Coke and the U.S. Government/is there a difference? (Photo credit: D.C.Atty)
crank it up, why don't you... (Photo credit: windsordi)
New presentation of data in figure 20 of . Meant as replacement for non-free :Image:Hubbert-fig-20.png. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Genetic Engineering (Photo credit: Eugene of Norway)
PibgornReverse Diabetes
Milk industry's health claims are all wrong
Puberty before age 10 : the new normal ?
Don't be an April Fool : Back up your blog
New Zealand Casts Itself as Destination for International Students
To Enroll More Minority Students, Colleges Work Around the Courts
Where we should set our sights this year for real changeOwning pigs a felony in Michigan ?
Criminalizing biodiversity
Center for Food Safety Calls on the U.S. FDA to Stop Review of GE “EnviroPig” The Center for Food Safety (CFS) welcomed reports that the University of Guelph, the Canadian university that devel...
Uranium mines dot Navajo land, neglected and still dangerous
Climatology establishment smears scientific critics
The global warming movement takes a blow
The movement to convince the public of catastrophic global warming is fundamentally unscientific. Its leaders do not, as true scientists would, objectively study and relay the full evidence about what drives the climate, they fixate obsessively on CO2. They do not share how poorly understood climate drivers are; they act as if they can predict the climate with certainty....... identifying a deeper problem that makes the global warming campaign possible: the system of science-by-taxation where bureaucrats funnel expropriated wealth into scientific pursuits they have no genuine interest or expertise in, under the flag of a nebulous “public interest.” The predictable result is that what’s served is not science, but any research project that plausibly claims to unearth a potential calamity justifying more funding and an expansion of the bureaucrats’ powers.
How bad science becomes common knowledge
To read the popular media’s account of climate science, it is a certainty that burning fossil fuels is causing an unprecedented and catastrophic warming of the planet. The volume of such claims is so vast that those skeptical of catastrophic warming are often viewed as conspiracy theorists, believing that scientists and the media have formed a secret cabal to foist falsehoods on the public.
But the case for being skeptical of catastrophic warming–and, more broadly, many popular scientific assertions–has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. It is based on knowledge of the mechanism by which new scientific ideas are evaluated and spread by non-experts, who are prone to choose winners and losers on the basis of congenial political ideology rather than scientific merit.
Those TV commercials you see around the news hours on the cable networks are designed to extract investment capital from elderly people who have been swindled in the bond markets and don't know where to stick their dwindling retirement funds. Shale oil and gas must seem like a good bet to them, especially the ones marooned in retirement housing clusters in dismal places like Arizona and Florida, where not being able to drive is a virtual death sentence. The U.S. government is in on this propaganda offensive, especially the Department of Energy's Energy Information Agency (EIA), which routinely issues overly optimistic reports about future oil production. The political spin is a quixotic effort to promote another commonly touted lie about the future: that the U.S. is approaching a point of "energy independence."
The true state of the U.S. oil industry is that we only barely stalled a 40-year decline in oil production by throwing massive amounts of money (capital) at oil reserves that are very expensive and difficult to get. In so far as we've entered the terminal stage of a long debt cycle, one thing we can be sure of is a shrinking pool of real capital investment. Hence the frantic propaganda effort to funnel remaining available money into the shale plays.
.....irresponsible statements that will eventually inflame a public yet again swindled by authorities they desperately want to trust. The truth is we probably have perhaps a seven-year supply of shale gas, and maybe 20 of all gas including the regular old conventional gas. And even that could easily be reduced by the disorders in capital formation now underway in the destabilizing banking sector.
Social Sciences : Replacing the "Left-Right" AxisJerry Pournelle
The notion of a "left" and a "right" has been with us a long time. It originated in the seating arrangement of the French National Assembly during their revolution. The delegates marched into the Hall of Machines by traditional precedence, with the aristocrats and clergy entering first, then the wealthier bourgeois, and so on, with the aristocracy seated on the Speaker's right. Since the desire for radical change was pretty well inversely proportionate to wealth, there really was, for a short time, a legitimate political spectrum running from right to left, and the concept of left and right made sense.
Since the Thrive Movie launched in November of 2011, many people have expressed how critical it is for the message of THRIVE to get out all over the world as quickly as possible. We hear you! And we feel the same. This video blog answers the many requests to make THRIVE Free. Check out this exciting...
Iniciar una Escuela Alternativa, Nivel 1, será el primer curso en línea en español a ofrecerse en AERO (Alternative Education Resource Organization). Educació y AERO, en alianza colaborativa, desarrollan este curso. La intención de la alianza es llevar al público que habla español el...
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