as an extension of the mother's astral body. There is no grey area after the 49th day and the whole business of abortion needs to be completely readdressed in public debate. I can even say that the mother retains the right to end a pregnancy up until the 49th day but then cedes that right to her ... more »

The Russian Army Is Sabotaging Putin

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
(*Click on Image to Enlarge)* Russian President Putin visiting the Armed Forces Central Command Centre. Kremlin.ru *Alexander Golts, Moscow Times*: *Army Brass Sabotaging Putin's Plans* Surprisingly, Russia's leaders do manage to come up with good ideas on occasion. But, of course, their subordinates immediately sabotage them to the best of their abilities. To the casual observer, it seems the military brass long ago stopped offering resistance to proposals from the president and defense minister, but Russian generals in fact continue to sabotage every order from the top that they ... more »

Japan Successfully Fired The World's Most Powerful Laser

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Researchers in Osaka were able to produce a 2-petawatt - or 2 quadrillion-watt - laser beam using the Laser for Fast Ignition Experiments (LFEX). This is equivalent to 1,000 times the world's electricity consumption, causing the laser to be compared to that on the Death Star in Star Wars (pictured) *Daily Mail*: *The Death Star weapon is here! Japan fires world's most powerful laser to produce energy equal to 1,000 times the planet's power consumption* * LFEX device produced 2-petawatts (2 quadrillion-watts) of energy * The energy used for the laser beam itself would only be powerf... more »

CMS bump at \(5\TeV\)?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 23 hours ago
First, off-topic: You may pre-order a book by Lisa Randall that will be out in 3 months (4 formats). It argues that dark matter is composed of organs of dinosaurs who were labeled reactionary autonomous intelligent weapons and shot into the outer space by mammoths. Well, I know the theory and the very interesting wisdom and stories around a bit more precisely than that because of some 50-hour exposure but there has to be a surprise left for you. ;-) ------------------------------ The ATLAS' bump at \(2\TeV\) or so – possibly a new gauge boson – is probably the most attractive exces... more »

Orthodox Jew attacks gay pride participants in Jerusalem

The Realist Report at The Realist Report - 23 hours ago
It is a well established fact that the organized Jewish community and radical Jewish perverts have been and remain in the vanguard of the promotion and celebration of homosexuality, "gay marriage", and transgenderism throughout the Western world. Indeed, Jews have always promoted sexual debauchery and degeneracy, resulting in the now widespread social acceptance of sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and all forms of licentious, immoral, and unnatural behavior. Meanwhile, over in Israel, the *Jewish Telegraph Agency* is reporting that - once again - a fanatical Orthodox Jew has viole... more »

Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 23 hours ago
*July 31, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Times are tough for America's "color revolution" industry. Perfected in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and honed during the so-called "Arab Spring," the process of backing subversion in a targeted country and overthrowing a sitting government under the cover of staged mass protests appears to be finally at the end of running its course. *Image: "No to Plunder's" core leaders are US-trained lawyers and activists. Because they are not overtly members of any specific US-funded group, the US believes it can maintain sufficien... more »

Planned Parenthood, Cecil the Lion and America’s Broken Outrage Meter

Heather Wilhelm at The Stream - 23 hours ago
One of the joys of the digital age, at least to many, is the thrill of discovering a new World’s Most Despicable Person. You know the drill: First, some poor sap says or does something dumb or politically incorrect. Next,... The post Planned Parenthood, Cecil the Lion and America’s Broken Outrage Meter appeared first on The Stream.

7 Ways to Spot That Someone is Being Trafficked

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 23 hours ago
It’s vacation season for much of the world, with travelers flocking to airports to jet off for some hard-earned R&R. But it’s not just holidaymakers who fly on planes. Airports are also hubs for human trafficking — where adults or... The post 7 Ways to Spot That Someone is Being Trafficked appeared first on The Stream.

Support Senator Bernie Sanders on Non Profit Healthcare

Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 23 hours ago
This is a post from the here and now for Senator Bernie Sanders. The last rendition was from six years ago when we believed that the new president would really push for a single pay health care system. It was a good plan then and is a good plan now...Insurance companies be damned...G% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a repost from August 2009, but more pertinent to the present day situation. I guess the main reason I reposted it is for the video of Obama's family doctor, who has come back, to haunt him, from the past...Bwahahahahahahahah* D... more »

It Costs The Pentagon $600,000 To Train One Anti-Islamic State Fighter

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Yuri Gripas/Reuters* *Nancy Youssef, Daily Beast*: *U.S. Spends $600K Per Anti-ISIS Fighter* The Pentagon has spent roughly $36 million on its initial class of U.S.-trained rebels—or $600,000 per anti-ISIS trainee. The average fighter makes between $200-$400 a month, depending on his skillset. In all, officials have allotted $500 million for the training program. U.S. defense officials recently boasted that more Syrians signed up to receive U.S training and take on the self-proclaimed Islamic State since the inaugural class of only 60 fighters. As it turns out, the new class is sh... more »

U.S. Anti-ISIS Rebels In Syria Kidnapped By Al Qaeda

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Members of the Nusra Front, a group in Syria that is affiliated with Al Qaeda, near Aleppo last year. Nusra fighters have kidnapped the leader of a group of American-trained Syrian fighters. Credit Hosam Katan/Reuters *Michael Weiss and Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast:* *Pentagon Turns Its Anti-ISIS Rebels Into Cannon Fodder* Is Washington really trying to train a rebel army in Syria? Or are they just marking fighters for death—and worse? The Pentagon’s plan to train and equip Syrian rebels to fight ISIS had already devolved into farce, with U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter informin... more »

Vangelis, "Come To Me"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Vangelis, "Come To Me" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuehMD-OGYw

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The most distant object easily visible to the eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy some two and a half million light-years away. But without a telescope, even this immense spiral galaxy - spanning over 200,000 light years - appears as a faint, nebulous cloud in the constellation Andromeda. In contrast, details of a bright yellow nucleus and dark winding dust lanes, are revealed in this digital telescopic image. *Click image for larger size.* Narrow band image data recording emission from hydrogen atoms, shows off the reddish star-forming regions dotting gorgeous blue spiral arms an... more »

“12 Cliches to Live By"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“12 Cliches to Live By"* by MensHealth.com "*1. It ain't over till it's over.* 2004. Red Sox down 0-3. If Mariano Rivera can let one slip, think how your buddy Phil's bladder quivers as he prepares to shank the serve on match point. On the flip side, when you're 1 point from victory, it's no time for experimentation. End it. *2. Do unto others.* It doesn't guarantee reciprocation, but you'll never lose. No one's going to scoff, "You delivered as promised? Congrats on being elected mayor of Chump City!" *3. You can't save someone from himself.* You can try - and you will - but yo... more »

"In The Time Of Your Life..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"In the time of your life, live - so that in good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away. Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption. Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and sorrow by the shame and terror of the world. Ignore the obvious, for it is unwor... more »

Chet Raymo, “Squaring The Circle”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* “Squaring The Circle”* by Chet Raymo "Here is a little story about the best and worst of Western civilization. It can be summarized in one word: square. Yep, that's right. Square. The ninety degree corner, the plumb-bobbed line. Forget the squiggle, the wiggle, the curlicue, the arc. We're talking orthogonality here. We're talking perpendicularity. I was flying across the country the other day at 37,000 feet. From the Mississippi to the Rockies, for a thousand miles, as far as the eye could see, the land was ruled into one-mile squares, as neat as the tiles on your kitchen floor.... more »

THe Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Barkerville, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.

"People Who Don’t Get It: Living with It"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "People Who Don’t Get It: Living with It"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When dealing with people who seem very unaware, remember that everyone must find their own way to awakening. You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on earth to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true nature of the self, and it is a blessing. Nevertheless, people who just don’t get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of power. It... more »

"Advice conservatives never give themselves," courtesy of Jen Sorensen (who levels a shocking accusation at Davy Brooks)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*Jen Sorensen, Daily Kos Comics (click to enlarge)* *by Ken* This strip is so wonderful that it hardly needs amplification or commentary, though I think you're going to enjoy it even more after you've read Jen's own background note (see below). And I'm going to go a step farther, extracting the pearls of conservative wisdom Jen has incorporated here, just so you can hear them in isolation, and let them rattle around your head a little. I'm also going to preempt a bit of Jen's note by revealing that, beyond the obvious starting point of the death of Sandra Bland, the formulation he... more »

Student history curriculum protester commits suicide

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago
Taiwan was rocked yesterday with the news that a student protester, facing likely prosecution, committed suicide, allegedly after an abusive, pressuring visit from the principal of his school and zero support for his actions from his parents. In traditional style, he killed himself via carbon monoxide poisoning by burning charcoal, a favorite suicide method in Asia since it does not mar the body and is supposed to be painless (2007 post). Just the souls of those who learn of these senseless tragedies. The dead student had intended his suicide to drive action, and sure enough, prote... more »

ANALYSIS: Why the Death of Mullah Omar Could Be a Nightmare for Afghanistan

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 day ago
Reports on Wednesday that reclusive Taliban leader Mullah Omar had died will be rightly hailed by some as the demise of an American nemesis. But the death of the one-eyed Afghan commander may also scuttle the most promising peace talks... The post ANALYSIS: Why the Death of Mullah Omar Could Be a Nightmare for Afghanistan appeared first on The Stream.

Psychology: "Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State"* by Carl Zimmer "I am going to do my best to hold your attention until the very last word of this column. Actually, I know it's futile. Along the way, your mind will wander off, then return, then drift away again. But I can console myself with some recent research on the subject of mind wandering. Mind wandering is not necessarily the sign of a boring column. It's just one of the things that make us human. Everybody knows what it is like for our minds to wander, and yet, for a long time psychologists shied away from ex... more »

The Universe

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Evolution of a Dream" * "Dream is implanted into brain. Dreamer becomes thrilled. Dreamer becomes terrified. If no action is taken, terrifying thoughts grow into flesh-eating monsters. Dream is considered unrealistic. If action is taken terrifying thoughts are revealed to be paper tigers. Confidence soars, miracles unfold, and dreamer begins to saunter. The difference taking action will make in your life is more than can be comprehended. But, of course, this is also true of inaction. Either way, nothing remains the same." "Gr-r," The Universe "Thoughts become things.... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

GOP Support Grows for Hardline Planned Parenthood Strategy

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 day ago
The firestorm surrounding the release of the latest Planned Parenthood videos gained political momentum today as even moderate voices in the GOP joined in the chorus calling for an end to to the $528 million in government funding the organization receives... The post GOP Support Grows for Hardline Planned Parenthood Strategy appeared first on The Stream.

Eagles Teammate: Tim Tebow Will ‘Shock a Lot of People’

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 day ago
Fans and media members are skeptical of the most polarizing Philadelphia Eagle Tim Tebow, who was seen shirtless doing an unorthodox summer workout via Twitter on Wednesday. Many do not expect Tebow to make the team, but Eagles linebacker Brandon Graham... The post Eagles Teammate: Tim Tebow Will ‘Shock a Lot of People’ appeared first on The Stream.

Putin Agents Blamed for Spy Murder That Threatened London

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 day ago
The finger of blame for the murder of ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko “points unwaveringly” at two agents working for President Vladimir Putin, a lawyer for London police said at an inquiry into the killing. Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun are... The post Putin Agents Blamed for Spy Murder That Threatened London appeared first on The Stream.

ANALYSIS: Trafficking Flourishes in the Shadows of Adult Entertainment

David Mills at The Stream - 1 day ago
Even while hating strip clubs, I had still, in at least a limited way, bought into the polite fiction that we tell ourselves because what we suspect—intimidation, violence, rape—is just too unseemly. And so it was at once validating and... The post ANALYSIS: Trafficking Flourishes in the Shadows of Adult Entertainment appeared first on The Stream.

The Economy: Gerald Celente, "Panic In The Markets, Panic In the Air"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*STRONG LANGUAGE ALERT!* Gerald Celente, "Trends In The News": "Panic In The Markets, Panic In the Air" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfbfNavfXZc

The Economy: "The War On Cash: Why Now?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The War On Cash: Why Now?"* by Charles Hugh Smith "You’ve probably read that there is a “war on cash” being waged on various fronts around the world. What exactly does a “war on cash” mean? It means governments are limiting the use of cash and a variety of official-mouthpiece economists are calling for the outright abolition of cash. Authorities are both restricting the amount of cash that can be withdrawn from banks, and limiting what can be purchased with cash. These limits are broadly called “capital controls.” *Why Now? *Before we get to that, let’s distinguish between physic... more »

"A is for Atom"

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

One Last Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Related:* *PONI Live Debate: Global Zero + An Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb." * *Another Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb."* *An excerpt from, "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb" by Philip Taubman:* "If the United States ever sweeps away its Cold War cobwebs, how could it and other countries manage a nuclear countdown to zero? And once there, how could they sustain a nonnuclear equilibrium? Realizing that answers to these questions are a precondi... more »

Among the Ruins, a Case of Righteousness, and Christians Rescued

Charles Krauthammer at The Stream - 1 day ago
WASHINGTON — Christianity, whose presence in the Middle East predates Islam’s by 600 years, is about to be cleansed from the Middle East. Egyptian Copts may have found some respite under Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, but after their persecution under the... The post Among the Ruins, a Case of Righteousness, and Christians Rescued appeared first on The Stream.

Health Transparency 15, DOH Advisory Council meetings 2015

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago
The DOH Advisory Council (AC) for the implementation of RA 9502 (Cheaper Medicines law of 2008) has already met twice this year. The second meeting was yesterday, but I did not know these meetings as I received no invitation. I only received the three documents for comments by the AC members: (1) "Declaration of Conflict of Interest" form, (2) Draft DOH Administrative Order (AO) on the constitution of the AC, and (3) Draft AO, Regulating the promotion and marketing of pharma and medical devices products. The AC Secretariat noted this and promised to invite me next time. Here ar... more »

Here’s Why We Should Save Bees and How We Can Save Them

WTStaff at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Video - *This video from "Immense Possibilities" discusses the need to save the bees and offers ideas of what we can do to save these small but important creatures. The post Here’s Why We Should Save Bees and How We Can Save Them a