10:43pm MDST
*Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard Egg (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.3
Release : 09 Jun 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Animation
Director : Zoltán Miklósy
Writer : Zoltán Miklósy
Cast : N/A
Synopsis Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard EggN/A
Description Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard EggDownload Game | Dysan: The
Shapeshifter Full Game For Pc | There is no better disguise than to look
exactly like your enemies! Dysan: The Shapeshifter is a RPG that ...,Star
Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
It's not as if Democrats have lacked for strong, articulate guidance as to what they could and should be telling the American public

*The most intellectually rigorous of the progressive messaging theorists,
George Lakoff, has brought out a new-for-2014 version of his classic Don't
Think of an Elephant!*
*by Ken*
I've plunked the new edition of George Lakoff's *Don't Think of an
Elephant!* atop this post because my copy arrived in the mail today. It
came from Democracy for America, in return for a contribution, which I
didn't mind making, since as far as I know DFA is one progressive group
that hasn't backtracked on its principles and still actually stands for
something I can subscribe to.
With the days and hou... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majestic island universe some
200,000 light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away
toward the chemical constellation Fornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of
the well-studied Fornax galaxy cluster.
*Click image for larger size.*
This impressively sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at
the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, and details of dust lanes
cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive
black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role
in ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Retreat From Reason”
* “Retreat From Reason” *
by Chet Raymo
“Is there a flight from reason in the United States? Everywhere we look,
science is under attack. In government. In the schools. In the churches. We
are offered faith-based substitutes. The “Left Behind” series of
apocalyptic novels outsells everything else on the shelves. People are more
interested in astrology than astronomy. Intelligent design is championed at
the highest levels of government. Alternative medicine - faith healing,
homeopathy, energy therapies, New Age healing, and the like - is more
popular than ever. Scripture and revelat... more »
"Consider The Following"
"Consider the following. We humans are social beings. We come into the
world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on
others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives
when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is
hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our
relationships with others.
Nor is it so remarkable that our greatest joy should come when we are
motivated by concern for others. But that is not all. We find that not only
do altruistic actions bring about happiness but they a... more »
"Live A Good Life..."
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not
care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues
you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want
to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have
lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. I
am not afraid."
- Marcus Aurelius
“The Prisoner: ‘I am not a number. I am a free man!’”
* “The Prisoner: *
*‘I am not a number. I am a free man!’”*
By John W. Whitehead
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was
that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who
wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of
information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be
reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared we would become a captive
audience. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.
Orwell feared that we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared w... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Apathy, And Evil..."
"Apathy and evil. The two work hand in hand. They are the same, really...
Evil wills it. Apathy allows it. Evil hates the innocent and the
defenseless most of all. Apathy doesn't care as long as it's not personally
- Jake Thoene, "Shaiton's Fire"
"Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation"
* "Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation"*
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"*1.* *There is no use in trying to be honest with an emotional
manipulator.* You make a statement and it will be turned around. Example: I
am really angry that you forgot my birthday. Response – “It makes me feel
sad that you would think I would forget your birthday, I should have told
you of the great personal stress I am facing at the moment – but you see I
didn’t want to trouble you. You are right I should have put all this pain
(don’t be surprised to see real tears at this point) aside and focused on
your ... more »
The Poet: Joy Harjo, "Eagle Poem"
*"Eagle Poem" *
"To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can't see, can't hear
Can't know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren't always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed bec... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Change and Renewal”
*“Change and Renewal”*
by Paulo Coelho
“When winter arrives, the trees must sigh in sadness as they see their
leaves falling. They say: ‘We will never be like we were before.’ Of
course. Or still, what is the meaning of renewing oneself? The next leaves
will have their own nature, they pertain to a new summer that approaches
and which will never be like the one that passed.
Living means changing– and the seasons repeat these lessons to us every
year. Changing means going through a period of depression: we still don’t
know the new and we have to forget everything we used to know. Bu... more »
Watch Run Like Hell Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Run Like Hell (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 4.9
Release : 23 Sep 2014
Duration : 80 min
Genre : Action, Horror, Thriller
Director : James Thomas
Writer : Canyon Prince, Canyon Prince, Joseph Schnaudt, Joseph Schnaudt,
James Thomas, James Thomas
Cast : Dave Finn, Canyon Prince, Robyn Buck, Tamara Carey
Synopsis Run Like HellWhen four friends end up stranded in the small town
of Spaulding, one local family offers help. The family's real motives
become terrifyingly obvious, as the couples find themselves fighting for
their lives.
Description Run Like HellThe Screw This Im... more »
Airstrikes Against ISIL In Syria: 130 Vs. 13

#BasharElJaafari: so-called coalition launches every day between 8 & 13
raids agst #ISIS in #Syria & #Iraq when #SAA launches 130 raids daily
— Sophia ن (@les_politiques) November 1, 2014
*An excerpt from, "Kobane keeps up the resistance" Voltaire Network,
October 29, 2014:*
The US anti-Daesh Coalition parachuted weapons to the PYG but,
unintentionally or not, half of them were recovered by Daesh (as was
previously the case in Mosul). *It also continues to carry out 10-15
bombing sorties per day, without having any influence on the
ground-fighting. *
*For its part, the Syrian Ara... more »
What Comes Natural To These Kids is Simply Remarkable
*Video - *An experiment that brings out the true nature of a child's pure
human spirit.
The post What Comes Natural To These Kids is Simply Remarkable appeared
first on Waking Times.
Team Obama Caves Once More to For-Profit College Predators
Some things just don't change, and Team Obama is one of them. From HuffPo:
*The Obama administration on Thursday retreated from an ambitious proposal
to protect low-income students and taxpayers from wasteful career-training
programs and for-profit colleges that saddle students with taxpayer-backed
debts they can not repay.*
*Investors cheered the news, sending shares in major for-profit college
chains soaring Thursday and significantly outpacing gains in the broader
U.S. stock market. Student advocates and consumer groups accused the
administration of selling out students. . . .*
Weekend Fun 57: Cow Capitalism

Two friends tagged me in fb with this funny definitions of capitalism.
I added these:
Philippine capitalism: You have two cows. One looks like a carabao, the
other looks like an ostrich. You sell the former and buy a tricycle while
you keep the latter and join a 5 cock derby/contest. 5 bladed cocks vs your
unbladed ostrich-looking cow. The cow mows them all, but the referee
declares a passer-by duck as the winner.
A congressional inquiry was conducted (a) how an ostrich can join a derby,
and (b) how a duck can win a derby. The committee hearing was quickly ended
because the Comm... more »
ISRAEL: Ha'aretz Newspaper Publishes Political Cartoon Depicting Netanyahu as 9/11 Plane Pilot..

*“Ha'aretz, one of Israel's leading newspapers, published a cartoon by Amos
Biderman on October 30, 2014, depicting the Israeli prime minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu, as a terrorist pilot flying a plane into one of the
towers of the World Trade Center ” *
*Full article here:
What is there not to hate about Halloween?

*About a Boy's Fiona (Minnie Driver), Marcus(Benjamin Stockham), and Will
(David Walton)*
*by Ken*
You're probably thinking this is going to be one of those spoilsport
anti-Halloween diatribes. And it's true that when a friend mentioned on the
phone this afternoon that he might be venturing out this evening for the
parade (meaning, of course, the world-famous Greenwich Village Halloween
Parade), I didn't know what to say. However, with all those people so
passionately devoted to the parade, there must be something there, right? I
can't say I'm okay with it, exactly, but really, i... more »
Stephen Harper Lies To His Conservative Base And Lies To All Canadians
*Written by Grant G*
Stephen Harper in 2011 promised income splitting as soon as the budget is
balanced, so why has Canada`s mainstream media fallen asleep and not
reported Stephen Harper`s latest betrayal and whopper lie?
Stephen Harper has slashed the income splitting measures he promised
Canadians, when Harper proposed income splitting on the condition of a
balanced budget in 2011 the benefit was supposed to amount to a $7000,00
yearly benefit....That benefit has been capped at $2000,00 yearly benefit,
those who qualify(which I certainly don`t qualify for by a country mile)
... more »
Arizona Charter Public Relations Manager Wants to Sell Me Common Core “Success”
On October 29, 2014, I received the following email from Taylor Bentall,
Public Relations Manager at McFadden/Gavender Advertising (Rexburg, Idaho):
Dear Mercedes Scheider, I saw an article you wrote about the Common Core
Standards and I thought our school story might interest you! The Common
Core Standards have been a hot topic all around […]
wmtc movie and series season now open: your suggestions are welcome
Baseball season was painfully short for Red Sox fans this year. When your
team wins a grand total of *71 games* it's a chore to watch, and I gave up
early. The postseason, on the other hand, was incredible, and I watched (at
least until I fell asleep) every night.
I was mildly disappointed that the Royals didn't go all the way, but going
to Game 7 of the World Series and losing that by only one run is awesome.
And the Giants play in one of my favourite cities and ballparks, so it's
not like I hate them, either. All in all, a great October.
Because the 2014 Red Sox sucked, I've watch... more »
The Plague Is Very Hot
With ample scare mongering going on with the Ebola threat, this item is
timely. It provides a detailed eye witness report on the day to day in the
middle of a plague outbreak some 350 years ago. The ultimate defense will
be self quarantine. Yet i do not think that it will become that pervasive
at all. I have not dug deep into the biology except to note that while
infection is possible it is also not probable. The victims seem to work at
On the other hand it is a good excuse to work up our defensive protocols
for that horrible day when a truly nasty bug sets its teeth i... more »
Secret Lore of the Fall
[image: Jonathan Black]
Something for Halloween and a reminder that the whole world of spirit was
well understood or at least perceived in most of human history through
traditional narratives. We live now in an age of complete denial and
scant communication. From this folk tale we discover the possibility of a
ointment able to empower an eye to see in the spectrum of the spiritual
world. It is something that needs to be rediscovered.Recall Swedenborg
went from one day to the next abruptly seeing the spiritual world around
him and that this lead to direct mind to mind communicat... more »
Junk DNA & Human Consciousness
[image: duf1220]
We have identified an expanded string of DNA unique to humanity. I am sure
that we will find plenty more before we are finished.
Others are also recognizing the primacy of consciousness even if they have
not yet understood the massive increase in information density.
It also reminds us that we have barely begun to gather all the data
available to us, Thus it may be better to not so quick to draw
conclusions. There is enough gratuitous error out there.
*Junk DNA & Human Consciousness*
*tom Bunzel, *
* http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/10/13/junk-dna-... more »
Scientists Might Have Accidentally Solved The Hardest Part Of Building Space Elevators

The more we discover what is possible with carbon, the less impossible
becomes that Space elevator. We want that in order to haul tonnage into
space as we haul tonnage on the Ocean and rail. It obviously matters even
if we produce a Magnetic Field Exclusion Vessel or perhaps even if we
develop gravity control. Both may simply be too sensitive to mass
variation. A robust cable system sidesteps all that.
What is true today is that we can do it all on the back of an envelope with
these new products. We could not when Artur C. Clark wrote about it.
Right now i think that it sets ... more »
Friday pussy - scary edition

What's scarier than a black cat crossing your path on Halloween? The
Republicans winning the senate. And why you might ask?
Republicans never let facts and science get in the way of their agenda.
They use the military before diplomacy.
When the military is ill equipped they cut military budgets unless of
course it's for some hardware that the Pentagon says it doesn't need.
Republicans have made boogiemen out of Mexicans, Blacks, Liberals and
generally anyone else who isn't exactly like them.
Republicans hate any program that might benefit the masses like socia... more »
What Do You Know About the Cosmic Origins of Halloween?

*Video* - Halloween night. Are you aware of the cosmic origins of All
Hallows' Eve?
The post What Do You Know About the Cosmic Origins of Halloween? appeared
first on Waking Times.
Editor's Note
I am finishing up on a rather large web project right now .... so blogging
will be super light for the next two days. Blogging should return by
Watch Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 5.0
Release : 03 Jan 2014
Duration : 84 min
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Christopher Landon
Writer : Christopher Landon, Oren Peli (based on: the film 'Paranormal
Activity' by)
Cast : Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, Renee Victor
Synopsis Paranormal Activity: The Marked OnesJesse begins experiencing a
number of disturbing and unexplainable things after the death of his
neighbor. As he investigates, it isn't long before Jessie finds he's been
marked for possession by a malevolent demonic ... more »
*Same old century over and over ~Library Chronicles**~We already know
Jindal has an affinity for the 19th Century so we can't imagine that he'd
be too critical of Mary for wanting to live there. What century is she
living in? The one when we told the truth about racism, apparently. *
Watch Seventy-Nine Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Seventy-Nine (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.4
Release : 12 Mar 2014
Duration : 82 min
Genre : Action, Horror, Mystery
Director : Filip Maciejewicz
Writer : Filip Maciejewicz
Cast : Jonathan Rosenthal, Adrian Voo, Bo Linton, Caroline Attwood
Synopsis Seventy-NineIn an abandoned asylum, a series of secret experiments
on the nature of brainwashing is being conducted - a project codenamed
'Limes' (a term describing a borderline between the civilized and barbaric
Description Seventy-Nineover the summer, ava turned fourteen. ava turned
fourteen, started high school ... more »
Almost The Lad Himself

There's much more to life than BBC bias. Honestly.
Don't believe me? Then please try *The Missing Hancocks* on Radio 4 -
recreations of lost episodes from the original Galton and Simpson scripts,
starring Kevin McNally as Tony Hancock (and doing a very good impersonation
of him).
The first episode, *The Matador*, was broadcast today and certainly made me
laugh. So much so that I feel it's my blogging duty to share some of its
best gags with you, our loyal readers:
*Tony Hancock*: Well, doctor, what's the verdict?
*Doctor*: Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush. I may as wel... more »
A cunning plan
The Greens are still hopping mad at the BBC for refusing to give them a
spot in the general election leadership debates. Many a sympathetic
left-winger has been petitioning, tweeting, blogging or writing articles in
the nation press claiming that this shows right-wing bias at the BBC -
especially as the hated UKIP *are* being given a spot (on ITV).
Here, however, courtesy of the *Telegraph*'s Michael Deacon, is a way to
present all this as proof of the BBC's left-wing bias after all:
*Seeing red over green bias at BBC*
For decades now, many of the BBC’s critics have accused it of ... more »
Get a Tuition Free College Education in These 7 Countries
*Zaid Jilani* - With the cost of college rising absurdly, you might
consider going to school in one of these countries.... for FREE!
The post Get a Tuition Free College Education in These 7 Countries appeared
first on Waking Times.
Watch Gabriel 2014 Full Movie Online

*Gabriel (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.0
Release : 17 Apr 2014
Duration : 85 min
Genre : Drama, Family, Thriller
Director : Lou Howe
Writer : Lou Howe (screenplay), Lou Howe
Cast : Emily Meade, Rory Culkin, Frank De Julio, Desmin Borges
Synopsis GabrielA troubled young man searches obsessively for his first
love, risking everything in an increasingly desperate pursuit.
Description GabrielThe San Gabriel Valley Tribune is the local news source
for Los Angeles County's San Gabriel Valley region providing breaking news,
sports, business, entertainment ...,Fan-Girl.Org is ... more »
Local Council By-Elections October 2014
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
... more »
If Steve Israel Can't Even Beat A Thuggish Republican With 20 Criminal Indictments....

The Staten Island *Advance* is a lot like Staten Island-- and far more
conservative and parochial than NY-11 as a whole, which also includes some
relatively enlightened parts of Brooklyn (as well as some equally backward
Mafia-oriented neighborhoods, particularly in Bay Ridge). And the district
as a whole has been changing demographically as more immigrants move in. In
2008 McCain beat Obama in NY-11, 51-48%. Four years later, NY-11 went the
other way, giving Obama a 52-47% win over Romney-- an identical margin the
district gave their Mafia congressman, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm,... more »
Plagues and Peoples
Nobody comprehends the universe, because it is almost entirely out of sight.
We also can’t see the universe of microorganisms here on Earth, or fully
comprehend their powerful influence. Historian William McNeill learned
that disease has played a major role in the human journey, and he wrote a
fascinating introduction to our intimate companions, the parasites, in *Plagues
and Peoples*.
All critters eat. Hosts provide food, and parasites consume it. Large-bodied
parasites, like wolves, are *macro-parasites*. Wolves kill their hosts.
*Micro-parasites*include bacteria, viruses, ... more »
The 'Cyborg' Defenders Of Donetsk Airport

The airport's main terminal is now a shell, only two years after it was
*Ukraine Conflict: The 'Cyborg' Defenders Of Donetsk Airport -- BBC*
Mention a cyborg to a Ukrainian these days and they probably won't think of
"cybernetic organisms", or man-machines of science fiction. Instead, the
word now conjures up images of rugged, heavily armed men holed up inside
what remains of Donetsk Airport in war-torn eastern Ukraine.
The airport has become a symbol of Ukraine's fight against separatists, and
the "cyborgs" are Ukrainians who have held on to it despite persistent
rebel at... more »
Europe Will Not Recognize Sunday's Planned Elections In Eastern Ukraine

Members of a local electoral commission take part in the preparations for
the upcoming election, with stickers displaying symbols of the
self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic seen on ballot boxes, at a
polling station in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, October 31, 2014.
REUTERS/Maxim Zmeyev
*Europe Won't Recognize Vote In Eastern Ukraine, Merkel Tells Putin --
(Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir
Putin on the phone that Sunday's planned elections in eastern Ukraine were
illegitimate and would not be recognized by European leaders, a B... more »
The Economy: "The Biggest Financial Heist in History"
*"The Biggest Financial Heist in History"*
by Bill Bonner
"If Mr. Market is afraid, he is putting on a brave face. The Fed's QE ended
on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Dow rose 221 points. This is good news for
Janet Yellen. She must think she has made a clean getaway. She has fled the
scene of the biggest financial heist in history with no cops in sight.
They're not even aware a crime has been committed! This grand larceny
involved $3.6 trillion. Counterfeit – every dollar of it. Not a penny of it
was ever honestly earned or earnestly saved... or dug out of the dirt and
turned into ... more »
Watch The Homesman 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Homesman (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.9
Release : 26 Jun 2014
Duration : 122 min
Genre : Drama, Western
Director : Tommy Lee Jones
Writer : Tommy Lee Jones (screenplay), Kieran Fitzgerald (screenplay),
Wesley A. Oliver (screenplay), Glendon Swarthout (novel)
Cast : Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary Swank, Grace Gummer, Miranda Otto
Synopsis The HomesmanA claim jumper and a pioneer woman team up to escort
three insane women from Nebraska to Iowa.
Description The HomesmanThe Homesman est un film de Tommy Lee Jones avec
Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary Swank. Synopsis : En 1854, trois... more »
White House Insists That Their Syrian War Policy Is Working
*Fissure Opens Between Pentagon and White House Over Assad’s Fate -- Time*
*Hagel told Rice a lack of clarity is complicating U.S. efforts to combat
President Barack Obama declared in August 2011 that Syrian leader Bashar
Assad must “step aside” for the good of his country after his forces had
killed nearly 2,000 fellow citizens. More than three years later, with
Assad still in power, the Syrian civil war has killed some 200,000 people
and given Islamic extremists territory to occupy. That has led Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel to warn the White House that the U.S. has to sto... more »
Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe
*Brendan D. Murphy* - Our universe is holographic and fractal in nature,
here's the evidence...
The post Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe appeared
first on Waking Times.
Supplemental: Ghosts, goblins and uncles are out there tonight!
*FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014Rachel does it again:* Last Friday evening’s
Maddow Show was a gruesome hour.
As Maddow started this 14-minute segment, she introduced a scary
demographic from “an alternate universe.”
We refer, of course, to “your older male relative”—your scary, crazy old
uncle. Warning! These demons were destined to play a major role in another
in Maddow’s string of large factual groaners:
MADDOW (10/24/14): OK. *Time to visit an alternate universe. Time to visit
the email inbox of your older male relative.*
*Let’s call him your uncle who watches Fox News all day,* the... more »
Spanish Intelligence: Jihadists Want To Weaponise Ebola

*Spanish Intelligence Intercepts Plot To Weaponise Ebola -- Breitbart*
Spanish intelligence has intercepted messages passed between jihadists
online discussing the weaponisation of the deadly Ebola virus for use
against the West, while a blackmailer in Prague has threatened to unleash
the virus unless the Czech Republic pay him one million bitcoin, a volume
of online currency worth over £200 million.
The national secretary of state for security in giving evidence to the
Spanish Senate revealed online jihad propagandists had issued an edict to
followers to kill Westerners by any mea... more »
Protest at Obama Rally in Portland

Just over a dozen people gathered in a peace protest yesterday in Portland,
Maine as several thousand mostly Democrats lined up to get into a political
rally that was headlined by Barack Obama. We have a tight race for
governor in our state and the Democrat Mike Michaud (who I am voting for)
invited the president to come and help whip up support amongst loyal party
faithful and on-lookers.
I got there at 4:00 pm and worked the front of the crowd as folks got into
the very long line to enter. Other protesters arrived after a while and
eventually I got someone help me hold the ban... more »
Washington's Syria Confusion
Washington is now reaching out to Moscow and Tehran for ways to negotiate
with the Assad government - after years of shunning diplomacy with Syria.
That's according to US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Pentagon Warns SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Not To Go On FOX News

*Pentagon: The Navy SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Should Not Reveal Himself On
Fox News -- Business Insider*
On Wednesday, Fox News announced it planned to reveal the identity of the
Navy SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden in a documentary set to air next month.
However, in a statement issued to Business Insider the Pentagon stressed
that anyone who participated in the 2011 operation that left the Al Qaeda
leader dead was "still bound" by a "non-disclosure agreement to not discuss
classified information, especially in a nationally televised interview."
This seems to indicate the SEAL could f... more »
Connect With the Consciousness of the Universe
*Jed Shlackman* - Everything in creation is a form or expression of energy.
As humans there are many ways to connect with the spiritual energy of the
The post Connect With the Consciousness of the Universe appeared first on Waking
Happy Halloween!

This is one of my favorite jpegs ever out of the countless thousands
I've used and made over the years, this one having been used as the lead
image from probably my favorite (and longest) Assclowns of the Week ever,
the Halloween edition from 2005.
Of course, the scariest things facing us this Halloween will fill up
more Depends adult diapers than anything we'll see on the Main Streets of
America tonight. Wendy Davis is losing to FDR's evil twin (aka Greg Abbot)
by 20 percentage points, according to one poll. Nate Silver's saying the
Republicans actually have a 62% chanc... more »
Michael Mann On Climate: There's Very Little "Burnable Carbon" In Our "Budget"; Emissions Ramp-down Must Start Now

-by Gaius Publius
One of my hats is as a climate interpreter to the interested lay person. I
have something of a science background and can read the papers "in the
original." Another hat is as an occasional interviewer for *Virtually
Speaking*. This month the two hats merged on the same head, and I got to
interview the "Hockey Stick graph" climate scientist, Dr. Michael Mann.
For this interview I focused on the basics:
*•* Can humans burn more carbon, create more emissions, and still stay
below the IPCC's "safe" +2°C warming target?
*•* Is the IPCC's +2°C warming target truly "... more »
Kid Explains the 4th Dimension…

*Video - *How would a 4-dimensional being perceive our 3-dimensional world?
Just watch and see.
The post Kid Explains the 4th Dimension… appeared first on Waking Times.
I am not stupid nor a scientest!

This talking point blew me away. Vote accordingly you stupid Americans.
Last Friday before election, devilish dust mites, sardines, and some Bill Whittle...

*what could go wrong?*
Exactly what do those things have in common? Absolutely nothing, but I'm
in the habit now of just throwing a bunch of stuff out there and watching
it bounce - or something.
*The Election:*
The word is that this is going to be some sort of historically awful
trouncing for the Democrats. Forgive me if I don't share the excitement
because I think very little will change in DC no matter what the outcome.
The reality is that our culture has become so degraded that anyone who
thinks we'll ever see the Ozzie and Harriet days again should immediately
check themsel... more »
SILLIEST TALES OF THE MSM: Lies and the journalizing journalists who sell them!
*FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014Part 4—That lecture just wasn’t real sharp:* Again
and again, the people in our celebrity press corps just aren’t especially
Last night, brain cells died all over the land as Rachel Maddow staged her
latest blatantly faux DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS report.
In fairness, a similar number of brain cells had died the night before. On
that occasion, Maddow offered a lengthy, pointless rumination on the
canisters in the closet at her MSNBC office, the rumination which
occasioned last night’s CORRECTIONS charade.
We often wonder how anyone can watch Maddo... more »
The Battle For Kobane -- News Updates October 31, 2014

An explosion following an air-strike is seen in the Syrian town of Kobani
from near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in
the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 29, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis
*Air Strikes Hit Kobani As Kurdish Peshmerga Prepare To Enter -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S.-led air strikes hit Islamic State positions around the
Syrian border town of Kobani on Friday in an apparent bid to pave the way
for heavily-armed Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga forces to enter from neighboring
The predominantly Kurdish town, b... more »
11 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

*Video - *Here are 11 signs that you are awakening and part of the global
shift in consciousness.
The post 11 Signs of Spiritual Awakening appeared first on Waking Times.
Van Gough cut his ear off to save me!
Van gough cut his ear off for me
some say it was he was crazy
I say he just did not know
another way to keep
the crazy voices of humanity
at bay.
I got no traction
I say things so diamond
and they are viewed as glass
like I am some kind
of wordy smartass
No I should not be a respected one
I have lived on vapors
for my entire life
but if you are bound in concrete
the flow will still get to you
we vapors and solids
need to co exist to meet
the great challenge
comming as mist
The challenge defined by climate change
we smart monkees have put our ignorant paws
on the great thermal exchange... more »
Iraq And Syria is now 'Ground Zero' For Foreign Jihadists

*Foreign Jihadists Flocking To Iraq And Syria On 'Unprecedented Scale' – UN
-- The Guardian*
*UN report suggests decline of al-Qaida has yielded an explosion of
jihadist enthusiasm for its even mightier successor organisations, chiefly
The United Nations has warned that foreign jihadists are swarming into the
twin conflicts in Iraq and Syria on “an unprecedented scale” and from
countries that had not previously contributed combatants to global
A report by the UN security council, obtained by the Guardian, finds that
15,000 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq... more »
I almost cut my hair
Wow was that a freaky way to deal with the problems of today.
Just like tatoos expresse a thing long hair can no longer do
a people who say fuck you. fuck you we can not swim
fast enough to reach your bar
If we reproduce it will be in prision
and that aside from abortion
is the best case senario.
I know every living human
as a soul brother
because I have shared
their pain
in a empathetic way
having traveled
on their hardship train.
Human hardship is such a disgrace
to the name human
we can do everything
we just lack for want
and time
and lets do it
the right way
lets go scientific
on th... more »
"Jian Ghomeshi vs. the Mob" a Rebuttal
friend Sean Stokholm penned an interesting op-ed in the National Post
questioning the value of vigilante mob justice. In principle I agree
with his underlying point, that the mob tolerates no dissent, or
questioning of its motives. I have made my own argument in this regard.
(Disclosure, in the current Jian Ghomeshi affair, I am probably a member
of "the mob" Sean is taking aim at. The shoe
Burkina Faso President Compaore Resigns. Army Now In Charge
*Burkina Faso President Compaore Resigns -- Voice of America*
The longtime president of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore, has stepped down
following protests against his efforts to stay in power.
Local media broadcast a resignation statement from Comapore Friday and an
army spokesman confirmed the president had stepped down.
In his statement, Compaore called for a 90-day transition leading to "free
and transparent" elections.
Burkina24 television reported Compaore left the presidential palace in a
heavily armed convoy.
*Read more* ....
*More News On Burkina Faso*
Burkina Faso gen... more »
Have a Very Classy Halloween
Not counting the zombie invasion of roaming Ebolaphobes, what are you most
frightened about this Halloween?
If you're a One Percenter, chances are that the lower classes coming into
your neighborhood to beg for goodies is high on your list of fears. One
wealthy woman allegedly (or maybe actually -- because although this reads
like satire, the super-rich are extremely talented at unwitting
self-parody) sought advice about how to keep the riffraff away. From *Slate*
*Dear Prudence, *
*I live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country, but on one
of the more “modest” stre... more »
If You Think Ending Charter Co-location is a Good Idea, Read This!
Posted this morning at Memphis Schools Matter:
A headline by *Chalkbeat Tennessee* would lead us assume that public
schools have scored a big victory: *Shelby County to pull kids from schools
shared with ASD: Co-location to end next Fall. *
The story attached to the headline, however, clearly shows that assumption
to be wrong.
If this new plan goes forward, ASD charters will get the ENTIRE BUILDING
where they are now co-located, and the hundreds of public school students
will be moved into segregated testing containment camps run by I-Zone.
*Teachers and parents must be at the ... more »
Friday Night Short Shorts: Loquacious Version

In case you've ever looked at your manager and thought: "My god, even a
robot could do better than him", your wish will soon be granted. Yes,
apparently the local youth, already reeling under stagnant pay and low
wages, must now face the threat of robots moving into management positions.
The thing is, when they do replace all those managers, will anyone even
notice? Besides the KTV girls, I mean. Stat of note from the piece:
mid-level management jobs in Taiwan have fallen by 170,000 positions in
recent decades.
Good news out of Toronto: the school board voted 20-2 to terminate that... more »
Will The U.S. Marines Drop Their Standards For Women Who Attempt Their Infantry Officers Training Course?

Photo from Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
*Pressure Grows For Marines To Lower Standards For Women -- Washington Free
*27 Female Marines Have Attempted the Infantry Officers Training Course.
None Have Passed.*
When it was reported at the beginning of October that three female Marine
officers had passed the Combat Endurance Test (CET), the initial entry
screener for the Corp’s challenging Infantry Officer Course, the news was
widely reported. You can read about it here, here, here, here, here, and
The story was indeed news. Up to that point, of the 24 women who had
atte... more »
U.S. Congress Is Still Ignorant About NSA Spying

*Congress Still Has No Idea How Much The NSA Spies On Americans -- Conor
Friedersdorf, The Atlantic*
*Adequate oversight is impossible when even diligent members of the Senate
Intelligence Committee can't get basic facts about surveillance.*
The biggest lie Americans are told about the NSA is that it is subject to
"strict oversight." Listening to President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein,
or most any high-ranking official in the national-security bureaucracy, one
gets the impression that the Senate and House intelligence committees are
keeping careful tabs on the most technological... more »
Friendly Fire Deaths Caused By Defense Budget Cuts?
Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets of Strike Fighter Squadron 31 fly a
combat patrol over Afghanistan, Dec. 15, 2008. U.S. Air Force photo by
Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon
*EXCLUSIVE: Budget Cuts, Errant B-1 Bomber Blamed In Deadly ‘Friendly Fire’
Accident In Afghanistan -- Washington Times*
The “friendly fire” airstrike that killed five American soldiers in
Afghanistan on June 9 is the first known case of a battlefield catastrophe
that can be linked to automatic defense spending cuts that greatly
curtailed prewar training.
A review of the worst American fratricide in the long Afghanist... more »
John Prine

In a world full of first world problems never solved this mans tale is one
for the books. I saw him twice and for that reason he has a bigger place in
my heart than Bob Dylan. If your smart enough to realize Dylan is a genius
that comes by once in a millennial, go for Prine he is like a century or
Watch Women & Children 2014 Full Movie Online

* Women & Children (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.9
Release : 17 Oct 2014
Duration : 119 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Jason Reitman
Writer : Chad Kultgen (novel), Jason Reitman, Erin Cressida Wilson
Cast : Ansel Elgort, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Garner, Judy Greer
Synopsis Women & ChildrenMen, Women and Children follows the story of a
group of high school teenagers and their parents as they attempt to
navigate the many ways the internet has changed their relationships, their
communication, their self-image, and their love lives. The film attempts to
stare down socia... more »
Watch Common Outlaws 2014 Full Movie Online

*Common Outlaws (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.5
Release : 24 May 2014
Duration : 92 min
Genre : Action, Drama, Western
Director : Louie Iaccarino
Writer : Louie Iaccarino
Cast : Louie Iaccarino, John Druska, Gregory P. Loomis, Mark Clem
Synopsis Common OutlawsSet in the 'timeless' River City, Indiana, The
Hurley Boy's set out to absolve the sins of their wrongfully accused
father. But what is the cost of revenge? A tragic tale of family, revenge,
and the consequences of hate.
Description Common OutlawsAn important aspect of the Outlawe history in
Ireland is Sir Roger ... more »
Of Course There is Do-It-Yourself Abortion in New Brunswick
Well, who didn't see this coming?
Because abortions are nearly impossible to access in New Brunswick, people
in need of the procedure have begun terminating their pregnancies
Whenever and wherever women have found it impossible to continue a
pregnancy and to find competent help to end it, they have resorted to whatever
is handy and has the slightest chance of working. And, it is to be hoped,
not kill or maim them.
Right now, for example:
A woman in Morocco looking for help is considering drinking bleach to end
her pregnancy. In Poland, a rape victim says she’s thinki... more »
Do you really want to hurt me!

Thats the question we should all ask ourselves in the inverse as we proceed
towards our destiny hopeful in the sky.
Hurting people or animals or in some cases insects is counterproductive
and the waves of pain can become tsunamis of violence and regret
that shift time.
Hurt is a a animal instinct that we all have. IMHO in our schools
we should train young minds
to appreciate the three Rs
without technology
and in other aspects of life
the yutes should know
the truth
that defies mathematics, language and intelligent interpertation
we are all just human
humans are like monkeys
with bett... more »
Bridge The Smartphone-Computer Gap with Pushbullet

Smartphones are fantastic. Surely that comes as no surprise. But as great
as they are, there are still some incredible limitations to their use.
Three in particular come to mind:
1. The difficulty in typing.
2. The challenge of transferring files from smartphone to computer and
vice versa.
3. The inherent weaknesses in the phone's camera.
Fortunately – and not to sound too cliche – there are apps for each of
these problems. But that's just the problem: apps. Plural. Many. I don't
have time to download, learn and use multiple apps. I want one app to
address all those iss... more »
Jeju: The Beloved Community
*Catholic Worker Art Laffin (2nd from left) reports from Jeju Island, South
Korea. Also in the photo (in red jacket in center) is Yang Yoon-Mo who has
been jailed several times and nearly died during successive hunger strikes
from prison. *
Art Laffin lives and works at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House in
Washington DC. Back in the 1990's he used to come to Florida to help us
organize protests at the space center. For many years he has held weekly
vigils at the Pentagon and White House.
Dear Friends,
Today was a rainy day in Gangjeong village. At 7 a.m. Fr. Pat Cunningha... more »
DCCC In New Hampshire-- More Help For The Conservative Kuster And Less For The Progressive Shea-Porter

I got another email from "Nancy Pelosi" (read: the DCCC) this morning on
behalf of New Hampshire conservative New Dem Ann Kuster. She's in the D+3
district that Obama won with 54% in 2012, not in the district next door
that has a PVI of R+1 and which Obama only won with 50%. That's the
district Carol Shea-Porter has. Kuster, who ran as a grassroots populist,
sold out to Big Business the second she got to Congress, quitting the
Congressional Progressive Caucus and joining the Wall Street owned and
operated New Dems. Shea-Porter, on the other hand, is a portrait of
integrity and a r... more »
My 5 Secret ‘Weapons’ for Finishing a Book
There is all kinds of advice out there on how to write and finish a book.
We are frequently advised to ‘Write everyday’, ‘write early in the
morning,’ ‘workshop and present your work,’ among other things. Here is a
great overview of 10 steps to writing a book and another fantastic post
called “‘I’m writing
Continue reading
Arcturian Transmissions to Our Inter-Galactic Emissaries. Part 3 – The Galactic Post Office

Galactic Mail - Arcturian Transmissions to Our Inter-Galactic Emissaries.
Part 3 – The Galactic Post Office
as channelled by Suzanne Lie
October 29, 2014
Our dear Emissaries of Light assisting dear Gaia HOME to Her true
frequency, Yes, rather a long introduction, but to us there is no time and
no separation of words. Could you please take a moment of your NOW to FEEL
our message? You will feel, not the words that we have written, but the
carrier wave of Unconditional Love that transports our messages to you from
the very Heart of our ONE.
FE... more »
Weird Planets
This is what sent me off to slumberland last night:
Senator Leyonhjelm on the Foreign Fighters Bill
For my readers in the USA and Canada... it's getting pretty bad here. It's
not just one side of politics, it's both.
We're heading for a National Security Democratic Australia Party state.
Window Rock March: Dineh demand halt to livestock impoundments
Photo by Roland Begay
Black Mesa Residents and Supporters March in Window Rock, Navajo Nation demands halt to livestock impoundments
By Indigenous Action Media
Photo by Nadine Narindrankura
Oct. 31, 2014
WINDOW ROCK, Diné Bikeyah — On October 30, 2014 dozens of Diné Black Mesa residents and Read more at Indigenous Action Media
supporters protested recent paramilitary style assaults by
Consider Changing To Organic Milk
[image: Organic Milk]
*To read the entire article, please click on the link provided below:*
*Food Babe Blog*
Vladimir Putin’s speech at Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi on 24 October 2014.

*Full text of article at Kauilapele's blog along with his comments,
excerpted below is Putin's speech:*
*Text of Vladimir Putin’s speech and a question and answer session at the
final plenary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s XI
session in Sochi on 24 October 2014.*
It was mentioned already that the club has new co-organizers this year.
They include Russian non-governmental organizations, expert groups and
leading universities. The idea was also raised of broadening the
discussions to include not just issues related to Russia itself but also
global politic... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-up, 10/31/2014”
*“Weekly News Wrap-up, 10/31/2014”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"The Ebola circus continues, and the Obama Administration officials look
like clowns. Let’s just take a look at a few of the headlines. “Health
System Not Prepared for Ebola” is a headline from the AP, and that is in
stark contrast to what we have been told. “Small clusters could overwhelm
the system” is what the article says. So, this begs the question of why no
quarantine? Some governors in places like New Jersey, New York and Illinois
think quarantine is the way to go. It is scientific technique on how to
cont... more »
Messages From Higher Self - It Is Not So Much About........
Ten Reasons We Don't Need GMOs

[image: Foto: "10 reasons we don't need GM foods", a short report from the
authors of "GMO Myths and Truths", is published today as a free download by
the sustainability and science policy platform Earth Open Source. Claire
Robinson, co-author of the new report with genetic engineers Dr Michael
Antoniou and Dr John Fagan, said: "At just 11 pages plus references, '10
reasons' is designed for people who may not have the time to read 'GMO
Myths and Truths', which extends to 330 pages. '10 reasons' is ideal for
giving to friends, family, politicians, and journalists, when a longer
docu... more »
Мi-28 Russian helicopters join service in Iraq

[image: Mi-28NE Night Hunter]The Iraqi Ministry of Defense assured the
entrance of the Russian helicopter (Night Hunter) to the service to support
terrorism fighting and Iraqi infantry forces.
A statement by the MoD cited “Minister of Defense Khalid al-Obaidi
accompanied by several military commanders observed on Wednesday the final
stage of preparing and arming the first group of the Russian modern
fighting helicopters (MI-28) in a step towards sending them to specified
air bases.”
“These helicopters which are known as the Night Hunter will increase the
efficiency of the Iraqi Arm... more »
Inside Russian nuclear sub as it fires missile that can level a city
A TV crew was on board a Borey-class nuclear submarine as it was
test-firing a Bulava nuclear missile on Wednesday. A video from the sub
shows people entrusted with one of the world's most powerful weapons in
The Yury Dolgoruky fired its deadly cargo from the Barents sea in Russia's
north to the Far-Eastern test range of Kura.
Footage from the scene shows tense seamen and officers in blue uniforms
going through the launch protocol, using the same language they would use
in case of a real nuclear war.
Read more
Parts of wave function trapped in helium bubbles
*Even Leon Cooper caught as saying completely wrong things about quantum
In the world of genuine physics, nothing has changed about the quantum
foundations of the discipline since the mid 1920s or the late 1920s. In the
media world, we are told about a revolution at least once a week. Less than
a week ago, the fad would be all about the many interacting worlds. All of
it has been forgotten by now. The new fad is about a mysterious electron's
wave function shockingly divided and stunningly trapped in helium bubbles.
All of these wonderful echoes in the media echo chamber b... more »
General Dynamics Bath Iron Works Lays Keel of DDG 115, Starts Fabrication on DDG 118

[image: DDG-115 USS Rafael Peralta]This week, General Dynamics Bath Iron
Works celebrated two milestone events for the Arleigh Burke-class program.
On October 30, Bath Iron Works held a keel laying ceremony for the Rafael
Peralta (DDG 115), the company’s 35th Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile
The ship is named for Sgt. Rafael Peralta, U.S. Marine Corps, who was
deployed to Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom and was killed November 15,
2004, during the Second Battle of Fallujah in house-to-house urban combat
at the age of 25.
Sgt. Peralta’s mother, Rosa Peralta, and his si... more »
Ya'alon cancels purchase of 6 US V-22 planes

[image: CV-22B Osprey]Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon decided to cancel a
deal with the U.S. to purchase the advanced vertical-takeoff and landing
V-22 Osprey aircraft. Ya'alon's decision was not in line with the Israeli
military's stance, and in Israel there is concern the decision may rouse
the ire of the U.S.
Israel had agreed to purchase six V-22s, but had not yet signed the
contract. The purchase would have made Israel the first country outside the
U.S. to obtain the advanced aircraft.
Israel was given the green light to purchase the planes in April 2013
during U.S. Defense Se... more »
China Calls On Japan To End Jet Scrambles

[image: Mitsubishi F-15J/DJ Eagle]China called on Japan on Thursday to stop
scrambling its jets against Chinese aircraft following a rise in the number
of such operations, saying it was source of flying safety concerns.
Tension has been high between Asia's two largest economies in recent
months, with each accusing the other of flying military aircraft too close
to its own jets in a long-running territorial dispute.
Both sides claim a string of Japanese-administered islets in the East China
Sea, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. Beijing declared an air
defense zone cover... more »
Video: In the Cockpit of a U-2 Spy Plane, Up High and Down Low
We recently wrote how it looked like the storied U-2 spy plane would likely avert
retirement yet again this year, as well as about how the plane is difficult
to land and flies so very, very high.
Watch the video above to see what it looks like from the cockpit when the
U-2 gets way, way up there, then check out the view from a chase car during
the landing.
If you want to watch another U-2 landing as viewed from a chase car, here’s
a taste.
Read more
Airbus and Tata team-up for Indian Air Force’s Avro replacement contract

[image: CASA C295]Airbus Defence and Space has signed a cooperation
agreement with Tata Advanced Systems (TASL) to submit a joint bid for a
contract to replace the Indian Air Force's (IAF) Avro aircraft fleet.
The team is offering combat-proven Airbus C295 medium transport for the
contract, which covers replacement of 56 Avro aircraft.
Under the terms of agreement, Airbus will supply the first 16 aircraft in
'fly-away' condition from its own final assembly line in the event of
contract award.
Read more
Beijing commands 400 patrol vessels: Thai military magazine

[image: Type-056 class FS]To defend its exclusive economic zone in the
disputed East and South China Seas, China's maritime law enforcement
agencies have about 400 patrol vessels according to Asia Military Review, a
magazine based in Bangkok.
China currently has the largest fleet of patrol vessels in the Asia-Pacific
the magazine stated. The tonnages of the 400 vessels range between 1,150
and 3,400. The agencies are also set to receive 36 additional vessels.
The Japan Coast Guard currently has only 50 patrol vessels though they are
better than the Chinese vessels in terms of quality... more »
St Petersburg enterprise to supply arresting gear for INS Vikrant

[image: INS Vikrant]St. Petersburg’s Proletarski Zavod (Proletarian
Factory) will supply arresting gears and breaking machines for the under
construction INS Vikrant aircraft carrier.
The Russian enterprise has already supplied similar equipment for the INS
Vikramaditya, Yury Skorikov, the factory’s general director told Tass.
“A contract has been signed with the Indian side. We are making arresting
gears for the Vikrant aircraft carrier,” Skorikov said.
Read more
China denies reports of explosion in its aircraft carrier

[image: Liaoning CV]Chinese military today dismissed reports of an
explosion on board its lone aircraft carrier, Liaoning which is currently
undergoing advanced trials.
Reports in foreign media of an explosion on board the aircraft carrier "did
not conform with the facts", Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in
a press conference today.
According to unconfirmed reports, China's first aircraft carrier appeared
to suffer a steam explosion during the recent trials that temporarily
knocked out the carrier's electrical power system.
Read more
French submarines to get new torpedoes

[image: Le Triomphant-class SSBN]The French military procurement agency,
DGA, says a next-generation heavy torpedo will be delivered to the French
Navy in 2016.
The F21, developed as part of the government's Artemis weapons program,
will be produced by DCNS, which designed the weapon.
The F21 is 19.6 feet long 21 inches in diameter and has two sets of
propellers. It's speed -- due to the use of powerful electric battery -- is
more than 50 knots over a distance of 50 nautical miles.
Read more
Russia Begins Construction of 2 New Stealthy Kilo Submarines
[image: Rostov-on-Don]In another step forward for the Russian navy's
ambitious rearmament plans, the keels of two more "Improved Kilo-class"
diesel-electric submarines were laid at the Admiralty Shipyards in St.
Petersburg on Thursday, Interfax reported.
The new submarines are destined to join Russia's Black Sea Fleet upon
completion in 2016.
Kilo submarines are extremely quiet compared with nuclear submarines, the
mainstay of many submarine fleets, because they use diesel engines rather
than nuclear reactors for power. They also play a very different combat
role. While nuclear att... more »
Government in a rush to make the wrong decision on submarines

[image: Defence Minister David Johnston]In the last week, Defence Minister
David Johnston has flagged a “capability gap” if the next fleet of
submarines is designed and built in Australia.
“We are under such time constraints to avoid a capability gap and I cannot
afford to not have submarines in the water,” he told Sky News. “This
country cannot afford that.”
It is the first time such urgency has been prioritised; it has hit the
headlines with dramatic effect. In this case, however, the Coalition’s
stance requires scrutiny, given what is at stake.
Read more
Right Memory - The Wisdom of Rudolf Steiner

[image: Friday Right Memory 1]Source:
*Notes Along The Path Blog*
Racism Is At The Heart of The Two Longest Standing Conflicts In The Middle East
There is this idea that Washington can resolve the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict if it only gets serious about diplomacy, withdraws aid, cracks
down on Israel's settlement activity, brings a moderate Palestinian
coalition to the table, and plays a more neutral role at the United Nations.
But that is a fallacy.
The core of the problem is that the Israeli public, never mind the
government, absolutely hates the Palestinians and views them as less than
humans. They don't see the other side as a worthy enemy with legitimate
grievances to negotiate with and make peace with, but as inse... more »
Ukraine’s Thieves and Nazis: From ‘Russian Propaganda’ to Parliament
*October 31, 2014* (Eric Draitser - NEO) - With the final votes being
counted in Ukraine’s parliamentary elections, early results show an
unsurprisingly strong showing for the country’s oligarchs, while neo-Nazi
candidates score significant victories of their own.
Though the democratic character of the elections is certainly in doubt, the
inescapable reality is that the new government in Kiev is going to be even
more aggressive, even more radical, and even more dangerous, as the
political character of the Verkohvna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) becomes
ever more reactionary. Not onl... more »
'Today' doesn't agree with Nick
According to the *Daily Mail*:
Nick Clegg encouraged the BBC to give airtime to organisations that promote
the legalisation of drugs including heroin, it was revealed yesterday.
Mr Clegg’s attempt to manipulate the BBC came in the hours before the
official publication of the Home Office report.
An aide working for the Deputy Prime Minister sent journalists on the
flagship Radio 4 *Today *programme and other current affairs shows an email
picking out the Lib Dems’ favoured passages, many of which amounted to
arguments for decriminalisation.
Astonishingly, the email from special ad... more »
America's Allies In The Middle East Are All Cunts
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was called a "chickenshit" this
week by a senior Obama administration official.
First off, it's not a smart idea to goad warmongers and lunatics like
Netanyahu by calling them cowards. They tend to prove such an assessment of
themselves wrong for no other reason than to stick it to the doubters. And
second, Benjamin Netanyahu is many things, but a chickenshit is not one.
This is a man who on the day of the false flag on 9/11 went onto American
and global prime time television and falsely blamed Al-Qaeda for the evil
deed. He declared that ... more »
“I Pledge Allegiance...”
*“I Pledge Allegiance...”*
by The Dissident Dad
“Remember those weird kids who didn’t say the Pledge of Allegiance in
school? They either sat down or just stood up silently. I sure do. Most
likely for religious reasons, but I remember thinking to myself as a kid
that it was wrong not to say the pledge aloud with the rest of us. As I got
older in my teenage years, I even felt that those kids were not being
Some adults may even give them the old, “well, if you don’t like it then
you can leave” routine that is mentioned every time a minority opts out of
the majority’s wa... more »
California-based Hewlett Foundation, Common Core, and Voter-turnout “Researcher Excitement”
On October 16, 2014, I wrote a post about the Hewlett Foundation’s funding
a report for a “new accountability system” centered upon the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS). The lead writer of the report, Linda
Darling-Hammond, is a professor at Stanford University and senior advisor
for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). What prompted this
post was […]
Why Does The FBI Still Refuse To Release Their Investigation Of David Joyce's Cocaine Abuse?

Andrew Rayburn (r) bought some sports teams, a jet and a crooked
congressman (l)
Some people say Ohio Congressman David Joyce has kicked his cocaine
addiction and is no longer a substance abuser. But not everyone who knows
Joyce agrees. Joyce became so obsessed with 2 Live Crew when he was on a
jihad against their music that started... living the life. He's become a
notorious corporate whore in Washington and everyone on K Street-- which is salivating
at the prospect that Republican congressional gains next week will bring
them more David Joyces-- knows he'll roll over if the price i... more »
She's Comin' Down Fast : South Africa Threatened with Helter Skelter

*"Look out... Helter Skelter... She's coming down fast... Yes she is."*
*Meaning: The upcoming explosion of race-based violence is imminent. These
are the "last few months, weeks, perhaps days, of the old order."*
*"To be honest with you, I don't recall ever saying 'Get a knife and a
change of clothes and go do what Tex says.' " - Manson*
Even to someone unaware that helter-skelter is the name of a slide, the
song's mention of a slide might have indicated that the "she" in this part
of the lyrics is someone who, literally or otherwise, is riding on a slide
and "coming down f... more »
Sir Ian and The Brotherhoods

Isn't it rather odd to be honoured by an ancient collection of medieval
Masonic guilds occupying an area of land that is not part of England, which
pays almost no tax and where practically almost no-one lives...? I would
find that rather sinister and wonder what they might want from me in the
*It's a Sin.*
U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel Talks About The Threats And Long Term Challenges Facing The United States
*Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War -- David A. Graham,
The Atlantic*
From ISIS to climate change, the Pentagon chief says, the threats that face
the United States are long-term challenges. Sometimes it feels like what's
happening now, at any given moment, is bigger, more important, worse, and
more dangerous than before.
Luckily, that often turns out to be incorrect: Today's news is tomorrow's
hazy memory, and what once seemed like an existential threat is now nothing
more than an unpleasant recollection. It sure seems like there are
frightening events happ... more »
Teacher Poses as Student and is Shocked by What She Discovers
*Sigmund Fraud* - An experiment helped this teacher to quickly figure out
these 3 painfully obvious truths about modern school and how we treat
The post Teacher Poses as Student and is Shocked by What She Discovers
appeared first on Waking Times.
Friday Afternoon Ramble: ‘Halloween’ Edition
*For years now Halloween has been eclipsing Guy Fawkes night in popularity,
and it’s not just because of creeping Americanism: it’s because for years
now we've been banned from buying anything that goes BANG! These days
–if you can get them -- they all, by law, just let out a gentle 'poof.'
No wonder kids would rather dress up and celebrate an age-old pagan ritual
by heading out and bludging sweets and chocolate instead. Enjoy it
before that’s banned too. And in the meantime…*
The lowdown on…
*Tolling Auckland motorways* – LIBERTY SCOTT
May I again recommend to Auc... more »
Time Ran Out For President Obama On Syria

© Stringer/ Reuters
*Time Is Running Out For Obama On Syria -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
The idea that U.S.-backed Syrian rebels defeat ISIS and force Assad to the
negotiating table has absolutely nothing to do with what’s happening on the
Only three days ago, President Barack Obama’s envoy to the Syrian rebels,
retired Marine Gen. John Allen, explained confidently that the U.S. would
help to train and equip Western-backed fighters to become a credible force
that would compel the Assad regime to negotiate a political deal and end
the four-year-long civil war.
Yeah. Righ... more »
Watch In the Blood Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*In the Blood (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 5.8
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : 108 min
Genre : Action, Crime, Thriller
Director : John Stockwell
Writer : James Robert Johnston, Bennett Yellin
Cast : Gina Carano, Cam Gigandet, Danny Trejo, Luis Guzmán
Synopsis In the BloodWhen her husband goes missing during their Caribbean
vacation, a woman sets off on her own to take down the men she thinks are
Description In the BloodSlayer performing Raining Blood!,The opening
credits for HBO's new TV series, True Blood staring Anna Paquin. The song
is Jace Everett, "Bad... more »
Delusional Christian Zionists proclaim blind love for Jews, Israel

An article recently appearing in *The Jerusalem Post* described the
heretical and completely absurd Christian Zionist movement as gaining
strength and momentum as a result of alleged rising "anti-Semitism" and
"threats to Israel." Millions of mostly White Americans fanatically support
and even worship the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel, despite
the fact that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and are actively seeking to
destroy traditional Western Christian civilization. The Christian Zionist
phenomenon is yet another example of the completely Orwellian, entirely
backwards w... more »
It's when we Americans are put to the test that we show what we're really made of -- say howdy to ebola lawyers

*Yes, the tireless David Sipress is still manning The New Yorker's "Daily
Cartoon" beat. (You can click on today's offering to enlarge it.)*
*by Ken*
I know I'm taking a certain liberty in tacking David Sipress's *New Yorker*
"Daily Cartoon" for today onto a post that's actually concerned with
getting tough on ebola. But really, terrorism, ebola, it's all the same
thing, isn't it? It's all those things that present tough Americans with a
need and an opportunity to, you know, *be tough*, to be the loud-mouthing,
fist-packing, gut-toting blowhards God put us on this earth to be.
Act... more »
In The Eyes Of The Kurds The Battle For Kobane Is Today's Stalingrad
*The War Against Islamic State: The Kurdish Stalingrad -- The Economist*
Kobane has acquired huge symbolic significance for all those fighting for it
“WE WILL resist to our last drop of blood together… if necessary we will
repeat the Stalingrad resistance in Kobane.” The words of Polat Can, a
Syrian Kurdish commander, to describe the fight against Islamic State (IS)
jihadists for the town on the Syrian-Turkish border may exaggerate the
scale of the fighting, but makes plain the emotional and strategic
symbolism now attached to Kobane.
On October 29th about 150 Iraqi Kurdish fighte... more »
Media and Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother

* Q & A by The Tucson Weekly
* and 30 minutes with Amanda Shauger
KCXI interview: http://kxci.org/2014/10/sacred-maiz-mother/
* Truthout Review:
The Baltics And Poland Prepare For A Russian Invasion

A U.S. Army soldier trains with the Javelin (U.S. Army)
*To Beat Russian Tanks, the Baltic States Are Studying the Georgia War --
Robert Beckhusen, Real Clear Defense/War Is Boring*
*2008 conflict with Russia proves that anti-tank missiles rule*
It was more than six years ago when a tank force from the Georgian army’s
42nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion fought its way overnight through
Tskhinvali, South Ossetia.
The tanks were in trouble. They were moving too fast, outrunning their
infantry support and taking losses to South Ossetian irregulars scattered
throughout the city. Only h... more »
Zombies: American as Apple Pie in Obamastan

Just in time for Halloween comes an interesting take on the zombie
phenomenon in America. Pop culture seems to be saturated with zombies in
movies, video games and on television with the smash hit AMC series The
Walking Dead. The genre had seemingly died years ago after the umpteenth
Dawn of the Dead sequel but is back and more popular than ever in 2014
John Whitehead of the civil rights organization The Rutherford Institute has
a new piece out on the allure of zombies in America. The piece is entitled “Zombies
Are Us: The Walking Dead in the American Police State” from w... more »
Russia And Ukraine Agree To A Natural Gas Supply Deal

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak shakes hands with Ukraine's Energy
Minister Yuri Prodan (R) after gas talks between the European Union, Russia
and Ukraine at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels October 30,
2014. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
*Ukraine, Russia, EU Agree To Natural Gas Supply Deal -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a deal on
Thursday on the resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine for
winter after several months of delay during the conflict in Ukraine.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who... more »
Disaster Politics and the American Red Cross
This is a guest post by Wendy Wong, Associate Professor of Political
Science at University of Toronto, Director of the Trudeau Center for Peace,
Conflict and Justice, and author of Internal Affairs: How the Structure of
NGOs Transforms Human Rights. When the great fall from grace (especially
those who have built their reputations on being high-minded
Continue reading
Russia And Ukraine Agree To A Natural Gas Supply Deal

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak shakes hands with Ukraine's Energy
Minister Yuri Prodan (R) after gas talks between the European Union, Russia
and Ukraine at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels October 30,
2014. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
*Ukraine, Russia, EU Agree To Natural Gas Supply Deal -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a deal on
Thursday on the resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine for
winter after several months of delay during the conflict in Ukraine.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who... more »
Time Ran Out For President Obama On Syria

© Stringer/ Reuters
*Time Is Running Out For Obama On Syria -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
The idea that U.S.-backed Syrian rebels defeat ISIS and force Assad to the
negotiating table has absolutely nothing to do with what’s happening on the
Only three days ago, President Barack Obama’s envoy to the Syrian rebels,
retired Marine Gen. John Allen, explained confidently that the U.S. would
help to train and equip Western-backed fighters to become a credible force
that would compel the Assad regime to negotiate a political deal and end
the four-year-long civil war.
Yeah. Righ... more »
Sociology and Management Speak
Step change. Across the piece. A suite of options. Front-loaded.
Back-filled. Game-changer. A few phrases from the managerialist's lexicon.
Funny old language. Funny old culture. Quite rightly, these freakish
deviations from the anglophone norm action antipathy and mockery in equal
measure. Anyone peppering their speech with 'matrices of opportunity' and
'not fit for purpose' are sniggered at and lampooned. Their use does not
inspire confidence among stakeholders managers must reach out to. The
language does not offer bespoke solutions to the credibility deficit
authority faces. Th... more »
Harper's Perps with Perks #12

Please welcome former citizenship judge Philip Gaynor to Harper's Perps
with Perks for stealing and selling copies of citizenship tests to two
immigration consultants for cash. The papers were then given to the
consultants' citizenship applicants.
In sentencing Gaynor to three years, the Ontario judge was not convinced by
the explanation that Gaynor didn’t want to see “good people” be denied
citizenship because they failed the multiple-choice test.
A volunteer on the election campaign of late FinMin Jim Flaherty, Gaynor
was first appointed by Monte Solberg and reappointed to a seco... more »
Why Might Extraterrestrials Live on Earth

*Video - *Dr. Steven Greer ot The Disclosure Project explains why
extraterrestrial beings might be here on Earth.
The post Why Might Extraterrestrials Live on Earth appeared first on Waking
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 30, 2014
*Could Burkina Faso Protests Signal End Of President's 27-Year Rule? --
Jason Patinkin, CSM*
*With parts of the military joining the uprising, the protests against
President Blaise Compaore running for a fifth term are likely to bring to a
rocky close the tenure of one of Africa’s longest-standing rulers.*
A week of escalating protests in Burkina Faso exploded into violence
Thursday as tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets against
an attempt by longstanding President Blaise Campaore to extend his 27-year
Demonstrators in the capital Ouagadougou broke throug... more »
Watch Manieggs: Revenge of the Hard Egg 2014 Full Movie Online