Real-life 'Gollum' turns out to be a hoax
A strange Gollum-like creature photographed in China has been
revealed to be an actor in a costume. Internet users were left baffled
this week when pi...
The 10 Best World Cup Goals So Far
Never has "GOOOOAL!" been yelled as much as it has been in this
World Cup.
A total of 132 goals were scored in the group stages, and every nation
competing managed to score a goal. But who had the best goals of the
tournament? We have extensively compiled the definitive list of the top
10 goals of the World Cup thus far.
See also: 24 World Cup #TBT Photos That Deserve a Red Card
10.) Mir
The 10 Most Passive-Aggressive Things You're Doing on Social Media
Being a source of negative energy on social media is more than
just starting arguments, posting unappealing content and being a
generally unpleasant person.
In fact, you may not realize that what you're doing is maddening to
those subjected to see it.
See also: 20 Things Your Most Annoying Friends Do on Facebook
Here are 10 ways you could be ruining your social media presence without
even knowing
Humans share dozens of universal emotions
There are at least 30 facial expressions for emotions that can be
recognized anywhere in the world. While we tend to take it for granted
that we can d...
The Åkerlunds: Shadowy Influences on Modern Music
To fully understand the powerful and shadowy occult influences
playing a role in Hollywood and in music today, one must learn about the
little-known power couple Jonas and Bea Åkerlund.
The immensely successful couple was dubbed a “modern-day Addams family”
by Bon Magazine, but their quiet influence on modern culture cannot be
Jonas Åkerlund is a Swedish-born film and music video dire
I Almost Won the First $500k Winner-Takes-All Open Basketball Tournament
I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My left calf twitched, an
unrelenting ache lived somewhere within my right ankle, and the thought
of stairs made me quiver. I fidgeted on my barstool unable to escape the
discomfort. We were driving back to New Hampshire following an overtime
loss in the semi-finals of The Basketball Tournament (TBT), a startup
32-team, single elimination, $500,000 winner-tak
'Open Season on Reproductive Healthcare Clinics': A Clinic Escort Responds to Today's Supreme Court 'Buffer Zone' Decision
Despite having their own 100-foot buffer zone of protection at the
Court, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices unanimously struck down
Massachusetts' state-wide 35-foot buffer around reproductive healthcare
clinics in this country with their McCullen v Coakley decision today.
They have just announced that it is 'Open Season' on reproductive
healthcare clinics in this country.
According to SCOTUS blog,
World Cup Tourists Take Selfies With Toothy Suarez Ad
An advertisement on Brazil's Copacabana Beach is getting more
attention than its creators ever intended.
The ad, featuring serial football biter Luis Suarez with the words "all
or nothing" in Portuguese, has become a popular spot for World Cup fans'
selfies. They're looking for photographic evidence that they, too, have
been bitten by the soccer star.
See also: The 10 Types of World Cup
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The Corbett Report 28 unread articles // actions
Germans Want to End the Fed?
Monday demonstration in Leipzig, 1989
by James Corbett
June 21, 2014
This article originally appeared in The International Forecaster
newsletter. To subscribe to the Forecaster, please visit the website.
On the evening of Monday, September 4, 1989, a handful of people
dissatisfied with the East German government organized a peaceful
demonstration in the courtyard of the St. Nich
Where’s The Fed Documentary? (video)
In this edition of the Questions For Corbett series, James tackles
the burning question that everyone is asking: “Where is the Fed
documentary?.” He also answers questions on WWI parallels, recommended
podcasts, central bank ownership and much more.
CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this podcast.
Questions For Corbett RSS feed
Questions For Corbett podcast on iTunes
Dr. Katherine Albrecht
Where is the Fed Documentary? – QFC #014
In this edition of the Questions For Corbett series, James tackles
the burning question that everyone is asking: “Where is the Fed
documentary?.” He also answers questions on WWI parallels, recommended
podcasts, central bank ownership and much more.
For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller,
lower file size version of this episode.
For those interested in audio quality, CL
Interview 907 – Deadline Headlines with Jack Blood
Jack Blood of DeadlineLive.info joins us for his regular monthly
news round up. This month we discuss the problem at the US-Mexican
border as the amnesty/immigration debate seems to be coming to a head as
new immigration detention centers are being built by DHS. We also cover
the Iraq situation and the Keystone/Capstone pipeline, the lawless TSA
and lawless government in general, the death of Davi
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The EnvironmentaList 25 unread articles // actions
Death in the Wilderness
There is no one path to death in the forest. There are a myriad of dyings. And that is as it should be.
Proposed Federal Legislation Could Weaken Secret Legal Settlements
Future fracking cases could be affected
Planning a Day at the Beach? Check the Water Quality First
Ten percent of America’s beach waters fail to meet EPA’s new safety standards, says NRDC report
A Spark of New Energy in Africa
Graduate students craft a plan for the future of Africa’s power grid
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The Rules of Exposition 1 unread article // actions
Repeating the inconsequential
From my email:
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A Closer Look: Jody Paterson 5 unread articles // actions
Choose science over rhetoric and visit "Understanding Sex Work"
Could this be Peter MacKay?How timely to have University of
Victoria researcher Cecilia Benoit and her team looking into the
realities of the Canadian sex industry right now. Cecilia and other key
researchers connected to the multi-project research have been gathering
really meaningful information about the sex industry for many years, and
with this project are investigating all aspects of the ind
Racism in Honduras: Not Just On The Soccer Field
This is a great read from the Washington Post on the
roots of racism in Honduras, which I definitely saw during my time
there. There were occasions when I asked someone if they were part
Garifuna - the Afro-Hondurans who live along the Caribbean coast - only
to see such questions were perceived as a grand insult. One
woman pulled me aside after I asked and confirmed quietly tha
Letter from Canadian sex worker clarifies dangers of Bill C-36
As a Canadian practically ready to flee the country just
because I hate the current federal government so much, I'm feeling
empathy with all those poor Americans who endured all those humiliating
years under the presidency of George W. Bush. OK, the Conservatives
aren't quite up there with Bush in terms of outrageous, poorly informed
decisions. But this new anti-prostitution bill they've put
No wonder moms can't get anything done
I've been back in a life with young children again for the
last six weeks, helping out with three of our grandsons for a couple of
months while their parents get up to various things. There’s much that
is quite lovely about it, but being able or willing to do my usual
amount of writing is not one of them. This new life has helped me
see that in fact, I had become quite used to having time
Mark above articles as read
A Different Perspective 4 unread articles // actions
American Uncovered and the Smithsonian
As sometimes happen, I was just cruising around the TV dial
(remember when there were dials on televisions?) and came across an
episode of America Uncovered. They were looking at a stone covered in
runes that suggested Vikings had made it to the new world and had
actually gotten as far south as New England long before Columbus.
Examining the stone, the guy said that because of the type of stone, h
MJ-12: The Beginning
My friend, Alejandro Rojas, has posted to the Open Minds YouTube
channel an analysis of the beginnings of MJ-12. It is based on some
original research he conducted through interviews with some of those
involved and on FOIA requests that he has made recently to the U.S. Air
Force. The thirty minute program can be found
Air Force Lies about the Close Encounters Chase
Although the reason for my post on the “Close Encounters Chase”
was simply to point out that there had been a negative impact on the
lives of some of the police officers involved, other points have been
raised. So, I have been looking at some of other material available. My
original intent here was to just show that the part of the Air Force
explanation was a blatant lie (which is obvious from the
People Still Believe in Mogul
Yes, I know we’ve talked about this before but I’m still surprised
when there are uncritical statements published about the nonsensical
Mogul balloon explanation for the debris found by Mack Brazel. And,
while I know it is beating the dead horse because we’ve gone over this
multiple times, I just wish to respond to some of those who, without
knowing all the details, spout the Mogul line.The docume
Mark above articles as read
A Way to Live 2 unread articles // actions
Concerning knotweed
Reposted from 2010.[Twenty-one] years ago, our family occupied
this site. I'm not absolutely certain what "ownership" means; my own
tribe has behaved badly, in my own opinion, and I can only plead that
that was before my time. And so here we are. I can quibble that our
whole species is invasive on this continent, for what that's worth. I do
know we Bears gave up what was, to us, a lot of
The segue into June
The roses on the Rose Gate are a little more than half done for
this year. When new branches spring out toward us or our guests, I tuck
them back among their companions, thus building a shape we find
pleasing. I don't know the variety; they were here when we got here 21
years ago. I moved the bush three times, but not to good places as it
has a climbing habit. So the obvious thing was to split the
Mark above articles as read
A.E.Brain 1 unread article // actions
Seen on the web
I wish I'd written it. By jnail7 However, it seems clear that you
are attempting to follow a Socratic method in engaging in an argument
for Biological essentialism. Here is an example of how to accomplish
your goal in a form that is more functional to a comment thread than
point by point posting. 1) Humans develop from a single cell egg to a
complex multicellular organism. 2) The form of human inc
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Activist Teacher 1 unread article // actions
Defend the right to criticize!
Here is the answer:
Please view the story at Indiegogo and consider contributing to the Denis Rancourt Legal Defence Fund campaign: LINK
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Allen L Roland's Weblog 4 unread articles // actions
The Uplifting Cartoons Of Charles Barsotti 1933 -2014
Charles Barsotti died this week at 80 years old but his New
Yorker cartoons touched myself and millions of others with their
wonderful quirky sense of humor and imaginative insights into profound
truths which were both delightful and thought provoking. His presence
will be sorely missed for his cartoons provided much needed solace in
our chaotic ego driven world: Allen L Roland I love the New Yo
Flying Dutchman Soars In World Cup
Robin van Persie of the Netherlands scores the team's first goal
with a diving header in the first half during the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Brazil Group B match between Spain and Netherlands at Arena Fonte Nova
on June 13, 2014 in Salvador, Brazil. (Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images)
There is always a moment in a major sporting event when a spectacular
shot or throw captures the true essence of the sp
Dark Matter And Energy Is Really Love And Urge To Unite
It's time to drop the bombshell ~ 97% of the universe is composed
of Dark Matter and Dark energy but I maintain that it is really
invisible to the human eye and is in actuality Light matter and Light
energy for it represents a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness,
that exists beyond time and space, whose principle property is the
universal urge to unite ~ within which light and even gravit
The Moral Cost Of American Exceptionalism
Space shuttle Challenger unnecessarily blows up shortly after
liftoff on January 26, 1986 American exceptionalism becomes unforgivable
when human beings become expendable in order to save costs, make
deadlines or protect image and nowhere is that more evident than in the
disaster of Space shuttle Challenger on January 26, 1987 along with its
seven crew members ~ and all because of a faulty booste
Mark above articles as read
Angola 3 News 2 unread articles // actions
A3 Newsletter: Say NO to Another Supermax! (June 25, 2014)
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) is
organizing a national call-in day on Thursday, June 26 to stop the
opening of another Supermax prison. We encourage A3 supporters to join
us by taking action with NRCAT, whose call-in alert is featured
below.Grassroots Leadership Honors Robert King This month, the board and
staff of Grassroots Leadership, in North Carolina, spent the eveni
A3 Newsletter: 42 Years and Still Waiting
(New poster by artist César Maxit)All eyes are on the 5th Circuit
Court of Appeals as we move into summer.Most urgently of course, we wake
up every day hopeful that the court will choose to affirm Judge Brady's
ruling that overturned Albert's conviction for a third time. Although
there is no way to know when they will rule, the average decision wait
time is 10 months, so we expect word soon, and c
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bastard.logic 1 unread article // actions
Mark above articles as read
Because I Can 7 unread articles // actions
Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpot
Turn Off Your Comcast HotSpotFor more reasons than I can tell you
- I hate Comcast.They are - of course - a member of the American
Legislative Exchange Council ( ALEC ).Unfortunately I have to use
them unless I am willing to accept 1.5 Mbps that CenturlyLink offers -
my only other option.So - Comcast reigns supremeComcast screws their
customers every day in every way - becausetheycan And the FCC
Expose ALEC? We'll Send the Attack Dogs
Shaking my head in disbelief this morningRight-wing rag bitching
about the costs of an open records request – but that’s not the focus of
this entry.The focus here is about ALEC transparency – or lack
thereof.ALEC has been screaming how transparent they have become - which
is an outright lie when you compare current meeting documents to older
meeting documents or review their webpage for specific
Throwing Stones At ALEC
Corporate people who live insulated from the masses should be
careful when they throw stones at ALEC--the stones can bounce back and
bite them in the ass. There is a certain level of hypocrisy that the
public will not accept - even from non-profit corporations. Non-profit
corporations can't spend their time throwing stones at ALEC to increase
their funding, but them turn around and partner with
What Best for ALEC is Worst for Working Moms
For the past couple of weeks the ALEC Rich State Poor States
Report (RSPS) have been finding its away around the web. If it isn't an
article on it, its an ALEC pundit or staff member pushing it down the
throats the people of America, WITHOUT sharing the philosophy and
funding behind the report.The problem with that report is it serves
ALECs interests - it doesn't serve the interests of the peopl
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Big Dan's Big Blog 1 unread article // actions
Another LOUSY Non-Believable False Flag: The Las Vegas Shooting False Flag
It looks like they've stepped up the FALSE FLAG's to the tune of
about one per week in the past few weeks. The latest is the LAS VEGAS
FALSE FLAG. As with all the false flags, they have a formula to
instantly raise suspicion.Some of the "formula" points are:- mention
"white supremacist" or "neo nazi" or "anti semite" - perpetrators
"commit suicide"
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BP Slick 1 unread article // actions
1,000-pound tar mat is being cleaned up on Fort Pickens beach.
Nearly four years to the day when BP oil began soiling our
beaches, a 1,000-pound tar mat is being cleaned up on Fort Pickens
beach. (Pensacola News Journal)(Photo: Special to the Pensacola News
pollution investigation team is leading another day of cleanup of a tar
mat discovered Friday on the beach at Fort Pickens.So far, t
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Brave New World 4 unread articles // actions
Self-Publish And Be Dammed?
We read today of rise of self-publishing and the claims that
‘Self-publishing boom lifts sales by 79% in a year’ made by industry
analysts Neilson and published in the Guardian.Steve Bohme, Research
Director at Nielsen, claims that of the 80 million ebooks sold in the UK
at a value of some £300 million, 18 million were self-published at an
average price of £1. So whilst the volume of self-publishi
Midsummer Maddness Book Royalties
Does anybody know where to find Raymond Buxton?It must be Summer
and the heat must be sending some barmy with thoughts of erecting new
toll booths to collect money every time a book gets sold. Yesterday the
news that secondhand reseller Bookbarn had entered into some sort of
convoluted pact with the Authors’ Licencing and Collecting Society
(ALCS) to effectively pay a royalty to authors on the sal
Blame it All On Amazon
The papers are full of anti-Amazon rhetoric which some may suggest
is being whipped up into a feeding frenzy within the publishing
marketplace. Amazon is being portrayed as the biggest bully ever to have
stepped into the publishing arena. But is this the case or is it
another attempt by the publishing majors to wrestle back some of the
control they happily gave the Seattle company, or a genuine gr
Why is eBook Metadata So Hard?
Today many continue to pour the physical book content into the
digital container and believe that they have addressed the digital
opportunity. However many have also adopted the same approach to
contextural data, metadata, bibliographic, burbs etc. It’s as if we
think that what works in the physical world is equally applicable in the
digital one.Is this blind faith approach down to a conscious dec
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Buckdog 3 unread articles // actions
Tax Revenues Up - Crime Down in Washington and Colorado With Pot Reform ..
Too bad that Stephen Harper doesn't take note ...WashingtonColorado
Thoughts On The Murder Of RCMP Officers In New Brunswick ...
I live within two blocks of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Every single member of the RCMP has
received their training here at the RCMP Depot. The history of this
facility and location dates back to the days of the old North West
Mounted Police and the Riel Rebellion.Living in such close proximity to
the training academy, it's a daily sight for me to see the ra
Leader Cam Broten Receives Massive Endorsement At Sask New Democrats Convention
Saskatchewan NDP gives leader 98.7 per cent approval at party
convention MOOSE JAW, Sask. – The leader of Saskatchewan’s Opposition
has received an overwhelming endorsement at his party’s convention in
Moose Jaw.NDP delegates voted 98.7 per cent to approve Cam Broten’s
leadership on Saturday.The leadership review by secret ballot was
required by the party’s constitution. Broten says the party will
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CENSORED NEWS 1 unread article // actions
Subcomndante Marcos: 'Between Light and Shadow'
In La Realidad [Reality], Planet Earth
May 2014
By Subcomandante Marcos
Excerpt: " ... Given the above, at 2:08 am on May 25, 2014, from the
southeast combat front of the EZLN, I here declare that he who is known
as Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, self-proclaimed “subcomandante of
unrustable steel,” ceases to exist.
That is how it is.
Through my voice the
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Climate Realists 1 unread article // actions
Database Error
Please try again later, feed down due to a database error.
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Current news updates, World current news 2 unread articles // actions
Real Estate Investing and Essential Steps
Real Estate is a cycle and cycles have some amount of
predictability. With certainty, you can raise your real estate business
into a cash-producing, profit-pulling machine that runs itself with the
changing real estate market trends. It is still possible to make money
in real estate. In fact, now is just as good a time as some to get
started in real estate investing.
Main Key Areas to Give Attention to While Buying a Home
Looking for a new home can be exhilarating and annoying. You can
help alleviate the frustration by paying close concentration to main key
areas of the homes you're considering buying; it may save you money in
the long run.According to a study the main key areas in home inspection
are electrical, foundation, plumbing, the attic, and
landscaping.FoundationIn the case of home, the trees were causing
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Danger Room 5 unread articles // actions
Britain’s Most Glorious Cold War Bomber Jet Takes Flight Again
The Avro Vulcan—a Cold War era bomber that only fought Argentina—takes flight this weekend.
NYC Construction Crew Unearths a Military Railroad Relic
Workers digging a trench on Governor's Island came across a rusted, filthy piece of train machinery—and had no idea what it was.
An Ultra-Simple Tourniquet That’s Saving Soldiers’ Lives
When you think of surgery, images of calm doctors working on
anesthetized patients in pristine operating rooms come to mind. Combat
medics face a different reality. They often ply their trade on dusty
desert roads, and, when trying to save a soldier’s life, a charred
Humvee door sometimes has to suffice for an operating table. […]
The LAPD Just Got a Military-Grade Electric Bike for Stealth Missions
The force has bought a Zero MMX electric motorcycle that offers the advantage of stealth.
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Did You Know 1 unread article // actions
4-Year-Old Aisha Lost Her Face in a U.S. Drone Strike
4-Year-Old Aisha Lost Her Face in a U.S. Drone Strike
By Matt Lemas
June 11, 2014 “ICH” – “RYOT” – On September 7th 2013, an American drone
in Afghanistan struck a car carrying 15 passengers. Everyone was killed
in the attack except for one — a four-year-old girl named Aisha.
The girl was traveling with her parents, a sibling, and other relatives
to their home in Gamber, a village in the Kunar pr
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Dr Cintli 2 unread articles // actions
Nakum Journal: Smiling Brown: Gente de Bronce—People the Color of the Earth
Indigenous Cultures InstituteNakum Journal2014 V 4 #1 Smiling
Brown: Gente de Bronce—People the Color of the Earth By Roberto “Dr.
Cintli” Rodriguez I begin this essay on brown skin color and color
consciousness with memories of my early childhood when I would sit on
the porch step of my house in an alley on Whittier Boulevard in East LA
and absorb the rays of the blazing hot sun. When I did this
TRUTHOUT: ''Cesar Chavez,'' Conditions in the Fields and the Struggle over Memory
I did not write a critique of the movie Cesar Chavez when it first
premiered because I felt somewhat conflicted, and I didn't feel like
jumping on a bandwagon. There appears to be a cottage industry of those
who love to critique Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers (UFW)
Movement, by people who have little first-hand knowledge of the events
in question. From reading the many reviews, most of t
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Dying in Haiti 3 unread articles // actions
Keith to Step Down at OSF
Journal Star shared a link.11 hours agoOSF Saint Francis CEO Keith
Steffen plans to step down after 17 years in the position.OSF Saint
Francis CEO Keith Steffen plans to step downwww.pjstar.comPEORIA — The
CEO of OSF Saint Francis Medical Center plans to retire at the end of
the year, capping a 34-year career with the...
OSF-SFMC Needs to Read This Article
John A Carroll18 mins · “Intimidation or retaliation against
whistle-blowers — or any employee who raises a hand to identify a
legitimate problem, make a suggestion, or report what may be a violation
of law, policy, or our core values — is absolutely unacceptable,” Mr.
Gibson said. Administrators who retaliate against whistle-blowers, he
added, would be disciplined.Top Investigator Has Blistering
Dispatches from Haiti
Dear Reader(s),Over the last several years I have been posting on
the Peoria Journal Star blog site at Dispatches from Haiti. I frequently
don't get these posts copied to this site.Thanks for
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Fort McMurray Adventures 1 unread article // actions
By-election: The Empty Chair in the Room
When I heard about the all-candidates debate in town tonight for
the June 30 by-election, my interest was piqued. Here was a chance to
see the candidates and hear their stances on the issues affecting our
region. I even considered booking today off as I was due to work so
that I could attend. In the end though it turns out I wouldn't be
hearing from all the candidates because one of them would
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GEEZERPOWER 4 unread articles // actions
Official Story Exposed Thanks to the Proliferation of Trolls on Youtube
Dispatch from Geezerville In spite of the MSN "main
stream media" the official story has been exposed in so many places that
is getting a lot of unwanted attention. The proliferation of trolls on
the growing amount of truth channels are now recognized for what they
are, why they are here, and who they represent. Youtube has become the
forefront of controversy over the so cal
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein~ZZZZZzzzzzz.....