5:50pm MDST
Gold and Silver Report June 21 , 2014 --- Ed Steer's always excellent Saturday roundup of news / data and views on / or touching on gold , silver , platinum and palladium ........ Koos Jansen missive ( Hong Kong Is The Key In Global Gold Trade, For Now ) ..... Items of note from GATA !
Catharsis Ours - 32 minutes ago
From a price perspective it was a pretty quiet trading day on Friday. Gold
got sold down to its low, such as it was, at 9:30 a.m. BST in London. The
rally from that point didn't do much---and the New York high tick came at
10:30 a.m. EDT. From there it got sold down five bucks and traded flat
into the 5:15 p.m. EDT electronic close.
The CME Group recorded the low and high ticks as $1,307.10 and $1,321.80 in
the August contract.
The gold price closed yesterday ... more »
in which i defend the suburbs against misconceptions (some thoughts on reading jane jacobs)
I'm reading *Dark Age Ahead*, Jane Jacobs' 2004 strong caution to North
American society. I'll blog about the book in general at a later date, but
wanted to share some thoughts that keep coming up as I'm reading.
This is the first time I'm reading Jacobs since living in a suburb, the
kind of area Jacobs reviled, rather than living in a dense urban
environment, the kind she revered. And now, when I read Jacobs' shorthand
descriptions of suburbs, I wonder if she truly understood them.
Two of the charges levelled against suburbs - and if you've read Jacobs or
anyone influenced by her, ... more »
Establishment Republicans May Be Winning The Primaries But The Tea Party Wing Controls The Argument

Louisiana teabagger Steve Scalise isn't the biggest one for the Ted Cruz
wing of the GOP
The reaction from ugly Republican racists to the embarrassing Tea Party
losses in Oklahoma and Mississippi Tuesday-- two of the most brainwashed
and extreme right-wing states in the U.S.-- was, to put it mildly,
ungracious. McDaniel, of course, is refusing to concede. Limbaugh was
screaming about Uncles Toms on the radio the next day and, as the National
Memo pointed out, Palin declared that the Mississippi election had been
tampered with, the results were illegitimate and that it is pointless fo... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sacramento, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
History: “The Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876”
*“The Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876”*
by EyeWitness To History
“In late 1875, Sioux and Cheyenne Indians defiantly left their
reservations, outraged over the continued intrusions of whites into their
sacred lands in the Black Hills. They gathered in Montana with the great
warrior Sitting Bull to fight for their lands. The following spring, two
victories over the US Cavalry emboldened them to fight on in the summer of
To force the large Indian army back to the reservations, the Army
dispatched three columns to attack in coordinated fashion, one of which
contained Lt. Col... more »
David McGowan- Covert Ops behind the Hippie Dream
Thanks Henrik @ Red Ice Creations!
David McGowan was born and raised in Torrance, California, just twenty
miles south of Laurel Canyon. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in
psychology and has, since 1990, run a small business in the greater Los
Angeles area. He is also a lifelong music fan who still frequently keeps
his radio tuned to classic rock stations. McGowan’s previous books include
Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, and Understanding the
F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion. We’ll discuss his
new book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Lau... more »
'Tory' Jeremy Paxman says 'Newsnight' is 'made by 13-year olds'

This is quite something (h/t Sue):
*Newsnight is 'made by 13-year-olds', says Jeremy Paxman*
The former host says his Conservative leanings made him a lone voice on the
show as the younger producers wanted to change the world.
So, Boris was being quite shrewd then in joking that Paxo was "the last
remaining one-nation Conservative in the BBC" on Jeremy's last edition of
*Newsnight*. [Actually, I remember Boris joking about Jeremy being a
Conservative in a *Newsnight *interview a year or two back too. Do you?]
The *Telegraph *article continues:
Speaking at the Chalke Valley History... more »
“Happy Custer Massacre Day!”
*“Happy Custer Massacre Day!”*
by James Bovard
“On this day in 1876, Gen. George Custer led his 7th Cavalry regiment to
their demise in Montana. The Battle of Little Big Horn was one of the
biggest defeats suffered by the U.S. Army in the war against the Indians.
It is only in recent years that proper attention has been paid to the role
of atrocities by Custer and other military leaders in stirring up the wrath
of oppressed Indians.
I visited the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument 45 years ago
during a cross-country trip as a 12-year-old boy to a Boy Scout Jamboree in
I... more »
NVIC Calls for Vaccine Policy & Law Reform To Protect Human and Civil Rights
posted 5/18/2014
*By Barbara Loe Fisher*
No matter who you are or where you live, it is difficult to be part of a
minority. It takes courage to follow your conscience. It takes courage to
stand up and speak out for what you know is right when you are being
targeted and sanctioned by those who claim it is their right to bully and
shun you for who you are or what you believe.
This is especially true for those speaking out and standing up for the
right to make informed, voluntary choices about using vaccines, a
pharmaceutical product that carries a risk of harm and failure that can be... more »
The idea that the Great Depression was finally brought to an end by the
onset of WWII has been a staple of history textbooks, documentaries and
various war propaganda for decades. This myth continues to be perpetuated
to the present day.The idea that war is good for the economy is, needless
to say, a fallacious argument which itself is based on incorrect economic
NVIC Calls for Vaccine Policy & Law Reform To Protect Human and Civil Rights
Posted 5/18/2014
*by Barbara Loe Fisher*
No matter who you are or where you live, it is difficult to be part of a
minority. It takes courage to follow your conscience. It takes courage to
stand up and speak out for what you know is right when you are being
targeted and sanctioned by those who claim it is their right to bully and
shun you for who you are or what you believe.
This is especially true for those speaking out and standing up for the
right to make informed, voluntary choices about using vaccines, a
pharmaceutical product that carries a risk of harm and failure that can be ... more »
"Your Average Armadillo..."
“All of the available data show that the typical American citizen has about
as much interest in the life of the mind as does your average armadillo.”
- Morris Berman
Apologies to armadillos for the comparison, but if it's true...
Northerntruthseeker Reaches 2 MILLION Hits!
When I started this blog some 6 years ago, I never ever thought I would see
the day that it received 2 million hits, let alone reach even 100,000…..
Today is definitely a red letter day for myself, and I do want to thank
everyone for making it possible…
So here's to 2 Million hits…. And hopefully a few million more….
Today also marks my son's graduation from High School…. He is a bright
young man with a very bright future.. And to top it off, he is very Jew
wise indeed… He knows who is responsible for the ruination of this planet,
and has for the longest time seen through their lies... more »
Kauilapele's Blog: “New internet law in effect in Brazil”

*BRICSPost 6-24-14… “New internet law in effect in Brazil”*
Posted on 2014/06/26 by kauilapele
*Well, at least somebody’s out there trying to correct things.*
*New internet law in effect in Brazil*
The Brazilian government’s new legislation aimed at protecting internet
privacy and guaranteeing open access to the web came into effect on Monday
in a bid to tighten security after the espionage scandal exposed by former
US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
The ‘Marc... more »
Supplemental: What Lawrence O’Donnell said!
*THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014*
*It’s just that time of the cycle:* We’re glad to see that Lawrence
O’Donnell has recovered from the injuries he suffered in a taxicab accident.
This has been his first week back on the air. Last night, he offered an
intriguing framework concerning the pressing question of Hillary Clinton’s
O’DONNELL (6/25/14): Joining me now is Nia-Malika Henderson, national
political reporter for the Washington Post, and Ezra Klein, editor in chief
of Vox.com and an MSNBC policy analyst.
Nia, as far as I can tell, *I personally am not aware of any interest in
ho... more »
"Obama Asks For $500 Million To Equip Syrian Rebels As The ISIS Juggernaut In Iraq Spreads"
*"Obama Asks For $500 Million To Equip Syrian Rebels*
* As The ISIS Juggernaut In Iraq Spreads"*
by Tyler Durden
"It is going from bad to worse for the Iraqi government, whose armed forces
according to at least one unconfirmed media report, have suffered major
losses. Perhaps confirming this, is the report from Reuters that overnight
ISIS continued it southern creep toward Baghdad, and has now reached a town
that is just an hour from Baghdad which is home to four natural gas fields
on Thursday, "another gain by Sunni insurgents who have swiftly taken large
areas to the north and wes... more »
“America's War in Iraq Was a Fool's Errand”
*“America's War in Iraq Was a Fool's Errand”*
by Bill Bonner
“We don't need to add our commentary to the huge body of opinion already
existing on the subject of Iraq. We all now know that the mission was a
fool's errand and that it wasn't accomplished anyway. We know, too, that it
cost trillions of dollars and got a lot of people killed. Nor do we need
reminding that it destabilized the Levant. (We never thought it was very
stable in the first place.) Still, we are looking on the bright side. The
glass may be half empty for the US empire... but it's filling up for its
Ha... more »
ANTHROPOLOGY LESSONS: Sun gods affirmed!
*THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014*
*Part 4—Rucker serves Sawyer Inka:* Anthropologically speaking, it’s hard
not to think of the 15th-century Inka when we consider the way our young
“journalists” defer to their priests and their rulers.
In his heralded book, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before
Columbus, Charles Mann described the ancient folkways of the Inka. These
folkways live on, slightly disguised, in the work of young Yale grads like
Philip Rucker, who now writes for the Washington Post.
Anthropologically speaking, some things never change! Thupa Inka was the
son of the Pacha... more »
June 26: Well, let's start with the June 25 paper.....
....it doesn't take long to read, and has almost nothing worth reading in
it. Just two items really struck me.
One was a statement by Joe Biden in defence of Harper's seeming
indifference to the fate of an Egyptian-Canadian journalist imprisoned for
- well - for being a journalist and doing his job. Harper, though PM of a
country of which this reporter is a citizen has shown no interest at all.
Biden's take on it is that this is a delicate issue, and that bullhorn
methods won't work in dealing with it. Oh? Harper believes in quiet
This is the man who made enemies all o... more »
*Sheriff, city still miles apart on plans for jail ~Jim Mustian, New
Orleans Advocate*
*Mayor Mitchmo: ‘New Orleans Robbed Of Its Fair Share’ ~The Hayride*
*Frenchmen St. businesses upset at lack of rules enforcement ~Eric Paulsen,
*New hotels not likely in New Orleans near future*
*Premium Parking for Web ~Chris Boudy*
*The Spirit of City Park Photo Contest Winners*
Mike's Story Part 62 - Lessons from Los Angeles
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*October 11, 2007 *
* On the plane to LA*
"See out there on the back of the wing?" Mike said. "Those are the
flaps and the helions. When the plane takes off, they're down. You have
more air passing over the plane than under it to increase lift on takeoff."
I had a flashback-by-proxy to a talk that must have once taken place
between Mike and his father. Only now Mike himself was Dad and I was little
"See that jet of water?" A stream arced from the front of the wing.
"That's the [I missed the term.] I'm talking a lot because my thumb is
hurting... more »
Book Promotion

Oh, one more thing before I forget:
Over a month and a half ago, I was interviewed via email by
Florida-based thriller novelist and Twitter follower Marcia Meara.
Yesterday, the interview went live and, as these past two days have been
rather hectic at Casa de Pottersville, I'd neglected to tell you you can
find the interview here.
Partr of the reason it was so hectic these past couple of days is
because I wanted to coordinate the interview with a book promo (or more
like a relaunch) I'm doing for all three of my books, *American Zen*, *The
Toy Cop* and the *M... more »
Indictable, summary or hybrid
R. v. D.M.E., 2014 ONCA 496:
The Categories of Offences
[29] It is well-known that the *Criminal Code* contains offences that
i. indictable;
ii. summary conviction;
iii. indictable or summary conviction.
Some offences are indictable only. Others are summary conviction only. The
third category, with which we are concerned here, consists of hybrid
offences that may be prosecuted by indictment or on summary conviction
depending upon the Crown's election of mode of proceeding.
[30] An offence is indictable if the enactment that creates it
provides that an alleged o... more »
"Being Jewish is not a matter of religion"

*"No man will treat with indifference the principle of race. It is the key
to history, and why history is often so confused is that it has been
written by men who are ignorant of this principle and all the knowledge it
involves. . . Language and religion do not make a race--there is only one
thing which makes a race, and that is blood." - Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish
former Prime Minister of Great Britain*
Since the French Revolution, when Jews were granted citizenship in France
and eventually all of Western societies, Jews have been considered and
treated as a religious minority, rath... more »
Republicans Plan To Flip The Senate In November And Impeach Obama As Quickly As They Can After That

Looking for another reason to vote against Maine Republican Susan Collins?
A few days ago, Jonathan Capehart wrote in the *Washington Post* that
"President Obama will be impeached if the Democrats lose control of the
U.S. Senate." Keep in mind that due to the unwillingness of Nancy Pelosi to
replace that startlingly incompetent and venal Steve Israel as DCCC chair,
the Democrats won't only *not* win back the House; they will experience a
very painful net loss of seats.) Were Patty Murray still in charge of the
DSCC, I wouldn't sweat the chances of the Republicans winning that body.... more »

The peas are starting to bud in our back yard at the Addams-Melman House in
Bath, Maine. We named our house after WWI-era peace activist and social
worker Jane Addams who won the Nobel Peace Prize back in the day when you
really had to earn it.
The other half of our house name comes from Seymour Melman who was
professor of economics at Columbia University in New York. He is regarded
as the father of economic conversion and during the late 80's to early 90's
that issue of converting away from military production was driving the
peace movement as the Cold War came to an end and we... more »
Classroom Video Capture Project Proceeds With No Protocols for Security or Informed Consent

With Bill Gates's yesman, Dorsey Hopson, renewed for another term as
non-educator-in-charge of Shelby County Schools, the pressure is on to
expand the use of Microsoft's cloud-based technology to every aspect of
schooling, from administering high stakes tests to video capture of
children and teachers for teacher evaluation.
Hopson is urging mandatory use of cameras in the classroom, even though
there is no protocol in place and none planned to gain teacher or parent
permission for these intrusive and insecure video captures, which will be
uploaded to third party corporate servers w... more »
Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpot
*Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpot*
For more reasons than I can tell you - I hate Comcast.
They are - of course - a member of the American Legislative Exchange
Council ( ALEC ).
Unfortunately I have to use them
unless I am willing to accept 1.5 Mbps that CenturlyLink offers - my only
other option.
So - Comcast reigns supreme
Comcast screws their customers every day in every way - becausetheycan
And the FCC does nothing
This whole issue, the Comcast HotSpot, infuriates me.
I bought my own modem – so Comcast can’t make obscene profits off me to
“rent” their modem.
I bought my own modem... more »
Cavuto Completely Loses it on Michele Bachmann

There's something morbidly delightful about seeing right wingers
eating their own. It brings to mind snake cults like Set, with the snake
consuming itself with its tail in its mouth. or Paul Krendler being fed his
own brains by Hannibal Lecter. And, to paraphrase the inimitable Egberto
Willies, when you've lost Fox "News", you done lost middle 'Murrica.
Mind you, now, this is Neil Cavuto we're talking about here, not some
deer-in-the-headlights "liberal" wondering what the fuck he's doing on a
Fox sound stage. This isn't Shep Smith or Alan Colmes or *The Five*'s Bob
Beckel... more »
Corporate Education Reform: the "civil rights issue" up until it actually addresses civil rights issues like segregation

*"Children have a right and a need to have quality schools in their
neighborhood." — Francis Howell School District *
White school district sends black kids back to failed schools
The one upside to the article is that it clearly puts to lie the corporate
reformers' assertion that equitable funding isn't the issue. The
resegregation—and in many cases, the continuation of segregation—of schools
was the first step in creating these inequities that the neoliberal
corporate education reformers would later exploit through austerity and
privatization programs. This is why monsters like ... more »
Iraq’s Western Front Is Anbar Next To Fall?

Back in December 2013 Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik instigated the current
fighting in Iraq by making a poor political decision in Anbar. In the
middle of December the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) ambushed
the leadership of the Iraqi Army’s 7th Division and killed all the
commanding officers along the Anbar-Ninewa border. The premier announced a
security operation to clear the province of insurgents, which rallied most
of the country behind it. Maliki decided to take the opportunity to arrest
Parliamentarian Ahmed Alwani from the Iraqi Islamic Party who had been one... more »
Manila Flooding Torture

This afternoon, around 3:15pm, there was heavy rain for an hour in Makati,
then light rains for the next 20 minutes or so. Many parts of Metro Manila
experienced such downpour, also some surrounding provinces. Many streets
were flooded.
(photo from ANC24; descent from Skyway, going to Buendia intersection,
Heaaaavvyy traffic followed in many areas of the metropolis, especially in
Buendia and Ayala Avenue in Makati. Productivity losses today is big; fuel
consumption by cars and buses is big. I think this unresolved flooding in
many Makati streets will affect the candidacy o... more »
Toyota FJ Zombie and Space Reptile Defense Vehile.
Attention Toyota I have a graphic novel if not a TV series in mind based
upon a Zombie resistant version of your FJ. A eccentric modify s this
vehicle to exist in a Zombie Apocalypse and then it happens. To make it
real it runs on ethanol. It has a snowplow of Tiatimum blades and
all the windows have sharp titanium screens like Israeli SUV.
The family is also been trained to handle swords. They join up with groups
of human survivors who are idiots and constantly defeated by Zombies
and they move on. However every group has a message to say about how not
to survive.
This model is ... more »
Full? BBC News - UK population grows by more than 400,000
' The ONS said the UK population had increased by about five million since
2001 and by more than 10 million since 1964.'
Full yet?
More non investigative reporting here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27972335
Can we not be sensible

Bee Colony Die off. This is serious stuff. This is going to cost the people
that eat billions if not eliminate all pollinated products like tomatoes.
So like global warming we have two sides. Man using pesticides or nature
using a mite. Science says pesticides, but we delay waiting on the mite to
kill our pollinated food.
Aboriginal title confers on the group that holds it the exclusive right to decide how the land is used and the right to benefit from those uses
*Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia*, 2014 SCC 44 is an extraordinarily
important decision. Critically it gives aboriginal groups the exclusive
power to decide on the use of lands forever.
The decision recognized a First Nation's title to a specific tract of land
-- with major implications for contentious energy projects like the
Northern Gateway pipeline. The decision will make it easier for First
Nations to establish title over lands that were regularly used for hunting,
fishing and other activities.
A legal summary of some of the decision follows:
The nature of Aborigin... more »
The Executive Order Hypocrisy of John Boehner

Finally free from having to constantly defend himself from an overthrow by
the back-stabbing little guttersnipe Eric Cantor, House Speaker John
Boehner is cranking up the election year outrage. Boehner is filing a
lawsuit against President Barack Obama's use of executive orders to bypass
a gaggle of paid off obstructionists hellbent at wrecking America. Braying
about Obama's circumventing of Congress in issuing the orders to
deliberately flout the quaint and antiquated system of checks and balances
that is pretty much extinct in the corrupt, lawyered-up and spied upon
modern polit... more »
"A final number for real US GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was just released. The number is not the 2.6% growth rate predicted by the know-nothing economists in January of this year. The number is a decline in GDP of -2.9 percent." "It is possible that the drop in first quarter real GDP is three times the official number." "The US economy cannot grow because corporations pushed by Wall Street have moved the US economy offshore." "An official decline of -2.9 percent in the first quarter implies a second quarter GDP decline. Two declines in a row is the definition of recession." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*A New Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington’s Arrogance? — Paul
Craig Roberts*
June 25, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
A New Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington’s Arrogance?
Paul Craig Roberts
June 25, 2014. A final number for real US GDP growth in the first quarter
of 2014 was released today. The number is not the 2.6% growth rate
predicted by the know-nothing economists in January of this year. The
num... more »
A3 Newsletter: Say NO to Another Supermax! (June 25, 2014)
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) is organizing a
national call-in day on Thursday, June 26 to stop the opening of another
Supermax prison. We encourage A3 supporters to join us by taking action
with NRCAT, whose call-in alert is featured below.
*Grassroots Leadership Honors Robert King*
This month, the board and staff of Grassroots Leadership, in North
Carolina, spent the evening with Robert King of the Angola 3. Grassroots
Leadership wrote afterwards: "We are so profoundly thankful for the
opportunity to sit with King as he shared his experience as a politi... more »
Trouble Brewing.

*Brandon Lee (-DECEASED-) and Paula Hutchence (-DECEASED-)*
BBC Trust Impartiality Review: BBC coverage of Rural Areas in the UK

The latest BBC Trust's report into BBC impartiality is out today. Its
author is Heather Hancock, ex-civil servant and former chair of the BBC’s
rural affairs committee. You can read it in full here.
I suspect you won't be surprised to hear that the report finds that the
BBC's coverage is impartial, but there are concerns too.
Here are the main points:
*Positive findings*
*• Overall, the BBC’s coverage of rural areas in the UK is duly impartial.
There is no evidence of party political bias, and a wide range of views is
aired. *
*• In controversial stories, the BBC’s approach ... more »
Politically Inconvenient

Hypocrisy is at the heart of the Harper regime. That hypocrisy was on
display once again this week when John Baird -- the prime minister's
bullhorn -- declared that, in the case of Mohamed Fahmy, bullhorn diplomacy
wouldn't work.
Harper has been using his bullhorn against the tyranny of Vladimir Putin a
lot recently. But, when it comes to Egypt, he sees no tyranny at all. The
reason for his blind spot, Linda McQuaig writes, is Harper's unquestioning
support for Israel:
Harper has never cared about democracy in Egypt. On the contrary, democracy
there has been seen as a threat to ... more »
Steve Israel's Greatest Accomplishment Of 2014: The 2 Bluest Districts Without Democratic Candidates, Both In Florida

¿dónde está Steve?
We've made the case that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has, over the last
decade, moved-- at times openly and at times stealthily-- to offer political
protection to her old comrade, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Back in 2008, when
Wasserman Schultz was in charge of the DCCC's Red-to-Blue program and
publicly endorsing Ros-Lehtinen (and two other Miami-Dade Republicans)
against Democrats, Ileana's 18th CD had a PVI of R+4. Since they, Florida
has undergone some significant changes demographically (which we'll get to
in a moment) and also in terms of cartology. FL-18 was redrawn i... more »
"The Cost Of Knowing It..."
"There's a truth deeper than experience. It's beyond what we see, or even
what we feel. It's an order of truth that separates the profound from the
merely clever, and the reality from the perception. We're helpless,
usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of
knowing love, is sometimes greater than any heart would willingly pay. It
doesn't always help us to love the world, but it does prevent us from
hating the world. And the only way to know that truth is to share it, from
heart to heart, just as Prabhakar told it to me, just as I'm telling it to
you n... more »
Obama Education Agenda and the Tone-Deaf Follies
Obama Education Agenda and the Tone-Deaf Follies. via Obama Education
Agenda and the Tone-Deaf Follies.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
So massive rises in house prices between now and October, do these people not think? 'Bank of England caps some home loans, toughens mortgage affordability test'
' LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England sought to put the brakes on
Britain's surging housing market on Thursday by announcing a cap on home
loans and tougher checks on whether borrowers can repay their mortgages.
The Bank's Financial Policy Committee said that from October, it would only
allow 15 percent of new mortgages to be at multiples higher than 4.5 times
a borrowers' income.'
More here...
*Common Core Controversy: Is U.S. Constitution a ‘Living Document’?*
A classroom resource provided by a group founded by three lead writers of
the Common Core State Standards teaches 8th graders as fact that the U.S.
Constitution is a "living document" and that the nation's founders only
considered white males with property as persons under the law.
But leading constitutional scholars challenge both assertions.
Student Achievement Partners’ sample lesson for Linda R. Monk’s Words We
Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution is listed as a suggested
reading for 8th graders i... more »
Russia targeting USD Reserve Currency Status ? June 26 , 2014 -- GAZPROM READY TO SETTLE CHINA CONTRACTS IN YUAN OR RUBLES: CFO , Gazprom is in talks on a Hong Kong listing and is weighing the issuance of Yuan bonds. Gazprom is also considering selling bonds in Singapore dollars, the CFO said at briefing in Moscow. Correspondingly note - PBOC Assistant Governor Jin Qi and Russian central bank Deputy Chairman Dmitry Skobelkin led a meeting held yesterday and today in Shanghai. The meeting discussed cooperating on project and trade financing using local currencies. The meeting discussed cooperation in bank card, insurance and financial supervision sectors.
Gazprom Ready To Drop Dollar, Settle China Contracts In Yuan Or Rubles
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durdenon 06/26/2014 08:08 -0400
- China
- Crude
- Hong Kong
- Renminbi
- Reserve Currency
- Yuan
A little over a month ago, whenRussia announced the much anticipated "Holy
Grail" energy deal with China, some were disappointed that despite this
symbolic agreement meant to break the petrodollar's strangehold on the rest
of th... more »
"Fukushima Update 6/26/2014"
*"Fukushima Update 6/26/2014"*
by ENENews.com
• "Jiji Press, June 18, 2014: "Radioactive contamination of groundwater at
Fukushima Daiichi is far from being under control the source of
contamination remains unclear and new record levels of radioactive
substances have been detected in groundwater taken at a number of measuring
points on the ocean side of the plant’s No. 1 to No. 4 reactors.
Radioactivity levels in groundwater have hit new record highs at 18 of 32
measuring points on the ocean side since April, according to TEPCO. At the
most polluted well, located east of the No. 2... more »
Palestinian terrorist fakery
Israelly Cool has afascinating example of Palestinian fakery
Pro-terrorist Facebook page Rasid News Network today posted the following,
supposed showing a missile fired by the Gaza “resistance”:
Post by شبكة الراصـد الاخبارية.
And what a glorious projectile it is.
In fact, it’s the Soviet/Russian space station Mir as she reentered the
Earth’s atmosphere and broke up over Fiji in 2001.
Frank Medrano - amazing vegan fitness - meat is murder
Meat is murder...
...this is one of the Key Claims of Free Planet. We have to let the 'other
lifeforms' have their life and their space, too. But then you have those
meat-heads who claim, *"A keynt git mah pwotein wivout mah meet,"* to which
I say *'Frank Medrano is a Vegan'*.
Watch and learn.
Iraq Civil War Updates June 26 , 2014 -- ISIS two week blitz has already severely degraded Iraq's Army ( 10 billion in losses and half of the Army destroyed ) ........ In the absence of US military involvement of any significance , Iran and Syria get involved in the Civil war in support of PM Maliki ( meanwhile John Kerry warns syria and Iran not toget involved and somehow sees Maliki as open to a National Unity government that Maliki has already dumped on. ) .... Great opinion piece from Joyce Karam ( Fighting Isis starts by standing up to PM Maliki )
Iraqi Defense Official: Army Has Lost 7 Divisions; Losses at $10bBy HEVIDAR
AHMED 9 hours ago
[image: Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inspecting
military vehicles abandoned by the Iraqi army. Photo: AFP]
Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inspecting military
vehicles abandoned by the Iraqi army. Photo: AFP
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Since they began their blitz just over a
fortnight ago, Sunni insurgents in Iraq have destroyed half of the Iraqi
army and inflicted $10 billion in losses, a senior... more »
This dog won't hunt; Peter MacKay says controversial Mother’s and Father’s Day emails written by female staffer
dealt with plenty of staffers over the years. I've even had them write
speeches, brochures and policy briefs for me. BUT I am the name signing
if I don't agree with the text I don't approve it. What's more, if
something goes wrong (and it has!) I don't blame the staffer. What I
approved is mine to wear.
Harper's Perps with Perks #11

Welcome, Con MP Mark Adler, to the wonderful world of Harper's Perps with
Mr. Adler is seen here on the other side of Steve from his old friend,
convicted money launderer Nathan Jacobson, who fronted Adler $114,000 for a
business venture but then wanted it repaid. Nuh uh uh, countered Adler when
Jacobson sued him for it in 2011 - it had been a gift, "a friendly gesture"
and he wasn't giving it back. Given the awful optics of Jacobson having
just been arrested for being on the lam from US authorities while hanging
out with his new Con buddies Jason Kenney and John Baird, Ni... more »
Real Estate Investing and Essential Steps
Real Estate is a cycle and cycles have some amount of predictability.
certainty, you can raise your real estate business into a
profit-pulling machine that runs itself with the changing real estate
market trends. It is still possible to make money in real estate. In
now is just as good a time as some to get started in real estate
What this means is just that yo... more »
Strings 2014: talks
Princeton University and the nearby IAS – in combination, the ultimate
epicenter of string theory on this planet – are co-hosting Strings 2014
this week (Monday-Friday). By far the most useful page on that server is
Talks at Strings 2014 (URLs of slides and videos)
You may see that the AdS/CFT (and, more generally, "holographic") talks
represent the largest percentage of the contributions. That includes
applications in condensed matter physics, topological metals, turbulence,
various indices, spectral curves, and so on.
Several talks – including one by the BICEP2 boss John K... more »
Main Key Areas to Give Attention to While Buying a Home
Looking for a new home can be exhilarating and annoying. You can help
alleviate the frustration by paying close concentration to main key areas
of the homes you're considering buying; it may save you money in the long
According to a study the main key areas in home inspection are electrical,
foundation, plumbing, the attic, and landscaping.
In the case of home, the trees were causing micro-fractures in the cover in
various locations of the home. As you walk through the house, 21 feet in
and 30 feet deep, there's just too much root invasion and it's going to
ru... more »
12 Health Benefits of Lemon Water: A Simple Health Tonic by Elizabeth Renter

12 Health Benefits of Lemon Water: A Simple Health Tonic
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 26 June 2014
Adopting healthy habits like eating healthful foods and exercising can seem
difficult, but sometimes it can be quite easy. There are some health tips
and wellness habits we can easily change in a day’s time to improve our
health absolutely. *Things like drinking water with lemon are easy to
implement and can provide many health benefits.*
In addition to offering mind-boosting hydration, lemon water provides
immune-boosting vitamin C and antioxidants. It is a great way to ... more »
“Back to the Dark Ages of Feudalism”
*“Back to the Dark Ages of Feudalism”*
by Gilbert Mercier
“History never repeats itself, but from time to time, consciously or not,
some influential men attempt to force us into the monstrosity of their
imaginary time machines to try to reverse decades, and in the case of
feudalism, almost a millenium of social progress. The mid-20th century
brought the years of collective psychosis of Adolf Hitler’s “thousand year
Reich,” and more recently what can be viewed as the United States of
America’s imperialist manifesto or so-called “Project for the New American
Century”, concocted in 19... more »
Québec suspend l’administration de la 3e dose de Gardasil
Québec suspend l’administration de la 3e dose de Gardasil
Par Cédérick Caron
Vendredi 20 juin 2014
LAVAL - Alors que Québec suspend l’administration de la troisième et ultime
dose du vaccin contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH), Linda Morin, qui
demeure persuadée que ce vaccin a joué un rôle dans le décès de sa fille
Annabelle, croit qu’on aurait avantage à miser sur le dépistage préventif.
Le 9 juin dernier, *Le Devoir* indiquait que le ministère de la Santé avait
pris la décision de ne pas administrer la troisième dose du vaccin contre ... more »
Current System for Experimental GMO Test Plots seems to Be Anarchy,” Organic Growers’ Org. President Says by Nick Meyer

Source of Picture: *https://www.facebook.com/OccupyFood*
Current System for Experimental GMO Test Plots seems to Be Anarchy,”
Organic Growers’ Org. President Says
By Nick Meyer
Alt Health Works, June 24, 2014
While the movement for freedom from, and transparency regarding,
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and crops in our food system is
gaining ground worldwide, the risk for cross contamination remains a
consistent problem.
Organic and non-GMO farmers are grossly outnumbered on commodity crops like
corn and soy, and cross contamination is rampant to the... more »
Meeting Martha Stewart

I am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere has provided me with
compensation with this post for the Macy’s Martha Stewart event. However,
as always, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.
Have you ever had a moment in your life that felt surreal? A moment that
didn't seem like it could be true, even though it was? That was what
meeting Martha Stewart was like for me. I have seen her so many times, on
the covers of books, on TV, on art supplies, on kitchen utensils. She is
everywhere. So when she stepped out at her Salt Lake City Macy's book
signing last ... more »
Frozen, Doctor Who and 4th of July
Can you believe it is almost July?! We are excited to start another party
too! Debra from Housewife Eclectic will be sharing her favorites this week. [image:
Jesseca | Holly | Jonie | Debra
Housewife Eclectic has had a bit of everything in the last month, from
Frozen to recipes and a little bit of Britain and Doctor Who thrown in for
good measure.
Elsa and Anna Frozen Hair Bows//BBQ Taquitos- Egg Roll Style//Paint a
Tardis Umbrella// Union Jack Rag Quilt
Here are some of my favorite things linked up last week!
Sparkly 4th of July Wreath (So cute!) Dress to Skirt... more »
*Don't laugh: A prophecy from the 1980s. It could have been written
*We sure had a hard time in the year 2000*
PICKING up where a high-school chemistry class might end, "Nova," the
public-broadcasting science series, offers the nonmatriculating viewer an
advanced course in worrying. The cause of the concern is all the carbon
dioxide that's being pumped into the industrialized and motorized air. The
hourlong broadcast is called "The Climate Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect,"
at 9 tonight on Channel 13.
The conclusion, conveyed with great authority by several big-league
cl... more »
The Globalization, Religionization, And Commercialization of The Crisis In Iraq
Video Title: Indian Shias get together an army to fight in Iraq to protect
shrines. Source: Headlines Today. Date Published: June 25, 2014.
An excerpt from, *"Inside the ISIS gift shop: Online jihadist spring/summer
collection of T-shirts, hoodies and baseball caps shocks internet"* by John
Hall, Daily Mail, June 24:
Much of the jihadist clothing is sold on Indonesia-based websites, and
appears to have been available to purchase for several months, according to
One online retailer, Zirah Moslem, has over 9,000 likes on Facebook and is
in regular contact with the users of ... more »
Interesting Quotes About The Iraq Crisis From Two Former CIA Officials, A UK Ambassador To Iraq, And Two Iraqi Authors
"Haditha, about 140 miles northwest of Baghdad, is home to approximately
75,000 Iraqis, a vital hydro-electric power plant, and 28 schools. The
Euphrates and Tigris Rivers which originate in Turkey provide the majority
of the country's water resources. Two very large reservoirs, the Haditha
Dam on the Euphrates and Mosul Dam on the Tigris supply the majority of M&I
and irrigation water through an extensive system of dams, regulation and
pumping stations, and irrigation and drainage canals." (*Source:
GlobalSecurity.org*). Check out,* "Water War? Turkey Cuts Water Supply to
Syria. E... more »
Should BICEP2, Higgs have crushed the Universe?
*Only if you believe that there can't be any saviors*
Yo Yo and other readers were intrigued by the following cool yet slightly
misleading article in the Daily Mail:
Big Bang controversy grows: Study claims universe would have collapsed 'a
second after it formed' if Bicep2 results were true
Lots of science media are combining the July 2012 Higgs discovery and the
March 2014 BICEP2 discovery in this apocalyptic way although some of them
chose a more sensible – more correct and less catastrophic – title (I mean
and praise the titles referring to "new physics"). The articles were
spar... more »
Oil War Continues in Iraq: The One Fact In Iraq - It's the Oil, Stupid! (Irony Deluxe) Created By Usual Crowd of Know-Nothing Experts for Whom Being Wrong Is a Badge of Honor
Forgive me, friends. I had this essay written and all ready-to-go two days
ago hoping to be current with the "news" of our impending invasion
(re-invasion) of Iraq, but the Blogger dog ate my homework and I'm left
with what follows. I think it hangs together pretty well - better than the
arguments for continued war do. (Apologies all around!) I appreciate your
understanding. A special thanks
Tom Hayden : Who is creating a terrorist threat?
The imminent danger is that Obama is preparing to go to war not to ‘save
Baghdad’ but to attack the perceived threat of a Sunni jihadist
‘sanctuary.’ By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | June 25, 2014 Contrary to …
finish reading Tom Hayden :
Who is creating a terrorist threat?
Bob Feldman : People’s History of Egypt, Epilogue/Update, Section 2, November 2013-April 2014
Despite the brutal tactics of the counterrevolutionary Sisi military
regime, a struggle for political, economic, and cultural democracy
continues in Egypt. By Bob Feldman | The Rag Blog | June 25, 2014 [With all
the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob … finish reading Bob Feldman :
People’s History of Egypt, Epilogue/Update, Section 2, November 2013-April
Too Bad I Can't Chop Up My HRC Award Twice

I heard about HRC endorsing Susan Collins again a few hours ago. It seems
to have surprised a lot of people. It would have surprised me if they
hadn't. Susan Collins and HRC are made for each other. Don't they always.
Last time, in fact, was the same year they chose not to endorse Tammy
Baldwin's congressional election, the same year I removed them from my
will. I dug this up from a post I wrote this just over 8 years ago, May 30,
Because I was lucky enough to have had something of a reputation as an
enlightened corporate leader for several years, my mantle is filled with
... more »
The left has lost a generation
Left-wing activists struggling to understand why they fail to excite
18-30-year-olds – the “missing million” Hone and Laila’s New Alliance Party
and #rockethevote are supposed to engage – might gain insight from a 2013
study by Ipsos Mori discussed on a recent BBC Radio 4 programme and by
Yamir Ash at Spiked. It seems that, Generation Y, which has endured more
cotton-wool and in-school state indoctrination than any other, is
rebelling. The left has lost Gen Y, says Ash.
According to the study, ‘Generation Y [18- to 30-year-olds] is more likely…
to believe the role of the state sh... more »
Vegan Recipe - Grilled Portobello Mushroom Burger

*My friend, JC, is a talented woman. She's a photographer and is soon to be
featured at a show in Brooklyn (if you're in the area on July 18th, you can
attend the EVENT which, in addition to fine art, will include food, drink,
and music). She's also a talented artisan, dancer, and model. Did I say
that she's a dedicated "greenie"? Yep, she regularly participates in
activities on Reduce Footprints and I happen to know, from our chats, that
she works very hard to employ green living techniques in all areas of her
life.If all that weren't enough, JC also cooks. All of the dishes whi... more »
Obama heading to Minneapolis - hotbed of libtard activism...
I'm proud to say I escaped St. Paul when I was 17 years old and moved to
President "ribbon cutter" is doing what he does best: nothing, golfing.
and raising money.
Schedule courtesy of Keith Koffler - and we thank him
*10:00 am ET ||* Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
*10:50 am ET ||* Departs White House
*12:25 pm CT ||* Arrives Minneapolis, Minnesota
*2:15 pm CT ||* Hosts a town hall meeting; Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis
*7:30 pm CT ||* Delivers remarks and answers questions at a fundraiser for
congressional Democrats; private residence, Minneapolis
While in M... more »
Bill Whittle: Don't let these idiots ruin your day...
*best advice I've heard in a long time - and we thank him.*
From YouTube:
Everywhere we look today we see SCANDAL FATIGUE gripping the nation. It's
bad enough that Leftist policy has crippled the national economy; in his
latest FIREWALL he explains why you shouldn't let the Clown Car Cavalcade
of Incompetence cripple YOUR economy as well. Watch and discover why
America is bigger than these weenies at their worst.
My best advice?
Fly under the radar.
Defend the right to criticize!
Here is the answer:
Please view the story at Indiegogo and consider contributing to the Denis Rancourt Legal Defence Fund campaign: LINK
Keith to Step Down at OSF

Journal Star shared a link.
11 hours ago
OSF Saint Francis CEO Keith Steffen plans to step down after 17 years in
the position.
OSF Saint Francis CEO Keith Steffen plans to step down
PEORIA — The CEO of OSF Saint Francis Medical Center plans to retire at the
end of the year, capping a 34-year career with the...
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Top Comments
Eric Rahn and 41 others like this.
- [image: John A Carroll]
John A Carroll We have to remember that many of Keith’s bad decisions
over the past 17 years were forced on him by OSF Corporate. Corpora... more »
Dab away those tears of joy for Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and her love-muffin with a lovely check to her PAC

by Ken
Actually, those measly fives and singles going into the hat pictured above
won't do it if you want to properly celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary
of Florida Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and her love-muffin Dexter.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any art that depicts $1000 and $5000 checks
dropping into a political hat.
Those are the designated numbers for either a seat or a table at the happy
couple's upcoming shindig at Miami's Coconut Grove Ritz Carlton. "Because,"
as *Washington Post* "In the Loop" reporter Colby Itkowitz puts it,
"nothing says true love like ... more »
Musical Interlude: Clannad, “Mystery Game”
Clannad, “Mystery Game”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIDzqVRFr5c
"The Life You Have Left..."
“The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it.
Enjoy it now, to the fullest. Do what matters, now.”
~ Leo Babauta
“A Dying Civilization: The Moral Order”
* “A Dying Civilization: The Moral Order”*
by Morris Berman
“The notion that there was a way of life characteristic of modern (or
industrial) societies that was qualitatively different from the way of life
found in pre-modern (or folk) societies goes back, at least, to the German
sociologist Max Weber. Modern societies, said Weber, are governed by
bureaucracies; the dominant ethos is one of “rationalization,” whereby
everything is mechanized, administered according to the dictates of
scientific reason. Weber famously compared this situation to that of an
“iron cage”: there was no w... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Massive stars, abrasive winds, mountains of dust, and energetic light
sculpt one of the largest and most picturesque regions of star formation in
the Local Group of Galaxies. Known as N11, the region is visible on the
upper right of many images of its home galaxy, the Milky Way neighbor known
as the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC).
*Click image for larger size.*
The above image was taken for scientific purposes by the Hubble Space
Telescope and reprocessed for artistry by an amateur to win the Hubble's
Hidden Treasures competition. Although the section imaged above is known as
NGC 17... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Sunset"
"Slowly the west reaches for clothes of new colors
which it passes to a row of ancient trees.
You look, and soon these two worlds both leave you,
one part climbs toward heaven, one sinks to earth,
leaving you, not really belonging to either,
not so helplessly dark as that house that is silent,
not so unswervingly given to the eternal as that thing
that turns to a star each night and climbs –
leaving you (it is impossible to untangle the threads)
your own life, timid and standing high and growing,
so that, sometimes blocked in, sometimes reaching out,
one moment your life is a... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Change and Renewal”
*“Change and Renewal”*
by Paulo Coelho
“When winter arrives, the trees must sigh in sadness as they see their
leaves falling. They say: ‘We will never be like we were before.’ Of
course. Or still, what is the meaning of renewing oneself? The next leaves
will have their own nature, they pertain to a new summer that approaches
and which will never be like the one that passed.
Living means changing– and the seasons repeat these lessons to us every
year. Changing means going through a period of depression: we still don’t
know the new and we have to forget everything we used to know. Bu... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
High Springs, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"All About The Folly..."
"Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the Earth"; but there
isn't one. It is like betting on the future of the human race - I might
wish to lay a bet that the human race would destroy itself by the year
3000, but there is nowhere to place the bet. On the contrary, I am involved
in the world and must try to see that it does not blow itself to pieces. I
once had a terrible argument with Margaret Mead. She was holding forth one
evening on the absolute horror of the atomic bomb, and how everybody should
spring into action and abolish it, but she was getting so furious abo... more »
Chet Raymo, “Is Consciousness Incomprehensible?”
*“Is Consciousness Incomprehensible?” *
by Chet Raymo
"There are reasonable arguments for the incomprehensibility of human
consciousness, and some of them were given here the other day in Comments.
Let me offer arguments for the contrary.
First, one very important feature of consciousness has already been
comprehended. We can say with a high degree of confidence that there is no
ghost in the machine, that consciousness is an emergent physio-chemical
property of the material brain. Whether consciousness is deterministic or
involves some measure of quantum uncertainty remains to be s... more »
“The 5 Characteristics of Incredibly Resilient People”
*“The 5 Characteristics of Incredibly Resilient People”*
by Smita Malhotra, M.D.
“I remember the day I found out that my aunt had cancer. Although she was
the most positive person I had ever met, I still worried about how she
would handle such an overwhelming diagnosis. Looking back, now that her
cancer is in remission, she continues to be the most positive person I
know. But even more than that, she is what I call an elegant spirit.
Cancer, in my aunt's world, was a small valley hidden amongst the many
glorious peaks of her life. While she may have had some moments of despair
as ... more »
US nuclear debacles Updates -- June 25 , 2014 --- New Mexico site a ticking time bomb ? WIPP Expert: “Very likely” multiple nuclear waste drums exploded, risk of more occurring; It was clearly something major… signs of fire at container holding over 500 billion Bq of Plutonium and Americium — Nuclear Engineer: “This is a huge dirty bomb” ..... Hanford ----- TV: 8 times more babies than usual born without brain near U.S. nuclear site; Much higher rate than anywhere else in country — “It’s scary the cause is such a mystery” — CNN: Experts speak out over failure of officials to conduct proper investigation — “The lamest excuse I’ve ever heard”
Harris, former licensed Senior Reactor Operator and engineer*, June
19, 2014 (*at 33:45 in*): I do believe the part about it being a
explosion [at WIPP]– due to the decomposition of the green kitty litter —
that causes a whole bunch of problems, and one of them is that this is a
huge dirty bomb. >> *Full interview here*
*Insight New Mexico interviews Don Hancock, director of... more »
Satire: “Boehner Calls Obama’s Practice of Accomplishing Things Unconstitutional”
*“Boehner Calls Obama’s Practice of Accomplishing Things Unconstitutional”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Speaker of the House John Boehner
(R-Ohio) said today that he plans to sue President Obama for violating the
United States Constitution with what Boehner called “his outrageous
practice of accomplishing things.”
“The United States Constitution guarantees the American people that its
government will be free from activity,” Boehner told reporters. “Again and
again, President Obama has broken that sacred trust.” Ripping the President
for his “willful insisten... more »
Honduras, and the U.S. border crisis no one is talking about
The Honduran kids are starting to pile up in detention centres along the
U.S. border. Since Oct. 1, about 52,000 “unaccompanied minors” have been
caught by by U.S border patrols in the southwest. Hondurans, Guatemalans
and Salvadorians mostly.
That’s extraordinary. About 200 kids caught every day, after a dangerous,
frightening journey of at least 2,400 kilometres. Likely 60,000 kids this
When 599 Chinese migrants showed up in rusty boats on B.C. shores in 1999,
Canadians were plunged into panic.
The same number of young migrants get arrested on the U.S. border every
three da... more »
Cheatham & Robertson County School Boards Say No to Charters, 5-0
from the Tennessean:
The Cheatham County School Board rejected an application on Tuesday for a
proposed charter school.
The board voted 5-0 to deny the application for Cumberland Academy. Board
member Willy Johnson was absent.
Supporters of the school plan to appeal the decision to the board. They
have 15 days to make the appeal.
“We still feel empowered and committed to our mission. We look forward to
the appeal and continued conversation,” said Jimmy Hopper, a Cheatham
County Central High School social studies teacher who submitted the
application along with former Cheatham Middle ... more »
Musical Interlude: Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TccwejNQqYs
Phone-hacking by media so 2006
When Rebekah Brooks, Andrew Coulson and their News International team were
first accused of hacking private phones, way back in 2006, there was
widespread outrage, uncontrolled outbreaks of snarling Murdoch-hatred, and
a public inquiry used by British politicians and celebrities to further
muzzle the British press.
The attempted muzzling continues. But now that former New International
head Rebekah Brooks and most of her colleagues, with two exceptions, have
been cleared of all charges , it might be time to reflect after one of the
most expensive trials in British legal history t... more »
"Scary Questions..."
"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
- Samuel L. Jackson as "Jules Winnfield", "Pulp Fiction"
"How It Really Is"
Better question, who *put *us in these pickles?
The Economy: "Gordon Long: 'Our Credit System a Form of Counterfeiting'”
*"Gordon Long: 'Our Credit System a Form of Counterfeiting'”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Macroeconomist Gordon Long says, “We’re not really running a capitalist
system. We are running a credit system. Instead of using savings, we are
using credit. Credit, the way we are doing it now, is really a form of
counterfeiting. If you look at the $72 trillion shadow banking system that
we have operating right now, that is generating this credit, it collapsed
in 2008 and now it’s on a hairy edge. It’s not mortgages and housing this
time. It’s student loans through Sallie Mae. These ... more »
Discounted free speech [updated]
[image: jack thomson]
A court case taken by anti-[redacted] zealots shows the absurdity in what
they absurdly call smokefree legislation (the only legislation in which,
ironically, the word “free” appears).1
A Porirua man has been convicted of obstructing bureaucrats and for
displaying signs with the word [redacted] all around his [redacted] shop.
Jack Thomson is a [redacted]. He runs a [redacted] shop in Porirua, and was
fined $250 for “obstructing a smokefree officer,” and $2025 for displaying
[redacted] advertising. Thomson’s shop, “Discount [Redacted] Supplies,”
breaks the Mi... more »
"How It Really Is"
Better question, who *put *us in these pickles?
The Economy: “The Greatest Fraud Ever”
*"The Greatest Fraud Ever”*
by Bill Bonner
“Yesterday, the Dow lost 119 points. Gold continued its progress back to
where it was when the last dip began. And we continued looking for the weak
A chain of deception, humbug and larceny has corrupted the entire US
economy. From top to bottom, every financial decision has been twisted in
one direction or another. From student loans and payday loans, to the
corporate borrowing binge and the stock buybacks it fuels – from link to
link, money from nowhere leads to somewhere people want to go. Especially,
to higher asset prices.
A... more »
Labour’s malodorous Alternative Budget
The good news emerging from Labour’s alternative budget – and hold tight,
there is some – is that, for political parties at least, promising to end
debt and to cut taxes seems to be the new black.
Labour say they want to extinguish Bill English’s debt faster even than
Bill English (down to 3.0% of GDP by the end of 2021). Fact is, they’d like
be overspending by even more than Bill, so this is little more than
election-speak – but they seem to think they need to say it, which is good.
And they’re talking tax cuts too. Sure, based on purple prose and
over-expectation of tax revenu... more »
About That Photo Of Adam Kuhn's Private Parts

I'd rather work cleaning toilet bowls than work for a Wall Street whore
like Steve Stivers. Stivers is marking time as an Ohio backbencher until
he's built up enough favors to land him a really big job on Wall Street or
K Street. Stivers, an employee of Bank One, rode in on the Tea Party wave
of 2010 and was immediately rewarded with a position on the most corrupt
committee in the House, Financial Services. Since getting that position in
2011, he has taken $2,516,339 in legalistic bribes from the finance sector,
considerably more than any other of the other 62 members of the class ... more »
Death of a Celebrity: Michael Jackson
*This is a retread of this post written immediately after Michael Jackson's
death was announced. It reappears here with a few changes.*
It's hard to imagine, but it has been five years since Michael Jackson, the
self-styled King of Pop, died. While a real tragedy for his family, close
friends, and the millions who revered him Jackson's passing was a seminal
moment in celebrity culture. It, along with the demise of Jade Goody and
the shock deaths of Princess Diana and Peaches Geldof said a great deal
about the state of celebrity culture.
For those not old enough to know what Michael... more »
Uncle Laurie explains why Karl Marx didn't surf

After leaving work at 4 o'clock today, I switched on the radio and heard a
cheery fellow confiding with us, telling us a happy childhood story about
For about five seconds I relaxed into it. Then I recognised the voice.
It was Laurie Taylor, which meant that I was listening to *Thinking Allowed*,
Radio 4's sociology programme.
My mood changed.
I really, truly, honestly did think at that point, "How the hell is he
going to make something Marxist out of surfing?"
Well, believe it or not, he did.
Uncle Laurie usually starts of editions of *Thinking Allowed *in this
begu... more »
Iraq prime minister rejects 'national salvation' government [Source: Reuters]
Iraq prime minister rejects 'national salvation' government. Source:
Reuters. Date Published: June 25, 2014.
NOSInt on a break
Due to personal circumstances this blog will not be updated for about a
See you all later.
Bias at the BBC

This afternoon's *Media Show *on Radio 4*, *hosted by its regular
presenter, *Guardian *columnist Steve Hewlett, was a hacking trial special.
Steve Hewlett himself has been the BBC's lead commentator on the hacking
trial. (He was their main reporter on last night's *Newsnight* too.) His
guests were *Guardian *journalist Nick Davies, former *Guardian *editor
Peter Preston, former *News of the World *deputy editor Neil Wallis, Hacked
Off's Joan Smith (formerly of the *Independent*), Conservative Lord
(Norman) Fowler and Labour's deputy leader Harriet Harman.
Looking for bias here y... more »
Supplemental: Chris Hayes diagnoses Park Slope Collegiate!
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014One parent’s important complaint:* What actually
makes a good school good? That’s an important question.
On Monday night, Chris Hayes did a segment about Park Slope Collegiate, a
Brooklyn public school which is suddenly attracting upper-income white
students from the surrounding neighborhood.
Yesterday, we did a post about this segment. We forgot to include this
videotaped exchange, in which Hayes discussed the school with a black
HAYES (6/23/14): Casey Robinson, a parent whose son attends Collegiate, has
seen the influx of white neighborhood stud... more »
Supplemental: What makes a good school good?
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014*
*One commenter’s basic idea:* Last month, The Atlantic featured
“Segregation Now...,” the 10,000-word cover report about Tuscaloosa’s
This month, The Atlantic topped itself. It featured Ta-Nehisi Coates’
16,000-word cover report, “The Case for Reparations.”
In our general view, Coates’ piece combines superb modern history with a
puzzling sense of what is possible in our politics and our national
discourse. We may limn the piece in future weeks.
In the meantime, Coates’ piece has produced a lot of discussion. This
includes a comment by one reade... more »
Are preliminary talks under way to avoid an all-out civil war or is it just
a smokescreen? Are the Europeans pushing hardest for a peace deal? And does
Putin's Russia have a long view of the Ukraine crisis? CrossTalking with
Eric Kraus, Nebojsa Malic and John B. Quigley.