Zelo Street
Tories – Hold The Righteousness
Today they are getting righteous over the alleged thirst of the man slated to become the next head of the11 hrs ago -
Press Spins Hacking Trial
“ Met forced to defend role in £100m hacking trial ” thundered the Times this morning, that being the same15 hrs ago -
Murdoch Is Served (103)
RUPERT MURDOCH – YOU’RE NICKED Remember the indifference of most of the Fourth Estate to the Guardian’s18 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Asian shares shaky, global bond yields down on growth concerns
By Hideyuki Sano TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares were mostly in the red on Friday, weighed down by a weak56 mins ago -
Obama administration expands affordable housing plan
By Elvina Nawaguna WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration said on Thursday it would tap Treasury5 hrs ago -
Exclusive: Airbus poised to revamp A330 with Rolls-Royce
By Tim Hepher PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus is very close to a decision to upgrade its A330 with engines6 hrs ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Pew's Latest Look At Voters Finds Many Who Defy Party Labels
"Young Outsiders" are Republican-leaning voters who don't like the GOP. Meanwhile, "Hard4 hrs ago -
Howard Baker's Legacy: Political, But Not Partisan
At a time when Washington and its insiders are widely reviled, the late Senate majority leader will be6 hrs ago -
Obama Asks For $500 Million To Train, Equip Syrian Rebels
The appeal is part of a larger $65.8 billion request sent to Congress to fund overseas operations. A White7 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Federal judge upholds Colorado gun laws, dismisses lawsuit
A federal judge upheld gun laws on Thursday introduced by Colorado in the wake of deadly shooting rampages4 hrs ago -
Benghazi suspect expected to arrive in U.S. this weekend: sources
By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A suspected leader of the 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in3 hrs ago -
Obama shares an (atypical) 'day in life' of Minnesota woman
By Roberta Rampton MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama spent a "day in the life" of a2 hrs ago
New Taipei mayor Eric Chu meets TAO head Zhang Zhijun
The mayor of Taiwan's most populous city has said Taiwan and China should continue seeking exchanges -
4 Taiwanese entrepreneurs named on Forbes list of Asian philanthropists
Forbes magazine has named four Taiwanese on its annual list of the most notable philanthropists in the Asia -
Taiwan's central bank tightens control on housing prices
Taiwan's central bank decided on Thursday at its board meeting to expand its measures to control high
Black Agenda Report
Serial School Privatizer "Chainsaw Paul" Vallas Gets Ready For
chainsaw-paul.jpg by BAR managing editor Bruce AJune 25, 2014 -
White Supremacy and the Central Park 5
central-park-5-MONITOR.jpg A Black Agenda RadioJune 24, 2014
Azzaman English
News is victim of crises
By Fatih Abdulsalam Azzaman, June 26, 2014 Some governments fear the free flow of news when things look11 hrs ago -
No need to wash or shroud Iraqis killed in fight against ISIS, Shiite
By Tamara Abdulrazzaq Azzaman, June 24, 2014 Iraqis who get killed in fighting militants from the IslamicJune 24, 2014 -
Iraq fears new wave of antiquities smuggling as ISIS controls hundreds of
By Tamara Abdulrazzaq Azzaman, June 23, 2014 The advancing Jihadists of the Islamic State in Iraq and theJune 23, 2014
Community Press Group
David Icke & The People's Voice Documentary - Unmasking a Messiah
When Journalist & Broadcaster, Sonia Poulton walked out of ‘The People’s Voice’ in January 2014 sheJune 25, 2014 -
Reality Bytes Radio - The Depopulation Debate
On 19th June, Reality Bytes Radio interviewed Kevin Galalae - A heated debate followedJune 20, 2014 -
UK Column: Incompetence, Unprofessionalism or Worse?
As a long time follower and supporter of the UK Column, it would be an understatement to say I amJune 17, 2014
GM Food Safety Study Reignites Call to Overhaul Canada’s Regulations
Activist Post The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) is calling on Health Canada to place a -
Poop Whistleblower Needed at U.S. EPA
Catherine J. Frompovich Activist Post Readers probably aren’t going to believe this one, but apparently it -
'Enigma Man' may be new human species that lived until 11,000 years
Has an Australian scientist been instrumental in helping discover a new species of human? And what does
The Voice of Russia, News
Dozens of Chinese workers evacuated in northern Iraq
Dozens of Chinese workers have been relocated from strife-torn northern Iraq, state media said Friday, with10 mins ago -
Australian financial scandal: government says it is to consider calls for
Australia said on Friday it would consider calls for a national inquiry into a major financial scandal at39 mins ago -
Russian Defense Minister to inspect maneuvers in Chelyabinsk region
General of the Army Sergey Shoigu, Russian Minister of Defense, has arrived in Chelyabinsk Region to53 mins ago
Climate Resistance
Monbiotism. Again.
It’s been nearly a year since this blog last took a look at Monbiot’s thinking. He used to be aJune 18, 2014 -
Why Do Environmentalists Hate Liberty?
Warning… This is a VERY long post! You may want to skip straight to the conclusion, labelled in boldJune 6, 2014 -
BBC Science Broadcasters — Bubble, BS, or Cabal?
The previous post here generated a bit of Twitter twitchiness from one of the contributors to Horizon’May 31, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Yahoo Shock Markets Are Rigged Yet Can Be Profitable
This article makes points that we have made in the past about the "Wall Street Party" and how22 hrs ago -
No We Are Not Fans of Open Source Public Solutions
Former spymaster Robert David Steele seems like a sincere and passionate fellow. We're sorry to report,22 hrs ago -
Mechanisms of Correcting Violence
Aggression will occur within every society because it occurs within human nature. Every society needs to22 hrs ago
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
U.S. Marine Asked His Bootcamp Buddy to Watch His House While He Was
The bond between guys is strong but being Military brothers is even deeper Here is a story of a21 hrs ago -
Ancient archery technique rediscovered. Shoot 3 arrows in 1 and half
This video just blew my mind. Before watching, if you would have told me that someone could fire 3 arrowsJune 25, 2014 -
One Million Dollar IRS Bounty Offered For Info Leading to White House (43
An organization named True The Vote is offering a bounty for any information concerning the IRS targetingJune 25, 2014
Accuracy In Academia
Diversity Uber Alles
For academics, diversity is the answer, no matter what the question is. “Making news this past May was the6 hrs ago -
The Constitutional Case for Gridlock
The Pew Research Center published its latest survey of partisanship in American politics this past weekJune 25, 2014 -
Obama’s Executive Order
The Pew Research Center has released a study examining media coverage of gay marriage surrounding relatedJune 24, 2014
Obama seeks $500mn to equip Syrian rebels
US president calls on Congress to approve $500 million to train and equip vetted rebels in Syria.3 hrs ago -
Iraq's al-Sadr calls for emergency government
Leader of powerful Shia group Mahdi Army says "new faces" needed to tackle ISIL-led Sunni11 hrs ago -
US court blocks Argentina debt payout
US federal court decides not to let most recent installment of Argentina's debt payment through.4 hrs ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Prominent female activist killed in Libya
In this March 2014 image released by the National Dialogue Preparatory Commission, Salwa Bugaighis6 hrs ago -
Abdullah Azzam threatens more attacks on Hezbollah
An al-Qaeda-affiliated group has threatened to carry out more attacks against Lebanese resistance6 hrs ago -
Settlers and Police Storm al-Aqsa Mosque
Further raids planned At least 18 Israeli settlers, again led by Rabbi Yehuda Glick and guarded by6 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Fish Are Sentient and Emotional Beings and Clearly Feel Pain
Fish deserve better treatment based on a review of scientific data on their cognitive and emotional lives.June 19, 2014 -
Dog Play: Cracking the Secret Code of Man's Best Friend
A short video of dogs playing on ABC World News reveals their hidden language. Four basic aspects of fairJune 18, 2014 -
Calves With Friends Learn Better Than Calves Living Alone
Cows need social interactions to grow and learn especially when they are young. Living alone has negativeJune 16, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
Coping with Iran’s Ballistic Missiles
By Greg Thielmann Iran tests a Shahab-3 during exercises in 2012. Photo Credit: AFP Ballistic missileJune 24, 2014 -
The Week Ahead, June 23-28: Syria’s CW Removed; Mine Ban Treaty; Iran
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch over the next fortnightJune 23, 2014 -
Removal of Syrian Chemical Weapons Arsenal A Breakthrough, Yet There Is
Statement of Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director, Arms Control Association Ten months ago , theJune 23, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Sanity check: Chief Scientist’s prophecy worthy of Tim Flannery
And that’s not a compliment, by the way. The IPA newsletter this afternoon dredged up this story20 hrs ago -
Gore blimey – Al slums it with Clive Palmer…
What the heck is Clive Palmer up to? But more importantly, what on earth possessed Al Gore to appear withJune 25, 2014 -
Nine inconvenient truths from Greenpeace founder
When one of an organisation’s founders dumps on it, you know it’s gone off the rails. PatrickJune 24, 2014
BBC News - Home
Putin aide calls Ukraine head 'Nazi'
A senior adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin lashes out at Ukraine's president ahead of the24 mins ago -
EU summit set to confirm Juncker
An EU summit in Brussels is poised to confirm Jean-Claude Juncker as next president of the European15 mins ago -
Sudan 'apostasy' woman freed again
Sudanese woman Meriam Ibrahim, whose death sentence for marrying a Christian was overturned, is freed from2 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Better schools 'give London success'
Exam results in London have risen because of better schools, not changes in London's population, says3 hrs ago -
Woman dead in flat for six years
A bailiff, an estate agent and two locksmiths discover the body of woman in a ground floor flat in11 hrs ago -
Rooftop prisoners offered sun cream
Staff at a Devon prison offered sun cream to inmates who had managed to scale a rooftop, the Ministry of1 hr ago
High hopes
IT WAS hard to imagine anything could survive on that fateful day in 2003 when Columbia, one of America’s17 hrs ago -
AMAZON turns 20, a new messaging app has a long historical precedent and an old innovation debate gets aJune 25, 2014 -
Stick 'em up
AMERICANS and Europeans each eat about 46 pounds of apples every year. Among them, many haveJune 24, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
New York Times Highlights Breakaway Ukrainian Catholic Church
The New York Times has an interesting article by Andrew Higgins about the Ukrainian Orthodox GreekJune 23, 2014 -
Glenn Beck Says David Barton to Advise Former Soviet State
Right Wing Watch has a clip from Glenn Beck taking about David Barton: David Barton is on his wayJune 22, 2014 -
WND: ISIS Offensive May Be a Sign of the Rise of the Anti-Christ
As Iraq slides into chaos, one man claims to have special insight into how things may develop; not becauseJune 19, 2014
Beyond Meds
Cold turkey withdrawal from psychiatric drugs
The most important thing about cold-turkey to understand is that just because you've heard of someone17 hrs ago -
The normality trap
Originally posted on Mind Hacks : I remember taking a bus to London Bridge when, after a few stops, a womanJune 25, 2014 -
believe and know… (as it pertains to the experience of psych drug
If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not haveJune 25, 2014
Biased BBC - Biased BBC
From The Mouths Of Grumpy Old men
Paxman has jumped ship and fired off a torpedo as he did so. Newsnight is ‘made2 hrs ago -
Very quick post on Cameron and whether Gus O’Donnell advised him not to appoint CoulsonJune 25, 2014
Google Glass Hacked, Can Record Everything You Stare At
Hackers have already proven smarter than smartphones or just about any other connected electronic device23 hrs ago -
Pew Poll: America Is Becoming a Nation of Political Enemies
“A threat to the nation’s well-being” — that’s what 36% of Republicans think of Democrats, and what 27% of23 hrs ago
Brave The World
Nothing Is Real Until Denied
0:14 The internet has given reporting sovereignty to the people. The monopolistic control of informationJune 16, 2014 -
Bilderberg 2014. Brave The World…Or We Are Lost.
3 cops per person. 2 years training. But no big deal.May 30, 2014 -
The Declaration of Bitcoin’s Independence
Originally posted in Bitcoin Magazine We have been brought to a point where it has becomeMay 19, 2014
Blog: Posts
DARPA Adds Difficulty, Expands Scope of Disaster-Response Robot Challenge
Body: By Yasmin Tadjdeh When the Pentagon’s shadowy research laboratory last year asked for a humanoid8 hrs ago -
Marines Favor Wheeled Ship-to-Shore Vehicles
Body: By Dan Parsons Not only does the Marine Corps plan to buy a wheeled vehicle to replace its aging12 hrs ago -
Officials Decry Lack of Funding, Attention on Diplomacy to Resolve
Body: By Christina Munnell The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development don’tJune 25, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Asian shares shaky, global bond yields down on growth concerns
By Hideyuki Sano TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares were mostly in the red on Friday, weighed down by a weak52 mins ago -
Obama administration expands affordable housing plan
By Elvina Nawaguna WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration said on Thursday it would tap Treasury5 hrs ago -
Exclusive: Airbus poised to revamp A330 with Rolls-Royce
By Tim Hepher PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus is very close to a decision to upgrade its A330 with engines6 hrs ago
COTO Report
Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014 -
Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014 -
WTC Building 7′s Controlled Demolition: New release by 9/11 Consensus Panel
World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence fromJune 10, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Updates on Recent Posts
Architects/planners call for professionals to resist This week’s horrifying reports on a botchedMay 7, 2014 -
The Rights of Torture Survivors
Video Focuses on Torture Survivors’ Right to Redress and Rehabilitation Some of theApril 30, 2014 -
Insanity is lurking on the other side…
Rock Band Bills Pentagon for Use of Music as Torture Just a couple of hours after uploading my recentFebruary 27, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from geraldcelente.com couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Implications of Community Eligibility for the Education of Disadvantaged
Overview The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 created a new option, known as the Community Eligibility11 hrs ago -
Summary of Implications of Community Eligibility for Title I
Nearly 16 million children in the United States live in households that have trouble affording enoughJune 2, 2014 -
The Truth About Health Reform's Medicaid Expansion and People Leaving
Some opponents of health reform’s Medicaid expansion have complained that it would enable many formerJune 25, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from cleantechblog.com couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
“End the Fed” Rallies are Exploding Throughout Germany
By Michael Krieger at libertyblitzkrieg This is a fascinating development and one that I had no ideaJune 23, 2014 -
The Clandestine Reasons for ISIS Taking Over Iraq
By Brandon Turbeville, ActivistPost Recent news of the rapid advance of the IslamicJune 19, 2014
Coyote Blog
On The Steven Goddard Claim of "Fabricated" Temperature Data
Steven Goddard of the Real Science blog has a study that claims that US real temperature data is beingJune 24, 2014 -
Bureaucracy and Incentives
Loved this passage from Glen Reynolds on the VA: There's a naive tendency to believe that whatever aJune 24, 2014 -
Police Officers and Patents of Nobility
I read this today in our local paper. It is written by a local police sergeant and is entitled "June 24, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: a quiet night overall was good news for MasterChef
With no House Rules or The Voice , MasterChef Australia finally managed to get a decent audience.1 hr ago -
The tricky issue of fuel prices
Crikey readers have their say on World Cup controversies, singing politicians and the fuel excise.1 hr ago -
Morning Market Report
A busy day on the markets as companies scramble to launch before the end of financial year.1 hr ago
Astrobiology Magazine: Daily News Story
A Swing and A Near-Miss — Comet Siding-Spring Clears the Fence Over Mars
A fantastic look at a fresh comet.12 mins ago
Dandelion Salad
Black Oak Down by Shepherd Bliss
by Shepherd Bliss Writer, Dandelion Salad Santa Rosa, California June 26, 2014 A loud, crashing sound14 hrs ago -
Chris Hedges: Wages of Rebellion
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges PeaceActionMaine on Jun 19, 2014 Portland, Maine on June 16, 2014 seeJune 22, 2014 -
Noam Chomsky: Driving Forces in US Foreign Policy + Q&A
Dandelion Salad with Noam Chomsky ZKM | Karlsruhe Jun 5, 2014 May 30, 2014 Social critic and peaceJune 21, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 18, 2014 -
Ruby Dee with Ossie Davis and their children. Statement from the Committees of Correspondence for DemocracyJune 17, 2014
The Myth of Consistent Skepticism
Skeptical Pug is skeptical Todd C. Riniolo and Lee Nisbet writing in the June 2007 Skeptical Enquirer :2 hrs ago -
Origin of Life: Stanley Miller’s Forgotten Experiments, Analyzed
Via ScienceDaily : Stanley Miller, the chemist whose landmark experiment published in 1953 showed how4 hrs ago -
Ann Coulter: Soccer is Destroying America
Ann who? Remember the attention-grabbing woman who was always saying moronically outrageous things on Fox6 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
New British drone FoI releases and news round-up
The MoD and Department for Transport have responded to recent FoI requests helping us to shine some lightJune 23, 2014 -
US Drone Strikes return to Pakistan – and imminently to Iraq?
US drone strikes resumed this week in Pakistan with the first strike taking place on Wednesday evening nearJune 13, 2014 -
Book Review. Unmanned: Drone Warfare and Global Security by Ann Rogers and
A version of this review originally appeared in Peace News As writers and analysts for one of theMay 30, 2014
e! Science News - Biology & Nature
Scientists find the shocking truth about electric fish
Writing June 27, 2014 in the journal Science , a team of researchers led by Michael Sussman of the3 hrs ago -
Foul fumes derail dinner for hungry moths
Car and truck exhaust fumes that foul the air for humans also cause problems for pollinators. read more3 hrs ago -
Iowa State engineers turn LEGO bricks into a scientific tool to study plant
Ludovico Cademartiri had what seemed like an impossibly demanding list of requirements for his lab9 hrs ago
Latest News
Proposed Federal Legislation Could Weaken Secret Legal Settlements
Future fracking cases could be affected16 hrs ago -
Planning a Day at the Beach? Check the Water Quality First
Ten percent of America’s beach waters fail to meet EPA’s new safety standards, says NRDC reportJune 25, 2014 -
A Spark of New Energy in Africa
Graduate students craft a plan for the future of Africa’s power gridJune 24, 2014
Fabius Maximus
Iraq gives us another opportunity to confront our mistakes, and learn from
Summary: The Iraq War begins a new phase, perhaps with US involvement. But we’ve not admitted, let4 hrs ago -
Congress did a great thing 50 years ago, but rot from it has spread and
Summary: 19 June 1964. I believe on this day America took a wrong turn. It was the day we took a large stepJune 25, 2014 -
Looks like yet another false alarm. Probably no super monster El Niño
Summary: as we pass the Spring prediction “barrier”, the models become more accurate. TheJune 24, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
House Panel Investigates Alleged Interference with Whistleblower’s
The Washington Examiner reports that Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., will investigate whether a letter toJune 20, 2014 -
Senators Demand Answers on Surveillance of Whistleblower Communications
Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Wyden issued the following press statement today in regard to the NationalJune 19, 2014 -
Supreme Court Issues Decision On Key Whistleblower Rights Case
Ruling Protecting Testimony Before Federal Grand Juries Will Have Widespread Impact On FraudJune 19, 2014
Friends of Syria
Obama Wants to Send More Money to These Butchers
Filed under: terrorists Tagged: al qaeda , Al-Nusra , friends of syria , ISIL , Obama , USA5 hrs ago -
White House requests $500 million more Tax Payers Money to help Terrorists
The White House on Thursday asked Congress for half-a-billion dollars in aid to go towards opposition5 hrs ago -
He was killed in a strafing by SAA Sukhoi bombers now active all over this area. Syrian Perspective8 hrs ago
An adult American wood stork lands on a branch in Townsend, Ga.
An adult American wood stork lands on a branch in Townsend, Ga. U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell21 mins ago -
Investigators Believe Flight MH370 Was on Autopilot, Crew Unconscious
Australian officials searching for the still-missing plane from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now believe1 hr ago -
Shia LaBeouf Dragged Out of Cabaret in Handcuffs by Police
Broadway World is reporting that Shia LaBeouf was hauled out of a production of Cabaret during intermission2 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Greening your real estate purchase in the Middle East
If you are shopping around for a home in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East there areMay 20, 2014 -
Tips to curb the energy consumption of your aquariums
Like any other appliance, the various components of a home aquarium can consumeMay 19, 2014 -
Why the octopus does not get tied in knots
This is one for the kids to answer at dinnertime: An octopus’s arms are coveredMay 15, 2014
HealthLeadersMedia.com - Daily News & Analysis
Take Advantage of ICD-10 Delay
It's not too soon to start coordinating with referral partners, planning for the increased workload16 hrs ago -
Intelligence Report: Financial Health Calls for a Clinical Strategy
HealthLeaders Media research results suggest that care redesign and care standardization can lead to16 hrs ago -
Beware the Reimbursement Gap
If a patient doesn't pay his health insurance premiums, the insurer doesn't have to pay theJune 25, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
‘Limited Government’: BASIC education to end 1% US War Crimes, initiate
1-minute video: Law professor, Jonathan Turley: “US presidents becoming the very danger theJune 25, 2014 -
Had enough ‘Big Lie’ crimes from US leaders to demand arrests, or need more
US and developed nations’ escalate “Big Lie” crimes in Earth’s tragic-comedyJune 21, 2014 -
‘Maleficent’ movie review: Are ‘elite’ War Criminals pleading for mercy?
Maleficent in 2014 is recast as a powerful being with every intention for a decent life, overcome withJune 7, 2014
The Intercept
How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet
Top-secret documents reveal how the NSA has established secret partnerships to spy on huge flows of privateJune 18, 2014 -
NSA Turned Germany Into Its Largest Listening Post in Europe
The National Security Agency has turned Germany into its most important base of operations in EuropeJune 17, 2014 -
Encouraging Words of Regret From Dean Baquet and Weasel Words From James
New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet (AP Photo/Bill Haber) NPR’s David Folkenflik has aJune 6, 2014
In These Times
Orange Is the New Black, Season 2, Episode 3: Here There Be Dragons
Allow me to begin this recap with a personal confession: There is nothing that fills me with more joy, or5 hrs ago -
Federal Appeals Court Rejects Torture Survivor’s Case
As declared by the United Nations in 1997, June 26 is International Day in Support of Victims of Torture10 hrs ago -
Use Your Words, Wolverine
If you’re old enough to remember when an R-rated movie for adults, like, say Stanley Kubrick’18 hrs ago
Indigenous Action Media
NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS JUNE 20-22, 2014 From the Morning Star Institute. Washington, DC (6/19June 19, 2014 -
Dine’ Elders and Medicine People Issue Resolution to Stop Navajo Nation
For Immediate Release – June 17, 2014 Media Contact: Leland Grass (928) 429-1504 – sacred4s@June 19, 2014 -
Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex
An Indigenous perspective & provocation. Printable version available here. (PDF | 3.3MB) PrintMay 4, 2014
Inter Press Service
Mexico Rape Victims Face Prison Time for Self-Defence
Yakiri Rubí Rubio, a young Mexican woman, was jailed for three months and is at risk of being sent back to2 hrs ago -
IMF Issues “Revolutionary” Warning on Corporate Tax Avoidance
By Carey L. Biron WASHINGTON, Jun 26 2014 (IPS) The staff at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has6 hrs ago -
Moscow Protest Highlights Litany of Abuses Suffered by Russia’s Drug Users
Nadezdha Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina (fourth and fifth from the right) with activists from the Andrei10 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Greenpeace chief Pascal Husting commutes by plane | Mail Online
Pascal Husting has been flying at the charity’s expense since 2012 Each trip costs £200 and generatesJune 25, 2014 -
Global Warming ‘Fabricated’ by NASA and NOAA
by James Delingpole and Kit Eastwood The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen atJune 25, 2014 -
Shrinkage: Kiev doubles the price of cold water, shuts off hot water
Undisclosed location No one ever thinks about the water. Or the toilet paper, as it were. But these areJune 25, 2014
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Kiev Is Starting a War to Avoid a Revolution
By Olga Sherdova Despite its peaceful declarations, Kiev is gradually transitioning from massacringJune 25, 2014 -
Hard Road to Europe for African Refugees from Imperialist Wars
By Tomaso Clavarino Download video >> Mamadou sits on a rock, his eyes turned towards the sea, theJune 25, 2014 -
No Intervention in Iraq
By Sara Flounders Washington promotes deadly divisions Thirty-five years of U.S. subversion, interventionJune 24, 2014
Lifeboat News
Cryonics Society of Canada
Patrice Levin Kell, who was President of the Cryonics Society of Canada, joins our Life Extension Board.19 hrs ago -
Crowdsourcing Utopia
Mike Sinn, Architect at Crowdsourcing Utopia, joins our Futurists Board.June 25, 2014
‘The Middle East Revealed’
On a day that saw a prominent female activist gunned down in Libya, Howard Greenberg Gallery in NYC opened18 mins ago -
If you could find anything you like in a pocket what would it be? Write it. Draw it. Leave it in a pocket.June 24, 2014 -
Pirates Rule
Just hours after giving the “Central Park 5″ $40 million, New York’s mayor De BlasioJune 22, 2014
The Mad Jewess
#WHITEPRIVILEGE: Black Knocks Out White Female With A Bat At Walmart, He
#WHITEPRIVILEGE: Black Knocks White Female Out With A Bat At Walmart, He “Felt Like It” Black2 hrs ago -
Russia: GAZPROM To Dump US Dollar. More Obama, @SenJohnMcCain Disastrous
Russia: GAZPROM To Dump US Dollar. More Obama, @SenJohnMcCain Disastrous Foreign Policy SNAFU: ISIS is10 hrs ago -
SCOTUS: Obama Appointments Unconstitutional. Nobody Will Touch Obama
SCOTUS: Obama Appointments Unconstitutional. Nobody Will Touch Obama Because He’s BLACK. So, let13 hrs ago
$10,000 Bet on Climate Change: Asking the Wrong Question
“[Christopher Keating] rigged the bet. Compare it with the old-West poker player who stacks the deck, marks22 hrs ago -
Energy and U.S. Middle East Policy: Shaky Foundations
“Economists have long argued that these [national security] claims are based on economicJune 25, 2014 -
Obama’s Energy Plan to Plug California Leakage (to Texas)
“A government is the only known vessel that leaks from the top,” newspaper journalist James RestonJune 24, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
STUDY: New Investigation Into Gov. Christie Administration Virtually
CNN, Fox News, and evening news shows on NBC, ABC, and CBS largely ignored a June 23 report by the New York19 hrs ago -
Media Advisory: John Droz Is Not A Climate-Change Expert
Journalists should not be duped into portraying anti-wind energy activist John Droz Jr. as simply a "June 25, 2014 -
Right-Wing Radio Lashes Out At Republican For Winning Thanks To Minority
Conservative talk radio hosts lashed out at Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran for beating his teaJune 25, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
What Is the Greatest Threat to Australia's Great Barrier Reef?
Is it global atmospheric CO2 enrichment? ... or is it local water pollution?June 24, 2014 -
Medieval Warm Period in Northern Europe -- Summary
Was there really a global Medieval Warm Period? The IPCC used to acknowledge there was; but they have longJune 24, 2014 -
Fish Genes and Climate from Medieval to Modern Times
How are the two related? ... and what is the story they have to tell?June 24, 2014
US Council of Foreign Affairs supports Argentina, blasts Judge Griesa
The Council on Foreign Relations, one of the most influential private organizations23 hrs ago -
Brazil current account deficit in May posts a record; World Cup should help
Brazil had a current account deficit of 6.635 billion in May, above the previous23 hrs ago -
Argentina to restart production of enriched uranium in Patagonia plant
Argentina's government said Wednesday that in five weeks it will restart23 hrs ago
NME News
Skrillex: 'I'd love to work with Kasabian'
DJ reveals he will play three secret shows at Glastonbury this year4 hrs ago -
Sky Ferreira defends controversial photographer Terry Richardson
The singer says she never felt "forced or manipulated" into anything when working with him4 hrs ago -
David Morales, Kate Tempest, East India Youth and more kick off Glastonbury
Tempest's set was plagued by sound difficulties, while Morales' was so popular the area was closed5 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
Antibiotic resistance focus of UK’s Longitude Prize
The people have spoken. Antibiotic resistance has been voted by the British public as the subject of the UK15 hrs ago -
Researcher reassigned in wake of disease centre’s anthrax scare
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, has taken its firstJune 23, 2014 -
Mathematicians claim share of science’s most lucrative prize
Five mathematicians will take home US$3 million each as winners of the inaugural Breakthrough Prize forJune 23, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Open letter to President of BMA
Dear Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, Although a very short time has elapsed since receipt of the last BMA reply12 hrs ago -
Clifton wind farm project costs mount as another vote looms Tuesday
CLIFTON, Maine — Residents have voted six times concerning wind energy over the last five years and will16 hrs ago -
State appeals court upholds Cohasset wind turbine approval
COHASSET – Plans for a controversial wind turbine on Turkey Hill could soon move forward after the state16 hrs ago
The EU administration: small and efficient
At a time when European institutions are heavily criticized - particularly in the UK - for being an6 hrs ago -
Υoung Syrian: generation exile
The question of immigration to Europe returns to the front scene at regular intervals. During the lastJune 22, 2014 -
Turkey's message to the EU: We don't care
The municipal elections in Turkey on 30 March manifested the political power relations of the past yearsJune 18, 2014
RSS Feed
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News For You
3 Signs Your Wife Will Cheat On You
Huffington Post q -
#TBT: Vanessa Hudgens Was Born to Wear a Bikini
Yahoo Celebrity -
A rude welcome back for Tiger Woods
Associated Press -
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Why was the flight on autopilot? New clues.
Christian Science Monitor
‘No Culture of Accountability’ at Greenpeace
Environmental organizations are large, affluent, and secretive. Rather than being underdogs, they are nowJune 23, 2014 -
Countdown to Disaster – Exhibit #11 in the Drama Queen Files
A chief scientist, a statesman, and an heir to a throne all say climate disaster is imminent. But theirJune 16, 2014 -
Screw the Poor, Our Eyes are Fixed on Tomorrow
Condemning people to grinding poverty is evil.June 8, 2014
No Strings Attached : Laila Yuile on politics and life in B.C.
This weeks column for 24Hrs Vancouver: BCTF fights for teachers, kids.
This week, Brent and I address an issue often commented about on social media. Brent presents this weekJune 23, 2014 -
‘What teachers make’ ~ Taylor Mali
Word. -the slam really starts at about the 56 second mark for those at work :) Filed under: LailaJune 18, 2014 -
“It is always more easy to discover and proclaim general principles than to
In following the discussion and commentary on social media in the hours leading up to an announcement fromJune 17, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
How to Reduce the Risk of Recurring Breast Cancer
Most of the breast cancer survivors have the concern if the cancerous cells recur! The feeling that theJune 22, 2014 -
Tips for Lifestyle Changes after Kidney Cancer
Once you have undergone the turbulence of kidney cancer, you must have already realized how much importantJune 16, 2014 -
Some Facts and Information about Alcohol Use and Liver Cancer
Alcohol and liver damage is closely associated. Alcohol intake in excessive amounts can trigger the deadlyJune 8, 2014
No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Liquid Surveillance
No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Liquid Surveillance : Brin’s response is: Tough noogs18 hrs ago -
SEFT-1, the Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe arrives in London - we
SEFT-1, the Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe arrives in London - we make money not artJune 19, 2014 -
"Sharewashing does more than just misrepresent things like renting
“Sharewashing does more than just misrepresent things like renting, working, and surveilling as “sharing.”June 15, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Obama’s Doctrine of Destruction of America as we know it, and the March to
Originally posted on A NATION BEGUILED : http://www.pakalertpress.com/ TRUTHER We could not have a better11 hrs ago -
We Don’t Support the Troops…..We Support War and Corruption
Cassandra Anderson ___________________________________________________________ According to the NY TimesJune 25, 2014 -
Beyond the Waiting Lists, New Senate Report Reveals a Culture of Crime
TOM COBURN, US SENATOR FROM OKLAHOMA (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator and doctor Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK),June 25, 2014
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Federal judge upholds Colorado gun laws, dismisses lawsuit
A federal judge upheld gun laws on Thursday introduced by Colorado in the wake of deadly shooting rampages4 hrs ago -
Benghazi suspect expected to arrive in U.S. this weekend: sources
By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A suspected leader of the 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in3 hrs ago -
Obama shares an (atypical) 'day in life' of Minnesota woman
By Roberta Rampton MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama spent a "day in the life" of a2 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
States and localities are where it’s at, opportunities to win safer
Luis Castaneda Gomez, 34 and Jesus Martinez Benitez, 32 were asphyxiated in June 2011 when they were doing14 hrs ago -
Searching for safer chemicals – but safer for whom? New EPA flame
When a widely used chemical is identified as an environmental health hazard and targeted for phase-out andJune 25, 2014 -
Not an “accident”: Jason Nolte, 31, suffers fatal work-related injury at
Jason Nolte, 31, suffered fatal traumatic injuries on Saturday, June 21 while working at a window companyJune 24, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
One day in 1913, Woodrow Wilson had a shocking thought
One day in 1913, Woodrow Wilson had a shocking thought by Jon Rappoport June 26, 201412 hrs ago -
Secret Space
Secret Space by Jon Rappoport June 25, 2014 www.nomorefakenews.com “Space can be mapped and crossedJune 25, 2014 -
Fluorides, the Atomic bomb, and a spy
Fluorides, the Atomic bomb, and a spy by Jon Rappoport June 25, 2014 www.nomorefakenews.com In 1997June 25, 2014
Signs of the Times
Two teens left in holding cell without food, toilet paper over the weekend
Serious questions have been raised after two teenagers were left unattended in a courthouse holding cell in46 mins ago -
Air pollution seen as playing role in the development of autism and other
Some neurological conditions such as autism and schizophrenia may be linked to exposure to air pollution, a51 mins ago -
Is veganism child abuse?
A mother is arrested for infant neglect after a hospital crisis that began with her veganism In a case1 hr ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Schools smarten up on parent contact
Reporting absences and checking events is getting easier for parents as Wellington schools embrace22 hrs ago -
Drug arrests reveal gang underbelly
Police have made eight more arrests in the latest in a string of raids they say reveals an outlaw2 hrs ago -
Lucan Battison wins long-hair court battle
School rules need to be "reasonable and certain", says the family of Lucan Battison, who today1 hr ago
SYRIA 360°
Al-Jaafari: Resolving humanitarian crisis in Syria requires addressing
26 Jun 2014 – Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolutionJune 25, 2014 -
Al-Jaafari at the UN SC, Acuses UN of Double Standards, Condemns “Amos
26 Jun 2014 – Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolutionJune 25, 2014 -
Liberation of Quneitra marked with hope for greater victory over terrorists
Quneitra, SANA The 26th of June, 1974 marks a day of pride for Syrians across the country on which theJune 25, 2014
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
An End, A Beginning… and a possible major freakout
Today’s the day I put in two weeks’ notice. Ye olde daye jobe will soon be defunct, and I will2 hrs ago -
Four year old foils lying babysitter
A babysitter reported to the police that the house had been invaded and robbed by two men, one of whom who5 hrs ago -
So, explain to America why anyone would make a woman CEO
Hahahaha some silly woman thought she could do a high-level job but tv personality Matt Lauer put her3 hrs ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
My Childhood Memories Are Locked in a Yahoo Account
I thought about my first Yahoo email account—the one I made before middle school and used during most ofJune 23, 2014 -
You Can't Go Home Again, Digital Edition
Yahoo helped me get back into my long-lost email account.11 hrs ago -
Who owns your email account?
Pittsburgh (Reuters) - One morning in April, my Yahoo email account was disabled for no apparent reason. AsJune 3, 2014
Top News - MIT Technology Review
The Importance of Feelings
The neuroscientist Antonio Damasio explains how minds emerge from emotions and feelings. For decadesJune 16, 2014 -
Malware on the Move
As mobile devices are used to perform more financial transactions, cybercriminals are taking greaterJune 16, 2014 -
Searching for the "Free Will" Neuron
Gabriel Kreiman’s single-neuron measurements of unconscious decision-making may not topple Descartes, butJune 16, 2014
The Nader Page
The Other Buffett Takes on Hunger
He could have chosen an easier path in life. After all, Howard G. Buffett is the son of brainy investorJune 25, 2014 -
Hillary’s Haughty Hyperbole!
Last Sunday’s New York Times Book Review section featured a one page interview with Hillary Clinton, authorJune 18, 2014 -
Can Progressives Learn from Eric Cantor’s Defeat?
The stunning upset defeat of House Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) by Professor David Brat, anJune 13, 2014
Omnologos» English
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014
Project Censored
Marty Bennett
Peter Phillips with guest host Marty Bennett Co-Chair, North Bay Jobs with Justice, examine the7 hrs ago -
Unfinished Revolution: Interviews with White South Africa
Written by Bonnie Joy Massey Considered “one of the cruelest forms of institutional racism ever devisedJune 25, 2014 -
Reclaiming Father’s Day show
On the Reclaiming Father’s Day show Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips interview author and professor TomasJune 19, 2014
NYFSE and Alibaba to Nasdaq: Suck it big time, chumps
I’ll admit it: I love when I’m right. Back when the Nasdaq utterly and completely screwed up2 hrs ago -
The U.S. Secretary of Commerce: We are nowhere with immigration and the
Today on Steve Case’s Rise of the Rest tour, US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker said something3 hrs ago -
The geniuses that gamed social ads with crotch shots find that novelty
A month ago, we checked in with Betabrand and its surprise finding that people engaged with its ads and5 hrs ago
the Ironbark tree …
The Ironbark Tree, Eucalyptus jensenii from Australia’s north is handling our built landscape19 hrs ago -
new paper on ‘failed temperature series’ …
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for the records of Australia’s climate and20 hrs ago -
a new breakthrough solar model of climate and weather … Dr David Evans
I have been reading all the posts on Dr David Evan’s new climate model showing all his work in21 hrs ago
National Review Online - Planet Gore
Latest EPA Problem: Employees Defecating in the Hallways
Via the Free Beacon and Government Executive : After pretending to be CIA agents, watching porn atJune 25, 2014 -
SUV the Planet
Dearborn, Michigan — Save the planet, SUV the planet. The Green Church and its media acolytes haveJune 25, 2014 -
California Dems Worried about Higher Gas Prices
Maybe they shouldn’t have voted for that emissions-reduction law, then. Via the Sacramento BeeJune 24, 2014
25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening
There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their19 hrs ago -
How To Do A Liver Detox and Blood Cleanse
By cleansing the liver, we're talking about inducing the liver to purge all of the fats, oldJune 25, 2014 -
Study Says Earth Headed For Mass Extinction Event
A landmark study by an international group of scientists has concluded that planet Earth is on the brink ofJune 25, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Kenya’s Deadly Night Riders
Kenya faces serious security challenges, exemplified by a recent attack on the town of Mpeketoni, in which19 hrs ago -
Rethinking the Sino-American Relationship
In early July, senior US and Chinese officials will gather in Beijing for the sixth Strategic and Economic19 hrs ago -
The Return of the Sleepwalkers
The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914, triggered a series of bad decisionsJune 25, 2014
The Raw Story
Cenk Uygur blasts Supreme Court for forcing political protesters into a ‘f*
Young Turks host Cenk Uygur denounced the Supreme Court on Thursday for striking down laws providing “1 hr ago -
European comet-tracker ‘Rosetta’ springs back into action
Alan Pickup tracks the European Space Agency craft as it pursues its icy target on a headlong dive into the1 hr ago -
Obama warns Central American parents: Don’t send your children to the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama appealed to Central American parents on Thursday to not2 hrs ago
RSS Feed
A New Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington’s Arrogance?
A final number for real US GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was released today. The number is not11 hrs ago -
Countries are Prisons
Editor’s Note: This article is the 11th part of a series titled Survival or Extinction . A link to part 10June 25, 2014 -
Can Putin’s Diplomacy Prevail Over Washington’s Coercion?
June 24, 2014. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is trying to save the world from war. We shouldJune 25, 2014
The Science of Doom
The “Greenhouse” Effect Explained in Simple Terms
Over the last few years I’ve written lots of articles relating to the inappropriately-named “19 hrs ago -
Radiative Atmospheres with no Convection
If we open an introductory atmospheric physics textbook, we find that the temperature profile in theJune 20, 2014 -
On Uses of A 4 x 2: Arrhenius, The Last 15 years of Temperature History and
As a friend of mine in Florida says: You can’t kill stupid, but you can dull it with a 4×2June 15, 2014
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com President Obama is sending 300 military advisors to Iraq. This is theJune 22, 2014 -
Today a legendary trader and investor warned King World News that the world is in danger of seeing the oilJune 22, 2014 -
Photo: G77 participants pose in front of backdrop saying (when translated into English): “Towards a NewJune 22, 2014
Monuments to Riches: The Flamboyant Towers of Post-Soviet Architecture
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, architecture in the former Soviet Union has transformed itselfMay 14, 2014 -
13 Funniest Celebrity Movie Set Pranks
There’s nothing like playing a well-executed prank on a co-worker, and as this list proves, if you happenApril 8, 2014 -
Better Than Barbie? Meet the World's First Interactive Smart Doll
While anime-inspired dolls have been around for a while in Japan, TV presenter Danny Choo’s interactiveMarch 12, 2014
Gender Equality in Azerbaijan: Interview with an Activist
Before departing from Baku, I met with Sabina, a Project Management Assistant at the Women’sJune 19, 2014 -
New Interview on IMU Operations in Pakistan
I’ve had every intention of writing an IMU article this week after they claimed the Karachi airportJune 17, 2014 -
Uzbekistan signed a new document to end child labor: Time for real change?
© Uzbek-German Human Rights Forum Uzbekistan and the International Labor Organization (ILO) signed aJune 8, 2014
Why Tennessee is the most corrupt state in the union
States that spend less on health, education and welfare are more prone to bribery, and Tennessee is no5 hrs ago -
“Snowpiercer”: Movie of the year, at least so far
The 99 percent fight back aboard a train to nowhere, in a dazzling action flick that's also a political5 hrs ago -
“The Leftovers” reveals the limits of concept-driven TV
HBO's new series represents the pinnacle of--and the problem with--TV shows that revolve around a5 hrs ago
Science Blog
Neural sweet talk: Taste metaphors emotionally engage the brain
So accustomed are we to metaphors related to taste that […]16 hrs ago -
First positive results toward a therapeutic vaccine against brain cancer
A clinical phase I trial to examine the safety of […]16 hrs ago -
Carbon-fiber epoxy honeycombs mimic the material performance of balsa wood
In wind farms across North America and Europe, sleek turbines […]16 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
NMIT Salmon Rearing Project in Schools
There’s something fishy about a lot of schools in the Top of the South.46 mins ago -
Te Papa reinforces its commitment to science
The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is delighted by the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage’s1 hr ago -
CARLA could soon help combat goat parasites
A saliva test successfully used for selecting sheep with enhanced protective immunity to internal parasites4 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
The Democrat’s Agenda Should Be: Fix The Trade Deficit
There is no way around it: There are three issues on people’s minds as we go into the midterm12 hrs ago -
Virtually Speaking Tonite 6PT / 9ET
6p pt/9pm et – Avedon Carol & Dave Johnson Shortsighted centrism empowers republicans whileJune 22, 2014 -
A Different View On Cantor’s Surprising Loss
Last week Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in a primary. He not only won’tJune 17, 2014
The Slog.
At the End of the Day
The bigger the State, the bigger the lies Now that all the Old Bailey verdicts are in, myriad slippery7 hrs ago -
At the End of the Day
Tonights piece will be a jumble of bad punctuation and personal observation for which I apologise inJune 25, 2014 -
HACKGATE: Sleeping on Rebekah Brooks
Those of you reading The Slog’s intermittent comments about Judge Saunders, juries taking anJune 25, 2014
Question of the Day
If someone were to make the wacky sitcom version of your life, what actor should play you? Melissa McCarthy5 hrs ago -
This Is Your Irregularly Scheduled Reminder That Deeky Gashlycrumb Is
So, in addition to texting each other a steady stream of silly bullshit, Deeky and I also have a habit of6 hrs ago -
Quote of the Day
[Content Note: Colonialism.] "It only took 150 years, but we look forward to a much brighter future. .7 hrs ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
“V” The Guerrilla Economist & “W” Intelligence Insider: Countdown to Mid
Published on Jun 18, 2014 “V” The Guerrilla Economist & “W” intelligence7 mins ago -
The Next False Flag Event Will Be ‘Far Deadlier’ Than 9/11 !
Published on Jun 25, 2014 Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com More30 mins ago
Sunwarrior News
Awesome, Quick, and Simple Coconut Cream Parfait
Jason is back with a delicious creamy parfait recipe. Get ready for a layered masterpiece of snacktacular10 hrs ago -
How to Choose only the Best, Ripest, Perfect Produce
The more often you buy, the better you'll get at knowing when they're ripe. Here are what some11 hrs ago -
3 Medicine Ball Exercises for Your Abs
Healthy Housewife Marzia Prince shares a series of medicine ball ab exercises to tone up that tummy thisJune 25, 2014
Technology - Google News
Google Wants to Bring Corporate Computing Into Its Big Cloud Tent - eWeek
eWeek Google Wants to Bring Corporate Computing Into Its Big Cloud Tent eWeek NEWS ANALYSIS: The Google I/O54 mins ago -
YouTube Bringing 60 FPS Playback Support - The Escapist
Adweek YouTube Bringing 60 FPS Playback Support The Escapist There will soon be a quick and easy way to32 mins ago -
Hortonworks Certifies Spark On YARN, Hadoop - InformationWeek
V3.co.uk Hortonworks Certifies Spark On YARN, Hadoop InformationWeek Hortonworks catches up to Cloudera7 hrs ago
Things I grab, motley collection
David Ball’s Translation of ‘Diary of the Dark Years’ – [NYTimes.com]
I f Jean Guéhenno had never existed, France would surely have had to invent him. A model writer and23 hrs ago -
Trading the yuan: Yuawn [economist.com]
I F HEADLINES translated into trading volumes, the yuan would be well on its way to dominating theJune 24, 2014 -
How Inherited Wealth Helps the Economy – [NYTimes.com]
I s inherited wealth making a comeback? Y es, says Thomas Piketty, author of the best seller “CapitalJune 23, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
In Egypt and Pakistan: Profiles in Courage and Repression
Hate speech, jailed bloggers...a hint of what we may soon face?21 hrs ago -
NY School Principal Attacks Rush to Push a Flawed New Common Core Math
'Just a campaign to blame teachers'June 22, 2014

The live-in nanny who won't leave
The Bracamontes claim Diane Stretton isn't helping out around their house but refuses to move out.
Her reason »
Top Documentary Films
The Archers of Bhutan
Few places on Earth share the beauty and isolation of Bhutan, an autonomous kingdom in the Himalayan16 hrs ago -
Egypt's Lost Power
There is a group of men who have grown rich through secretive energy deals between Egypt and Israel. TheyJune 25, 2014 -
The Nature of Cities
How can we make better cities than ever, better workplaces, better schools... how can we immerse ourselvesJune 24, 2014
The Total Collapse
25 Shocking Facts About The Earth’s Dwindling Water Resources
War, famine, mass extinctions and devastating plagues – all of these are coming unless some kind ofJune 22, 2014 -
Putin Orders Full Combat Alert For Central Russian Troops
Via Debka: Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced Saturday that the Central Military District of RussiaJune 22, 2014 -
RAF Typhoons Intercept Russian Bomber And Fighter
RAF Typhoon fighter jets were scrambled into action to head off four separate groups of Russian aircraftJune 18, 2014
60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Poem-Plea
Sixty years ago the UDHR was proclaimed Humankind's living conditions to improveJune 23, 2014 -
Honesty about Lies
A reporter asked the mother of Jimmy Carter whether he ever lied. She said, "Maybe once in a while aJune 23, 2014 -
Edward Snowden: Former intelligence contractor interviewed in Brazil
6 Jun 2014 - Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, wanted by US authorities and currently livingJune 16, 2014
The Truth is Where?
Ebola outbreak: Virus is ‘totally out of control’ warns Doctors Without
By Kashmira Gander 20th June 2014. Find Article Here:- Almost 330June 21, 2014 -
Canadian woman who stopped car to help ducks faces life in jail after
Emma Czornobaj sentenced over deaths of Andre Roy and 16-year-old daughter Jessie for parking car on busyJune 21, 2014 -
Dennis Hopper’s Lost Album: life both sides of the lens.
By Sean O’Hagan 15th June 2014. Find Full Article Here:- Dennis Hopper spent much ofJune 21, 2014
Where Have All The UK Column Videos Gone? (UPDATED)
Yesterday all "video on demand" content for which the UK Column had "editorial"June 25, 2014 -
Reset: The Savage Destruction Of Our Constitution
In February 2010, just three months before the last general election, David Miliband was widely reported asJune 19, 2014 -
Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, Lockerbie – And The Lies We Have Been Told
On the 20th May 2012 the only person ever convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Abdelbaset Al MegrahiMarch 11, 2014
Universe Today
Support a Good Cause To Win a Trip To Space
XCOR Aerospace’s Lynx Mark II suborbital vehicle is designed to fly to 328,000 feet (Credit: XCOR)11 hrs ago -
Has the Cosmology Standard Model become a Rube Goldberg Device?
Artists illustration of the expansion of the Universe (Credit: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center) This11 hrs ago -
Nature & Man in One Astrophoto: Iridium Flare, Milky Way, Clouds and Light
An Iridium Flare flashes over western Maine in this beautiful night sky image from June 2014. Credit and12 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
Udacity For Android: Learning to Fit Your Life
Udacity for Android is now available on Google Play ! Since launching a mobile Udacity experience forJune 25, 2014 -
Android & Scalability: Announcing Four New Courses with Google
Today, we’re going to Google’s annual technology conference, Google I/O , to explore the themes of design,June 25, 2014 -
Driving Through the Learning Curve and Other Udacity Teaching Philosophies
"What we have to do as teachers and educators is to understand and read what we already know aboutJune 24, 2014
Veterans Today
1984 arrives 30 years late: Teacher fired for questioning Sandy Hook
1984 arrives 30 years late: Teacher fired for questioning Sandy Hook by Jim Fetzer “6 hrs ago -
VA Officials to Leave Posts as Agency Seeks to Remake Itself and Rebuild
The Department of Veterans Affairs said Wednesday that two senior officials would be leaving their posts as11 hrs ago -
Veterans’ Voices, a national non-profit, is getting kicked to the curb
A national non-profit organization, headquartered in Kansas City and offering therapeutic writing services11 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
Pew Poll: America Is Becoming a Nation of Political Enemies
Eric Zuesse “A threat to the nation’s well-being” — that’s what 36% of4 hrs ago -
The Coming Global Generational Adjustment
All sorts of promises, explicit and implicit, were issued to win votes. All the promises are now empty, and12 hrs ago -
Mapping Militarism
World Beyond War has created a set of online interactive maps to help us all see where and how war and13 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from voltairenet.org couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.
Andy Worthington
Saudi Prisoner Muhammad Al-Zahrani Seeks Release from Guantánamo via
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 20129 hrs ago -
“I Had Trouble Sleeping,” Lawyer Says After Viewing Guantánamo Force
On the weekend of June 14/15, as I explained in an article last week , lawyers for Abu Wa’el Dhiab, aJune 24, 2014 -
Photos: Vigil for Julian Assange outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London,
Please click here to see my photos of the vigil on Flickr. On Thursday June 19, 2014, supporters ofJune 23, 2014
WASH Research News
A sustainability assessment tool for rural water services
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a SustainabilityMarch 6, 2013 -
Renewed research call for faecal sludge secondary treatment options in
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a renewed research call for: Faecal sludgeNovember 25, 2012 -
UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poorDecember 2, 2011
A Flamingo in Utrecht
Zelfgemaakte Markt Returns to Utrecht
One of my favorite markets is back in town this Saturday and I highly recommend you check it out if youJune 25, 2014 -
Google City Experts Visit Vino Veritas
Last week, I received an email about participating in a Google City Experts event. Not specifically as anJune 20, 2014 -
A Street in the Sun
I walk along Voetiusstraat fairly often, as it’s the street that leads on from the side of theJune 19, 2014
World Science
Three black holes found spiraling into each other
Astronomers are hoping similar systems could give off detectable "ripples" in space and time.13 hrs ago -
Bizarre parasite from Jurassic found
Researchers have discovered a fossil fly larva with a spectacular sucking apparatus.June 25, 2014 -
Back away, please: humans fear approaching objects
"Approach avoidance" is a general, and not entirely rational, tendency, a study suggests.June 23, 2014
Fuel Fix
Comstock announces Eagle Ford ‘east’ well
Comstock Resources Inc. announced that its first well on the eastern end of the Eagle Ford Shale was tested5 hrs ago -
Video: Inside Weatherford’s new manufacturing center
Weatherford International’s newest manufacturing center in the region was built at a cost of about $1006 hrs ago -
Fed officials say oil train dangers extend past Bakken
Federal safety officials told senators that all crude rail shipments are flammable -- not just the ones7 hrs ago